tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News May 24, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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>> all right. that's all the time we have left this evening. we always w wish we had more time anyway. thank you for joining us . we hope you'll set your dvr so you never miss an episode. and don't forget, by the way, for the latest news information ,fox, hannity, .com and in the meantime, let hearts be troubled. he laura ingraham is up next with the atrium angle. thank you for making this show possible. have a great night. orei'm laura ingram . this is ingraham angle from washington tonight . joi thanks for joiningning us . us first, biden's plan to destroy america. that's the focus of tonight's angle. now if you wanted to devise a plan for america's foreign policy that worked totally across purposes, you'd be hard pressed to match what biden and his teamm are doing right now. now let's go through the steps one by one . no one , destroy america's energy independence like we all
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know this . >> he aims to obliterate our , ournd gas industry energy supplies from louisiana to pennsylvania to californiaaen would power us for about four hundred years or soo. but the greenback's pulling biden strings want to shut down and as a result, well,do americans are suffering highwn prices for everything and stilll they're climbing and biden sappy anecdotes about his childhood, they don't help . we'reng going through an incredible transition that is taking place this bad because the price of gas at the pump is something that i told you. you heard me say before it o would be a matter of great d discussion at my kitchen table when i was a kid growing up. >> oh my. i still love that tired old lineh. nowe the transition come on . i love the meaningless euphemisms by biden like day by day. this antism fossil fuel obsessik isin making us weaker. so we've gone from self-sufficient to dependance. we're beggars for energy
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from despots around the world. now step two is to make chinarl rich and powerful. competition that's healthy is good. this is the reason why i i'veat held the view for so many years and continue to hold the view that a rising china is a positive development. >> so of course 11 years later biden will rewardla china for al that good behavior during covered by liftingg trump's tariffs on made in china goods that enter the united states. >> yeah, i wish i were joking. are you considering taking down some of those tariffs? i'm talking factory work at home. i am considerate and we do not impose any of those tariffs imposed by the last administration and are under considerationmpos. clearly this is what they'd like to do lift the tariff. ra and the only reason he's not done it yet is because he's afraid ofta the voters and the veto as it is the gop leadershiphe.
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they also want them lifted like yesterday and our enrichment of the ccp also extends to america's colleges and universities that gladly g matriculate more than three hundred thousand chinese every year. now when biden was vice president, the number was about half that . >> but he was giddy last year. one hundred and thirty thousand chinese were studying in the united statesdd. they're really good. we're going to try to keep some of them. i'm only joking mujer but they are creepy s but high profile federal criminal investigations of chinese spies in academia they should have pushed us to stop h the practice long ago, but we didn't. the chairman of harvard university's chemistry department arrested by fbi agents charged with lying about more than a million dollars in payments from the chinese government about a university researcher accused of being a a chineseartive of
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military. another harvard researcher caught at the airportvat allege trying to smugglesmgi biological materials to china. >> oh , what could go wrong? biological materials going to china now during the trump administration, the federal law enforcement got veryorce serious about stopping chinesen espionage on these college campuses. but under biden, china, of course, is getting a free pass . now at the same time, biden and many gop old guard types want us to get deeper into the eastern european quagmire by sending what will undoubtedly end up being hundreds of billions of dollars and weapons to ukraine. >> and that's step three. the cost of this fight is not cheap, but keeping the aggression is going to be more costly if we allowow. my colleague senator paul has always been basically anso isolationist. he's proud of itla and believes that's where america ought to be . that is a tinyy percentage of the senate
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republican conference. there's always been a strand of party , butean our it's not anywhere near the dominant view. oh really? i think mcconnell and rand paul should tour the country and debate that 40 billion dollar price tag for ukraine in town halls in front of allf these people and see who ends up winning the audience votend any anyone to make a wager on that. i'll take one farcical and irresponsible. ah,will two words i'd use to describe their arguments for this proxyxy war with russia and most important things we can do to push back against t potentialo chinese aggression is to help the ukrainians defeat the russians in this current conflict that excuse me the globalists are responsiblelo for turning china into a global superpower and the single greatest threat to freedom worldwide. so every stinger missilefr weeew give to ukraine is one that we're not going to be using to defend taiwan b and they want
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us troops there as well. oh, yes. .we've already upped our numberb in eastern europe and milli's clearly itching for more . >> my advice would be to create permanent bases but don't permanently station so you get the effect of permanence b by rotational forces cycling through permanent bases. i believe that a lot of our european allies, they are very,t very willing to establish permanent bases. they'll build them all. they'lll pay for them. i'll pay for another wager which takes us a w step for biden will soon ship even more u.s. jobs overseas,ses especially to asia now when u.s. manufacturers can move operations to asiaa this means america is going to become more dependent on asian supply chain. but biden has been wrong w on literally every trade deal he's ever voted on says don't worry, be happy. thank you all for joining me today. a for the launch of the indo-pacific economic
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framework for prosperity nations represented here today t are signing upo to work toward an economic vision that will deliver for all people where economic growth and growth ispe sustainable and inclusive and includes growth. well, they probably thinkbr that by bribing these countries with jobs or money, theseun same countries will rally to our side when chinati makes its move. but i'm just more naivee thinking everyit's n country frm australia to singapore will end up going with the winner in this economic battle. and if we end up weaker, they're going to alignak with china to save themselves. . lcome to realityer that'som how it works. plus, as we learned at the beginning of the pandemic, f we don't make important stuff here. we lose controlf led and then we open ourselves up for a ton of hurt. so ton we have shortages and medicines and raw materials just to name a fews. and thente step five after he bankrupts us helps china,
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then depletes our munitions and manpower and makes energy poppers. well, biden believes we should go toan war over taiwan. are you willing to get involved militarily to defend taiwan if it comes to that ? yes, you t are. that's a commitment we made. g now how do our geniuses plan to fight a country that after steps one through four will have become a bigger had a bigger economy, a bigger industrial base, a bigger army, a bigger air force and a bigger navy. then we'll have how do they plan to fight a country whose leaders were trained in our universe and who has the best lobbyists in washington? they could not strategize the taliban. have they even thought about what would become of america ify we lost a war with t china? >> i think we should be very clear here that we will not a support any more of the establishments wars or waste any more moneyny on increases in our pentagon
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budgetcr unless we see a real effort to decouple from the ccp ,we either have to changepl policy or take pragmatic new steps or give up on taiwan ,which would be a complete s and utter capitulation. now i think about president trump contrary to all the unfair criticism, he understood that keeping the peace requirednd, keeping or strength peace through strength. >> of course, as reagan said. >> but now we're back to living in this globalist dream world. but president gee, isn't he knows how much power we have and how much power he has and if and when he thinks the balance of power has h shifted in china's favor, he's going to move on taiwan and the sad fact is if they have the money, the resources and the minds trained here, they could win. so it's time to tell the establishment it's time too choose if you want too help finland and sweden and nato because of putin's aggression.
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okay, that's fines. but let's stop pretending there's a pivot to asiaro that matters. you cannot do both. their plan isr to strengthen our enemies, weaken us , then go fight more wars. trump's plan was to weaken our enemies, strengthen ourselves and avoid new wars. make sense, right?rs it's common sense. our nation is hurting. you can feel right. our people are pessimistic. it's horrible to see that they're beginning to thinkl that our political leaders don't knowno how to turn thingsa around even ifro they wanted to every week when they look at their family budgets, americans have to make hard choices. call me crazy, but i think it's time that washingtonti started doing the same and that's the angle. all right. joining me now is mike pompeo, former secretary of state and fox news contributor. mr. secretary, it's good to see you tonight . a question i posed during angleg right now giveniv the investment
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that we have t already in easten europe, what about biden's comment that they tried to walk back ? but i think everybody at this point is confused by gloria. an good evening. thanks forin having me on . i heard president biden's comments deeply i couldin not tell you what the administration's policy is with respect to taiwan today. i don'tt think anybody can i'm not even sure president biden fully understands what it wasy he said today. we knew this for four years. we knew this all began at home. you talked about this in your opening. it begins with a strong american economy. it also begins with a strong american military, notta one that's focused on getting every vehicle to be greenry and every soldier to be part ofe the diversity and inclusion crowd. it began with a military that could do itsts primary function, its primary missionsi and today he talked about what we were going to do in asia. but i must say there has not been a single action and notha a single effort that supportst
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what president biden talked about. i miss i miss tough on chinat. as you'llna find. i've been sanctioned by the chinese communist party , but it's not about wardsbororomu. w. it's about deeds.deeds. and this administration hasn't shown the willingness to do what itinis actually takes toon confront the chinese communist party and support the people of taiwant on the issue of confronting china for what it's doing here in the united states . you allte are really serious about this . i remember you and i talking what was it six years ago or almost about the chinese students in the united states and the department of justicef actually established a china initiative that in february the biden administration disbanded. it was focusededion on the espe program that we we thoughtth was happening a lot of our colleges and universities because i guess the perceptions that were unfairly painted of chinese americans. so local education of even our approach to espionage. mr. secretary, what does that tell you? they're living in a fantasysy world. ave have walked away from
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the really good work we did here at home. i talkeded about the chinese communist party being a cancerut inside the gates. you and i talked about this six years ago three or sixty thousand chinese students studying here. we shuttereded the chinese consulate in houston, texas. they were hurting one of the largest spying operations ever conducted inside the united states america. the trump administration . ed we closed it down. we we've denied them the capacity to do what they were trying to do to attend pta meetings, school board meetings, all the things they were doing here at home to run influence operations inside of our country. this administration just they called us racists when they did this law. to be honest with you,g the truth is what we were a doio is we were protecting america from this very real threat ofco the chinese communist party here a in america. i and so if you can't do that ,t if you can't take on that simple task, your ability to actually confront what she's doing i think has in store for the united states is something he'll he'll see s this weaknessh law and he'll drive a truck through it. >> now, mr. secretary, i needd to turn to the border issue, yo
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which i know is very concerningu to you as well. fox is bill meluzin is reporting tonight that it took two weekst for ice to rearrest w a suspected terrorist who is releasedho into the u.s. by border patrol agents after he was flagged by the fbi. v weul know we're vulnerable to the cartels and the drug traffickers. how vulnerable are we are tog terrorists given how open this border is? it's a very real challenge or something that we confronted with a great deal ofis seriousness and determination. it's partlyg a serious factor. just a numbers game where we have this many people coming across the border that are unvetted, unknown, unmarked when they come across the border, there's no way you can prevent the very real risk you described. we y were always worried about terrorists coming across the border. we've seen what you buy these last couple of weeks. we sawaw them attempt to do this when you are an open borders nation, the bad guys will figure out the least expensive way to get through the least costly way to get the
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least risky way to get through.t and today that's our southern border. this is truly dangerous to the united states.s. this is an awful lot of ungoverned territorya down a there, laura , and we're now allowing ungoverned territory for people all across the world to come to and enter our country without being able to n watch them not be ableot to chan this terrorist down is just heartbreaking. i dereliction of duty at some point you wonder if they want to i mean at some point this becomes the policy. so mr. secretary, du thank you r joining us tonight. >> great to see is a recession in the united states inevitable? no. doesd that mean we don't have problems? we do. we have problems with the rest of the world has less consequences than the rest of the world has been because of our internal growth from scratch. >> that's whataboutism head is our problems aren't as bad as the rest of the world. that's our bar now i guess we're setting and they're less consequential americans just it up. okay, ia we also find ourselves in a situation where we have food shortages, food shortages because of ukraine.
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>> this is going to be a whole is going too take some time. >> joining us now, steven miller, former senior adviser to president trump, founder oftr america first legal. steven, it sounds like carter'sm malaise all over again. it's going to be a long haul. it was going to be a darkss depressing winter in twenty twenty one and talking about food shortages on the world stage, the big difference, of>> course, being that we could still feed our babies when carter was in office. right now we c have this humiliating spectacle, truly embarrassing where foreign countries are sending america emergency relief packages so that we can feed our children. all of us grew up watching america some relief packages to poor foreign countries so they can feed their children, becoming a third world country, a third world country before our very eyes did youtr see the moon? the judge saying that we need a marshall plan for ukraine already billion i guess isn't enough. yeah, so butut this is clearly s where they're going. this is going to be hundreds of billions of dollars over lord knows how long if they getet
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their way, if the people called the military industrial complex just divide administration combination of republicans and democrats, the establishment they want us deeper into eastern europe and this is going to be a commitment. i see b this going on for as log as the afghan afghan war if noto quite a bit longer. but this is always the heart of globalism which they're contentt to let detroit crumble. they're content to letcr pittsburgh crumble t. they're content to let ourns citizens live in crime l and poverty and to suffer huge wage losses from inflation but then take our money and send it overseas by the tens and hundreds of billions of dollars, even according to this new cbs poll. >> 69% are now saying that thehe economy is bad compared to 46% last april. a stunning 74% are sayingoi things in america are going badly. so how canng biden come back frm this ? i know you want to help them sot come back from the well, ro i don't think youm can come back from it. i think these midterms are
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going to be a disaster. but i would say is how badly the democrats lose matters. if they just lose a moderate amount, then it's nottt really affect anything. has to be such a historic loss. seats in the house right. that could be a tsunami in order for them to get the message. you get the sense i get the feeling when i just chit chat with people who are notra all that political, i get the feeling that you feel: the rising anger, whether it'sra at the gas pump ort whether i have to cancel a trip, this summer, it's just too i muh . you're starting to hear those conversations. people are making choices. i agree. they have marxist cultural policies, socialist economic policies and neocon foreign policies. there could not be a less popular combination of hate and policiesne. po and most of all they've gone from trump america first to bad america and our nation is crumbling as a result. if you like my idea of rand paul and mcconnell, i would pay.i i like everything that i have. people like your hate. >> i don't know not l i just disagree with them. but how do you like that idea? i think they should tour
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the country if indeed if indeed randed paul's position is so wildly unpopular. mcconnell should love doing rand is where the voters are and that's what mcconnell has never gotten now they're actingl like it's 1999. right. a it's like in nineteen ninety nine throwback. steven>> miller, always great to see. thank you so much. all right. y, and remember, if you can't watch me live, i'll make sure to set a series record on your dvr so you do not miss every weeknight at 10 pm. and up next , breaking news outa of pennsylvania tonight . a new lawsuit. c could that change the outcomee of the senate gop primary? salena zito is here with all the details moments dana college wasn't built for me. she didn't care if i had to work a double shift or if my kid had a paper deadline. the deadline i want setting a deadline. i'm going to take tests when i'm ready. i wanted to courses on my feet up when i know my stuff.
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millions of children around the world. join us today a child fund doug breaking tonight , dr. mehmet oz and dave mccormick are now split by fewer than a thousand votes or point one percent in the pennsylvania senate gop primary and osdd picked up thirty votes today and mccormick grabbed fifty during the provisional ballot vot review. also late breaking tonight , mccormick is suing over the mail in ballot procedures asking the state of pennsylvania to force all 67 counties boards of electionsi to counton republican mail in ballots received on time but without a handwritten date on the outside of the envelope. back with us tonight as salena zito, national politics reporter for the washington examiner selina
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,allo. these new wrinkles, you're the perfect one to have on tonight. what is going on there and does the venue it's like a familyy feud debate and it's all for a very small amount of votes.nk i still think that we're going to go into a recount. the mccormick's litigation ist. for all of the 67 counties to uphold the 3rd circuit court ruling last week for e the elections to accept thesele now, the now the nuance is is they have to be postmark accuratelyos right. when they comet into the election bureau, they have the correcttwh postmark. they and so they came in on election day or by election. however, it's supposed to also have the date on the outside which is supplied by the voter and that's what the and that is sort of the quibble between us team and the mccormick king and the mccormick says, hey,
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these ballots shoulde be counted. they got in they just didn't put the date outside. the team is like no,it this is just you know, this is just like the democrats don't just don't get involved with courtsot and voting. >> and so here's where we are. well, the a lotot of candidates have gotten involved in courts right i. disputing the election. so i mean, which is th it's with, with their right that's our system of laws. with i don't i don't have a problem with that. i mean i mean it's a toughd argument because you would say that you don't want any peoplet to be disenfranchized because we believe everyone has the right to vote. so it'sie a question hasasth ofs disenfranchisement versus following the law as it is on the books and is that such a minor detail? t ithat such doesn't matter. that's for the court too decide how many how many ballots are left to be counted in this in this challenge in all those counties. do we know we think it's around 5000, but we're not 100% sure k that number keeps changing
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and we don't know what that if they're if these new ballots are being counted, how much that add on to it. and so that's where in the i don't know stage have have all the military ballots been counted. i can't believe we're still talking about this election all these days later. >> haveth they all been counted? no, they don't get counted. they're not doing until tomorrow. in so, you know, i have a feeling we're going to be having you on for a while. so don't you don't go anywhere. so i know it's great to see you tonight . all right. we're just we're hours away from the polls opening in four states. the primaries tomorrow held in texas, arkansas, alabama and georgia. nsas, georg now remember, georgia was incredibly pivotal state in twenty handing over power ultimately to the democrats in the senate p. ha senator raphael warnock, who won in that special election is running to securetis a full term.he he's the democrats presumptive nominee in tomorrow's race. but for republicans, former nfl player herschel walker is leading a pack with a fifty eight point spread and the latest fox news poll,
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governor brian he looks like he's going keep his job while former senator david perdue, of course, is trying to unseat him along with a handfulul of other. but racial flame thrower stacey abrams remember she never conceded during her own 2018 gubernatorial loss she is the presumed democratic nomineet .he she's also the one who led the charge equating georgia's votingge eor law to jim crow. >> i do absolutely agree that it's racist. it is a redux of jim crow in a suit and tie. a >> well, we have some news for you. states the national review got its hands on data from f the georgia secretary of state's office and as of last week, over one hundred and two thousand00 more black voters hae cast early votes in this year's primary elections than in twenty eighteen when you ran the other time. that's more than threeeethat's e the number who cast early ballots back then and overallaro the state has seentu a record turnout for early voting. that's great. joiningea now is horace cooper,
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project 21 co-chair. horace, i believe you predictedre this fear mongering and it's shameless on the part of stacey abrams. they throw jim crow around like it's nothing. well,im absolutely do. and it's costing the state. i mean, remember what the major league baseball association did you remember allha of the attacs that happened that caused people particularlyac of color in the atlanta area who had prepared to play their role in providing their services and goodsole that ripped right t of their hands and nothing was done? where's the apology? we were told jim angle great was shutting down votes and what we're seeing is exactly that . >> it's such a great pointthth about major league and horace staceyba abrams spoke tonight and she tried to spin the record breaking voter turnout watch the equivalent of saying that more people voting mean there's no suppression.. it's like telling people's
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etat if you get in n the watero there are no sharks and more people get in the water. er there are fewer sharks that there's no correlatione's ' there. voter suppression is about blocking or impeding certain typesuppr of voters from participating in election voter suppression. it's not about stopping voting. >> i have to say and i she just keeps charging on . i mean, something kind of admirable about the fact that she goes, oh, no, itout doesn't matter at all. likehe if there were fewer votes or if there were fewer voters, that would have been better. i'm not even understanding that logic. but maybedonderstand t i'm not. >> she's on point continually. she has an idea.o let's make sure that we do a slur against o the people of georgia and the people of america and it doesn't matter what the facts end up being. repeated over and over again. now i can't win your program. and i explained sheon lost because in one of the best climates for democratss in herne generation she went crazy and lost on guns, on taxes, n
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on a lot a of the issues that main street georgians cared about. gedshe's doing it again and i d this before on just general commentariat on the left and the united states as a whole t. but it's really hard to govern a country you loathe and a state that you don't much like. >> watch american president. i know that we to have a conversation about who we are and what forut together in this office. i am tired of hearing about that pays attention to this is what we are tryingg to country that should lose the race just h right there. not that i thought she was going to had s a chance anywayta the worst state in the country but they think that about america. that's why they'd like tong they like putting all of our o efforts in other countriesun because they don't they think our country is kind of over . i mean, that's kind of what they believeha. ca the american dreamn is critical not just to the mainstream ofla america but in particular to black americans. a lot ofrl folks forget that whn
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martin luther king gave his i have a dream speech, its primary purpose was to demand changes to make it easier fort black men in particular to so they can t jobs support their when shehe says that georgia is a great place to work in a terrible place to live, that's a word that i don't understand. but more importantly, mostjo george no getting a good job,b,o being able to provide for your family. that is a place you want to live with you and your family and heart. >> that crime in chicago. speaking of otherer>> l issuesa this lawrence-lightfoot, how does she have a chance of getting reelected with all of that ? just stacey abrams does want to talk about the crime. >> as you well know, they don't> want to talk about this escalating problem that they createdt t. we have been standing since donald trump left washingtonng a message. if you're a criminal, it'sou
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a free'r season for you to act you want to do something heinous like what wet saw in new york city, it's okay if youe want to continue what's happening in chicago, there will be consequences. and if i say something like let's start having accountabilityg if you have a plan of a mass destruction effect, i don't care if people die or not. denal you ought to get thety death r penalty that will send the right signal. >> but the progressives can always good to have in the studio. thanks for joining us and since the dems can't figure it out, we sent our own raymond arroyo to ask voters what they're really concerned aboutt and what they may get . a new view after this seen and unseen next fox station is forever grateful to those who support this great country first and to show our appreciation we're continuing to offer all active military and veterans their first year a fox station for free where you can stream shows to
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talking directly to people and with midterms coming, these are the issues that could drive their votes. youes t tell me the top three mt important topics to you going to these midterm elections gas, gas, gas. ad the economy right now is is really bad for everybody. i've gotmi a family and to support my family right now, it's costing me a lot more money every month safety. i have four children and just, you know, worrying about them walking around the city, just things that we used to take for granted most oftent to food the border, getting to work safely, abortion for sure. i okay,s what's the big three for you? i would agree with my brother but definitely abortion issuesbr . that's a big part of your vote. . , pro-lifee that last one was a surprise to me, laura . but i discovered it's consistent with the latest polling monmouth just releasedwi a poll of voters top concerns. 26% said the economy. 25% said abortion followed
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by health care, immigration and gun control. this electorate is focused on these issues. o well, the abortionn cuts both ways can be pro-life people and people who are proot abortion. so yeah, yeah, well, it's a higher there's a higher interest in this among democrats who are worried about roe v. wade going away. but we'll see what happens in the days ahead. look, speaking of abortion, on friday we reported that archbishop salvator cortile of san francisco maden a major announcement and now. sister wolpe is on the story. the archbishop of san franciscos is calling for speaker nancy pelosi to be denied receivingo because of her pro-choice stance. this is not your job b to that'r not youec can't that is not up n you toot make that decision. with apologies to wolpe of avilaa. this actually isth the archbishop's job. laura .
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it's canon law. he's called to protect the sacrament of the eucharist from sacrilege, protect his people from scandal and importhe here warned nancy pelosi that her soul is in danger due to her support of abortion. so no matter where people areng on this issue, the bishop isb. doing his job pastorally. k he's trying to lead his flockn. to salvation. a nun, butpi played that doesn't make her a't theologian. >> well, the sisterake act never ends, raymond. never. what ? flora the johnny depp trial took a very strange turn today.e depp was supposed to take the stand, but it looks likes amber teams cutting their losses. call experts to testify. one was psychiatrist dr. david spigel who looked a lot like doc brown just over . lloyd is a shoo in to play this guy in the made for tv movie laurel the doctor. >> yeah, look at that . he wasas quite a character. >> did you look at that one
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when you were comparing processes with is such a question during you have to answer questions? >> yes, sir. or t well, it's a news flash fo him. apparently he diagnosed that with substance abuse disorder even though he's never mett the actor. and what do i always say? performance matters or what people see? not what you say.t and after a blistering testimony when you're drink your gatorade like this , people might have questions about your credibility when you're blaming others. were you seeing others have behavioral problems? he didn't he's never met depp and he's never met a calm either. okay, what's going on there?oka? what's going on there? he does look like the actor back to the future. all right. well, definitely met a delorean or two though. i'll know. i know it.e before we go, the president was
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in tokyo today for a bilat with the japanese prime minister. >>ri it's tonight slightly tiret freestyler and biden's. >> so where are you from? e >> fa la la la la la la la la la reliance shiman business partnership which we announced last year. you know the two lies, the two largest democracies, the two largest economic economies. it seems to me the best thing i can do in addition to try to get the the, the middle eastern countries including weathertech to raise the production of oil is a rapprochement between china i mean certainly between'n the ukrainians and russia. la laura , i can't follow any of this . i don't even think any he knowsi what he's saying. i have toi give the president's point points for originality, though when he freelances, no one knows what's going to come
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out, including his staff. now when kamala harris speaks as she did today, she has a way of speaking the way kamala harris speaks when k she's speaking. hen >> you know, when we talk about our children, i know for this group we believe that when we talk about the children of t the community, they are a the children of the community. she was always on the floor.n she just repeats what she said a second. i never that like it. that's not very nice, raymond. and it's not nice, raymond. it's not freaked out by one of i my favorite things ever. all right. right. evthank .p all right.ou cleanr up in aisle four or forty six tonight we bring youk a new series walking back biden with the struggles to explain the context or to clarify that joe said what he said butt he doesn't actually mean it's not us policy there. why are so many people turning
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in charge. but when biden wanders off the teleprompter, things usually go sideways, which bringste us to our new segment walking back biden. >> would you support sending u.s. troops to taiwan? i would render my advice atiw the moment of time to the president in the security defense of president. our one to one china policy has not changed. so again, our policy has not changed. the president was clear on the fact that the policy has not changed and then we may never know what biden really meant when he said he'd respond militarilyly to china if it invaded taiwan. but it's not the first time the white house had to do cleanup. and i'll forty six the president delivered a forceful a denunciation of vladimir putin. mr biden appeared to call for regime change, although the white house later walked that back. the white house was quick to walk back the president's comments that putin cannot remain in power. the white house walked back some of his statements, ng
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but that's something that keeps vladimir putin guessing that the defense then he personally had to walkad back his claim that facebookok was killing people by not cracking down on covid misinforms platforms like facebook, google, facebook.eb how many people these twelve people are out there giving misinformation. anyone listening to it is getting hurt by i love it when it corrects himself. there he goes walking. it's kind like a moonwalk. and michael jackson's becoming a habit. it's not just embarrassing though. not dangerous. joining me now is ben dominants, fox news contributorr and editor of the transom. ben, i mean it is kind of funny, but deadly serious when it comes to these issues. itit would be so funny if we had this mediocre, incoherent president at a timeer when the world stage was lighter and when there were fewer things that demanded a strong commander in chief, someone who actually knew maybe what was going on in the dayy around him and didn't have to
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be whispered the year, sir, you need to go out there and walk that thing back . the problem as i see it is this he's doing this on some of the most important issues in global affairs. you know, it's not just like he's walking back some detail of attacks, negotiation oria something with capitol hill. this is something that actually matters on the world stage and he's completely incoherent. i love that argument that keeping everyone gets the american people remember whenng that was true of presidet trump? yeah, there is a lot of companies like left. >> i mean i mean if he said anything like it down to the decimal point, they would crucify essentially the white house's role if some version of the princess bride. now you know that word he used ,it doesn't mean what he thinks it means. you know, it's something different i. he was trying to stick to the script and when it comes to issues like taiwan, i mean, this is too important to get anything wrong about look, this iswr a this is a nation that we have a relationship with that has been very fraught ,you know, going up against potentially the most powerful adversary that we have in theer
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world in everybody's mind isyb on it. given what the chinese are doing.r and here's this former head of the senate foreignhe relations committee who seems to be treating it as if he's just another senator out there just kind of shooting his mouth off. he's always kind of b.s. his way through life. >> totally right. i mean, i hate to say it that way, but he just kind of er you know, and say hey buddy how are you doing. >> good to see with guys government that kind ofmo back slapping approach ist is fine and good when you're when you are a senator from delaware maybe but when you're the commander in chief we don't have the flexibility to have someone who doesn't know what's actually going on and know the import that were have and then you get the sense that there are some on the left who are beginning to seeto that this is going down the tubes and they could lose like 100 seats in the house. t >> they are on the cusp of a total cliff here. they're all worried about it. and what they're looking at is a scenario where you're going from a leadership team and chuck schumer and nancy pelosi who've been around forp basically 30 years to what kamala harris and people like that who are in between
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them and the squad, it's a really bad scenario for democrats. they're not ready for it and it's why they're trying to do crazy things like make mayory seem like a presidential possibility that we're going to we're going to do like the berlin airlift now on the bike. it's going too be on the doing been great to see you. good to see you. all right. up next , i can't believe i'm saying this , butut i'm starting to miss a certain former biden administration official. i'll tell you who it is and i really, really miss this person . >> nrcc. you can only one thing the rest of your life ought to be easy. i'm pretty sure that's not one thing. barbecue buffet, a buffet, the complete opposite of what the is barbecue
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>> it's time for our "way we are sad about psaki" moment of the night. speak it without having a fair tax code, which is what i'm talking about, then -- manufacturing workers, . it's not fair for them to have to pay higher taxes than the folks that are not paying taxes. >> what are you looking down at? i mean, if only we could circle
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back. she really was the most competent person in the biden administration, and now she's gone. so all hell could break loose. that's it for us tonight. don't forget to set your dvr. stay connected with us. all proceeds go to charity. the shoreline soup kitchens and pantries. thanks for watching "gutfeld," and the crew is next. ♪ ♪ >> another big midterm primary day kicking off in america with voters getting set to hit the polls and five more states. races in georgia and texas are taking center stage. you're watching "fox & friends first" on this tuesday morning. i'm carley shimkus. >> and i'm todd piro. working to fend off the primary challenge from former
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