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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 25, 2022 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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unless something changes, that is exactly where we're headed and might be there now. >> neil: class is dismissed. brian brenberg is right on this. last quarter was a down quarter, negative quarter. you met classic definition of recession, a lot of people say they don't need to know that, they feel it. >> hello, gym jesse watters, with judge genius /* jeanine. this is "the five." >> evil swept across uvalde yesterday. anyone who shoots his grandmother in the face has to have evil in his heart.
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it is far more evil for someone to gundown little kids, it is intolerable. >> jesse: we're getting brand-new details on the heartbreaking tragedy. police giving more insight into how this terrible event unfolded. jeff paul is on the ground with the latest. jeff. >> yeah, jesse, we're starting to learn more about the shooting and about the suspect. according to texas governor greg abbott, he says about 30 minutes before the shooting, the suspect sent messages on social media. in one he wrote he was going to shoot his grandmother. in another he wrote he did in fact shoot his grand dlt mother and a third, he said he was going to go shoot up a nearby
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elementary school. the suspect crashed his truck near robb elementary school, from there he barricaded himself inside a fourth grade classroom. 19 students and two teachers. officers responded without hesitation. >> the reason it was not worse is because law enforcement officials did what they do. they showed amazing courage by running toward gunfire for the singular purpose of trying to save lives. >> shortly after making that statement, that news occurrence was then interrupted by texas democratic gubernatorial candidate beto o'rourke, before he was removed by police officers he told the governor that he was doing nothing and
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this was totally predictable. jesse. >> jesse: jeff, thanks a lot. greg, you had time to think about what's happened. want to share that with us? >> greg: you know, this is terrorism and like terrorism, you find a way to prevent an attack after it occurs, right? that is when you see the variable you missed. if you hadn't missed the variable, the attack would have been prevented. you don't see blind spots until something occurs. racism, lawlessness or gun control. the last four mass shootings, hispanic male, white male, black male, asiaircrafts n male. all males, obvious. one trait that doesn't matter is race.
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maleness, this is not defense of the killing. i look outside our streets, the killer, and you see so many broken people who are not treated. they may be tucked away and the pandemic makes it worse through isolation. we have a collection of aimless, disturbed, mentally ill males. in this case, he wasn't prevented because of age. we've been able to, likeour mass killers are getting younger and younger and younger because they don't have a history. like the inverse of workplace violence there is decrease because the ability to see history of violence in older males and more security. in this case, they get younger, those are ones that can get away with it because of no history. he was able to buy a gun because he had no criminal history. he posted 30 minutes before, that was not enough time to act.
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>> jesse: that is interesting, male components, being able to purchase the weapon because your slate is clean. and missed warning signs, martha >> greg makes a great point. the thing in common, mental health issue. all of us when we started to learn what happened here yesterday, you go right back to sandy hook, it has a lot of similarities. you have this young man and i think about in adam lance's case we learned there had been efforts to commit him. he was afraid his mother was going to do that to him. one thing that has broken down in society is that option, the option of relying on an institution, a hospital, where someone who is not able to function in society can go for treatment.
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what happened, decades ago, we decided these places were not operating well, and some weren't, some were horrific. the thing is we decided to mainstream everybody and medicate everybody. now you have people who live out in the public who maybe can't function that way. it is interesting to me, i went on the website for the high school and one thing we learned, he wasn't going to graduate. this is devastating for someone his age. he worked at a wendy's, he dropped out during covid, this is a nexus in terms of the isolation that was happening, at this points, we don't know about his parents, there are reports his mother had trouble with drugs. graduation is this friday night. there are pictures of kids graduating and they have
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pictures up and down the street in town, they are proud of the kids graduating. this impact, these are not excuses, these are data points and things perhaps somebody could have picked up on and we will talk about this next block and the school security issue. there are questions. they were doing a lot, didn't seem to be working. >> greg: jeff brought it up at the beginning, beto o'rourke crashed the press conference. let's play that. >> get out of here, this is not the place. >> this is totally predictable. >> sir, you are out of line. you are out of line. you are out of line, please leave this auditorium. >> get out of here. >> i can't believe you, you are a sick -- to come to this and make a political issue. >> the person who called him a sick son of a -- that was the mayor of the town this happened at, jeanine.
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>> judge jeanine: it is texas and that was about as inappropriate at time the governor was recognizing the pain, grief, healing they are trying to begin, the fact they have been traumatized and will remain traumatized that small town for decades, especially the children in the school and for him to come make a political statement is such a cheap political shot and i believe he should have been shot down for that. this is not the time for politics, today is time to recognize the horror that has been imposed upon this town and these families and these victims. it is a time to think about what we can do so no other child has to suffer this kind of disaster or trauma again. when we talk about mental illness, one thing that concerns me is it is just this kind of blob, mental health, the buffalo shooter taught us that when
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someone seems incapable of functioning in our society, we send them for a 730, what i used to do when i was a judge, i would send them for a psychiatric review. now they do psychiatric review, letting him out. the gooi in buffalo goes out and killed 10 people, the guy who traveled to buffalo, i should say. a lot of people are not necessarily mentally insane. this is not insanity. insanity is you don't know where you are, you are in a state you can't tell time or relevance or what is going on. this guy is predicting what i'm going to do, he is saying, i just did it, now i'm going to do this. the question is how we can come together and heal. the pain for everyone, i don't care if you are progressive, right-wing person, i don't care
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what you are. we all plead. i'm a mother and a grandmother and i grieve for this kind of trauma. we all imagine it happening to our loved ones. one of the things we have to do is make sure we start prosecuting crime and i'm not going to be political here, i want to prosecute crime and gun crime. i want to know and we'll talk in the next block, the crumbs, there were crumbs, we know he's from a broken home. we know he's a loner. we know he was self-injuring himself. we know that he was made fun of because he has a lisp and he wore eyeliner. we know there was violent rhetoric from people he worked with and he was isolated, does that mean we can go out and arrest him? no. let's not throw it at mental health. we'll talk in the next block.
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>> greg: geraldo, say you send someone to a psyche ward and they are not insane, they are evil, sociopath, how do you address that? >> geraldo: i don't know, i think we have to come to grips with there is mental illness in every country on earths, but these mass shootings, why is it here they result in such slaughter? i want to say a different thing, go in a different direction. i am sorry and ashamed we haven't done more to protect children. i was listening to jeff paul's report just then and he talked about how all of the fatalities were from that one classroom. 19 children and two teachers. so regardless of the kind of weapon you have, takes time, you
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got to shoot, shoot, shoot. imagine the terror that these children in that room are feeling when this animals now killing them. he's barricaded himself in their classroom and he is killing them, johnny and miky and this is that. i cannot fathom the terror that these children endured. i mean, for that, all of us, there is no ideology, there is no difference, left, right, parents, grandparents the way we feel, how is the human being capable of that kind of despicable heartlessness? it is -- yeah. >> jesse: beyond description,
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emotional for everybody involved. up next in the wake of the shooting in texas, new push to harden schools to protect our children. ♪ well the sun is shining and the grass is green ♪ ♪ i'm way ahead of schedule with my trusty team ♪ ♪ there's heather on the hedges ♪ ♪ and kenny on the koi ♪ ♪ and your truck's been demolished by the peterson boy ♪ ♪ yes -- ♪ wait, what was that? timber... [ sighs heavily ] when owning a small business gets real, progressive helps protect what you've built with affordable coverage.
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>> new calls to harden soft targets in the wake of the massacre in uvalde, texas. state attorney general is calling for stronger police presence. >> like we just sent 40 billion to ukraine to help protect another nation, seems like the least we could do is fund a police officer or a program, obviously thousands and thousands of schools in this country, program that trains people in the school so when this does happen, it will happen
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again, we know it is going to happen. if we know it is going to happen, do everything we can to prevent it from turning into a situation we had yesterday. >> and darrell scott says the key to preventing more shootings is by reaching out to young people. >> there are two sides to the coin when it comes to prevention. most focus is on hardening the target, making it more difficult for people to get into the school, etcetera and that is a necessary part. the other side is softening the heart. hardening the target, softening the heart. our mission is to soften the hearts of young people. >> judge jeanine: greg, every security professional knows there will be 100% chance of another school shooting, so this particular school had a number of security measures in place. what else can we do to harden
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these soft targets? >> greg: go back to what i said before, you don't see what was missed until after it happens. hardening soft targets should be like a college major. when you think about terror, future threats, which will come with drones and bioterrorists, school shootings could be highly lucrative industry. history hasn't prepared us for this. we always assume violence is army versus army. what happens could be sole responsibility of one person and the goal is not to prevent an attack, but to get the attacker to pass you by. there are ways to do that. what you see with airports and some cases miles away, push the parameter out. it shouldn't begin at the school door, that is one place you have to get through. the airport, you can get stopped
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before you get there. outside the perimeter, you are vulnerable. why make it vulnerable right at the school. i think they will have to think about pushing it out and creating certain things. by parking a cop car in front of schools is enough to make somebody drive by, i think that was the case in the joker, the colrado shooting. >> judge jeanine: there is uncanny similarity between adam lanza in sandy hook and this kid and this school because adam lance's mother worked at the school and in this situation, ramos, his grandmother worked at the school. a police car being there might not make a difference if there is that kind of connection.
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a study released indicated that in texas, they have $600 million to address school safety and only 200 texas school districts had a viable active shooter policy. 200 out of 1247, why are they afraid of the topic? >> martha: i don't know, this is the third major school shooting in texas. you go through and look at measures in place in the uvalde school system, they have done everything the schools are supposed to do. they have security cameras, police presence, school resource officer who had a confrontation before he went in the door. we don't know what happened there. they have perimeter fencing around the robb elementary school. he climbed over and got right in. it really does raise so many questions, i do think it is terrifying, where there is a
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will, there is a way. i always felt like there should be retired police task force across the country. think about crossing guards and security they provide, i would love to see a lot of police officers retire fairly young in life and have other options, security options after that, a school force that is full of these individuals who obviously get paid to walk the school. just be outside and walk around that school during the school hours and protect places. we need to do more, this is not working, this list of things this school did, did not prevent this horrific massacre. >> judge jeanine: even running around in at the school. >> martha: there was a school resource officer in a golf cart down below, who did not go into the school. >> geraldo: he chickened out.
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>> judge jeanine: he ran away. >> martha: that raises question, do these school resource, does it work? does it work? >> jesse: my father ran a school in the suburbs and after sandy hook, they had to come up with a security plan. first thing you have to do, secure the school with fencing and identify all entry points. there are three entry pointss and you have to have electronic gates and they hired several former retired nypd officers to be on location at the property. he made sure the former nypd officer knew every parent and student so they could see who -- didn't belong and who did. you have open conversations with the police officers. they installed surveillance everywhere and had a badge
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system, as well. you don't come on the property, you don't have a badge, get the hell off the property. it cost several hundred thousand dollars, not everybody has that type of resources, i think with all the covid money left over, there is plenty money to go around. they don't call it that in elementary school, but active shooter drills. they call it something else, you lock the door and everybody hide under the desk until you hear the all clear and that gives the kids a sense of routine when something like this happens and have you to have a counselor at the school. you mentioned this kid had signs, cuts his face, wears all black, doesn't show up the entire second semester, warning flags. that individual has to say call the parents or this kid is not going where he needs to go, they need to intervene.
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>> judge jeanine: there is money where local schools can contract and get federal money for that aside from covid money. is one entrance the solution, geraldo? >> geraldo: i think greg and martha is, where there is a will, there is a way. what is offensive about beto o'rourke and to a different degree to the president of the united states railing against the gun lobby last night. no one is suggesting anything that really can know guarantee total protection for our children. but we can suggest some concrete steps. let me be, with all humility. i know that, you know, some might think that is -- anyway, why not recognize the erratic
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nature of teenagers. we all went through it. cop to the fact that sandy hook, adam was upon 20. parkland nicholas cruz 18. ramos, 18. the guy in buffalo, 18. the guy in santa fe, killed 10, 18. a juvenile assault weapons ban. i know it will not stop this totally, maybe only 1%, a juf nile assault weapon ban. if you buy a beer or drive a semiuntil you are 21, how is it okay for you to be able to buy legally a weapon of war, an assault weapon when you are 18? >> greg: you can fight and die for your country at 18. >> geraldo: you are managed by officers. >> you can't get a handgun until you are 21 legally. >> geraldo: they don't use a
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handgun. juvenile assault weapons ban, do something. this could be republicans and democrats together, right, left, red, blue. >> greg: you are stripping a constitutional right away from law abiding citizens because of a whacko. >> judge jeanine: president biden cracking down on police during a massive crime surge. migraine attacks? you can't always avoid triggers like changes in weather. qulipta™ can help prevent migraine attacks. you can't prevent what's going on outside, that's why qulipta™ helps what's going on inside. qulipta™ is a pill. gets right to work to prevent migraine attacks and keeps them away over time. qulipta™ blocks cgrp a protein believed to be a cause of migraine attacks. qulipta™ is a preventive treatment for episodic migraine. most common side effects are nausea, constipation, and tiredness. learn how abbvie can help you save on qulipta™.
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>> president biden announcing new police reform during a violent crime wave. the president taking executive action to commemorate george floyd's murder. it will create registry of police misconduct and limit military hardware to police departments, require new use of force rules for federal law enforcement, encouraging local police departments to make
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similar changes. that is what the president was doing at the white house this afternoon. what is the impact of those? we worked on police reform, it failed on capitol hill, what did you think of what he had to say today? >> judge jeanine: this is something he has the house, the -- sxaent oval -- i don't at all. but restricting the transfer of military gear to cops, i disagree with, i think from what we've seen over the last few summers, there are some situations that actually call for that kind of hardware. i think, you know issue at a time when crime is surging, at a time when criminals are being let out and everybody wants to talk about guns, but if you are arrested with a gun, we will let you out, don't worry about it, no problem.
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everybody will be screaming guns in another couple days. he is just interested in cutting back on cops, a slap at cops. he wants to reform the police. you know what, yesterday is classic example of border patrol agents, the guy, he takes out the shooter. everybody is running toward the shooting, protecting children. thank god they were there, they responded with two or three minutes. now let's make sure we keep our knees on the cops now. >> martha: jesse, another example of when president biden is in a different moment than where the rest of the country is. why did he make the decision to do this? >> on the anniversary of the floyd death. if it was urgent, he could have done it months ago. he timed it with the calendar. he never talks about the criminals, talks about the police and guns, never the
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criminals. he instigated rioters in 2020 and now strip out protection from the police, any hardware, that was the only thing keeping our streets together was some hardware and that was after $2 billion of property damage. he wants to get rid of the no-knock warrants. i can see, if you get bad information and you can in and it is a grandmother. if you want to keep it a surprise and go in on no-knock, that can save police officer's lives. you get sprayed with rounds because they know you are coming. you got to get a judge to sign off on no knock. the choke hold, joe biden has never wrestled in his life. if you scrap with a guy on the ground, say he's on angel dust,
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and he's reaching for your weapon, get on his back and do like this. they use choke holds all the time and don't die. if you are trained properly, it should be fine. the database, i agree, someone fired for misconduct, that is fine. i don't trust the feds to not abuse the list. i don't trust the feds to look at it. >> martha: greg, tim scott tried to pass police reform and he had bipartisan support. now all i watch is republicans squashed this whole thing. scott was passionate about this and tried so hard to get agreement on both sides and didn't get it. >> greg: it is ironic joe biden relies on our failed memory that we might not remember that happened, but we do remember, he may not remember it, but we do. it is interesting what happened to the story in the past two years. when president trump was
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president, almost like every sick weeks there was a video and tumult and unrest and somehow this whole crisis was solved in november 2020, just went away, no more around the clock videos. we find out now, two dozen cases, mixture of unarmed white and black men and when you look at the context of stops, police stops, sometimes percentages are higher among whites than plaques, the point is, there is enough to examine closely and see what went wrong. each one is different, just mass shootings. each one is different. you look and say, the cop should have had the guy sitting down instead of standing. the guy was drunk in the car, let him sleep it off. a lot of things. what is interesting, how this just went away and nobody trusts these guys because everything is political. when there is, never let a crisis go to waste, you know.
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right now the police is what is keeping us from anarchy. sixth avenue is not a pretty place, there is bad stuff going on. i say stuff when i want to say something else. >> martha: geraldo rivera, what about that? saw video through the entire trump presidency and now never see that, why is that? >> geraldo: the media bias is clear, i don't think that is arguable even. i think with trump, everything trump did was examined in the harshest possible light. that is not the situation with president biden, with all due respect again. i think jesse is right about what the president did with this executive order. timing is everything in life. you can't take something like this to the calendar, even though you want to. if the calendar doesn't work for you, as it clearly did not in
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this topic, wait a week, wait a month, give respect to the victims in this horrible thing that has happened. now judge, i always agree with you, mostly. i think with national registry of police misconduct, the problem is, i know so many cops. the problem is, what kind of misconduct you talking about? excessive force? >> judge jeanine: no, fired for misconduct. >> geraldo: what if you are fired -- >> judge jeanine: you know what it takes to fire a cop? >> geraldo: what if it is a union beef? >> judge jeanine: they sue and get their job back, geraldo. >> geraldo: you can rigorously define police misconduct. i do think a cop should not be fired in a suburban district and go work somewhere else. >> do they have it for teachers? >> i don't know, they should. >> i will never get another job.
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>> there was checking the box with this executive order progressives are demanding that this happen, police reform. he is working hard to hold on to that chunk of the vote as they head into midterm. with that coming up, fbi thwarting isis plot to murder former president george w. bush when we come back. ♪ you know how i feel ♪ (coughing) ♪ breeze driftin' on by ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ copd may have gotten you here, but you decide what's next. start a new day with trelegy. ♪ ...feelin' good ♪ no once-daily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. it also helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it.
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>> remember isis, the fib says it stopped a plot to assassinate former president george w. bush, iraqi citizen living in columbus, ohio is charged in the sinister scheme to murder the former commander-in-chief. the feds say the man, i'll tell you how far the feds went, this guy shot video of president bush's home in dallas, texas and allegedly recruiting a team of assassins he planned to smuggle
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across the border to carry out this attack against the former president. the reliance of uninformed. when you examine this case, sounds alarming, jesse said we should have led with this on any other day. when you examine, was there a plot or informants stroking this guy. remember governor whitmore -- >> judge jeanine: geraldo, every case is different, he wanted to bring in people from brazil to help kill, he wanted to know if four or six people is enough and he filed for asylum, the guy didn't belong here to begin with. >> geraldo: come on. he is here legally. >> judge jeanine: no, once your visa expires he is not here legally.
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>> geraldo: he filed -- >> judge jeanine: i am not going to say it is no big deal, he wanted to kill the former president of the united states. >> geraldo: there were informants -- >> greg: i thought is this another whitmire situation, i think i speak for the country, i'm comfortable with saying that, the people don't trust the fbi because of what has happened over the last several years. if true, go with it. easiest way to get in is through the mexican border. i disagree with you, this guy, we let him into the country. >> geraldo: not through the mexican border. >> jesse: vetted this guy from iraq, i want to come to america. i want to kill george w. come on, geraldo, we have to do
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a smarter job who we allow in this country and i think joe biden should look at this and say -- if there is reason to build a wall, build a wall. >> geraldo: smoke and mirrors and to make this border immigration issue is -- >> jesse: assassins are coming across the border. >> geraldo: what proof is there of this idea? he had fbi informants. do you trust them? >> martha: sometimes i don't. i remember setups when they came in with briefcases full of money. would this person have done this plot if they were not put in this situation? i don't know how far along the plot was. they were using informants to get into what's app and the technology, which is a big problem in investigations. if anything, it proves they have ability to get around firewalls put there by technology companies and to break through
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some plots. that made me a little more confident. >> greg, do you feel more safe isis is being monitored by the fbi? >> is he really isis? are you sure he is not an angry parent, that is what the fbi size human looking at. >> the media doesn't describe him as alleged terrorist, they describe him as an ohio man. you know this man, don't, you geraldo. >> ahead dems playing baby formula blame game and congress tries to find out who dropped the bottle. with my hectic life, you'd think retirement would be the last thing on my mind. thankfully, voya provides comprehensive solutions, and shows me how to get the most out of my workplace benefits. voya helps me feel like i got it all under control. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected.
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knows safer streets start with smarter gun control. and bonta says we must ban assault weapons. but eric early, a trump republican who goes too far defending the nra and would loosen laws on ammunition and gun sales. because for him, protecting the second amendment is everything. eric early. too extreme, too conservative for california.
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>> we are now learning just how royally the biden administration screwed up on the baby formula shortage. fda commissioner telling congress today that a mailroom error delayed the agency response. blame the mailroom to a whistleblower complaints at the abbott factory, but was unable to say when the crisis will be over. martha, impeachment. >> martha: 6.5 billion budget,
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an eshg normous agency that is inefficient if they can't get the mail to the desk. 34-page document that went nowhere. it is like firing a cop, you cannot fire anybody. >> goes right to the top. >> judge jeanine: that is why they went to the mail room. that is why it is the mail room's fault. stupid. >> greg: impeachment proceedings would start immediately if this was trump. the dog ate my homework. >> geraldo: what bothers me about the biden response, low energy and the fact they did not think of imports in december, have plane loads of baby formula from switzerland here, sweden here immediately, instead of waiting three months. >> judge jeanine: he's not a mind reader. >> greg: tastes like meatballs, the baby formula.
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>> jesse: they requested interview with the whistleblower in december, the whistleblower couldn't do the interview until december 22nd. he works at a baby formula plant and his schedule for three weeks, he couldn't do anything. >> greg: amazing. >> jesse: madonna. sorry, i'm busy. >> greg: something stinks, we're not getting the whole story. one more thing is up next.
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>> the day you get your clearchoice dental implants makes every day... a "let's dig in" day... >> mm. >> ...a "chow down" day... a "take a big bite" day... a "perfectly delicious" day... >> mm. [ chuckles ] >> ...a "love my new teeth" day. because your clearchoice day is the day everything is back on the menu. a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation. ♪ >> jesse: time now for one more thing. this week the final new york city pay phone was removed. a bank of two phones was on seventh and 50th in midtown covered in graffiti. they were once over 6,000 pay phones in the city and they have all died because of the cell. according to the u.s. federal communications commission, greg's favorite commission,
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roughly 100,000 pay phones remain in the united states down from 2 million in 1999. how about that fact oid. mike pompeo, senator rubio and rand paul. gutfeld? >> greg: we have the show 11:00. joe devito, kat timpf, tyrus. it's going to be great. do this. greg's what the heck is that. take a look at this animal. martha, i hope you didn't take a look at my notes. newborn baby at the nashville zoo. do any of you know what that is? look at that. look at those giant eyeballs. >> jesse: i know cut gut what is it. >> jesse: hyena. >> greg: no hyena is ugly. this is a nocturnal known as the fanlocutus. >> judge jeanine: how would i know that? >> greg: i sent around a book
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this morning and you didn't read it. >> judge jeanine: you didn't send it to me. >> greg: why don't you blame the mail room. [laughter] >> judge jeanine: my turn. no secret hugging or petting a dog with reduce stress. a children's dental clinic in ecuador decided to change all of that the first dental assistant dog trained emotional support dog. he helps comfort children during their appointments so they can feel at ease with the dentist. he should probably make his way to america and a lot of children and adult men i know could use them. >> geraldo: my daughter simone now official law school graduate. bravo to her. wonderful, strong, smart, sharp, compassionate loving daughter. >> greg: where did she get that from? >> geraldo: i'm so, so proud. she has already got a clerkship in federal court in eastern
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district. she has got a job on wall street. >> judge jeanine: that's fantastic. >> jesse: condo in brooklyn i'm so, so proud of her. >> martha: aaron jackson won a gold meddings in speed skating. this is her turn and got to go -- >> judge jeanine: i love that. >> jesse: that's it for us. "special report" is up next with bret. >> bret: thanks, guys. good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. breaking tonight, searching for answers after the massacre at a south texas elementary school. the death toll from yesterday's attack in uvalde now stands at 19 children and two teachers. more than a dozen others are in the hospital. the 18-year-old gunman killed by a border patrol agent. those are the facts. what we do not know yet, at least is, why saffold ramos burst into robb elementary and committed the worst school shooting in texas history. he did post on social media


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