tv Cavuto Live FOX News May 28, 2022 7:00am-9:00am PDT
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>> we don't understand exactly what happened, but i think that they should have gone in and secured that -- >> are you saying that your brother went inside when he first arrived at the school and stayed inside and did not retreat as some have suggested? >> right. they did not retreat, and so the shooter was down. they were in there that entire time. >> a bit of hindsight where i'm sitting now, of course it was not the right decision, it was the wrong decision. there is no excuse for that. but, again, i wasn't there the, but i'm just telling you from what we know, we believe there should have been an entry. hey, when there's an active shooter, the rules change. neil: five days after the shooting, still questions as to could a number of them have been prevented. welcome, everybody, i'm neil cavuto, and this is "cavuto live." for the next two hours, we're going to be exploring exactly what happened in texas and the mixed signals we're getting out
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of that school and what happened in the case of salvador ramos. how would he -- would he able to stay in that school for more than an hour before security officials showed up to take him down? by that time he had killed 19, 19 kids, 2 adults in the second worst school shooting in american history. the implications of that and what investigations are early proving to reveal. we want to get to that a right away with casey stegall in uvalde, texas, with more. casey, what are we learning? >> reporter: neil, first, let me just tell you, profound anger, sadness, frustration. you name it, the people that live in this community are feeling it, and they are experiencing it. many of you at home are feeling this. but you can imagine for the community of uvalde, texas, this is what their saturday looks like, a saturday that was supposed to be the kickoff to their summer break. last week was the last week of
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the school year. questions to be answered as the investigation marches on which has revealed now that officers were inside robb elementary school for nearly an hour after the shootings began thinking that they had a barricaded subject at the time and no longer an active shooter. that's their explanation, saying that the protocols change but, ultimately, it was a federal agent who took the down the 18-year-old gunman. listen. >> the benefit of hindsight where i'm sitting now, of course it was not the right decision can. it was the wrong decision, period. there's no excuse for that. >> reporter: this many days later and still no closer to finding out the why, as you said at the top of the hour. in other words, the motive. what on earth possessed a teen to shoot his own grandmother who
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is reportedly still in the hospital and then come to a school and shoot the most innocent? again, these are questions that people are asking here as they're fighting back their tears, bringing signs, lighting candles, balloons, people from down the street to complete strangers who have made the drive here. this is a pretty tight-knit community, only about 13-a 15,000 people. and president biden is going to be visiting here tomorrow. but so many parents are wondering, this could have been my own child, and they're thinking that. listen to the one's reflection on that out here at the memorial. >> it could have been my kids. even though they're not my kids, [inaudible] the people here. we know everyone. it's very sad. >> reporter: so as the time goes on9 and the timeline is
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further dissected and the investigation continues, we will learn more and, hopefully, neil, learn some lessons from this so that something like this cannot be repeated in texas the or elsewhere. back to you. neil: casey stegall, thank you very much for that. meanwhile, in washington an odd confluence of events that shows the parties might be coming together to address guns in the country, the violence in the country that would be to each's liking. but finding that common ground and getting the time to act on it especially now as the memorial day recess commences, well, that's anyone's guess. chad pergram on the phone with us right now on what they're thinking about. what are we hearing, chad? >> reporter: well, neil, this is the first time in years there's been such an animated discussion on gun violence right after a mass shooting. democratic connecticut senator chris murphy was newtown's congressman and a senator-elect when a gunman shot up sandy hook
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elementary in 2012. gop texas the senator john cornyn, he worked on fixing a loophole in the federal system which wars certain -- bars certain persons from buying guns. also the former gop whip. then you have lindsey graham, susan collins and bill cat city. john cornyn has told me he can reach members beyond that group. now, it's kind of vague what they're looking at here, background checks, mental health, but they have this recess until early june to hammer something out. chris murphy, he actually believes the break helps lawmakers forge a deal. it's about the math, the math, the math. to get a deal, they will probably lose members at the margins. conservative members will say the bill goes too far, liberals not far enough, but the middle is the sweet spot. they need 60 votes to discover come a filly filibuster, and if they don't, once again congress will have failed to address gun violence in the aftermath of a
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tragedy. neil? neil: chad, thank you very much for that. to the former fbi supervisory agent who specializes in mass shootings, casualties, sadly, very much needed in this country right now. jack, thank you for taking the time. i do want to go over a little bit of the timeline that we're getting, jack, and in the idea that once the gunman, salvador ramos, had entered the school at around 13 -- 11:33 a.m. central time, i believe, on tuesday, within about 4 minutes at least three police officers were in the school and had entered the school as well. yet it would take upwards of almost an hour before others waiting outside -- to say nothing of those the already in the school -- to take out the shooter. what are we to make of that? >> thank you the for having me, neil, and good morning. neil, several years ago the active shooter program completely changed across the
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united states. back in the old days, it was wait until you had two the, three guys and go in and make entry. then we started teaching new, new technique of you're the first one on the scene, and you go right to the crisis site. your job is solely to eliminate the threatment unfortunately, that even -- threat. unfortunately, that even entails sometimes having to step over people injured or fatally wounded, and it's our job to get to the threat immediately, as fast as we can and eliminate that threat. obviously, you don't know where that barricaded subject could or could not be. in this case he was, i believe, hiding in a closet, came out and was still shooting. but the way we've taught the fbi and we're taught in working with a lot of local police departments, state police is we go immediately to the threat the upon arriving on scene. neil: all right. so it wasn't too long after their arrival on the scene around 11:35, just a few minutes after the assailant went in the
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school, in the classroom before they heard shots. now, far be it for me to second guess what was going on, but who would have called the orders to have those officers engage especially when they're hearing shots? i think as you intimated, once you hear shots, all bets are off. >> the they are off, neil, and there's, quote-unquote, nobody giving the order. when you're on duty or off duty as a law enforcement officer, if you see an active or are aware of an active shooter situation, you're supposed to address it immediately. there's, you know, you're not looking for your boss or, you know, captain or lieutenant or supervisory special agent or whomever to give you the word to go. you go. and in the situation like this, i know there's a lot of questions about 40-60 minutes inside. if there are truly only three officers in there the, i've cleared many schools and training operations and such, it doesn't take 5 minutes, and you've really got to clear every
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single room, every hallway, every closet. so it is a time the consuming thing that it could eventually take, you know, 40, 60, 90 minutes to find your subject. but, you know with, the way we teach the it today is you don't stop until you neutralize the threat. neil: all right. so going back to columbine almost, you know, a quarter sently ago where they had s.w.a.t teams outside the school, they're hearing the shots, but they wanted to make sure they had a tactical officers in place, i don't remember the details of that, but we saw something similar in parkland where there was a single armed guard assigned to the school who didn't go in for whatever reason are. we're going to talk to a father who lost a child in that shooting about what he makes of that all these many years later, but that this keeps repeating itself. i just wonder from your about isage point as an expert on these things and the push to make sure there are armed guards, armed personnel or even armed teachers to address this going forward or the potential for this, is that the answer?
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what do you think? >> you know, that's a great question, neil. i don't think armed teachers are the answer. the tier teachers, i mean, they do a wonderful job trying to protect their students, and i know many of these teachers consider these kids their own. so they're not properly trained, and you're going to ask them to be a teacher and also an armed guard, that's kind of a tough call. if you're going to have school resource officers, and and i know many of them, they're usually trained police officers. but there's got to be, you know, you've got to have the right people in place to do that. i mean, nobody really knows what's going to happen during a tragedy until it happens, and nobody really knows how you're going to respond until that happens, and that's where, you know, significant training comes in, you know with, the s.w.a.t. team we would train weekly on active shooter and how to address an active shooter situation. in my company right now to this day, i still do the same thing. i teach corporations, schools on how to deal with an active
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shooter situation, not only how to deal with the active shooter, but how to deal with law enforcement's response because as i said earlier in the show, the job of the officer coming in or the agent a coming in is to eliminate the threat. unfortunately, they can't stop and bandage people up and evacuate people. they're going to the threat. as they make entry. neil: just incredible. thank you very much for your expertise, jack. very sad. the country really needs you to just sort of help sort this out for those who might not be familiar with some of these strategies and how to go forward, because it does keep happening again and again. in fact, sometimes this can get lost, just the sheer number of shootings we have in this country. you knowing a week with ago today -- you know, a week ago today the all those kids were alive. a week ago today those two teachers were alive. a week ago a today the, so was daniel enriquez, on a train on a sunday morning heading out to a
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brunch with friends. he was shot and killed on that train for no damn reason. and that alone prompted a sort of a crisis moment in new york. the latest one, because there have been a lot of these as well. the mayor was hearing from the powers that be in new york city who are now telling him if you won't listen to voters, maybe you'll listen to us. this is a big, big hit on this city, on this country and you have to do something. after this. on her green investments with merrill. a-plus. still got it. (whistle blows) your money never stops working for you with merrill, a bank of america company.
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neil: you know, you wonder why manhattan offices aren't all full now after the covid scare, it's because of something else, the crime scare. it is rampant. and a week ago tomorrow the latest reminder, a goldman sachs worker shot and killed indiscriminately on a train leaving sunday morning for a brunch with friends. he would never make that brunch.
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and now business leaders from around the city are telling the mayor, eric adams, you've got to pay attention to this. it's a big deal, and it's getting to be a worse deal, and it's affect ifing how many of our employees even want to come back to continue deals, to continue working, to continue doing what makes this city among the most productive on the planet. charlie gasparino on the pressure from big business on the mayor with. charlie. >> neil, continue doing what eric adams wants them to do. eric adams is imploring wall street to take the subway, to come back to new york, to come back to the office. obviously, there's an economic reason for that. when workers come bag to the office -- back to the office, they spend in shops and restaurant, boutiques. you know the picture. it's economics 101. but they're not going to come back unless the city is safe and,ing you know, here's the thing, neil, this wasn't an investment banker or some high-rolling trader that was murdered, not that it's any
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better. i'm just telling you that the most -- mr. enriquez was a research or at goldman, very middle class. most people who work at banks on wall street are very middle class. they're average people. they need to take the subway to work. they can't afford ubers. he couldn't afford an uber, his partner has been on record saying, and they can't afford private cars, so they take the subway. and now they're at the mercy of the criminally insane and criminals, and that was essentially the message that about a hundred business leaders in the city, ceos, told eric adams last thursday. the stories that we at fox business first reports that -- reported that we're not going to put our people in harm's way unless you get a handle on crime. what were some of the highlights of the meeting? one was that, you know, mayor adams, he's open to their suggestions. [laughter] he -- you have to realize this is the community that helped put him in office, gave him big
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bucks because he said he was going to tackle crime that the former mayor let get way out of control particularly during the pandemic. so he said he feels their pain, he head what they have to say. he also said it's not all his fault that we're having this crime wave. prosecutors and judges are letting people out, they're not enforcing the law, they're not cracking down on crime. his police chief, kenneth corey, was essentially -- was there and essentially said murders are down, but we get, we know that crime is out of control, and we're going to put more police presence in subways, on the streets and playgrounds, you name it, we're going to beef up patrols at the 40 top precincts that have the highest crime rates. so it's the beginning, i guess, of a dialogue. i will say this just from a political standpoint, again, business put eric adams in office with a lot of money. he spent plenty of time wooing them, telling them he's going to
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be different than bill de blasio, he was going to lower taxes, he was going to have a business-friendly administration that lowers taxes, that protects their workers. we should point out that mr. enriquez is not the only person that's been murdered recently particularly from that work side of big business. michelle go earlier in the year was pushed in front of a train, and this happens all the time. she, tragically, died as well. he wooed them that he would stop this, it's not stop thing. and, neil, the message i'm getting from a lot of people in the business community is that it's buyer's remorse in terms of eric adams. and, you know, you could say he's better than the alternative, de blasio or the other progressives that were running during the campaign. yes, that might be true the, but what i think people forget is that businesses now more than ever can just move out. if he doesn't deliver, they will continue to move out, they will
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continue to allow their employees to work from home, neil. back to you with. neil: yeah. and those workers for those the businesses can opt never to come back too. >> that's true. neil: thank you very much, charlie, always appreciate it, my friend. well, it is the memorial day weekend, we remember those who served this country and made it possible for us to celebrate in this country some of the good things that are still going on here. but those same folks are now discovering that, you know, things are pricey and getting pricier, and doesn't jeff flock know it. jeff? >> reporter: and i come to you from valley forge this morning, neil. people asking why despite the high gas prices are people still driving? i may have an answer for you or two when we only back in just a moment. - thanks. -you got it. and thanks to voya, i'm confident about my future. -oh dad, the twins are now... -vegan. i know. i got 'em some of those plant burgers.
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neil: all right, it's been a very, very business weekend for travel and most, we're toll the, have gotten to their destinations with weather delays and all of that that stuff, but they're encountering the psalm thing that our own jeff flock has been warning them about over the last couple of days, higher gas prices. they need a little reminding of that, higher gas, food and ticket prices in general, but they want to get away, and they've gotten away. let's get the latest from jeff in valley forge, pennsylvania. hey, jeff. >> reporter: as you remember, neil, valley forge is where your coverage of the revolutionary war where general washington built his troops back in 1777, an appropriate place to be on this memorial day weekend, perhaps. speaking of a war, we're in a war with gas prices and today the gas prices again won. take a look at the numbers. we set another record this morning for gas prices, all-time high, $4.60 and a tenth of a cent, up just a little bit but till pretty darn high compared
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to this time last year, about 50% higher than it was this time last year. highest states in the nation, california, as you might guess, set another record at $6.10. nevada and washington well above $5. closer to $4 for the cheapest states, arkansas a, oklahoma and kansas. the question, this perhaps begs it, why do people continue to drive despite the high gas prices? well, in large part the experts say it's because they have money in their pockets, they generally have jobs and driving remains the cheapest way to go. >> if you're a family of four and you wanted to go from new york to washington and you could either buy four train tickets, four plane tickets or drive, it's still a lot cheaper to drive even with gas than it would be to buy tickets on a train or a plane. >> reporter: yeah. as i said, neil, this is a service station along the pennsylvania turnpike in valley
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forge. generalling washington was just off to the left there, as you may remember. neil: well, i remember when you and i covered general washington, and littlety we know that someday he'd be president of in the country. thank you for bringing us back to those good old days. you are the best, my friend. jeff flock -- >> reporter: the last time the i'll be on your show. [laughter] neil: i loved it yesterday when you were driving, and i'm just thinking that no one on your side of the road, they were staying clear of you. that was a little weird. [laughter] >> reporter: i survived it. neil: great job. all right, let's go to stew leonard, doing a great job trying to help his customers at least pivot around these higher prices. sort of an upper-end grocery store the, a lot of neat things in the tristate -- new york, new jersey -- area. -- connecticut area. stew the, good to see you. >> good morning. neil: how are people dealing with these higher food prices? i know you try to mitt mitigate
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the discharges but how are they pivoting? what are they doing? >> well, first of all, the vibe on the store floor is really good this memorial day. i mean, customers are looking for value right now, neil. and and, you know, what i recommend everybody shop the specials. we're seeing a lot of people when we put things on special at stew's, we're seeing those sales go way up on things. so people are conscious right now, but they are buying. the parties are back, graduation, you know, events are happening, catering's up, flowers are up. balloons have a little supply chain thing because helium, i guess they use, the medical field uses them for mris, so it's hard to get helium, but other than that -- [inaudible] this memorial day. neil: do you think a lot -- we get these statistics all the time, we're going to be exploring it later in the show that the worst of the inflation,
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at least the worth of -- worst of the hikes could be tipping now, do you see that? do you think things potentially have stable the eyesed? >> you know, neil, my daughter's getting her mba at nyu, and an economics professor said how long will this inflation go, and they said, look, just us at our family business, we had to raise our starting rates $2-3 an hour. that's not going away. i can't go back to my team members and say i'm reducing your pay now. that's baked in, it's not going away. i saw amazon or something this morning's -- not amazon, apple's offering $22 an hour right now. you know, we're, like, $16, 17 at stew's. the second thing, fuel prices. i don't know what's going to happen with them right now, but i'm talking to our fishermen, our farmers, our ranchers, it costs them double to fill their tractors and the fishing boats up with fuel right now. some of our fishermen are just
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saying i'm leaving my boat at the dock. it's too the's essex pensive for me to troll for fresh fish. so those costs are baked in. but i do see the supply chain issue which drove a lot of our inflation starting to come down a little bit. the herds of cattle have stabilized. they're able to get enough people into the processing plants out in the midwest, you know, to work six days a week. it used to be five days a week. so we're starting to see supply chain calm down, and our suppliers are saying it's not the supply chain so much, it's the fuel costs. neil: so have you noticed that those who shop at your stores, are they -- where do they cut? where do they cut back? >> well, i think impulse buying you're cutting back on. your shopping list, you know, you can't go out and just take a credit card and go to a clothing store and buy what you wan, you
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really can't come to the food store and do that. people are much more price conscious. you know, when they shop right now, shop special. every store has specials. the great thing about the food business, it's based on supply and demand. neil: yeah. >> you know, they just had, you know, there's a lot of hurricanes occurring right now across the country, and that's going to drive up some food prices because the demand's still there, but the supply will be short. but it tilts the other way, and it's always -- the we've got ribeye steaks on sale this week. you know, because they had some extra steaks that we could -- neil: right. >> so shop the specials. hey, neil, if i could do one thing -- neil: i'm sorry, i wish we had more time. i have to leave, but i want to thank you very much. stew leonard jr. following all of that. >> be safe around the water. neil: you too, my friend. meanwhile, wall street broke an
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8-week losing streak on the belief that we're over the worst of the inflation. we'll tell you what they saw and what got them buying and and why they were so upbeat about it after this. out here, you're a landowner, a gardener, a landscaper and a hunter. that's why you need versatile, durable kubota equipment.
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he graduated from that institution in 1965 with a double major in history and political science. we he went on to syracuse law school, got his law degree, and the rest is, well, prologue. but we're waiting to hear whether he is going to mention these rumors that he is going to forgive some student loan debt up to $10,000 for each kid who owes that money to families who earn up to $300,000. they haven't really indicated whether this would be the address to do it. very, very unlikely, but the president's considering an executive the order that would do just that. is so we'll monitor all of that and what the president has to say about that. with a backdrop of inflation, certainly in the prices of schools and colleges, public or otherwise. but it was a sign that maybe things are getting a little better or at least the rate of increase we're seeing inflation now at only 6.3% annual rate is a sign better days are here to
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come. in other words, the rate increase is slowing down. that had all the major market average as advancing. those who are keeping track of this, it had been eight down weeks in a row for the dow, seven in a row for the s&p 500, both dramatically disrupted this past week. for the month of may, by the way, we have one more trading day. but on the 31st, the last trading day, now the dow and the s&p 500 have, indeed, turned positive. so what to make of all of that and where we go from here, let's go to phil flynn, the price futures group senior analyst, fox news contributor as well, scott martin, king's views asset management and gary kaltbaum, kaltbaum capital management. gary, what the markets were telling us, you know, this was one of those rare weeks where every single day the markets were advancing, at least the dow was, on the belief that maybe we're through the worst of this. are they naive or prescient? >> i think what we have is a
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combination of believe it, the nasdaq had dropped almost 25% and the s&p 18%, so maybe an overshoot. but the pwc -- pce inflation rate for the first time in 16 months actually ticked down. so i think -- neil: by the way, personal if consumption expenditure rate. >> you got it. neil: it's a key gauge that i know the federal reserve follows, right? >> yeah. and it's what people spend, the tallty of it. so i think -- actuality of it. you just get to the point where sellers get washed out, the short sellers in the market are too happy, so they've got to put the frowns on the faces of the short sell isers and get the bulls all excited again. i'm not sure if this is a bear market rally, the start of something really good. i am still very worried about two things that are happening at the same time, and that is the savings rates are plunging and credit card uses, it's skyrocketing while even though
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inflation came down a little bit, crb index at a new high this week. and another thing with energy crisis, oil went into the levels where we saw when russia attacked ukraine in mid march. we're not at the highs, but we're starting to somewhere that. if we start entering 120, 125, all bets are off a, and the best an lists, energy if analysts, phil flynn will attest to that. neil: i will go to phil. for folks at home, when gary talks about short sellers, those betting on stock prices to decline, the crb is the commodity research bureau, it's an a index with a whole bunch of different commodities here than sharply rising. dud not do so in this past week or not nearly as dramatically. phil flynn, a big issue with inflation is gas and oil, natural gas, all that stuff that's been jumping. now we're supposed to be relieved because it's not jumping as much? what do you think?
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>> absolutely. because, hey, what did we go up, 17 days in a row, and we finally went down one-tenths of a penny, and then we hit another record again. [laughter] yeah, i do think that is some encouragement. it looks like the market's starting to level off, and it even looks like the biden administration is even considering some real changes that could actually help the situation. there were reports that the biden administration is looking at perhaps reopening some of the shuttered refineries that basically some of their policies have closed down -- neil: i'll peeve -- believe that when i see that, phil. i don't want to get ahead of myself, but we've heard these teases before. if it doesn't happen, won't oil just keep rocking it? >> it will. you know, unless we change the policies we're in, neil, i mean, we're doomed to repeat the same cycle that we're in. listen, we've depleted our backup reserve, we've sold out our strategic petroleum reserve. that the was suppose if -- that
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was supposed to bring prices down can. it had the opposite effect because people look at u.s. inventories, they used to say, well, even though they're low, heavy got all this oil in the reserve. that's not true anymore -- neil: no, not as much, you're right. scott martin, from a young investor's point of view, and they're the ones who got into this market lead and, we're told, were the ones leading getting out of this market selloff fast, what do you tell them? >> yeah, it's definitely not me, i'm not telling myself because i'm much more years in advance there, neil. [laughter] after listening to the guys so far, all due respect, i'm depressed. i had a full weekend of fun planned here and that's dashed. to your point, the young with investor is going to be okay, neil, because they have time. they've got time in the market, they've got, hopefully, a long runway of income ahead of them. but, gosh, i mean, a lot of mid-aged to older, say, investors who are scared. they're scared about bonds, income and stocks.
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and and i think the one thing you mentioned, neil, in your intro that was striking to me was talking about how things are getting better, and they are. they're getting better because, granted, things got so bad. but isn't that kind of screwed up in a sense because of the fact that the administration and the federal verve have botched this from day one? -- reserve. joe biden doesn't know how much a pound of ground beef costs, probably doesn't know how much a gallon of gas is at the tank -- at the pump. so it's you have the administration people in control where, i guess in quotes, help us or get out of the way and all they're doing is missing things up at every alternative. it's not sustainable as long as we have these folks in charge. neil: [inaudible] that could just be me. >> western change that. neil: guys, thank you very much. we're faking a look at how money and these kind of everyday issues that are dominant for us, thank goodness there's something
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about this weekend that puts it in perspective. not only remembering those who served our country, but died for our country and those who were never able to come back to this country. missing in action to this very day. lucas tom runson following that. -- tomlinson. something special going on at rfk stadium in washington d.c. lucas. >> reporter: that's right the, neil. this week have been very uncomfortable for a lot of people. it's not veterans day, we're talking about those who made the ultimate sacrifice, over a million americans have been killed fighting america's wars. about half of those in the civil war. as you mentioned, we're outside venerable rfk stadium, host of three-time super bowl winning champs washington redskins. this used to be called rolling thunder, now it's the called rolling to remember. we're expecting thousands here in washington d.c. we've got a number of sponsors, cases of budweiser, bud light, people here to bring attention
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to veteran suicide. every 22 minutes a veteran dies of suicide. there's a big ride tomorrow and headlining the events will be jon stewart speak at 1 p.m. bringing the attention of the country to legislation on capitol hill that he wants to see passed to make sure that veterans are taken care of. right now not many people here, neil, but things kick off at noon. throwing it back to you, neil. neil: appreciate that, lucas tomlinson. meanwhile, the great concern about where exactly are we going on the covid front and just how many should you have at your barbecue or anything you're planning at your house or someone else's house. i keep being told we're not out of the woods yet. are we or aren't we?
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day, added another million and 50. and if you compare that to 2018, our numbers are way up. that's almost where we were in the 2020 the race in a presidential year. so we had record turnout, all forms of voting. and you have to understand, neil, when we passed the election integrity act of 202 the 1, everyone said service the going to decrease turnout. neil: i remember. >> we have 17 days of early voting, voters had three weeks, two saturdays. we had record election day turnout. neil: georgia's secretary of state dating something that -- indicating something that few people thought would be the case when georgia changed its election laws. remember, they were deemed racist, jim crow. we saw major league game skip georgia as the site of the all-star game. they actually spurred about 40% more voting on the part of democrats, 70% more on the part
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of republicans, but numbers that were so off the charts that there were long lines at a primary day, to less. so while the drama -- no less. so while the drama seemed to be around on the trump bump not working for at least two key races, the former president saw that his major endorsements did not win. but in this particular story the, something that all republicans seem to be the celebrating by saying that the law that was vilified in the press and the media was not that bad and did a lot of good. susan crabtree the, real clear politics. susan, it was remarkable, i don't know what happens now or whether anyone comes back to georgia and says, all right, we overstated this, but what did you think? >> well, you know, speaking frok this week. she's really struggling to answer these questions, and she's still identifying as the winner of the gubernatorial race in 2018 even though there was
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55,000 votes in favor of broin -- brian kemp. i don't know why she's still getting away with that, and she had a struggling time when she was asked about this at a press conference saying, you know, is this voter suppressionsome you said it was going to be jim crow 2.0 and jim crow on steroids, what's happening here? she said, it was a correlation without causation and stuck to her guns on that. but, you know, that's not going to play very well when we had record turnout and especially among african-americans and minority voters. you had, in fact, you had four times as many black voters cast ballots early this year and hispanic and asian communities also turned out in record number. so i just really think she's going to have a hard time selling that. we all know what was happening during the pandemic, that democrats wanted to federalize those laws and keep them in place because think felt they benefited them according to, you know, a lot of the mail-in votes
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and the easier participation, looser rules there. but, you know, republicans stood up and said, no, we want voter id, and we're going to make it easier to vote but harder to cheat -- neil: yeah. it was the hardly racist. one of the things that occurs to me here is that a lot of these rules, you know, to make it easier to vote, they made a lot of sense so that people would be safe rather than going to polls and risk getting sick or in harm's way. now it was time to unwind them. leaving that aside, i do notice that stacey abrams also stepped in with remarks about how georgia is not a shining example, that it's the among the worst state in a lot of key areas. that might or might not be true, but i'm not sure that is a very productive kind of a position to take if you're running for governor of a state. >> well, yes. and i think that's going to hurt her in the long run. it's going to be a tough race, no doubt about it, because she has been, she that has done an
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extraordinary job in terms of rebellingstersterring democrats. she had 800,000 new democrats registered because of her efforts since the 2018 guber thattorial contest against brian kemp. so, you know, that's going to be tough to beat. but when it comes to standing up for her state, those were really poorly-made comments this week. and also she has to account for the fact that she cost the state tens of millions of dollars when she had the major league baseball remove the all-star game, and that was what -- she a apologized for that and said she didn't mean it, but when she called the new voting integrity rule jim crow 2.0, that led to all of these boycotts across the country. neil: yeah. just bizarre. it reminds me of that ray donovan, labor secretary to ronald reagan, after he was completely exonerated on some charges, two dozen charges, everything from conspiracy to embezzling fund z -- funds, he
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would say how do i get my good name back? how does georgia get its good name back? susan, thank you very much. president biden just wrapping up his remarks at the university of delaware. he's a 1965 graduate. he was a double major in history and political science, went on to do the fairly well. college kids love to see someone up this who makes it to the highest office in the land. in the meantime, we're focusing on not only the environment for the president right now, very, very tough the poll numbers, but also fears that covid cases are on the rise, long covid is a big issue, and in the middle of all of this, reports states are dealing with something called monkeypox. it's enough to scare the bejesus out of that. when i get like that, i talk to dr. marty makary, best selling author, professor of health at johns hopkins. doctor, i don't know what to make of these spikes. i do know that it's really all but stopped economic activity in
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china. it's popping up again in taiwan. you know, european cases are on the rise. blessedly, hospitalizations aren't nearly rising as much, but should we be worried about that? should people be concerned about how many people they the invite to their barbecue or any of that? >> look, i think we need to think of it as a bad flu season in parts of the country we're seeing cases go up. but the vast majority of people, it is a common kohl-like illness. -- cold-like illness. for those who get in trouble with covid today, it's a predictable group, those with multiple risk factors including advanced stage and other -- advanced age and other risk factors. if somebody has not been vaccinated and has not a had a infection, those are the people that go straight to the icu when they get sick often times. so we understand this a lot better. i do think people should feel good about the immunity that's conferred out9 there because we cannot stomp out a common
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cold-like illness that will be seasonal in people that arism moon. that is the endemic nature that will go upon the for -- on for a long time. neil: before we get to monkey pock, i'm startle to hear all these cases again who are getting covid again. the vulnerable, full disclosure here, i'm among them, inknew no-compromise. i got quite sick, icu. i'm still alive, folks, there are some who resent that. but having said that, the idea that you need a third shot, a fourth shot, another booster, maybe up to five shots -- i think in israel that's what we're up to now -- what is the rule of thumb on this? >> look, the can covid boosters for people, for the vast majority of people provide transient protection for about three months. so most people will get covid two, four, five times in the course of the next ten years, and the question is how often can you provide transient
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protection. you really can't be doing that in a sustained fashion in perpetuity, and i think people recognize that now and say, look, for those extremely high risk, perhaps those are the people who get the frequent boosters. neil: real quick quickly on monkeypox, doctor, i know isolated cases are popping up in more, in more countries, in more states here in america. how risky is it? >> look, i think, first of all, to put things in context the, we have yet to have a monkeypox death in the united states, but we had 108,000 deaths from substance abuse, alcohol and suicide just in 2020. so we should put things in context. it does have an exotic name, but we understand it a lot better. we know it is essentially primarily a sexually-transmitted disease among g, a -- gay men, but it's not limited to that population. we're trying to increase awareness so that those people can be isolated and, therefore, we can somehow snuff it out.
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neil: all right, doctor. dr. marty many carry. we're going to be -- marty makary. we're sort of fine tuning the timeline of the texas the assailant and how it was the that for the better part of an hour no one armed with guns themselves went in to get him. one surviving dad says that is dangerous. she's getting graded on her green investments with merrill. a-plus. still got it. (whistle blows) your money never stops working for you with merrill, a bank of america company. the more information i found, got me more curious. it showed how much my family was really rooted in campbell county. we discovered that our family has been in new mexico for hundreds of years. researching my family has given me a purpose. ...
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... "comfort ye, comfort my people." when i come here and i sit with lilia i realize what she needs right now is food. these elderly jews are weak and they're sick. they're living on $2 a day which is impossible. this now, is how god's children are living. take this time to send a survival food box to these forgotten jews. the international fellowship of christians and jews urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the essentials they critically need for their diet for one month. no vitamins and no protein so my legs and hands are very weak.
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oh, oh, oh let's make sure that we bring them just a little bit of hope. by bringing them a little bit of food. become a part of the fellowship today by reaching out to bless these precious people of god. for just $25, you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. that's less than a dollar a day. your support will provide them with a box overflowing with nourishing food and the knowledge that faithful christians around the world care about them. god tells us to take care of them, to feed the hungry. and i pray holocaust survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive.
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>> forget how i'm doing, it's about the parents of those children. don't forget that. we're officers, we take an oat to uphold and protect the people. we want to know why it happened and if we can do better next time is the bottom line. call it like it is. it is tragic. neil: tragic doesn't cover the half of it right now, growing
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questions about a timeline that has many wondering could more of those kids have been saved outside the robb elementary school where you had a good deal of officers, a good number of them armed and ready to go in, not going in. the irony was that there were three armed officers already in the school, already in it, i should say, and they did not fire. of course, it was in the end of all of that, after a better part of an hour that a border patrol agent did finally take out salvador ramos, but the back and forth on this and anguish for parents renewed on this five days later. casey stegall in uvalde, texas with more. >> yeah, neil, we're here at the town square that has become this growing organic memorial, if you will, because we showed you at the top of the last hour the white crosses which you can't even see now,
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representing each one of the lives lost in this tragedy back there, but the crowd has grown so large and it's sort of impromptu, someone brought sidewalk chalk this morning and look at this, you have kids and address that have been out here, writing messages, prayers, crosses, uvalde, strong, you name it. you know, it looks more like it was a series of failures that precipitated this heinous attack which has only compounded the grieving process. take a look at a map provided by police. the yellow is the shooter's movements. officials say he ran up the side of robb elementary school, firing outdoors for some 12 minutes. then he gained access to the building via a northwest door that had been left propped open by a teacher who went outside to grab their cell phone in the parking lot. for the next 45 minutes, responding officers gathered in a school hallway trying to come up with a plan. officials say it's a choice
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they now regret which went against their active shooter protocols. federal agents eventually made their own calls and intervened. >> the decision was made that it was a barricaded subject and there r time to retrieve the keys and wait for a tactical team with the equipment to go in and breach the door and take on the subject at that point. that was the decision, that was the thought process at that particular point in time. >> now, inside of that 45 minutes, 911 was being flooded with calls. little voices on the other line, pleading for help, while eyewitnesses say the gunman was playing music and telling some of his victims good night before pulling the trigger. >> when he went in the classroom, he said you're all gonna die and he started shooting. i was playing dead. >> he came in and he talked a little bit and he said it's time to die.
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>> when all was said and done, 21 people had died, 19 children, a teacher, and the shooter. tomorrow, president joe biden and first lady jill biden will serve as consoler in chief once again. neil: casey stegall. thank you. i want to go to alicia acuna in houston for the n.r.a. convention. timing is everything. the number of deplayers have opted not to address the convention were invite, but most who were are there. we have the latest from alicia, who is outside the convention center. alicia. >> hi, good morning, neil. 55,000 attendees we're told will be here over the course of the three days that began yesterday. there have been protests out here. the day is really just getting started for the program. there's just a smattering of protesters that will likely grow later in the day. you mentioned the notable cancellations. there have also been notable
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appearances including former president trump. he was the headliner of the first official day of the conference, he asked for a moment of silence while he read the names of the victims and then addressed calls to change gun laws. >> let's not pretend that those on the left are just talking about limiting one class of gun or one category of ammunition, you know they're not doing that. we all know they want total gun confiscation. we know that. >> in the protests that we saw yesterday, texas gubernatorial candidate democrat beto o'rourke, he told the crowd he bears no ill will toward the n.r.a. members and called on attendees to join them. >> those who will be the victims of the next mass shooting unless we act are counting on us at this moment. so please join us now or be left behind. >> now, in the crowd, we found
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rachel connor, a texan, who hunts and supports the second amendment, but not the timing of this event. >> i think they should have said, you know, we can do this another time. those families who are suffering, grieving, who probably don't have enough money to bury their kids, this is an affront to them. >> now, you mentioned there's been a growing list of cancellations from musicians and politicians set to appear here in houston this weekend and texas governor greg abbott did cancel his trip here to houston. he stayed instead in uvalde, he did, however, send a videotaped pre-recorded message that did air yesterday and i want to pick up on something when you talk about timing is everything. back in 1999, the columbine massacre happened on april 20th. 10 days later, the n.r.a. was set to hold its convention in denver. there were calls for them to cancel. they refused, however, they did
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shorten it from three days to one. neil. neil: i did not know that. alicia, thank you very, very much. alicia acuna. there's back and forth and how to correct this problem in the future, whether too many guns, whether you need more armed guard. i want to introduce you to andrew pollock and come to know him and he remembers what happened to his own daughter killed in a school shooting back in florida, parkland, among 17 victims taken out by a shooter with a past and the past was well-known. we don't know quite as much about what happened here in the case of salvador ramos whose past, whatever that was of it, wasn't well-chronicled or well-known at least in violations or anything else that would pop up in a background check. andrew joins us now, good to see you, thank you. >> oh, thanks for having me on, neil. neil: i always appreciate it. and i think of how much you
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honor your juvenile little girl, what she endured and 16 others, that tragic day almost four years ago, and yet, if memory serves me right, andrew, there was an armed guard assigned to that school who stayed outside that school and we've had incidents since where there were those with weapons who didn't use them in a number of incidents. not all, but many. i guess i have to ask you, is that the answer? >> well, yeah, i think, you know, my advice first to governor abbott in texas would be to do what the governor scott did in florida when he was governor. he put together the marjorie stoneman douglas safety commission to look into the failures of what happened in parkland with experts on the panel and dissect all the failures. that's what they need to do in texas to make sure it doesn't happen again, neil. you know, there was multiple
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failures in florida, but we looked at them all and we made changes in florida. you know, in florida right now, there's an armed guard for every 500 students in every school. it's the law across the state. there's perimeter fencing around the schools, and there's single point of entry, so, that's very important for the people of texas. another point that i'd like to make out is every parent in the country and school district thinks that it can't happen to them. and you know, i've said m before and then it happened in santa fe, texas and those parents were devastated. and now the parents are devastated in uvalde, and it's heartbreaking to me to see it again and we need to focus on the failures. okay, the doors being opened. it's ridiculous, in 2022, the doors were open. and it took a couple of weeks to pan out the response in
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florida and parkland about the deputies not going in, hiding behind their cars, so, we really need to see it play out. i spoke to an expert on that door, if that door was barricaded without having the right equipment to break into that door like they make a certain breaching shotgun shell to break into the door, it could legitimate take 40 minutes to break into that door. neil: so, let me ask you a little about what governor abbott had said to of those attending this n.r.a. convention via recorded messages. he says there are thousands of louse to restrict gun ownership in this country and they have not stopped madmen from carrying out violent act. and i think he's saying that guns aren't the problem, but bad guys with guns still are the problem. so where are you on this and whether people like nikolas cruz, who shot up your daughter's school and your daughter, how it is they get guns legally in the first
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place? >> well, i could give you examples of parkland and that last shooting that happened in buffalo in that supermarket just recently a week ago. in my daughter's case, the shooter threatened to shoot the school up and never was arrested. he trespassed at the school, wasn't arrested. threatened students with rape and killing them and never arrested. so all the gun laws in the world won't work if they don't arrest these people when they commit these crimes of threatening mass shootings. it was the same case in buffalo, he threatened to shoot his school up. what they did was they dumped him in the hospital for a day for an evaluation and let him right back out on the street without arrest. so i believe that there's plenty of gun laws in place now, but gun laws only work, neil, if they have a background from when they commit crimes.
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you could make all the gun laws in the world, but if they don't have a background and they go to purchase it, they're able to purchase. so, it's really spinning our wheels with this. the system is failing society by not holding these young people accountable and older, and adults. you've got to hold people accountable so they have backgrounds and you've got to put mental illness, when they're a threat to themselves and society. you need to put this on their background when they go to the gunfire and fill out application and do a background check and you hear screaming background checks, universal background checks, it doesn't matter if it doesn't go on their record. neil: that's a good point. you know, you can do the most exhaustive background check in the world. if some of the incident don't pop up on the record it does no good. andrew, this is a more personal question, but i've been so impressed with you in getting
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to know you the last few years and the grief you dealt with. how are you doing? your family, your sons? i would imagine every time there's a shooting, it's another reminder? >> well, i could honestly tell you it takes years off my life. it takes another piece of my heart out of me every time something like this happens and i see these parents and the kids affected by it, but what i do want to concentrate is getting the message out, not focusing on so much, you know, all of these failures, i can't do anything to prevent them, that already happened in texas for me me to get the message out and you to help me really means a lot to me. i'd like to tell parents, listen, yeah, can't happen to me, i said it, people in texas said it, but it happens, you know. so the most important thing you can do to protect your children is get involved locally.
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that district didn't take the right necessities to protect their children, they didn't take it serious. it boils down to the district, the superintendent in the school running the lockdown drills. knocking on doors making sure no one opens them, having a single point of entry, you know, and know who controls all of that, neil? the parents, the parents control that at a local level by electing the school boards who control the superintendent. so, you've got to get involved locally to make sure it doesn't happen. i'd love parents to go on my website and i lay it all out. it's and show you a project i worked on it's a byrna, it's wonderful, goes in the backpack, a shield.
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it's terrible in society what's going on, but i'm trying to come up with solutions and focus on gun laws isn't going to solve the problem. there are 300 million guns. neil: got it. >> policies aren't. it's parents right now, you need to get involved. neil: thank you, andrew, words to live by, somewhere meadow is smiling at all you've been doing since her tragic death. we will have more after this.
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>> they keep committing crimes and they keep returning to the same neighborhood and they're violent and they're aggressive. i'm pleading that this not happen to another new yorker that had does not map happen to another family. i don't want my brother to just be a passing name in the media. neil: we hear it again, the sister, family members of a
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goldman sachs worker whose greatest sin last sunday was simply riding the subway en route to a brunch with friends. he never made it, he was shot and killed by strange individuals to put it mildly and someone who had been let out a number of times on other crimes only to do what he did that fateful day a week ago tomorrow. howard saper, the former police commissioner, that seems to be the crux of a lot of shootings and problems, howard, that they're allowed because the folks who perpetrate them are allowed to get out, even in cases of serious crimes, they're back out on the street. and in this individual's case, at a fateful time. what do you do about that? >> well, there's a lot that can be done, but we're going to see more and more of these tragic kinds of incidents, neil. police are only one leg of a
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three-legged stool. we have the district attorneys and we have the judges and when you have no bail laws and less district attorneys who don't enforce the law and follow to a tee to let everybody out, you're going to have the people on the street. abdullah, the perpetrator in this case, had 19 arrests, he was out on an attempted murder charge. that man should have been incarcerated, but until we change the bail laws, until we get the message to judges and district attorneys, it's going to happen again and again. neil: even mayor adams seemed to say that when he was meeting with business leaders in new york, who are quite concerned that that is going to have a clear impact on people getting back into the city, if they ever want to get back into the city, as many were reminding the mayors and you're aware, howard, saying covid isn't the problem, crime is. while covid might be easing, the crime isn't. >> well, it isn't. and the fact is, the message that's being sent out from
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politicians, even from the president, is that cops are brutal and racist, they've done away with implied immunity. they're putting police officers in the position of yes, we're responsible for crime and process, but not assertive to go out and prevent crime because those people will be right back out on the street doing the same thing. it's a serious national crisis. neil: and they've talked about having a magnet ometer in the subway stations if you're carrying a gun you'll be stopped. i don't know what you think about it, there are good people that might want to have guns to protect themselves. what do you think? >> instead the mayor should do what we did when i was police commissioner. everybody who jumped over a turnstyle 250 a month before i was commissioner, arrested, fingerprinted, photograph, and
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appeared before. you've got to get a message to criminals if you carry guns and commit crimes on the street you'll be arrested. unfortunately, mayor adams, they're in half uniform. that's not effective. you have to have plain-clothed on the subways, in the streets, and the guy next to him may be a cop and arrest him. when i was commissioner, we saw a lot of guns and we stopped seizing guns because criminals were not carrying the guns. neil: that's makes a lot of sense. howard safir. former commissioner. we need to listen to some ideas there, because under his stewardship, they weren't as rampant. and we want to go to the border, and there's a new surge coming maybe the biggest we've seen in quite some time after this.
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self-driving cars. our power grid. water treatment plants. hospital systems. they're all connected to the internet... and vladimir putin or a terrorist could cause them all to self-destruct... a cyber 9-11 that would destroy our country. i'm dan o'dowd and i wrote the software that keeps our air defenses secure. i approved this message because i need your vote for u.s. senate to send a message... congress needs to fix this.
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>> all right. a known terrorist gets through the border or is caught at the border. it does make you wonder about the others who were not captured, the got-aways as they call them. and john sits on the homeland security committee and ranking member there. congressman, good to have you. this is a reminder that you repeated a lot, you never know who is trying to get through, it was sheer luck that we got this particular individual, but there are many others we don't and we can't because there's just a limit. what do you think? >> well, the southwest border
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is an absolute seive and the notion that they're sending, people from countries since biden administration took over and the terror watch list you talked about was not seized at the border. he was let into the country and the fbi alerted the border patrol that he was on a terror watch list and two them two weeks to arrest him. they're so overwhelmed. when they know that someone is on a terror watch list, it takes them two weeks to arrest them. neil: to your point, congressman, they were able to find him after two weeks because he could have been anywhere, but it gets me back sort of this notion of got-aways and the fact that now it could really get out of control. title 42 or no. how do you envision this whole
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summer? >> well, if title 42 goes away, even officials at homeland security have said that as many as 18,000 people a day will be coming across the border. 18,000. we have five to 7,000 a day now and there's no doubt it's a crisis. jay johnson, the former homeland security chief under the obama administration said, 1,000 a day coming across the border is a bad day, but 5 to 7,000 a day now and if title 42 is gone, about 18,000 a day. people are amassing at the border waiting for this to happen. let's not forget the other incident where individual plotted to kill president george w. bush. neil: that's right. >> part of the scheme was to smuggle iraqis, iraqis across the southern border to help him go after the president. and everyone knows and the bad guys know is the border-- at least many have gotten across undetected at got-aways,
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that's scary. neil: i was reading, apprehend better than 30 individuals from india, but in the latest count, and of course, these could be dated figures, those from at least 27 countries trying to make their way here. some not only as far away as india, but i'm talking eastern europe. what's going on? >> people at the southwest border have been seized from yemen, from iran, from iraq. hot beds of terrorism. so, it's not endemic to just our hemisphere and the bottom line is, the bad guys know and everyone knows the southwest border is wide open and everyone's trying to exploit it, whether they're trying to exploit it for a better life or to do bad things in the u.s. like those on the terror watch list. it's a mix of both an and the bottom line, this administration, by the stroke of a pen on january 20th when he took over, president biden, he destroyed security at the
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southern border and our country is much less safe because of it. neil: congressman, thank you, very very much. following these developments here. also following the developments halfway around the world what's going on in ukraine right now. the war rages on and that you know, but if you think you're impervious to it, the fact that a lot of food and very, very valuable agricultural commodities cannot get out that have country means it could be leading to much, much higher prices in this country after this. miss allen over there isn't checking lesson plans. she's getting graded on her green investments with merrill. a-plus. still got it. (whistle blows) your money never stops working for you with merrill, a bank of america company. ♪ ♪ your money never stops working for you with merrill, ♪ ♪
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>> russian forces are really upping the ante right now when it comes to attacks right now on civilians, but a battering of strong positions they hold in donbas and throughout the country and other areas of the country as they close off ports that bring valuable medical aid and other humanitarian aid into and out of the country, including food. we'll get to in a second. and trey yingst following these in kyiv. >> good morning, russian forces are making small territorial gains. new satellite images show russian military advances near the cities of limon and russian troops recently took control, and the wake in the advance much of it due to artillery
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units shelling civilian areas. and russian troops control more of the donbas regions. intense fighting makes evacuations difficult. the united nations says more than 4,000 civilians have been killed so far since the war began and that number is ticking higher each day. with much of the international attention on other stories, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy is urging the media to stay in ukraine and continue reporting. in a video message to students at stanford university, he said this to the ukrainian efforts to survive the invasion. >> ukrainian is a country, destroyed under the power of the russian army, anything it wants in a few days, but ukraine is a country where the army wages a war it doesn't want to end and now russia is trying to occupy the whole country. >> even this morning there were more air raid sirens in kyiv
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reminding that every city is under russian sights. neil: be safe. trey yingst in chive. i want to go to mike pompeo, the former secretary of state. thank you for joining us. we're learning that vladimir putin is telling leaders in france and germany that russia's willing to discuss ways to make it possible for ukraine to export grain, food stuffs from black sea ports under their control right now, the russian soldiers' control. do you believe them? >> oh, goodness, i don't know what to believe. we know that something like that, the devil sits in moscow, but it will also be in the details of that kind of thing. putin's not going to do that for free or out of the goodness of his heart because he cares about the ukrainian people or anyone else. if he were to strike the deal, there would be a big ask from moscow. i don't know what that would be, i suspect there's not much to it. neil: i think the big ask is
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that they get some sanctions relief, that doesn't appear likely, but what do you make of russia's position right now and where they are all of these many months into this war that they had hoped would wrap up in a matter of days? >> there's no doubt, neil, that this hasn't gone the way that vladimir putin hoped it would go. they're struggling mightily, i saw reports this morning they've taken more small cities, but that's not remotely what he had hoped he would achieve. that doesn't change a single thing for his intentions. everyone is looking for a way for it to end it's already not covered as much in the news. vladimir putin is not going to change. his despair -- desire for greater russia has not changed. he might look for an exit ramp. that exitham is just to get gas and a snack. it's to take the west and it's going to take american
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leadership, these things don't impact just kyiv and moscow, it's the whole world. neil: indeed. and i found striking about president zelenskyy's remarks, and keeps russia going, they want to wage a war they don't want to end, specifically referring to military leaders in russia and more to the point vladimir putin, that it isn't in his interest to end it right now. it isn't in putin's interest, he's saying. do you agree with that? >> i do think that's true. 's got a lot of staying power. he doesn't have very much in terms of domestic political constraints. we think gosh if you lose 10, 15,000 of your soldiers it's a huge risk to your leadership. and if you lose a single person in afghanistan or in the eyes of the people. not in russia, he's determined he can outlast the west. european will go away, some
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businessman will want to make a lot of money and the sanctions will be lifted and he'll love across europe the way he's wanted to. putin believes the west is weak and won't stay at this. neil: isn't the only way for this to end at least for the time being, secretary, for the russian people to say this is ridiculous, enough with the long lines waiting outside banks, if they're lucky to be open at all. you know, enough with the empty grocery store shelves and rocketing food prices and the collapsing ruble and enough with all of that. whatever they're hearing or not hearing on the war front. they're seeing for themselves in the country, aren't they? >> well, you came from a financial background, where you know this. the ruble hasn't collapsed. we've got store shelves in the united states of america that aren't stocked today. the russian people are pretty used to this. i don't see that causing vladimir putin to stop.
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his determination will continue. he's wanted this for two decades, he's going to stay at this until the cost is on him and those around him are too high. we have the tools to do that, we've simply chosen not to use them. when the ruble is where it is today, it tells you the sanctions aren't the on those around him. and i pray that i'm wrong, i pray that one day the russian people will be able to convince him to change his ways. neil: i don't know if there would be a mussolini type overthrow or an attempt as there were to overthrow hitler, but that doesn't seem immediately likely. then is the issue, secretary, about vladimir putin's health. what do we know about that? does this explain his thinking or violent nature now, what? >> the truth is, neil, i don't know much more than you read in the press about his health. i knew some of his health
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history from the time i was cia director. most folks have lots of nicks and dings. i'll say this, my experience when i was cia director and secretary of state, we overpredicted the death of bad guys a lot. ayatollah was going to pass. maduro was on his last legs. we overpredicted. we shouldn't count on the good lord to solve this. we should count on the west to solve this problem. >> ap interest in money matters, mr. secretary, but i know that russia just cut interest patriots and usually do that in the face after slowdown in an economy that's in trouble. sanctions haven't done the harm that the western, the white house might have hoped. what do you think of that? >> i think so that's true. sanctions are tough, neil. we use them a lot, too, they take enormous breadth, the sanctions have to be really broad and then powerful
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enforcement, something that i don't think the administration has fully engaged in. and then at the take time. they take an awful lot of time to begin to have the desired effect. they don't happen days, weeks, months. this russian economy will prove to be resilience, a resistance economy, it will slow down and the whole global economy looks to go for recession and get tougher, but probably not the level that the biden team hoped it would, but not on the timeline the world hoped it would as well. i know it's early right now, secretary. but a lot of people not only looking at a mid term election year, but the next big election and the presidential election, a lot of people say you're interested in running for president. if that is the case, would you run whether donald trump were running or not? >> the pompeos will decide whether or not we're going to-- we're going to continue despite based on this is something we think we can do with elan and
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sort it out. november it looking pretty good. redistricting, a big win in ohio this week, good for the american people, good for the people of ohio, i'm pretty focused on 2022, i think we will have a great election because people can see we're headed in the wrong direction. neil: and potential presidential candidates and yourself included, whether you would include that your family notwithstanding, whether donald trump does or not i feel that people like chris christie, even ron desantis in florida would run no matter what he decides to do. does that enter into the equation at all for you and your family. >> neil, if you believe you're the right person for america, you should run. neil: that's a nice way of handling that, and i like that very much. secretary, always good seeing you. thank you. have a good rest of your day. neil: you, too, former secretary of these united states, mike pompeo.
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>> you know, ever since the rise of covid, asian americans have been targeted in bizarre incidents and some murders. all of this at a time when you would think the world would try to come together, trying to beat this virus, running rampant abroad, particularly in asia. and asian, hawaii pacific islander month. that's a mouthful, but meant to be a reminder that this is an important population, one that is often times maligned. susan following it all. >> as we cap off asian-american, native hawaiian, pacific islander
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heritage month. and kjell lindgren dreamed to going to space. >> u.s. astronaut, emergency room surgeon and air force jump master,'s an overachiever dedicated to chasing his boyhood dreams. >> when i saw the space shuttle columbia launch in. i thought that's something i would do. >> he was born to a tie with a niece mother and a u.s. air force father. >> what do you say to asian-american kids who are looking at you now at the international space station? >> i would say dream big, set your goals and work hard to achieve that goal. >> nasa finally selected him as astronaut in 2009. >> do you feel that what you're representing is that hard work
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does pay off and america does give you chances? >> i certainly faced by own set of challenges and obstacles as i was on this path to becoming an astronaut. so, if by my being in this job serves as inspiration, then i am really, really grateful. >> a nasa career that spanned over two space missions, lindgren is well aware of a long line of asian-american astronauts, including first asian astronaut in space. >> we live in an absolutely amazing country who has challenges and as individuals we face obstacles, the opportunities are there. >> he's serving in nasa's artemis program as you know has a long-term stated goal of landing the first woman and person of color on the moon and hoping to lay the foundations, neil, for of course future
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human space travel to the moon, mars and beyond. neil: and who knows, he could be on that mission. that was wild. very inspiring, susan, thank you very much. >> thank you. neil: all right. trying to make sense of horror by looking to god. hard to do after this particular week, but not impossible. (man) [whispering] what's going on? (burke) it's a farmers policy perk. get farmers and you could save money by doing nothing. just be claim-free on your home insurance for three years. (man) that's really something. (burke) get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. (dad) bravo! (mom) that's our son! (burke) we should. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪
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>> all right. the horror, five days after the shootings in texas and how to make people whole again. especially families where there's now an empty chair around the table and in the case of one particular family, a teacher and now her husband, two empty chairs. enter my next guest, doug who is trying to help any way he
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can. the uvalde pastor working closely to help in thinks community and people need that and he's kind enough to join us now. pastor, very good to have you. >> thank you for having me. neil: what do you say to people in your community, particularly to those who have lost their children, to those who have lost moms? what do you say? >> right now what i say to these people is that we're here for you, we're praying for you and try to bring comforting words to these families at this time and also, just pray for them, to let them know that we're here as a community and all the media and everybody, it's back to the community. they need to know that the christian fellowship church and the congregation is here for them. we've been in this community for a while now and they know who we are and we love this community, we love our police department, we love, you know,
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this -- the community that we're a part of. and they're going to hear that from us after everybody leaves and we're going to give them the hope because we're the light that shines. neil: there are a lot of people, pastor, who wonder aloud how could god let this happen and let them take my little baby, and child not old enough for any sins. i think they wrestled with that and i've talked to a couple of them in the past week, what do you tell them? >> the thing of that question why would god allow? the issue is the heart of a man. the issue is the heart and the families or the kids that are growing up without fathers. there's no father in the home that makes a big difference, and so the way to answer the
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why question, is that comes back to god has given us free will. god it not going to override your well, not going to make force him, but he's going to extend his love, his grace and mercy to those that are hurting times and so, i mean, you could go round and round with that question, but the question really is, how is our hearts before god. when our hearts are wrong, when our hearts are twisted and we have evil and these actions begin to play out, i'll give you it's a mental health issue, but more than that, it is a heart issue. and i tell you what, one of the things that first as pastors, when people come along and they try to stir it up to make it political and try to, you know, bring in the gun laws and there's a place for that, don't get me wrong. there's a place, but also we
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need to understand this isn't about the political side of it. it's about taking care of these families that have to live through this trauma. neil: fair enough, pastor. fair enough. thank you, sir, very very much. still so much we can't fathom or understand, just that the vagaries of life can remind you, it's all about life. she's getting graded on her green investments with merrill. a-plus. still got it. (whistle blows) your money never stops working for you with merrill, a bank of america company. better luck next time. but i haven't even thrown yet. you threw good money away when you bought those glasses. next time, go to america's best - where two pairs and a free exam start at just $79.95. can't beat that. can't beat this, either. book an exam today at
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>> more details coming out in the horrific elementary shooting in uvalde, texas that claimed the lives of 19 kids and two adults, as crowds of mourners, including celebrities like meghan markle paid tribute to the victims in the mass shooting in uvalde. welcome to fox news live, i'm griff jenkins. molly: i'm molly line. and we have alicia acuna covering the national rifle association in houston.
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