tv Hannity FOX News May 30, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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with it? >> we are out of time, but happ memorial day to you and your family, we will be back tomorro in every night at 8:00 p.m. the show that is the sworn enemy of groupthink, we will see you soon . ♪ >> welcome to the special edition of hannity and tonight we will highlight some of our very best interviews from the past few months first up, my exclusive interview with the academy award-winning actor sea penn and the actor had recently visited ukraine's days before the forces invaded. he described the scenes of her in the war-torn country of ukraine. take a look.
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>> we're not even talking about the lead up to this conflict by that point, why were you there originally to do a duck documentary, what was it about ukraine or maybe it was about zelenskyy that interested you? get i think i was in the better part of the population with enter understanding of ukraine, with the exception of a phone call between president and zelenskyy and president trump that was made a lot of and the fact that president zelenskyy had been a comedic actor who ha betrayed an actor who became th he went initially to make a documentary that had kind of a bring home a sense of ukraine and a profile of this president fred. >> it wouldn't bent as interesting and then the next thing you do is this build up o vladimir putin on the eastern side of ukraine. first we have 50,000 troops, then it's 100,000 troops and
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then all the military equipment and you are chronicling all of this and you develop a relationship with zelenskyy perry telus, as this was unfolding, a lot of the world didn't think bruton would do it. i did think he would. >> all the experts i talked to thought he would. most of the experts that were speaking out in the united states intelligence agency and others felt that he would. i will tell you, i'll think a part of me that wanted to be in denial of what that would mean, to ukraine and ultimately the world, but i thought really, is there an upside to this for him? what's what are present really savvy two was that in particular , the experts on food and felt this was going to happen. what didn't happen was the preemptive sanctions.
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the humiliation wasn't going to let it stop. to be able to make the bridge from romania now it was going t be this prolonged assault and here we are. >> prior to zelenskyy, i didn't know a lot about him like a lot of people, i still to this day think there is nothing to that phone call, separate issue. that he had taken georgia, puti had taken georgia in 2008, he annexed crimea, he has shown willingness to annex, take over land, showing his territorial ambitions. you get there, you are interviewing zelenskyy at this time, did he see this coming? if you believe this was coming? >> we had met initially on a zoom call. >> did you trust him? >> i was interesting to see.
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and, i didn't have what is the baggage. >> i have a badge of honor and my house, i have a full screen that i dominated an enemy of th state. but here is what happened. then because of covid, whence w had gotten a sense that he was very much considering giving us some kind of access and spendin some time with us, we were delayed and we were delayed, an so then and then we were also i kyiv and talking to musicians and of the culture, there was the wegner problem that was going on at the time. so the administration was so we couldn't see him.
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we came back and then this thin really escalated. so than we went, i think they got there roughly a week before the invasion. i met him face-to-face for the first time the day before the invasion in then spent time wit him in which we documented the film during the invasion on the day of the invasion. i don't know that there is a person on earth they could know that they were born for such a date that they could rise to it. >> and want to make sure we are on the same page, was this him taking the region to get there were also rockets coming and. >> this is when the airport. >> writes. it was game on. and, so in him, i saw something that i had never seen before in my lifetime. like i said, having seen him
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prepared for it, yes, hoping against hope it would not happen , but a man who had not yet challenged with it happening . in the next day i saw something that is a man, but it's man wit the adrenaline is, he is the face of something you see in al the ukrainians we saw and talk to whether they were in uniform out of uniform, will teachers, even children, this extraordinary courage that's come up it was in his eyes and it as clear to me that the ukrainians will win this. they have some defenses, but we go back to the budapest agreement and they were at the time both our third-largest nuclear power and the world where they made agreement that
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they would give those weapons t russia to be destroyed in exchange for protection from russia, great britain, and the u.s. the lesson to be learned here, don't give up your nuclear weapons because you can't peopl like vladimir putin. >> even can become intimidated and we're seeing that with country. i fear what that legacy is goin to be. >> i think the west made a mistake in this buildup that putin as he brought in 10,000 troops and 20,000, we will get up to 100,000 and it became ver transparent and obvious that he was going to come in and of the military equipment with it at that point i thought nato countries and western european countries and the u.s. should have anticipated what was prett obvious as an for that moment
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and i don't think they were prepared either. am i wrong? to get this could happen tomorrow also. we could get up and they can apply those for three weeks of training. we know that not from sean penn but we know that from the california national guard with 30 years of exercise training with ukraine and where they are with the ukrainian aviators to shortly before they were pulled out because of the politics in the policies related to this impending invasion now invasion. so i think we really have to rethink this because these are at this point truly humanitaria mechanisms. i want to go back to this question, poland offered 28 or 29 makes. every report says joe biden vetoed that.
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forget politics, i think he mad the wrong call. i think you should have not everybody says he vetoed it. >> okay,. >> 's some people say that people were meant to be, it became overt and that compromis these nato partners, what matters to me, and what's true is for two squadrons is probabl what it would take from everyon that's an expert i've talked to to end this thing. and, that's about $300 million. if the nato countries would let them overfly and deliver. >> sean: i look at and i've
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had arguments with a lot of my friends here, i do not believe, i think we learn from recent history that politicians, republicans and democrats they are all gung, they start these war they don't fight them to wi them, they start the work, gung and then they politicize the wa and then we lose our national treasure, our sons and daughters . i've met many of them in the course of my life, like the disaster in afghanistan, they pull out. ronald reagan had a doctrine in the doctrine was in the case of the former soviet union invadin afghanistan in the 80s. provides tenure missions. they were able to defeat the former soviet union. i support that doctrine, i support the trump doctrine that if you're going to fight a war, you pushbuttons using new weaponry and technology and you bomb the living the adam shift
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out of them and they will give you a chance to respond. those are two doctrines i believe in. if we were to apply those doctrines here, i believe ukraine would win. >> this is what we have to know is that the ukrainians are fighting to win. they are fighting to win for th very thing were able to do righ now, to be free, to dream, and that is what we say we represen as americans. we have a great example of fighting to win. there is another part of it because we talked about the military part of its. the civilian part of it as you see conflicts on journalists, yes, tragically some die, but i'm going to finish my point, over in over, we can watch it o tv, why? because you can be smart and yo can know where the strategic zones are, whether it's a
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traditional war or not, and people can move, so one of the things were not seeing, we're not seen by any scale with you in organizations is operating they can. we talk about security and aid and supplies. for civilians and many cases so one of the things i want to say is about what it is being there. its that's of course there are risks when in the conflicts on. it is not what we picture so often about here we come to sav the day foreigners, you take on car and one truck of supplies that border, give that truck an those supplies to ukrainians wh aren't going to leave if you as them to, and are going to be at risk with or without our help, so we might as well give them the help, they will subbrand th
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supplies to where they need to go. >> sean: how is that any different than supply the drones , supply the javelins, supply the stingers? >> i'm not talking about anybody's doctrine. >> know no, but the antimissile systems, the antiaircraft systems. and, i would give them to make spirit so we are in agreement. >> we absolutely agree. and that means defeat russia. >> that's what i'm saying, let the ukrainians fight themselves for it now i want to talk about because you been there a lot an you also went to poland and i think most of my audience agree if the ukrainian peoples keep showing the valor in the courage , give them the weapons and let them win. let's talk about what you see with your own eyes? we've we been showing pictures almost every night we see what
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happened just outside of the 30 in the last two days, we see hospitals targeted, neighborhoods wiped out, apartment buildings wiped out. and, i want to know what you see . utilities how bad it is with your eyes what you've seen. >> well, as we talked about, i was there in november, i went back and was there 37 or whatever days ago from when the invasion happened from a couple of days. most of the time my get set up. you know, i when i met with
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president kyiv to, my colleague and i making the documentary. when we met with him, it was midday. we knew there were rockets that were targeting places outside o kyiv. when we came out of where we ha been, there was a blackout in the city because of concerns about rockets. we were encouraged not to use our automobile because the wit rocket fire. we walked. and because of the experience o what this fight was about seein the faces of leadership and knots, the only thing we talked about, the only thing we felt i the deepest sense of heartbreak first for the ukrainians who
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we're going to fight, be injured , but very quickly i thought this one, this when my children are going to feel. they are going to feel it in tangible ways in their life. this is, you and i can argue al day, but i think in this countr in your way, i believe it in mine, and i think it's at risk because the great theme of the aspiration of it with all its diversity. if we will hit the greatest mos historic in our lifetime fight for democracy against a giganti superpower up a military. >> amazingly well. >> what they've had two. get that is what i felt from my time there.
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going back, the tip. principally driven by the court because we have 200 staff in an outs of ukraine. which i will make a call for help, we have help both incredible refugee, retraining' working with us imminently also got ukrainian citizens in romania, and others. but half of our staff there are now hired up since this time. that trip was targeted to get supplies into, and by the way, just for your audience, there has been a little shift here in the humanitarian that is up to level four vests, body armor.
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that is approved for humanitarian organizations. >> i will say, poland has been the most impressive country of all to me they been the bravest and they've absorbed the most population. here is what i want to stay about 32. i been critical of the ukrainia government. it's a separate issue for a separate day. i watch this comedian get elected on a corruption platform . this all starts unfolding. what impresses me about them is that there are many leaders in the world, in similar situation as he has been in, offered asylum. a bet it was even asylum here and been told by my sources. they back a private jet full of cash.
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they get out, and he didn't do that, he puts on barty armor, h went around the world they making from help for the world not boots on the ground, he's asking for munitions in humanitarian assistance. that impresses me because most other, many other leaders would not have done that. i'll give you the last thoughts on him and what you think they need the most great i will let you sum it up. >> i talked to the mayor of b 3 the former world heavyweight champion, this was in november, this was somebody who very well could have run against him in this election and perhaps beate him. we talked to a lot of people that seem to be the consensus that this would be competitive. he didn't have a lot of praise for the president.
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as we're sitting here, this ver powerful figure has enlisted he is in the fight. this is leadership, you talk about leadership, we talk to leaders. no one on the planet has been tested in leadership. >> you are really emotional about the spread. >> i've got to tell you, as a conservative, forgets our political differences, i don't want to see one more dead kid and the streets, one more innocent woman or man dead, i don't want to see any more images and my lifetime of mass graves like we are saying i don't want to see it and we can fix these problems, we have the will and they desired to i believe. we are the greatest country on earth and i think ukrainians will win. western europe and america need
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to supply them with the weaponr to win. if they do, they will be defeating evil in our time. you know at the hannity doctrin is? if you invade a sovereign country, you forfeit your right to lead a country and you forfeit your right to live meaning latimer pruden has 2 feet forfeit his right to live ? while i think what would be mos interesting about the conversation is to ask those generals, those military commanders in russia who also have been sanctioned for their education are going to end thei education there a lot of other places, if i am, i don't want t invest in a conversation not that i don't have it privately about my feelings about what direct action cut should happen to a leader that does that, but if there is a god, there will b
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vengeance beyond all possible comprehension. >> sean: when we come back, weigh interview with the one an weigh interview with the one an only piers . i have jaybirds that come when i call. i know how important it is to feed your body good nutrition. i heard about prevagen and i heard about the research behind it. taking prevagen, i have noticed that i can think clearly. my memory is better. i can say that prevagen is one of the most outstanding supplements i've ever taken. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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♪ >> welcome to fox news live. president biden honoring fallen servicemembers and the memorial day address at arlington national cemetery. as fervor tradition he laid a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier, he acknowledge more than 7,000 service members who lost their lives and the wa in afghanistan and iraq. today marks the seventh anniversary of the desk of a veteran who lost his battle wit cancer. european union lean your leader impartial on as part of the fou
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invading ukraine. the water down embargo as about long-delayed package of sanctions locked by hungry, but only assessed oil will brought in, but covers more than now back to hannity for all of your headlines. log on to ♪ >> i recently interviewed piers morgan about the debut of his brand-new show piers morgan uncensored and much more, take look. i text you the morning that you walk off the set of good mornin britain. by the way, the ratings have gone like this, they went into nosedive, and i told you, you know what i said? >> remind me what you said?
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i did say that. >> let's just show you. i was surprised, i understand about how you feel about them, i'm probably in full agreement with you, but let's show it, am curious why you reacted this strongly to that. >> i understand that you don't like her, you made it so clear and number of times on this program. and number of times. and i understand that you've go the personal relationship and she cut you off great she is entitled to cut you off if she wants too. has she said anything about you since she cut you off? i don't think so, but you continue to trash our. >> i'm done with this. >> no, sorry. >> no, sorry. can do with at this. >> absolutely diabolical behavior. >> i didn't think it was diabolical i think he got at
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instead of being mad on tv he started to say i'll come back out later. that stuff doesn't bother me everyone acts all offended, do you have any regrets at all about that? >> it's funny, because presiden trump to me i think you are reacting with the weather guy. and i agree, the president was right, i did overreact great i did exley come back into the studio after i walked out about ten minutes later and finish th show which i don't think many americans realized. what was interesting about it i there was this who had asked to come in that day giving me this personal trashing, which is fine , it wasn't really in place giving he was on my team. what has she ever dentate year? the night before after i delivered my verdict on that line -athon which i thought was so disingenuous and full so ful of lies, she discovered later commit that she had written to the chief executive at itb, my
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company demanding she fire me. i was then told on a tuesday after that show that you just showed a clip from, you either apologize to this disbelieving or you have to leave right why would i apologize? i don't think utep ever apologized if you genuinely fel that bright if that was the option, you'd have walked. that's why i walked. >> at that point, my understanding was you were handed in apology that they wanted you to read and i agree with you and i think it took a lot of courage to say no and walked, i would not have read that either, you are entitled t your opinion in the whole idea that you have a government agency that is hovering over yo and monitoring you is the antithesis of free speech. here is the irony of that, the government agency months later
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found in my favor after a numbe of complaints. and they rejected all of them and said it would've been a chilling infringement on my fre speech in which it was great so i was pleased about that. they actually found in my favor. >> last question has to do with you're on with hilmar, i would never refer to the queen is an old bag as he did, i would say yes ma'am, no ma'am, you and i would joke every time you were on and you took over for larry king and you were lecturing americans on the second amendment and guns, i was like that's only good for me because it's a part of american culture that i can totally understand you might not understand, and i get that. if i were to go over and do a show in great britain and i wer to start saying why are you calling the real family your highness, your majesty, now i would be respectful to the queen
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, she has been there seven years, i think she has been a force for good in terms of worl events, buds but, as an american , i just don't get the whole royal thing, and i'm not calling anybody your majesty or your highness except god in jesus. >> but i know you're friends with them. now, do you understand why americans look at that with skepticism? >> you made a very good point they're about cultural differences. i was very alert irritated by what he said, when he actually said i had to defend my queen against this because it's a cultural thing in our country t have our monarch. but you mentioned them the give pan painting on cnn, i would do it differently because i think you've got to be mindful if you
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are in a foreign country like america, that america has its own culture and it has a strong gun culture it's not one i feel comfortable coming from a country with no guns, but i do think about it perhaps in a ver overbearing way trying to teach americans how to one delphi freight if you try to do that with our royal family, you'd be run out of town. so i think there are interestin debates to be had about issues and i should be respectful of americans right to lead their lives how they wish to lead them . >> on the last notes, i went to great britain, i was there, there was an anti- trumpet protest going on i said let's bring our cameras down, no one will recognize me. in about three minutes we had a near riot on our hands, and apparently people in great britain are pretty familiar wit fox news. we wish you the best with the show. we always love having you, than you. when we come back, my recent
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♪ >> recently spoke with former president donald trump about th horrific economy. take a look for to give mister president, great to have your back great how are you, sir? >> and great, thank you, sean. yesterday inflation rose to its highest number in 41 years, 8.5 percent, when you left office it was 1.4 percent, toda we learned wholesale prices are at the highest they've ever bee at 11 wing 2 percent, and when you left office it was 1.6 percent. the price of an average gallon
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of gasoline when you left offic was $2.42. i paid this week and $4 71 cent to fill up my own tank, what happened, mister president in little over a year? again i think a lot of it has t do with the fact that the energ you talk about the barrel price or the price per gallon, we actually had it down to about $1.87-gallon and now you may have gotten more, but you made great deal because it's five, six, even $7 in some places. >> i followed your lead i just think that the energy is such a big factor, and it's driving everything else up. we are stopping production and closing up wells in we're going to venezuela were going to a
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dictator who everybody despised and we're asking them for oil and we have i call it, we have liquid gold right under our feet , and we're going to other countries. we are getting it indirectly, from russia, because it is indirect, but it still coming out of russia at numbers that nobody's ever gotten before by the way. we have to create a tremendous amount of oil and gas and let i be clean, and the environment m last year was record-setting, clean water and air, if you loo at the air, it was record-setting, you look at the water it was record-setting yet we weren't stopping businesses from functioning. >> at mr. president, i asked yo about this last time you were on , but it's more relevant today , and that is joe biden inherited in america that was energy independent and it america that was an exporter of
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energy. when you left the average rice avgas around the country was $2.42 a gallon. we are now setting record high after record high in terms of a gallon of gasoline. you made a good point you put all these policies in place, th alberta premier said we would b literally 900,000 of canadian oil by now w would be flowing i our country every day which would be a good deal for americ at this point. we wouldn't need toport oil as joe did last year, but i wan to get into what the solution is . they wont even consider going back to and adopting your successful policies, mr. president, the bloomberg came out with an estimate that the average american household is going to pay $5,200 a year i biden's inflation tax, the poor
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and middle-class in this country , mister president, or as you called them the forgotten men and women cannot afford tha type of money they are not goin to be able to survive if this continues. if you are president, what woul you do? >> what you're saying all sound very easy and very simple. it's not actually that simple, but i would tell you this is th biggest tax increase in history. if you will look at what inflation is doing, wages didn' go up, but their nowhere near what's being taken out of families by pure inflation, the cost of. , the cost of gas, the cost of gasoline, the price of everything is up and then the supply chain. you go to stores they can't get anything. in those shelves are in some
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cases after they are and nobody seen it. we didn't even have to discuss specified chain during my administration because it was the perfect moving machine. it was beautiful. we created the greatest economy in the history of the world. we created an economy better than any economy in history. then we got hit with a china virus and after the china virus we did one of the best jobs in the world of doing everything including operation warp speed and everything that entailed, the therapeutics, the vaccine, everything we did and then they messed it up with the mandate and they absolutely were killin our country with the mandates which should have never happened . it is so hard to hear because this was all a self-inflicted wound from inflation to the los of energy independence, it is s sad to watch. >> sean: i also sat down with
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former president mike pence and why they mishandling of the crisis in ukraine. >> i must tell you that to see the way the biden administratio has handled ukraine is testamen to historic truth, that weaknes is evil. this is a demonstration from early on, approve the pipeline, literally, virtually a gift to russia, reopen negotiations ove the iranian nuclear deal. and then the disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan, i think has created the condition that emboldened our adversaries around the world including puti and russia to do exactly what they're doing today. i must tell you the lack of a strong american response, which would not include military troops, but it would include
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redoubling our efforts to make sure that ukraine has the ability to defend itself by itself, continuing to ship arms at record pace, to have punitiv sanctions before the fact of a russian invasion which as we know has already begun, i think is a testament to the fact that the world has judged the leadership of the biden administration and found it wanting. now more than ever, we need to set a clear message of american strength. >> you say that, okay, now, the trumpet pence administration di not grant the waiver for the pipeline, joe biden did grant that waiver, they have since today announced sanctions, a reversal back to your policy, but i think there is another huge factor in all of this and
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that is one of the greatest accomplishments of the trumpet pence administration was americ was energy independent you left office leading america is a net exporter of energy, how big of factor is that in all of this? >> it was no accident that russia did not attempt to redra territorial laws in under our administration,. >> why not? >> well, in 2008, the bush administration was in it office and they went into georgia. in 2014 they took crimea when joe biden was vice president of the united states. under our administration, we came in and the first thing we did was rebuild are military. we restored the arsenal democracy, we made a commitment to defend our nation into stand
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with our allies around the worl we sent a deafening merit message of american strength. it wasn't just that, it was whe russia's allies syria, used chemical weapons on innocent civilians. president trump ordered 58 cruise missiles in in the last ministration allow them to cros the redline. then we took down isis. act of the trump pence administration was and it commitment to use force to prosecute our interests around the world and i must tell you again, that combination of the capitulation to iran, we had pu
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the sanctions in place because president trump said early on, we're going to call on our nato allies to live up to their commitments to our common defense and we are going to oppose efforts for germany and to become dependent on russia for and more natural gas. we put those sanctions into place and one step after another , it was that's communication of american strength that i think held russia at bay, but it's been th signals of weakness and most especially, the disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan to die think has emboldened our adversaries.
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i'm nonstop now, i feel way better than i did before. i don't sit down in life anymore. self-driving cars. our power grid. water treatment plants. hospital systems. they're all connected to the internet... and vladimir putin or a terrorist could cause them all to self-destruct... a cyber 9-11 that would destroy our country.
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i'm dan o'dowd and i wrote the software that keeps our air defenses secure. i approved this message because i need your vote for u.s. senate to send a message... congress needs to fix this. the choice for attorney general is clear. democrat rob bonta has a passion for justice and standing up for our rights. bonta is laser focused on protecting the right to vote and defending obamacare. but what's republican eric early's passion? early wants to bring trump-style investigations on election fraud to california, and early says he'll end obamacare and guard against the growing socialist communist threat. eric early. too extreme, too conservative
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and i have become things to all of you the longest-running primetime cable news host and the history of cable news. my team, much to my chagrin actually put together some of the highlights from the past 25 years, it's kind of humiliating to see the pictures of a much younger me. >> welcome to entity and comes on the fox news channel i'm sea hannity. >> you got is confused. we're going to be fair and balanced. they get those are the complete works of karl marx. >> the communist manifesto. >> welcome back, sir. >> roseanne, thank you for bein
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here. >> thanks for having me. >> charlie daniels, how are you? >> good to see who. >> you let me do that song and had so much fun. >> this is where the most influential abraham lincoln. >> tonight we are coming to you from mcallen, texas,. >> we have broadcast tonight from jerusalem, we are in israe where we are now about 3 miles from the gaza border. >> at 9:00 p.m. on the east coast of the united states, 90 them right here in singapore. >> this man, one of the greates of all time.
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>> this is the oval office. >> i have all the answers and i will explain them. >> we are in vietnam. >> this is it right here? >> tonight we are in london. >> who is the fastest? >> you. >> i'm a fascist. >> it's a simple question, the answer is yes, do you support new york city? >> why not have an honest conversation? just to be clear. >> it's the same that i had the last time i was on your show. >> thank you, i keep my word fo it. >> kept your word. >> more hannity right after this .
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all the time we have in the special edition of "hannity." thank you for being with us. set your dvr so you never miss an episode of "hannity.", and, and i hope you have a good night. --, and i hope you have a good night. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: "the ingraham angle" town hall from orlando florida and the american compacted. >> laura: i am laura ingraham at this is "the ingraham angle" from orlando for every american comeback town hall with florida governor ron desantis. we have an amazing crowd. [cheers and applause] i mean, i mean, this is a ragtag group but we are going to keep them here. now, last year, almost to the day, it is hard to believe it has been a few
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