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tv   America Reports  FOX News  May 31, 2022 10:00am-12:00pm PDT

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james cromwell, that will do, pig. give me my dairy. >> there was an acid attack on the mona lisa that damaged previously, thankfully it was protected. >> everyone, thank you for watching and here is "america reports." >> john: emily, thank you. fox news alert, one week since the tragedy at a uvalde, texas elementary school where a teen gunman went on a cold-blooded shooting rampage killing 19 students and two teachers. >> sandra: and bill daly will join us live with his expert take what to expect from the doj review how the officers responded to the mass shooting. >> john: begin with "america
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reports" this tuesday, the president is expected to talk, the nations faces inflation, supply chain problems and soaring gas prices, to mention a few. i'm john roberts in washington. good to see you again. >> john: and good to be with you. >> sandra: raising interest rates since the fastest pace since the 1980s and soaring prices have americans paying more for just about everything. >> john: the pain at the pump, a big bite of american's wallets, as the cost of gas surged to another record, and the economic woes could worsen. an already backlogged global supply chain. >> sandra: gene sperling is a senior adviser to the president, he will join us in moments. >> john: but first, peter doocy live from the north lawn. who is the president blaming for inflation today?
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>> peter: somebody else, john, hearing from the president and top staffers they don't think the biden administration policies are to blame for rising prices, they think a lot of the responsibility lies still with vladimir putin. the president has an op-ed in the wall street journal, part says the global economy faces challenges, exacerbated by the vladimir putin war in ukraine. supply chains that have not fully healed are causing price hikes. >> impact of putin's war in ukraine, price of diesel and gas at the pump are up more than 1.50 because we brought russian oil off the market and refinery capacity to create diesel off the market as well. >> peter: the treasury secretary janet yellen will be at the oval office meeting later today, she publicly stated she thinks the big spending plans did contribute to inflation, and
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that's not something we hear anybody that works at the white house say, that's really something we hear the president's critics keep saying. >> all of these have been created and exacerbated by bad policies in the biden administration. we have excessive spending, we have had policies that pay people not to work, we have had a war on american energy that has led to more inflation, we have had an america last agenda that focusses on ukraine's border security above america's border security. >> peter: as prices began rising last year about this time, officials at the white house would use the term transitory to describe inflation, but that kind of talk about transitory or temporary is gone. the president is looking outside the white house and to the federal reserve for help. john and sandra. >> john: hope it is transitory and not semi permanent. peter, thank you. >> sandra: fox news alert,
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federal jury finding former clinton campaign attorney michael sussmann not guilty of lying to the fbi. byron york ahead with reaction to that. and a look at whether this closes the book on the durham probe. but first, david spunt is standing by at the courthouse at this hour as the news just came in. hi, david. >> david: hi, sandra, john. this is big news. michael sussmann in 2016, september 2016 went to the fbi down the street from where i'm standing in d.c. said he had a link of information between trump and a russian bank. and he said he was coming in on his own, not on behalf of a counsel, but durham says he was representing the clinton campaign in a politically motivated way when he went to the fbi. michael sussmann 20 minutes ago after being acquitted. >> i have a few thoughts to share now that the trial has ended. first, i told the truth to the
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fbi, and the jury clearly recognized that with their unanimous verdict today. i'm grateful to the members of the jury for their careful and thoughtful service, despite being falsely accused i'm relieved justice ultimately prevailed in my case. as you can imagine, a difficult year for my family and me but right now we are just grateful for the love and support of so many during this ordeal and looking forward to getting back to the work that i love. >> david: john durham, the special prosecutor sandra, began the investigation into the trump-russia narrative, where did it start three years ago in may 2019. he has charged three people. a former fbi attorney pled guiltyy to altering a government document, michael sussmann is
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off the hook today, and another will go to trial in october for lying to the fbi. durham did not say anything after i asked if he had a comment about the verdict, he did release a statement, while we are disappointed in the outcome we respect the jury's decision and thank them for their service. and thank the investigators and the prosecution team. the special counsel losing in court, but some say he painted a narrative showing the highest levels of the hillary clinton campaign including the former candidate herself, hillary clinton, aimed at taking down donald trump's campaign by spreading false information about an alleged connection between trump and russia. sandra. >> sandra: david spunt live from washington. john. >> john: bring in byron york, you wrote a column this morning before this verdict was known that you just pointed out people
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might not have read, and titled "what did durham prove." >> the first take away, it showed some parts of the clinton campaign wanted to weaponize the fbi to launch an investigation into hillary clinton's political opponent, donald trump. and then the other thing we learned, the fbi welcomed that weaponization. we found out during the trial this false story that michael sussmann had given to the fbi about this computer link between a russian bank and the trump campaign, the headquarters, the director, the top management of the fbi really liked it. there was an internal memo in the fbi from one very senior agent to another that was introduced in the trial and said seventh floor is really fired up about this. being where the management of the fbi is.
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>> so the fbi was looking at donald trump's candidacy and as we know from peter struck and everyone else, there was a whole line of thinking at the fbi, we have to stop this guy from becoming president. bill barr was on glen beck recently and thought what happened with the clinton campaign feeding it to the media, and sussmann going to the fbi, amounted to sedition. >> i think whatever you think of trump, the fact is that the whole russiagate thing was a grave injustice, it was -- it appears to be a dirty political trick that was used first to hobble him and then potentially to drive him from office. >> at least seditious to do something like this? >> i believe it is seditious. >> john: it's a long leap to sedition. >> i'm on the dirty trick side. i think a dirty trick and indeed, the future of the durham investigation is going to be
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learning more about the dossier with this danchenko trial, crazy sounding allegations in the dossier, a remarkable dirty trick. and what we saw in the sussmann trial it moved beyond the level -- let's say a dirty trick, you work for the clinton campaign, you tell a reporter i've got a really juicy story, that's one thing. if you give it to the fbi so you can then tell reporters this is so serious that law enforcement is investigating this, that's another level. >> john: i'm wondering what happens to the durham investigation? there is the case out there, but this time in the muller investigation there were ten convictions or guilty pleas. the first test of the durham investigation has failed. >> right, one guilty plea not a huge deal, now he's lost this
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case, another one coming up. a lot of people look at the durham investigation as a way for us to find out what happened more than a way for criminal cases to be made. now, you can argue that's not the best purpose of a special counsel with law enforcement authority, but that seems to be the way it's working out. >> john: well, it's got a ways to go yet. we'll keep following it. byron, good to have you in today. and sandra, you've got some new digs to take us around today. >> sandra: we do, "america reports" launching out of studio j here in midtown manhattan today. this is a look at this beautiful studio, staircase and all as you can see behind me and useful to us, john, will be some of the walls, wall monitors we can have our camera swing around on to tell our stories the best possible way, putting elements up there as we conduct our
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interviews and tell the stories that are happening around the globe, john. a great resource for us and our "america reports" team. so we are excited to launch out of here today. >> john: that is some real estate you've got around you there. >> sandra: we are very happy about it and we plan to use every square inch of this beautiful studio. >> john: maybe put in a pool table, something like that. >> sandra: i didn't think of that, we will work on that. as we have been doing, i'll join you in washington some days, you'll join us here in new york some days and we will continue on. but it's nice to have that, and we'll be able to tell our stories even better now. >> john: as soon as people stop coming down with covid, we can start travelling back and forth again. >> sandra: we can only hope. president biden holding a rare oval office meeting with the fed chair as inflation hits the highest level we have seen in this country in decades. gas prices soaring. the dow, s & p, nasdaq continue to fall. does the white house have a real plan to avoid a recession?
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we will ask senior biden adviser gene sperling live coming up. >> john: and in uvalde, authorities admitted they made mistakes. what an investigation could uncover and whether there might be consequences ahead. >> like it says on the back of the cop car, to protect and serve. protect who? why didn't they protect kids? life... doesn't stop for diabetes. be ready for every moment, with glucerna. it's the number one doctor recommended brand that is scientifically designed to help manage your blood sugar. live every moment. miss allen over there isn't checking lesson plans. she's getting graded on her green investments with merrill. a-plus. still got it. (whistle blows) your money never stops working for you with merrill, a bank of america company.
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>> john: urgent meeting between president biden and the fed chair, yet another indicator a recession may be on the horizon. in just moments, we'll hear from biden's senior adviser gene sperling on the plan to fight
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inflation. but first. the mayor of a key city in ukraine's donbas region says russian forces have seized half his city and are destroying it block by block. meantime, president biden says the u.s. will not provide long range rockets to ukraine. senior correspondent mike tobin live in kyiv. how is russia responding to that decision? >> john, russians are praising president biden's pledge to not supply long range rockets to ukraine, but according to ukrainian sources, mlrs, is still on the table just with limited range, and that could give ukraine an advantage on the ground. meantime, russia's blockade at sea threatens the world's food supply and threatens a wider conflict. >> with russian warships on patrol in the black sea, the ports in ukraine's coast is shut
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down. a quarter of the world's wheat, corn, barley and rye are stalled and at risk of rotting. poor countries, food supply is more insecure. terrorist groups are more powerful controlling the food. why the u.s. general on the fast track to take over nato allied commander, suggested ally warships should have the route. experts say with the military stretched thin, russia would not provoke a larger war. >> risks would seem to be low, consequences for russian crossing that line are so high. >> aware of the global impact, russia has offered to ease the blockade in exchange for an ease on sanctions. ukrainians call that food terrorism. >> with terrorists, there cannot be negotiation. no release of sanctions, quite
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opposite. >> the ukrainian president spoke with his turkish counterpart about a solution to the blockade, all black sea shipping goes through turkey. john. >> john: mike, thank you. sandra. >> sandra: one week since the horrific school shooting rampage in uvalde, texas and devastated parents are searching for ends as they mourn their loved ones. the justice department is investigating why officers at the scene waited almost an hour to breach the classroom door where the gunman barricaded himself despite numerous pleas of help from students trapped inside. bill daly is here with his analysis. but first to senior correspondent casey stegall live on the ground in uvalde. what are you hearing and learning about some of these victims today? >> sandra, profound sadness as
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you read through all the obituaries and see so many hopes and dreams extinguished in an attack. attack, by the way, that was underway in progress at this very hour, one week ago. at least four services are scheduled for today here in uvalde, including a funeral for 10-year-old miete rodriguez, a-b honor roll student loved animals and wanted to attend texas a&m to study marine biology. and across down, eliahana garza wanted to b a teacher when she grew up. five are still hospitalized, two are children, and those who
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survived have not been able to stop reliving it. >> i kept hearing boom boom boom, and felt like an eternity, and i had one student laying on top of me and i had a bunch of other students right over here by me and i just remember praying please god, please god, keep us safe. >> now the u.s. justice department as we have been reporting has launched an investigation specifically into the police response, what they did right, or more important what they did not do right. they have admitted mistakes were made, but in addition to the grief the people are feeling in terms of the police aspect has added a bit of anger to the equation as well. sandra. >> sandra: casey stegall live on the ground in uvalde. thank you.
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john. >> john: joining us now is former fbi investigator bill daly, and part of the doj statement launching the investigation in the response, the goal of the review is provide an independent account of law enforcement actions and responses that day and to identify lessons learned and best practices to help first responders prepare for and respond to active shooter events. could this review possibly end in disciplinary action? >> it's hard to predict right now but if they did not abide by protocols or missteps more pronounced than we know now, some things they could be held accountable for. the big thing, even if sandy hook, the pulse nightclub shooting, these panels have been put in place in order to review what happened before, during and after the incident and much like the report your reporter made on scene, people want to know what
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the answers were and last week many of us, including ourselves as we listened to what the governor and lieutenant governor were telling us, they were themselves misled by some statements they were provided by the police. so people want clarity, we want to know what actually happened, what could have been done to save any of the children or teachers. but ultimately this, i think, will provide some clart, some independence as opposed to what people thought they have not been getting so far. >> sandra: understandably so, people want answers, and what happened and when. this is senator roland guitierrez giving his take. >> every agency at that scene should be taking heat. listen, active shooter protocol say you go in. we are putting it all on the local cop, six cops beneath him. at the end of the day, the police showed up, the sheriff showed up, state troopers showed up, when did they say we need to go in. >> sandra: bill, he says every
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agency at the scene should be taking heat. you agree with that? >> everything that i'm hearing, everyone there should be held accountable, feet to the fire and taking the heat for the fact of not going in. protocols are inactive shooter situations ever since columbine have been to go into the fray, take out the shooter, neutralize the shooter, even if they have to, unfortunately, pass by people who may need medical attention, whether they are civilians or officers, but proceed forward and neutralize that threat. so i think in this case everything we know now it's clear 2020, but even at the moment it would have seemed to take out the shooter neutralize him, potentially stop additional threat, that was the way to proceed. >> john: bill, obviously in situations like this a chain of command and the person ahead of the chain of command was the police chief of the independent school district. he was telling all of the officers who were there, sheriffs, deputies, the school
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district officers, uvalde local police and the border patrol tac team not to go in. eventually the border patrol team said forget this, we're going in. when you look at the overall, he was in charge, he was the officer in charge on that day. can you make head or tail of his decision to keep everybody out? >> you know, john, based on what we know now, i don't, i can't make heads or tails of it. perhaps offer is the fact that at the time if there was an indication that no victims in the classroom of which we now know they were, they were making calls, if there was some indication this was just a shooter who was hold up in the classroom or gunman held up in the classroom and waiting for tactical units to arrive, that makes sense. we need to know what he knew at the time but in retrospect, but the calls made from the classroom would indicate there
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were victims there and a need to proceed and neutralize the threat. >> sandra: without a doubt, many schools have wrapped for the year and a lot more planning, a lot more looking back how things could be done differently, so they may prepare for what may be to come. >> and having been with the fbi early on, security analysis and reviews for major companies and facilities. i probably say my view is tighten up the physical security plans, move police in, have armed officers, have police cars out there. we can deal with some larger sociology issues, gun issues or why people behave the way they do, but tighten up the schools so finish off the rest of the year or open up in the fall, that they are safe havens and
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allow them to go back safely. >> sandra: john, absolutely devastating to think here we are one week later after that horrific event there and many of those funerals will be underway shortly. >> john: every one of them will drive home the fact could lives have been saved if police had gone in. i mean, obviously there were probably a lot of children, maybe both teachers were deceased early on in that horrific event, but 8 or 9 children were still alive, shot and bleeding out, could their lives potentially have been saved, we'll probably never know. but columbine was 23 years ago, and after columbine, the paradigm changed. you don't wait, you go in, you neutralize the shooter and then you assess the situation. >> sandra: we will have more on that coming up next hour. john, meanwhile, president biden is meeting with the federal reserve chair, inflation at the
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highest level in decades, as last month's personal savings rate dropped to the lowest level since 2008, fueling fears of the big "r" word, recession. joining us now, senior adviser to president biden. thank you for joining us today, appreciate your time. is that going to happen, do you believe this country is entering a recession? >> i'm not in the forecast business, but here is where i would strike somewhat more reassuring note. there's no question that we had record job creation and record drops in unemployment during our, this recovery. but that we do now need to transition to a more stable and balanced growth with lower prices, and we believe that when you look at the strengths that have come out of this recovery that are in the u.s. economy,
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that we are better positioned than really any nation in the world to make that transition even in the face of the steps that independent monetary authorities will make to dampen the global inflationary appreciates hitting u.s. consumers. and i think give some of those indicators are the fact that we brought back 3.8 million americans into the workforce that actually when you look at a more complete view of household balance sheets you see as j.p. morgan put out the other day the checking accounts are actually stronger up and down the income level than they were in 2019. the credit card balances and household debt service are very low. that businesses have now built up inventories and so we are going to have less price hikes related to supply constraints. so i think when you look overall, we believe that we are well positioned to make this
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transition to a more balanced and economic growth with lower prices without giving up many of those historic gains that in fact many historic gains will be the source of resilience to that transition to a more stable economic can growth. >> john: gene, among the records the white house set that you pointed out there is also 40-year record on inflation. something that did not go unnoticed by "the washington post," article today talking about the missteps the president and administration officials made with respect, they note u.s. policy makers misjudged inflation threat until it was too late. officials often played down rising prices as problems mounted around the world. question to you, was the white house fiddling as rome began to burn? >> not at all. look, globally there is no question that a few things have
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happened that have certainly affected what people thought. really experts all over the world thought was the expected trajectory of inflation. one, there's no question that delta and omicron slowed the supply aside correction. there's no question that putin and his aggression has had a major negative impact on global energy prices and the u.s., a gallon of gas is 3.31 on january 17th when putin first moved troops to the border in belarus, now they are 1.31 higher. so there's no question there have been things that have affected global inflation. and just today you saw the euro say their inflation was 8.1%, and the 38 largest economy, 8.8%.
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u.k. at 9%. so this is a global inflation issue that has been affected by things like the aggression in ukraine that were hard to predict. >> sandra: this is america and we have shown historically -- we are able to tackle inflation when we take the right steps. and let me just ask you something, gene. how can we be assured this is a white house that's going to take this supply chain crisis, this inflation crisis seriously when the president's own chief of staff ron klain in october referenced the supply chain crisis as a high class problem. does the white house see it as a problem for everyday hard working americans? >> we do see this as a serious problem, and while we cite the global numbers to make clear that this is a global phenomenon, we are very aware every day that's of little comfort to an american family going up to the gas pump or the
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grocery line and seeing higher prices. and so you see the president today meeting with the -- with the federal reserve chairman. what you also saw in the op-ed was him laying out his approach. one of the first things he said was that he would completely respect the independence of the federal reserve even in this tough time. now, that's not necessarily the usual thing, since the 1960s, five different presidents, including the prior president, have sought to berate or interfere or bully or intimidate the federal reserve when it had to take tough steps to tame inflation. now you are seeing a president stepping back and saying he's going to respect the independence and the room they need. and everything to lower prices on families, including historic spr strategic petroleum release
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and the fact that we are -- that we are seeing significant deficit reduction. 1.5 trillion in deficit reduction we know will dampen inflationary pleasures. >> sandra: reaction rather than the president ahead of the problem? you had larry summers, steve ratner warning about inflation on the way well over a year ago. well before putin invaded ukraine. >> i think that we have been following -- we have been where most experts around the world, including our federal reserve, including other central banks have been, and we have always been focussed on it and adjusted as we saw the impact of the variants on the supply chain as we saw the impact on russia. we have obviously only heightened our focus on bringing
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prices down. the president says often, you know, his focus is on working american families, and he knows that even with the record job growth, even with the record drops in unemployment, even with the fact that there are so many families out there where someone is able to get a raise, a promotion, leave for a new job, he knows it is the higher prices at the gas pump and the grocery line that you know, affect people and he said, he grew up in a family those price increases hurt them. so no, i think we have -- i think we have focussed on it the whole time. but look, when things change, when forecasts and the reality gets worse, you adjust. that's what we do when you are in the white house, that's what this president is doing. >> john: gene, to sandra's point, you talk about forecast, some people appeared to have very clear crystal balls while others were more opaque, including as sandra pointed out, larry summers, who wrote on march 15, 2021 "i believe the fed has not internalized the
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magnitude of its errors over the past year, operating with an inappropriate and dangerous framework and needs to take far stronger action to support price stability that appears likely." way back then he was predicting stagflation and recession. and a question that i have is you know summers very well, he used to work for president obama. why was no one listening to him? >> well, you just read a quote about larry summers, our former secretary of the treasury under president obama, critiquing the monetary policy of the federal reserve. >> john: warning inflation was on the horizon and was going to rise up and bite us in the buttocks if we didn't do something about it. >> that was -- that was his comment that you just quoted on the federal reserve. now, i'm not going to comment on it because i just got done saying we respect the independence of the fed and we
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are not in the exercise of berating them or second guessing. >> john: it was a comment on the fed but warning, contained in a broader warning to larry summers, inflation is on the horizon, it's going to bite us, and nobody did anything except to say oh, it's transitory. >> i disagree with that and i could quote you 20, 30 other experts who had different projections, who thought inflation was coming down, who thought that what happened was that the global supply chains got worse and did not react, and this particularly hurt the united states when we are the most dependent -- when higher car prices have the largest negative impact on us, we have the housing supply shortage, many of our companies like rental car companies cut down
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dramatically and had a harder time reupping. so i think that the president has been very much where the larger number of experts in the country and around the world have been and i think the idea he hasn't taken steps is not true. even during that time period, he would -- just a second. >> sandra: we have let you go on for quite some time. obsessed with bringing gas prices down, why are we at a new record high, 4.62 a gallon at the pump if this president has been obsessed with tackling gas prices and inflation. >> you know the answer, you know the answer to that. you know this is global, you read the papers today, you know the euro just said inflation was 8.1%. you read the papers that the u.k. was 9%. >> sandra: nothing we can do about it? nothing we as a country can do to bring prices down? >> i have explicitly said the
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opposite. i explicitly said the opposite. what did i say, one, you put in a strong federal reserve and respect their independence and need to take tough measures to bring down inflation. number one. >> sandra: this is serious stuff. affecting everyday americans and cutting in the ability to provide food for their families. give us a forecast, where can you have gas prices, let's say by the end of the year? where will they be? >> this is a serious issue. and what you are doing right now is trying to put me in the position of being a forecaster. and what you asked before was the right question, what are we doing? >> sandra: who is advising the president on the economy? >> as we just said, if you read. >> sandra: economist forecast. >> if you read his op-ed in the wall street journal, when you
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look at the strength of household balance sheets, the fact that inventories are higher, when you look at 3.8 million americans coming back into the workforce, all of these things suggest that we are in a strong position to make a transition to more balanced economic growth even with the federal reserve having to take tough actions and then i went through three things unlike past presidents, he was going to give all the room and independence to the federal reserve to bring down policies. two, that we were not only, because of his policies, seeing 1.5 trillion in deficit. >> sandra: it's a simple question. the president has people advising him. >> -- for the reconciliation to bring down the deficit further, further tampenning inflation. >> sandra: you are a senior adviser to the president and we are asking what can you tell the american people where prices will be a few months from now whachlt is your ability to control those prices and bring
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them down? >> what you want from your president is that they are doing everything they can, which is why he had historic release of 180 million barrels from the strategic petroleum reserve. 1 million a day, and why he's asking for 60 million more. why he's asking to bring down prescription drug costs that would lower inflation and help working families. well, look, we can just keep restating this. we face a global inflation problem. >> john: that's true, you can release as much oil as you said, the president -- it's not bringing down prices. >> and i just said that the president today, just today in the wall street journal has an op-ed going through his approach about giving independence to the fed, giving them room to make tough choices with the strongest tools, monetary tools you have seen a commitment. >> sandra: does he worry the feds has gotten it wrong? fed got inflation wrong, they thought it was transitory.
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is he confident they can get it through right? >> further dampen inflation. >> are we going to hear anything from the meeting? >> sandra: can we hear anything from that meeting, will he be on camera? >> i do not know what the press plan is. i think a meeting like that is normally kept close hold so they can have a frank discussion, and i think it's good that when a president respects the federal reserve chairman it's easier to make a discussion. he knows the president will not cross any boundaries or seek to intimidate them. president biden has made that clear, he respects the independence. he's made clear inflation is his number one priority, bringing down it prices and costs for families is their number one priority, and i think that is, shows, you know, an unusual and unfortunately too infrequent degree of leadership respect of
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the federal reserve. no, i'm not a forecaster and not going to predict. >> sandra: who is predicting for the president, that is necessary. who is forecasting for the president? for economyists that is everything. and which is advising the president? >> world -- the president has a world class team, including the secretary of treasury, janet yellen who is the only woman in the history of our country to be the c.a. chair, chairman of the federal reserve and secretary treasury and top class council of economic advisers, headed by cecilia, now princeton policy school, excellent economists but does not mean that they have crystal balls, and it doesn't mean that people can predict everything that happens, including a type of russian aggression on a neighboring european country. >> sandra: gene, appreciate you joining us.
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these are pretty simple questions, and you know, we appreciate you joining us, people want to know what the plan is. gas prices all-time high, inflation 40-year high. the president makes the case the economy is thriving. >> here is the deal. i just go through the plan and you pretend i didn't say it, you just ignore it. you ask the same questions. it's your show, if that's what you want to do, but when i'm going through this and you just interrupt i don't see how it's helping your viewers. >> sandra: we gave you a lot of time to explain. >> the last time i was on the show you were upset because i was talking about the rick scott plan that was -- >> sandra: that no republican support. >> right, and then you said oh, that's not the plan. you don't have a plan to discuss on the republican side, you have no plan. >> sandra: democrats are in leadership and the house, the senate, the white house. >> the president just laid out. >> sandra: and you want the plan to come from republicans?
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>> in the wall street journal and you want to keep asking the same question. if you would like to discuss, let's discuss, should we give medicare the power to lower prescription drug prices to help pocket books for tens of millions of seniors and working families. >> sandra: that doesn't help to fill their tanks to go to work. >> should we have a deficit neutral way of paying for childcare so more people could go back to work, earn more money and reduce inflationary pressures, all specific proposals the president has. pay for things with corporate tax reform that has 15% minimum tax, also lower the deficit and further dampen inflationary pressures. >> sandra: does the president plan to forgive student loan debt, is that a plan, is that going to happen? >> if you want to discuss them with me, we can. the president has not made an announcement on student loans. >> sandra: he will have an announcement soon you said?
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>> he has not made it yet, and i don't announce things before he does. >> sandra: would you support that if he goes that direction, is that a good idea? >> i'm going to give the president the room to make his decision. i do think the fact he has paused student loans for over 40 million americans has helped them get through the pandemic and there's no evidence that has had a negative effect on inflation. >> john: gene, love talking to you, thank you for coming on. we hope to get you back soon. clearly a lot of ground yet to till. but thank you for coming on. >> sandra: you are welcome to come back any time, appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. >> john: all right. >> sandra: we appreciate the white house joining us and we ask every day and john as you know that has not been offered to us very frequently at all but welcome them coming on, and give them the time to explain. people want to know. >> john: people want to know,
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what are they doing about inflation, no question about that. the border crisis not taking a break over the memorial day weekend. sources telling fox news more than 4,000 migrants have crossed into the rio grande valley since friday. large groups continue to enter illegally, even though rising temperatures make the trip more dangerous. griff, what are you seeing out there today? >> just, as we are just now witnessing, turn, dave, if you can follow the border patrol and the national guard just beyond the tree line from me, you may be able to hear, a helicopter flying so low it's below the tree line and we have agents going in there to find a group of migrants here in la joya, texas, and active morning, group after group, more than 200 in the very location where we were. we had migrants coming from honduras, guatemala, el
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salvador, costa rica, as well as peru. groups of single adult males, family units, women and children and some unaccompanied children as well. now, c.b.p. sources telling us over the memorial day weekend, friday, saturday and sunday, 4,084 encounters with michigans, after the border patrol chief tweeted a recap of activity, included 131 pounds of fentanyl, 26 pounds of heroin, 13 pounds of meth along with the apprehension of ten sex offenders and one assassination suspect. the former border patrol chief rodney scott told me over the weekend this is the fault of the current administration's policies, listen. >> there's no effort to actually secure the border and figure out who and what is coming in. when you create a chaotic situation like this and they have created this to do their policies.
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>> and john, we are just trying to get a better look down the road because of the active situation. now, there is federal land back here, so the border patrol is prohibiting us from going down there and getting any closer than where we are, because this administration does not want us to be that close to it. but clearly whoever they looking for, if they indeed apprehend them, and that would be migrants who don't want to be apprehended and released, we call the runners, and number of migrants part of the got-away group if the border patrol does not get them that concern the officials so very much, john. >> john: and as many migrants are coming across every month, hundreds of thousands of so-called got-aways who enter the country every year, nobody knows who they are, where they are, or why they want to be here. but the feeling is from some experts that it's nefarious
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intent. griff, thank you. >> sandra: here we go, another record today. president biden's gas price crisis spiralling out of control. national average reaching a record high of 4.62 cents a gallon. all of this despite the white house emergency oil release of a million barrels a day, and more, that's not the first time. let's bring in fox business correspondent, we thank you the white house for joining us, people want to know the plan. unfortunately, not a clear-cut answer to how they are going to solve this inflation crisis. starting with gas prices. still record highs despite this emergency release. what is going on here? >> essentially not enough supply out there, and that's the problem you would have to attack if you wanted to fix what's happening at the pump and the bad news, sandra, at 4.62, national average for regular, we are five weeks out of 4th of july, the peak of the summer driving season. and i only anticipate the price will continue to climb until then. and let me add one more thing.
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this administration loves to attack big oil and they say they are not coming to the table, not pumping more, actually they are. the peak was $13 million a day before the pandemic, we are up to 12 million a day. that's production they don't have to do because of the administration that said they will attack them and put them out of business. they are doing that for the american people. >> sandra: ok, we spoke with adviser to the president, gene sperling on this morning with the national economic council head brian deese from the white house, he joined bill this morning and a bit of what he said about all this. listen. >> we are producing more oil this year than in the first year of the last administration, record amounts of natural gas, exporting record amounts of natural gas and we have worked with the industry to encourage them to increase production even further, a million barrels a day is their commitment by the fall. >> sandra: noting also someone inside the white house who has said out loud that the goal is
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to go to 0 use of fossil fuels, he's now touting increased production at this time of sky high prices. >> what he's not telling you, only part of the story. part of the story, we have increased production since the pandemic, yes, but not near where we could be under president trump, we could be pumping 15 or 16 million barrels, so 12 is the best you are going to get and that's why the prices are high. >> sandra: inflation at a 40-year high, it's not an easy solution, many are asking whether we should have gotten here in the first place. some early warnings on inflation, we noted them from larry summers, steve ratner and others. they were raising the red flag for such a long time before this became a major problem.
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the blame has been shifted, it's now most recently exacerbated, if you read president biden's piece this morning by the putin invasion of ukraine. fair to say prices did go up after that happened but they were on the way up. >> absolutely. what vladimir putin did and smart, with respect to his own agenda, and invade ukraine and where gas prices have gone. the problem started when the administration attacked oil and gas, we had supply chain shortages, labor issues. this is all stuff the oil industry in this country has to deal with, too. they have to pay people more to operate rigs. they have to wait for parts coming in from china to make sure the rigs are safe, for example. so, they are dealing with the same struggles everybody else is on top of it and administration saying we want to switch to a green policy and everybody should be driving an electric
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car. >> sandra: people want to know what is going to be done today. when you go back, though, to what has been seen as an solution, it's to tap the spr. you heard that a moment ago. you look at the graphs, impact of tapping the strategic reserve, and we have talked to you almost every time that they have done this, and prices might come down for a short period but run right back up, and that's where we are today. >> the united states could only run for a month if we tap the entire reserve and we are not doing that. the global marketplace, looking to the forward, and spr might help for a couple of days but it's not a long-term solution to the problem, which is why we are seeing oil, the underlying
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xhod -- commodity. tr>> sandra: and doing that at a time of record prices. we'll keep watching it and hope it's a white house that's going to clearly lay out a plan. we'll listen for the president shortly. jackie, thank you very much. >> john: new at 2:00, president biden penning an op-ed saying the u.s. is better off than any other nation. larry kudlow joins us if americans will buy that. plus, joe borelli on the biggest city being accused of normalizing drug use. and president biden is getting frustrated with his own staff. all that and more in the next hour. cape, leveraging gold, a strategic and sustainable asset...
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>> i knew there would be scrutiny against me if i competed as a woman. i was prepared for that. but i also don't need anybody's permission. >> john: new at 2:00, lia thomas and a record breaking swimming career. >> sandra: what she has to say about those who said it was unfair, including from some teammates. >> i respect her decision to live her life authentically, 100%. and, but it also comes with responsibility and some integrity. >> john: lia thomas says a response to those who say they support her being trans as long as it's outside the pool. welcome back, as "america reports" rolls into a second hour, i'm john roberts in
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washington. hi again, sandra. >> sandra: sandra smith in new york. a lot to get to in this hour, in addition to lia thomas breaking her silence, and the not guilty in the trial of the campaign attorney. jonathan turley is here, not to mention the judge's own connection that had him even considering recusing himself, i should say. it's will go new at 2:00. >> john: we will begin the hour with news breaking right now at the white house, a fox news alert. >> sandra: president biden making his pitch to fight inflation, but record high prices from the gas pump to the grocery store, critics say the president and his team are deflecting. >> john: the president writing an op-ed in the wall street journal, a great transition to mean a more affordable america.
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gene sperling echoing the president's take in the last hour. >> need to transition to a more stable and balanced growth with lower prices. and we believe that when you look at the strengths that have come out of this recovery that are in the u.s. economy, that we are better positioned than really any nation in the world to make that transition. >> john: larry kudlow has a few thoughts on the so-called transition, he'll join us in just a moment. first, hillary vaughn, live at the white house with the latest from there. >> the white house says president biden's face-to-face with the fed chair is to not try to persuade powell to hike interest rates faster or the fed to do a better job getting a handle on inflation, but instead they insist the president believes it's the fed's job to fight inflation and not the president's job to meddle in the middle of it. >> my plan is address inflation,
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starts with the simple proposition, respect the fed, resuspect the fed's independence, which i have done and will continue to do. >> larry summers, a former white house economic adviser under president obama says he thinks the fed flubbed the response to inflation early on. >> i do think there needs to be considerable soul searching at the fed as to how they missed this as badly as they did. >> republicans say the fix for inflation raising interest rates is not an economic cure without its own side effects. >> put jerome powell in a box. they have to raise interest rates. makes it harder to buy a home, usually the stock market goes down as we have seen with the last few, and affect people's
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401(k)s. >> some republicans say one of the best options is stop new government spending but john, president biden is not ready to give up yet on trying to get some version of build back better through congress and on his desk. am>> john: even the fed in san francisco says all the spending is driving up inflation, so to inject even more money into the system would probably take it even higher than that. kicking us off this hour, thanks. sandra. >> sandra: let's bring in larry kudlow now, larry, welcome. fancy new studio here, one you know very well. >> larry: congratulations. >> sandra: thank you very much. people are looking for answers, gas prices high, grocery bills high, broken record, we say it every day they keep going higher. are you hearing answers from this administration, having worked inside of multiple, whether or not this white house
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plans to tackle the problem? >> larry: i didn't see anything new in the piece and i think what john just mentioned or hillary vaughn just mentioned, there is no pledge to freeze domestic spending. this piece in the journal today is just full of spending increases, spending for childcare, spending for the elder, spending for healthcare, spending for infrastructure, only p.a. is ruled out. if you are not going to cut spending, then you are not going to win the fight against inflation and he talks about how deficits have come down, that's true for this year, because of the end to a lot of the emergency stimi of march of 2021. that's it. you look at the cbo baseline you are going to run debt share of gdp 110% over the next ten years. spending at record high, 23.5% of gdp. no end to the spending and the
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deficits and the debt. and as far as the meeting with jay powell is concerned, i would like to be a fly on the wall, great fun. >> sandra: i say turn the tv camera on, let's hear. >> larry: it would we great to do that. i don't think mr. biden is going to be happy or his advisers when, if jay powell tells them what's really coming for higher -- look, interest rates today are way below the inflation rate. the fed's job to get rates above the inflation rate, shrink their balance sheet, defend the dollar and stop the huge increase in money printing. >> sandra: the white house wants the plan to be known, joe biden wrote the piece, i'll even put it on the screen. he says a plan for fighting inflation, president biden, with the right policies the u.s. can transition from recovery to stable, steady growth and bring down inflation without giving up
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all these historic gains. during this transition, a word they are using often, growth will look different. we will likely see fewer record job creation numbers ber but won't be cause for concern. >> larry: it's going to be a cause for a lot of concern, bringing down inflation is not easy. can i go back to the word transition? they started using that last week. mr. biden used it in japan. what he was referring to is a transition to a green economy, the end of fossil fuel. >> sandra: the quiet part out loud as we were saying. >> john: defending essentially high gasoline prices. oil is at $120 a barrel today. i want to tell you, any so-called transition to a green economy that ends fossil fuels would be an economic catastrophe. it would be a permanent recession. we couldn't possibly do that or afford that. the job losses would be in the tens of millions. i'm not exaggerating, a lot of
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first rate economists have made the same transition. and in the piece of the wall street journal, talks about more investment credits and more tax credits for green. the green new deal, you know, sheep in sheep's clothing, it's the green new deal masquerading as the green new deal. that dream, that craziness, that wokeness is going to destroy our economy. if that's what they mean by transition and i think it is, then we are in for it. we are in for it. >> sandra: this is brian deese, said this. >> this is the impact of putin's war in ukraine, diesel and gas are up more than 1.50 since putin started amassing troops at the border, we are focussed on doing everything we can while keeping the pressure on vladimir
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putin. >> sandra: that's the problem, said that the president is obsessed with bringing prices down and everything they can, but prices only go higher. >> larry: it's a big problem. the strategic reserve was a big failure. i don't criticize my successor, you know that. one of the things missing from biden's op-ed piece is a simple calculus, we must increase the production of oil and gas in order to bring world prices down, and gasoline prices down, and one other factual correction, they are justifying the stimulus package of march of 2021, when they said the economy had stalled when they took office. gdp was 4.5% in q42020, and 6.5% in q12021.
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there was no stall. they said the saving rate has improved. the savings rate has dropped in the last year from 12.5% to 4.5%. >> sandra: what is that a preview of? >> i think they are trying to prepare americans for a big economic hit in the fight against inflation. also tells me there's no change in their green policies, no change, no reset, and there's no spending -- >> sandra: bury delete. if that's the case, that -- we'll let them continue to try to explain their plan as they are doing and we'll talk about it on your show at 4:00. >> larry: we'll have our own plan at 4:00, we'll fix this thing in eight minutes. >> sandra: and larry is still with us, john likes to jump in when we have larry.
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>> john: well, i would ask larry what he thought of the president's op-ed, but i think he's got to prep for his show. >> sandra: he said off the top, i believe you told us, that he heard and read nothing new in that piece. >> larry: john, no -- no increase in oil and gas production, no spending freeze, and a continuation. i forgot to mention earlier, they want to raise taxes on the wealthy across the board. look, what's changed? i didn't see anything that changed. the only fun thing here will be the meeting between president biden and fed chair jay powell. now, that's going to be fun when jay says i've got to take the interest rate above the inflation rate, which is depending on how you count it, 7 or 8%. >> sandra: that gives you a great show at 4:00. we should know something by then. >> john: i wonder what people would be writing if president trump met with j. powell?
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>> larry: he did, we were not happy with mr. powell, raised rates four times in 2018, and you know what, inflation rate was 1.9%. why did he raise rates, i'll never know to this day. >> john: and the poverty rate was down to ten something. a shooting outside of a high school graduation in new orleans, it happened on the campus of xavier university where the ceremony was taking place. according to police, it was outside the arena in a parking lot after a fight broke out. fox station in new orleans reports at least three people were hurt. one person is in police custody. we'll continue to monitor this and bring you any developments. >> sandra: thank you. if you saw all the planes filled with baby formula meant a happy ending to that story, you probably don't have a baby to
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feed. the shortage is not only still a problem, but word it is now even worse. >> john: and if president biden did not have his hands full, iran is adding to the mix. saying they now have enough uranium to build the nuclear weapon the world has long feared. >> sandra: and found not guilty in a federal trial, john turley has questions how it was handled. he'll join us in a few minutes. she's getting graded on her green investments with merrill. a-plus. still got it. (whistle blows) your money never stops working for you with merrill, a bank of america company. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein.
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the choice for attorney general is clear. democrat rob bonta has a passion for justice and standing up for our rights. bonta is laser focused on protecting the right to vote and defending obamacare. but what's republican eric early's passion? early wants to bring trump-style investigations on election fraud to california, and early says he'll end obamacare and guard against the growing socialist communist threat. eric early. too extreme, too conservative
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never see, from the wall street journal, the united nations saying iran now has enough uranium to produce a nuclear
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weapon. breaking details in just a moment. but first, another fox news alert. federal jury finding former hillary clinton campaign lawyer michael sussmann not guilty of lying to the fbi. critics question how fair the jury could have been with several clinton donors on board. let's bring in jonathan turley, constitutional law attorney and fox news contributor. i'm sorry, did i -- i call you jonathan turley or jonathan attorney. wasn't sure there. >> jonathan: either one works. >> john: you wrote about the make-up on the jury. i take it you are not surprised by the verdict. >> jonathan: no, a number of us indicated you could not have a more favorable jury composition. it's hard to argue against that. three clinton donors, a.o.c. donor, at least one juror that seemed to struggle with the question of impartiality, and a
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juror with a daughter on the sports team with the daughter of the defendant. this is d.c., 90% of the jury pool voted for hillary clinton. and jurors, to be fair, often do overcome any personal hesitation, bias, pressure from the outside. but what made this case particularly curious is the rulings of the court. you know, the difference between this and the flynn trial is like night and day, in the flynn trial the judge virtually joined the prosecution team and actually used the flag in the courtroom as a prop to condemn flynn. in this case the prosecution was really faced with a series of obstacles where the court limited the evidence in the scope of examination, that durham's people could put on in the trial. >> john: the judge, christopher cooper, at one point was considering recusing himself, ended up he didn't, because his
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wife who was an attorney at one point had represented lisa page, the famous duo of struck and page. >> jonathan: yeah, and that was a lot of the optics here that concerned people. i think that durham understood that he was in fairly adverse settings for this trial. but you know, the people of good faith could question elements like materiality on this type of charge, but there is this striking contrast between how this trial was handled and prior trials under the mueller investigation. one thing that came out of this that i did raise recently is the importance that john durham produce a report. you know, many democrats came out and insisted mueller be allowed to not only produce a report but release it unredacted. i don't know durham should do
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the same thing. limitations on the trial did indicate there's a mountain of evidence that durham has, may not have revealed and that this could be an iceberg, only seen a small percentage of what he's been able to find. >> john: rewind a little earlier today. what michael sussmann said after the verdict was rendered. >> i have a few thoughts to share now that the trial is ended. first, i told the truth to the fbi and the jury clearly recognized that with their unanimous verdict today. i'm grateful to the members of the jury for their careful and thoughtful service despite being falsely accused i'm relieved justice ultimately prevailed in my case. as you can imagine a difficult year for my family and me but right now we are just grateful for the love and support of so many during this ordeal and i'm looking forward to getting back to the work i love. >> john: so said there i told the truth, but there's an issue
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here, it's whether or not what he said to the fbi, truth or not, was material to the case or whether it was just simply a lie. it looks like the jury decided it was not material to the case as opposed to a lie. >> jonathan: well, i would be surprised even if a favorable jury that they concluded that michael sussmann told the truth, you know. the texts he sent was, in fact, false, according to durham and according to the view of many people. he said i'm not representing anyone, basically a citizen coming forth with important information and by the way, that information itself was completely unsupportable. it was really almost a tin foil hat conspiracy theory that there was a secret line of communication running through a bank between the trump campaign and the kremlin. and you know, he pushed that into the fbi, just like the clinton campaign pushed the steele dossier into the fbi.
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but the jury did not really see that full context, they didn't see the pattern that existed. but i doubt he would get many takers in saying that this trial really proved that he told the truth. i think that's beyond the verdict here. >> john: all right, jonathan turley with his thoughts on the sussmann case, see where durham goes next. thank you. >> jonathan: thanks, john. >> sandra: potential game changer from the united nations, that iran has enriched enough uranium to build a nuclear bomb. the biden white house has tried to revive the nuclear deal, tehran stayed busy. the report says they have more advanced centrifuges, it would taking a couple weeks to turn it into weapons grade fuel. the regime faces pressure inside
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of its own borders. every day they are risking lives in protest and chant "america is not the enemy." critics say the white house needs to come out with a strong show of support and use this moment to ramp up pressure on the regime. and now what could be the most pressing threat to the united states spot as the top super power, china. word beijing is on a new diplomatic blitz aimed not only at increasing the communist country's dominance, but also crippling the influence of the united states. rich edson is live at the state department on that for us. hi, rich. >> good afternoon. latest theater in the power struggle between china and the west, the south pacific and nearly a dozen island nations. chinese government is trying to convince the countries to sign a security pact and for now they are resisting. state department is hosting the daily briefing right now, spokesperson ned price is up there and the last time he was
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he said that china's government has a pattern of offering shadowy vague deals and warns that importing china security forces will not help any pacific island country. that's the offer from the chinese governor, he's touring the region selling the deal to train police and expands their security presence in the island countries, including samoa, papau new guinea and another. and federated states of micronesia says it could spark a new cold war between china and the west. china has had some early success in this effort. last month the solomon islands signed a security agreement with the chinese government, could allow a chinese military presence in this country. the chinese president is also pushing the belt and road initiative, series of infrastructure projects across asia and europe, they say it's a
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death trap for developing nations. they sent two dozen airplanes into taiwan defense zone, a week after president biden said the u.s. would intervene if china were to invade taiwan pt later officials cleaned that up and said the united states had no policy change to announce, despite what the president had to say. back to you. >> sandra: rich, thank you. john. >> john: wait until you see this. more lawlessness in new york city, including video showing a man being beaten on a subway platform. that's not the only disturbing video that has new yorkers looking over their shoulders. >> sandra: and amid all the crime, the new york city health department facing fresh accusations of encouraging a crime, drug use. they say the new campaign is not helping and he is here.
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>> john: america's biggest city accused of normalizing drug use with a big new ad campaign. joe borelli says it's the wrong message to send with deadly consequences. he joins us live in just a moment. but first, disturbing video out of new york city showing an asian man attacked at a subway platform. he is kicked and beat in the head while another man holds him from behind. out of control crime in the big apple. david lee miller has got more on this increasingly disturbing trend. >> david: john, asking for the public's help to locate the two people who assaulted a 42-year-old man friday afternoon on the platform of a brooklyn subway station. shows the victim whose face is blurred struck numerous times by two men now being sought by
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police. a motive here is not clear. earlier incident, though, may have led to the assault. the nypd is also asking for the help to catch an attacker who slashed a man with a large knife on the east side. the man was trying to flee the attacker, midday thursday. the person with the knife gets off an e-bike, then chases the 29-year-old victim into the street. police say the victim did not know the person who repeatedly slashed him in the back and arm. new york mayor adams under increasing pressure to stop the crime surge met with other mayors in the state to address gun violence. the mayor called on help from washington. >> must be a national approach to this, must be national solutions that includes social media and how it is not using its communication ability to
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protect those who are being radicalized and eventually carrying out radical actions. >> david: only hours before adams spoke there was more bloodshed in the city. 29-year-old man was shot in the head outside a brooklyn deli, happened about 1:40 this morning. no details about the victim or the shooter have been released. john. >> john: it's not the big apple we knew and loved not too long ago. david, thank you. sandra. >> sandra: ok, as the city grapples with crime like that, critics are calling out a new public health campaign plastered on the subways. take a look at one of the ads here. it reads don't be ashamed that you are using, be empowered that you are using safely. we are talking about fentanyl here. ad also advises people to never use alone. take turns and go slowly. the city health department says reducing stigma can prevent overdose deaths, but critics say public health officials are encouraging and normalizing
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deadly and illegal drugs. we have reported a couple months ago they opened the first safe drug sites where users can bring their own drugs and use clean needles. joe borelli is a critic of this new fentanyl campaign and joins us now. almost hard to believe but put it on the screen and those are real signs on the subways here in new york. >> joe: real in the flesh, and a long way from the brain on drugs fried egg, health commissioner has priorities backwards, he puts masks on the toddlers, makes student athletes not play sports if they are not vaccinated because of a risk. and here we are urging people who want to use heroin or would use meth or crack or anything to go slow, take turns, start small, you are empowered. the wrong message in a city where drug use is on the rise,
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drug overdoses are on the rise. >> sandra: cdc estimates 107,000 drug overdose deaths in the united states last year, up 15% from 2020. as far as the health department, even coasters involved here asking, using cocaine, fentanyl, a drug stronger than heroin mixed in cocaine, a spike in drug overdose deaths, it has safety tips on it. that is the picture there, but we are dealing with an incredible crisis. you believe there is enough focus on it and is this being taken seriously enough? >> i think you are seeing a renewed focus out of the pandemic as public health agencies like ours and those elsewhere are renewing their focus on things they used to before the pandemic. i'm not saying there is no role for the harm reduction policies in place, we don't want people
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who are going to use to overdose. but subway, new york city public school students use a half million trips a day and words like empowering to describe drug use, it's the wrong direction. we should put focus on addiction, and cutting off fentanyl at the border and prosecuting drug dealers. we have abandoned and lost our way from. >> sandra: if you were trying to see the other side of this, first time fentanyl use, somebody does not know they have taken it or the wrong situation or time in their life and they get hooked on it, when you look at the new york city health department defending this as their let's talk fentanyl campaign trying to remove the shame from it saying every four hours a new yorker dies of an overdoes, shame is life-threatening, we want people to live, to your point about not wanting to encourage it perhaps
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is there some room here to look at their messaging and say perhaps something about this is right? we don't want those users to go underground and not seek help. they are trying to strip away the shames from above and ask for it. >> joe: the coasters were placed in bars with problems with overdose and we are not prudes, it happens where they had a problem. you target those places and naloxone in the places, a lot of room for harm reduction policies. downtown east side of vancouver and see rampant drug use all over the public streets, crisis ongoing despite years of the harm reduction policies, those are the ones you have to pump the brakes on and what are the benefits versus are we allowing people to continue their addiction. >> sandra: interesting stuff, it's a huge problem, you've been focussed on it for quite some time. the city has to do something
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about it, and happening all over the country. thank you. >> john: fox news alert, updating breaking news at the top of the hour, one elderly woman died in a shooting outside of a high school graduation in new orleans. it happened on the campus of xavier university where the ceremony was taking place and a fight broke out in the parking lot. police say they found weapons on the scene and have detained a few people for questioning. no arrests just yet. two men have non-life-threatening injuries. more developments as they come in. >> sandra: new reporting that president biden is fed up with his staff and mystified by his plunging poll numbers. >> john: mollie hemingway has a theory and live coming up.
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>> sandra: the baby formula shortage finally has the government's attention, but despite the shipments flying in, the crisis is getting worse. out of stock rate now jumping to 70% last week, and topping 80% in a handful of states, all the while parents are scrambling to feed their children. lydia is tracking all this for us. so, lydia, where is this all going next and what's the solution? >> definitely seems it's getting
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worse been better, shelves are still bare. some photos over the weekend, a target in new jersey, photos up here, basically nothing on the shelves. container here and there, but target tells me they are continuing to restrict sales, no more than four containers of formula can be purchased at a time. that's, if you can find it. parents, as you said, they are scrambling and one place they are finding supply is mexico. >> they are having problems finding their formula in the u.s., so they can just cross the border and buy it here in pharmacies or any stores. an when they got the formula, i seen three people getting formula on the other side. they have it everywhere, it's just expensive. >> we are seeing progress in formula brought in from
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overseas. specialty formula was flown in last week through operation fly formula, 1.5 million bottles. nestle says 40% has been shipped out to retailers, and the fda, 4 million from australia, and 2 million from the u.k., and a french company half a million cans should reach distributors the first week of july, but months away from seeing the crisis resolve. it could be before the end of july before we see our shelves fully stocked with baby formula again. >> sandra: such a scary thought for new mothers out there, i hope the situation gets better soon. thank you very much, hard to see the empty store shelves. john. >> john: damaging picture of a white house adrift and of a
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president frustrated he always seems to be the last one to know. nbc reports that biden is annoyed that he is told about the big issues late, including the formula shortage. and the president feels his staff undermines him when the press office clarifies his comments. sometimes walking back what the president said just hours later. white house spokesman is pushing back and says no clarifications are issued without the president's approval, but it raises questions with the midterms months away. mollie hemingway joins us know. good to have you here. extraordinary recall a, it's not the federalist or the examiner, it's nbc news. >> mollie: his poll numbers are abysmal. no denying the reality that
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things are very much adrift, so the fact that corporate media are finally admitting some of this is the important thing but what it shows about how little the white house has in terms of knowing what to do about their problems is interesting. >> john: in terms of poll numbers, you just mentioned, the white house says we don't pay attention to the polls but clearly the president does. what it said in this article. "biden is rattled by sinking approval ratings and looking to regain confidence to provide sure handed leadership he promised during the campaign." now, some things are outside of a president's control, but how much of this did he bring on himself? >> mollie: the whole article has biden seeming to blame everyone else for his problems and nowhere does he understand it's his policies that are deeply unpopular with the american people and he himself took situations such as the border which was largely getting under control at the time that he took office and turned it into a crisis that is the worst in our recorded history. you know, you mentioned the baby
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formula shortage, that should have been dealt with months in advance. >> john: and inflation talking with gene sperling earlier. >> mollie: he says he will start to work on supply chain issues. they should have been going on. energy independence he systematically took apart, day one one of the first things he did. >> john: democrats are rightly becoming worried about the prospects on november. and the article said democratic leaders are at a loss how he can revive his prospects by november. may cost control of congress. i don't know what's required here, says one from south carolina, rescue biden struggling candidacy but i do know the poll numbers have been stuck where they are for far too long. we saw this in 1992 with george
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bush. poll numbers from 89% approval rating to 29% and then started to go back up. but people's minds were made up at a low point and never required. >> mollie: the media said he would be a unifier, a moderate, and we have found none of those adjectives are for what's going on. and not like democrats in congress or the senate are opposed to any of the policy prescriptions biden has put for the and the policies driving his approval numbers lower than even president trump's, who dealt with a hostile media environment. >> john: interesting part of the article, clean-up on aisle five. he makes it clear in statements, only to have aides rush to explain he actually meant something else. the so-called clean-up campaign he told advisers undermines him
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and the authenticity that fueled his rise. >> mollie: he called for regime change in russia. >> john: and also a little invasion is probably ok. >> mollie: not having a clear cohesive message, but calling for regime change of putin, a huge escalation that needed to be walked back for the sake of global, not to have world war iii break out. >> john: and he called to ban nine millimeter weapons. >> mollie: it's on competence and the world around him and until that's dealt with you will have the conflicts between what the administration says and biden says. >> sandra: getting a little bit of idea of what happened behind closed doors there with the meeting with the federal reserve
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chair and president biden on a plan to tackle inflation. hitting the wires right now, it is said the white house economic adviser on the screen right now speaking at the briefing, he just said that president biden's meeting with powell and yellen was very constructive. he says that the meeting focussed on the outlook for the global economy. he says the president underscored to powell that he will provide fed the space it needs to tackle inflation, and that the white house is tackling inflation from a "position of relative economic strength." deese on the screen, saying we can take on inflation without sacrificing gains in employment, the fear that larry kudlow shared with us a few moments ago. dip in and listen to the economic adviser to the president. >> commenting on tactics, timing
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on the monetary side. expect that from us going forward. >> is he confident that they will be able to deal with the enormous challenge, taming inflation and not putting the country in recession. >> what the president is and we are confident in we can approach this challenge and we can focus our efforts on bringing inflation down without having to sacrifice all of the economic gains we have made because of the unique position of strength that we are in. because of the progress that we have made over the course of the last 15 months. we are now uniquely well positioned to do that. >> did the president think the fed needs to revise or review its modelling and forecasting techniques given they pretty badly misjudged inflation was not actually transitory? >> that falls squarely into the category of things we will leave to the independent judgment of the fed.
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>> sandra: ok. you heard very similar questions there that john, you and i posed to the white house earlier when gene sperling joined us, whether or not this economic picture and situation has been misjudged for quite some time that has led us to the sky high record prices both in the grocery store and at the gas station. so this is the white house clearly trying to lay out its plan to get ahold of this, knowing obviously this is a big political challenge for them, just months away from the midterm elections. >> john: mollie and were discussing that before the segment, during the trump administration jay powell saw inflation where there was none, and then blinking red, seemed to miss it. people are questioning what the policy is going forward. >> sandra: we'll see what they are able to lay out, big
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questions how the fed will handle this. we'll keep monitoring it. >> john: i hope like heck they know what they are doing. lia thomas answering critics with defiance, since she sparked a fire storm over women's sports. >> trans women are not a threat to women's sports. there are cis women who are very tall and have more testosterone than another cis woman, should that disqualify them? >> john: the first trans athlete to win an ncaa division i championship. critics say she has an unfair advantage because she was born a male. the first time we are hearing her response. eric joins us with more on that. so, we heard some of what she is saying. what else is she saying? >> lia thomas says trans athletes in her view do not threaten women's sports but critics are disagreeing.
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controversial college swimmer is speaking out in an interview. says trans athletes should compete by their newly assigned gender and says former men competing against women in her view do not pose an unfair advantage in sports. thomas is the first known transgender athlete to win a college swimming title. did not transition from male to female while competing first in the men's then the women's swimming team at the university of pennsylvania to get a competitive advantage. she says she transitioned to be herself and to be able to still swim competitively at the school. >> trans people don't transition for athletics. we transition to be happy and authentic and our true selves. transitioning to get an advantage is not something that ever factors into our decisions. >> you didn't transition to win more medals. >> no. >> thomas hopes to go to the
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olympics, and has graduated and on the way to law school. controversy will continue. >> sandra: critics are not buying what she is saying. >> they think you are taking scholarships away from female athletes and mixing former genders they say is simply unfair. zachary cook is sponsoring a bill, bar former male athletes from competing in women's sports and require team membership be based on the biological sex, in other words, what you were born as. >> boys and men should not be allowed to compete against girls and women. it's that simple. and if you identify as a woman, that's fine, but your self-identification as a woman does not change the fact you are
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a man and personally i don't think you should be competing against women and girls. >> a dozen states do ban transgender states in sports, florida, texas and georgia, the largest states, and similar legislation pending in at least eight other states, so that list potentially could grow. >> sandra: a minute left in show and i called you chad, i was reading an email, not an email, a tweet by chad pergram, looked up and said chad rather than eric, apologize. >> that's ok, that's a compliment from mr. pergram. >> sandra: you are a good sport. eric, thank you very much. >> john: it's the glasses. we are going to talk to caitlyn jenner tomorrow and a moving speech at the 2015 espy awards, said finally trans athletes are able to complete as they are, but clearly has changed her mind since then. she does not believe that people
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who were born male should be competing in women's sports. >> sandra: we look having her on tomorrow. great to be with you, john. and "top gun," full endorsement, right? >> john: go see "top gun," but in imax for the full effect. >> sandra: we were chatting about that over the weekend. live from studio j in >> i also saw "top gun." breaking now on "the story," reaction finding hillary clinton's ex-campaign lawyer michael sussmann not guilty of lying to the fbi. first, a pair of parents in a small town of uvalde texas are burying their children in what should have been their first week of summer vacation. funerals for the fourth


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