tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News May 31, 2022 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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that's a great question. ej from oregon. jesse, just saw "top gun. tom cruise is a winner, and yes, i cried." to i'm always do for a good cry, maybe i will head out tonight and check it out. maybe i will watch tucker instead, he's up next. always were member i'm watters and this is my world. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." it was a week ago today that a deranged teenager murdered 19 children and two teachers in elementary school in texas. you know this because we've had seven days of full saturation coverage and it's all deserved. given that, it's amazing what we still don't know about what happened that day. let's start, just because of the most obvious, with how the shooter could possibly have afforded the firearms he used.
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he was 18 years old, he worked part-time at the drive-through at a local wendy's, yet police said he had at least $4,000 of brand-new weapons, including two ar-15 rifles, 1600 rounds of .556 ammunition, a ballistic vest, and 60 magazines. one of his rivals was a high-end model manufactured by a company called daniel defense. according to a receipt that he posted in private message, that gun cost $2,000 and he paid in full. he could have bought effectively the very same rifle at any one store for a third of the cost. but apparently to him, price was no object. that's pretty weird. if police know where he got the money to buy one of the most expensive ar-15s on the market, they are not telling us. nor for that matter have they explained why they lied about the most basic facts of the shooting. for the first 24 hours they told us that a school resource officer fired at the government. he "engaged."
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but they must've known at the time they said it that that was not true. they must know the resource officer was not even at the school when he arrived. but they told us otherwise. why did they do that? and by the way, how long was he outside the school firing his gun at people at a nearby funeral home before he went inside and killed children? it seems like a fairly simple question, certainly an important question. last week authorities told us that he was outside the school for 10-12 minutes. here's the claim. >> we got a crash and a man with a gun. and we have responding officers. that's what it is. if it's 12 minutes from 11:30 211:40, that's the information we have. >> tucker: 12 minutes from 11:30 to 11:40. that's the information we have. but that information is clearly wrong because 11:30 to 11:40 is not 10 minutes.
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the timeline matters, so what's the real timeline? on friday, the director of texas dps came up with a brand-new timeline. here it is. >> 11:20th, the suspect vehicle crashes into the ditch as previously described. the teacher runs to the room, 132, to retrieve the phone and that same teacher walks back to the exit door at the door remains propped open. 11:33, the suspect begins shooting at room 111, or 112, it's not possible to determine from the video angle that we had at this point in time. >> tucker: so actually -- and that was the director of public safety in texas -- it was only e shooting at people. okay. but here's the key take away from that statement. here's what they want you to believe. the backdoor to the school was open because a teacher at the school left it open after going outside to retrieve a phone. so it's the teacher's fault that he was able to get inside. that's what they said. on friday. but this too appears to be
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untrue. the "houston chronicle" is reporting tonight that surveillance footage of the school shows that the teacher slammed the door after running back inside and of course that would make sense since by this point he was firing his rifle, and that same teacher was using the phone in question to make a panicked call to 911. no one disputes that. so why did the authorities tell us otherwise? and for that matter, why did they initially denied that the on scene police commander ordered cops to stand down and remain outside his children were being shot dead inside the school? on thursday, a spokesman for texas dps called that account a rumor, but there was a videotape to show that it was true, it actually happen. so the next day, forced by the videotape, texas dps admitted the rumors were true. watch. >> none at that time.
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>> why? >> the on scene commander at the time believed that it had transitioned from an active shooter to a barricaded subject. >> [indiscernible]. >> we are well aware of that. obviously, you know, based upon the information we have, there weren't children in that class and that where risk and it was in fact still an active shooter in that situation and not a barricaded subject. >> tucker: but that's not really an excellent nation of course, because no one disputes that everyone on the scene, including police, knew that he had weapons, was firing them at people to kill people and was inside the school with children. no one disputes that. so why did heavily armed police
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units decide not to stop a sailboat or executing children? if not finger pointing to ask that question, these are comp located circumstances and people make mistakes. but we are making long-term poly decisions based on the decisions that happened last week in uvalde. politicians are calling for militarizing america's entry schools and get they can't answer what the military force effectively outside this elementary school refused to stop the killing. so this massacre could have been prevented at some point. it was not prevented. why was that? we should know the answer. but don't hold your breath. no one in power seems anxious to hold themselves accountable for what happened in uvalde. and amazingly -- and this is so perverse it's hard to believe it's true, but it is -- some seem determined to make future school shootings more likely. in california, the state assembly just voted to end the
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requirement, the long-standing requirement that was put in place after school shootings, that schools alert law enforcement when students "attack, salt, or physically threaten school officials." that's no longer in place, and according to the democratic party, that's a win for equity. if we know this because the sponsor of the bill, a california state senator, stephen bradford, said so. here's what he told "the daily caller." "black students, latinx colors, students of color and student of disability's are disproportionately referred to law-enforcement, cited, and arrested." so too many latinx students in wheelchairs are apparently being blamed for school shooting so there is no more violence in california school's at all. how does that help prevent the next school shooting? it doesn't. but it starts to sing with helping prevent school shootings is not really the point of this exercise, amassing more power is the point. and we know this from what's happening north of us.
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canada's botox dictator justin trudeau wasted no time using the tragedy in the u.s. to his own political advantage in canada. uvalde is more than 2,000 miles from ottawa but because of what he was allowed to do in texas, canadians are no longer allowed to protect themselves. justin trudeau has introduced a bill that would ban canadian citizens from buying, selling, and transferring handguns within their own country. handguns were not the cause of the shooting in uvalde. uvalde is nowhere near canada, and yet justin trudeau is using that tragedy to disarm anyone who disagrees with him. by the way, that law would empower courts to confiscate guns from people, even if they not committed a crime. watch justin trudeau announce this power grab and as you do watch, pay special attention to the masked toadies behind him nodding in unison. >> we are introducing legislation to implement a national freeze on handgun
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ownership. what this means is that it will no longer be possible to buy, sell, transfer, or import handguns anywhere in canada. in other words, we are capping the market for handguns. [applause] >> tucker: was actually happening here is that people are justin trudeau know that their rule is illegitimate, they know perfectly well how resented they are, and they spent an awful lot of time thinking about civil unrest. you probably don't. you live in a democracy, so you don't imagine that anyone needs to be disarmed for political reasons, but people like justin trudeau and feel the deep resentment in them and they are fully intent on disarming the population. we reached out to justin trudeau's office today about this new law, we wanted to know if you will apply these laws to himself. that's always the first and most important test of sincerity, if it's good for me, it ought to be
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good for you too and vice versa. so in this case, will justin trudeau's state-funded bodyguards beaver be really crushing their handguns, and how about their band ar-15s? we are not allowed to know that answer because we -- "we do not comment on matters related to the prime minister's security," they respond, which means of course not. he's not that stupid, he will continue to protect, protect his own family, you will just not be allowed to protect yours in canada. aaron united states, the democrats are watching very carefully what he is up to as they plan our future here. already the rhetoric of the democratic party has changed. for years democrats, joe biden, the media, have talked about banning ar-15s, the so-called weapons of war, which are not in fact used by any military but weapons of war has been there focus. watch. >> president biden: the venom of the haters and their weapons of war. >> assault style weapons that are weapons of war.
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>> and purchase these weapons of war. >> to get these weapons of war. >> finally ridding our streets of weapons of war. >> what we should be doing is taking these weapons of war out of the hands of civilians. >> because they see with these weapons of war due on the street. >> an assault weapon is a weapon of war. with no place, no place in a civil society. >> tucker: they wouldn't know what ends the bullet comes out of. they know nothing about this topic. if they don't even know the basic crime stats. in the united states, rifles killed fewer people every year than for store knives do. the snow effort afoot to ban knives or fists but weapons of war have long been there focus, meaning ar-15s, the single most popular self-defense rifle in the united states. self-defense is the point. on sunday, congressman adam kinzinger has decided, and says it out loud, that in order for him to feel safe, we are going to need to confiscate your rifle. if because he feels unsafe.
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watch. >> congressman, you do still oppose a ban on the kind of assault weapons that were used in the shooting. can you expand my private citizens need weapons of war? >> look, i have opposed a ban, you know, fairly recently. i think i'm open to a ban now. >> tucker: can you explain, congressman, why private citizens need weapons of war? cnn anchors need to be surrounded by bodyguards with weapons of war because they are important, but you and your family, no. you don't need weapons of war. for years it's been about the ar-15, but things are changing. joe biden is now calling for a ban on the ubiquitous 9-millimeter round. watch this. >> president biden: a 9-millimeter bullet, those belong out of the body. so the idea that these high caliber weapons -- there is simply no rational for in terms
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of about self protection, hunting. and remember, it's not the second moment, it's never absolute. you couldn't buy a canon when the second amendment was bad. >> tucker: there's a guy who can't even recognize his own wife of 40 years in public lecturing us about with the rational basis is for this. "the recent when a rational basis for the 9-millimeter round in terms of self protection." of course the opposite is true. if the 9-millimeter is the main self protection round in the united states, along with the .556, at the round used in the ar-15. both of them are small rounds. people use them to protect their families, and if you take them away, americans will no longer be able to defend themselves in the middle of a crime wave that was wholly manufactured by the same people who are trying to strip your guns from me. and that's of course the point. this is a power grab, and you can be certain that it is a power grab and not an effort to make this a safer country
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because the people were calling for it are exempting themselves from its requirements once again. that is the acid test. if you are for a law, will it apply to you? to michael limburg's bodyguards carried the dreaded 9-millimeter, do they have high-capacity magazines? did nancy pelosi's body guards, but what you pay for, do mitch mcconnell's bodyguards carry those rounds? we wanted to know, why wouldn't we want to know, why don't we have the right to know? so we emailed all three of their offices today. like justin trudeau's office, none of them even replied to -- bother to reply to us. i was there they won't be disarming their own bodyguards. they will keep their own weapons of war in the meantime they will continue to pass legislation against weapons they know nothing about. they've been doing this for decades. we did a documentary on this, actually, and we spoke to probably the person who knows more about self defense weapons than any living american, one of
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the most popular figures on youtube and truly an expert on the use of firearms for self-defense. here's part of what he told us. >> and of course it is the famous tucker carlson barrel shroud on it. >> hickox 45 is referring to congressman carolyn mccarthy of new york, who famously didn't understand the firearm she was trying to ban. >> do nota barrel shroud is? >> i actually don't know what a barrel shroud -- >> senior legislator. >> so a barrel shroud makes rifle more deadly? >> shrouds that barrel. >> a lot of what people come up with, they do not know firearms, they just do not like them, they hate them, they are looking for reasons to hate them and they don't know anything about the cartridges. a bullet is dangerous, let's face it. a hammer, chainsaw, a ladder, a car. they are potentially dangerous. >> tucker: he joins us now. we are happy to have him.
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thanks so much for coming on. so it seems like the rhetoric has changed if the president and people around him are now calling for banning 9 millimeters ammo and the rounds used in the ar-15. that prints most americans from defending themselves, does it not? >> hi, tucker. well, yes, it is the most common, as you said. it's the most common cartridge probably on the planet, certainly in the united states as well as .556, extremely common and like -- light recoiling, very popular for target shooting, planking, it and the .556, the ar round, which is actually fairly light recoiling. and not considered powerful enough even for deer hunting. i think in a lot of states. so there you go. i would like to say also before we proceed, the event in texas
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is just -- rips your heart out as a former medical school teacher for over 25 years, it really is unimaginable, for a lot of people say that of how you can even -- it's on thinkable. we hear a lot -- it really is, it truly is, because you get so close to those kids in the classroom, and so whether you are a gun owner or not, it's just horrible. >> tucker: but what's interesting, we always get the benefit of the doubt to law enforcement, i think too few do, but this does seem like a case where we could learn something really important from the action and the failure to act by law enforcement on the scene, but we are blowing right past that and trying to take guns out of your closet. why do you suppose we are not learning the real lessons here? >> i don't know. almost makes you want to put your tinfoil hat on, doesn't it? and i'm not one for conspiracies, really, but these days, who knows.
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the thing that really bothers me is through the years the antigunners, they have refused to really assist and get the schools protected, if the schools hardened, get the law enforcement officers in there, get the schools protected. first priority -- this is for eight or ten years, they should have had this done by now. they'd rather focus on the firearms, inanimate objects. that's where they want all their clout going to ban guns and all the rhetoric and meanwhile the schools are not protected. they should have been protected by now. you can't protect against every eventuality, but you can certainly make a lot of progress, and they just ignore that, seemingly. >> tucker: i want to be as fair as possible. the state of california has ended the requirement to report to law enforcement students who make violent threats. can you think of any legitimate reason to do that if you wanted
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to reduce the number of school shootings, why would you do that? >> exactly. a very good point, because you see comments online occasionally. think about in today's environment, who would be silly or crazy enough to make a comment or a violent threat, anything related to hurting people with or without a firearm in a public forum to where people could hear you? you either are crazy, or you -- or planning to do something, you know? they need to look into that. >> tucker: yeah, i would say. thank you, great to see it's on. >> good to see you, thanks. >> tucker: so if you were to judge what's happening the white house by joe biden's public comments, you would suspect pretty chaotic behind the scenes. it turns out, that's not even the half of it. a new report described the
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white house as rife with managerial breakdowns, meaning it's total lunacy inside. we got details coming up. that's not the only crisis facing the said administration, gas prices have broken records over memorial day weekend, higher than you ever thought they could go and they are continuing to climb, we got details. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> tucker: how high and fuel prices go? well, we will find out. gasoline prices set a new record this weekend. reporter for fox los angeles and we are happy to have her tonight. >> good evening, everybody. you know, even for the record high right now in l.a. county, which is $6.17 a gallon, check this out. this is -- we are talking over $8 an hour. if you're looking at diesel, we looking at over $9 an hour and this is one of two gas stations in the area. tourists in the progress from florida who were just visiting and had no idea what they're going into, check this out. >> $140! to fill up my van! that's [bleep] crazy. >> crazy, but not unexpected. at over $8 a gallon, that's at the chevron off alameda in
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downtown l.a. >> i didn't want to come to the station but i kind of ran out of gas so i thought i had to had to. >> these prices are way higher than the going average of $6.17 in l.a. county. when we tried to ask why, we were asked to leave. but other than running out of gas, why would anyone pay is kind of money? >> wherefrom porter, we are here on vacation. >> okay. >> this is [bleep] -- i printed it out, posted on social media, this is crazy. >> the state attorney general, we reached out to them, they are saying they are looking into this, but honestly, there's nothing they can do unless they declare a state of emergency and i guess $8 isn't a state of emergency yet. live in los angeles, back to you, tucker buried >> tucker: looks like one to me. thanks so much for that. things are going so poorly for the white house that even nbc news can no longer ignore it. vote for biden! he's an adult!
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not anymore. here's a line from nbc. "biden is rattled by his thinking approval ratings. there are signs of managerial breakdowns at the white house." nbc also reports that biden's fear is that his aides keep walking back his demented comments. "biden was curious his remarks were being seen as unreliable." i wonder why! as he repeatedly declares war on various countries, and that's just the beginning. politico, no publication has sucked up to biden harder than politico, but politico is reporting that the biden white house is awash in malignant white super messy. are you surprised? not really, of course. "at least 21 black staffers have left the biden white house since late last year or are planning to leave soon. sources blame the "work environment," in other the racism of the biden administration. things have gotten very bad for joe biden, both public facing and internally. what are they doing about it? well, they broke glass in case of emergency and invited a
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korean pop group to speak at the white house today. watch. >> high, we are bts, enters a great honor to be invited to the white house today to discuss the important issues of anti-asian hate crimes, asian inclusion, and diversity. >> tucker: yeah, so we got a korean pop group to discuss anti-asian hate crimes in the united states. okay. good job, guys. as noah pollak points out, "the biden demonstration is defending anti-asian racial determination and university admissions in the case of the supreme court" in case you wanted to compare substance versus p.r. it's not even good p.r. it's not the first on the biden demonstration is done something like this. last august they invited a tiktok scarf to the white house because that will make things better. >> my name is cooper and this is a day in my life as a house intern. ♪ ♪ >> we did it, joe. hey, everyone! a q&a appointment, love.
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>> i didn't tell you to do that. >> it's called initiative. white house, this is cooper. i don't think so. >> tucker: yep, hate the country, trying to degrade it and it's working. the headline here is that the whites of premises and the biden white house is so intent, 21 black staffers -- can there be more than 21 total? not a huge staff of the white house. 21 black staffers have fled. speaking of the new jim crow. candace owens is the founder of the charity, probably not surprised by this. are you surprised at the racism, the white supremacy at the white house is so intense that black staffers are fleeing for their lives? >> i have to say i'm a little bit upset that i'm not involved in these strategy sessions of the white house. i just picture them all sitting around a table just quick, quick, black people are waking up and they are not happy, grabbed me and asian and put him in front of the podium, with got to shift here and shift gears completely as a p.r. strategy. this is actually what they are doing, right?
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black americans -- first and foremost, what's happening first and foremost is they are waking up to black lives matter. you have these black americans that were quite literally just given these conditions, they weren't meant to do anything, they never wanted them to actually do anything, they probably were underqualified for the positions that they even had but the idea was what, where getting on her knees literally if you're nancy pelosi, to the black lives matter narrative, she did that notorious bow, got down on one knee, and we are going to do this at show that we are going to hire a bunch of black people but we don't actually care what they think, we just need them to sit there and be black. now the black americans in the white house are waking up and going you know what, that's not okay with me, and they're frantically searching to drum up a new it narrative of hate and this one is going to be asian american, asian lives matter, quick, grabbed me k5 and hopefully america is going to fall for this when in reality, the gas prices, the inflation prices that it's just an absolute and complete joke. >> tucker: is there anything more destructive than white liberal guilt? it feels like it's hurt more
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people than nuclear weapons. >> it really has. and people are starting -- even patrice colors, the person who started black lives matter, basically said if not my fault that you guys gave me her white guilty dollars and i lied about what i did with it and bought myself an entire real estate empire, and that's the truth. it's not just black americans that need to have an awakening, it's up white americans, you have to stop allowing people to manipulate you -- hopefully we're going to start to see that as we head into this election cycle. >> tucker: people who hate themselves are not good leaders, weak men and unhappy women, that's the democratic party. great to see you tonight, thank you. >> thank you. >> tucker: brett favre, one of the great quarterbacks in nfl history, also a great guy, it turns out. really an interesting person, one of the best games ever played game the day after his father died. brett favre joins us next. ♪ ♪
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>> tucker: many, many thousands of drug addicts are living outdoors in the city of san francisco, they completely changed the city, o.d. and on drugs, committing crime, making life almost impossible for the people who live there, but the mayor of san francisco has a plan, she's going to fix this, but only almost people who happen to be wearing women's clothing are going to get her help. not making this up. jason rantz is our man on the west coast, joins us tonight to explain. hey, jason. >> hey, tucker. the mayor vows to end transgender homelessness. where not talk about home owners who identify as homeless, which are and what transgender people who happen to be homeless, which only comes for about 5% of the population according to the city and get rather than focus on getting everyone off the streets, regardless of identity, the mayor just introduced a supposedly groundbreaking five-year plan plan to end transgender homelessness essentially by creating free housing. this plan expands rental
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subsidies for the trans community while also helping to create these permanent supportive housing units for trans and gender nonconforming youth, so if you are transgender, nonbinary, or genderqueer, whatever that actually is, might end up with free housing. she points out the data, showing that lgbt tepe people, particularly youth, are overrepresented in the homeless population. that is certainly true, but it's just a data point that ignores a big chunk as to why they become, or at least stay, homeless. and it's the same reasons that thousands of other people in san francisco are living on the streets tonight. substance abuse and mental health issues. the home was lgbt population is more likely to suffer drug or alcohol addiction and/or suffer from mental health issue. but their lives are no more important than any other homeless person. she could very easily offer more funding to get the homeless people who are currently on the streets regardless of identity into treatment. but she wouldn't win any bonus points for virtue signaling nor which you quell the anger that she caused last week when she
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decided she wouldn't march in the gay pride parade because it actually banned officers from appearing in uniform. so perhaps this is one of those ways that she's earning some extra points. >> tucker: is my memory failing? it was about 20 minutes ago when the propaganda told you you don't care -- we don't care who you sleep with a nongovernment age is dependent on your sex life? it is sort of an inversion, isn't it? >> we are not supposed to pay attention to these things but now that's all we are supposed to pay attention to. jason rantz, great to see you. brett favre is one of the great football players of all time, spent 16 seasons at the cornerback of the green bay packers, we talked to him for about an hour for "tucker carlson today." not much about football, talked a lot about his relationship with his father and how his dad motivated him to have one of the best games of his life in death. watch. ♪ ♪
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>> so me and my brother, my older brother scott, were two years apart. i'm guessing we will probably -- he was 12, i'm 9 or 10. so we lived on half a mile dirt road, one way in, one way out, no neighbors anywhere remotely close. several miles away. so for whatever reason, we didn't ride bikes a lot, but this one particular day we were riding down a gravel road and i got -- you rode bikes as a kid, he probably got your pant leg caught in the chain at some point. so i got my pants leg caught in the chain and it kind of wrapped up pretty good and so we are trying to get it out, me and my brother scott, so my dad comes driving down the road from home going out. you could hear the truck coming, you see the dust. and he stops and i was telling him, telling the truth, the passenger window, there was no passenger window and the door was held shut, or somewhat shut,
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with an extension cord. so he pulls up, looks out the window, and says what are you all doing? so we are riding bikes, my parents like i caught in the chain, will you will be given out? oh, hell, i ain't got time for that. so he takes off. he gets about 50-100 yards down the road and i do that. and all of a sudden brake lights -- you see brake lights and you see the truck stop and gravel is flying, he hits in reverse and starts coming back, and my brother scott says "you better run!" keep in mind, i got my pants leg caught in a chain and i'm not running anywhere so i'm trying to hop into the woods. needless to say, it was the last time i flipped anyone off for a long time. and this was the gods honest truth truth, i told my dad that i only did that because i saw people do that when they were mad at other people.
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he didn't buy it. >> tucker: you didn't even know it meant. >> i didn't know what it meant. i just knew the people did it when they were pissed, so it was quite a bit longer before i ever did that again. but that was -- yeah, that was my dad. he was -- you know, again, if he was -- very little compassion, and if my dad would have said to me son, i love you, i would have thought dad, are you okay? you have a fever? but i knew he loved me. in his weird sort of way. >> tucker: when he died, famously, suddenly, you played one of the best games of your life the next day. >> i would say it was the best game. statistically speaking i don't think anyone can argue, just first half alone. you know, when i left the game after 20 years and i don't say this braggingly, i had every passing record good and bad that
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you could possibly own. since they've all been passed, but i say that only because only once in my career -- i think once, maybe twice did i throw for 400 yards ever. guys do that all the time. at one time i have a yardage passing record, but it wasn't because i was throwing for 4050. i have time of this game i had 399 yards. guys do it all the time now, but for me in the way i play, that was nothing short of a miracle and four touchstones at the end of the first half, so at the end of the game -- i could have ended the game right there with better statistics than i had in any other full game in my career. >> tucker: the day after your father died. >> the day after. >> tucker: how did you do that? >> it was the hardest thing that i ever had to do. there was a lot of talk prior to the game on whether or not it
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would play, speculation. meanwhile, at the hotel in oakland, i knew i was going to play, because that's what my dad would have wanted me to do, and the people who knew my dad in the way he carried himself all understood, you better play in that game. i can just hear him -- don't you sit out for this. >> tucker: brett favre, good guy, interesting guy. you can watch the entire conversation tomorrow morning, 7:00 a.m. on fox nation. so perkins khoi is the most important democratic law firm in the world, they represented hillary clinton. apparently perkins coy has been maintaining a secret relationship with the fbi. if true, shocking, congressman matt gaetz says he has evidence the fbi was operating work space within the offices of perkins coy. how can that be? he will tell us next. ♪ ♪
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when that car hit my motorcycle, insurance wasn't fair. so i called the barnes firm, it was the best call i could've made. call the barnes firm now, and find out what your case could be worth. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million getting guns off our streets. one democrat's determined to get it done. attorney general rob bonta knows safer streets start with smarter gun control. and bonta says we must ban assault weapons. but eric early, a trump republican who goes too far defending the nra and would loosen laws on ammunition and gun sales. because for him, protecting the second amendment is everything. eric early.
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too extreme, too conservative for california. too conservative i d d so my y quesonons eouout hicacase.y y son, for california. cacalledhehe bars s fi too conservative i d d soit was the best call eouout hii could've made. call the barnes firm too conservative and find out what your case all could be worth.uld've made. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ ♪ ♪ >> tucker: so much going on, you may have missed this, a jury
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today comprised of several killer hinton glimmers -- hillary clinton donors acquitted a suspect -- a former partner at the law form partners coy, the t democrat firm, the firm that wed clinton's campaign. and in that capacity, he laundered false information about the trunk and painted the fbi, so pretty tight relationship between him and the fbi. where learning tonight much more about the connection between the fbi and his former law firm, perkins coy. congressman matt gaetz and jim jordan have just received a letter from perkins coy's attorneys. the show can report expose a bit in that letter, perkins coy admit the fbi has maintained a "secure work environment" within perkins coy offices for more than a decade, going back to 2012. what to according to the letter "perkins coy as was possible to the fbi for maintaining a secure work in burma that work space, whatever it is, is still in operation today.
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ever heard of anything like this? no when we spoke to has. matt gaetz is the man who found this, a member of congress from the state of order, he joins us tonight, thanks so much for coming on. this is bizarre. tell us what it is and what you think it means. >> we got a report from a whistle-blower that we confirmed through multiple admissions, including this letter, showing that the democrat party's law, the law firm that received $42 million from the democratic party, has this colocated work space that they operate in concert with the fbi. why in the world without be the case? why would christopher wray allow it to continue? you also have to ask yourself, why within the last 12 months was the person on behalf of perkins coie operating that worksite? michael sussmann himself! we heard through this trial that you just referenced that the fbi believes michael sussmann was lying to them in 2017 when he
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was shuttling false information about trump into the intelligence process, and now we learned for four years after that lie sussmann was in fact operating this secure work environment, so what reason would there be for that, and what leverage with the perkins law firm have over the fbi given this work they are doing together? >> tucker: i know the story to the extent they can will be ignored by the media, and to the extent they can't ignore they will just say this is normal, there good reasons for this. you are an attorney, you served with a lot of other attorneys. this is not normal, correct? >> i have spoken to former federal prosecutors on the judiciary committee and throughout the country and i have not heard any describe a relationship like this with a private law firm, and especially because michael sussmann was an election lawyer. why in the world when an election where the operating this facility in this way? and are concerned is that politically motivated dirt was
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being converted into politically motivated investigations, that's why jim jordan and i are making demands for answers on christopher wray immediately, and it's my hope certainly that we shut this facility down. the democratic party shouldn't have this special access, special portal to the fbi, especially knowing what we do now, and that they were often trying to take this opposition research and then use that for law enforcement and counterintelligence purposes. >> tucker: you can't politicize the country's biggest nonperson agency, that's completely third world, and you've borne the brunt of that as we both know. congressman matt gaetz of florida, i appreciate you breaking that story for us to make him a thank you, amazing. >> we will stay on it, thank you. >> tucker: more news after the break. ♪ ♪
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>> tucker: children are the most reliable source of happiness and meaning in this life. we often make that point, because it's true, and we live it out. tonight we want to celebrate one of our producers drew carmichael, a wonderful guy, he and his wife sarah just welcomed baby william james carmichael, born about a month ago at 7 pounds 11 ounces, brother, as you can see in one of these pictures, is andrew thomas carmichael the second, he's 4. they are adding to the sum total of awesome in the world by doing that. there is nothing better, and we raise our glass to them in a heartfelt toast. congratulations. that's it for us tonight. earlier in the show we told you
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about the botox dictator in canada cracking down on gun ownership. one of the many ways that country has creeped towards authoritarianism, some are speaking out against him, former national hockey league star in canadian says we could be next. that's tomorrow, we will see you then. ♪ ♪ >> sean: welcome to "hannity." tonight america's two-tiered system of justice is alive and well. after disseminating the russian hoax in 2016, clinton campaign lawyer michael sussmann, he has been acquitted of lying to the fbi, which by the way was protectable to me and, yes, i respect the jury's verdict. my problem is with the judge who allowed a jury pool from the very liberal washington sewer and swamp that in my strong opinion was tainted. sussmann was and remains frankly a small player in this whole case, but it's what we l
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