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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  June 1, 2022 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> this is "outnumbered." i'm kayleigh mcenany with emily compagno. also joining us, carley shimkus, gillian turner and raymond arroyo. president biden seems to have an image problem and a substance problem. he's puzzled about his dismal approval ratings.
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rattled that they're lower than donald trump. the "new york post" has this advice for him. the u.s. loves a winner, not a weiner, joe biden. this comes after the reports that the president is frustrated with his staff fearing their cleanup campaign makes his look weak. just yesterday they walked back his comments again. this time on handguns. >> a 9 millimeter bullet blows the lung out of the body. so the idea of these high caliber weapons, there's no rationale basis for it in terms of self-respect. >> he support as ban on the sale of assault weapons and high capacity magazines and expanded background checks to keep guns out of the dangerous hands.
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>> kayleigh: that was the walk back. that was on inflation, the number 1 issue to voters. they doubled down on his take that it was just temporary. >> some folks have raised worries this could be a sign of persistent inflation. that's not our view. >> over time as the economy is turning back on, we see the transitory effects. that's what's been predicted. >> i'm not saying this is a one-month phenomenon. over the median turn, we'll see inflation decline back to normal levels. >> this will have transitory effects on inflation. >> the economists call them transitory effects. >> transitory taking on a different meaning. it wasn't long ago that president biden told us this about his poll numbers. watch.
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>> it's going to be up and down. that's why i don't look at the polls. not a joke. >> harris: not a joke, emily. he doesn't look at the polls except nbc, they have something else to assert. they say this. a particular sore spot is his slumping poll numbers. he's mystified that his approval rating has approached that of his predecessor, donald trump. he's lower than trump and he's twisted about it. another person close to the white house says that he gets weekly polling updates. so he doesn't look at his poll numbers but he does get weekly updates. >> emily: another example why he's frustrated over the poll numbers. he's mystified over them. what about the american people? they're frustrated. they're mystified that prices keep increasing, that the value of the dollar keeps plummeting, the leader of the free world refuses to see the writing on the wall, which is that the poll numbers reflect the absolute
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lack of support we have for him because of his dirth of leadership. americans are wondering why their dollars are not stretching as far as they used to or wondering why they can't afford to drive as far as they used to for empty shelves looking for baby formula. the problems that americans are facing are real. they impact us every day, especially the vulnerable communities and the hard-working average americans that this president purports to support. the fact that he brings it back to himself, that he has consternation over the media messaging playing cleanup every day or the apologist media and his team playing cleanup, i have a zero tolerance and zero patience for. my priority is with the american people and we need more from him. >> likely zero patience for this when jen psaki -- here's what she told us on baby formula before she exited the
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administration. >> president biden has directed the administration to work urgently to ensure that infant formula is safe and available for families across the country. this is work underway for months. >> harris: so working on it for months, carley. biden is annoyed that he wasn't alerted sooner about the baby formula shortage and he got his first briefing in the past month even though the crisis had long been in the waking. so which is it? they've been working on it for months or the president gets his first briefing? >> it's clear the president only recently got his first briefing on it. that was a major communications issue. that was the main fault of the fda and the biden administration for not being on on the of it. i did think that the nbc news reporting on the president being frustrated with his staff or constantly correcting him is fascinating. what happens is the president's staff issues a correction to the
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report about the president being frustrated with the correction. a white house spokesperson told fox news that it's not true, that's not how the president feels. all of the corrections that they have issued are first approved by the president when we know that when he was in poland and he said that putin should no longer remain in power, reporters got a correction on that two minutes later. so humanly impossible for the president to have proofed that one. when it comes to the low poll numbers, the biggest problem with this administration, feels like they're on a different page than many americans. during a time of high inflation, high gas prices, we learn that one of the next major announcements that the president could make would be cancelling $10,000 worth of student loan debt, which is just something that could increase inflation and anger a lot of americans that have already paid off their student loans or didn't go to college because they couldn't afford them. >> emily: carlie, a good point. the poland cleanup came within
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minutes. not enough time to get an okay by the president. he's barely off the stage. my thing is, sure, the president makes a mistake, what you do, you go to your boss and you say how do we fix this. you don't go and clean up his messes because you yourself are acting as president. raymond, there's this though. nbc covering for biden. here they go. any assessment of biden's performance needs to take into account the epic challenges that he faces from the start. they came in with the most daunting set of challenges since f.d.r. only to be hit by a perfect storm crises from ukraine to inflation to the supply chain to baby formula. chris whipple, an author of a book about chiefs of staffs. he says what is next? locust. biden wonders the same thing. i feel this kind of reporting for president trump when he dealt with once in a generation pandemic. >> yeah, well, it does feel biblical. i'll give them that. the question is what is the
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source of this. 80s reboots are all the rage right now. this feels like nightmare on pennsylvania avenue. a president wake up and realizes that he's not in control of his body, his voice or his administration parentally. but look, this has been going on a long time, kayleigh. the fact is that donald trump, the man you worked for, he would have never tolerated people speaking for him, putting blue dots at locations where he's to stand. this is an administration that began in a political bargain that was crafted at the beginning at a sober, constrained candidate. he was confined to his basement, he read the teleprompter. anita dunn and the folks that shaped this administration thought it was sufficient. now you so a free-roaming biden is dangerous. the things he says are not just gaffes but national security crises. the staff has to clean them up.
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that tension between the man is aware that he's been programmed for years and the reality is causing this explosion. it's ugly to watch and the americans that have to suffer through it. >> harris: reality is important, gillian. president biden with an op-ed in the "wall street journal." some of the things he said in the op-ed caught my attention. he levelled with the american people about the challenge of inflation. the first third of it painted a different picture than how americans feel. we have a scroll. we'll put it up. he says the job market is the strongest since world war ii. the u.s. economy being in a better position than any country, maybe faster growth than china. the list goes on and on. i don't know if that's how americans feel. >> that book you mentioned by chris whipple called "the gate keeper", fabulous book. it was great insight look into
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previous administrations. you might like it in familiar being a former press secretary. its a great book. i don't know chris whipple, this is not a plug. i just read the book a couple years ago. a point carley made about magical thinking here. i think there's a reckoning for the communications team at the white house. they have committed multiple fouls over the last 1 1/2 years. i don't think they have been held to account for it. they just announced a couple days ago, they're going to do this june pivot to the economy. they have not wanted to focus on the economy publicly for a while how. but they say it's time to tell the american people that despite what they believe the economy is strong and they have a handle on inflation. this underscores the crux of the problem with the communications team. they believe they can convince the american people that their lived experience isn't real. they truly believe that they can tell people despite the fact they're paying more at the pump, the grocery store for shipping,
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online shopping across the board, everything is fine and the economy is good. that's a strategy that goesn't work. you can have the clevererest craftiest messaging that anybody has come up with before but you can't convince people that their reality isn't true. it will fail every time. >> harris: wise advice. talking points don't change person reality. coming up, a "new york times" reporter tweeted out that everyone she knows wishes that they could raise their kids outside of america and what appears to be a response to the horrific shooting in uvalde. we're looking forward to that next. the powerful va home loan benefit that lets you refinance up to 100% of your home's value. and with home values rising, that can mean a lot more money for you and your family. a newday va home loan lets you refinance your home to pay credit card debt
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reporter is being slammed for claiming everyone she shows wishes they could raise their kids outside america and what appears to be a response to the uvalde shooting. the times united nations bureau chief tweeting "i'm a child of immigrants. when i was a kid, everybody knew wishes they could raise their children in america. now everyone i know wishes they could raise their children outside of america." gillian, you know, i think the american dream is still alive and well. i understand the fear of sending your children to school right now. i certainly deal with that as a mother. she went on to say that she said it was an observation she was making an an american that loves this country, this observation makes me sad, so do all of the hateful attacks. >> gillian: yeah, it's an unfortunate situation, right? i understand the sentiment behind the tweet. i think it's a bill ill-expressed. i don't think it's true. i don't think people want to raise their children here in america. i will say as a mother as well,
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it would be nice to not have to take security in to consideration when choosing a day care center for my 10-month-old daughter which i now have to do. it's a problem that we need to address. the entire country is very well-aware of that now. school safety needs to be top of mind to every parent. i will say people like the border patrol agent that busted on that scene that happened to be off duty that day, jacob alvarado restored faith not just in americans in this country but in humanity. he saved a lot of lives that day. it's important, i think, during moments like this that we don't just pile on to tragedy but we take a moment to appreciate some people that really came through. there were people that did the right thing and did their best that day. >> kayleigh: yeah, well-said. there were. raymond, a "washington post" columnist responded to the tweet
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saying this is real. i will say this is not something that i've heard from anyone saying that they would like to leave the country or that the american dream isn't here, that people don't want to come here. >> raymond: yeah, that's a puzzling comment, particularly from someone -- she's a persian from iran, grew up in the united states. she covered with distinction the collapse of iran and what happened there. so for somebody that has witnessed that, to say america is a place you wouldn't want to raise your children in, that takes real guts. but i don't quite understand it. it reflects a certain disrespect as a child of an immigrant, i can tell you, my father that came from another country served in the marines, wanted to be here. he takes this country and feels it is so precious to him. it feels ungrateful and nasty, particularly in the midst of a national tragedy like this. >> kayleigh: yeah, carley, the an is don't flee the country,
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fix the problem. i really wish both parties would get in a room and have a civil discussion. martha maccallum had one of the best solutions i've ever heard, which is having a task force of retired police officers, retired military, pay them, have several officers at schools. it's a cost -- i have talked to parents about this. they would be willing to pay. >> carley: it's a stunning reality that we are all a little too late to the game and waking up to, that schools across the country, whether you live in manhattan or pleasantville, u.s.a., need the school resource officers and the doors locked. when it comes to this woman's response, it was may to a horrific tragedy. maybe we can give her leeway. i don't know if she is a democrat because she works for "the new york times." one could assume that she could be. there's a vocal strain within the democratic party that it has a very vocal anti-american
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sentiment. when stacey abrams made that comment about georgia being the worst state, i don't think it will hurt her. a lot of people think that and it's the reality of the democratic party as a whole as well. >> kayleigh: emily, our southern border will tell a different story. we had two million encounters. there's quite a lot of people wanting to come here. >> emily: the numbers don't lie. we just honored all of those that made the ultimate sacrifice for this country, protecting people's freedom of speech and the liberties that we enjoy daily. she's the child of immigrants. i'm the granddaughter of immigrants. my family fled starvation, corrupt government and a whole host of other thing because they saw this country as a land of opportunity. i'm here representing that and them. i'm honored their legacy and their immigration by getting an education, by honoring my father
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working to pay for my education so that i could sit here and share my opinion. i represent more than me. she can say what she wants. she wants to raise her kid in a different country, fine. i'll raise mine here with honor and joy and grad -- gratitude. on our west day it's better than any other country. i don't need to hear it from a "new york times" reporter. >> kayleigh: beautifully said, emily. we're on verdict watch in the johnny depp and amber heard case. seems like everybody has an opinion on this trail. you'll hear ours next. ♪♪
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>> kayleigh: we're waiting with baited breath for a verdict in the johnny depp amber heard defamation trial. it's day three of jury deliberations. the seven-member panel has reportedly to answer 42 questions before they can come to a decision. they'll also have to weigh damages for each party as well as possible punitive damages. depp is suing heard for $50 million over a 2018 op-ed that she published. heard is counter suing for a cool $100 million. raymond, were you a big part of the pirate ship float that went down in front of the courthouse? >> raymond: i won't deny riding a float from time to time but not a pirate ship one. no, i was not part of that. someone asked me earlier, you team johnny or team amber? i have to say team johnny. my wife won't let me return home if i don't. a lot of ladies watching this trial as if it were a soap an practice feel that way. that's what this is about.
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it's not so much depp versus heard as seen an heard. the moment the judge allowed cameras in the courtroom, johnny depp won this trial. the defamation was a pretext. the realities, he wanted to reclaim his name and work again. i think he's done that by airing all of his dirty laundry and showing that amber heard is not such a great actress. i think he's damaged her in the course of this and we'll see who wins. this jury has a lot of questions to still answer if you look at that list of 48 questions that they still have to fill in. we'll see what happens. >> kayleigh: that's right. carley, i guess in contrast, the trial is about good and evil, justice and injustice, part of the questions as raymond referenced had to do with the headline of the op-ed versus the content. they said do we have to find the article as a whole was
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defamatory or just the headline. the headline said "i spoke up against sexual violence and faced our culture's wrath. that has to change." >> gillian: what a mess. their marriage counselor said they both engaged in mutual abuse. she wasn't talking about physical but she was talking about raymond. according to amber heard, yeah, johnny depp, there was physical as well that amber heard did. yes. but going back to what i was trying to say, i do think that overall this trial will hurt amber heard's reputation more because there's the audio where she admitted to hitting johnny depp. she also admitted that she didn't donate the divorce settlement money when she received praise for doing that.
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johnny depp's reputation was so damaged before the trial, i don't think it could have been more so. and he proved that he wasn't the only aggressor here. >> emily: gillian, you're on team please, god, get us a verdict. but this was captivating globally. people flied in to get this front seat to this train wreck. it had star-studded witnesses and amber used a bruise kit to create a bruise. everybody was parsing out the comments. it provided a lot of fodder. people are waiting for the explosive moment. what say you? >> gillian: i encountered some of those fans in fairfax, virginia. i covered the trial a couple days. i will reserve judgment on whose side i'm on. i'm not choosing sides even when
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i'm off the air. i he say after covering this trial, strikes me as you have these two people suing each other for definite nation to the tune of $150 million when nothing could defame their characters more, hurt their reputations more and careers more than the way they have spoken about one another on the stand. the way these two human beings talk about one another, talked to one another, treat one another, treat their families and their pets. i think it's doing a lot more damage than any lawsuit ever could. >> emily: a great point, kayleigh. made us normal americans feel better about any relationship we're engaged in since we don't engage in those terrible acts that are not suitable to talk about on tv. it illustrates that going into this trial, there was a certain narrative that was shaped by and
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furthered by the mainstream media. this trial has blown it all out of the water and shown there's two sides to this. >> kayleigh: i think you're right about that. i watched this and i could see two people that strike me as very lost, two people in a toxic relationship, two people that made mistakes and i don't envy the jury. it's impossible to untangle a lot of bad, which is what we have here. we mentioned amber heard and some of the aggressions that she was accused of. some things that stuck with me on the part of johnny depp were the alleged texts that he sent. i want to mention them. he texted he talked about a rotting cops in a honda civic. these are damning. some of his characters you'd could you see saying that. but no man should speak about a human being that way or another woman. two lost people. these are all allegations. i see a lot that i want nothing
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to do with. >> emily: that's why you save it for verbally. not texting it. in the court of public opinion, i think that it's team johnny all the way. we shall see. all right, guys. coming up, even hollywood isn't safe. actor owen wilson is the latest victim of a soaring crime wave sweeping across democrat-led cities. the details on that next. ♪♪ if you own a home and need cash, call newday usa. why? home values are at all-time highs. use your va benefit now to turn the equity in your home into cash in your hand. newday lets you borrow all of your home's value.
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♪♪ >> emily: not even the rich and
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famous are safe from the crime crisis plaguing democrat-led cities. owen wilson had $4,000 of rims and tires stolen all of his tesla while the $100,000 car was parked outside of his mansion in santa monica. the lapd issued a warning that gangs were targeting expensive cars as violent crime surges with no end in sight. carlie, must have been sweet rims, too, for that price. >> carley: yeah, my contribution is horrific out of chicago. over 97 children have been shot in chicago so far this year. i read about one of them. his name is shondel holiday. i read about something his teacher said. they were having a conversation about his aspirations. he said if i make it to 21, i want to open a music studio.
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his teacher said why would you not make to it 21? it's chicago. kids get shot and killed all the time. it's the reality of life. it shouldn't be that way. we'll continue to be experiencing horrific experiences like this, much worse than rims getting stolen off of a car as long as cities cater to criminals over the innocent. >> emily: it's horrifying. and gillian, illinois has the strictest gun laws in the country. 43 people were shot, eight fatally there. seems to carley's point, it's the same people engaging in the same crimes that we keep seeing. the recidivism, the gang bangers. this is a problem that is festering because there's zero enforcement. >> gillian: l.a. in particular is like the heart of this
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dilemma that public officials, politicians seem to be having about how to treat criminals for nonviolent offenders. do we want to lock them up or try to rehabilitate people and give them a second chance. it's playing out before our eyes in l.a.'s streets. the l.a. county sheriff's office reports robberies and aggravated assaults are up more than 11% right now over this time last year. at the same time, l.a.'s city council is now considering banning how maniless shelters from within 500 feet of day care centers and schools because assaults against children as carley mentioned are up. they're tussling with this. how do we keep different demographics within this population safe. they're not having a lot of success with it. >> emily: kayleigh, to gillian's point, they're wrestling with the definition of law and order and underscoring the
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infrastructure of the wealthy community, which the l.a. county sheriff says that gangs are targeting them. and now we have video of thieves breaking into a store with sledge hammers and security guards have been shot and killed protecting retail, kayleigh. >> kayleigh: the sheriff makes a terrifying point that we have people from out of county, out of state coming here to l.a. to do this. foreign nationals are coming here to do burglaries he said. the sheriff is trying his best to do whatever he can. you know, emily, you have the district attorney, gascon that announced 13 misdemeanors that he wouldn't prosecute because they want to reimagine public safety and best serve the interest of justice. reimagine. we heard it a lot. reimagining turns into a nightmare especially when the sheriff brings you 13,238 cases
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that you refuse to prosecute. imagine being law enforcement, how frustrating that must be. >> emily: the nightmare is the families that lost loved ones. >> raymond: they reimagined public safety but the public is no longer safe. in new orleans, we had a graduation a few blocks from where i am today. high school graduation. guns break out, a grandmother is now dead, three people are injured. one woman dragged by -- from her car. she was getting gas. they tried to steal her car. she died. this lawlessness cannot go on. it demands serious prosecution. i'm sorry. people want law and order. they don't want rehabilitation. that can happen down the road. you must prosecute and long people up. public safety is mandatory to have a just and civil society. >> emily: i don't disagree. there's nothing to apologize for in demanding law and order,
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safety and security. all right. speaking of los angeles, how some top paid lifeguards are bringing in nearly $500,000 in taxpayer dollars as their salaries. awesome work if you can score it. first psoriasis, then psoriatic arthritis. even walking was tough. i had to do something. i started cosentyx®. cosentyx can help you move, look, and feel better... by treating the multiple symptoms of psoriatic arthritis. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting...get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections some serious... and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms... or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms... develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. watch me. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need? oh, like how i customized this scarf?
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>> is america headed for recession and what is president biden doing about it? what is the the fix for inflation? texas rangers have said that local cops in uvalde have stopped cooperating. why? what does it mean? and caitlyn jenner joins us on leah thomas saying that she may want to compete in the olympics. john and sandra join us at the top of the hour for "america reports." ♪♪ >> emily: pamela anderson and david hasselhoff made millions while saving lives in their red bathing suits in los angeles on
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the hit show "bay watch." now a new report shows that some real lifeguards in l.a. county are also making bank. adam and the team at open the books found that the highest paid ocean guard made more than $510,000 last year and the next four highest paid guards made between $383,000 and up to $463,000. raymond, a life is price less. >> raymond: okay. we should have all been lifeguards. >> gillian: are they hiring? >> emily: i was. i didn't make that much. >> raymond: the taxpayer needs a lifeguard to protect them from the unions that negotiated these ridiculous fees. i can get a couple of high school kids that will be lifeguards for $10 an hour. we can save the taxpayer a lot. i don't understand this story other than unions gone wrong and people getting overpaid in a protected class and a protected
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work force that really shouldn't be. the taxpayers should look into this. this should be reformed. god bless lifeguards. there's other professions that are in need of this kind of pay scale. i'm sure you can find cheaper lifeguards. >> emily: the majority of these salaries came from overtime. so you can say don't hate the player, hate the game. >> raymond: yeah. >> kayleigh: you do. the union game. they make 15 times what the average lifeguard makes. my problem with this is the highest paid salaries are not necessarily corresponding with those that are doing the most brave acts to save people. the valor awards are not getting the highest pay like edward macko. he jumped in a gorge and pulled a man through safety through skull-crushing pressure and razor sharp rocks.
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he didn't make that much. >> emily: part of the high salaries came from a noncompete contract that the lifeguards have with the city of santa monica. it's something that the residents should take up with city council to know where their tax dollars are going. >> gillian: i'm going to take a different tact here. i'm going to say that i'm all for first responders earning more money than they do, that includes firefighters, emts, lifeguards, everyone. they should all make more money. i agree with kayleigh, the higher salary should correspond with the folks that are doing the most. some of those that had the lifeguards she mentioned that have won valor awards. >> emily: carley, i keep coming back. if your life was saved by one of these guys, if you're a family member, you're like yes. every cent worth it. >> carley: totally, yeah. i a gee with gillian. when your workplace hazard is
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sharks, you deserve all the money you can get. my workplace hazard is getting a paper cut. who am i to say they don't deserve it? and yeah, for the people that saved from possible drowning, i'm sure they would agree with me. >> gillian: we should pay all of them $500,000 a year. >> raymond: i want to renegotiate. we'll save lots of lives. >> emily: more "outnumbered" in just a moment. ♪♪
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unanimous. so we are doing two topics today, first up my top choice, jill biden has an interesting way working through disagreements with her husband and interview with "harper's bazaar," they handle by texting each other rather than fighting in front of the secret service and what she calls sexting. raymond, very smart not to argue in front of third parties, that can obviously get leak, but apparently a different definition. >> it means texting while -- i can't be explicit for a family show here. another communication lapse by the bidens. the president is angry, confused, cognitively challenged, the last thing he needs to be attacked via text by his wife.
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a kind of amber heard vibe i'm disturbed by. she's starting to look more and are -- more like lady mcbeth, now they are going to be in the national archives where we can read them soon. >> the first lady had no clue about the other definition and i appreciated the interview, she admitted calling president biden something in a text and he reminded her about the archives. >> more adults, and more adults should get on board with the fexting, not the sense raymond laid out for us. classy all the way around, don't fight in front of the kids. i think too many parents in america lay the dirty laundry in front of the kids, it's damaging and not healthy. so fext. >> a different f word, it's flaking. why flaking on your friends is
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allegedly the new normal with psychologists, experts and defenders telling the wall street journal the pandemic has made people more acostumed to plans falling through, unless you are positive for covid, if you ghost you are dead. >> especially after you do your hair and makeup, dead to me. yeah, i don't get this. still rude to cancel last minute unless you test positive for covid. i think if you don't want to go to something and you have plans on the table, the best way a to handle is not text other person and just hope they don't text you and when they don't, you have come to a mutual understanding you want to stay home and everybody wins. >> while we are on the air, i would like to admit i did this myself this weekend. i did it to our dear friend guy
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benson. guy, i'm so sorry, i was supposed to go to his memorial day weekend barbecue but i wa 10-month-old. guy, i'm very sorry. >> you have a legitimate excuse. a covid cancel, pretend you are positive or afraid to go to the social setting with the person you have made plans with because you might catch covid and i think this is all fraudulent, either stay home and don't make plans or show up and take the risk like everybody else. get over it. >> kayleigh, as a west coaster we were super flakey, i was used to being socially flakey, and the east coast people don't do that here. so i'm show up when i'm supposed
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to and never turn down a party invitation. >> i didn't know about the west coast flakyness, but the east coast, you don't agree from the get-go. there is not a covid cancel, there a 2-year-old cancel and 10-month-old cancel. my daughter is upstairs running around in multiple tutus, screaming. one of the issues. >> and saying like oh, yeah, i stayed home from the event everyone was texting, oh, you shouldn't have come, it's too close together. not my kind of people. >> i cancel on that event, too. you can't make it a covid excuse for everything, we are still shaking hands, continue with life per usual. >> one of my favorite engagements was when i ran in to you on the street on the upper west side and we had a sidewalk party for a bit, it was amazing.
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>> it was, small world in a big city. >> raymond, final words on the covid cancellation. >> i'm just happy gillian has given us permission to fext, i'll explain it to her when i get home. i'm going to write to but this. >> all right, guys. thanks for spilling the tea. now here is "america reports." >> john: emily, thank you. a roadblock in the investigation into last week's massacre in uvalde. texas d.p.s. officials say the police chief is not responding to a follow-up interview with texas rangers. >> sandra: and the school door they said was propped open by a teacher, the story is changing again. chris swecker will be joining us in moments on that. >> john: begin "america reports" with surging inflation and


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