tv Gutfeld FOX News June 1, 2022 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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"seinfeld" episode. the cleveland guardians against the washington reds. here is the big reveal. the brooklyn nets tweeted this bizarre flag compilation for pride day that its many users, including yours truly, very confused. "gutfeld!" is next. >> greg: happy wednesday. happy wednesday, because it feels like news day. i know! we got an extra day of nothing! so, remember a few months back when joe rogan got covid and the media's lying d-bags claimed he took horse pills. sorry, did i say lying
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d-bags? i mean stupid lying d-bags. >> can you believe, like, joe rogan? he's eating dewormers. >> he says he's taking several medications including a drug meant for deworming livestock. >> in case you missed it, rogan said the word ivermectin, the deworming medicine made to kill parasites and deworm animals. >> this medication causes some people in this crazed environment we're in to want to try it. that's the upside-down world we're in with figures like joe rogan. >> greg: [bleep]. sorry! horse pills? more like horse [bleep]! of course, ivermectin's been approved for human use for decades. these are the people who get everything wrong. they could diagnose what rogan nuts his mouth and miss everything that comes out of chris cuomo's. it's ironic delta would be critical of anyone about
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covid given he's a walking risk factor for every medical condition on earth. he's a petri dish wearing extra large sweat pants. he needs to mask up to limit his exposure to cinnabon. whose advice would you rather take? rogan who's built like a brick wall or stelter built like an unripe avocado. sad, the ridicule was based on a lie. one they never rescinded. rogan called out on his own medical expert. >> do you think that was a problem that your news network lies? >> dude, what did they say? >> they lied i was taking horse dewormers. does bother you the news network that you work for out-and-out lied, outright lied about me taking horse dewormer. >> they shouldn't have said that. >> why'd they do that? >> i don't know. >> greg: being the medical expert at cnn is like being
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an executive chef at a prison. it's a nice title but you won't put it on your tinder profile. months later, joe joined spotify and the covid lies came back in the last-ditch effort to stay relevant, joni mitchell demanded spotify dump rogan. joni mitchell may have lived in a garbage can since the 1970's. they went from selling out arenas to just selling out. but if you aren't familiar with neil young or joni mitchell, here is a clip of their classic. they're both from canada, by the way. must be something in the water up there.
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judging by their voices, it's razor blades. spotify shut down the whining old marches until the singers remove their catalogs from spotify. how did users react? [cheers and applause] of course, during all this, how did we cover it? the rogan story got widespread media coverage, far more coverage than how small the risk poses for young people. you have places like cnn jealous rogan often has more influence than they do. they don't like his dangerous ideas about free speech, exercise and god forbid cracking jokes. there's likely no person on earth who is doing more to dismantle segregation than him. the roster of his guests are more diverse than the olympic opening ceremonies and they're allowed to speak endlessly about whatever so the listener can decide. it's the antidote to cable
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tv where shows rely on the same people who say the same things over and over again and no wonder cnn hates rogan, he's widened the universe as they shrink it. i believe i'm the true hero. i heard rogan has a bronze but of me right next to the bong. there he is just tuesday on his podcast where he claims fox and others had his back. >> who would have thought that if you look back on the early days that we used to think of as conservative versus liberal. liberal was pro-free speech. people were open-minded, nonviolent, you know, and people were open to other people's ideas, and the right was like expressive -- suppressive, you know, nanny state, you know, condemn certain language, condemn certain behaviors. that's not the case today. >> yeah. >> today, the left has gone so [bleep] far left. >> greg: that sounds really familiar. keep going, joe ro!
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>> so radical that the right are the ones that are celebrating comedians and celebrating chappel. they had my back through all the crazy [bleep] that happened with me. it was fox news that [bleep] had my back. >> greg: so this is the point i've been making since forever or at least since kat turned 40 that what you're seeing is the big flip whereas the left retreats into a woke cocoon of intolerance. the only real defenders of artistic freedom has to be us, which is hard, like i already don't have enough to do teaching glass blowing to marginalized communities. but it was a promise we made years ago that we righties must share the risks with liberals who are under attack, even if they hate us. if we defend those who may not care for us, whether it's rogan or mar or chappell, they may at some point see the value in the mission because sharing risk is all we have in the battle for our freedom. it's also the right thing to do, and it's something we know firsthand here having endured the same treatment for decades. no one knows better than us,
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boycotts, cancel culture. i've been there. the insults, the name calling, the threats of violence, that's just what i great geraldo. we'll happily defend others even if they may still subornly claim to be liberal and they may hate us. doesn't matter. they need us more than we need them because you'll see the left split even further into warring factions in which only one side is really warring and the other side is simply leaving. it's like a spouse divorcing a super crazy partner. meanwhile, as the left makes humorlessness hysterical, the right loses its scold and replaces them with fun-loving sickos. we go from jerry falwell to this. which one would you rather have your kids grow up like? all right, bad example. and not because one is dead and the other one is dead inside. we are now the party of freedom and the party of speech.
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in fact, we're just the [bleep] party! because over there on the other side, it's no party at all. fun is eroding faster than joe biden's frontal lobes. because we know when you throw away free speech, other freedoms follow. and so does the fun, people! so does the fun! by offering your hand to the people being attacked, they often come around. you can still disagree on many things, but there's one thing you could never abandon and that's your right to speak and your ability to share it. so you're welcome, joe. happy to help? we'll pat ourselves on the back for having yours. let's welcome tonight's guests! she's so evil, dante had a circle of hell made just for her, fox news @ night anchor evil shannon bream. he's the only cash not accepted by hunter biden, former white house national
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security council aid and author of the new book, "the flaunt against the king." [indiscernible] she's like a kite, colorful, bright and hanging on by a thread, fox news contributor kat timpf. when he builds a sand castle on the beach, it's put on the market, world national champion tyrus. shannon, how are you? >> excellent! >> great to have you on our show as always. a pleasure. >> pleasure's mine. >> greg: it should be. >> yeah. >> greg: would you agree i played the main part in bringing justice to joe rogan? am i the real hero here? >> if you say so, you are. i want to see you guys do a pushup contest. then i'll be able to make a determination.
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>> greg: isn't it interesting how fox -- fox is anti-cancel culture probably because we know people screw up and we allow for second chances, and that's kind of the antidote for everything, right? >> we all need that. one interesting conversation -- another thing on any of the shows you watch, you'll hear from multiple sides. you don't just get beat over the head from one side or have exploration of ideas and nothing else. bill maher is great on this, too. when you close it down, it just gets uninteresting and i think we got it back. you specifically brought it back. i give you credit. >> greg: i've got everybody's back. >> and sometimes front. >> greg: yes, that is true. she's learning. evil shannon bream. good to see you. congratulations on the children's book. >> i brought you a copy. shannon gets a copy. >> greg: i think you're stretching it calling it a book, though. >> it's over 20 pages which
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is your limit. >> greg: that's not even the length of my monologue. >> it's got colorful pictures in it. >> greg: did you do the artwork? >> yeah. >> greg: no you didn't! this is a scam! you are crazy. >> best seller and google suppressed it today. they crushed the entire ad campaign. >> greg: really? that's good. that'll help you. they call that the streisand effect. it's true. you're laughing but that's what they call it. i didn't name it any way, isn't it interesting this whole flip? like it's the right -- i'm old enough to remember that the right was like the dewormer. they were the people that hated speech and hated comedy. it's completely flipped and now the left is the new moral majority. do you find that strange? comforting? weird? will you write a children's book about it? >> it's my sequel. i'll put gandolf the great in it.
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it's what happens in government. i spent my life in it. now i'm trying to make money, and you're not helping. basically what happens is government goes, oh, we're going to do an overcorrection. you know, crime is too high, so let's just bury everybody, and everybody is getting sick, so let's inoculate everybody. and the left is doing the exact same thing with the media and now they don't really have -- my former boss, they don't have him to knock over the head. they lost that bludgeoning pen. they say, we have to keep going. we're not going to stop. old school guys like bill maher are gone. then you have joe rogan. only people i have with joe rogan is they put on the fake indian doctor and they could have had a bolwood doctor on. i may -- bolbywood doctor on. i may decline if he asks me to come on. >> greg: trump left the trump-shaped hole -- call back to nirvana -- but any way, that they tried to fill with rogan and then they
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tried to fill it with tucker. now, i believe they're trying to fill it with elon musk. they keep thinking how are they going to do this? tyrus, you know what is interesting about this conflict between a liberal like joe rogan and the left is that they can't get him down, so that's why. if you have to adhere to every single point that they believe or you're out of the club, so if they can't pin you down -- like, you and i don't agree on a lot of things, right? >> yeah. i mean. >> greg: you don't agree on my plans for tonight. >> no. >> greg: for example. >> which is why i'm not participating. >> greg: i'm going to surprise you, though. >> it's impossible. i never give the address of where i'm staying. it's not even that they -- they always swing up, because they can't lose. you attack an institution like joe rogan or attack an institution like president trump, what's the worst thing that could happen? you get his attention. and when you get his attention, what happens? you get a lot of attention
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and you make money. and the easiest way to make money is punch at someone else's success. it's cancel culture. someone who can't go after something that can, and they find the smallest thing -- they don't take him to court or sue him saying they defamed him or hurt their feelings so they go to the social mob and cancel somebody and say -- bring up something they did, take kevin hart for example, take something he did, apologized for and never did again, they want him to re-apologize for. when he didn't, they got what they wanted. they ruined the economy enough. the economy doesn't need much more help to get ruined but they took a great comedian from it. why? because they can't do it. going after musk or president trump or anyone who's done it or made it is a target. congratulations, king of night.
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they're coming after you next. >> greg: what can they say about me that i've not already said about myself that's extremely disgusting? >> depends what time of the day they call us. >> greg: it's kind of interesting, though. we talk about this thing about sharing the risk. that's the whole point of this. it should be above -- i think as left and right fall apart, that's all that's going to be left is that it's going to be sane versus insane people. >> yeah, especially because the standards that, you know, they expect people to stick to, nobody can adhere to that, especially because we also have people -- bring up kevin hart but you have people that have gotten canceled over things they tweeted 10 years before when they were teenagers. there was that woman that is supposed to be the editor of vogue. insensitive tweets about asians she already apologized for. she has to re-apologize for it. she was never able to start that job even though you find out one of the women who was leading the charge to cancel her, she had old tweets where she was using the n-word!
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nobody -- everybody makes a mistake at some point and it's really unfair -- or it's actually just stupid to say a single comment is a snap shot that can incapsulate an entire person, because we're all a lot more complex than that. >> greg: are we, though? >> some of us. not everybody. >> greg: we're like precious snowflakes. >> what? >> greg: well, i mean -- they don't all have to be white. >> you know he and i are not white, right? >> greg: it was meant to be the uniqueness of a snowflake, ok? >> what's a creepy snowflake look like? >> greg: shut up. i'm going to the break now. you people are all awful. up next, elon musk lowers the boom on working from your living room. if you have type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure you're a target for chronic kidney disease.
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>> greg: welcome back. return to work or pack your stuff! elon musk has had enough. elon tells executives no more reports filed from inside your homemade pillow fort. everybody has those. yesterday, elon sent his tesla executive staff an e-mail with an electric fax saying remote work is no longer acceptable. "anyone who wishes to do remote work must be in the office for a minimum and i mean minimum -- hence the asterisk -- of 40 hours a week or depart tesla." 40 hours a week, that suns on like a regular job -- sounds like a regular job! he's a better boss than me. i demand 60 hours which is spent counting my money in the nude. that's so they don't steal anything. learn that from kudlow.
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he continues, "moreover, the office must be a main tesla office, not a remote branch, unrelated to job duties." translation no claiming you're getting work done in the counter of the happy dollar lap dance and kielbasa. elon pointed out 40 hours a week from the executive staff is less than what's asked of factory workers. he is not saying he's against working remotely, you just got to work 40 hours in the office first, then you can hang at home. after all, 40 hours of work isn't that much, especially for our remote writers who are as productive as they've ever been. you know, maybe i should call him up. tired of sleeping on the job! [phone rings]
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[applause] so glad i installed that camera in joe's apartment. the things he gets up to, it's almost worth him not coming in. cash, you're familiar with elon musk. >> i gave him $25 billion when i ran dod so thank you. >> greg: did you ever meet him? >> no, he never even did that. >> greg: this guy is like an old-school boss. what do you make of this? >> he's the only individual on planet earth that could take a wrecking ball to things like twitter and the work industry to revamp it to the way it was before the china virus. there's literally no other person that could do that, make $300 billion, buy an island in hawaii and kind of live the life and now the liberals who love him are going to hate him but the world, i think, will go back to normal, which is a bonus, but, um, only if you follow
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me. >> greg: you know what the thing is, another example of the flip, because remember -- and we have to be sincere about this -- even at fox, we were given -- we were trashing elon musk, right, because he was taking government money for his electric cars. >> rockets. not cars. rockets. >> greg: you got tax rebates for -- >> we gave him $25 billion for the rockets. >> greg: this is a debate. we agree with greg on this show. we don't debate with greg on this show. you've -- it's interesting how the left hates him even though he was their teddy bear when elon was pro-- >> this immigrant guy made electric cars -- everybody hates him. this is an easy troll. he said if this is
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impossible for anyone, you're really exceptional, we can work to out. he wants people who have a problem with this to quit because it is harder to get work done at home than it is at the office when i have other work to do, i'll sometimes stay here so i can get things done without my husband speaking to me. it's harder. you have distractions at home. >> there's a lot of distractions at home, kat. lots of distractions. the computer, right, that doesn't have any blocks on it, tyrus, like here. like, if i want to look at certain things at work -- >> yeah, stick to -- use your reflection on your own time. i'm not your here rohrer. -- i'm not your mirror. what he's doing -- we're not just seeing it with elon but netflix kind of did the same thing, because the production is down across-the-board and it's really hard to tell people who are on the ground working in factories and working hard whenever they have one to talk to a boss, they're at home. we're seeing the productivity is down
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across-the-board and everyone -- everyone in this audience has a complaint about some service they tried to get or something they tried to get done because people are -- people who aren't showing up to work are there -- are showing up to work are there until they leave. others aren't there. they don't have enough workers. he's starting at the top and hoping it trickles down. hopefully there's more stimulus checks coming to where people get back to work and get to working! i applaud him for doing that. more bosses need to start that. needs to start at the top, though. >> greg: everybody is petrified. they don't want to be too mean to their employees because now we're touchy feely. he's kind of refreshing. >> also because there's so many job openings. 4.5 million people quit their jobs in april in the united states of america. we have over 11 million open jobs. just like with netflix and now elon saying, if you don't like it, get out and don't let the door hit you
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on the way out, there are jobs out there for other people. i kind of think you're right. he may be prompting people to say f this is not the culture -- if this is not the culture for you, leave. you have the head of apple and goldman sachs, many other company saying, we have experienced people here. we like the young people to come in and have the base from them and learn to them. there's a corporate culture you're missing if you're at home eating pop tarts in your pajamas when you're trying to do meetings. >> greg: i don't wear pajamas. >> i was afraid of that. >> greg: i'll eat grits and bacon. >> will you cook it without pajamas. >> that's why tyrus doesn't come over for breakfast. >> there's a lot of reasons i don't come over for breakfast. food is not it. no pajamas thing is a turnoff. >> greg: if i ever run a company, there'll be no e-mails about special days, weeks or months. >> you're not having it? >> greg: tired of being told. >> there's national chocolate chip day. >> are you going to give
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mental health days off like all the other companies are? >> it's called the weekend. >> that's the weekend. that's what it is. >> greg: i agree. that's true. and on that note, "star wars" fights racism domestically, but in china, it's not a necessity. how's he still playin'? aspercreme arthritis. full prescription-strength. reduces inflammation. don't touch my piano. kick pain in the aspercreme. ♪ it wasn't me by shaggy ♪ you're never responsible don for unauthorized. purchases on your discover card.
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ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks a protein believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. migraine pain relief starts with u. learn how abbvie can help you save. ask about ubrelvy, the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. >> greg: while disney points fingers -- ingram received racist messages online since the show premiered last week. yikes, beam me up, scottie. she shared some on instagram which included use of the n-word and threats like "your days are numbered." shocking. who knew hunter biden was online? soon after the official "star wars" account tweeted, proud to welcome moses ingram to "star wars" family and excited for the story to unfold.
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if anyone intends to make her feel unwelcome, we have only one thing to say, we resist. later, they added there are more than 20 million species in the "star wars" galaxy, don't choose to be a racist. sending racist dribble is racist. have we learned nothing from when captain kirk hits lieutenant uhorah? what fans took issue with is "star wars" insinuating the ashes of a few [bleep] people represent them as a whole when they reminded "star wars" of their previous coward he's when it -- cowardice when it came to china. in 2019 when the force awakens was released, the poster featured the black actor but the chinese version minimized his presence. there's one evil empire "star wars" won't resist. meanwhile other fans pointed out "star wars" content features many black actors like billy d. williams or
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the fact james earl jones played darth vader's voice for years long before i was born. let's take a look at a clip from the first episode. >> obi-wan, you shall meet your ultimate demise. >> wait. wait. wait. wait. who is that other guy with you? >> oh. oh. that's just steve. steve and i are roommates. >> just your roommates? >> well, he's my friend. we practice some force on each other. >> no. no. no. it's cool. i brought a friend, too. this is my brunch crew. >> can i come to brunch with you? >> as long as you keep that mask on. >> steve. don't embarrass me in front of your brunch friends. brunchy, brunchy, brunchy. wahoo. >> kat you were adamant
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about doing this story. you're considered one of the nation's top experts in "star wars." >> in being threatened by "star wars" fans, yes? >> greg: all right, isn't it one of those easy ways to get attention by highlighting -- out of billions of fans, you, like, -- like, you actually project the stuff? it's ridiculous. >> such a weird thing to do to be like, here is our new character. in case you haven't noticed, she is black, so didn't be racist. like, you take race out of it and just imagine doing that with anything, you can see how nuts it is. if you posted, like, you get married. you're like, here i am with my new husband. if you think he's a schlop and i can do better, don't say that. i won't like it. like, you're putting that out there. it's such a weird, weird move. >> greg: i know. you know, tyrus, you can go on twitter and find 100 weirdoes to validate any kind of toxic belief, but meanwhile, it's that self-selection thing.
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millions of people say nothing, but that's boring. >> i mean, i can't -- i don't dig too much of my stuff but i will literally get at least five or six racist tweets at least a week. it's always the same thing. if i come across it, block. move on. i don't have time, but they never come to my house and do it. but what happens was here -- and this is where the woke -- they pick their battles. the fans were complaining about the box being checked. that the actual character was, in fact, something else, and they just filled the box and that's what disney does. they fill the box and then they complained about it. so -- and then they took the worst of 'em, they found the complete morons who make racist arguments because they can't formulate their own thoughts and that's the one they focused on to get everyone's attention so no one will criticize, a, bad acting or, b, it doesn't fit because that's how the woke do -- that's how they do their thing. look, the sister shouldn't have to ever hear someone calling her an n-word but at the same time why are you
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giving it air? i refuse to give anyone any air that talks any trash about me, because that's all they're doing it for. once they get air, then they sit in their little chat group and say, see? i can't believe he said that. how'd you block me? blocked again. it's that simple. you don't give it air, it's not an issue. >> greg: shannon, what do you think about the china aspect of this? ok. you guys can be racist because we need your money. >> right and they change thing -- they take things out of movies. they took something out of harry potter. the studio did that. >> greg: they removed me from the last james bond movie. >> it's surprisingly -- >> you were removed from the set. >> surprisingly -- >> that's different. >> it also says you were removed from the u.s. edition. >> greg: yes, i was. >> you're going to be in so much trouble. i'm going to tell you after this segment, because you missed -- mixed "star wars" and "star trek" and marvel. the fans of these things are not happy when that gets
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intermixed. i'm worried for your safety. >> you would be a good bondsman. >> i think what they all have in common i will never watch any of them. .>> i'm a true ne rd. this is not my area of nerd expertise. >> greg: what do you nerd on? >> i'll always read books. >> greg: black characters have been in "star wars" for 45 years. in order to get angry and say people -- you have to assume people are more racist now than they were then. that's -- categorically, that can't be true, right? >> well, not -- if you ask them, they'll tell you the opposite.
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it's ironic to me that we have to talk about racism just to inject it back into the political landscape or the media landscape. when i was in government, i got death threats. i got called the worst things. i got stuff sent to my house. i didn't give it air time. i just said here you go. here is the security check. moving on i got e-mails all the time. they monopolized the industry to say that can't happen to people who are conservative or republican or work for trump. we never talked about it. we just did the job and kept punching on and moving on. now, they're losing on everything from amazon to disney to twitter to what have you. now they're like, ok, let's take the "star wars" empire and make everyone racist again. >> greg: anyone ever showed up at your house? >> yes, you. >> greg: i wanted to see if you remembered. just read the card. >> um, the secret service has it. >> greg: um. >> he did violate -- >> greg: there were polaroids in the card. took me hours to get that angle.
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had to buy a full floor-length mirror. >> lighting was fantastic. >> greg: da vinci is rolling in his grave because the climate clown didn't behave. what is this nightmare? it's how some people describe... shingles. a painful, blistering rash that could interrupt your life for weeks. forget social events and weekend getaways. if you've had chickenpox, the virus that causes shingles is already inside of you. if you're 50 years or older ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles.
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>> osmeared mona lisa with dessert and the reviews were so awesome, it hurt. over the weekend, a man diss guyed as an old -- disguised as an old man flung cake at the mona lisa to raise awareness for climate change. brian killmy ed planned to do the same -- kilmeade planned to do the same thing to raise awareness for "fox and friends." best-kept secret. you might think no one could be crazy stupid enough to defend lunatic cake-throwing but you'd be forgetting about theview where lunatics are disguised as talk show hosts. it's the show that screams maybe women shouldn't vote... a sexist
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would say. >> i think climate change is something we ignore so much not only in this country but around the world and obviously we're talking about this issue. the mona lisa is about this big i learned when i went to the luvre. it's in this case. >> it's someone else's art. how dare you try to destroy anyone else's art. >> it can't be destroyed. it's a bullet-proof thing. he threw whip cream about it. >> it's a great way to spread awareness about climate change. it makes an example of liberals support maniacs as long as they agree with politicians. the stunt was a great way to spread awareness. that sunny is a moron. co-host was quick to add, "cake? why wasn't i told there was
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cake?" tyrus, what are your thoughts? >> sunny, sunny, sunny. why is it always cloudy when she speaks? the climate change conversation has really gotten deep. watching that entire segment was brutal but at no time did i hear anything about the ocean or how many polar bears -- or not catching the seals or water levels rising. all i heard about is a guy throwing something bay priceless -- about a priceless piece of art and her saying it was ok because he was trying to raise awareness for climate change. what part did he raise awareness? climate change. we're all aware of it. we're talking about climate change. >> i don't hear about people talking about policy proposals because he threw cake. >> greg: imagine, shannon, if he threw the cake at her. if she was at a movie premier and she might have been wearing
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something that might have been weather, would she be thank you for that? >> i'm worried about the destruction of the cake. it's my favorite food. we've needlessly destroyed it which it throw it at sunny which i wouldn't recommend or a painting -- >> what kind of cake was it? >> also that matters. >> a french cake. >> it does. >> it was delicious. >> greg: i hope it was biodegradable. that would have been hypocritical if it wasn't. >> what container was it? >> were the eggs steroid free? >> it free range -- it was free range. >> greg: oberman got crazier and crazier and crazier. >> you can't win anyone over but you can make them think you're hot. >> greg: can we be honest, mona lisa is a real whipper.
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>> maybe that's why they threw cake on the face? >> it's for climate awareness. come on, man! >> am i sexually attracted to mona lisa, no? >> you have to fold it to see the alien, greg. you have to fold it. it's a map. >> greg: it's like the back page of the magazine. >> where it started. >> greg: it would say drugs kill. nobody has any answers for whether or not she's attractive or not? >> i said no. >> she's like a 4. >> greg: back then. >> back then. you only had 30 years to figure it out. >> greg: if you didn't have the plague, you were a 9. >> you're right. >> she didn't have crest white strips or none of that. >> greg: she didn't have youtube. >> she had to sit there for four days to take the photo -- the painting. again, she was an alien. >> greg: fold it. i'm kidding.
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getting guns off our streets. one democrat's determined to get it done. attorney general rob bonta knows safer streets start with smarter gun control. and bonta says we must ban assault weapons. but eric early, a trump republican who goes too far defending the nra and would loosen laws on ammunition and gun sales. because for him, protecting the second amendment is everything. eric early. too extreme, too conservative for california.
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shannon, the survey says eight in ten food delivery workers admit to eating part of their customers order. do you believe that? >> i totally believe it and eight and ten -- i think it's closer to nine in ten buried yes, it's probably true. you know they're pilfering your little nachos, your fries, but also within us, which i think is super, super disgusting, 10% in this admitted that they urinate into a bottle while they're out delivering food and then they touch her delivery so i have a much bigger problem with that. >> greg: you have a way to bring us down. >> i'm keeping it real. >> greg: at least they are not peeing in our food. i would say i will take on the side, but the end of putting it in there! cyrus, i don't believe this, because we -- there's account ability now. you know we are deliveryman is buried >> first of all, they said bottle, everyone knows it's her cup that you're ordering. yeah, i've never -- i get it, you shouldn't judge every book by the cover but i'm going to go
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ahead and come out, every delivery person that i've seen the drives up in a car typically looks like they can't afford the car. it's just always bad and it's always -- when you do actually meet them, it's always smokers cough, smokers cough, here's your food, and then the order is wrong and they say you want me to take it back. they do that on purpose. they must the order of, you say take it back, they get a free meal. six hours later you still haven't got your food. it's a scam. >> greg: that's an interesting scam. maybe i should become a delivery person, kat. >> you could never buried >> greg: i would be really good. >> you couldn't handle the stress. >> the idea when your phone rang, i have to get up, get in my car. >> greg: i do like peeing in a bottle. that would have been a better police song. >> i don't know if that's true. >> it is a message buried >> greg: it's funny they said
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eight in ten, that's like a pun. eight -- a-t-e -- in ten buried at that's a code from the aliens to tell us this isn't real. >> i think it's probably real and it's pretty gross. >> greg: what's even more gross -- fries or onion rings! >> travel ban two years since i've cooked anything. >> of course that if the food. i don't know how it is in new york but in d.c. they roll out like it's cheech and chong when they open the door. of course the bag is going to be half-empty and they put stickers on their like super fresh, post-covid. >> greg: i have to defend the delivery people because i eat every single meal by delivery because that's who i am. that's how i eat. >> i fly on delta every week and you love to trash delta. so i'm trashing anyone who delivers your house, he's going to talk bad about you with a scathing email. >> greg: i am. >> that's the guy giving you the one star, right there. >> he's got a private jet. >> but he is still going to eat
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>> greg: how are we going to do this? we are out of time. thank you. and evil shannon bream, whose up next with "fox news @ night"! get out of here! i'm greg gutfeld, and i love you, america! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> shannon: hello and welcome to "fox news @ night," i'm shannon bream in new york. ♪ ♪ breaking tonight, where following two big stories, a mass shooting at a hospital in tulsa, oklahoma, the suspect reportedly armed with a rifle and a handgun, killing four people before turning the gun on himself, alive are part of the ground with breaking details just minutes away. and the dramatic conclusion to the defamation trial that has captivated
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