tv The Five FOX News June 2, 2022 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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despite funding. >> neil: that's not a shabby background. thanks, dr. birx. the book is "silent invasion." she gives you a timeline for what happened and why and faults herself often times. here's "the five." ♪ere's "the five." >> hello everyone, i'm judge jeanine pirro along with jessica pavlich, jesse watters, katie, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is the five. >> president biden set to give a prime time address calling on congress to pass new gun control laws. biden will demand action after the school shooting in uvalde texas that killed 19 students and two teachers. and after the tragedy in tulsa
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oklahoma where a gunman killed four people at a medical office, the president expected to twist the arm of congress, even though he has been awol during the current senate negotiations and is headed to the beach in delaware tonight. the white house getting grilled on how the president plans to press ahead. >> if the president thinks that congress must act immediately to end this epidemic of gun violence, is he going to bring any of the key players to capitol hill to the beach with him tonight? >> oh, okay. so i don't have -- >> a big part of biden's whole thing that he knows how to get things done. >> he does. he's beaten the gun lobby before. >> meanwhile fireworks on kirill as house democrats clash with republicans on new gun legislation being pushed by the left. >> there's something gun crazed about our country we need to deal with.
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>> you are not going to bully your way into stripping americans of fundamental rights. >> if the supreme court objects we will expand it and we will not rest until we take weapons of war out of circulation. >> they want to change the country in so many ways. >> it's filled with good guys with guns but that couldn't save the lives of 19 children and two teachers. >> so this gun would be banned. >> no i hope that gun is not loaded. >> i'm at my house i can do whatever i want. >> to my republican colleagues i ask who are you here for? are you here for our kids? or are you here for the killers? >> oh, that was a low blow. the republicans believe in the second amendment jesse side with the killers of children. that's when it gets ridiculous. >> jesse: yeah, he's a nasty guy i don't care what he says. biden has three things he needs to address tonight. there's three components. there's school shootings, there are mass shootings and then there are these inner city gun
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homicides. if he just goes in and only addresses ar-15s, the whole country's going to dismiss that. we are. because this is a larger issue. and if you look at it statistically, most of the homicides are handgun homicides by drug gangs in the inner city. he needs to say that, and he needs to take a hoe list particular approach. greg likes to talk about variables. you can even address all three of these components if he likes to do the root cause thing i know how much they like root causes. go into mental health and broken families, go to the toxic internet culture, red flags. there's a lot of things you can put out on the table and we expect the president of the united states to do that. he needs to come with concrete proposals tonight that can actually get traction in the senate. because right now the senate's cut him out of the negotiations. if he comes in and just poison pills this thing and says republicans want everyone to die, i'm going to take your
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guns, no. right now their main action in the senate is lindsey graham, cornyn and mitch mcconnell and basically red flag laws. if they can get action on red flag laws and get momentum on hardening schools, take the win, mr. president. don't just kill it because you're really so dug in on the left that you have to go take our guns. take the win on that little issue and the american people will actually say, you know what? you did something. everyone says do something, do something. that would be something. >> don't you think, jessica, that it really is kind of amazing that, as greg has been saying for weeks now, the president has like a one facetted approach, you've got to take the guns. you have a baby now. i would assume that you would want schools hardened. you would want to know about, you know, you would want red flag laws to be in place so when someone shows all of the signs that when we look back we see
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all the crumbs that kind of led up to this that there's got to be more than just lets get rid of basically the second amendment >> jessica: it has to be a multi variable approach for sure but in terms of hardening schools some of the things i have e heard that goes into it like teachers being armed i don't want that and i don't want that for my child. >> forget about teachers being armed >> jessica: but that's a big part of what people are talking about. >> let's take that out, you believe in hardening schools >> jessica: i believe in increased security so does the beep talks and chris murphy puts out that that the democrats are open to increased mental health provisions, anything red flag laws, increased security as well as expanding background checks. not even the full monte of what they've wouldn'ted but the tiniest incremental moves towards making society safer and that's what everyone that we've been talking about all week at this table. and that's what chris murphy is
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putting out there and you know someone the guy who represents the sandy hook families is putting out there something the democrats are open to and that's a good sign. but no teachers with guns, that is not their job. >> okay, all right. but the point is there is a chance to negotiate katie. we have a president who's on his way to the beach. yesterday he's talking about handguns. >> yeah, i'll preface this conversation by saying i do some social media work with firearms on my personal capacity on my social media pages. that being said press secretary was asked today why the president is giving this address tonight from the white house in prime time. she said it's because he wants his voice to be out there on this issue which says to me he's not going to offer much news. so let me talk about what i think he's going to say tonight and put some facts on the table before he says these things. he's going to call for an assault weapons ban without defining what philadelphia assault weapon is. we're going to talk about semiautomatic rifles that's something we can talk about. but the facts are, according to
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the national institute of justice which is a department of justice outlet, 77% of mass shootings are committed with handguns. so if we're going to talk about things that actually work, we need to talk about, you know, not just politicians saying that we need to do something for the sake of doing it, which is very dishonest. i think the facts really matter. the president has also talked about how you weren't allowed to earn a cannon or certain types of firearms when the second amendment was ratified. that is also not true. and so when it comes to, you know, issues of actually getting things done, there are certain things that the federal government just cannot do. and, you know, when it comes to accusing republicans of being pro kid killer, it's a non-starter completely. when the president doesn't know the difference between a nine millimeter handgun round and what the definition of an assault rifle is, that's also a problem. also there's a big difference between what the media's been saying and people in washington, dc are saying and what the rest of the country thinks. you guys put a poll out just
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this week saying actually most people do think teachers should be armed, administrators should be armed. this is not a foreign concept this is happening in places like utah and texas and arizona. this has been done. nobody's being forced to do it but it is a concept that a lot of americans have embraced as a solution at their local level in their school district. so it's a complicated issue. the lowest tends to throw a label on everything and act like there's a one size fits all policy. the mental health is important but then we get into issues of veterans not seeking mental healthcare because they might not be able to exercise their second amendment rights so it's a complicated issue the president is goings to talk about because he want to make his voice heard before he goes to the beach for the weekend which says the urgency is not that bad. >> greg, it's kind of interesting, in israel, you know, you don't hear a lot about school shootings there and i understand that they've hardened the schools. they have one entrance. you go through one entrance. all the teachers are armed.
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and they don't publicize it. but people in this country are not even willing to talk about certain aspects of protection we can all agree on. there is common ground isn't there? >> greg: i think so but you can't find common ground with people you don't trust and both sides kind of don't trust each other. i think there's a fairly good reason why people who are strong on the second amendment don't trust the other side because the other side's wrong on every variable. like you said, you know, biden's been around a long time and the guy is so ignorant and insulting when it comes to talking about guns. you cannot take him seriously. the reason why he's sticks to one variable because that's the only one he can handle. i don't know what you'll get from biden tonight because i don't know what's left of him. right? somebody's pulling his strings. if i were a killer i would go to a gun free zone because the amount of death is mitigated by the second gun arriving. that's the science, right?
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so to your statistic, it's true. most americans favor their teachers having guns. i favor it. i don't know why we would think that teachers can't handle it, unless they're on tik tok. if the teachers are on tik tok they get no guns. that is the red flag, a teacher on tik tok talking about gender, no gun for you. but i do think that like rather than focus on the end result, which is always the case. i hate saying single variable because i sound like a broken record but it's always the gun. there's all these steps whether school security, red flags, social media, which is an issue in the last 15-20 years. social media is one of the most practice initials parts of this recipe in all sorts of violence, but there's a reason why i think that the left stays away from other variables. it's because their fingerprints are all over a culture that undermines certain institutions that have allowed these things to happen. you know, where is family?
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where is religion? i'm not religious but i can understand the role that it plays in people's lives and it's a positive role. it's a positive one. and i'm agnostic and i say that. religion, family, mental health, i know jessica and i agree on mental health. the security of the schools. that makes total sense. but you cannot address these things if you feel in yourself that somehow you have contributed to this untethered alienation that we see right now and i think that's why the left turns away from a lot of these other possibilities. but, a child -- like a large bill that would tackle everything would create trust. so that if you went after a certain segment gun, like an age -- you know, an age minimum for a rifle. not an assault rifle because that doesn't exist, but a rifle, and then you put in social media and then you put in hardening the schools and then you put in red flags, that allows people to trust each other because it's more than one variable. if it's just somebody talking about one thing all the time you
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seeking mental health services since the start of the pandemic. here's the problem with kids, jesse, because i know you have a few. at that age, they already come fully loaded with issues. like even a straight a kid like me had some issues. the brains aren't fully formed. boys take outsized risks and girls have their own insecurities that seem out of proportion to reality. so you bring a teen-ager already is in a mental health crisis. so what do you do when you're dealing with a pandemic and all these other things. >> jesse: they're like tender little sapling is that what you're saying. >> greg: brats. >> jesse: brats another word for it? >> greg: yes, they're vulnerable. >> jesse: and what word don't you hear? you don't hear fauci's name. in all these articles you hear these effects of these shutdowns. wait a second fauci was the architect of the shutdown and then all the governors went along with him when trump reopened everything back up and
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destroyed children's social lives and their school lives. these kids are social animals. they couldn't play sports. they were inside not getting any sun. they're zoned out on screens all day. they're isolated. i mean, look what happened when you put a mask over someone's face for that long, that buffalo shooter was all tweaked out over the internet, put a haz-mat suit on and went to school because so freaked out. remember the new york times and all the media outlets said to these kids. you're going to die. and not only are you going to die you little tike, you're going to kill grandpa. what kind of pressure does that put these students under after a while. so then the new york times comes out and says look at all these horrible repercussions. they were an accessory to all these things. you could call it child abuse. i've had it. we knew from the very beginning this was going to be a problem and now they're finally figuring it out. >> greg: yeah, i think it was in the first month of this on this show it was dana that was screaming about this stuff that
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this was going to be really bad. judge? >> judge jessica: yeah. and donald trump even talked about the collateral damage when fauci kept saying lock everybody down. now we know the masks weren't working, lockdowns weren't working. now we understand that something like 56% of the schools don't have the mental health ability in terms of the professionals or the money to pay them to help take care of these kids, and remote learning we find out is a failure. kids who with math tests scored 30% lower who were in remote learning and it widened racial ine quality, in the poorer school districts, those kids on remote learning suffered tremendously. so it was all a loss. it was almost like this social kind of experiment. let's see what goes on, when everyone knew from the get-go that it was going to hurt kids. and now we have kids that were, when this pandemic started, were in the 6th grade kind of like
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little kids, you know, if you have kids, and now all of a sudden they're in the 9th grade and, you know, they're hormonally different but they haven't had a chance to develop, you know, emotionally from sixth grade to ninth grade, we just throw them noon the ninth grade. it's a nightmare. >> greg: that's amazing i didn't even consider that, for us three years is nothing because let's face it we're almost dead. but kids, three years is like half their life. it's puberty. then all of a sudden you like, you know, the opposite section or same sex, whatever, and then you have no tools jessica to even understand or talk or be charming or just interact in general. >> jesse: i can't understand not being charming. it's weird having a baby that's almost six months old thinking about what she was like two weeks ago, two weeks ago she couldn't roll over, she couldn't sit up on her own and obviously that grows exponentially as she ages.
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the new york times did a piece with school counselors interviewed 362 of them and the thing they were most focused on were the soft skills. so yes the math and science attainment issues were very prominent but they said these kids were having an impossible time coping and relating to the world around them. and that's something that is very, very hard to fix. you can get math tooters but when you miss crucial moments or even the day to day interactions, hard to make up for that. before i heed the floor. a moment in defense of people, of governors who did lockdowns and there were republican governors that did it as well, they might be more rhino or whatever you call them but there was a line time where we didn't know exactly what this disease was going to do with people and we were trying to protect the most vulnerable and it was older people and kids until we knew how it was going to affect them. i think the tune could have changed earlier and obviously
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randi weingarten has been pushed but i don't think it was malicious or stupid when this disease first appeared and was killing people and had to keep kids safer. >> jesse: it was malicious the way they demonized desantis and other governors. >> who were successful. >> katie: it's important to remember as this gets pushed out of the news cycle and americans try to move on, who did this to these kids, why their futures were stolen, why people in nursing homes had to die alone, the chinese communist party, the cdc and the education and mental health crisis is a result of the teachers unions who used this opportunity to extort american taxpayers to get tons ever funding, billions of dollars. >> jesse: and they never even spent it i that they're not spending and not using it to harden the schools to keep kids and teachers safe and they are the ones who did this. the cdc worked with teachers unions to come up with policy toss continue to keep kids masked and schools closed. we did know in may of 2020, based on the science and data which we were all told to listen
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to and follow that this was a disease that affected elderly people and that's who we should focus on but the federal government and anthony fauci got a taste of power and continued to do it to kids for two years. so they are completely responsible and they should be reminded that they are the ones who did this to the country. >> greg: just to follow up on the idea of responsibility it still boggles the mind coming to the conclusion that this was a man made virus, no one's going to hang for that. i keep going back to that. if this were a war that killed a million americans what would we be doing? and i'm saying that as like the united states might have been complicit in this. this gain of function stuff didn't just pop up. >> jesse: that's why we are he a not doing anything, we're complicit. >> judge jessica: how said. >> greg: coming up the white house and chaos as president biden can't seem to figure out how to solve anything.
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♪♪ >> there's a lot going on right now, but the idea we're going to be able to, you know, click a switch, bring down the cost of gasoline, is not likely in the near term, nor is it with regard to food. >> katie: well, president biden clearly has no idea how to solve the inflation crisis and it seems like the white house can't stop contradicting him on what he knows about the big issues facing americans. as millions struggle to find baby formula on shelves, biden revealing he was not aware of the crisis until april despite previous claims from white house officials that they had been working on the issue for months. >> well, here's the deal.
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i became aware of this problem sometime in -- after april, in early april, about how intense it was. >> katie: so, jessica, the time line they said they started working on it in february, yesterday the president says he just basically found out about it, that they're trying to solve the problem. >> jessica: it is feasible that there were people working on it and the fda was involved because they triggered the whole recall in the first place. none of the answers are okay and the judge and i were talking about this yesterday as a mom and a new grandmother, that the meeting of the ceos of the formula companies yesterday was the most infuriating thing i've ever seen where they all admitted that they knew that this was going to happen when the abbott recall was coming down the pipe. and when your product, and i understand everyone, you know, good capitalists, want to make good money, your product serves a really important purpose. right this is isn't bedazzled
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key chains this is keeping kids alive. there is no other option for children than to be on formula in many cases. and i don't want to hear on twitter about how i should just start breast feeding again. that's not happening here. >> greg: you're not on twitter >> jessica: that's what a lot of people would hope would happen. i am on twitter, it is ugly out there but i am on twitter. i think you even follow me. anyway it's really bad and for many people and moms especially, this is equal to the gas crisis, and it's everyday. i cannot get in the car, i cannot avoid going home and feeding my kid. >> katie: i think it's worse than the gas. >> judge jeanine: it is worse because it's a life line and by the way some women don't lactate. >> greg: i don't lactate. >> judge jeanine: the men don't lactate. here's the bottom line. when you've got a company like abbott, and there are so few companies that actually make baby food in america, four of them, you can't figure out that there's going to be a drought in baby formula then you're just stupid. and for you not to give any kind
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of confidence or hope to the american people and say, i only learned about this in april when they complained the whistle blower in october, you didn't get your butt in gear until december, made an appointment in january, didn't make a decision until february. all of them are so slow and so behind in terms of what they do. there's no initiative. there's no caring there. and what they have done, and this administration just lies about, well, we didn't know what happened. the press secretary here, i don't know if i feel sorry for her or what, but she doesn't know what the president knows. >> katie: yeah. jesse it's definitely a reflex of clunky bauer rock arrest and the fda especially not foreseeing this crisis when they decided to ship down the plant >> jesse: remember they couldn't interview the whistle blower for several weeks because the whistle blower's schedule was too jammed. all right? so biden was made aware of this in april, then why did he wait until, i don't know, last week to start flying in formula from europe? why did he wait until a couple
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weeks ago to invoke the defense production act. he said what the time line is so the next question is mr. president why did you wait a month and a half to do anything about it. he didn't answer that question. i went formula shopping today, emma said pick up some jugs. i went to walgreens, she said get service you can. i went and there's nothing on the shelves. >> katie: there are no jugs? >> jesse: the stuff i get for my baby. so there was four jugs and i think to myself >> jessica: what do you mean jugs? it's just a regular bottle. >> judge jeanine: don't call it a jug. >> jesse: what should i call it? >> jessica: bottle. >> jesse: it's a jug it's big. there's four and i said should i hoard? i only got two, and she said you onto got two so she went and got the last two so now there's nothing left. >> katie: they say they've been working on it since february and they say look at the results
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even though the results are a a disaster. >> greg: here is the good news. because joe biden said he doesn't see the food crisis going down in the near future, he didn't see afghanistan pullout disaster, didn't see the baby formula disaster, the crime wave. so if he says he doesn't see the prices going down, they're going to go down, because he's always wrong. >> jesse: like murphy's law. >> greg: he's always wrong. the up side is i think the ineptitude is educating millions of people on the fruitlessness of virtue signaling and identity politics because you have to remind yourself all the major problems that went ignored is because they listened to the left who placed their twitter-shaped concerns in front of real concerns. so it wasn't about inflation or crime or the border. it was about trans in the military, debt cancellation, pronounce, status, school names. that became the base of the party. and this is why our show's so popular because we're talking about the real stuff and people
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are learning like how did we get sold this bill of goods on these other channels that were talking about important things like status coming down. if we spent less time pulling down status and more time taking care of our children. >> jesse: way to bring it up. >> greg: we wouldn't be in this situation. and that's all i've got to say. >> judge jeanine: have good. >> katie: up next amber herd facing financial ruin after her humiliating defeat to johnny depp. ♪♪
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found her liable for defaming dep. seen here living it up and mingling. revealing the actress won't be able to bony up and is complaining about the process. >> are you stunned that the injury essentially rejected her story? >> a number of things were allowed in this court that should not have been allowed. and it caused the jury to be confused. >> does your client want to appeal? >> oh, absolutely and she has some excellent grounds for it. >> is she able to pay a $10.4 million judgment? >> oh, no. absolutely not. >> jesse: all right, judge, what happens now? >> judge jeanine: okay, so the attorney says she's going to appeal. i don't know what she's going to appeal about. this attorney's talking about the fact that there was evidence admitted that shouldn't have been admitted. let's make -- let's hope she made a record for appeal. but one of the things she's complaining about is the social media and how that influenced the jury. well, every jury is informed that they cannot consider news
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papers or what people say or social media in determining what their verdict is going to be. i suspect that she'll appeal. i don't know if she has the money to appeal. but at the same time, if she doesn't have the money, any future wages she gets will be garnished. there's a judgment against her, it's a legitimate judgment. if there is an appeal, it doesn't mean anything. it doesn't necessarily mean if she wins, that there will be a new trial. i think the evidence was overwhelming on the part of johnny depp, the plaintiff in this case. she was overwhelmingly seen as a liar and not a credible witness. and, in the end, i think that, you know, it's kind of interesting that she says i don't have money when she just bought a house. >> right. >> judge jeanine: she just insisted in living in one of three penthouses that johnny depp owns. she is a taker and we'll see what happens. but what she did, one thing that she did was she hurt battered
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women. she hurt the women coming forward. and, you know, she talked about how, you know, that she felt the wrath of society. no. you created a wrath that wasn't there because you tried to ride on the wings of battered women. >> jesse: ride on the wings of battered women. jessica, where did the money go? didn't johnny just give her millions and millions of dollars when they got divorced? >> jesse: well, people who live these kind of life styles can blow through money very quickly and have a very warped sense of what their standard of living should be. this happens all the time in divorce cases where you hear whoever's asking for alimony they're like obviously i need 60 grand a month because these are the things i did. and it's like well, you don't do the job that does the thing. so just to piggyback on the judge's point about what happened to battered women i was reading a lot of coverage of this last night from left wing and right wing sources and this was a concern for every single person that was writing about the issue, whether they actually
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believed amber heard or not and they just said that this put the idea of calling into question or that people fake these kinds of things so blatantly all over our televisions that it's going to have a really negative effect long term on true survivors of domestic violence who have a right to take people to court over things like this. >> jesse: do you think johnny will garnish her wages or do you think there will not be any wages to garnish? >> katie: i don't know what the garnishing will look like i'm not sure but i was looking at the lead-up and she's looking whether it was worth it. the publisher was trying to get her on the me too train the pr policy that hollywood put together during the #metoo movement they turned it into this whole red carpet event everybody getting in on it. pushed her into the washington post, this isn't her fault, but pushed her into the washington post-op educate, now they put an editor's note on. so this was a matter of jumping
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on the bandwagon for attention and didn't end up going very well for her. >> jesse: greg? >> greg: you know, you bring up the washington post and that, me, would be the ideal next step is dep should sue the washington post. i'm glad he got his day in court but, you know, not everyone has, you know, dep p's pockets. i wonder how many pieces were run in the washington post that were just as falsely malicious but nobody had the power to fight them but he has the power to put up his dukes and you have to wonder how much input did the washington post have? it's clear she didn't write the piece, allegedly she didn't write it, aclu claimed somebody put it together but i'm sure the washington post was happy to get it. maybe they helped her. why didn't they name dep p? because they knew they didn't have to. it was going to be obvious. so it seems to me they're getting away with it and they've got deeper pockets than amber heard so it would be really nice to see a nick sandman type move,
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you know, and then dep p can play nick sand man in the nick sandman movie. >> jesse: once i get dep p's pockets i'm going to sue the washington post. >> greg: i'm going to sue you. >> jesse: you can't sue me. >> greg: yes i can. >> jesse: no you can't. >> greg: i have pictures. >> jesse: those were private. joe rogen hitting back at free speech hating libs who tried to destroy his career. ♪♪ [♪♪] if you have diabetes, it's important to have confidence in the nutritional drink you choose. try boost glucose control®. it's clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels and contains high quality protein to help manage hunger and support muscle health. try boost® today. only at vanguard you're more than just an investor you're an owner. that means that your priorities are ours too.
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our interactive tools and advice can help you build a future for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership. shh! stealth mode? yeah. [cricket sounds] shh! shh! [light switch clicks] don't pta meetings end at nine? -it ran... late. -oh got lost. the lexus rx built for modern families. ♪ ♪ (johnny cash) ♪ i've traveled every road in this here land! ♪ the lexus rx built for modern families. ♪ i've been everywhere, man. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere, man. ♪ ♪ crossed the desert's bare, man. ♪ ♪ i've breathed the mountain air, man. ♪ ♪ of travel i've had my share, man. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere. ♪ ♪ i've been to: pittsburgh, parkersburg, ♪ ♪ gravelbourg, colorado, ♪ ♪ ellensburg, cedar city, dodge city, what a pity. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere, man. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere, man. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere. ♪ [sfx: fighter jet flying] [tom cruise] tower this is ghost rider, requesting flyby. [control tower] negative ghost rider, the pattern is full. [sfx: fighter jet flying]
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♪ ah, thunder, ah, thunder ♪ ♪ thunderstruck ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ thunderstruck ♪ ♪ yeah yeah yeah thunderstruck ♪ [waitress] maverick... [tom cruise] having any fun yet? joe rogen hitting back at free ♪ said yeah, it's alright. ♪ now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. the choice for attorney general is clear. democrat rob bonta has a passion for justice and standing up for our rights. bonta is laser focused on protecting the right to vote and defending obamacare. but what's republican eric early's passion? early wants to bring trump-style investigations
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>> joe rogen lashes out at liberals and praise prosecuting conservatives after teams cancel his podcast. >> if you look back on the early days, what we used to think of as conservative versus liberal. liberal was pro free speech. that's not case today. >> yeah. >> today the left has gone so [bleep] far left, so radical, that the right are the ones that are celebrating comedians and celebrating chappelle. they had my back through all the crazy [bleep] with me. it was fox new that had my [bleep] back. i'm so liberal >> jessica: okay, i want to get
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into everyone's opinions. first shout-out for things republicans want to cancel. 1619 project, colin kaepernick, ban booklets. moving on. greg this is a story you have followed closely. what do you think joe rogen is tapping into in terms of the culture that makes it so resonant. >> greg: two things. one a by fur indication in that ideology in leftism and it's not like joe rogen or dave chappelle or ricky gervais are like leaving. it's like there are people that have poisoned that party with anti free speech wokism. the long-term strategy that we, people on the right, decide to share the risk and defend those that we may not like us. like i will defend bill maher. sure he hates fox. rogen may hate fox but whatever. but they will at some point see the value in the mission of sharing the risk and they'll realize that that's all we've got. i mean, the fact, his side isn't
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doing it. he's the least political person that you might ever see at this kind of level of fame. that's because he's all over the map and you can't pin him down. that used to be a good thing. not being able to pin someone down on their ideology used to be a virtue. but now people on his side are saying, no, i need you to agree on every single thing or you're out. that's why you're seeing people like dave rubin and others leaving the left because the left is basically kicking them out. >> jessica: katie? >> katie: i always find it interesting what people's perception is of fox when they haven't watched the channel. like there's an entire industry that is built on just trying to, you know, destroy fox and decide what they are instead of people just watching the channel and they'll find that, yeah, we like joe rogen. i like him because he's a lion not a sheep. i like that he's a hunter. i like that he hunts. he's actually a pretty normal guy in the grand scheme of being an american and he identifies with regular people and he's different than the rest of the
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media so they had to try to destroy him because he wouldn't get in line. so >> jessica: what about you jesse are you a lion or a sheep? >> jesse: kaepernick wasn't cancelled. he stunk. no one wanted to hire him and he wasn't good enough to be worth the headache with the kneeling gar beige. what was the other thing you said? >> jessica: 1619. >> jesse: factually inaccurate. you can't cancel something factually inaccurate. what was the other thing you said? >> jessica: the banned booklet from governor abbott. >> jesse: we don't want transgender books in cappeder garden >> jessica: that's not true. what about beloved? >> jesse: never heard of it >> jessica: that's embarrassing. >> judge jeanine: what about beloved >> jessica: it's on one of these banned book lists. >> judge jeanine: here's the thing colin kaepernick was a loser trying to get attention. that's number one from me. >> jessica: the tolerant right out here. >> judge jeanine: horrible. joe rogen is a normal guy, okay? he's normal and smart.
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you take away guns from law abiden citizens, criminals are the only ones that have it. this doesn't make him right or left, it makes him smart, you know? and everybody's trying to pinpoint him but the truth is we accept free speech. the left is, the left they call them anti fascists, antifa, it's just the opposite. whatever the left says just think the opposite. and even the president the same thing. that's all i have to say >> jessica: the big problem with rogen was about covid disinformation >> greg: and it wasn't >> jessica: one more thing is up next. ♪♪
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thank you. to celebrate how amazing you are we put a little montage of some of your best moments. >> judge jeanine: oh no. >> here's the bottom line. 's the bottom line and that's all i have to say. they disrupt me all the time. >> greg: what the hell is going on? [laughter] [laughter] >> greg: screen jean this is deviant. >> judge jeanine: did you call me george? for those of how know me i love candy. i have some of my favorite york peppy mint patty. every time i eat one of these a cool breezing through my hair and wind aa across my long flowing dress. >> jesse: oh, boy. >> judge jeanine: thank you.
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>> jesse: don't rush. speaking of sweets. we have right here. >> judge jeanine: yellow cake. i love you. i'm not eating any of it. >> jesse: yes, you are. >> judge jeanine: okay. thank you, i will. >> jesse: speaking of sweets. >> judge jeanine: oh no. >> jesse: a sweet hour of "primetime" 7:00. the president addressing the nation at 7:30. check out our coverage there. >> greg: we baked a gun in there. >> jesse: no gun jokes. >> judge jeanine: greg, your turn. >> greg: tonight great show i got indicate mcenany. kat timpf. going to be a barn burner. again, don't burn any barnes. greg's job search, as you know a few months ago i joined linkedin i wanted to hunt down somebody that had done me wrong. they had me put down what i did for a living i put host and now getting all these notices for job openings. my third installment of item them hiring host olive garden. create first and lasting
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impression worth it bottomless pit of whatever. hershey park fun crew creating moments of surprise and delight for guests around hershey park. that one i would treat seriously. last, wendy's crew member. not really into wendy's. the little girl used to the freak me out. but you have to greet each guest with a smile and warm welcome. you should be able to multi tank. >> katie: you don't qualify on the warm welcome smiling part. sorry. >> judge jeanine: jessica, your turn. >> jessica: most delicious cake. because all i talk about is babies. here we go. an australian mother interesting approach. plastic bottles tries to transition her from breastfeeding and after noticing the baby was receptive from drinking from a plastic syringe. put formula in a clean tomato sauce bottle. she took to it instantly. if you are struggling to your baby try a tomato sauce bottle.
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>> greg: australians are weird. >> judge jeanine: have you ever wondered what it was like to move into a new york city. providing you an example of how the experience typically goes. all colonel has to say not impressed. can someone get him a bigger bed? that's it for us. "special report" is up next. bret, do you want some birthday cake? >> bret: judge, here's the deal. have a very, very happy birthday. that's all i have to say about it. >> judge jeanine: thank you. thanks for the cake. >> >> bret: you bet. see you. good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. breaking tonight we are covering two major stories this evening. one involves oil prices what you are paying at the gas pump and how that looks like it led to president biden's decision to reach out to the saudi's with a just announced presidential visit to riyadh after a rocky relationship with the kingdom for some time. meanwhile, president biden will address the nation about gun violence in an hour and a half. the speech comes following last
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