tv Hannity FOX News June 2, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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with you every morning we have c a commemorativeom creepy lawyer mug for sale now and tucker carlson .com hate to hawk merchandise, but that was kind of irresistible. we'll be back at 8:00 p.m. so that's a sworn enemy of line. the smugness group.yi they have a great night with the ones you loveni and welcome to hannity. we w begin tonight with a fox news alert as we speak. t your president joe biden is headed to the beach in delaware yet again for another long w weekend away from the white house. according to the washington examiner, he is ready spent one hundred and eighty eight days on vacation, including one hundred and thirty days in delawareda, 50 to at his presidential retreat. camp c david, six days and beautiful nantucket and is steadfastly refusing to releaset visitor logs from most of these locations.
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joe is now on pace to spend what will be a whopping five hundred and fifty three days away from the white housete in his first and probably only term. now that's more than any oth anr president in the modern era. this is as millionslion of americans are now suffering from a dire baby formula shortage, and ongoing supply chain crisis looming stagflation pending recession. all 50 states have now hit record high gas prices and the nationwide averageat is nearing$ five dollars a gallon. and by the way, good5 g luck getting diesel below eight bucks a gallon. 25% of americans are now delaying retirement because of joe's inflation. two thirds of americans are now living paycheck to paycheck. two out of everys three americans who think things are bad now buckle up for this . the fed is now poised to raise interest rates yet again, this time a full point which will cause property values most people's biggest investment to plummet and send this country
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straight into a deep recessionp . if you are on a fixed income, if you're in the poor middle class,s, they are all sufferinge miserably because of biden's new green deal social them and of course his adherence to and of course his adherence to democratic party, climate alarmism, religious cult. it's like you can't even deprogram these people. that's so nutsre that joe biden is headed tot the beach yet again but not before lecturingar ordinary, taxpaying, hardworking, law abiding american citizens and threatening to rip away ourd and threatening to rip away ourd he believes is not absolute. i tend to disagree. >> a take a look at the second amendment like all other rightst is not absolute. we need to ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines if we can't ban assault weaponsur and we should raise the age to purchase them from 18 to 21 , strengthen background checks,
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enacted safe storage law and red flag laws. repeal the immunityun that protects gun manufacturers from liability. he address the mental health crisis, deepening the trauma of gun violence and as a consequence of that . oh my god.lee of that . the fact that the majority of the senate republicans s don't want any of these proposals even to be debated or come up for a vote i find unconscionable. meet the moment. f let us finally doin something that we like to use joe's favorite language. for godod sakes, joe , do something for god sakes, joe , i have a question. why didn't you and barack obamao do something in eight years to stop the violence in the city of chicago, obama's hometown? why n notot joe and for god's s, joe , why did you never
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one time not one time as vp for eight years mentioned a single child's name killed in obama's hometown when you were vice president? for god's sakes, why you never lifted a finger, joe , why you save us the lectures? because you've been b missing in action for all of thesear in action for all of thesear was nothing more than a political stunt. pretty predictable. likewise, the democratic party and the new gun controlo, bill that too is a political stunt in an election year it will not pass the senate. congr that didn't stop one far leftnl member of congress from openly fantasizing about his party's wildest dreamsld. r >> take up enough of your thoughts and prayers. enough. enoughpr you will not stop us from advancing to protecting our kids act today. you will not stop us from passing it in the house next week and you will not stop us there if the filibustersh obstructs us , we will abolish
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it. if the supreme court objects, we will expand it and we will we will expand it and we will weapons of war out of circulation and our communities each and every day we will dot whatever it takes to end gun violence, whatever it takes. >> oh , that means full authoritarianism. that sounds great. you haven't noticed democratsth don't like to they don't like s our system of checks and balances. our konsta and solution, somethg called the bill of w rights. they just want one party rule a in perpetuity forever and ever and evernd. an and that's whyt they want the court packing. they want dc statehoodat. want they want to end the filibuster and they don't want voter id laws. the president himself wants toaw disarm lawful americans becausen he thinks the second amendment is about hunting gear d and not an absolute right.we joe biden has to be one of the dumbest people in dc and that is saying a so dumb that joe can't evenrs figure out why his poll numbers are cratering right now
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underwater. look at40 this in 40 out of 50 states, a new reuters poll has them at a whopping 36%hi approval rating according to nbc news. he is absolutely mystified, totally bewildered about these plummeting numbers. willedered about these plummeting numbers. he thinks it might be a he thinks it might be a messaging problem and he's now blaming his own staff and pointing fingers at them. of course, it's not a messaging problem. oblem. it's a reality problem. right nowme every american is struggling to get by two thirds living paycheck to paycheck. and by the way, they're reminded every time they fill up their because they're paying double what they paid under president trumpwh and then they go to the grocery storeor in any other store and they're paying almost double for everything they buy in every everything they buy in every they baby formula. then they haveo to drive from store to store to store and order to locate a singlech carton which is probably locked carton which is probably locked rampant shoplifting. and theseeca americans return he
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with a mortgage that is underwater and an electric bill that is higher than ever. then they turn on the tv to see their retirement funds are plummeting a crisis at our southern border.ur southern border, violent c they see violent crime, anri epidemic in almost every major american city oh cities that have been run by liberal democrats for decades and states that have been run by liberal democrats for decades. the states that like defunding, dismantling the police, the states like no bail so what we have is an old decrepit president who could barely shuffle his feet, can't read a teleprompterre, prefers a phonyr oval office to the real oval office. and everywhere americans are and everywhere americans are every single day of the consequences of all of joe biden's policies and the failures of those policiespoli. they see a president who will soon be headed to saudi arabia. what to beg them for oil instead of producing that oil right here at that's joe's plan ton bring down
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gas prices. that's'ss it. other he's offering no other solutions. oh , unless you considerti doing a deal with the mullahs in iran that want us dead or the murdering dictator in venezuela unless you consider that a solution, take a look at the idea we're going to be ablele, you know, quick switch, bring down the cost ofot gasoline is not likely in the near term, nor is it they're going to food. jimmy >> it's like jimmy carter just put on a sweater to lower the thermostat. not only is joe short on solutions, but he also refuses as per usual to take any responsibility for anything, not even the inflation that he himself causedim his policies caused his economic policies and his energyis policies cost. >> take a look. what are you guys going to admit that you were wrong about inflation? no easy question. say the treasury secretary says' he was wrong. so why does nobody here at the white house okay, so look went what the secretary was
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pointing out out this is talk about yesterday when she was doing her her hit with her tv hit with cnn is that there have been shocks toho the economy that have exacerbated inflationary pressures which couldn't haven been foreseen eight months ago when we a i'm trying to answer your question. question.tion. i was just getting to the why not including russia's decision to invade ukraine multiple successive variant of covid and lockdown's in china just pathetic. >> now according to joe's own administration, joe biden can do no wrongst and now based on tonight's speech, the president is deeply concerned aboutd gun controlro and yet he can't even be bothered to stick around in dc swamp this weekend and broker a deal on capitol hill. take a look b this if the president thinks the congress must act immediatelye to end this epidemic of gun violence, is he going to bring any of the key players on capitol hill to the beach with them p tonight ? romokay, so i don't read part of
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the whole thing, but he knows how to get things done. i'm asking why it is that you can say he wants to go. do you want to go to the beach with the president? wa is that what you're trying to tell me? i'm not i had to say on that. but whether it's pouring outside cats and dogs, it ist. not great. our guy every w day, whyan the president say he wanted to give it some spaces and let somebody else.o but you're also going to hear h you're going to hear from the president tonight . >> it's so urgent he's notng >> it's so urgent he's notng this is political theater that's why he never mentionedde the murders that took place under his watch and obama's watch and obama's home city of chicago. it's all theater. it's another shameless attempt to vilify political opponents and it's again feigned moralal outrage because otherwise to
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spoken out in 2009 10 11, 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 . you know, you would have spoken out he didn't just once promised to bring the country together and unify the country . that was a lie he promised to take responsible for his actions, not blame that too was a big lie. he promised to shut down the virus, restore the soul of our nation. c weas had one hundred thousand new cases of covid todayco that was a lie. s he promised not i to abandon americans in afghanistan. tony blinken even admitted what , two weeks ago? yeah, we left, behind another lie. he promised that inflation was transitory. turns out it looks like it's almost permanent. that was another lie..sed would he promised gas prices wouldyo come down another lie. so t joe , if you really want t, know why your poll numbers are so low, you know, stop being sod mystified and shocked and wondering and pondering the great mysteries of the earth here. it's not complicated. you're notot doing anything right. you're not helping the american people and all you seem to care
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about is getting s away from dc and going to sleep and taking naps on the beach.'t america doesn't trust him because he has been so honest. more importantly, they don't respect him because thest his policies are a disaster. they don'ter revere him because they know the family's corrupt. they don't believe in him because they can't afford to and they don't like him h becaue he blames everything on some everybody else, including his own staff as a new york post michael goodwin put it, the u.s. loves a winner, ,not a whiner. joe biden is a whiner in chief with reaction. with reaction. with us. senator , i w i want to i want o read you something. this is the conclusion of the department of justicethe on the effectiveness of n the effectiveness of . should it be renewed?d? the bansth effect effects on gun violence are likely to be small at best and perhaps too small for reliable measurement. if we can put t that onha the screen when you coupleay
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that with joe biden saying that we should repeal the liability of gun manufacturers , but yet on the other hand , he's saying i'm not trying to take your guns away. i would say he's trying to take our guns away. well, look, what you put on the screen is the conclusion of o the department of justicers for ten years we had in place a ban on so-called assault weapons and according to the department of justice, it have a meaningfuljustice, it effect on violent crime. the democrats knoww. this . i i got to say i was listening to your monologue and i usually agree with sean. there's one thing you said tonight that i disagree with . you said that biden promised p o unify america and he lied. i got to say he has unified america. in just aboutg everybody agrees he's doing a terrible job. just about everybodyjob. agrees this is a train wreck.. and you know what's frustrating about it, john, is he's not willing to change. he's not willing to change o course. this speech tonight once again he chose to double down on hard left divisive politics, you
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know, when it comes to violent crime. listen, i wase, at uvalde lastng week the day after. the shooting. i was there with the local officials and with law a enforcement and with family f members. what happened in texas is horrific and anyone with any heartbeat is horrified that 19 little boys and girls were murdered, that two teachers were murdered and what is joe biden and the democrats do? they don't come back and say let's unite behind law k enforcement to stop criminals, to keep our kidsid safe. note they immediately demagogue and say the solution is to take away your weapons. the solution is to disarm lawed abiding citizens. and i got toisar say, you replad a snippet of biden's speech tonight where he said it is unconscionable that republicans won't allow a debate.un well, you know what ?ll joe bidenow 20 13, he was president of the senate. he was vice president ofid the united states when the democrats filibustered my legislationli that would have directed the department of
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justice to prosecute violent criminals who try to illegally buy guns that would have directedil the department of justice to audit federal convictions to make sureo in thy background check system that could have stopped the horrific shooting in sutherland springs, texas. the church shooting s because the obama air force never reported that shooter's ob to the's butlso also part of my legislation, the grassley cruz legislation was three hundred million dollars for schoolsle safety which could have perhaps prevented this horrific crime in uvalde. e and joe biden and the democrat filibustered that legislation. fifty two senators voted forde nine democrats voted for it. we had bipartisan agreementll and the democrats cynically said if we can't disarmy law abiding citizens, we the democrats are not willing w to doil anything to secure schools. just this week, joe biden saysec he doesn't believe in hardening schools and making them saferho
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well, that is cynical and it's wrong and unfortunately it is a set of policy proposals with the democrats are putting forward would not stop these horrible crimes. >> instead, it's their political objective. why don't we start with this? why don't we reform the police s ,stop dismantling the police and not only keepin those criminals in jail and abandon these no no bail laws that let even violent criminals out without paying a penny in jailt . s. they're back out on the streets by their very nature. criminals don't. the lawspo and the cdc even points out senator , two point five million times a year americans use legal firearms to protect themselves and their families. on so that would seem to me part of an argument that they don'tal want to talk about. >> look, that's exactly right. even the obama white houses admitted that firearms are used
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defensively to stop crimes upwards of a million times a year. even the obama white house and these leftisthe want to take those firearms away so that people are defenseless to defend their families. they won't focusus on on f the criminalsoc. they won't focus on the bad guys. and i got to say it was reallyin frustrating being down and you've already seen what happened because i was alsoas on the ground at santa fa the santa fe high school is less than an hour from my house. i was there within s an hour ord so of. when that horrific shooting happened. and i rememberit sitting down a round tables with the families from santa fe and one of the things they talked about was best practices. how do you how do m youak make a school safer? and if you look at the santa fe shooter, what he did is he entered through an unlocked back door. he made itt into a classroom and was able to start murdering students. and one ofhe the best practicesu that security experts will tell you is to hardende schools so that you don't have unlocked
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back doors. you send everyoned through one central entrance which by the way, federal courthouses have federal buildings have banks have and at that entrancece you have armed police officers and i've been championing the fight to provide funding for police officers in schools u . senator , and what was soo maddening and uvalde is this guy t also went through an open back door, got into the classroom and began murdering children. if we had passed that grantck funding, if that door haded been locked, if there had only been one entrance and if there hadha been armed police officers at that entrance, those police officers could have killed that monster before he murdered those 19 students. senator , i thought i think the only other person besides myself and maybe you were there before me i don't know champion what i believe is the answer offering the same protectiony that highly elected officials on the state level, federal level, we pay for
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their protection. our children deserve no less. senator cruz, great to have you. thank you for joining us . all right. joining us now, co-host of the five geraldo rivera. you know, joe biden says today nobody's coming for your guns and thenen on the other hand , he talks about removingng liability protections for manufacturers. if we get to a point that we a legal firearm made by a manufacturer that gets in the hands of a criminal that misuses an inanimate object and we're going to blameu the manufacturer for that . that would essentially end any possibility of any gun manufacturers being able to stay in business all though. so that to me is a sneaky backdoor way to eliminate gunsth in america. that is anotherater phony argum. how do you blame an inanimate object for what somebody else does? the sandy hook families had some success and gote
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a multimillion dollar settlement from the gun manufacturerr because there is a theory that they advertise specifically for the military capability spe of the weaponshe that they market the war likewa capabilitiesr-, the weapons that they market. i think to let them scare you i'm not worried about it,t, butt i do agree with that logic. thb do you agree with that? because i don't thinknk you blah the gun manufacturer. i have. let me put it this way. ifr we're going to blame we're going to blame everyry manufacturernt. >> if somebody decides pajamagram hardly a huge crowdut . >> i am aggressively neutral.erd i totally understand the a pares point of view and i was delighted when they got the settlement. butot the i think a couple of t. first of all, showingea your mother would have been shocked to hear you call the president of the united states old and decrepit. i think he's well intentioned and he's honoring on the ground my mother my motherer as actually took me to my mother was a prison guard and had a loaded revolver on her
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bedside table. , and as a young person i was t 10 years old . she taughtye me how to she's taught me the safety and use of a firearm and that it wasn't a game and it wasn'tis a toy. to and i became a pistol marksman before i was 12 . god bless her . and she turned out to be ano great person and i'm honored to have you as my friend. but let me just say i want to spend this evening with the sayo thank you . thank you . the s through my hand . i'm watching this noise aboutar a compromise disappear. it's evaporating.pp it's exactly what the opponents of gunun reform wanted to let things die down. we are watching congress and it's dysfunctional worst now. worst we can't expect any of the president's laundry list tonight to be enacted into lawss except there is one possibility it is my juvenile assault0 weapons ban. more than 30 law abidingho
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wonderful americans were killed, including those well babies involved in texas by eight year olds who could not legally buy a beer and yethe they get by on the 18th birthday a weapon of war . itit is preposterous and i realy hopend that as governor in florida, they want to find juvenile assault weapons ban. i know ifss they passed we talkd about it. how about can wee agree w on th? is that we protect our elected officials. we pay for secret f service, the president, the vicevi president, secretaries of departmentss an and high ranking officials on the state local level as well. t i by the way,henk i think that's the right thing to do because they're targets. why provide? and we provide the same protection as senator cruz wasas talking about. i have one entry point at every school have trained t retired military retired police inside the school undercover, armed in case something happensht and trained to take care of any situation that might emerge.
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how about we agree on that? >>ee we definitely agree on evey point that you just made. but i have to point out that all day the cops did not do their job. they did not go in with guns blazing. they were not ableot toh around they were not ableot toh around haveve that every cop i know is furious at those we are in tulsa yesterday at that hospital it was three minutes and the cops were on the scene and their guns drawn and they engaged the shooter. that's why only four only but four people died. a but i think that there's a lotse but i think that there's a lotse violence is epidemic. i mean you're talking about chicago, two of the twenty mass shootings since the fall. they happened in chicago. okay, c gang violence. the only thing the issue of our time by going on in eight years as vice president , he never mentioned the name of a single kid shot and you and i bothnl know that they ignored the problem and they only do it
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when it's politically politically expedient for that's the only reason. although you don't pick and choose, it may be true, but what about the gun lobby? be on it for eight years. the inaction out of the republicans is also woefully okay. and let's put guards in the g schools, give them the protection we give politicians when we come back , south dakota governor kristi noem joins us with live reaction to buy noe this endless stream of failures. you don't want to miss it straight ahead. i feel stronger. i just feel healthier. my blood pressure healthy and i find i have more energy throughout the day. what are so many people giving five story used to super because superbeets are nature's heart healthy. a delicious way of getting the antioxidants you need to support your circulation and enjoy more healthy energy without tapping. that's why super me is america's number one beef brand
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back . the truth that i think we all have the strength in a lot of us . but until you tested, you just don't know it's there tonight . house democrats, they are moving forward, they say with a wide ranging gun control ct package that will putit more restrictions on firearms, make it harder for law abidingor citizens to keep store use their weapons.
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now earlier tonight , biden doubled down on his latest gun control push. and here with reaction, south dakota governor kristi noem.nor you just addressed the nra convention and you put out something that i like to mention quite often is we have all of these shootings and all of these cities run by liberal democrats for decades and decades and they have the strictest, very strict gun control laws and yet the violence keeps happening but they never talk about those cases. why is that ?e u because they wouldn't come up with factual information that would make their case. that's what's so interesting about what's happeningting r right now in this country, sean, is that biden is providing all the wrong answers because he's asking the wrong questions. we should be askingess. ourselveshe what happens when parents don't parentpa their children? what happens when youg have kis growing up in fatherless homes ? what happens when y you have kis that have mental instabilitynd
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issues and aren't getting treatment and aren't getting help right away a a? there's not accountability for making sure there's an adult presence in their livesabil. so that's really the consistency that we see from case by case by case of these violent situations that we've been experiencing and the tragedies have to stop and we have to start having an honest conversation about honest conversation about amazing. >> sose let to get this right, the department of agriculture now is saying that if states like yours decide that you're not going to allow trans athletes, for example, people born biologically male to play in women's sports that they're going to take away school lunches from kids, that's their plan. they did they announced this not too t long ago. d the sean, it's interesting. south dakota has passedg the strongest bill protecting state and thebill protecting administration has recentlyy come out and told statesg that if you don't comply with allowingnd transgenders to
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compete in girls' sports , we're going to take away food from childrenmols. in schoolea and they're talking about federal the state, our children. no, you t can't. you can't. and you know, i think about this i think it's embarrassingg to me.t it's embarrassing, sean, that we have to go to another country to get baby formula to feed our babies in this country. nowresident we have a presidents openly declaring he'll take food off the platesn of our children if we don't comply with his extreme policies that create an unfair situation for women in this country. he's attacking women and he's attacking babies and children. and when is and when is to wake up and see how horrible this president is and that is trying to divide us and ruin the republic? it is that we've got to grow up and enjoy that , treat everybody equallyly. outh so why is south dakota for some reason i keep reading that your r state has been hit harder with the baby formulaer shortage than any other state. why tage than any other state. why is that ?is you? e in the i think it's because we obviously are in the middle ofta
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the country. ts more t we have challenges with transportation. it costs more tooo the get foodo the middle of the country even though we feed the world here with agriculturere being our number one industry. you know, i talk about crisis this energy crisis that'sn goinf on as well here in south dakota.ri we have a lotve of families that drive thirty 40 miles to go to work every they drive 30 or 40 miles to go get their groceries or to go to the doctor for us for an energy consumer. but we're an important part of this country because we grow food that needs to be putth in grocery store shelves all over the world. so you know, this president's 's you know, this president's and energy crisis and now he's saying that if we don't comply with this extreme i liberal agenda that he's literally going to make it even worse for families to try toes meet their their children's needsee. expla maybe youin can explain to meve every american now is paying , according to bloomberg, about five thousand two hundred dollars perou household becausee of this inflation. the average personca that drives
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to work every day they're paying they'll pay another two grand a year in higher gaswe prices. we hit a new h a high yesterday and it looks like gas prices are headed down to five dollars a gallon on averagelon. the question is, you know,an maybe you can explain this to me. why is he going to meet with the saudis? why is he begging opec though they said they would increase production today afterould him begging and pleading for months and months. you talking about deals with the iranian mullahs that want us dead and why would he make a deal with venezuela and that dictator murderingng he there? will we have more natural resources here in this country and we don't needd their oil? i'm thinking they think that we've got to be the dumbest country on earth because when youau include natural gas and oil and coal, we've got more resources than all of these people combined. why don't we produce our how is mother earth any better off ife we get a barrel of oil in the states or we get it from venezuela or we get it from
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the middle east or we get itan from, you know, iran, how are i we bettert how is it negatively impact the world or mother earth, if you will, depending on where you drill for the oil.q >> sean, you asked a question earlier. you saidou said how dumb are th? are they dumb or do they justt not love america? because i really believe c that there's no wayou somebody s screw up this much. i mean, we've had 40 years of h joe biden screw ups that i don't believe he loves america. these policies keep coming. they're crippling our country.rm they're hurting our most vulnerable. they're setting us up for failure and we're going to be chained to our enemiesse and they're going to control us because they control our energy supplyne. after he leaves the white t house, we're going to be changed to them. i don't know, not a lot of america.a. f butor ame governor , i don't ev. think he knows what day of the week it, f the week it, f for example, when youou look at some of these bizarre religious
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cults to deprogram peopleid that believe the most insaneto things, you know, you might have to work on them from for years and you might not be able to deprogram them this climate alarmists, religious cult, as i call it, that he is and adherence to that , not to what's going on with o the american people. m that is a scary choice to me from my seen more chance. yeah. i mean, yeah, it's scary how fast and changing though, sean. i'll defend my people in full. i will good. s the free state of south dakota.t thank you , governor . appreciate it. when we come back , straight ahead, bidenve once again escapd to the far left of the party. he's now planning on canceling billions of dollars in student loan debt. and we'll tell you why this is a really bad idea.d reince priebus, kellyanne conway, react straight from the creators of the original up walker the upright posture walker that has improved the mobility and freedom for tens of thousands of people
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. fox news on sirius xm america is listening for giveaways to biden. white house is finalizing a student loan forgiveness plana that would reportedly wipe away ten thousand dollars in student loan i that per borrower for those making under one hundred and fifty grand a year. and earlier today the biden administration also wiped away five point eight billionon in schooloo loans for former corinthian college students, though that was a for profit college accused of predatory lending practices. so ask yourself why is the biden white house far left democrats? why len they pushing so hard to cancel and forgive student debt and who's going to pay it?. it seems kind of like a shameless election or political stunt to me that frankly we as a countryry can't go forward. what about everyone who paidde off their student loans like me ? and how aboutin the people that join the military as a way to afford going to college? they earn that moneymo and even
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over on cnbc you have businessman, a guy by the name of kevin o'leary. he's on shark tank called biden's forgiveness plan a terrible idea and he's right. takeen a you're telling theseou people this is a big problem. meanwhile, you can't fill up your car. chicken costs 48 percent more and this is at the top of the agenda for the president. can you imagine this is manna from heaven for the republican party in all these tight races coming into the midterms this is going to be the issue that they get to campaign on . why why would you do this ?, this is a really, really bad idea. it brings into question and i'll ask my good friend h can helpk my good friend us who is advising biden who are as closest advisers? they on?? closest advisers? it's not the planet earth. all right. here with reaction, former white house chief of staff reince priebusou. stince priebusou. and also joining us is author of here is the deal, former counselor to the president trump the, that is kellyanne coy
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is with us anyway. welcome both of you. kellyanne, i had to drop out of school. i dropped out three times and i paid every penny for college and i did get one loan from jamaica savings d bank and i pad it back over ten years. over fifty eight dollars and 5% a month at a time where i was struggling to pay my rent everyt month and my parents didn't have the money to send me to school and i worked my way when i was going through school and i am not crying poverty. evr i was the best thing probablyn that ever happened to me in my life because it taught meor a great work ethic.k why would we give peopleth and then say neveren mind and then who ends up paying their loans based>> on your story is a very typical american dream. do i have a sense of when i paid off my college and lawaw school that it's a great g investment in education? what aboutrees people who never even go to college? why are the plumbers and carpenters going to pay for the lawyers and doctors and their student loan debt?
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but why did biden pay do this ?w plain and simple. he's buying his poll numbers are down 19% among millennials. those americans born between nineteen eighty one and 1996. his approval ratings are down everywhere. but the young people don't think he's competent. they don't think he's coherent. they don't think he's cool. there's another reason i think would be hard to discern except i dealt with this in the trumpmt white houseru. elizabeth warren when she was running for president in the summer of 2019, she came outid with this huge student loanen forgiveness package. she was diverting attention p away from the fact that she had lied about being native american for thirty six years on applications and she was talking about this and we dealtt with this in the white house ate the same time and ultimately concluded that it was unfair to the people who paid off the loans, gotten scholarships or whose parents haden paid outright and made other financial sacrifices, had never gone to college o. but elizabeth warren, she knows hillary's damaged goods. she knows she was not up to the job. i think biden's worried about
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on as the firstworried about female president. so there's something there to you know, i think on to something here right? on i can't name a single thing that they've done that's been successful. gasessful. prices, inflation, the border covidsu afghanistan. you run up and down the list. ss they don't have a success t that they can point to. and so, okay, they're hopingpi they can run on roeng, roe v. wade being overturned and an assault weapons ban. i don't think that's going w to work with the american people that are reminded every single time they go to a gas station or every store they go into,ea they're paying all this money that they never had to pay for under donald trump. i don'tt think you overcomer that with any one issue or trying to buy votes by saying,u oh , we'll pay offde your studet loan and we'll take money from these people and give it to these people. yeah, i think you're totally right.
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i mean, he's flailing from everything from baby formula to gas to flipping on things liketa taiwan. you're right. you couldn't if you took a one. hundred question multiple choice tests and tried toowr get every question wrong, it would be hard to do, but b he's done it. there's one thing on building on whatuinanne kellyanne there's another piece tomb this you remember back to the virginia governor's race, terry mcauliffe could not inviteis joe biden and kamala harris in virginia ivi and the problemo and the reason he couldn't was becauseul they are so unpopular with the democrat party that they are only at 20% support within their own party . why is this important? because if yoully want to get ot the vote, you actually have to motivate your door to door g volunteers and who is going too door to door for them?yong too and so what did they say? you know, we're going to do we're going to focus on exactly what you said. we're going towe focus on guns. we're going to focus on roe wade and voila, we're going to spend a quarter trillion in an
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economy that's already bloated and inflated and we're going to give it away to students not not to say forget about the fact that thirty five percent of the american people went to college. the rest of them didn't. of and there's a lot more people and there's a lot more people ten thousand a than a bunch of college graduates, that's for sure. but they want to motivate their base so that they can gett volunteers to do their work d because facing a reckoning in november and they don't have any vollen tears out there to help them stop the tidal wave that's's coming their direction. it'st' all part of new green socialism, the very things they promised. and it was greatat toanyway g s thank you , kelly, and congrats on your book. when we come back , the co-hosts of the view, that hard hitting news show said we should just get rid of the republican party . we'll get newt gingrich's reaction to that straight ahead. hello, my friend pat boone. safe step walk into this in
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one else will to learn about money, go to project lonberg earlier today on that hard hitting abc news show the view. the host once again smearing conservative, blaming them for gun violence and worse. >> take a look. get rid of these weapons of t war and it's not going too happen with republicans in power. so i i i'm now with you, joy. get rid of republicans. t get rid of the party. the party the party has to start nownd because it's the party of whiter supremacy. it's the party of insurrection. it's the partyem of massacres at this point it's the party that you just you can't and i know that personally i'm sick. i'm sick and tired of people making excuses why it's i one don't get it offth the market. joining us with reaction, former speaker of the house fox news contributor newt gingrich. so i look this and get rid of the republican party ,
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the party of white supremacy, a party of massacres, et cetera. the problem is it's not just the women of the view. this is now mainstreams democratic partyno thought they've gone so radically left, you know, yearsdica ago they trd to hide who they were and theywo worked through the courtsrk and try and get the courts to do their bidding for them and legislate from the bench. ot now they're just coming out with these loony ideas. how far does it get them? well, i mean, first of all, i think it isolates them because it makesou them sound nuts. u know, i thinkbo some of these youdy know, just a few months ago on your show talked about themou being a cult and i think that's a pretty accurate way to think of youbi have a group of people who get in a room, they chant about fantasies, then the fantasies become their reality. then they want to pass bills based on their fantasies and it's all crazy. the objective fact, for
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example, is that most young african-americans who are killed are killed by other african americans. and the reason that they're dangerous is because we have l left wing democratic district attorneys who refuseefef to loct the killers. so if you t look at the people who are out on the street today who are really dangerous, who are killinge peoplehi in chicago or san francisco or st. louis or baltimore, those folks are in factfo black criminals preying upon black victims, you're not going tono hear that ont the view. you're not going to have anyto honest conversation that isea based on facts. it what you're going to hear is a group of cultistsp chanting the various things they've learned as though if only theyen could chanted long enough the world would resembled them so they can't run on the economy. they can't run on economicom policies. they can't run on the border. they can't run a foreign policy war in europe and afghanistan.
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they can't run on a 40 year high of inflation. so infl it looks like they're going to rely on name calling likeob this . they rely on if roe v. wade isy overturned, abortion will be legal. americans will figure that out by the time november comesg and they're going to run on gun control measures now willlwi that overcome every american that's remindedll every day ofga the high price of gas and the inflation in everyday life? if we're doing a lot of polling and as american majorityin project which is available tosc everybody and what we're discovering is africanovic americans, latinos,an asianla americans, all of them have a simple problem. they go to the gas pump . they can't afford it. they go to the grocery store. t hethey can't afford it.r they look for infant formula. they can't find you think they're going to somehow a group of because
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nutcases on the view say nasty, vicious invective or for that matter because there's a democratic party saying, well, that's their problem. >> i think they're going to be crushed this fall. i think it's going to be worse in twenty four. the core problem is simple things they believeth in don't work. you know, the whole build back better turned into build back poorer. all of us are poorer today literally everybody listening us tonight is poorer because the democrats and joe biden and the country is on the edgebi of bankruptcy because the democrats and joe bidenen words aren't going to overcome that reality. i think you're right. i think it will be a landslide . i think, especially the house,t the senate a little tougher. butla ifnd it's a wave election like 1994 when you became speaker, i think all of that will break our way. thank you . speaker sean hannity look playing
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12:00 am
two streaming today on fox♪ nation. unfortunately, that is all the time we have left this evening. as always, thank you for being with us. please remember to set your dvr. we hopewe you never miss ane episode of hannity. don't forget o the latest news information. all you need to know go to fox news dot hannity .com and in the meantime, let's not your heart's in trouble. laura ingraham isha up next .♪ how to break that ? i'm laura ingram . this is ingraham angle from washington tonight . thankse e for joining us . we have a lot to say about president biden's incoherent and divisive gun grab addressvi and moments with congressman thomas massie and a mother who used her gun h to defend her home from an intruder. and that's going to happenen in moments. but first, latinos against liberalism. >> that's the focus of tonight's angle. now it seems like just yesterday when the conventional
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