tv The Five FOX News June 4, 2022 2:00am-3:00am PDT
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that'll get you the best results. we're out of time thanks to ketanji don't road that fact that foran today when he came in for that great. co but i love you america. i do. hello everyone. judge jeanine pirro along with harold ford jr., will cain, kellyanne conway and red blood cells. it's five o'clock in new york city and this is the 5:00. >> joe biden is putting gun control on the ballot this november. the president calling for a slew of anti-gun measures during a highly politicized primetime address. biden demanding congress actn
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but only on the gun crackdown policieses that he supports instead of trying to find common ground, the president taking the opportunity to bash and blame republicans. but according to a new poll, the majority of americans don't agree with biden. over half don't see schoolng shootings as a guns problem. but that's not stopping biden from trying to strong arm congress into doing what he wants for so many of you at home. i want tonyat be very clear . this is not about taking away anyone's guns. we need to ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines and if we can't ban assault weapons, then we should raise the aget to purchase them from 18 to 21 . the fact is a majority of the senate republicans don't want any of these proposals even to be debated or come up for a vote. i find unconscionable. nci believe the majority of youg
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will act to turn your outrage into making this issueth a centralis to your vote. enough enough is enough. but that's not good enough for some on the left. here arehe the ladies of the view. i always say don't vote for republicans right now. i mean, you can gono back to it after we get gun laws. so i'm now with you, joy. li get ridca of republicans. get rid of the party, the party that stands now because it's the party of white supremacy. it's the party ofs insurrectionist. it's the party of massacre's at this point it's the party that you just you can't can i? wow.w how do you even how do you even come to question based on that? greg, i mean the party of massacre's a party of insurrection, the party of white supremacists and before i get into that , i mean the fact that biden says the republicans don't even wantw
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to debate don't we have cornyn, a republican tryingbl now to wok out a deal with a democrat yet for it to be politicized but i mean, it's when you listen tot senate, you have to understandhe this is the dumbest person on earth. she's a lawyer. right? imagine her argument in a court case where she goes to the judge. i i don't think it's fair that i have to argue this case with the other side. sican we just lose can they jusu lose their legal team? and i'll just take itst from hee because that's exactly what she thinks because i don't want to actually hear an opposing or a shared opinion or debate. i'd rather justio get rid of all of them and then she smears them. the thing iss, again, it's all's about the svt single variable thinking you can't trust somebody if they're only focused on one variable and that's what you saw last night with president biden and that's why people can't't because they think that oh my god, ifth they're only focusing on one thing they are coming for that one thing and that is guns. it's all about curbing social media, focusing on mental health, not pronounssth,
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and optional identities. and it's also about security for schools. and we can talk aboutnsd guns. we are open minded.pu the republicans should actually go for it and talkbl about a multifaceted approach to protect children and take the leadif and say, look, we'ret open to everything because the democrat can't expandhipu their viewpoint, butbl republicans can . jodo could you remember he said that second amendment is anut absolutee he could cut the gun toting population in half if he announced that all democrats will forfeit their second amendment rights and turn in guy at half the country. youu know, if you think guns arey evil, then why don't you t give them up first? take the first step. you guys lead and we will follow. i mean, a lotan of climate activists will do that .at they'll reduce their own carbon footprint. they won't own a car. so maybe democrats who don't like the second amendment get rid the guns. probably a lousy shot anyway. all right, kellyanne, there is no question that even 51% of americans agree that , you
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know, guns areth not the answer to the schools massacres, the school shootings that we're seeing. they see other componentsei. they see mental health as a problem. they're interested in strengthening, the schools. why isn't congress, whether it's the democratsts or the republicans or both of them, why aren't they focused on all of the issues just like greg is saying, as opposed to guns, guns, guns, guns? and byne the way, there is one congressman who said spare mepi a b.s. although he said the full words aboute constitutional rights when he said that he also says for to be asked about mental health ,that other countries have mental health problems, that they don't have guns and you've got joe bidenis and others like senator cornyn, the republican has to work on this in the senate judge who are talking about mental health. why? because even the congress, even the american rescue plan last year one point nine trillion has one hundred twelve billion earmarked for schools and a. post-soviet world. so instead of ventilation systems and the stickers on the floor and maskings sevens year olds, that money has beenke
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earmarked for counselorsd , for mental health services and for loss learning. this administration is lear admitted that it's an issue.bu but if he can go on prime time and not talk about the children, his first mistake talk about the guns. he is a non credible messenger. itr. is a white house that lies from the podium. you've had 13 high profile departures in the first female first first vice president ofce colors office. you don't want to work there. these dream jobs have h been turned into nightmarestuth and frankly they don't have a messaging problem. they have a facteye problem. and he joe biden talks as ifen he just got to washington yesterday. he speaks as an outsider wheneas everybody knows he's in fifth decade. this is a guy who was tasked by president biden after newtown after the sandy hook massacre in 2012. joe biden was task i'm sorry joe biden was tasked by president obama to work on this. nothing got done. so when he says n do something he's incapable of doing that i think we should look at. look, there's never anyan
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one reason. so you can't have anyti one solution and we have tosh look at the profile of a lot of these shooters, someone likehe that , who the other students are afraid ofr and take themmst, seriously here in new york. see something say something about backpacks on the subway. you're afraid of a student that needs to be important. the guy and nikolas cruz, the guy in parkland, the fbi had beenan to his homes so many times and never did enough and there he was aspiring to be a school shooter. if you aspire to be a school shooter, you're goingto to get your wish. well, you know well, one of the things that we talked about yesterday was with the covid lockdown's kids in schools now go kind of from sixth grade to ninth grade because they missed two years and they are emotionally not mature enough is socially. but now b they're they're in aw position whereth with older kids i kind of tie that together with the fact that since 2018 we are now seeing the massno shooters, the age of the massss
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shooters, younger and uvalde and is not buffalo is above anarchy and a 19 . you're absolutely right judge. if you were honest and sincere about trying to addresso t this problem, you would be addressing all of the multi factorial contributors you and greg and kellyanne are pointing to. guns are but one part of that equation mental health as you've mentioned, isolated social media, first person video shooter games, big pharma ,all of our kids are being prescribed drugs at absolutely record rates. and you're goingou to tell me none of this is contributing to this uptick and yes, younger shooters. but the focus hasas to be simply on the gun when you say do something when president biden says do something, he means do something about guns.i and i will w just say the people are the most passionate about gun control, are simultaneously the most dishonest and ignorant people about they know verye little about
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caliber or velocity orve magazines that use these terms weapons of war or assault like or assault weapon. exactly right. greg, they use these terms likec they learned them yesterday on the back of a jack box. they haveke functional meanings or they're made up in either case and they do nothing, . nothing to solve this problem. all right, harold, what aboutgh the fact that there are 20 congresspeople in swing districts, democratsss who say why don't you break this bill down so that we don't have to vote yes or no on guns even they're worried about the public, not necessarilyt buying into the secondd amendment destruction. so i agree with a lot that's been said, but i see things differently. we have a problem, right? we sent sandy hook shooting at sandy hook have been nine hundred mass shootings in the country that there have been nine or five or three or 14 . and so, you know, maybe there's some overreaction to the nine hundred. are those how do you define though, harold, a mass shooting? yeah, because they changege they keep changing like it's likes war . i know this . i don't want to be a part of
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one . i can look it up here. i can google , we can google what a mass shooting you have to remember too because every organization you talk, i'll let you talk. so let's just say it's more than two. it's got to be more than one . so nine hundred of them to in these in these situations the school stuff i would agree with the guns alonene are not the problem with these school shootings. but in buffalo the gun probably was a bigger partngsal. the problem in the mental health as well. i think democrats have to be willing and republicans have to be willing to accept toto a little of what they don't ato want if we want to try to solve this problem because it is a problem, this is not something we're making up. your kids being killed, people in tulsa, oklahoma at a hospital front line workers be shot by a patient who was upset by the care and treatment that he got. so i dot three things. e shone , the age of the shooter ought to be twenty one . two, we l ought to have a longer background period for a waitingc period for the background checks to take place. if they're big checks up, if there's social media things, let's figure these 's things out, investigate. look, i know i know these are uncomfortable things, but i'm glad i'm comfortable. i just know that ins real time
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you arego not going to get lawaw enforcement to do that . i used to sign permits. i was looking to hire more people to check if they had to hire more people. democrats also have to accept well, i don't i don't give up like i sense is that there's a resignation hereis, a genuine curiosity, whatever you've got to put trained people i in schoolsn, not teachers, not teachers. can i just say listen to your study just published in the foreword. you guys tell me i'm just trying read conversations that teachers have. et but harold, interesting what i'm trying to say in the spirit of a conversation isco i actually for one would be open to listening to you talking about raising the age of buying an assault weapon from eighteen to twenty one . i'd be willing to have that conversation. well, the conversation hasnveroo be had okay. h have to be had an honest groans and ground pressing you on the question because that and i know well i said i don't know about it more than once again. go ahead harold.e we have a problem in this country. right. and it'sed not going to be solvd with what you have just said. you knowid why? on
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because we've been doing that all along and it's still happening. ... not going to be solved just democrats talking about guns you guys want to bash democrats fared so let's not have known now listen to me. i'm only well, i wouldn't t be saying anything if one good faith, my friend. i mean, i'm telling you what i'd like i call and strikes on democrats. all right. and with all s s the that but harold. no, no, no, no, no, no age should be raised. there should be a longer perio to explore someone's background, even a 28 day t waiting that may be too long. we ought to do that . we ought to have to have school in a school situation, armed people at these schools and i believe it's controversial but these ghost guns, we've got toat deal with that when we talk about these gangs and other things, chicago and new york. so we're conflating some ofrk these three with that coming up next , joe biden's presidency is failing soocomi bad that even the liberal media is turning on him m candace owens when you can't get enough in the
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obamagate vietnam war is one of the most misunderstood periods in american history. everything about the conventional view is and it could have been one of 50000 troops focused on political warfare. people decided that they needed to find the words. it makes sense to betray our enemies. it's actually not so bad. i feel free to liberate versus tyranny and all the facts of the vietnam war still resonate today. there's much more to come.
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timberman .com now and try it free for thirty days plus get a free father's day gift with your purchase obamagate account. you know things are bad whenin liberal media starts turning on a democrat. biden's alreadya ng beleaguered white house getting smacked with three huge scathing piecesh this showcasing the dysfunction and how his administration is strugglingan with gettingg messaging out in front ofon the big issues. case in point, raging r inflation. joe biden's boasting about . day's job report the u.s. economy addingbs three hundred ninety thousand jobs for the month of may with an unemployment rate at three point six percent. but all of those gains snuffed
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out by the higheste inflation in four decades and record hight gas prices. that's notde stopping biden from trying to spin the news with today's jobs report, we remain near historic three point six percent because of the enormous progress we made on the economy. and americans can tackle inflation from a position of strength. the two challenges on the minds families areng prices at the pump and prices at the grocery store. both of these challenges have been directly exacerbated by putin's'sbe war in ukraine. this is so, so there's your victory lap . kellyanne, do you think that's a risky victory lap ? you could stumble at the finish line as soon as i don't know. as many are predicting a recession could be right around the corner. it's a fairly strategy for some reason, the only person not paying attention to all of is joe bidenwh and his white house.itit seen such a clear
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cut case for how to respond to what the american people say is most important to them. and that's the key aboutan americans. you don't tell them what's important to them. they tell youyo and they're telling us inflation, immigration. and joe biden's america mothers can't find infant formula. nobody wins vladimir putin for that and he loses american whens he doesn't just stand up and say, look, it's been havetle bit rough but we a plan. we'rere going to get out of this . look at all the polls. it's th not just that people fel uncertain about their current economic situation. well, it's that when they project forward that pessimism is there. they think it will only get worse. and if republicans keep recruiting candidates that are talking about how to fix the economy, how to get back too energy independence, how to put conservative judges that don't think the constitution is a paper towel on the bench, they'll do very well this fall. butde joe biden commentariat do less every weekend than almost everyone i know there's never anything on her publicer schedue . we see where he is. i mean, he literally had a 17 minute fundraiser last night in prime time and left didn't
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go to congress and say, hey, now i want to get everybody together and show people working in the cabinet room. kamala harris is where they're embarrassed to put her out there. and i think that the media has had enough of themie because the media covered for they worked overtime to help them get where they are and they're not getting enough transparency and return on a note. soeyt judge, you can't be overlooked in addition to this , these stories about joe being upset about the walk backs or even some stories about black staffers being upset within the white house. also's the washington post for the first time acknowledgingnohu the hunter biden laptop story. what's going on ? well, i think the washington post understands that they survive based upon the number of newspapersgt that they sell that are that their customer is a persony who buys the newspaper and not the white house. and you know,ite with joe biden complaining so much about trying to tell us what a greatma jobs reportt look, american people, as kellyanne said, you know, we tell them how we feelth ,butat american people understand that they can't go
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to the supermarket anymore without looking at a piece of meatcean, putting it down and tn maybe picking it up again. it's crazy. i mean,, i even look at meis and say that . right. but what joe biden ought to do instead of complaining about his staff, he ought to takeehe 15 minutes and say sit down with the american people and say, you know what ? this is what i want to say to you. this is how i want to do it. i feelur your pain. i got into office because i felt your pain about covidai i empathize with you. se ift he's so upset about the people around them, do something about a joke. you'rere the boss. do something. sohe i think he's saying it. he's annoyed with people around him. he's annoyed that he didn'tidn' know about a baby formula early. well, you know what doing your press secretary and tell her you better either be onthh the same page with me or don't be on the same page. but harold, why is the media not covering foror joe biden no? well,th i don't think they've ever covered for him. i'm sorry. i will let greg talk. i change my mind. i'm kidding the floors have
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been you know, so you know, ron is complaining about cnn and others. he thinks not treating them fairly. but these resets happen in white house. this happened in trump's whitets house. this happened and obama's white house, it happened and george w. clinton's and hwc white house and you have to have you have to have the dexterity to be able to push a reset and to be able to figure out if if you're not getting the right advice about baby formula, then you fire the people that are giving yououab bad advice. soca you put people in charge. it can help run these things. i would remind everybody and the baby the baby formula, it was the safety and health . sue it got them to shut some ofof that stuff down. now he should have known those things earlier on oil and gas. i applaud them for wanting to meet with the saudis and the venezuelans. di don't think that's a long term strategy. but certainly in the upermediate as we ramp bu production here in america and find ways to eventually graduatetete to a different kinf platform energy platform, you've got to give them credit there where i think he has to understand is that the border and crime or issues are goingan to resonate with votersge and they have to get a better strategy around the strategy is
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not it's clear to around those as it those two issuess is inflation in oil and gas. greg, i like it when joe biden attacks inflation by defining it for us seeing is an increasa in prices and you keep hearing about a message problem. but they have to admit the problem is the message. it's's not the execution, it'st' the substance itself. but you ask this questionle a couple of times like why is the media changing? why iss the media attacking hi? i the media is turning on him for say i think they realize that he has served his purpose. he gote elected as an old white safed moderate trojan horse designed to hidee the coming reckoning of the woke, the locusts that were inside that trojan horse and now they don't need the feeble old coot and to gently push him out into the pasture . ou that's why they're talking about hunter biden all the time, a story that they buried and now they're so brave
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covering all of the sordid details that i've been all over since day one . buter you know why? why you're going to know that the media is not like suddenly in our camp or on our side when they all decide that january 6th hearing is going to be inu prime time. you don't think that's a political strategy in which the democrats and the media collude together? sound familiar right. e they're doing it in prime timee for a reason. they're doing it because they got nothing else. they're going to be in for their oh, they're going to be in for a lousy surprise when no one watches it. well, i feel bad that interrupted harold several times. we're only two segments into the show. so harold, would youdow like to read my tease? harold, looking back , do bac yu think they should cover for? hunter biden? do you think the laptop being called russian disinformation? there with the media? that's where i think in your post off i mean, curiosity first of all, an election i don't i don't want national security. i say this is russian disinformation in the direction
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this is the wrong person yo. i think that all this stuff should be transparent, whether it be for him to take for biden. i think greg has the answer to that is that he served so no regrets. he served as purpose. h up next , as crime rages on in liberal democrats have a new midterm strategy. it's to start talkingoc like republicans on the never good old stuff. h >> no.t yeah, don't. team meetings end at nine . rove got lost weight. the lexus built for modern family. matorin works fast to stopd being where it started, but those nagging headachee uncomfortable periods and disruptive mothering you can count on that effectively with motrins it's very important
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the liberal crime wave.wa and here are some examples of why people want more cops. a staffing shortage has reportedly forced seattle imlice to stop investigating new assault and a horrific video out of california shows a teen plowing down a mother and child. turns out that teen will spend only five months in juvenile probation camp thanks to radical district attorney george gascon. rough stuff now it's terrible. how how do you see all this ? i mean, i thinknk people arede quick to say this is a problem in our big cities because they are run by radical district attorneys george gascon or alvin bragg here or larry krasnov in philadelphia. and of course our mayor here. i think people have a lot of faith in our new mayor eric adams, former police captain is going to take on crime crimes worse. how to explain it? well,ha i don't know. i don't have all the answers. i did i w a give them to him rit away. i do think that a couple ofof things t and we talk about it
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around this table every night. we need bill reform. more police officers on the streets. we need to ensure that we have mental health, mental health services. we talk about mental health when it comes to the use ed of f guns and we should. but the mental health issue in so many cities across the country, particularly new york and los angeles is so rampant we've got to figure out a different and better ways to address it in any american politician believesmm that communities of color communities in big cities don't want police officersunt on the street, don't know thosee communities that they're talking about. the reason eric adams wass elected because he offered that was the plan he ran. he's got to execute on . but he won a majority the voteop in the city because people want their communities to be safe when you're democrat orr republican district attorney that you listed, they'llil be held accountable by the votingacco public as they shoulv buter i stand i want every republican and any democrat to talk the crazy language around this make our community safer. and when i say our i mean allne
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of new york , allw of chicago, if it means arresting people, if it means ensuring that they stay behind bars, that meansst building more prisons. we have to do that to make sure that our streets remain safe, not judged. two shortrtfe years after they found the police. here we are. you have a lot of democrats now trying to sayto we need more cos on this. yes, they want to put on the robes of the 35% the right question. yes, ma'am. we're usingng black lives matter was going down burning down streets of businesses in the summer of 2020 when they were saying to fund the police. were youy sayingsa all this ? you know, we want police. we want to be safe for i'ver elected to congress judge in nineteen ninety . no i'm asking you about the summer 2020 so i like what you're saying. i've said years this . all right now let me answer your question. all right. what we've got our days who ares elected to enforce the law who are not enforcing the law. gascon in california has just been slapped down by ann appellate court in california saying you are not a sovereign,
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you do not have you the right to just and decide that you're notg going to use three strikes and you're out in a case you have got to follow the law. thereno arew now more than five hundred thousand signatures for gascon's recall. it's the biggest number of signatures ever have the los angeles county. hopefully that dirtbag will be gone. nowdi in addition to that in i think is it in portland where they're not taking on assault cases are seattle a.m. seattle, they're not taking sex assault cases. what justltrtland call it w a day because police aren't coming because they don't have now, are they are they not prosecuting petty larceny, larceny, identity theft? i probably i think they probablyy are, but they'ret not going to not going to investigate or prosecute anddi the final thing i have to say is this little dirt bag in the car who mowed down a mother and her child six years old . he says the mother came out ofgo nowhere. he's 16 years old going down the street the wrong way.
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he's speeding. he leaves the scene of a crime. he should be in jail. yo he should be in prison,u prosecuted as an adult. they send him not to juvenileio detention but juvenile camp five months. this is what you voted for. this is what you get five months, you know. well, soet much of politics is perception, but when it comes to crime, there's a perception is reality. we have record homicides in cities like chicago and philadelphia or we don't and we do people there seelk folks looting stores or they don't and they do so t how do we really turn this around and are people going to give someey new credibility t to democrats who are talking more about grabbing our gun? we'll watch. they talk about it becau rse of one of the reasons i pushed harold earlier on the definition of mass shootings are i ask to define what you mean when youse say assault weapon. it's because words are the trojan words and words are being tortured today. watch democrats even watch mayor eric adamsh attempt to talk about crime but always pivot to gun violencealwa. in gun t violence for what it's worth in new york , robberies up 39%, burglaries up 32%.
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transitt crimes up 54%. it's the same in chicagoad and philadelphia where shootings are actually in new york down weou the crime problem, not a gun problem. okay, away. well, i don't know.he i'm sitting here. it's, nice sometimes drink. no, you know what it is though i think even in harold will agree with me w, the dems like abandoned their base in the service of the woke and it's t always trying to figure out what's it worth it what did they expect to get out of this because we're talking about how crime affects minority communities the most and the police officers areof hard working minorities, but they but the democrats m chosepi this kind of insipid orthodoxy of the woke as people that they claim to represent are dying. i'm trying to i keep goingar back . they know they're doing this . why don't they stop it and only go back to this idea that they are delusional by the kind of the outsized outrage on twitter that they believe that this group of the woke is so much larger than it really is
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that it actually prevents them from being sensible. i think that even likeev mayores adams is too focused on the externalities like how am i being perceived right. when actually he should just say i'm not going to be looking at i'm not going to be turningt on the tv. i'm not going to be looking at social media. i'm not going to go to anyy events or dallas until i solve this stuff because i think i think right nowow they're living in they're living in a world that doesn't exist except for the loudest voices. and i think that's the problem. maybe i don't know. great discussion. w stay right there because when we come back , we're going too talk about my new book number one bestseller in the new york times. >> here's the deal,, for you over when tired feet make your whole body one stop, dr. goldstein car rentals are designed with unique masashi glww for all the comfort and energy fun you're really
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new book about our time spent in the trump white house. here's the deal. a memoir is a new york timesfe best seller. it's also featured on the new fox nation special streaming right now. greg, best new york times best you're sitting next to one . what would you which you've been many times over . in fact, harold,at i have at least five new york times bestsellers about fire . i lost count actually , kellyanne, but it is five .ua i have a question about in your book because there's somebody in your book . it is. so there's a lying sociopath and her name is taylor lawrence. and i know this is somebody that works for the washington post that used to work for the new york times. she keepsst accusing people doxing her and stalking her . but she she kind of originated as stalking and doxing of youngo people, including your daughter. am i rightgur? she's made a career out of that and she doesn't want anybody in her name. so let's repeat it, taylor lauren, she doesn't even know what she looks like, butat she's got pictures all over the place. you look in the b summer the lan
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summer and early fall of 2020, my fifteen year old daughter claudia was doing what lots of teenagers do pushing back on authority. mom and dad posting tick-tock. some of them wereti anti chumstick talks and telling themck and thought t was her job toth go and pull thm all together and put them in front of her two hundred thousander twitter followers. but she did something else. she direct messager our daughtr in the dead of night who's fifteen, whose parents are pretty easy to find by the way, and she never even bothered to call. she told our fifteen year old daughter because it's alle- in my official white housema email will be in the archives soon. i guess that shee told ourug fifteen year old daughter if at any time you're uncomfortable, give your mother my number now would you feel more at ease if she were a man direct messaging a 15 year old girl you're not you're not old enough to vote, drive and get your ears pierced an r rated movie drive a drink, of course. but this is this there and now she's on msnbc crying yes. c literally cryingry. she's a peter pan of a female journalist and there are lots of them. but look, you know, i think we need standards and i will say
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that they were many people in the media stood alone. there were other people who thought that the daughter of a staffer was relevant a at the same time they were covering for one hundred and son ,one year old grownwn grown man of a guy who's now president. he and they letr the other day let the girl turn. but you know, my daughter all my kids arere amazing. they have more class dignity,on discretion, judgment in their pinky than those other and a lot of the reporters by the way, you're followed on twitter. what were they waiting for? yeah, so me to say we're kova started me to have this to finally do you think in my pocketbook there was russia collusion at last. right. and why they can go in there and get it. so they were disgraceful and even christian who grants mercy and forgiveness routinely i will not forget or forgive some it wasn't just tell the friends or lots of other reporters i've never revealed and i will good time because claudia shared those messages with me. , you know, i was i fascinated by and i love the book . i did love the book. i especially liked the book where you talk about how everything was so nice the first day. little did youkn know there was
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a bus waiting for you within twenty four hours. but youou say that jared kushner in particular misread the constitution and felt that all power not given to the federal government as was reserved for him. you say ultimately have the final okay and just about all the hires and i can't help but think that one of the things that most people were disappointed in the trump administration and you know that i love the presidentve is s the fact that the department of justice was did not did notpr prosecute a lot of the crimes which we felt and the majority of americans feltt cases deserve prosecution. can we thank jared kushner for jeff sessions and bill barr ? well, ultimately the presidentl makes the personnel decisions. but i think in the case of jared, if you're a familyu member, you can overstuff your portfolio with whatever. there'sst no question it's a vey smart guy. but you know, he had no washington experience. i think it's charming that the united states had no washington experience . itit was determined as to
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how donald trump got elected. he was a political outsiderca, as were other people, but, he had real world experience, successful number one show b e on tv, the apprentice. he obviously was a very successful job creator and businessman and i thinkd that is very important with theu gravity responsibility of his job to show some humility and to say i don't know what i don't know and learn a few things in washington. i also think bipartisanship iss a means, not an end can be valuable. but you know, going so far into these to trytr to work with thed democratic senators who turned around and impeached president once but twice they weren't they weren't willing to play ball. and so many of these issuesen't wasn't real.l. and yes, ronaldwa reagan was right. personnel is policy and irs thik a lot of great conservativeser who otherwise could have worked in the administration never got their shot and there are many reasons for that . but but the look, donald trumps a great girl, boss. you know, i looked up one dayat an immediate twenty . am i right about this ? i saw sarah huckabee, sanders, ivanka trump, brooke rollins, mercedes schlapp and me between the five of us we have nineteen children, twelve daughter, seven sons at the time between the ages of two and sixteen. this sounds like a on friday
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night. yes. uncle greg, i'm not so much e and anyway i look up i meanls where else can those five women with these nineteen school age kids ages to sixteen have the highest rank assistant to ra the president and be working corporate handbooks tell you their family friendly. but we actually worked in the place it was almost or i as many kids as fox and friends weekend.d. really quickly, i want toas ask you about your relationship with i think as you describeyo it, the two men in your life, your husband george conway, who you said in the book was at times in the other room in your home plotting against you donaldr boss, president trump, who's had some things to say about your book since it's come out. tell me about your relationship with both of them. well, george and i have been married for more than two decades. we have four children together and george like me accepted a job in the trump administration. he was going to be the head of the civil division of the department of justicede. we moved to washington as a family, as a couple. we agreed to do that . he was decided when donald trump was when he was very proud of his wife and he also was very supportive of some of
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the toughest moments during the twenty sixteen campaign. it was george drive me to trumpc tower down the street hereamo the day after access hollywood, the day of that debate in st. louis encouraging me bucking up with my person and heis can change his mind. his views are not to donald trump or anyone president or political party, butic vows to love and honor me i think meant that at the very least i should have had some advance noticed and transparency about an op ed that's coming out in the new york times the next day or washington post next hour or special coverage on msnbc. . i mean, that's what couples do. i have great relationships, both of them. i don't equate them one on m one with my marriage. one was my joby . an butd you know, the presidentnt and i go way back . we've done a lotof of great things togetherr. to i know s he had one thing to say publicly so far, but i won't w disclose our private, conversations. but i'm glad people are g buying the book because it's one woman's journey. ai i was raised by an all women household and i took my first public service job at the ageat of 50 and i'm glad i did maga hats good luck. >> more of the five next fall
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that's what we're doing. i gave you the question ahead of time. see? wow, that's an your name. it's just yeah. it was just last arrow when i was four and i i wound up in public life. i did d my dad's r first radio commercial said if you want lower cookie prices, better b housing both forei my dad, i kiv of like being a in front of a tv and in the radio too. so i lose the race and i've been blessed to have this perch . you're smooth like butter. a i sortlw of always i don't remember if my dad was an attorney. my mom had it on the today show every morning and i always want to be a sports broadcaster somehow brought alldc that together. how do you always wantas to do something like this ? >> oh , i'm the only one who said hello when i was four years old that i was bitten by politics at seventeen when i very briefly met ronalden reagan and then i would say twenty five when i became a lawyer25a i quickly realized i wanted to do something else for me too. >> wellse i mean originally i wanted to be an aerobics dancer. i did a play and then i knew
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i just wanted to be in front of the camera ever since i can t get i can getv on the tv till. like forty or something like twenty one when i was six i wanted to be a lawyer. so there well that was the question. do you know that being a lawyer this is television. alll right. i'm going to tease it said like the producers didn't know anyway so we're going to see the answer to the question. the question was qunol any minute the question i got a criminal. okay, all right. well, are things that are dinosaurs, dinosaurs, teachers
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of infection and lower your ability to function. so your doctor if you have an infection muslim or if you hadou a vaccine, no plan to emerge. rampion wistrom via your doctor about transavia today. >> how soon could be listed as the owner of your stealing thousands of dollars of your hard earned anybody who owns property for about 90%
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who served during world war i serving soldiers donuts and treats to keep their who are real up more than 10 billion donuts are made in the united states every year. and if you love donuts. you should live in boston where they have the most doughnut shops per person. being aware if you ate one doughnut a day you will gain a pound every 10 days. fun fact to annoy you. >> greg: you killed everybody's mood. derosa, kennedy kat timpf and tyrus. it's a barn burner. don't burn a barn. brand new guitar made my pop rock legend johnson. if you want to find a great al bull in the 70s. robert johnson he is the white guy in the middle there tell by the he
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is going to teach me how to play better guitar since i am awful. >> judge jeanine: you can play next time. >> kellyanne: australian man almost got ran over. the man got up and started fighting the kangaroo. both sides exchanged blow. the man would gain the upper hand by taking down the danger radio and pinning it to the under-the-kangaroo appearing to waive the right flag. kangaroos are known as some of the strongest most aggressive careers in the animal kingdom this one picked the wrong human to mess can. >> greg: now they are dating. >> harold: 14-year-old logan won the scripps belg beacon test did 92nd spelloff. competed four times and first time winning it. congratulations to young lady. >> will: men can get pregnant and bees can be fish.
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