tv Gutfeld FOX News June 6, 2022 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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put on false eyelashes for the millions times. i finally got something new and here it is with and without. it feels not bad. it's definitely not the worse attempt that i've had on one hand. on the other hand, i feel like it looks way crazier. >> i actually think she looks good both ways. >> yeah. all right. happy monday, everyone. [applause] >> still the weekend for some of these people. i hope you had a decent weekend, but not too decent, found what i
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if you know what i mean. good to see bill hammers with us [applause] >> by the way, thanks for having me over. >> welcome. >> yeah. so that is not photo shopped. all right. so the left to maintain their often unfortunate police, they have to assume the very worse about the people they claim to defend. remember, it's the party that told you blacks can't get ids. but also the poor that they steal, right? that's what we always here at nyc. that and gunshots. but whenever goods are stolen, the democrats will say it's because the people stealing can't afford to buy them, even though the of these sell the stolen crap immediately after it's grabbed. remember the looting happened, aoc was saying it's 'cause the poor needed this stuff. if anybody these a diaper, it's her. she's so full of crap.
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of course, most poor people do not steal. how much money you have has nothing to do with how honest you are. the problem here in new york is clear. stealing is simply incentivized so the already criminalized simply get more criminally. and i invented that word, criminally. it's not like poor, decent people just embarked on a life of crime because walgreens got lazy. no, we or our liberal d.a. just made recidivism acceptable. take new york's infamous thief who led the league in shoplifting bus with 46 arrestees. four more and he gets a free toaster which is weird 'cause he already stole seven. it wasn't poverty that drove him. i'm guessing he drove himself, probably in a stolen lexus. but did he use the products he stoll like every democrats claim? no. he flipped the booty for cash. i know this for a fact because i
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bought is it men speed sticks off him. what can i say? have you ever dipped them in ranch dressing? they're -- a new york company life alert interviewed the game -- that was a joke and he said everything that you knew to be true, he kept robbing only because he could keep robbing, thanks to the soft crime prosecutors. he robbed walgreens so often, he bring in his own reusable bag. i don't blame him. if essential did pay for the goods, imagine the length of his receipts. those are long from all -- i don't understand it either. isaac rodriguez robbed one walgreens at least 37 times last year. this guy was on camera more than -- in the last two years. he'll be actually subbing for kilmeade on fox & friends
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weekends. you can move that down. that's stupid. but he stole everything from pro teen drinks to body lotion, which when you mix together it makes a delicious yogurt. yes, he also stoll tam upon -- but then again, men can now have babies, why not periods. he then stole the stuff on streets and pawn shop and cash. and he kept going because of the revolving do justice system that kept him in business while putting stores out of business. this new craze was brought to you by reform got rid of pretrial detention, which includes grand larceny. this is why criminals like this dude could be caught over and over only to be released like a lake trout on a fishing show. meanwhile if you wonder in an open door in the capitol, you might still be in jail six months later.
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only if they attack the -- 42% and 51% respectively compared to the same time last year. and in this precinct, grand larcenies are up 99%. that's almost double. thank you. even janet yellen could figure that out. isaac boasted i may have got caught 46 times, but i got away a lot more than that. finally got nailed for ripping off a store where there was already an order of protection against him. and that's the amazing part, really. that you actually have to get at letter from a court in advance in order for them to stop a criminal. how insane is that? but this is how incentive and disincentives work. criminals reacted exactly as you'd expect. so can you blame the thieves?
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apparently, we're no longer allowed to. maybe that's how it goes. and you wonder what even happens when the cops decide to interrogatory these perps. >> okay. debra, i'll keep this brief. we caught you 35 times stealing from this week. >> but it wasn't me, though. >> we have you on tape. look. here's a picture of you stealing ties from jc penny. >> this is looks nothing like me. >> we also caught you on camera stealing a monkey head from the natural history museum. >> i would never wear that. >> you're wearing the same thing right now. >> you're wearing the same thing. >> we also caught you stealing a male model from the international house of male models. >> he hit on me. >> no, that's the biggest lie i ever heard. you expect me to believe that? >>, hey, baby. you ready to get out of here?
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>> well, i'll be dammed. >> they make a beautiful couple. [applause] >> so the question is with all this stealing going unarrested -- is that a word? why are we paying for things? are we the suckers or what? in this new world, you'd be stupid not to steal. like you'd be stupid to pay your student loans back. i mean, how is that not wholesale theft. the government reaching into your pocket to paying off someone's debt. in that case you're the drugstore and the government just walked in and cleaned out the register. [applause] >> she looks like a stock photograph in a picture frame you buy and pretend she's your girlfriend. our cohost. >>
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[applause] >> i can't imagine how many dog pictures he has to look at every morning. america's newsroom coan cor. >> and this man is so bright, he kicks out of movie theater. and best selling author of the book woke. [applause] and she's like a sour patch kid, sweet on the inside and often found stuck to the theater floor. kat timpf [applause] >> bill, great to see you. you had a nice ten daybreak from dog pictures. >> it's still online, gregg. >> he was sending them. i told everybody that you were suspended from fox. >> so i heard.
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>> are you getting tired of hearing -- is it weird how we do this story over and over again and nothing happens. >> this is kind of like we're living our own little science experiment. back in grade school when the teacher says we have a science fair, go home and come up with a project. they came up with a project all right. it includes lenient sentences, open the border, legalize drugs and make streets homeless. that's just new york. >> i know. >> so we're three years into this experiment. let's call it that science experiment and we'll find out in november how people are gauging how it's going. >> what if you and i decided to go out to a drugstore and shoplift? ma p what would happen to us? >> this dude is the leader. >> i know. >> 37 times in one shop. >> you think we'd be treated the same or differently if we did it? if we went in. have you ever thought about that
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when you're in there? >> i haven't considered that, gregg. but i would suggest that if they're this lenient, you can do it. >> i'm just joking. i was thinking out loud. >> musing out loud. >> emily, very good. you're a lawyer and you're from washington. did you see that people are no longer stopping? is it the state of washington? the police are trying to -- they turn this sirens on. you don't have to pull over anymore. that's another incentive to keep driving. >> that's right. and actually, the similar analogy of that is going on in the southern border. which that the law states in you're a juvenile driver law enforcement there -- which is why the cartels have now enlisted juvenile drivers for them. the point it leads to bad news. i have to say back on this league mvp, the irony to me is that part of the advocacy by the
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progressive -- that dedeteriorates humanity. he has 200 days left on his sentence. i'm now clean, i'm sober. he's getting his ged. he says i would have died if i stayed on the street. he said this is a blessing in disguise. >> i hope he was telling the truth because you have to separate the person from the lie at sometimes. by the way, you can just say ged. you don't have to spell if out. g-e-d. i was going, is this for real? he's going to get out. by the way, obviously you came at the right time. woke. great book. why are companies speaking -- you don't really here the companies that are being victimized. why is that? i think they're apologizing from the people. you can steal a little bit from our shop but get the regulators off our back.
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so this is a game the company's played. i think for a business guy, the incentive thing is right. more incentive to commit crimes. i do think there's one more element to this and i think it's important. is that you have a philosophy behind blm, behind clear the jails, behind defund the police movement. the system is so corrupt. the system is so racist. >> yes. >> that you actually justify when do you it. you're sticking it to the system. you're doing the right thing. and i think the reason a lot of criminal doesn't steal is because they wouldn't put in jail. >> right. >> if they feel like they're the heroes and do something right -- that's what's gong. you feel like you have this heroes is carrying out a justified cause and i don't think we're talking about enough. >> it's interesting. if you do believe that this country is hopeless leon pressive, then doing anything to strike against it, it makes you a hero. kat, but you're like me, right?
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do you get that little to my knowledge t -- you're buying an ointments, whatever. talking about me. >> yeah. >> every now and then i got to get ointments. >> all i do is buy ointments. >> ointments are the underrated oil based products. >> i don't think they're over or under. they're just ointment. they're exactly what they are. >> there's appointment to my ointment. and that is what is it about the rest of us? it's a corollary to people who pay their college tuition and somebody gets paid off. it's like being in a drugstore and that guy gets to walk out with a bag because you're going to pay for it. >> there's never been a better time to steal. >> yes. >> because you even look at this guy? he was famous for stealing. >> yes. >> and in the past, that might have been a big problem.
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>> right. >> you wouldn't want people to know that you were the guy feeling the most stuff. >> exactly. >> now it doesn't matter. you can honestly -- it's a great career. there's -- you could set up a booth at the career fair. i'm the guy who steals all this stuff and nobody would do anything. >> yeah. >> you could even steal the little tent. >> that's right. yeah. that guy who's making those tents is making a lot of money, right? >> oh, yeah. the covid tents out there. up next. do writers for the "washington post" have the worse set of humor than most? to their new mini-van! yeah, you'll get used to it. this mom's depositing money with tools on-hand. cha ching. and this mom, well, she's setting an appointment here, so her son can get set up there and start his own financial journey. that's because these moms all have chase.
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the staff gets upended because some cry babies got offended. the "washington post" staff publicly shrugged out on twitter this weekend. it started with a re-tweet from dave weigel seen here awaiting a chin transplant. terrible. stop it. [applause] >> mean. you people are mean. so he retwooeted this joke. every girl is bi. you just have to figure out if it's polar or sexual. i will definitely not be laughing at that lame joke. but obviously, a re-tweet because it's better than his usual stuff. so then weigel's post colleague took a screen shot of his re-tweet -- it's like high school -- and wrote fantastic
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work at a work outlet where retweets are allowed. that's nice of her. unless she was being sarcastic. but in the twitter world where she's operating -- but too little too late. according to cnn, weiel has been suspended without pay for a re-tweet of a joke. but i can relate to him. i rere-tweeted some stuff in the past. cigarettes make you popular and hot. how about this one? when it comes to dining out, nothing beats the wuhan wet market. i had to return the money that i got for that one. looking forward to my island vacay with my good friend jeff epstein. this one, believe all women that say i'm sexy.
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and this one got me a bit of trouble. if men played in the wnba, it might get interesting. >> a sexist would say. >> i never -- i would never say anything like that. at least wapo does it have a comedy night. i wonder how it will go. >> okay. so these three guys walk into a bar -- >> sexist. why does it have to be three white men. >> okay. all right. so a black guy, a priest and a woman walk into a bar -- >> boo. that's racist. that's binary. >> all right. three people walk into -- >> stop it. [applause] >> kat, who is the villain here? i mean, it sounded so high school. i will never publicly criticize
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you. i mean, we did it on twitter. i mean, she did it on twitter. they're adults. >> you publicly criticized me on every social media platform and television. guess what? i'm okay. >> yes. >> that's what i don't -- [applause] >> don't applaud her. don't applaud her. she's a bad person. >> that's why p what i don't understand, though. he apologized. he said i didn't mean to create any harm. i'm like, dude, you didn't. nobody's actually harmed by this joke that was dumb. >> yeah. >> it was too dumb to be as expensive as it was. a month without pay? i was looking at the account of the guy who tweeted it and even he he couldn't believe how huge it got. he quoted saying by the end of the day i'm going to be invited to mir lag go. he was sitting there tweeting something. he has no idea it would turn into this massive thing. and it shouldn't have. nobody's hurt by that.
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>> twitter is a good place to be fired. >> yeah. there's no incentive for that. this goes back to -- i always go back to your book. this is why if you're running a business, do not hire woke people. woke people will get -- come at you believing a joke is real and call you out as a sexist. >> it's as cancer. >> no doubt about it. about this woman who -- it's not literally a cancer. >> as a -- >> i don't want to be called out on it. >> it's a phrase. >> yeah. >> she actually was speaking of problematic person to hire. look, she actually had sued the "washington post" which is just a problem in the first place. claiming that she's been harassed because she wasn't allowed to report on certain stories that the "washington post" thought that she had a conflict of interest reporting on. but she sued the post and now i think that's part of the reason why, 'cause these are the kind of employees that employers know
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to be scared of. they don't want to get sued. if she's already making noise, she's already suing once. he's probably not going to sue us back for it. i think that was his mistake. >> right. don't apologize. >> i wouldn't apologize for it. he made a joke. >> it wasn't enough. why apologize. >> it makes no sense to apologize. >> yep. >> and 'cause then like it's this -- these people just start drooling when they hear your apology, right? they get very excited. emily, in the green room when we were talking about the -- it was a joke, was all women are bi. it's whether it's polar or sexual. you said to me, funny 'cause it's true. >> it's a joke, everyone. >> i feel like you were that scene from thelma and louise. that's you all day every day. that's the mantra everybody should have.
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i did appreciate that his apology it didn't have all that additional language that so many apologies. i can do better and i will and like all of those things that we can recite. i just also think it's really rich coming from wapo that they have this stringent apparently social media policy when they are the ones that paid out a really huge settlement for amplifying misinformation, for ruining people's lives. >> right. >> with their refusal to correct and their refusal to acknowledge the truth and facts. >> the nick sandman case. >> exactly. and clearly within the four corners of their paper, there's a lot of crap in it. and so it's sort of weird that they're policing someone just using social media as it should be used for, which is absolute crap. >> this is -- it just shows -- there's a cowardice going on. >> it's been going on for a while. and to your point, we developed a zero tolerance policy. so long as that's the policy,
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unfortunately he's going to be suspended. he's going to have to live with the consequences. >> yeah. >> but if i said that about any gal that was dating, i'd be on the couch. >> yeah. with two other ladies. that's how i roll. send me on the couch. i'm good with that. there's enough room here. the twin that live above me. >> all right. i think we're good. >> good? it sounded like an episode of three's company. why do people -- one thing is public -- she's not really upset. if she was really upset, she would e-mailed him. >> she wants to use it as currency to make herself look better. >> yeah. disgusting. up next, to see nepstein's list. a story the media clearly missed. t cancer.
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when your time is threatened, it's hard to invest in your future. a story the media clearly missed. pstein's list. a story the media clearly missed. ali is helping women live longer than ever before when taken with an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant... in hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer. kisqali is a pill that's proven to delay disease progression. kisqali can cause lung problems, or an abnormal heartbeat, which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain... a change in your heartbeat, dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills, or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. avoid grapefruit during treatment. your future is ahead of you, so it's time to make the most of it with kisqali. because when you invest in yourself, everyone gets the best of you.
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>> elon musk wants the epstein list exposed, but the doj says case closed. over the weekend, that's two days, kat -- musk sent shockwaves by questioning the department of justice's decision to withhold jeffrey epstein's client list. they think there's nothing to see. like the cameras that malfunctioned when he got murdered -- i mean, committed suicide. tweeting, "only thing more remarkable than doj not leaking the list is that no one in the media cares."" doesn't seem odd." a lot of people forget to do that. >> not you see. >> not me. it's a fair point we made here any times. the press went nuts over that college admissions cheating scandal because it had celebrities. the lady from full house. but ritchie -- of course the dweet is in reference to his sex
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trafficking case while awaiting trial in 2019 he was found dead his new york city jail. the death was ruled a suicide, which to me seems more convenient than having a neighbor that's a practoology. have you met elon musk. >> i haven't met him. >> i like what he's doing. >> why are they talking about this? >> i think that -- look, i have seen the bill gates part of this is bothers me this the most. bill gates was once the wealthiyies men in the world. after the epstein came out, it was the basis for his wife to get divorced from him. which is the fact that he had ties with epstein. and the fact that microsoft found out these allegations but
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nobody touches it. i think part of the reason bill gates and bill clinton have in common is they both actually atone for their sins in africa. for these guys, thank god their an africa they use it cover up. but guys like jeff epstein, he didn't tie at the temp temple of poverty in africa, and so that why he was hang out to dry. >> right. >> i just think this is a part of cover-up working as it's supposed to. you're doing the things you're supposed to, the media lets you off the hook. >> bill, do you believe he committed suicide? i'm doing this on purpose. >> my feeling -- musk has 100 ideas an hour. they can use this guy at the white house. i mean, they were asked today what they're going to do about gas prices? >> by the way, what a pivot. you know what the answer was?
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we have nothing to preview for you. >> crazy, huh? >> which american was to the driving this past weekend and looked at that price tag and say why is this happening. >> you should see me friday. >> the thing about musk is -- i think what he's doing with twitter, i believe, if you follow him with tesla for the past five years, he was on the front page on the wall street journal and the "new york times" every day. it was a whiplash world. and he was leading a lot of that and some of that have was just reporting that was following after. i think his ability to express his creativity on twitter i don't think is something that most people really had an idea before. >> right. >> i still think he wants to buy it. i don't believe that people say that he's walking away from this. i think the whiplash over tesla is what we're seeing right now with regard to the headlines on twitter. that's my theory. >> you know what -- >> i have no idea what happened to epstein. >> you say that now. you say that now. you get a few drinks into it,
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you'll show me where he was killed. emily, to what bill was saying -- see what i said? i didn't say to bill's point. he's like the most red pilled billionaire in history. something happened. he's now like your uncle who listen to rush limbaugh every day and he tools with the cam -- i don't know who i'm talking about and why my hands are doing. >> you have a camaro, right. >> a mock one. >> anyway. answer the question. >> okay. first of all, you guys, this to me is exactly how twitter should be used in stark contrast to our block earlier when we talked about the nature and shaming people and every apologizing. he's using it as a public square, right if he's putting something out there that jog everyone's memory or reminds them a question that they took absolutely should be asking. because, yes, yes where are the contents of that tape? you guys, it took them is it
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12 /* 12 hours to find cds, jurlry, passports, a whole ton of hard drive. and they find these binders which were organized like in the '90s. >> right. >> with the actual tabs. when they were submitted as evidence, they were redacted. only the jury saw them. i'm talking about the contents that web to trial. where are they all now. the fact that when elon tweeted that out, instead some people with blue checkmarks responded by putting like a picture of him and elaine maximize maxwell at a party. she's photo bombing a photo. you're trying to sneer me instead of focusing on the question i'm asking. why is this list continuing to be hiding from the public. no, there is a whole host of accountability that still needs to be handled. and i don't know if we're going to see in this lifetime though. i'll light a candle.
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>> kat, did epstein kill himself? look at that smatter of plus. they didn't even try. do we clap for her? half claps. half chaps. that's what they were doing. >> no problem. >> what's more outrageous the epstein scandal or their clapping? >> well, was their clapping worse than epstein? >> yes. >> no. [applause] >> you believe he killed himself? >> of course not. okay? >> all right. >> but in general, people will only tell you what they want you to find out, what they want you to know, so the more powerful you are, the more ability you have to hide things, the more that you're going to do that. it doesn't apply to epstein. it applies to off kinds of
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stuff. >> there you go. no applause there. we're going to edit that. >> you're thinking out too hard. we're going to edit that part when epstein didn't commit suicide. pick up the -- >> coming up. if you're not old enough to tie your shoes -- one dose of ubrelvy, quickly stops migraine in its tracks within 2 hours. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy, the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. ♪♪ -- u your shoes -- yeah, yeah♪ now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. (children giggling)
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apparently, the children even strutted the catwalk with them. of course the event did draw some protestors. meanwhile, pizza hut is coming under fire for promoting a book called bigwig as part of their children's reading program book it, which reward kids with free pizza in exchange for reading. free pizza for kids reading a book about cross dressing. it's the perfect pairing of gender confusion and obesity. you'll look great in an mumu. i love mumus. bigwig tells the story of a little boy that dress in drags. conservative critics blasting pizza hut going woke promoting drag to an age group that has an age group. it's always going to be age appropriateness, right? something that no longer exist, apparently. go do a drag show. pick a gender. take a hormone. get elected surgery all before
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third grade. i have no beef with drag queens. in fact, here are some of my drag looks. do we have it there? there's me. i used to go buy shat -- it was a roughly. kat kept stealing my wigs and i'm still getting get glitter no one should. emily, i love drag performance but i'm in my early 40s. i'm not a child. the reason why -- when it's targeted at kids, it feels like indoctrination. >> that was the argument of the protestors that were there, that were shouting things that the people who attended says there's children here. and they were like, that's the point. so if you are assessing and criticizing what we are shouting to you, which is calling out exactly what you're doing, and
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you're saying there's an age appropriateness that has to be here to hear that, then there's something wrong. it's not going to look at itself in the background with every photo with a 5-year-old. >> that's a good point. bill, i have a rule called the blurred face rule. it's like if your face is blurred in a video, chances are the activity in the video is probably not appropriate to the blurred face. >> probably not. i have a rule. >> yes. >> i like dominos. [applause] >> pepperoni. look, i don't know what they're doing in dallas. but back home, they playing the softball skirt game for years. they raised --men dress up as women. >> right. >> you can be whatever character you want. kids come and laugh, everybody's in on the joke and they raised $1 million in the community. >> who done that. >> in cincinnati. some people want to shut it
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down. >> wow. >> all right. so a little bit of a 180 right there. >> which we don't appreciate. why did he do that? why did he do that? why would bill do that to my show? i don't have have him on very often and he would screw me like that. you talk corporate wokeness all the time. what do they do -- is what pizza hut doing really that bad? i mean, you have to really look for the story. right or no? >> are there worse thing than the pizza hut story? we're in pride month. the question i have to the lbgtq+ movement is what rights do you want that you do not already have in this country? and part of the reason that we see all this craziness is there's not a good answer to that question. if you're a movement and you achieved your goals, there's a really pretty simple answer of you're supposed to do once you reach the promise land.
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you celebrate it, everyone's happy and you got to move on and find something else to do with your time or you end up with these pizza hut book stories. look, gender dysphoria is such a bad thing and a condition of harm, as i believe it is for a really small number of people, then why on earth are we causing and going out of our way to cause it among kids? this is when movement outlives its purpose. time to shut it down. let's find something else to do. [applause] >> i think one of the really offensive things about this whole pizza hut story, there's no such thing as a pizza hut. look, have you ever seen -- it's obviously not a hut. so they're appropriating the language of certain -- i guess cameroon people who make huts. >> chad. >> chad. met him in fire island.
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anyway, kat. they're appropriating the word hut. i don't like that. so should it be pizza room? pizza -- pizza pagoda. pizza in piercing pagoda. you get a pizza and you get a piercing. >> whatever, gregg. >> thank you. >> i don't know. you know i love drag queens. >> yes. i do. they have in my life brought me more joy than children. >> yes. so i'm not going to be not on their side. >> okay. >> but if i did have kids, i probably wouldn't want to bring me a place and ask me. >> yeah, that's true. you don't want to get in those awkward situations, you know. >> i love drag queens though. >> there you go. thank god for that. up next, he wanted to get engaged, but it made a disney worker enraged.
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proposal. disneyland paris -- it's if paris, which is not real. the employee as you can see grabs the ring, right, and directed them off the platform and then said something like this is better. so i think he was trying to help them. bill, what is going on here? >> that guy is saying you're a loser. give them me my moment. >> also, why are you holding a phone vertically? >> yes. >> anyway, that was more than five words. >> yeah. i think disney has apologized. so -- >> as they couldn't. >> right. >> come off down the platform and come over here. >> yeah. i think what they promised is since it's in france, everybody's going to bathed. >> and they're going to put that men into use that you were talking about earlier. >> throw back time. >> yes, sir. i got five words for you. >> what are they? >> i come up with gutfeld! is better than kimmel
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[applause] >> that's extra credit. i'll take the extra credit. >> nailed it. >> did that work? >> nailed it. >> what do you think about disneyland proposal in general, kat. >> well, they involve two disney loving adults. >> yes. >> it disgusts me. >> yes. >> like, serious. >> yeah. >> i don't even have words for how viscerally disgusted i am by that as a concept. >> it is. >> but you do you, i guess. >> is there an amusement park you would accept a proposal? >> well, i am already married so probably not. >> i'm saying is this appropriate amusement mark that will be a better setting. anywhere. >> like six flags? >> anywhere. >> what do you think about this. >> i think it was too supportive of heterosexual.
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it doesn't align with disney's value. [applause] >> you know, but i hear anything goes in paris, including heater sexuality. they get down on to some man-girl relationship stuff. >> marriage. >> what am i saying. disney spokesperson said they apologized to the couple and offered to make it right. how could they make it right? >> probably letting them get married in disneyland. you know how some people do that? whatever. this guy had moves like a bird. i mean, that was an amazing swoop. i feel like how the internet had the darwin award, i feel like they should have the bu -- >> bus kil /* /* -- this guy ruined it. >> apparently, they killed the worker. those are the breaks. don't go away.
8:56 pm
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>> greg: out of time, thanks to emily, bill -- studio audience. "fox news @ night" with evil shannon bream is next. i'm greg gutfeld and i love you, america. [scattered applause] ♪ ♪ >> shannon: hello and welcome to "fox news @ night." i'm shannon bream in washington. breaking tonight, white house morale reportedly sinking along with the president 's approval numbers. some inside the biden administration growing increasingly concerned their boss could become the next jimmy carter. our panel weighs in. plus, progressive prosecutors under fire for soft on crime policies and coming up on tuesday, voters in
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