tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News June 6, 2022 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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and good evening and welcome to tucker carlson tonight peter navarro is the picturere a a law abiding american citizen.. he's a 72 year old retired business school professor who's got a ph.d. in economics from . b his most recent job was extremely white collar. he served as the white house trade advisor in the last presidential administrationhe l famous for his tough stancea on china. with ath crime. th he's never traffic
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sentinel, for example, from mexico. in fact, his hobby is yoga and riding his bicycle. in short, peter navarro doeses not seem like a criminal, much less a danger to this nation. and yet last friday, federalde agents arrested peter navarro at reagan nationalraed airport in washington. they did not calll. his lawyer as is customary in cases like this , they didn't even comeev o his house, which as it happens is just feet from the fbi building. they could have walked but they didn't. instead , they took down peter navarro in public as you would a fugitive terrors mastermind so everyone could see it and learn the lessonuf they were sending. they handcuffed peter navarro. they put him in leg ironsfed pua and then they threw him in a cell. he's now facing years in prison . what did peter navarro do too deserve treatment like this ?o well, he resisted a subpoena from the january 6th committee. the january 6th committee is washington's latest partisan inquisition6t run by nancy pelosi with help from obedient little quislings like liz cheneyr and adam kinzinger. navarro resisted that subpoena
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because he had nothing to do with january six . nothing whatsoever that's not disputed. peter defazio did not break into the capitololte. he didn't encourage anyone else to break into the capitol. he wasn't evenk therein th tha he had no idea it was going to happen again. that's beyond dispute. kn and nancy pelosi and liz cheney know that if you really wanted to figure out what happenedh on january six , peter navarro would be the last person you would talk to. instead you'd be talking to reps and various fbi informantsi but finding out i what happened on january 6th and why isth noto the point of the exercise. the point ofin. the exercise is preventing donald trump from tr again. so in the service of that goal, pelosi and liz cheney demanded that peter navarro surrender records of his private conversations with his former boss, president donald trump. and when he refused to do that , congress voted to hold him in contempt and a partisan vote and then merrick garland's justice department filed criminal charges against peter navarro im.
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this is not the way civilized countries operate just because you control the white house and both houses of congress does not mean you get to throw your political opponents behind barss . that's what we do in america. that's what they do in haiti. but that's what we're doing now. and peter navarroin is not the first. biden's justice department also arrested former trump advisor steve bannon for a similar fake crime. steve bannon is awaitingg triali this summer. so this is not something we'veso seen beforeme. it's a huge step towardf the politics of the third world. but the media whose job you thought it was to push back against power are not there. in fact,ba plotting because ito turns out no punishment is too severe for those who disagree with the national news media, watch themwa. what happened to peter navarro is what should have happened to peter navarro. he was indicted and when you're indicted, you're arrested.ha >> peter navarro, it was so far out of bounds, so indefensible.. this prosecution is really about punishing navarro basedas
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on his blatant disrespect for the congressional subpoena. so>> they really are your enemie . they're not covering the they're plotting ways to hurt you. that's true . ysyscongressional subpoenas aret optional. they lecture, comply with them or go to jail.jail that's the message the lawyers on television are sending. so let's pretend for a moment that is true , though it's in fact not true if there wasif in fact a wall like that for that law to be legitimate, itd would have to be like all laws applied in general himself hasne said that again and againra and again. i came to work here, he said, because we're committed to the rule of and to seeking equal justice under the law. that was merrick garland every investigation guidedd by the same norms. now those are the norms under which this country has lived for two hundred and fifty years. it's not justice unless it's applied equally to all adult
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american citizens, period. >> anything less than that isss by definition not justice. but we're getting much less than that and it's very obvious . here's just one example. ten years ago this month, congress voted overwhelmingly on a bipartisan vote vote. by the way, seventeen democrats to hold eric holder, then the attorney general in criminal contemptth of congress. holder had refused to turn over documents showing how the obama administration had armed the mexican drug cartelsobstra. you remember that one of the firearms they sent to mexico and the so-called fast and furious program was then used to murder a u.s. border patrol officer. >> it was a scandal atme the time. in case you don't recall. terry died in december 2010, killed by guns tied to an obama administration plan that mexicans scandal officials claiming executive privilege emails contained in the house oversight committee's report showed top officials knew the atf sent guns to mexico evenh.
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before terry's death.order pa even the border patrol, whichtr sent terry's team into the desert, didn't know about the operation. l so that was a legitimate scandal that implicated the entire u.s. government, people who actually have powergo ,not the retirees sitting in jail because of what they did on january six . buttwh people with actual powerl and eric holder was the very center ofer it. but holder refused to comply with a subpoena from the congress. did the fbi arrest eric holder for that ? please? r it was never even seriously considered, holder asserted executive privilege the right to have conversations with the , the president that are private. he cited the longstanding policy of respecting executive privilege and he got away with it. so a week to go, peter navarro made this exact point. he sued the justice department pushing back against the subpoena four days before . and in that suit, navarros cited policy written by the dojn
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office of legal counsel. that policy reads this way quote since the nineteen seventies, this office has consistently advised the president and his immediate advisors are absolutely immune ad by congressional committee on matters related to their official duties. and quote in other words, if somebody asserts executive privilege at the very least congress doesn't get to arrest them before anyone is arrested. they have to a go to a judge to rule on whether or not executive privilege is validpr in this case. and that's exactly what happened in eric holder's case. and by the way, the federal judge reject.e it eric holder'sd executive privilege claim and still he was not arrested. you know why? because he's a leading democrat . but in peter navarros case, merrick garland dojavar did not even bother to ask a judge. they just arrested peter navarro at national airport. so what we're seeing here isn'tt really about peter navarro or steve bannon.
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what we're seeingut prr is a mae escalation in the use by the democratic party of our justice system for partisan revenge. that's exactly what that was. no peter varro wouldn't shut up so they threw him in handcuffs. and in fact, at the same moment peter navarro was thrown in jail for asserting executive privilege. a clinton rivi lawyer called michael sussmann was acquitted by a jury seated by an obamama appointed judge. three of the jurors in that case gave money to hillary clinton's campaignvear. am and not surprisingly, those same jurors declined to punish michael sussmann for lying to the fbi to advance the russiane collusion myth that helped hillary clinton's campaign. following all this ,, how those jurors get on the jury. have they stayed there nowfb the fbii pretended to be outraged by the fact that michael sussmann had lied to them. but then we learned actually the fbi was working with michael sussmann and his law firm perkins court. perkins coierk had fbi workspace in its offices in washington forrksp a decade and michaelwa
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sussmann was sos close to the fbi he had a key card to fbi headquarters. we know this from a recently released text exchange. we're quoting do you havehe a badge or do youlp need help getting into the building? the fbi's general counsel james baker assessment and we're quotingma out i have a badge, sussmann replied. sussmann had a badge to the fbi building. how do weebu get one of those? oh , we're not leadingmo democratic lawyers. socr we can't have them.ld so microcystin knew he'd never be punished. take three steps back what's going on here and a fantastic piece at the fed was ben weingarten explained how we should understandga these two prosecutions. quote, they send an unmistakable message we can get time anywhere on any grounds we choose. ny you can't touch even a single o one of oursf . that's it right there. a political party that is somehow completely takenen over our
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largest, largest lawsu enforcement agency. and andrew sussmann is notis michael sussmann is not even the biggest example of this . andrew mccabe, lisa page, peter strupp, all of them lied to the feds as well. that's a crimeas. none of them were ever hauled off in leg irons. in fact, they're now at cnn, msnbc and georgetown respectively. they were rewardednband with betterlw jobs for what they did there. we saw jim clapper and johnbr brennan committed perjury on television before congress. there's no dispute about that . what do they do? they oh , they're on tv now. hu hunternt biden lied on a federal gun form. that's a felony. how was he punished? only mildsh probing on cbs that he just shrugged off as if. it were nothing. watch. >> why did you have a gun? well, i again, period in my life that was difficult. it was. but you know, i don't
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according to the reporting, at one point the secreton service went looking for the record of sale. what do you think about. nothing? so what do you know about the secret service being involved? no, i have no ideaou. i don't know whether the secret service were or why they would think that that's true . that that's i don't know what the secret service are involvedet. a? really? you had no idea because they were with you. yopethey helped you. >> you commit a gun felony. it's all out there. but hunter biden is the president's son and more importantly, he's a faithful party loyalists. so you know, as well as he does he doesn't have a thing to worry about. in fact, he can flaunt his crimes. radar online dot just got pictures of hunter biden casually waving his legal firearm around as he traveled with a several years ago. the pictures show hunter biden's finger on the trigger of the gun as well as crack cocaine and drug paraphernalia. a weaponna of war in the hands f a drug addict. this is just fartman bothered by this? no, of course not.ourse not. you don't bother.
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so just and quite a bit defying the democratic party do that and your house gets raided by a swat team that tips off cnn before it happens. ap rogerpe stone discovered that te you're looking at right nowow from cnn as the fbi arrives at roger stone's residence in fort lauderdale, florida, taking hime intoor custody. they arrive before dawn. they're before 6:00 or justd after 6:00 a.m. a dozen officers, we're told called. th so that's the actual norm. if you were tony podesta and you work for the democratic nothing you do is going to get you in trouble and you know it if you're roger stone, you've done nothing wrong at all. but you've givenen the finger to the democratic party . they show up at your house with guns. that's the norm. the attorney general is upholding serve the democraticl
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party and you will be rewarded even if you're a felon and almost exactly the moment the doj was putting peter navarro in shacklesg pe, the doj was also dropping the most serious charges against the two left wing lawyers who tried to incinerateo cops burn them to death cars during the blm riots. now this pair had facedea 30 years in jail on terrorism charges, but that was toooo tou for the biden doj. he'll be out in a couple max.? why? because they got the politics and liz cheney is giving you a lecture about the people who try to burn police officers to death are a threat to our democracy. no other farmers to ignore them . it never happened. this happens all the time in california at the height of the blm riots, a career felon called toni walker executeca a n year old berkeley student called seth smith walked upt fr no reason, neverfo seen himed before in his life and executed him, fired a gun into the back of his head. why do you do this ? because of his skin color. itit was a racially motivated attack f that white mepham walker said no denies that he said that . but here's the interesting
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thing. this was executed. the street kids got the wrong skin color. sounds like a hate crime, right? no a ha. k merrick garland doj did notga pursue hate crime charges. in fact, a month ago prosecutors called an unbelieve deal with walker. ente single charge of brace yourselflf voluntary manslaughter if that white metaphor, he said, is he executed a college student. it sounds like voluntary manslaughter. and not just because people aree dying. nothing destroys the legitimacy of our institutions more than politicized law enforcement. nf can't have that . justice must be blind if there is a singlee institution we have to preserve for the sake of our children and grandchildren. ju it's our justice system and the law enforcement agenciesanup that serve it. they can't be corrupt if they're corrupt, it's going to be pretty hard to live here. liz cheney and nancy pelosi and the rest of the lunaticshe on the judiciary committee have done far more damage toac
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this democracy than the rioters and now they're trying to make it worse, axios reportingme that some members of the committee, quote, want big changes on voting rightsbo and even to abolishlieg the electoral college abolishing the electoral college. and if you're againsthiege thatf course, you're undermining democracy weathertech conspiracy. i think? certainly i mean, looka at you. you look at the court filings. you do believe it was a conspiracy? o . it is extremely broad. it's extremely well organized. it's really chilling. ly oh , it's really chilling. what's really chilling is when the kennedy gets to arrest people not becausebe they violated meaningful laws or poseviol a threat to the unid states but because they're politti are unacceptable the finger to people like liz cheney. is liz cheney okayy with that? the upholder of democracy?id we texted liz cheney on friday
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and said, are you okayth with this? they just arrested a 72 yearre old man who did nothingst wrong does not cross some kind of line. are you going to stand up and say something about it? she didn't respond. the generous committee has just hired a former producer of good morning america called james goldston who'll be overseeing the committee's prime time. hearings on thursday night. soshow the show trial now has a production crew and of course we'll be covering that in great detail on thursday by arresting peter navarro. they're hoping to set up one of the most vocal critics before it begins. but peter navarro is a brave man. he's not shutting up. he joinsp. us now for the firstd interview since being arrested. he is, as we told you, a formero senior white houser adviser and the author of taking back from america where we lost the white house now when in fact he joins us now. peter , thanks so much for coming on . how was this allowed?s this is so outside the bounds unless missing something and i hope if so you'll correct this is so outside the boundsli
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of how aze civilized country behaves. did you see it coming? ll if not, how do you think this was allowed to happen? certainly i saw it coming. we have entered really dangerous, unprecedenteded wates ,tucker . i was in a position where a partisan committee has weaponizes the investigatory powers for the purpose of preventing donald trump from ever getting back in the white house. they subpoenaed me illegallywi and i was faced with the untenable choice of upholding executive privilege, which was not my privilege the waypr thats donald trump's privilege to waive. so i did my duty to the president. i did my duty to this country and here we said and the civil suit i filed tucker , i hope will be historically important because there's really two constantss
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national issues here at stake. n of congress's investigatory powers is a clear violation of the separation of powers in our constitution. the legislative branch is not supposed to be the judge jury and execute. en and i heard one of your commentators there when you play that clip, the purpose was to punish peter navarro. that's not their role. that's the judiciary's also that alone is sufficient tos render what they have done illegal and therefore what the department of justice did illegal. but the bigger issue here, tucker , and this is where the department of justice and committee were so disingenuousic , i assert executive executive privilege prevents from complying with their subpoenas and instead going to talkat and negotiate the privilege with donald trump as the law requires. they went into this fanciful and absurd notion that biden, a sitting incumbent president, could strip is immediate
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predecessor of executive privilege in meil, a staff membr to the president of what the justice department itself, as you pointed out, has absolute testim immunity. is it's absurd on its face we can every step along the line. go ahead. well, i have no doubt that it's , including abuse of power. but i justt want to get to the center of it, which is i januarys 6th. this is the january 6th6 meeting. you saw liz cheneymm in thatit disgusting, ridiculous fawningnt interview say that it's also chilling. dideru h you have anything at ao do with january six ? no, no. you had that exactly right. and what you and i have now both said and which is absolute fact is that the mission of that partisan witch on kangaroo committee, which is unduly authorized and not properly constituted and has no subpoenar power, they have only oneon
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mission to concocte a fake hoax around january six based on criminal charges againstm trump to prevent him from running for reelection in taking back the white house in twenty twenty five january. and the idea. look, tucker , this was i youht you said it. n i live right next door 50 yards from the fbi on wednesday night i sent an email to patricia alloyed the deputy attorney and said, look, i'm thinking a modus vivendi here. i'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. i gaveve the name of an attorne. i told walter giordano the fbi b come banging on my door the week before. hey, walter,he i'm here. just call me whatever you need me to bang on my door. they chose a different route. they didn't call my instead they went with the shock and awe terrorist rashid . yeah, they let me go to the airport and then take me
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with five agents like i'm an al-qaida terrorist . lock a me into a car and the next thing i know i'm in leg irons, handcuffs k, strip searc. i mean, it was not without comedy. i mean, at one point the fbi agents couldn't find the door to go in to wherein i supposed o go. the fingerprint machine didn't work. but but you know, people do not want to sit in solitary confinement in leg irons denied food, denied water, denied an attorney and this is what we live in . i mean, i studied kafka in college. t it took me like till i was seventy two to understand kafka . you can't arrest people for political reasons. it's very simple. we've invited every member of that committee on this show. all of them are too cowardly. kinzinger and cowards. but i just think this is a hugen change in the way this country operates and wanted to note that and extend our sympathy to you. peter , thank you . symproand we thank you for your coverage of how grotesque
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a joke isot. january 6th committee. pelosi have hired the producerfr from good morning americaom not to do a health update but to put together a primetime show trial this thursday. we'll have our own there are a lot of questions unanswered from january six . a lot and we'll tell them to you 8:00 p.m. thursday. wer want a programing note. earlier this year wewe interviewed kim brock. it was an interesting interview on the show. more about kivarar. so we went to his farmse in nashville, tennessee and we decided some interesting that we would do a documentary on tucker carlson originals episodee. it's. out tomorrow on fox nation. he calls his farm outside nashville a redneck paradise and it is here's the trailer. how many shots does grandpa get ? you got to come. all very good at a lot of
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pressure. i hit what are you building? redneck paradise campbellton up on a hill double what surely we call the trouble. it's so cool. it's redneck disneyworld. oh , i'm so glad you like in that leprechaun music braveheart's he goes i'm sorry . seee my fans i love you dearly to you critics, haters and trolls and the country through and h3n2 darkness you tucker carlson in our house tonight . yo. oh that's cool.
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oh the guys that tape haven't seen our kids rock documentary start streaming tomorrow on fox nation you can get a fox nation account for free and tucker carlson .com by the way, we keep texting liz cheney. ask her to come on the show and explain this . xphow many more people are going to arrest something a coward? come on , the show is that important? we probably haveen the video of criminal in l.a. running over a woman and her child. she's pushingil a stroller. been a significant t development in that case, one that is hard to believe. that's next .. how rittenhouse joins us withte a major announcement live straight ahead. hey, bill . o'reilly here. my new book killing the killers the secret war against terrorists, number one best selling phenomenon. it tells the absolutely gripping story of america's haunted, neutralized terrorist
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it's just one of those videos that captures the chaos of american cities and it's particularly awful one it shows the driverul of a stolen car in los angeles plowing into a mother pushing her eight year old son in a stroller. now the driver in this atrocity. has just been sentenced, butus because george gascon is the shortest, bestestethe distt attorney, that much of a sentence has been illusionistt in los angeles for us tonight with that story. hey, bill . tucker . well, l.a. d.a. george gascon handling of this case is being c
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blasted by critics after a juvenile was sentenced tod just five months of diversionary camp after he ran over a mom and her baby then tried fleeing the scene and it was not his first criminal offense. now take a look at the video all caught on security tape in venice last august. you see that sixteen year old driver, no license, stolen car . most that mom down with her baby in the stroller then trieso to flee f the scene before a god samaritan purposely crashed his truck into him to stop him from getting away. sources tell me that juviee driver was on felonyth probatioh at the time of this hit and run for spiking a girl's drink in high school in twenty nineteen . now despite that teen's criminal record, d.a. george gascon, his administration filed tois lesser felony charges for the hit and run which he pleaded guilty to in a statement to fox news, gascon'ss office told us the five sentence was anh appropriate resolution and said
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the sheriff's department actually agreed with the lesser charges. but county sheriff alexey enslaver immediately pushed back , saying his agency wasve never consulted, had novo involvement in the case and that they would never be okay with the lightweight sentencingwith this juvenilesc receive. now gaskill officeoi then sent us a follow up email admitting the sheriff's department was never involved in the case and they would have to quote, correct their statement to us . now late last night i hado the chance to speak to the mom who was run over . she had minor injuries. thankfully her baby's okay, bute as you can imagine, she isis furious at how this case was handled, telling me in part, record tried to kill me and my son . and george gascon thinks is a sufficient punishment. gascon and his staffnt arega highlightings their incompetence and their complete disregard for victimsir. to and tucker, the campaign to recall george gascon has nowas collected over half a million
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signatures. that's the most ever for 's any petition here in l.a. county. they need about seventy thousand more by 6 the july six deadline to officially qualify and getal on the november ballot. we'll keep you postedke and we'l send it back to you. u and thanks so much. no.. one , people don't like this stuff, not just o conservatives or republicans. nobody likes this stuffr shows likes this stuff, which is why and larry krasner in philadelphia. have that worked out? well,,w d philadelphia is now o the most dangerous cities in the country. on saturday, three people were killed . eleven were injured in a mass shooting in philadelphia. you're seeing picturesng i of people running away from the gunshots right now. the shooting apparently started with a fight sta between a coup of people on the sidewalk. a bystander filmed the wholesi thing on hiswhol cell phone. larry crashed and other democrats are blaming the shooting on the republican party and the nra, which is huge in philadelphia and thenin in san francisco, the prettiest city in the country, another surasak dhs abdeen is allowinger criminals to attack peoplet.
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in broad daylight. this is a very liberal if it's too much for san francisco, it's way too much. news report. three guys parked their car right here and the lady was walking up the street and the guy is waiting forhe her . since she came up here eached other joe biden has lived in this particular r homeid his entire life and says incidents like this one we'ree 48 year old woman was attacked right outside saturday, may 21sty are sadly nothing new in march of last year. marfifty five 60 year olds were shot to the ground and robbed just one block away. neighbors have either given up or there's no way youou can prevent it or havey their own ideas on what needs to change. they got to do something toan these criminals. they're not rehabilitatable. you put them in jail, they're out of jail. the very same day doing the same thing, attacking women. it's very common. so again, even in san cisco, an actual disaster. and finallyymuch the people whot there have something to dohi about it.
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there's a recall vote for accessibility in tomorrow. richard greenberg is the reason this exists . he's the founder of the recallto testability movement and we're honored to have him join r tonight . richard, thanks so much for coming on . so how you wind up i assume you don't fund recall movements for a living. id how did you wind up organizing this one? t, why? tin well, first, thank you , tucker . thank you so much for having me here. you know, there was this concern when when chester bodeen was even a candidateac back in 2019, he had zero experience prosecuting any criminalss whatsoever. he came from the defense side. he, he exploited a loophole where believe it or not, there's stillbe a lot of people here that don't understand that here in san francisco atn' least you don't need to even have prosecutorial experience to run as a as a candidate. and he did he ran against three very well qualified prosecutors. he won..
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he got elected. and then the first week of january 2020 he was sworn tog office and the first thing he did to throw a monkey wrench into the works to throw the whole criminal justice system in disarrayal, he fired seven of san francisco's most prominent, most experiencedth prosecutors and that was the whole startat. soso all of 2020 even under covu and he likes to use that as an excuse that blame everything not really true for all of 2020. we saw multiple examples of his incompetence of malicious intent of his his his policies that he was trying to put into place and by new year's eve 2020 2020 one that fateful very unfortunate day, the friday there was a paroled felon. we keep hearing this overep and over again, paroled felons that they go and re they robbed
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they steal gunpoint. he this particular individual, l troy mcallister, he, he was drunk a stolen car with drugs and a handgun.n, i believe lost control and crashed and hit two very innocent women that were on the street there in the south part of of san francisco selma area. and that was the last straw last straw for san franciscansr ,lastme straw for me. and that became the impetus that particular hanako obey and elizabeth platt, god rest her soul. the ones that were the impetus to get this wholele recall going good for you. is not he's blaming the right as if that exists in san francisco. these are liberals who are sick of it and we are really rooting for you tomorrow. richard greenberg, the man behindnd us . thank you . good luck tomorrow. pleasure to be here. thank you so much. thank you . so rittenhouse joins us nextho
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liveus with a big announcement now long before bass pro shops was a household name before he sold boats and gear for hunting and camping before the two shelves of tackles in the back of the family liquor store before the early mornings and short nights before the first road trip, even the first tournament before all that there was fishing. there was dad only on this father's day. here's to your dad two to three movies and he wants to make this summer find all your fellow people. we have a problem. family screaming chris hampton ,this is john kerry off dutyre
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as i'm concerned and also feel tougher when kamala harris and other figures in the democratic party encourage the mob torchingg of wisconsin in the summer of kyle rittenhouse decided to tryr to defend the city carlot specifically he was asked l by the owner to help defend the caller because the police weren't there. his family's father lived there. up so he shows up and he travels or tries to murder him and call to other people, try to kill him to one with a gun. so for doing that , he was put w on trial and charged with murder. he was acquitted. the same time, virtuallyll every news organization in the country defamed him. they called him a murderer before the trial ended and they called him repeatedly a white supremacist, which he is not tech platforms enabled defamation. now rittenhouse is taking legal action against them. rittenhouse is the founder of the media accountabilityr e
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project . mercury is his lawyer. joining us now to explain what they're doing. co thanks to you both for comingg on . tell us . good to see you.ou against the tech companies that made this defamation possible? well, we're going to make the media pay for what they didh to me. they made it hard foriv me to live a normal life. i can't go out in the public. i can't go to the store. it's hard for me to go anywhere without security doing basicng things like taking my dog to the dog park is difficult. so they made it really difficult to be normal and they expected future job opportunities to me. i don't think i'll ever be ableo tork work or get a job becausem i'm afraid an employer may not hire melo. you know, i think that's entirely fair because of the lies repeated for over a year by the tech platforms that are not journalists. they're soldiers in some sort of weird partisan war they're fighting. rectifyy this ?
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well, we're going to be taking court. go ahead. tell us the legal action. okay, sure. to answer your first question with regard to what we plan toti do with the tech companies, of course we're looking at those and i think the first one that i'm taking look at is facebook. mark zuckerberg announced in a videotape that what kyle waswa involved in was a mass murderwa and that's clearly defamatory as well. that's not protected by section 230 communications decency act in my opinion. section two allows you. to take down, you know, violent things or, you know, things that people don't want to hear.b but telling the truth about kyle is not something section two thirty enables facebook to take down. so that's an. example of what we plan to do with tech and also plan to do in the i defamation arena. at and by defamation, do you mean with so-called news organizations? absolutely. that on the way in andd certainly kyle was charged
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with the crime. news organizations are allowed to report on thatized . in but you know, calling somebody a murderer in certain circumstances can be actionable. other things that media personalities, people on social media said were clearly defamatory. i think your comment about calling kyle a white supremacist made up out of thin air. i don't know how media a statement made up out of thin air without engaging in actualnl malice or most certainly negligent. so i think that we have some strong grounds to proceed. we're looking at we're starting to look at all those.aluate them we're going to evaluate them and look for opportunities to hold look the media and to holdh accountable as kyle's promised. sobl when you go into public, do people repeat to you things that they saw on social media or on , say, nbc news or cnn? there's been a few people i've received some harassment and thank goodness for my security ltcars f and kenny and dave for helping me like
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not have to get harassed to make sure that they like keep me safe. and ifif somebody does come up o me, they make sure that they're not going to harm me. so thank god for them. yeah. and talk really quick going goingr to go after zuckerberg? well,in i think we're going to we're going to sue a for the defamatory statements that kyle engaged in mass murder and be fore violations of section two thirty by taking down posts that were told the truth about kyle. the truth by taking down truthful post and they didth that in violation of section 230, that communication that protection. yeah, well, that's exactly right. it's not just that they defamed him. they also tooky down defensive him or the facts about him as they did with the vaccines of a million otherngva things, the war in ukraine. i appreciate what you alluk arer doing. thank you both. great to see you. thank you , todd. thank thank you, tucker .er thank you , tucker . so. we're not sexualizing children. oh , yeah, they areey
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aggressively new video of his little kids atag a draggr qn event in texas sexualizing childrenxas for sure and responsible and branch. we don't make them like everyone else. we make it better. we prioritize. let's not forget killed source . fine. 100% organic cotton to make the softest, most luxurious fabric on earth. we're free from talking on the way home should be the branches made different so you can sleep better at night. experience the different adbul and branch .com. as a homeowner you worked diligently to build equity in your home. you may even have paid it off and that's a great feeling but i need you to understand it without protection you are at high risk of a quickly growing new cybercrime. you probably take precautions
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. don't go just another weekend. , winmar on saturday a nightclub in dallas held an event called drag your kids to pride. at the event little kids dance with drag queens and tip them with dollar bills. this is grotesque sexualizing children always is. soso there were a small number f brave protesters outside. one of them was our friend alex stein. he tried toge get into the event because it was a public event and so he was assaulted. watch. >> i have no right now. i can't really kick off it end. i thought oh , take off the no matter what home it away. mask.
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take your mask off. go od fif more people acted like that , we'd have less sexualizing children. the last thing they want youyo o do is see it. that that's why they attack you whenh you do. jason rants, a radioin host in seattle just doing this . con jason , thanks so much for coming on . this is so crazy. it's hard not to think i don't know what to think ofof this . what what are we watching? i mean, i'm old enough toou remember when drag queen storyhi hours were the things that we were outraged at becauseng sori clearly inappropriate in this case you've got a neon sign as a backdrop declaring it's not going to link itself as an adult dragonfish warmers are dancing and lip synching and even collecting dollar billssy from young kids as their parents were sipping on their drinks having a goodng time. it took place that mr. mister, which is a nightclub and bar, dragged the kids to pride. itit was pitched as a familyly friendly events where you see
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adults in drag performing in this club as kids were h either watching froman the sidelines and handing out those tips or in some cases they were even joining and posing as their parents were watching. nowhe one of the performers actually declared in an interview that he hopes that kids start performing drag when they get older because it's a confidence booster. and as this was going on , as you pointed out, there was a group of protesters from an organization called protect texas kids. they showedpr up. they were confronted by supporters of the direct performance check. this videoe drag taken away. yes. oh , t hey, salicylate turns out she's your child and your daughter. >> we don't want you absolutely insane video. back to you, tucker . g don't get kids involved , obviously. k disorients, appreciate it. thank you . we're after the break.
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this is the life of a rock star embedded with his rock ranch and on his tour to get a better understanding of how he lives. he became nobody beholden to the country's corporate interests. nothing you can say for america straight out to my friends that love is really the critical at the country. what are you doing where he sees himself in the next ten years? i see myself on the front porch glass. this is in front of a rock star kid rock swimming on vacation. e
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on "special report" weeknights on fox news channel. >> so on thursday, the gma producer is teamingng upry the democrats to bring you a full hour of january six with direction. but itn' wasn't. but there are a lot of outstanding questions and on thursday we willhu miss ourta get in some in some detail. il we'll see you then. the best thing was one . >> welcome to "hannity". all right. hannity. democrats say they want this to be january six week, but they will not give you the full story. and by the way, there is a lotco of context, a lotnt of texture,l a lot of things they will not be telling you about. and tonight we're going tou give you the vital information about what really happenedthou on january 6th, what happened on january 4th.. we'll tell you whyde the democrats are not serious about preventing something like this from ever happening again, just like they ignoredey the riots in twenty twenty . ar they're mostly peaceful. okay, telle that to the thousands of injured
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