tv The Faulkner Focus FOX News June 8, 2022 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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a.m. picked up by police, transported to montgomery county police second district. we'll hear from law enforcement later today. >> dana: that took a turn. the hearings on capitol hill on school shootings as congress wrestles if anything what to do on gun control. harris faulkner is up next. >> harris: a fox news alert. with woke san francisco waking up to a new day after voters kicked out their progressive district attorney. their decision has national implications putting liberal prosecutors and defund the police democrats on notice. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus". it wasn't even close. san francisco voters were fed up with d.a. chesa boudin. the vote margin 60 to get rid of him, 40 to keep him. he is gone.
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resounding rebuke of boudin's soft on crime policies. many were blaming it for the city's huge spike in crime. it has been so bad some stores have been forced to close or severely limit their hours. they can't make any money in other words. that's what they are making they're spending on security. the numbers don't lie. larceny, theft up by more than 20% from last year. motor vehicle theft also surging. a spokesperson for the boudin recall effort explains why his success is bittersweet. >> it's a bittersweet victory. the reason is because people died, businesses have been destroyed, families have been uprooted. chesa boudin should never have been elected. ousting is an effort that's a year and a half in the making to bring it to the finish line. >> harris: let's get the news now. senior correspondent claude yo
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cowen has more from san francisco day one without boudin. >> that's right, harris. it was a decisive defeat. voters made it clear they wanted to see a change at the top of the d.a.'s office and recall boudin is one of the most closely watched elections in recent hearing. boudin remained defiant to his sporters last night saying the reform movement would continue. >> we have already won because we are part of a national movement that recognizes we can never incarcerate our way out of poverty. >> it was a heated campaign that divided democrats over crime, policing and public safety reform here in liberal san francisco and recall supporters cheered the result as proof that residents wanted to see tougher prosecutions. while boudin consistently blamed wealthy republicans for funding the recall, voters blamed him for the city's
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lawlessness, drug use and rampant theft saying his reforms that favored rehabilitation over locking people up were too lenient and made the city less safe. the outcome is a blow to the progressive prosecutor movement and sends a message to los angeles where critics are gathering signatures to mount a recall against their progressive d.a. george gascon, second recall attempt in two years. other primary results set the stage for elections this fall. as he seeks a second term, governor newsom will face republican brian dahle. in san francisco the moderate democrat will serve a new d.a. to serve out the remainder of boudin's term and the next election is in november. boudin has not ruled out running again for the office he just lost. back to you. >> harris: really? when they say you don't want to you lean in harder. i think it's called stalking.
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thank you. pete hegseth co-host of "fox & friends" weekend is here. we have so much to get to. let's start there. what is that wider message to say alvin bragg here in new york city? >> a complete rejection amongst democrats and liberals. he lost by 20 points. he also had 20% of the population of san francisco already move out. you know how those people would have voted living in an open air drug homeless encampment. he opened up the prison and let out 30% of criminals and the entire city of san francisco effectively became a prison for the people that live there. people that would describe themselves as woke, who want criminal justice reform. and those good intentions were not just twisted by boudin they were exploited. he said this is about a movement. this guy is not a progressive. he is a marxist and comes from a family of markists.
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he was raised by -- he let criminals out of jail and people's lives got worse and they are rejecting it thank goodness. >> harris: we're talking about the details of his past. did voters not know those details or understand the implications? >> i bet they didn't. he used the buzz words of social justice and restorative justice, rehabilitation, all words of criminal justice reform that even republicans had talked about for a while. the idea of criminal justice reform. they sounded good to the ears of voters who after 2020, 2021 wanted to be a part of solving the problem, right? what they did was elect a radical who let criminals out of jail and didn't side with law abiding citizens. he may be reflective of the activist class of young people on the left but not of voters in the democrat party who want to feel safe when they go to work. >> harris: or the people who
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sank their nest eggs in buying homes in places they don't want to live in anymore. los angeles's liberal d.a. george gascon will likely face a recall vote in november. petitioners have gathered nearly enough signatures to reach the threshold. "new york times" with the headline. san francisco and l.a. send democrats and the nation a message on crime. gascon has become a flash point in the case of the teenage hit and run drive who mowed down a mom and her baby in the stroller. they survived. a judge only sentenced him to a juvenile offender's camp for five months which technically is like summer camp. that mom and some tough words for gascon keep coming. >> sends a lot of messages. messages to criminals that it is okay to do bad things because we aren't going to punish you, we'll punish the victims instead. i'm beside myself with the
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comments he has come out with on twitters citing that california law says that punishment is fair when in fact it is his policies that he put into place that prevent us from getting appropriate justice. >> harris: well put. let's get to this. bill melugin on assignment on jail house recordings obtained exclusively by fox news and you can hear an accused murderer and gang member willie wilkenson telling his mom he wants to cut a deal before gascon gets recalled. here comes justice. >> i talked to you last time he wants to do something before they reelect somebody else beside gascon and bring that life without parole and the death penalty. if we could get the manslaughter. it only carries 6, 9 and 12. >> harris: it's like gascon has been working for the criminals. >> it's like gascon is the
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larger version of chesa boudin. before we had the trump election of 2016 there was brexit. this is a smaller example but i think san francisco showed what voters will and will not put up with and is a precursor to getting enough signatures in los angeles so they can recall gascon. sometimes it is horrific imagery like that mother and her child and then a summer camp that gets -- if you listen to the iew with tucker with her last night she said i'm a democrat. i voted for george gascon and wanted to be for criminal justice reform because on the campaign trail it sounds great. you appeal to people's desire to be fair and equitable. the reality nothing fair about this. law abiding people are targeted and criminals know they have a get out of jail free card. >> harris: after george floyd's murder they wanted to do
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something. blm is being accused of taking advantage of donations and pieces of a law environment taking advantage of some of those messages for their political causes. let's give them the mantra of what they think they can live with. >> bill: be leery of politicians saying we need to do something. it doesn't always mean making things better. >> harris: president biden headed for los angeles this hour hosting a summit with lat-in american leaders who are facing big problems before the big trouble all even started. brazil's leader making demands of president biden early on. he said he would only show up if he got a guarantee that there would be no criticism of him during the event. the white house is already embarrassed by comments from countries that were not invited. venezuela's leader called the move racist. white house with this. >> i can say this, the united states continues to recognize
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the interim president of venezuela. that said while the interim government was not invited to participate in the main summit they are welcome to participate in all three stakeholder forums and other events. >> harris: there are some ?ubs. mexico's leftist president is skipping the event because cuba, nicaragua and venezuela were not invited. the three main drivers of illegal immigration into the united states have indicated they will stay away as well. a former obama advisor is ripping biden's foreign policy in an op-ed with this quote. biden's careless comments are hurting his presidency and diplomacy. he needs to reset, end quote. that's a lot of countries not coming. >> it is a lot of countries not coming. what is the biden doctrine? >> harris: not sitting down with people who aren't good to women but he is going to saudi arabia.
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>> how about iran. nothing clear about what matters to this administration. certainly isn't strength. vladimir putin from invading ukraine or staring down china. we're standing by. this is who we are where you invite everyone and say who we are as a left wing administration of the united states and we'll bring everybody in. it's confusion. the last thing you need in the world is confusion about who is in charge and who that person in charge, what they actually believe and what their compass is. cleanup, the white house national security team, what will change? i don't -- they don't have a true north compass. trump understood america first we believe in ourselves and leadership and we want other people to step up to the plate. i can't tell you what their compass is. >> harris: breaking news. we were together when this was
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coming together. we are going to have a live report coming up but i want to hit this quickly. police have arrested an armed man near the home of justice brett kavanaugh today just this morning. police say that he was trying to kill brett kavanaugh. i want to get your first response. >> it's a scary reality of political violence in our country. look at how he was treated in his nomination process. demonized as an individual. the way in which individual homes of justices were permitted to be protested outside of. it is not legal yet still encouraged by opponents to overturning roe v. wade. there will be somebody willing to take it to the next level. we haven't passed a bill in the house to help supreme court justices. >> harris: why do we need a law
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to be passed? 18 u.s. code 1507 all judges and jurors are protected from petition at their homes and from anything happening to them that looks like intimidation or persuasion. threatening to kill somebody is about as intimidating as you get. >> bill: selective enforcement of the law. to tie all the stories together. okay to protest outside those homes. justice breaks down when that happens. >> harris: thank you. made it through a lot. a lot more to come. additional woes for the white house as the dysfunction inside the biden administration is getting more obvious by the day. rnc chairwoman ronna mcdaniels was in "focus" yesterday. >> we have a whole country that's hurting. put republicans in charge of the senate and house is the best way to send a message to biden that he is failing the american people. >> harris: democrats are awake now and bracing for a red wave. it is bringing their political party together?
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spoiler alert, the t-shirt says nope. power panel next. 100% of your home's value and get up to $60,000 or more. we called and got $96,602. that's's more than ever. we called and we got $62,810. home values are soaring. now is the best time in history to turn your home equity into cash. we called and we got $68,201. we called and we got $58,800. use it to improve your home or save for retirement. i called and got $60,300. take ten minutes and call newday usa. (mom allen) verizon just gave us all a brand new iphone 13. (dad allen) we've been customers for years. (dad brown) i thought new phones were for new customers. we got iphone 13s, too. switched to verizon two minutes ago.
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>> harris: breaking news now as we learn new details. maryland police have in the short while arrested an armed man outside of the home of u.s. supreme court justice brett kavanaugh. suspect reportedly carrying a gun and knife when arrested and threatening to kill justice kavanaugh. david spunt reporting now. david. >> we're told this man is in his 20s and from california. he was picked up on a street nearby the kavanaugh home in maryland just across the border from washington, d.c. this was at 1:50 this morning armed with a knife and gun. the good news according to law enforcement sources, this man did not breach the kavanaugh
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property at all but we're told there was intent to harm either justice kavanaugh and his family or potentially both. waiting for those specific details from law enforcement. again we don't know the name of this suspect. we just know he is in his 20s and from california. but violence against judges, federal judges and supreme court justices is something that just simply cannot be tolerated. mitch mcconnell, the senate minority leader on the floor just moments ago blasting what happened to justice kavanaugh. listen. >> this is exactly the kind of event that many worried the unhinged, reckless rhetoric from prominent figures toward the courts going back many months and in recent weeks could make more likely. >> justice kavanaugh's home not breached at all. we're told the justice is okay,
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family okay. clearly this is dangerous and this is quite a scary moment to see this happen near the home of a u.s. supreme court justice. we just got a statement a couple of moments ago from maryland governor republican larry hogan who said he was briefed on the incident this morning. he also mentioned the fact that he and his counterpart in virginia, governor glenn youngkin, made sure that security was upped around the homes of these justices even if it's local police. in this case, listen, something worked. the marshals and police were there to stop this man. >> harris: thank goodness something worked this time. democrats divided ahead of the mid-term elections, 153 days away. you know we're counting. new york's alexandria ocasio-cortez, the congresswoman endorsing state
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senator biagi taking on sean patrick maloney. he is in charge of helping democrats keep and pick up new seats. biangi won't help democrats distance themselves from anti-cop sentiments. one example of the growing rift within the political party of dems. one "washington post" columnist claims dismal polling is actually good for democrats. he writes everything we know about modern politics suggests the best way and only way for a democrat to be reelected is to also be the last guy standing between the broad american electorate and a whole lot of republican crazy, end quote. power panel. a former special assistant to president trump and former press secretary to vice president pence. laura fink and a democrat
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campaign consultant. mark, i will come to you first to get your reaction to what i just read. >> in one case i think the "washington post" is correct. they admit democrats will be defeated soundly in november but i think they are misreading how that plays out into 2024 and thinking that a republican victory will lead to joe biden's reelection. it worked for bill clinton and barack obama. joe biden is neither of them. he is more like jimmy carter and will suffer the same fate. you look at the similarities between the two times. >> harris: laura, why do you think certain members of your party and use the patrick maloney example, where one can really help you, the progressive can't really help you in terms of keeping and picking up seats. why would you choose somebody farther to the left who can't help you? >> this seat isn't a pickup. we had redistricting in new york. maloney, it's a sign on the
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democratic side we aren't afraid of a healthy primary and true for sometime. that's how aoc got her seat and challenged joe crowley and won. the democrats aren't afraid of a robust and healthy primary. the republicans it's different because it is not just out on the democratic side. they have differences in policy agreements but on the republican side when you get primary you stand up to donald trump like liz cheney. if you investigate the insurrection against our capitol and democracy then you get a primary. different in the democratic family. it's not bad to have a healthy primary. it makes for stronger candidates in the fall. >> harris: how does aoc help your party? how will this progressive who can't do what patrick maloney can do for your party? how do they help? >> aoc galvanized the left of the party. it's not a bad thing. we've always had a big tent with a number of different
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voices in it. it doesn't mean the party is weak. a sign the party is strong because it has a number of different voices. >> harris: it's changing. whenever i talk to moderates they will be quick to tell me no, harris, it is not. the moderate people. it's how joe biden got elected. he is more moderate, blah, blah, blah. when you look at what laura is saying and she is right about this, their voices are louder. >> yeah, the energy in the democrat party is clearly on the extreme far left and the other far left is losing out. but then also when you look on the other side look at what happened yesterday in california. those extreme far left policies are producing horrible results and the people are fighting back. so this is a tug-of-war between basically the socialist wing of the democrat party and the far radical left wing of the democrat party and who knows how it will play out. republicans will talk about gas prices, inflation, baby food. the things that people matter.
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>> they are talking about what happened in california. incumbents won. boudin was the outlier, the exception that proves the rule. incumbents up and down the ballot held strong on democratic policies. >> harris: learn his name. there are liberal d.a.s that could be next in new york city and los angeles. you should learn their names because that is a change, too. good to see you both laura and mark, thank you very much. you mentioned gas prices, mark, let's go there. we talk about them all the time. gas prices don't matter at least to one u.s. senator. she had a lot to say during a hearing on gas prices. she says she simply drives right by them. we'll give you more context on that. the campaign ad writes itself. inflation crushing so many american families. >> the american people are
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living this catastrophic economy every day. they are struggling every day to make ends meet and yet the democrats don't care. >> harris: maybe they do, at least one democrat lawmaker hitting the white house for its terrible messaging on inflation because it is hurting their chances of having a career at this point. joe concha in "focus" next. there he is.
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>> tech: cracked windshield? make it easy and schedule with safelite, where two pairs and a free exam start at just $79.95. because you can track us and see exactly when we'll be there. >> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: that's service that fits your schedule. go to >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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>> we need to up the urgency and boldness. that's not sugar coated. people are upset with gas prices and upset with food prices, upset with the baby formula shortage. the thing that fdr said let's be bold and urgent. every day congress should come and say we'll run through a brick wall. >> harris: have you ever heard biden say let's be bold? about clean energy. a democrat there. lawmakers are fed up with the
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white house's mixed messaging on inflation. the administration continues to blame inflation on everything except for its own policies from an economic transitional period to russia's war in ukraine. the one that had a minor incursion in it. the treasury secretary said this yesterday. >> we currently face macroeconomic challenges including unacceptable levels of inflation as well as the head winds associated with the disruptions caused by the pandemic's effect on supply chains and the effects of supply side disturbances to oil and food markets resulting from russia's war in ukraine. >> harris: she has been reading. the same treasury secretary who apologized last week for not knowing that inflation was coming. the white house press secretary with this. >> this is a global challenge. this is something that everyone is feeling across the globe.
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>> we understand what it comes to food and gas prices. the president understands this. what we're dealing with now is global challenges. this is a global challenge. this is not just in the united states that people are feeling inflation or people are seeing elevated gas prices. >> harris: i was disappointed nobody shout you had out by the baby formula thing. that's us. we're buying it globally. >> inflation in this country is at a higher rate than almost every other developed country. you can't say it's a global thing and everybody is going through this right now. again i was talking to my kid a couple of days ago about george washington she is learning about that in elementary school. at one point there is a great quote she says to me. it is better to offer no excuse than a bad one. what we're hearing from janet yellen and the press secretary and president it's because of covid and we didn't see the variants coming.
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which we've heard for months. in a virus there are variants and you should know that. we hear about vladimir putin as you said that incursion happened or invasion happened in february, late february. inflation has been going up for a year and a half. that's not a good excuse, either. >> harris: the moment he took office. >> gas prices as well, right? we are seeing those at an all-time high. you can't spin these things. there is no if we just had better messaging it would resonate with the american people. they know what they are feeling and seeing and they don't like it. >> harris: i would like better messaging if it had the truth in it. >> yeah. >> harris: that would be a major improvement. here is something that we're all feeling that i don't hear people coming clean about. i want to talk about it. called shrink-lation. manufacturers have cut portion sizes to keep up with inflation. they are trying not to charge you more but they are paying more because everything comes in on a truck and everybody
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gets hit by the diesel fuel and all that cost. honey bunchs of oats and many are downsizing by big margins. stuff gets smaller price tags stay the same or get bigger. >> i noticed that with toilet paper yesterday. my kid got potato chips. you are paying a little bit more but getting far less. it makes me wonder, harris, is this now permanent inflation? why if i am a food maker or toilet paper maker would i go back to the original size and say we're passed it now and give you what we used to. >> harris: would you go back to the original size at the original price. no one is going to volunteer for, you know, the dollar less that you were able to get it for. they don't make money doing
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that. you can't begrudge them. we don't know how long we'll be in this spot and where we were with the supply chain crisis cue pete buttigieg wherever he is. we are still stuck with baby formula. >> you can't package gas and make it smaller and bring it in a smaller package. when this president took office gas was at a little over $2 a gallon. we'll pass in the next week or two $5 a gallon as summer increases. >> harris: we sell gallons. europe is on liters. you can always repackage stuff. let's hope they don't make it smaller and make us pay the same. milk you can buy in a half gallon. biden has really lost the message here and we don't see the action that he should be taking, either. you know what? you are hearing it every day now the national average for a gallon of regular gasoline. 4.95 a gallon.
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as joe was saying how do you turn that around? up more than 40 cents from just last month. by way, we're only eight days into the new month. let's not pretend it was 90 days ago. there will be political consequences for sure. >> do you feel there is a sense there is someone to blame? if you had to blame anyone, would you? >> i would say it starts from the top. the president. >> the fact that we're seeing gas prices impact people's pocketbook so much. would it change how you consider voting for the next election? >> definitely. i just know that one administration had cheaper gas and this administration has more expensive gas. >> harris: morgan said it best yesterday. i bet people are missing the mean tweets and $1.99 gallon of gas. wealthy enough to afford an electric card that has a chip. they really don't mind all the high prices because they don't see them apparently. >> i have to say on the issue
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of gas prices. after waiting for a long time to have enough chips in the country to finally get my electric vehicle, i got it and drove it from michigan to here this last weekend and went by every single gas station and didn't matter how high it was. >> harris: when privilege chokes the heart right out of you. all right, twitter, here we go. they said the average cost of an ev is almost a same as the average income of a michigan household. let them by teslas. look at that. >> talk about tone deaf. that's a campaign ad right there. she said i bought this $60,000 cost. >> harris: average cost. >> do you think her constituents can afford that? americans, democrats, republicans, independents overwhelmingly want america to be energy independent.
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when this president canceled the keystone pipeline and canceled leases it is leding directly to what we're seeing. they love the play the victim when these are self-inflicted wounds. >> bill: thank you for being in "focus." >> harris: i still keep eating the chips. we'll get back to the breaking news now again working the story this hour the white house with a statement now on the threat to u.s. supreme court justice brett kavanaugh. excerpt. here is the quote. president biden condemns the actions of the individual in the strongest terms and is grateful to law enforcement for quickly taking him into custody as the president has consistently made clear, public officials, including judges must be able to do their jobs without concern for their personal safety or that of their families. and any violence, threats of
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violence, or attempts to intimidate judges have no place in our society. he has said that himself and his spokes people have been forceful about this from the podium. that's a little defensive. why didn't they use the federal law, u.s. code 1503 or 1507. the details of this case so far. police arrested an armed man who reportedly wanted to kill justice kavanaugh. more information as we get it. an emotional plea from actor matthew mcconaughey. >> we've become too much of a nation of counter punchers. that's not a way forward or vision? i bet you and i can get something done talking about being dads and giving a damn about our kids and their futures. >> harris: the movie star happens to be from uvalde, texas. pleading for congress and the nation to find some common ground on gun legislation. plus democrats looking to make
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a prime time splash with the january 6 hearings kicking off tomorrow night. republicans say they have other plans. new york congresswoman stefanik is leading the counter programming effort. she is in "focus" next. home, and need cash, , ownr call newday usa. i'm tatiana, here to say you can get an average of $60,000 with the newday 100 cash out loan. that's at least 25% more cash than you get at a bank. it lowers your payments by an average of $600 a month, too. with today's soaring home values, the time to turn your equity into cash is right now.
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>> harris: the january 6 committee kicks off with a prime time hearing tomorrow night. committee members are promising a big reveal of new information. they are going for the drama and even hired a former tv news executive to produce it. the political theater with a lot of critics and the "new york post" op-ed for one. nancy pelosi and the dems january 6 dog and baloney show. another democrat blockbuster doomed to fail. mike emanuel with the news live on capitol hill. >> good morning. a january 6 committee member just told reporters here on capitol hill after months of investigation interviewing more than 1,000 people, reviewing 140,000 documents, it is time to start sharing with the american people. >> we're ready to tell the story about what happened january 6th and what led up to it. this is not a responsibility that anyone on the committee takes lightly but it is absolutely necessary to set the record straight for the american public. >> some critics have called it
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a made for tv event noting former abc news president is working as an advise o*sh to the house select committee and brought in to produce it for prime time tv. committee members say they aren't in the business of entertainment. two witnesses expected to testify is capitol police officer the first officer injured by rioters on january 6 and a filmmaker who captured key moments in the riot. kevin mccarthy said this morning there are more pressing issues for congress to address. >> i wish they would really have a prime time hearing on is inflation, the rise of crime in this country as well. and the border itself. how can we secure that? what about baby formula? i think those are the key issues america is looking for. >> because there is so much going on right now in the world, there is intense pressure on the january 6 committee to deliver a big revelation or a big moment
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tomorrow night. >> harris: mike emanuel, thank you very much. republicans in congress are also dismissing the january 6 panel. here is house minority leader kevin mccarthy. >> the committee is not a legitimate committee. they have never allowed republicans to be appointed to the committee. we tried to participate. the speaker rejected 200 years of history to reject it. it goes after their political opponents. what we should really be going after is the rise in inflation, gas price, crime and secure our border. >> harris: new york representative stefanik with this. the greatest distraction on earth is about to begin brought to you by nancy pelosi. the congresswoman stefanik chair of the house republican conference sits on the armed service, intelligence and education and labor committee in "focus" now. good to see you. first of all, why did you say that? what do you see this as and politically how does it play?
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>> first of all i was home in my district for two weeks traveling to 10 different counties. the issues i heard from my voters and constituents were concerned about inflation and the skyrocketing gas prices. they're concerned about the increase in crime that we are seeing not just in new york state but across america. all of these crises are a direct result of joe biden and nancy pelosi and house democrats failed agenda. what do the democrats want to talk about? they want to talk about january 6. importantly, their committee is not focused on finding out why the capitol was so ill prepared and why the capitol police were at half staff on january 6. these are important questions that nancy pelosi and democrats don't care about because they kicked off the republican-appointed members of the committee and why it's illegitimate. >> harris: "washington examiner" op sed asked what would it be like if there were gop appointed members of the committee answering the only certain answer is that unlike
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now, there would be a difference in perspective among the members. there would be members to challenge the assertions of other members who could then respond. there would be differences of emphasis and the kind of interaction congressional committees are supposed to have which speaks to the issue you are talking about. you have a lot of questions but don't know if you will press them from your office. >> that's right. i go back to the impeachment sham hearings in 2019 focused on president trump and even those partisan hearings allowed republicans in the basement of the scif. adam schiff partisan witch hunt. republicans were allowed to be there to cross-examine witnesses and focus on the facts. we were able to do that in the open hearings. the fact there are no republican appointed members appointed by the republican leader shows that democrats and members of that committee don't want to have those tough questions. one of those major questions is why is speaker pelosi's office the only office off limits from this investigation?
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we know based upon reporting that there were warnings about potential violence on january 6th and why did she not insure the capitol police had the resources they needed? >> harris: an interesting and critical question, too. we have video of people who made it into that office. you would think they would want to offer that up for certain to take a look at that. one last quick one on this, too. representatives >> everyone needs to know that every member appointed by kevin mccarthy is not on the committee. that's because nancy pelosi broke 200 plus years of precedent by not allowing the republican minority leader to appoint members of a synth committee. that never happened before and why the committee is illegitimate and doesn't serve a legislative purpose.
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>> harris: if the commission of 9/11 was run this way would we have the lessons at our fingertips? there are a lot of things we don't know. we don't have a fair commission. let's get to this. a lot of people saw this yesterday and then our bret baier interviewed him. matthew mcconaughey making a plea for gun legislation. >> we are in a window of opportunity right now that we have not been in before. a window where it seems like real change, real change can happen. we need to restore our american values and we need responsible gun ownership. responsible gun ownership. we need background checks. this should not be a partisan issue. >> harris: you are introducing a bill to enhance gun safety. >> my bill provides an incentive in terms of a tax
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credit for safe gun storage. i am a proud lawful gun owner and i represent thousands of lawful gun owners in my district. it is important for self-defense and sportsman activities and hunting. democrats are utilizing this tragedy to immediately politicize it and focus on stripping second amendment rights and focusing on their radical gun control legislation. the facts are in the last decade the only party that has passed legislation to secure schools and to close loopholes were republicans. we passed one that insured more information sharing of mental health records between states and federal agencies and passed the stop school violence act to provide $1 billion toward school resource officers that i have in my districts and districts across america. we've delivered those results. the democrats are attempting to politicize this issue while shredding the constitution. >> harris: one thing i hear
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about mcconaughey's word inside the white house was the line about american values. i don't hear democrats talk about that today. if you want to talk about some of the same things maybe that would get us there. you have your bill. maybe they could start there. america is watching and i'm really appreciative of you being if "focus." thank you. >> thank you, harris. >> harris: "outnumbered" is next. ll time highs. and so has your equity. turn it into cash now. the newday 100 va cash out loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value. you could take out more than $60,000. use it to improve your home. pay off high rate debt. pay for big expenses. or put it in the bank for real peace of mind. turn your equity into cash with the newday100 va cash out loan call now.
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