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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  June 9, 2022 6:00am-8:00am PDT

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summer concert here continue. >> and the concert is free to attend with a complimentary barbecue. go to fox & friends, to our website. we'll see you tomorrow. >> and we'll have five seconds to practice. >> thank you so much. >> bill: top of our news today. republicans say democrats are complicit. good morning, everybody. this is thursday, bill hemmer and team blue. >> dana: we're not blue in spirit. >> bill: correct. >> dana: if you think we're going to the prom we might later on today. >> bill: we could be flight attendants. >> dana: i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." we'll get going on the story today.
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the man arrested outside kavanaugh's home said yesterday he planned to break in and kill him. >> bill: dhs warned it could happen. the liberal group that leaked the address online held another protest outside his house last night. only hours after the suspect's arrest. >> it's prompting a wave of outrage from republicans. not just the fringe left but democratic leadership inciting violence. >> one reason for protestors to show up outside the home of a public fixture to say we know where you live. >> nancy pelosi said i'm perfectly okay to go to justice's home to change the view. >> when you send this kind of message, it just undermines the legitimacy of the united states supreme court as an institution and this is what it leads to.
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>> do you think just to be clear, you think some of the democrats' rhetoric is to blame for what happened this morning? >> of course. >> bill: just last month the senate passed a bipartisan bill to increase security for the justices and their families. speaker pelosi refused to take it up. expected to face questions today during her weekly news conference. >> dana: the "new york post" blaming the rhetoric from the left called incited to kill. david spunt is reporting live from the justice department this morning. >> nicholas john roske, the 26-year-old suspect from california spent the night in jail. he is in federal custody now. he told a federal judge during his first appearance in district court in maryland yesterday afternoon he was quote not thinking clearly. he is facing a serious charge of attempted murder of a u.s. supreme court justice. you mentioned that protest outside justice kavanaugh's
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home last night by this group called ruth sent us in honor of the late ruth bader ginsberg. made several walk bys not even 24 hours after roske planned to kidnap and kill justice kavanaugh and posted the addresses of the supreme court justices online. according to the criminal complaint roske took a taxi to kavanaugh's maryland home at 1:05 in the morning wednesday morning wearing black clothing. got ut of the car and spotted two deputy marshals already guarding the home. they saw him walk down the street. 30 minutes later he picked up the phone and called 911 and said he wanted to kill kavanaugh and was having suicidal thoughts. when police arrived they found a clock pistol, knife, screwdriver, pepper spray, crowbar, duct tape and nail punch. >> this is exactly the kind of
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event that many worried the unhinged, reckless rhetoric from prominent figures toward the court going back many months especially in recent weeks, could make more likely. >> no question one of the people on senator mcconnell's mind his counterpart across the aisle senate majority leader chuck schumer who in march of 2020 made comments about justices gorsuch and kavanaugh paying the price after an abortion ruling dealing with a clinic in louisiana. as for nicklaus roske, he is facing serious charges. in convicted, the prosecution has a mountain of evidence, all of those tools, kidnapping tools and not to mention they are looking at premeditation here. he came from california, took a taxi cab, all the supplies with him just to show up.
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>> dana: thank you so much. >> bill: with us now new jersey federal judge. her son was shot and killed two years ago in an attack at her home. thank you for coming back and good to have you back on our program here. >> thank you, mr. hemmer, thank you, ms. perino. >> if you were able to see the house legislation passed into law, would that be enough? >> i want to start by saying that the security and privacy act has been ready for months and this bill, had it been passed months ago would have sealed the justice's addresses and given us a vehicle to take those addresses down had they been posted. the fact is the supreme court justices need protection. they have been protected this whole time, the justices have been. this bill that senator mcconnell wants passed is a bill to extend it to immediate families. the federal judges, the trial
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judges, lower court judges do not have security. we do not have security. the fact of the matter is we don't get security unless there is a threat. and in my case there was no warning. just death. in another judge's case in 2005 there was no warning, just death. so we need to do something to protect all federal judges across this nation and the daniel bill is a concrete step in the right direction but this is -- we just saw a judge assassinated in wisconsin last friday. when is it going to stop? when are the members of congress going to lead? lead in a bipartisan way. this bill is bipartisan, we have republicans and democrats saying it needs to be passed. i'm shocked that i see members
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of congress talking about passing one bill and not the other. the other one that has been ready to go for months. this country is in trouble. democracy is in trouble. we need to have our leaders stand up and say we're going to lead because the rule of law isn't the rule of law for just republicans or democrats. it isn't just the law for independents. the rule of law is the rule of law for all of us. our justice system is in trouble and judges stand on the front lines protecting democracy. if i sound, you know, upset or motivated or flabbergasted probably, it is because i am. daniel has been dead for 21 months and 21 days. my only child. i just don't know why members of congress aren't working together and trying to pass
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both these bills together. it blows my mind. >> dana: we hear your strength and confidence and incredible courage for all that you have gone through, you and your husband in the 20 months and 21 days and we appreciate you being here to talk to us about this. i had another question. in addition to these bills that are being passed, as i understand it, it is against the law to protest at a federal judge's home. so why instead of just having security, not arrest people who are protesting outside of a federal judge's home? why won't the justice department do that? >> i will tell you that i am not ready to -- i haven't read the laws. i don't know that. what i'm ready to do and trying to do this whole time is focus, focus on members of congress on what can be done. focus everyone, focus the
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american people on the issue at hand. we have had judges assassinated starting in 1979, trial judges, district court judges, assassinated. we have had judges woods, vans and others, another's husband and mother were killed in 2005. my son in the foyer of our home, my only child was killed in the foyer of our home. we have a judge in wisconsin. now we have a justice being threatened. why? because this would be -- he was able to find his address. that's the key here. the addresses are readily available, readily available for people to use with intention, with malice, and with one reason and what are they trying to do? kill us for one reason, doing our jobs. that's where we have to say no more. >> bill: on the same day that
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they had this arrest, last night they were back outside of the same home at kavanaugh's house. it addresses intimidation in the law. this from 2020, the now majority leader in the senate on the steps of the supreme court chuck schumer said this. >> i want to tell you, gorsuch. i want to tell you, kavanaugh, you have released a whirl wind and you will pay the price. [cheering and applause] you won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions. >> bill: how do you receive that message? >> what i say is i think rhetoric has been really both sides have done a lot of rhetoric over the years but i think the american people are wanting our government to work. i think they want all the blame game to stop. i think what they want to do is
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know that our leaders can work together on the issues they can agree on. we can't agree on everything but there are certain things we can agree on. and i think not killing judges in their homes is something we all could agree on. so what i say to that is, i say leaders need to start leading. they need to start showing that they can work together. they can work together on common sense bills like the daniel an derl bill. a common sense bill. a bill that is narrowly tailored to address this compelling government interest. let's stop the blame game and start working together, all of us. because you know what? we're all americans and you know what? we want the best for this country. and you know what? the world is looking at us right now and seeing us fractured and unable to work together to really help our judiciary. i would say this, we need to
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stop arming public with our addresses because that's what they are doing. they are using our addresss to kill us. let's work together on the things we can agree on. i know in the end we're all citizens of the united states of america. >> dana: here, here, all right. we'll stay in touch with you and follow the story. thank you for coming on. >> thank you very much for having me. >> dana: the january 6th committee primary hearings begin tonight. democrat-led house committee hoping the time slot will catch attention and distract from other issues. what do you hear about tonight's hearing? >> good morning. january 6 committee aides say tonight's prime time hearing serves as an opening statement for the american people and preview of upcoming hearings. committee aides say there will be a multimedia presentation throughout the 90 minute or so committee hearing tonight that will ultimately show the american people video and audio that hasn't been seen publicly before. they will also use clips from
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videotape depositions the committee has done and remind people of what happened that day. initial findings about the january 6th attack and its causes and connect the dots for the american people. a leading republican says it will be purely political. >> we can expect a circus. the democrats have been shameless and booking it on prime time tells you everything you need to know. most of the committee business in the house starts at 10:00 a.m. through the working day. they are trying to get eyeballs and change the narrative. >> bill: bennie thompson and vice chair cheney will give opening statements. a capitol hill police officer and documentary filmmaker will recount their experiences what they saw and heard during the riot. >> what kind of intent went into trying to overturn our democratic process to keep a president in office despite the will of the american people? i think that's what people need to understand. this wasn't simply a protest
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gone awry. it was thoughtful planning that went into a very strategically trying to overturn our democratic form of government. >> committee aides say the intent is to lay out a narrative of events from before election day 2020 through january 6th. >> dana: thank you, mike. we'll have special live coverage of the hearing. bret baier and martha maccallum anchoring beginning at 8:00 p.m. eastern and stream the hearing on fox nation, and fox news audio. >> bill: you have a backlog of migrants overwhelming the southern border. will the president be sending some of them to a city near you soon? senator tom cotton is next on that. the largest migrant caravan we've seen in months heading straight for the southern border. >> dana: gas hitting another all time high this morning. we sound like a broken record. we don't mean to. we have to tell you what's happening. the white house clearly isn't getting the message from the american people when nearly half the country paying more
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than $5 a gallon for gas. maria bartiromo is on deck. >> bill: president biden had his first network interview in 118 days, but you had to stay up late to see it. >> what a terrible job you have. what -- i'm glad you are doing it but boy, oh boy, does this seem like a bad gig. only two things are forever: love and liberty mutual customizing your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. if anyone objects to this marriage... (emu squawks) kevin, no! not today. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer.
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>> bill: pain at the pump putting the squeeze on those who keep us safe. average price for a gallon of gas in michigan $5.21. a sheriff's department saying soaring gas prices are having an effect on what calls his
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deputies go to. >> back in september for the budget gas prices in michigan were $3.40. well, fast forward nine months later gas prices are up more than 50%. as a result, the sheriff's department has tearing through their gas budget and now having to make some changes. in a facebook post this week the sheriff said the sheriffs office is feeling the pain at the pump as well. i have instructed the deputies to attempt to manage what calls are acceptable over the phone. this would be non-in progress calls, calls that do not require evidence collection or documentation or emergencies. they stressed deputies will continue to patrol all areas of the county and will respond as usual to any calls that come in about crimes in progress. but the goal is to to have anything that can be done over the phone handled that way at least for the next few months until a new budget is approved. nationwide, average gas prices have set new records for 13
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consecutive days now and for 30 of the past 31 days with another all-time high today clocking in at $4.97. >> bill: trying to figure a way. garrett, stay on it. we shall as well. thank you. >> dana: speaking of $5 a gallon gas, 20 states are hitting that threshold as well as washington, d.c. the price of filling your tank up nearly $2 from a year ago. let's bring in maria bartiromo and what do you think the practical effect of that is across the country as it ripples across. >> good morning. it is making american families poorer is really the bottom line here because it is cutting into our paychecks to pay more for gas. people have a budget. they go to the gas station and say i pay $80 for the fill-up of my tank. they get there it's $120. they aren't filling it all the way. they are doing half a tank. they are busting the budget as
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a result. it has done wonders for oil stocks if you are an investor in the stock market. exxonmobile hit a record for the first time in eight years, stock up. contrary to what you see if you've invested in technology stock. nasdaq down 22%. cutting into wages and budgets because we're paying more for gasoline. worse is diesel. diesel is also at a record high and we need -- diesel is the fuel that goes into the ships and trucks that transport all of the other items that we buy. that's why inflation is at a 40-year high right now. >> dana: one of the ways to visualize for everyone is put up graphic 2. aaa, they fielded 50,787 out of gas calls in april. a 32% jump from the same month last year. to your point people are maybe not filling up all the way and
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finding themselves in a bad situation and needing help as they are out of gas. last night president biden went on jimmie kimmel for a pretty tough interview i suppose you would call it. he talked about inflation and this is what he said. i want to get your reaction to this. >> president biden: and so we're the strongest economy. that has allowed us to stay on top of and a little bit ahead of what's happening around the world. second thing is, look, inflation is the -- is the -- is the bain of our existence. inflation is mostly on food and gasoline at the pump. >> dana: it's the bain of our existence. where do you trace the problem back to then, sir, would be the follow up question i would have had. >> that's right, dana. that's the follow-up question. this administration won't admit when joe biden went into oval office, he signed the covid
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relief package in march bring, then tried to push a $5 trillion spending plan. it was full of gimmicks. that didn't pass. they passed another $1 trillion infrastructure plan and ukraine got invaded by russia and now we talk about inflation at 8.3%. look, we're getting the latest consumer price index report out tomorrow morning. it is expected to stay elevated at 8.3%. one of the issues the president is not being honest with the american people. he ms said we're the fastest growing economy in the world three times. that's not true at all. in the first quarter we had a shrink acknowledge of the economy, a contraction of 1.5%. many people believe it's the beginning of a recession and we're seeing a host of layoffs begins. it what happens in recession times. you go from strong wages and strong jobs to layoffs. right now the tech sector is
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experiencing the biggest lay-off string since 2020 talking about companies like netflix and other meta, other tech companies announcing layoffs because they recognize things are getting tight. this morning the european central bank met and the outlook is completely deteriorating. she couldn't give an outlook but they'll start raising interests rates as well. the next fed meeting we expect a 50 bases point hike. that's what they said. on top of all that inflation eggs up 22%, price of an airline ticket up 33%, you get the capital moving higher, that's loans. jamie dimon said a hurricane is coming and they'll be much more conservative. you may not be able to get the loan you thought you would get. this morning on "mornings with maria" i had a portfolio
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manager on said we're waiting for a lehman brothers moment. not everybody feels that way, dana, but certainly there is a feeling that things are worsening right now contrary to what the president said last night on jimmie kimmel. >> dana: thank you. we'll watch for you tomorrow morning for your analysis after that number comes out. thank you. [shouting] >> bill: they were back at it. pro-choice protestors targeting brett kavanaugh's home hours after a manner had plans to assassinate him. you are looking live at the largest migrant caravan trekking through mexico. 1200 miles. sights set on the southern border. homeland security officials consider transporting migrants to other cities inside our country. senator tom cotton is on that and he will react coming up when we continue.
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>> bill: here in new york twitter reportedly plans to comply with elon musk demand he wants the inside data on spam bots and fake accounts. otherwise he has threatened the pull out of a there are 44 billion deal to buy it. kelly o'grady, fox business in l.a. has more on this now. >> good morning. this will be a really big reversal for twitter. the deal is all coming down to the percentage of spam botts on the platform. twitter says it's under 5%. musk says likely more than 20%. it will give him, what a user would see if they followed every account on twitter over 500 million tweets a day. the scale of the data makes it unwieldy. conducting a full review requires significant time and resources. providing the fire hose.
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some researchers are saying it could cause other problems. you can find anything you want. most analyst thinks musk is committed to the deal but providing pressure to get a lower price. it's 25% under the initial larger and he made his feelings about a looming recession known. if he does tried to walk he faces a messy court battle and waived his right to peek under the hood. there is a scenario he could argue pause. >> we don't think you were being truthful in the sec filing if he is able to prove this with the fire hose of data he has -- >> reports surfacing twitter is confident the deal will go through saying a shareholder vote will happen in late july or early august.
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it could set up a messy vote if shareholders feel they are getting ripped off. >> bill: still in the game. >> dana: look how much she knows about that story. the department of homeland security considering sending migrants to the southern border to cities deeper in the united states. no decision has been made yet. this as a massive migrant caravan in mexico heads for the southern border. arkansas senator tom cotton joins us now. the spokesperson telling fox news no decision has been made and should one be made, dhs will coordinate with and support cities and ngos to facilitate the movement of any individual encountered at the southwest border placed into removal proceedings the next steps in their immigration proceedings. do you buy that? >> not at all. the reason why we have the migrant caravans and so many migrants at the border is joe biden invited them to come for the last two years. there is no space left at many of these facilities at the
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border because there are such overwhelming numbers and talking about relocating my grants to the other parts of the country away from the border. i agree they should be relocated. relocated back to their home countries because they have no right to enter america. but joe biden apparently thinks that there are high levels of illegal immigration that we should tolerate. the only acceptable level of illegal immigration is zero. >> bill: so far you won't get your way. in april title 42 still in place. you come here, the pandemic, you are returned back to your home country. in the month of april there were 234,000 encounters by border patrol and you had 50% of those returned by way of title 42. the point being they aren't enforcing the laws that are there already, sir. >> bill, the point about title 42 is a good one.
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although it was later enforced upon the biden administration by a court, the simple fact that joe biden's administration announced they were no longer going to apply that public health exclusion order sent a strong signal across the world that now was the time to come. if you had been turned back previously because of coronavirus or heard that was the case now you could get here. it didn't matter all that much that a court enjoined the biden administration from ending that public health exclusion order because the wrong signals already had been sent and he has been sending them since his campaign. >> dana: i want to switch gears to the attempted assassination from the suspect arrested outside kavanaugh's home. after that arrest there were additional protests from ruth sent us, a group that is to me like the westboro baptist church. as i understand it, there is a federal law that says you
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cannot protest in front of a federal judge's home. last night just after they had arrested a guy who had all these weapons they had the protestors out there but no one is arrested. what is going on with that? why not show some deterrence in the face of all of it? >> this is the shock and culmination of the democratic left's war against the security and against our constitution in america. chuck schumer a couple of years ago went to the supreme court steps and by name attacked brett kavanaugh and said he would pay the price. he wouldn't know what hit him. yesterday a democratic hit man showed up at brett kavanaugh's house to try to murder him and presumably his wife and children. that very same night just hours after democratic hit man tried to kill brett kavanaugh you had left wing street militia's announcing on the internet in advance they would violate federal law by protesting in front of a justice's home.
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as you say there is an explicit federal law against protesting in front of the homes of judges or jurors. yet again, the hapless attorney general merrick garland did nothing. he should resign in disgrace. if he won't we should start impeachment proceedings against him in january when we're in control of the congress because the rule of law in this country must be enforced evenly irrespective of one's political parties and views. >> bill: thank you for your time. tom cotton. whether it's the border, washington, d.c. or the suburbs of maryland. thank you, sir. we'll speak again. >> thank you, bill. >> bill: president biden admitting voters are fed up with rising crime. will it put democrats in danger at the ballot box? the democratic divide deepens. aoc and squad taking some heat from inside the party.
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>> dana: scramble for baby formula continues nationwide. don't forget this story. critics say recent shipments from overseas are a drop in the bucket as the shortage shows no signs of letting up. casey stiegel is live in irving, texas with the latest for us there. hi, casey. >> back behind me the busy runways of dsw international
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airport and appreciate use cargo on the way, a fedex plane chartered from germany left more than five hours ago scheduled to touchdown here just before 1:30 eastern time. it is the third operation fly formula flight to land in the u.s. and it's carrying 110,000 pounds of nestle baby formula, translating into 1.6 million eight-ounce bottles or 63,000 cans. today's flight is greeted by the hhs secretary and dignitaries. all the plane's precious cargo will be distributed across the country to help replenish the bare store shelves. >> this will provide nutrition for some of our sickest babies in texas and texas children's and relieve some of that stress for our families. >> driving force remember behind the shortage was a major
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manufacturing plant in michigan run by abbott was closed in february over health concerns. it just reopened this past weekend but exclusive reporting from our partners at the "wall street journal" shows that abbott bass alerted by employees about issues months earlier than publicly known. that is according to a complaint filed with osha, the u.s. department of labor, which now has left many to wonder if potentially the shortage could have been avoided. as you know, dana, the plant went off line and the largest in the u.s. manufacturing and that is what led largely to this shortage. back to you. >> dana: terrible problem and i hope that people get what they need. thanks, casey. >> yeah. >> president biden: voters sent a clear message last night. both parties have to step up and do something about crime as well as gun violence.
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the states and localities today billions of dollars and encourage them to hire police officers and reform the police departments. very few have done it. >> bill: president biden's reaction about what voters said tuesday night and how they think about crime. david, nice to have you back on the program. let me share some of the big cities from 2019 to 2021. here is the comparison. san francisco up about 8%, back on that in moment in san francisco. l.a. 12, new york city the league leader at 38.4%. chicago 35 and philadelphia 22. now, this is what a lot of dems were saying about police in america, roll this. >> not only do we need to defund but we need to dismantle and start anew. >> talking about the reduction of our nypd budget and
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defunding the $6 billion nypd budget. >> i support the defund movement. it's about the investment in our communities. >> i am for defunding the police. >> defund the police does not mean abolish the police, it means a dramatic reduction in the number of police in our poor communities. >> bill: they are all democrats there. a clear split between what the president was saying as of yesterday and what his fellow colleagues are saying on the hill. >> look, joe biden has been singing the siren song since the 2020 campaign against donald trump and he has not been able to get some of the loudest voices of his party on board. that's this internal debate democrats have been having with many democratic leaders and the president of the united states calling for enlarging police departments and cracking down on rising crime but some of the most progressive reformers within the democratic party asking and calling to do the
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opposite. of course it creates a lot of messaging confusion. i don't think the problem here is so much that the president hasn't been where most democratic voters are not to mention republican and independent vote rs. the problem is there is a lot of unsettled opinion in his party about what should be done on a whole host of issues, including police reform. republicans and democrats have been working on police reform on capitol hill for a couple of years and haven't been able to get anywhere. part of the issue is the president being able to corral his party. something difficult to do with his approval ratings and being able to supersede some of these louder voices which allow republicans and others and just lead to confusion with voters as to what democrats really stand for on these issues. what we're seeing and we can point out what happened in san francisco and los angeles this week, we saw voters in san
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francisco recall their district attorney because they were not happy with his handling of crime. we saw voters in los angeles put a centrist democrat businessman caruso into the runoff against karen bass and he is probably the favorite in the november runoff. it's because democrats themselves are not happy with how they are being led on these issues. i think that's what the president from a political standpoint can build on. >> bill: you said a lot there. to pick up your point in california. we don't know what comes next in san francisco and all the stories that are being written is that voters said we're sick of it. but the mayor london breed in san francisco has the authority under law to appoint the successor to chesa boudin. here is what she said yesterday. this does not mean that criminal justice reform in san francisco is going anywhere. it does not mean that all of a sudden be a significant setback, end quote. now we wait to see who she appoints for the next year. >> well, i believe that she
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gets to appoint a successor to chesa boudin until next year and voters choosing another one in the november elections. the point is democrats can be for criminal justice reform. the biggest criminal justice reform law in decades was pushed by republicans and former president donald trump when he was in office and so this is movement that has been supported by both parties and democrats i think are making the argument that we can believe in reforming police practices while still being tough on crime and reducing crime rates. maybe those things are incompatible. we'll find out. even republicans. you just had tom cotton on. one of the notable opponents of the criminal justice reform bill that trump signed but even republicans believe you can be tough on crime while reforming sentencing and police practices and things of that nature. i think we'll have to see how it plays out. >> bill: nice to have you back. let's see what happens in san
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francisco. rick caruso interesting candidate in la. we'll continue our discussion soon. >> dana: fatal overdoses linked to fentanyl is creating nationwide alarm. and now fighting fairness in women's supports. she says female athletes should not be forced to compete against trans women.
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matching your job description. visit think he's posting about all that ancient roman coinage? no, he's seizing the moment with merrill. moving his money into his investment account in real time and that's... how you collect coins. your money never stops working for you with merrill, a bank of america company. >> trans people don't transition for athletics. we trans ition to be happy and authentic and our true selves. transitioning to take an advantage. trans women are not a threat to women's sports. >> bill: she claimed they hold no advantage over female competitors. the next guest says it's a different story and women racers cannot compete against
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trans athletes but don't have a choice. meet madison deboy college track athlete out of ohio, goes to school in utah. she fears her years of training are powerless up against the strength of biological males. good morning to you. thanks for being here. powerful piece you wrote. make your point. >> good morning. thank you so much for having me. >> bill: go ahead and make your point about what you have now experienced after years of training and competition going up against a man who runs your same event. >> yeah. i think so many female athletes are getting a voice now and we're speaking out against the unfairness that is happening in women's sports and i think that we really just need to get back to focusing on having fairness in women's sports because i think so many are afraid to see the end of women's sports with
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having male athletes competing within our sports. i think fighting this fight now is so important so that future generations of women don't have to. >> dana: you've trained so hard and i can imagine that you are crest fallen when you realize you are basically -- it's impossible for you to be able to run as fast as somebody who is transitioning from a man to a woman. just impossible. are you surprised who they are not more women who fought for title ix and not speaking out on this issue? >> yeah. i think it is a very scary thing to speak out especially now. and i understand that it is scary but i think it is so important that us as women athletes get together and use our voices and fight. if we don't, we're afraid that's the end of women's sports. >> bill: at first it's
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surprising. quickly disheartening and heartbreaking. how do i stand a chance despite my two decades of training for this moment? do you think your moment is going to pass? >> i hope that we can get back to what is fair within women's sports and like i said in my piece, i and a lot of other female athletes will take bumps and bruises along the way if it means that we can get back to our fairness in women's sports and so the future generation of women don't have to fight this fight. >> dana: you are brave and strong and fast. we hope to see you again. thank you for writing that on you can find your piece there. >> thank you. >> dana: fox news alert top of the hour now topping the news. border crisis raising new alarms as a migrant caravan heading north gets bigger by day and new information about violent criminals, gang members
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and sex offenders caught at the border. plus pro-choice abortion activists marching outside the home of brett kavanaugh hours after police arrested an armed man threatening to kill him. olympic gold medalist symone boo*ils and others are suing the foo*ish for more a billion dollars claiming they mishandled the case against larry nasser. first a deadly scourge of illegal fentanyl unleashing a terrible epidemic destroying people, families and communities across america. welcome in a new hour of "america's newsroom." >> bill: i love your jacket. you look great in blue. >> dana: thanks. glad you called me to coordinate what we were going to wear to school today. >> bill: we are team blue. blue is my favorite color. >> dana: we're sunny in disposition. >> bill: that we are. the highly addictive synthetic opioid is everywhere, on the
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street, online and laced in other drugs. now the main driver of opioid deaths. as you can see, the numbers rising dramatically since 2019. most of that deadly fentanyl enters the country non-stop thanks to the southern border crisis. >> doesn't just impact border communities, it impacts districts like mine in northern new york. an increased in deaths related to fentanyl flowing across our southern border. >> bill: you will meet people directly affected by this. dan springer with more on a big problem in big sky country, montana. good morning. >> good morning, bill. that's right. montana is a small state with just over a million residents. they're dealing with a massive fentanyl crisis right now. they are on pace to break last year's record of 87 fentanyl deaths. a 112% increase over 2020. eight people died in late may and each one fentanyl is
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suspected. according to the crime lab fentanyl deaths are up 1100% over the last two years. meth was the biggest drug problem in the state, now it is fentanyl. in the first three months of this year law enforcement seized 12,000 pills laced with fentanyl. three times more than all of last year. and it's more than was seized in the last four years combined. a problem we're seeing throughout the united states as these drugs are increasingly being smuggled into the country from mexico. according to the cdc there were a record 107,000 drug overdose deaths in 2021, 3/4 of them involve fentanyl. attorney general in montana tells me law enforcement is simply overwhelmed. >> i feel like i'm trying to treat a gunshot wound with a band-aid. the cartels are making so much money and the biden administration has made it so easy for them to smuggle this poison across our southern border that we just can't keep
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up. >> attorney general tells me in montana, investigations of fentanyl crimes are up 2,000% in the last two years. bill. >> bill: dan springer begins our hour there in seattle. thanks. >> dana: just how is fentanyl getting into country and into the hands of users? we have a former d.e.a. agent and he can explain. tell us how you see it today, derrick. >> good morning. first of all, the mexican cartels are running massive operations south of the border. they have chemical weapon production labs producing this fentanyl at record levels. they work with the chinese, push it into america and we have a nationwide frightening trend. look at lori summers this week, the coroner for will county, illinois. they had eight deaths in 24 hours on monday and tuesday. she put out a public safety alert. montana the tribal leaders have come out and issued a public
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emergency. dea administrators having mass poisoning alerts pushed out like el paso dea two weeks ago had nine overdoses in a 24-hour period. it doesn't stop. ohio state university two deaths when the kids thought they were taking fent -- adderall that had fentanyl. a pre-immediate student. the da is bringing in all the families june 14th and 15th around the country to push awareness. the families are being devastated. >> bill: clearly. sir, can we stop this from being distributed throughout all of our cities all over the country? >> well bill, we have to take it serious right now. there is no sense of urgency. we have to destroy the chemical prouk production labs and shut down the supply of chemicals coming from china and cut off the funding. we have to realize now with the open border and migrant
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smuggling the cartels are making billions of dollars from the human trafficking. the drug, it's a multi-billion dollar enterprise. so much money is available and we have an addicted population because for years they weren't paying attention to it with no education. the synthetic drugs are really dangerous. they are deadly and there has been no warnings for years. >> dana: thank you so much. we appreciate you. >> bill: deadly habit to break. thanks. joining us now, the parents of a 16-year-old son died of fentanyl poisoning in february of 2021. good morning to both of you. dr. berman, i understand your son purchased this deadly poison over snapchat. what happened that day? >> he did. i found him in his room. he wanted me to come upstairs and talk to him about an internship for his college applications and i found him on
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the floor non-responsive. he was gone. and he got in as deeply-a dealer approached him on snap cot chat and he ordered a few pills of some sort or something. and it was pure fentanyl. it killed him. someone dies every 15 minutes from fentanyl in 2021. i think we have to change the language. it is not even an overdose in most cases. it is poisoning. it is murder. fentanyl poisoning, not an overdose. >> dana: that was one of the things i wanted to bring up which is that you are not alone in your grief and this grief is rippling all across the country and even in san francisco. there were more overdose deaths from fentanyl last year. there was not a single prosecution. not a single prosecution of fentanyl in that city. if you take that across america and listen to these law
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enforcement in montana saying they can't keep up, what would you like people to know about the need to hold people to account and use the laws that we have? >> that who you vote for district attorney matters. we're in los angeles and george gascon let our murderer walk. we found out who did it and the dea did their job as they often do and gascon decided not to prosecute. we don't know why. he doesn't speak to us about it. vote for someone who is going to make law and order at the top of the list. >> bill: one more question. did you suspect anything wrong with your son as parents? >> absolutely not. he was a straight a student. he was a great kid. sheltering at home during the pandemic. listen, good kids make stupid decisions all the time to
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experiment or try something. and now it's lethal. and this is happening where we have close to 14,000 parents on our facebook support group who are in exactly the same situation who have lost their children, too. >> dana: your point about being home from school and trying to do school from home. you have all your other devices and there by yourself is an important one we have to remember. >> bill: you are making a difference. stay at it. i know it's hard by dr. berman and samuel chapman from l.a. thank you for being here. >> dana: joining us now for another cautionary tale pga gopher and former addict willcox. when you hear the pain, you must be relieved that are you a former addict and you were able to get healthy and go on to have an amazing career and life and to be healthy. when you hear that and just the scope and scale of this fentanyl problem what goes
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through your mind? >> it's scary. when i first started to experiment, it was all just prescription pills and then now it's shifted over to this fentanyl and you didn't get a warning about that. i've had a lot of friends pass away from it and acquaintances's friends and taken the whole drug culture by storm and it is a very scary chemical. it is so much more poisonous than the previous. >> bill: will, can you explain to us and our audience how you survived? >> yeah. i got -- thank goodness i have a great support group but i did this thing called n.a.d. therapy and i was able to reduce the withdrawal symptoms. the thing about fentanyl withdrawals come on a lot stronger, faster. it is way more intense. a lot harder to get off of.
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that's the thing. you can't -- it is not like just getting off normal heroin. you go into full body convulsions and it is hard for people to stop. i am fortunate enough to have a good support system and they convinced me to get help. >> bill: who is in your support system? >> my mom, my buddy rodney, my good friend taylor from atlanta. just a group of people that care about me and i was able to block out all the bad influences and delete some -- delete all numbers i had. i started fresh and i try to look somebody in the eyes every day that cares about me so they can see that my eyes aren't pinpoints and that i'm not -- my voice sounds different, i act different and a lot easier to be around. it's easy to tell.
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>> dana: you offer such a story of hope. there are people like dr. berman and samuel chapman grieving the loss of their son. we've talked to many parents who are desperate. one mom we talked to goes every week to make sure she can find her sons on the streets of san francisco to make sure he is still alive. parents are going through a lot. siblings go through a lot. but you are offering this message of hope and optimism. for those that are watching now that might have a loved one who is dealing with an addiction, is there anything that you can say to them to make them feel there is something they can do or help them get through their day a little easier? >> there is new eastern medicine approaches, the nad therapy and softening withdrawal symptoms. i went through almost 20-year battle with it and now i am 4 1/2 months into my new life.
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you can't really function as an adult doing the things that i was doing and the stuff is so scary now. you have a few black-outs and things like that. whatever, you can't maintain a job, you can't be there for your family and friends and if you want to be a productive member of society it is like you have to reach out and get that help and you need to surround yourself with positive influences. that's what i've done and eliminated the bad ones and if you want -- if you love your family and friends, that's simply not an option and you have to look at it like that. i'm 36-year-old now. i had to be a man and step up. so yeah, it's definitely been just a dream come true to finally get this under control and i know if this nad therapy is there and it will become more affordable. >> bill: you have a great message. >> dana: congratulations to you. >> bill: let's get you to nine months soon. are you still playing golf?
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>> yeah, i'm in greenville, south carolina now and i tee off in a couple of hours. i'm making my comeback right now. >> dana: give me some tips on golf. i'm great on sports as you will find. >> i'll give you some tips. >> bill: thanks for your story. fox news alert now. wild shoot-out in broad daylight prompting a manhunt in new york city. what happened here and what we've learned about the suspects? >> dana: 100 gymnasts suing the fbi for failing to stop team abuse by larry nasser and why they say the agency failed them. >> i blame larry nasser and i also blame an entire system that enabled and perpetrated his abuse. on the new supreme meats and mozza meat.
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>> bill: fox news speaking with the new ambassador in ukraine as the brutal war wages on. trey yingst live in kyiv and what the message was from the capital city. trey. >> bill, good morning. u.s. ambassador to ukraine bridget brink sat down with fox news today for an exclusive interview to discuss how the war is playing out and what the united states is doing to stop a looming global food crisis. >> we are here to stop this conflict from becoming bigger because i think if left unchecked i believe russia will continue. >> you have been clear in your statements that the goal of the u.s. government is to help ukraine win this war. >> we've been very clear absolutely that the goal we have is to help ukraine defend itself and deter against
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further russian aggression. this is important for ukraine and it is also important for the united states. >> from the perspective of the u.s. government, what does victory for ukraine look like? >> we have always said that the ukrainians will need to determine that themselves. president zelenskyy has said that this war ultimately will end in negotiation and what we're trying to do now is strengthen ukraine's battlefield position which will strengthen its hand at the negotiation table. >> do you believe this conflict can be solved through diplomacy? >> i think all conflicts eventually are resolved one way or another through diplomacy. there is a place at the end for negotiation. a place now for diplomacy in terms of helping ukraine. >> a massive problem now in terms of grain exports from ukraine, something that could affect food prices in the united states and could affect millions of lives in other parts of the world. what is the united states doing to address this issue and
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encourage the russians to allow the export of ukrainian grain? >> we're supportive of efforts to try to resolve this situation. yesterday there were meetings between turks and russians in istanbul. i would say ukraine has some legitimate concerns about how this proceeds and those need to be considered. so we are also working on ways where we can support getting the grain out by other pot -- potentially other means. we're focused on this at high levels in the administration and something that we want to support because it is very important for ukraine but also important for other parts of the world. >> the world food program warned of millions who could face starvation if this issue is not immediately addressed. what exactly is the united states -- what exactly are you doing now to address this issue? >> we're working diplomatically to try to find a way that ukraine can export its grain.
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there is a way of the ports is one possibility. there is also potential of additional storage. there is a potential of doing it by train. so there are a few different possibilities and we're pursuing them all. >> in addition to addressing humanitarian issues the united states has given ukraine billions of dollars worth of military assistance. bill. >> bill: trey yingst great interview from kyiv today. >> dana: more than 90 women including several olympic gold medal gymnasts are suing the f.b.i. for over a billion dollars claiming investigators didn't look into the abuse claims against larry nasser maggie, thank you for coming on and congratulations. you just graduated and have a very bright future ahead of you. >> thank you so much.
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>> dana: do you feel betrayed by the f.b.i.? >> 100%. i was the first one to report larry nasser and in 2015 i reported to the f.b.i. and i was told that usa gymnastic would handle it. nothing happened for over a year. they definitely failed me and all the other girls. after i reported larry nasser was still able to abuse girls every day. very disappointing. >> dana: the findings of the d.o.j. they falsified statements and failed to notify state and local authorities. when you found out just the scale of how many people he had abused, what went through your mind then? >> it was super disappointing and super scary. when i first reported i really didn't have an idea of how many girls it was.
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once i really found out, it was super saddening and scary that he was able to abuse so many girls day in and day out. >> dana: john, i want to ask you about this. the f.b.i., the justice department has declined to prosecute anyone involved in this. was that part of your thinking as you went forward with the lawsuit for these girls? >> yeah. they declined not once, but twice. and as you pointed out, the office of inspector general report determined they lied under oath. they perjured themselves, the agents themselves lied to the f.b.i. who was investigating it. and they covered this up for personal reasons to help themselves. if you or i lied to the f.b.i. we would go to jail. the human cost of their misconduct, intentional misconduct. this wasn't a mistake. they did it on purpose. it was 90 little girls being
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molested by larry nasser day in and day out for over a year. then when it came out they covered it up and lied about it. lied about it to the united states senate. they lied about it to the media. they lied about it to the families and lied about it to maggie's family and other families. and it's outrageous. the scary part is -- >> dana: you filed a lawsuit and what happens next? where will it be heard? >> we filed a claim. the justice department has six months to respond. that's the way it works. and so what we hope is that the senate has already indicated they'll hold more hearings. what needs to happen here, the cancer on the f.b.i., which is there, needs to be cut out because america deserves, you
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know, the f.b.i. the premier law enforcement agency in the world and not agents like this. >> dana: maggie, you have eight national championships under your belt and just graduated from college and gone through a lot with all of your bravery to come forward on this issue and to see that your system of government has failed you must be incredibly disappointing. however, for viewers here who are supporters of you and who have watched you over the years and then certainly thrilled to see you and all of your talent, tell us how you are doing and what is next for you? >> yeah. i'm doing pretty good, yes, i just graduated two weeks ago with my master's degree at the university of oklahoma. so that's been really nice for me to just relax and hang out with my friends for a little bit and be normal girl for a while. but what's next? still trying to figure it out. that's what i'll be doing this summer. >> dana: you figure it out, maggie and we'll stay in touch
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with you as this claim has been filed and john explained to me they have six months to respond at the f.b.i. maggie and john, thank you. >> thank you. >> bill: more to come on that. new concerns about criminals crossing the border. the data that has authorities sounding the alarm on that possibility. plus new details on the suspect who threatened to take out justice brett kavanaugh at his house. will speaker pelosi give the justices and their families more protection and security? think he's posting about all that ancient roman coinage? no, he's seizing the moment with merrill. moving his money into his investment account in real time and that's... how you collect coins. your money never stops working for you with merrill, a bank of america company. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates
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but already officials have their hands full as we patrol we had a high speed chase earlier. they got away. smugglers. what you are looking at now through my windshield is texas dps troopers doing routine checks of commercial vehicles. you are down here on the border and that is all part of the job. you talk about gotaways. since i've been on the ground for the last 10 days 1,305 total gotaways. it comes as we're learning there is a surge of criminal behavioral across the border nationwide. border patrol saying there were some 5,985 criminal migrant encounters and 525 had outstanding warrants. in this sector 230 pounds of meth encountered, six sex offensive addressed and assaults on agents.
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that's the rbg sector. >> dana: thank you for the report and the beautiful scenery. >> the fact is that, you know, the supreme court justices need protection. they've been protected this whole time but the federal judges, the trial judges, the lower court judges do not have security. we do not have security. and the fact of the matter is we don't get security unless there is a threat. and in my case, there was no warning. just death. so we need to do something to protect all federal judges across this nation. and the daniel bill is a concrete step in the right direction. >> a judge out of new jersey talking to us about a bill to protect judges. she is a victim. her son was murdered. this coming as we learn more about the man arrested with a gun and knife near the home of justice kavanaugh telling police he was in the
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neighborhood to kill him. fox news contributor james freeman assistant editor of the "wall street journal" editorial page. good morning. waiting on action from washington don't hold your breath for that. what have we learned so far about the kavanaugh situation? >> disturbing event. we can't say surprising. the judge has been saying for a long time and the senate said we need to protect judges and their family and need to move that protection up to the level of senior executive branch officials. obviously it is not happening speaker pelosi doesn't want it to move in the house. the president could make a prime time address tonight about respecting our system, justices and act with federal law enforcement to make sure their families are protected. >> dana: we know why she is not pushing it. the left was mad saying it makes the gravity of the
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overturning of roe v. wade not seem as serious. >> there is a lot of excuse making. you have been showing the chuck schumer clip where he says you are not going to know what hit you. people may not remember, he finally was pressured into an almost apology. didn't apologize said he regretted it but has continued to make similar case. so i think the question is are they going to take this moment and this is a great opportunity for the president to be not the partisan that most voters think he is, but the president for all americans to say intolerable. not just through a spokesman. >> dana: and the attorney general to follow through on what the law said. protestors at a federal judge's house should be arrested and this would stop. >> bill: quite a moment if they do it. you write this. capitol riots show today view
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in d.c. prime time hearing to test range of house democrats. i read your piece. make your point. >> it is a show. this is not a normal committee. this is not both sides get their members. now they get to make their own cases and get to investigate the issues they want. this is a partisan committee set up by the speaker, all democrats except for two republicans, she has approved. rejected the republicans she didn't like. >> bill: mccarthy offered a few republicans to go on the committee and she said know and she took kinzinger and cheney. >> it is meant to have the look and feel of an investigative committee but without the normal process we respect in this country where both sides have their elected representatives making their point representing their -- the issues they want to raise.
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so call it a show. you may recall in january when there was anniversary of the capitol riot pelosi invited people to sing to make it more compelling. here we see the speaker and committee who brought in a television producer and a documentary mim maker. we have nothing against television producers but we're in a different line of work than a committee of the congress to search for facts in a more deliberative process. >> bill: will we learn anything new tonight, yes or no? >> i'm guessing not given how hard they are selling it. i don't think if you really had the goods you would need to sell it so hard. we'll keep an open mind. if anything comes out of this long, compelling, gripping tv dock owe drama they're trying to create we'll respond. >> bill: we'll watch it
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together. we'll have live special coverage of the hearing. bret and martha will anchor. you can stream the hearing on fox nation, and fox news audio at 8:00 tonight. >> look at it. >> okay. >> you see it? >> yeah, kind of. >> you have to be kidding. get in your bathroom. >> dana: series of rapid fire tornados ripping through the midwest. does the recall of san francisco d.a. mark a turning point in the debate on law enforcement? will other big cities follow suit? we'll discuss. >> no one takes criminal justice seriously anymore. the bad guys no longer take them seriously. they believe our criminal justice system is a laughingstock. riders! let your queries be known.
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uh, how come we don't call ourselves bikers anymore? i mean, "riders" is cool, but "bikers" really cool. -seriously? -denied. can we go back to meeting at the rec center? the commute here is brutal. denied. how do we feel about getting a quote to see if we can save with america's number one motorcycle insurer? should flo stop asking the same question every time? -approved! -[ altered voice ] denied! [ normal voice ] whoa.
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we need to reduce plastic waste in the environment. that's why at america's beverage companies, our bottles are made to be re-made. not all plastic is the same. we're carefully designing our bottles to be 100% recyclable, including the caps. they're collected and separated from other plastics, so they can be turned back into material that we use to make new bottles. that completes the circle and reduces plastic waste. please help us get every bottle back. this is koli. my foster fail (laughs). when i first started fostering koli i had been giving him kibble. it never looked or felt like real food. but with the farmer's dog you can see the pieces of turkey. it smells like actual food. i saw a difference almost overnight. healthy poops, healthy dog, right? as he's aged, he's still quite energetic and youthful. i really attribute that to diet.
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>> bill: the vote to recall san francisco d.a. chesa boudin is a major victory for anti-crime advocates. my new guest is leading a campaign against progressive prosecutors. eliminating criminal justice is not reform. chair of american action fund standing up to left wing liberal prosecutors who refuse to enforce the law and
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prioritize safety. welcome back here. we know and heard what is happening in san francisco. we know what is going on in manhattan. what is happening in virginia? >> i think what happened in california, californians got mugged by reality and they rejected the criminal first mindset. a lot of people in virginia saw sky high murder rate because they had misguided policies. the only thing you learn from history is nobody learns. we decided to bring back a lot of these 1970s reforms of cashless bail and early release of violent offenders led to a crime explosion. you see it everywhere it's been tried. happened in virginia, new york, san francisco. so that's why i'm the honorary chairman of the new group. we want to elect prosecutors who want to enforce the rule of law and want to care about the victims. that's our goal and mission. i like to say virginia is not a red state or blue state.
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we're a common sense state. people want leaders that will stand with police and want district attorneys that are going to prosecute violent criminals and get them off our streets and so we encourage this debate and enjoy it because we think it highlights such a great disparity between how we view the world, standing with police and victims and how the other side is viewing the world. somehow the criminals are the victims. people that should have fear are the law-breaking not law-abiding. too many of our communities that is who has fear when they go out the front door. we want to make sure they feel like they live in a safe community. that's what we're doing. >> bill: thank you for explaining all that. when they try to change the different categories of crime, what's the effect of that? they tried it in san francisco, tried it in new york. you suggest northern virginia suburbs of washington they're trying it there as well. >> what it is, the rest of us are paying for the law breaking. you go to your local cvs,
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household toiletries people are stealing soap and dee odd rant. it's the law breakers getting away with it. the left wing special interest groups who elected the d.a.s, i can just elect district attorneys in certain categories that will nullify entire categories of crime. not prosecuting larceny crimes. robbery charges. we've seen in northern virginia several progressive prosecutors when possible we'll reduce a felony to a miss demeanor and it makes people feel less safe. they are using their own judgment and leading to explosion in crime in some of these communities. >> bill: last point here. many think the tide is turning because of the vote in san francisco. do you think that's true or do we know yet? >> it is turning.
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when close to 60% in the most liberal blue city in the country vote to recall -- if you look where the numbers are, the recall numbers were the strongest to recall this left wing district attorney in working class neighborhoods with high latino and ash an american population. they want safe streets and stand with police. we are having a crisis of epidemic proportions in america police leaving the force. a big reason when you talk to police is they don't feel like local district attorneys have their back. that's why i'm protecting americans action fund will be electing district attorneys that do have their back. >> bill: we'll see whether or not you can be successful. we'll continue to follow it. it is a big deal all over the country. thank you for coming back today. >> dana: president biden finding a receptive audience on late night tv talking to jimmie kimmel. how did he do? joe concha is up next.
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>> harris: the man accused of trying to murder kavanaugh. it was just a matter of time given the violent rhetoric from the left. president biden finally broken his 118 day streak without a sit-down interview. can it possibly help this situation, though? new polling shows even biden voters are fed up. one strategist telling biden to be the bleeping president. senator john kennedy, andy mccarthy, jason chaffetz. "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> dana: president biden sitting down for his first interview since before the super bowl back in february. late night host jimmie kimmel hosting a friendly setting for the president. first sit down in 118 days. let's bring in joe concha from the hill. get your reaction to all that.
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wasn't much coverage i have to say. >> it didn't make a lot of news. i thought the biggest takeaway for me dana and bill was that a murder -- attempted murder of a supreme court justice was thwarted and the host nor a president during a 24 minute conversation didn't brick it up once. you look at the "new york times" no different from jimmie kimmel. the story on the attempt on kavanaugh was page not a1 but a20. one more take away from the interview with the president last night. he says the u.s. currently has the strongest economy of any of the developed nations in the world. that's not true. we retracted last quarter. we may be headed for a recession. jimmie kimmel who will never be confused with greg gutfeld in terms of ratings didn't challenge him on that. >> bill: we have a couple clips here. play number 2 on inflation. issue of the day.
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>> dana: biden is the one who brought it up. kimmel didn't bring it up. number one issue in america. biden brought it up. >> president biden: inflation is the bain of our existence and inflation is mostly in food and in gasoline. at the pump. >> that's what kills you. the little billboard telling everyone how expensive everything is. if donald trump leaves one of those sharpese for you you could maybe change the price. >> dana: hilarious. >> bill: we were mentioned more often than justice kavanaugh half a dozen times. >> neck-and-neck between this network and president trump. it's his whole show and why he is a distant third. if you are the president or one of his handlers you have to advise him and sit down with a serious journalist. bill hemmer, dana perino.
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bret baier. somebody from 60 minutes who is credible and answer the tough questions because americans don't want to see laughs. they are concerned as you said inflation, gas prices, crime, the border, education, and the safety of our children and not necessarily in that order. until he takes questions. >> dana: it is outrageous it has been 118 he hasn't had an interview. i want to add something here. if you are trying to get a bill across the finish line, you do something like remember when obama went on between two firms trying to get obamacare done. it helps you get it over the finish line. biden is not doing any of that. he goes on kimmel to say he did an interview. what happened also yesterday on the way to california, this is alex thompson tweeting this said biden came to air force one cabin during a recent west coast trip and used most of his time with reporters to criticize the quality and tenor of press coverage of his administration. he goes back to air force one, off the record conversation to
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complain about their coverage. he won't do an interview with any of them. >> don't complain about it unless you sit down and answer the tough questions. if you are 50s or 60s on approval go to kimmel every day. he is in the 20s of his handling of the inflation and 20 of gas prices and handling of the border. we will see a tsunami coming in november. the president looks too incompetent and too slow to react to crises. going to talk to a comedian isn't going to help. >> bill: you sat right there and we'll present something here. >> dana: before we go. so on monday guess what will happen? i'm going to fill in for greg gutfeld and it's -- exclamation point. monday live. if you want tickets go to the website and see if you can get in.
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i think that's the outfit i will wear. >> bill: okay. you look great in blue, right, as we have seen today. team blue. coming out hard and strong on monday night. >> dana: jimmy failla and kat, one of my favorite people. get ready for that. >> the number one show now. >> dana: harris faulkner is next. >> harris: he was armed to kidnap and kill. a california man accused of trying to kill brett kavanaugh. the democrats' unhinged rhetoric is to blame. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus". 26-year-old nicholas roske could be indicted as soon as today. according to the complaint he was angry abou


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