tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News June 9, 2022 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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you know what, they should have a commission on gas prices and they should put it in prime time. i think we need an investigation. i was going to tell you about the friends experience that i had. can we put up the pictures now? this was going to be my window. i went with emma and i saw the place where they actually shot the show. tucker is up next. always remember, i am watters and this is my world. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." it tells you a lot about the priorities of a ruling class of the rest of us are getting yet another lecture about january 6th tonight from our moral inferiors, no less. an outbreak of mob violence come up regrettably mild of the to place a year and a half ago t they've never stop talking about it. in the meantime since
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january 6th, gas prices have doubled, drug have reached their highest point ever come of the u.s. economy is careening toward the devastatind scariest and least noteworthy of all, this country has never in its history been closer to a nuclear war. if the other networks cannot be bothered to cover any of that tonight, instead they've interrupted their regularly scheduled programming to bring you yet another extended prime time harangue from nancy pelosi and liz cheney about donald trump and qanon. the whole thing is insulting. in fact, it's deranged and we are not playing along. this is the only hour on an american news channel that will not be carrying their propaganda live. they are lying and we are not going to help them do it. what we will do instead is try to tell you the truth. we've attempted to do that since the day this happened. we hated seeing vandalism at the u.s. capitol year and a half ago and we said so at the time, but we did not think it was an insurrection because it was not an insurrection. it was not even close to an
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insurrection. not a single person in the crowd that day was found to be carrying a firearm. some insurrection. the only person who wound up shot to death was a protester. she was a 36-year-old military veteran called ashley babbitt. babbitt was just over 5 feet tall, she was unarmed. she posed no conceivable threat to anyone. by capitol hill police shot her in the neck and never explained why that was justified. those of the facts of january 6th. but since the very first hours they have been distorted beyond recognition relentlessly. culminating with last night. last night, "cbs nightly news" told it told interviewers that insurrection is at the capital on january 6th "caused the death of five police officers." that is a pure live. there is nothing true about it and they know that perfectly well. he was reporter bob costa, who should be deeply ashamed, to say something this dishonest. >> thursdays prime time hearing will take americans back to
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january 6th. when an estimated 2,000 rioterse capitol building, causing the deaths of five police officers. >> tucker: it's hard to believe he said that. rioters caused the death of five police officers. he just heard "cbs news" tell us a view was that. this must be the big lie theater. the more bewilderingly false claim is the more likely you will be to believe it. apparently that is what they're betting on. in fact, precisely zero police officers were killed by rioters on january 6th. not five, known, not a single one. how did they get to five? cbs is counting the suicides of local police officers that took place after january 6th. in some cases, long after january 6th. a suicide unfortunately is pretty common among cops. policing is a tough job, as we've written noted. in these specific cases, the ones he's referring to, the chief of washington, d.c.,'s police department told "the new york times" that actually he had no idea it was officers who were driven to kill
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themselves over january 6th. cbs just made that up. the fifth death that cbs news is referring to his capitol hill police officer brian sick neck. he will remember his name. his body lay in state on the capital after the media told us he'd been beaten to death by trump voters with a fire exposure. here's what they told you. >> the officer died after being hit in the head with a fire extinguisher. >> he died after being hit in the head with a fire extinguisher. >> officer died after being hit in the head with a fire extinguisher. >> they beat capitol hill police officer to death with a fire extinguisher. >> he died at the age of 42 after he was bludgeoned with a fire extinguisher. >> tucker: once again, that's not true, everything you just heard was completely fabricated. the d.c. medical examiner performed an autopsy and the autopsy report showed that the
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officer had not suffered any sort of full blunt force trauma, no one has been charged in his death because officer sicknick wasn't murdered. they are lying to you, not a single person you just saw has apologized for lying. not a single one. and it's not just the news media. here is congressman pete aguilar of california claiming officers lost their lives on january 6th. >> these hearings will be a chance for the country to come together to rally around the truth and unite around the rule of law. we owe it to the officers who lost their lives and the officers who were injured to tell that story and ensure that this never happens again. >> tucker: let's rally around the truth, he says, as he lies to you. may those words burn in your tongue, liar. but what did happen on january 6th? what is the truth of that day? that is still unknown.
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from the extensive video we have of january 6th it is clear that some of the crowd, more than a few, were encouraging protesters to breach the capital and commit felonies. we are not guessing at that, we showed you the tapes. we have pictures of their faces. in case of ray epps, we know his name but they've never been charged. ray epps was standing in exactly the same place that a lot of people who went to jail for standing, but he wasn't charged. his name was taken off the fbi's most wanted list. why is that? it doesn't make any sense at all. the january 6th committee will not explain that. after year, million dollars in a thousand interviews, they won't tell us. nor will they tell us how many fbi agents and assets were in the crowd that day and what were they doing there? why can't we know that. why are they still hiding thousands of hours of surveillance footage from within the capital, if the point of the committee was to get the truth out there, why can't we see the tape? why did authorities open the doors of the capital to rioters
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and let them walk in? usher them in the doors? that is utterly bizarre. you saw that live here no one has ever explained it, what is explanation for that? whatever happened to the mysterious pipe bomb whose bombs we later learned many months later, kamala harris' bodyguard to discover it. kamala harris told her she was at the capitol that day, but she wasn't. she was at the dnc with a pipe bomb, her bodyguards found the bomb but she lied about that, she hid that, why? that's got to be one of the weirdest stories ever. what does it mean, liz cheney? silence. of course above all they lie about the reason that january 6th happened in the first place. and you know what it is, the entire country watched joe biden get what they claimed was 10 million more votes than barack obama himself. joe biden got 10 million more votes than barack obama cart. and a lot of those votes arrived after the election. in a lot of places voting was stopped in them the night.
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why? in the biggest states in the country, voter i.d. was optional. why is that okay? a lot of the protesters on january 6th were very upset about that, and they should have been. all of us should be. but the january 6th committee ignored all of that completely. instead on the basis of zero evidence, no evidence whatsoever, they blame the entire riot on white supremacy. here's joe biden. >> we are confronting the stains of what remains a deep stain on the soul of the nation. hate and white supremacy. and a violent, deadly insurrection on the capital nine months ago, it was about white supremacy, in my view. >> tucker: what? there's no evidence for that, none. of the people at the capital including the ones who broke the law by entering the capital, which is a crime, those people to a person said they were upset because they believed their democracy had been stolen from them. and whether all of their claims are true or not, that's a valid
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reason to be upset. but rather than reassure the rest of us that actually our democracy is sound, elections are fair and transparent, is no cheating and we can prove it, rather than do that, they call half the country names. and not just names, the worst name you can be called, a white supremacist. then most bewilderingly of all, virtually no republican of washington pushed back against any of that. lindsey graham, violence worshiper to the end, said that his only regret is that tht shoot more trump voters in the neck and kill them. you've got guns, use them, graham said. here you have a sitting u.s. senator, a republican urging police officers to shoot unarmed americans. many were ushered into the capitol building by law enforcement. how can people talk like that? for more than a year, they justified rhetoric like lindsey graham. shoot more, by claiming that january 6th was an insurrection. that is not aware they would use to describe the months long seas of the courthouse in portland or
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the ongoing coordinated effort to intimidate supreme court justices at their homes with guns. a story they ignored today. but january 6th was different, they reminded us. it was unique. because it was their offices and because of father nancy pelosi. >> the president cited in insurrection against congress to prevent a peaceful transition of power. >> and then he sat back and watched the insurrection. >> insurrection, a violent mob. >> white supremacist president who incited a whites premised insurrection. >> in insurrection against our government. >> a violent attack on the u.s. capitol was an act of insurrection appear to speak of the insurrection that violated the sanctity of the peoples capital peer to. >> this was not a protest, this was in insurrection. >> it's not protest, it's insurrection. >> tucker: we are not defending it would never defend
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vandalism, violence, rioting. we disapprove of it when it happened, we disapprove of it now. all riots, not just this one. but this was not an insurrection. but you know what will get you to insurrection? if you ignore the legitimate concerns of a population. if you brush them aside as if they don't matter. when gas goes to $5 and you say, buy an electric car. when cities become so filthy and so dangerous that you can't live there, when the economy become so distorted that your own children have no hope of getting married and giving you grandchildren, when you don't care at all about any of that and all you do is talk about yourself nonstop, you might get in insurrection or if you behave like that. speaking of insurrection. these hearings are going on now, this prime time performance. we are following them, for as if something noteworthy happens, obviously we will bring it to you immediately. but we are not going to repeat their propaganda unfiltered periods of what we are going to do is try to get to the truth and to do that we have assembled a bunch of very knowledgeable
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people who know a lot more than they are telling you on the other channels about what happened on january 6th. we are not going to do panels on the show, we never do. you will hear from each one individually. we begin with jason whitlock, who's been watching our leaders handle january 6th it has been learning a lot from it. he joins us now. thanks so much for coming on. this a lot going on in this country, they've decided with collusion of the news media to command our attention in prime time tonight to decide on this issue, why? speak up because the democrats and the left are desperate. talker, i loved your monologue, but it just makes me sad as a man, i feel like i have failed and we have failed. we are leaving this next-generation of country and a culture that has no respect for truth. at this whole thing is a charade and alive. you spelled it out very articulately and accurately.
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there was no insurrection peer there was a riot, a small one, that got a little bit out of hand. but to see these people thrown in dungeons and locked up and treated like they are the worst human beings on the planet, it's a joke. it's a joke. and particularly to see this charade tonight. when we have brett kavanaugh, supreme court justice and his family being terrorized at their home and we are not talking about that, supreme court justice in his home, in his neighborhood being violated the way that it has been with the approval of jen psaki and basically the administration. this is a joke, but it speaks to the desperation of the democrats and the left. they have no policy, they have no solution, they have no results to stand on. and so they just want to tap into fear and emotion and
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continue with the false narratives. this thing tonight, this tv show, fear factor that they are putting on tonight reminds me of the god that is running against rand paul and him doing tv commercial with a noose around his neck. it's just promoting fear. >> tucker: it's interesting you say that because bennie thompson, who is the chairman of this committee, just gave an opening statement and i want to play ua 20 base mexican clip 22nd clip. >> i'm from a part of the country where people justify the actions of slavery, the ku klux klan, and lynching. i am reminded of that dark history as i hear voices today try and justify the actions of the insurrectionist on january 6th, 2021. >> tucker: why is benny thompson invoking the memory of
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slavery, as we talk about and dispute over the last election? >> tucker, i live in the south. right now i live in nashville, tennessee. i lived in rock hill, south carolina, previously. again, i don't know what part of the south benny is from, but i just haven't -- i've not been involved with people trying to justify slavery in my lifetime. i just haven't experienced that. so again, it is slander of the united states, slander of a group of people, it is fear, we have no policies, but we are not racist, even though we really are racist, and so keep us in power because this other group of people are all out to get you when they are going to lynch you and put you back in slavery. there is no truth to it, we are living in a time where i have never -- in the history of america, maybe the history of the planet -- and this much hostility to the truth is going to be lethal to not just
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america, but because of america's place as the leader of this planet, this is dangerous for the entire planet, for us to be this hostile to truth. >> tucker: i think it is a really smart and scary point for me. jason whitlock, thank you. >> thank you. >> tucker: always looking more deeply at the news. so there are two republicans on the january 6th committee. liz cheney and adam kinzinger. the one and only trace gallagher has their greatest hits for little perspective. >> adding liz cheney and adam kinzinger to the january 6th committee was nancy pelosi's meager attempt to add balance to the panel. you know, seven democrats, two republicans. remember it was adam kinzinger who after january 6th was the only republican to say that then mike president by spence should invoke the 20th amendment to get rid of trump. here he is at a hearing.
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>> talk about the impact of that day. democracies are not defined by our bad days. >> is also notable that adam kinzinger has voted with democrats seven times though he is not running for reelection. liz cheney is in a hotly contested primary and she appears to be among those who believe the 16 committee is an altruistic group seeking only noble ends. here she is in july '21 agreeing with how the speaker picks the panel. >> today, the speaker objected to two republican members. she accepted three others. she objected to two. one of whom may well be a material witness to events that led to that day, that led to january 6th. i agree with what the speaker has done. >> cheney's dislike of former president trump has simultaneously resulted in her
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being shunned by members of her own party and embraced by "the new york times" and cnn. here she is again last july giving republicans a pep talk. >> very important, especially for us as republicans, to make clear that we aren't the party of white supremacy. >> that was last year. last month she accused her party of enabling white supremacy. though she was scarce on details. tucker. >> tucker: trace gallagher, thanks for that perspective. appreciate it. so given the unprecedented civil rights, human rights violations that have been justified by the so-called investigation, which involves more obfuscation than clarity into january 6th, you have to wonder why was cheney and adam kinzinger are a part of it? and why is congress holding these hearings now, as so many fundamentals in this country already feel like they are beginning to teeter? there's not a single person in
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this nation who doesn't feel on a gut level that we could face some real problems real soon. but we're still talking about january 6th. tulsi gabbard is a former congressman of hawaii, ran for president in the last cycle. she joins us with her assessment. inc. you so much for coming on. given everything the country faces right now, both domestically and abroad, why are the news networks colluding with a political party to tell us this is the most important thing? >> because whether you're talking about the mainstream media or you're talking about liz cheney, adam kinzinger or congress, frankly, they don't care about the real threats that they face domestically to our freedom and our democracy. instead, they're focusing on this. they don't want to deal with the real issues that americans are struggling with every day across the country, increasing inflation, rising gas prices, increasing crime, open borders,
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the list goes on and on about the very real domestic issues that we face, and frankly they've abdicated on their most important responsibility in congress, the one that the constitution says only congress has which is the power to declare war or not. so you've talked about this, we just saw how congress rushed through this additional funding bill, $40 billion towards this war in ukraine. we are not only in a cold war with russia, we are in a hot war with russia with ukraine as the proxy, and there was no serious debate whatsoever about really with the consequences of this bill would be and frankly, whether or not we should be in a war with russia or frankly, any other country. so this goes back to what are their priorities. every member of congress takes an oath congress and defends to uphold the constitution of the united states by the constitution provides all of us with very specific rights and
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freedoms, enshrined in the constitution right now we've got the biden administration, the department of justice, the maina all colluding to undermine our rights and civil liberties and freedoms, i now see congress taking action to stop that. they want to uphold the oath they swore, that is exactly what they should be focused on now appears to be when i think the most disturbing moment a year and a half looking back is the moment when lindsey graham turned to the capitol police had said you have guns, use them. they just shot an unarmed military veteran to death, who stood about 5 feet tall and i guess what bothers me the most is that nobody cared. please take life, often as justified. we've defended it on this show, but did not investigate it or explain it suggests the life that was taken was worth nothing. that is the message they are taking, that this woman's life didn't mean anything. we just killed her and threw her away. how can members of congress sit
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there and allow that? >> members of congress don't have their priorities straight. so much of this has been politicized, sensationalized with a very specific objectives that have nothing to do with upholding the constitution or what's in the best interest of the country and the american people. and i think the way that this hearing has been actually not even the so-called produced, it's literally being produced by somebody i think from abc news in order to try to come up with an objective that has nothing to do with what is best for the people, what is best for the constitution. they're trying to achieve their own political interests and it's just really sad they are abusing their power to do that. >> tucker: this is the kind of propaganda shall be used to make fun of when it took place in totalitarian -- when you were a kid, remember that? we had this vibrant, lively news media people to beta things and we would look over at these totalitarian hell holes and we would say, they turn on their tv
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and get this preproduced lying. how shocking is this? >> this is not america. this is what is so crazy to angering ants that come all these things at the same time because this is not the vision that our founders have for america. and these people who serve in the people's house, members of congress literally go to work every day and the people's house. it just seems like so many of them have forgotten who they work for, that it's such a privilege to have the responsibility for what i'm to have had it, and to see them going everyday and abusing the privilege, abusing that responsibility and also not what is in the best interest of the people should be concerning for every american across the country and that is why we have elections. we have the opportunity to fire those who are not putting the american people and our country first. >> tucker: i think this every time we talk, you are one of the most temperamentally a moderate and even killed people i've ever talked to and you are considered a radical and the congress!
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it tells you everything about them. we are always grateful when you are on, tulsi gabbard, thank you. they supported the blm riots of 2020, almost every member of the january 6th committee did peered a lot supported the riots in los angeles in 1992. now they are telling us they opposed riots, but we have the evidence. they've gone on the record supporting political violence when it suits them. for example, in 1992 jamie raskin, now a member of the january 6th committee was an assistant professor at american university college of law. he said there wouldn't be a backlash to the race riots in 1992. now 63 people were murdered, for their skin color, by the way. there were thousands of injuries, billion dollars in property damage. ripped out of his truck and beaten to death but jamie raskin
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wasn't bothered about this at all. when he was worried about was the rioters. >> people sense that justice was not done in the verdict that came down in the state criminal court, and i would just hope that president bush doesn't anticipate or encourage a backlash against the rioting which followed the verdict. >> tucker: el, reginald denning. what did he do wrong? he was hauling a load of cinder blocks and they beat him, brain damage. that's cool. bennie thompson, chairman of the january 6th committee, decided he couldn't condemn rioting. instead he was worried about injustices against black officials in los angeles at the time. the injustice was happening on the streets of l.a. as the city was torched and race riots but he couldn't denounce it. a chairman of cpac joins us tonight, thank you so much for coming on.
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it's a little much for this very thing, precisely the same people that have no problem with real political violence, grandstanding and hyperventilating about what happened on january 6th. why does no one point this out? >> why does it have to be shown on your show? the public records of these elected officials is there for the entire media to see. the hypocrisy of all the time they have taken to the floor and take into media to say that people like donald trump or not legitimately elected presidents. all the times they have not condemned violence or in this case, you have the chairman of the committee and this other member from maryland basically saying, riots are fine if you have a social grievance. why is it okay for jamie raskin to go to the floor in 2016 and say that donald trump was not legitimatey elected in the bennie thompson can see that
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donald trump is a legitimate and boycott his inauguration. but when a retired teacher or a mom or a dad or someone wants to go to their capital in protest what they saw as an election rife with lots of questions and fraudulent voting, somehow there is something untoward with their desire to speak up. why can't they also speak up and why did bennie thompson say that josh hawley and ted cruz should be on the no-fly list for raising legitimate questions about the 2020 election. at this two tiered justice system, this two tiered idea that if you are a conservative or you are republican or you are a trump supporter, you get through this kind of ghetto justice and if you or somebody else who has these progressive views it is fine, it's just a grievance -- >> tucker: but most americans don't have the time to follow this. they sensed that something is amiss and that is why they vote for a member of the senate to represent their views and save it from the overreach of lunatics like bennie thompson
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and liz cheney. so where is mitch mcconnell and lindsey graham? shoot more trump voters! like, doing normal people deserve representation? >> that is part of all of this, if you want to ask real questions, why don't we ask them? why don't we find out the reason why the capitol police force, we just found out this week, because of judicial watch, at 50% strength. how was that allowed to happen? we all knew it was going to be a tumultuous day. these are the questions they didn't want to answer. you know why, tucker? because when political violence benefits of them, they turned a blind eye toward it. when real americans have outrage, they want to put them in jail. >> tucker: i've noticed. thank you. speaking of putting them in jail, this is an amazing story that was sort of lost today. a man running for governor, a
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republican primary in michigan hoping to challenge gretchen whitmer, the leading candidate was just arrested by the fbi at home. why? january 6th. this happened today. kevin corke has that story for us tonight. >> incredible story indeed. gubernatorial primary candidate ryan kelly, as you point out, was arrested at 9:30 this morning by the fbi on a misdemeanor charge allegedly for actions taken during the protests at the capital back on january 6th, 2021. critics suggest that since that event happened a year, five months and three days ago, the timing of today's arrest and the search of his home seems suspicious, to put it mildly, and is perhaps meant to give democrats something to crow about as they stage their made-for-tv january 6 committee tonight. according to a criminal complaint filed by the fbi, kelly was accused of disruptive conduct, injuring public property and entering restrictive space without
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permission, although it is important to point out, a lot of people were there. and now there is a video apparently that is being shared by the michigan democratic party that shows kelley allegedly descending the steps of the capital saying about what this is war, baby." he has denied entering the capital or violating any law. his arrest, you will find this interesting, comes as five other candidates in the primary were disqualified including former police chief james craig. there have been others candidates in the states and jurisdictions that have been dqed because of an issue of filing and the like. >> tucker: amazing. thank you so much. that's one way to win an election for let's say you are completely incompetent, reviled governor of a big state like michigan and you think you are going to lose, just have the fbi arrests the runner who is
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running against you. ryan kelley arrested at home by the fbi. he's being accused of encouraging people to enter the capital and standing on the capitol steps. the funny thing is ray epps did the same thing. ray epps was in exactly the same place and he is on camera repeatedly encouraging people to break the law but he's on his ranch tonight. it ryan kelley is in jail. why is that? it's not for lack of evidence paid on january 5th, ray epps was caught on video urging protesters to enter the capital. we will show this, we can't show it enough. >> we need to go into the capital, into the capital! [shouting]
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>> tucker: what is that? we don't actually know the answer but it's a completely fair question. the january 6th commission has from day one refused to answer it. they refused to answer and attacks anyone who asks, what is the answer customer can now they are telling us they interviewed ray epps and ray epps says he wasn't working with the government. okay, but that doesn't answer the question. why hasn't he been charged? why was he taken off the most wanted list? it's bizarre. no amount of name-calling is going to get us to stop pointing out that it's bizarre, because it is. no one is covering this story more closely or factually eventually kelly, author of "january 6th: how the democrats use the political process to launch a war" which they have and she joins us tonight. thank you so much for coming on. to see the man who is apparently the front front runner, arrested
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by the fbi, i know it was much less than what ray epps did, what is this? i am truly bothered and confused by this. >> i read the criminal complaint that was filed after he was arrested. it appears to me that ryan kelley has been under fbi surveillance since the spring of 2020 and here's why. he participated in the antilock down rallies in michigan, apparently he is head of this conservative group that was targeting gretchen whitmer and her emergency declaration. in the criminal complaint today, they refer to an fbi informant who identified ryan kelley and public photos from the capital protest. this fbi informant was working on a domestic terror investigation to michigan in 2020. what is that?
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that is what we now know is the fbi-concocted gretchen whitmer kidnapping hoax. who is this confidential informant? why did he i.d. ryan kelly? also it appears from separate reporting that ryan kelly was in touch with one of the 13 men charged in this hoax. not the six men charged federally, the other men who faced state charges. so this fbi informant was hired separately as an informant to look at this ryan kelley situation. it's a very likely that ryan kelley was targeted by the same group that fbi undercover agents and informants -- the gretchen whitmer kidnapping hoax. >> tucker: there are good people at the fbi, i know some of them, why haven't they come forward to say turning our main law enforcement agency into an instrument of political repression is not acceptable. why aren't fbi agents standing
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up and say no, i can't be part of this? >> we really need more to do that. what is interesting is committee ranking member of jim jordan, one fbi whistle-blower has come forward and said that the agency was not being entirely forthcoming about what happened on january 6th. so hopefully we will get more information and more whistle-blowers to step forward, because this is not what the most powerful law enforcement agency in the country should be doing. >> tucker: i agree with that and for viewers who want to know what actual reporting on an actual new story looks like, julie kelly. appreciate you coming on, thank you. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: so it's pretty obvious at this point that whatever the point of the january commission is, it's not to get to the facts. the first thing they would want to do is release the thousands of hours of video footage and say what is the point of the
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rahab's saga and why did the cops open the doors for the protesters et cetera. the point is not to get to the truth commits to hide the truth and create a pretext for the democratic party to declare war against millions of americans who oppose their agenda. liz cheney is helping them. he or she is just moments ago screeching about disinformation. >> president trump ignored the rulings of our nation's court. he ignored his own campaign leadership, his white house staff, many republican state officials, he ignored the department of justice and the department of homeland security. president trump invested millions of dollars of campaign funds purposely spreading false information, running ads were false, and convincing millions of americans that the election was corrupt, and that he was the true president. as you will see, this misinformation campaign provoked
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the violence on january 6th. >> tucker: she is off on another planet, and not a smart person, not an evil person, why is liz cheney abetting the destruction of america's civil liberties customer and our sacred norms are being destroyes of this investigation. why is she participating. davis has been watching this closely, cofounder and ceo of "the federalist" and we are happy to have him tonight. thank you so much for coming on. what a sad moment this is in a strange moment. what you make of this? >> i kind of feel like we are watching something akin to the dissolution of the republic. we have people who spent the last four years with their russia hoax trying to overthrow the president. they concocted another hoax to make sure a supreme court justice they didn't like didn't get confirmed.
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then it you had the whole covid thing which they used as a pretext to do a massive roll-up of power and now the election and now this committee, which they are usually really is a pretext to criminalize opposition to anything they are doing. it wasn't enough for them to beat trump, it wasn't enough for them to throw him off of twitter and banned him from social media. it's apparently not enough for them to going to rest his top white house advisors while they are getting on planes and putting them in shackles. what they really want to do is criminalize the things that you do, that i do, that everyone watching does when they oppose democrat policies. this is kind of an existential threat to however republic works. if you can speak speak out against things, if you can't vote the way you want about things, if you don't get to run for office without them coming and arresting you, we really dot have a republic anymore. it's a really frightening thing to watch and they are treating it like it's just show business.
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>> tucker: i think this all the time, they control everything, democrats now control everything, both branches of congress, the executives, corporations, the media, everything. and yet any dissent is intolerable to them. one guy stands up, joe rogan, i'm not sure that's right, ban, we will destroy it. that is such a totalitarian impulse, isn't it? >> it is, and it's an interesting dynamic you see that the more they control the more they hate the people they can't control, because when there is a cacophony of voices, it's too much to deal with. but when you are just one person speaking out, when you are the lone voice speaking out, the only outlet, people hate you even more and they are even more determined to crush you. this isn't going to get better as they get more power. it's not like they will be sated with the power and control they have, they will just hate the dissenters more and more and want to crush them. >> tucker: that is so smart and deep and true. that is why when they went back
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in 2020 they got angrier, one of the weirdest things i've ever seen. thank you so much, good to see you tonight. not only are these people sinister, they are also kind of neurotic and pathetic. telling us about the terrors of january 6th but in reality, we just learned how fragile and narcissistic they actually are. they can't bring themselves to denounce real and present threats of violence in our nations. cities everywhere, one who has chronicled them closely as michael tracy, independent journalist. his work is on subsecond thanks a lot for coming on. what do you of this? >> on that very first day chuck schumer stood up and said something pretty incredible. he said that january 6th, 2021 will go down in infamy just like pearl harbor went down in infamy. so he likened the magnitude of january 6th immediately to
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pearl harbor. so already this process of mythmaking was underway hours after congress reconvened and they evaded that momentary trauma of having the legislative business interrupted for a couple hours. that is what we were told was tantamount to pearl harbor. >> tucker: i remember that well, you are one of the very few who pointed that out. isn't that the legitimate role of the news media to add a little bit of perspective? 3,000 people killed on december 7th, 1941, ashley babbitt killed on january 6th, pearl harbor? nobody pushed back against that. >> most of the media would probably only push back from the standpoint of saying pearl harbor isn't extreme enough a comparison. they might have to invent some alien invasion or something to like in january 6th, given how
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emotionally traumatized they were by the whole experience it's interesting the democrats continue to focus on this issue because who were the purported victims of january 6th? over the people they are claiming really suffer the most? namely its politicians and journalists who were in the capital that day and those happen to be two of the most despised groups in america, and yet democrats have now apparently calculated that keeping this front and center is going to benefit them in the midterms. there is a certain political logic to that perhaps, however warped, because if you notice, a lot of progressives and people who may be be aligned with bernie sanders or kind of had to be cajoled into supporting joe biden in 2020, they are a little bit dissolution to because really are delivering much legislatively. so adam schiff and company want to keep this show going until
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fall because that will enable them to pressure potentially weary democratic base voters by saying whatever grade you might have about how we govern, you must support democrats, you must vote to re-empower democrats because if you don't, that will empower the existentially threatening republicans, so therefore it is your solemn duty to vote as always for democrats because the country will collapse, we will all face this world cataclysmic destruction if the democrats are not empowered. before i forget because this is very interesting and i recalled it as you were talking about the civil liberties of january 6th, last summer i covered the plea hearing of one of the defendants of january 6th, the first defendant, hodgkins pleaded guilty to a felony charge.
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or the first defendant who was sentenced related to january 6th. and the department of justice was arguing for an even harsher sentence for this individual who had committed no violent crime. the government readily conceded that this individual did not do anything that entailed physical violence but nevertheless, the doj wanted him in prison for a harsher sentence because they claimed he was responsible for inflicting emotional injury on whom? on the politicians who were assembled in the capital that day. to the federal law enforcement apparatus had to invent this new paradigm of what supposedly constitutes an injury in order to keep nonviolent defenders in federal prison for longer. i don't remember anybody really talking about that. i happen to notice because i looked at the document but there are so many other civil liberty applications to the story that
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are ignored, so i'm glad at least someone is beginning to talk about it. >> tucker: it's unbelievable. lindsey graham, schumer trump voters! michael tracy, i appreciate your reporting always. thank you. so we should tell you, as we set out the top, this is the only our own american television that is not broadcasting unfiltered propaganda into the homes of unsuspecting viewers. on the screen you see a box is come different tv channels taking the nancy pelosi feed unfiltered. if at any time in your life you've ever made fun of totalitarian regimes that broadcast lies into the homes of the populations they can't turn off, take a look at that. that's happening right now. meanwhile, gas is over five bucks. inflation is higher than it's been in the lifetime of most americans. violent crime is making cities
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impossible to live in and more than hundred thousand americans o.d.ed on drugs last year. why isn't there prime time hearing on that? charlie hurt is the opinion editor of "the washington times." great to see you. if you take us back what we are really watching his members of congress talking about themselves again. >> absolutely, because the alternative is for them to have to talk about policies and if they talk about policies they have to talk about -- it's not just all the failures we see in front of us. gas prices, crime, open border, fentinyl deaths. they will find out that americans are very, very concerned about a lot of them. this is not one of them but then he stepped back even farther and you look at the cavalcade of
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lies that democrat politicians have made in their promises to get elected. even before joe biden came to washington. whether it is helping health care problems for poor people, ending poverty or providing public education for people, they failed on all of these fronts and the reason, i call this the third failed impeachment trial of donald j. trump you're the reason they have to talk about this stuff is because they can't talk about other issues, they have to distract everybody. but then it is even crazier than that because when you get to the issue of security and you think about people whose businesses have been destroyed in these riots running up to the election. think about the parents, they fear for their children going into an elementary school today and democrats control both chambers of congress and the white house. they have not done a damn thing to protect children in schools.
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beyond that, the third branch of government, the judiciary. we have supreme court justices living under the threat of their family being assassinated. and nancy pelosi will do nothing about it. all she can talk about is this day a year and a half ago when she was afraid, or they were afraid of some goofball trespassing, nutty rioters coming through the capital? i think what we are seeing -- and to think all of this is going to backfire. and i think what we're seeing hear, hear, i think it's great. the image you just showed of all the networks networks, of obedient people, obedient network showing this thing on command. i think what we're seeing is the final swirling of credibility for the media and democrats are going down drain. i think they are going to pay a price and i think this spectacle right here is going to make it even worse for them, because the
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difference between their concern here and the concern about anybody else, including school children in elementary schools, it's a breathtaking. >> tucker: you and i entered journalism about the same time 30 years ago. it seemed honorable than then. it seems completely shameful now. i appreciate you coming on, thank you. let's say the republican party wins a majority in the house not because they earned it but by default. what would happen then to the january 6th committee? that ryan has some ideas, he is ceo and he joins us tonight. hey, ned. i haven't thought about this, interesting question. what would happen to the committee if republicans take over? >> i have to put a point on this, this is a soviet trial in the truest sense of the word and the good guys have never conducted show trials in the history of the world and they are meant for two purposes, one to silence dissent and the other
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to cover up. nancy pelosi has no interest in getting to the truth of the matter in this, so what kevin mccarthy needs to do tomorrow is hold a press conference in which he announces that when republicans take the majority bag, he will continue the january 6th committee chaired by congressman jim banks. that reform committee will then go and try and find all 14 hours of footage and make them public and find how many undercover fbi agents were in the crowd that day, understand why trump's request for 20,000 national guard troops was rejected, and what was nancy pelosi's role in that. but also why did the doj and the fbi feel compelled to have what are essentially fbi commandos deployed to quantico, shoot to kill authority, who are then deployed into d.c. on january 6th and what happened to the pipe bomb or at the rnc and the dnc?
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to sanctimoniously lecture us that democracy dies in darkness, which it does when you don't have the truth and facts, but also dies in duplicity. when the left is colluding with bureaucrats to silence and attack political opposition but also duplicitous in the aspect of equal justice. and to me this is a very dangerous place, where we are as a nation as sean davis referred to, if you don't have rule of law and equal application of justice, it throws everything into the absurd. so i think i made mccarthy and a republican leadership need to stand up and say we are going to continue this, it is a solid commitment to the american people that they will finally get to the truth and facts of what took place on january 6th. >> tucker: no more lying. start with the kennedy assassination. declassify for the two people they hate and want to kill, julie massage and ed snowden, why?
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spilled the secret. thank you so much. >> thank you, tucker. >> tucker: it's hard to overstate the failure of republican officeholders to protect voters and protect the country and maintain our norms and keep civil liberties in place. make america different and better than the rest of the world. shoot more trump voters, says lindsey graham. the hope is this november, five months from now the republicans will elect a better people who actually care about their own voters, who care about the country and not just themselves. at the top of that list from our perspective is joke end, former member of the army special forces, running for congress in the state of washington and he joins us now. it almost makes you sick to keep repeating it but none of this would keep happening or it would be happening in a much more restrained way if there was somebody defending the rest of the country up there but there doesn't seem to be. >> that is a big reason -- voted
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for the impeachment of donald trump, which gave this january 6th narrative, things that are being conducted in the country, or the way the national election went, she voted for that impeachment and then voted for the formation of this very sham trial, soviet kangaroo court we are seeing now. voted for the january 6th committee and also voted to hold people in contempt, private citizens who weren't even present on the steps there on the ground during january 6th. we have to hold this republican leadership accountable. it is their job to stand in the breach and defend their people from this type of overstep from the democrats in the national security state and they failed to do that. they deserve to be primary to and that is exactly what i'm doing. >> tucker: for sure. talk about failure of democracy,
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a system in which elected representatives like the people who elect them. i think the most republican state in this country i think is wyoming. there is one member of congress from wyoming and it's a republican. here's that republican about 2 minutes ago. watch this. >> democracy is fragile. people in positions of public trust are duty bound to defend it and step forward when action is required. in our country we don't swear an oath to an individual or political party. we take our oath to defend the united states constitution, and that oath must mean something. tonight, i say this to my republican colleagues who are defending the indefensible. there will come a day when donald trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain. >> tucker: that is the iraq war lady who told us there were weapons of mass destruction, i believe you fought in that war, lecturing us on honor and truth. how could that person claim to represent the voters in wyoming?
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>> it's absolutely absurd and insulting. she thinks we can't go back and look at her record, that she's been lying to the american people for her entire career and profiting off it but she has to bring them, it must be a big trim thing. it's not a trump thing. the fact of the matter, the only reason people were there on january 6th is the vast majority of american people did not feel that their voices were heard on the election box and things started to get a little dicey. if our role in class will go back and actually adjudicate what happened with our elections, our system is going to systems, continue to decay. no matter how many people ignore these problems, our systems will crumble, until we get people in there, like i think we will this november, that say we hear you, we will look at the election of 2028 have a full committee, give the january 6th committee going, disclose to the american people once and for all what actually happened, release all the
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footage, disclose the government's involvement. we have to start respecting our government once again. everything the woman i'm running against, butler who was too afraid to face her constituents or me in a debate, everything they stand for, we have to cast this off if we are going to preserve this republic. >> tucker: the senile guy got 10 million more votes than barack obama. tell us how that happened, shut up, you're going to jail, that is not an adequate answer i would say. joe can't, thank you. >> tucker: well, we've gone without a commercial break for almost 57 minutes and to wrap up tonight we are going to go to darren beatty, our friend who runs, what do you make of this? you've been following this since the day it happened. it culminates tonight. your view? >> my view is it is important to keep in mind what the stakes are. the stakes are the repurposed thing and reconfiguration of the
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national security apparatus against american people. incidentally, amongst other duties, chairman thompson as chairman than an other than the homeland security and congress as well. he is the das edge of us wrist stooge in congress when the dhs. you have spoken of so well. when we talk about federal involvement in january 6th, it is met with the most vicious and hostile response from the regime imaginable. no matter how dark and uncomfortable these true is stomach, truths are, the american people need to learn about them from their selves. if you know who don someone who isskeptical go to and tell them to look you in the eye and say the feds weren't involved in
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this. it's a clear hoax, there is unfinished business and we need to expose the feds for what they've done because as i've said on your show, until we heal our politics will be nothing but fake and performative. >> tucker: i think people feel they are even now. i will say it is breathtakingly audacious of a committee whose stated purpose is to get to the truth, not even answer the most basic questions. if you sat through this entire thing and didn't learn why the cops opened the doors to the rioters, what's the point? >> no, it's ridiculous. there are five or six absolutely decisive questions that get to the core, the beating heart of what really happened that day and the committee will explore none of those questions. in fact, the committee's purpose other than just a grandstand and distract is to obfuscate and obscure and silence of those
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questions being asked. >> tucker: it's just remarkable how many people are going along with this and it's absolutely shameful. you are not one of them, darren beatty. appreciate you coming on tonight. thanks so much. >> thank you. >> tucker: we don't often spend an entire hour talking about the same topic with no commercial break, and of course at the outset we pointed out there's an awful lot going on in this country. the economy is in a legitimately perilous place, and if you make less than 300 grand a year, you definitely feel it. you are not doing things you did last year. that is bad. and a lot of other problems. we are at the brink of a full-scale war with russia. we should be talking about that. so why did we spend an hour talking about january 6th? because as you just heard darren beatty said, underneath all of this is an agenda that will change the country and your life. you can't weaponized national security agencies against your own population.
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that is the definition of an authoritarian state. that is destruction of democracy and we can't let them do it. we are doing our part. thank you for joining us for this hour. have the best evening with the ones you love. we will see you tomorrow. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> sean: and welcome to "hannity." we start with a fox news alert. breaking tonight, we have all three major broadcast networks, fake news cnn, msdnc come all happily broadcasting, well, the dullest, most boring, nothing new, multihour democratic fund-raiser, masquerading as a january 6th hearing, and by the sounds of it, they are going to do hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of hours of this, produced by a former abc executive, 100% hollywood production with all the creative license that would go
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