tv Hannity FOX News June 9, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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authoritarian state. that is the destruction of democracy. and we can't let them do it. we're doing our part. thank you for joining us for this hour. have the best evening b with the ones you love.see you we'll see you tomorrow. and welcome to hannity. and we start with the fox news alert breaking tonight . we have all three major broadcast networks, fake news, cnn, msnbc, all happily broadcasting well, the dullest the most boringel. there's absolutely nothingng nothing new . multi hour democratic fundraiser masquerading as a january six hearing. going to and by the sounds of it, they're going to do hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of hours of t us produced by a former abc executive, 100% hollywood production with all the creative licensesere that wd
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go along with that. butt make no mistake, tonight's so-called hearing is not in good faith. it is not an honest probe into the security breakdown on that fateful day and we will prove that to tonight instead it is i a made for tv smear campaign against president trump featuring sliced and dicededngit video that fits their predetermined political narrative from the verysrede beginning, accompd by the biggest trump haters on capitol hill. every single person on this committee is on record hating presidentco trump and they allim voted to impeach him. now people.. who support donald trump were not allowed toic participate on this illegitimate hyper partisan committee and sadly those runningsanit the circus are not interested in what went wrong. they're not wrong. interested it actually happened. they are purposely omitting what critical information we will tell you about tonight andd we will show you abo tonight tht will reveal where massive security failures did occur and beyond that show you
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the people that are responsibles for all of those security failures and how the committeeee is protecting all of them from being exposed. tonight we will name names. we will also show you how president from our defensent department, the capitol police offered, every warning and opportunity to protect the capital andrtun they were rejected every single time. we must learn the truth so something like this can ever happen again. i spoke about it in real time on my radio show and on january six on this program that night. now sadly, this committee no over safetycs on this program we believe that improving security at the capital , protecting all elected officials is of the utmost importance rather than a vengeful smear campaignpo like we see unfolding.s so unlike this committee and their cheerleaderss in thee media mob, we will actually be telling you the truth now tonight thanks to the very diligent reporting from john solomonti, we now have
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troves of newly unearthed documents h and our own sources and we have now been able to put together a criticalim timeline that i promise you're anywhere else.seeee now this is the officiall timeline of the capitol police as obtained by investigative reporter john solomon. he will join om us in a little bit. . d we begin on january 2nd 2020 one we now know today definitively that on january 2nd, four days before the six that trump's department of defense and one of his officials from the trump administration in fact reached out to the capitol police department asking the deputy chief if they wereey planning on calling up the national guard to help protect the capitol ahead of the massive rally that was plannedla on january 6th. now the next day on january 3rd after consulting with the capitol police chief deputy chief sean gallagher told the department of defense that a request for national
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guard was not forthcoming. however, shortly thereaftercu they got new and darker security assessments that wereth issued to the house and senate sergeant at arms and they discovered that in fact radical groups were planning violence. now according tont the assessment, it said quote, due to these tense the tense political environment following the 20 20 election, the threatsr of disruptive actions orup violence cannot be ruled out and a continued quote the sense of desperation and disappointment may lead to more of an incentive to become violent. o now one day laterne than on january 4th, d the capitol police chief steve son he rightly based the new intelligence, changed his mind and began the process of now seeking permission from the office of nancy pelosiwo and chuck schumer to in fact deploy the national guard using that intelligence. now the house and the senate sergeant arms, they deniedue this request.
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why weren't they called before this hearing anyway? so president trump and top dodt officials, they forged ahead with plans to make a massive amount of national guard troops available. you might remember the previous summer. this is coming off ng the summer o of 500. of 574 offi seventy four official riots in this country where dozensci l americans were killed, whereed thousands of police were injured, wherelice there was o billions of dollars in property damage. so they rightly prop wanted to and on january 4th, a meeting took placeen come on in the ovad it featured president trump, his chief of staff, mark meadows, acting defense secretary chris miller, the department of defense chiefc of staff kashhi patel, who will also join us tonightls and the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, mark milley, president trump in that meeting requested that up to 20 thousand nationald guard troops be made availableur for security at the capitol for january six as the law requires
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him to authorize. now the washington post. ed they lied and claimed that they must have made this up. they gave four pinocchio's and as per usual, the washington post is either dishonest or lazy or both. they didn't talk to the people that were actually in the meeting we did on this program for the officials four out of the five present in the oval office have on this program corroborated our reporting. takera a look for yourself. did you authorize calling up the guard and then it became as the chain of command went to nancy pelosi and to the mayor of d.c., muriel bowser, did youl as required by law authorize that 100% and attested to by many people and they turned it down, nancy b b pelosi turned it down. mayor bowser's written refusal ow betweencate the leader of the capitol police and their chainpo of
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command to the dod, refusing our request to allow national guardsmen and women to stage on january four and five before january 6th. did you both ask for the national guard to be called ? up? >> without a doubt. without a de john , we've made that very, clear not just once but on numerous occasions. we wanted to make surety that there was plenty of national guard on the ready in case there was some kind of violence. i had a meeting with president trump on the 3rd ofom january concerning some international threats and at the very endl he asked if there were any requests for national guard support. >> what was the president's response to you's with regard tt the requests madeo by mayorma bouser? yo > fill it and do whatever was necessary to protect the demonstrators. jus now, in addition tot what youas just heard, there was one other person in the room and that is the chairman of the joint chiefs, general milley. now this week people close tose him have confirmed directly to
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me that the general absolutely recalls conversa actions with president trump about security prior to january six . now where more than an hour into the capitol show tonight , this so-called hearing apparently there's going to be what plan hearings in perpetuity by the sounds of and this critical information, this critical meetingcrit has ne been mentioned one time, not one time. whyime.? because it doesn't fit. fit, sadly, they are predetermined w political outcome which we all know is to smear once again donald trump. it's kind of hard to say to somebody that somebody wanted a riot and instigated a riot when that same person authorized up to twenty thousand troops to protect that veryry capital whee the so-called riot is going to take place. now keep in mind, according to defense experts, the capital would not have been breached with thousands of national guard soldiers
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providing security. let me say it another way. had they actually listened to president trump? had they listened toad the experts at the department of defense january six nevererpp would have happened. they didn't listen. they were deaf. they cared not to protect the capital . they knewth they had five hundred and seventy four riots the summer before. they knew tensionsthe in the country were high and they didn't do their duty. they were begged repeatedly to take the guard and they wouldn't do it. now while the president can make national guard troops available, it is important to note well then it becomes the responsibility of speaker pelosi . she's inec charge of security at the capitol and also d.c. mayor bowser. she hasr the jurisdiction they both have the authority att that point once the president authorizes the troops tos be called up, they're the oneso that have to deploy d the troops to the capital and surrounding areas. so the question that and not asking that they should
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be asking why didn't pelosi, i why didn't bouser, why didn'tt schumer, why didn't the sergeant at armsan call up the guard? why didn't you call ups the guard? why didn't schumer say, you know what , we should listen to the experts? why didn't the sergeant at armsh in the house and senate listenou to the capitol police chief when he was begging them? you know, why did they deny the capitol police chief the troops he said he needed? now if this committee cared at all about the truth, if they cared at all aboutin preventing something like this , which we should all agree on from ever happening again, they would be demanding answers from pelosi and schumer and bowzer and both the sergeant of arms att the in the house and in the senate and the capitol police chiefef and the deputy police chief and everyone else that would be responsible for securing c the capitol. why didn't this committee subpoena all of these people, demand all of their textt
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messagesde, all of their emails and depose all of them now even the vengeful and very trump obsessed liz cheney, she actually admitted tonight i couldn't believe my earsieve that the violence on january six was not spontaneous. she said it it was not the result of the president's speech. instead, shein points outhe p is preplanned. as you watch this , ask yourself, well, if you knew ahead of time that people were planning violence, whyleat didn't everybody k that knew this ? whyf did they if you knew about this , why didn't you call in the guard? >> take a look.he the attack on our capital was not a spontaneous riot intelligence available before january six identified plans to, quote, invade a capital, occupy the capital and take other steps to halt congress's count of electorales votesha that dayt . okay, so now we all they all knew the violence was
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preplanned. now that brings us to january 5th. 2020 one that evening. we now know that the fbi shared intel with the capitol police revealing that some january six attendees were plotting an attempt to violently wti storm the capitol. that's the day before, quote, an online threat discussed specific calls for violencefic o include stating tody be ready to to fight congress needs to hear glass breaking doors being kicked in d. they intercepted intel goess on to say quote get violent, stop calling this a v march or rally or protest. go there ready for war . they knew this on the 5th and according to this document on your screen, the capitol police emailedee the senateat sergeant at arms warning about this group that is quote promoting the photos of the capitol tunnel systemthe online and stating their goal of finding democratic members early to block them from even
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entering the capitol. the same e-mail revealed that rioters were planning to create a perimeter around the capitol. despite all of that intelligence on january 5th, d.c. mayor j muriel bowser wrote a letter that day to the dodie's explicitly asking them not to deploy national guard troops to the capitol on january six . why would she ever make that decision again? why didn't they liftoffsonen her with all the intelligence they had ahead of time to protect the capital to protect every elected official? >> is anyone on this committee are they ever going to ask that question of mayor bowser? they ever going to bring in nancy pelosi and ask her why she didn't calll the guard? they don't seem to care apparently because those people have not been interviewed according to allrd the reports i'm reading, they only seem to care about one thing and thiss is sadad because that house is our house. that's the people's houser ho.
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that's your house. and we need to protect . r institutions i don't care if you're republican or democrat and i said it on the sixth we got to protect our elected officials. it's that simple and it seems c they only care about smearing trump exciting their base, maybe raising money off all this . which now brings us to janhur six . now that morning during his speech, president trumpmp remember he said these words t and they have yet to bring himo up. what a shockup. he said many of you now will peacefully and patrick march to the capital . so your voices may be heard and call for violence kindd of just the opposite of what chuck schumer said on the steps of the u.s. supreme court when he threatened justices. and we alll know what happened yesterday anyway. t >>he here's the president on january six . takey a look. at i know that everyone here willer soon be marching over toe the capitolar building tope peacefully and patrioticallyac
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make your voices heard. okay,>> unfortunately, when the january committee features they have clips from trump. i'llesm get any amount of money. they're goingand to slice and e and edit around that part where he says many of you will now peacefully patriotically marchch to the capitol so your voices will be heard. hmm. i wonder why now in the hours that followed capitol police, t they are ill prepared. they were outmanned and according to the department'sor after action report, anti riot squads did not respondnd in a timely manne. many t of their radios were not workingt and much of their riota gear was locked in a bus and they couldn't find a key. and ultimately the capitol police chief requestedel the nationalalst guard and asked for help six different times. and it wasn't until way late in the afternoon that pelosi finally said, okay, by that point it was too late. the capitol had been breached and ever since democrats have usedance this awful day as a d political weapon, they don't
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actually care about riots or improving safety and security. it's s all political ., remember right now there's no congressional committee. ask yourself why don't we have a committee looking into the five hundred and seventyn four riots that took place in the summer of 2020 dozens of. dead americans, thousands of injured police officers, billions in property damage. where's that congressionalag committee on the federal courthouse in portland. remember night after night lit on fire for week w after week by far left protest. what ? no hearings on that. those lives don't matter. that property damage doesn't matter. those police don't matter. so here we are suffering through yet another anti trump smear that will accomplishh absolutely nothing. it with reaction is the person first got a hold of the capitol police timeline. investigative reporter and the editor of justt the on solomon, your work has been phenomenal. your headlinek h is trump.
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pentagon first offered national guard to capitol four days before january six riots. okay, let's add the color around this because there's a lot more totoore the timelinn what i've just laid out. d you've done a good job. those on you really succinctly y nailed what happenedou. these are four days of infamyam for days when the capitol police nancy pelosi, chuck schumer leadership could have hardened the capitol, could have gotten the resources in place, could have made the strategic decisions, could have accepted the national guard help that would have ould men and women in blue on the capitol who got injured that day. it is overwhelmingly clear that these were repeated political decisions made instead of security decisions. i'm just oty d give you one twoe examples because i think i they're both very important when the house sergeant at arms turns down chief son's request on january 5th for the national guard deployment, he tells themo it's because of optics.
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optics isfs. not a security ter it is a political term. n they were notot making a securiy decision. they for the men and women ofhe the capitol police force or for the lawmakers in that capitol building, they were making a political bui statement and that's why they turned downl this out that same night when the deputy police chief sean gallagher begins c getting this information coming in from the fbi. there are two waves of, fbi information that come in between five o'clock and about nine thirtyth on the night. the first one is a what weene would call an intelligenceca warning. gi it comes from norfolk, virginia and it's very specific. there's going to t be youhe read some of it, there's going b to be violence. they want to breach the capitol. they want to target lawmakers. t very clear what they're trying to do a few hoursrs after the national threat center, the fbi here in washington, c. began getting information from our website. a website owner said, hey,a i'm seeing some weird activity of some of the people talking about going to the capitol tomorrowinoi. i don't like to look at this . would you look at and they start pulling down and they see
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the people coming out. the bad actors on january six have maps . they'reng instructing peoplee how to go through the library of congress through tunnels , get into the capitol building and take the capitol buildingg, hostage. this information comes in to the deputy police chief i. according to the senate report, they looked at all these documents. it was never givenenwas toli the commanders of the capitol police. it wasn't given to the chief oft the capitol policee in. as it wasn't given to the men and women on the front lines that day. many who didn't have l helmets and shields and other proper equipment for the threat assessmentr that was emerging. where was it sent? itit was sent to a political person. it was sent to a woman named califate who is a trusted t political aide, long term aide of senator chuck schumer,s the political people, the political elites got a warning. hey, stay away from the tunnels . the police who could have a prevented it, the national guard who could have preventedwa they don't get that warning three days four days of infamy,o political decisions over security decisions i time and time again. john , stay right there.
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we s want to bring in our cash battle. he was the chief of staff for acting secretary of the defense department, chris miller. now you're basically this new information cash. you were in the ovalio office on the 4th of january , two days before you were there. you, told me mark meadows has told me chris miller has told me and the president has told me both you and chris went under oath beforeai this committee. >> correct. so t you said this to the committee under the threat of perjury. right? that's correct. all right. in fact, that you were offering these guard troops at almoste now sounds like what john's new information that your department y, the department of defense was pretty much beggingo them to take the time to take the guard and they kept refusing t in spite of all of your efforts to reach out and convince them the threat was real.
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you're absolutely you're absolutely right, sean. and the defense department rige can only do so much because we're limited by the law and rightfully so. the defense departmenthe is not allowed to unilaterally deploy american soldiers domesticallyao without a presidential authorization for national guard and without a legalho request from nancy pelosi,ue the capitol police and mayor bowser p, as you succinctly described in your outline correctly, which most americanss understand that legal process we did as much as we could proactive and preemptively to go there within the confines of the law and ask them, hey, we have authorization. do you need them?o they repeatedly refused our authorization request and they repeatedly told us we i don't have anything that shows us there's going to be an attack. and on top of that , as john solomon pointed out, they weree more concerned about optics. c we at dod do not concern ourselves with optics. we concern ourselvesics, with tf security of not just the capitol grounds but the men and women who are sworn to dond their work there. and that's what we're trying to get them to notice.
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but unfortunately they wanted to politicize the january six , the lead up to january six and also not put up any fencing or secure perimeter warnings on that dayr w. it was a disastrous lapse in security judgment by the folks at the top. and just a note, the sergeant at arms reports directly to nancy pelosi and schumer. those are the only people that could make a decision to refuse such a request. and the inspector general of i the department of defense in the biden presidency examined your actions and basically said you did everything right, meaning trumps department defense. isn't that correct? tmenyou're 100% right. it wasn't our inspector general and we knew that was going to be the result. r but that's not the resultt that the january 6th committee wanted to hear . i went before them and i actually submitted to the january six committee the entire dod inspector general report fromir the biden administration. they had not entered that into evidence. i had to do ithat and i had to
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highlight for them the findings in that report which stated the departmenthe of defense actd lawfully, appropriately and without delay. er that's the key that the american people need to understand. but what they neednd, wha to ee themselves on even more is the depth of that report which e showed the failures of l the political leadership to take us up on those requestsea . that we could safeguard the capital . they wouldn't even allow a no friends a, no climb fence to be established around the perimeter. you've seen these fences in d.c.imetence all the time. t it prevents scaling of our buildings and properties. they again went to optics and didn't want that look that alonene could have stopped anything on january six . i want to be very clear when you testified beforee t this committee, you told the all of this whenis the secretary of defense chris millerhen at the time when he testified the committee was all of this , they have o all of this information. is that correct, kash? is that correct, kash? 100% correct. and i've repeatedly asked themsc to release the transcripts instead of doingwh what they're
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doing tonight , which ish offering out piecemeal cut up, testimony and clips to fit a political narrative. as you said, this isai not how you run constitutionallon congressional oversight. i ranit differently when the rusticate investigation. we put out the documentation in full. we put doc outumentati all 60 t this committee has that ability and liz cheney let off these hearings specifically said we are only going to give you partially what we have discovered. we're going to hold back thee rest . that's not how you educateba the american publicot you how to safeguard a capital. that's how you politicizeit national securityol,s. they're trying to make t the case that donald trump is responsible for t what happened after he gave his speech that day ate the capital . can youla explainin to me how the guy that authorized o twenty thousand or up to twenty thousand national guard troops is responsible for a riot that he was clearly trying tohe prevent? because i think anybody with common sense would recognize that if those troops were there at the capitol, january six never happens. takeua us back into the ovalor
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office on the 4th of january when there were the five of you, including the chairman of the joint chiefs and you all had that meeting when trump authorized calling up the guard. >> yeah. so we were in the oval office talking about a very serious national security matter whichcr is why i remember so distinctly it's totally unrelated tost january 6th and then the president brought up january 6th and security protocol measuress because they were on top of everyone's m mind given what was out there in the mediath and the president said you have my authorization as the commander in chief. you the department of defensear up to twenty thousand national guardsmen and women. u and for us who operate on the chain of command at the department of fence, we said roger that , sir. we will go get ready as best as the lawaw allows us . but we did one step further. we wen went to the capitol polii we went a to nancy pelosi and we said, do you want this troop request? not even in a twenty thousand format. you wanted a thousand fifteen thousand whatever number
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in between. they refused it all and thehe chairman addressed it. youu erica pelosi, who did you speak to? somebody in her p p office or dd you speak to her on the 6th of january ? we spokespok toe to her her on o after when but and then wanted all ofer her after the president authorized as legally required up to twenty thousand troops. when wasas the speaker made aware that the president had done that ? veryte shortly thereafter, the chain of command as the secretary of the armyai is n in charge of the national guard force. so we sent the secretary of the army and his representatives to capitol hill directly to engagee with thews capitol police and mayor bowser as they had been doing for the weeks before january 6th. and that was outlined in john solomon in your reporting. so we have been engaging them on a daily basis and you showed the letter where the mayor bowser said no and the secretary of the army t and his team were in direct engagement with the police. nancy i pelosi in writing she said no,hi this is after the new threat assessment.
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remember the capitol police chief initially said i don't think we we need the extra security. then the newew threatnd assessmt comes in and says we need wean need the guard here . and he went directly toe the speaker and the sergeant at arms. do we knowsent-a what happened r wenspired or maybe can bring in john solomon and john maybe you know, a little bit more about that . the capitol police timeline says very clearly, sean, that when he talked to the speaker, he got a veryer c clear answer. . we're not going to doli this .ke weic don't like the optics. we have an idea for your callal the d.c. national guard yourself and just say beyondrd the ready in case something happens. anybody who knows anything about security, you don't any want to wait until something happensc to deploy the security force. you want it there y firsthand. that isth all in the official capitol police files that we've now put up that you just showed on screen cash. would it be a fairat characterization? you're the chiefth of staff forf the secretary defense.
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you preemptively went to congressve. t you offered the national guard. youu d did it on multiple occasions. you did it after a new threat assessment came in . you worked it out with the president. the president authorized . iing up the national guard is it fair to say that in many ways you're almost borderline begging the people in charge at the capitol led by nancy pelosip to take the guard troops because you're going to need them? the intelligence is telling us this could go really spiral down in a bad way. yeah, you're right. look, that's in our bloodstream at the department of defense, which i ledrtrt , which is anza apolitical organization that's in our bloodstream prepare prepareti, prepare, prepare for the max that the law allows yout to prepare. and this does borderline b on basically pleading with them almost begging them to say lookd at the intelligence you're going to need the security situation. do t not politicize this .we knw we know you want a sideshow to occur on january six , but do not allow this to occur because lives will be hurt.
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livesrt will be lost . and so we did what the law required but we wentt all the way up to the border and said, look, you know, this is going to happen. let us help you. let us help you. h letel us the department of defense help your security posture so it doesn't have to be federal law enforcementr se n and they still wouldot not allow us to do it. you did your job. our intelligence community did their job. in the exactup intelligence as they they did a phenomenalig job. the president signed off on it. and we have we have no investigation into why these people denied the guardga being called up after itas authorized. hospital. n stay with us.z now earlier tonight , liz cheney even admitted that atmi some point in the future her sham committee might get around to investigating security failures at the capitol after they get tired. i guessigig bashing trump for the one thousand four hundred and eighty seven times. >> take a look. as part of our investigation, we will presentil information about what the white house
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and other intelligence agenciesu knew and why the capitol washy not better prepared. we will not lose sight ofha the fact that the capitol policeid did not cause the crowd to attack and we will not blame the violence that day. violence provoked by donald trump on the officers who bravely defended all of us . >> it was reaction is congressman jim banks and house gop conference chair. leastst the phonic is with us. congressmans., let me start with you. you and jim jordan originally u and jim jre to be on this committee. how come they they took you off this committee? well, first off all, on what yot heard tonight in this committee hearing is that the whole the entire point behindro this process is tose prosecute donald trump for crimes that het did notha commit . we all know this is a sham committee process. they want to put donald trumpif in jail if they don't get that they've settled t to keep his name off the ballot. it's not about investigating
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january six . if i was the ranking member and i was in that room tonight , we would have been asking questions aboutlo the bombshell reporting of john solomon who by the way, has b done more to investigate january six than anyone on that committee has the breakdown of security, how intelligence was gathered, how was disseminated,. why capitol police officers like the head of the capitol police union told me that they that the rank and filee capitol police officers didn't receive the intelligence that something was going to happenenlige that day. and now we know thanks to john solomon and you that chuck schumer's office got that intelligence but our capitol police officers did. and at the endnc of the day, the speaker of the house, nancy pelosi is isna covering uper her roles and responsibilities ,her breakdown of leadership as the head of the as head ofea the capitol securityd, her leadership and oversight over the capitol police. this is all a cover up to o divert us from focusing on that and making it a political witch hunt about donald trump. instead, if they had anyit integrity, they would cally , t get her text messages, get heret
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emails. , chuma.the same they do the same with muriel bowser. they do the same with the house sergeant of arms and the senate sergeant at arms. they're not doing any of that . and they would bring in the capitol police chief who also requested the guard be called up. congresswomann ques, does it make any sense to you beyond being dull ,boring, repetitive? and a preview of one hundred more hearings to come. the one thing they're not asking is how does it make any sense if donald trump authorized up to twenty thousand national guard how ds to protect the capitol?? how does it makeoe sense that they are there t on nationl television blaming donald trump for wanting to start an insurrection? can you explain that logic to m me? it makes no sense at all, sean, because this is a part thin witch hunt. itit has been that from the beginning. this is about punishing nancym h pelosi's political opponents. nancy pelosi removed
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jim banks and jim jordan because they were asking the very important questionsimbe that you laid out today. why was the capitol left so ill prepared on january 6th? why did nancy pelosii prioritize her own partisan political optics rather than providing the securityal the training, the equipment and basically making sure was broader understanding of the threats that potentially wereeats goingo happen on january 6th? and you know what ?t, on the issues that matter to the american people right now that i hear about from my constituentsar inflation, sks high gas prices, the borderth crisise, a baby formula shortage, that's what the american people care aboutt bout and democrats knowe that they are losing on all of those issues because they've createded their crises, their radical radical policies to these hearings are noem more than an attempt topt change the narrative. they are desperate. im this is an illegitimate committee that is unconstitutional and it will do nothinguncoll to ensure that ths capitol is more secure in the future. let'sec talk, congressman,
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a little bit about the, the security failures here and and they also talk about the fact that the president had issues with the election. i can give some examplesxa that we really need to resolve going into any future election. for example, many states have laws that say that partisan observers get to watch the voten count up close from start to finish. in any stateappen that had those laws.s.e that's problematic if you wantit integrity in your elections, that's problematic. if you wanty confidence in the results, i'll takewi the state a pennsylvania, for example. they have a constitution in that state with very t specific guidelines about mail in ballots. well, instead of goingl- for a constitutional amendment, they decided to pass legislation which is a lot easier to do. that's problematic if you believe in the rule of law . if you believe in a stated constitution, you should follow the process f. so t there were legitimate questions on a lot of people are askingg
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other people saying crazy stuff. but but thesese issues in particular, if you read thede decision by the wisconsin supreme court, it was a three four decision that dissent wasas a stinging one by the supreme court chief justice in wisconsin saying you're not following the laws of this statete. i think we should pay attention a little bit to what he's saying. the other four members on the court that didn't vote with him, but they losty lo that decision. a three to v four was a very close vote. so there were issues, legitimate concerns. we had people that signedf affidavits and those t threat of perjury. >> nobody wanted to hear from those whistleblowers, didd? they know shot and never forget by the way, that bennie thompson voted to object to t the election in 2004? 00 i don't4. call him an insurrection as i just call him a hypocrite because because an h here we are today with him changing his tune about it, about what that means. i had b i had big concerns aboud the election in twenty t twenty and i voted to objectje as well because those statesct
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that unconstitutionally conducted their elections deserved the scrutinyynd that te received through that process. be upsetoe right too about how the election was conducted. that doesn't mean that they committed an insurrection. ition is again, they're trying o prosecute donald trump for crimeses that happened on that day that he didn'tt. commit people that were violent that broke into the capital . they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. llllthe fbi has arrested hundres of people that have done it, but there was a good reason why people showed up in theirpe nation's capital , by the way, that there's no there was no greater place in the world to show up and protest. make your voice heard. it's very american to do that in washington, d.c. and to prosecute people who did that peacefully, exercise their constitutionalt right is absolutely shameful. let's talk a little bit, congresswoman. i mean, so far it's been a rehash of pretty much everything we already knew they made a big deal of the fact that they had videoth that had never been seen before. that seems kind of meaningless to me. we all saw what happened
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that day just like we saw the five hundred and seventy four riots in the summer ofno 2020.w w i don't know why wee don't haveo a committee looking into that . people good people all acrossw the country know that we can'tha have riots like that and people go unpunished. but that's exactly what happened. we can't have bu our capital breach like this . there arehi answers but it b doesn't seem like they're even delving into the question that wouldin lead to the answer. that's exactly right, sean. exa, and what makes republicanswh different from democrats is republicans have consistently dl condemned violence, whereas democrats did not condemnenem the violence during the riots throughout all of 2020 the desecration of our federalra buildings, the burning to the ground of our cities across america, republicans did condemn that just like we condemn the violence on january 6th j and those that committed crimes and destroyed property on us capital , they have been prosecuted to the fullest extent of the lawo . ti buttu we have a constitutional
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duty when there is unconstitutional overreach when it comes to certain electors. i also objectedto tors certain electors because in the case of pennsylvania they circumvented the constitutional process. we need stronger electionti security and election in our country. i know that in my home state ofk new york where we don't have adequate election security, wee need chain of custody on the ballots. we need signature verificationn ,all of those key issues. it was important to discuss that on the house floor.act it so the fact that it was not just bennie thompson who objected in the past but also jamie raskin objected to the electoral college counting and after president trump's election and he called forhe the impeachment of president trump even prior to trump's swearing in .ts on th so lookis at the democrats on this committee. they have no basis.s. they are complete hypocrites. i agree with my colleague jim banks and they want too avoid again focusing t on the issues that matter toop the american people. but i thinklele the american pee are smart. they are tuningme out. they see these individuals for hypocrites and pelosi parrots that they are.
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all right, congresswoman. thank you , congressman. thanks. c thank you . an us now, the author ofor saving nine utah senator mike lee o. r senator , you'remi one of the fw people that i know that really cares about our constitution. i give you a lot of credit.di we did reveal it was revealed during these hearings that jamie raskin has another a motive in all of this . he wants to get ridhe of that outdated relic calleds. the u.s. constitution that calls for electors to end picking the president. th that's's interesting to mese because that would meanat that liz cheney's father never would have been elected vice presidentheav the electoral college. that's right. the electoral college -- >> that's right -- yeah, he and yeah, he wants to eliminate the electoral college, which is about as fundamental to our system of government as it comes a. no way around this .d this. look, the u.s. constitution hast fostered the development of the greatest civilization
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the world has ever knownhe for reasons that escape astound and dismay me.ns the modern democratic party wants to throw it under the bus. they want to throw itit underh the bus with statements like that he's making. they want tot throw it under the bus by intimidating, denigrating and demeaningsu a supreme court ofpr the unitedb states and ultimately by packing the court so they canyy turn it into a political football. and the thing is, without the supreme court being an independent arbiter of what the law is, there is no i constitution. they want to pack it soo it can destroy the court and in so doing destroy the constitution. that's why i wrote saving nine . saving nine tells the story of t the last time this happenedim in the fact that we're still paying the price for it. when you look at for example, just abolishing the electoral college or packing the courtssor or statehood for d.c. or getting rid of the filibuster, all these items the democrats have bought up brought up y and your book really doesou highlight the importance of the supreme court when they do
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this . the democrats have always t wantedhe to do things that theyg can never get done atet the ballot box or and never get done in congress legislatively and they want the courts to do their job for them and legislate from the bench. that's not particularly good for our country . no, it's terrible for our country and it doesn't worku out well for anyone sometimes for them it works out in the short term. but in the long t term it hurtss everyone including and especially them. hey attempt but look, if they attemptt this again, if they try toif pak the supreme court again, unlike nineteen thirty seven , i tell the story and saving nine of how franklin d. roosevelt, who is sort of a hero, a role model, an idol if you will , to joe biden, he tried to do this backk in nineteen thirty seven . it failed in part because therep were a lot of democrats who aree willing to stand up tocr the democratic president at the timeatme. we don't have that today, nor do we have the buffer that we
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had back in nineteen thirty seven . but as i explained in nineteenen in nine back in"s nineteen thiry seven even though it failed legislatively, it coerced the supreme court to switch its view of a particular provision of the constitution and that reading that reinterpretation was a de facto amendment of the constitution that has caused the federal government to become hhe too big, too expensive and too far reaching. we're paying for it ever since then. so look, all these efforts to denigrate the constitution and our systemigthe, you can drw a consistent thread between the statements of jamie raskin ,the efforts to protest outside supreme court justices homes, efforts to assassinate supreme court justices and thejt refusal of the president of the united states to condemn going to supreme court justicesg to protest in front of them, to harass them, to try to get to them, to change their ruling in a case that is wrong and it's safe counter to everything we believe in about constitutional government. at you know, it's amazing to me
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that the white house gave their tacit approval and actually encouraged in the case of jen psakiki, the doxingm of the supreme courte justices holmes, you know the type of, humor you know, you better listen to me. of y courseo you better listen o me, cavnar you won't know what hit you. that sounded like a threat to me if i made a threat to a supreme court justice, would i be committing a crimeme? >> yes. yes, you would. and you especially be committing a crime if you were going to the supreme courtt justices homes too protest in front of them. and if you're a president ofco the united states who actively encourages people to do that . and for your press secretary, jen psaki, if you said yes, i support this , you'dld be actively encouraging that . wegi know she encourages it. we know therefore that he is trying to pack the court. we've got to stop him now. and that's why i encourage people to read saving nido, give them the tools necessary to confront as manyro people
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as possible to read it sore that they're ready to respond. we r need the help of all americans on this issue. >> all right. the book is called saving nine . i couldn't be a more timelyalle book. senator mike lee, a thank you fr being with us. here now fox news legal analyst greg jerrett. greg, in light of i think the big the big get out of t today's hearing was liz cheney's admissionring that they had all the intelligence prior to january six that violence was going toe w occur and now we know that the department of defense, donald trump's department of defensefe and donald trump on january 4th, but as earlyns as januaryhe 2nd they were pretty much begging the nancy pelosi the capital the leaders to take the guard and they wouldn't do it. they refused that every singlepo point i'm having a hard time reconciling the fact that liz cheney in this committee knew that the intelligence showed that there was a lot ofge potential for violencees
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and they're not questioning those that didn't act. that to me istiid a story, especially if the goal would be to never have this happen again. now. we have written proof beyond that nancy pelosi, chuck schumer, mayor bowser werer, derelict in their duty. they committed gross misfeasance and they found scapegoats. scapegoatsd the two sergeants at arms and the capitol police chief blaming them without accepting their own responsibility. and pelosiumer and browser's inaction, their refusal to call up those troops, the events of january six at the nation's u capitol wouldn't have unfolded as they did. you're not going to hear n that from his committee even though they well knowth that because this committeeey is taking snippets of information and contorting it tofo supportar a false narrative. at the same time, what they're doingy and this is the most important part they're concealing exculpate tourieto
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evidence. any information now if a nonmetal member of congress did that , they'd be criminally charged with a felony obstruction of a congressional investigation 18 usc 15 05. but these members are protected under the speech and debate clause. so here's what shouldld happen t and i hope shoul kevin mccarthys listening. if republicans regain control. ou of the house in november, they should move immediately to expel each and every member of t this committee for violating ethical rules by abusing their official positions. now that takes two thirds votess if republicans don't have enough seats for that , they can do something elsee. they can strip every member of this committee from committee assignments. that's just a majority vote rendering j these members of the committee adam schiff, bennie thompson, jamie raskin neutered as positions of power
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. let me ask you this ,e david axelrod. i don't agree with himth politically, but he's a pretty smart guy. he warned the democrats aboutr overpromising and under delivering. i found this opening tonight so underwhelm they built this upui to be this islt going to be the definitive moment. will we provent that donald trup is response for the insurrection that took place? they didn't come close even capturing my interest maybe forr three minutes before i said this is a waste of timea. >> how the hell they're going to do this ? well, out well, there was also, i would argue a measure of desperation here . bennie thompson, the chairman trying to compare this tosl slavery in what smacked of blatant race baiting. but elise stefanik was right. what americans care r about is what is affecting them personally.
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you know, they vote their wallets, you know, a looming recession because of biden's policies, high gas prices, inflation at grocery stores. people can't put food on the table. they can't fill up their tanks. they see rampant crime in their cities and democrats doing nothing about they see chaos increasing every day at the border and they're fedd up with this stuff and you know, they have buyer's remorsey which will be expressed at the polls come november. i mean, i think democrats are in for a rude awakening. all greg taro, thank you for being with us. us joining us now, former whiter house chief of staff reince priebus, along with fox newsng contributor joe concha and america first legal founder steven miller isam with us. led so we learned tonight , stephen miller, that in factth this committee knows they had intelligence prior to january the 6th of the strongja potentialnu of violence. also k we alsoth know this committee ws
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told in no uncertain terms t that the option of the national guard was available to i everybody in power and they didn't take advantage of it. it >> why isn't that the biggerhe story here ? rewe've done such an excellent job, sean, of shining a light on this very issue which that president trump authorized the use of the national guard ws and his offer was turned down and there should be an investigation into how many people they see and how meriall- bowzer handled the security ofha the capitol and the citynd. these are the same individuals that stood behind and cheered the riotous mob that attacked the white house and sent dozensd of secret service agents to the hospital and they cheered on nancy pelosi, in, in fact, attacked the victims of the portland siege. so these are people that have been pro riot year after year after year. let's get your take. reince priebus. well,, i mean, it's an amazing situation here tonight.he
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and the situation is is that we have a committee that's forgetting about the fact that a lot of these folks learned a an illegal behavior which was rioting in the streets, burning down buildings . we allowed these activities to take place. leadership in our country. we we praised these folks that were burning down our cities. our vice president raised moneyy to the defense of these people that were burning down our cities. we ought to haveie hearingss abt the things that are truly new and have to be figured out today. baby formula. what about the 13 baby troopsfg that died in afghanistan? wouldn't it be nice to know the origins of that debacle, the border crisis? and let me just say one other thing. you know, there were real cases in this country that were being we're being prosecuted like in wisconsin where you had a statee where hundreds ofin
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thousands of people did in fact vote in a way that wasn'ty contemplated by state law. they're being directedd by by al election commission in wisconsin to allowec people o vote early in a state that didn't allow early vote. they were voting w drop boxes. they're voting without applications. they are declaring themselvesel indefinitely confined. all of these things. and i'm not i'm not suggesting that anything that took place in the t capitol is right. it was wrong. it was also wrong to allow people to burn down our cities. it was also wrong to allowon elections commissioners to allow a vote toa take place in a state like wisconsin improperly. and it's also wrong and after they already impeached donaldth trump to yet hold another hearing because of their obsession with trying to destroy donald trump. we all get it. we'veai all said what happened on january 6th is wrong. we wrong. to solve the real pros in our country that the democrats have created. co let me ask you, joe concha, you've studied the media.
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should have your own media show now that we knowno that donald trump authorized up to twenty thousand troops, that trump trump's dodie's basically was begging the leaders and in both houses to take the guard, have them available. we now a know that everybody knew ahead of time that there was a real threat assessment and possible of violence and they did nothing. bowzer didno nothing. did nothing. pelosi did the sergeant at arms in the housee and senate, they did nothing. how is the media going to handle that aspect of this ? >> that's a big story, right? just like it's a big storys that a supreme a court justice there was an attempted murder of just yesterday. it was reported and yetde the president of the unitedie states was on anw interview on national television forab twenty four minutes and said nothing about it, nor didou the host and the new york times put that at page eight twenty in other words, big
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stories that should be reported as the top story get ignored or buried in these situations. and look, the first night of hearings is the most important by far in the case of the january six hearings and here it's like watching a movie you've seen over and over again a poll from the hilll and rsx shows that a majority of voters say they think the investigation into the january six capitol riot is about more about scoring political points than it ishat about an independent inquiry into seeking truth s and then yu look at the timing in the backdrop here , right? the timing, the midterm elections timin m are coming up this fall. the backdrop president at an time low historically in terms of approval of a first term president joe biden. the bottom linee is inflation is at a 40 year high. an overwhelming number of americans say that's a top priority concern gas prices of all time high skyrocketing crimeig. you even have days in san
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francisco getting i fired by voters as a result of that crime of border that is anything but secure with fentanyl coming in and killing americans in record numbers and parents are greatly concerned about their kidsed education like me and their child safety in school as a whole. so maybe just maybe those are t all those things are what the americans are more , w you know, concernedit with right now than what they're watchingm on all these networks. and i'm seeing on social median, right now as i speak, there is not a lot ofth buzz around this because people just have better and bigger concerns thanw what we're seeingha right now. and they're reminded every time they go to fill up their gas, a they are reminded in every store they go tore because prich are so high. allxi right. o exit question on a scale of one to 10 , steve miller, what's the number of concern and attention the american people will give these hearingsf
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? i guess they announced what we're going to have t one hundred more of them. but what do youn lev thinkel wil the attention level will be one to 10 . it's a fadli zero people areut worried about inflation, the bleeding border, the violent crime, the destructionin of our economy . for can't get baby formula their kids. that's what they care about marxism, b in our schools, not n partisan political anti trump propagandal an one to ten . reince priebus one . wow. joe concha three because the president is pulling currently at about 33% approval. so those folks i guess will be concerned about this . but independents and those who are apoliticall and those of the right will say, yeah, no, n we get and we havein more important things to be concerned about right now. all right, stevegsed miller. thank you , joe .oe thank you . thank you . all right. we bring back john solomon and kash patel. all b right. so the hearing is just ended. john solomon, based on yourti investigative reporting baseds
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on cash's personal experience at the dojth, all the attempts o get people to call up the guardt ,basically begging them to take the guard. how does this play out as this now this narrative now takes over ? i think the entire storyry because this is now about a security failure of anbl incredible magnitude and they don'tnd even seem to want to tak about it. the one donald trump donald trump authorized it. he's l >> he's living rent free and the democrats had 15 months after leaving office. they are so obsesseddob with donald trump they are missing their opportunityna to try to save the electione because they're not talking about all the issues that were just laidis l on the segment bee us . right. gas baby formula, gas prices, inflation, a border crime. they're going to loseec this election because they're letting donaldtihe still live in their head . here's the big i'm thing. a there are some big developments on and i want to tell you about real quickly rodney davis reinking, a republican member, just sent a letter to bennieth thompson saying allom
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the evidence you have to preserve it, make sure it's catalog. if we get in power, we're goingf to go through it and tell us if you're finding out the truth. second, thing i'm hearing i'm hearing from several capitol hill police tonight that they've gonepi thau and done a review of these f security tapes to find out who this congressman loudermilk is w actually casing the joint. that's one of those crazy allegations and maybe they can't find any evidence. let's see if that plays outwi in the next couple of days.ll those will be two major things in the committee if they drop the ball and both. that's goingot to be interestin. preservation let letter has been sent out for what ? to every committee member to save every text, every email, all communications. yeah, and i know that there are from the police i know there are large numbers of textt messages between the policecy and pelosi's staff. those may p be the holy grail of our republicans finally found out what really happened here that night. well, ier any chance you get tht you gotot the timeline when nobody else did and by the wayt ,perfect timing. what else might thank you . shooting and what elsewe might e learn in terms of your department, the department of defense and your efforts to
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protect the capital that were ignored? what else might we learn about donald trump's efforts to protect the capital that nobody had been talkingng about? i want to juxtaposition the lead up too the january 6th and we've already covered that versus what happened on january 6th and afterwards one thing i highlighted was the failure to install a no i clean fence around the perimeter to secure the border. we secured it. i as chief of staff dod overnight and installed it on january six . that .uld have done they refused to do so. now turning back to nancy pelosi and chuck schumer, i think what are going to learn is their activities on january 6th. the same peoplesame that didn't want a single national a guardsmen and women called me and the secretary defense at dod and said we want crew t serviced weapons and armorro tanks to protectte the capitol from that time on until inauguration. weaponizes weapon is a formerr military who called yout and asked for what the leadership? at the congress all of a sudden wanted every national guardsmen
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and women that we had and they wanted armor plated vehicles with belt fed machine gun through the inauguration along with m1 abrams tanksio. e and these are these are why americans can't standt this political leadership. we as a national securitytu apparatus of the dod executed the mission apolitically and all they wanted to do with politicized . we now know because of john's reporting that the guard was offered first by your department on on january 2nd. when did nancy pelosi finally say okay to n the guard? what time was that ? it's in our dod timeline which has been published i think it's late afternoon on january 6th and then of course they wantedto us to magically deploy fifteen thousand armed men and women over in an instant.. i want to remind your audience our deployment of the national guard was the fastest cold start since the world since world war two and it wasge the largest occupationst by soldiers in uniform since the civil war . we did it appropriately provide
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his own body. well, they overpromise, they underdelivered and they missed the big story, which i the incredible failure in terms of security that you were begging to give give to them and they didn't take wheno they had the opportunity to. thank you , john .t' thank you . that'se all the time we havess left. thank you for making this show possible. let not n your heart troubles. news continues. laura's next and the englishman will have a great night. >> i'm laura ingram . this is ingram angle from new york city. thanks for joining us . democrats and liberals, they've been slapping in prime time television for years. it's always the same, right? it's misleading information, vicious innuendo, attempts to connect the dots that never quite pay off the drumbeat, constant drumbeat of demonization and distraction. it's either entertaining or edifying. it's just bad programing. now tonight began with chair bennie thompson
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