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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  June 11, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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♪♪ next. [scattered applause] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> greg: here we go. all right. >> happy wednesday, everyone. it's only good with dangerous product like say defective airbags. [laughter] or faulty gas pedals were flimsy
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children high chairs. they thought they recalled those. i remember the nasty fall i took at applebee's my 40th birthday. [laughter] when something hurts society, you got to take it off the market. for some reason, the view, the only exception. who could forget my company fiery lawn darts it sounded like a good idea. >> back yard toys making you john? your imagination and your lawn using greg's fiery lawn darts, all the dangers 70 toys. >> that's awesome. ou miss the tn still set your [bleep] neighbor's yard ablaze. it's fun for the whole family. plus, we will throw in the summers hottest new toy. order now! >> greg: probably -- probably shouldn't have sold those during
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wildfire season. although the upside, without all those stupid trees i can see that my neighbors windows again. the worst in fiery lawn darts, disclaiming a whole chesa boudin -- >> breaking news here san francisco has oustedis progressive district attorney because of the day. district attorney. >> greg: chesa boudin! thank you, evil shannon bream! finally come as if voters had enough of the car break-ins, the open-air drug dealing, shoplifting, the disposed of their hard left d.a. [scattered laughter] a long time coming, his -- softer than kevin spacey a girl scout jamboree. the message is clear, if you're going to have someone in charge of grass acute in crimes, may be don't make it a progressive former public defender who is also the son of a terrorist. it's like putting one of bin laden's kids in charge of the tsa.
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whenever his name is is the son of kathy putin and david gilbert, who were getaway drivers for the 1981 brings armored car robbery, in which two cops, edward o'grady and waverley chipper brown and -- were murdered by their accomplices. the wonder putin has a soft spot for violent thugs. perhaps they reminded him of dear old mom. recently at sf, a cabdriver was beaten to death by a cycle with a pipe and his office treated it as an accidental death like the fiend was swinging at mosquitoes in the cabdriver just wandered into his path. the whole thing was just a tragic accident, really. surprised he didn't sue the pipe maker. so no wonder the recall was supported by 60% of the voters in early returns. even the crazy street pooper said this guy's got to go. so do we. [scattered laughter] that's a clear majority,
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something you don't get unless you're voting on something really obvious, like whether i better looking than guy benson. with look at those numbers that are still coming in. look at this right now. it's 89% believe i am more handsome than guy benson. who could be the 11% to make it probably hdtv. [laughs] i think we can call this one early. the last guy to take a beating like that was seen running out of amber hertz apartment. >> on fire tonight. >> greg: you. if the recall election a good sign that voters are finally done with this perverse congressional experiments that turn the catch and release program for violent groups? this is sf where they call anyone to the right of che guevara a fascist. was next? george gascon, we hope, the l.a. d.a. who tillers are getting tattoos of, which i think is not a good sign. perhaps new york's d.a. alvin
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brad, who make d.a. stand for dumbass, at least when it comes to fighting crime, he ordered prosecutors to stop seeking prison sentences -- prison sentences for armed thugs. you could brandish a gun and it wouldn't count as long as you didn't use it. i wonder they apply that logic to flashers on the subway. asking for a friend. [scattered laughter] brian kilmeade. the explosive resulted in recidivism because unlike politicians, they may be lawless, but they're not stupid. we know this rise in violent crime coincides directly with the rise of progressive das. if you want cause and effect, there it is. but something is happening now. you look at this recall following february's recalls of sf school board members for spending all their time renaming schools rather than opening them during covid. the only thing worse than progressives not focusing on kids is when they do. and he was one among a class who
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won a wave of victories in 2019 vowed to reform the criminal justice system that they deemed racist and unfair and what happened after that? while, crime shot up like at time square junkie. his reign was a bigger bomb than the ones his mom whipped up in the family kitchen. if the radical change they pushed ending cash bail, no longer prosecuting crime, reducing sentences, ended up creating more crime and misery for everyone else, especially minorities, so who's system ended up as more racist? it's the one who believe minorities would have a higher tolerance for mayhem. so maybe the tide is turning, and not just in the city by the bay. hopefully now the streets might get safer not just from dangerous criminals, but also dangerous das. [applause] >> let's welcome tonight's guests! >> greg: he looks like he's one of the brooks brothers, host of the guy pensions
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guy benson show, guy benson! she writes more than octopus with eight hands. editor in chief of "the federalist" mollie hemingway! [scattered applause] she's a contributor at fox whose arms could pick locks. kat timpf. [applause] and uses the great barrier reef as a loofah, my massive sidekick and the nwa world television champion, titus! [applause] guy, good to be here. not sure i approve of the beard. >> can i comment on that actually? because i grew this specifically for you. not just because of our dms. but because every time i'm on this show you do the little intro where you call me a brooks brother, and you're welcome, and thank you. that's wonderful. what you always say look 12.
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so i grow a beard to rebut you. and then you don't even make the joke. >> it looks like a halloween costume. >> it's just painted on. this is real. >> greg: like you're trying to sneak into an r-rated movie. [laughter] >> i've done that. last weekend, actually. the other thing is your little fake poll that you just referenced in a monologue, i've never said this before, but stop this deal. outrageous. >> greg: you don't know if that's fraudulent. you can't say anything. >> many people are saying. >> greg: many people are saying! so were you surprised at boudin or whatever his name is got recalled? >> no. i think that he has been so aggressively terrible that even the people of san francisco have had enough. and that's an achievement to be too progressive for san francisco is amazing, so congrats to him at least on that. one detail of this that i found interesting is if you look at the map of the city some of the local journalists were pointing this out, the areas most likely
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to want to keep him were white areas, white progressives who think they know better than people of color on their behalf, who overwhelmingly backed the recall of this guy who was not just soft on crime. i confess wrong. i think he is almost pro-crime. pro-criminal certainly in his policies, and when you push people hard enough, whether it's those school board members or this d.a., even san francisco can get something right and here they have again, so i guess congratulations to them. >> greg: it's interesting because you bring up the separate neighborhoods. it's the white leftist loves to experiment on minorities with their crazy ideas because it won't affect them. their walgreens doesn't close, but in minority neighborhoods, their walgreens will close, so they are on impacted. >> unaffected. >> greg: thank you. i prefer unimpacted. >> of course you do. >> you could have just said not impacted. >> greg: or not impacted. i'm feeling not well.
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molly, welcome to the show, good to see was always, enjoy your writing as always. do think this is the beginning of something? >> it has to be the beginning of something, because just recalling this guy is nowhere near sufficient to pull back on some of these progressive policies. and it is worth remembering that he did what he promised he was going to do when he campaigned. he campaigned openly as a soft on crime guy, and it seems a little bit unfair that he's punished for accomplishing -- you know, he kept his campaign promise and now he's getting punished. >> greg: that's a rarity, right? usually you come in tough on crime and then it goes to hell. he says i'm not going to do that, you're going to get mugged. lo and behold you got mugged. >> what was his slogan in his campaign? promises made, promises kept. the logo is like feces. >> greg: clearly he stepped in it. see what i did there, tyrus? so this looks like the real victims won as opposed to the symbolic victims that the left
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always chooses. >> score one for the affected buried we can say that. but this is the problem with the woke in the progressives. is never a teachable moment with them. that's why it's insanity. if a landslide of people voted me out, my speech would have been very different. what if started with like "my back, i'm sorry i'm a wow, i got the message, i will learn from us." no, he said oh, they spent more money than we did and they outnumbered us and the evil republicans tricked them. >> greg: billionaires. >> do you know how much money the g.o.p. spent on actors to pretend to be fiefs derive everybody and steal cars back the budget is just -- the donations are like -- the stuff they will make up instead of just owning that they got it wrong. that's why disagree with it's not going to change because they're not going to change, they're just going to regroup
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and continue with first world problems and continue with what they say on social media post and what's actually going on in the world today. >> greg: excuse me, little burp there. they don't grow up. >> they don't have to. the bulldozer parents, they're trying to push their bulldozer agenda on people or dealing with real stuff and real problems and i'm glad they rejected it. it's a small victory. >> greg: 60%, kat, that's 6 out of 10. don't you think that it would be great to have automatic -- automated or automatic recall votes? just have them every six months or a year? because they lot this [bleep] go on for three years, right? >> yes, actually. i think it would be a great idea. and this is -- shouldn't be surprising, obviously. it's like san francisco is also sold -- it is so liberal but it's also so expensive. even when you don't have to get your car windows replaced every three days or whatever because people are busting into them, and i hate this idea that, you
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know, criminal justice reform i thought was a good thing if it would have been done correctly and focused on crimes that are actually victimless. if someone steals your stuff, that's not victimless. you buy the stuff because you want it. you don't want other people to just take it, but they just completely destroy that with all of this stuff and violent crimes are up because of it too. not good. why would you pay so much to lips more that sucks so bad? >> greg: because you are immune from it. you can live in new york city -- i had a discussion with somebody who lives in los angeles who is a comedian, he's like you know, i don't know what people are talking about. everything is great, and that i ask him where he lives and of course he lives in a very nice area, he's got a car service. as long as -- the city is great for rich people. it's great, because you get to eat all the good food, you get to go to all the concerts at all the plays and you never get attacked because you have, you know, your feet never touch the ground. that's the expedition. >> i've been miserable
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everywhere i've lived. i find a way. >> greg: and you share the misery, which is really nice. up next, if you drive a tesla or a volt, can you be an arrogant dolt new poligrip power hold and seal. clinically proven to give strongest hold, plus seals out 5x more food particles. fear no food. new poligrip power hold and seal. to be clear, we have never been accused of being flashy, sexy or lit. may i? we're definitely not lit. i mean seriously, we named ourselves which is kind of lit if we are talking...
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literal... ha ha. it's why we're planet earth's number one site for booking accommodation. we love booking stuff! and we're just here to help you make the best of your vacation. ow... hi... booking.yeah
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>> greg: welcome back. worried about the price of gas? not if you are this pompous ass. it's a was condescending about the gas money you're spending. speaking of michigan democratic senator debbie stabenow, not to be confused with stab you later. [scattered laughter] my favorite joke of all time. it was a great joke. i just want to sit and enjoy it for a while.
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during a senate finance meeting, she said she doesn't give a crap about high gas prices because she's got an electric cart was able to breeze right pass gas stations on her way to hell! too bad she didn't keep driving all the way to the atlantic. >> on the issue of gas prices, after waiting for a long time to have enough trips in his country to finally get my electric vehicle, i got it and drove it from michigan to hear just last weekend and went by every single gas station and it didn't matter how high it was, so i'm looking forward to the opportunity for us to move to vehicles that aren't going to be dependent on the whims of the oil companies in the international markets. >> greg: i wonder how my fossil fuels were put into that hair. [scattered laughter] you've got to spray that thing, gel it, a lot of crap going into that hair. i'm speaking from experience. so the whims of oil companies
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and international markets? i don't remember oil companies and international markets shutting down the keystone pipeline. but so what if gas is five bucks a gallon anyway, that's on you, you dumb poor people, and all you losers complaining about formula. just get an electric baby. [laughter] [applause] >> greg: yes! and electric baby! i wonder if this brought even knows where electricity comes from. it's not lightning striking tights and it's not generated from her sense of superiority. if that were true, she would shoot lightning from her fingertips. the fact is nearly half of the electricity used in this country is cogenerated. electric car still cost more than industry average, get remember when they ran out of power during that winter traffic jam in virginia back in january? what would she tell them? they should have packed extension cords.
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worse, the hour you spent charging is brutal for those that don't have someone to make out with. bottom line, another mocks struggling americans who can't afford to be cool. protest i will be driving this to work for the rest of the year. sorry, i was kidding, i won't be driving. my driver will do it. so, mollie, someone sent me an email that said that -- drove 700 miles, roughly 700 miles and had to do it in nine and a half hours. per car only has a range of -- means she would have to a little volt over two and a half times. they never mention these disadvantages, the time to recharge, the limitations, the range limitations, lack of charging stations, higher upfront cost, they never say that, they just go you are driving a gas guzzling buried >> it's just amazing that a time when we are all suffering from high gas prices that the senator
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would be like -- that visual embodiment of the paris hilton "don't be poor" shirt. if you can't afford $5 gas, why would you be able to afford a $1,600,000 car? it would be great if we could all have them, they look really cool, but it's just an unbelievably tone-deaf thing in-line with all of the other tone-deaf things that have come from democrats. >> greg: she doesn't look like she's in touch with anything, tyrus. what is it with politicians who don't understand that they shouldn't actually be mocking the people that vote for them? >> i mean, this is what term limits is all about, man. she should be gone. but real quick about the electric babies, are they dishwasher safe? [laughter] you know, she even said today i got my chips to get a bird you got chips? that's what we had? because we've all got crumbs right now. i like a bag of chips, i think we'd all like a bag of chips. we wouldn't spend them on stuff you got to plug-in every six
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hours for five hours. so that trip was a lot longer than the 700 miles or whatever because you had to sit for six hours, but this is the problem with the progressives, they want everything now. they don't know how to work anything gradually. they don't know how work with companies like this is the plan, we're going to start integrating for the next 20 years and hopefully in 20 years we will get to where we have affordable electric cars and posts wherever we want and we work with the oil companies and it's going to be a nice thing. they literally act like the day that ford drove out that first car if progressives were wanting the show, everyone who had a horse would walk but her crop up to and put her down because we are all going to get a car now. that's not how it works. it takes time. >> greg: it's absolutely right, she's a horse murder! >> she would have been! can you imagine her back then, lollygagging with her horse? >> greg: killed a horse! killed the horse!
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kat, you love horses. >> i think they are fine buried >> greg: does she know that you need gasoline and huge machines to go into the ground to get all that precious -- what you call it -- metals that you need for the batteries? does that even cross her mind that natural gas is not going to -- if natural gas goes away, so goes the electric car. >> i don't think she knows a lot of things because she's been in power for so long. multiple decades. so obviously debbie stabenow's life is not good to be like the average person's life. >> greg: yes. >> that's why she should just in general not talk about herself or what her life is like because that's not what she's there for. she's supposed to be a public servant, she's supposed to realize that people have issues that she doesn't have because most of us haven't been in power for more than 20 years and it's not supposed to be about her. she's supposed to care about people having problems. just because she doesn't have them, they be public service is the job for you then.
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>> greg: that's exactly what i said on "the five" today. like you know what, she shouldn't care about baby formula it either if she doesn't have a baby, right? it's not a problem. >> i don't doubt that she doesn't have a lot of problems that other people have. >> greg: exactly. she shouldn't talk about her own personal lives, i told my masseuse that this morning. >> uncles batteries made in china? >> greg: which one? the electric babies? >> i think the patent is still pending on that. solar power where they shut down at night. >> greg: exactly. >> like you wouldn't want your kids to shut down at night. stop it. >> greg: don't play with the electric baby in the bathtub. it's just like a toaster. >> or do... or do. >> greg: last word to you, guy. everybody keeps saying they keep drawing from marie internet, let them eat cake. this is like let them eat tesla's. >> what are you calling her? stab you now? >> greg: stab you later.
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>> ironically both legal in san francisco, for the moment at least. the thing that i had the thought about as you were just talking and the joke about your driver, do you think that woman drove herself for ten hours, really? >> not even a little bit. >> so i would like to know who did the driving on that epic journey and how often they had to stop and recharge, and for how long. because got 100 bucks on intern. >> greg: exactly. >> overheard at the water cooler. >> greg: probably had to drive from d.c. to pick her up. >> or find a green dress to match her shoes. >> greg: i wonder if they had a pee bottle. >> why? >> you always wonder that. >> greg: road trips, i always think about that stuff. you do too when you are at home, trust me. defend me when i get in trouble. defend me when i get in trouble. up next, ball playe
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>> greg: they declined to where the rainbow and it drove a reporter nutso. not quite a rhyme but i will take it. five baseball players on the tampa bay rays, named after ray arroyo -- if only i could say his name. they opted out of -- wasn't even close. they opted out of wearing pride patches on their uniforms at a pride night game honoring lb -- lgbtq pride month to celebrate gay pride. if i say pride one more time i get my own float in the parade with my dancers, hans, clive, and fritz. the baseball players cited their religious -- calm down. they cited their religious beliefs, one of them, jason adam telling "the tampa bay times" it "comes down to a faith-based decision." he said he wants them to know they all are welcome and love
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here. welcome it and loved here, those sound like fighting words. leave it to espn, which used to cover sports, to weigh in on the show called around the horn, which is also the instructions i give to my waxing specialist. >> it's not just about baseball. that religious exemption b.s. which is used in sport and otherwise also allows for people to be denied health care, jobs, apartments, children, prescriptions, all sorts of rights, and so we have to stop tiptoeing around it because we are trying to protect people who are trying to be bigoted from asking for them to be exempt from it when the very people that they are bigoted against our suffering the consequence. >> greg: exactly. choosing not to wear a patch is the same as denying someone an apartment. she squeezed in one more be word before the segment ended. >> it's not just about accepting bigotry within the halls of sports. it's about encouraging people to learn and get educated so that
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changes. >> greg: according to espn, the players are bigots for not wearing the pride patches, which was optional, by the way. so you better do it or they are going to call you a bigot. at espn they are so accepting of everyone who thinks just like them but if you're going to enforce employees to wear patches, make sure it's for a cause that everyone can support. [laughter] >> why? >> greg: i don't know why. guy, i go to you, not because you love men. but because he loved baseball. you love baseball and -- you know, -- is it right to compel people to do things? this is just wrong. it's wrong. wrong, wrong, wrong. you're going to burn in hell. respond. >> you want to talk about wrong, greg? >> greg: yes.
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>> you all, despite my multiple emails on this are not wearing my mandatory celebration pride socks. none of you. not one of you. and you all responded in your own little group text and i know that and you show your pride at -- i will see you there. i thought immediately about colin kaepernick and the kneeling. and we were told that was good and even if it's offensive, too bad, he has a right to speak. compelling other athletes to wear something on their body is, what? i'm just trying to keep straight with the rules are. >> greg: that's a good one. [laughter] speak of the other thing is as a member of the community, it doesn't really mean very much to me if someone is wearing something to make me feel good, but wearing it against their will, it means nothing.
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it's compulsory and it does not help anyone, in my opinion. wear it if you want to wear it, that is good, if you don't, enjoy the game. >> greg: i'm glad you said enjoy the game. >> i'm a baseball fan. >> greg: makes a really good point oh. this is just like the pronoun stuff. if you want to be called something by pronoun, kat, what if -- how does it make you feel if you know it's being forced? like you have to do it or you lose your job? >> yeah, it doesn't make any sense. i think it actually could create more harm because it's creating a false reality. because none of her own things okay, everybody really wants to wear this. i'd rather have knowledge of who does and who doesn't and i think a lot of times these people who push this kind of stuff, i don't know how, but they don't seem to understand that forcing someone to shut up or forcing someone to
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say they agree with you isn't the same as getting them to understand or accept you. so that's your ultimate goal, then that's the last thing you should be doing. >> greg: tyrus, i thought this stuff would die down, but why does the nfl have to participate in everything? >> isn't nfl baseball? they all deal with corporations, sponsors. because i find it laughable that you want to attack a player who's basically saying that while i accept the lifestyle, i just don't want to wear the patch. but you will do nothing about the corporations you work for that will have -- they will put pride flags up everywhere and they will do those things in places where it's accepted and where we are all working towards normally inequality. but they don't do that [bleep] in the middle east. they don't do it in other countries, they don't have the balls to do that, they will come after an attack where it's safe, the u.k., america, where we are all at the table and we have differences, but we are all at the table. and they never ever go after these companies, they always
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pick out like those guys because they just -- they support it, they just don't want to wear it. that's like me coming in here every day in february going to come all right, tell me something great about my blackness. i'm still waiting for my tribute for the 28 days of black history month. i assume that because we get along and we talk over time you didn't have to acknowledge my blackness every after a while, to be honest, gets annoying, you know what i'm saying? it would be different if they were like are not playing the game because i don't support this and they are wrong and they did something like that. than absolutely not. but that's not what they're doing. >> greg: the thing that gets me is the idea that this was "optional," but you can see the fall out if you don't do it. is anything really optional in this new climate? >> it's actually one of the main problems with this is that it isn't really optional. there is the authoritarianism in pleasant and some of these things, but there's also an issue here that i think it's this horrific journalism. i mean, this is -- this is a journalist who is supposed to be covering sports, and it's like this syndrome where people
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figured out where people could make a name for themselves by opining on their absurd political views rather than covering the great talent that they see on the field or come up with interesting stories there, and that's almost as offensive as anything else. >> greg: if the same thing happening at "the washington post" and elsewhere. they are hiring people not for the job that they are doing, but for what they perceive that person at on like twitter or are ticking a box and then what you ask is your actual brand dissolves. espn is not about sports, "the washington post" isn't about journalism, it's about identity, identity, identity. ticking the boxes and everybody is terrified of not taking the right box. and i think i will end on that note because i sound a little smart. almost. coming up, and msnbc host coming up, and msnbc host considers the ev if you've been living with heart disease, reducing cholesterol can be hard, even when you're taking a statin and being active. but you can do hard. you lived through thirty-seven red-eye flights... in a middle seat. eleven miracle diets...
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>> greg: he says crazy whites will cause him to take flight. msnbc host jonathan capehart said he might escape the u.s.
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because of crazy white people. in an op-ed, that is short for something, from wales, "the washington post," he writes things felt so dicey during the trump years i have joked that my husband and i -- wait, what -- might have to reenact that scene from the sound of music and flee the country. now an alarming new report from the southern poverty center shows that my operation fun trap might need to go live, the ranks of crazy white people appear to be growing. crazy white people, you know, the ones who have zero problem with a black man married to another man, but good thing he didn't say crazy white women, then the writing staff, they would have killed him. >> [laughs] >> greg: the report he's referencing claims that nearly seven in ten republicans surveyed agreed to at least some extent that democratic -- demographic changes in the u.s. are deliberately driven by liberal and progressive politicians attempting to gain political power by replacing more conservative white voters. if the one time or republicans took liberals at their word.
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>> a lot of other states are heading towards increasing diversification towards demographic changes that mean a less red state future for them. >> i really think because of demographic changes in this country, i think that the democratic party is going to win texas moving forward in the democratic party is going to be empowered for the next 30, 40 years. >> sort of this long-term project of trying to take some red states across the sun belt and flip them blue as demographic changes are taking place there. >> greg: it was a nutty idea, hearing them talk about how great that would be. but johnny, if you're seriously worried about crazy white people, why not move to canada? but hey ... [scattered laughter] he may be racist but at least he's a liberal. tyrus, i think the title of the column was white black people are afraid of crazy white
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people. are you terrified of me? because i am crazy. and i am white. no. i take that as a no, you are not scared of me. >> boo. you know what, man, this was one of the most shockingly most racist [bleep] i've ever read in my life. just -- it's literally -- is it 1954 and they just switched white and black out? you got to get these whitey's out of our neighborhoods there. they are tricksters and hood winters in the steel and don't let them near your daughter, got to get rid of these white folks, they are breeding like rabbits. down with whitey come up with hope. >> greg: exactly. so i guess you disagree. >> i'm all for it, y'all crazy. >> greg: you know what's crazy are the white leftists that we talked about in the a block that are voting in these people that destroy the lives of minority
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communities. that's where the crazy people are. 80 they should look into that. must be confusing for him to see a lot of dark-skinned people from all over the world clamoring to get in here while he, the overpaid elitist journalist, wants to leave. >> that is always sort of a loophole in the talking points. people who are truly oppressed are desperate to come here and people who are fake oppressed talk about leaving this country. it's a little backwards and tyrus, i don't know, if you're going to go along with operation bond trap here and flee the country, i'm not in favor of that, except it would allow me to unlock my dream of being the most intimidating person on the show for once. except mollie is here tonight. so i would lose. so any chance you're thinking about it? >> well, i'm not a good dancer or a singer so the fact is going to make a musical phrase exit, again, shows how great this country is.
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i'm usually not here on mondays, so that would be her best bet. >> let the bookers know. >> greg: that's funny. all right, it is kind of racist, isn't it, but this is now common currency, you see it on msnbc with joy reid, they can just say white people this, white people that buried it's actually funny if it were a comedian doing it, but it's actually news. >> but it's not funny at all. so much racism, so much hatred, so much assault on people having fun at having a good time that we are hearing from the left and i actually think it's kind of a threat to the country itself. where the greatest country in the world. we are great because people want to come here from all over the world and have been wanting to do that for a very long. lack of time and when you talk this way and teach people that they should hate their country and that it's the worst -- worst place on earth, it creates problems down the line. it really has hurt people's civility with each other. >> greg: i hope it's only in certain silos and the rest of america does not pay attention to this crap. two questions, do you think he will actually, and is he culturally appropriate and white
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people bringing up the sound of music? [laughter] >> no, and yes. i also just think -- it's so annoying how everyone thinks they can be a writer. that's what this was. i read the whole thing and another claim made and it was january 6th was, you know, promoted by racism. >> greg: right. >> of the evidence was -- "the washington post" interviewed everyday people and this guy said this. so the evidence for that was some guy. you usually have to try a little harder than that to back up a claim than just some guy said so, send. and then "the washington post" published this [bleep]? actually i should start writing for "the washington post." >> greg: no! you have to start a new app that's called sources, and it's just like -- journalist gets -- punch in and somebody says what you need me to say, source app.
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>> i'm a professional sourcer. sorcerer? >> greg: write that down! i'm going to make me some extra money. all right, my favorite topic. up next, if you're not getting your sleep nightly, we hit the bike trails every weekend shinges doesn't care. i grow all my own vegetables shingles doesn't care. we've still got the best moves you've ever seen good for you, but shingles doesn't care. because 1 in 3 people will get shingles, you need protection. but, no matter how healthy you feel, your immune system declines as you age increasing your risk for getting shingles. so, what can protect you? shingrix protects. you can protect yourself from shingles with a vaccine proven to be over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix.
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>> greg: we are short on time so here is a story in five words. no sleep makes others ugly her. all right, kat kat, this is confusing, but if you don't get enough sleep, then you find other people less attractive, does this make sense? >> yeah. >> greg: how so, explain? >> because i get a lot of sleep and i think other people are hot. a lot of people, even other people are like, kat, ew, maybe they just need to go to bed. >> greg: i have the same problem. tyrus, you know who finds me attractive? bears. >> the man? >> greg: both. they are hibernating, they chased me down sixth avenue, paws clawing at my supple back, drawing -- >> what the -- is wrong with you? [laughter] [applause] you have lost your mind.
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>> greg: i have. and they are applauding that. >> it's your fault! clap and cheer at all these weird things he says and you do nothing about it. be quiet. this dude is out of control. [laughter] he just said bears dig him and you guys were cool with it. [laughter] >> greg: bret baier likes -- >> if you don't get enough sleep, you are grouchy, or you sleep next to somebody -- you just wake up mad every morning. >> greg: that's true. it's also -- what is your name again, gaia. [laughter] i'm a little flustered. to be honest. this could be -- i might go on twitter and talk about you behind your back. >> it wouldn't be behind my back, it would be on twitter. >> greg: [laughs]
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you are so big, everything is behind your back. [audience reacts] >> each one of you kiss my -- [laughter] you want to get involved. [applause] >> greg: i bet, guy, it is not just lack of sleep's, it is what you do instead of sleep, right, you know what i'm saying? [laughter] it's a good joke, gary. >> i don't understand this story at all. i can understand if you get less sleep, you look less attractive. >> greg: right. >> which is what i thought the story would say, because i can sleep in and expense it. >> greg: exactly. >> but this doesn't actually register with me. >> greg: . >> greg: i imagine, mollie, has to do with as tyrus says, everything will look bad if you're sleepless, so this is just one of those things -- wait, do i have it backwards? lack of sleep makes everything
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unpleasant. >> yeah, lack of sleep makes you grumpy. getting a good night's rest, everything looks good in the world, it makes perfect sense. world, it makes perfect sense. and i got a great night's res daddy, is that where we're from? well, actually, we're from a lot of places. see, we're from here, and there... give dad a gift worth sharing, at to be clear, we have never been accused of being flashy, sexy or lit. may i? we're definitely not lit. i mean seriously, we named ourselves which is kind of lit if we are talking... literal... ha ha. it's why we're planet earth's number one site for booking accommodation. we love booking stuff!
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and we're just here to help you make the best of your vacation. ow... hi... booking.yeah
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5:00 pm
>> greg: great show. we are out of time. thank you mollie hemingway, guy benson, kat timpf, our studio brian: thanks for being here. i'm brian kilmeade and this is "one nation." the former supreme allied commander of nato will update us on the black sea and what's going on. steve stefano is taking risks and he's total


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