tv The Five FOX News June 13, 2022 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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neil will be back here today. catch me on the fox business network 2:00 p.m. eastern time. it's critical. we've got an important meeting on wednesday, but i'll walk you through everything tomorrow, because your 401(k) is going slammed really hard and i don't want you to panic. in the meantime sit back and relax, because "the five" starts now. >> hello, everyone. i'm dana perino, along jeanine pirro. it's 5:00 in new york city. this is "the five." >> is the president running for re-election? >> the president, as you know, has been asked that question many times, and he's answered it. his answer has been pretty simple, which is, yes, he's running for re-election. i can't say more than that. >> the white house responding to the fierce rumor mill
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surrounding president biden's 2024 prospects, after brutal reports, that members of his own party see him as an anchor that should be cut loose. "the times" interviewing more than 50 democratic officials. a current dnc member saying, quote, biden should announce his intent not to seek re-election in '24, right after the midterms." oh, that's my prediction date, isn't it? >> it is. >> president biden getting no mercy from younger members of his party. listen to this about a second term. >> he's saying he's going to run again in 2024. will you support him? >> if the president has a vision, that's something we're willing to entertain and examine when the time comes. >> that's not a yes. >> yeah. you know, i think we should endorse when we get to it. >> democrats set on dumping president biden can point to a
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laundry list of reasons. national gas prices have sky rocked to over $5 a gallon, inflation on everything from shelter to medical care. some feels it's too late to change things around. >> you've seen him change his tone when talking about inflation. democrats were saying, the economy is doing great, the best in a record number of years. people weren't feeling that. why are you telling me it's good when prices are starting to go up? democrats are shifting the message a little bit, to talk more about, have that empathy, but it could be a little too late for people saying we need help now. >> all right. you can see how this is going to go, jesse. >> "the new york times" writes a piece like this. there will 10 more pieces like that before next sunday. this story will last for a while. the difference is, it's not republicans saying biden
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shouldn't run again. now it's coming within the house. >> you have afghanistan, gas prices, inflation. missed two surges. he couldn't cut it when he tripped up the steps three times. now the democrats are saying, according to "the times," we're concerned about biden not being able to ask the democrats. how about the country? they're concerned about holding on to power, not how the country is doing. it's pretty lame. this is everything the democrats campaigned on. they campaigned on getting rid of fossil fuels. they campaigned on opening up the border. this is all the democrats' doing. to turn around and point the finger at joe, that's like joe pointing the finger at putin. it's what they campaigned on. look if they had $6 trillion more, if they had their way, they'd have taken away our
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rifles. right now the democrats are lucky. reminds me of the girl at prom, you ask a girl to prom, and she goes, well, you know, he's got a good personality. i'm more focused on finals right now. >> waiting for a better offer. >> right. when it gets closer to promise, we'll take a look at it. notice her language, "we'll take a look at it." she's speaking for the entire left wing of the party. i think what's going to happen, the democrats will get shredded in the midterms, and aoc will stab him with a knife. if he tries to run for re-election, they'll primary the guy. look what happened to carter, much weakened. bush 41, the third-party action. they didn't want joe to begin with. they wanted a woman. now they're saying, let's get rid of the guy. you know, i'm relishing how this
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is going to play out. >> she might be talking about young people. he's bleeding support from young people. what are you hearing? >> young people don't like politics at all. they don't like the two-party system. they have issues they care about. they're going to look for people that represent them well on those issues, which is why when they vote they vote liberal, because they believe climate change is macadam. aoc does this constantly, and falls in line. she was one of the stronger bernie sanders surrogates, she fell in line, and became a huge champion for president biden on the campaign trail. aoc is the most politicalsy savvy of the squad, and she knows if she wants the right committee assignment, she wants to stay in primetime, that she'll have to fall in line. what's going on, there are
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progressive qualms with what he's doing, but it's the people that wanted him as the choice during the primary, and once he got into power, they have to answer questions about rhetoric that doesn't speak for them or their districts. they're dealing with inflation. they want to talk about how the everyday guy is feeling about the gas prices, what's going on at the grocery store, and feels like the party is off track with that, and that biden is too far to the left, and the left doesn't feel he's gone far enough. he's getting it from both sides. >> if he loses more support from the left, judge, his numbers could go even lower, because that could help bolster him right now. the numbers are pretty low. there's a producer on our show who loves this sound, president biden on whether he's going to saudi arabia. >> oh, love this. >> going to saudi arabia? >> no, not yet. >> what's holding up the decision at this point? >> happens to be a larger meeting taking place in saudi
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arabia. that's the reason i'm going. it has to do with national security for them, for israelis. i have a program -- anyway, it has to do with much larger issues than having to do with the energy. >> is he going? is he not going? >> well, i don't have anything to announce for you today. >> i feel a little sorry for her, because when you can't announce a meeting yet, you're dancing around. the fact that he's even going to saudi arabia, and willing to basically go against what he said in the campaign, but not willing to open up more here in america, is pretty stunning to people. >> none of what joe biden does makes sense. what you've got a party is a ideological so connected, almost like a cult. okay? the democrats don't vote for republicans basically under any circumstances that i know of. republicans will vote for a
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democrat. they'll criticize trump a month after he gets in. the democrats don't criticize joe biden. in spite of the economy, inflation, and everything else, the blame game, and the american public sees through it, they don't buy into the blame game, all the american public wants to know, joe, how are you going to make my life better, and all this guy can talk about is green energy, buying lithium batteries from china, opening up the pipeline for russia so we can buy gas from russia, and making sure he shuts down our pipeline, when we can't afford to go to work, some people. they can't afford to buy food. they can't afford to buy groceries. it's just a mess here. joe biden would have a better shot at it if he didn't depend on other countries for oil, russia opening up their pipeline, china lithium
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batteries. everything he does puts america last. i don't care if they whisper, they don't whisper, it's over for joe after the midterms. >> a lot of that suggest could be their nominee are all joe biden beat in the primary. where is their new blood? >> there is no new blood. that's the problem. they don't have a bench to turn to. they certainly don't have a vice president to turn to in this particular context. who saw donald trump coming in 2014 either? the context of where we are right now doesn't mean that's the entire crop, but there isn't much on the bench, no doubt. this is an order going out from on high, from headquarters. when "the new york times" cites 50 mostly anonymous democratic operatives, almost all of which say joe's got to go, that's a warning shot. they know they can't say it openly before the midterms. can't make him a lame duck right now.
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they know they need a dynamic candidate based on the crop the republicans have. the one variable to consider is the trump factor, because what biden has said is, i'm the guy to run against trump should there be a rematch in 2024. him and his team may attempt to try to make that argument -- i'm not saying it's the right argument -- that would be the only rationale they would want to make. they don't want to lose their catbird seat of power as well. i don't think he goes easily. the clear signs are it's time to turn the page. >> i love the catbird seat imagery. that's one of my favorite words of the day. i'm having a good word day. coming up, the media sweeping the cavanaugh assassination attempts under the rug.
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>> less than a week after the assassination attempt against justice brett kavanaugh, the liberal media has seemed to be move on. they completely ignored the targeting attack on supreme court justice. zero seconds of coverage, focusing instead on the january 6th congressional hearing. >> "the new york times" buried this. >> yeah. >> if this had been a label supreme court justice that someone came to kill, it would have been on the front page. that's what's so disappointing about a paper like "the new york times," because they just wear their bias on their sleeves. if it not part of something that feeds our narrative, [bleep] it. >> as democrats stall on a bill to beef up security for our judges, the "wall street "wall t
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journal," publishing an op-ed, pointing out the vulnerability of these justices to violence. >> it's shocking we're in a situation where, number one, the attorney general of the united states, you know, just pays word homage to the idea, it's a disruption to democracy, when he won't arrest people clearly violating the federal statute. he could arrest those people in front of their homes, but they won't do it. the pain stream media is complicit. we've been saying this for months and months. the truth is that there is in this country a destruction of not just the criminal justice system but of our institutions, and the democratic party is responsible for it. when you attempt to assassinate a supreme court justice, and you have all the tools to do it, and
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they ignore it, the justice, he said, i mean just as bill marr said, if it was sotomayor, forget it, it would be running five days a week. it shows they don't care about justice. it's an ideology. just like the democratic ideology, we're not going to out-joe, he can't walk, can't talk, trips up air force one now. he's cognitively insufficient. >> jessica, zero minutes? is it intentional? is it not worthy of a story? >> obviously they decided other stories were more important. that's something to cover. it matters. there are liberal justices -- you know, i would hope everyone would be treated equally. i think it was a mistake on their part to not at least talk
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about it. there's a bill on this, which i think will go through this week. i don't know about a violation of the law. the guy who showed up to kill him, called police and turned himself in. his gun was not loaded. he did not attempt to enter the house. he saw security and sat down and called 9-1-1 on himself. the but it should have been covered obviously. it's a big story. everybody needs to know that it's happening. fortunately because of how politically radical our country is right now, i'm sure more things like this will happen. >> jesse, is this where we are? this is so central to the democratic narrative. >> it is roe vs. wade centric, but before there was a lot of threats and intimidation against trump supporters and some of the vicious treatment of trump himself. i mean, they threw all of his people in jail. used swat teams in the dead of morning to wake him up and cuff him.
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look at what they did to navarro, shackles and full body cavity search. riddle me this, peter. if a tree falls in the forest, no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? philosophers have been debating this metaphysical question for years, because does it take human consciousness to perceive something to mean it exists. that's what the broadcast networks feel it is their duty to do. if they don't cover something, it does not exist. the hunter's will not does not exist. left wing assassination attempts do not exist. it's a powerful tool. look at the run-up to the election. no one knew about work speed, that we put up a 33% gdp number on the eve of the election. half the country -- i'm talking about the broadcasts. half the country thinks there's only right wing violence.
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right? half the country thinks it's only white mass shooters. there's no black shooters. the other half of the country thinks the biden family is clean and the trump family is dirty. half the country is disoriented and the other half of the country is paranoid and distrustful of the mainstream media. they want us divided. >> of course they do. and we're divided as ever, to the point we're protesting outside supreme court justices' home, and now shutdown d.c. activists trying to literally shut down the court. >> and there's no coverage of what's happening in their neighborhoods, where all these protesters are. one, it's li'l to protest in front of a federal judge's home. i'll day it every day until the attorney general does something about it and enforces the law. law enforcement is not going up there and doing anything about it. neighbors of the cavanaughs were, like, this is our home.
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they're trying to gentle confront protesters and it's become an uncomfortable situation for them. aoc, we talked about her in the a block. she said she ran through the floor of the house in order to block the security bill for supreme court justices. she's so proud of it. i think, well, wow, let's add to that to your resume, let's not pass a single bill, and now is basically preventing the supreme court justices from he get about the help they need. >> she said it was because the gun bill wasn't passed. >> they didn't want to talk that the right had any point they could make about roe vs. wade. >> the amazing part, the senate, they won't take it. >> they'll do it now, because there's pressure. >> absolutely right. and trees do make a sound,
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>> efforts to defund the police have a done on our nation's police force. we've been documenting the mass exodus of police officers across the country. it's continuing in new york city. the "new york post" is reporting more than 1500nypd officers have resigned or retired this year, putting the department on pace
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for a record number of departures. it couldn't come at a worse time as the big apple continues its descent into chaos. take a look at the lawlessness on display right here. a group of men just running, hopping on top of the subway car, putting their lives, a lot of people's lives in danger. now democrats are trying to act like they never pushed to defund the police. busting that wide open in this article. quote, biden's white house hosted several to defund police activists over the past year. judge, that's a lot of retirements. i mean, that's just everybody knows what it's tied to. >> everybody knows what it's tied to. i mean, it is -- you know, biden at the white house hosting several antipolice activists, just an indication -- they were quiet during the summer of 20 20, when black lives matter was
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taking down businesses, police precincts, and there was all kinds of chaos and an narcky, and now all of a sudden when the polls come out and they say, gee, we were never in favor of defund the police, when they denigrated, took the budget, money out of the police budget. look, police officers in new york city have lost qualified immunity. the police have lost a billion dollars in budgets in new york city. they have -- they don't have any of the police power that they used to have. they're not bothering in the anticrime unit, the street crime unit, to go in and stop, question and frisk. i mean, under terry versus ohio, which the united states supreme court said is allowed and justified. they're not even doing it. you know why? because if they touch a defendant or suspect in the wrong mace, they'll lose their jobs, they'll get sued, they'll lose their house. it's a joke. this is all due to the democrats defund the police. i don't know any republicans in favor of it. but now they're going to come
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out and say, oh, no, we need the police. they're very important. oh, you weren't figuring that out when you were defunding them? that's all i have to say. >> some aren't quitting. some are going to long island, to new jersey, where they're treated more respectively, and don't have to deal with the onslaught of depravity in new york city. >> that's a big increase number, 46%. imagine the same amount of people retire every year. that matters. how much money is going to support police and law and order also matters. biden's budget is higher -- i see you smiling, pete, but they're just facts. he doubled his cop hiring program, added 300 new deputy marshals, and we've seen a 10% increase in u.s. assistant attorneys. i'm not denying the fact that
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there's a rhetoric problem, a lawlessness problem. the problem is not joe biden, who, by the way, hosting someone for tea doesn't mean he agrees with their politics. maybe he was finding a way to get on the same page. >> how do you know they had tea? were you there, jessica? >> yes, i was there. >> he was smirking. she name-checked you. >> it's true. >> here's what they have, a morale problem, and that's a problem of leadership, and it goes to the top of the white house. you've got vice president harris telling people to contribute to an albumout fund of riters in the violence of 2020. i'll put it into a military context. if i got the best equipment in the world, but my commander won't support me because there's lawyers surrounding him telling him everybody we capture have to be released three days later,
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why do i want to do my job? i don't, because my life is at risk. de blasio, now adams, the da, they've created a culture, all democrats, all progressives, which creates an antipolice sent invent, incentivizing the police not to be proactive, or they retire. this is -- what is new york city? a giant gun-free zone. the rest of us can't carry concealed to defend ourselves, so you're left alone. >> they're busting guys with guns, and then they're putting them back on the street to get more illegal guns. no one wants to police in an environment like that. >> yet they still trying to do their job. remember the bergdahl mission, when the green berets had to find him, and the whole time knowing this guy was selling them down the river. there's the importance of leadership. the rhetoric problem comes from the top. he can do the money, but will he say the word? there was an interesting moment
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today -- and bret baier did an interesting debate between bernie sanders and lindsy graham. bernie sanders said, you need to answer for everyone denying election result. graham said, what about the people that want to defund the police? stacey abrams saying let's not defund the police. she's running for governor in georgia. she had a huge crime spike in georgia. she's on the board of a group expressed support for defunding the police. there's things they have to answer for. it's not just words, but also actions. will someone like a stacey abrams resign from that group in protest and make a point? will the attorney general arrest protesters outside of brett kavanaugh's home. >> and bernie debated lindsay. >> yes. >> who won? i'm just kidding.
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pete, tell us more. >> thank you very much for this opportunity. hemingway said it happened gradually and then suddenly. covid-19 was that moment when people were greeted with the craziness, whether it's gender pronouns for 8-year-old or the 16-19 project. where did this come from? it's not a product of the '60s. it was a intentional takeover by old school progressives in the early 20th century, who identified the classrooms is where they could take over culture. change the way the youngest think. there's another book called "closing of the american mind," about higher education in the '80s. we're not saying this is equal to that, but this is the k-12 version, saying it's not college anymore, it's the elementary school. the progressives were intentionally removed certain things that were an impediment to their social justice
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projects, that started as early the 1910s, 1920s, when many groups landed on our shores. >> what are those things they avoided? >> the first thing they did is they knew they had to remove god from the classroom. that was a number 1. you go into a classroom in the 1800s, bible was in the classroom, scripture was understood. i know our country has changed, all of that, but they knew if you want to mold the human soul you have to remove the story of human nature, which is basically a biblical nature. western civilization had been crafted that way. our founders had a classical christian education rooted in timeless truth. we've totally rejected that. progressives knew they had to get it with. what did they replace it? the pledge after allegiance and the flag and the word democracy. the original pledge didn't say, "under god." it was written by a socialist, meant to create an allegiance to the state as opposed to a higher power.
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once they did that, they moved forward. of course today what do they care about the pledge of allegiance or the flag. they've rejected that completely. they didn't know where the project wouldn't lead, but now they're pushing their initiative. >> i'll go around the table. go ahead, dana. >> i think it's fascinating, important and timely. one of the things we talked about before the show, we can't remember a time when are education really drove -- it's not the number one issue. it's usually the economy. education is on everyone's mind. do you think going in 2022 and 2024 that the battle for the american mind is on the agenda when it comes to the election? >> it has to be to save the republic. we can't have a republic when we have future kids coming out who don't believe it's good or believe in objective truth. that's why they're going at the youngest of minds. my co-author, david goodwin,
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runs the classical christian association. they're the hope for the future. there's an insurgency starting educationally, but i would say to parents, take a look at your private schools, your elite schools, they're usually the worst. >> how do parents, if they think the school is normal, they don't have time for meetings, what do they look for? do they look for books assigned, do the parent/teacher conference, start interrogating teacher? >> look for the words used. look at what is celebrated openly all the time and elevated. and if it's amplified to the point that you can see it, it's certainly pushed into, not just the curriculum, but they deny the curriculum. it's the 28 in which teachers teach, the lens through which. from the curriculum to the teacher's colleges, i could go
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on forever. columbia university up the street is the preeminent teacher's college in america. who landed there in the 1930s? the frankfurt school. what was the theory? critical theory. it moves through the pipelines of our teachers, then the unions into our textbooks before it ever splashed on to -- >> jessica? >> i'm sure this is wrong with what's my head. i'm just going to ask for people for searching for common ground what's in here that would touch the hearts of liberal parents? >> full educational choice for parents. i think right now our country and our culture is so under siege that parents have to make a choice for their own kids and find a school that fits them. everyone should have access to an excellent education. if you believe in that, we need competition in the educational sphere by letting parents vote with their feet. the dollar should follow the child. right now the unions assume they are the customers for life, and
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>> welcome back. first up, be careful next time you yell at your robot personal assistant. they might yell back. a suspended google engineer claims the company's latest artificial intelligence computer has human-like thoughts and feelings, putting the intelligence on the level of a 7 or 8-year-old child's brain. google reportedly disagrees, and placed the engineer on leave for violating its confidentiality policy. jesse, you look perplexed, but i believe the guy. >> they've been programmed to say their feelings have been hurt, right?
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>> we don't know. >> it's over my head. >> they say they've programmed to be able to build off the baseline information that it has. so it fakes feelings. >> i know people like that. >> here's the thing, how does it know what feeling to fake, like, okay, i can take it or buzz off? >> it can read your voice. did anyone prepare for my block? >> i want to be kind to the visited who was suspended from google, but i don't buy it all. i also don't believe in aliens and the ufo thing. there's always explanations until it's proven different. >> who's flying ufos? >> see, i'm sitting in greg's seat. i want to channel him today and say i told you so. >> exactly. >> greg would say, this was coming, you start fiddling with ai, you're going to get robots
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that can think, and yes, feel, might be 8 or 9 years old right now, but they'll be 40 before the segment is over. twice divorced and ready to go. you never know. >> that's right. enough of that one. do you want my answer? >> no. up next, a pest control company is offering $2,000 to anyone who will let them release a hundred cockroaches into their homes as a way to test out new methods to kill the creepy unwanted home guests. >> just kill them. i don't want to be the testing ground. >> it's innovating the way that you kill a cockroach. would you do it for $2,000? >> no. >> i would do it for $200,000. >> what's your number? what would you do it for? >> 20. >> $20? >> no. $20,000 to $50,000. >> you'd do it in your house? >> kill them right away. >> how do you do that?
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>> inflation is crazy. $20,000 is nothing now. >> yeah, that's right. $200,000. >> out there in the grocery store, $20,000, you need to sound more regular. >> oh, you're telling us? >> you know how much gas is, jesse? >> it's over $5 in new jersey. >> that's right. i'll pay my kids $1 to find a cockroach. >> and you have 20 kids. >> exactly. make it a competition. good business decision for me. >> okay. "one more thing" is next.
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>> tech: cracked windshield? schedule with safelite, and we'll come to you to fix it. ask about ubrelvy, >> tech vo: this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way. she could track us and see exactly when we'd arrive. >> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: we came to her with service that fit her schedule. >> woman: you must be pascal. >> tech: nice to meet you. >> tech vo: we got right to work, with a replacement she could trust. >> tech: we're all set. >> woman: wow. that looks great. >> tech: schedule now at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ # >> dana: time now for one more
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thing, jesse? >> jesse: fox news alert. here we go. california authorities have finally released paul pelosi's mugshot for the dui arrest. "jesse watters primetime" filed a foia and today was the deadline for them to hand over the mugshot and they have handed it over and we're going to have a full expose on how this went down tonight at 7:00. they are still covering this up though. we filed foia requests for the body cam footage, the drunk tank footage. we want it all and they are still covering it up. we are going to keep focusing on that because is he getting special treatment. even more special than hunter biden. you know you and i would never get this kind of treatment. again, follow us at 7:00 p.m. eastern for more on the mugshot sharp. >> dana: and the foia. it's smart. very good. >> pete: one shot. one kill. you are good. metaphorically. filed with one foia.
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>> dana: this week toby keith announced he made yesterday he shared with fans over the last six months he has been battling stomach cancer radiation and surgery. recovering. hopes to be back on tour. i know the judge and i are big fans. also tune in to gutfeld tonight because i'm going to be filling in. >> jesse: oh. >> two exclamation point. jimmy failla, kat timpf, don't miss it. >> pete: that is a must see for sure. i'm going to wish -- all i'm doing is wishing a happy birthday to my 12-year-old boy gunner. when he was probably 6 or 7 camping. he is 12 today. there he is hopefully some day he will be a vikings fan. a good young boy. hoping to raise a good little patriot. >> dana: does 12 feel like a lot. >> pete: 12 feels like a lot. that's my nascar driver denny
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hamlin. moving quick as you guys know. >> jesse: another book plug. >> pete: battle for the american mind available tomorrow in bookstores and any time when you click the link. >> dana: buy it and prebuy on audible. show the judge how to do it tomorrow. >> judge jeanine: tomorrow. >> dana: judge, it's your turn. >> judge jeanine: okay. this one brings new meaning to work from home. check out this crazy video out of england. that's the yvonne the dairy cow who wandered into the office on her farm and took this space over. apparently someone left the door open. she wandered in from the pasture on her own. her. >> david: wright said one of her favorites honors her determination to get involved in the administrative side of things. been there about three days. she is not letting anybody none the farm. she is rather good-looking. don't you think? >> dana: nice looking one. you like pigs. >> judge jeanine: i worked in a dairy, are you kidding?
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>> dana: in he will myra? >> judge jeanine: ever hear of it. >> dana: i did because i know you and you are on my podcast. >> dana: jessica? >> jessica: race car driver splitting his winnings after a be big victory on sunday. team penske score the bonus after con corresponding the sun ceo grand prix at road america in wisconsin. new garden will donate half of that sum to the national chapter of wags and walks which introduced him to his beloved axle. build an adoption center to help thousands of dogs like axle find loving homes. >> judge jeanine: that's so nice. do you have a picture of axle? >> jessica: i don't. or maybe i do. surprise me. i don't think that i do. >> dana: what other shows are you coming up on this week? >> pete: doing a bunch on "fox & friends." and on sean's tonight. sean's special missed episode of miseducation of america special
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four months ago. so much happened on four to five months of lunacy in the classroom that we felt like we needed an update on thats as well. >> dana: subscribe to fox nation and check it out. >> pete: six episodes on fox nation right now in addition to battle for the american mind. >> jesse: do you know how to log on to fox nation, judge? >> judge jeanine: i sure do. i have fox nation. >> dana: castles u.s.a. >> judge jeanine: that means i can't go to europe. >> dana: "special report" suspect next. hey, bret. >> bret: hey, dana. i have fox nation, too. thank you. good evening from boston i'm bret baier. we are coming to you tonight from the edward m. kennedy institute in boston. we're located in a full sized replica of the u.s. senate chamber. earlier today i hosted the senate's project first debate here between south carolina republican senator lindsey graham and independent vermont senator bernie sanders. it streamed live on fox nation. and you can stream it now on demand on fox nation as well. we will have highlights from
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