tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News June 13, 2022 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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you're going to work remote work remote, find new workspaces, find new roads. new workspaces, find new roads. chevrolet i hated my fingers. then i got1c the dexcom.ed o do you think i just glance at my phone and there's my glucose numbers? wow. my agency's dropped over to twenty seven point two. that's a huge victory. good evening and welcome to tucker carlson . says joe biden's publicist justn announced with a straight face he plans to run again in twentys twenty four . we'll address that at some length tomorrow. but first, another crisise in the news. so after the killings in buffalo and uvalde a few weeks ago, yourd begin p to hear people on television talk about something called red flag laws. the government they informed could actually end mass shootings tomorrow simply
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by taking the gunsas away from mass shooters before they commit mass shootings. >> it's not complicated . in fact, it's such an obvious solution that you had to wonder why we weren'twe already doing that . who does want w to prevent mass shootings? we're only a gun lobby everybody else cares about children. so a lototelar of americans not surprisingly now say they want red flag laws and why wouldn't they like supporting black lives matter fightingke climated change or getting the covidin svder standing with the brave people ofrave ukraine? red flag laws seem like one oft those ideas that no decent person could possibly oppose. you want crazy people to have guns. of course you don't. who would so naturally or for red flag laws and in fact we may soon get red flags acrossry the country. so what would that mean if we do? well, two things you should know. first, red flag laws f will not end mass shootings, but red flag laws will end due process. due processss is a simple concey
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,but it's the key to everything that is good about america in our systemm of justice, citizens cannot be punished without first being chargedet c with a politicians cannot just decide to hurt you saw you in handcuffs, lock you in jail, seize your property simply because they don't like how you think or how you vote no beforeo they punish you. they have to t t go through a formal process in which they describe which specific law youou broke and exactly how you broke it. they have tot. prove it for serious crimes as big penalties, the government has to convince a group of gel your fellow citizens first. it's calledloze the grand juryt and this government must convince them that you deserve es be punished or they cannot proceed. o this is new . this is the way we've done things in america for more than two hundred years and it's exactly why we have and have always had the fairest justicehe system in the world. people move this country fromen all over the globe to benefitef from it. but red flag laws will endve this under red flag. . what the government doesn't id anythingve you did wrong in order to strip you of
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your most basic rights. all that's required too punish you is a complaint, possiblysi even an anonymous complaintbl in which somebody says you seem dangerous now that complaint doesn't come fromt a grand jury. it can come from anyone, including someone i who hates yu or someone who simply doesn't like your politics. it doesn't matter because jury will ever see it on the basis of that unproven complaint. youu lose your freedom and your ability to defend yourself . d your family now how could that possibly happen in this country where supreme court has said unequivocally that it can't happen here ? a year ago the supreme court ruled in a case called kornelia vs. strong. police in rhode island hadse seized the personal firearms ofi 68 year old man whose wife had called in a complaint against him after they had an argumentem that man had committed no crime, he'd never been convicted of the crime c and he was judged by doctors to be sane. and yet the authorities took t u away his guns anyway.he he sued under the fourth f amendment and the case wentourtn the supreme court.
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the result was not even close. the supreme court sided with the gun owner in that case in a rare nine zero decision. that means that every justice liberal and conservativeer, agreed that authorities cannot just seize your property or throw you in jailt t because they don't like the way you look or because someone is mad at you. so red flag laws are unconstitutional, period.av we don't need to guess about that . and yet the administration is pushing them anyway. why? because they don't carehy?. how is joe biden able to ignore a supreme court decision from last year? simple. you declared an emergencyhe and does what he wants. he's done ithe before. the white have said the same thing with the eviction moratorium and vaccine mandate last year. it's an emergency. we don'tr. have time for due process. so you can see why democrats love emergencies. nothing gives them more power more quickly. they've declared atrocities. and uvalde in buffalo, ann a emergency unlike the dailyn mass shootings in baltimore. in chicago they run and whose killings therefore assiduously
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ignore. and on the basis of that emergency they can move forward gun confiscation. so the white house nowisca wants congress to pass a lawac paying the states to enactt red flag laws. and here's the amazing part. at least ten republican senators are backingfo this effort from the biden white house and that meanso this is virtually guaranteed to pass. what's the reasoninghe? well, here's one of those k senators, john cornyn of texasor . you have colleagues on the other of any other chamber who are already coming out against this before you even put out a proposal. i'm not surprised some people will not want too touch t this weathertech poll because they're concerned about the politics of. but i think this is a time c where hopefully we can transcend that personal political interest and do what we think will save to me, that's the ultimate goal . we s can do something sensibles that does not undermineno the rights of law abidingng citizens under the constitution
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to keep and bearer. so there are two things to s notice about that sound biteou which is so revealing.rm the first is the use of the term sensible and that is a democratic talking point approved by the dnc b sensible gun safety regulation. so here you have john cornynan taking nancy pelosi's language is doing it on purpose and then you hear him describe anyoneh who disagrees with him. why would you disagree h, john cornyn? well, according to john cornyn, anyone who disagrees with them is quote concerned abouthe the politics of red flag laws, not the wisdom of red flag laws, not whether or not red flag laws areor constitutional c, but the grubbc politics. in other words, saysy john cornyn, anyone who disagrees with me is lowwhwh and ethical. now if you're not used to hearing liberal demagogery like that from republicans, you should know that john cornyn iso not the only one engaging. he is joined in this effort by thom tillis of north carolina. roy blunt of missouri, rob portman of ohio, richard burr of north carolina, mitt
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romney of course of utah. bill cassidy of louisiana, cassusan collins of maine. needless to say, lindsey graham of south carolina, always important for any that idea and pat toomey of pennsylvania, particularly lindsey graham on board the person who encouraged capitol hillsehe police to shoot more trump voters was no problemm with violence whose life is organized around worshiping it, telling you that you can't have a gun. now all the senators whose names we just read , many of whom are retiring, so they're beyond reach. ac voters have the backing of the top republican in the senate, mitch mcconnell. so what exactly are they backing when they back red flag laws where we can take florida's experience as an example in florida, the policeee can seize guns from people who pose a quote, significant danger based on , quote, any relevant evidence, huh? that's it. any relevant evidence?e the law raises some obvious questions and the most obvious is y if you can seize people's guns without proving they committed a crime, why
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can't you imprison them without proving they committed a crime ? if you can take their guns, why can't you take their homes, a empty their bank accounts? you sound alex jones stuff that's just happened in canada. so what stops it from happening here ? weer already know the authoritis are abusing the red flag laws on the books. kendra parris is a lawyer based in florida who specializes in them. we in a recent interview, she said clients are able to hire lawyers have quote vastlye higher odds off getting their firearms back from the government. of course,ba gov laws likepe this always penalize the weakest. er she said courts are takingto a quote better safe than sorry approach to avoidre political blowback and the police are taking advantage of that . so court records show copsom in florida often show up to the homes of citizens to present them with , quote, stipulations. ifee you agree in writing toyo surrender your firearms, you have a chance of getting them back after a year. as it happens, that's a pretty tempting office offer when you have armed people in your living room. but item is and it remains. and again, weha don't need to
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guesss because the supreme court just ruled on this. it's's unconstitutional and it s for several reasons. it's a clear, violation of the search and seizure prohibition of the fourth amendment, but it's also applied unfairly and the people who wrote our current red flag laws admit that in fla new york, for example, assembly member joanne simon co-sponsored the state's red flag quote basically it's all over the place. some admitted places pla have one file and other places for thirty eight filed. sohe how will these laws be applied? well, of course they will be applied along political lines just like everything else currently is in this highly politicized country. so if you don't like someone you don't believe that person will be a target for unconstitutional searchd and seizure, armed authorities showing up in somebody's home a and taking their personal property at gunpoint. and if you doubt that will happen. look at this . this is the guy, the very same member of congress who had with a chinese spy demanding that cops disarm ben shapiro d
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because ben shapiro says things the chinese government disagrees with . this is squaller quote please tell me this lunatic does not own a gun reason no one thousand five hundred and seventy eight that america needs red flag78 laws. xolo wrote that now what would qualify as a trigger for gun seizure in the view of eric swalwell under the red flag was that he supports and now republicans in the senate support. well, here's a video vid that bn shapiro made that swalwell forhi qualifies him red flag lawm . >> watch. if you come to tell me that you're going to indoctrinate my kidsch in particular policy and then i can't pull my kid out of the school and send my kid to school, i want to send them toe that . i can't go to the church or synagogue that i want to go to . and if you make that national policy, not just california polic, i can move but national policy people are not going to stand for that . i nowle have two choices.o one is to leave the country utterly choose to pick a gun. those are the only choicest that you have left me and now people i'm like, oh , this is
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how could you say something like how could you be so extreme? it's not extremes to defend the fundamental rights the constitution was created in order to protect thth these rights. preexist government is rights preexist government. well, actually our founding documents make that point which he is merely repeating but on the basis of effectivelyth quoting the founding documents of the country we live, explo says the police should show up at ben shapiro's house and take his firearms away. doeses anybody the even swallow who is deranged sincerely believe that ben shapiro is a violent threat to anyone? no, of course not. ben shapiro was an ideological threat and an ideological threat is the only kind of threat people like will actually care about. and you knoww that when you look at the laws that they're pushing and the republicans are backing, iff these laws were actually designed to fight gun gun crime, they would among other things, force prosecutors to enforce existing gun lawsin against people who are committing all the murders. and it's not ben shapiro in los
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angeles and many other cities that's not happening and that'se why thosening. criminals openly support the suspect. prosecutor george gascon. watch. i told you last time anyone i've been talking to just before reelect somebody else besides gasko that low life without parole, the death penalty could get the manslaughter. >> manslaughter only carries six , nine , 12 . yeah. so that's just one tape we could play you video as we often do of what's happening in our city. so what's a in looking at is ant of tyranny. so people who are favoredhe by the regime can dote whatever they want. you vote t the right way, commit whatever crimes you want in jail for ten minutes. you're out. go do it again. no problem. baltimore going to happen mass killings on an ongoing basis for decades and no one will say a word. but if you're disfavored by the regime,no punishment is too strong, no infraction too
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small. none of. the gun legislation john cornyn and all these otherf pompous buffoons who are siding with nancy pelosioo support nonu of that legislation would dopp anything about the core problem, which is days like george gascon who are failing to enforce existing gun laws, gun laws that by the way, george gascon himself, to name one example is breaking a whistleblower. ed those officers he was fired for complaining about gas habit of illegally carrying firearms aboard airplanes. so why a haven't the copsla red flagged george gascon and disarmed him and? is anyone going to red flag hunter biden who lied on federal drug form, was a drug addict carrying a legally obtained weapon? no, of course not because red flag laws aren't designedic to punish the politically loyal and that's what you get seems like this in new orleans which the police knew nothing about. >> watch out that they're
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worried picked up. hey, i've got to go vote for the black man. we so hate john cornyn. c will your legislation doti anything about that ? because anybody who's okay with that or what's happening in downtownpe chicago or downton baltimore, gary, indiana or the you pick a city a every day of the week, fix those things, get back to me what the are in my closet in new orleans. the suspect there, jason williams isn't worried about what you just saw wor lase year. his office dismissed more than 60% of violent felony cases60 that came to his office, most of them involving firearms. they just dismissed them. these people worry about gun crime for perspective. the previous administration dismissed only 16 percent of those cases. another source backed d.a. in philadelphia has a similar record in the first half of last year larry. crassest office withdrew orss dismissed. 65% ofed% all gun charges.
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does that seem high? well, it is because in 20 tuffin that figure was just 17% new ideology, new outcome and of course the outcome is more dead people. but this law does nothing about that . it ignores it completely in favor of redefining you as a violent threat and giving the authorities control by the administration the right to march into your house with guns drawn and disarmin you. so what are they ignoring? well, let's see. last year in philadelphia we r saw a record set for homicides00 already this year, more than d 200 people have been shot to o death in the city of philadelphia, which isf a city and it's getting smaller. on friday, for example, a 14 b year old boy wasoy killed in a drive on saturday. a man was shot five times in west philadelphia. do you see that ? is probably on sunday. on sunday night a man taking care of his mother in northf philadelphiath shot in the back of the head. so if you're actually worried about gun crimes, gu atrocities and for the record, we are because unlike d
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lindsey graham, we actually hate violence. you would do something about this and a punish the people who are committing gun crimes. but no, they would prevent you from defending your family from buying or holdingur. why is that ? well, we don't need to guess because they're telling us watch what the attorney general of the united states and just this guy actually is the attorney general. he's more than a craven political act. he runs the doj.oj watch him describe mr merrick garland, atthe biggest threat facing this country today in the fbi's view, the top domestic violence extremist threat comes from racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists, specifically those who advocated for the superiority of the white race. >> that's just a totalke liehat' actually . and we have numbers to prove it. but you know, it's why there's no justification rationally forj what merrick garland just said. it's ridiculous. it's an obvious untruth. majoryone living in a city knows that . so why do they keep telling
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that ? well, because nothing the bush administration is doing and nothingni is happening in congress right now will actually address gun violence. that's not the point. john cornyn. the point is to allow the democratic party to become even more powerful and if it feels like it to send its armed agents to raid the homes of ben shapiro and other disobedient people, the democratic w party doesn't like red flag laws are not what they seem. very few republicans wouldn't say that out loud. ericic schmidt is one of them. he's the attorney general in missouri and we're happy to have enjoyed his brinjal. thank you so much. for coming on . so you t i think you can see your steeped in this, but for people who are not the idea that you would justt stop a mass shooting before it starts is it seems appealing and rational. tell us why red flag laws are problematic as the left would say. well,. the first thing is the senate republicans need to back away from this dangerous dance with gun grabbing denuke democrats. that's the first thing that needs to happen because this i a very dangerous road
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to go down and you'd be eviscerating two fundamental rights a second amendment right and the right to due process along the way. butt the red flag laws are nothing more than a green light for gun confiscation. w and whyor in the world would we give more power? in the same people who are willing to arrest folks in the name offe safety and emergency for taking their kids to a playground during covid and lockingo downm businesses and creating a ministry of truth. by the way,in which was going to tell people what they could saye and when they could say it coordinating with the government to cancel people.e. and we've been told,we tucker , for years now that words are violence. why wouldn't we believe that these folks are going tola weaponizes red flag laws to punishg their political opponents? it's very obvious that's exactly what they're going to do. youoi eviscerate all these protections that we hold sacredy in this country. and so we need to make sure that we t actually doesn't happen because red flag lawshin are very dangerous. i can't believe the republicans are going along with the itdemocrats here . their answer tons every question
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is gun control and this is not the road to go down. i mean, it's very dangerous. so nicely attorney general citizenry, i appreciate you coming thank ight. thank you . thanks. tucker was dangerous is when the spread between the government and the people getsrportedly represents too wide. so republican senators are for what you just heard, how many republican voters are for it? not toohe many when they find ot what it is that makes the country unstable. democracy keeps the country strong and calm and the second voters think they have a recourse and the people they elected to represent them don't care about them. things get crazyut and, which is what you're seeing been crazy and volatile. the stock market plummeted today. what does that mean foror t a the country and for you folks? interest is on that story for us tonight. straight talker, the definition of a bear market is when anth index drops more than 20% from a recent high today the s&p 500m fell three point nine percent. it's now down 22% for the year and the bears are roaming.
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in fact, of the five hundred components that make up the s&p 500p, four hundred ninety five of them were down today. so how long does the bear market last unknown? butur during the great recessio, more in a decade ago. it lasted five hundred , seventeen days. today's drop is all because the inflation report came in higher and hotter than expected and to slow down inflation and bring down skyhe high prices. the fed is talking aboutg raising interest rates in rapid succession, meaning by the ende of the year rates couldte jump by two point five percent, the highest increase since the mid 1990s. and that is an indication the fed is running scared because raising rates ends upng costing jobs and causing pain. speaking of pain, if you have money in cryptocurrency, you likely know bitcoin is down 67% from its high back in november. and while the markets point down, the president points elsewhere. >> look, i'm doing everything in my power to blunt putin's
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price to bring down the cost gas and food. c but considering the markets and his approval numbers are pretty much moving in lockstep, the blame game does not appear m to be catching on . finally, there is one index that is rising every single day. the volatility index upolat 110y percent since january . that means investors haveth extreme anxietyat over the futue economy. and by the way, outside the window gas seven dollars and twenty seven cents a gallon . the unbelieve proskauer, thanks so much. criticism well, i think says y record inflation as you just heard, joe biden can actually do something about it. it definitely is our who has a plan to lower inflation. plus, a new report shows the number of children identifying as transgender in americaf sh is skyrocketing,t born that way. obviously this is propaganda at work.
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long before bass pro shops was a household before we sold boats and gear for hunting camping before the two shelves of tackle in the back of the family store, before the early mornings and the short nights before the first road trip, even the first tournament before all of that there was fishing there was dad only on this father's day. here's to your dad. this is the life of rock embedded with his rock band on this tour. get a better understanding of how exactly he lived, how he became. nobody i'm beholden to is of
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something very different to make us stronger and so we hear every single day that kids t who become transgenderen transition because they're reverting to what they really are. they were born that way. butt the numbers don't support that conclusion at all. a new report from ucla which analyzed cdc surveys shows
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that the number of young people who identify this trend gender doubled in the past several years. now what's interesting is that blue states, liberal states on average had farst more children identifying as transgender. for example, three percent of young people in new yorkxamp y l themselves trans. that compares to zero point six percent in wyoming. so what is causing this ? well, one of the only reasons we're having this conversation in the first place is because a woman called abigail schreier was brave enough to raise this issue. and an amazing book called irreversible damage too the transgender cray's we've had her on many times alwaysn wanted to have her back. abigail, great to see you. so what do you think? these these numbers are kind ofn astounding, but they they don'tg suggest a natural cause are born that way cause they suggest social influence. cause to me anyway. absolutely. if this were organic, we would expect to see it evenly distributed across the population. population we would see it without respect to viewpoint or politics of the locality and we would see women in their 60sri
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and 70s suddenly discovering and admitting their transgender statusns. right. you would see women in their 70s saying now that the stigmann is gone, i can announce i'm transgender. we're not seeing that at all. we're seeingg that among the same population that falls for every social contagion and is subjected to the most peer influences teenage m girls. and this week even the new york times had to acknowledge it. so your perspective on this makes you particularly dangerous to people pushing y us because they can't kind of dismiss you as a hater. you're clearly motivatededop by your concern for the young people who are being caught up in this. po what'sns the response when you reasonably and rationallyy lay this out to people on the other side? well, obviously i've gottenf quite a bit of hate, but you know, it doesn't nobody any, you know, help to lie about this . and the media has participated in nonstop whitewashing of this issueed as if all l that happens to children is that as long as they have good parents love them, you justth
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sprinkle magic pixie dust and they go from girl to boy. c in fact, what you're setting them up for is a lifetime of infertility, dysfunction and surgery after surgery, many of which fail. and the last thing i'm going to do is lie to the american public about that . so we're just a documentaryit on this, as you know, because you are part of it. it's called transgressive. and in the episode that we're putting together right now, we e spoke to someone who went through the process of transition as a child and then decided to a transition. her name's helena kershner. it's a pretty amazing story. >> here's part of her interview with her. but i decided to call myself a demi girl, which is one of the 40 million genders and that basically means i'm mostly a girl butut i i'm a little bitt a girl, which is just like t what does that even mean? and then after that i went to t demi boy and then after that iha went to gender gender fluid and after that i eventually went to trans boy. t all this took like two or
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three years of just going through this repetitive cycle of changing this identity and changing it again. and it was just never enough. there is a lot of hopelessness for a long time. a lot of regret. the feeling of regret was intense. amazing story. so abigail, you've interviewed an awful lot of kids who've gotten caught up in this and then tried to leave it is that thereit resemblance to kids you've spoken to? absolutely. i wasken the profile of helenar my book and one of the storiesd that haunted me was that she told is how easily she was able to obtain testosterone on a first visit to a clinic. and this is a young woman, you know, she's a brilliant young woman and she's written nowe in granular detail about how no adult who helped themselves out
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as an expert put up any safeguards. ansition whi they just rushed her through this transition which she now regretsch and the number of youg people who regret their medical transitions is exploding whenhis country. when i first wrote my book, there were seven thousand members of the online group the sub reddit devoted to transition or people who regretted their transition and wenteopl back . that number is now up 400 percent from when i wrote my book 4. so young people are coming outds the regretting this and they were given no safeguard by the adults who were supposed to know better and someone should letne them speak. been suppressed. c so that documentary comes up, by the way, next month in july t and we're proud to do it.ig and abigail plays a big role in it. i've a great speech. i thank you so much. thank you . so are leaders obviously using january six to crackdown on their political opponents? the fbi just arrested a republican candidate for governor in michigan, currently the lead republican in that race and they call ray kelly because he was at the capitol on january six .
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who used to round up before their cancer diagnosis. if you are loved ones, use roundup ready killer and were diagnosed with non hodgkin's informal after two thousand one hundred five nine three one family nine nine just minutes we could find out if you qualify somehow in the last presidential election joe biden got 12 million more votes thanio barack obama who wasas the secod coming of as you remember, 12 million more votes. how'd that happen exactly? well, today at the latestg, january 6th hearing liz cheney lwill explain shut up. say a word about mail in balloting and her immoral watch. >> the president understood even before the election that many more biden voters had voted by mail because presidentm trump ignored the advice ofai his campaigngn experts and told his supporters only to vote in personote. former president trump's planla to overturn the electionn relied on a sustained effort to deceive millions americans.
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>> but he betrayed the trust of the american people. he ignored the will of the voters he lied to his supporters and the country and as a resultry of his loss w decided to wage an attack on our democracy, an attackac on the american people by trying to rob you of your voice. and ur democracy, trump is bad. thanks, mom. new messagedede from the democrc party . but what's the answer? reassure us that the last. election was on the level. now this show trials not reassuring w this whole effort of course, isa and is an attempttt to punish anybody who challenges the reigning orthodoxy. ryan kelly learned that the kelly is running for governor in michigan. one pollll had him leading the republicans running for governor of michigan. was a you just rested lastt weekon because he was at the capital protests on january one to talk to him internment camp kelly , thanks so much for coming on . so just to get the factual stuff right out, did you
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commit a crime on january six ?i there was no crimeme committed, tucker . no, never enteredmitted, the cal building exercising my first amendment. those of us that have questions about the twenty twenty election result,t, they want to intimidate us and a they want to threaten us , not just mee and my family but my supporters as well. all of us that love america. so the government doesn't typically arrest leading candidatest in gubernatorial races unless they have you on video accepting cash and putting your freezer something which iser not the cae here . were you surprised s. that fedel agents showed upts at your home it was definitely a surprise. he i think that it's a narrative that the democrats have been npushing because of their failed policies in regard to energyesrg yand regard to all of the things that matter to americans. a and wemerica see this continuedt wing agenda being pushed and this january six committee ,i think a lot of americansmi
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see right through this,s, tucker . they understand what the democrats are up to t and it's not a bighe deal to them. they want to know what the what a government is going to do tong actually do the things that are hataffecting their day to day le to bringan solutions to our stae and to our country. and so we see just this continuation of the left pushing further left in common sense, reasonable people like myself stepping up to make sure we save our state and our country and bring relief to americanamer families. but i mean arresting people seems i mean that's a brand new frontier in american politics from what i can tell in you aren't doingg anything different. in fact, you're doing thingss that seem much less criminalng and say ray epps, who has not been arrested and there are many others who are on videos standing where you're standing were not arrested. do you think there wasal a political motive here in arresting you as a candidate? absolutely a political motive. just 12 hours before i was arrested, joe biden was t on jimmy kimmel saying that he's going to arrest his political opponent. there's no coincidence in the
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timing of this ,ce i tucker .li it's right in alignment with all of this political areter that the democrats pushing with their genetics committee. and there's there's no coincidence n here . h and you know, like you said, some of the polls are showing p that i'm winning. d the support has been tremendous. we see new polls now where my lead has grown substantially and i take that as a sign gratitude to my supporters for all ofal the things that they'vu stepped up and helped with andsw just a reason for me to work g twice as hardet to get my messae out there so i can serves the great people of michigan as our next governor. so you're running? oh , that's i'm running. a yes, sir. and then ryan kelly , thank you for moving forward. we intend to win on january and hopefully still there. yeah,re i appreciate it. thank . we intend to win on on 2nd ofn august and again in november making gretchen whitmer a one term governor . we'll be watching. >>thank so inflation is so higha
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that people in rural rural areas can't afford tore mow their lawns. gas costs too much. what can be done to solve this or at least make it better? you have some ideas after the break. branch we don't make money like everyone. we make it better. we prioritize the best quality not thread count the sauce. the fine is 100% organic cotton to make the top 10 most luxurious fabric on our representative on the way home should be branches made a difference. you can sleep better at night. experience the difference at bowling branch .com when it comes to real estate agents experience matters the best agents know how to market your home or top dollar and navigate through a complex transaction and ideal agent. we created our smart solar system with top rated local agents to sell your home for as low as a two percent
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what you want to get your music knowledge does what i heard you can watch it tonight . going to make me on mondays on fox and watch it on hulu when you can't watch. listen to the latest news business news headlines on sirius any time anywhere on fox news on your own them america is listening 1%. how about we use more of our own oil here n advocate if
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you have londoño. so the official inflation by definition is the fraction of the actual inflation rate that you experience. but the official one is at o eight point six percent for the twelve ending in may of 2020 two economists now saying it's going to go higher. some are predicting inflation will exceed nine percent very soon. at the same time s the stockke market and the bond markets are tanking simultaneously that rarely happens.ay interest rates up, way up. d what doo we do about all this ? how do you make it better? brian randall is a senioroi fellow at the manhattan institute. on he joins. us today. thanks so much for coming on . how would you rather and justld blaming putin, what would you do to to make this better? i can give you nine things we w can do on inflation right now cut government spending, encourage oil and gas explorationte and the student loan payment moratorium, repeal tariffs, repeal by americaby prevailing provisions repeal
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davis bacon prevailing wage rules, repeal new ethanol rules the president has put intone place repeal new environmental restrictions on infrastructure that raises costs and suspend the jones act and opensepe shipg on ports. that's's nine things congress and the president can do right now they're doing none of them. can you think let's just pick one . i think it was numberha six ethanol can you think of anything that will make food prices go higher than burning more corn in people's cars likei what would be the justification for doing this ? it's insane. it'soi a giveaway to put it in gasoline. it's supposed to be better for the environment. but what the administration did is that instead of having 10% 1ethanol, you can now have 15%a ethanol, which is a bigrn giveaway to corn producers. anythingt you buy that has corn in it will now be more expensive when you go to the grocery store. so if you hav a food and fuel crisis and you raisehe the ethanol mandate which doeslp
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not help the environment in point of fact, you're like doing this on purpose. yeah, it's p really a complete terrible policy and there has been a big push to weaken this for years w. but you know, what we're seeing with the president is virtually all of these solutions wouldng anger either unions,err manufacturers, farmers, e progressive spenders or clean energy sr c and the president it willing to cross any ofue his constituent groups. so insteadntnt we just get emptn rhetoric on inflation like putin's price hike. yeah,fl i don't think putin isng signing executive orders designed ord to raise prices in america. it's insane. i appreciate your perspective. thank you . .thank you . so one of the reasons you get the same answers to these questions is the same people are working on them. congress is full of people who are exactly the same. they're from the same world, rt same attitudes. the parties actually don't have that muchiet mu that separates m this year you're seeing a buncho of candidates who are from a completely different world and one struck us as very
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different. liz caruso is running for congress in the 2nd district of maine. a primary isng coming up tomorrw and she's from a completely different world this christmas. thanks so much for coming on tonight. so you are not not a lawyer. you're an engineer who workedgi stas a registered maine guide and home schooled your children for twelve years. that'srs not the background of most members of congress. why are youou running? well, that's exactly whyo i'm running. we need to bring a real name perspective down to d.c.. mainers are looking for someone who they can identify with , stg who understands the strugglesg t they go through on a daily basis, whether it's filling up their gas tank, their oil tank, their children in school. you medical freedom having to choose between their livelihoods and their health. they need someone who will fight for them hea, who will upd their constitutional rights and be a voice in dcal if they don't have right now. so you live in a tiny district so small does notnc a convenient store. right?
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okay, are people in your town ketanji main talking at the gas station rever about january 6th? are they talking about gas and food prices? exactly. you know that dc politician are so out of touch with what mainers are going through every dayev? th they areey they are struggling with the very issue that you're talking. s they areon not looking at what happened on january six . yes. anit's interesting that you are running from the state that's heavily rural but dominated by one city, portland, just like oregon. and you wondergo i mean doesn't send more people to congress who represent the way a lot of people in maine actually live. why there arell lawyers who go o well, i tell you what's happening right now at this time it's so excitingat. we are in a grassroots revolution because of my campaign. people are coming out of the woodwork because they finally have someone that theyyfit t can trust, somee who is genuine and authentic that understands them.
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and if g they can get behind, ve i have people who have neverve been involved in the political process beyond the voting booth. they are out knocking on doorsre . they are putting out lawn signs. they are excited about my candidacy and they're they're hopinggy that i can be the one who represents them. so t really quick, you said you home schooled your children all the way through all the way. through when you first start, doing that . twelve years ago it was like a fringier prospect. now it feels like maybe you're vindicated. you feel vindicated by your decision to have all the things that i've done. i've been a small business owner and engineer and the selectman of my town leavingy- my career to be a stay at home mom and homeschool my kids is the most rewarding, fulfilling and captivating experience of my lifeca. and i know that our children are the future of this next generation. they arere the future of our nation and we need to make sure that we equip our children with everything they can have to be successful c and prosperos because they're the next leaders, the next parents,
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business owners and problem solvers. and if we are engaged and empowering them to succeedy ,they're exactly what we need is crucial. great to meet you. thank you very much. well, not a lot of people leaveo bstheir jobs in hollywood to become activists and social media, but rogova handly better known as drano, did exactly that yourself. the call t pastoria this is the life of a star house tonight . know what tucker meets? kid rock gets a better understanding of the man and how he became on cancelable. there's nobody i'm beholden you can't have tucker carlson original life of a rock star kid rock streaming now exclusively on fox nation
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robert o'hanley is a very popular person on social media.w butas back in 2011 he was a law school graduate of chicago working in the entertainment law. then a few years later, trump was electededai. he realized that his life hadd to change. we talked to hims about how his life did change for brandnew episode tucker carlson today. here's part of it"tay 80% ostracizing people that disagree with them and harass them. call the names further embolden fume to go out and be a stronger voice for this stuff and now i have millions of followers and i use fuel from that unfair treatment to advocate for others becausese i'm actuallyy pretty lucky i have have an o outlet and a voice. so many people are targeted and harassed and bullied t and mistreated at school at the workplace and so i try to be a voice for them so that i can say the things they're not allowed to sayth. r:
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great conversation, deeply sincere person g can stream the entire thing tomorrow morning. well, that's it for us today. we are completely out of time back eight p.m. every so that's a sworn l enemy of lying pomposity, smuggestyimu and group think hae a great night with the ones you love. sean hannityty is next . all right. thank you , tucker . and welcome to hannity. and tonight, the price of the pump is yet at another all time high. in fact, gas prices now have hit new record highs for 17 consecutive days. no end in sight. the national average for a gallon of gas is now well over five dollars a gallon. five dollars and ten cents, by the way, diesel that costs even more now despite what biden and his fellow administration would have you believe, there's no mystery surrounding why we have spiking gas prices. let's begin with a very important reminder when someone tells you you know something especially on the campaign trail,
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