tv The Faulkner Focus FOX News June 14, 2022 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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problems it's a joe biden problem. a communications problem is when his mic doesn't work. a joe biden problem is when it does. >> dana: it was all right. greg gutfeld is back today. don't worry, everybody. >> bill: nice color, too. >> dana: "the faulkner focus" is up next. here she is. >> harris: this is our america limping its way through an economic meltdown. the dow jones is now lower than the day president biden took office with inflation raging, gas prices surging and people struggling to pay for the basics. the president is expected to speak shortly. you can see the lectern there at the afl-cio conference where he will be. we haven't been given a lot of detail about what biden will say but we do know his remarks are about the economy. he will need more than the white house spin and talking
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points today. the numbers are dismal on the economy and the reality is, too. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus". let's take a look at the dow. again, this has to do with how investors feel now. we dipped into bear market territory. we're no longer running with the bulls and while we don't talk all that much fancy talk on "the faulkner focus" in terms of money, what it means is your nest egg that you may get through your 401k on your job is not doing what it should be doing right now. don't plan to retire tomorrow. the experts are saying as well that investors are nervous because they can't figure out what's coming next. they know that this could be a predecessor for a recession and a pretty strong one. and that this is happening much more quickly than what the white house and the biden administration had promised america. the treasury secretary janet yellen recently apologizing, as
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if that would matter. we need action now. what does that look like? the fed thinks they can fix things. hang on. the key indicator that you are looking at right now plummeted more than 800 points yesterday closing lower again than before biden stepped up to lead the nation. that paved the way for another interest rate hike from the fed sparking fears of a possible economic recession. they're talking 75 basis points, the fed is. wall street now in bear market territory for another day. that's the cover of the "new york post" saying it's looking grizzly. the white house is clearly committed to spinning, defending the president. watch. >> president biden once bragged about the stock market hitting record after record after record on my watch. how about now? >> meaning the stock market --
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>> all the gains from president bidden's time in office have been wiped out. >> the american people are well positioned to face these challenges because of the economic, historic gains that we have made under this president. under this president in the last 16 months. >> harris: arizona congressman andy biggs is in "focus" and you know he is bringing some facts. first, though, i want to go live to peter doocy at the white house. peter. >> harris, you heard a little bit there. white house officials insist the economy is doing fine and they sound more and more frustrated that americans are not buying that. >> if you say americans are well positioned to weather this stock market decline, what is the president's message to somebody who might want to retire but their 401k is getting wiped out? >> so we know that high prices are having a real effect on people's lives. we get that and we're
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incredibly focused on doing everything that we can to make sure that the economy is working for every american people. >> no questions for the president today. if we want to know his plans to listen to a speech that is going to start imminently. >> harris: and right now. peter doocy, perfect timing. he is smiling. not a lot of people are. he is in a very friendly location. afccio represents 12 million workers and 60 unions. let's see what happens after he starts talking about where we are in the economy. we'll watch together. >> president biden: i'm standing here today as your president. i really mean it, i owe you from the very beginning of my running for office back when i was a kid it was labor, unions made a difference. at the time we were a right to work state and changed that, too. i've never forgotten not only what you've done for me, but how importantly it mattered to
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me and to the country, to our country what you've done for the country. and i want to thank liz for being such a good friend for so long. the first woman to lead the afc, cio. [applause] started out as an organizer and never stopped. congratulations, liz and congratulations to fred redman the secretary treasurer as well. [applause] i hope your daughter if law knows she is now into a union family. anyway, look, i know this is bittersweet for all of us. it is the first convention without rich. he was not only a ledgerary labor leader he was a close friend to me and so many of you, a true friend particularly there when things weren't going well he was always there. above all, he was an american
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worker. no matter how high he rose through the ranks, he never forgot where he came from. we use that phrase all the time. never forget where you came from. he never forgot where he came from or what this work is all about. before rich passed he gave me -- [applause] he gave me the highest compliment that i've ever gotten in my life and i mean it sincerely. he called me what your president did the most pro union in president in history. i commit to you as long as i have this job i will remain that. [applause] folks -- thank you. i've got to tell you nothing
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has made me prouder than that. that's why i made this year we put a former union president in secretary of labor. [applause] marti walshe. marti. he is going to learn how to speak english but he is real. i kid him all the time. i'm joking. he knows what he is doing. marti was here yesterday and he is doing a hell of a job and he fights like hell for us all. just yesterday -- [applause] just yesterday i had a conversation, a zoom conversation, with our next senator from this state, john fetterman. [applause] if you're in a foxhole you want john with you, man. i know he can't wait to get back on the trail. he is looking good. no bigger, stronger voice for working people in the state than john. certainly no bigger one for
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that matter. look, we're also joined here today by three great members of congress who flew up with me. brendon doyle. donald norcross and mary kay scanlon as well. [applause] by the way, they have all been there when the votes were tough. those are tough to stay with you, they were there and great champions of unions and stacey abrams is here as well. by the way i will ask you all a favor. help her in georgia. help stacey abrams in georgia. [applause] three things i learned about early on, one, she is loyal, two, she is capable, and three, she is smarter than you, me. she knows what she is doing. so folks, please help her out. folks, thanks to all of you for coming along and we have come a
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long way in a short time. you remember when our economy what it looked like before we took office? 3,000 americans were dying every day from covid. 20 million americans had lost their jobs. in fact, so many americans lost their jobs that my predecessor became the second president in history to leave office with fewer jobs in america than when he took office. but you stepped up. the other one, by the way, was herbert hoover. just remember, remember those long lines of cars stretching miles back waiting for a box of food to be put back in their trunk? wasn't just poor folk. it was working class folks, middle class folks. a lot of pretty nice cars in those lines. while it was going on, america created more -- more billions during that crisis than any year in history. talk about a contrast.
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ordinary people getting -- waiting in line for an hour for a box of food and the policies in the past created more billionaires than ever in american history. folks, it's hard to believe but it is true. that's what we inherited. then with your help we went to work with an economic vision that looks out from scranton, pennsylvania, hard working towns all across america, not down from wall street. with a stl didn't build this country, the middle class built this country and unions built the middle class. [applause] i'm not joking. without unions there would be no middle class. that's a fact. by the way, there is a reason you are the best-trained workers in the world.
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that's not hyperbole. if bankers went on strike not a lot would happen. guess what? i tell it to my buddy, ibw strikes everything shuts down. all of you go down the road. i'm serious, no, you guys don't understand and i don't think you appreciate how critically important you are. i'm not trying to be nice to you, it is just a fact. folks, we need an economy growing from the middle out and bottom up, not the top down. because i know when the middle class does well everybody does. the wealthy do very well. they are never hurt. but i also know too often we have had an economy where the wealthy do better and better while the middle class gets left behind. so we went to work to change
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that and started with the american rescue plan. helped 41 million people put food on their table. they had trouble putting food on their table. put money in the pockets of hard working americans who were in trouble being thrown on the street because they couldn't pay their rent. through no fault of their own. it gave them what my dad used to call just a little bit of breathing room. the next step was a bipartisan infrastructure law and now not only is the infrastrk tour week we've arrived at infrastructure decade. [applause] people are going to see a lot of it. we have to remind them where it is coming from. we announced nearly $3 billion this year to improving more than 3,000 airports across 50
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states this year, this year. we announced $5 billion so union workers to build a national network of electric vehicle charging stations. that's the largest investment in public transit in american history. more than the entire amtrak system was started. $20.5 billion. [applause] >> the people we come from like when president obama used to give me the good assignments. i remember one day he walked in and said fix detroit. okay, no problem. you think i'm kidding, you think i'm kidding. what i didn't realize i didn't know a lot about the cities, not detroit. the vast majority, the people living in the city their jobs are out of town because they aren't doing manufacturing in towns anymore. out of town. so you have a rail system for them and a freight system and
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bus system and changed it, it's growing and create more good jobs using products that are made in america and folks, it's also going to reduce pollution while it's making us safer for folks to go to work and get to work every day. what all this means for all of you is a simple proposition. i remember us having this discussion, old buddy. when i think global warming i think jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, good paying union jobs. jobs you can raise a family on. jobs you can't be outsourced. look, the infrastructure law is about more than rebuilding our infrastructure. it is about rebuilding the middle class and that's why we made sure the law included significant labor protections. for example, i sense an overwhelming funds are subject to requirements that the union has to do it. [applause]
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it's not just because i want to help unions. it's simple. you are the best in the world. if we're going to build infrastructure, what i always find we don't talk enough about and not take the time today, but you know what? you don't just decide you want to be a pipe fitter or an electrician or whatever else you want to pick. it takes you four or five years of hard work. like going to college. fortunately you have the union-paid -- you get paid to do some of it but my point is people don't realize and i see every place i go and heard me do it in chambers of commerce, the best-trained workers in the world. so folks, rebuilding our country will earn a prevailing wage and should. another thing the law does, it helps expand registered apprenticeships. remember business was saying we'll take care of the
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apprenticeships. bless me father for i have sinned. come on, man, come on. union partnersships allow workers to earn while they learn. it matters, because laying a strong foundation for the future of this country is about more than having strong roads and bridges. it is about making sure that here in america folks who work hard can live their lives with dignity and respect. that's why i continue to call on congress to finally pass the pro act to make it easier for workers to organize. [applause] you know, when franklin roosevelt passed nrlb it didn't
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say you can't have unions, it said we should encourage unions. the big difference. and look, i'm not just saying it to be pro union. i'm saying it because i'm pro-american. folks -- [applause] that's the approach i've taken to build this economy. what has to be done, what we brought down covid deaths by 90%. we opened schools and businesses that were shuttered. all -- all created the greatest job recovery in american history. people don't want to talk about it these days but it is true. since i became president we've created 8.7 million new jobs in 16 months, an all-time record. [applause] even last month 390,000 jobs.
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and 600,000 new manufacturing jobs. they said manufacturing is dead in america. look, folks, our unemployment rate is near historic lows and 3.7%. millions of americans are leaving -- i love these guys talking about the guy left my employment went to another job. because he got paid more. [applause] isn't that awful? isn't that a shame that they got to compete for labor? better paying jobs, for better jobs for them and their families. it's been a long time since that happened in this country but it is happening now. and it is working. since i took office, with your help, families are carrying less detonation wide. they have had more savings nationwide. more americans applied for new
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small businesses last year than ever before in american history. [applause] 5.4 million new small business applications. jobs and companies are coming home again. we're making buy americana reality, not just a slogan. i award no contracts from the federal government unless they can prove they bought it in america. by the way, the public likes to portray me as a big spender. under my predecessor the deficit exploded rising every single year. and all the benefit going to the top 1% basically. under my plan, last year we cut the deficit by $350 billion
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doing all this. [applause] they want to talk about biden wants to spend more on schools and all this. guess what? he will create a deficit. ladies and gentlemen, this year by the end of the fiscal year, we will have cut the federal deficit by another $1.6 trillion. in one year. one year. [applause] so when they come to you and talk about big spenders, let them know almost $2 trillion in deficit reduction. i don't want to hear any more of these lies about reckless spending. we're changing people's lives. [applause] and because of the fact this year we are delivering are biggest deficit reduction in the united states of america.
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[applause] look, the point is this. under my plan for the economy we made extraordinary progress and put america in a position to tackle the worldwide problem that's worse everywhere but here, inflation. it's sapping the strength of a lot of families. i grew up in a household not far from here in wilmington where the price of a gallon of gasoline went up was the conversation at the dinner table. it mattered. it mattered to my working family. it mattered, the price of food went up. the problem is, the republicans in congress are doing everything they can to stop my plans to bring down costs on ordinary families. >> harris: we've gone from the president in a very friendly room. i told you the afl-cio would be very friendly. these are union workers and he
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just touted that he is the most pro union president in american history. so that is a love fest. what we were watching for was whether or not the president was going to talk about details today. the money that the markets are bleeding. this is going to affect everybody and if you are looking for a job and people decide they don't want to hire people because they don't know where the economy is going you'll be in a sticky wicket. you will need cash flow. the prices aren't coming down. this is something that he has to talk about but as you saw, he to toggled out of that. we'll kick back in with our team watching it. i have somebody fact checking in. we appreciate her so much jacqui deangelis. your notes are full. you came down with blank pieces of paper. where do we start?
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>> let's start with the stop of the speech where he bashed wall street and billionaires. he said the middle class is his focus and he is on the stage speaking to the union, right. the unions are the middle class, harris. he lies when he says people in this country have less debt and more savings now. they're suffering from 8.6% inflation. real wages are actually down .6%. people are losing money because inflation is eating into what they are making if they choose to go to work. the one thing he has on his side is the job market right now but remember, there is 11.4 million openings. some people are choosing not to go to work because they feel they don't get paid enough to be able to cover their expenses and if they wait long enough maybe more stimulus checks will come. >> harris: so they will draw unemployment and draw on the money they can for as long as they can to figure out when it is better to get back in the market when their wages don't get et en up by the cost of
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milk and baby formula if you can find it. there is a shortage of tampons today. no, this is true. and i was reading about this with my teens. anything that is in a category where it has to be mass produced and make its way through that supply chain on a truck with the price of diesel over $10 a gallon now is affected. things are slowing down not because we aren't making them but because we're not driving them. >> absolutely. the supply chain is a huge part of the problem and gas prices. we've discussed what inflation is, right? too much money chasing too few goods. we aren't producing enough in this country, including pumping oil and refining gasoline. >> harris: another fact check and i want to get to the part where he said have you seen the economy before i was president. >> you asked me while he was
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speaking about the deficit. the projections -- he is far off the mark of where he should be right now and that is because of the american rescue plan and the infrastructure plan. all the spending he is done he is touting on the other side of it. >> harris: i want to make sure i understand the slight of hand. what he is saying is true, he has brought it down by x amount but needed to bring it down so much more. >> it is a distortion of the facts so he could make the picture look the way he wants to. i will borrow the words of bret baier. every time i get him on the podium and speak he is disconnected from reality. he says he wants to help the middle class. the middle class is suffering right now. >> harris: as you pointed out he is talking to them there and they are standing up and cheering. are they even realizing how much worse his policies are making their lives right now? they are believing what he is
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saying. >> i'm not sure they are. if anybody checks their 401k and a lot of union workers have them. look at the carnage in the stock market year-to-date since january. >> harris: on your network yesterday many of the guests were saying if you wanted to retire in the next 10 years you have to start to think about cash and really what you are doing. and most of us are just trying to go to the store. >> we're trying to get by day-to-day. >> harris: we're coming out of the pandemic. it is a lot. >> the distortion of the facts about the pandemic. he dumped on president trump that all these jobs were lost and people were dying under covid. there were more covid deaths under his watch. >> harris: in the first six months of his watch. >> the economy was shut down and we had a pandemic on our hands. he got lucky in the aftermath because the virus mutated and becoming manageable. that's luck not anything he did.
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>> harris: jackie deangelis breaking it down. >> it is hard to watch sometimes. >> harris: we need to see how he will deal with this crisis. jacqui, thank you very much. i want to bring in arizona congressman andy biggs member of the house judiciary and oversight committees. we wanted to talk about a host of topics but i have to start with what we just saw and the president of the united states and get your top line reaction. >> i thought he was very disconnected and disingenuous. i know what's going on in my district. notify he that people in arizona, $5.63 a gallon is the average price in arizona in the phoenix metro it's a little higher. quite frankly, everything is more expensive. i talked to a guy yesterday who has 800 employees but can't keep the jobs filled because people are choosing to stay home instead of coming to work. this economy is distorted right
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now. and this president doesn't appreciate the difficulties people have just putting food on their table because of the inflationary pressures. phoenix metro is the second or third highest inflation rate in the country. true inflation rate in the country and although our economy is good, it's tough. really tough. >> harris: i've been watching that actually. just the price of housing. it is incredible the fast rate of the inflation that we were told by this administration would be transitory. i do want to get to this. you and i often will talk about coming up with a plan and how you know when somebody doesn't have a plan they blame the other guy. president biden moments ago. remember, our economy is limping and we're in trouble and this is what he says. >> president biden: we've come a long way in a short time. do you remember when our economy was -- what it looked like before we took office? 3,000 americans were dying every day from covid.
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20 million americans had lost their jobs under the last guy. so many americans lost their jobs my predecessor became just the second president in history to leave office with fewer jobs in america than when he took office. >> harris: what's your reaction to that? >> well, i also remember that the economy was recovering under president trump before the change in tenure there. i also will tell you that before the covid epidemic hit, you had more people working than at any time in the history of this country. you had low inflation, you had real wage growth, you had more people of every demographic working. and now we have people that have decided not to go back to work because they are getting stimulus package, continue to draw unemployment. and so you have people not coming back and you have job
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vacancies, 11 million plus openings right now. >> harris: so i do want to say this because i think it is really important. gas was what, $1.99 before he took office? let's just cut this real. i don't know who he thinks he is talking to outside that room. i realize that that is the fan room. when you play the band, those are the fans inside there with 12 million people represented. not all in the room but by the afl-cio. reality is he isn't doing anything to turn it around. i just want to get your last thought on where we go from here and what you are telling your constituents. >> what i tell my constituents we could lower within a month or so by 40% of cost if we would simply open up american energy markets again, exploration, development, extraction and refinery.
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this administration continues to fight that. so that's one thing we could do. the second thing is congress has to get its spending under control. that's devalued the currency. those two things in and of themselves would actually put pressure to reduce costs of energy which would reduce overall costs in the marketplace. people understand that. it's not rocket science. it is just pure economics and we all understand it. >> harris: can we see biden talking about calling all the rest of us liars that he isn't spending the way he is? >> i don't want to hear any more of these lies about reckless spending. we're changing people's lives. [applause] and because of the fact this year we're delivering the biggest drop in deficit in the history of the united states of america. >> harris: the fact check there that jacqui deangelis did from
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fox business congressman is he would have to deliver a drop by the deficit of three to four times what it has fallen. as you said it is a complete distortion of what we need to hear. we'll hit that quick from you and move on. >> absolutely it is. he needs to stop spinning and his advisors, larry summers was saying if you go with the american rescue act or whatever he called it, you will increase inflationary pressure. he didn't care just like he didn't care about grass prices going up either. >> harris: let's get to the january 6 hearing now. the second public hearing was yesterday and inside the republican party there was an opportunity that never came, and that was an invitation by the house speaker to have 230 years, i understand, of tradition and how to do this, to have members of the opposite party choose who they would want as part of that committee. so it would flow like the 9/11 commission. how do you think it is going so
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far? >> well, i have -- it is going like i thought. there is nothing new. there is no emphasis on finding out what actually happened and letting people push back. it is also devolved into an attack on donald trump and his supporters. this notion that you are going to put something as irrelevant as rudy giuliani may or may not have been inebriated on election night. i don't understand where they are going and why they are doing this. i suspect i know why. to distract us in the political affair but that's my immediate reaction. >> harris: let's get to this. we haven't talked about the
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semantics of this war recently, the latest now in the war in ukraine more than 100 days in russia is making advances into that nation's eastern donbas region. we knew it was coming and what they wanted to do. they want the whole country but they might settle for that. they have advantage there. it's all about weapons. ukraine fears defeat in the east without a surge in military aid. it is in the fate of the united states and other allies as they discuss new heavy weapons supply for kyiv tomorrow. i want to bottom line this with you. i'm talking to a lot of people. citizens, here in new york and traveling giving commencement speeches across the country. what people are asking me is harris, why do people think we're heartless and don't want to help ukraine just because we want to put on our own oxygen mask first? our economy is falling. how do we do both?
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help the people of ukraine and also help ourselves? >> there was an old economic saying you can't have guns and butter and we have tried to have guns and butter for so long that we can't do it. we gave ukraine $40 billion. think about that. we funded their government. we gave them from our stockpiles not excess, not surplus but actually from our stockpiles almost a third of our strategic missile capability. and we just don't have the capacity to do it anymore. and the european and nato allies aren't doing anything approaching what we've done. and you and i aren't even talking about the other issues besides our economy that materially impact what we can and can't do to help other nations. and so i am not getting anybody in my district significantly standing up saying we need to give them more money. what they are saying is we have
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huge problems in our country. i'm concerned about gas and food on the table and concerned about my job and family. that is important and america first is kind of what i'm hearing right now. >> harris: you started right where jacqui deangelis left off in terms of fact checking with the president. people take great pride in this country, having purpose. it is not that we don't want to work. some of them have sat down because the price of bread has doubled and your salary can't cover that, maybe you sit home and try to use less and you don't go to work. i mean, it is not where we thought we would be. the words you just spoke we're not giving ukraine our surplus, we are giving them our stockpile, wow. great to see you on the whole host of topics. i knew we would get there. thank you. the price at the pump as you just heard the congressman saying is now setting historic highs. and president biden appears to be turning the nation he once
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called a pariah into our savior some kind of way. that's not his only move which is sparking criticism. >> none of what joe biden does makes sense. everything he does puts america last. i don't care if they whisper or don't whisper. it is over for joe after the mid-term. >> harris: critics going after president biden and his political party. democrats are doing a loud whisper about somebody else running for president in 2024. power panel next. and we're all in studio together. veteran homeowners, this is the best time in history to turn your home equity into cash. because home values have climbed to all time highs. and so has your equity. turn it into cash now. the newday 100 va cash out loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value.
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>> our focus today on rolling out a new agenda for americans who are really suffering at the pump because of high gasoline prices. time after time this administration has stood in the way of american energy independence and american energy security. >> harris: the american petroleum institute says the president needs to use some of the domestic energy resources to repair his energy christs and it has a 10-point plan just for him. we're scrolling it now. but the white house confirms
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the president will visit oil-rich saudi arabia instead during a middle east trip next month and plans to meet with crown prince. a reversal of his campaign promise to make the country a pariah over its human rights record. here is the white house press secretary. >> they will discuss energy with the saudi government. what i'm trying to say is to look at this trip as it being only about oil is not -- would be simply wrong to do that. we just wanted to be very clear on that regard. >> harris: i don't know if what she said makes a difference but knew about the trip next month comes with average natural gas prices here at a record high, $5.01 a gallon today. it moves up every day. power panel, tammy bruce fox news contributor host t show
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tammy bruce. jessica tarlov is also here. let's start with going to saudi arabia, tammy. >> it is as though we're a client state. who knew that we would be a client state of saudi arabia? i'm sure the september 11th families don't appreciate the fact we're going there to beg for oil to affect american domestic energy policy. it is an extraordinary development but people should know why the american president is going to that degree. any debate in 2020 he was asked by donald trump if he was going to shut down the oil industry and he said yes, he was. it's a polluter that he will transition us. just about a month ago he said the same thing. so this is not new. it is not an accident. it is not a mistake. it is a transition. and this is affecting everyone's lives clearly in every single way including inflation and for him to be resorting to this saudi arabia
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and even iran and venezuela in order to transition us into this fantasy world destroying lives. they think it is going to get better? it will never work and it is not working now. >> harris: your response. >> what is going on with the oil prices is global. not just here. u.s. domestic production is the highest it has ever been except for september 2021. i am responding to it she is talking about selling us out. i'm saying domestic oil production sup and the president has asked the oil companies and authorized a lot of tracking and other fuel techniques he was opposed to on the campaign trail. >> harris: he is not telling anybody about it. >> i read it in forbes. it is out there. i'm not saying it is not a problem and that the american problem doesn't have a reason to upset. he should be talking about it. not going to saudi arabia for me because of the murder of khashoggi and that pledge was
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very important especially because that murder happened on donald trump's watch. we know kushner was still whatsapping with the crown prince after that happened. >> harris: looking backwards to trump and that's why he shouldn't go to saudi arabia? >> he shouldn't go because it's wrong and a campaign promise. >> harris: an observation how disingenuous this president is to his own party? the aoc -- i get it and understand why the congresswoman wouldn't say she would endorse him. he hasn't kept the promises he is as green as he said he would be. he is willing to go to venezuela to beg for oil and do what you just said go to saudi arabia, khashoggi's death did matter but it is not about the politics. it is because we're americans and we lost one. right? >> aoc -- >> harris: i'm curious to know
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who he is bending for and flexing for? is it the far left? they aren't happy with him understandably. are we really transitioning the way tammy says? >> jessica would agree. when i was on the left i would say things that people should believe. we should have believed joe biden in that debate. he is doing that. the question becomes do they understand what happens afterwards? is it reasonable? is it a normal thing to do? young people have -- it's a horrible disapprovingal rating with him for young people. 52%. no, sir because they want more of this and he is not doing more. all of us are affected by these numbers, by the inflation and these young people were 12 and 13 when trump was president and heard he is horrible. democrats will be the best and save your lives and everything will be wonderful and they were lied to. americans can take bad news. what we don't want to be is lied do and that's what they hear when joe biden speaks. he lies about what is really
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happening and you have to believe him when he says he is going to transition us out of fossil fuels but does that even make sense and how much damage will that do? >> harris: i want to get to this. the white house says president biden still plans to run for reelection in 2024 after a "new york times" report says the growing number of democrats say they don't think he ought to do that. many have raised concerns about his age. he would be 82 at that point, and dismal approval ratings hovering in the 30s now. it's hard to get more than 60 or 70% of anybody to agree on something. the american people have come together and don't like a lot of what he is doing on a host of issues. the white house press secretary is busy these days. >> is the president running for reelection? >> the president, as you know, has been asked that question many times and he has answered it. his answer has been simple which is yes, he is running for reelection. i can't say more than that. >> does president biden feel
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any concern his approval rating is amazingly and consistently low? >> the president is focused on delivering for the american people. >> harris: we know he looks at that sort of thing. remember the "politico" article that leaked last week saying the president was upset because his numbers were lower than trump. the "new york post" out with a scathing op-ed that reads democrats fool themselves on biden's aging because the alternative kamala harris is even worse. jessica. >> people on both sides of the aisle wish that we had younger representation. that's not something that is uncommon. >> harris: that's true. >> we have agreement here. jean-pierre is doing her job. the president said he will be running and he is able to do that. >> harris: do you want somebody younger? >> in general, sure. i want someone that can win. presidents should fill their term and run for the four
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years, certainly say now and become a lame duck before the mid-terms that he won't be running. if he is able to run for another four years then he should absolutely do that. i do not think there will be a primary challenge if it's joe biden at the top of the ticket. >> harris: that's interesting because he would lame duck himself if he said that. >> during the campaign at one point said he would be a one-term president. there was an understanding about age. let me just say i think it is less about age than it is about competency. many americans in their 70s and 80s living really good lives taking the jobs they can do. this is about genetics and general individual personal health, etc. if the democrats really didn't want him to run, look, the democratic party is in charge of that. it isn't up to joe biden anything more than any other thing going on in the country now is up to joe biden. >> joe biden was the only person who could have beaten donald trump in 2020. he beat out a bunch of younger people.
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this is the old moderate left, the american people chose him including a bunch of moderate republicans. >> harris: you want get a lot of argument. you didn't have a lot of players. who could beat donald trump. that was the benchmark and i agree with you, right? should he keep his promise and sit down after four years? he doesn't have to tell us now because you say it will lame duck him. great to have both of you in person. thank you for watching. right after the break -- nope, we aren't going to take a break but go right to the congresswoman. we're lucky to be able to do that. first let's watch. >> i have alluded to my concerns in my opening statement about this administration's pry or tieization of illegals at the border over american cities as we are facing record inflation. would you agree fema is administering a border and it is in crisis?
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>> i would say the work we're doing to help coordinate the migrant crossings is in support of our partners at cbp and ice. >> harris: maybe she didn't hear the question. is there a border crisis? i think the sky is blue. she testified before the house homeland security committee. she is asking for more money after money intended for her agency went to the southern border. republican congresswoman is in focus now and a member of the homeland security committee. i should say she is the ranking member on the subcommittee on fema and the first to tell us the cash was going into other places when we were looking to feed our children baby formula. your reaction today? >> this is just another example of how the democrat policies are failing everyday americans and for the people that they claim to represent the most are
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working class families and families and individuals at risk. they're the ones suffering the most under their policy. it is absolutely mind blowing to me that fema, the emergency management agency of the united states, is operating at the border yet they can't bring themselves to call it a crisis. i think it's about time to call a spade a spade. it is a crisis. more than that to add insult to injury they are spending millions of dollars that is intended for those individuals and families most at risk for homelessness. instead they send the money to the border to house illegals. and in fact we uncovered over $260 million in the last two years that has gone to house and feed illegals at the border instead of giving that money as it was originally intended to families that are on the verge of homelessness. tell me that's not a clear distinction and show of
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priorities for this administration. >> harris: so when you spit the facts out on capitol hill what happened? >> typical what you get with a career bureaucrat. they want to deflect and use sap and sat words designed to confuse people and answer a question without answering it. so as usual we are trying to get to the bottom of this endless money pit of american tax dollars take are going to perpetuate the crisis that we know is unfolding at the southwest border that has effectively turned every town in america to a border town. >> harris: i want to stay with this topic and touch on baby formula. i find out more. we have other supply chain issues. i mentioned feminine hygiene products today. we're running out of tampons. mind-boggling. quickly at the border you saw the two houses of baby formula and expiration dates are people checking.
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can we give it to americans? >> that's the crazy part. not only do we have baby formula being diverted to the border but it is not nearly enough to cover the disaster that the biden administration has created. we're 43% at this point short of baby formula in the country and harris you hit on the tampon issue. we are experiencing a shortage of feminine hygiene products. is this america or a third world country? we're about to find out. >> harris: congresswoman. thank you very much. "outnumbered" is next. that's at least 25% more cash than you get at a bank. it lowers your payments by an average of $600 a month, too. with today's soaring home values, the time to turn your equity into cash is right now.
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