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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  June 16, 2022 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

8:00 pm look at the koozie, isn't that cute? freedom matters koozie, i do not know what that meant until 5 minutes ago. and the wine koozie come all made in the usa. check it out, trucker hat, freedom matters, all the time, it goes to the honor flight network this month, the month of june, go to laura "gutfeld!" next. [applause] ♪ ♪ >> greg: happy thursday, everyone. kat is off today. but julie banderas is sitting in for her. [applause] which definitely increases the
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average blood alcohol content for the panel. we went from .05 to the point of no return. pete hegseth is here. [applause] good to see he is relaxing his dimples and took some time off from parenting. he has so many children, he and his wife just bought a new house. [laughter] so, big news, a republican has gotten a house seat in the deep blue south texas. that is scary to dems who thought the only seat flipping would be a gender-neutral bathroom. is this an indicator of a coming roadway of? may be, and it's got nothing to do with the tampon shortage. terrible. absolutely terrible. i don't stand for that kind of humor. let's ask the folks at "the view," which no one has ever said in the history of the universe, is there a red wave coming? >> the red wave is coming.
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republicans are going to win the midterms, short of something unforeseen that i could not predict now. >> you don't know that. >> let's wait and see what the people vote in. >> greg: yeah, you know what i love about "the view"? it reminds people every day not to eat lead paint chips. but you've got to remember, joy behar thought that her going on a sex strike would make men change their minds, and they did, to vote republican. look at republican -- she won that seat in south texas, the first win there in 150 years. that is a long time. it is like two julie banderass. [laughter] or a half a joe biden. she flipped and 84% hispanic district read and i bet it is become the liberal policies from washington are tearing our community apart. speak with liberal policies from washington are tearing our community apart.
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as the wife of a border patrol agent, i pray for his safety more than ever. we must keep our sales know my family safe. >> greg: she is not only smart but attractive, who does she remind me of in that regard? [laughter] her seat was previously held by democrat who steps down to become a lobbyist after realizing he would lose in a red wave, so he took the easy way out, like when i hide behind tyrus to avoid kilmeade in the hallway. now the first congresswoman ever to be born in mexico. so i am sure aoc must find that this historic first pretty empowering, so let's go to her for comment. [laughter] and you hear that elon musk voted for flores which prompted jamaal bowman to accuse musk of
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supporting white supremacy. yeah, that is logic. vote for a woman of color, who was born in mexico, and that makes you racist. if jamaal got any dumber, he could be on "the view." flores earned an endorsement from governor greg abbott, and guess who is trailing him in the governor's race by 20 freaking points? [laughter] go to your screen. go to your screen right now and scratch. scratch. what does that smell like to you, viewers? loser. we would have accepted ax body spray. this guy could not win a coin toss if he got to call both sides. meanwhile, biden's approval rating with hispanic and latino voters sits in the mid-20s. that is the worst of any ethnic group. geraldo's mustache is more popular. and for good reason.
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joe's embracing of hard left policies has abandoned decent people of every pigment and every race. they said he was a uniter, and now people of all races think captain poo-poo pants socks. and it undermines everything races dems have been saying for years about changing demographics. they thought mexicans would be dupes for the hard left tripe. how bigoted is that? >> a lot of states are headed toward increasing diversification, toward demographic changes that make a less red state future for them. >> i really think because of demographic changes in this country, i think the democratic party is going to win texas, moving forward, and the democratic party is going to be in power for the next 30-4 years. >> this sort of long-term project of trying to take some red states across the sun belt and flip them blue, as demographic changes are taking place there. >> the demographic change that is happening in america right now gives the upper hand to
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democrats. >> greg: wow. it is all most like they are, dare i say it, white supremacists in their thinking. the assumption that every brown person will fall in line and vote for crap if they are provided free stuff. dems are like sure they are pro-life and religious, but give free dental and we will on them. they forgot hispanics are not as progressive as the white liberal assumes. it is why you only hear clueless whites using the phrase "latinx." >> it is hard, as well, to get latinx vaccinated, as well. why? they are worried they will be vaccinated and deported. >> greg: all right, gramps. the fact is -- [applause] you don't have to do much. he really is a godsend. in fact, mexicans are just like anybody else. they do not want to be victims of crime. that is why many fled mexico,
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they want to drink water that does not double as a laxative. but the left want them to drop a hundred grand on an electric car and they eat crickets. unlike the left, they go to church, believe in god, pro-life, think family is a good and, basically eisenhower republicans purely understand the hierarchy of needs, see the little chard? stuff like food and family, that comes first, a far cry from pronouns, statute toppling, insurrection porn. the least important thing on that chart, self actualization. we don't even know what that is. but the republican party gets this, that we are all united by common sense, a working knowledge of home depot, as well as the pleasures of a fine tequila. but the dems, thanks to their delusional embrace of wokeism, have it backwards. here is the left's hierarchy of needs. [laughter] call everyone racist. blame everything on america.
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oppression. [applause] never bathe. here is joe's hierarchy of needs. [laughter] blame other people for failures. fill out hunter. watch "murder she wrote." find ice cream. nap. that is actually not bad. no wonder the dems chase a pointless [bleep]. that is because without structure, work, or family, you end up with moronic platitudes, you will own nothing, but so what? you have 64 genders to choose from and government will mail you a crack pipe. that is the hunter plan. the last time a democrat made something, they became a republican. [applause]
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so, who is -- i'm sure by november she will be the new face of white supremacy. for my spanish speaking friends at home, -- [speaking spanish] let's welcome tonight's guests! author of the children's book "why is mommy napping at 2:00 p.m.," fox news anchor julie banderas. >> i thought you were going to her, i was like, she wrote a book, amazing. speak one he is >> greg: he is sopatriotic the y once hit on him. author of the new book "battle for the american mind," pete hegseth beard and a brand-new guest, she knows campaigning like i know complaining. former director of press communications for trump's reelection campaign, erin perrine. and he needs a steamroller to
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iron his shirts. world television champion tyrus! [applause] julie, what is your nationality? your last name is banderas. >> actually, my last name is bidwell, banderas is made up. banderas is made up -- it is a long story, but my last name is bidwell, i am part colombian, part british. >> greg: interesting. i am glad i asked. >> i am a mix. >> greg: are you surprised by her win? >> no, she lives in texas. they like legal hispanics there, like her, and as a legal hispanic and the daughter of migrant workers, she is a perfect example of why republicans are definitely going to be taking over texas, because they do not want to see illegals there anymore and she is the perfect example of why democrats
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should probably just retire at this point. >> greg: this is your wheelhouse, just coined that phrase, do you see a red wave? how many seats do you see? >> well, it is kind of hard to say. i think you're looking at more like 40ish seats, i don't think you're going to see 60-70-80 number. >> greg: why not? >> redistricting. there are not as many middle-of-the-road seats for dems to flip. i fully believe kevin mccarthy is the next speaker of the house. i think the senate is very much in play, but not as much as the house. the house you are like 95% chance we're flipping back. the senate is a tougher map. >> greg: back to me is not a red wave at all, that should be expected. when you were out of power, you are supposed to win, right? that happened when trump was in, then the democrats rose up, when obama was in, republicans. if they can't get 50-60 seats, they are going a big opportunity, i would think, and i am no expert. >> well, that is fair, but it is
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also -- >> greg: no, greg, you are an expert. >> you are an expert. >> greg: thank you. >> in some things. >> greg: not many. >> whether or not you want to -- i can say it is going to be a tougher road to get to 50 or 60, just because you have -- >> greg: factor in redistricting. >> you look at jersey, you look at new york. >> greg: do i have to? >> no. >> greg: okay. pete, congratulations on the new book. [applause] >> thank you. >> greg: i noticed you quote tucker but not me, i am not an index that means it is i am not in the book. >> it is a family book, greg. you are not useful. >> greg: it is always about family with you, isn't it? all right, pete, yea or nay, red wave? >> yea on the red wave, if you think of the senate mapping, correctly if i am wrong, 2022, senators elected six years ago, 2016 was a good year for trump,
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defending seats, not as many democrat pickups to be had on the map. the house is more indicative of the wave, it is up every two years. mayra flores, you look at her ad, i am the wife of a border patrol agent? who lives this every single day, and i love what you said, it is inherently racist to assume that a certain skin color will vote a certain way. and as you said, i believe you said captain poo-poo pants? >> greg: yes. not as good as bidwell. >> we will be finding that out. menu totally deprioritize the things that matter in everyone's everyday lives, even if your party has gone hard left, which they have come a voters end up rejecting that. just ask the d.a. in san francisco and los angeles. >> greg: that's a good point. what do you think, tyrus? is it racist to have voted for her? >> of course it is.
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[laughter] they said so several times. >> greg: she is the new face of white supremacy. >> they needed one. [laughter] >> greg: i mean, larry elder did a good job for a while. >> larry did his part, but his heart just wasn't in it. >> greg: he tried. >> hopefully it is a friendlier, more focused white supremacist party. >> greg: opening up to women and mexican women. >> and us blacks. it is a whole new white supremacist. >> greg: exactly. >> shocking. going to miss the old days. i just always just drives me crazy when they say, and the latinos have a problem with the president. who doesn't? which group is he above 20? no one is claiming him. >> that is the one thing funny about white people, you won't sell each other out, you will not stick together. biden's going down with the ship, and the white people are acting like he is having fun on
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a ride. no one is going in. look at him. >> greg: that is so true. yeah, he is like that one stray -- >> you guys are cold-blooded, man. [laughter] >> greg: oh, well. we will see, shall we? i just coined that phrase, as well pure up next, dems let thugs go free, as they say protection for me, not for thee. >> announcer: if you wouldn't be in the new york area and would like to see "gutfeld!," go to and click on the link to join our studio audience.
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>> greg: all right, we are back. julie, wake up. >> oh, sorry. >> greg: they only have affection for their own protection, less than a week after a man was arrested for plotting to kill
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justice brett kavanaugh, the house passed protection for supreme court justices families. after all, no one wants to see new justice ketanji brown jackson get threatened. she wouldn't be able to tell the cops if the attackers were a man or a woman. [laughter] terrible! [applause] but of the 27 house democrats who voted against it, 22 of them voted to increase their own security in last year after the january 6th riots. the riots where aoc claimed she was tragically murdered several times. which is why when it came to voting for the 1.9 billion for extra capital security last year, voting yes was not a problem. but they're soft on crime nonsense actually gets worse. take the case in california cop killer justin flores. on tuesday, shot and killed a corporal and officer, who were responding to a stabbing at an l.a. motel.
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flores served two stints in jail and was facing a third for a weapons charge, could have sent it back to prison for three years, but under l.a. d.a. george gascon's policies, he was instead sentenced to probation and 20 days of time served and released to the streets where he then murdered two cops. 20 days served. you get a longer sentence out of joe biden's garbled mouth. flores was shot dead after killing the officers, so at least gascon won't get the pleasure of letting him out of jail again. because you know he would. [applause] the two cops getting killed is terrible, but the hypocrisy of these democrats. >> you won't protect the supreme court justices. the fact we are even having the debate, they are already breaking two established laws.
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it doesn't matter whether you are a judge, a journeyman, supreme court, you are not supposed to be allowed to riot or protest retry to influence, you are not supposed to intimidate, and the fact they are doing that and drawing attention, from a lot of -- kavanaugh's house was, like, first circuit judge house, it was not like this giant house with fences and rottweilers and security. he had a regular home. so the more they are worried about this stuff, the people, the individuals, the bad actors now have access, and the police are thinned out because they are dealing with the ones doing all the stuff from the beginning. the fact that he is not held responsible, that guy should have went away for three years, but the argument that they have -- and this is the scary part, where progressive's -- with this mind-set. they are never wrong. they never said -- it's always, well, they were nonviolent crimes. when someone is robbed, they are
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affected. and someone is mugged, they are affected. it is all violent. it is not not violent. when it happens to him, because you keep doing this, the unaffected, when they are affected, anyone in his family was on the three things that he did before he killed those officers, he would be making sure that person was under the jail. unfortunately, that is the ugliness, they never change. he is not going to change. this isn't going to spark anything. he is going to double down. >> greg: you know, pete, this does remind me of the reaction after the riots after george floyd. for some reason, somethings get a pass, and other things don't. you can go to this -- like, honestly, that was ruth bader ginsburg -- all right, pete. rpg. this would not be a discussion, this would be crazy. oh, my god, you could shoot the
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protesters. >> you're right, and it is the image of the cnn reporter with the building on fire, a mostly peaceful protest. that was the media, though, which is a double standard we have increasingly become used to, we are accustomed to, we know it exists. when it is at the highest levels of our justice system, the one institution that we have mostly been able to keep out of politics and has pulled us out of them out of sticky situations, and democrats say no, we will not secure these people. the president says i will not condemn these threats, i will not condemn these illegal protests, as you pointed out, and then we'll even go to the floor and vote against it, you know why comrade cortez said she would not vote for it, because they had not passed gun laws, so until you do what we do, political extortion, we are not going to protect justices who underlie our entire system. this is the most dangerous part of what we are seeing from the left, the attack on the justice system. it is coming at every level for all of us. >> greg: what do you make of
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merrick garland? what is his deal? is he just there for the ride? he is not doing his job. >> that is because he thinks he is supposed to be a supreme court justice, so having to settle for attorney general and actually having to prosecute the law instead of deciding the outcome, that seems a bridge too far for him. you want to talk about the red wave coming, be soft on crime prosecutors, the fact we have a department of justice in this country that is also soft on crime, talk about the southern border, talk about these protest outside the supreme court justices house, people want to be able to walk around their neighborhood and not be worried. that is not a lot to ask for, but apparently it is too much for democrats to get. >> greg: that is why you are having the january 6th hearings, because the two issues that are just going to destroy democrats are the economy and crime, so what they are trying to do is make january 6th bigger than anything, but it is not working. what say you, banderas-bidwell? >> i will say this as a banderas and a bidwell, law enforcement is under attack in this country,
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and the fact these two cops out in california are dead is on the hands of not only gascon, who is a liberal d.a., but one of many liberal d.a.'s in this country that do not back law enforcement, do not backfill reform, do not believe in keeping people incarcerated, this thug, whose name i will not mention, should have been in jail for 3-5 years, he would not have been out on the streets, therefore these two men would still be alive. where is the accountability? that is what i want to see. this guy does not deserve to be a district attorney. >> greg: i said this on "the five," and i'm going to say again, we paid taxes to protect police fear but we don't pay our taxes, we go to jail, so that is part of the contract, but if they don't fulfill -- if they don't fulfill the other side of the bargain, nothing happens to them, so we do not get the goods and services we are paying for, and we die, but there is no consequence. that the problem. all right, up next, to a hovering mom and dad raised a
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[laughter] >> greg: do parents of -- meaning if you let your kids go anywhere, will they end up as freaks with purple hair? well, a new study from carnegie mellon university -- oh, i love their right route. claims that parents who have been blase fair style of parenting raised more liberal brats and kids raised by disciplinarian helicopter parents grow up more conservative. researchers did a series of experiments on the children, removing their brains with an ice cream scooper. i'm kidding, that would be crazy. they actually tested the government and family theory which states that a person's belief on how government should function corresponds to how they think families should run, so a structured family life creates a structured young adult, but a loosey-goosey style of parenting leaves you with this.
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apparently, a-parentally, see there, take an interest in their kids' lives raise conservative kids, what you think would be ae researchers disagree, i don't want to become alarmist but if being helicopter has similar effects on adults as kids, we would expect to see heightened mental health problems across society at large. yeah, it is not alarmist at all, freak. and it makes sense, since we never see mental health problems in liberals. >> [bleep]. [indistinct] >> greg: oh, my goodness. so, pete, you have seven kids. two-part question. one, have you stopped? >> i hope not. >> greg: and the second question is, why not?
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[laughter] i'm joking. >> to be determined. >> greg: do you buy this stuff? >> first of all, thanks for pointing out that quote, i read the whole thing. the premise of the entire thing -- first of all, even the title, "free range parenting." helicopter parent income who wants to be a helicopter parent? no one wants to be that. course it makes common sense, what you enforce in the household is a common number one, how your kids ultimately turn out, and it goes to the old proverbs 1324, he who spares the rod hates his son. and the reality is -- or james -- when is the last time we had two bible verses quoted -- >> greg: i don't know. >> one who has looked intently at the perfect law, the law of freedom, giving kids parameters sets them free, allows them to think freely, and act responsibly as adults. anyone who thinks you can free range your kids and then put
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them on a good path, you are simply saying to the rest of the world, have at my kids. import into them what society believes as opposed to parenting. >> greg: i just got a text from shannon bream. she said enough with the bible stuff. [laughter] [applause] >> fair, fair. >> greg: that is her wheelhouse. you know, banderas, do you have a parenting style, or do you just wing it? >> mine parenting style is hands-off parenting. that's what i like to call it. hands off, meaning somebody else. my children. and as far as this study is concerned, i think it is absolute b.s. if you are a parent, then you are going to raise kids, and their political views are absolutely irrelevant. for example, i had really good parents, and look at me, what happened? not only that, they were helicopter parents and my politics are not -- i don't think are affected whatsoever. i wasn't allowed to do anything,
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i would not even allowed to go to the freezer and pick out a popsicle without permission. than i became a eating quarter, turned into a chubby kid come ag story. but my politics are not affected in the least bit. >> greg: we are going to bring a doll out. [laughter] terrible, terrible. that is too bad. i did not know that. your parents are evil. >> they were great parents! they were very conservative, so what happened? >> greg: you trash your parents, going to be all over the internet. your parents would not give you popsicles. >> or pot. they caught me with pop. >> greg: tyrus, how do you see this? >> this study is incomplete, they left out another group, and is -- you know, once you are out, you are on your own, good luck, holler. >> greg: that is you with a
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child. >> you ever come back this way. [laughter] you know. turn out all right. >> greg: but your book -- when i read your book, he had a lot of ups and downs. >> a lot of coach surfing. and i don't like to serve. the funny -- banderas, big bill, whatever it is. she made a good point about good parenting versus bad parenting, but some of that you have to put on the kid. sometimes you've got to put it on the kid. you can raise them both the same, with the same love and the same, you know, affection, whatever they do, and you end up with one that is like this great, giant, 6'8" successful monster, and one just between jobs. [laughter] waiting for the next thing to come along. he's always got great inventions that cost everybody else money.
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so is that really the parents? well, i guess, genetically, you know, sometimes the wrong one connects. >> greg: there's a lot going on down there. >> don't ever do it downhill. you don't want the dumb ones to get ahead. make them work for it. >> greg: do not have children, do you want -- i think it is a crapshoot. i don't want to spawn some demon child that makes my life miserable. >> it seems like a slot of responsibility. we've got a dog. we also have a horse, that seems to be enough for us. i grew up the youngest of four coping so by the time i rolled around, my mom was like from other people take care of you, your good. between my sisters and my brother i was either pinned down in the basement getting beat up being the youngest, or they were just making sure i was in class. but my mom was a kind of person, my sister would be walking out of high school, skipping class, she would be like, oh, hey, where are you going? i'm already out of school, i'm going to skip this class.
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all right come have a good day. >> greg: i was the youngest of four, as well, which was great, they were all sisters, so -- >> that says a lot. >> so you got dressed up a lot. >> greg: yep. [laughter] [applause] only when they weren't home. [laughter] >> no. no, don't fall for that. he was there little mr. potato head. >> greg: i tried on many pretty things. all right, coming up, airlines make you feel smothered when you are sitting on top of each other.
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hi, i'm pat and i'm 75 years old. we live in the mountains so i like to walk. but it's only human... i'm really busy in my life; i'm always doing something. i'm not a person that's going to sit too long. in the morning, i wake up and the first thing i do is go to my art studio. a couple came up and handed me a brochure on prevagen. i've been taking prevagen for about four years. i feel a little bit brighter and my mind just feels sharper. i would recommend it to anyone. it absolutely works. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. >> greg: have the airlines gone nuts seeding passengers face to butts? a new design features a double-decker arrangement with passengers stacked on top of each other. take a look at that.
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it is like they realized, hey, why don't we store a human in the overhead compartment? i would have thought of that at seven. the new nightmare layout was presented at the aircraft interiors expo in hamburg, germany. attendees say it could be germany's best air travel innovation since the hindenburg. the prototype configuration caused chaos online as people picked apart the various shortcomings, including a complete lack of overhead storage and the inability for a top row travelers to even stand up. the design, of course, is just a proposal, but may be the public is being too harsh on the designers. may be could work. >> hey, there. >> hi. i am so sorry, you cannot bring that carry-on on board. >> might not? >> thanks to our new airline seating layout, there is no overhead storage compartment, that space is now seating. don't fret, we are now in line to fart in the face of the guy
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behind you. >> thank you so much. take my carry on. >> have a great day. >> hey, what's he arguing? >> seat are you in?>> 580. >> amazing. >> greg: erin, will this see the light of day? and i don't mean this show, the actual proposal. >> crazier things have happened, although who thought public transportation and air travel is not bad enough, let's double down and make it worse? without the stacked people like this? you are on the flight, spirit airlines, packed, double rows, somebody is already drunk, you're going to end up with a bloody mary in your lap -- >> greg: if you are lucky. >> it could be any number of things. this just seems like a misery fest in the air. >> it is a good point, pete. tech companies, flat screens get
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thinner and cheaper, cars get sleeker, smartphones have more things. air travel is going in a backwards stage, it is getting more and more old-fashioned and primitive. >> that looks forward to me. >> greg: it does? >> i don't know. >> greg: you would like 12 kids. >> that is how my kids sleep when we stay in hotel rooms. more or less like that. i actually -- there's a lot of pitfalls, but i support this vehicle have you looked at plane tickets and how much they cost right now? if i could spend $150 -- >> greg: pack your kids in there. they will love that. >> this is a kids paradise right here. >> greg: it is hard for people like me, julie, because i use the bathroom frequently. >> you don't want to be on top here. >> what are you, a top? >> you are not a top every. >> greg: got to be the top. >> all i can think about is i definitely don't want to be the bottom in this scenario. >> greg: [laughs] we are going to clip that out
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for a best of. >> i already hate flying as it is. this is like oh, let me fly and break my knees before i crashed to the floor. if you are the top and have to pee, you are screwed. this would be great for kids, make this a special -- >> greg: children airlines. my idea, and all-kids airline, tyrus, and the pilots would also be children. >> and a separate section for adults because i don't think children should ever be in the same space. >> greg: exactly, a big, giant, aboveground pool. >> you would be mad all the time because they make you sit with the kids. >> you've got to be this short to ride. >> walk it back, be good. i will check on you and a little bit, give me your drink -- >> greg: this is not for coach. >> first of all, could you imagine the individual sitting under me the entire time?
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[laughter] be going oh, okay, oh. >> greg: that would be amazing. >> this is stupid. this is absolutely stupid. i would not do this if i was trying to ship people i hated somewhere. let's not forget one of the worst things, a plane crashes, be on the top. >> greg: may be survival. >> i would be willing to bet everyone on top has a better percentage chance. this sucks and please don't do this. >> greg: you know it doesn't suck? stand-up comedian joe devito.
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>> greg: welcome back. a great part about my job is introducing our audience too young, good-looking talent. our next stand-up comedian is none of that. please welcome joe devito. [applause] >> hello! hello, thank you. thank you. hi, yes. yes. feel the relief factor kicking in. you can feel it. good to see you guys come up. folks, i'll be honest, i did not get into show business to become rich and famous, and so far, mission accomplished. [applause] i think that is why the whole johnny depp-amber heard trial was so good for my self-esteem.
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i needed to see good looking, wealthy people, who made worse choices than i do. because i have had some bad relationships. you know what i've never had? someone poop in my bed. ever. so maybe i have never known true love. but it gave me a new definition to the word "deal breaker." and for the words amber alert. [laughter] [applause] i have never been married, and at age 53, i'm starting to think, maybe it is me. but i do have hopes and dreams. i would like to have kids one day, but just for the one day. very annoying. i planned ahead. i froze my sperm years ago.
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yeah, yeah. and everyone said i was crazy because i didn't go too, like, a place. [laughter] but when you are single over a certain age, you have to be very direct. we have to be right on the money. i tell people if you're over 50 and dating online, first words to your profile should become all right, look. you are no bargain, either. and you take it from there. i don't use dating technology anymore. no more apps, nothing. someone asked me if i do sexting. do you have any idea how big my font is? you can read my texts from your phone, okay? i can't see -- they come in one letter at a time like a
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fax machine. there is nothing sexy about squinting. what's this? an event for hot singles? it says i need a shot to prevent shingles. well, either way, i will see you at walgreens. that's the demo i am in now, what i get unsolicited medical advice. but it just shows up. when i was younger and i would see those medical commercials, i would ignore them. now i'm like, get a pen. i would like more information. i don't know, maybe i do have mesothelioma, i don't know. [applause] did i work in a naval shipyard between 1932 and 1946? is that where i got shingles? i don't even know who i am
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anymore. i'll tell you who i feel bad for. women named karen. you've had a rough run. they have. and sometimes, they have legitimate issues with customer service. but they can't ask for the manager. the manager is like, your name is karen? why don't you take your weird, backward mullet hair cut and get the hell out of here! i know there's a problem because i've a friend named karen and she was distraught. she said to me, this is terrible. i love my name and now people use my name to meet an annoying white woman. it is unfair and i don't like it. and i said well, look at you, complaining. my name is joe devito. thank you very much. [applause] >> greg: thank you, joe devito! all right.lp we'll be right back. thanks, joe! one dose of ubrelvy,
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with all new elemax from x-chair. now the future feels better than ever before. order x-chair with elemax today. use code tv and get $50 off plus a free foot rest. men, you need to get off the couch and get with the program. with golo, i lost 50 pounds.
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it feels really good to be able to button your jacket and not worry about it blowing up. -(laughs) -go to to lose weight and get healthier.
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>> greg: final thoughts, tyrus. >> tomorrow got a book signing in new jersey, come check me out. >> greg: where is it? >> it's in jersey. >> greg: okay. glad you were specific to the state. all right, awesome show as usual, thank you, julie banderas, pete hegseth, erin marina, tyrus, joe devito, our studio audience, "fox news @ night" with evil shannon bream next. i'm greg gutfeld, i love you, america. ♪ ♪ >> shannon: hello and welcome to "fox news @ night." i'm shannon bream in washington. musical visible breaking tonight, president biden in contrast to majority of economists telling the associated press tonight that a recession may not actually ever happen and that suggesting his policies contributed to inflation is just "bizarre." our his productions based in reality? before the pro-life groups and ca


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