tv Gutfeld FOX News June 17, 2022 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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great organization for our veterans. for all of you who are sick of mandates, mandate freedom. also on the light made in the usa enjoy your weekend where your trucker hat and impress al your fans at the beach. my favorite freedom matters. america now and forever. a gutfeld and the whole crew have all the fun. they take it from here. >> happy glorious glorious friday everyone. right is such a deep do do. not just his own. the media seems to be turning their back on him. like when killed meet and does the credit elevator.
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they treat him like he has monkeypox. from the source. >> and why? they figured it out. biden the steps harder than brian stelter trying to drink a shamrock shake through a straw. so no one in the media will up anymore. they discovered objectivity. once he began objectively the worst president in the past 100 years. we being told the president has done everything he can. it's been that the president ha done everything he can't. he's doing everything he can to make sure we address this issue. lucy see what we can do. i can't make any promises. we can build on what we've already done. i want to make sure what people know that we've already done. we don't have anything for tomorrow or an estimate we have not seen the numbers. he's doing everything he can to make sure that we take action and the have been duly a 24/7. feel free to reach out to me, and we will do everything we can . i don't have a policy update on that. i know to tell you now as i've
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been saying we've been doing everything we can possibly. will continue to do everything that we can. i don't have anything to previe for you. >> at least she has a can-do attitude. as in km nothing. that's not fair. it to have her job. i grabbed a b the maid who changes him or hurts feet. >> this poor lady, all she can do is say we are doing all we can do. suddenly you're in deep all you can do do. a pun on poop. surprised to hear that here. we never do that. new fox news poll shows 18 percent say the economy is excellent or good. by way, the margin of error for that poll is plus plus or minus 100. no one ever says that. no one ever says that.
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leap year. that leaves 82 percent in agreement that biden's economy is about as shaky as me at a dr wedding. i've said it before, getting 82 percent of anyone to agree on anything is off. take a look at this chart. 82 percent think i can cap rob long's asked mack. and even more we pay to see it. you've got to get the people what they want. >> i'm looking forward to it. >> behind the dumpster. poor joe's performance is so bad , even his supporters are turning. we know there are whispers. >> we know there are whispers. we interviewed the president. we watched him and press conferences. we watch them do interviews he
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was on jimmy kimmel the other night. quite vaguely, i had trouble him . his answers are not. >> you don't want to president sitting at 40 percent or slightly below 40 percent that' terrible. there's no other way to cut it in democrats know that. it. >> badly when he stumbles you get numbers and you wonder is i a stutter or is he tired or something else? >> a keep up the good work, joe. you will lose a 2020 for nomination to jimmy carter. >> this might make you think there is a media shift on. is it really? photos, what is the real reason for it, when it comes to mainstream media and their motivation, pitcher rats at swimming away the titanic. first there is financial incentive. ratings are a man that plummeting faster than joe's teeth in the bottom of a class. and especially cnn. their numbers are dropping faster than a hooker's blood pressure after being rolled up
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in 100's old rocks. >> it's not true as far as we know it. >> not true. and that means you could be fired if you don't get the ratings back up. his show is hilariously titled reliable sources. the irony is as thick as his powdered sugar covered sasha's fingers. that was a compliment. it had its lowest rating in three years. according to sources, he's down two weeks if not days left at cnn. that's sad. as you know when chris cuomo wa sacked i lost a 57 percent of m content for my show. the remaining 43 percent was also else are. and at that 43 percent to 85 saturated fat. still. he wasn't my only you all-you-can-eat buffet. a place that offered second and
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third helpings of comedic gold. if you goes away, what do i do? the news? hell, no. news is for suckers. take that brett bear. >> we've got a special report for you and it's about arts. and that now you have cnn telling his anchors to stop using the phrase a big lie to describe election fraud planes he claims it sounds too much like white house messaging as i that ever matters. it matters now when the guy ripping off her content is as toxics as a footnote filled fajita. >> i like alliteration. a lot of media people are starting to drop their big lies. they need to pay off that mortgage or house of their second house. the sound proof leather playroo constructed under the floorboards. a shadow to dominant as you so
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don pivoted going from always calling republicans race is it to now say joe is nuts. we haven't seen a transformatio like that since bruce jenner went from hurdles to girdles. >> caitlynn will be on on monda so that's a three's. i'm looking forward to it. where it it lead? in time, we will be cohosting the show with the best in gorka on newsmax. selling relief factor like it's popcorn. i don't know about you, but i would watch the hell out of that . lemon. it sounds like someone to order at lobster. >> at forgive me if i don't buy the change of heart. they know joe is done. they're distancing himself. he's forgotten to wear pants an
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underpants. they still hate republicans. they still hate you and everything about you. they will never care about regular people with regular people problems like gas, rent or food. fred mather keeping the pattern jy lee because hunter might snort it. but also by being critical of joe now they can point to these examples as evidence of their objectivity. it's only being done because at their back is up against the wall. when they find their next democrat to up two, they will. and if he or she is just as bad as jell-o, they will pretend th opposite as long as they can or until they pay off the new boat. >> tonight's guest she always brings energy. she grew up without electricity. is this angered david mcdowell. the okie that liberals want to joke you.
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gop candidate from oklahoma at twc and him. tw shannon. >> and of the first credit on his resume is cheers and at the second is at did i mention cheers? producer rob long. and finally, she's like like a classic car. high maintenance and constantly breaking down. rob, great to see you. >> good to see you here. i'm glad i could i would actually kick your. i don't think you got what it takes. you have at the height, disadvantage but i want more. that matters. and maybe i will just take it. >> how much do you believe in the specific? i want to focus on what the media is doing.
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is it temporary? >> i feel like we often think a media is liberal. they are that but mostly democrat and this is a way of signaling to all the other democratic politicians, if you jump and we are ready to suppor you. >> i really do believe it's cod and its colluded to all the democrats sitting on the fence, you jump in we aren't going to tear you apart. we are looking for somebody to get behind a. of the first when they get that will get this incredible comeback i guarantee you a. >> i've seen already with peopl writing these columns about it' time for the democrat celebrity. those articles so it's like that's also the code. it's okay if you come it's over if you decide to run. we talked about it but i can't be her running mate. >> gayle can't stand me. >> there's too much sexual it attention. >> we can barely keep her hands
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off each other. >> always great to see you. i could take on both of you. i fight dirty. >> i go for the ears and use my feet on the other one. >> i would surrender. >> i bet you what it. >> cnn is telling their anchors to be less partisan, do you buy this? do you think this is where like a temporary thing until they find someone who? it. >> they need to get rid of anybody who was giving zucker a tongue bath all day long every day i think it's part of it. >> that's two times used said tongue bath i think we only hav one more which i just did. like a cat. >> i think that if if abiding could turn it around, the media will stick with him. he's clearly a hussy fractious grandpappy. that on the white house stage.
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all he needs to do is start firing people publicly. at that of humiliation of his own staff, i think it would bring along a lot of goodwill from the american people. even people who work in media. an example, having a bent and saying this event is going abou bringing down gasoline prices and turnaround just can't jennifer granholm. >> just right there. he's already got it like i'm sick of all this and i hate you laugh it. got to tell you that's like expecting a rock to write a bei beethoven symphony. because he's hollow. the reason why he is so dangerous is because at there's nothing there. >> i think he's an angry son of a bench. >> and i think if he does at this, he has a.
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>> i think you're a real right-thinking the media. there is one reason media is pivoted because it like the res of us they mess at donald trump. >> i disagree and the sentence said that if it they really mis donald trump, they would keep pushing these earrings the hearings are designed to keep him off the stage and to democrats. >> i disagree. they're trying to keep donald trump from running again that's the whole reason they're having these hearings. when you look at what the democrats are rolling out as evidence of this alleged cool that supposedly happened in the country. the truth is they're trying to pay republicans as being these evil insurrectionist were not one person has been charged. >> i'm trying to get ahead. again that when you look at the media, the real reason they don't want donald trump to run again and they're pitting from joe biden because they know he is bad for ratings the media ha
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one thing only and that's to control the people and also to get ratings for their stations. without donald truck, they don' have it. >> it's amazing how brazen the pivot has been. especially john lennon. all of a sudden it's like what happened to the old don lemon. remember him? he's a nice fellow. >> i guess. to me--i think it took too long. it's not like all of a sudden joe biden got like this. he's been like this the entire time. >> through the campaign. >> through the campaign. when i went to go see paul mccartney. and it was amazing. it was three hours. he is singing and playing guita playing the ukulele playing the piano in the entire time i'm thinking this man is older than joe biden. back who cannot stand for 15
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minutes. what were the high points of th consort? >> the whole thing. i was sobbing tears of joy it was amazing. best night of my life no offense . >> and you are with your dad, even better. >> i hope they don't take seltzer from me. >> that would be really hard fo you. >> i don't know what's can happen. i hope there's some kind of encounter group for that. >> you could hire who must be met that's what i was thinking. you could be myint interior. we have the standing way over there he can't see anything. i think better, you have a little trapdoor here and he's like the gimp and pulp fiction. >> that's even better. >> and that's weird because i had that costume.
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>> welcome back. they are pudding the aris and harassment. i like that and i know it's bad. it's another one of kayla's rolls about my tools. addressing this information in this newest order despite not fixing anything at the border. on thursday, the white house announced the launch of another new board it to be led by vp kamala harris it's being called
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a task force to address online harassment but the other workin title is a task force to keep this crazy cackling cycle with the microphone the nimmo says its mission will be focused on quote developing programs and policies to address online harassment abuse. women in lgbtqia+ individuals who are republican political pewter activist journalist in the united states and globally. what an interesting trites of targets. why not just essay both who might be leftists? it sounds like kamala harris is a twitter content moderator. i guess we'll have to take down her own tweets. plenty of people who pointed ou this new task force at sounds
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like the disinformation board the dhs tradable and will in april minus a looney singing show. tell us about it, kempster. >> we still have so much more work to do to protect people from online harassment and abuse . which is why the work of this task force is so important. >> that was boring. that's bunk let's advise it. >> we still have so much more work to do. ♪ ♪ to protect people. ♪ ♪ it from online harassment and abuse. >> which is why the work of thi task force is so important. ♪ ♪ >> much better. what could we expect from the new task force? it also includes the hs alejandro america's garland and secretary of state anthony lincoln. they don't like them.
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>> i don't know about you guys are, let's see how long these folks last they held their firs meeting on thursday. ♪ ♪ >> how do you think they come u for jobs for, la harris? they just throw darts or a bing card or that little ball that eightball a met the magic eight ball. times its magic ouija board. because it she's a woman and she's going to stand up for women everywhere. since she's on the case with online harassment, lonnie had trouble already did this, she can stand up for me. i have this weird that it's lik
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this bony neck and that looks like i have in adam's apple and smooth people kind of attacked me online about that call me a man. it's usually people on the left calling me a man which is trans phobic. i would like to put that the to of her list. >> that doesn't count. >> i will tell you why. because all of her discoveries of harassment has to go one way. if you look, it will never come from the left only comes from the right. >> you see it everywhere. and that's why the democrat party is on life-support right now because what they've done i taken what should be human rights and try to divide us to different types of americans at different types of rights. there was only one type of rights and that's human rights. they are playing interested in identity politics and it's exactly whether about to lose the house or senate. in 2024 they will lose the presidency because they played this identity politics to the
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very end and i think americans are sick of it. i know i am. it's to protect everybody. >> let's just protect everybody. let's go after harassment. >> i only want to protect the people i like and the people i disagree with, screw them. >> right, cat? >> i got this nimmo as i read i was sexist and insulting. because what it said was that comments from internet trolls i something that is going to preclude women from political decision-making about their own lives. you think that he's using comments from internet trolls i going to stop me from being abl to make decisions for myself because i a woman? what kind of little does the government think i am. because i a woman? i could handle it you block or don't look at or any combinatio of both. i will be fine i don't need thi
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kind of help. >> when they talked about who they were protecting, they mentioned everybody in their it made it sound like they couldn' handle it. >> i found it insulting tweetin simeon stuff about cat. >> cat doesn't read it. she doesn't read anything. >> that's the problem first of all i what is say you're a good-looking man i've gotta say. that is a problem for both of us . >> both of our careers would be better. anything that none of the stuff is real. it isn't real the harassment i've been harassed online. you went online and you search for mentions of yourself and
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then you read them all. it why did you read someone else's diary if you know the writing in that diary? by the way this is real. people talk about what i got deaf threats. you didn't get it this is all bs . the weirdest thing is where we can know where everyone thinks about us, we become supersensitive. that's not a good thing. >> when this first started, and with that person i got god i've deaf threats if i go facebook and i look, i will find them an now the deaf threat defensive showing of everywhere. like if like to lament does terrible after watching the pos she gets called out on it goes but i got deaf threats told me to jump in a lake. that's not a deaf right. it's a deaf suggestion. >> i don't know maybe she can swim.
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>> welcome back. at the ratings for the phony insurrection at one network at making a defection. note if ann's or bots, this political sham had viewers referring. >> yesterday the day before thi one, nbc news anchor lester hol and dirt report coverage that the january 6 hearing which is how you know people are sick of hearing your hearing. as we come in on the top of the hour we will have to end our coverage of this at january 6 a on the nbc network. my colleagues and i will continue on aris streaming platform nbc news now where
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everyone else at us open golf begins up momentarily. it's almost as if nbc doesn't care about our republic. first they cancel different strokes and that now this. i know. i hold a grudge. meanwhile, nancy pelosi between sips of her stem cell latte, continue to the fed the democrats focus january 6. i wonder, do they do just one thing around here? >> we don't just do one thing around here we take an oath to protect and defend the constitution of the united states. if nancy pelosi were anymore full of, she beat biden slacks but maybe she's right. perhaps they do do more than on thing. like giving their husbands talk to.
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>> but do they ever take their eye off the ball? >> we never take her i off the ball but unified as our concern for america's working families. >> we are here for the kitchen table, not the board room table. >> a kitchen table, board room table. it looks like she just got off this table. underrated classic tw bride of frankenstein. this is obviously political theater to draw away from a lot of bad news that's going on in the by the white house. you can agree with me or elaborate on my excellent point. >> there is no question that th january 6 hearings are about a distraction. they can't talk about the economy, open border with 2.5 million people they can't talk about the veiled afghanistan pullout they can't
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talk about the ukrainian situation that's out-of-control. the january 6 hearings are distracting the people from the real issues. >> whatever you cut away from i less interesting than golf. imagine that? is a possible? >> that's the thing. january 6, the actual day watching that--now, how many times if people want to really rewatch and rewatch and rewatch it, it's not happy gilmore. it's not like cheers. if adam samurai on the committee , i would tune in. i think a lot of people were like okay how much more is ther to say about it. i think at this point even take politics out of it. i think a lot of people are bored. i'm going to be i am going to examine self examine myself on this. because of this is a unique telnet that i have.
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>> we william mott to about you your self examine? >> yes you do i'm feeling unsafe . it's when they see specialist. from that birthmark. that only you have seen. when i look at this what i believed to be a simpler for wa pointless hearing used for political theater, and i think this is how the other side look at the because he hearings? is at the mare of of benghazi? when we were on fox, we did the benghazi hearings and it makes my blood boil when people would laugh about it. i think we got huge fights on the five over that. could beat this be the mare image? it's a political divide that it's why people are like we kno this is--you new york times admitted it was a political theater. >> user adam singer comparison. adam seen the movies are great but they don't last a week.
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the first night was actually fo a january 6 hearings was a good night. 20 million viewers that's a lot. most as much as at this show. >> whatever they're telling you that's fine. i don't want to be rudy giuliani , but yeah, you're doing great. look, it could've been better i it was shorter. you just set it got out. >> you need to relax back you never hear that. i feel like so yeah it's political theater but like all theater it's gotta be short, sweet 16th and you get out. just a stick up for golf it, it's the us open. >> golf is actually an underrated sport to watch. you got it dripped in from a conscious standpoint in inanimate. the sound is so soothing.
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>> nbc spent hundreds of millions of dollars for the right to televise the us open. they're not good do it because you what to hear from one more obscure with it to your administration official about a e-mail that he got from someone. this is all be bold. >> we got the main show time to move on. >> and let's be honest professional golfers are sexy. some of them. all of them from behind. tight trousers, i'm all for that . i would rather watch puppet the watch these hearings jamie raskin and adam shift. i what actually watch golf ball wash golf balls in my mouth by the way if they didn't adam sandler even if they had on thi
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committee because again that th anticipation is he going to break wind or not? i'll sit around for hours waiting for that. only the part we would have moved on. >> if anyone what's to kick in to watch the golf ball watching. rob, why do you have a stack of hundreds? >> that's for you to find out. you kids. it settled down over there i'll have to come between you. >> war that kill the room. it killed my sol. coming up elon musk lays down the law. for some employees, it's the final straw. been
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be hiding the truth about joe i hunter. they've held their first meetin yesterday in anticipation of it plan woody for billion-dollar takeover. during the video conference wit over 7,000 staff members elon several policy changes includin facing remote work allowing users to pay to get verified an prioritizing freedom of speech. that's not funny. adding that so long as no one i breaking the law twitter users should be allowed to home extreme views and post outrageous things. >> more fielders of a shirtless geraldo. coors elon zone tweets at jokin about localism about twitter employees panicking about their impact on the corporate culture when asked about his commitment he said he wants at least a billion people on twitter. i'd call that includes at. >> meanwhile at the other company i've employees were canned yesterday after
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circulating a letter criticizin him and urging executives to make the rocket company were inclusive. at letter called out elon's ful twitter behavior off of the whiners went. which is tough but fair. now he could've done what abc does with divisive employees no only forcing them to place with bottle is entirely appropriate. that's about taste? golf balls in the mouth? >> i was just washing them. >> that's what i told the cops. >> don't you love it how all th people are worried he might rui this pristine wonder that is twitter? >> yeah. >> it is. also there worried it's going t
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wreck inclusivity. that he has to focus on free speech but it makes no sense because what he is saying is everybody gets a voice and i don't know what is more inclusive than that? that is what's inclusivity as everybody equally gets a voice what they believe in the field and when they see inclusivity they don't mean what they mean is the office at that. >> everyone. only accepts you speak exactly the way that icu can that's inclusivity. you know how he acts like a boss . >> you read my mind like subordinates are like you can't do that. a subordinate, you're fired. >> it is so 40 years ago. you have time to write a complaint letter, you are fired. what are you doing? what are you doing with your time? i worked worked for tyrants ove the years not here but other
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places and keep showing on your toes because you see them comin down the hall, you have to know where to hide. and you're nervous all the time and it keeps you quite trim. >> you can't hold anything down or in. >> anyway i like how he refused to play this new trend of air i your laundry publicly like open letter on what happened in the washington post with the other lady. >> who also got fired it's kind of like you guys went to go public, be publicly fired. also this trend hr trend that likely we want you to bring you authentic self to work. your whole self to work. who wants that? nobody at work wants to know about your authentic self and then your coworkers went to know . you probably don't even want to know. i think you should leave it at home and bring your work self. my whole career goal every single day is to go home.
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i feel like that's enough. i don't need to also have a larger discussion about what someone is doing in some other realm. go. you should see how fast i need this building. >> you don't even know. i'm gone. >> you literally you are in car now. what urc is some kind of weird fog. he seems like elon musk is the path to changing things. >> i am all for classing up twitter it is the armpit of society right now. a billiard is not going to say that. the only thing that's gonna sav the first amendment as the second amendment and that is wh we have it. and the reality as, in the elon musk i think he could get bette it getting worse but the whole social media movement where the violence conservative even silenced the president of the united states it should frighte every single american out there. it certainly frightens me so
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kudos to elon for standing up and being a possum. hopefully twitter gets better. i may truth social guy. >> at us. i don't do any social media lik the fact that the welts which riches man agrees me on everything that amazing why am not the richest man? why wasn't i married the grimes? not too late. he's got a baby that's the name of the baby x. >> where my going with this? up next to ryan gosling's new look from mattel has fans sayin what the heck.
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>> a story in five words. ryan gosling, what is that? but they are doing this a live barbie movie, and do you think they will be true to the source material? >> i think there problem is the apparently have ella the generous playing kevin. that's a compliment. >> i'm just saying i'm looking at the pitcher.
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they're both beautiful individuals. lots of beauty lots of beauty t give it. >> i'm trying to save you. i don't know why. >> what do you think of his new look, do you care? i think he's like a four. >> since i've already this entire show, i actually played with kindles when i was little and i'm not thinking about from the waist up. i'm thinking about from the waist down because ken was missing some stuff. they were in atomically correct. >> they were missing stuff so i'm just wondering about that from the waist down. >> how would you clean your kindle? that's a wrap. i'm a curious person. >> dawn dishwashing liquid.
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you're running for senate, what is your stance on this new live action version of barbie? >> if you can vote on not interested. in all fairness, and joe biden' america, he may be able to. >> are you excited, kat--i don' think you ever play with barbies , did you? >> not really a had a lot of plastic lizards. >> you preferred biographies of- - >> i was promised a real desert if i kept my room clean for a month. i'm still waiting, dad. where is my beato dragon, chief? if i had a dollar for every tim i heard that? in my house a bearded dragon me something completely different. >> i've gotta say just shut up. a little too late for that now. somebody is doing some editing
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