tv Life Liberty Levin FOX News June 19, 2022 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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trey: thank you very much. >> thank you for spinning part of your sunday with us, have a great week ahead, until next week you can find us on-line at gowdy america e"life, liberty and levin" is up next. ♪ ♪ mark: hello america, i am mark levin this is "life, liberty and levin." this is a pocket copy of the constitution and declaration of independence, i spent 40 years in my life studding this. why is that?
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because this is supposed to be the overall law of the land. it protects our individuality, freedom and civil society, in many ways we live in a post constitutional america, those who are waving the constitution today to january 6 committee have been mayor participants in its demise. let me ask you a question. let's say you go to a court of law. there is no judge. there is no jury. you don't have a lawyer. you can't call witnesses. you can't provid evidence, you have to watch. and watch. and let's say that jury chosen by. let's say the jury is chosen by nancy pelosi, and media in the back taking pictures,
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rolling cameras, taking notes, as scribes. for the prosecution. the prosecution being the jury. then reporting, we have new findings, new information has come out. not a perfect parallel but good enough, that is what is going on with this january 6 committee, nancy pelosi chose every member, they had to pass yore test -- her test, which was loyal tie to her, nancy pelosi has been been questioned once about yore role in january 6 or failure to defended the capitol building, she was in charge, her text-messages, e-mails, documents, staff, family members, friends, none of them have been called or questions, nancy pelosi chose these 9 committee members in part to cover-up
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for herself, so she would not be held to account, nancy pelosi is most destructive speaker in the house house we've had. nancy pelosi visit been given many opportunities when press asks her, she gets irritated, she urges on the mob. which will be in full force soon enough when roe v. wade is overturned likely, she does not seem to be concerned about that and neither does schumer and biden. the president of united states, attorney general of united states former judge, was very slow to provide protection for the justices, we have the governor of virginia, trying to pass,
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which would make it a crime to protest in front of or threat supreme court justices, that is where we are right now, i watched the third hearing for 45 minutes, i thought to myself, i have never seen anything like this before. it is choreographs, members are reading off till teleprompters, one is is responsible for leading the hearing, high he knows when to stop so the cameras are rolling. we have what is called separation of powers. they keep talking about a coop.
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and an insurrection. this is no cincinnati. >> they know coup. there was a piece written over a year ago by professor muller from university of iowa, he was annoyed while listening to and watching democrats some time ago. the piece is entitled, democrats have been shameless about your presidential vote too, in relevant part in january
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2001 -- >> >> >> of texas, referred to quite millions of american who have been disenfranchised by flood a florida vote count. and in 2005, senator boxer from california joined senator joans from ohio. to launch a formal objection. compelling congress to spend two hours in debate. representative barbara lee of california claims that democratic process was forwarded. and nadler from new york saying that right to vote was stolen.
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and also a dark picture of the presidency of george bush. january of 2017, democrat in congress against challenge the election outcome. saying:: lee of california arge that michigan electorate vote should be thrown out because people are horrified of the overwhelming evidence and citing the malfunction of the voting machines. readiness was disconcerting. two committee members were involved in objections that includes the chairman, benny
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thomson and so-called constitutional expert, jame jaime ras -- we have not had witnessers on testimony in defense of people smeared in front of a national media every time this committee meets, they put out a narrative. we're told they are debating whether to make a criminal deferral to department of justice, several members let the cat out of bag, and say their entire purpose is to indict donald trump. vice president of the united states, what is his power as president of the senate? we really don't know. if you read 12 amendment of the constitution it does not tell you very much.
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1887 law that everyone points to is convoluted. ambiguous. this is why people are debating this issue, i do know this, everyone takes an oath to up hold the constitution of the united states, including president of the senate, vice president of the u.s. i know what article two second one clause 2 says, i've state shall appoint in such manner as legislature. they talk about which branch is to be in control. you know why they never talk.
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article 2 is violated. openly. in sunlight and before our eyes, when the majority democrat elected supreme court of pennsylvania changed the election laws up to a week before the election. when the governor of pennsylvania, and secretary of state of pennsylvania, changed how the election laws were instituted. in violation of this article, even though the republican legislature objected to what they were doing, objected to what they were doing. and so lawsuit were brought. they were brought in court. the supreme court of pennsylvania that violated federal constitution ruled on it. u.s. supreme court refuses to take it up, it appears that 3 justices want to take it up, it takes 4, up like 2000 when al gore was trying to litigate his way to the
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white house, rehnquist said that enough is enough. because the rogue florida supreme court comment -- is it your duty, as president of the senate overseeing the process and vice president of united states, to accept the counting of electors even if you know the federal constitution has been violated? didn't you take an oath, doesn't this supercede everything else? i'm note bringing it up to -- not bringing it up to criticize anyone, i am bringing it up this matter is more complicated. they seek to create criminal predicates that donald trump knew that vice president pence knew he couldn't do
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what me wanted to do. but he crept threatening, they are trying to create a criminal predicate, he had to know his his lawyers were telling him. that is not clear at all. either way. so this entire thing is a scam, a railroad job, that is my point. one other point, michael testifying a former federal judge, why? what does he have to do with anything. his testimony was bizarre. mannerisms were bizarre. he testified because he is considered this icon on the conservative side with the federalist society, which they hate. he testified because of his connection to vice president president pence. he was a legal adviser to
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pence at this period, but he wasn't. told me, michael was not a lawyer for the vice president or an adviser, he sent unsolicited, memo of his views on the law to the vice president of the united states. he never spoke to the vice president according to this senior aid, to vice president mike pence, it would have been nice if he were examined on that issue, bill barr is now celebrated they will have a ticker-tape parade for him on his testimony, they want him to be key went on a criminal trial, where he said, every that trump said was bs. because i know. he can contradicted by former u.s. attorney for philadelphia who said on
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election day and afternoon words our office received various allegations of votary fraud and election irregularly, i wanted to to be tran person, attorney general however instructioned my to not make public statements or put out press releases, i was given a directive to pass along allegation to state attorney general for investigation, same attorney general who declared that you could not win. i disagreed with that decision, but those were my orders. in a normal committee hearing, even a subcommittee overlooking agricultural subsidies. you would have more opposition than you have in this committee, which is none. you put the former u.s. attorney in one chair, and former attorney general in the other chair, you swear them under oath, they
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give testimony and they look at each other, you work it out right there in front of the committee and in front of the american people, but you get none of that, that is not what nancy pelosi wants, media have to stop taking the spoon fed propaganda from this committee, it might has well be run by democrat national committer i, phony legal analysts should stop retrend -- presenting we learned something new and compelling, you have learned nothing, nothing. what i come back. we have two great guests. daegan mcdowell and representative victoria sparks born in ukraine, a representative from indiana, we'll be right back. and power...
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i want to ask you about the economy. i lived through 70s, 80s, carter and reagan. reagan slashed taxes on the fiscal side so american people could survive it. joe biden will not slash taxes. he wants to increase taxes, then health blame putin for that and he flames big meat, big baby oil, and buying tampon for this. >> whatever the biden administration does to respond to the 40 year high inflation, will be a policy mistake. they cannot own how they created this hardship for every american. regardless of who folks
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voting forward. and they can't own that the two trillion dollars of spending last year, fomented a lot of this federal reserve is responsible as well. but guess who is still running federal reserve, powell, joe biden reactor pointed the guy for another term, if biden even took a page from the trump playbook, he would have fired him, blame powell and put anyone new in, he didn't do, that maybe they will try to cut checks or rebates to pay for gasoline, that is more fiscal spending, and stimulus so not alleviate the problem, maybe score political points, but imagine if build back better
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passed in fall, 5 trillion in spending. they would it would not coast going they needed to spend that money to lower inflation. whatever the biden administration does, will make the situation worse. they will continue to make policy mistakes, but they also not embrace the private sector. that is -- you know the big evil lumber, big evil meat, and oil, that also compounds inflation mistake they made, they can't release the spirits of all of these companies to -- it should have been all of the above in terms of producing more oil and natural gas here. early this year, when prices started to spike, they have been going up the entire time that joe biden was in office, but he won't do that he still worried about courting the green movement, stupidly.
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trey: reporter: days en this mark: dagen, in raises the question, how could this not be intentional. he declared from the beginning he was going to war with the energy industry. he is embracing climate change, degrowth propaganda. they lie about leases that, they are not giving permits to drill, and taken a lot of land and offshore areas, off of the table that donald trump put on the table. then they blame big oil, wasn't big oil, quote unquote, in charge before biden was president when the price of gasoline was half this much, all av a of a sudden big oil decided to triple the prices, make a ton of profits, are they not the ones begging biden to
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take their foot off the throats. >> yes so they can help lower oil and natural gas prices. the lie about unused leases, they have been floating around since president obama was in office. the blame game is not even new, they are borrowing it from president obama and that administration, to me, what the biden administration has done with oil is definition of idiocy he promises to transition away from oil, moratorium on new leases on federal land and water. and an array of policy moves, regulatory moves that american people couldn't see, last -- that was starting in january of last year. but then by august, they were begging effect -- opec
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plus, colluding russia to pump more oil, fighting climate change, is there a most important thing for biden incorporated? why do they do that, are they so stupid they don't understand it does wasn't matter where the barrel of oil is produced if you talk about climate change because it say global phenomenon in their minds, or. one more barrel, if they cared about climate change, they wouldn't be begging opec plus to produce more shower, they sid -- from day one, they gave our power and prosperity to
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nations that hate us, they funded putin from day one. i think that they truly do hate american business. but, they don't have an alternative. what do they want? everyone to work for the federal government? mark: when we come back, dagen, what about the rest of the economy? now see people pulling back purchases, and manufacturing pulling back, people say we're headed into a recession, are we in a recession in we'll be right back.
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jon: welcome to fox news live, the biden administration is considering a plan that might provide a tiny bit of preleave to your pain at pump, to place a temporary pause on the in a nation's gas tax. this week national average for a gallon of fuel is 4.98. >> and yellen said that the idea is worth considereds. >> airlines delayed or canceled thousands of flights again, many more may
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come as july 4 week approaches, airline blame staff shortages and bad weather. i'm jon scott. back to "life, liberty and levin." mark: welcome back. dagen, i know technical people say we need this and that to trigger recession, i don't know. i have lived through recessions. if it smells and walks like a recession it is a recession, i feel like we're in stagflation. >> we're in a recession, the economy contracted in first quarter of this year, even estimate from federal reserve bank down in atlanta see second quarter. as having zero growth. you have seen so many problems begin to pile up like almost instantly,
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without the federal reserve. hiking interest rates. that much about resently three quarters of a points, half of one point previous meeting, home construction is already sharply falling and manufacturing activity in midatlantic region slow. people are cutting spending because inflation is eating -- well their wages are falling, eating to everything that their wage increases then some. you have mortgage rates have skyrocketed, in last week they have gone up fastest pace since 1987. they are running at 13 year high. that makes buying a home more expensive. this sadly to say this, it might be only solution to inflation. because the biden
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administration -- because they won't do anything, like for example talk about feeding the inflation, the moratorium on making student loan payments that was extended, through august. that is a hand out to rich people. to people who are lawyers and doctors. that makes up -- inflation worse, because biden and company won't do anything to try to stem the inflation it falls on the federal reserve to do it that say blunt instrument, causing a financial armageddon. >> we were talking off air about when reagan inherited from carter. and reagan never criticized volcker.
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he understand. and. reagan did on fiscal side something different. than this administration, he slashed taxes across the board to try to ease the pain and keep the economy working, that is not something that democrats or biden would do, are they not talking about increasing trump taxes. >> they want to spend more money, to cobble together pieces of build back better lowest over and force joe manchin to get onboard and raise taxes by a trillion, if they are not hammering corporate sector in word, they will hammer them indeed. that would assuming we're headed into a recession or already in one, that would make it that much worse, that much deeper and prolong a recession that much more by raising taxes in that environment.
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also, another thing to point out, about jimmy carter, he started using deregulation toward the end of his term, knowing what a hardship inflation was, like deregulating the price of airline tickets. but, this administration is so entrenched and driven or strangled by their open left wing nut ideology. they can't let go of, that they can't give one inch to to alleviate the pain that all americans are feeling, that is the world of insanity this grumpy old man and his cohorts live in. mark: i think putin is a monster, but i don't think he is responsible for what is happening in this county. we were energy-independent,
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we didn't need putin, we were exporters now we're an importer of everything, this nation is at a turning point in so many ways, we could go way of great depression or muscle our way out of this the way reagan did, i am afraid we have an fdr light in the oval office, deegan mcdowell thank you. >> thank you. mark: we'll be right back.
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female member of congress, came to united states in 2000, a u.s. citizen in 2006. has advance degrees a very smart lady, welcome you. >> thank you. mark: ukraine is in a tough position. russians using their long distance artillery and missiles. while we and others have been providing the ukrainians with mid range missiles, hardly a fair fight, seems we're a day late and a dollar short with what they need. what is your take on this? >> well, unfortunately in has been 3 steps behind for a long time. if we would have done something before the war happened, the war wouldn't have happened and putin
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understands very well. i think that is a problem we're facing. ukrainians would received weapons before war, putin would not have attacked or a bigger resistance. now we have the system situation this administration is slow working until a lot of people started dying, there is a mismatch, a lot of people didn't understand, that ukrainian people not just fighting -- not just their country but their ideas and ideals, that they want to be free, they don't want to go back to socialism communism. a lot of people don't understand, they will fight and die for it they are fighting for our ideas. mark: you are right. let me ask you, we have people in this country, who
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i call the putinnoid. they of in a small minority. vast majority of americans support the ukrainians. the argument is we have our own border and our own economy to worry about, why are we focused on another country like ukraine, that their problem. let me ask you, do you think that any policy would change in united states with respect to biden on the border, the economy and inflation, gasoline or anything else anything else if we all of a sudden stopped trying to provide support to ukraine? >> i think we can not be naive, china and russia are eating our lunch in foreign policy, we cannot not be naive, don't think that fight is
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embarras us, that i want to try to divide the influence of the world, we cannot think we will isolate ourselves, they will not come for us, they will come at us. we have to bring that fight to the front lines in europe or it will be on our land and our border. if ukraine does not deal -- right now there is a lot of things happening with potential hunger and riots in africa, russia trying to disdestabilize balkans and poland from inside, and northern ireland, and asia in cahoots with china. we don't have very good energy policies, we don't have border security, what do you think will happen
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when the hunger destabilized the northern triangle and we have an open border? what will happen with the terrorists? they will start shaking up africa, we have an open border? what do you think will happen if europe is going to get on fire. with all of the instabilities will happen in europe? you think it will not be affecting us, we cannot naive. we help ukraine fight and win or there is no option, we'll have to send our children to die, i don't want to do it as a congresswoman, we don't learn from history, unfortunately, we had world war ii, we're repeating the same mistake, at some point we need to start learning not be dumb. mark: what is it we need to do further to help ukrainians win? even though the people
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attention should ukraine. the alliance with china is stronger than ever. china is intending to invade taiwan, control the south shine china sea, they are working with iran. iran is working with north korea. i feel like we have not awakened to what is taking place. >> it is a very serious situation. think about it, ukraine is second largest country in europe after russia. with huge amount of resources. with 22 area earth minerals, and a lot of grains, it has a lot of resources, under u.s. pressure, ukraine passed a law that china cannot buy strategic asset of ukraine. if russia takes control, i can guarantee they will take control of a lot of strategic assets, 80% of
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world titanium is in ukraine. a lot of people don't realize how it will strength the position of russia and china going further. and maybe there was reasons, russia will take over by china, but for short-term, they have strategic alliance to come after us. i think we need to be very smart and clever in our policy. and we've been pretty dumb, i did not realize our dumb our policies were, until recently, i understood that if we go and fight the big fight, you need to be on the ground and understand the situation. i spend a lot of time in europe, all over. and i understood what things need to happen, we have to be pro active, because the cost of being active is way
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mersig march more significant. mark: no question about it we got caught flat footed in world war ii. that was a disaster. you make very important points, if you have something to say to president biden directly, right now, on this program. what would you tell him. >> i tell him we need to cut bureaucracy and more speed agility it is in your natural interest to help ukraine to hold the ground, if we don't, we'll be spending our boys to hold the ground. there are no other armies. ukrainians are very capable people, they really went through a lot. they are educated there
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is a lot of intellectual capital in the country. a lot of university resurgences, the country has a lot of resources, if we held them. and have a proper oversight to make sure that it gets to the right people, you have a government bureaucracy and different things happen, ukraine has been known for corruption but the people on the ground are good, they want strong, honest and good government. if we stream line, have a proper oversight and speed and agility the people will win this war for all of us, that would be an important blow back to china and russia to understand they cannot just come like that and take countries, territories, they cannot control countries, put their governments there, that.
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you create a very powerful energy in europe, that is going in one direction, europe needs to be revived. ukraine can be part of that revival. mark: i very much appreciate you coming on the program, i think your points are very important. i am glad you are in the house of representatives. important that we build up the united states military under this president, he is not doing. we can help the united states military, deal with communist china, because communist china is itching for a confrontation, not us, some people tre tend pretend to be america firsters, they sound like america lasters. it is america's fault. that putin invaded ukraine. and that iran will have nuclear weapons. how stupid is that. thank you so much. representative victoria
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mark: welcome back. thank you to your great guests, but also. moments of have left, there have been 50 attacks on pro life groups, violent attacks in 19 cases, including firebombings, terrible violence. one of groups behind it, janes revenge. they put out a letter the other day, saying they will continue attacking. why wasn't president biden spoken out against this, nancy pelosi in chuck schumer? why hasn't the attorney general of united states had a press conference, there is an clause, the take care
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clause. puts an obligation on president and people he superrizes to enforce the law, they are not doing. mr. garland, you are a disgrace. if it were up to me, you would be impeached. i'll see you next time on "life, liberty and levin." . >> good evening welcome to "the next revolution" this week mortgage rates rose five.7 percent the highest level and double than what they were last are the biggest weekly increases 97. on top of the lowest labor over1 years you have the biggest mortgage hike what a historic administration
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