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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  June 21, 2022 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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that is all the time we haveei left this evening. as always, thank you for being with us. you make this showh possible. we can't thank you enough. please dvr s never miss an episode. you're never going to get this news from the media mob when you need news fox news .com hannity .com any minute, any hour of any given day. in the meantime, let your heart be troubled. ub laura ingraham is standing by .i she's got a great show. the ingraham angle takes over right now. laura , what were you showing on your we showing like fancy monograms your fancy. yeah, fancy. i got the working class. what about all that rap? you are working class now. you got you've got monogram. what do you do now with a third construction worker to the manager leo 2.0? well, after i discovered i guess what do you mean you y discovered leo itou what if he was a liberal and he was on the angle then he went to you and he became a conservative.
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i love that . don't get me wrong.ts i used m to back in the hannity right. he'd be a guest there yelling at me if i if i talked about o.j. rip out is all right. all right. well i like i like the fact you're all first and how the third now it's i like it. i guys never have. all right. alcandidates, it's great to see you as always. all right. i'm laura ingram , the ingramng angle from new york city tonight tipping over and fallingleli down. >> that's the focus of tonight's angle and wew can start the show the easy way tonight on biden's dismount skills or we could just focus w on that weird whisper thing he did today on the beach. i'm also very proud of some of the right here in delaware for why does he do that ? or we could just poke fun of the least fun person on the face of the planet. liz cheney had the vice president of the united states obeyed the president of the united states.
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america would immediately have and plunged into what would have been tantamount toev a revolution within a paralyzing constitutional crisis. bo but instead, let'sut talk about what matters, shall we? the future. ur and here's the bottom the western establishment is losing its ability to govern completely what happened in the french parliamentary electionsly over the weekend was absolutelyn stunning and american should pays attention to this .be the pretty boyra liberal emmanul macron lost a governing majority driven by huge gains by the right and left wing parties. now four years there's been an undercurrent of discontent building throughout europe as working people were fallingnh further behinder this is precedd by the islamic refugee influx and now, of course,rn inflationary concerns and the ukraine russian nightmare. sost rather than address the needs of their people, the old european guard seemsup obsessed with living out d their fantasies of the new
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global order. you know what i'm talking about? taming capitalism, punishing. wealth creators and of course biden is totally on board with that. w we also can move in the direction that we can provide for increasing taxes on those c in the corporate area as well as individuals as relates to erme how original higher taxes. >> t i haven't heard that before . a political elites are just no longer nimble because even when they bring in a charismatic newcomer and obviously that's nott someone like an obama or david cameron or emmanuel macron, it doesn't work becauseu those folks are trapped in these same old cycle of tax spendnd and divide. oh , in gerontocracy. they've been out. of steam for many years. everything they did since biden got in has made things worse. >> we had to ratchet up spending. you put money in the economybu
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besides keep businesses open, try to keep people with income in their pockets and whenever you do that you run the risk of inflating things and you then have to do try to find some balance in all of that .hi >>ng and we're searching forla that balance. we'll get therere. the balance well, the votersvo are already there. they see what the balance is, congressman, and they're out of patience. kn soes the time has come to recognize that history has entered a new chapter, the old solutions that might have worked to some extent, maybeom back in the 90sexten don't evene sense today here in the united states. we have to forgett talking about a new republican majority to quote newt gingrich, our next guest, we need a new american majority new coalition and the following reforms have to f take place. number one , we have to promote fair economic growthote . we need an economy that features overall growth and higher wagesl for workinge
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people. so basically t the same type of economy we had before covid hit. this means wee need to get americans back to work physically back to work with tax and regulatory policies that encourage and reward going tok work. but we also need trade and immigration policies that are going to prevent plutocrats from just outsourcing jobsmiil or preventg working americans from making their fair share. let's is their lingo. number two, we need a realistic game plan to deal with the riset of china. we don't have that the current establishment is simply too weak and to compromise to ever meet the challenge presented by the ccp. cc and as things stand currently i hate to say this bluntly, butr we are on pace to lose our independence and eventually become a puppet state of the ccp. so we need a complete reform of our military, our intelligence community, our diplomats. no one and i mean no one thinks china fears this man. wewe cannot wait for the rest of
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the world either. no one , by the way, is calling for isolationism. they alwayssnism hit you back wh that one. it's simply an absurd lie.n but we cannot wait forel countries like france, germany and japan top help us . to be candid, the rest of the world thinks that america is in terminal decline at t this point and that the future ngprobably belongs to china. so no one's going to make sacrifices to help us if they think we're doomed. d number four, we need a patron audit government to manyto peope in d.c. and i've been there for too long.hey are i'm sorry to admit they'rere simply serving time until they can go lobby forrp multinational corporations or yes, even for the chineseoror. u too many washington bureaucrats are taking taxpayeryer dough to sit at home instead of doing the normal thing like go to work, go to the office to many of our diplomats are more concerned about the world than defending our national interests. on we'reom looking at the largest economic opportunity
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and transformation since the industrial revolution and this will be vigorousn ae because every nation in the world is going to have to move to a clean new energy economymy and future. of i course that's music to china, the earth, america isat unilaterally disarming in the energy battle right now while china is burning coal, building coal plants, using oil,, undeterred by kerry karrine diplomacy that is the laughing . meanwhile, as all this is happening, the pentagon is more concerned about being rogue than about preparing toil killl our enemies. check out this pride month pr. training video now being used by the us navy. hi, my name is johnny and i see him pronouns. hi, i'm country and i used to be here and we're here to talk about pronouns. us using the right pronouns is really simple way to affirm i someone's identity. it is sig a signal of acceptance and respect. if it's a signal of acceptance
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and respect, how do we go about creating a safe space for everybody? okay, my lord e is embarrassingo this has no place in our military or anywhere frankly just stupid. the democrats dorats believe they have an answer, however, to this perceived patriotism deficit. it comes in the form of something called a new civics secure is democracy act. that's a mouthful. it'sju just reintroduced in congress. well, stanley kurtz tells us that if it's passed, it will allow the vibe administration to push critical race theory on every public school in america over a six year period-yea of six billw dollar pot of competitive grant money. we'll create a de facto national curriculum. cfd has added republicans editors bill cassidy from louisiana and jim inhofeana froe oklahoma as co-sponsors sponsors of the newly n nreintroduced bill . unless america's parents wakeen up and make themselves heard now there's a veryy real chanceh that crt could be theat
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new common core by summer. now this is insane, but except for these foolish republicans giving them cover, it's not really surprising. more on this inmo just a few moments with newt gingrich fort years, the leftist fred anti-american poison through our schools, our universities, of course the median, movies, corporate boards, every other forum. so we need new leaders who are proud of america and who worker every day to defend her interests. no. five , we have to make america safe for social conservative in a desperate, desperate effort to holdor the on to power the current establishment has allied itself with radicals on the left who justal on a band social conservatives including devout christians, muslims and orthodox from the public square period becauseor in today's democratic party and in much of corporate america you just can't participate at the highest levels if you have the wrongel religious beliefs.
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heck, you can't even coach a high school football team. the thought that somebody ofan any kind of faith would have to hide who they are or have to just be ashamed of them being a anybody of faith that's juston wrong in my bookg this is note only wrong, it also meansar that we're not giving all of our best and brightest peopleul a chance to fully participate in civic lifein. these attitudes are just poisoning the democratic party . they've infected many state and city governments and their in common with the media in our top colleges and even in the military. so this has to stop. but we do know how to fix all these problems, don't we? because if youou look at where the u.s. economy was back in 2019 or where florida and texas are today, the policies that would fix most of this those work were tried are being used. so the decline of america is not inevitable.
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a new survey by yougov yahoo tonight indicates that americans are disgusted with joe biden's performanceua and even with liz and venis january six mudslinging they prefer trump now in a head to head match wow. so americans know a failed establishment when they see it in its handling of covid afghanistan false promises skon ukraine, prices at the pump at the grocery store, the crime surge, thousands of flightsed being canceled over the holiday weekend. that was fun, ,. soso biden's tipping over on his bike. t yeah, that's bad. but america tipping into thirds world status, that is unacceptable and that's angle. joining me now is newt gingrich, former speaker of the house and fox news contributor a. he's also the author off defeating big government socialism. newt, i want to get into the new american majoritygo, which is your concept and idea t in a moment. butt this idea of nationalizingv
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civics might have kind of an allure on the surface. but when you dig intoal what they're actually proposingy this legislation, it's a backdoor for crtv and pretty much every other nightmarishuch idea you can think of. that bill is crazy.ra no republican would be for it r and as many republicans as necessary to guarantee it will be filibustered in the senate and never leavend that that's the kind of bill which givesiv the washington bureaucrats the ability to impose on local parentsn or local families radical values. and i'm franklyy astonished that any republican would agree to co-sponsor a bill and i think it's an open invitation to further creating a totalitarian leftwing mindset where they're going to tell us how we think, how we behave ,how we're allowed, what we're allowed to do. it's totally wrong. i was shocked to discover that had been introduced and i
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certainly hopeed that the handfl of republicans who are currently co-sponsors will withdrawre c their names am hope folks back homee will call them and demand that theyaw withdraw their names. now let'ses play something. from president professor epicloud today on msnbc when he was asked about juneteenth. we see extremist forces on the rise trying to in every way undermine our democracy. this anti crt movement. we need to understand the relationshipwe between t critical race theory and white replaced and replacement theory if they go hand in hand and i voter suppression that go hand in hand because we saw it in the latter part of the 19th century as jim crow is taking l root. >>au how is this not racist? well, of course it's most of the racism in america today is on the leftd and frankly replacement there is a total lie of virtually all of us favor legal immigration. virtually all of us agree
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with reverend martin luther king jr. who said is the content of our character not the color of our skin. virtually all of us know that by tipping over in are is a pretty good reflection of the way the entire federal government stepping over . we j just did a poll where 87% ofj the american people said that they wanted to restoreus the america that works. and i think that'si what ultimately is going to create a red flag, not a redhi tsunami, but a red white blue tsunami. as you see, democrats, republicans, independents all coming together because things simplyther aren't working.oo you look at the price of everything. you look o o at the problems on the border. youu look at the george soros effort to create a pro criminal class of district attorneys. around, youu tuurn realizeou the left represents an america that will fail and theeo only answer to that ispl the american people knew there was l a really typical piece,
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i guess in the new york that just came out as a hit piecee on rhonda santurce. but one part of it i think perfectly illustrated why so many gop voters have come to hate the gop establishment. now this was a quote fromr the chief of staff to former moderate gov. bob martinez. he said of conservatives he said there was always an element of the republican party that was back . you knowat what ? crazy. they had lots of different names. they were birchers, they were movement conservatives. they were religious righth. and we did what every other republican candidate did. we exploitedican them. trump opened pandora's box and let them out. note the disdain these people have for their own voters never ceases to amaze. you know, lincoln said that we wanted to preserve government of the people, by the people and for the people. the elites don't want anything
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to do with that. the fact is this rebellion you've seenn' in this country hs been a rebellion against the elites. and the fact is that donald trump was produced in part because the washington elite failed when he announced for president 65% of the republicans in the country rdisliked their national leadership. and that's why the national leadership couldn't win the presidential nomination to run the senate as a great example, he's a hard hitting, hard working, very successful governor who's making life better for the people ofid florida. compare that to new york or illinois or the california complaint to newt. great to see you as always.. and speaking of living in the past, the democrats january six side show trial isn't about the preservation of democracy or even a factra finding mission. as michael anton writes in compact mag, the committee has brought to light no new important information and evidence, no smoking gun that points to much less proves insurrection or overthrow.
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all they can do is scream in america's faces. that is until merrick garland brings criminal charges againstr the former president and god knows how many of his associates. that's the real plan. joiningat sound like lambton, former trump national security council staffer and research fellow at hillsdale michael . so you think that's a real t prize here ? that'she what they're going for. obviously they from everfr emerging again politically i think is what they would like to do, whether they have the nerve to do it will depend on whether they think they've built enough of a case and have built up enough support in the t general public, in the bureaucracy, the media obviously they have the media fewi for your show and a others pretty much locked upth. i think it's what they want to do. the question is will they dare do it? and that'll justt be aioe calculation or a judgment. many of them have already saidw and i'm seeing new articless every day saying slam dunk case open and shut. trump ishu guilty of x or y or . time to try him. there's a lot of mainstream grassroots democratic pressure
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on mariga, garland and the doj. why haven't you brought charges yet? why is trump still walking free ? so i'm not saying i knowwh what will happen when i sayen that's the plan. i think that's that's the wishhi and that's what this whole thing is geared toward. > whether they pull it off is one of those things we're going to have to wait and see. yeah. msnbc, they wereos positively over the idea there was a poll like. 58% of the country thinks trump should be charged. i think they talked about it for an hour. so adam schiff as he was michael , with the whole russia collusion deal , he's very . nfident he said you have evidenceth that the then president was involved in putting a fake slate of electors out there. do you do you have evidence that he directed it? you know, it? i don't want to get ahead of our hearing. will show during a hearingul what the president's role was in trying to get states to name alternate slate of electors. will we see that he directed? e >> i don't want to get ahead ofa what we're hearing. oh , my god.
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ois there ever been a more tedious man than that ? michael , this is clearlyte a desperate attempt tomp get moe people to tune in with a declining viewership at this point. well, it's a desperate attempt to you do something about their looming defeat, disastrous, likely defeat this fall in the house and perhaps in the senate too. and twenty twenty four . . it's a long way away, but it's not looking that great for them either. so they they ce need some way o change the conversation. and we know what the most pressing problems in the country are right now. they're inflation. they're an insecure southern border. tey're all the things you talked about top of the showin tand the to do anything about any of those problems that would actually work so they're not goingng to increase the production of energy, not cleanne up some of these probls because it would i go against their ideology and it would anger their so t they got to come up with something and this is what they've got and it's not working. i mean, part of the point of my piece was to say, you know, b whatever you believe before this hearing, you still believef
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that after i don't think they changed any minds. so you know, we're a 50 50 country, whatever people are really outraged about and i think everybody is upset about it. nobodydy liked the spectacle of january six , but most peoplee think 76% and according to a poll i quoted that it was a protest that went too far . it was regrettable. it shouldn't have happened. but nowow that it happened, it wasn't that big a deal. it's not the second civil war . another 9/11 and it doesn't outweigh looking back facing people and there's a core party that believes itnd does and then there's its herecynical chip that thinks that we can use this to do anything else tond do for 40 to poll that came out in the heat of that first week where trump's ahead. i mean, they've thrownim everything out. i mean, it's you. know, he just keeps coming. >> but to me, one of the most surprising results was the number of people who thinker trump is personally responsible for january six hasso actually gone down sinceja blewe
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it. however many people watched you blew it. all right, michael , greatr pl e see as always. all right. up next , two years ago on this show, then secretary of state mike pompeo and i offered a warning about chinese tiktok while secretary pompeo is back and we have shockingg new revelations about the app. >> so stay there. what's on the horizon? the answers may be on the road . we knowwe we recognize that energy demand is growingwat and the world needs lowerhi carbon pollution to keep up atps chevron, we're working to find new ways forward through investments and partnerships and innovative capture. we may not know just what lies ahead, but it's only human to search for it.
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shouldn't we be considering right now tonight a ban on chinese social media apps especially tick-tock or if you should know we're taking this very seriously. it's something we're looking at. what do you recommend that people download that app on their phones tonight , tomorrow any time currently only if you want your private information in the hands of the chinese communist party . >> oh , that freak parents out across the country just one month after that interview two years ago, then president donald trump invoked emergency economic powers to impose sanctions against tick-tock in a move that was meant to force that china owned app to sell its american assets to a us company one year ago, however, joe biden foolishly rescinded this order. it's always helping the chinese and now we have this going on . according to buzzfeed that leaked audio from internal tiktok meetings reveals china based employees of white dance
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,which is the parent company, have repeatedly accessed nonpublic data about us tick tock users despite a company claiming otherwise. and that doesn't even speak to the societal of course, emanating from the app. teens trying to get internet famous making overly sexualized or stupid videos and at that point tesla ceo elon musk. at this point in question, is tic-tac destroying civilization? some people think so. joining us now is mike pompeo, former secretary of state, fox news contributor. mr. secretary, you were very prescient that night. what do you think two years later? well, thanks for having me on tonight. i wish this wasn't i told you so moment. i don't see it with any joy in my heart, but we now have even further evidence that the chinese communist party is taking the data that comes across from tic-tac and using it in all kinds of different nefarious ways. the effort to close it off because we keep the data
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here in the united states on a server, it's a fool's errand. the parent company figured out how to get access through the channels and we we got it from the mouths of the employees of tock, the parent company by dence themselves. so your point is exactly right . and your opening you talked about the chinese communist party wanting to make the united that's a puppet state. we are helping them. not only do we have the individual privacy issues, if my kid was on tic-tac, they'd have a social security number and know what his face looked like. they know who his friends were. they knew all the people and his contact list or they he reached out to and in different chats. that's dangerous to the individual. but cumulatively they're using this data in ways that will come back to haunt the united states of america for years and years and years building databases on individual americans. now we reached out to tiktok, mr. secretary. they told us on background that everything is working as it should. that even sounds like the chinese they work with consultants to access us data in order to stop china from accessing us data, they said, and minimize data transfers. is that in any way convincing
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to. it's not i don't have any doubt that there are efforts afoot to do that . but when it comes to this kind of communication, when it comes to something like tic-tac or you know, this it's so addictive the kids are pointing to the things they like, the things they enjoy. they're sending things to their friends that david is rich in detail about the private nature of conversations among people. right. they use it to get to other apps through . so i think they may well be making an effort. it might even be a good faith effort. but in the end, the chinese communist party wants access to it. they're going to find a way to find a channel and we'll wake up in three or four years thinking, gosh, we thought we had to solve. we won't have begun to. biden this weekend was asked about the tariffs on china. this is what he said fauci have you made up your mind on china tariffs? we're in the process of doing that i where the process of my mind was that before he fell or after i don't know i don't
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know when that was in the trajectory of things. but they're obviously going to lift the tariffs just helping china correct? it sure seems they're headed down that path. i couldn't tell you why. one thing we had right. we understood that the chinese communist party had been at war with with the american economy for decades. they'd stolen billions and ip lots of jobs and homes and states like my home in kansas really hurt the american economy because we were fools. we didn't treat them reciprocally. we let them dump product here and we began to turn the corner on that. we began to get it back in the right direction to protect american interest from the predatory behavior of the chinese communist party . and don't forget we closed down one of the largest fire operations ever inside the united states consulate that was in houston, texas, where they were spying on america's energy industry from that very consulate. the chinese communist party wants to do exactly what you describe. they want to have hegemonic influence. it's a big country with a big economy. and if we don't wake up and if we don't begin to confront it, we'll live in a very different world. >> laura .
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mr. secretary, always great to see you. thank you so much. and the media tries to cover biden's failings suggesting you are to blame. and when crime strikes your city, one mayor has to answer and sculptures raymond arroyo brings it all seen and unseen next attention. >> medicare recipients. the energy in one portable oxygen concentrator may now be available at little or no cost to you. call 871 four of nine for four to order yours today the energy and oxygen concentrate are portable and make oxygen from the air around you. they're light, quiet and battery operated to go everywhere you go and we have flying the portable oxygen units to fit a wide range of budget if you're on medicare you may even qualify to get your energy unit at little or no cost. do you go back to joining friends for the breakfast special spending time with the grandkids easier to start attending your religious services again calling the gym now for a free information kit
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invisible. why keep missing out on important conversations or waste thousands dollars? call and get to cic. recharge hearing aids where only two hundred ninety seven dollars and free shipping eight hundred seven seven nine seventy one hundred again that's eight hundred seventy seven nine seventy one hundred and seen and unseen segment. we expose the stories behind the headlines that we turn to raymond arroyo, fox news contributor. raymond, this seems to be an unwillingness among some of the media to acknowledge the crisis. . laura it's almost as if a some are trying to blame americans themselvess for not doing enough. for instance, we havee this disturbing fertilizer shortage in the country made worse by the war in ukraine. enter the new york times with a solution meet the peace cyclopes. s their idea is to help farmers is number one . the piece focuses on people recycling their so it can be used as fertilizer. it saves water.
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you don't have to flush law and it avoids using fossil fuels because you don't need chemical fertilizer. so uri are you readying the jai ngthe casa? first off all, what does the paper go in to or i know>> you've got to r separate it out. so we like composting. i don't even i can't compost. okay, so i'm not going to do the and the jar and then put in the ground. how do we go ? this is crazy and in every pot to you're enjoying every toileth now this is what it come to in the united but if they're feasible alternatives i'm fine with that. but the idea that thesee politicians have no credibility or culpability e and if somehow americans should do without and that they're causedd the problems, it's infuriating. it's just like the baby formula shortage which was caused by the administration's inaction, by the way. but rather than blameshbl the people responsible, it's the view of some that employers are to blame. i thinkk the fault lies in the fact that we have terrible maternity leave because a lotot of women would love to be able
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to stay home and breastfeed their children and take-f care f their children. the maternity leave is to blame it didn't bette midler tell breastfeedto their she did indeed. and well, i'd like to let talk to this woman with triplets. oh , people say, oh ,et i'm pumping round the clock. you know, it can only produce so much milk. oh , well, it doesn't it doesn't take into t account people with multiple children, peoplent with this disease. i keepra saying this on this on the show this is the united states of america and we'repe actually talking about peanut butter shortages and baby forho this is insanity and i haven't even gotten toay the tampa and shortages and especially that i'm going to leave t that all too in new orleans, latoya cantrell is attempting to evade responsibility forli a huge crime spikety in her city
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per capita, new orleans is on track to become the number one murder capital in the country this year. now, rather than doubling t patrols are demanding criminal prosecution. the mayor is spending money on wakeford sculptures. she unveiled this one the other day. it's a supersized afro pick with a chisel is there it is on the hill. the mayor calls it breathtaking. bd laura, i agree it is rebreathtaking that someone coui lose focus like this and spend so much money while crime is so out of hand .ra i don't: get the i don't get that it supposedly commemorates black power and afro pick in front of one was our city. no, that's not that shot. charles committed seven million dollars to the so-called art. she won't say how much the hair pic cost, but spaceballs probably did a better job and for a lot less money. there it is. you remember there and also. oh yeah. oh yeah i like that one. and ii want to introduce a new onsegment tonight , the harris
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rerun. we've noticed kamala harris doesn't so much speak as she repeats a key phrase. you'll remember these harris runs we must partner with the private sector to address what we know can be addressed when wee talk about the children of the community. they are the children of the community. we will work together w ueand continue to work together to address these issues, to tackle these challenges and to work together. we will work on this together.nd well,: the other day joy reid asked her about how she felt about ketanji jackson browne jackson being confirmed torm the supreme court. >> the anchors name got kamala harris thinking. i will tell you joy, i experienced great joy and i watched that with incredible joy and i cannot wait to see if that will only be matched
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by the joy that i experience when i see her take the oath, say the word joy and duckworth dropped from the ceiling. i'vell never seen anything like it. and i'll tell you what brings me joy. oh , no, no, i don't like it when you get of it. there is there is juneteenth and then on june 19th we also have 19th. it is laura ingraham's birthday on june 19th. so we want to commemorate i've gotten my life and look, i don't want no brown my i don't want to mess everything tell happy. thank you . thank you very much. i appreciate that you have many more here we leave these flowers. great. very exciting. i don't know what this wait and that's brings me joy. laura , just to watch e you firt such joy to discuss birthdays because birthdays bring joy. thank god we didn't lighthi anything on fire and a cake that would have blown the whole . all f right, raymond, thank you. well, nowol you joe biden is jut set a new record . stop that no one wants to hold my political panel joins me
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get the effects. this is pest rogue spoken to larry summers is one and there's nothing inevitable.l but i do i think we're very i think we're going to be ableet to get a change in medicare
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and a reduction in cost. >> okay, there you go . have government mandated lower cost for insulin and bone. no recession. m exactly the kind of thing that has made biden the most unpopular president ever at this point in any presidential term in us history. today is day five hundred seventeen of biden america and according to a very comprehensive poll by the far left wing, five thirty eight that is historic in the wrong way. now in a blended sample of polls, his approval rating is thirty nine point eight percent worse than every single president. back to harry truman in the 40s whe they were doing polling. so joining me now to discuss all of this , monica crowley, ey former assistant secretary o the treasury and host of the monica crowley podcast and joe pinyon, republican nominee for us senate in new york against chuck schumer. monica toensing, medicare covering influence going to do maybe i'm missing something i'm not and these catastrophic
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poll numbers for joe biden are no mystery here as to how we got here . this is an historic catastrophe. this presidency in every single direction. we've got a weakening economy, skyrocketing inflation and gas prices, an ongoing labor crunch ,an ongoing supply chain crisis where people can't even get baby formula wide open southern border with all of the problems that brings a weakeningg militaryta catastrophic withdrawal from afghanistan allryroph the worlds worst are on the march. ra i was: there any day. there was literally throw myself off the literally badin working here . and you wouldgrk think, laura , that a normal president would shift course right. there would be a course correction just out of sheere o necessity for political survival going into this track. but we're not getting s any of that because this is all partt of the leftist revolution. now, joe biden was on the beach giving away the gameas. de my dear mother 70% a really lousy some real you can'tt] afford. we have.. a chance here to make
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the fundamental toward renewable energy electric vehiclesun and not this as an across the board. so acr that's the plan islamize. > well, look, clearly his mother never took him down to western union to watchch people too poor to bank cash a check for $1000 by paying twenty to do so. we can't afford electric cars. this is the problem because this is a man who got elected sayinghe he had a secret plan to fight racism, a secret plan to fight covid a secret plan to fix the economy and as you said, five hundred and seventeen days later we find ourselves in joseph robinette biden's america with toddlers engaged in the hunger games because we can't even see the baby's. that is the hard truth about what has happened here . people like chuck schumer, people like joe biden who inin many ways have put their head in the sand. ld charles could have seen this disaster coming and instead they continue to t engage in this kind of largesse of government while o the regulr people, the shrinking middle class, we paid the ultimate p price.
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you know, we all know new york well. i mean i say running for senate monica, you live in new york.or i spentk. a lot of time inh new york . it's just such a great state. i mean, like illinois, beautiful state california couldn't be more stafo beautifu the leadership just refusesl. tf make anyus changes. they are absolute fanatics. i mean,ic chuck schumer, gillibrand now kathy hochulat done such a great job she wants to be reelected. yeah, well, or look at her . we are not dealing with thewe democratic party of our fathers and our grandfathers right a t. this is no longer the party of i jfk or even bill clinton. s this party made up essentially of marxist revolutionaries who are at least the ones driving the bus of the democratic party . so there is not divergent whatsoever from the leftists orthodoxy or not att allll becae they've got the eye on the prize, which is the fundamental trend of the nation. : they said it today. so we transition to basicallyi a different type of america. nowwa i want to show you some of the gymnastics coming out of the media watch. what's false is that he is not
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capable of doing the job right now or he's not mentally in tune with the demands of the job. anybody any aide who engagesep with him or reporters, we can see this the gears of his mind are working. that is that's an issue pushed by right wing media. but it's not correct. people think he's weak because i he's his biggest political problem right now. it'sw five dollars a gallon gas. gas is not five dollars a gallon because joe biden's old heart is right about one thing. you know, gas is not having a side involved. it's a tie because biden's bad stpolicies, this war against oil and gas war , it's tied because rethe president of the united states said that we were getting out of the fuelur business and then he surprisedg that a nation masquerading as aa gas station decided they were going to invade a hostile nation in the process have us on our knees begging countriess b hate us to bail us out of a problem we haveo the power to solve for f ourselves. op sole this is what happens., you have people like joe biden,
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people like chuck schumer.av they ine many ways had becomeom the welfare queen that ronald reagane warned us about. they take the profits for themselves. they leave us with empty pockets, grab unfulfilled dreams, the crops of scraps at the table that we built for ourselves. we need a new generation of leadership. the good news is that this is not fool's run in committed a patriots all acrosscr this nation. >> i think you are the best armonica. ten seconds. that future isds minority voters turning away fromaw the democrats. hispanics? yes, that is the mostay underreported story in america right now. latinos, black m american women and younger voters hemorrhaging away from the democratswa and toward the republican ydparty in new york . have a chance that you can go to joe biden .com to help us get the job market. we got a big new project coming up next .. i'm going to tell you about it. it'sa a hidden gem. the last site explains where were you diagnosed with ovarian cancer mesothelioma after
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regular use of johnson and johnson baby powder or shower to shower
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tonight i want to give you a sneak preview of my new fox nation series called "hidden gems, this is laura ingle." the first i go to do voice wyoming do you know where that is? i bet not. the national museum of military vehicles kind of in the middle of nowhere and physically started when s a guy who was sur successful name dan stark a ceo of st. jude bought a sherman tank with a plan to dis- restore it. to drive it in his town's fourth of the july parade appeared from there he purchased more military vehicles and more historical artifacts like the one you were about to see. >> you could spend days, actually weeks getting lost here. the museum is home to some
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remarkable one of a kind artifacts like the gun that fired the very first shot of the battle of bunker hill during the revolutionary war. >> this was the personal firearm of john simpson. he was new hampshire and brought his personal weapon from home to confront the tyranny of the british at the battle of bunker hill. so, the symbolism of this musket makes it so phenomenal. first shot, first battle, first american army, the birth of the american army june 14, 1775 and 3 days later battle of bunker hill in the hands of john sansone who fired the first shot. it symbolizes the very beginning of the united it symbolizes the reason we havl the second amendment, and it symbolizes the role of the citizen soldier in creating and sustaining the freedom of the united states. >> laura: each person has a role and, indeed, a duty to step up he or she can. >> it is a wonderful example for
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all of us to follow. >> laura: i hope you like watching this as much as i like filming it and meeting all these wonderful people. you hear thehe stories you wouldn't hear otherwise, go to wednesday all the episodes drop and hidden gem, laura ingraham. thanks for watching commit is american now and forever. and i understand greg gutfeld takes it all from here. ♪ ♪ >> another big election day in america with voters to hit the polls just hours from now and the statewide primaries in virginia. crucial runoff races in georgia and alabama. the winners will hit the ground running for november with some looking like they could swing read. you are watching "fox & friends first" on this tuesday morning i'm carley shimkus. >> ashley: i'm ashley strohmier in for todd piro. in virginia when parents
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demanding a say in the education made their voice is


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