tv The Faulkner Focus FOX News June 21, 2022 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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>> bill: that boat is at the bottom of the ocean. 67 and 57 you start over again. >> dana: you can see how close they are as a couple. they'll be just fine and thank them for watching "america's newsroom" and thank you for watching "america's newsroom." >> bill: we'll see you later? >> dana: i'll be on "the five". harris faulkner is up next. here is the "the faulkner focus". >> harris: top economists are warning the signs are now building for a recession to hit the united states. but the president does not want to hear about that. just moments ago, another example of it. the associated press reporting u.s. home sales slowed down in may for the fourth straight month. interest rates going up. american consumption and confidence going down. and then there is the blowup at the beach as president biden went off on a reporter for asking about his flailing economy. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus". we need a problem solver in
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chief. anyone? from food to fuel, prices all around us are on the rise. add the slow growth and experts are forecasting increasing odds of a serious economic downturn. americans cannot hide from what is happening. but apparently our president would like to do just that. oh, the mostly liberal media are finally getting curious about whether we will have to survive a tough recession. biden didn't like a reporter's question on that. >> president biden: not the majority aren't saying that. come on, don't make things up, okay. now you sound like a republican politician. i'm joking. that was a joke. all kidding aside, no, i don't think it is. i was talking to larry summers this morning and nothing inevitable about a recession. >> harris: that's hilarious
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because larry summers has had it on and he said the opposite. the president can try to sell what he is saying there. critics aren't going to buy it. >> what is unique about this, like i tell -- to your viewers, different from the depression, different from the economic downturn in the 70s, different from the great recession of 2008, all of this is a manmade economic crisis with 100% of the blame going to president joe biden and the radical left democrats driving policies in the congress of the united states. >> harris: have specific. a one manmade economic disaster. art laffer former economic advisor to former president reagan in focus. always great to have you the break things down. i don't want to overblow this but when you see the president blowing up there is something to that. >> yeah.
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he has age onset anger which comes and he tries to make a joke out of it. unfortunately i'm three years older than he is and i do that sometimes, too, harris. it is an age onset thing that anger comes first. let me say if i may the one very serious mistake the president states over and over again is this economy is in beautiful shape and growing rapidly. it's not true. there are 800,000 less people employed today than there were in february of 2020. we have not even caught back up to where we were before. if you look at it relative to trend we're off the trend by 5 or 6 million jobs. in the first quarter of this year gdp growth was negative by 1 1/2%, which is a huge drop in real gdp and they have just revised the second quarter of gdp down from 1.3% growth to a
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.9% growth. the estimates of what the second quarter will be. now it is down to zero percent on their estimate. all the statements they make are not true. they aren't factual. >> harris: i want to pause you there. i have that in my notes because you talked with my team on "the faulkner focus". that seems significant because we are looking for that trend of two quarters or more to forecast a recession. when you start going backwards with your revisions going 1.3 to .9 talk to us quickly about the meaning of that >> well, it not only goes to .9 it is now 0, the atlanta fed estimate what the second quarter will be. the best estimators of what the national bureau -- of what the congressional budget committee will say are the numbers. if we get a negative number, that would make two quarters back-to-back with negative growth which would be the national bureau of economic
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research definition of a recession historically. now they've used modifications as well. that's as close to the definition of a recession you can get. >> harris: economists are raising -- >> we're right there. >> harris: like you're telling us we are seeing a build here. economists are raising the odds of an impending recession. the latest is the bank of america global analysts now have it at 40%. top economists surveyed by the "wall street journal" put it at 44%. and one of the president's biggest backers is even raising eyebrows with this. >> i know the president says we aren't in a recession. others disagree with that. just out of curiosity, do you think we are know a recession? >> well, for a lot of people we are, no question about that. if you can't afford to buy gasoline, you are in a recession. >> harris: i tell you what, the president wouldn't be in the white house without
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african-american voters and that man delivered a lot on this very program we talked about. that is reality. donald trump delivered something for black voters that made history right before the pandemic, their earnings, their job participation, unemployment down, job participation up at record levels for blacks in this country. biden is in trouble. >> yes, he is. you are completely right on that. when you look at these numbers, it is a tragedy what is happening. i'm just -- the lowest growth period we're having right now. we have the high inflation. it doesn't get any worse than this and there is no wonder his poll numbers are through the floor. >> harris: talk to me quickly if you can about the role of gas prices in all of this. you have the president going to visit the crown prince, the country of saudi arabia that he said he was going to turn into a pariah, i don't know how biden plans to do that. now he is going to go beg for
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oil. >> let me talk about gas prices. the reason we focus on them so much. his initial attack was on the oil companies when he came into office. he canceled the keystone xl pipeline. took away the permits. he made it clear he was anti-oil. therefore you have a complete picture of what his position was and what the consequences of that position, oil is a very important product. don't get me wrong, harris, it really is. it is not just oil. it is everything. we focused on oil because the contrast from what he said and what is happening is so stark that it just clearly this is his fault pure and simple. under trump oil production went up and now his oil production is going down. it is a real calamity and all the consequences, the unintended consequences of saudi arabia and iran and all this stuff are pouring down on him because of this one industry, this one policy.
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>> harris: look, art, people are feeling it when it comes to gas prices. now we've heard that americans are getting ready to change summer plans because they can't afford what they wanted to do. today's national average for a gallon of regular gasoline is still up in those record numbers $4.96. we saw it pop above five and it is hovering. you can see how it's gone since the president took office. in one direction. now, putin accounts, the war against ukraine for about the last 100 plus days of that but he has been in office for far more than 365. look at it. that's a year and a half. here he is on what he may or may not do about it. let's watch together. >> we know you are considering the federal gas tax >> president biden: i'm considering. >> how soon? >> president biden: i hope i have a decision based on the data i'm looking for by the end
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of the week. >> will you be giving out gas rebate cards? >> president biden: well, that's part of what we are -- that's part of the whole operation. >> harris: a gas tax holiday. let's watch his former boss on that during the recession of 2008. >> we are arguing over a gimmick to save you half a tank of gas over the entire summer so everyone in washington can pat themselves on the back. >> harris: gimmick, another man's lifeboat? bad idea? what do you make of it, art? >> well, the president is completely correct on that. this is a gimmick, a trick but something that biden probably should do. if i were in the office there with him as an economist advising him i would advise him to do the gas tax holiday and make it for a length of time. >> harris: why? when you put it back it will feel like a bigger tax. you take it away and people will really feel it. >> that's very true.
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it is not a solution for the long run. one of the things i wanted president trump to do instead of the huge spending thing was to have a payroll tax holiday. the same thing. i would have lasted a year, year and a half after the pandemic to get people back on their jobs, no, this is somewhat of the same type of thing but it is not a full solution. the big solution is go back to drilling. put in the pipelines, undo all the bad policies you do in the first six months of your being in office. that's the solution to this. this tax holiday thing is just a gimmick and it is a short run one but i would recommend he do that. >> harris: sounds like he is in desperate straits now if you suggest he do that. >> very desperate. >> harris: meaning the rest of us are, too. he will beg for oil in places like venezuela and cozy up to dictators, the same ones that wouldn't come to the summit he had with the countries in south america. it is too rich. it writes itself.
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art laffer, thank you. i hope when we come together again we'll be able to talk a little bit more about how we get out of this situation. because there has to be a solution. i look at the dow up 590 points. so there is still a glimmer of hope on the horizon it will bounce back and give people confidence, too. we have to keep it positive. art laffer, always real. breaking news now. u.s. supreme court today struck down a maine law. the state of maine that bans tuition aid for students at religious schools. the 6-3 opinion along ideological lines. chief justice john roberts wrote the law is a violation of first amendment rights. andy mccarthy is with us. former assistant u.s. attorney and fox news contributor. glad you're in "focus." break it down. what does this mean? >> harris, i think it means we get to a more constitutional
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understanding of the first amendment. the confusion is the court's juris pru dense over the years. in the first amendment the constitution does not give you freedom of religion. if it did it would be able to see here is your freedom of the religion and the limitations on it. the constitution says there is a freedom of religion that pre-existed the constitution which we are safeguarding. so that's not something the government gives you or the constitution gives you. it is something you have. what the constitution says is what the government can't do is infringe on that and it can't establish a state religion. so you can't be penalized for seeking benefits that are otherwise available because you are a religious believer. that is a penalty and a limitation on your freedom of religion. the court said today people can't be penalized and have a benefit that is otherwise
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available to people, unavailable to them because of their religious beliefs because that's a violation of a liberty that existed before the constitution did. >> harris: fascinating. and you can almost hear the echoes in your mind's eye of parents rejoicing. all we really want is a voice and seat at the table. it seems like it opens the door more for parents to make their own choices based on their own values and spiritual values as well. right now at the u.s. supreme court apro-choice group is protesting ahead of the ruling on abortion which could come at any moment or later this week. and illegal protests outside conservative justice's homes continue. however, democrats don't have much to say about that. are they okay with it? plus major cities with murder rate spikes have something in
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>> harris: some stunning new facts on america's crime crisis. five democrat-led cities are all on track to surpass their homicide totals from last year and experts are warning, as they do each year, crime usually spikes during the summer. so this is expected to get much worse. that is the back drop to voters now lashing out at liberal district attorneys in high
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crime cities. san francisco d.a. chesa boudin was just recalled. l.a.'s george gascon could soon face the same fate. republicans in philadelphia are looking to impeach d.a. larry crassner, state lawmakers are hearing directly from crime victims in pennsylvania. >> people in this country, we owe a duty to raise our kids the best we can. that's it. as best we can do. we demand something from government. someone that commits terrible acts like this should be in prison. the d.a. is culpable. it is his responsibility -- not his responsibility to act as a defense attorney. >> harris: when you lose someone you love it's palpable. i can't even imagine.
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jason chaffetz. former utah congressman. is it that the liberal d.a.s don't hear the testimony or they don't care? >> politics are that powerful. if you want different results you need to elect different people. the problem is the d.a.s, it seems like they are advocates for those who committed the crime. let's see how quickly we can get them on the street. how nice we can make it in prison instead of sending the message to the community even if you commit something of a lesser crime you are going to do time. the punishment is going to be painful enough that you don't even want to think about doing this. and what about all those citizens, the silent majority out there that live in terror that these types of gangs and these types of people with guns will come out and do these smash and grabs or violence at schools and, you know, all i heard from the democrats is
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they want to get rid of school resource officers and all the things that would make it easier. i guess the challenge to those five big democratic-run cities is what is your plan? because you don't seem to have anything. the stats are going in all the wrong directions. >> harris: i want to go back and ask my team to go back. while you were talking we had video up of huntington beach, california one of the highest price tag neighborhoods in the country. that jewelry knock-off of princess bride jewelers, when you see the video in san jose, california where i went to high school. these are places where you have working families like my mom and dad trying to just provide, i can't even imagine the back drop to our living as a basic american family this being it. like this is intolerable. >> it is. the ones that get harmed the
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most are the ones who are the people of the inner city who need it the most. they can't do anything. and then what happens is. i visited this in baltimore personally. they have food deserts. you know what? the cvss and pharmacies and those people, the banks and those types of anchor-tip of tenants can't do business there and they leave. it makes the community worse, not better. they don't have the jobs, they can't get medicine or fresh fruit. they have food deserts as a consequence. these people have been in power for decades and it is getting worse. i typed in before this interview, harris, i typed in lori lightfoot crime plan. very quickly it shows the chicago sun times saying a year after she implemented her plan crime went up. it got worse, not better, harris. >> harris: you talked about the pharmacy and food deserts. we saw this coming, jason. we showed people months ago here in new york city.
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i don't live here but i pay attention to it because i'm not that far away. people were crossing the river to jersey to go to walgreens because they were ripping everything off the stores here and we didn't think it would be fallout? those people have hit other stores. the repeatism of the revolving door is so quick. >> yeah. that's right. look, there are some petty crimes that you have to get these people out of the system but when you commit crimes with guns and the solution for the democrats is let's raise the threshold so that it gets up to be $1,000 as opposed to a smaller number so we don't have to prosecute as many people. i'm sorry. i don't hear the democrats saying we will hunt you down and convict you and you will do time. where is their message? it is silence. >> harris: good place to start just put the money in it. but you have to go get these people, as you say. if they are ripping people off i don't think cash will be their problem. they'll steal it and get
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someone to steal on their behalf so they can get out. quickly, though, when you look at cities like baltimore. beautiful city, food desert. when you look at that, people don't want to work in those stores. that's another problem. who wants to work in a place that gets hit every 15 hours? it is a dangerous place to be. i'm going to get to this. we're waiting for the next ruling and these are coming in batches today because it is a busy end of session at the u.s. supreme court. so a ruling that could overturn roe v. wade potentially coming down the pike. the pro-choice group rise up for abortion rights is holding what it calls an action today at the u.s. supreme court. an action. that same group used baby dolls and prop blood in an illegal protest at the home of justice amy coney barrett just over the weekend. democrats seem to be shrugging all of this off as if there is no escalating effect whatsoever as they often do, particularly
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this president. hasn't even spoken on judges under threat. vandalism, threats against churches and pregnancy centers, carey from the judicial crisis network calls the deeply disturbing trend, calls it out in an op-ed. the "wall street journal" editorial board highlighted the threat from the pro-choice group jane's revenge. the word revenge should tell you something. a flyer popped up night of rage. the night scotus overturns roe v. wade hit the streets. you said you would riot. sounds like what democrats would call an insurrection if it were aimed at another part of government. jason. >> it does sound like an insurrection and it sounds like the actions of a terrorist group. where is the department of justice? where are these organizations, law enforcement calling this out? if you protest right in front
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of a supreme court justice's home to try to effect the outcome of a decision that's against the law. you have to go arrest these people. how does garland, who has been a federal judge for a few decades, how is he not taking action? he is getting some direction out of that white house. and the white house -- they have got to give an answer why they are not doing a better job of protecting the supreme court justices and their families. those protests and what they are doing in front of those justices is against the law. enforce the law. that's what the executive branch is supposed to do and they aren't doing it. >> harris: look, our own contributor, fox news contributor jonathan turley said it might be hard, you want to protect people's first amendment rights. i argued with him and i am no constitutional attorney but i have a lot of common sense so i'm told. merrick garland has been on the bench long enough to know u.s.
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code 18, 15.07 and 15.03. i'm sure he is familiar what you can and cannot do at the homes of judges and jurors. it is a dangerous trend if we allow it. >> the constitutional right to peacefully assembly. peacefully assembly is what you are allowed to do. there is a specific law about the intimidation of judges and their families. that's what they are not enforcing. >> harris: and where you choose to do it. thank you very much. the january 6 committee hearings resume today and it is the first hearing since capitol police arrested 7 staffers of the late night show with stephen colbert for illegal entry into the capitol. they were hanging out in there. didn't have any badges or legal reason to be there. terrible optics for the committee at the very least. plus the border crisis rolling
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on. new data suggests the biden administration is blowing off a court order by not enforcing a trump-era policy. they are just skipping it. casey stiegel live at the border and congressman andy biggs of arizona in "focus" next. riders! let your queries be known. uh, how come we don't call ourselves bikers anymore? i mean, "riders" is cool, but "bikers" really cool. -seriously? -denied. can we go back to meeting at the rec center? the commute here is brutal. denied. how do we feel about getting a quote to see if we can save with america's number one motorcycle insurer? should flo stop asking the same question every time? -approved! -[ altered voice ] denied! [ normal voice ] whoa. >> tech: cracked windshield? schedule with safelite, -approved! -[ altered voice ] denied! and we'll come to you to fix it. >> tech vo: this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way. she could track us and see exactly when we'd arrive.
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>> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: we came to her with service that fit her schedule. >> woman: you must be pascal. >> tech: nice to meet you. >> tech vo: we got right to work, with a replacement she could trust. >> tech: we're all set. >> woman: wow. that looks great. >> tech: schedule now at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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>> harris: grading situation at our southern border at mexico. the biden administration is blowing off the remain in mexico policy despite the court order to enforce it. border patrol reports more than 1.5 million illegal immigrants encounter since just october. but only about 4,000 of them have been placed in the remain in mexico program. senior correspondent casey stiegel is live for us at the border. casey. >> harris, the supreme court is expected to hand down its
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decision either today or perhaps thursday on this very matter after you remember a federal judge here in texas last summer ordered that the remain in mexico policy stay in place. stay in effect. however, cbp's own numbers tell a bit of a different story showing just last month only about 1600 migrants were placed into the program out of the more than 239,000 encounters reported along the entire southern border. the stats show more than 95,000 were released into the u.s. last month and while the fed say extensive background checks are done on everyone, here is what texas dps says about that. >> those violent criminal history and sex crimes trying to make it into the interior in family groups and that's the large family groups you have single adults mixed in with those groups.
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>> a very busy night here in the rio grande valley of south texas. agents apprehended multiple small groups after the sun went down totaling 60 migrants and then close to 50 turned themselves into authorities in roma, texas. that's not far from here. agents say both a mix of unaccompanied minors, family units and single adults. >> harris: thank you very much. arizona republican congressman andy biggs in "focus" now. member of the house judiciary and oversight committees. great to have you in "focus" right now. particularly as we learn new reporting from casey stiegel there and what we're facing. we know every summer the numbers tick up. where are we? >> it is out of control. i've been talking to border patrol agents this morning and what i think needs to be emphasized when we talk about remain in mexico policy is
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where the 1600 people that were -- we don't know whether they were turned away, placed in the program or just they were approached about the program. that data point is -- we don't know what that data point is yet. but at the same time they released 95,000 individuals into this country who were here illegally. so another way to reference it is in one sector alone over the father's day weekend they had 1800 encounters, arrests or people surrendering, which is more than the monthly total we sent to mexico to await their asylum process which in most cases will be bogus. the border is overrun right now. >> harris: i know you are close in conversation with the border patrol and other law enforcement supporting what's happening at our border. what are we faced with if we continue to see the little ones coming across the border? now we see a shift. there are many, many more
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families and because it's warmer and those children can easily travel. some of them lose shoes along the way and cartels leave them behind. families are trying to get here now. >> it is really dangerous. so what happens is sometimes the cartel will cut the weakest people, the people slowing them down will leave them behind. you will see children who do not really belong to that family unit. so i hate to say this but some of these kids are rented by parents who can't afford to pay the coyotes, the cartels so let the kids be used over and over again. all the horrific inhumanity that goes on when you don't secure the border. i hate to be so graphic here but there is going to be deaths. they will arise. you are familiar with the heat of arizona and texas. it will go up. they are not coming across with
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adequate water. now a lot of -- depends on where you are on the border where they come across. some are actually busing right to the border these days, harris. others are crossing literally thousands of miles. it is dangerous. >> harris: when you talk about children being rented to the drug cartels, that's a recipe. every ingredient already baked in for sex trafficking. >> absolutely right. because one thing we know is there are women who are raped. we have children who are abused sexually as they are coming across. the sex trafficking doesn't end there. we just did a bill last week in one of our committees and the reality is yes, we need to put out notifications for hotlines but they need to be in the processing units themselves. that's where a lot of this sex trafficking is taking place. we're -- the logistics now for the cartels in so many ways. >> harris: i want to get to
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this because it will resume. the 1/6 committee set to resume hearings more than an hour from now. it is the first hearing since seven staffers from "the late show" with stephen colbert were arrested on thursday. capitol police say they illegally entered a house office building on capitol grounds and talked at least three democrat lawmakers while they were there. they were talking to them including the intelligence chair adam schiff. colbert defended his team. let's watch. >> they were doing some last-minute puppetry and joke make them ups in a hallway when my folks were detained by the capitol police which is not surprising. they are much more cautious than they were 18 months ago. and for a very good reason. my staff was just doing their job. everyone was very professional. everyone was very calm. my staffers were detained, processed and released. >> harris: congressman biggs.
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how did they get in there? if democrats are serious about getting to the bottom of what happened january 6th. not that this compares to that at all. but this would be like a bunch of strangers gaining access to something that should be really clamped down on. >> this is not the capitol police's fault. it is some member of congress let these people in and staff let these people in. those guys have been around the capitol and know the rules and know what the law is. they have been actually chased away from the january 6 committee earlier because they don't have credentials to be in there. they were chased away and here they are let in and wandering around and near a republican congresswoman's office and who knows what they are doing. i heard they had been beating on doors. this happens because, you know, you have members of congress that are elitist who don't think they have to follow the
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rules. they are letting people in to wander around and it's really not the way it is supposed to go and this is speaker pelosi's rules and they're violating them. >> harris: jim jordan says it needs a closer look. it might be a different situations if there were more bipartisan representation on this committee. the question needs to come why weren't there more resources on january 6th? how does something like this happen? not nefarious by colbert's team but troubling for all the reasons you've just mentioned. they aren't strangers. they are media-friendly for the people letting them in. last thought. >> that's exactly right. i hope we do get to the bottom of it. i think jim wants to hold a hearing and we need chairman nadler to agree to that. we need to get to the bottom of it and understand what happened here and quite frankly the members who allowed that probably need to be reprimanded
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in some way. >> harris: congressman biggs. thank you so much. you gave us some difficult facts to hear about what is happening particularly with children at the border but we do need to know it. thank you. what is being taught at west point as critics calling it woke point. doesn't have the same ring as west post. the writing is on the wall for november. we'll get into politics, too. >> democratic party will get hit in a big way. >> the party in power always does honestly. but i think that yeah, it will be a bit of a red wave for sure. , congratulations— home values and home equity are going up and up. thousands of veterans are turning their equity into an average of $60,000 with the newday 100 loan. it lets you borrow all of your home's value so you can get at least 25% more cash
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>> harris: recent polling shows president biden and democrats losing ground with until now reliably democratic voters. blacks and hispanics. add to the list asian american voters are leaving the party. pew data shows 72% of asians voted for president biden in 2020. now his approval with that group is at 53%. and a majority of asian american voters in san francisco supported the recall of liberal district attorney
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chesa boudin. a recent san francisco chronicle headlines democrats are squandering their gains with asian-americans. charlie, i want to talk with you first about why do you think this is happening? >> i think that what we're seeing right now is a break from what i call the big lie which is this idea that democrat politicians pushed and dividing voters by race and claiming that republicans are race and all their policies are racist and it is becoming obviously untrue to these voters. and nowhere has that been more obvious than in the case where you have flores winning the district in texas in the rio grande valley. it turns out that asian voters and hispanic voters, like all
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voters, care about security and republicans are the only ones pushing platforms about law and order and security whether it's border security or security in your neighborhood. and i would argue this is just a small tear we're seeing. once that tear starts going, i think you'll see a massive flow of these voters that democrats have taken for granted for a long time going over to the republican party. >> harris: some of it my hinge on the economy, richard. we saw very powerful leadership in the house james clyburn, his office sits next to nancy pelosi and he delivered a lot of blacks to vote for this president in primary season. and biden has often said he needed the black vote. james clyburn said on this program part of the apparatus to get him there. he said today that yeah, we're headed into a recession. some of this has to be calling it what it is if you want to retain people who really do
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depend on the truth. >> i think that's part of it. there is no question the economy is going to be front and center for american voters. the democratic party's analysis there is a little bit of binary choice. if you talk to latin american voters and african-american voters i think they will tell you this is not a binary choice. there is a third choice here. it is this. we can be disillusioned with the entire city of washington, d.c. and as a result of that we can sit at home and the larger group of american voters are those that decide not to engage with the political system at all. a disadvantage to the entire democracy. >> harris: particularly when your president is underwater in every category that voters say matters. one last quick thought on that, charlie and we'll move. >> and i agree with you, richard, about that and it's a real problem and the trick there is which party pivots and realizes they aren't reaching those voters and readdresses
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their policies to reach those voters. >> harris: great question. fox news exclusively has obtained new documents which show west point is teaching cadets critical race theory. a bit from those lessons now. in order to understand racial inequality and slavery it is first necessary to address whiteness. and this. do you think affirmative action creates an environment for reverse discrimination? use crt to support your answer. it is called anti-american. >> west point is the most important service academy in our nation and we are teaching anti-americanism and racial division? frankly it's designed to attack one race and victimize another. and if you are trying to build a cohesive military why would you bring this in?
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>> i heard what judicial watch said. this is nothing knew. in june of 2021 the chairman of the joints chiefs of staff milley addressed this in the united states congress where he said yes, we do teach critical race theory at the u.s. military academy. we're a university and that's what these ideals should be taught. it was created at harvard. we teach students about other things, carl marx. we want our officers to understand all different types of theories and what he said, we always want our officers to understand what they will encounter when leading our military. leading one of the world's most diverse militaries and understand many different theories because that's what they will encounter leading the world's greatest military. i don't know what's breaking about this. >> harris: it is a copious argument. we aren't depending on harvard or the university of california
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at santa barbara where i went for military readiness. maybe they should be focused on that more than going far and wide and you can get some of that education but the moniker woke point, is that where we're going? >> of course the people that sign up to serve our country in the military probably don't really need these lessons and that's what is so offensive other than the demeaning nature of all of it trying to simplify it all down to where we all hate one another because of the color of our skin. the finest people in america are signing up to serve in the institutions and know how to deal with people and judge people based on the content of their character and capabilities and that they are capable of doing as opposed to this idea that everybody is at spear point against one another in some racial war that just doesn't exist and only serves
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this idea that -- i think democrats do it -- to try to gain political advantage. >> harris: you know, i don't know, we have to talk about addressing whiteness. i thought the military was trying to have diversity of thought and everything. i grew up military. that would mean we would address americanism, right? >> i agree with that, harris. >> harris: "outnumbered" after the break.
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>> emily: this is "outnumbered." hello, and emily compagno here is my coasts, kayleigh mcenany and harris faulkner. also joining us today, morgan ortagus and jimmy failla. breaking needed elements and they deadly uvalde school shooting. the safety director testifying short time ago that law enforcement had enough law enforcement officers on the scene to have stopped the gunman 3 minutes after he entered the building, and calling t
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