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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  June 21, 2022 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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david from new jersey why does fox allow someone with such little intelligence to have a show? you know they gave hannity a show and they figured that worked, you might as well give watters one. that's all for tonight. dvr prime time. tucker carlson's up next and always remember i'm watters and this is my world. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to tucker carlson tonight. so last thursday, last week on thursday talk show host stephen colbert dispatched a group of seven of his employees to washington, dc. their job, break into the u.s. capitol complex and harass lawmakers inside. the group toot entry arrived in the afternoon were met almost immediately by uniformed capitol hill police officers who threw them out. but apparently on orders from colbert they returned at about 4:00 p.m. on thursday the group
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reentered the building. accounts vary as to what exactly happened next but it seems clear nicole bare's employees were let inside by an ally within the building. that would be a freshman member of congress from massachusetts jake. once on federal property colbert's employees did what they claim do which was disrupt the business of congress and apparently they were not subtle about doing it. they pounded on doors and yelled. whatever they did, it got people's attention. it takes an awful lot for a police force controlled by nancy pelosi to arrest a group of entertainment figures. but that's exactly what happened next. capitol hill police arrested seven colbert employees and brought them to jail. all seven of them were charged with unlawful entry. that's the identical charge that hundreds of january 6th defendants have been prosecuted for. but, unlike january 6th defendants colbert's employees were not sent to jail for a year and a half in solitary confinement they were released after a night behind bars and
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then back to new york. why is that? what exactly is the difference in the crime. that's aids legal question we still don't know the answer. for some reason capitol hill police have not released the surveillance tape that would show exactly what colbert's employees did that so trickled the police force controlled by nancy pelosi that they were arrested. but whatever they did, otherwise sympathetic members of congress are running away from it as quickly as they can. quote, we do not condone any inappropriate activity within the capitol, jake's office told us today. so as a factual matter, that is not true. in fact, jake has a recent history of condoning criminal behavior in the capitol. just this march, surveillance cameras in the complex caught jake's chief of staff, that would be a former adam schiff staffer vandalizing the front door of marjory taylor green's personal office. he did this not once but several
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times violently like a man possessed. they filed an arrest because he clearly was a threat. but jake auchinencloses deafed him as noticeable and justified. our office is not going to apologize read a long and self-righteous statement from jake auchen encloses. in other words we don't like marjory taylor green's politics so we can do whatever we want to her and we will. for the motor part the media ignored the story so he and adam shift felt 'em bold bed to go further they invited colbert's employees to harass marjory taylor green and more which is what they were doing with they were arrested by police. wimp you think of her politics she is a sitting member of congress. preventing her or any other member of congress from fulfilling her duties as a representative is by definition an attack on democracy. so how is what stephen colbert
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did different from what the protesters on january 6th have been convicted of doing. that's a very good question and a question colbert himself spent the weekend thinking about. his conclusion well, unlike trump voters, stephen colbert's a very good person therefore any comparison is not simply ridiculous, it is a moral crime. watch. >> now, it's predictable why these talkers are talking like this on the tv. they want to talk about something other than the january 6th hearings on the tulsa digsist insurrection that led to the deaths of multiple people and the injury of over 140 police officers. but drawing any e executive lens between rioters storming our cam to to prevent the counting of electoral ballots and a cigar chomping toy doing is shameful and grotesque to everybody who died. extremely trivial ices the courage the capitol hill police showed on that terrible day. >> tucker: yeah. it was a toy dog you been dog.
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it's shameful. in other words, when you criticize me you're really criticizing the behave capitol hill police officers who arrested the people who work for me who committed the crimes i asked them to commit and i, for one, will not stand for that. that's what he just said. what you have there is not much of an explanation it doesn't explain anything. if he said a matt terse class on whiney liberal righteousness so precise it's speaking tow understand how our civilization collapsed. not only am i not sorry, you're the criminal for bringing it up. stop hitting me he screams as he punches you in the face. that is passive aggression taken to the level of art. and any way colbert says shut up, i'm a comedian with a toy dog, you can't criticize me. so the question really is, is stephen colbert a comedian? well, if you're one of the relatively few people who still watches stephen colbert's show
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you have to admit it is hard to tell. most nights stephen colbert sounds like the notably unfunny jean pierre delivering whatever talking points the white house tells him to repeat. and if you doubt that, here's what it looks like. >> ladies and gentlemen, joe biden did it. [cheers and applause]. >> he's our next president! . >> tucker: the biggest story continues to be the one you were thinking about when you weren't sleeping last night. and it's the one happening all over america, the protests in wake of the murder of george floyd. and please don't buy the false narrative that these are lawless mobs. the vast majority of these protests has been peaceful >> a simple yet extremely difficult solution. reduce the number of guns. we've done it before and it worked. russia's invasion of ukraine is a humanitarian crisis but also a triumph of humanity.
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>> take that putin! >> okay. so i might have the most privilege of any white person you've ever met. how do i identify that in my own life. if i have white privilege i want to be able to identify it. give me some hints as to my white privilege. ♪♪ ♪♪ vaccine! ♪ >> tucker: get the vax peasants, surrender your gurngs support ukraine and remember it's called kyiv now. this isn't comedy it's a sad midlife crisis but more than that information war being waged against television viewers on behalf of the democratic party. at least from the white house press secretary does it she admits what she's doing. colbert hides behind his former job as a cheatian. it was all a joke. when people break into the capitol it's insurrection when we do it it's comedy. it's getting hard to maintain that lie and here's how you
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know. comedians have a sense of humor it is in fact a job requirement. but stephen colbert does not he has lost his sense of humor along the the critical distance and perspective that make it possible. at this point he's a partisan skoechlt and you know that for certain because even if he watched the qanon sham and around the capitol he did not lift. any comedian would have found that hilarious because let's be honest, it was. >> glad to see you guys. look at this guy, god bless you. sir, do you need medical attention? >> i'm good, thank you. >> all right. >> i got shot in the pipes with some kind of plastic bullets. >> any chance i can get you guys to leave? >> just inspecting the place. >> just want to let you guys
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know. >> tucker: hey! the guy in the bear skin and the horn hat. that's not hilarious? yes, it is hilarious. no, he's a seditious insur ricksist says colbert. he needs to go jail and when he was sent to jail he applauded. that's hour malice act, not comedians. stephen colbert may be a light night host still for some reason but he has zero sense of humor. he ought to step aside and let some young people who still gets jokes to have the job. but he won't. here was colbert on november 6, 2020. watch. >> if you did not know that joe biden was getting close to 270, donald trump just provided all the proof you will ever need. true story. i'm wearing black tonight because i was getting dressed this afternoon and i thought he might try some shenanigans and it might be fitting to tell
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jokes while wearing something somber if he goes down that dark path. we all knew he would do this. >> tucker: >> what i didn't know is that it would hurt so much. >> tucker: those are real tears, the only real thing about that show. trying to belabor the point but the guy's not a comedian. you watch a comedian and think that guy's hilarious i would love to meet him. imagine eating a meal with stephen colbert. over the course of a typical dinner by something he finds offensive. what are the chances? 100%. he is a karen, a brittle middle age women who's always lecturing you about something. he's elizabeth warren they even look alike. have you seen them in the same room at any point?
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no. he was talented at one point. michael's been doing his dog puppet routine for 30 years, that's the one colbert's hiding behind. a dog puppet. it was kind of funny during the clinton administration it's hack now. michael keeps doing it because he has a political message. no one laughs at robert anymore, it's pathetic. who's funnier, robert or the guy who took pictures of himself at nancy pelosi's desk on january 6th. be honest. it's not even close. the guy at pelosi's desk is hilarious compared with the guy with the talking dog and none of them is half as fun again sorry it's true as donald trump. and how do you know that. show us the late night host who said anything half as amusing as trump's taco bowl tweet. any of them ever? no, never. these people are so afraid and terrified holding on to their
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stupid jobs late into middle age how do they respond over cinco de mayo? fawning over the cuisine of the latin x community. nobody likes that. and that's why in tend he has not a single hispanic viewer. his audience is entirely self hating white liberals like him. no one watches anymore that's fine that's cbs's problem. but don't tell us you're a comedian and xefrm from the normal rules of behavior and normal federal laws about trespassing because you're not. you did what they did and should be punished exactly the same way. we thought it would be interesting to get a comedic perspective on this from someone who actually still practices comedy. bill berry is the manage ping editor of the babylon bee one of the funniest sites on the internet. thanks for coming on. i feel bad beating up on op stephen colbert who is a decade past his time but you must be
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offended as a professional practitioner of actual comedy to hear this guy say, no, i'm a comedian, don't judge me. >> well, you know, i don't know if i qualify as a professional comedian. according to the new york times, i am a disinformation purchase rayer that does so under the guise of satire. i'm not a brilliant professional comedian like colbert or seth myers or amy schumer or trevor noah. >> tucker: oh, come on. now you're being mean, joe berry. >> i think, you know, i say this with sadness because, you know, colbert has been brilliant in the past, the colbert show was brilliant and he has become a political operative and i think it's reflective of what's happened in the wider culture that the left kind of invades and infects institutions that have built up trust and good will over decades, sometimes centuries, and uses them as a platform and a mouth piece for their agenda and that's what
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we've seen. that's why we have woke sermons that are disguised as summer block buster entertainment. indoctrination disguised as public education and in colbert's place political punditry disguised as comedy. sanctimony and self-righteousness is not funny. you can't be funny and take yourself serious at the same time as a comedian. you have to be willing to be the fool you know. >> tucker: and he seems uniquely among the late night hosts to really kind of believe it. you look at jimmy kimmel, you know, he doesn't believe i see, he's just going through, okay, hate white people, got it. you have to say that. but colbert really seems to have bought this stuff in really a sad middle-aged way. why not just kind of pull the plug on yourself if you're him? and why not stand for the same justice meeted out to the
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january 6th insurrectionists? why hide behind the job. >> in colbert's case he's a comedian that's gotten caught up in narrative and as comedians it's important to be able to step outside of narratives and poke holes in the absurdity in all of our narratives, whether it's on your side whether it's on the other side. >> tucker: i agree. >> we try to do that at the babylon bee. we poke fun at the church, the right as well as the left. and as soon as you lose the plot of what comedy's about it's not funny anymore. we have, you know -- yeah. >> tucker: couldn't agree more. joe berry babylon bee, great to see you. thank you. >> thank you. >> so couple months ago justice alito's draft opinion that, if it became decision would overturn roe v wade was leaked and in the wake of that violent
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activists harassed justices at their homes and pro life groups. there's been dozens of attacks on churches and pro life counseling centers in recent months. she here's a sampling of them. >> if abortions aren't safe then you aren't either outside family action and continues inside the building. >> madison police say it appears someone threw a molotov cocktail this morning. >> this morning was up in flames when police and fire fighters arrived and this is the aftermath, broken windows shattered glass and graffiti. >> ceo jim harden says this didn't come as a complete shock. recently compass care has been receiving threats on line and in person. the graffiti on the side of the building says jane was here and harden says he thinks the abortion rights group jane's revenge is behind the attacks. >> tucker: well, nancy pelosi, who as she has told us many times, is very catholic, was
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given a chance to condemn these attacks. seem to be very easy nowhere any humane person who believes in law and decency. instead, here's what nancy pelosi said. >> there has been a number of attacks on churches, on pregnancy centers. republicans are going after democrats for not saying anything and saying it's contributing to the attacks the rhetoric. >> a woman has a right to choose, to live up to her responsible, it's up to her, her doctor, her family, her husband, her significant other, and her god. i'm a very catholic person and i believe in every woman's right to make her own decisions. >> tucker: how hard is it to say if you're reportedly a christian as she claims to be, throws it in your face in fact, told us several years ago that ms-13 were children of god. how hard is it to say whatever
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you think about abortion i'm for it but how hard to say don't attack churches. shows she's not a christian an imposer and a bettor of violence. steven is a professor who joins us tonight. professor thanks for coming on. . chilling that the speaker of the house can't condemn attacks on churches? >> yeah, i think there's two messages, tucker. the most immediate is deterrent. and i think when you can get away with attacking pro life groups, or you can swarm the houses, and that's a felony to do so, supreme court justices and intimidate them or you can swarm a catholic diocese and break in during a service and there's no consequences that sends a message and the message the left wants to send is, you better be careful because the government is on our side and not on your side and they're going to selectively from or arrest. and that's the message and it also empowers our own people and
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emboldens them. if we put graffiti on a person's office or burn it, what's the next thing. the next thing, and i hesitate to say this, we're not in a society ruled by law. we're in a revolutionary period like 18th century france or 1920s russia where the law is fluid and it's whatever the power to be says it is. so if you're, just to take some examples, if you're james o'keefe or you're peter navarro or roger stone, you're going to have an fbi come down on you like you don't know what. but if you refuse a subpoena like eric holder did or if you lie to a federal investigator like andrew mccabe did or you lie under oath to the u.s. congress like both james brennan and john clapper, there's no consequence, very little. and so the law is designed on the premise that the noble end
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justifies any means necessary and the left has defined those means as radical equality, fairness, social justice, not the constitutional law. and so i think right now people are really weird, bizarre. they see may 31, 2020, a mob from lafayette square tries to torch down an historic church, tries to swarm on federal property the white house grounds, sends a president into a bunker with his family and there's very little consequence. compared to january 6th. and so i think the law is very fluid. merrick garland is much to blame so is joe biden but it's part of the left ideology and it's very scary because i think most americans realize if you are of a particular political persuasion and you break the law or you're accused to breaking the law you're going to be treated very differently. >> tucker: yeah. stephen colbert is ex you willing in that fact tonight. thank you so much. >> absolutely.
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thank you. >> tucker: recently a horrifying school shooting in uvalde tucker carlsons and one of the worst parts about it we learned later is that police were on the scene, they were armed and somehow the shooting continued. well, new photos taken from within the school prove what officers were doing while these murders were happening. we'll show those to you next.
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♪ >> tucker: so leaders in both parties wasted not a single moment before using the horrifying mass murder in uvalde texas to justify gun confiscation in fact right now mitch mcconnell and john cornen both of whom are republicantive senators and shouldn't be are working on gun confiscation. they tell you that's the only thing that might have prevented these murders. that's not true. we have new information tonight that confirms what we suspected for quite some time. police were there, they were heavily armed, they could have stepped in but they chose not to. the details are amazing. fox's trace gallagher has them for us. hey trace. >> tucker using security video and body camera transports investigators put together a police response they now call an
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appear jacked failure. here's why. the shooter entered the school at 11:33 a.m. three minutes later, 11 police officers enter the hallway outside the class. but instead of going in, they retreat in the face of gunfire and stay there for the rest of the standoff without firing a single shot. at the center of the response is pete ar dan dough the cheese of police. he says the classroom doors were locked and he did not have the equipment to break them down but video shows there was no attempt by any officer to open the doors, and the director of texas cps says the doors were unlocked. he also says he did not have the tools or weapons to respond, yet video shows just 19 minutes after police arrived, while shots are being fired, while kids are still calling 911, police had rifles. they had a halogen axe to break down the door and a ballistic shield but did nothing.
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it took another 50 minutes for border patrol agents to go in and finally kill the gunman. >> tucker: that is a shocking story. trace gallagher for us. thank you so much. >> you got it. >> tucker: and a puzzling story, too. why? are they all cowards? what is that exactly? we should know >> well, late last year a 24 year old honduran migrant posed as an unaccompanied minor to gain entry into the country t biden administration promptly flue that illegal alien to florida where he brutally stabbed a father of four to death. but according to national public radio, which is literally state media controlled by the state working on behalf of joe biden, according to npr, none of this is cause for concern. in fact, it's all right wing disinformation. >> fox news has devoted multiple segments to these so-called ghost flights. to be clear these flights are legal. in fact the federal government is required to care for these children, by law, until they can be placed with a sponsor in the u.s. usually a parent or other
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relative. federal officials say flights carrying migrant children happen at all hours and that they don't release information about the children on board to protect their privacy. biden officials say all of this was the same during the trump administration, even the contractor operating the charter flights hasn't changed. but none of that has silenced the president's critics. >> tucker: npr's joel rose ladies and gentlemen. do you suppose joel rose tell other parents at his kids soccer games that he's a journalist. do you believe that? that was soviet. that was a guy lacking for the political party in charge while working for state media. i'm a journalist. no you're not joel rose don't lie to yourself. what you said is not true. people as far away as ini can't are crossing our border into our country because joe biden invited them. the daily caller spoke to some of them. >> india? >> india? >> yeah. >> this is 2:45 in the morning in yuma.
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india? >> yes. >> india? india? >> yes, yes. >> india? >> cuba. >> columbia? >> columbia. >> tucker: total collapse of the united states no other way to describe it. a columnist with the new york post joins us tonight. thanks so much for coming on. we're not allowed to notice this. noticing it is racism or they call you names. but this is accelerating to a point where this country's never seen anything like this, the highest level of immigration ever, none of it is legal, and we're supposed to pretend it's not happening? >> hi, tucker. it really is incredible to listen to that npr story. it's the most shoddy dishonest journalism the sort we're expecting now from left wing media. it's just as you say flacking for the regime. they had a single source who told us basically a migrant
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activist who told us that there's nothing different from when the trump administration was here. we have now 250,000 illegal migrants coming across every month. that's quadrupled, went exponential after joe biden took office and dismantled all our border protections and they're now also trying to tell us they're just little children being reunited with their families. well, i have been at white plains airport after midnight watching these migrant plains come in. which are now coming in every single night and not just to new york, all over the country. and i've seen the migrants get off the plane and onto the charter buss that are waiting for them. and at least half of them look to be older than 18. they look to be late teens, early 20s. and the rest would be 16, 17. and mostly they are male, slave labor demo. so you just mentioned the a unaccompanied minor, the 24 year
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old honduran who's come across, like so many others, loses his documents, as they're told by people, smugglers, they say they're 17 and because the biden administration is just ushering people as fast as they can away from the border to avoid bad optics, therefore, they don't have the time to vet them and find out really how old they are. they turn a blind eye. they don't care. they just usher them in. hhs takes them on planes. and if we ask questions, then we are cruel, we're racist. we should mind our own business, we're invading children's privacy. if they were children, the biden administration is guilty of child trafficking. but also of really almost criminal negligence. because we've seen these buses with these supposed children on board feed ping at reckless
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speeds, got dropped off at rest stops off the new jersey turnpike where they're picked up by so-called sponsors who aren't even -- they're not asked for papers by the handful of officials that are there. their license plates of their cars are not checked. there's no vetting of these people who are picking up these supposed children. it's just a ruse. it's a game. and the rest of the media, especially npr, is just turning a blind eye because it suits them to go along with what the biden administration is doing. >> tucker: you've been a journalist all your liefshgs from a family of journalist. joel rose a middle age white guy at npr grateful to have a job trying to repeat the party line but if you're joel rose how do you live with yourself, honestly? lying like that? >> it's embarrassing. npr is just a disgrace. it's probably the worst proponent of this kind of raging
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journalism. >> tucker: so embarrassing. miranda devine i appreciate your coming on. thank you so much. >> thanks tucker. >> tucker: fox news alert for you, we alluded to a moment ago. at this moment the senate is voting to advance a so-called gun control bill that is, in fact, a law that would allow police to confiscate firearms unconstitutionally, illegally, from american citizens who have not been charged, much less convicted of a crime. now, many republican senators such as joanie and shelly are reportedly voting yes on the bill. hard to believe that's true but apparently it is. senator john corn cornyn lead republican investigator who's gone far left is currently celebrating on the senate floor because again only ukrainians are allowed to have guns. cornen was just seen shaking hands with chuck schumer. is he representing the folks of texas? no. but apparently john cornyn has his eye on immigration.
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he was seen smiling with senator alex pa diaz saying quote, first guns now immigration. has there ever been a greater more brazen sellout of any group of voters than republican senators mitch mcconnell, john cornyn and the rest are doing right now? talk about a sub version of democracy. if they keep this up the system will collapse. you have to represent the interest of your voters. that's why you're there. >> well, the cdc is worried about the spread of monkeypox so naturally it's a priority of the cdc to release a very new weird guidance on how to have safe sex if you've got monkeypox. safe sex in the age of monkeypox because the administration is hitting the topics that matter and we have their guidance next. ♪♪
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>> tucker: monkeypox is apparently spreading across the country, new cases in missouri new jersey and washington.
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you would think the cdc centers for sdrees control might want to stop the spread of monkeypox but no the real problem with monkeypox is people are embarrassed of having monkeypox. you have to fight not the disease, the stigma. jason our man in the pacific northwest he joins us now with the cdc monkeypox plan. hey jason. >> hey, tucker. it would appear that the cdc is getting into the sex advice business, new guidance on how to hook up while infected with monkeypox because why let the open source or crusty scabs get in the way of a good time. two page document that starts out by saying if you can skip the physical and go virtual do that. so they're talking about sectioning or showing off on a web cam. but if you must be in the room with the person, they recommend that you practice self love, with the partner six feet away from you. now the cdc does say you should probably skip the kissing but you should feel free to use props if you would like, just make sure you wash them when done. but if you absolutely need the
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physical contact the cdc recommends you have sex with your clothes on or at the very least cover up the rash, soars or scabs leading to the romance. the fact that they commonly occur the scabs and rash are occurring on people's genitals so the advice, it's important to recommend the cdc guidance isn't about preventing the spread of monkeypox, it's about preventing the stigma so you feel comfortable having sex which is how monkeypox is being spread right now. >> tucker: makes sense. just like the fentanyl deaths aren't the problem, it's the fact that people feel ashamed of dying from fentanyl. these people. jason rantz who's chronicled so much diversity thank you. >> thank you tucker. >> tucker: here's a story, china's busy testing hypersonic missiles that can strike anywhere on the planet without being detected. because the u.s. military is on it rising to the challenge the strongest military in the world.
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here's a training video released by the u.s. navy obtained by the washington free beacon. >> hi my name is johnny. >> i use she her pronounce. >> we're here to talk about pronounce. >> what is a pronoun? a pronoun is how we identify ourselves apart from our name and it also helps people refer to us in conversations. >> using the right pronounce is a really simple way to affirm someone's identity. it is a signal of acceptance and respect. a really good way to do that is to use inclusive language. instead of saying something like, hey, guys, you can say, hey, everyone, or hey, team. >> tucker: so that's the u.s. navy under joe biden. why not just make it really clear. get right to the point. we surrender. we are totally incapable of fighting an adult war against an adult country like china. or for that matter the taliban. we give up. we're going to talk about pronounce. tom fit on is the president of
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judicial watch. race theory is being taught at west point and boy is it. thanks for coming on. tell us what's happening at west point. >> we had to sue to get the documents and they're mandating or pushing critical race theory training on the cadets there. this is where our next officer core is trained at west point and they're being told whiteness is something that is what the critical race here wrists full of characteristics that are negative. they say that blacks are still the equivalent of slaves today and they're pushing queer theory, which is a cousin of the marxist critical race theory. and so, you know, our military is being undermined from within. you know, this is the type of marxist revolutionary language that our military was designed, during the cold war, to try to protect this nation from. and now they're on the inside. and, you know, this is the biden
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defense department. because, you remember, trump tried to slow this down and it's now the animating force for the biden administration and our military's being abused. so, you know, you're pointing out senators are controlling our guns, right? while ignoring the abuse of our cadets at west point with racist theories. when you have a white cadet come in and told they're bad people because of the color of their skin or blacks are told they are being oppressed because of the color of their skin, that's racism and frankly it's banned under law. there's got to be a rescue operation for our military from this woke madness. >> tucker: yeah, might start from republicans like dan crenshaw who claim they care about the military but keep funding this stuff without fixing it. destroying the most powerful military in the world. tom fitton thanks for your reporting on that. >> you're welcome. >> tucker: besides from relentless attacks on him on national public radio you don't hear much about who supreme
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court justice clarence thomas is. what's he actually like. an amazing story the more you know about him. one of his closest friends joins us next to share a deep look into chance thomas the man. that's next. ♪♪ it's dinner time with family and your heart is filled with bliss. but as you eat the roasted goose, your little sport incists. hey dad, did you know america is racist? your shocked with grief when suddenly george washington bursts through. he snatched the screen and changed the thing to an app called prageru. there's content for your child's mind
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to fight the leftist lies. and if you give your child a chance to watch and grow. they might burst forth like washington, a true american hero. make a tax-deductible donation at
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♪ >> tucker: greg fisher is the flamboyantly self hating mayor of louisville kentucky. very selfish at a juneteenth event this weekend. what did he do? he exposed a young man of color to the risk of being murdered by police. mayor greg fisher selfishly allowed his face to make contact with the young man's fist the footage we're sharing on your screen right now. the man walks up and greg fisher allows the man to punch him in the face exposing that man to police brutality. talk about systemic racism. this is not, by the way, the first time that greg fisher has been the target of violence. earlier a blm activist appear barack obama brown tried to assassinate the mayoral
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candidate in kentucky. so clearly there's something going on there. i hope they resolve it quickly. >> clarence thomas sits on the supreme court for years, but you don't hear much. the most prolific supreme court judge in generations, writes more opinions than any other, three times more. now mark knows clarence thomas very well one of his closest friends worked with him during the supreme court confirmation hearings watched joe biden in action. the book clarence thomas in his own words is out today, also made a film about clarence thomas. for a brand new episode of tucker carlson today we spoke with him about what clarence thomas life's been like. here's part of a fascinating conversation. watch. >> he was born in this little shack, shanty, with no electricity, this one light bulb, you know, an out house,
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just abject poverty but it was kind of rural poverty as justice thomas likes to say and it had a community where, you know, they supported each other. obviously in tough times down in the south, but it was a community. when he is sworn in at the supreme court, there's a guy there named gary kemp who was, i think the grandson of lulu kemp and has clarence thomas's birth records he gives them to him. >> tucker: no way. >> yes, he goes i have your birth records and at this point he was pummeled all over the place and he was like who is this. it was gary kemp the grandson of lulu kemp who delivered clarence thomas in this little house in pinpoint georgia. >> tucker: where famously english was not the only language spoken. >> gulligicci. i think it's gulla and gicci in
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south carolina. a dialect kind of west caribbean and that was kind of clarence thomas's first language or language he spoke. and so when he was going through the seminary and other schools, it was, you know, english was kind of a second language to him. when he talks about learning sort of proper english and how long it took him to read. and he learned this, you know, getting a dictionary and every single word that he didn't know he looked up. and i think it sort of personified clarence thomas's approach to life to this day, which is you figure out what you need to do and you do it no matter what. >> tucker: so what jumps out about that interview is clarence thomas's connection with the people around him. turns out thomas is not just a good guy, he's an amazing guy loved by the people around him including supreme court justices who disagree with him. the opposite what you've been told. that's on tucker carlson today, tomorrow morning 7:00 a.m. fox news. we'll be right back. ♪♪
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>> tucker: out of time. tomorrow night, how long until machines are giving you orders, tomorrow night a google engineer joins us and said firsthand how robots can feel emotion. not science fiction totally real. have a good night with the ones you love. sean hannity takes over now. >> sean: sounds like a sci-fi movie. hope they can't do political talk shows or we're dead. >> tucker: bet they can. that's terrifying. >> sean: tucker thank you. welcome to hannity, tonight a hannity investigation into membering's two-tiered justice system and corrupt dc politicians that excuse riots that don't advance their political agenda. this includes the clear danger this country is now facing if roe v wade is overturned. left wing groups now signaling direct threats to riot. we'll tell you about that. but first tonight we begin with a major scam now ongoing inside the climate


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