tv Gutfeld FOX News June 21, 2022 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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go to fox when all the episodes drop. you don't want to miss it, that's it for us tonight, it is america now and forever. greg gutfeld's next. >> i hate everybody. happy tuesday, everyone. you all look fantastic, almost as good as me. that will never happen. but, as serious topic tonight. every monday we usually cover the previous weekend violence, it's another thing we got used to tracking like inflation or
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how often biden uses the fight with gravity. now, it's like how many dots, how many dead. it's like doing a weather report , in chicago it means whether you survived the weekend . a little wordplay there. lately it's been nothing, but storms and violence accompanied by a hill of bullets. across major u.s. cities are on track to break their already impressive homicide figures freight kudos go out to la, dc, baltimore, milwaukee, and atlanta where the cost of livin rises with your chance of dying. they gave it all they had to surpass last year's numbers, truly a team effort, the mayors and the thugs pulled together t surpass last year's great season . gavin newsom blends since murders happen and read states. ignoring that most homicides occur in cities run by democrat idiots like themselves. it's amazing what hair gel can
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do to the brain. i look at newsom and i worry about jesse. at least jessie's hair products come from fox newsom buys his off the street from a guy that robbed a walgreens. the media does its normal job, identifying it as gun violence. they blame the weapon and not the guy who points and fires, a.k.a. the alec baldwin approac afraid the dems couldn't care less either unless he can help them politically than they give more than 50 pigeons on the statute. it's the worst gumbo people in charge unaffected by their own policies, that means i can continue, you can point out the insane murder rates in liberal cities, but you know what they tell me? they don't see it, it doesn't exist, in that case, who cares, let's get dinner and drinks
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tonight, right, don? >> we went out to a great dinner . people walked up to us and said thank you for i watch you every night. >> to have a play that one in a while. gig wonder if they still dined together. it's got to be awkward. it is true, crime only occurs i certain points of the safety. just like how the bathroom is only part of your home, but whe the toilet overflows, you will still have a problem everywhere when they go to dinner anymore because it's unsafe, they will just order in and let the deliveryman dodge the bullets. no wonder they want open borders , we need people willing to die to get your pad thai. thank you, very proud of that one. this indifference playing out among the people that pretend t care.
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there's been days rehashing january 6 for political benefit instead of helping their constituents survive. makes the media's job so how di this get so bad? i bet it's a progressive left going in the other direction. >> the progressive left is goin in the other direction. they are effectively enabling the criminals with the forms they put in place. and many respects, and once i get there going to get wiped ou in november certainly. the fear is going to grow. as the crime is growing. >> finally, they are talking about crime on msnbc. although the only way for them to care is to pray on their political fears rather than focus on the growing mountain o victims who are mostly black. white wild black men and ages 5 to make up just 2 percent of th
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nation's population growth they were among 37 percent of gun homicides that year. that is 25 higher than white males of the same age group rat what did they say about that? you know, it's just getting on getting stuff right it's like mafia violence freight as long as you steer clear, you're fine. what about those in the crossfire? kids, moms, bouncers, cops, our lives ended by a stray bullet freight room where the old newscaster line, they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. now the wrong place is the park playground in the wrong time is 2:00 p.m. in the afternoon on the tuesday. what about their families who lost the progressive da solution , decriminalize gun crime. meaning if you're caught with a gun, we just confiscated and then we turn you loose great, but i guess they want to focus on the real threats, parents wh ask school boards whether a dra
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queen is working on the librarian desk. we live into countries, and the left is cool with it, and we can't talk about it because that's racist but if we can't talk about it, we can't solve it . so who is stopping us? i will give you a tiny hint. let's start with teachers unions , the wardens of these prisons we call schools, we are sentencing for blacks to life o bad education so it's hard to blame them for seeking other options, it's all brought to yo by teachers union to hate schoo choice because its competition. now we are told reading, math, in his three our racist to replace with pronoun workshops and grievance studies. in a few years, those skills those kids will rob you, at least it will get a persons pronoun correct during a carjacking. that is progress. [cheers and applause] >> tonight's guests, she is jus
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another that won't tolerate liberal, mercedes lap. he is so dapper, his pocket squares has a pocket square. i'm not kidding this time, that is pure seersucker. host of making money, charles payne. you may recognize him from caring rob sanders luggage. actor, and no dear, finally, sh is like a shell casing, tiny, brassy, and often find at crime scenes, fox news contributor, kat timpf.
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charles, welcome to the show. fuchsia or purple ties frisky when it comes to color they invent new ones all the time, i don't know. it's in the purple family i guess. >> apparently we should have called earlier and work this thing out freight i feel like and may be among cute as i have been wrong in the past rarely. i feel like there's an implicit agreement between politicians, people of power and perpetrator freight you keep it to yourself and your neck of the woods and we will look the other way. in chicago, as long as you stat in this site, and you don't com over here, we're going to eventually let it go. in my crazy? >> no, you're not crazy bright and chicago, some people say on of the reasons it's even got worse is because of gentrification of the black neighborhoods have gotten smaller or the hispanic neighborhoods so the turf wars are more intensified. again, they look the other way. if you know you can get away
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with certain things, growing up in harlem, i witnessed murders, attempted murders, stabbings, and you always knew someone would either not go to jail or would go to jail and for a shor period of time so this has been around for a long time blaming guns instead of the person. at level two said about the education system because that i the root of it, from the very beginning the water down bs education that essentially is saying we think you are too dumb . we're not going to pressure you. we'll read and jane all the way to six great and the time you'r in 12th grade in your are four or five grades behind you won't be able to compete in society, but we will give you housing projects, we will give you more food stamps, it is not spirit i is worked for the democrats for decades, i think it is starting to fade little bit with younger generations. i think people are starting to see through this.
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older generations are that's wh they can elevate biden because of their folks number one it wa really tough. younger people are saying i wan to start a crypto mining company . so it's not working like it did before. >> eventually school is a holding pen for kids. jamie, do they have crime in alaska, and is it committed mostly by bears? >> we have a lot of beer on bea crime. >> as long as they keep it in their colony. >> who cares. >> it's weird how different our laws are. even like cell phone driving laws. in alaska we have a lot that states if you're talking on you cell phone, and you're driving and you see a policeman, you have to put your phone down for a second-grade that is the law. >> that is the law. isn't just so much bad news, i
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feel like every time i come bac it's more and more crime, in these big cities, so many murders and stuff and want to see if anybody sees that in any big cities if you want to come onto my show i promised an entire hour were there will be no killing. to get all just let that sit on that one. >> are you worried in your? could you not worried. i want to know what's going on with the weed situation here. you can just hand out, is that illegal think they're doing it and no one is enforcing a? >> i don't know. i don't even know what you're talking about. >> what is weed? >> generally come out we to church. and we help the kids.
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this weed business is not our purview. >> this is the time for ourselves. we are so busy helping the kids. >> if you want to talk about your crazy pot stuff, take it somewhere else. mercedes, if you look at how liberal mayors our dealing with crime, you would think they are on the kkk payroll. basically, they don't care that blacks are killing each other. that is just insane. >> these liberal mayors, it's all about identity politics for them, but with identity politic of taking down the cops, their goal is to demonize these caps, that's what you see so many of these police officers leave, their line of work, and really not be able to serve these communities i think for the democrats i don't get it becaus they going to get crushed in th polls and the next election because the bulls are showing that crime in public safety is
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two of the top issues right now. i hope jamie is putting on his that killing is not going to be part of a show, i think that's going to be a helpful thing, bu to get word-of-mouth, no killing . but, i think for the democrats, it is definitely a big loss for them. really, education, it's about the family at the end of the day . that is the corporate when you have destabilized family structures with the parents or not they are or the children, o even the gimp grandparents, tha and in and of itself. you can talk about father or mother, only on father's day ca you talk about fathers, and it really is the centerpiece of it as well. it starts at the house to be able to really build up. >> if you do anything about the house, that is the first 4-5 years. if you don't do something befor 16, them it's gone. if we could just get them sooner , before they are out of high school, that might help
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eric. >> may be getting them out of the womb would be a good place. >> you have been watching the supreme court very closely sinc the early 70s. so they ruled today that preventing school choice families from taking their kids taxpayer-funded education dollars to religious private schools violated the free exercise clause of the first amendment. >> of course it does. see i could be a supreme court justice. you're lucky to have me sitting here when i could be on the bench. >> i think all these people wouldn't have to try that hard to learn from their mistakes which says to me they must be trying to not learn because you just have to pay a little bit o
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attention to notices of working because this as failing. you also need to hold criminals accountable. realize the property crimes are not victimless. in realize that violent criminals are not the types of people who deserve leniency. apparently that is more important to them to then bloodshed on this street which think i do have different priorities. >> i am anti- bloodshed. >> and no interest in this thin called weed. >> no. >> jamie, why do you bring this poison and stalking pixie. >> it's it is insulting to talk about that in front of a lady such as vibrant a guy don't kno if the pandemic hit anybody els i gained a little bit of weight i did edibles every night for two years.
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but you know what, it wasn't just weed, it was just things that we're edible. >> up next, they are yelling ships away commit, but don't assume they are a girl or a boy. so you'll never miss a meeting. and neither will she. meta portal, make working from home work for you. "peace of mind." such a big, beautiful idea. and for us at this means - free cancellation on most bookings. it's a bit functional. but we'll gladly be functional. so you can be free. booking.yeah
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identity. it is a signal of acceptance an respect. >> if it's a signal of acceptance and respect how do w help us save spates for everybody. >> the only space you should be concerned with the safe is america, that is the military's mission. not your feelings, it's our security, but still i bet it wa a good question. >> that's a good question. a way to do that is to use inclusive language instead of saying thing hey, guys, you can say hey eric, everyone or hagerman team. gate now that you say that's another way that we can show that we are allies and that we accept everybody is to maybe include our pronouns in our e-mails or like we just did introduce ourselves using our pronouns. >> this is a cult. to show that we are allies, you mean like england? i mean, you guys work together
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that means you're already allie and leisure saying you aren't allies until you accept my pronoun? god forbid i miss gender someone . >> what would i do if i miss gender someone? >> think the first thing to recognize is this not the end o the world. >> think god for that. you know, what would be the end of the world, launching a nuclear missile and triggering world war iii, it may be on tha stuff. serious buffoonery. i'm sorry, i have my priorities backwards. you correct yourself and move on ? >> do you correct yourself and move on or do you accept the correction and move on? get the most important thing i can tell you is not trying to make you feel good of your mistakes. >> thank you for telling me that .
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>> thanks, you're welcome. so somewhere, there is a genera in china saying this is going t be easier than i thought. and he's right. while other countries beef up their defenses, we are obsessin over words great i wonder what that's like. >> all right, everyone, let's make sure we're using the right pronouns in the workplace, it's important to create a safe spac for coworkers, like you would never say he's a drunk loser. you would say my coworker is a drunk loser. a pronoun that's not offensive. they could be jicama it could b she, it could be a they. any questions? >> what about us? >> we are they. we are more than one person, bu we are one. join us.
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>> yes, thank you, fake, nice t hear from them there. that's all for today. >> jamie, i hate to explain thi gets, but i have to say i was thinking about the fact that they keep using they now as the pronoun for singular people, an that extreme, why don't you jus come up with a new pronoun that's what they, as a group of people should be offended. >> great points. >> thank you. >> this is the crazy. like i was watching and i'm lik these guys like ai? what are we watching. i hope whoever made this video doesn't build a submarine.
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i am so confused right i was talking to a buddy of mine really good friend of mine abou this he lives in kentucky is pronouns are he and waugh, you know my other problem with this and i don't know how to make this point, i feel like it's to much information to give everybody. so i'm just meeting you, i've never met someone before and i' saying my name is jamie and my pronoun is hebert like what if you never talk to me again it's just too much information. it would be like me my name is jamie i was born with a and i'm thinking about hanging onto it. you is your friend? >> kat, what he's talking about is precisely the problem is tha since when is the workplace and
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environment for your own self actualization. you think about what you're having for. okay my cat better not be mean to me or, you know what's commi when did this become acceptable? >> i thought everybody self actualization because if you want to use they as singular gender neutral program and on, will call you they, but don't say i can't use you guys as gender-neutral because i am through from the midwest and that is part of my culture so that is offensive to me. i'm never going to stop with yo guys. and again, that video, the production value was bad. it's the u.s. government made that, they have unlimited resources. you couldn't get demi lovato?
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>> it was produced. it should be running on nickelodeon at this point. they are exposing this all to our children anyway. but look, the reality is just think about it, if you're going on the battlefield and they sai they, they are, there is a grenade. because you don't have time. it would've been more entertaining if they would've bassler drag queen. >> you were in the air force, which is like the navy except with planes. so i understand, not everybody is in the battlefield so you have a lot of people behind the scenes, they are may be doing like transcriptions and stuff, so, you come in as you've got old guard coming in with the young generation that are being
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spoonfed this stuff, why don't they shut it down instead of eating this stuff. why can't the military grow som balls? >> i can just tell you when i was incoming air server, yes sir , no sir, yes ma'am, no man ma'am. that was it. i agree with you. we might go ahead and hand trying that they keys to the country. this is done. it so dumb i cannot believe our military has gone down this road , but it's all over. marine drill sergeant the other day, maybe they used to go through but, it's the complete opposite now. you can't hurt somebody's feelings in boot camp. can you maintain that the? we are ill prepared for this world. >> they are lowering standards that even i could probably enlist.
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and i might, because i'm a hero. >> i would go in as five-star general and i'd get one of thos flat boats. the ones that the things land o them for it. >> aircraft carriers. >> you should know that. i guess who got to move on. okay, we will move on then. up next, the professor keeping his eyes on crime in the skies. we texted her when we were on our way. she could track us and see exactly when we'd arrive. >> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: we came to her with service that fit her schedule. >> woman: you must be pascal. >> tech: nice to meet you. >> tech vo: we got right to work, with a replacement she could trust. >> tech: we're all set. >> woman: wow. that looks great. >> tech: schedule now at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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forth. over the weekend and canadian united flight attendant for not wearing her mask tweeting photo of her with the caption hey, united, why are you breaking th law? mass are required on all flight out of canada. your flight attendant isn't wearing one. proving to be the ultimate heat tag for transportation department, news outlets, even the royal canadian mounted police. who couldn't stop the place anyway because they are riding horses. the tweet was as popular as lik i likely was. while other kids are playing spin the bottle he was calling authorities because the bottle wasn't recyclable. after the got called up for being a subhuman speech he went full keyboard warrior tweeting
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canada is not the usa in our country, our rules, and that's why your covid death rate as triple of ours. its true canada is not the usa, your football league sucks. and, and, at least our leaders are really black. i'm not sure if this man ever got laid,. >> i also don't have any intel on that, i can safely bet, how can anybody find this creature appealing after knocking on a woman in trying to get her arrested for not wearing a mask. >> i was looking for his twitte feed and i was scrolling and scrolling and it was just angry unhinged, angry, and hitched, and i looked and it had been only three days worth and i sai
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if he is so concerned about health and wellness, he should probably look into his stress level. first of all, you speak for canada. second of all you want to ban the whole i think canada probably likes having flights. i don't speak for canada. >> but he's a professor. jamie, jamie, you fly a lot because you're from alaska and you can't drive anywhere. >> i fly a lot straight arm lik a golden moose or something on my last airline. to get that is high up for alaska. >> i do not like this where there are so many things he did that i found to be disgusting. then delete the tweets, if you figure it, it's just such a rea thing, and airplanes have i hav two small planes, airplanes hav rules. so like, sometimes i don't want
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rules so i go on the subway we don't have to wear your mask, you don't have to wear your pants if you don't want too. but what about the fact, greg, that there is may beat not a safer place to be in the airplane for air. wasn't like every recycled air, so leave her alone, she's away from people, she's making the announcement and i think it's a good thing to have recycled air especially for the person sitting next to this person. >> charles. what i find interesting is that this is another example of how adults aren't adults anymore, their infants. the washington post reporter tweeting these are all people that are, like old people actin like babies. >> it is so embarrassing, there has got to be a part between canada and the u.s. like an international part where somebody could've whipped his
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and not be charged because they weren't in a country. he is the ultimate jerk, sadly we all read into these kind of people. is the worst thing in the world to be in a store or a supermarket and airplane seats and somebody this it's thanks t you it takes all the restraint possible, i feel bad for kids that have to take his last grea i can't believe it, i really can't. >> i hope that he becomes famou for this. have you ever seen anybody more unlikable? >> hillary clinton? to be fair. wait, i have a whole list for its. >> i like hillary clinton more than him. >> are you serious? >> s. he is a complete loser as president trump would say kindly , and i think he secretly likes the trudeau's press secretary.
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>> americans have had plenty from the candidates in 2020. white americans about candidate who might be prehistoric great for the next presidential race americans prefer newer face a new yahoo you go fill almost americans would rather see a fresh face and the white house since he either biederman or trump for an account rate also said they would like to see a fresh face on nancy pelosi. 64 percent said that biden
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should not run again in 2024 as opposed to 21 percent saying he should. that's like one and five want him to run i bet if they had time machine they would buy tickets on the titanic rate 76 percent of independents and 40 percent of those who voted for him don't want to see him run again. in the hinted mental between th two commode trump still has a three-point lead over trump so if we can't get a new face, maybe we'll get when not covere with gravel from falling off a bike great if america wants wha america wants is a fresh face, these guys to just do what spen millions of dollars on plastic surgery. still looks ugly. >> poor brian. >> he is not up right now. i've got to ask you, because i' going to put you on the spot.
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>> if trump was in the picture it would be issuing four dissenters i think. he's young, he is incredibly effective. if you had to choose, take it i really do think that trump will go earlier than people expect t try to clear the field freight don't think that will necessarily clear the field i still think you see republicans jump into the race nikki haley could be a potential. pompeo, they are not going to step aside necessarily they're going to see what happens because the target will be on president trump's back, you hav the media trained to attack him trying to continue to censor hi and secondly, the democrats wan to put him into jail. this is what were dealing with. cell, if today, this is to soon
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to determine where this is heading. but trump has a strong oil base that is going to stick with him. >> charles, we won't know how strong that is until we see how the republicans he has been backing in these races are grea that's going to tell us something. >> overall, i would think the ones that have been the mostly flat candidates verities actually brought a few candidates over the finish line so his power base, no question about it. if you remember the last election was all about how youn and hip the democrats were. they were young and hip, and multiracial, and it was like donald trump is too old white people. what is going on? they're going to celebrate how young and hip they are. >> amazing. >> we always say we want someon young and fresh, but i don't
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know. >> don't want to push and shove these guys. jamie, do you have elections in alaska? >> i wish i could elect to not live there anymore. >> what would be good for you i a comedian? >> that's a good question. as a comedian it would be fun i biden ran again, but i think that's the one we can all agree on, but should not run. there were 55 people thinking h should not run. 99 percent think he shouldn't bike again. i think he thought like hell florida lake with covid laredo and say hey this whole covid thing, we're going to skip it. like florida treated covid like it was a macbook update. but i was thinking about if biden runs again which beat lea fund comedic they, you know whe they show pictures of the
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president going into office and they look so much older when they come out. biden has nowhere to go. you know, there's going to be a before picture and an afterlife picture. >> come on, it's a joke. >> it's a joke. >> cat, i get fooled into thinking they are going to go lighter on him if he becomes th nominee. then i remember they were just. >> and the dog on the roof. >> i don't know. i am sick of people running for president who want to run for president. that already means you are kind of a psychopath to actually one to run for president. i want somebody who does not want to be the president who is out there, doesn't really showe it was like i would vote for
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that person. >> who could that be? i don't wash my hair on the weekends. >> first of all, it's not a way to get, it's about a pound in a half of extensions, but i wouldn't want to be the president. i think if you want power than that makes you weird, but also if you want to look at it another way, you want to do something, i don't want you to do anything to change the world i want you to live me alone. >> a true libertarian. up next, even if they are as cute as the dickens, white you shouldn't make out with your chickens.
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>> a story in five words. >> a story in five words, don't snuggle with your chicken. the cdc telling people not to snuggle their chickens because of salmonella. can keep maybe we are just punishing people that think it' okay to hug chickens. this made me think, first of all , i don't want the chickens to think there's anything wrong but do you think this is like when you go too whole foods nuc there is stage one, two, three, and they get better and better
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and lives. i wonder if these stage fives five, they have white type five stage five chickens have a better upbringing than i do. >> kat, we use to not have to tell people not to do things like this. >> i also don't think they're going to stop right if you already snuggle a chicken, like once you start snuggling anyone once that boundary has been crossed, it's not that easy to stop. i have never snuggled a chicken but i would assume that it's th same. >> i would think in alaska they do a lot of chicken snuggling. >> what else are you going to do ? >> charles, one things leads to another. feathers everywhere. everybody's just getting plucked . >> i feel sorry for the america chicken. imagine in japan, those cows,
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they massage them. they are pretty good to their animals over there. i'm surprised and awoke nation like this that we would do something like this. >> i don't know if you're serious. mercedes, where do you stand on the snuggle no snuggle chickens for it. >> i'm worried about canadian professor going after us if anybody is snuggling their chickens. he will report you to the cdc. the picture i see in nature eating chicken for dinner in than you have their friend that chicken right near you and you can't even snuggle with them. >> it is shame. >> it makes me think of maybe a cool little strip club called foul play. thank you. >> if someone is at a place in their life with snuggling check
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ins, that is the last thing we should take away from them. >> although we should observe them. >> don't go away, we will be right back. but now, i can disrupt eczema with rinvoq. rinvoq is not a steroid, topical, or injection. ... ... topical steroids. many taking rinvoq saw clear or almost-clear skin while some saw up to 100% clear skin. plus, they felt fast itch relief some as early as 1 week. that's rinvoq relief. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal, cancers including lymphoma and skin cancer, death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least one heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq, as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. disrupt the itch and rash of eczema.
8:59 pm
>> tech: cracked windshield? schedule with safelite, and we'll come to you to fix it. >> tech vo: this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way. she could track us and see exactly when we'd arrive. >> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: we came to her with service that fit her schedule. >> woman: you must be pascal. >> tech: nice to meet you. >> tech vo: we got right to work, with a replacement she could trust. >> tech: we're all set. >> woman: wow. that looks great.
9:00 pm
>> tech: schedule now at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ >> greg: outta time. thank you to our guests! fox news @ night is evil shannon bream is next. i'm greg gutfeld and i love you, america! >> shannon: had mellow and welcome to fox -- hello and welcome to fox news @ night. i'm shannon bream in washington. we're following several big stories tonight. there are several new details emerging about the police response revolving uvalde shooting. senate votes tonight to move forward on a bipartisan gun safety bill
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