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tv   America Reports  FOX News  June 22, 2022 10:00am-12:00pm PDT

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us about the back yard poultry. >> my twins, georgey will take it, that's the only reason, appreciate this one. >> we have to get this in. westminster dog show, best in show awarded tonight with seven dogs from two groups competing, catch it all. there is your dog, ben. and here is "america reports." >> border patrol chiefs from several administration's slamming the homeland security department in a brand-new letter. the bipartisan group has serious concerns over reports that agents investigated for whipping migrants will be punished despite not being found guilty of wrongdoing. >> john: it says kamala harris and joe biden prejudged it from the start. and no chance for a fair outcome. chad wolf will join us in the studio in the next few minutes.
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>> sandra: america's energy crisis, president biden will ask congress to suspend the gas tax for summer. critics say it will have little impact on american wallets and could make the inflation situation worse. hello, welcome, everyone, i'm sandra smith in new york. hi, john. >> john: i'm john roberts in washington and this is "america reports." the president will request a three month suspension of the gas tax through september, currently $0.18 a gallon for gasoline. $0.24 a gallon for diesel. studies show a move like this does not save people all that much money but does cost the government billions of dollars in revenue. >> sandra: former president obama famously called it a gimmick in 2008, and all of this as we expect president biden to pin the blame once again on his
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favorite bogeyman, vladimir putin. jacqui heinrich is live at the white house. hi, jacqui. >> jacqui: good afternoon to you. the president is expected to call on congress to extend a federal gas tax holiday, something congress would have to pass and the white house has said they have not begun outreach to lawmakers to build support for that. the way things look right now, unlikely republicans will sign on. senator tom cotton tweeted the dem's so-called gas tax holiday is a gimmick, 6% of the increase in gas since biden took office, meant to cover up that they are restricting supply and raised costs. and former president obama's chair of economic advisers is questioning it. >> i don't think that's a particularly good idea. if you do it at the national level, nothing that says that the companies need to pass the savings on. they could just keep the extra profit for themselves.
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>> jacqui: obama once called a gas tax holiday a gimmick to allow people in washington to pat themselves on the back without much of a return, and the treasury secretary said it's unclear how much americans could benefit, because federal taxes are lower than state taxes and a worry it could increase demand, thereby increasing inflation. and the federal gas tax revenue is used for infrastructure maintenance. president biden brushed off concerns it's going to impact projects. >> giant, giant, 1.2 -- $1,200,000,000,000 dollars. >> worth it for you -- >> sure, it's not like before. look, it will have some impact. but it's not going to impact on major road construction and major repairs. >> so, a senior administration official told us the president is going to ask congress to make sure that the federal highway fund still gets money from other
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sources of revenue so it does not get depleted from this. he'll also call in states, oil companies and retailers to pause their gas taxes. on the hill, federal reserve chairman powell also was talking about this and the likelihood of recession. even with the rate hikes that we are seeing and that could come up, which he did not give any clue as to when or what they might be, does not think it would position us to go into recession but said there might be other surprises along the way. a bit of a caveat there. >> sandra: jacqui, thank you. >> john: fox news has learned that house republican whip steve scalise wants them to vote down a bill. pass a procedural vote last night. marsha blackburn joins us on that and more in a moment, but begin with aishah hasnie live on
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capitol hill. scalise opposes this but it could still pass. >> it could still pass. speaker pelosi would basically have to make sure she does not lose four democrats and able to gain at least a couple of republicans to ensure that it passes in the house. but at least on the senate side, john, senators are saying this is on a gliding path as they would call it, it's well on its way to becoming the first major gun legislation to be enacted by congress in nearly three decades, and last night they took a huge step forward in advancing this bill, called the bipartisan safer communities act. it advances with not just ten, but 14 republicans voting yes, and that includes minority leader mitch mcconnell. and lisa murkowski and young, and a handful who are retiring. they say the package sends money to states to build up school safety, mental health services,
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it's also going to enhance background checks for gun buyers ages 18 to 21 to include juvenile records. the bill also sends millions to states with red flag laws but must offer due process to gun owners who may have their firearms removed. and finally on the so-called boyfriend loophole, the federal ban on abusers will include those who abuse a dating partner but the ban will only last five years. the package does not include radical changes that president biden was asking for, like the ban on assault weapons or high capacity magazines. still, the n.r.a. opposing the deal, writing this, this bill leaves too much discretion in the hands of government officials and contains undefined and overbroad provisions, interference with constitutional freedoms. senator cornyn a few hours ago told reporters he does not think the nra will be able to sway ten
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republicans needed to get this across the finish line. >> i think they simply, they have a membership and a business model that will not allow them to support any legislation and so i understand where they are coming from, but i think most people will not allow any outside group to veto good public policy. >> so john, leader schumer is calling on the senate to take a vote on this by the end of the week. but again, as you mentioned, some trouble happening on the house side with steve scalise wanting to whip votes against the bill, again, speaker pelosi cannot afford to lose four democrats on this. john. >> john: great reporting from capitol hill, aishah, thank you so much. >> sandra: tennessee republican senator marsha blackburn. first to you on that, you have obviously shown your lack of support for these gun law changes, why.
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>> because the second amendment is not negotiable. it is not a suggestion, it is a right and i'm not going to support anything that is going to infringe on a law abiding citizen's second amendment rights. >> sandra: got it. see where that goes, nancy pelosi under a lot of pressure to get something done and needs to win a lot more support. i want to move on to obviously the top issue for the american people today, you have seen it in poll after poll, it is inflation. gas prices soar, i'll put it up on the screen. today gas prices, the national average, 4.95. senator, it is hard to believe how far they have come since election day 2020, and i know election day rather than inauguration day, election day they saw a president-elected in the country on the campaign trail made it clear he was out to kill the fossil fuel industry in this country.
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then candidate biden pledging to end drilling during a debate. >> number one, no more subsidies for fossil fuel industry. no more drilling on federal lands. no more drilling, including offshore. no ability for the oil industry to continue to drill, period, ends. >> sandra: senator, should anyone in the country be surprised why gas prices are where they are today. >> no one should be surprised. joe biden said what he was going to do, day one ending of the keystone pipeline then ended fracking, alaska off line, offshore off line, he said he was going to end oil and gas in the country. i agree with obama, this is a gimmick, 18.4 cents on the gas tax, removing that, this is such an odd move for the guy who said i'm going to be the
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infrastructure president. he has already spent this money, and of course it would drive up inflation because if he thinks he's going to go pull the money from somewhere else, where is he going to get it? taxpayers are overtaxed, the government is overspent, the spending is out of control and to say such a thing is ridiculous. start drilling, go back to being energy independent, restart keystone, would have been finished by this fall if he had not stopped it. open up alaska, open up offshore, go back to fracking, give drill permits for people that hold leases. that's how you address this. do not go hat in hand to venezuela and saudi arabia. we are the united states of america. we are energy rich. we can solve this problem but the white house is bound and determined to end fossil fuels and the way they are going about
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it is transitioning people into a lot of debt. it is going to ruin livelihoods and lives and sandra, they are totally on the wrong track. >> sandra: and people want to know if it's effective. if that money will end up in the pockets of the american people. to your point, president obama, he was not a fan of the gas tax holiday. said eventually that money will not end up in consumer's pockets, here he is in 2008, listen. >> and we are arguing over a gimmick to save you half a tank of gas over the course of the entire summer so everyone in washington can pat themselves on the back. >> sandra: so he called it, agreed with you, you agree with him, i should say, calling it a gimmick then. nancy pelosi is even on the record saying this is nothing but show biz back in march she made the point, we have to address the root of the problem, and here is congressman defasio of the state of oregon and
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senator perhaps it's a sign there will not be bipartisan support for the move. it's a democrat saying look what this is going to do to the infrastructure. suspending the federal gas tax will not provide meaningful relieve at the pump for american families, but it will blow a multi-billion dollar hole in the highway trust fund, putting funding for future infrastructure projects at risk. is this president just following the polls on this issue rather than tackling the real policy changes needed to bring those prices down? final thoughts. >> sandra, the team around the president comes up with some word of the day that they think is going to push off the news cycle for that day and breathe a sigh of relief. the american people know better than that, they know it's a gimmick. they know if you took off the taxes in tennessee, 27.4 is the tax, the state tax. take all that away, you still don't get under $4 a gallon and
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you'll have roads full of potholes and unfinished projects because that money is designated. they did that when they passed the infrastructure/noninfrastructure bill. that money is gone. and they can't do this, it is putting more of a burden on taxpayers, nice to say we messed this up. let's restart keystone. >> sandra: i'm not quite sure that's going to happen, senator, but we'll certainly be watching all of this, because this is the primary concern. thank you very much, senator. john, to her point, you know, they are addressing the possibility of eliminating temporarily the federal gas tax. that is a much smaller amount than when you look at the state gas taxes, new york, $0.46, leave it to the states some critics say. >> john: i remember buying gas
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in maryland, it lowered the price, and youngkin is trying to do it in virginia but the democrats are refusing to do it. now the democratic president is proposing on the federal level. >> sandra: people buy more gas and temporary relief and it goes back up. >> john: i don't know if they are buying more, a busy night across the south. virginia, former police officer and county supervisor vega won the republican primary in the seventh congressional district. she will face spanberger in a competitive race in the fall. >> sandra: mixed bag for former president trump. his endorsed candidates won several races, including ben klein in the state of virginia. and senate candidate katie britt in alabama. but two lost in georgia congressional primaries. trump's overall success rate is
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94%, high, but nonincumbent races, from 82 to 76%. >> john: and henry cuellar was able to hold on in the 28th congressional district after a recount was confirmed, he won by a slim margin, 289 votes. >> sandra: more on that coming up. and gabby petito's family suing the parents of brian laundrie. will a judge let the suit move forward? emily will join us live in studio. >> john: and a bipartisan group warning the white house against punishing agents wrongly accused of whipping migrants. they say the administration is prejudging the situation. chad wolf is here coming up next. stay with us. >> five years now, i can tell
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you everything we are currently seeing is absolutely unprecedented. we know we can't do the job that we were hired to do.
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overall mission down there? >> sandra, thanks for that. the military tells me you have to think of the rio grande river as a high speed avenue of approach. remember, the river is the international boundary between the two countries. the u.s. on one side, mexico on the other. troops say it allows them to traverse the vast border laterally, making it much more quicker than driving on land. some of the texas national guard vessels have 200 horse power outboard engines allowing them to travel at speeds up to 60 miles per hour. others called zodiacs are more raft-like in shallow waters. they are filling in the gaps left by the federal government, gaps many republican lawmakers say were created by this white house. >> president biden, you need to go to the border.
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you need to understand the havoc you've put on our country, by i think chaing policies. rather than criticizing the border patrol agents and punishing them for doing a job that's impossible to do, for being overwhelmed, the worst thing a commander in chief to do is let the troops in the field down. president biden has let the border patrol down. >> numbers show the u.s. is on track to reach 2 million migrant encounters for the fiscal year with four months left to go and already as we have been reporting, when you fold in may's figure, the tally already stands at more than 1.5 million migrant encounters. sandra. >> sandra: casey stegall, thank you. >> john: top border officials from the previous three administration's have sent a letter to mayorkas, outrage over
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punishing border agents accused of whipping migrants, despite being cleared. chad wolf, a letter obtained by "washington examiner," they said we collectively believe and point out that the statements made by president and vice president predickbly prejudged the outcome may influence the case, stating there will be consequences, presumes the results of an investigation. we ask you and the deciding official assure a fair and impartial review of the facts as they move through the process. these are not partisans. civil servants, career civil servants who are saying you are moving on this in a prejudice fashion, slow down. >> i served with several of them, spanned multiple administration, democrats and republicans, they are career individuals but are right. the president and the vice president, even say the secretary made comments that
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prejudged the outcome of an investigation. first of all, i don't think there should have been an investigation, it was clear and the individuals on-site of what was occurring there, it was only when the president and the vice president said you know, there will be consequences did an investigation occur. so look, that happened last fall. it's almost 9, 10 months later and still has been no resolution, no apology to these officers. these officers have been on administrative leave since that occurred. they deserve a speedy investigation. they will likely be cleared of this and they should get back to work securing that border. >> john: one thing they are not getting is a speedy investigation. we are seeing the images there, and the opinions that were formed by the president, the vice president and the secretary of homeland security, they were a result of erroneous reporting by news agencies who said they witnessed migrants being whipped. the agents were just using long
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rein techniques to keep the horses under control and the migrants away from the horses. but the president said aftermath. >> horses running over people being strapped, it's outrageous. i promise you, those people will pay. >> also evoked images of some of the worst moments of our history. >> horrific video of the c.b.p. officers using brutal ech mas against innocent people. >> we do not tolerate any mistreatment or abuse of a migrant, period. >> the office of thf the inspec general at d.h.s. refused to investigate this, indication was there was no wrongdoing. even if they are punished through administrative on, which looks like they might be, what's the danger of doing that, there was no wrongdoing involved here, and the only thing that's happened is the president and his top lieutenants put themselves so far out on a
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limits not accurate. >> three of the four individuals that you showed there have never been to the border. they don't know. >> john: probably never used a long rein either. >> no idea of the border patrol, the environment there, what the horseback officers and agents do every day, and for them to make a comment like this is irresponsible and goes to the morale of the border patrol, we know is at an all time low because of the administration's policies at the end of the day. if you are not going to give them the tools and the policies to do the job to secure the border -- one thing you should do, is be quiet on things you don't know about, things you see a video or reacting to a news article instead of talking to the agents and officers, maybe you should visit the border, go on a ride along to see what they have to deal with day in and day out. they don't do any of this and they make the comments and it's detrimental to the border patrol, their confidence, and everything that they are having to deal with. it's very, very -- it's not a good situation.
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>> john: and we all know, of course, the pressure the border patrol are under. >> sandra: thank you very much. thanks, chad as well. gabby petito's family heading to court to get answers on what brian laundrie's family knew about her death. a hearing is about to be underway but will a judge let this case go forward? we'll ask emily live coming up. >> john: texas d.p.s., damning new details for the police response or lack of it from the uvalde school massacre. learning how quickly police could have stopped the gunman. >> we deserve better, our children deserve better, and those teachers deserve better. please, we are begging. schedule with safelite, tec? and we'll come to you to fix it. >> tech vo: this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way. she could track us and see exactly when we'd arrive.
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illness for a deadly 2017 rampage where he ran down pedestrians in times square. richard rojas had been smoking laced marijuana and was on p.c.p. when he killed an 18-year-old tourist and injured more than 20 with his car. his defense team claimed the client was mentally unwell and could not be held responsible for his actions that day. the jury needed only one day to reach a verdict after the nearly two month long trial. family members of the uvalde massacre calling for the police chief to step down. they are calling the response an abject failure. what more do we know they did not go in the classroom for more than an hour.
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>> minutes after the shooting, the police chief made a lot of assumptions that were completely wrong. the chief thought the gunman was in an office, not a classroom, that there were no students with him, that the door could not be opened without a key, and that officers needed to wait for shields and more fire power before moving in. according to the head of the department of public safety, those errors in judgment and the hour and 14 minute wait cost lives. >> the only thing stopping a hallway of dedicated officers from entering room 111 and 112, was the on scene commander, placed the lives of officers before the lives of children. and while they waited, the on scene commander, waited for radio and rifles. and he waited for shields. and he waited for swat. lastly, he waited for a key that was never needed. >> it's not clear why the chief made the assumptions and decisions, though, because he
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apparently has refused to do a follow-up interview with d.p.s. investigators. further complicating the changing and conflicting narratives we have heard from officials, last night the mayor accused the department of public safety of lying and misleading the public in trying to make local police a scapegoat to cover up their own failures responding to the shooting. >> the guns are off, we can -- as we know it, we will, we are not going to hold back anymore. we kept quiet at the request because we thought we were doing a formal investigation and doing the right thing but yet they can go to austin and have public deals and talk about it and not share a [bleep] with the city. >> a lot of frustration from folks in the city who want answers and accountability. and there were a lot of calls for the chief to lose his job. >> everyone needs to be held
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accountable, pete for his inaction, and you standing by and we beg for justice. justice. we have not seen that at all. all we are seeing is arguments back and forth, pointing fingers, this guy's fault, this guy's fault. no, we need to know the truth and know exactly what happened. >> the state senator who represents uvalde is also demanding answers and today filed a lawsuit against the texas department of public safety for records and documents related to the shooting and the police response. >> john: just imagine how much this is tearing up poor folks in that community. garrett, thank you. sandra. >> sandra: families of gabby petito and brian laundrie plan to square off the first time in court, that is expected right now, in a case that gripped the nation last summer but we did just learn, fox news has learned that brian laundrie's parents will not be there. instead their attorney will be
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present virtually. today's pretrial hearing comes after the petito family filed a lawsuit claiming that they were aware their son murdered her and chose not to act. and emily is also a practicing attorney. we enjoy your expertise on all things. this is an incredibly tragic and awful story. we followed it so closely for so long, and i just remember when we go and bring ourselves back into that moment where we thought it was absurd that brian laundrie's family, while claiming his innocence in all of this, would not speak to the police. in fact, retained a lawyer and spoke through that lawyer. so, what is happening here and what does gabby petito's family believe they knew? >> first of all, i think that is sort of at the heart of this lawsuit is gabby's parents with the anguish, and saying to the parents of brian laundrie you knew, they allege, that your son murdered our daughter and yet you completely shut us out, they
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argue. and the actual suit is a negligence lawsuit. a pretty low bar to cross, it's a preponderance of the evidence, they say you knew your son murdered our daughter, you did not speak to us at all, mental anguish and that you helped him flee the state. looking at it from a legal perspective, four things they have to prove, including a duty by brian's parents to gabby's parents and the parents are arguing what duties do we have to talk to you. they say his parents cooperated fully, and they were never charged and the lawsuit is baseless. they say it does not rise to the allegations charge in terms of being sort of practiceable course of action legally. >> sandra: what does it tell you that gabby petito's family are
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there, physically at the hearing but chris and roberta laundrie are not going to be there. does that tell you anything? >> i think it furthers their behavior the entire time, unwillingness to engage at all with gabby's parents. they have blocked them on facebook, on their cell phones, would not take any calls. they were close friends before, they were neighbors and so i think it furthers the fact they want nothing to do with gabby's family and their presence is not necessary, their attorney will be there on their behalf. and i think the lawsuit is a significant message that gabby's parents are sending this is not ok, right. maybe this is not rising to the level of the actionable course of action, we'll see whether the judge let's it go through and the hearing is whether or not the judge deems this lawsuit should go to trial, whether indeed they have sufficient allegations backed by fact and legal procedure to actually carry to trial. they are asking for over $100,000, but at a minimum, we
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are talking about it, saying your behavior was unacceptable. you knew that your son murdered our daughter or engaged in malicious behavior to cut us out. >> sandra: and if they didn't know, why were they not more engaged, help look for her, considering this was the girlfriend of the son. cameras are permitted as we saw a moment ago, but again, the laundrie family will not be present. we should learn a whole lot more soon. >> emily: and learn the judge's ruling later this summer and the trial is set for later on. >> sandra: emily, thanks for your expertise and good to see you. >> john: president biden set to call on congress to suspend the federal gas tax to lower gas prices for americans temporarily. but biden may not even get support from his own party. experts say the move could make inflation even worse. >> sandra: all right. the mother of a fentanyl overdose victim says china is
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attacking our democracy by flooding our streets with drugs. a live report on the poisoning of america, that's next. >> he consumed a pill that mimicked a pharmaceutical grade pill and it killed him. we've been customers for years. (dad brown) we got iphone 13s, too. switched two minutes ago, literally right before this. (vo) now everyone can get a new iphone 13 on us on america's most reliable 5g network. for every customer. current, new, everyone. to show the love. right now, we're all feelin' the squeeze. but walmart's got your back with thousands of rollbacks so you get everything you need to keep your summer rollin'. because when you save money, you can live better. my mental health was much better. my mind was in a good place. but my body was telling a different story. i felt all people saw were my uncontrolled movements. some mental health meds can cause tardive dyskinesia, or td,
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that put the drugs in the hands of america's youth. experts say it's a national security issue, targeted attack with state sponsors. >> is this a way of china attacking our democracy, i would think so. there is so much fentanyl in this country there is enough to kill every single man, woman and child in the united states as it is. >> his 16-year-old son was killed after ordering a pill online he thought was a simple oxycodone in april 2020. in fact it was fentanyl. china remains the primary source of fentanyl. a drug that kills more than 100 people in the u.s. every day. 70,000 americans were killed between december 2020 and december 2021 as a result of fentanyl overdoses. many of them just like daniel, children under 18. >> just an innocent kid. he made one dumb decision and he
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died. daniel didn't deserve to die. we are not supposed to bury our children. >> china remains the primary source of fentanyl using two techniques for delivering fentanyl to the u.s. either shipped directly here via international mail or via mexico. in some cases chinese sellers label these deadly drug shipments with spanish language advertisements to help clear customs. gretchen peters is the executive director of the alliance to counter crime online. >> fentanyl is not being sold in any other country of the world other than the united states and canada, it's flooding into these countries and at first i thought it was an exaggeration that this was in some way state sponsored. now i'm not so sure. >> the chinese communist party is involved in just about everything, economically, business-wise, coming out of china and you have chinese
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scientists that have partnered up with the cartel. >> china officially banned the production of fentanyl in 2019 under pressure from the trump administration pushing the manufacturers into mexico now, a key part of the supply chain. john. >> latest on fentanyl crisis here at home. thank you. >> sandra: heart pounding moments at miami airport. look at this. a jet comes in for a hard landing and catches fire. what may have caused that fiery crash. >> john: and several major cities on track to surpass violent crime levels from 2021 this year. and we are only halfway through 2022. what is it going to take to break this vicious cycle? i booked our hotel on kayak. it's flexible if we need to cancel. cancel. i haven't left the house in years. nothing will stop me from vacation. no canceling. (laughs) flexible cancellation.
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>> john: senator negotiators have reached a bipartisan bill on a gun bill, overhaul gun laws and if they sign it. a sergeant for the baltimore city school force and maryland state fraternal order of police. i want to talk to you about rising crime across america and baltimore in particular, but thoughts on the gun bill.
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as it passed the senate, enhanced background checks up to ten days, buyers under the age of 21, red flag laws, expand mental health resources, more dollars for school safety, include serious dating partners and prohibitions against domestic abuse, and this is aimed at things like what happened in uvalde, things that happen in buffalo. your thoughts about this. could this go some distance to preventing the next school shooting? >> i think it will have an impact on preventing the next mass shooting incident, but i don't think this is an end all, be all or catch all that will stop the next mass shooting from occurring anywhere in our country. >> and in baltimore, in the school district there, you have a bigger problem. it's not people who buy these guns mentally unstable and get them legally, it's illegally owned firearms.
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>> we have recovered 15 guns this school year and most of those firearms were illegally owned. and so that's the problem that our cities across america are seeing with gun violence that these guns that are being used are illegally owned by people who have not gone through a background check or who have not obtained the firearm through the proper process. >> john: just wanted to bring up the rise in violent crime across the united states because major cities like new york city, los angeles, philadelphia, washington, d.c., atlanta and baltimore, all on pace, halfway through 2022 to exceed the levels of violent crime that we saw in 2021, which for many places set a record. and this is going on right now in the city of san francisco, apparently there was a shooting on a muni train between the forest hill and castro station, and some live pictures coming up here, why are things getting so much worse in america? >> what's happening is these progressive policies that our local district attorneys and
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state attorneys have that are not focusing on violent crime, they are allowing all crime to happen and violent crime is starting to spike in these cities, and that's because you have people getting out on probation before judgment for violent crime and turnstile allowing the people back to the communities to victimize someone else. >> and the recall election in san francisco, chesa boudin, has been recalled, we don't yet know who is going to replace him. and george gascon in los angeles is also subject to a recall, we have larry crassner in philadelphia, kim fox in chicago, so many progressive d.a.s and a backlash and the backlash against the defund the police movement. if the backlash continues, do you think we could potentially see things improve with a reduction in violence? >> absolutely. i think americans want to be safe. if you poll many americans, they want more police officers, they want better quality of police officers, they want our officers
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to be trained, but they want better resources and they want to be safe. you know, if we have the social drivers of our community, if we have a strong education system, if we have a strong education system, religious system and strong families, there would be less need for corrections. >> did not take long for this thing to go the wrong way. how long did it take to put it on the right track? >> a long time because some of the policies of police reform, so it's going to take a long time to get people interested and becoming police officers and joining our ranks. we now have the issue with retention and attracting the best candidates for police, and so it's going to take a while. but i'm so glad that our communities have started, are starting to speak up and now enforcing, they are now enforcing the elected officials to change their tune. >> john: great to have you in today. thank you for your thoughts. appreciate it. >> sandra: thank you very much, john. we'll keep watching that situation in san francisco, and new at 2:00, we are waiting remarks from president biden,
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highly anticipated, to call on congress to impose a gas tax holiday at the federal level. could it even make the situation worse as many critics are suggesting. we will hear from the president in just a moment. "washington times" opinion editor charlie hurt and more on deck in a new hour. as a veteran, you've earned the powerful va home loan benefit that lets you refinance up to 100% of your home's value. and with home values rising, that can mean a lot more money for you and your family. a newday va home loan lets you refinance your home to pay credit card debt or just put money in the bank. it even lowers your paymentsby over $600 a month. we all know some of life's most important financial decisions are made right here at the kitchen table. so if you're a veteran and need cash, calling newday usa could be one of the best decisions you'll ever make.
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>> john: looking at live pictures of san francisco where police say there was a shooting on the muni train earlier today. apparently two people were shot, one of them reportedly is dead, the other has been taken to the hospital. the gunman escaped the train and ran away. police obviously have an active search underway right now for that gunman. again, a shooting on the muni train in san francisco. we will keep track of this for you and bring you the latest developments just as soon as we get them.
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and new at 2:00, president biden calling on congress to suspend the federal gas tax as americans shell out more at stations nationwide. critics say the move is nothing more than a political band aid. welcome back as "america reports" rolls into a second hour. good to see you. >> sandra: and great to be with you, john. sandra smith in new york. analyst say the pause will cost taxpayers. one of the biggest critics, president biden's former boss. >> and we are arguing over a gimmick to save you half a tank of gas over the course of the entire summer so that everyone in washington can pat themselves on the back. >> john: republicans without a doubt pouncing on the past comments and pointing out the white house is using a favorite scapegoat, putin's price hike squarely. >> sandra: and jerome powell put
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a hole in that theory. charlie hurt is here and david asmun is standing by. >> john: and what it might mean for your wallet and peter doocy live at the white house, just got the two-minute warning to the president, some thoughts from you before we go to him. >> peter: even if the gas tax passes in congress, it's unclear how helpful it would be. >> global markets don't respond to gimmicks and this is the problem with the administration. they are just -- it's an unserious solution to a serious problem. and they are just not taking this as it really should. >> both parties are skeptical, the republican argument is the dem's so-called gas tax, 6% of the increase since biden took off, to cover up dem policies have very stricted supply and raised cost. and jason furman.
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>> i don't think that's a particularly good idea. if you do it at the national level, nothing that says the companies need to pass the savings on, they could just keep that extra profit for themselves. >> president biden is then blaming putin and oil companies for high prices and the c.e.o. of chevron responded, your administration is criticizing and vilify, not what the american people deserve, and president biden so far appears unfazed by that. >> he's mildly sensitive. i didn't know they get their feelings hurt that quickly. look, we need more refining capacity. this idea that they don't have oil to drill and to bring up is simply not true. >> peter: and we expect to hear some more of that from the president any second, john. >> john: all right, looks like he's coming out to the podium, peter. take you to the white house. here is the president with his announcement on the gas tax. >> next 90 days through the busy
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summer season, busy travel season, here is what that means. every time you go to the gas station to fill your tank the federal government charges an $0.18 tax per gallon of gas that you purchase. and $0.24 tax per gallon of diesel you purchase. it's a tax that's been around for 90 years. it's important because we use it for the highway trust fund to keep our highways going. but, what i'm proposing is suspending the federal gas tax without affecting the highway trust funds and here is how we do that. with the tax revenues up this year, and our deficit down over $1.6 trillion this year alone, we'll still be able to fix our highways and bring down the prices of gas. we can do both at the same time. by suspending the $0.18 federal gas tax for the next 90 days we can bring down the price of gas and give families just a little bit of relief.
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i call on the companies to pass this along, every penny of this $0.18 reduction to the consumers. this is -- there's no time now for profiteering. there are other proposals in the house and senate and i hope my call for action can move those forward as well. but we can also cut gas prices even more in another way. that's why the second action i'm taking is calling on states to either suspend the state gas tax as well or find other ways to deliver some relief. state gas taxes average $0.30 per gallon. already, some states have acted. in connecticut and new york, governors have temporarily suspended their gas tax as well. illinois and colorado, governors delayed theirs to give families a bit more breathing room as well. in minnesota, governor walz,
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proposes using state budget surpluses to give households a rebate for the pump or essential needs. calling on more states and local governments to take actions like these. thanks to our historic economic recovery, which fortified state budgets, that had been hurt in the pandemic, states are now in a strong position to be able to afford to take some of these actions. i fully understand the gas tax holiday alone is not going to fix the problem. but it will provide families some immediate relief just a little bit of breathing room as we continue working to bring down prices for the long haul. third, i'm calling on the industry to refine more oil into gasoline and to bring down gas prices. let me explain. i know my republican friends claim we are not producing enough oil. and i'm limiting oil production. quite frankly, that's nonsense. here is the truth.
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just this month america produced 12 million barrels of oil per day. that's the highest, that's higher than average under my predecessor, and we are on track to set a new record for production next year. plus, i've added to that supply of oil by releasing a record 1 million barrels of oil per day from what's called the strategic petroleum reserve. in fact, i just led the world to coordinate the largest release of global oil reserves in history, including from other countries. in total, that's 240 million barrels to boost global supply. and republicans falsely claim that i'm blocking production on federal lands but again, that's nonsense. the industry has more approved permits for production on federal lands than they can possibly use. that's a fact. my administration also directed
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the sale of gasoline using home grown biofuels, ethanol, e15, this summer, which will boost gasoline supplies and lower the prices on thousands of stations across america, and welcome the recent announcement known as the opec plus, a group of nearly two dozen oil producing nations to increase global oil supply. the bottom line is, we are setting records in terms of american energy production. we are supplementing that supply, we have released from the oil reserves, so the issue is not oil production alone, the problem is the refining of that oil into gas at the pump. during the pandemic some oil and gas companies shut down refining facilities. last week i sent a letter to the c.e.o.s of the largest oil refining companies asking them to work with my administration to bring refineries back online to get more gas to the pump at
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lower prices. the secretary of energy, jennifer granholm, and members of my team will be meeting with many of these refining companies tomorrow. i hope they'll come to the table with some real ideas and practical steps in the near term and i'm prepared to act quickly and decisively to address the immediate challenge in front of us and the american people. finally, when the cost of oil does come down, we need the price at the gas stations what they charge at the pump to come down as well. for example, in the last two weeks the price of oil has fallen by more than $10 a barrel. normally this reduced the cost at the pump about $0.25 a gallon. yet so far gas stations have only reduced prices by a few cents a gallon. some have not reduced prices at all. i've heard plenty of
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explanations from companies and economists about why it normally takes time for these price reductions to reach the consumer. i might note the price of a barrel of oil goes up, it doesn't take much time for the price at the pump to go up. so let's be honest with one another. my message is simple. to the companies running gas stations, and setting those prices at the pump, this is a time of war, global peril, ukraine, these are not normal times. bring down the price you are charging at the pump to reflect the cost you are paying for the product. do it now, do it today. your customers, the american people, they need relief now. so let me summarize. today i'm calling for a federal gas tax holiday, state gas tax holiday for the equivalent relief to customers. oil companies to use their
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profits to increase refining capacity rather than buy back their own stock. gas stations have passed along the decree, not the decree, but to decrease oil prices to lower prices at the pump and together these actions could help drop the price at the pump by up to $1 a gallon or more. it doesn't reduce all the pain, but it would be a big help. i'm doing my part. i want the congress, states and the industry to do their part as well. and let's remember how we got here. putin invaded ukraine. putin invaded ukraine with 100,000 forces. just look at the facts. since the start of the war in ukraine this year, gas prices have risen by almost $2 a gallon in the united states and sometimes more around the world but it was not just putin's
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invasion of ukraine. it was refusal of the united states and the rest of the free world to let putin get away with something we have not seen since world war ii. i said at the time siding with ukraine during the most serious aggression in europe since world war ii, defending freedom, defending democracy, was not going to go without cost for the american people and the rest of the free world. we were going to have to pay a price as well in the cost of military equipment, economic assistance, humanitarian relief, and sanctioned russian banking industries. russia is also one of the largest oil producers in the world. we cut off russian oil into the united states and our partners in europe did the same, knowing that they would see higher gas prices. we could have turned a blind eye to putin's murderous ways and the price of gas would not have spiked the way it has.
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i believe that would have been wrong. i believe then and i believe now the free world had no choice. america could not stand by and the west could not have stood by, although some suggested at the time, and just watched putin's tanks roll in ukraine and seize a sovereign country. if we did stand by, putin would not have stopped. putin would have kept going, and we would face an even steeper price. it wasn't just me. the american people understood. the american people rose to the moment. the american people did what they always have done, defend freedom around the world. they chose to stand with the people of ukraine. we had near malala yousafzai. -- we had nearly unanimous in the congress, for all the republicans in congress criticizing me today for high
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gas prices in america, are you now saying we were wrong to support ukraine? are you saying we were wrong to stand up to putin? are you saying that we would have rather have lower gas prices in america than putin's iron fist in europe? i don't believe that. look, i get the easy politics of the attack. i get that. but the simple truth is gas prices are up almost $2 a gallon because vladimir putin's ruthless attack on ukraine, and we would not let him get away with it. we are doing everything we can to reduce this pain at the pump now. and of those experiences have shown us anything, it's that we need to grow and harness more energy here at home. let's lower the price of electric vehicles so we never have to pay at the pump in the first place. major auto companies are preparing for 50% of future sales to electric vehicles by
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2030, 100% by 2035. we are already building secure supply chains to build the electric vehicles here in america and we are investing almost $100 billion in public transit and rail for all the studies show it will take millions of cars off the road and significantly reduce pollution if there's a serious transportation system available. let's keep accelerating our deployment of home grown resources, sources of energy like solar and wind and nuclear and hydrogen, carbon capture stories and keep developing battery technologies so we can store the power we need when the sun doesn't shine or the wind doesn't blow. folks, let's make sure we are never again forced to pay the price of a menacing dictator halfway around the world. we can deal with this immediate crisis of high gas prices and still seize the clean energy
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future. we are americans. we can do both. we have the most qualified people in the world. let me close with this. even as we lead the world in defending democracy and standing up, there are actions we can take to help american families now. we have taken them. we are taking them. the federal gas tax holiday, state gas tax holiday, bringing back refineries, putting them back online, we just have to keep going. i promise you i'm doing everything possible, everything possible to bring the price of energy down, gas prices down and i want to make sure we all work on this together. may god bless you all and may god protect our troops. thank you very much. >> john: reporters yelling questions but the president is not taking any, turning on his heel and leaving saying he wants to call on congress to have a gas tax holiday.
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$0.18 a gallon for gasoline, $0.24 for diesel and sandra, particularly interesting, the president calling on the states to do the same thing with the state gas tax, and in the commonwealth of virginia, where the governor wanted the state gas tax lifted for a holiday, democrats in the senate refused to do it, one democratic senator saying we finally have enough money to maintain, fix and repair the roads in virginia, why would we take the tax off now. >> at one point the background behind the president changed, you notice the video screen, what it was, at the point where he railed on the putin price hike idea for raising gas prices to where they are today, there was a ukrainian flag there, and almost the case if you complain about rising gas prices that you are somehow against helping ukraine. very confusing how he laid that out there, but he did make the official announcement. he said at one point let's be honest here and john i think anybody listening, any american
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following this very closely realized that there had been holes blown in a lot of the talking points he just delivered to the american people, including this idea of a gas tax holiday. wharton did a study on this, state by state to the states who tried it, tried it at the state level to impose a gas tax holiday and mixed results, if not mixed results, it led to even higher prices in the states who tried to use it, concluding that the results appear to be counter intuitive. i think it's important to deal with facts here and people who have actually studied the impact of this. he went on to call on the fossil fuel industry, an industry and companies and c.e.o.s he has demonized through this process as a candidate and a president to start drilling more oil, ok. let's realize the irony of this moment, he went on to accuse the
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gas stations, john, of price gouging mostly owned by mom and pop individually owned gas stations across this country, which would be illegal activity, which would then mean there is evidence he has that they are price gouging, need i go on more. >> john: ten point plan for the american petroleum institute to lower the price of gasoline which includes lifting restrictions on federal lands and waters, fix the permitting process, goes on and on and on. >> sandra: can i finish this democratic response, this was issued by a democrat, this is the chair of the house committee on transportation and infrastructure, peter defasio, a democrat from oregon worried what it means for infrastructure, the president tried to address, although well intentioned the policy would be at best achieve minuscule
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relief, blowing a $10 billion in the fund, and he's losing some democrats on this issue, john. >> john: right off the bat, no question about that. don't forget, republican governor in the state of maryland who implemented a gas tax holiday, larry hogan, nice to buy gas at 3.83, governor youngkin wants to do it in virginia, see if any states follow suit. but a lot of democratic opposition. >> sandra: not a lot of evidence it actually brings down gas prices, so that's going to be difficult. >> john: although it did in maryland. >> sandra: and you buy more and the price goes back up and you eventually pay for it. >> john: oh, you always the skunk at the garden party. >> sandra: everything the president laid out, it does not change the supply situation so if you are not increasing supply and all this eventually does is keep demand where it is or increase that demand by making it cheaper, economics 101, it
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does not work. so, what does -- sorry, john. we are, grady is a standing by with us, john and i will chew on this more, but grady in from chicago. everybody is talking about whether or not this would actually work if imposed. what are you hearing? >> they are, and sandra, you know, this $0.18 a gallon federal gas tax holiday, how much you would save really assumes that the suppliers would pass that discount on to the end customer and according to that study you referenced from wharton and others, evidence that wouldn't be the case. simplicity sake, take $0.18 a gallon and fill up a toyota camry from empty. what you would save would be less than $3 a gallon, if you drive a pickup truck like an f-150, what you would save under federal gas tax holiday would be around 4.75 to fill up your
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whole tank. drivers we talked to here today, they say that a few bucks here and there even if that is what they would save just doesn't cut it. >> any little bit helps right now because $0.18 is $0.18 a gallon when you are, you know, filling up your car for 100 bucks, but it's not enough for me to think it's worth it. >> they need to figure out a better way to get the gas prices down to something normal because i mean, gas is basically a bill now, higher than my light bill and my gas bill at home. >> and to your point, sandra, we also talked to gas buddy about the impact this could have on demand and his concern is that it's going to drive up demand because prices could go down a little bit, then people would be more inclined to buy more gas, and supply is not changing. it's still staying relatively low in most areas, so it could
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bring down the price temporarily but it could shoot right back up down the road, according to patrick, an expert in this. >> sandra: and jerome powell was just directly asked about the impact of putin's invasion of ukraine and whether or not this was the cause of inflation. our federal reserve chair said no, gas prices and inflation was happening long before that invasion happened, and also by the way, noting that gas prices were up 1.50 from election day 2020 to the day putin invaded ukraine. so there was already a big upward trend happening with inflation and gas prices. thank you very much, john. >> john: and let's not forget, too, sandra, all of that oil from russia did not suddenly disappear off the markets, it's being sold other places. charlie hurt, smoke coming out of your ears when he was talking about putin.
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in the overall, this idea. >> i think it's -- as you point out, you know, the idea of getting democrats to go along with the idea of a gas tax holiday is, that's his first hurdle. obviously they are not exactly the anti-tax party. so, that's his first problem. but when he talks about, he says he wants to grow and harness more energy here at home. the problem with that is that he has run his entire campaign and all of the policies that his administration has put in place have been directed at undermining our ability to create energy here at home, and obviously most americans, democrats or republicans, love the idea of these new forms of energy, whether it's electric vehicles or whatever. but you can't do it, you can't get there without -- you have to get there. you can't do it by -- >> john: and elon musk, too. lower the price of the cars. he's going to increase. pt>> right. i think from -- this is political malpractice. there is no voter out there that listened to joe biden just now and said you know what, i think
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he's exactly right. he's on my side, he's looking out for me. nobody feels like that. and when then he starts lecturing about ukraine and saying would you rather have this guy in ukraine or lower gas prices? i'm afraid i probably know what the answer most people watching that thought. >> john: 2008, gas prices were going up. mccain and hillary clinton running for president said let's have a gas tax holiday this. is what barack obama said about that, then a candidate. >> and we are arguing over a gimmick to save you half a tank of gas. over the course of the entire summer, so that everyone in washington can pat themselves on the back and say that they did something. well, let me tell you something. this is not an idea designed to get you through the summer, it's an idea to get them through an election. >> john: how much truth is in that. >> it's a good point and a lot of ways no different than
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president biden's attempt to drain the national strategic petroleum reserves. it helps sort of in the short-term but does not fix the larger problem. this administration and joe biden his political career has been, has run on the idea they want to get off of fossil fuels and as long as they are doing that. the other thing about the putin, he went to the first half of that without ever mentioning putin and i thought, and wrote a note -- he's not going to mention putin and apparently somebody else put a whole second speech into the prompter and started to talk about putin. what's really interesting about this, vladimir putin gave a speech in st. petersburg last week and he sounded just like joe biden. he was talking about the way he has brought america to its knees by raising gas prices and raising inflation around the world. and so when joe biden makes this argument blaming vladimir putin for all of this, he's playing right into vladimir putin's hands and i would argue,
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actually, does a lot to increase support in russia for the ukrainian invasion because it looks like vladimir putin is standing up to the evil joe biden and america and the rest of the world and is winning that war. >> john: and it's not like the russian oil is staying in the ground. it's shipped to china and india. >> it's a commodity, it goes everywhere. >> john: i held up the ten point plan from the american petroleum institute to increase production, mike wirth, the c.e.o. of chevron got into a bit of a back and for the with the president, saying this in a letter back to president biden, we need clarity and consistency on policy matters, leases on federal lands to the ability to permit and build infrastructure that considers costs and benefits. most importantly, an honest dialogue how to best balance economic and environmental objective, recognizes our industry is a vital sector of
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the u.s. economy and essential to our national security. i mean, that's a way of saying you are really screwing us here, stop doing it. >> the idea the only response they get from this president is for him to accuse them of profiteering and gouging which is unfair at the very least. but does anybody doubt that president biden is playing politics with all of this? he realizes, his fellow democrats realize they are going to get a shelacking in the polls this november if they don't address this, that's why he's sort of playing these games and you know, a tax holiday, great. i would -- i'm always in favor of lowering any taxes. but is that a long-term solution? >> john: and the taxes go back on a few weeks before the november election. >> probably kick it down. >> john: timing is everything. >> true, true. politics at the end of the day, all about timing. sandra. >> sandra: why shrinking our
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production in this country when we did was not a good idea. and david, fox business anchor joining us. >> and sandra smith who used to be in the commodity business. you know it from the level of the trader. you know, the incredible thing about president biden is he's not even meeting with these oil executives. he's sending a flunky to meet with the oil executives. he doesn't have the facts. he could talk to you for five minutes and inform him a lot of stuff. >> sandra: i would enjoy that. i brought up that study, and dug into it and looked at the states who imposed a gas tax holiday. it just doesn't work. >> it's a drop in the bucket compared to how much the biden tax, gas tax has cost us all. he keeps talking about -- went back to the russia invasion thing, gas prices went up a buck 50 between the time he was elected and the time russia invaded ukraine. it's gone up 200 -- 2.50 since the time biden was elected.
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so more before the russian invasion than it has after the russian invasion. so, that's really what's hang here. we have a supply crisis, at least he says we have a supply crisis but then he beats up on the only factor that could increase supplies in a dramatic fashion, that is u.s. producers. and as you just mentioned, not just the producers, but the mom and pop gas dealerships across the country. >> sandra: accused them of price gouging. >> remember the last time he said they have to bring down gasoline prices, the mom and pops was when oil was trading at $90. they could not bring it down because they knew it was going to be up again, and now oil is trading, it has come down a bit in the last couple weeks. >> sandra: they have to prepare and hedge their bets. >> they are businesses, he does not get business at all. >> sandra: to charlie hurt's point, listening and had not heard putin halfway through the speech and then biden went
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there, and i want to play out this sound because this happened earlier, senator haggerty with a very important question to our federal reserve chair. i see what's about to be teed up, that is it. question to the federal reserve chair about the theory that inflation has been caused by the invasion of ukraine by vladimir putin. watch. >> would you say the war in ukraine is the primary driver of inflation in america? >> no, inflation was high before, certainly before the war in ukraine broke out. >> sandra: i mean -- >> bingo, he got it 100%. gas has gone up 2.50 since biden was elected. went up 1.50 between the time biden was elected and the trajectory was up. like this until the invasion and then steeper, but it was already going up. so, this is a result of biden policies, biden policies to put
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a big knot in the supplies that we have with u.s. producers. >> sandra: the other side of this, you know, a gas tax holiday could be nice. like larry kudlow said this morning, i can't knock lower taxes, all about a lower tax environment but if he paired this with policies that would increase supply in this country, i think he would have a whole bunch more people on board. i want to get this in here, because when you want to know where democrats stand on this, i showed a statement from a democrat in oregon reacting to the announcements, worried what it's going to do to infrastructure. nancy pelosi railed on the idea of a gas tax holiday, this is march this year. listen. >> there's money coming out of the highway trust fund, it's going to the oil companies, they may not give it to the consumer. and it has to be paid for. so, we are paying for something
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to give a break to the oil companies, that is not even going to the consumer. so, that's the con. the pros very show biz. >> and let's put a number on it. the american public will get a $6 billion decrease for the prices at the pump as a result of this. but we are paying $334 billion more a year because of that 2.50 extra that we are paying by the biden gas tax. so this is a drop in the bucket, if you will, compared to what we are paying because of inflation. and it all comes down to the president decreasing supplies, he keeps talking about those 9,000 licenses, leases that have been sent out. 2200 of these leases are tied up in legal battles, so nothing can be produced on it. so that leaves 6800 and of course those don't have the permits and you have to go
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through all the -- >> sandra: and we don't put oil in the gas tanks, we put gasoline in the gas tanks, and increase refining capacity and shut down in anticipation of the president incoming that said he was going to kill the fossil fuels. >> we have 120 refineries, five have shut down. so refiners, pipelines, and producers themselves and now mom and pop gas dealers, all getting screwed by this administration that claims they want to produce more. it's just not true. >> sandra: thank you, david. good to see you. >> john: and democrats in some states had already rejected calls for the gas tax, so make the president's urgent appeal may change minds. and what they mean for you, specifically your food, they have to get to market and be fed. we'll head to the farm for an
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analysis on that. >> sandra: food inflation is up next. but overcrowded classrooms to overwhelmed hospitals, biden's border crisis is a problem affecting every single american community. byron york here to explain. veterans. if you own your home, congratulations— home values and home equity are going up and up. thousands of veterans are turning their equity into an average of $60,000 with the newday 100 loan. it lets you borrow all of your home's value so you can get at least 25% more cash than you get at a bank. rates are still low but they're starting to climb. call now.
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welcome to your world. your why. what drives you? what do you want to leave behind? that's your why. it's your purpose, and we will work with you every step of the way to achieve it. >> sandra: baltimore ravens and fans are mourning the shocking death of a 26-year-old linebacker who died suddenly overnight. more on that. >> police say no signs of trauma or foul play but detectives are not ruling out the possibility of an overdose. according to the baltimore sun, police responded tuesday night to reports of a questionable death at the home in baltimore's harwood neighborhood. ferguson was unresponsive, he was pronounced dead on the scene by medics. jaylon ferguson, entering his fourth season with the ravens.
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he was a third round pick in the 2019 nfl draft out of louisiana tech with the 6'5", 275 pound ferguson was conference u.s.a. defensive player of the year after record 45 sacks and earning himself the nickname sack daddy. tributes pouring in around the league. and we are profoundly saddened by the pass of jaylon ferguson. a kind, respectful young man, infectious personality. express heartfelt condolences as we mourn a life lost much too soon. the louisiana tech mourning the tragic death of a former bulldog, and remember his god given talents on the field and infectious personality off it. thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends, rip 45, his number. survived by his fiancee' and three young children he was a participant of the ravens
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mini-camp before suffering a sprained ankle. >> john. >> john: crisis at the border worse than you may know. new figures show the biden administration has let more illegal migrants into the united states and analysts say the tally is half the real amount when you account for migrants who got through border patrol undetected. the staggering statistic, illegal migrants admitted into the u.s., not the total apprehended but let no the country, 1,049, or 1,049,532. you point out in your column that's greater than the population of wyoming or vermont or alaska or north dakota, south dakota, delaware or washington,
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d.c. that's a lot of people. >> it's absolutely a lot of people. you know, the department of homeland security has not been particularly open about some of these numbers, and what has happened is there's a lawsuit called biden v. texas in which texas and missouri are suing the president because he stopped the trump-era program, remain in mexico program, and as part of the lawsuit, the department of homeland security has to provide a lot of these numbers, so the question is we know that there are record numbers of illegal border crossers being apprehended, encountered at the border. but how many are allowed to stay in the united states. and so far if you add it all up these papers the department of homeland security has had to submit in the court case, you have 1,049,000 illegal border crossers have been allowed to stay, and that number does not include the number of people who crossed and got away, the so-called got-aways who came
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into the country and were never seen by border patrol. estimated to be maybe 700,000 since joe biden took office, and then there's one more category, which is unaccompanied minor children who were allowed to stay, that's 190,000. so, if you put those together you are getting pretty close to 2 million people just since joe biden took the oath of office. >> john: put that up on the screen in graphic form so folks can see at home. unaccompanied minors, 190,053, and illegal migrants since january 20th of 2021, approximately 2 million. you know, the number of people who were let in through a legal process, 1,049,532, that is more people than were apprehended in total in many other years prior to 2021. >> yes. as a matter of fact, it more than were apprehended in the
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total time between 2007 and 2020. the numbers have gone up substantially. and what people of both parties say in this, beginning in the democratic primaries of 2019 and 2020, in which all the candidates said they were going to loosen president trump's border policies, would be illegal border crossers, migrants got the message that if one of those democratic candidates became president, that if they crossed into the united states, a good chance they would be allowed to stay and that is what has happened under president joe biden. >> you also point out quick if i could, byron, that if republicans take control of congress, it's not likely anything would change because this really is a result of executive actions. >> yes, the president has, head of the executive branch, he has
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the executive authority to enforce the immigration laws or do not enforce the immigration laws. some of our viewers may remember back several years ago the state of arizona tried to enforce federal immigration laws, then president barack obama said no, i have that sole authority. won the lawsuit and did not enforce the immigration laws. >> john: those numbers are awfully big, and i don't think a lot of people knew how many had been let into this country. great reporter, thank you. appreciate it. >> sandra: thanks, byron, john. farmers across the country struggling from the cost of just about everything. fuel, seeds, machines, fertilizer, everything is sky high and now a warning from the nation's food supply. we'll talk to a farmer in north carolina about the challenges that they are facing, what needs to happen now. i'm greg, i'm 68 years old. i do motivational speaking
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>> john: amid the primaries yesterday, the people of washington d.c. have given the mayor a third term. rich edson is here with more on all of this. just won a primary. see if she wins the election.
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>> she was running as the moderate candidate, the candidate that wanted to hire more police officers, won easily among democratic voters. mayor bowser beat two democratic council men. that assures a general election victory. this after days after a shooting at a music festival that killed a teen and injured three others including a police officer. the murder rate has increased four straight years and up 15% this year over last. bowser ran on her public safety record. >> i'm going to be the only one willing to tell you i'll make the topicals when it comes to violent crime including making sure that we have the police that we need. we have faced two years of defunding our police force. >> mayor bowser has pushed to hire hundreds of additional police officers. she's proposed $20,000 bonuses
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for police officers. and while bowser ran as the moderate, progressives scored wins in the primaries. bowser will face republican stasha hall in the november election. she's also opposed defunding the police and wants more community policing. if bowser wins, she will be the second mayor to secure three consecutive terms. the last that ties marion berry. >> john: it's interesting to see how the worm has turned on defunding the police. >> not just in washington. >> john: thanks, rich. sandra? >> sandra: okay. thanks, john. farmers feeling the squeeze as prices continue to rise. those costs mean you're paying more for just about everything
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to feed your family. let's bring in tommy porter. he is in charge of the livestock there on a farm in north carolina. thanks very much for joining us, sir. when we talk about inflation, it affects us all in different ways. how about you? how have you seen your prices go up? >> everything we do is affected by inflation. number 1, fuel costs. that affects everything that we do. everything is transported by fuel. fertilizer costs are affected by fuel. chemicals are anywhere from two to four times what they were a year ago. feed is way more expensive than it was a year ago. luckily we booked some last fall. we still have some on hand. that hasn't hit us directly yet. but it will. we'll run out quickly. fuel is the number 1 factor. fertilizer, three to four times what it was a year ago. we can't grow a crop without
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fertilizer, can't operate our equipment without diesel. it's killing us. >> sandra: can you put a price on that? we know how much we're paying for a gallon of gasoline. we're paying twice over a year ago. how about you? can you put a number on it? >> it's hard to put a number on. our input costs will be three times this year what they were a year ago. >> sandra: wow. >> to fill up one of our tractors cost us $500 roughly to fill it up with diesel fuel that will run 1 1/2 days. we can't carpool with that. we can't cut back on the crops that we put in. if we do, we won't have any revenue at the end of the year. to feed our cattle, to raise the cattle, the input costs two to three times what they were a year ago. price of cattle is not that much different than a year ago. so our input costs are way
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higher, but the prices we receive for our commodities are not. you go to the grocery store, you see the prices are higher. the prices are higher. my wife goes to the grocery store to buys groceries, too and complains about the prices like everyone else. the former is not receiving that increased money. farmers are price takers. we get paid over whatever the market is bringing at the current time. >> sandra: what do you say to those -- you're able to put politics aside to do your job. politically, there's a lot of blame thrown around. i wonder when you sit down at night and you look at the soaring costs, who do you blame for this situation? >> i blame the current administration. a year ago -- before the current administration took place, things in this country were the best in history. fuel prices were down, totally
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independent of foreign countries for our fuel supply. prices were reasonable. everything was running good. and now in 18 months, how could it go so far the other direction? >> sandra: how much longer -- >> it's unbelievable. >> sandra: how much longer can you do business like this? can you hang on until the situation improves? >> we're going to do everything we can to hang on until the situation improves. the current model is not sustainable. we cannot operate losing money. this year the way things are looking, you know, we'll be satisfied with a break-even year. you can't operate a business or a farm and continue to do that. we've had to cut back -- we were clearing some land to expand our crops. we've had to stop that. we cannot pull in that big equipment to clear land. i've had to let two employees go. i hate to do that, but we can't
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afford to put fuel in that equipment. >> sandra: we love our farmers and small businesses and you're a big part of that. we hope things get better and hope you can hang in there. all the best to you. >> thank you. thanks for listening to our story. >> sandra: absolutely. we'll check back in with you, tommy. thanks very much. >> sandra: >> yes, ma'am. thank you. >> john: sandra, school is after more than just the summer for a lot of teachers. many educating our children are calling it quits. lydia hu joins us with more. what's this about? >> about 300,000 teachers and staff members have left the educational field since the start of the pandemic. that's about 3% of the work force for education. now there's a concern that these shortages and the number of people leaving could get much worse moving forward. about four in ten k-12 workers in the u.s. say they always or
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very often feel burned out at work. that outpaces all other industries nationally. >> i think some of the easiest low-hanging fruit to solving the teacher shortage is to try to get schools back to normal. teachers want to teach children. they want to teach in person. they want to get back to normal. the faster we do that, the more likely we'll find teachers that are ready to go back to work. >> many schools did not get back to normal quickly. remote learning is not only costing the schools teachers but students too. more than 1.2 million students have now left public education since the start of the pandemic. that means many districts across the country including here in new york city are now making budget cuts starting for next year, closing schools and cancelling programs. you take the budget cuts and combine them with losing teachers, it's very hard to get
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the teachers to come back to public education moving forward. >> john: the ripple effects will continue for a while. thanks, lydia. sandra, big day. we'll see what happens with this gas tax holiday. >> sandra: if it happens. if it does, if it helps, right? we'll keep reporting on it. coverage continues thanks. thanks, john. i'm sandra smith. >> john: and i'm john roberts. see you tomorrow. "the story" with martha starts right now. >> martha: thanks very much, john and sandra. good afternoon. i'm martha maccallum. so the white house has told us time and time again that it's putin's inflation. putin's gas price hikes that are plaguing our country. that is not what the fed chair, jerome powell just said. listen to this difference. >> let's remember how we got here. putin invaded ukraine. >> would you say the word ukraine is the primary driver of inflation in america? >> no.
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