tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News June 22, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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the va said in a statement in part the disturbing behavior -- with the dignity and respect that they deserve. if you think? unfortunately, that's all the time we have this evening. thank you for making the show possible. set your dvr and never miss an episode, let not your heart be troubled. laura ingraham takes away. great show. >> laura: you seem to grow the lapel pins. you have another one? you usually have two and now you've got three. they seem to be in a different order than they were last night. >> sean: there's three tonight, there's three every night. >> laura: no, no! okay, i have to go back and look at the tape. you've done something different. i don't know. >> sean: i have to clean the jacket once in a while. >> laura: okay, maybe you put them in a different order. awesome show. the last club was disturbing but thank you for playing it. i'm laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle" back in washington tonight.
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that's the focus of tonight's "the angle." cutting losses. the goal we send is unobtainable or that the cost of achieving it is too high. instinctively we feel like ending something prematurely may be as a sign of weakness and then quitting is for losers. but especially in politics, the opposites often true. joe biden's president, there are sadly many areas where america needs to cut their losses. we need to cut our losses in ukraine. if you hadn't noticed, the ukrainians aren't winning. our own nation is hurting and we've allocated more than $53 billion and counting and humanitarian military aid to help them beat back the russians. but now? here's a headline. putin may win in ukraine. but the real war is just
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starting. russia rather than ukraine is winning the war too. despite that, biden think spending all that money and time is worth it. >> defending freedom and democracy was not going to go without cost for the american people who are going to have to pay a price as well in the cost of military equipment, humanitarian relief, and i believe then and now the free world had no choice. america could not stand by. >> laura: it's time to cut our losses before it turns into another iraq or afghanistan. bled dry for years and years with no victory. europe is in pointing out the way it should. america is still the biggest overall contributor with about half of commitments in ukraine made by the united states. it's remarkable the u.s. alone
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committed considerably more than all the e.u. countries combined. whose immediate neighborhood the war is raging. by the way, sanctions, not working. in fact they're making russia even richer. money is pouring in from china and other nations. russia's oil exports are soaring. oops. second, it's long since time we cut our losses in china. last year our trade deficit with them was over $350 billion. we know that you slave labor to make everything from sneakers to computer chips. they lied about the origins of covid. why are we dependent on china for anything? biden of course is making the opposite course and poised to let the trump terrorists give us some leverage against china and save some u.s. manufacturers. if scott paul on the "washington examiner" that an
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authoritarian state is no longer an acceptable status quo. we should not abandon important trade leverage to shave a rounding error of the consumer price index. we need to start decoupling from china. immediately. third, it's time to cut our losses with the foolish green obsession. the democrats talk about how great transitions can be painful at times. what you see under biden is the prosperity to poverty. and from to servitude. americans just can't afford two and a half more years of high prices for gas, food, more goods. biden meanwhile responds not with more drilling, but with more gimmicks. >> the federal gas tax for the next 90 days we can bring down the price of gas and give families just a little bit of relief. the second action i'm taking is calling on states to either
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suspend the gas tax as well or find other ways to deliver relief. >> laura: don't you like the thing on the wall behind him? >> my message is simple. to the company is running gas stations and setting the prices at the pump, bring down the price you're charging at the pump. do it now, do it today. >> laura: that's a weird voice he uses. it does he not realize that most gas stations are small businesses? a lot of them are mom and top. is he just stupid or plain stupid at this point? it's hard to tell. but then again, the press things we all complain too much. >> is a great deal of americans where it's uncomfortable that they are spending more
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but they're not going to go under. i need you to calm down and back off big it feeds into the fear and into people making decisions that creates the very thing that they are fearful of. if you are in that category, stop it! >> laura: she's an actual journalist for "the washington post." we also need to cut our losses in the military. things are so bad with race and indoctrination among our soldiers that even west point is losing its allure. turning to judicial watch, we see the training materials that include these gems and in order to understand racial inequality, it's necessary to assess whiteness. it goes on to say whiteness is a location of structural advantage of race privilege. do you all realize this none ges
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funded by republican votes? no, cutting our losses means performing our military back to its original purpose and role as a fighting force. fifth, it's time to cut our losses with all things covid. if we are up to biden, the government would borrow hundreds of billions of dollars more for testing we don't need and vaccines for infants and toddlers that most parents don't want. just a month into his presidency, the president was talking a very good game. >> i want you to know that once we be covid, we are going do everything we can. >> laura: and now, 18 months later he's looking for more money. covid is still circulating and he made an ominous reference. >> we need more money, but not just more money for vaccines for children eventually, we need to go through
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-- >> laura: i'm going to say this in a way biden fans can understand. it's not about the control! defund any remaining vax mandates especially the push for faxing mall children then tyrell industrial complex needs to be investigated from the nih, faucher, the nia v. because americans need to know whether the scientists have been compromised from big pharma or by their relationship with china. we need to cut our losses on crime and by defeating the liberal d.a. all across america. in san francisco can boost the bomb, so can other cities. it's time for billionaires who are sane to fund new campaigns to oust all of the left wing nuts who eliminated cash bail and generally made our streets more dangerous. this is a matter of life and death at this point.
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we need a cut our losses with the g.o.p. establishment. those dinosaurs lumbering around more interested in doing deals with biden then staying true to the constitution. last year they signed on to an idiotic infrastructure bill and now many of the same senators are signing on to a gun-control bill. 14 republicans and all led by john cornyn of texas. they are giving biden the victory and infringing on the rights of law-abiding americans. the legislation is 80 pages long and last night, a vote was called just hours after the textbook was released. it's a complete travesty and it's one more step on the road to a gun ban. more on this later. and finally, americans need to cut their losses with the party in power. we know democrats are in charge, and they, not vladimir putin, are destroying almost everything we love today. americans are getting poorer by the day and cost of everything
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is going up. except for one thing. the dnc slashed the price of a kamala harris photo up from $50,000 to $5,000. what a bargain. when america is hurting, when policies and plans aren't panning out, it's time to switch. the swamp in d.c. is home to a variety of monsters, lobbyists, politicians, consultants. it's time to cut our losses and cut them all loose. and that's "the angle." joining me now as mollie hemingway, fox news contributor and editor in chief of ""the federalist"." mollie, this really isn't about left and right anymore in any way, this is about common sense, prosperity, and independence. something that americans use to embrace without question. >> it is and we have seen this going on for decades that we have an establishment with both parties that were test with
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handling the big issues of the day. controlling the borders, managing the economy. they've done a remarkably bad job with it. you've had the one brief period of time or you have one president who chose to do things a different way. that was pretty successful which is why they had to get rid of him because they didn't want people to see that you could actually tackle issues on the border, you could have an economy where wages and job growth was increasing. it deregulated regulate and move things into a place where businesses had more freedom. you can have peace breaking out globally. it numbs a threat to the establishment. they are very happy right now and the rest of the country is not. it's a bipartisan problem even if we have to be honest that this is mostly a function of the party that's in charge right now which is the democrat party it's their policies. >> laura: when i referenced briefly in "the angle," seeing biden stand there with $0.18 behind him.
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i'm not saying it's nothing, but that's not going to be much of a difference in the lives of the average working person in the country. but they actually think -- i guess that's going to sell? >> shows people running the white house aren't only radical, but they're not also very bright. the large number of people had to sit around and play on the message and come up in individuals. they came out with the idea, $0.18. what's $5 or $6 for gas? $0.18. one thing in your brilliant, brilliant opening tonight that i want to hammer home which is that none of it happens without money being spent which requires republican votes. if republicans take the majority next year, through the appropriations process, they can defund each and every one of these radical policies and take their case of the american people and prevail. >> laura: on the issue of
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west point training materials, where is republican leadership? where are they? where are they calling these people here and going and saying and another dime to this? we have a fighting force were supposed to train? >> did not have a military that's capable of defending and advocating americans interest. we have woke generals who are destroying what has been a very strong military and you would think basic concerns about the country would leave republicans to step out and say something. instead they seem to be joining with a lot of democrat plans and increasing. >> laura: your favorite press secretary today was just basically asked about biden's economic plan. she delivered kind of a remarkably incoherent response even for her. let's watch. >> you see the data that the president wanted to look at, what specific data did he look at? >> they present him with
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information that you need with any other decision that he makes. that deals with the decision like this, you know, a decision that he has to make that's going to really have a direct effect. i mean, this happens with any decision that he makes. >> laura: is she getting speaking tips from kamala harris? >> its astonishing nobody in the administration is capable of communicating a coherent thought. to be so purpose at it really is terrifying to think that the formal individual responsible for explaining this administration's policy, the white house press secretary, can't put to sentences together. >> laura: buying more oil than we even knew to give vladimir putin an economic victory in the midst of the
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sanctions? how many times did we hear biden and company talking about how important we've got all the companies together on sanctions? >> the image presented by other people, the biden white house is that the entire world was unified and he actually had to gather everybody together. that's clearly not true. it speaks to the complete lack of strategy that they have. they've gotten the united states involved and escalated the conflict which is with a nuclear power, and people forget the seriousness of that. they don't have any strategy. they don't seem to have any game plans. they are flailing. >> laura: john kirby was asked about this today. the spokesman at the pentagon. let's watch. >> the chinese have imported a record amount of oil from russia. trade between the two countries is growing. what message do you have to the chinese related to this? >> as we said at the outset, we called on china to be
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responsible power here and to join the rest of the world in condemning what russia has done in ukraine and enforcing sanctions against russia for it. >> laura: we thought the white house -- i mean, we are asking china to be a responsible player? they have 1 million people in camps, be responsible. eco-responsible genocidal country. the administration delivers a never ending humiliation and republicans if they take power, they need to use the power to shut this lunacy down. >> laura: we have a lot of republican sadly on the wrong side of the issue. mitch mcconnell a number one. great to see you tonight. not tonight we've got another sneak peek of my new fox nation series. this episode took me to philly where one artist found beauty in some unlikely items. cardboard boxes. never taken a r class, he self-taught. he seems to be diagnosed with autism. he hasn't let on don't like
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either one of those things deter him. >> alex, tell me about the first time you saw his work. >> well, it was in 2019. i was totally blown away. i found out he was from philadelphia and i was like come on! i don't even know this guy's work and they should. if it was fantastic. it was building, based on iconic philly architecture and there was the divine lorraine hotel, the philadelphia museum of art, the betsy ross house. it was just unbelievable. the attention to detail, but the rawness at the same time. if you look closely, you can really see the materials that he uses. witches found objects like cardboard, all kinds of different paints, spray paints, glues. but when you stand back it looks perfect. >> laura: it's breathtaking. all episodes are available right
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now on watch them at home, on the go, basically anywhere. going out to and enjoy. but of next i have a hypothetical. a republican president is on the ropes five months out from the midterm election. republicans in the senate proposed a bill they spent years trying to pass. do you think 14 democrats will ever help them out? never! but that's exactly what happened in the senate last night. senator mike lee who voted against this bill and congressman lauren boebert are here next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> it does not much show as much as touch, the rights and the majority of the american gun owners were law-abiding citizens. >> as a whole, our goal is to save lives without infringing the rights of law-abiding gun owners and i think we have hit that mix. >> laura: i don't think so. senators mcconnell sounding no different than any democrat announcing a deal on gun control, but a few questions. if if the goal is to save lives, then why isn't the legislation chock-full of provisions to hard in the schools? if it doesn't infringing on law-abiding gun owners, why do
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they intend to buy states to enact red flag laws with promises of money? they seemed benign on the face but not when they're put in the hands of political actors. the officer can see someone's gun if they've been flagged as potentially a danger to themselves or others? what constitutes a danger? no one can really tell us. with how mandates were viciously handed down and enforced in blue states during the pandemic, don't think for a second that with these laws that there won't be abuse as well. here with respective with mike lee of utah who voted against advancing the bill, senator, i can't tell you how many calls and emails i have received in the past 24 hours from solid conservative folks. great people who are horrified. >> understandably this is a bill we saw for the first time just a
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few minutes before we were asked to vote on it. >> laura: wasn't a few minutes? >> a few minutes. it was strange. magically "the washington post" headed by midday yesterday. we weren't allowed to see it until moments before we are asked to vote on it. 80 pages, 80 pages of something you can read quickly if you're reading a fast page novel or a newspaper or something. as you know, legislative text takes longer to digest. if a lot of the characterization didn't add up and it still doesn't. >> laura: the red flag laws on the face of it sounds like it's okay if someone's in danger, but isn't the problem when you get states to enact the laws and then administer them? what constitutes a danger? to be a posting about climate change? depending on who the judge happens to be? >> this is one of the problems with what mark levin describes as cronyism legislature.
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this doesn't contain any restrictions on their ability to infringe on due process, second amendment rights, they can allow a coworker anonymously to report someone they don't like and in some states that would suffice. >> laura: a new poll shows that about 46% believe that the red flag gun control laws have the potential to be abused by local authorities and government officials to disarm political opponents and/or citizens who disagree with them. 72% of republicans believe that. wow, that's a pretty stiff majority of republicans given the fact that we have 14 prominent leadership republicans voting for the legislation. >> it's doubly concerning when you figure that not only could they do it for partisan political races, no matter what the reason is. if you're taking away a constitutional right from someone based on a mere accusation where there is not due process and opportunity in court prior to the
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constitutional rights, that's not due process. >> laura: mitch mcconnell actually referenced the due process issue i think today. can we play that because i want everybody to understand how he addressed it. this was mitch mcconnell. >> we will send money. to every state. stephan crisis intervention programs of their own choosing do not use the money for red flag laws will have to build a new due process protections. that's never been required before. >> laura: you know what he's talking about there? >> i know the provision, but i don't know if i agree with his characterization of it. what do process provisions. it's as at the beginning of the paragraph he setting that there will be due process. there will be due process meaning before they take the gun away and after. later on, it describes what we understand to be due process.
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the right to cross-examine witnesses, present -- >> laura: you have to pay for your own attorney. >> those things are due process, but then it says at the appropriate time meaning the state gets to decide when the appropriate time is. if the state then wants to decide all you have to have as an ex parte order in advance of the dash you can sue the government later to get your gun back. that will be the case. here's another example where we are paying the states to do something that congress doesn't dare to do. this is what so evil up a this i think constitutionally it would be difficult to strike is a matter. but as a ploy it has myriad opportunities of being unconstitutional in application. we both know that there are countless instances of constitutional deprivations that are never litigated and that's what i'm worried about here. >> laura: thank you for bonding as you did and thank you
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for explaining this 80 page monstrosity to us. while the house republicans of steve scalise is advising his congress to vote no. >> the senate is recklessly moving forward with their gun grabbing legislation. they are by moving our nation down a dangerous path of peril and lawlessness. to me be clear, they send the package is not a compromise. it's gun control plain and simple. we did not anticipate that we would be playing defense against republican senators on preserving the second amendment. >> if the bill is passed through the house, the senate amount ultimately at the white house. we will repeal this. we will fight every day to make sure leadership protects the american citizen's right to and bear arms. appropriation, we will defund
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this. this is unconstitutional. >> laura: they are right and it can't be said enough. the biggest gun control push in 30 years is being advanced under the cover of a tragedy that was exacerbated by an unlogged school door. the absence of a resource officer, and the cowardice of the uvalde police. joining me now, congresswomen lauren boebert. congresswoman, republicans always seem to do that to themselves. they snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. >> it's important because we know what the democrat party is for. we know what they're running on and that its failed policy. the field on every thing from afghanistan to the border, to inflation, the supply chains and on and on. really the only way republicans can lose the midterms is if they start acting like democrats. that's exactly 114 senators did. you heard from senator mike lee that they didn't have time to
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read and comprehend the texts that they received. if you go to the 14 senators, on the campaign pages while they all tell of gun control but they treated the gun control for the lobbyist. they'd rather follow after them. >> laura: they say they are second amendment defenders on the website. >> exactly, they say they are for they traded it to the lobbyists and here we are defending red flag laws and trying to tell them exactly why we can't have this. if we are defending american people from the legislation. the second amendment is under siege by the very people that the constitution is supposed to protect us against. >> laura: i'm thinking about the people i know from kentucky, they don't like this. i just guess mitch mcconnell got reelected again and maybe won't run again. john cornyn after being booted off his home state, responded to the criticism from the nra. >> they have a membership and a
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business model that will not allow them to support any legislation. if i where they're coming from. but i think most people will not allow any outside group to veto good public policy. >> laura: made up of millions and millions of americans who vote for republicans. but i guess those are outsiders in the world of john cornyn. the defense contractors are they outsiders too? >> it's interesting i know in texas we had both parties represented in the senate. but that we had republicans there. it's interesting you mention uvalde, we see now what happened there. the time that it took to actually get the situation under control. we need to harden our schools and secure schools. this bill doesn't exactly do that. this isn't where we need to start, start with infringing on
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the rights of american citizens and taking away their rights to defend themselves. >> laura: after what happened with covid and what they did with covid, how can we trust them on any of this? >> we can't and that's exactly it. we can trust the federal government and they've shown time and time again that they will overreach. the heavy hand of government will overreach and crush the american citizens. this will be used as a weapon. >> laura: thank you so much, great to see you. if you can't watch us live, recorded on your dvr and you don't want to miss us every week night at 10:00 p.m. coming up, prices are falling but not where you'd like. raymond arroyo "seen and unseen" is next! ♪ ♪
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lisa here, has had many jobs. and all that experience has led her to a job that feels like home. with home instead, you too can become a caregiver to older adults. apply today. >> laura: time for our "seen and unseen" segment where we expose the stories behind the headlines. for that we turned to fox contributor raymond arroyo. all these stories about the price drops tonight. what?
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>> they're all about price drops, starting with an fts. if the nonrefundable tokens. they are just digital artworks that live online and losing values along with cryptocurrency. celebrities pay thousands for digital boards, seth green admitted that someone hacked his nft and he had to pay ransom to get the image back. now scientists at the university of pennsylvania are getting in on the alps. they are auctioning off and i know you will want to bid on this one, a covid vaccine nft. >> we strongly believe that it will bring it down to low figures. >> some of these are fetching millions of dollars, of people, a digital artist sold in nft for six to $9 million a pop. >> laura: wait a second! you keep it where? on your computer? it's just a digital image?
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>> it's a secure chain. >> laura: is it a moving picture? we should offer our own nft. or at least ours would be fun. what about a raymond chair flip nft? that be a good. >> that might get a buck or two or a series of iconic ingram earring drop and if these could fetch $25 or $40. i would spend that. >> laura: well, we have tape for that. one of the few things i agree with bill gates on commode this is the greater full theory in operation that someone else will pay more for something and therefore i will make money off of it. at this point of rich people want to spend money on an fts, i've got artesian air i'd like to get off my hands. >> laura: what else?
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you mentioned something else on the common life areas kamala harris photo ops.>> the n with president biden president biden charged attendees between $25,000.36000 for pictures with the president. do you think the prices will hold given this performance today? >> when the cost of oil comes down, we need the price of the gas stations with what they charge at the pump to come down as well. gas stations will pass along the decree -- not the degree, but the decrease in oil prices. the price of a barrel of oil goes up, doesn't take much time. >> for the confidence of your supporters to go down the longer you speak. pretty soon he'll have to ask congress to appropriate money to pay people to take pictures with
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him. he's in the high 30s, that's not a good place for a president at this point in his presidency. >> laura: would biden's nft benefit where he's falling up the stairs over on the bike or sniffing hair? that's the question i have. >> the best would be he and the towel chasing after -- falling in the hallway. that would be the best nft. i've got to say, the cost of political ads has apparently dropped to next to nothing. senators and a new ad that had to be shot by their common steam will very inebriated. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> you have to stop tackling each other. >> all right, then will target consolidation. >> thank goodness i didn't try to address the baby formula shortage. look, just because you look like he, doesn't mean your key mpl. 70 has but he has to tell cory booker that. we have to get back to work. >> okay, first of all, how much time did that take? that took some time. that took some time. but then they tried to acted. don't we have a lot of problems facing our country and this is their way to address agriculture consolidation? i don't follow the connection between what they just -- i don't get it. i don't understand. >> this crisis point, we need
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legislators who are going to bend minds and hearts and each other toward fixing the problems. not a cheap audition for "snl." i don't know what this is, but it's kind of disgraceful. at this moment in our history, these are the same people incidentally who say they are saving democracy. if this is saving democracy, we all need a rebate. >> laura: i still don't understand why that add has anything to do with agricultural consolidation. jon tester has got to be sent packing. of montana save yourselves! jon tester, no. great to see you as always. last week we profiled the egg of the salvadoran immigrant who was so motivated by illegal crime that she decided to become a law enforcement officer. she pulled off a stunning upset and she's here to tell us about it next
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this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. big promises. small promises. cuddly shaped promises. each with a time and a place they've been promised to be. and the people of old dominion never turn away a promise. or over promise. or make an empty promise. we keep them. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you.
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in the commonwealth of virginia. her win is the latest step toward something that we have been heralding on the show. called the new american majority and we are thinking it's forming in the midterm elections. she's going to face so-called incumbent moderate democrats abigail spanberger in virginia. first of all, congratulations on believable! she wasted no time and sees you as a huge threat obviously. she gave an interview inside my opponent is very extreme and out of touch with every voter. let's see my opponent bringing extreme -- apparently she doesn't like using your name carried >> look, at the end of the day she is afraid. she's trying to figure out what to do with -- we have the momentum on our side and the conversations we are having across the seventh district indicating there ready for a change and ready to deliver the change the november. >> laura: i want to review something straight from her website. she said i'll work with anybody
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to create a proposal for immigration reform that gives certainties. if she doesn't believe that people already here illegally should have to at least touch back to their home country to reapply. she believes everybody belongs here. >> here's abigail apical's bamberger using language. you start to enforce the laws that we have with the person in power, the brave men and women at the border to do the job that they were sworn to do. >> laura: i think you flummoxed the left. they don't know what to do with you. are you excited about the debate that you will obviously have with her at least one debate and perhaps more? >> i really am. she has a voting record that
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absolutely should should be embarrassed of and we will remind her every step of the way we will not allow the voters to forget either. >> laura: yes, i voted with pelosi 92% of the time but i think she is the ten who voted least with pelosi. if she didn't vote for pelosi when she was up for the speakership. i think that's kind of what you holds onto the the area >> at the end of the day, she supported this president and enabled him every step of the way. we are under the condition we are in right now because democrat leadership in their field position of policy. >> laura: on the issue of gun control making its way right now to the u.s. senate. earlier in may she said without concrete action, the cycle of mass carnage in this country will go unbroken. we need to morph towards rea standing a band standing a band of the manufacturing sale and transferring the military's style assault weapon.
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what does she really think about? speak i don't think she knows what she's talking about. no real solutions, she is not offering any things and addressing the issues that we have right now. if you're serious about protecting our children are serious about protecting educators, let's start by putting resource officers and all of the schools and hiring veterans, retired law enforcement officers to ensure of a threat presents itself, there ready to tackle it head on. >> laura: it seems like i spent a lot of time in virginia, there's a lot of ar-15 law-abiding gun owners in the commonwealth of virginia. i think they will be shocked to know what she thinks about gun control. we are so excited to watch this race and i can't wait to watch her first debate. maybe she'll get your name right. great to see you and congratulations! when we come back, jell-o shots a boon for small business?
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what? "the last bite" or rather the last shot, explains. nd clearcho. [ forde ] replacing marcia's teeth with dental implants at clearchoice was going to afford her that permanent solution. [ marcia ] clearchoice dental implants gave me the ability to take on the world. i feel so much better, and i think that that is the key.
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>> laura: a bar in omaha going viral right now over a jello shot challenge that it does yearly in conjunction with the college world series. okay, for 4.50 for each shot college baseball fans can decide which team each shot gets counted for. this year teams are breaking big records at rocco's pizza and cantina, here's what arkansas just did. >> between 9:00 and 1:00 they purchased a thousand jello shots and the ole miss guys came in, a guy buying a hundred at a time for ole miss. it's just insane. i've created a monster here. >> laura: and a big hangover. at last total arkansas fans bought 7,399 jello shots and ole miss fans bought 5,927 totalling nearly $60,000 worth of jello shots. is that right? rock os just announced it will
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give back and donate a portion of that to two food pantries in arkansas and mississippi. that's good stuff. that's it for us tonight. finally get your usa freedom matters here at all proceeds go to the honor flight network, great cause for our vets, go to you'll love the gear there. all right. it is gutfeld. he's up next. ♪♪ [cheers and applause] >> greg: that is a lie. i do not need a foot ruvenlt all right, happy wednesday everyone. it's the day the cat from the hang in there poster usually lets go. people. that's funny. you know why you like this show, buys my
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