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tv   America Reports  FOX News  June 23, 2022 10:00am-12:00pm PDT

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>> i don't like to toot my own horn, but -- >> i would love for her to come out and do a triathalon, great for the sport, for her, goal-oriented, she has not necessarily been lately, so absolutely. >> watch kennedy tonight on fox business. "america reports" coming up. >> sandra: new polling for president biden and the numbers are bad. latest quinnipiac survey shows biden underwater with voters. approval rating at 33%, tying lows he received in three previous quinnipiac polls. >> john: this as the biden administration is under fire for energy policies critics say will not solve the problems. considering the defense production act along with the tax holiday, but critics say a much simpler solution. we'll be joined with thoughts
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coming right up. >> sandra: begin "america reports" with the supreme court striking down a new york gun law that could have far-reaching implications for the nation's largest cities. hello, welcome everyone, sandra smith in new york. great to be with you, john. >> john: john roberts in washington, welcome to the thursday edition of "america reports." justices ruling 6-3, harder to carry a concealed handgun in public if you live in new york and similar laws in other big states will likely be challenged as a result of today's decision. this as the nation awaits another major ruling on abortion, sparked protests outside the home of conservative justices and attacks on pro life centers across the country. >> sandra: the latest incident in jackson, michigan, 80 miles west of detroit. congressman says several windows were broken and the front door smashed at the building he shares with a pro life group and the vandals left their calling card in a spray painted message
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on a sign outside. >> john: david spunt starts us off, live here in washington with more and this is making a lot of headlines. >> it is, president biden says he's deeply disappointed, kamala harris recently said this essentially defies logic, said that in a meeting with attorneys general across the country moments ago, but no question, a big win for 2nd amendment enthusiasts, overturns a law on the books back to 1913. how the justices voted today, majority opinion written by clarence thomas lays out an argument the law violated the 14th amendment to the constitution. to be clear, john, does not mean if you live in new york you can carry a gun in public with no questions asked. >> i think this is going to be one of the most important decisions that justice thomas has handed down in his ill -- in
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his career. >> and voting closer to a gun control measure following the uvalde massacre last month. the new york governor spoke moments after the supreme court decision came down. >> shocking, absolutely shocking that they have taken away our right to have reasonable restrictions. we can have restrictions on speech, can't yell fire in a crowded theater, but somehow there's no restrictions allowed on the 2nd amendment. >> another big decision we are awaiting likely overturning of roe vs. wade, which provides blanket access t abortion across the country. the violence around the impending decision continues as you both mentioned last night, pro life congressman tim walberg from michigan says his office was vandalized, and shares jackson right to life, and jane's revenge group appears to be involved.
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>> violence and destruction of property have no place in our country under any circumstance. and the president denounces this action. actions like this are completely unacceptable regardless of our politics. >> it's going to be a big one over the next few days, nine opinions left in this term, the next round tomorrow morning at 10:00. >> john: see if we get the dobbs decision then. the president denouncing the violence but the d.o.j. not doing a whole lot about it. sandra, we'll be talking more about this, judicial crisis network will be joining us and on the gun bill, too, in the senate, texas senator john cornyn who negotiated it on behalf of republicans will join us as well. >> sandra: a lot of reaction pouring into that, meanwhile, federal reserve chair jay powell back on capitol hill for a second day of questioning after contradicting president biden's claim that the war in ukraine is the main driver of high prices.
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hillary vaughn tried to get more answers on biden's rhetoric. >> should the president stop calling it putin's price hike? you told lawmakers yet inflation started well before the war in ukraine. should he stop saying it's putin's price hike? has the president done everything he can t bring prices down for the american people? is there more that he could be doing? >> i'm sorry, he can't stop right now. >> if you heard whistling, the federal reserve chair whistled down the hallway as he avoided answering the question. art laffer and muhammad are standing by, the power econ panel coming up, but first peter doocy live on the north lawn. why isn't the president himself meeting with those oil executives while they are in town?
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>> sandra, he says that his staff can handle that, in fact, the oil executives that came to washington did not get to come to the white house, the meeting was a mile away at the energy department but the president has time to drop by a meeting at 3:15, with folks talking about offshore wind energy, that shows where the president's priorities are at least today, and more than two dozen energy producers in this country, writing a letter to the president, before you board air force one or the middle east we hope you will consider taking another look at made in america energy. honored to show you how our energy is involved in every step, from fuel pumps to critical product infrastructure, to production zones across our vast nation. no word when the president will take them up on that offer, but president biden is apparently considering using the defense production act, or d.p.a.
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>> the kind of thing where the d.p.a. could be used? >> it's a tool, certainly a tool. not -- let me be clear about this. the -- i want to hear from them, is there a chink in the supply chain that is preventing some refinery from coming back online. something that's difficult to acquire. those are the kinds of questions we'll be asking. >> republicans have been calling on the president to drill more oil in the u.s. and those calls are getting louder by the day. >> they are getting gutted. their budgets are hurting so much when it comes to joe biden's war on american energy independence. this administration has taken every step possible which has led to the skyrocketing and doubling the cost of gas at the pump. and this gas tax lift, this is just a band aid. >> president biden not encouraging more drilling here in the u.s., even though officials say he's doing everything in his power to bring
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prices down. sandra. >> sandra: ok. we will dig into that. peter doocy, thanks for setting that up for us. >> former chair of president obama's council, and art laffer, former reagan adviser. muhammad, i'll start with you first, we have been rolling tape even on then candidate barack obama saying this is not the way to go to ease gas prices, to implement this gas tax holiday. so, why does this administration, evening when so many democrats are opposed toit, why do they think it's going to solve the problem? >> it is high, hurting everybody, and this administration like many, many other segments of society want to be seen to be doing something. i'm in the camp that this will not change much.
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right now the onous sure on the federal reserve. they need to get their act together, do a better job at containing inflation expectations and that's what's going to determine where it goes from here. >> wow. so, not change much, i'll follow up with you in a second to ask you, by the way, muhammad, if you think this could run prices even higher. we are entering, art, the summer driving season when typically demand keeps going up and prices tend to go up and if we have this gas tax holiday, doesn't that encourage more demand and push prices higher? this is the wall street journal editorial board ripping into this today. a gas tax holiday, even democrats cannot hide their disdain for president biden's latest gas price gimmick. writes this, art. let's call the roll on president biden's ideas, tried lobbying the saudis to no avail, releasing oil from the u.s.
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strategic reserve, the market yawned, and attacking for not drilling enough, but also wants to put those companies out of business. they are at the white house and the president is not even going to meet with them. >> it is shocking, it's all p.r., that's what it is, sandra. by lowering the gas, by getting rid of the gas tax what you have done is encouraged demand and increase, totally opposed to their green agenda. it also hurts the highway funds as you know. it is p.r., it's a gimmick, all that. the only thing i do like this is it's a tax rate reduction rather than a spending increase. goodness knows what this guy does when he gets his hands on money, spends it like he can. but the real answer here is to get rid of the war on oil and gas, allow drilling to really occur, get rid of all the keystone pipeline restrictions, all that, and open up america for drilling again.
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the only way to get their hands on this problem and that's not what they are doing. and he is completely right what he said. >> sandra: and interesting, you know, a good economist sets politics aside and obviously we point out you worked inside a democratic administration and you don't think this is the way to solve the problem. this is the reality for the american people. inflation is costing the average u.s. household in this country $460 per month. this is according to moody's analytics. this is a serious problem. i'll say that and get your reaction. also from the board this morning at the wall street journal. biden's energy policy is a jumble of incoherence, he wants relief but only to get past the next election. consumer need a permanent regulatory holiday to increase domestic supply. anything else is a holiday from reality. so, can we expect the situation
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to improve, if this administration is so detached from what is happening right now and what is causing it? >> the situation is improving for the wrong reasons. international prices of oil are coming down, they are coming down because demand is coming down because people are worried about the higher probability of a recession. i think you have to be really careful when you talk about these things. five distinct reasons why we have an inflation problem. the importance has varied over time, and the key issue today, i repeat, it's about the fed. if we are not careful, the other reasons are going to wash themself out of the system and we have to still get stuck with inflation, a new driver and that's inflation expectation. >> so it's a big statement, if we are here because of the fed, the point you are making, can we be confident the fed will fix
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the problem? because president biden says it's up to the fed to fix the inflation problem. art, real quick, last thought. >> yeah, what the fed needs to do is raise interest rates above inflation, like paul volker did january 20, 1981, the prime rate was 21.5%, inflation 15, 16%. this was -- you have to make it less attractive to borrow money and that's what they have got to do in this, and they just are not doing it. they are trying to do it step-by-step, and that's just not the way to solve it. raise those interest rates right now and get this under control. >> sandra: that seems to be the plan. your target for gas prices, do they keep going higher? $6 as a national average? >> look, it's hard because we are going to get relief on international prices but demand goes up. look, they are going to remain an issue, they are not going
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away. high prices are not going away any time soon, unfortunately. >> sandra: it's a big problem, we will keep watching it. thank you both for joining us. >> john: sandra, it's not just oil and gas and inflation, america's shortage of baby formula far from over. why the latest move from the white house simply is not enough. >> sandra: the country still awaiting a decision by the supreme court that could overturn roe vs. wade. but how long should the court wait amid increased attacks on pro life sentence. former clerk for justice thomas, we'll be joined next. >> we are prayerful the leaked decision actually stands and that it returns the ability to the states to protect life and i have full confidence states like alabama will protect life. if your moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks... choose stelara® from the start...
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>> john: babies in jeopardy as the biden administration drags its feet in addressing the nationwide baby formula shortage. how much longer families should expect for more supply coming up. but first -- supreme court striking down a new york law that restricted the right to carry a concealed gun saying it violates the 2nd amendment. we are still waiting for the big decision that could overturn roe vs. wade. carrie severino, a former clerk for justice thomas. good to have you, first of all, the decision regarding the new york gun law. what kamala harris said a short time ago. >> i do want to also mention that we, the president, myself, many of us are deeply concerned and troubled by the supreme
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court's ruling today. it, i believe, defies common sense, and the constitution of the united states. >> john: she says it defies common sense of the constitution of the united states. what do you think? >> well, the decision is very clear about what the constitution says and we have a right to keep and bear arms. new york was saying that you could have a gun at your house, but unless you could show you personally were under specific threat you did not have a right to carry it, either concealed or open outside of your home and justice thomas sittingly on his birthday, almost 25 years after he kind of flagged for everyone, hey, the 2nd amendment is not taken seriously, he wrote a masterful opinion that says hey, it means what it says, we are not going to get into what best gun policy, there is lots of restrictions and limitations but you can't just say across the board only people with a
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stalker or something outside their home. >> john: judge alito, why for example does the dissent think it's relevant about the mass shootings in recent years, a person bent on carrying out a mass shooting be stopped if he knows that it's illegal to carry a handgun outside the home, and how does the dissented account for the fact one of the mass shootings near the top of the list took place in buffalo, the new york law at issue in this case obviously did not stop that perpetrator. was that too far afield mentioning the mass shootings in relation to this particular decision? >> he didn't just venture afield, started the dissent and that was the thrust, this is bad policy, dangerous, bad. you can have the opinions but that is not the job of the justice. that is the job of a legislator
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and if you think the second amendment for forecloses areas that are necessary, that's the rule to change the constitution but you can't as a judge change the constitution simply because you think i disagree with the policy or i think a different policy would be better served. so i think a stark contrast looking, reading his dissent, again, all about the policy weighing of a legislator compared with justice thomas's dissent, justice alito, kavanaugh, barretts, and roberts' concurrences. >> john: and the dobbs decision, whether or not it would overturn roe vs. wade, the leaked opinion at the beginning of may, seems so long ago. may get it tomorrow, may not until next week, there were calls after the draft opinion was leaked to get the opinion out as quickly as possible otherwise the pressure cooker continues to boil.
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are you concerned it has taken this long for the opinion to come out? >> yeah, if it had been released immediately might not have had someone show up at justice kavanaugh's house to kill him to prevent the opinion from coming out, and given some of the protestors who are increasingly violent and vulgar the opportunity to further plan and coordinate their plans for the day it does come out, and unfortunately we have seen only encouragement on that front from the white house. certainly refused to condemn all of the protests at justices' house, the violation of federal law. >> john: chatter surrounding the supreme court the reason it has taken a long time for the opinion to come out, justice roberts is seeking a compromise on roe. do you think he'll find it? >> that's not new news. he's been trying to find a compromise at least since december, doing the same thing in the oral arguments and people asked both sides of the case, all the people arguing agree there is no middle ground here. i think maybe he would love to find a way you could uphold the
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mississippi law and leave roe untouched but no legal way because they run straight into each other, they are inconsistent. i don't think he's going to be able to do that and in particular, after the leak you would not -- if you were a justice who had gone along with the original idea and then backed off of it, in the face of this unprecedented leak and the intimidation and threats against the court, that would really only encourage more of that behavior. i think we will see an opinion along the lines of leaked draft we saw in may. >> john: we'll see it at some point, just don't know exactly when. always good to catch up with you. thank you much. >> sandra: f.d.a. launching an investigation into the death of another infant given formula made by abbott labs. it comes as the white house is still scrambling to manage a nationwide baby formula shortage. lydia hu joins us on all of that. hi, lydia. >> f.d.a. launching this
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investigation, it was notified earlier this month of the death that occurred back in january. now, abbott says it has limited information available about this death, and so right now they say no conclusions can really be drawn. but previously the f.d.a. could not establish a definitive link between abbott and four earlier cases of bacterial infection in babies and the plant is closed after severe weather last week. meanwhile, parents around the country continue to rely on facebook groups to find formula, one mom telling us she had to drive 80 miles this weekend to get formula, watch. >> you are always so worried, where am i going to get my baby's formula next. >> the out of stock rate around 23.5%. the white house is importing formula and says it has secured commitments to make about 130 million bottles. but really, sandra, that's only a drop in the bucket. analysts with i.r.i. tell a wall street journal that u.s.
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consumers purchase enough powdered formula to make 50 million bottles in a single week. so the commitment of 130 million bottles would not even last us three weeks. >> we have such a shortage that the amount that can be imported really isn't practical. you can't do it. so the real problem here is having gotten the supply down so low in the first place. >> nowhere near all the formula commitments have arrived in the united states. by just this week, under 23 million bottles worth of formula will have been brought into the united states. experts predict crisis mode another month or two months. >> sandra: lydia, thank you very much. john. >> john: the gender equity law title ix turning 50. with the rise of transgender athletes like lia thomas, what does the future hold for female
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athletes who say their opportunities are being threatened. >> sandra: and with gas prices hitting record high after record high, president biden continues to grapple with ways to stick this ongoing energy crisis, so is the gas tax holiday the solution? how did using the defense production act? charles payne has some ideas, he's on deck. >> i think it's a desperate cry for help, larry, from a president who is just clueless about what's driving high gas prices, and that is his policies. migraine hits hard, so u hit back with ubrelvy u level up u won't take a time-out one dose of ubrelvy works fast it can quickly stop migraine in its tracks within 2 hours without worrying if it's too late or where you are unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks a protein believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. migraine pain relief starts with u learn how abbvie could help you save. ask about ubrelvy, the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine.
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>> john: should president biden invoke the defense production act when he could just cut tape around the energy industry? charles payne sounds off on that. but first, title ix is turning 50, and many say it gives women
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the equal playing field is under attack. new protections for transgender students. mike emmanuel joins us now, from washington. mike. >> mike: biden administration is trying to extend title ix for sexual orientation and identity. and chelsea mitchell says she was the fastest high school girl in connecticut but transgender athletes made it an unfair fight. >> when i race against a woman, despite the outcome of the race i know it was fair and i gave it my best and i had the same opportunity as them in the race. when i race against a male body athlete, i have no shot to win and all of my hard work is pretty much pointless because they have an advantage that i can't overcome. >> mike: some have suggested a fair way is three categories of competition, male, female, and transgender. i asked chelsea's attorney about
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that. >> we think there's a place for everyone in sports. the question, where is it most fair to compete, and what we can't compromise on is protecting the integrity of the female category in sports. >> retired olympic cycling champion says today's female athletes are in a tough spot. >> it's not a fight for the athlete to take on, because they risk losing sponsorship and labelled as trans phobic, and we have the ability to fight, the wherewithal, we have all been run around before by the system. >> mike: on this the 50th anniversary of title ix many say the future of women's sports could be in jeopardy. john. >> john: we'll talk to one of those, cynthia, as well, 400 meter specialist. she's got some personal experience with all of this. we'll keep following, clearly a controversial topic. you ran track, sandra, being you know what this is all about. >> sandra: i do, and everyone works so hard when you are an
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athlete at that level and you just want it to be a fair level playing field, end of day. that's it. we will continue to cover that, john. biden's energy chief just wrapped a meeting with top oil c.e.o.s at the white house, all while this administration continues to ramp up attacks on that very industry. the energy secretary revealing that the president may resort to using his wartime powers even to ease prices at the pump. a move that has been widely criticized for overuse in the past. joining us now, charles payne, fox business network. i feel like all of america is in on this situation. we are all living it, we are all experiencing it. we have all seen the reporting on it. now we see these big energy c.e.o.s invited to the white house in a moment where they are being asked to produce more, they are demonized for too big a profit, absurd in a free market
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capitalist society. since when do we tell private business they are too profitable. so, biden invites them to the white house and doesn't even meet with them. jen granholm did, his energy secretary, lasted about an hour and 15 minutes. one of the executives left and said he believed it was constructive, other are saying not enough time to accomplish anything. but what is really going on here? cut through this. >> charles: it's a public relations stunt, and the packaging later as they take more actions, we reached out, extended the olive branch, invited them to the white house, and everyone needs to pay attention to, it's bigger than an oil story. i believe there's a large portion in this white house and administration of people that do believe there should be limits on how much money a business can make. and so right now crude oil, to your point, gasoline we are all feeling it. and their minds it's low hanging fruit. if we can demonize them --
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>> sandra: he takes it a step further. he's saying it's price gouging, illegal activity. if he truly believes that in a moment of crisis for the american people that they are being price gouged, you meet with those other c.e.o.s and the executives and you provide proof of it. and say stop it. >> put them in the rose garden and dressing down in front of the rest of us so we can see what you are talking about. and to that point, instead though, listen, exxonmobil lost over $20 billion in 2020, over $20 billion. we remember when oil went negative for a moment. so this whole thing, businesses go up and down. crude was 140 some dollars in 2007, 8, recession came, went to 38 bucks. listen, when you can make money in business you make money. but they have done a lot because they are under pressure, under pressure, putting money into green initiative, they have done their part. what the white house could do, i'm not sure how they are talking about using the defense
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production act, they have watered it down. before we used it, it was a wartime effort to speed up the vaccine, wonderful, successful. now using it to bring baby formula in instead of building plants here. why don't we build three refineries. three refineries, cut the red tape, build them in two and a half, three years, a 15, 20 year life-span, that segues into the green utopia, because that ain't around the corner. why are we paying the price for it now? >> sandra: completely reasonable questions. and you know this as well as anybody, charles, when you look at the price of oil going like this, right, and the president says they are so profitable, profits are record highs, they should be putting that back into producing more oil in this country and investing in the projects. investment like this, why, the companies will tell you they can't take on a risk in environment they don't know
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tomorrow. >> charles: the rules are going to change. he promised he would change the rules. who would invest in that environment. >> sandra: and this is jen granholm to bring prices down. >> the only way out of the boom and bust cycles is to break that sole reliance, diversifying our fuel sources by deploying clean energy. >> sandra: she maintains the only way out is clean energy. finish with this and quick thought on it, charles. this is the energy industry pleading with the president, inviting him to visit u.s. energy sites ahead of going to saudi arabia to ask for help. before you board air force one for the middle east we hope you will consider taking another look at made in america energy. u.s. energy reserves, produced to among the highest environmental standards in the world, are theens an in the global quest for reliable energy supplies. that's not what's happening. he's not going to visit those
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energy sites, at least he has not announced that. he's going to go to saudi arabia. >> saudi arabia, a deal with venezuela, it's heartbreaking. because listen, on one hand they wanted this to happen. we can never forget the white house wanted gasoline prices to go higher to push their green, the clean initiative on it. the public relations aspect i think they were not prepared for, they are trying to clean it up and it's not working. yesterday, if you were against biden you were for putin. logic pretzel in this one makes no sense and no one is buying it, though. that's the problem. no one is buying it. >> sandra: to earlier points made about nobody is walking around saying oh, that darn vladimir putin for those high gas prices, they blame leadership, end of the day. it's a big political. >> charles: i filled up the truck on saturday, 177 bucks. >> sandra: oh, my. charles, what kind of truck are you driving? holy cow.
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>> charles: t-rex. >> sandra: and john likes to tell us how much it cost him to fill up, too. >> john: does the truck say kenworth on the front? [laughter] a los angeles district attorney george gascon says don't blame him for the murder of two l.a. area police officers and he claims there's no way to predict which released criminals will reoffend. so, what do the victims' loved ones say to gascon in response? >> sandra: as we just mentioned, president biden is still blaming vladimir putin's invasion of ukraine for those high prices you are paying at the pump and the grocery store. but his fed chair doesn't agree with him on that. so who is right, who is wrong? larry kudlow weighs in. >> would you say that the war in ukraine is the primary driver of inflation in america? >> no, inflation was high before, certainly before the war in ukraine broke out. u never knw what opportunities life will send your way. but if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis or psoriatic arthritis,
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>> john: los angeles county district attorney george gascon pushing back against criticism over giving probation to an alleged gang member who went on to murder two police officers last week. more from los angeles, and matt, we are learning another family is blaming gascon for a loved one being murdered. >> yeah, john. gascon is also trying to explain why a man convicted of a double murder was set free and then a few months ago charged with a third murder. victor was convicted to shooting of two people, and sentenced to live in prison. after serving less than 12 years, he was released last year. and in april, he was charged with a third murder in the shooting death of a 42-year-old transient named mario rodriguez. in 2016, a law requiring minors tried as adults to have what's
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called a transfer hearing to determine if their sentence holds. prosecutors tell fox news they were ready for the transfer hearing but george gascon reduced to participate in the transfer case under a blanket policy ending the transfers for juveniles. ultimately resulting by bibiano able to do a third murder. and a mother, her teenage son was killed. she's concerned gascon's policies will harm more people, she will sign a recall petition to remove him from office. >> it's very bad because they are letting them go, and other families are going to suffer what i am suffering and what i have suffered. >> now, last night gascon defended his decisions in the bibiano case. >> we had experts take a very close look at this case and under the law we did not think we could meet our burden to send
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them back to adult prison or adult court. >> now, two los angeles deputy district attorneys tell fox news they think gascon is not telling the truth about the case. gascon denies wrongdoing, saying he understands people are angry and the results of juveniles released after being sentenced to life has been overwhelmingly positive. john. >> john: gascon jumps from one controversy to another. thank you. >> sandra: democrats face a big dilemma what it comes to 2024. if joe biden does not run again, who is their best shot? it's usually the vice president but kamala harris is doing worse than biden in the polls. who could it be? >> john: josh joins us in studio. plus, she flipped a long held blue texas district red and she's married to a border agent and is the first mexican-born
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woman sworn into congress. mayra flores joins us and why her message of god, family and country resonated with voters. “i say, “not yet”. ♪ ♪ aleve. who do you take it for? welcome to your world. your why. what drives you? what do you want to leave behind? that's your why. it's your purpose, and we will work with you every step of the way to achieve it.
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>> john: so we have not gotten into full swing with the midterms yet, but looking ahead to the 2024 presidential
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election, virginia voters tell fox news they are open to democratic candidates other than kamala harris if president biden does not seek re-election. national journalist columnist josh krashauer joins us. there are calls for joe biden not to consider a second run in 2024, partly because by the time he finishes the second term, he would be closer to 90 than 80, they don't seem to want kamala harris. >> it is a big dilemma for democrats. there are folks in the white house that know joe biden is going to be 86 years old at the end of a second term if re-elected, and that's a tough sell to voters. if biden doesn't run for re-election, they are concerned that vice president harris is even less popular than he is. her numbers are really low. a new poll out of new hampshire this week, her job approval is in the 20s, disapproval in the
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60s. 13 points worse than president biden. microchasm of what's going on. harris, not only are her numbers bad but a civil war between the party, with the left, center, she would have probably some african american support but there are going to be other candidates would try to take her on, it would be ugly and a big democratic party mess. >> john: we asked this question of voters in recent days, and here is what we found, 35%, and biden's numbers are about the same or maybe a little better than that. so if you are vice president who could be the logical successor, you know, take a look at history, if the president decides they are going to not run or they can't, it falls to the vice president. if the vice president's ratings are worse than yours, it's not a
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very good prospect. >> some dan quayle flashbacks. the vice president gets to try out, public appearances, test her political mettle and she has failed. she no, sir not shown her political aptitude in the role she has. a lot of worry inside the who us she might not be ready for primetime. >> so let's take a look quickly at the top five potential democratic candidates for 2024. there are others, but these are sort of talked about in the top five. kamala harris, pete buttigieg, gavin newsom, elizabeth warren, roy cooper of north carolina. does this look like a deep bench or thin to you? >> it's a pretty thin. i think david axlerod is pointing to a governor outside of washington, whoever runs in 2024 would be running in a recession, and a pretty tough environment. you want to be associated with
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washington, you want to be associated with this administration or someone from a state with no connection to the administration. jared polis of colorado is a governor to watch, gretchen whitmer in michigan, i would bet a governors, one of the governors. >> john: and the republican race is talked about for 2024, former president trump put this out on true social earlier, reminding people, saying donald trump, 54%, desantis 12%, he's trying to tell people he's the top dog. >> he's responding to the new hampshire poll that showed desantis ahead in new hampshire. he knows desantis is the elephant in the room that could challenge him for the 2024 nomination. >> sandra: thank you, new at 2:00, the president's plan to
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give drivers a break at the gas pump pushed back from his fellow democrats. larry kudlow will be here. also senator john cornyn on the bipartisan gun legislation. new texas congresswoman mayra flores and a track star on title ix and the controversy over transgender athletes in women's sports. a big hour coming up. one. in my ozempic® tri-zone, i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. announcer: ozempic® provides powerful a1c reduction. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. and you may lose weight. adults lost up to 14 pounds. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have
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>> john: new at 2:00, the senate moving quickly to try to pass the most significant gun reform legislation in decades. a final vote could happen as soon as tonight and we are talking exclusively to a republican who helped write that bill. senator john cornyn explains what's in it, and takes on the critics. >> sandra: the mexican american republican who flipped a house seat in texas, mayra flores, is officially sworn in and ready to get to work. she joins us to talk about her historic win. >> john: and 50 years after landmark legislation opened up
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the playing field for women, many female athletes say their title ix rights are under attack and the push to include transgender athletes coming from the highest levels. talk to a world champion runner about her fight to protect women's sports. welcome back as "america reports" rolls into a second hour. john roberts from washington. good to spend thursday with you, sandra. >> sandra: and as well you, john. sandra smith in new york. >> john: we start with an economy teetering and a plea from american energy companies as record high gas prices continue to climb. jennifer granholm meeting with the nation's top executives, white house asking them to boost oil supply while also saying the u.s. needs to move away from fossil fuels and now the nation's top energy groups appealing directly to the president writing "before you board air force one for the middle east, we hope you will
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consider taking another look at made in america energy. we urge you to consider the potential of u.s. oil and natural gas resources that are the envy of the world." >> sandra: the white house still trying to spin president biden's plan to lift the gas tax, even democrats say won't do much. >> look, that's not the approach i would use. i would use a more systemic approach. >> not going to provide significant savings at the pump. >> i have great concern, i'm willing to listen and talk to everybody. i'm not a yes right now, that's for sure. >> sandra: not a fan club there. meanwhile, fed chair powell back on capitol hill for day two of questioning. a big headline coming from that so far, the fed got it wrong on inflation after months of calling higher prices only temporary, or transitory, you'll remember, can the fed right the ship without sending the u.s. into a recession. that is the question. powell warning more surprises
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may be in store. >> john: fox team coverage to kick things off. on the news from the fed chairman. but first, edward lawrence, live at the white house with the latest from 1600 pennsylvania. >> that meeting with oil executives, the president skipped that meeting as he continues to blame those oil companies for taking advantage of customers by raising prices and taking profits all while russia is invading ukraine. the fact is gas prices were rising from basically the moment the president took office. his energy secretary to deliver the message from the oil executives, pump more and refine more gas right now. that meeting lasted an hour and 15 minutes. >> how did the meeting go? >> very constructive. >> constructive, and that's the exxonmobil c.e.o. leaving the meeting right now, and sources are saying inside that meeting the energy secretary talked about suspending the jones act, shipping between u.s. ports be made on america's ships.
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no talk about new leases for oil or natural gas, no talk about pipeline projects. in a statement, a joint statement from the industry groups, says this. productive outcomes today should send positive signal to the markets the u.s. is committed to long-term investment in a strong u.s. refining industry and aligning policies to reflect that commitment. this morning the president and c.e.o. of the petroleum institute says the president's policies do need to change. an make sure rhetoric about the importance of this industry meets policy. the rhetoric is wrong, they continue to demonize the industry, and get the policy right. if we get those two things in line, i'm confident we can get the energy we need. >> the president singled out his villian every chance he gets. >> to the companies running gas stations, and setting those prices at the pump, this is a time of war, global peril,
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ukraine, these are not normal times. bring down the price you are charging at the pump to reflect the cost you are paying for product. do it now, do it today. >> in about an hour, the president will drop in on a meeting of the federal state offshore wind partnership. he could not find time, though, to meet the oil executives. >> john: and the latest from there, edward, thank you. >> sandra: more on the warning from the federal reserve chair as he wraps a second day of testimony on the hill. our own hillary vaughn caught up with him on the hill in the hallways there, and after yesterday he made such big news for saying no, our inflation problems are not because of vladimir putin, and then you had this wonderful exchange in the hallway. >> sandra, you are exactly right. we did get a chance to try to ask him some more questions today. we did not ultimately get a comment but will play that exchange in a bit. but fed chair jerome powell was
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the bearer of bad news for lawmakers hoping to get away with increased government spending without any concern or consequence, because he told lawmakers today that the path the u.s. economy is on right now is "unsustainable" because debt is growing faster than the economy. powell also admitted when it comes to inflation, the fed fumbled the ball. >> the fed i think underestimated actual inflation. what do you think you missed? >> well, we did underestimate it. benefit of hindsight clearly we did. we had to decide whether that was going to be a lasting thing or whether it would kind of turn around quickly. we knew it could be wrong and when it started to look pretty wrong we pivoted. >> powell also made clear the war in ukraine is not the primary driver of inflation, saying inflation has been a problem well before that. refuturing president biden's claim that it is putin who is to blame. this graphic shows clearly that prices began creeping up
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steadily after biden took office. so, i tried to ask powell today if it's time for the white house and the president to retire the phrase putin's price hike. >> chairman powell, should the president stop calling it putin's price hike? you told lawmakers yesterday inflation started well before the war in ukraine. should he stop saying it's putin's price hike? has the president done everything he can to bring prices down for the american people? is there more that he could be doing? >> i'm sorry, he can't stop right now. >> sandra, we did not get a comment this time but did get a whistle, more than we got yesterday. sandra. >> sandra: because he was whistling as he walked the hallway, you don't understand it's happening at first but continued to whistle as you asked the questions. great job trying to get questions in there. hillary, thank you.
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>> john: some people might call that whistling past the graveyard in a dead economy. >> sandra: that was unusual. we as reporters stop a lot of folks in the hallway, especially in the capitol, have you ever had someone whistle? >> john: that's unique, i have not seen that before. >> sandra: maybe it helped him refrain from really wanting to answer those questions. >> john: sometimes it's an exercise in self-control. larry kudlow coming up soon, right? looking forward to that. the senate taking a major step forward on a bipartisan gun bill almost exactly a month after the horrific shooting in uvalde, texas. senators voting to break a filibuster, a final vote could start as early as tonight. it would expand background checks and boost funding for red flag laws and mental health among other things. most significant action on gun reform in decades if it can past both chambers. joining us now is senator john
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cornyn. one of the authors of the bipartisan bill. there was a split in the republican party. 14 republican senators voted to advance the bill, 34 voted against it. in the house, steve scalise whipping votes against this. mitch mcconnell says this is a bill. listen to how he put it. >> this time is different. this time democrats came our way and agreed to advance some common sense solutions without rolling back rights for law abiding citizens. the result is a product i'm proud to support. >> john: common sense solutions without rolling back rights for law abiding citizens, a product i'm proud to support, what do you say, senator? >> i think he's right. you know, chris murphy, the senator from connecticut and i worked before on this difficult issue and in a way that improves the national criminal background
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check system and saved lives in the end and i think that's what we are focused on here, and you mentioned the components of this. not only does it include enhanced background checks for a cohort of 18 to 21-year-old gun buyers to make sure that we are not missing things that would demonstrate that they were actually disqualified under current law from purchasing a firearm, but the largest investment in the community-based mental health care that we have ever made in american history. and as well as making our schools safe. no parent wants to sends their child to school fearful for their safety and no student ought to have to go to school and be afraid. and that's what this bill addresses. >> there are some republicans, including former president trump, who are ripping this and ripping you as well. here is what the president put out on true social. he said the deal on gun control currently structured and pushed in the senate by the radical left democrats with the help
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mitch mcconnell, rino senator john cornyn and others, the first step to take your guns away. republicans be careful what you wish for. i want to get you to respond to that. and after the 2018 parkland shooting, president trump was supportive of red flag laws and even raising the age to buy an ar-15 style rifle from 18 to 21. >> this is a difficult topic to talk about in a rational and sane sort of way. all this name calling and the like i don't think is particularly productive. i'm a proud supporter of the 2nd amendment. i think the way it was described, this bill, it does not infringe on the rights of law abiding gun owners. they are not the problem. i'm not the problem, as a gun owner. but people who do have mental health problems and people who should not have them because of criminal background checks, we are trying to figure out a way to keep those out of the hands
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of people who could be a harm to themselves and others. at the same time, we want to make sure they have access to mental health care. this young man in uvalde was literally circling down the drain from a psychological standpoint and obviously not only took the lives of others, he took his own life in the process and we would like to try to find some way to intervene, to stop that before it occurs again. >> john: let me ask you this question. is there anything in this bill that would restrict a law abiding citizen from purchasing a firearm? >> no. >> john: simple no. no gray areas, nothing that would restrict somebody who, maybe the background check shows something they did not know was in their background, but -- you are saying absolutely, nothing in this bill that would restrict a law abiding citizen from getting access to a firearm. >> that's correct. if you go in and you pass a national instant background check you are entitled to
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receive that firearm immediately under the law, and nothing here would restrict that. in the case of 18 to 21-year-olds, what happened in this case in uvalde, this young man, everybody knew he was a ticking time bomb, a whole host of problems, but when he turned 18 it's as if he was born yesterday and he was able to pass a background check, there was no insight into possible disqualifications that would have occurred if he had been an adult. so, that's the area we are focusing on, profile is all too familiar. >> john: sentiment of american voters appears to be with you, do you believe tougher gun laws would reduce the number of u.s. mass shootings, 56% said yes, 39% said no. if republicans can't come together in the wake of a tragedy like uvalde and do something to fix this, what does that say where the party at large is compared to american sentiment? >> john, i think that's one of the questions that we are trying
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to answer because i think a lot of people are questioning whether our institutions, including the federal government itself, can actually function, whether we can try to find that common ground where it does exist. sometimes it doesn't. sometimes the most important thing you can say as an elected official is no. but i think it cries out for a solution, unfortunately they are not easy to come by. it takes a lot of work and good faith on both sides. but i think we have threaded the needle in a way that protects the right of law abiding citizens but tries to get at the root of the problem that produced the shooting in uvalde and elsewhere, and ultimately will save lives and to me that's the ultimate test. >> john: we will see how it progresses in the senate and the house. appreciate your time, sir. >> thank you very much. >> sandra: fox news learning authorities have searched the home of former justice department official jeffrey clark. clark served in the trump
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administration, official with the u.s. attorney's office tells fox there was law enforcement activity near clark's virginia home but with not say more. president of the center for renewing america where clark is a fellow, issued more than a dozen law enforcement officials searched jeff clark's home in a predawn raid, in his pajamas, because jeff sought fit to investigate voter fraud. weaponization of government must end. john. >> john: throwing threats to our southern border. agents say they are seeing more migrants travelling in large groups. over 100 people. >> sandra: illegal crossings a top concern, including in one long standing democratic district that just went red. mayra flores, the new congresswoman who flipped that seat will join us next live. great reasons why you should t0
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>> john: the summer surge at the border showing no signs of letting up. border patrol agents now reporting a spike in large groups of migrants crossing into the united states illegally. close to 300 migrants were apprehended in la joya, texas yesterday alone. casey stegall has the latest for us. >> it's incredible how the activity really varies from day-to-day and hour-to-hour. we have been here all morning and no activity to speak of we have seen in la joya, but yesterday morning a group of 300 migrants turned up right where we are standing. border patrol agents tell us a mix of toddler, family units and single adults, mostly from
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northern triangle countries. it took six busses just to transport everyone for processing. while around the same time, a second large group also about 300 in size was apprehended over near eagle pass, texas. this image released by customs and border protection, as were these earlier in the week when agents in star and hidalgo counties, both in texas, encountered three additional large migrant groups. those totaling 533 plus people. of those, officials say 293 were family units. 145 were unaccompanied minors, kids under the age of 18 travelling alone, and 95 single adults. mostly from cuba and south america. classifies a large group as anything over 100 people travelling or crossing together. and just in this one sector,
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which is the rio grande valley, r.g.v. of south texas, c.b.p. says more than 100 of the large groups have been recorded so far for the fiscal year, resulting in at least 15,000 migrant encounters and continuing to grow by the day. john. >> john: no shortage of people trying to come into the country. casey, thank you. sandra. >> sandra: thank you. president biden also facing blow-back after calling on congress to suspend the federal gas tax. republicans are only half the battle. several democrats citing the idea as inefficient, not to mention biden's own fed chair directly contradicting the line this is all putin's fault. larry kudlow, you and i were chatting off camera, it struck me yesterday ahead of the president's actual announcement that he was going to push for this, you said hey, who am i to
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criticize a tax cut. >> larry: well, it's totally the wrong one, but it's biden's first tax cut proposal. everything else you have heard from him are huge tax increases, if it moves taxes, businesses, companies, small businesses, individual, successful people, energy companies, he wants to tax everything but he would lift the federal sales excise tax on gasoline, will not go through, nobody wants it. another party wants it. >> sandra: you are not a fan of just being the move to fix prices. >> actually, this will probably increase prices, increase demand. you'll take the price down a little less than 4%, say in round numbers from $5 to 4.82. >> sandra: last like a second. >> larry: suggests if you lower the price you are raising demand, which will jack the price back up, presumably not their intent. it's a goofy, dumb policy.
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i love reports today, his own economics people did not like it. so, he's got problems selling this thing. look, he should have been in the meeting today with the energy c.e.o.s, and he wasn't. he brought them in, he had jennifer granholm, energy secretary and some others, he should have been there, joe biden, the president, and it gets worse than that. not only was he not in that meeting, but they then scheduled a 3:30 meeting today on wind farms with various governors and local officials. >> sandra: he'll be there. >> larry: biden will be there. you have two meetings in the white house today. we have one energy crisis, got one explosion of gas prices. biden is going to the windmill meeting, i'm sorry, the wind turbine meeting and he's not going to the oil meeting. >> sandra: can't make it up. >> larry: our friend rick perry
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had it right over a month ago, he said we need a special envoy to midland, texas to meet the oil and gas crowd. they are some of the best-run companies in the world, much less this country. anyway, it's all a failure, and there are not going to be any changes. i've had reports from people in the meeting today in the oil and gas, and it was, the word they are using is constructive, because granholm did not insult them the way biden did. >> sandra: it went longer than predicted, they said 45 minutes, it we want on for an hour and 15. >> larry: but unfortunately no waivers, no permits, no regulatory rollback, talk about interfering in markets, stopping product exports to go around the world, which would do harm. of course, nothing regarding refineries. the issue here is so simple. you want more gas on the market, that would bring the price down in a more permanent sense if you increase supply, but the
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refineries have been choked down for many years and the last two years under this administration, they have closed about a dozen refineries and they could not get permits to reopening refineries is very expensive and costly, takes quite some time. starting a new refinery and modernnize, cleaner refinery, could not do it. >> sandra: do you have some idea what the future holds for you, the administration says they are doing away with fossil -- this is the energy secretary granholm who was meeting with the oil executives today, making it very clear what her policy is for energy, listen. >> the real truth is that as long as our nation remains overly reliant on oil and fossil fuels, we'll feel these price shocks again. this is not going to be the last time. the next time there is a war, the next time there is a pandemic, another hurricane, extreme weather events we are experiencing, they will impact
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the access to fossil fuels. >> larry: so untrue. the most unreliable sources of energy are the wind and solar farms. we have proven -- look, texas closed down because it got real cold. look at the brown-outs and black-outs in california, and here in the northeast. pipelines are underneath the ground. i suppose it's possible you can get a nat gas pipeline frozen up under extremely cold weather, it's a once in a century kind of event. but they are the safest, most reliable forms, pipelines carrying oil and natural gas, ok, to refineries or wherever. the problem here is they have a political ideology, ok, honestly, just look at this from a common sense standpoint. political ideology is end fossil fuels, right, and we are going to go green and we are going to have climate change and we are going to go wind and solar and
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so forth, biofuel. that ideology is getting in the way of what should be some common sense practices to open up the spigots. >> sandra: maybe they assumed well, gas prices are going to go up, if we keep demonizing the industry, gas prices will go up, but then a demand, people won't want to pay the prices, buy electric cars, but we were not ready for the transition as they point out. >> john: and there is no alternative grid, we are not ready. that's the problem from day one. so people are paying through the nose for existing fossil fuels, there is no substitute. can i just be -- look, after three decades of subsidies and spending policies and tax credits and the rest of it, three decades. >> sandra: i have a question for you, i'm going to get yelled at.
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do you believe gas prices would be higher, same, lower if there was a republican in the white house? today? based on events that have happened. >> larry: lower, because wouldn't have wasted two years shutting down the damn industry. >> sandra: copy. >> larry: look, i got one, you remember something called the s.e.c., used to be the security exchange commission, now regard themselves as the security environmental commission. a 2,000 page rule out undoubtedly unconstitutional will slaughter the use of fossil fuels, the financing of fossil fuels, keeping costs and paperwork and giving trial lawyers a field day to come after any company that has to estimate the fossil impact of customers, suppliers and producers, cumulative over the centuries, really, that's the
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s.e.c., they are yelling at me, too. >> sandra: we have him all riled up. you can see him at 4:00, with some amazing stuff. we'll be watching. thank you, larry. john. >> john: sandra, two big name grocery stores accused of going woke for their decision to pull made in the u.s.a. merch over complains they feature guns. how the stores are defending the action. >> sandra: john, the congresswoman what has democrats nervous and republicans optimistic that a red wave could be coming this fall. texas rep mayra flores will be our guest. she joins us next.
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>> sandra: today marks 50 years since president nixon signed title ix into law, prohibits sex-based discrimination and allowed millions to compete in college and high school sports, but a new concern for women's sports, transgender athletes having an unfair advantage competing with biological women. first, live on the university of cal berkeley campus for us on this. hi, claudia. >> hey, sandra, that's right. millions of american women have made profound gains in sports and academics because of title ix, including many who are still working very hard to level the playing field. >> karen brings decades of passion and experience to the summer camp she runs for girls in marin county, california. >> i have had great
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opportunities because of sports that i would not have had not being in sports, and i do think that title ix really helped that for me as an athlete and is going to help these younger girls continue. >> first as a standout player, then an award winning division i coach, she says even small differences in locker room size, practice schedules, even access to showers made women athletes feel less valued than their male counterparts. in 37 famous words, title ix tackled such disparities, stating no person in the united states shall on the basis of sex be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. by banning sex discrimination and advancing equal rights on campus, women make up 44% of all ncaa athletes, compared to just 15% in 1972.
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and in 2021, 39% of women earned college degrees, way up from just 9% 50 years ago. still, many say the fight is far from over. >> there is still huge amount of discrimination, built-in bias that boys are more important as athletes than girls. a lot of work to do to ferret out that discrimination. >> in the area of academics, some argue it's the men who face discrimination. >> almost every university has special scholarships for female students only, so they are not only excluding men but they are also excluding students who don't identify as men or women who might be transgender, trans sexual and so on. >> complicated issues and breaking today, the department of education has released proposed changes to title ix it says will expand protections for all students. the language here is key, sandra, and could define the next 50 years of this landmark
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civil rights law. back to you. >> sandra: okay, 50 years. claudia, thank you very much. john. >> john: let's join together and bring in cynthia, a former world track runner for team u.s.a., sporting a beautiful locally obtained hibiscus today. >> i was lucky to find one on the way. >> john: you've got personal experience with transgender athletes, you competed against a transgender athlete from colombia, not dominant in the way that lia thomas was, but when you spoke up race officials told you be quiet. >> exactly. actually, the race officials were very concerned and they were on my side but then when i went to team u.s.a. management, my administration, my sports body administration, they told me there was nothing they could do and later said in fact we encourage you to keep quiet about this for your own safety. so, as you can see, i'm still not keeping quiet about it.
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>> sandra: cynthia, clearly you are speaking out, thank you for joining us. if it were the case male body athletes compete on female teams and against biological females, what do you think is the future of women sports? >> let's just face it, administration ruling on title ix puts a nail in the coffin in the death of female sports. my daughter raced her very first high school race in ninth grade against a biological male body. you can say whatever you want about identification, but when it comes down to it, body versus a body and science and common sense tell us there is an advantage of a male body over a female body. so unfortunately this administration is killing the very definition of title ix which is inclusion of women and it's actually excluding women by their interpretation. >> john: of course swimmer lia thomas propelled this into the
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national headlines because she was such a dominant athlete in the school, but soccer star megan rapinoe says what's the fuss over it, show me they are dominating in every sport or winning every title, i'm sorry, it's not happening. right or wrong? >> she's in denial. it's happening with thomas taking spots on the podium. she's only doing it for attention and not facing or speaking the truth. >> john: how prevalent is it. obviously, lia thomas, very visible example of this. but how widespread is it? >> i got off a heartbreaking phone call with a mother a couple weeks ago whose daughter had to place third to get into the california state championship and her daughter placed fourth, the first two athletes that made it were both male body. one had just come from the boys cross country team a few months ago. it's happening more than you
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think. the media is choosing not to report about it and so you know, i would like to think she just does not know but i think she knows better. >> sandra: you having been in the sport so long, and fellow track athlete here, ran at the collegiate level as well. i was in 1500 meter and 3,000 meter steeple chase. >> awesome. >> sandra: they pour their blood, sweat and tears into, we know, into this sport, and to succeed in this sport, to rise to the top, it takes a very special athlete and very determined person. you do, though, recognize as caitlyn jenner always talks to us, it's complicated, and it's tough to find a solution. can you see any solution to where there is a longer period of hormone treatment for somebody who is transitioning, or anything like that, are you open to any sort of discussion to include the transgenders in the women's sports?
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>> i've definitely given this a lot of thought and i'm not the policy maker. however, i do coach everyone from youth athletes to olympian, and the bottom line is that male bodies will always have an advantage over female bodies because of the changes that begin as early as the womb. so, even after gender reassignment surgery and hormone treatment they still have an advantage. so bottom line is that mail bodies cannot compete next to female bodies and have females still have the opportunities that we deserve. >> john: this is a controversy that is far from over, there's no question about that. cynthia, great to see you in today. >> appreciate it. >> safe travels back to maui, one of my favorite places in the world. give me liberty or give me death, famous patrick henry quote and now a source of controversy for a pair of grocery stores. >> sandra: we will explain after the break. did you know there's only been two times in american history
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>> sandra: the border crisis proved to be a top of border issue in a special texas election. >> john: mayra flores turned a seat red in almost a decade. some analysts say it could be a
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wave this fall. >> thank for having me. >> sandra: what do you believe your win means for the republican party in november? >> well, it means honestly everything. in south texas we have been taken for granted for a long time and we showed the democrat party they do not own our vote, that they have to get to work, and the republican party has invested in south texas and that's why we were able to, you know, spread the message across our district that we are pro god, pro life, pro family, about hard work, we are the party fighting for the everyday american and i'm so proud to be the first republican congresswoman that was born in mexico and being a voice for all hispanics, not only in texas district 34 but the country as well. >> john: you come from a fa amly of democratic voters, i believe you voted for president obama in
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2008. and when you take a recent looking at polling on president biden's rating with latino voters, he is in dire straits, 24% support among hispanics. is the democratic party leaving you or are you leaving the democratic party? >> the democratic party has abandoned the hispanic community. they are focused on white liberal. they are not focused on the hispanic community. they could care less and they are not representing our values. we are about faith, family and hard work and that's the democrat party. in south texas, i'm fighting for the conservative values that we were instilled and i think it's important we continue fighting for those values and look, i'm not loyal to a party. i'll say it over and over, my loyalty is with god, my family and with my community and i believe that it's time to put texas district 34 first. we have never had a voice here in washington. no one really cared what we had to say and now people do care
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about the hispanic community, now people actually care about the voice of texas district 34, i'm proud and humbled to be representing all texas district 34 and hispanic communities throughout the country. >> sandra: and attention you are receiving, part is because your husband is a border patrol eight and obviously a crisis at the southern border that has to be dealt with. what is the message you are bringing to washington? what is your perspective and what are you going to do to solve the problem and make the situation better at our southern border? >> well, i believe that we need to focus on legal immigration and improving the process how we can make it more, you know, faster, affordable for the good people that want to come here for the american dream. i'll never understand why the democratic party wants to encourage illegal immigration knowing they have to go through abuse and knowing children are going to be put into child sex trafficking, it's because of the democratic party right now. we have a serious problem with
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child sex trafficking in the united states and we really care about children. let me tell you, no matter where children are from, they are innocent and we need to protect children and if we care about children we would focus on border security, to keep children safe and women also would not have to go through so much abuse. let's allow them to come here to this country legally, but let's improve the process but unfortunately the democratic party doesn't care that they are going to have to go through such abuse. it's heartbreaking. >> john: let's look toward november if we could, mayra, you will run against the current representative for the 15th congressional district and is moving over to what will be the newly installed 34th redrawn congressional district. some folks say your race is going to be a little more difficult in november. >> it's a lot more difficult for
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vincente. he thought jumping into 34 would be an easier win, it's not. it's going to be the toughest fight he's ever fought and he thinks he's a better representative because he was born in texas and i was born in mexico and i have a message to him that even though i was born in mexico, i love this country very much, and i'm representing district 34 and i want to see the district 34 blossom. >> john: the point i was getting to there, the newly redrawn borders will be in effect the november 8th election, but republicans seem to be better picking viable candidates than in the past when it comes to latinas and latinos. we will request vega who won the primary in the 7th congressional district in virginia and expected she will likely run a very strong race against abigail spanberger in november. so, does this represent a real
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investment on the republican party getting good latino and latina candidates to run in the general elections and special elections? >> absolutely. we are their best investment and no matter what the lines are, south texas is very conservative. again, we are consecutive by nature. faith, family, and hard work. that's not the democratic party. i'm fighting for those values and we need that type of representation in washington. >> sandra: that being said, you've gotten a lot of attention. i wonder how you feel about all that attention elon musk and others first time i ever voted republican, how does it feel to get all this attention? what do you think it says about the state of your party? >> i'm so grateful to him and also spacex for everything that they are doing for south texas and the opportunities that they are giving to the people in texas district 34. it's because of him that thousands and thousands of jobs were created in our district and
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i'm forever grateful to him and everyone else who wants to come to south texas. we are the most hard working people, so i invite people to come to south texas and invest in south texas because we are not only amazing people, all about faith and family, but also the most hard working. >> john: final question for you, give you an opportunity to address this, some of your critics have pointed out a couple years ago when you were the chair woman for the hispanic outreach of the republican party for hidalgo county, you put a couple social media posts that included # for qanon. >> it was a #, and my post was against it. i have never supported any of those conspiracies and none of this nonsense. >> john: so why include it? >> washington wants us to focus on nonsense, i'm focused on the issues that matter in my
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district and right now, increase of gas, food, and healthcare. >> sandra: why was it included in the tweets? account obviously managed by you. >> stay focus on the issues that matter. >> john: we are focused on the issues that matter, anybody that watches fox news would tell you that. we are just wondering what you say to the critics who point to that and curious why you would have included those in the first place? >> i've said it over and over, never supported any of those conspiracies. again, stay focused on the issues that matter to the american people. border crisis and of course the economy. >> john: fair enough. good to talk to you. congresswoman mayra flores from the great state of texas. we will be seeing more of you. no question about that. >> thank you so much. god bless you. absolutely. >> sandra: kroger and harris are
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facing criticism after recalling made in american products that include guns and eagles, especially so close to the 4th of july. grady is following it from chicago. >> harris teeter says it's pulling those items from store shelves after a couple people complained on twitter. here is a look a the the controversy-causing koozies, one has an eagle in its talons and give me liberty or give me death, and thomas jefferson, arms change, rights don't. progressive state lawmaker in north carolina who by the way is running for re-election is one of the people who saw those, did not like them, apparently, so she tweeted, i'm disappointed they are being sold in a north carolina store. 110 americans die every day from gun violence and most recently children, educators, healthcare
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providers killed in mass shootings. harris tweeter responded saying they would remove the koozies from all store locations. kroger did not commit to removing the items but tell the leadership team about them. several users called for a boycott of harris teeter and kroger and said they would shop at publix instead. what one twitter user wrote, good grief, stop giving into these people. this is ridiculous. another joked, found the funny side and said ban assault koozies. good job, karen. it is worth noting we reached out to harris teeter and kroger ourself multiple times and have not heard back from either of them. >> sandra: we'll keep us posted on that, thank you very much. and 30 seconds left in show. jam packed two hours, great to be with you today, john. >> john: good to be with you as
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well, sandra. a lot going on. and don't forget, tomorrow more opinions coming from the supreme court. will dobbs be among them, will it be held until next week and what will the fallout be when we learn what the supreme court will do. >> sandra: and we'll be watching all of it. thank you for joining us here. i'm sandra smith. >> john: i'm john roberts. martha maccallum is up next with special coverage >> martha: that is correct. good afternoon, everybody. i'm martha maccallum at fox news head quarters in new york. welcome to special coverage where moments away from the start of the fifth public hearing in the past two weeks. today's testimony is expected to focus on the former president's alleged pressure campaign on the justice department. that's what they're going to be testifying too during the 2020 election. testifying today, you see them sitting down at a table right now, getting ready. lots of cameras. you have jeffery rosen, the former attor


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