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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  June 24, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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right to a abortion that you can that's not what today's decision is they got to say who gets to decide in the decision is clear that all the time we have left this evening thanks for being with us and thank you for making the show possible stay with the fox news channel for continuing coverage but not your heart be troubled laura ingraham is next we'll see then. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> laura: i'm laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle." that is the focus of tonight's angle. on january 261973 most 50 years ago seven members of the supreme court, the same constitution that americans had fought and died to protect elected officials could not protect the unborn from abortion. ever since time abortion had been a constitutional right.
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now this is a painful and humiliating experience who love this country. who are ashamed to think that our constitution would be use to justify abortion. the pro-life community never gave up was believe that someday roe v. wade will be overturned and with blood on our history will be purged and today is that day. >> this is amazing. this is the best day of american history in my lifetime. [cheers and applause] >> this is what a pro-life feminist looks like. [cheers and applause]
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>> laura: a look at all those young women and men celebrating life. that is the future of america. the pro-life movement, but there are some who seem that abortion a holy sacrament and they are furious they're trying to intimidate the justices at their homes threatening to defy the court they are desperate to inflame the nation as it was in the summer of 2020. >> this decision must not stand. legal abortions. >> [bleep]. we are not your incubators. >> laura: the majority simply returns the issue of abortion to the state where it properly belongs. it will be legal in many states, but illegal or highly restricted
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in others. until the people decide differently. it's called a democratic process ever heard of it? people who should know better of course they are engaged in what can only be described as pathetic and lame efforts to twist the ruling. chief among them jill biden himself. >> president biden: it was 3 justices name by three bye president. they limited the fundamental right of women in this country. state laws banning abortion are automatically taken effect today jeopardizing the health of millions of women some without exceptions. so extreme that women could be punished for protecting their health. liberty, dignity, and the stability of the rule of law demand that roe v. wade should not have been overturned with
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this decision. a conservative majority of the supreme court shows how extreme it is. how far removed they are up for the majority country. this decision must not be the final word. >> laura: wait a second, i thought court rulings or the law of the land show i always set out the window now? i will have to take notes here. now this is so typical of people who know what they're doing is wrong. joe biden as a catholic, should be ashamed of himself. to use the word dignity to justify the roe v. wade decision. the worst was him conjuring up phony emotions he was evoking outlier cases in order to whip up political support for the lifeless party. >> it served their workforce to
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birth their child. a child of consequence. it just stuns me. >> laura: what a phony i'm sorry. if democrats think that this can help them in november. we sorely mistaken. it's usually not good for any political movement to be losing americans are seeing a populist movement is winning and it is succeeding. hispanics were more pro-life than most democrats are knocking to turn away from the g.o.p. because they suddenly want more abortions and no one is gonna tolerate a terrible economy way for war spending and competence just so more people can get more abortions that is ludicrous. i noticed the difference by the way between the way we react to losing at the court in the way they do. i'll pro-life forces lost 50 years ago.
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it was dave devastating at them, but they never stopped believing in america, never. they still believed in the system and they worked within it to arrive at the ruling that happened today. now they like to pro-life republicans they held countless prayer vigils. they push for pro-life language in the platform. they held debates, that a campus outreach they set a crisis pregnancy centers many which are under attack right now. they conducted sidewalk ministries that were ridiculed for it. they hosted and attended the march for life for decades. rain, ice, snow, shine. will of course they elected donald trump who would put not one, but three justices on the court today i must not forget he was the very first sitting president just be to save lives let alone attend the march for life.
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>> unborn children had never had a stronger defender in the white house. every life brings love into this world, every child brings joy to a family. every person is worth protecting. and above all we know that every human soul is divine in every human life born and unborn is made in the holy image of almighty god. [cheers and applause] >> laura: this is an in the prompter i'm just gonna say this. is the best speech i think he's ever gave. he is given a lot of speeches, that was very special. meanwhile the left, they lose once the court and they're threatening to turn on the whole system. they want to take down the senate, they want to blow up the electoral college. no supreme court itself. they hate our constitutional democracy. but this decision like the gun
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decision yesterday simply follows under the lines of the constitution. member the second amendment clearly provides for the right to keep and bear arms in the left leg know it doesn't. meanwhile the constitution says nothing about abortion but the left claims it is the constitutional right. constitutional rights can't be made out of old thoughts it's ludicrous. but that is what the courts stupidly did in roe v. wade. don't you love that west marquis talk about twisted logic or a document must live and be protected for a living while preborn human being must have no right to life at all. it's very logical. as much as the establishment of big business and media they work in silence and demoralize the pro-life movement all these years it didn't work. the pro-life movement was not left behind. it didn't fade away, the numbers
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in gold or die out instead of cap renewing itself and it grew stronger and younger. a decade after decade he continued. of course we still had a problem because too often republican presidents know who you are promise to appoint pro-life justices but then keep their promises. they all voted with the judicial activists on these related cases on abortion. now conservatives including yours truly do not force george w. bush to hold the nomination back in 2005, she would've been another vote to uphold roe v. wade, thank goodness we have sam alito on the court. we always seem to be 1-touche votes short they saw a chance to chance or party in the court. so donald trump was not part of the g.o.p. establishment was he? he was on the politicians who
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would let us on for decades all lip service only to disappoint us at the end. he promised to be different. he was a threat to the old guard. he promised to appoint pro-life justices would hold firm matter how many threats they received from the outside. cavanaugh they all voted the right way. many republicans doubted those promises by president trump, but most of us decided take a chance. and in the end president donald trump kept his promise, mitch mcconnell and the republicans of the senate they kept their promises as well. and today, for the first time since 1973 our constitution is free of the taint of abortion. this court in this decision solidifies president donald trump is one of the giants of american history. for many americans this is like the berlin wall coming down. summing that they hoped and prayed what happened, but in
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their gut they never thought it would really happen. all of those who claim that donald trump will be bag for conservatism they owe him up an apology tonight. if you're honest with yourself you will apologize. he got more done in four years in the bushes did in a combined 12. there are times when we all wonder if it's worthwhile to spend so much effort as we do in politics gets tiring, gets depressing, gets demoralizing. we march, we pray, we donate, we speak, we go on tv, we write, we organize, we vote. many times you can't tell really if are making much of a difference are things really getting any better? i don't know? but some days it's different, some days you win and some days you get to celebrate and give thanks that you were alive when our prayers were finally answered in the united states of america finally did the right thing. today is one of those days. and that is the ankle. jenna me now network president
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partner about former supreme court clerks and my old boss justus clarence thomas. cooper and kirk law firm, start with you know the court just handed an issue in the constitution back the electorate. the left wants america to believe that we are less democratic because the people of all 50 states would be able to determine this for themselves how does that make sense? >> there's a whole lot of bizarre things have been said about today, but that is one of the top ones and people who are saying what how can the courts make a decision? will americans don't want to be pro-life, they want to have. we'll great the court does give you decision that says you can all make your own abortion laws. so the idea that this is somehow going against the american
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people heard alexandria cortez say this is a victory for the minority being able to govern. he goes back to the elected democrats in the branches. that is in handing the pro-life movement a win, sought the beginning of the end of this is the end of the beginning. but just as pro-life or now has the opportunity make their case and those branches we will see what the results are and then looked different all across the country, but it will be democrat. >> laura: robert, we have heard a lot about the president today and how the court disrespected the president. but he rode in his opinion that this court has overruled important constitutional decisions without these decisions american constitutional law as we know it would be unrecognizable this would be a different country. overruling a president is a serious matter is not a step that should be taken lightly. your response to this assertion
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that justices when they were nominated but the nominee slide during their confirmation hearing about the president? >> thanks laura, all the justices in the confirmation hearing made it clear that roe v. wade was a president, but that it was on shaky ground they made no bones about that. i think the justice does an excellent job in his opinion of explaining that every single member of the court has voted to overrule president and affect every member of the court for the last 50 years has voted to overrule the president. he has phenomenal footnote that goes on for multiple pages where he lists all the supreme court decisions in the last 50-60 years of overrule the constitutional president. i think that it makes a compelling case that if there was ever a decision that satisfied all the conditions for being overruled this one as it and he gets to the point it was egregiously wrong when it was decided as an original, it is been totally unworkable and
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there are no reliant interests that dictate that it must be cemented in stone forever. as a put it this go back to the states. my home state of california is probably to join north korea and being one of most liberal place on earth to get abortions places like texas, as could be a lot more restrictive. the point is that people are now to be able to have the debate and have the argument that we just have not been able to have as a populace for the last 50 years i think it's a positive development joe biden was correct on one thing this is the last word on a motion is to be a lot more words it shows up and i could be spoken by the justices there to be spoken by the people. >> laura: it's on a fundamental right in our constitution that is a victory. that was a lie in 1973. and as a result the millions, and millions of babies that were never born. it was a lie in the light has been corrected now the states
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are and have to decide for themselves. that lie has been corrected and the justice also wrote your old boss that we don't pretend to know how her potable system or societies can respond to today's decision overruling a we could foresee what can happen we would have no authority to let that knowledge influence our decision we can only do our job. while megan that is the role of a supreme court justice, but today over and over again we've heard commentators on tv who should know better they want justices to be super legislator at supreme court justices deplored the line every time. >> that's absolutely right i think the integrity of the justices teresa's decision today including again some of the most open.
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and here is the thing abortion advocates have never actually light roe v. wade anyway what they liked about ropey weight is that it delivers them a policy victory that they wanted and that they couldn't get for the entire country at the ballot box. >> laura: even ruth bader ginsburg she was wild about the reasoning either. after hearing nancy pelosi and some of the democrats over the last 18 months really slam the republicans for tearing down our institutions, not caring about process obviously focusing on january 6 and the election results i was struck by some in
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that speaker nancy pelosi said that a watch. >> i know you don't like processes to get these justices on the court which resulted in this decision do you respect the process and what they've come out with? >> some of these justices that came out before this so that they respected the president and privacy. no i don't respect the process that will get no way of a woman's right for her reproductive freedom. >> laura: it's not the law of the land when they don't get the response that they want the whole system is broken. second for institution or the court itself? >> no and it's so funny because these radicals out there are not even pretending anymore you're saying love the court is an institution packed the court, destroyed the justices. people advocating for the governments to and they're already governments are descending i would enforce the
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laws amount state attorney general's of the same thing. this is really outrageous that that is simply saying wives don't choose to even be involved in the system and it's so funny them declaring this decision is so illegitimate and we can follow it when it i gave a lecture. they want everyone else to be locked into their constitutional president but then when they get a decision they don't like down to start out immediately entered on the whole city to start over. >> laura: "the new york times" in a piece about the rolling summed up what justice kavanaugh said in his decision saying that in addition to declaring that he thinks that states can't bar residents from traveling other states for an abortion, he strongly suggest that he think the constitution requires abortion bands to include an exception when necessary to save the life of the mother.
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whatever people think about that as a policy matter was unusual supreme court justice to get into that level of detail? or do you think that that was necessary given the heat on this particular issue? >> i think what justice kavanaugh if you have to appreciate the fact that given the leak of this opinion that happened several months ago he has personally been under an immense amount of pressure he sent protesters out in front of his house for months. get a lunatic lunatic who tried to assassinate him just last week i think he feels everything that he does is can be highly scrutinized and try to do everything he can to sway the public that the decision doesn't ban abortions nationwide if you want twitter you'll see a bunch of people that nothing abortion is illegal nationwide which is obviously not true. it built know that the court isn't poised to do more than it has done which essentially withdraw itself from the process.
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i read him as i disses just a man sort of just been faced with extreme pressure and you try to do everything he can to be clear about what the court is and isn't doing. and really all it's doing just removing itself in the process. >> laura: megan the justice department is weighing in on supreme court decisions which is coddling usual right? they decided to weigh in on the gun case, now they decided to weigh in on the abortion case. basically throw santa the whole thing is a anyway didn't think it was legitimate or correct ruling. is unusual? >> i think it's highly unusual and it's another example of what you said tonight which is the make all of these to process and everything as long as they're winning as long as they're losing bernal down. the reality is that this was all democratic return the ability to
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set abortion policy in this country back to the american people and osha's asked that apartment justice what is it that they are afraid of? >> laura: they are afraid of the people that's where they afraid of they've been afraid of people for some time. great to see all of you tonight thank you. now as abortion decisions moved enteral states they wasted no time with putting trigger laws. one of the states is south dakota and the governor joins me now governor great to see you tonight. yours is one of the few states making abortion illegal immediately with few exceptions in response to those include in the presence of a city puts women lives in jeopardy. >> well laura let's forget that not forget that that is a wonderful day. seven that many people have whinnied many, many years to have happen that many lives will be saved. and south dakota waited trigger law already in statute and what it says is that abortions would
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be illegal except to save the life of a mother at the moment that roe v. wade was overturned. so as of today that trigger law goes into effect we are focusing a lot on supporting mothers. supporting individuals who find themselves an unplanned pregnancy or payment situation and making sure that we are connecting them to the resources that we have. >> laura: what is the approach that your state will take in the event that a woman seeks to have a chemical abortion, or abortions or medication, may beget medication to the male i think for a lot of democrats say saying that they will not allow that to stop or be stopped by the state in other words yes interstate male and so forth. what would your response to that be? >> the stature and the linkage we use will be specific to being utilized. this can be referenced to the does not save the life of a
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mother so that's one of the things that i am legislative leaders have been working on. we believe that we will call into a special session because of this decision that just came out today and there may be some language that we want to address during that special session and also i launched a website today called life that se,.gov. puts resources there to those individuals who are in these situations and it connects them to medical help. it put some towards adoptive services so they do have the information that they need at their fingertips. laura this year and the deflate of session i brought a bill that dealt with chemical abortions to make sure that people were to be protected from this dangerous situation of getting structured the mail being unsupervised for that medical procedure. >> laura: would to be a potential criminal penalties for doctors and/or women who obtain an abortion in that manner? or conduct an abortion contrary to state law?
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>> our penalties are on the doctor who performs the abortion outing or message for today should ever be on punishing mothers i would like to see that we focus on making sure that those doctors aren't knowingly performing abortions when it's against a lot that they are punished and that some of the statutes that will be looking at as we go to a special session. >> laura: we appreciate it thank you much. in a meeting of equal minds press secretary and msnbc nicole wallace decided to have a chat today. watch. >> it is affecting people that cannot afford to go from state to state or to another country. >> absolutely and this decision will now ensure that people will be forced in a pregnancy no question about that.
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>> what actions could protect people and trigger laws? >> for the doj to be able to defend women who cross the state. also make sure that we are protecting and making available medication so that women can be able to make that choice. the way that we are going to restore roe v. wade is to make sure that congress asked. >> laura: and then mad maxine said this. >> you see this out here? you ain't seen nothing yet. women are going to control their bodies no matter how they try and stop us. to with the supreme court we both defy them. >> laura: what she said there that defiance, anger and be translated into tonight. let's go now to end up in a savanah hernandez from outside the supreme court.
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savanna i note know that your following a contingent what can you tell us? >> lower out what i'm seeing on the ground here is basically the biggest gathering of everson my life i was following antifa for a while in the basically taking this movement and the try to make about abortion but also hitting police officers and burning the american flag the people in the group and if a note finding for so again just a mass tantrum and how antifa is trying to utilize this event and hijacked this outrage i spoke with several women in the group and why are you upset? it's because pregnancy is equivalent to slavery because women don't control their own body similar to what i've seen water is saying i'd count that was saying that women do control their bodies and it's so easy to get these people having a tantrum because they know that they've been trying to defend
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democracy and democracy is now in action and they cannot stand it. so this march around the city streets try to shut things down, but there's a big police presence to be quite honest they are fairly low energy for tonight's outsourcing as of now but it's still very early. >> laura: i'm looking at them with their goofy umbrellas i mean they just look like clowns. they lost. okay 50 years ago the pro-life movement lost and they worked, and worked, and worked wide and nt for just go to the states were to be restrictive south dakota i think petition the government elect pro-choice state legislators. but the noninterested in the process. they want to tell the process down. and that's what you're seeing on the streets tonight has nothing to do with okay were in a fight in the trenches like democratically, they will rip things down and terrorize people include supreme court justices. did you hear anything about
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those individuals going over to some of the justices homes tonight? >> 100%, number one the justices are being doxxed all over twitter now unfortunately and of course big tech doesn't care about that or to go ahead and leave that up for hours. second off many people in the crowd chanting about cavanaugh, clarence thomas, saying that they're gonna go to their homes and target them abort the court is another chance that they have been saying all night again they are calling for violence and are taking to the streets. they are that we don't get it burn it down regarding i guess reversing this decision to overturn roe v. wade. if the court of the right was doing this it would be an insurrection, and msnbc and cnn will be up in arms. with the left it's okay she's people fighting for democracy. >> laura: these heroes like to do things like target volunteers pregnancy centers and terrorize them such good people. savanna thank you.
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which party has really shifted on the issue of abortion? one particular native tells a story. >> president biden: the supreme court of the united states took away right from the american people. >> i don't view abortion as a choice and a right. it is unlimited similar to the way. >> i think we should be focusing on limiting the number of abortions. >> i will use all my power to help a woman's right where they will face the consequences of today's action. >> i think it's always a tragedy and i think that it should be rare. >> laura: joining us now former assistant secretary and host the monica crowley podcast dr. ben carson former house secretary presidential candidate, doctor, neurosurgeon of the american cornerstone institute monica start with you. the most unhinged reaction
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ministry today and the ruling i think i'm tells a story. >> not a surprise all laura given what we know about the left they will always look for text to try to tear the country down weather's george floyd murder, or this roe v. wade decision. i got no surprise and i think we can anticipate more of this because they are literally at war with all of our institutions so they they will look for any chance they can. >> laura: dr. carson just a reaction tonight after 50 years of toiling away being ridiculed, written off, social conservative there, laughed by hollywood and ridiculed by all the elites. to have the stay calm i know lot of people didn't think it would how impactful is it and how important is this how significant? >> if this is a monumental day i'm very happy to see it come. realizing of course of this is really just the beginning.
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we must continue to emphasize the fact that what the supreme court did today was reestablish the way things are supposed to be done. in our democratic republic. it's a big money mental decision to be at the hands the people and the people who represent them not in the hands of unelected justices and that was the way it was supposed to be and it has been reestablished. no one's rights have been taken away we just recalibrate in a way that should be done. and that's a vitally important it's also important for people to realize with the taken into consideration that the women who are being affected now we need to make it easier for adoptions to a cure. it's incredibly expensive and cumbersome at this stage of the game and other times a support mechanism so that these women can become self-sufficient and teach each of their children break some of these terrible
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cycles. >> laura: exactly support and crisis centers don't bind them or defame them. monica chuck todd neatly summed up the media mind-set today watch. >> how donald trump sub did the supreme court and how we went about it particularly in whole scalia thing with mcconnell and all that. there really is a lot of people who believe this is a rate court. >> laura: monica it seems that you're only able to claim things are rigged if it doesn't suit the left is when other people say things are rigged they make from them endlessly. >> the left is a revolutionary movement is also movement of bullies is also deaf cold so we should not be surprised by these kinds of statements whether it's elections, supreme court decisions or anything else when things don't go their way because a member they are solely
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focused on fundamental transformation of the nation. so when there is an obstacle placed in a path like a roe v. wade reversal they go absolutely bonanza's and they do it publicly. the whole point is to turn on the constitution. any kind of opposition has to be destroyed whether it's in the person of donald trump, the institution of the supreme court staying focused on the absolute destruction if the clear the path in order to reengineer and remake the country. >> laura: i've to get your reaction said today. >> we don't have the money because were primarily low-wage workers so how in the world are we even going to travel even without travel ban? younger woman? women of color? it's impacting black and brown people. understand this is a racist nature of this decision.
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>> laura: dr. carson it's races too. >> it's funny how everything was comes back to racism. this is not a racial issue other than the fact that margaret and these clinics black and hispanic neighborhoods. in order to eliminate people that she didn't think it should be around. there was anything it's racist that's what it is. that's we should be looking at. , but let's c come back to how important life is. that's once again become a culture of life not a cultu death. life they do is see when abortion is in the first trimester. sucking up the baby in the second trimester tearing their limbs apart and pulling them out. i'm in this barbaric. this is not what we should be doing. this is not america.
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>> laura: monica just coming back to president donald trump for a moment. he was just round the accused of being conservative by many so-called stall work conservatives and that campaign the city was he to for the pro-life movement was in be true to it was all an act, where the apologies from those people are smart given what was accomplished just on the issue of taken us out of the constitutional context and putting it back? >> he is been completely vindicated when so-called conservatives laura were all up in arms but how appalling donald trump was and how it wasn't a true conservative she is the only republican president from ronald reagan donald trump actually put his money where his mouth was. he appointed pro-life justices were nominated just as no idea how they can be in the court, he actually chose three that stood
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up for the constitution and the rule of law in life. he will go down in history as the greatest president. he's got some great legacies laura, but this legacy of life of reversing roe v. wade will be in the history books for all time. >> laura: i think of justice scalia and all that he did over the course of his career for ritualism, textualism's faith to the actual language of the constitution. constitutional principles. if you think that after the decision in the early 1990s loose the webster decision i like to think that he is smiling and looking down on the case. >> he was a true patriot at some of the others who are being grave. it's incredibly courageous we
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must remember we cannot be in the land of the free as monica did want us to express thanks to donald trump was very diligent in the way that these people were appointed and we have people who are courageous who stood firm for the principles of life. also mitch mcconnell given garland off the court my god that would've been a disaster for court justice pick certain criticized mcconnell on a lot of things but he was fantastic on the court. really, really important. thank you. now it's head back to the court where own kevin standing by kevin what can you tell us? she go very interesting night to be out here at the court it's very different vibes and we saw earlier today everything was nice and calm and i can report tonight it still remains calm although the crowds are a little bit different and happens once the sun goes down we covered protest matches here in the
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court but all over the country and that's usually the case. i can also tell you that despite the fact that we've had a points over a thousand people here is been a relatively cool, calm evening both chancing and holding up signs and some people praying early you saw many pro-life demonstrators here but for the most part here tonight it is been pro-abortion protesters here tonight i can only tell us why cannot her to the court as a magnitude to being out here when is a big case and certainly feel that here tonight but again so far peaceful so for spirited and will keep an eye on things. >> laura: kevin think you were getting continue to monitor events across the country tonight for first take on media reaction supreme court ruling in wahlberg go to fox news contributor raymond arroyo
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tonight this is an issue you've covered for so many years on television written about. the media they have been in complete meltdown mode from the moment roe v. wade was hurt overturn this morning as been nonstop all day. >> we just have breaking news into cnn. >> the conservative majority has completely transformed for the worst the lives of all american women. >> this is a court out of judges but our politicians and robes. >> i think there is no more black robes i think the red and blue. originalists are winning. >> watch the women there it's emotional. we've all different group of republican justices compared to back in the 90s, 70s and 80s. >> i don't recall this kind of
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analysis claiming that judges were politicians, partisans when obamacare was affirmed for the gay marriage decision was handed down americans accepted it, but would you make it i comment that these republican justices are different from those that went before. i mentioned it in your take on that one. >> laura: you know whether different same reason why they love john mccain and mitt romney. okay? because they trash conservative principles for mental issues. so as long as you're not acting in the constitutional conservative when it comes the court they are gonna love you your mainstream, your compassionate but if you actually just follow the constitution which most the people don't much like in your horrible awful racist person. >> donald trump nominated three of the supreme court justices in the majority today as you previewed in the angle he might
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not of had the opportunity to write this opinion or if not for the fact that a certain commentator and laura ingraham took on supreme court nominee harriet myers challenged her record and president bush back in 2005 a member this? >> the burden really is on him to show us why harriet meyer is a judicial conservative. given what he said in 1993 against abortion the rule of the courts how could she score those comments in which he said in 1989 in a questionnaire which is pro-life commitment to the constitution? >> as you know president donald bush rescinded her nomination nominated sam alito. which would enough happen had not been for your activism. judicial philosophy. that was her gripe with her. >> laura: wouldn't know what she thought it would do no
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justice was in a do and he ended up going with the liberals you can have that if the javid judicial philosophy she had none. >> nancy pelosi was not having a good day today. >> there's no point in saying good morning because it certainly is not one. >> she continued her cheery mood by reading a poem from an israeli poet for speaker with familiarity it did seem on brand. >> i will not be silenced for my country has changed her face. this country has changed her face. i will not give up on her front mental health decisions are her own jamaican consultations. her faith, her family. not some right wing politician that donald trump and mitch mcconnell passed the court with. >> with the speaker fails to tell everyone that women still have that option to the state
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legislatures abortion will either be available are not available in the states. it's allowing the people to regulate it but look here's the good news laura say we did find common ground roe v. wade was aborted and nancy pelosi finally found an abortion that she objected to. that might be progress. >> laura: oh, my gosh. nancy pelosi's plan raymond to get up there and read and like sour faced about it i think that helps democrats one bit. they think they can it's big bump out of this and think the american people are gonna want to put up with a lousy part economy and six tele- gas prices and hypocrisy that just can't govern so they can more abortions. i'll see people going to the polls for that. >> you can see on the cross tonight we see the footage the crowd's lackluster shuffle is no energy in the protest happening across no real
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the pro-life movement had been in spades for 50 years. >> the antifa crowd the mask or even beginning us about their face. aren't you tired of those costumes? keep in the circus it's a little bit ridiculous ram and think great to see you. cnn's upon the most foolish, as we overheard was a personal stake in this abortion debate she is here next. ♪ ♪ we've been married 53 years. we love to walk on the beach. i have two daughters and then two granddaughters. i noticed that memories were not there like they were when i was much younger. since taking prevagen, my memory has gotten better and it's like the puzzle pieces have all been
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♪ ♪ >> i have a brother, i was to have granddaughter who is born with down syndrome and iva another step grandson was very autistic their mothers and people who are in that society as a community went to you they considered suicide because that's how difficult it is to get help. this is a wrong decision because i am american. >> laura: how disgusting using her own family members as what?
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those who shouldn't been born and weren't. this is personal and not merely political to so many people including our next gas on congressman kat she was recommended to have an abortion she denied and now her daughter is not only the youngest republican congress of the kosher of the pro-life caucus congresswoman is great to see you here tonight i'm sure that you can appreciate a day like this better than most to talk about that. >> absolutely this is been an incredible day when that we've talked about for so long as it is so many people that pro-life movement is so important to me not only for my first personal story and that of my family, but the pro-life movement in the pro-life generation that i represent where here today and we believe in this movement's a large part because of science the law has finally caught up to
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the science and it was a momentous day in incredible victory for the sanctity of life but also sanctity of our constitution that has so many people at so many advocates across country sleeping soundly knowing that their years of hard work and prayer and every effort that they have given to this cause will be continued this save lives provide a better voice louder voice for americans all across this country and communities as this issue returns back to the states. >> laura: we think of your fellow congresswoman? >> there is a war out there and we need to recognize. >> that's right this is not a drill is a dangerous presence undermine other fun mental human rights is no low that these people won't go. >> laura: this is war time to
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armor up what? what is that? >> it was a pretty wild experience being on capitol hill day laura is walking past camera crews so my colleagues were doing interviews saying comments like that saying ridiculous statements like we've heard ms. navarro saying needing more abortions so that families can abort potential special needs child which an incredibly beyond the veil and discussing the unbelief effort other comments like this is restricting health care to women is not sure we all know that abortion is not health care i look back on the story for my own life how my mom was told that she would never be able to have kids again for sure did know she would survive so years later she finds herself in a very precarious situation and she chooses life she makes the brave decision against all laws over the advice of doctors so
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they fit the situation and these awful horrific comments my colleagues are saying no that's not health care. we are a country that is based on life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and a start with with life. today has been an incredible day. i could be more proud of the efforts of the pro-life community. >> laura: so great to see you tonight we really, really appreciate it. and up next six years ago donald trump made a prediction we are to share with you in the last bite up next. ♪ ♪ because i trust their quality. they were the first to be verified by usp... independent organization that sets strict quality and purity standards. nature made. the number one pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand.
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>> if we put another 2-3 justices that's where it's gonna be able to happen and that will happen automatically in my opinion because i am putting pro-life justices on the court.
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i will say this it will go back to the states and the states within make a determination. >> laura: just another thing that donald trump predicted correctly a final thank you to present donald trump for everything that he did to make this night possible. remember the constitution matters and words matter, democracy works of the people get to decide remember that it's america now and forever it is now "gutfled!." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> greg: crazy, crazy, happy friday everyone. what a week if you're a fan of liberal meltdowns will kids this is your super bowl wrapped in a world series with the stanley cup chaser. [laughs] it's all sports stuff. first the supreme court strikes down new york state's


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