tv The Five FOX News June 27, 2022 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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the institution simply because you disagree with the supreme court conclusion. >> ladies, strong opinions on this, but we've run out of time. want to bring you back as soon as possible. obviously this is on the nation's mind right now. thank you both very much. that will do it for me. neil will be back tomorrow. catch him on the fox business network at 2:00 p.m., making money. we're trying hard to do that. here's "the five." >> hello, everybody. i'm jesse watters. 5:00 in new york city. this is "the five." >> the radical left rampaging across the country over roe v. wade, while democrats attack the supreme court's legitimacy. the fbi is investigating after a pro-abortion extremist tornado a pro-life colorado pregnancy center, leaving behind graffiti
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that says "if abortions aren't safe, you aren't either." and a man attacks a cop with a makeshift flame thrower during a protest there. and in phoenix, arizona lawmakers say they were held hostage by an angry crowd outside the state capitol. police eventually had to use tear gas to clear them out. democrats in congress echoing the fury pushing for drastic measures against the supreme court. >> do you think lying at a confirmation hearing is an impeachable offense? >> i believe so. i believe lying under oath is an impeachable offense. >> this court has lost legitimacy. we need to get confidence back in our court. that means we need more justices on the united states supreme court. >> while democrats pushed the white house to act, the best they're going to get is the kamala photo opp, getting
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mocked for this photo she posted of herself just watching the ruling. you've had a weekend to take it in. what do you think about it on a monday? >> i want to add one other thing to the violence over the weekend. so in vermont, there was actually attacks on the state capitol, vandalism, graffiti. in the state of vermont, there's a codified right in the state stags for a woman to choose, to have the right to have an abortion. i don't know why they're attacking the state capitol in vermont. that doesn't make sense. not only did we think about it, but it's hard to tell how it's going to play out in the long run. emotions running high, especially on the left. i'm surprised that the pro-choice forces seem unclear as to what they're going to do next. they had ample warning.
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the draft opinion had been out there for about 55 days. there are state legislatures that are going to be taking up this issue. there are lawsuits already happening. also as people start to realize that, oh, as these decisions go back to the states, if you are in xyz state, nothing changes for you. now, is it possible that liberal women in new york are going to be really upset about the women losing the right to choose in a state like mississippi? it's possible. will that motivate them to vote? yes. but they vote in new york. i don't know practically how that turns out. this will help the democrats with suburban women and fundraising. this does not help republicans in the fundraising front. i did research into that today. inflation is starting to take a bite out of the small dollar fundraising on both sides, but really on the right. but this issue for democrats, they'll raise a ton of from celebrities. in march of 20 21, texas passed
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their abortion law. remember, there was all this conundrum, a huge fuss. national polling on abortion didn't change at all. again, i'm open-minded in looking at it. one of the reasons ruth bader ginsburg was frustrated with the roe v. wade decision, vermont said women's rights to abortion is there. all that activity in the state stopped when they came up with the idea that there was this right to privacy in the constitution. now that's over. hopefully the fights will be more peaceful. >> greg? >> maybe it's me after three years of lawlessness and just seeing group every day that i thought this was much less than a night of rage.
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that could be on my own subjective opinion comparing -- i could be definitely wrong, because i'm not there. i guess the visual spectacle of this was not what i think the media wished it could be. i think that the reason why they were so playing down the stuff going on in front of the supreme court justices' homes is hoping that intimidation and the threat of a mob, of an angry vengeful mob would change things and it didn't. i think, too, it's interesting a lot of protests are in cities that aren't affected by it. what you're going to see is this. there's a lot of ignorance going around. a lot of people don't know what this means. i love hearing famous liberals renouncing their citizenship. good luck finding a country that has abortion on demand like the united states. if you look at any map of europe, you'll find out that most countries in western europe and elsewhere are, like, pretty, pretty much more strict.
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then there's this complaint about, you know, republicans want you to be born but don't want to care about you when you're born. this is what the lady from "the view" said. the evidence right now is totally in reverse. who's outspoken on crime, right? who's outspoken on black-on-black crime? who's outspoken on the price of gas and the price of baby formula, the economy? who's talking about school choice? who's worried about kids being trapped in terrible schools, the lockdown economy. it wasn't democrats or teachers unions. it was the republicans. so if you want to talk about responsibility of people who are born, republicans have been there all along, you just didn't like the grim truth of what you were protecting. >> when you heard some of the politicians out there on the shows talking about packing the court, impeaching the justices, are do you think that's going anywhere? >> no. well, first of all, there is
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this -- this miscalculation. people don't understand that what happened with the dobbs decision was that the court said that there is no constitutional right to an abortion. they never said abortions are illegal. they never said that they are unconstitutional. they just said you don't have a constitutional right to them. so all you folks that talk about, you know, all of this stuff is tearing down democracy and we've got to protect democracy, well, why don't you learn a little about democracy, get together, and now fight for it in the state legislatures where you will make a difference as to whether or not abortions will be legal or not. that is the essence of democracy. the idea of saying that these justices lied -- i think one of the complaints had to do with a personal discussion in one of the senators' offices.
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first of all, this is a thing that all liberal justices have said, under article iii of the constitution, they are to decide cases and controversies. when you appear before a senate committee, you're not deciding a case or controversy. you are saying, i will decide this case based upon the facts and law as present to me. i will not prejudge any situation, because then you're going to vote for me. i did the same thing as a judge. people said, how do you feel about this crime or this -- well, no. i will do my job as best i can to substantiate those crimes and those laws that have to be protected as a judge. now, none of these justices said that precedent could not be overturned. none of them said that. there was no lie. the essence of where we are now is that they're just bad -- they don't like the result, so they want to change the rules of the game. they want to pack the court,
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which is ridiculous, because then the court is nothing but a legislative branch that reflects the mob. the left, they're fighting, have hissy fits. every time they don't like something, they hit the streets and become violent. the summer of 2020. they're losing credibility as opposed to the supreme court losing legitimacy. >> take it on home. >> the violence, i never understood why people engage in violence. it goes on both sides. people blew up abortion clinics, places over the years, where abortions were performed. now people are out doing this. i don't know how you're going to make a difference engaging in violence. i think peaceful protesting is fine, but the violence is inexcusable and they should be prosecuted. when it comes to the polling, one of the things that disturbs me in all of this, right after this decision, scotus's approval rating dropped to 25%.
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that's a low number even for president biden. that's a low number. for congress, that's a low number. you have election every two years for -- you talked about so many judges in this country are elected. when they say they're going to do certain things, they don't do them, voters are able to unelect them. i don't think we should pack the court, but the majority of the country agrees with you as well, it will be interesting to see where that goes. in addition, i think the larger question for me, when we look at 15-20 weeks for a woman to be able to get an abortion, i think there's a wide acceptance of that. i think when president clinton said rare, legal and safe, unfortunately that middle of the road position on this issue is largely unrepresented in politics. you have those who don't want it at all and those who want it on demand. i think the question that we will get back to from an
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electoral standpoint will be that. now, what alarms democrats, i think, and alarms me, more so than the -- the decision was alarming, but as you give this all back to the states is what justice thomas said in his concurring opinion about privacy and the expectation of it, and the fact that the constitution does not specifically enumerate certain things, contraceptions, even your digital identity. you launch an effort to a, look, maybe an amendment to the constitution that enumerates privacy, and we enumerate privacy for families and women. let that debate happen. i have thoughts on that. i'm sure we all do. democrats need to do what they did different years when they wanted to overturn roe. lay out out a plan for the long term. in the short term, the violence doesn't work. lay out the concern for not just for women, but for men.
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men supported the federal society, much like women support this decision. i hope we don't engage in any more violence. i remind everybody, justice roberts made this a 5-4 decision to overturn roe. 6-3 decision on the mississippi law, which is where i wish the court stayed. >> i'm impressed with each and every one of you. very well done. coming up, another major sign that a red wave, quote, unquote, is coming. voters are leaving democrats in droves.
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♪♪ ♪♪ >> democrats beware. more signs of big red wave is about to sweep them out of office. the associated press setting off alarm bells with a new report that finds over 1 million voters switched to the republican party last year. the change is happening across the country, and especially in the suburbs where swing voters are backing the gop. it's really no wonder with how badly president biden is screwing things up. 19% of americans say things are going well. okay, jesse, we've got so many people who are moving toward the
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republican party is the discussion that we had in the last segment, roe v. wade, is that going to level things off a little bit? >> i think it could chip away at the wave, but the wave is going to be strong because it's a kitchen table scenario. in the suburbs, there's a big backlash against the school districts for smothering the children with masks and crt and transgender. then you have gas prices. you can't zip away in a subway in the suburbs. everywhere you go you have to fill up your tank. everywhere you turn, $4 .99 a gallon. you order a shies of pizza, some chinese food in the city. in the burbs, you're going to the grocery store, and dropping $300 a week. if you're a teenager, a gallon of milk a day. in the city, you see a dwyane
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reed. in the burbs, no formula, you got to get out. people love to gossip in the burbs. they go to bush, obama, trump, back to biden. it's word of mouth. the women talk about the school situation. the fathers go to the little league situation. they start gossipping, they get together as couples, go out to dinner on saturday night. after what you talk about, netflix, what the kids are up to, you talk about how inconvenient and expensive life under joe biden is. it's socially toxic, to be a biden voter in the suburbs now. you don't want to identify as a biden person out there. >> is that what you wrote down when you borrowed my pen? >> i underlined a few things. >> you know what, this issue with roe v. wade, how they're trying to gin up, greg, does
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that change things? i'm asking the same question i asked jesse. >> it's interesting. i mentioned how democrats will only act if there's a political imperative. that's why crime went rampant. the republicans are taking a big risk. you said it could help the republicans. i don't know. sometimes, though, and i've said this many times, the best way to win is to let your adversary lose. minus a republican counterweight in all these cities, the democrats have found new and incredible ways to lose. the overreach and abuse. there was another lawsuit in new york that was won by the republicans that stopped noncitizens have voting. of the i mean, you want overreach. that's overreach. the thing is, i don't want just a red wave. i would like a brain wave. you know, not just republicans, but a return to some centrist
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modern democrats to bring their party back to sanity. the best country has two parties working together like a mom and dad, with checks on each other. the problem is the mom got involved in a crazy woke cult, and she doesn't know where she is. she's joined, like, a crazier version of the manson family. we've got to get them back in. we've got to get them back in and then have a really healthy back-and-forth. the democrats have destroyed their own party. >> did the democrats actually leave the democratic party because they were disgusted given the 1 million addition to the republicans or want something that the republicans were offering? is it hate for their side or do they like something better on the republican side? >> i don't know. i've not looked at it. over 43 states is the case. i didn't get a chance to dig into it like i wanted. you find cycles, to jesse's point, you'll find voters going from one to the other, and it generally bodes well for that
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party. this poll was taken, to your point, judge, the outset prior to the decision on both guns and choice before the court. that was the premise of your question. i think the biggest driver of it, though, just looking at what i was able to see, what jesse says from the outset, the curricula around sexual orientation, how that's being proposed to be taught, that's turned a lot of families, particularly in the suburbs, off the democratic party. democrats, as we did with crime and border, want inflation to come down, we've got to get right on those issues as well with parents. >> dana, wrap it up. >> a million party switchers for the republicans. that's really good, right? there were 630,000 that went to the democrats, from republican to democrat. so to me, if you do the math -- >> 370. >> i would think it would be bigger, maybe it will be. we should check in a couple of months to see.
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both parties need to put effort into voter recruitment. look at contrast in the movement. the republicans just elect the first mexican-born in history. that party is getting more diverse. the democrats are looking if hillary clinton's numbers still work to take on biden and not have him run again in 2024. that was the story last week. donald trump, his name is not on the ballot in 2022. maybe it will be in 2024. it's not in 2022. the democrats are offering the working class and independent voters no reason to go with them. dig into that story a little bit and just read some of the quotes from people who made the switch from democrat to republican. one of the thing was the covid lockdown, the vaccine mandate, and the obsession with race in all things. that was what one of the guys from colorado who was quoted as saying he was a reluctant party switcher, but if you're a republican, figure out a way to hold on to these people and you
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>> tech: need to get your windshield fixed? safelite makes it easy. >> tech vo: you can schedule in just a few clicks. and we'll come to you with a replacement you can trust. >> man: looks great. >> tech: that's service on your time. schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ >> los angeles seeing a rise in violent crime over the past year, but the district attorney claims he's making things safer. >> do you feel like l.a. county is a safer place because of what you've done? >> yeah. you know, in some areas it is. look, i think it's important to start by saying, you know, i was a police officer for many years before i was a district attorney. i know how to keep communities
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safe. >> more heartbreaking tragedy in chicago. a baby girl was among six others shot and killed. then there's this cover of the "new york post" showing a serial shoplifter arrested a hundred times, that lawlessness surprising mayor eric adams who admits to being shocked by, quote, how bad this place is. greg, you've been outspoken around mental health, around crime, and even the intentions of mayor adams. how do you interpret what he's saying, how do you put it into a larger crime context? >> it's scary when the mayor says he's shocked of the state of the city that he's the mayor of. if only he had a direct line to the mayor, you could call the mayor and say, look, you've got to clean this stuff up, mayor, but then he'd have to call himself and that would be embarrassing. it's no wonder that people like me and others aren't that outraged by this concealed carry permit ruling, because, you know, when you see kind of like
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an absence of leadership in this world that's been overtaken by crime, it's like at least the permit creates a level of uncertainty among the criminals that isn't there on the subways or anywhere else, because there isn't a police presence. at least, you know, maybe a thug might take a second look at you if you pretend that you're packing, but i decided i wanted to do something to help america. you know what that is? >> what? >> just to hang out and be me. >> ha-ha-ha. >> also, i want to track every murderer in new york city that is committed by a permit holder. i'm going to start next month and give it's time. right? i'm going to track every -- i'm going to see if this causes a bump in actual murders. then i'll have egg on my face. my theory on this is that there won't be an increase. there will actually be none, and then there will be a decrease in crime from non-permit holders because of the fear. that would be between 2023 and 2024. >> next month? >> i'm going to start next
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month. we'll follow it for six months. this is how you're supposed to do stuff, test things out, take measurements, and see how things work. this is a great example of findingthings work. new york city, congested. permits, will this affect crime for the better or worse? >> look, we're going to track the effectiveness of those that make the argument it will make the city safer. judge, you had your hand up. >> i want to speak. >> please. >> okay. it's called "the five." >> in my -- in administration, in 32 years, i came across -- a county of a million people, about 40,000 cases a year that we handled. right? >> uh-huh. >> all the homicides involved illegal weapons, and the only guy who used a legal weapon was a guy who shot his wife and his daughter, and then i think he shot himself. okay?
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but that was very different. these are people with illegal guns, who want to commit crimes. there's your study. thank you very much. >> i still think we should do the study. >> i do too. >> i'll get grant money. >> i know how to do that. >> dana? >> i think it's important that we, especially at a show like this, where we have viewers from all over the country, remind people that crime is not just happening in chicago and new york and l.a. it is happening all across america, including in rural communities. this morning, kristina knowland, the republican senate candidate -- there's going to be the primary, but pretty much she's going to be the candidate in november, running in that open seat -- she just got endorsed by the police union in vermont. the police union never endorses in vermont. this year it's different. so you can focus on crisis in washington, d.c. and new york, but if you don't have public safety taken care of in all the places you will see major demand for change. the fact that the vermont police
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decided to endorse in this race already is a big deal. >> the san francisco da was recalled, gascon is up. philadelphia has been talked about p. how do you think about that as you think about your reaction to these stories? >> some of the governors have the power to yank das. i'd like to see that happen. you can't spin a crime football. like a losing football coach, hasn't won a game all season, and bragging about how good the punter is doing. well, yeah, because you can't get a first down. that's all you do is punt. all-pro punter. greg, i'll explain it in the break. every single issue the democrats keep trying to spin, they say it's not happening, it's not my fault, and everything is great. crime wave. they say, oh, you should have seen the '90s. much worse than the '90s. inflation? no. it's a historic biden boom. or we're not teaching crt in
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schools. even if we are, it's none of your business, you racist. you can't do that. you can't people you're not paying more for stuff and you're not getting shot. you have to fix the problem. for democrats to fix the problem, they have to admit that they created the problem, and they can't admit they created the problem. it's like a spouse who never admits they're wrong. once in a while the spouse has to admit they're wrong or they lose all credibility. once in a while, i'll just say i'm wrong, i'm sorry. >> even though you weren't. >> even though i'm not. >> that makes you the great husband that you are. >> yeah, i'm a great husband. >> jesse, you are so wonderful. >> all-pro punters, getting a lot of attempts, no first downs, and year team stinks. >> thank you, harold. >> coming up, while americans get rock go ahead by record prices for gas, president bush -- excuse me -- president biden is renewing his push for green energy.
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hi. we're zerowater. and we believe everyone deserves boost® high protein also has key nutrients the purest tasting water. that's why we strive for zero. you see, to some it means nothing. but to us, it means everything. here, take a look. this meter showing triple zeros means our five-stage filter did its job, and that virtually all dissolved solids or tds have been removed. and all that's left is the purest tasting water. let's compare. a two-stage brita filter stops here. but our five-stage filter doesn't quit. zerowater. we strive for zero.
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♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. ♪ harp plays ♪ only two things are forever: love and liberty mutual customizing your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. (emu squawks) if anyone objects to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace. (emu squawks) (the crowd gasps) no, kevin, no! not today.
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only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> as americans grapple with gas prices near record highs, today the national average, about $4.90 a gallon, up 30 cents from last month. president biden is at the g-7, pushing green energy and blaming putin, hashtag. >> the entire world is feeling the impact of russia's brutal war in ukraine and on our energy markets. we need worldwide effort to invest in transformative clean energy projects, to ensure the critical infrastructure is resilient to changing climate, critical materials are necessary for our clean energy transition. >> jesse, standing behind him is the new leader from germany, who last week had to reopen old
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coal-fired power plants in order to power their country. green energy, it's a great goal in the future. it's not what is needed right now. they can't -- they just can't quit. >> no. europe is not going green. they're going black as in black coal. germany, the economic engine of the continent, is going into coal. they can't do solar, because you need consistent hot sun all year around. they don't have it there. they can't do windmills, because germany is a lot of plateaus and forests. there's no place to put the windmills. france, the other big powerhouse, they're 80% nuclear. they're not going to budge. the countries will go to coal, going to their former african colonies, the middle east, or united states, and get oil and gas supplies from there. >> harold, why can't they admit we need to drill more? >> i wrote about this on friday. >> and it was in the "wall street journal," everybody. >> that being his journal. >> it came from my journal.
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there's nuclear, drilling, and fracking, and we should do it all. we can't get there fast enough on an economy powered by batteries, solar, and cleaner products like plastics and everything. what everyone has to understand, particularly those in my party, we're not there yet. to say to middle-class families, lower middle-class, any family, you have to shoulder $5 to $8 a gallon gasoline because we're unwilling to realize the transition should involve products we have in abundance in the country. just saying you want to use and tap into the abundance of energy products that may not be as clean as those are that happen to come from america doesn't mean you want a clean green energy economy. you're saying i don't want to pay inexplicable and prohibitively high prices for heat, air conditioning, gas in my car. when you're trying to fly on a
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plane. people have to get serious about this. and reset how we're going to get to where we want to be years from now. >> at this point, judge, with all that we've seen with the gas prices, and with putin's war in ukraine, add that to all of this, but the biden administration is stuck on the same idea over and over again, then going overseas suggesting green is the future. >> what's amazing about this, it always -- it hits me the same way every time. so you have joe biden, he's talking about inflation, or he's talking about the price of gas, and then the next sentence is everybody you've got to get yourself an electric car. it's like the segueway is wrong. it doesn't -- there's not a smooth transition there. you know, people are in pain. people are hungry. it's getting worse. and all the democrats can think of is how much money do we have to spend. let's throw trillions at covid and the schools. now they're talking about $200 billion for global
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infrastructure push so that we can have all this green energy. it just doesn't work. i mean, throw that money at the american people. give it to the american people. give it to the veterans. give it to the senior citizens. give it to the people who work hard, who don't take vacations. i mean, it's upsetting to me. i kind of look at this from more of a macro than a micro analysis. that is people are hurting in this country. he's talking about x when we're hurting about y. he doesn't have anything that he can help us with with y. he just wants to talk about x. when if he took the money he could alleviate a lot of the pain that americans are. >> no one told me there would be algebra. >> what about z? >> z is irrelevant. >> oh. you've got to be realistic about all this stuff about batteries. to get the precious metals, you got to use machines, powered by coal, natural gas.
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you need old energy to find new energy. sooner or later you come to the conclusion that the more old energy you use to find new energy will deplete the old energy. you get in this weird thing. i'm not an expert on fracking, but i have a feeling -- fracking, can't get much more below than fracking, right? is that pretty much it? is there anything underneath that? >> no. just a hole that goes to china. >> there you go. he had his time enjoying the abundance of fuel, the luxury of oil. now he gets to close the bar, right? he's been drinking all-day off these precious fossil fuels. now he's telling everybody else, sign says closed, you got to go. then he stays in there and use -- what drives me crazy, he has no solution, but he doesn't care, because the no solution is actually a solution for green activists. that's why he's not pushing it. sooner or later, they'll have to embrace nuclear, because it's
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clean, efficient, a lot safer than they've ever realized. >> even the eco crazies believe in nuclear now. >> that's the only way forward. >> it is the cleanest. >> i'm using it right now. >> judge had a summer pool party. we'll tell you about it next. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪
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of diet products before. i've tried detox, i've tried teas, i've tried all different types of pills, so i was skeptical about anything working because it never did. but look what golo has done. look what it has done. i'm in a size 4 pair of pants. go golo. (soft music) when that car hit my motorcycle, insurance wasn't fair. so i called the barnes firm, it was the best call i could've made. call the barnes firm now, and find out what your case could be worth. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million
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and i d d so my y quesonons coueouout hicacase.y y son, ♪ call one eight hundred, cacalledhehe bars s filion and i d d soit was the best call coueouout hii could've made. call the barnes firm aand find out what your case all ccould be worth.uld've made. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ >> time for "the fastest." the judge throwing a huge pool party for "the five." unfortunately jesse forgot his speedo, although he didn't go into the water. percy was there. look at him. the little fellow wouldn't stop feasting on my face. i had an in-depth conversation with baby cleo on the dangers of ai. most importantly, everybody got
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to plug their book. yeah, you know, judge, you have nine -- >> where are the rest of the pictures? that's it. >> that's all they put in there. they can start throwing pictures up. >> there you go. >> that was right before we did something disgusting. >> oh, stop it. >> speaking of disgusting, you have nine bathrooms. >> do you have to say that? >> i counted each one of them. i left something in one of the nine. >> there's jesse. >> food was delicious. thank you very much. you cooked it mostly yourself. >> i did it all myself. >> you should have catered it. >> i don't like catered food. >> well, it was very, very good. thank you very much for having it. some of us didn't make it. >> what happened, harold? >> see the american flag. i took that picture actually. >> wanted to stand on the stairs, because we're so short. >> i look almost normal. >> you can't see greg's crocs.
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>> you had on red crocs. >> i was wearing red minnie mouse crocs. >> why? >> why not? >> good answer. >> that's jenna. >> she's the most valuable plus one that johnny brings. >> look at johnny's eyebrows. >> they're perfect. >> johnny's hair looks different. >> nice you let us bring our kids, dogs. >> kids, dogs. >> that's one helluva couch. >> you like that? reminds me of florida, which i'll never get to. >> other plans, next year at your house? >> oh, yeah. i'll come, but then i won't be able to make it. >> if you thought breaking your parents' lamp as a kid, ben affleck let his kid get behind a lamborghini at a running backsry recently place, hit reverse, and made contact with a brand-new
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bmw behind them. >> he pays, period. >> you're a lawyer, harold. >> glad nobody was hurt. my dad let me get behind the wheel at 12 or 13. i'm glad nobody was hurt. i'm sure they could pay. >> wish they had him arrested on the spot, jesse, and put him away. >> i don't let the 29 look at my lambo. they don't know i have one. >> where do you keep it? >> in the garage off site. >> you have nine garages, don't you? >> at the dealership? >> yeah. i have the dealership hold it for me. >> dana, you have a driver's license, right? i can't remember sometimes. >> it works really well with the big wheel. >> ever back the big wheel into the malibu bobby house. >> this is never featured in "people" magazine. they're clearly not like us at all. >> let's move on.
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♪ >> jesse: time now for one more thing. we have a feeding frenzy. barbecue season, everybody. so, my favorite hot dog of all time is a sueman's hot dog. i had it for the first time last summer. we have some you thisman's hog hot dogs. pork, beef, chicken. jalapeño, cheddar. hot dogs. >> greg: i have to tape my show and i don't want to throw up.
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eating while doing my show. >> jesse: thumann's hot dogs. we have a smoking gun voice mail left by joe biden to his son hunt. watch at 7:00. dana? >> dana: bob and jackie run thumann's it's a family-owned business. unbelievable. don't give them your dog give the other ones not cheddar jalapeño. everyone watching the games this weekend this little girl stole the show. she was trying to flip this bottle and she did it 100 times. all the fans cheered for her, which is quite an electric moment for that little girl. >> jesse: nice flip. your turn. >> greg: i don't understand what just happened. tonight got a great show got martha mccallum, giuliani, kat timpf. that should be fun. now let's do this greg's what the heck is that. take a look at it and tell me what it is.
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it was just born chicago brookfield zoo. >> jesse: aardvark? >> greg: no, it's called an akid that. aka pulling pulings. also called a spiny ant eater. >> dana: come on i said ant eater. >> greg: you didn't say spiny. >> jesse: isn't an aardvark the same thing as an ant eater? >> judge jeanine: that hot dog is delicious and pretty much all gone. there is, in case you didn't know it an ugliest dog contest. they crowned a winner last week. meet mr. happy face. 17-year-old chihuahua mix from arizona. he lived in abusive home for years. new owner said is he sweet and happy. he beat out several he hundred other pickups. contest started 50 years ago to celebrate the imperfections and make dogs all special and
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unique. >> saint jude's children's research hospital celebrated its 60 year anniversary in february. but the anniversary was just last week in memphis on friday. con guardian ad litem graduate labor relations. danny thomas said no child should die in the dawn of life. survive childhood cancer 57 to 80%. thank you. >> jesse: that's it for us. go lebanon. "special report" is up next with bret. >> bret: jesse, thank you. good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. breaking tonight, a passenger train traveling from los angeles to chicago derailed today in missouri. fox news digital is reporting there are fatalities. we are just getting word right now about a press conference that may be coming up soon, which we will bring you to live there are melt pull injuries. we are getting details this afternoon. this took place? a derailment hitting a dump truck, an amtrak train.
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