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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  June 27, 2022 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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important ally of the united r states in the western hemisphere. brazil is a big deal and yet the administration seems determined ms to hand brazil over to the sphere of influence ofof the chinese communist party . why is that exactly? we hope to find out. for a also be sitting down for a rare interview with the president of brazil. terrible scenario. soon we'll bring s to him. we do.h but first i would like to begin with the loud and at times violent response to the end of roe v. wade that came down to the supreme court on friday.. as you know, if beenvee following this , you may have noticed a profound change in the way the democratic party talks about the issue of abortion gone is the embassy or the room for compromise. so from the very beginning ofe this debate 50 years ago, even the staunchest pro-life acknowledge the anguish of young womensh who are pregnant and don't want to be alone and feel
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trapped by the childha growing inside them.t and that is the reasonas that pro-lifeon that pr institud the crisis pregnancy centers and tocy be fair, for generatios even the most committed pro-choice orrs acknowledge the inherent sadness ofne abortion, which at the very very least the end of a potential life quote i do not view abortion as a choice.s joe biden as recently as 2006, i think it's always a tragedy t and of course it always is a tragedy even if you believe it should be legal. and democrats once said this out loud, forthrightly, in fact, ninety 1997 as white house counsel now supreme court justice elena kagan urged her boss bill clinton to sign a ban on partial abortions. elena kagan has always been pro-choice, but ending the lifem of a child a week before birth was too much even for her . and of course, for his part, bill clinton never spoke about abortion as anything but as a last resort. he famously described itibed as something that should be quote safe, legal and rare
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vision should be of>> an america where abortion is safe and legal but rare. you don't hear that on the left anymore, ever. in fact, many on the left now behave as if abortion is itself a positive good excited by theld fact that a child who wouldt have been born wasn't. think about that for a moment celebrating the failure of a child to come into the world.l abou what does it say about how you feel about children or about people? in fact,te behave as i some behf having an abortion is preferable to having children. now do we know this ? well, no one on the left encourages women to brag about having kids having more than a couple of children that most in fact is considered weirdg. and embarrassing, something that mormons and people who live in the ghetto do. a but abortion, that's something you tell your friends about. there's even a shout your abortion campaign highlyth well funded, complete p with purkey t-shirts bragging about ending your pregnancy.
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what does that say?y? nothing good. over the weekend you saw a lotin of people proudly shouting about their abortions and pro-choice riots all over the country. here's what washington cou, d.c. and los angeles look like. brightcove . what is that the hysteria is telling. it's not the assault on bodily autonomy of the end of roe versus wade. those are the same people who defended vaccine mandate. n but this happened all over the country. in arizona, thousands of
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enraged rioters wri tried to storm the state capitol on friday night. they tore down security fencing around the building. they pounded on the senate's glass doorsound and windows whin the legislature was in session. police hadad to fire tear gas in the windows to protect the politicians inside the state capital of arizona looked like on friday at looks like insurrection to us but no arrests were made at the arizona state capitol on friday when that footage was shot. bi will no fbi investigation. january 6who called the racist insurrection said nothing this weekend aboutis a violent siege of the statele
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capital of arizona. did you expect them to? of course not.ed in fact, instead they justified it. let's be clear.e we have so many problems with the supreme court and the legitimacy this court has lost legitimacy . they have burnedhe whatever legitimacy they may stillll have had. >> this is a crisis of legitimacy and that threatens the court's long term o legitimacy. the court is about to face one of the largest threats perceived legitimacy ever in its history. >> the supreme court has w lost legitimacy with the american people. the crisis of the very legitimacy of the united states supreme court fills me with sorrow. what do you got to give them credit for all being t on the same page as usual, we look to get the conference code to the morning calll where they set that up. but because the court did something i don't like, they're not telling us the third branch of government is quote illegitimate. supremee court is illegitimate because it's allowing voters to
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decide what they want to do with abortion. some would call t that democracy a system in which citizens choose their own form of government. they're telling us it's illegitimate. on sunday, the unelected governor of new york , kathy hochul, explained that without nine member supreme court dictating the law for hundreds of millions of american women are fundamentalar oppressed because we're going to get a flood of people. i have declared this is our safe harbor. this is where t we have the statue of liberty welcoming people who are oppressed women who cannot receive fundamental right to control their body or receive an abortion. the they are oppressed . they're welcome here in the state of new york .e coul so wed could go on and on and play you absurd sound biteas after absurd sound bite. but what are we seeing here ? it's not simply an attack. an explicit attack on the legitimacy of the third branch of government. of course, it's not just an attack on the right of people to govern themselves.
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it's something bigger than that . what you're seeing is a coordinated attack on the family and on children. people at these protests are angry at the idea that children are being bornn. watch what's happening there. that is hardly an overstatement . here'sro a photograph on your screen from this weekend. was taken out by the supreme court. humiliatingother her children in public implyingt they have they are a burden to her because they are still living. weng saw things like this everywheree and pro abortion protests often in full view of children. this was a scene, for example, in dallas this weekend was distributed. so what is that exactly?
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what about the thought of having children makes these people so angry?tt where does an attitude like that come from? well, as it turns out,co that attitude comes from the same place the democratic party now gets all of its a attitudes directly from corporate america. corporate america wants you toch haveil this . this is a big change. big one hundred years ago, big foranies build housing the families of their employees and then schools and libraries to educate themls. itbu was the humane thing to do, but it also seems to make good business sense at the time. if you wanted workers you could count on you had to take care of them and their offspring. but over time that arrangement got expensive. employees with families demanded higher wages to support their childrenn and in many cases they formed unions to get those raises. sosobo labor costs soared. soco corporate america d in response toev this developed a new model hire single women and many big companies, including in the traditionally male banking sector. young women now make up for yo the majority of new employeesha
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and you can see why they do. they work hard, they're b reliable. they tend to be loyal to the companies they work for. the one downside to hiringan young women is g they can get pregnant if you'repr in the h.r. department at citibank, that is the last thing you want . children make your health care plan more expensive. worse than that , they tend to compete with an employee's attention responding to afterwork emails seems less pressing to most new moms than putting their own kids to beded that's a huge problem for big companies so they have every incentiveif to prevent their workers from having children they can't. say that out loud. of course it'd be too obvious. give us the best years of your life. in exchange we'll pay you what's effectively a subsistence wage and will never overpriced urban health scape we're based in and then the one thing it might give your existence meaning and joy in middle age which is having children. that's the deal we're offering. that is the deal they're t . feringng they can't say that it would sound like what it is, which is exploitation no better than what the cotton mills once did.
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the fourteen year old girls. so instead of saying that which is the truth, corporate americav uses the language of the socialm movement. it created feminism to spin the entire arrangement as some sort of progressive liberation movement, fight the patriarchy, with n abortion. it's got nothing tolowe dori with lowering our labor costs, e we promise.s but of course it does have everything to do with lowering their labor costs across the country. they areoue making that case abortion as liberation. of the biggest american companies are now paying female employees to have abortions to end their pregnancy. that would include microsoftft and applena, facebook, yelp, netflix, comcast, goldman sachs, citibank, jp morgan, nike, starbucks, etc. etc.. di dick's sporting goods is offering female employees up toe four thousand dollars if they get an abortion. does the company offer the same amount to female employees who want to have children? well, cll the interesting breitt wondered that they askedha dick's sporting goods that question.
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the company didn't even respond and that tells you the answer. i what'ss amazing is that in the face of this , so many americans who ought to know better have fallen for it hav. so some accounting that a soulless, publicly traded corporation concludesal the drones with no personal lives make cheaper workers. io that'sn what happened. but rather than question this or it your average college educated npr listener nozette vigourous both on agreement and then becomes completely hystericalt and someonehe suggested maybe there's another way to liver that at least theoretically possible that raising your own childrener might be more rewarding as a life choice than commuting into a slum on public transportation in order to claw your way up to middle management at deutscheug bank. but the very thought of that of turning down deutsche bank to bring new life into the world drives these people intoo a frenzy of re choosing a family over the global capitalism.
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that's disgusting. shut up, journalist hernandez ran intoen people like this over the weekend. here's how it went. but my wife will of i guess the pandemic's over . what's wrong? so you like killing you love doing both of killing through it and then shot the footage. you just saw. he's an investigative reporter and host of turning point usa f frontline. we're happy to have him joinn us now. so thanks so much for coming on . soetor the rhetoric even a yeari
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was my body my choice. it was a bodily autonomy question was a libertarian question. the guy in thebe judge t-shirt just told you he loves killing babies and the rest of them are saying the same thing. this seems like a bigig change. well, tucker , it's the absolute truth. this is a deathth cult, whether it's corporate america, whether it's politicians or these i so-calledia activists and protesters and the rioters. at the end of the day, this is a death cult. these people want to murder babies, a human being. and it's r interesting because they refused to call the babywe inside of the 'v a baby. right. butt you see in that clip i he openly says it's a baby.bu they always say it's a fetus. butt because he's telling the truth, that's a demonth speaking.ey these are evil people. they want to beer be able to mur babies wherever you see it across the united states. and i've beenro on the ground covering all of this for turning point usa about a week and a half ago in dc and immediately after the decision was announced, tucker , we saw the notices on the left to lose their minds and start crying and the pro-life individuals outsideside
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the supreme court erupted in cheers. but within minutes tucker congresswoman aoc spawned out of nowhere in front of the supreme court and started calling the supreme and callingtimatee for people to take toen the streets and saying that voting is not enough and withinou hours we saw all of this violent rioting across the united states vn and particularly in los angeles as well where a writer was literally found wri with a makeshift flamethrower that's fiery but mostly peaceful. bout that righttell you now. but this is all about murderingg babies at the end of the day, killing makes them feel like god weathertech to. he i appreciate you taking that footage for us . thank thank you. so the supreme court came this decision. the supreme court is of course not elected, can't really do anything about a supreme court decision. so democrats d new plan b, the two most widely disseminated ideas come fromde
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the two most unlikableal democrats in congress. they have joined forces on the issue was with warren and sandy cortez and they are suggesting that joe bidensu can issue an executive orderxe authorizing the constructioncu n abortion camps, federal clinics on federal lands once there are other places the president could act to dampen the ability of these companies to track women who travel out of state to an abortion clinic to provide funds for people who are traveling and to look heto the use of federal land. >> we have many ideas. we have some idea of coming from. senator warren signed a letter along with twentyit five other democratic senators asking president biden to exploresesid opening health care clinics in red states.s we'ren not going to help you raise your standard of living afford food or gasoline or housing. but we can help you not to have a family. abby johnson is a former planned parenthood director .
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she joins us tonight. much abby, thanks so much for coming on abortion camps on federal lands. did you ever think you'd hear you'ar? never. but hey, maybe elizabeth warren can get us a discount from her tribal ancestors or something. but listen, this would be extreme executive overreach if this actually happened. and iyo mean, you're exactlynd right. mon they don't want to spendey o any money on actually helping women who are pregnant. but hey, let'sle spend billions of dollars on , you know, building abortion clinics on what native american land or federal parks. i mean, it's absolutely ridiculous. let's just provide for womenhe who need resources for their babies right now when g they couldn't even get formula a few weeks ago. but yeah, let's justet build abortion clinics insteadon. what i don't understand is where's the meaning in american life? i mean, if if having children has no meaning, if it's not t the main source of joy in ae, person's life, then then what is i mean netflix like
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what are they offering up to replace the void of children? c? >> well, i mean they're really not offering anything right now. i mean, you know, tucker , when people are saying is when when people tell you t who they are, you should believe them. these are people who are currently you know, firebombing pregnancy centers. they are calling to kill babies. we need to believe these are pro-choice people. these are peopleho who want to kill babies. they are pro abortion. we need to believe them when they say that , you know, i never used to call people proa abortion. i always felt it was an honest o disagreement. ople i've always been pro-life, but i always respected people who disagreed. i didn't think d dthey they areo abortion, but they are and it's shocking to me. abbi, i appreciate your coming on tonight. thank you . oftonini course. thank you . majorit a majority justice of o the supreme court just voted to overturn roe v. wade. of course, that's why we're
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having this conversation. but weirdly, the democratic party is focusing on just one of them, the black, one . that would be clarence thomas, his lieutenant governor of california. this decision is delegitimizing the supreme court with clarence thomas. if he saudi arabians, the who'sa going to tell me what i can anda cannot dond with my body, with t life? and that's what this is d coming down to. so these people have a misconception about who is going to listen to that . there's the batman day lady whining about people telling a her whats to do with her body. please. actor samuel jackson also went after clarence thomas with a racial attack, quote, how's uncleclar clarence feeling about overturning loving versus virginia loving versus virginia ? of course, supreme court case that overturned precedent it held that bans on interracial marriage were unconstitutional. so these are just racial attacks. why against clarence thomas of all the six members who voted
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to overturn roe v. wade? mark paoletta is an attorney. a close friend of clarence thomas is a new book called created equal clarence thomas in his own words and a film we just interviewed the other dayng joins us again tonight . mark, thanks so much for coming on . so it does seem like you had six supreme court justicesco vote to overturn roe v. wade. ga again, youca could be for legal abortion and still recognize roe v. wade was an absurd supreme court decision that degraded the institution of the court and be against it.b but why,ut thomas, why are they going after one out ofnese six ? because the left is racist. tucker , they expect clarence thomas to think the way a black man should be in based on the color of his skin. and clarence thomas for 30 years, 40 years has refused to do that and they want to destroy him and that's what they've been doing. ngand coming after and the bottom line is clarence thomas doesn't care at all what they think. is just so it's just so funny, though. i mean, f if you compare of the average
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black guy in america to the average white liberal in america on abortion, d the black guy is way more opposed to abortion than the average white liberal. so why does clarence thomas have to have the same views as an npr listener? been and that's what he's been saying for 40 yearsar and it's the left demands it and theyt i will they will go after him. but it iss a greatfo day for the constitution with, with with roe being overturned b with, with the second amendment being strengthened, consistent with the constitution, with religious liberties today coming down com consistent withe constitution. and it's all aligningg a with where clarence thomas has beenll lin for the past 30 yeart yeah, i think it's a fair point. he's been saying it this whole time , as you point out in your book. marquise fauci, again,u thank you . thanks. so this may be news to you. ut the january 6th committee isn't really about january 6th. about targeting political opponents of joe bidenid using law enforcemet just obtained the tape of their latest effort to
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intimidate one of their political enemies. pretty striking. and as you can see, we're not in the united states tonight behind us one of the most iconic beaches in the world along the coast of rio de janeiro. but brazil is more than aboutou tourism. this is a huge economyri a critl to the rest of the world. for more than 200 million people are living here . so the effect on the american economy iseric enormous. the brazil has some of the most valuable natural resourcesreso in the world and that'sn the main reason china is trying to turn brazil into a colony. that's h why we're here . mor we're seeing a lot more that♪ when we come back . i didn't get the memo. we're still hunting for treasure back on the treasure
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worries the expert signs the brain and everything. you already got the filthy part down. so now we're going to get family treasure the news here on fox nation. are you going to help? you're doing great, lady forces in australia now fully sign up today around headgate to you
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screaming greece after showing from off duty watch free it could serve in brewing gear objective mode in that rear view mirror above the drinks and loaded i of for it down near the finish and i don't care if we ever come back issue with the rio de janeiro. with the rio de janeiro. brazil pd feels
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every move you make, every step you take, i'll be watching you. the internet doesn't have to be duckduckgo is a free all in one privacy app with a built in search engine, web browser, one click data clearing and more stop companies like google from watching you, by downloading the app today. duckduckgo: privacy, simplified. broadcasting from rio de janeiro, brazil tonight one of the most famous cities in the world and for good b reason certainly one of the most beautiful on the planet. you'll hear the the redeemer statue , the summit of mount of colorado, an amazing statue built in the early thirties. when youou go earlier in the we. . so the january 6th committee has nothing6 to do with january six . the point of it is to punish the political opponents of the biden administration and to
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donaldngainliti trump doesn't run again. they're doing it with the assistance of the so-called justice department run by joe biden. so already the committeeom speaking of stalinist overreach ,said steve bannon and peter navarro arrested neither ofls whom committed any crime.o fed they've also had the fedss sea searched the home of a former doj official called jeffrey clark who we spoke to last week . then on wednesday, the fbi showed up to seize the phone of a former trump attorney called john eastman. and illegally. they seized his phone before they presentedor him with a warrant and it's on tape. what arere the terms of the words? i'd like to see the warrant. i'd like to see the warrant. i'd like to see the warrant.akey i like to see the warrant before you take my property, please. i want you to see that they took my property before
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providing you with the warrant.t i'd like to read the warrant disgraceful. wearing a little mask put your hands up as if eastman is a threat. he's not he's a lawyer as you f just saw. he's under subpoena from the speaking of the legitimate hold illegitimate pelosi lizi cheney led january six committee treason joinsic us tonight. johnny sutton, thank you so much fore. joiningng us tonight. what exactly did you do wrong to be treated like a dangerous criminal by your government that you pay for? well, we don't know becauseth the warrant doesn't say it authorizeses them to seizeco my phone and all the information contained in the phone. but there's no indication of of of any crime that this is connected to that's apparently in an attack in an affidavit. but the affidavit wasn't attached to the warrant. the fourthul amendment's very clear here when they search and seizure property, they haved to give a particular description of the things toes . seizedd
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and i'm saying it's identified in the affidavit if they don't attach the affidavit doesn't qualify. the courts have been d veryur clear about that . so this warrant is invalid on its face. but more importantly, and i think this is extremely important the authority to seize the all of my information in modern modern smartphones, that's access to all my private financial records. i'm an attorney. ll it's access to all my privileged communications with nearly a hundred differentt clients that i have currently. this stuff, this stuff isra what we used tol call a general warrant that the british king issueded to just go rummagehe through somebody's belongings to see if they could find evidencece of some crime. h the veryav reason we havet the fourth amendment is to prevent that kind of abuse and yet that's what they're doinge here .s just an and it's just another reminder to anyone who didn't vote forotw joe biden to erase f your texts sid emails every single day and thatng your piece of advice i hope everyone follows, but they haven't charged with a crime. they've given youou no evidence
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that they're going to charge you with a crime, but they treat you like a drug kingpin or a and he's your phone. is this legal? i don't think so.o and they force me in the positionon as an attorney. t i haveo ethical obligations to do everything i can to protect the privileged communications with my clients so we will be filing a motion. it's called the rule. forty one motion to retrieve my phone to retrieve any offrmation they've taken of that phone that they have illegally seized from me and we'll be doing that in short order. but butut you know what they're doing the other thing they're doing is they're forcing those of us that don't bowusne the nee to divide administration to rack up hundreds of thousands of dollarsnds o in legal fees, a trying to protect our constitutional rights and those of our clients. so let me let me ask people, gibbs then go .com heasman help us help us fight this abuse we've got it. we've got to stand together to fight against this . so you're doing for yourselful
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what the republican congress should be doing for you, which is so you know what i got speed . i think people have had it. thank you very much tucker . i hope that's true .so so nancy pelosi says she's a devout christian . she's certainly noo christian and she says she loves children. that seems why w is nancy pelosi so enthusiastic about abortion if she loves children? relax. has assuredil us many times that no one loves children more than nancy pelosi does. well, when people ask me where it's the most important issues facing the congress fromay my whole time in congress, i've always said the same thing our children, our children, our children orr our children just have fewer of them. ab we're going to putor abortion on federal lands. you have to deal with children. but nancy pelosinc stilly tells us she loves so we kind of took her at facem value and said we saw this tape from last week. this tape shows nancy pelosi elbo the child, the child of w republican myra flores justho wn
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a congressional seat in south texas. our first this incidentno this way i'm so proud oft my strong, beautiful daughter for not allowing this to faze her . no child should be pushed to the side for a photo op period. so there is nancy pelosi elbowing a little girl who got in her camera shot. tells. so as he said, we are in brazill tonight and we're here for a reason. l we'll explain that in greater detail throughout. hedy , as a matter of life
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it was a refrigerator tractor trailer, but there was no visible working ac unit. nato is announcing an eight fold increase in high readiness forces as russia pushes further into eastern ukraine. the troop stretch will strengthen their will expand from forty thousand three hundred thousand more troops will also be sent to member nations bordering russia. announcement was made ahead of tuesday's gathering of nato leaders in madrid over the weekend. ukrainian president vladimir zelenskyy called on g7 leaders to supply more heavy weapons to confront russia's forces. i'm jackie barnea. now back to tucker carlson. tonight as it focuses on the leadership, the busha administration relentlessly on a conflict in eastern europe that is materially irrelevant to our interests in latints america is falling apart certainly from an american cer perspective. chile is now in rapid decline d and anti-american. so that leaves brazil as theec
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only large economy in thison hemisphere that remains pro-american and the second biggest in the worldan. o brazil has some of the deepest reserves of valuable natural resourcesal on the planet. so if you care about the future of the united states, you oughte tos bo care deeply about the fut of brazil and you shouldbr certainly be aware of china's strong and ongoing efforts to turn brazil into a chinese colony. the president of brazil sayablet scenario is againhe the only pro american leader left in latin america and yet for the firstnc year and a half of his presidency, our presidente joe biden ignored his existence completely. and if anything, steve was hostile to the bush administration. recently biden did finally meett with both snarl for the veryf first time at the summit of t the americas. sleepy martins is a senior aide to president bush now and we'ree happy to be joined by himyo tonight . thanks so muchu r for coming. y
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so your president finally met with the american president. do you think considering that brazil is the largest economy in latin america? it tookn am that . so as you say, brazil is a very large country, veryec large economy, one of the 10 largest economieses in the worl. it has been that for 30 years and brazil was always part of the game. but for two years we had the difficulty connecting with washington, mainly with thehe white house. it wasth a force of connections with state and other departments. but now the meeting went well and i think the reason why it i took so long was the position that the president, president bush announced that election matters lots of things to be solved by americans and he would not close the elections because cnn and other media media tv channels called it so he waited and once it was over then recognize the victory congratulated by them. but took a while he said letid america solve it l and then i'll
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jumping. didn't one to this here was just respecting american sovereignty. the united states, by contrast ,has a decades long history of interfering in other countries elections and has triedhehey to it in hungary. ofel course they rigged the election in ukraine in 2014. the election coming up in this country has grave consequencesco for the united states. i mean the other candidate is openly pro china. china is america's adversary. is your administration receiving any kind of encouragement by administration? so as you say, 2009, china has been gaining a position here in brazil and lula da silva isnl very open abouty his position, not only about support fromf chinach and super powers in our region but also about supporting terrorist groups, about supporting organized crime, abouted supporting dictatorships like venezuela, cubact and nicaragua. and yes, i think this meetingwe that we finally had, we were
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able to advance a little bitt as the stadium was a long time coming. it took a while. but finally when president president wassenaar was able to sit with president biden, he wasn th able to remember who lula da silva is, the amount of corruption and the amount of scandals that we had here in brazil. those guys were responsible for more than eight trillion. his corruption scandals, that's something like two trillion dollars corruption only during his government. so the president told that to president biden told some the about the connections and i think president biden understoodod that it's better fr the u.s. passport for the u.s. for president, ostinato and a broad democracy government to stay in power here . and lula is running again, went to prison for that , went to prison corruption. as much as i appreciate your talking to us , ai we'll be seeing you again soonn . you really appreciate
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the martins works for the man. as we said, we're sitting down with cnn, the president of b brazil. terrible scenario. we bringri you more of that very soon. and of course, our reporting from brazil all week. next , a voicemail from hunter biden's high never before heard through the president has lied about knowing about his son's's business dealings with china. play it for you straight ahead. supposed to to those who need it most and we rejoin our team . we have thousands of jobs bill . the compensation and the opportunity to move into management and even visit servpro slash careers today. do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need nowsh you can sell your policy, even a term policy for immediate cash payment. we t know we had planned carefully for our retirement but we quickly realized we needed a way to supplement l our income.
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a breathing period and yeah, all the best retailers have it . do it back from rio if youel don't the name you've definitely seen the videos. jp cheers iss is one ofeo the funniestpl people online is one of his most recent videos on youtube. what do you thinknk about his policies are hurting americaol when you mentally competent or something? let me dumb it down for you to help you understand most people mistakenly believe a good wayti to fight inflation is to stopin causing. isow buts the biden administration knows the best way to fight inflation is to keep printing money. biden understands that an open
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border is a secure border and mr biden a very racially diverse white man himself telling black hispanic people what they're supposed to think is another key forey creating racial unity this year.. he's smart, funny and brave. our three favorite qualitiess in a long conversation w with hm recently for an episode of tucker carlson today. here's part of it e. the people running>> our countrr they don't seem to be constitutional. they don't seem totion be in lie with freedom and individual liberties that america is basedd . it seems to be that there's tyrannical peoplee running our country. yes. a just take a breath, tucker . i know that's news. it is shocking to me actually . you're notuc saying a lot. al i'm always stunned to realize that's actually true. yeah. and you if you want to ift a pirate wants to controlwa people, you've got to divide people because united we stand
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. wded but when we're divided we fall and i think the, the tyrants, t they're not good people but they're very smart people and they know that basic e elementle of human nature if you want to control people, divide themm, divide them from their own thinking first, then divide themem from each other. and i think one of our basic human needs we all have is the need for connection if fearsio thoughtful, brave, funny that whole conversations, on tucker carlson say it beginsb tomorrow morning, 7:00 a.m. on fox7:. so here's a nrsc for you may have missed joe biden has repeatedly denied knowingny anything about his son hunter. u extensive business dealings overseas, particularly with the communist government of china. but a new voicemail just on earth from biden's iphone came by .he the daily mail proves the joe biden is lying. biden called his son in december of 2018.
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he wanted to talk to him aboutbo a piece in the new york times aboutt"t his business arrangemes with a chinese oil company, a deal that is worth millions of dollars. now the story reported that the oil companies executives are going to jail for bribery. not a small thing. here's until biden told his son after reading the new york times piece with post that it's easy to who might be accused can be called governor . just this one. i thought the article at least has been done online. times it's goingng to be proved one time is i need to clear the way if we get a chance toe recall i love i think you're clear . it sounds like, you know, miranda devine has written a book on the contents of that laptop. she's a columnist with the a new post and of courseth our friendship joins us tonight. miranda, thanks so much forh coming on .g on this seems like a bit of a bombshell given biden's denialss.
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>> it is, tucker . again, just puts the lie to joe biden's repeated insistence that he knew nothing about hunter'sns overseas business dealings. in fact, he was intimately involvedde in you here withoi his own voice wherece he says to his son about this new york times story, you are i think your clear as in you're out of trouble. this is youou know, at least evidence of some sort of guiltyi knowledge and what it shows is that they were in trouble because the new york times had t come very close to the story about the whole biden family hunter joe and his brother uncle jim biden. their involvement with this chinese energy company and a multimillion dollar partner. and suddenly patrick , one ofe the executives of that company
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is arrested at jfk on bribery charges and the new york times is sniffing aroundd and there are text showing that hunter iso panicking about this .ut his lawyer tells him, don't worry, i've hose down the new york times. i've been talking to a reporter and they're not going to m mention joe and then after the story comes out, hunter is very relieved and he tells his lawyer, well, you did an amazing job of turning it into a big fat nothing because of h course, hunter biden had those skills. he was w trading on his father's government job. that's how he got the job of the oil company. exactly. miranda devine, he's done so much great reporting on this. thank you so much m. thanks, tucker . well,, we'll have more tonight from rio de janeiro, brazil. adaptiveness
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years, the usa says we will not allow great powers to establish colonies in our hemisphere. it's called the monroe doctrine. the vitamin restoration is letting china from brazil into a colony here on that all week and in the meantime enjoying rio. we'll see themei on . h >>an and welcome to hannity tonight . another big win at the u.s. supreme court this time surrounding your freedom of religion. ht now full-a details straight ahead. we'll interview the coach that was at the heart of this big ruling today. also, nancy pelosi likes to say that she will take a punch or throw a punch for kids. pe last a week the speaker caught on tape actually throwing an elbow at congresswoman mayra flores, his young daughteressw, congresswoman floe


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