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tv   The Five  FOX News  June 28, 2022 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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inflation, you have interest rates that will shoot up quickly, very steeply, very fast. that is also by way of playing out in the red hot housing market. you've seen signs of it when it comes to home prices or pending home sales if you dig through the numbers. and real estate accounts for 1/5 of the economy. >> neil: thanks, susan. here comes "the five." >> dana: hello. i'm dana perino. it's 5:00 in new york city. this is "the five." president biden's border policies being blamed for a horrific loss of life in texas. at least 51 migrants found dealt from the swelters heat stacked on top of one another in an
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abandoned tractor trailer that had no air conditioning or water. it was one of the deadliest incidents of smuggling across the border. there's been record numbers across the border. agents say they're overwhelmed by the surge and don't feel supported. greg abbott tweeting this. these deaths are on biden. they are a result of his deadly open border policies. senator ted cruz tweeting how many more people have to die before dems give a damn? the white house firing back at critics. >> the fact of the matter is the border is closed, which is in part why you see people trying to make this dangerous journey using smuggling networks. we're going to stay focused on the facts and making sure that we hold these smugglers accountable. >> dana: jesse, is it fair to blame president biden's policies? >> jesse: i believe it is fair. he's a snob from delaware. he doesn't consider texas a part
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of the country. he thinks it's our gas station. that's where they killed keep did, killed the ozone layer and they're neanderthals. that's how he feels about texas. he's been to china more than our southern border. i don't feels like he feels great affection to the state of texas. it's a mass casualty of 40 mexican nationals are dead. >> dana: 51. >> jesse: 51. if that was japanese, british nan -- nationals, he would be on the forder. aoc flew down the fly on a fence because donald trump put adults and children in separate facilities. now aoc does nothing. the media doesn't ask joe biden about the border. the media doesn't cover it because they don't want to go
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down there, it's hard to get to, hot and dusty and it's not glamorous to do standups down there. it's almost like it doesn't exist. here's the solution. we have to bring all of the factories that we have in china and put them in north mexico. we have a trade deal with mexico. that's where their jobs will be. it solves the china problem, solves the immigration problem. put the factories in columbia, too. we have a trade pact with the columbians as well. i think that solves all the problems. he should do that. if you're not going to security the border and if you're going to throw money at a corrupt honduran president -- >> dana: i'd like more on the prosecution of the suspects already apprehended. they have three people there. obviously a chain that goes all the way back. >> jeanine: what you do in a
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situation like that -- got bless california. they let these guy goes as soon as they arrested them. they have all the information on fentanyl. they can give you no, sir whether it's human smuggling, drug smuggling. they know what's going on here. you go up the chain. you scare them, you scare their families. the feds do it every day. i have to tell you something, in a bizarre way, i think i the biden administration could turn this thing around and say see, the border is closed. we told you the border is secured. see, they have to smuggle them in like this. they're dieing to come in. here's the bottom line that contradicts all of that. the president is in the united states supreme court fighting the remain in mexico policy. he doesn't want the illegals to remain in mexico. he's title 42. he wants to open the border.
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the president would fault governor abbott because he was inspecting the 18 wheelers as he came in. everybody brought criticism in saying he was clogging up traffic. governor abbott could have fought him. no, we had to stop him. so what this administration is doing is they're laying out the welcome mat every dray in terms of what they do. they can tell me until the cows come home, the border is secure, the border is closed and they're lying to all of us. they're busy flying them in, bussing them in to the interior, they're housing unaccompanied minor children smuggled in by the cartels that they're accompanying and facilitating hiring 800 americans to staff a facility. quietly erasing immigration cases giving amnesty to one million illegals. the goal for them should be to stop the human trafficking and the drug smuggling. they're doing just the opposite.
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so why is he try so hard to fail? why is it that he let it get this way? is he that afraid of the progressives? why? >> dana: geraldo, take it from there. >> i totally -- i want to say it's so easy for senator cruz or governor abbott to say oh, biden's fault. the fact of the matter first of all, let me express sincere condolences, i feel grief over this mass murder. that's what this is, a mass murder. i'm outraged at these perpetrators. i want them prosecuted. the judge is right, you squeeze them, walk your way up the train. maybe you can get the mexicans involved. we cannot abide 51 murders. i blame president biden. i think his compassion has backfired at the border.
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i think it's obnoxious as trumps moves were. i think as we approach july 4th, we we have to recognize is the brutality of this evidence of how badly these people want to be in the united states of america. they risk everything. even their very lives. they voluntarily stuffed themselves in to that semi only to choke themselves on swelters heat. >> dana: i was talking to bill melugin not long ago. he see notice other reporters there. he's been there for months. i watch one nightly news broadcast every night. i never see any coverage of the border, this story they would cover. >> you have to cover this story.
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sadly obviously it's devastating. not that is surprising. it's a complete disaster down there. it's a humanitarian crisis. anybody paying attention to immigration at all knows that. also such a disaster when they said see, look, the border is closed. the proves it's closed. i would love to follow that up with being, okay, does this look good? is it going well? nothing in terms of the immigration policy is going well, including legal immigration. you talk ant people that want to come to this country and get work visas and go the legal way. they wasted 66,000 of those visas despite the labor market was so tight that are expired and they can never go back. the whole system is a complete disaster and they're scrambling. anyone paying attention, they can figure that out, even the slightest bit of attention. the only strategy is to get people not to pay attention. >> dana: coming up, a sheriff is
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furious after a drug trafficking duo is now back on the streets. ♪♪ ♪ so i climbed into the cab, and then i settled down inside ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere, man ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere, man ♪
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♪ of travel i've had my share, man ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere ♪ ♪♪ ♪ i want to rock and roll all night ♪ ♪ and party every day. ♪ ♪ i want to rock and roll all night ♪ applebee's late night. because half off is just more fun. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood.
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♪♪ >> geraldo: now to the other deadly pandemic ripping the heart out of our country, it's illegal fentanyl poisoning our country. yet some california authorities as the judge mentioned earlier say they were forced to release two accused drug traffickers busted with 150,000 fentanyl pills. enough to kill millions of americans. a judge approving their release after a risk assessment. the sheriff there that was on with dana this morning on "america's newsroom" is understandably furious. >> common morning, i learned of this release and i was infuriated. i couldn't believe that we had 150,000 fentanyl pills, one of
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the most dangerous epidemics that is facing our nation today with people in custody that we may potentially be able to impact the future of this type of drug trafficking organizations and we let them go. >> geraldo: it's outrageous. i have nothing against people getting high. i grew up with people in the 60s and 70s. but fentanyl is not dope. fentanyl is poison. these people are not dealers. they're murders or manslaughters. the laws have to reflect that. >> jeanine: look, people are too stupid to understand. these guys trafficking that fentanyl, they know not to enhail it. they know now to get near it. i guarantee you they have narcan, they have whatever they need in case for some reason one of those bags rips or the cellophane gets torn off.
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they know how serious and deadly this stuff is. for a judge to release those two guys, i can guarantee you as i'm sitting here, geraldo, if the purpose of bail is to guarantee a person's return to corr, where the hell are you from? do you have a job? how are you coming back to court? it's an easy keep in jail. but the court department do it because the court is either too stupid, too arrogant or they don't care. fentanyl right now, the precursor is coming from china through the cartels, the machines are in mexico. they're killing a generation of our people. 250 death as day and killing them between the ages of 18 and 45. i said this before, they're killing those that are capable of going to war in this country. it's an undeclared war and we're conspiring with them. >> i want to enhance the penalties, jesse, for fentanyl
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as compared to cocaine and heroin. the problem is, i remember when they did that with crack cocaine. who was impacted is black and latinos. they get the short end. white people use powder cocaine. it has racial implications if you single out a drug and make it more, you know, the penalties more enhanced. >> jesse: well, this is deadlier than crack. it's killing blacks and whites and hispanics. so classify it however you want it. they're selling death. it's like selling cyanide pills. these kids are not like college students pushing a few pulse to some friends at a party. you scare them straight and they can get back on the right path. these kids are high up the food chain. they're walking around with 150,000 pills. if you don't hold them, they have cash stashed. they're never going to show up again ever. judge said it at the top. you put them in prison, send a
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snitch, a rat. get them to talk. see who posts their bail. call the dea and have them followed. it's pretty simple. >> jesse: i'm sure they'll do that. you cannot find the judge's name in any of the articles. the judges have the deals with the editors at the papers. they say i'm going to get death threats. everybody gets death threats. dana gets death threats. >> geraldo: you do? >> dana: it's true. >> jesse: it's part of the deal if you're in the public. >> jeanine: animals. >> jesse: that's not an excuse. the judges have to face the heat. the next election, you'll go in and see the judges not. not have a clue. re-elect. he's going to get back out there and releasing criminals. >> geraldo: congress woman bobert called it a weapon of
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mass destruction. >> dana: the sheriff that came on, jim desmond from san diego. his mission was to tell parents one pill can kill. you have a phrase like that that you're telling your kids, don't try one pill. that can kill. if i were president biden, this is the most bipartisan issue you can have. it's of consequence. to her point, is it a weapon of mass destruction? when president trump mused can you bomb the cartels? the idea of actually going on the offense rather than just sitting here defensive is something that only the president can do. governor abbott can try. the sheriff's can try. the governor of california can maybe try if he cared. nobody is doing it. they could actually have an effect here, but for some reason, they are not doing it. >> jeanine: the reason they won't is because it would require them to police the border source. they don't want to police the
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border. >> geraldo: or work with mexico. i have a dream, you know, of mexican secret service, special forces and ours working together to go after the cartels because they have cross border impact obviously. it's killing our kids. >> kat: it's important to point out that fentanyl is a legitimate drug that has specific uses. that's not what is killing people: as we crack down on opiate prescriptions, there's a different. people need opiates that have had that crackdown. so then those people go to the black market. it's with methamphetamine. we started maybe certainly good intentions. we started to crack down on sudafed because of the meth problems. now the meth is coming from mexico. people don't know what is in it and people are dying. the efforts that we made to crack down on smugglers have
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pushed smugglers more towards fentanyl because i don't have any smuggling experience but basic logic, it's easier to something that is more potent. >> geraldo: what about a massive p.r. campaign? >> jeanine: just say no? >> geraldo: prince died. he has more money than god. he died of fentanyl. >> kat: it's not working with the direct correlation between not letting people get -- having legal options -- there's years of data on this. >> geraldo: i can see, you know, the president working with mitch mcconnell, pick your republican. you know, maybe a younger generation maybing the pitch that this is death. this fentanyl kills you. i understand the legality or the use of it as prescriptions, but my goodness, look at what has
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happened. 75,000 people dying from it. obviously -- >> jeanine: half the time they don't know fentanyl is in it. >> geraldo: that's the point. every pill can kill. i like that. up next, she's back. hillary clinton lashing out as the supreme court for's decision on abortion. ♪♪ hi, i'm william devane. did you know there's only been two times in american history - two - when the national debt was larger than gross domestic product? world war ii - and right now. that's a deep hole. and i don't know how we'll climb out of it. that's why i buy gold from rosland capital. rosland capital is a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs,
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>> jesse: democrats unleashing their fury on clarence thomas. this comes up after protests at
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the homes of the justices. samuel l. jackson calling justice thomas uncle clarence. hillary clinton and others lobbing these bombs. watch. >> i went to law school with him. he's been a person of grievance for as long as i've known him. resentment, grievance, anger. >> you better hope they don't come for you, clarence and say you shouldn't be married to your wife who happens to be white. >> jesse: dana, i never met clarence thomas. every time i see him, he looks like he's having the best time. he dos not strike me as a man that is angry. >> dana: it makes everyone mad that he's not mad. i think that, you know, he was affected by the hearings that
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brought him to the supreme court. he felt he was wronged. he spent his entire career writing and a very poignant way. some ways right now, you can say that clarence thomas gave the democrat as talking point. what could unite them? perhaps clarence thomas could. might behoove the justice when he's back from wherever he is to maybe do an interview. what did you mean? can you expand on that? everybody here is going crazy. >> jesse: where would be a good place for him to do that? >> dana: there's a show called "america's newsroom." you can play one of my sound bites when i interview him. the other thing is, it's too early to tell how this will turn out. many states had trigger laws. they're moving forward. now there's challenges. people just realizing, the states decide? okay. nothing changes in new york and california. they may be outranged from a couple days and move on or maybe
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the summer of rage continues. we'll see. i do believe that people like aoc and elizabeth warren are overreacting to the extend that it will boomerang on them and not a good look. final thing. the democrats are mad at the biden administration and the white house for being slow to act. not being aggressive enough. what were they doing when they had the leaked opinion out there and so unorganized, not unified. you have kamala harris saying different things about what is possibly on the table. so they're a little mess. >> jesse: maybe their plan was to attack the justices and raise money? >> kat: i think kamala said the quiet park out loud when she said we will wait till after the mid-terms. that was saying it out loud. she want to say how many people we can get in to do something. they want to see how many people they can get if.
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if they want her to do something -- there's discussion how shaky roe v. wade was for a very long time. they could have codified it when they had the super majority under obama. they could have come up with something better than planned parenthood grand canyon. this is what politics is. you remember with daca. everybody was up in arms about that. trump wanted to get rid of that. people were campaigning on it. has it been codified? no. there's an excitement to point out the most extreme side of this issue and use that to try to get votes. people should know that it's about votes. i don't think any of these people care about you. >> jesse: do you see hillary seeing a lane here with the roe decision and doing some shows and jockeying for position, judge? >> jeanine: hillary has been jockeyed since she's hit the
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public screen. it rather interesting that she calls justice clarence thomas a man with grievances. this woman has more grievances. she had 116 reasons why she didn't win the election in 2016. i think it's very interesting the depth of hatred that people have toward clarence thomas. he didn't even write the majority opinion. he wrote the concurring opinion. hatred that they'll have should be against justice alito that wrote the majority opinion. as opposed to saying, look, the court has spoken, they're giving it to the states. now we have our work to do. we have to go to the legislatures. the legislators. we have our work to do. we are the majority, we're the loudest voice in the room and get it passed in every state. the racial hatred and the animosity. progressives want to call everybody a racist. when you point a finger at one
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point, three fingers point back at you. that is very offensive to me. samuel jackson calling him uncle clarence? lori lightfoot f clarence thomas. hillary clinton, a person of grievance. they're basically the racists. they're seeing racism in this when nobody else has. >> jesse: geraldo, you have killed this bottled up. what would you like to say? >> geraldo: i think this decision was a constitutional catastrophe. i think it totally unsettled and divided the nation. i think the consequences will be profound and far-reaching. i think that clarence thomas with all due respect and i do believe that the confirmation hearings that he endured were grotesquely unfair. i think that he's -- his
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grievance is well-based. i've watched him preside over a case. he doesn't say a word. he did not for years. he was so angry over the confirmation hearings and how he was mistreated with anita hill and the rest of that that he was shocked into silence. the judge mentions the concurring opinion. why is clarence thomas being singled out? it not that he's a black man. he went way beyond where was necessary in this opinion. it was not that he was overruling roe v. wade. he went beyond that. he went into dicta, not having anything to do with the decision. his dicta said no, now we're going after -- >> jeanine: he talked about
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substancive due process. >> geraldo: contraception, same gender sex, same sex marriage, which is ironic because he was in a mixed marriage. that's next. i think that that scared the be-jesus out of everybody. dana referenced it. you have no idea how this community has been affected and influenced by the suggestion that he's going after you. >> jeanine: wait a minute. he said -- we're talking about substantive due process. that's where there's a right to bear arms. not implicit. let me finish. it's not implied. he said that is not what this is about. >> geraldo: he did not say that. >> jeanine: he did say that. in the end, if you want to talk about racism, the true is why was he called uncle clarence? >> geraldo: that is -- >> jeanine: you said that is racism. >> geraldo: that is a diversion from the issue. the issue -- >> jeanine: you said it wasn't racism. that is racism. >> geraldo: this man has
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threatened your relationship with someone with the same sex as you. >> jeanine: he's married to a white woman. alito said in the majority opinion that we're not dealing with those issues. >> geraldo: he mentioned -- >> dana: it's not the first time that he's been called these names by the left. it doesn't matter what opinion it is. if it goes against what the progressives think is right, they will call him uncle tom. it's happened for years. and i -- it doesn't make -- that is also racist, it's also unfair. i also think that people are overreacting to what he said because they're looking to find something to put forward. that said, because he's an articulate person and writes very well, if he wants to further explain it, that would be welcome. >> kat: he's invited to tyrus
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and kat timpf. >> jesse: kamala stumbles in a new interview as joe biden panics over his 2024 prospects. ♪♪ >> tech: need to get your windshield fixed? safelite makes it easy. >> tech vo: you can schedule in just a few clicks. and we'll come to you with a replacement you can trust. >> man: looks great. >> tech: that's service on your time. schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ riders! let your queries be known. uh, how come we don't call ourselves bikers anymore? i mean, "riders" is cool, but "bikers" really cool.
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-seriously? -denied. can we go back to meeting at the rec center? the commute here is brutal. denied. how do we feel about getting a quote to see if we can save with america's number one motorcycle insurer? should flo stop asking the same question every time? -approved! -[ altered voice ] denied! [ normal voice ] whoa.
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♪♪ >> jeanine: the democrats proving again how totally inept and clueless they they are on the issues. kamala harris was asked point blank about soaring inflation. the veep offering up this mess of an answer. >> now inflation is really high. are you concerned about a recession? the administration said that they weren't that worried about inflation and then that changed. >> i think that there can be no
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higher priority than what we have been clear is our highest priority, which is bringing down the costs and the prices as much as we possibly can. we will stay focused on that. >> dana: >> jeanine: that comes as a new report indicates joe biden is getting irritated by democrats that will not openly back him to run for re-election. okay, shall i start with the word salad? what do you think? >> geraldo: i'm really appalled by her inability to put together thoughtful messages even when given a softball question. i really try to be a fan of hers. i recognize her historic importance. but i have to say this. the issue is whether or not republicans can keep people interested in their incompetence on immigration, on the economy, on inflation on the border and
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so forth or will the democrats win out in the end despite all of this mixed messaging and missed messaging by allowing the voters to focus on the abortion ruling and on january 6th. the hearings today appalling in terms of what they reveal. so it's really who gets the message piñata and she's not helping the democrats. >> kat: no. the word salad is nonstop. there's people that are actually suffering. they want to know what is going to happen. that does not inspire confidence. i hear somebody like that -- i can order them an uber and have them throw up in it. people are really struggling. they've been told that gas will get better. it's not going to get better. it's getting worse. people aren't going to forget about it because they're facing it every day.
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>> jeanine: dana, when she was asked what biden had done to lowter price of gas besides the gas tax holiday, she didn't have an answer. >> dana: it's amazing that you don't have a ready answer. it was like a couple weeks ago, the new press secretary asked about the baby formula crisis. she said i don't have anything on that. those are things you have to have in your back pocket. i do believe that inflation is the biggest problem. it's not the highest priority. that's obvious. the democrats themselves are saying that. you had an anonymous democrat quoted in a cnn piece this week saying they vacillate between not having a plan or blaming somebody else. the democrats are waiting like which way are we going, boss? geraldo is right. the democrats are hoping to hide their economic failures by focusing on something like roe v. wade. republicans are saying there's roe v. wade, but they need to figure out how to deal with that communication as well. they're planning to run just all across the board on inflation. you mind if i call for this
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sound bite? this was significant. abigail span berger is in a swing district. she's saying the squad is wrong a long time. i asked her if she would campaign with biden. this is what she said. >> i intend to do the campaigning myself. i'm the candidate. it's my name on the ballot. when i ran, i ran in an r-seven driven and i got out spoke to voters and won making sure they know who i am and what i intended to do for them. >> dana: you'll see more of that. remember when stacey abrams had a scheduling conflict? there's a lot of that. >> jeanine: jessie, if 75% of americans say the economy is bad, they have x number of people worried about roe v. wade, i wonder if roe v. wade will be as heavy on their minds as the economy, as it continues to get worse, getting closer to no. >> jesse: i think the economy
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trumps roe. the far left will be fired up about roe. it's overwhelming that people are suffering economically and it's a taste that won't leave their mouths. i'm just as worried that harris will tackle costs, not just the prices. is she so bad that you can smell the politician through the screen? she's only good at memorization. i used to be -- you can see how she's reciting things as -- i used to do this. i was hired at 22 years old to work in an asset management company after college. i didn't know anything about economics. i could memorize and i could speak. we would get up at these pitch meetings where i would pretend to be the salesman and i'd get up there recite beautifully what hour sales pitch was. the guy running it would go, waters, what is a mortgage
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backed security? i'd say it's a security backed by mortgage? he goes all right, waters. sit down. i had no idea what i was talking about. it's the same thing with here. >> jeanine: all right. "the fastest" is up next. ♪♪ about two years ago i realized that jade was overweight. i wish i would have introduced the fresh food a lot sooner. after farmer's dog she's a much healthier weight. she's a lot more active. and she's able to join us on our adventures. get started at it's still the eat fresh® refresh, and now subway® is refreshing their classics, like the sweet onion teriyaki sauce, topped on tender shaved steak. it's a real slam dunk. right, derek? wrong sport, chuck. just hold the sub, man! subway keeps refreshing and refreshing and refreshi- ♪♪♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge.
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>> kat: welcome back. time for "the fastest." first up, majority of americans think they can do this. nearly six and ten say they have what it takes to become an action movie star. you obviously probably think you can do that, right? >> jesse: now i need a stunt double. probably david swimmer comes to mind. >> kat: comes to my mind, too. absolutely. i feel like doesn't everybody have a stunt double? >> dana: i'm strongly in the
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minority on this. i don't think i could be an action hero. i'd like to watch them. i admire them. >> kat: judge, i don't think i could do it because i don't like to watch them. if i get bored watching them, if i had to shoot the same scene over and over, i couldn't do it. >> jeanine: i could do it. >> jesse: i would do it. >> kat: geraldo? >> geraldo: david hasselhoff could be my stunt double. in fact, i was on his program once. >> jesse: here it is. where did that come from? >> kat: just happened to have that ready. >> geraldo: the highest episode of bay watch. >> kat: congratulations on the highest rated episode of bay watch. up next, this heated debate is settled. no, it's not. people say the perfect temperature is 64 degrees. okay.
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people, they mean men. they only ask men. >> jeanine: it's too cold. you have a shirt, a jacket, socks, shoes. enough. >> kat: absolutely. i'm freezing every day of my waking life except when i'm in the shower or bathtub. >> dana: you wait the entire winter to have warmer temperatures and you turn the ac on. 72 for daytime. 68 to sleep. >> very good. >> jesse: if you guys are cold, you can use the blanket. >> kat: can i walk up here with a blanket? nobody would say are you okay? >> jeanine: if you work at fox -- >> kat: i'm going to bring in a blanket and see -- >> geraldo: pack them at the entrance. >> kat: i think i settled that. "one more thing" is next. ♪♪
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(johnny cash) ♪ i've traveled every road in this here land! ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere, man. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere, man. ♪ ♪ crossed the desert's bare, man. ♪ ♪ i've breathed the mountain air, man. ♪ ♪ of travel i've had my share, man. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere. ♪ ♪ i've been to: pittsburgh, parkersburg, ♪ ♪ gravelbourg, colorado, ♪ ♪ ellensburg, cedar city, dodge city, what a pity. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere, man. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere, man. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere. ♪ it's dinner time with family
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and you settle in to dine. your son is watching something, but you think it must be fine. you know it's only kid shows, so you have some peace of mind. but as you eat the roasted goose, your little sport incists. hey dad, did you know america is racist? your mind goes numb, your skin turns pale and your heart aches with fear. your child is being filled with lies, the babe you once held dear. but in that shocking moment, a man pops into frame. could it be george washington, here to save your child's brain? he snatched the screen and changed the thing to something that is true. it's an app with shows for kids, they call it prageru. there's content for your child's mind to fight the leftist lies. and if you give your child a chance to watch and think and grow. they might burst forth like washington, a true american hero. donate to prageru today and help us teach more kids classic american values. make your tax-deductible donation at
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jean jeep i want to tell you about the astronaut air tight cabin reached maximum altitude of 14 miles. survived a daring trip central stratosphere. off the coast of japan. the hamster is -- was sent there by a company behind the daring experience. the company is iwatani giken hoping to bring space travelers masses. give confidence. if the hamster can do it you can do it. >> dana: i remember when jasper went to space that was a big day in our house. i want to tell you about zierra brown, she is 108 years young and she deserves a special
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shoutout. her son-in-law told us about her incredible life story. we are honored to celebrate her. she was born in 1915 in medford, oregon moved to wyoming. she was married to don brown. they lived on a ranch in west wyoming. that is where the west u.s. post office was. she was a postmaster for 37 years. at 108 years old we want to say hello to you, vera all right, geraldo? >> geraldo: i am headed, after the program, to newport, rhode island, to pick up an old friend my 24-year-old boat. bell. picnic boat hinckley. i kept. i have been everywhere bahamas. that boat has a million tales to tell. >> dana: jesse? >> jesse: okay, in honor of
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greg, who has a severe case of the mondays so bad he took tuesday off. [laughter] this is a little one more thing for you, buddy. animals are great. this fat seal just showing off his rolls sometimes eat a lot. you have to roll it out on the floor. that's how you do it. something sexy about that fat seal. i can't put my finger on it. >> dana: he has moves. >> geraldo: wait until the shark comes. >> jesse: 7:00 we have a jesse watters monologue about the truth about clarence thomas. everybody needs to tune in. >> judge jeanine: i want to watch that. >> dana: 7:00 p.m. sharp. kat? >> kat: i quickly want to say hotel in switzerland bad on purpose. so bad it's supposed to make you think about your life and the world around you by spending a night there it costs hundreds of dollars. if that's something you question your entire world around you. greyhound bus overnight trip on a greyhound bus.
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you are supposed to stay there outside the gas station. >> jesse: there is no roof. >> judge jeanine: that's a hotel? >> kat: it costs hundreds of dollars for the experience. greyhound bus can you do the same thing way cheaper. >> jesse: smell the fumes. >> jesse: all the cigarettes can you smoke right next door. >> judge jeanine: go to the moon. >> dana: that is it for us. "special report" is up next. hey, bret. >> bret: smoke them in you have got them. good evening. welcome to washington i'm bret baier. the french president raising concerns to president biden about energy production as the president meets with world leaders who have big questions about u.s. policy. the president's southern border policy under fire once again today after the deaths of dozens of migrants in a human smuggling disaster. we will take you there live. we begin with the woman who has a special assistant to then president trump's right-hand man detailing the drama inside the white house and as the capitol
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riot unfolded.


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