tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News June 28, 2022 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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fifteen years, brazil has found itself dangerously dependent on china. so what exactly are the chinese government's aims here in brazil and why isn't the administration doing anythingni to stop the chinese military from establishing a threatening new beachhead in our hemisphere? they seem to be abetting it.that what is that exactly? we're investigating all of it for a brand new documentary we're making now. fowe'll have it for you soon. but one of the reasons that so few people in the united states know this china is colonizing formerly independent countries so closeur to our shores is that we have, as they used toav say, problems of our own here in the united states, the american economymyth primarg ,which is in real trouble right now. and it's not something we c can fix with a cleverly craftedt bailout as we've done before. the problem here isn't that a few reckless quants on wall street did crazy things credit default swaps..s the problem goes deeper than that . it's still systemiceepe and youe it in what you buy everything the prices of everything are.h think beyond reach for a lot of
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people in the united states that would include energyat, fod ,durable goods, housing, education, credit, all of it is a lot more expensive than it was just recently. why why has median rents in manhattan jumped by twenty five percent in a single year? why is your grocery bill goneil up by hundreds of dollars a month? why can't you afford to filld your car anymore? those ares. fair questions.e it's not we've run out of the commodities we need. united states has a lot of them. it's a continental country. the atlanticfrom to the pacific. so we've got plenty of room for housing. we've got more oil and gas within our own borders to be completely energy independent. with some left over , we've got more fertile farmland than any country on the planet. food should be cheap. so the problem is definitely not our resources. our resources in thean united states are abundant. the problem ises our leaders. the things you need are too expensive to buy because politicians created inflation and they did it for a simple
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reason. they'd racked up so much debt buying votes and enriching themselves and theiron families that they had no choice but too weaken the u.s. dollar in order to make the payments p on the loans they took out. it'say that simple. and then once inflation arrived, ideologues in the biden administration immediately understood how it could be used. so since you can no longer afford to drive your car , you will have no choice but to accept their green energy scams. and that means their donors who run those scamsth get richer and they will get control over the u.s. economy. c so everyone wins except you . it's perfect. nonexcep of it happened by accit . this is a manufactured disaster now in a normal country, fewo leaders would dare to pull off something this brazen and destructive. they'd be afraid to to be flirting with revolution. it'd be too risky. ry and the people who run our country are fully aware of the risks a and they're very worried about it. if you're wondering what they're hyperventilating about january 6th, that's why they seem afraid because they are afraid to a crowdwd of angry people at the capitol looks a lot like
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a foretaste of things to come. that's exactly why they're sohe desperatey' to take your guns away. it's whether screaming at you about trans rights , systemic racism, an all encompassing evil of the president far away russia. whywh are they talking about them? these things it a seems confusih at first. what does any of that have to do with our actual problems here and improving your life? well, none of it has anything to doo with improving your life and that's the point. they're hoping that if they keep screaming, you'll be too bewildered into what isouto notice happening to the country around you , much less able to fightt back against it and just to make sure you're too bewildered to act as they scream, they shift the blame from themselves to you . so they're now pronouncing you guilty of the crimes that they committed. you've watched this happen t with the economyhi first. they told you that inflation wasn't real . you're imagining that , but you weren't. so thenxpla they explained that actually inflation is happeningin thatt.
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but it's a good thing because you deserve it. you deserve to payer more for the things you buy. why? because e your expectations were way too highoo. you pampered first world karen. you expected to eat meat for dinner and take an annual vacation on commercial on time othat departed . what were you thinking? fill your tank e or buy a sheet of plywood for less than seventy five bucks? talk about out of whack. yo you expected to be able to send your children to the public schools you payildr for with the expectation they might learn something you thought you could load your car in the safeway parking lot with groceries you could afford without being shot too by armed robbers.or you imagined you could live in a country that resembled a place you grew up in where people spoke english and didn't throw trash out the window or smoke on the sidewalk. but it turns out mr.. this is america. you expected too muchat and that's your fault in nigeria. all of this is normal. so stop whining and eat your bugs. bloomberg news actually wrote a column on this
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their recommendation if you want to save money, let . th dog dieie seriously, they really said that and they meant it tooat . but y apparently you didn't get the message you love your dog. so now gon you have gone further than that . now they're telling you -- you cannot have the one thing that most people want more than anything else. the one thingthne that biologicl instinct drives all of us to want and that's the most reliable source ofth meaning and joy in human existence. a family is now out of reach for the american middle class and you should accept that it's inevitable. in fact,t you should embrace it. our economy can noit longer n sorry.t your familyo. sorry. actually that's wrong. they're not saying they wouldn't thinkey of apologizing for that or anything else. what they want to do is force you to reset your unrealistic expectations and that's what msnbc r did all this weekend. watch. what does it cost to have a baby on your body, h on your livelihood and not just you but your state and this country? many economists and social
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scientists are telling the economic consequences of abortion restrictions are devastatingnces for both individuals and wider society. according to the institute for women's policy research at the national level, states level abortion restrictions cost one hundred and five billion dollars per year. basically it reduces the labor force participation rate how many people are in the workforce and drive down earning powertion. so it turns out many economists social scientists have concluded that having kids is selfish and way too expensive. that's your fault. so dial back your expectations of ever having a family. thanks for telling us . msnbc kent noticed that no one on msnbc ever blames the powerful for where we are. apparently the u.s. government had no role in quote reducing the labor force participation rate, say by shutting down the entire u.s. economy and firing anyone who didn't get their backs turning cities into war zones or devaluing the u.s. dollar.
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nonend that actually happened. it's not their fault.. wall street and the fedwa are blameless. the problem is you the problem is that you selfishly want to have children and children are bad for gdp. all the big corporations now agree on that. they're all now against human reproduction. explain. b can't >>ut but the other important financial question is ifam the birthing parent is able to travel and if they work for the right company and are seeking an abortion, more individualn we're seeingy are going to need to relylo on their employer right for that financial supportr to carry that out. now for example, dick's sporting goods is now telling us they're promising four thousand dollars for anyr employee or family member on their insurance plan to access an abortions. there's a long list of companies that are doing the same thing. you've got levi's and starbuckss ,yelp, jpmorgan and many others. but the point here is, is that these benefits are provided because these companies are willing to do not
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just because of their philosophy of a corporation but because it makes financial sense for them . dick's sporting goods will pay you four thousand dollars to afford your baby. how great is that ? how great is dick's sporting goods? we're going to have a baby and now they're giving you four grand not to and is dylan just told us that makes financial sense foror corporate america. well, yes, it does. thanks to msnbc, we lost our calculator and couldn't do the math on that. it turns out the companies have done the math and they'd rather pay female employees four thousand dollars for every abortionon they have that's cheaper than footing the bill for safe parental leave or adding new dependents on the company health care plan. babies are expensive. it's a lot cheaper to get rid of them has concluded the h.r. department and sporting goods. but keep in mind this is a highly progressive movement when you have to bribe employees not to have their own family, what you're reallys doing is liberating them.
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and if you doubt that , here's corporate america spokesman andrew ross sorkin of cnbc with the message once more . the real challenge is going to be for the smaller companies that canthe afford to do this ad for the employees of those companies that are unable to get access that way. wa and so there's goingy. too be a tale of two worlds. if you work for a fortune 500 company in america today, m you very well may get this type of health care as a benefit. smaller companies may not. and i ask the question over thee weekendst to a lot of executives and ceos about this would you leave the state would you leave those states where those trigger laws are in effect? and the answer is no . the view is that this is dare i say, a cost of doing business. and i was, i have to admit,sa disappointed that there was no nobody that i spoke to over the weekend who said, you know what , we have a moral issue about this . >> yeah,h, it's very
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disappointing that all companies aren't paying their toloyees to enforcece their children the kind of really because when you love someone, your main concern is that they never reproduce, that they never create more human beings just like them. that's a sign of love. so according to andrew ross sorkin corporations and this is not ghoulishve or creepy, so settle down to impact your gag reflex corporations in states that outlaw abortions are unethical. the ceos, those companies are immoral because they're not paying for enough abortion. andrew ross sorkin judges them and he doesn't judge his friend janet yellen. now janet yellen isn't blameless. she lied to americans for years about the inflation that she created. she single handedly destroyed our economy more than any other single american. bl but that's not a problem for andrew ross sorkin. it's not likeew she wasn't paying for employees abortion. and we're quoting, you know, if you're janet yellen, she's in a political job and they wanted to run the economy a little hot . that'so what sorkin said recently. nt
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by running a little hot, he meant destroy it i and make the u.s. dollar worthless. little mistake. it's not a big deal . it's not a moral. it's making you poor was a mistake and don't read . janet yellen has never evenn considered apologize h for it. know what she's telling you is now that you're poor, shut up an important child because times are tough and you've got to get back to workk. there's a war on do your duty. >> i believe that eliminating the right of women to make decisions about women, whether to have children would have very damaging effects on the economy and would set women back decades. >> yeah, very damaging to the economy. having all those children, allin that new lives. this is the america that janet yellen has created with the help of her friends in the media. so you can't affordd to get married or buy a house or have children, much less raise them yourselfn and a two parent
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family on a single income as every generation of americans did for hundreds of years in this country. but for you , none ofco that is possible. only private equity people, people like janet yellen,qu andrew sorkin can afford normal families now. but for sorkin you things are vy different for you life is low paid from work. it's so was digital company a punctuated only by brunch on the weekends and netflixital and white wine at night foreverb until you die alongy with descendants to remember you . there's the prospect of that fill you with joy doesn't make you a little anxious if it makes you anxious, no problem because we have xanax also we've legalized weed. you can consider yourself liberated. what we just described is nots an overstatement. that is the life millions ofon college educated young people in this country are living right now and are facing for the foreseeable future, which is to say forever. 't but our leaders don't seem concerned in the least aboutro they don't detect a spiritual crisis in america or a lack ofte inherent meaning suicide spike.
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they havee no idea why they don't want to know. they don't even notice a dramatic drop in birth rates in america, which you think they would care about since they run the country. and that's the clearest sign of societal people aren't reproducing. maybe something's wrong, but no, it doesn't bother them. they're for it don't have kids. and if you do make certain they can't reproduce themselves, why don't you goo ahead and chemically castrate? that's what they're now telling you . watch the admiral affirming care is life saving medically necessary, age appropriate and a critical tool for health care providers. as a pediatrician when its. coms to making sure kids are healthy and happy, i know how important care the difference someone's true identity f can be. so you made the mistake of having children your own family. but there is something you can do. hav you can make sure you never have grandchildren. you can pump your children full of pharma derived poison to make certain they can never reproduce and you shoulde
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because that's life affirming care. so why are they telling you this will simple the more atomized and unhappy american society becomes, the easier it is for them e to control fewer marriages and babies and familyn owned homes meansed more ruthles and dissatisfied people. it means the entire nation of desperately unhappy grad studentsnh. c sandy cortez could become the queen of a country like that . so bring of a on more solitude, less human connection, less meaningat ,fewer babies. that's what they want. obviously here's what they w don't want. they don't want more christi paul this weekend. christiis paul announced that she's quitting her job because family isin more importantby than serving corporate america. here she is. i just could not be who my family ise for what it really came down to. i was tired of being tired and i told them, look, let'sk be honest. the work we do is important to
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work. you do isou important wherever you go, whatever you do every dayy it's important work. but at the end of the day somebody is going to sit in the seat and i'm going to leave and the show will go on as it should o. i but nobody else is going too be my kid's mom and nobody else is going to be my husband's wife or my parents childreno and i need to be fully, fully present there. nobodye. t else is going to be r kid's mom. have you noticed her immigration levels recentlyu are bringing people in toin be your kid's mom? and by the way, shouldn't you be working for facebook, do your duty? that's what's telling young peoplele. we're telling you we're not going to do a thing to make it easier for you to have your own children or your own family because families are for the rich and the poor, families for the tech tycoons. but it's got a ton of kids and for the huddled underneath the bridges at the border in south texas, they've got i a ton of kids. but for you , a middle class american sorry, your deepest desires are far beyond reach. citibank will pay not to y reproduce. you can remain alone not in youn
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cube. and if you're not fortunate enough to work at citibank, sandy cortez'sr step in and for the first time in her life built something in this case to build government funded abortion camps on federal land just to make sure you never have to experience the burden of holding your own baby or being unconditionally loved by your own children, you'rey liberated. now let's celebrateyo it's brunch. you have to wonder how long before democrat sponsored legislation to distribute free cash to young people in the city. placebostete replace the familis that can no longer have. that's coming along with accessories in the water supply not to think too much about it. we're finally getting to see what their utopia looks like. i hope you feel better. well, in addition to preventing life before it begins, there's now a very aggressive effort underway to stop life before itg goes on too long and becomes way too expensive. you may have noticed recently the media increasingly pushing . practice of suicide
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a number of newspapers, unfortunately, including the new york post have devoted articles iha recently to a formr studio 54 owner who's flying toi switzerland to kill himself this week. and that's considered the new frontierd of liberation, suicide and again, much cheaper. the independent interviewed people praising a 20 year old canadian man for his bravery after he sort of quote, medically assisted dying suicide because he has intestinal complaint. r should we resist this or shoulde we pretend that this is human liberation over first? camisea is the author of the book losing our dignity. we're y happy to be joined by hm tonight . thanks so much for coming" on . so i think we spoke just a few weeks ago and you predicted as you have before, that suicide will be the next liberation front sui. the media starts pushing because of course the big companies want it and now it seems to be here, tucker , i was going to start by offering some statisticsti and political analysis. but i just haveou to say after your monologue and your discussion here i am so
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emotionally wiped out and angry and sad all at once, i don'tow quite know what to say. but let's just pause here and say how did we get here? part ofhe part of how we got here . part of g how we got here isbe because those who have power have these views, those who are who have put privilege havee these views, those who do notvi have power, those who do nott have privilege do not have these they reject when it comes to abortion, when it comes to assisted suicide, the working class, the poor, they utterly reject these views. and how dare the working the privileged classes, how dare the privileged classes say they're for the marginalized? they want to listen to the missing voices when they're pushing this violence of assisted suicide and abortion on those who don't want it. what a disgrace. once i'm standing in the middle of what by american standards is a poor country, brazil and poor people have huge families and no one's forcing them to. and itno seemsbo like that's
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true around the world. thing tt >> people much know the one thing they have is the thing that matters most, whichst, is children. o so how can our leaders pretend to speak for them when they want the opposite of what our leaders are pushing? my previous book was entitled resistin throwaway culture. you may remember that book. there's a throwaway culture here that the privileged classes, the classes that you just talked about benefit fromwh but who gets thrown away, who gets discardedn, who does not get hurt? it's precisely the folks that you and your show really care about. and we do came to appreciate your coming on as always. i knowon we'll see you again. thank you .. thank you .les. >> thank you. >> tucker: s so if you go to any college campus, you'll learn the one thing they hate on college campuses is colonialism. isand yet you are seeing colonialism at a scale that dwarfs anything that happened in the nineteenth century. and china is the colonial a a p9 . it'sth happening here in latin america.
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it's happening here in brazil turning latin american nations into colonies of china. what does that mean for us and why is n no one noticing it? we'll be right back from rio. it's interesting as america we don't like world against what we like to make our own world industrially on obamagate in america genius to see connections to the automobile to culture, more primary motivation. why power just wanted to thank you . definitely wish that his company really feels an innovation machine which is a political powerhouse by eighteen eighty nine rockefeller is worth four hundred and you want
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to be part of something bigger than yourself. what size colquhoun headgate. oh oh wow. gorai new york sixty dollars is a matter of life or death for a child branch. we don't make money like everyone else we make it better . we prioritize credit quality not read carl dna findings 100% organic cotton to make the softest, most luxurious
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and they certainly are an enormous problem, but they're also an enormous problem in the united states in a different ty. over one hundred thousand americanhe a died of drug these just last year. but i really can't d ignoregn this completely. the people who are supposed toth be helping are letting this happen. in fact, the leading drug traffickers go free. no one has covered this moredr assiduously than our bill. mulugeta has been followingng one extraordinary case, the state of california, which he has for us tonight bill tucker. that's > right. in a stunning turn of events here in california, two menno who were arrested with enough fentanyl to kill millions of people wereugug m both releasedm custody just hours after their arrest. the tulare county sheriff's office recovered one hundred and fifty thousandcr fentanyl pills off to men during a traffic stop on friday night. it'sday a potentially life savig bust worth about seven hundred and fifty thousand on the streets. two men were charged in the bus. twenty five year hoseason de horse, a nineteen year old benito madrigal. but they were both released from tulare county jail on their own, recognized as a
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result of a court order from a judge following a riskth assessment. e now the tulare county sheriff is irate about the release of these alleged fentanyl traffickers. he says the so-calledl risk assessment was done behind the scenes. he was never contacted or notified. and he saysot california's justice system justice system is a failure. i could not believe that we had one hundred and fifty thousand fitting allllnyl hills, one of the most dangerous epidemics that is facing our nation today with people in custody that we may potentially be able to impact the future of this type of drug trafficking organization and or cartels in california and my county and we let them go . >> and tucker, most ofhr that fentanyl is pouring in through the open southern s c border where there was just a mass casualty human smuggling event. take a look at this videogln in san antonio yesterday afternoon. at least 50 illegal immigrants were found dead in the back of a tractor trailer subjected to w
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the blistering texas summer heat in a human smuggling attempt gone wrong, one oftr the deadliest immigration related incidents in recent history. and tucker, the whiteec house ws asked about those deaths today. press secretary karine jean-pierreose responded by claiming that the border isie closed soon. back to you. grotesque.>> tucke no one has coveredr: this better than you have. and thank so one of the many reasons we came to brazil this week is to take a closer look at china's efforts to control brazil and its economy i . roughly 70% of china's global infrastructure investments in brazilin have centered on its energy sector. once you control a country's energy, you controlha that country increasingly. china has been doing the same thing in our country. the united states and the bushso administrationn has been encouraging it. it's been encouraging china to funnel money towards so-called renewable energy sources. now they call this the new deal
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,but in effect with the administration is pushing isea dependance on china total dependance on chineselt made solar panels and batteries, chinese control of the united states veto iswe a journalist who has looked carefully into this story and joins us tonight to explain. thanks so much for coming on . so just starting with theou premise if you control the country's energy c a suppl, you control that country. whereol is the united stateswh moving? >> well, i mean, our problem here is that everything within our energy is the biden a administration's approach to how we fuelpp our country. right. their whole climate change agenda. we it makes us reliant on china for all the sources of energy.ta so take for instance, solar panels. they aren't manufactured att least and to a degree that is necessary in the united states. they are mainlyy manufactureduf in southeastac and in china. unfortunately, the biden
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administration recently put a tariff on them. so allem these solar panels that are across the country just have the rods sticking out. panels because we couldn't get them from china. he recently lifted that . however, it's going to take a year or two for those panels g to get hereet. the p and the problem with the panels are not only are they madere in china, but even if we made them here in the united states ,we need the raw minerals from china to make the panels so. that once again we are totally relied relying on china to make our energy sustain both under this climate change mandate. so it's a chinese takeover of the united states. i mean, i don't't know why wed, don't call it that . and i think going forward we will . thank you for reporting on that. thanks for having meat . so h there's no greater proof of the role that it plays dependsua
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upon the quality ofli its leadership than the city of chicago. one of the great cities in this country, a city that built this country completely falling apart s because its mayor is deranged, literally deranged. if i don't overstate racist incompetence, stupid and worse just on a completely bizarre rant screaming the f word at clarence thomasre. whyy exactly? got some ideas for that . do you take aspirin and aspirin? could be hurting your stomach. n vasalore three twenty five liquidrin. filled aspirin. 10%% is clearly shown in a seven day study because ulcers that immediate release aspirin dazzlers is designedd to help protect releasing aspirin after it leaves your stomach where it istiti sought to help preventnt another heart attack or stroke heart attention with your stomach and blood as off the first liquid filled aspirin has this amazing brand
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home . disputing explosive testimony from a former top aide to trump white house chief of staff mark meadows. cathy hutchinson testified under oath tuesday that trump lunged at the steering wheel and demanded he be taken to the capitol during the january 6th riot. a source tells fox news that two secret service agents are willing to testify that didn't happen. meanwhile, turkey is listing its objections to sweden
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and finland joining nato. russian president vladimir putin's invasion of ukraine, prompting sweden and finland to abandon their long held nonaligned status. the president of turkey initially blocks the move resisting the nordic pair changed their stance on kurdish rebel groups that turkey considers to be terrorists. i'm jackie binya. now back to tucker carlson tonight for all of your headlines. you can always log on to foxin news .com. so when people can defend themselves, criminals are much less likely to take the chance of victimizing them. that's obvious. it's also provably true and it was proved here in brazil after the current president terrible scenario loosened brazil'surco draconian gun laws three years ago. the country saw a 20 percent drop in homicides back in the united states in chicago's local government has enacted exactly the opposite strategies . strict gun regulation and homicides are increasingnc
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this past week dozens of people were shot in chicago. seven were killed. one victim was a little brother of fox news. political analyst general caldwell. so on friday morning i received a call from my little brother. kristen was outside of a venuell when's suv black suv pulled upf and three to four men got out and began firing. two people were hitut, a young lady and another man who was then rushed too a hospital in critical condition and had to have surgery. but my baby brother kristenve never, never had that opportunity to even be in critical care. floored by the culture of death that exists in the city of chicago. it is a it is a culture of death t that didn't happen and . live.dn't cover it it happens every week in chicago. gs it's a a disaster. thingsli are falling apart of the people who live there don't deserve it. opbut instead of doing anythingn to fix it, the mayor of chicago ,lori l lightfoot, puts on one irrelevant performance after
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another year. her most recent performance on two days where we are idly by while they are right, our right to bury our right to ask clarence thomas, she screams to a crowd of the mostho privileged, pampered people in the city of chicago, ignoring the peoplee who were dying and then in a follow up tweet let you knowre how tough and liberated she is for a life of this . i said what i meant. okay, but what about chicagoat exactly? raymond lopez lived in chicago . he's an h alderman there. he's running to replace lloyd lightfoot. it's our fervent prayer . he does. he joins us in the meantime. sylvia, thankss so much for coming on . i mean, look, she can havehe anything she wants about the supreme court. i mean, who cares? ut but what about the city she's supposed to be running?
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why is she wasting a second on performances like this ? lori lightfoot is the embodiment of toxic politics and she practices every day that she's mayor of the city of chicago. w not a word about diana'she brother, not a word about the three hundred plus people have been killed in a homicide or bn a thousand people shot in the city of chicago. shee prefers to gaslight and deflect and we talked about this numerous times. that's's exactly why i'm running because we need a mayor. we can benn proud a of a mayor who represents our city and he's not going d to diminish the office one inch further i in what lori lightfoot has donee up to this point. r: but it's such a it's such a boutique elite view of the world. well, i can't afford food and my son was just killed. what about climate change?ll i mean,ed i think people in chicago put up with this. the people of chicago are tired of it to be perfectly honest. they want someone who's going o to tackle the problems in our own backyardf and stop blamingnd
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them on national issues that have no relevance in the g citym of chicago. no one in the city of chicagog is a threat of losing the right to marry or have abortionwh access which they are under threatatt from gangs, criminals and people with guns going after the law abiding citizens of chicago creating more victims every single day which she refuses to acknowledge. i have a plan tous address. i'm going to fix and rebuild our police department so that we can becomee safe cityag again so that you can beai comic to our city and be welcomed. do not live in fear. that's what we're going to do as soon as we boot her out ofoo office. even know what your plan is, but i know you sincerely care and that's that's's t the first and most important step. but weom appreciate your coming on tonight. raymond lopez, alderman, thank you . so here in i brazil,ov the government has cut significant federal funding toer es universities. oh , it's a good.. idea. the government says t the universities are too ideological. they're too political . well, the same thing has
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happened all over the world. it certainly happened in ours country universities to educatet . they seek new ways to destroy the country that made them possible t in the first place and they should be shut down for bedrooms. tucker carlson , we sat down with a former oxford philosophy professor, mike robillardxf, seeing firsthand the poison that emanatess e from the university. here's a storysi you trade every conviction and it doesn't even save you in the end like the, the monster you anyways. right. just eat was a coward instead of at least leaning into it and dying on your feet. so i think that's the, the existential position that i was being put in words like no longer full description. nice thanks but i'm not i'm not i'm not going too say two plus two equals five . i'm not going to say e menot can get pregnant by mere speculation. but i was silent when other s right.e saying these
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and that's enough that degree of complicity i think that isu what adds up after a whiletl where you silently tolerate the other lies and falsehoods and inconsistencies a and contradictions that are being said out loud in your workplace id o in the pr. emails in the mandatory diversity and inclusion. you know, it's it's the tasser complicity that goes along with things 70% tucker carlson today ara's eyre's rather tomorrow morning 7:00 a.m. on fox nation. so here's one of those stories we didn't want to let pass dozens the u.s. sailors have to close encounter with at least one hundred identified flying objects swarming their ship one hundred miles off the san diego coast. hennion can't explain it. they're worried about it. so we'll tell you more when we come back . from rio
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long been willing to admit what it doesn't know in a way that our government won't and so people talk about you oppose here much more than they do in the united states. the brazilian senate. has helde its first ever public hearings on the matter members g ofet the military explained that they have encountered a lot of ufo showsover, includig a night called the night of the ufo in which five brazilian fighter jets were chased by dozens of unidentified flying objectfi at high speed. things like that happen in theik united states too. we're just beginning to hear about them. so for example, dozens of sailors just told a documentaryv filmmaker called jeremy corbel that they were swarmed by ,ha quote, at least one hundred ufos off the coast of san diego, all of which had physical capabilities that were beyond anything people have made to challenge the laws of physics. what is this exactlysan ? nick pope is a former u.k. ministry of defense officialmi.m we are happy to have him join us tonight. these, tell us what sailors described and what you think it adds up to. you would.
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well, they describe a series of objects literally swarming around multiple us navy ships. they said that speeds and maneuvers seemed way ahead of anything they'd seen. now the body and the navy areay saying they're trying to say that some of this is drones. maybe it isdr with chinahr threatening taiwan if this is a foreign adversary, drones and they can do that to, the u.s. navy. we a are in big trouble either way. this is an act of provocation arguably an act of war . the american people need some answers. they deservevee answers. so if these are in fact from a foreign military and as far as i know, the pentagon has given no evidence whatsoever that but if iten is, then i mea, it's probably not even w worth talking about having a war with china because they've wonar. t well, the first step is to try and bring one of these thingss down. i know it sounds provocative, but look, if these things
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literally in our airspace and over our assets, we do have things that can bring these these sorts of objects whatever they are we have lasers. we have the ability to send anec electromagnetic pulse. let's bring one down and let'sy get those answers. everyone's asking the question master is asking. the dod is asking the military is asking the american people are asking too.k and i think we've w been having this discussion now for far too long to just put off getting to the bottom of this and giving people the truth, whatever that may be in one sentence. you have any idea why the pentagon or the u.s. military in the navy made no attempt to bring them down or didn't bring them down? do well,wn i hope that they did.ri one answer is maybe they tried and failed. but again, we need more answersn on this and congress needs toe hold a body in the military to account. fair point. the quote from the u.k.ed
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thank you . the supreme court overruled roe v. wade on fridayn that ledr to riots all over the country, h which you probably haven't read about because they weren't committed by lawav abiding middle age voters. but they happened in phoenix. a mob triedte to storm the stae capitol as the legislature was in session. so you have to wonder why so many people are so angry when of course ending roe v. wade doesn't end legal abortion. it merely lets voterson decide f they want, which is after all,s democracy. so why is e everyone so mad ? well, scarey has spent a year thinking about why the left is so unhappy. he's the author of a new book called liberal misery, a columnist of the federalist and our next guest. edie, thanks for joining us .ex so they seem very unhappy. that's kind of the bottom line when i watch their behavior. i are they ? yes. i think what we're looking at is the way liberals and democrats are going to behave from now on when they don't get their way, they're going to rage. they're going to threaten.n they may evenom commit actual political violence as we've seen we saw all through 2020. and honestly,t as i write in my
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book liberal misery, this is just a bigger version of the way liberals behave in their everyday life. t this is backed up by all sorts of surveys and studies and data that liberals are just really unhappy people and they want to now they want to spread their misery. they want you to feel exactlyee how unhappy they are when things aren't going their way. they're they're more likely than conservativesey and independents to block people on social media justik because they don't like something. you saidel b they will erupt at a social gathering at a perfect stranger. . they do it to their family, their friends. they're angry, vindictive,fadi heady. and again, all of this is backed up by data. iac they areke naturally tend to be unhappy people higher rates of mental illness much less likely to tip 20%, much more likely to send the food back and bark at the waiter. is thereark any guess as to whee this comes from? it seems like they're mad at dad, but is therey' another reason? is there i think that's above my payy grade. but i will say>> t it again. there is a lot of data tot
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back this up. the problem is it would be one thing if they live this way on their own and they just kind of kept to themselvess and i think that they kind of used to contain that rage and anger. but no, nowadays it has it affects everyone. everyone has every one of your viewers. i would bet money has experienced the, the the extreme discomfort that one of these people, one of these miserable liberals can inflict on everyone at a party that just suddenly everyone gets uncomfortable because there's a disagreement, a political disagreement. but that's all in my book, liberal misery. yes, it's a great point and it raises questions about pharma. if xanax works, why are they screaming? but that's another that'sy another ship. any scary?ot congrats on the book. good edd to see you . thank you . more from brazil. we'll be right back from rio, i'm mike huckabee. former governor of arkansas and i'm here with my wonderful wife of almost 50 years, janet and our puppies. over the years we've learned to make a marriage work and love, respect and most importantly,
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we want to say to madeline, w welcome to the world. welcome to america. we can't waiteo to meet you . congratulations, caseyor anthony . that's it fort. us tonight. fore we'll be in brazil for the rest of the week fauci and president bolson tomorrowto in brasilia. we'll bring a report. we'll see you then of the best night with the ones you love. >> and welcome to hannity.a and we begin tonight with a fox news alert. wow. what a day in the washington sewer and swamp once againle while you the american people,al you know, the people that actually make this a great country are facing, you know, a deluge of serious problems, you know, like record inflation, record high , record numbers of illegal immigrants, record homicides. and so many of our towns and cities. well, the swamp creatures on capitol hill, they were busy with yet another anti trump kangaroo
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