tv Hannity FOX News June 28, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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we want to say to madeline, w welcome to the world. welcome to america. we can't waiteo to meet you . congratulations, caseyor anthony . that's it fort. us tonight. fore we'll be in brazil for the rest of the week fauci and president bolson tomorrowto in brasilia. we'll bring a report. we'll see you then of the best night with the ones you love. >> and welcome to hannity.a and we begin tonight with a fox news alert. wow. what a day in the washington sewer and swamp once againle while you the american people,al you know, the people that actually make this a great country are facing, you know, a deluge of serious problems, you know, like record inflation, record high , record numbers of illegal immigrants, record homicides. and so many of our towns and cities. well, the swamp creatures on capitol hill, they were busy with yet another anti trump court and show trial
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where the outcome, as we've been telling you , hass beenee and remains predetermined. it's been that way since day one . instead ofess honest hearings on how to protect our institutions, elected h officials to protect the people's house, the capital instead of ever allowing rights like those allt that occurred in the summer of 2020 from ever, ever happening again, we see nothing but blind, never ending n rage. what is seemingly an obsessive compulsive cult like ragera against donald trump never ends now clearly trump haters for them. hat ers,january 6 is just another excuse to smear donald trump .al anyone who supports them. this is not about safety and security and securing the capital or getting to the truth. this has never been aboututn a having a fair and serious hearing and proceeding so we can come up with solutions. today we heard more rumors a ton of hearsay and wow, a lot
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of impeach testimony will get to the second and this is why it's never hearsay is neverla admissible in a real court ofim law, including this wild claimum from a former low level white h house staffer. watch. this . e the president said something to the effect of i'm the ing president. take me up to the capitol now to which bobby responded, sir,o we have to go back to the west wing. the president reached up towards the front of the vehicle to grab the steering wheel. mr.. angle grabbed his arm, said, sir, you need to takee your hand off the steering wheel. we're going back to the west wing. we're not going to the capitol . mr.. trump then used his free the anglenge towards and whether or not i hadwh recounted the storyen me he had motioned towards his clavicles what you heard there is an incredibly bizarre hearsay allegation from a person
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who according to our sources was was actually prepared she wanted to work for donald trump outside the white house when he wasasn' president at maa a lago. and according to people that i talked to tonight until others advised the former president not tos hire her . in other words, according to the federalist and people i spoke to after january the 6th, she wanted to work for donald trump that bad person she's now testifying against. and now get this according too nbc, by the way, abc isre reporting at fox news is reporting n reporting it. nbc's peter alexander. we have confirmed here at fox quote a source close to the secret service is tellingth me both bobby angle, the lead agent and the presidential a limousine driver are both prepared to testify under oath under the threat of perjury n that neither man was ever assaulted and that mr.. trump thenru president never lunge for the steering wheel. a perfect le st example of why hearsay is not allowed in ao-
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real court of lawca today. the so-called witness also a claim president trump wanted to get rid of the metal detectors at the january six rally and allow armed individuals to attend today president trump flat out denied this claim and pointed out a simple fact zero guns were ever discharged by those that breached the capital or in that according to so many so-called journalists in the media mob ited is hyperventilating again. we got them again this timemp trump russia collusion. oh , we got them. let's impeach him. anyway. they said this was a game changer. wrong again. cer.basic select committee wraj up a stunning public hearing. s it was we should make no, mistake one for the history books and a complete game>> changer only twenty five or twenty six years old , cassidy hutchinson exploded the lieshs and the myth that thep trump team have been perpetuating for more than
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a year now. >> this is an historic day. our descendants are going to ask us what we know about cassidy and hutchinson. that's a name that theyam will knowe. they're going to ask us whatis this was like to watch this and to listen to this because this is a day that is going to loom very large in american history. one last thingis, big picture. liz p cheney began her final commentsan by saying that we ar in debt to cassidyar hutchinson i think america and democracy is in debt to this young woman. oh ,ea really?d just f take your word for it. she wasn't even there. hearsay witness sound familiar? oh , that was the other impeachment trial. now amidtr all the anti a trump clident the media mob and this committee continues to hide several very pertinent,or important, pivotal facts involving allol of this . first,mp president trump already faced a congressional investigation and impeachment over january 6th he was
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acquitted. second, biden's inspector general for the dod also investigated trump's and their response to january six . and guess what ? wha they found zero wrongdoing. and third, rightig here on this program, we have confirmed that on january the fourth 2020 one during a meeting at the ovalau office featuring president trump chief us chief of staff mark meadows, acting defense secretary chris millerch and department of defense chief of staff kash patel who willie, join w us tonight and also the chairman of the joint chiefs, mark milley. well, the president authorized as is required by law t, up to t twenty eight thousand national guard troops be made availablero for security at the capitol again as the law requires that of course, that becomes the jurisdictionqu of nancy pelosi and muriel bowser. now for the individuals in that meeting have confirmed all ofam
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this on camera that the security request in fact tookk place. interesting for a guy that wants to start or initiate some type of coup that he would be authorizing twenty thousand troops to prevent any trouble. take a look. calling up the guard and then it became the chain of command went to nancy pelosi and to the mayor of dc muriel bowser. didd you as required by law authorize the 100% and attestedt to by many people and they turned it down. nancy pelosi turned it down. they are both right written refusal, the communication between the leader of the capitol police and their chain of command to the dod, refusing our request to allow national guardsmen and women to stage on january four and five before january six . did you both asked forti the national guard to be called? ? > without a doubt, john ,
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we've made that very clear not just once but on numerous occasions. we wanted to make sure thereer was plenty of national guardca on the ready in case there wasse some kind of violence. i had a meeting with president trump on the 3rd ofth january concerning some international threats and at the very endrnat he asker there were any requests for national guard support. what wassi the president's response to you with regard too the request made by mayor bouser? >> fill it and do whatever was necessary to protect the demonstrators. and chris miller on thisle program confirmr that two of f the four that were in the room actually testified before we committee and told a january six committee this . so whyhy m wouldak president trump make a request if he wanted the capital to be breached that day two daysace beforehand? or why would d.c. mayor bowser in writing and nancy pelosito refuse to call up the guard?
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it's her domain. she's in charge of capital security and by the way, donald trump made the troops fully available. as he fully authorized as required by law r by the president. they made the choice it wasju their jurisdiction to call them up, not donald trump's.ay you may remember remember that from the summer 2020. thee why did this house sergeant att arms and the senate sergeant at arms, why did they deny the capitol police chiefs request for national guard six separate times? why won't way, anyone on this so-called january 6th committee ask anyve of these questions? why have they not demanded the emails, the texts, the phone records of pelosi of bouser, the sergeant of arms in the house and the senate, t the capitol police chiefhe w and chuck schumer who got a letter on january 5th saying the intel is saying we might have violence. davenportol, any of these people and of course this is not a real committee looking for
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real answers. it's's a political theater conducted exclusively only by people who already voted to impeach donald trump . every single person on this committee ever you can't make it up every one of them voteddo to impeach donald trump , by the way. some didn't t want to certify the elections of either donaldeo trump or george bushrg. ll this isow why they would notrd allow congressman jim jordan or congressman banks on this committee, the democrats, the media mob. this ishe m really little more c what a fun distractionh, from their bleak political prospects. liz cheney, what one final hurrah at the bitter end of a sad and self-serving political career partnering with the very peoplewn that called her own father. let's see. a war criminal, a murderer, a crook with halliburton a if lawmakers that they really wanted to conduct righteouste oversight protect our country, they might want to look the current president who's been selling access to our government forac years now. you wouldn't know it from
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watching fake news cnn or c marthann nancy or any of the networks. but joe biden, you know, he works in mostly in the fake oval office. it seems not trump and newly uncovered audio revealsls that your president joe biden s knew all about his son's sketchy foreign businesstchy ventures. for example, in china we nowhi have a twenty eighteen voicemailna now. you can hear joe's voice. you know it's him he mentions article aboutes hunter's deal with the so-called spy chiefy of china tells his son that hes thinks he's in the clear. listen to this . he tells that it's a 15 on wednesday night, the teens can be called nothing but just talk to i thought the article at least has been on online proof one time is good. i need to clear and way toou give chance to cause i love. you . >> all right.>> that was t 2018.
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he's running for president. 2020 and he was asked over and t over again and repeated over and over again that he never one time not once ever spoke to hunter biden aboutt his foreign business dealings at all. you might remember we have the tape. take a look at instance. how many times have you ever spoken to your son about his overseas business dealings? i've never spoken to son someone about i have never discussedy with my son or my brother or anyone else in having to h do with their business. e and what i would doo is the samd thing we did in our administration. the wall between our personal and private and the government . stand by your statement that you did not discuss any n f your son's overseas denaturalizes stand by that statement. >> now we evenat haveem picture joe and hunter and all those foreign business partners. go meet them. that investigation? joe biden was straightai upgh li to our faces. he didt it over and over and over again and it's o clear from
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hunter's laptop from that joe profited and why, by the way, is this why joe doesn't want to lift tariffs on china because they have him compromised. hunter made a fortune. is this why joe biden approve vladimir putin's nord stream pipeline while simultaneously canceling the keystone xlsi pipeline? because hunter madeor a fortune from a russian oligarch, the media mob, the democratic party , they don't care at one bit. e t in fact, they don't care really about the corruption, the lying ,the dishonesty or real quid pro quos or the violence in the summer of 2020 because they can't use it to bashse the political it's that simple. have y you ever asked yourself whyhy there's never been a committee to investigate all of those peacefulgate riots? five hundred and what ? t seventy four of them in the summer of 2020 dozens of deadd americans, thousands of injured police officers, billions in property damages in. e where where's that committee? a federal courthouse packed
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every single night i for monthse in portland, a police precinct p in minnesota burned to the ground historic st. john's church next to the white housela lit a blaze. you don't seem to d care about any of it. why?th because it doesn't help themm politically. they can't use it to bashgo donald trump one more time forod good ole fun. the mediaun dc politicians were either silent about those riots or didn't wantng to anger their left wing radical base. so they either were silent or they lied to us and said they were mostly peaceful and we know they weren't or they just outright encouraged kamala harris did by promoting that bail fund for rioters to get them out of jail and telling the mob that listen ,they shouldn't stop, they'reto not going to stop.p, they won't stop. we're not going to stop. and you need to take note. you need to be aware where those hearings into five hundred and seventy four riots in twenty twenty and while we're at it, where are the hearingsit about
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quid and pros and clothes, especially the one with joe. you'reti not getting the billion dollars unless you fire the prosecutor that is investigating. my son is making millions without any experience at all. apparently democrats the media mobe was so outraged over donald trump's quid pro quodo that didn't exist butut they ignored the real quid pro quo. you might recall we're not going to give you the million dollars they said you know, ifnt you're not the president the president said i should call him. bi i'm telling you , not getting to his office. i said you're not getting the building. i'm going to be leaving here . and i think it was six hours i leaving in six hours. the prosecutors not fired.'r you're not getting the money. >> none of it get fired. son of a . they fired him. i know. i asked for his i did was offer to withhold a billion dollars. y that's a quid pro quo by joe. remember the media mob democrats cuz trump russiaru collusion. they lied for three long yearssn
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. turns out the only real russia collusion was hillary rodhamio clinton's dirty misinformation bought and paid for dirty russian dossier. the media mob and the democrats then lied on the eve of the twenty twenty election and they claimed withoutev one shred of evidence on this hunter biden laptop, it's all assault, russian misinformation ,a complete and total lie. everything they accusedcu trump of,se they are guilty of demagogery rules the day inside this modern, really strange, really radicalh democratic socialist party . but now with massive policy failures at home abroad, their days in power are likely numbered and actions alwaysre speak louder than words.he here now with reaction, the author of here's the deal b number one new yorkes times best selling book and author, former senior counsel to a president trump kellyanne conway along with the authorr w of suppressin ,deception, snobbery and bias, fox news contributor ari fleischer and former chief of staff to the secretary of defenseof batel cash you the
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you the chief of staff for the acting secretary of defense on january 4th. you were in the meeting i referred to where donald trump authorized up to t twenty thousand troops for the six. is that correct? that's absolutely correct, sir.s >> and he laid it out truthfully unlike what this committee is doing. i was in the ovalin officeec with the secretary of defense,rm the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff and the chiefef of staff, the president united states along with the 44th president and we weree working on a very sensitivey operation totally unrelated to january six , which is why stickrat into my mind and the president on his own after that meeting about a different topic said if you guys need up u to 20 thousand national guardsmen and women across the united states forte the upcoming days and any activity related to january six , you have my authorized as commander in chief to go forward. that was the authorization as you outlined that the law requires and you 275000>> the yt testified to all of this before the january six committee, ch
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as did chris miller, the secretary of defense atta the time. yep. and askan did any anybody else that was in that room? well, as the chairman milley and as you and i both know,s shawn, this committee woulded have leaked information had chairman miller testified under oath that contradictedt anything that chris miller and i havend both said on your show and to this committee. and so since that leak has not occurred by the likes of adam schiff, you know, you that we hh been testifying truthfully and anything to the contrary is absolutelyan false.e and the b capitol police timelie backs it up. the mayor bouser and the sergeant at arms declined the department of defense's request and authorization for national guard not only on january 4th but on january 5th and in the morningjanu of january 6th. so they did not want us there for political optics. now the big one of the bigso so-called bombshells to come outt the hearing today was a that donald trump got angry and demanded that the secret service drive him to the capitol. and when bobby angle
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and another agent, tony, i'm not sure how to pronounce his last name when annatto or not or not, when in fact he when they were taking him, they said it's best, sir, w that we take you backe the white house where it's safer. is. there reports by abc, nbc and now fox news confirming that in fact they're willing to testify under oath that what this witness today's hearsay witness today testified to is absolutely false. do you know those agents i served with both bobbyey and tony, they are career civil service agents, a former military. they embod they embody what career government officials should. i would take their word over any word off this junior staffer with completely, i believe, lying to the january 6th committee for ownself game bobby antonie acted appropriately every single time i traveled with the president over 40 separatetr trips with those two individuals. i would love toip hear themh
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contradict this lie with the truth. but you know, i'm a little different on this one . bobbyo and tony need to continue to serve america. we don'terve don't need put thet if they're willing to come out and say that she lied, that should be good enough forav both the american people and this committee because they have more service to do than help politicize this kangaroo court. and you've been watching at this all unfold this time. now we know we have another hearsay witness storyry seems tn be blown out of the the media was salivating all day. y what's your reactionou? >> that's what they do and they really make folk heroes out of anyone who's willing to become go from working for donald-- trump , wanting to continue to work for donald trump to becoming part of the resistance . look, she wast under oath toda, but i think it's pretty remarkablele that you have secrt service agents and in this case the deputy chief ofy staff of the white house also willing to go under oath just tois dispute account they were in the vehicle. they can tellpe us what happened and what didn't happen. it's pretty remarkable
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that they would do that . i mean, often law enforcement doesn't want to get involved,ik doesn't like to testify, get involved in making seemat political . but they were watching whenn you were watching. look, i think there's a big mistake in not cross examining witnesses because this is not a courtroom. this is not it's- not evenea really a regular committeeve proceeding where you would have both sides, even the minorityn s party be able to put on their own witnesses or in effect ask the questions of the witnesses. i would have hadad a lot more questions for her today and i think it's a important that the president also denied any of this happening. i've been in the piece many times. i've been in see thesese countless timesco . i would find it very difficult to lunge into the front and be able to do that , particularly in the beast is not it's not developedth that way. the president has t denied thisi he's denied this publicly deniedss this privately to many people today. andd i think that matters. look what happened to the media then. new bookk great coming about exactly the same sean. they just seem to they've j nevr
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e heard ofan this person ever before. it's happened time and again. they've never heard of n them. but boo, if the person says one thing or tweets one thing or testifies to one thing, they are the whole country owes him a debt. everybody will remember their names or their next deep throat the next john dean and it never really works out that way. doesthes we've lived through ths similar investigation to the two impeachmentsleon where a conviction is dead but the fdny and then they shut down. so let'set's see where this all goes. but look at the polls twice p the number of people saidum that they're not going to watch any more than the number ofre people who said they are watching and they know what's important to them. let me move on to ari. your book is coming out. suppression, deception, snobbery and bias about the media. let's talk about this unholy alliance. anceremember the whole ukraine impeachment was based on a hearsay witness, wasn't even a real witness, a hearsay witness. you know, the mediaca never really cared about a real quid pro quo. id ween have joe biden on tapeit admitting he withheld
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one hundred i'm sorry a billion taxpayer dollars to get a prosecutor in ukraine d d fired the media mob and democrats lied about hunter's laptop juste weeks before the twenty twenty election could have changed the outcome of that election. they lied about trump russia usio. ion the only one responsible for colluding with russia was hillary. arihii, i mean, how many g more times do they get thingso t wrong and they justhe go about their business and do it again like they did today? the problem. this is one of the pointsoo i make in my upcoming book. you know, there's expression in local news if it bleeds, it leads. well, an expression that should be in place to coverea how the press treatedte donald trump , which is if it's anti trump, it gets a bump. the press lunges for these stories. they want these stories to be true. and we have seen time and time and time again stories aren't true . now as for cassidy, hutchinson's allegations that donald trump leaned a forward to grab the steering wheel and put his arm up and then try to attack the leads
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secret service agent in the passenger seat, sean, this is starting to feel to me like the steele dossier all over again, a sensational allegation that press falls for they herald the brilliance of the person making the allegation that it all fallsn m hearsay when this guy n just reported that tony ha arenado, who cathy hutchinson said was her sourcetwh, he denid telling her , according to cnn ,that donald trump once for the steering wheel. soso we already have the personr that she said told t her this sy it's not true and she is not a witness. your actual title should be not a witness. she wasn't there. soso she's just telling somethis that somebodyhe said. i don't know her . i don'tt question her motives, but i think he or she played a game of telephone and got it wrong. and we've been through this e time and again it's just it's i got to say this and the press take sides and i believeru anything that's anti trump instead of digging in to see if it's said and you know what ?t, they have a duty to be better
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and they never change. they get it wrong with him every time and his 5% cash. thank you , kelly and congrats, ari. he'll kelly and he'll be number one right behind and behind. all right. coming up, a horrific story out of san antonio tonight where over 50 migrants found dead0ar inside a tractor trailer. sara carter isa live on the scene and congressman chip royce will join us straight ahead. and the great one more selling your home is expensive and stressful. so we created our smart solar system to sell your for top dollar and save you thousands in commissions. i was a maid in the fact that my house sold in one day. i deleted save me in the neighborhood of twenty to twenty five thousand dollars because the process was as easy as it. they are the number one way to sell our services free available nationwidehe and zero obligation calls today ideologic .com. hey, i just got a text from
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a massive humanitarian crisis. why? tt because joe biden pretty much c is saying come to america,il we'll processl you , we'll give you a free phone. you won't have to get a vaccine and we'll give freeou transportation to the location of your choice. fr far-reachingar implications, including a horrific story from san antonio, texas. fifty one migrants now found dead inside a steaming hotte tractor trailer. as you can seetr thereac afterle human smugglers packed them inside. no air, no waterrsedm. joe biden didn't i want to talk about it, probably wasn't givenm permission to get mad at me and everything. when i talk toia the media, i i always get yelled at, take look. thank you for your hospitality . you have to sit down with nuclearizes now with more on the ground in texas tonight , our very own sarah carter. sarah , what's going on ?oi what a tragedy. t it is a tragedy. sean, i'm here in san antonio
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and you're right. fifty one people have now lost their life in the back of this 18 wheeler that gps told me could have been as hotee as one hundred and seventy degrees inside. that is just incredible to me. thirty nine men, 12 women and more than a dozen peoplean hospitalized. and sean, i want to show wan you right behind me we're here at two eighty one on the highway systemm this is what the human traffickers and the drug cartels are fighting over there fightingveey over our highway system into the united states and they're moving people every single day.d i spoke with dps. they shared exclusivee video with us showing that every day it's likeay a needle in a haystack. whether or not they're going to find people in a in a trailer, whether they're going to find them in the back of a car, it'ss a deadly situationit. s they'veee seen those increases actually of migrants just this year much more than they saw the last fiscal year. i spoke with texas dps lieutenant christopher olavarriaa and he puts the blamt
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right at biden's doorstep. listenth to this . people are just coming across the borders are being told i need them as yoube meet them. they're being told this because i didn't to hear it doesn't some of this rests with the federal government as well. esral it does. and there has to be some type of there should be somecc accountability forou what's taking place and the federalme government has become complicit in what's taking placece nowe with these students money that the loss of life that we're seeing and the massive t loss of life that wean saw yesterday in san antonio where we seeee fifty one immigrants usually because of humanto smuggling and it all goes t back to the policies, the policies that are working. why why would they cancel the policy? that's the question needs to be askeda when they were effective. and now because ofauhe the fact that they completely canceled all the policiesll, took away a, the tools from the u.s. border patrol, the enforcement action from iceion, now we're seeingic the mexican cartels, the smugglers organizations and usingxploiting that to their advantage by encouraging these immigrants to make this long, aentreachers journey. sean, federal law enforcement officials here at the border and state and local law
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enforcement officials say that if a federal government that is the biden administration doesn't t give them the resources they need and the authority they need to stoppy, they're d going to see those deathse increase throughout the summer as those temperatures risell and that really isy a tragedy. so sara , great reporting as always. we appreciate it. now california i soft on crime policies have now reached a new low to drug traffickers arrested with one hundred and fifty thousand fentanylic pills. an you know, the ones that are killing american kids were nowno released on theirw recognizance despite the surging drug crisiso . three hundred dead people a week on average it with reaction to this developments. texas congressman chip roy. congressman, while all of resources now are are utilized because of joe biden aiding and abetting lawbreaking and human trafficking, that means the rest ofre the border is wide open. i'm there are more drugs. t i'm told by peoplerd on the ground crossing our border than ever before in action. >> that's exactly right.
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you know, in facte, i was on the phone yesterday and i'm heading back down to the bordero next week. i go regularly thanly eagle pas. earlier this year, del rio laredo last fall. and look, none of this is new .i this isng all happening real tie every single day. bordertr patrol is overwhelmed by texas. wh law enforcement are overwhelmed. when ted cruz, your friend ofd mine in our a laredo last september look at it, that is a truck with bodies in a in the back of a truck that we saw at escandon come through right when we were coming through in laredo just last september. this is everyday life in south texas and in the facts the border patrol wasn distracted when i was on the phone yesterday and distorting the news accounts were coming out ofs 50 dead migrants on the back of a trailer. these people are heartbroken. our laww enforcement personnel because this is the kind of thing they can stop if they're not distracted because c n theye having to process all of theseen people because biden refused to enforce the law. he's making policy choices that are leaving our border wide open. hu
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the false name ofma compassion. human beings are dying. talk to jenny martinez, brooks county where we have a mobile more installed texas for the bodies of migrants. you remember when the national guardsmen whe body was found ine rio grande? there were four migrants found in the river that day oror the day or twoe before and after. this is reality and then the federal is pouring in because our border patrol cpactr the border. you're talking about a hundred and fifty thousand. so50 there was a number of murders also gotten out 5% and more has gotten out. if you get to the border, you'll get in, you'll be processedy. they tell people what to say to border patrol. they'llek seek they'll get across the border, they'll get a free phone. they won't get a cova test.un they won't get a background check. they won't get a vaccine mandate. then they'llen get asp free transportation toor some other state and then it's up too the states to take care o of illegal immigrants. c if you did it, i did it. it'd be called human smugglingco and trafficking. congressman, thank you . all y right.ou straight ahead, some prominent
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democratic lawmakers are floating the idea of putting abortion clinicsate , national, parks really that and of course reaction to what blew up later this afternoon on january six committee. we check in with the great one , mark levin. that straight ahead. i'm going to talk to him and it's time to start using some e-mail. maximum strength on e-mail is so powerful it works and prevents fungal infection. plus it has aloe and petri oil to restore skin health. say goodbye to toe fungus with fungimap. ever wonder how much your neighbor's house is worth ? go to only autom to search home value estimates and compare your home could be worth more than you think. visit ownerly .com today when you're the leader of the cleanup and restoration how do you make like it never even happened happened
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when biden demandedd a prosequi ,ukraineat get fired for investigating his son. they ignore all the family corruption, all the money made in russia and china and all the favors joe looks to be doing for them. they ignore on his laptop weeks before the twenty twenty election. now we e have the secret service flow. this testimony that the media's telling us is sotiis bombshellhe right out of the water and they ignore the fact that donald trump authorized b twenty thousand troops before january the 6th doesn't sound like a guy that is not concerned about insurrection. right. let me let me try and help j i guess tonight i'll try and help joe scarboroughoe tonight . joe , i'm going to talk slowly.f you listen slowly see if i can educate you on all the rest of them. this committee is filled with these on this committee and these phony former federal p prosecutorsho behind the scenes you know why this womansh testified today the way sheas
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testified today? in my opinion, h this was her fifth interview. her behind the scenes for four interviews. they were down in my view.e she changed lawyers. they said shey had to testify today because of death threats. she what she couldn't testify last week or the week after that . hatthis committee is a farce. it is a stalinist committee. i want to tell kevin mccarthy the republican leadership you need to put out the, the equivalent of a protective order right nowct and let nancyn pelosi know. and this, bennie thompson who runs the committeeel and dizzy lizzy and you needl n tell them right now they are too preserve all the records that this committee and the staff has pulled together, whether it's texte emails, documents, phone records. and while we're at they need to preserve their own texts, emails, documents and phone records and they need to tellto nancy pelosi to to preserve hers and steny hoyer tooei and their staffs because well, russiareatr collusion was the greatest.
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this is the second biggest force against the american people. toy bring this woman testify. she's about twenty five years old , among other things. 2 5 what she say that the presidee knew that they were going to be threats? the president knew that people might be armed. the presidentth knew there might be violence. yeah. which is exactly whye the president offered the national guard on january 4th according to five eyewitnesses of what she wasn't one and it was turned down by nancy pelosi. wa turned down by chuck schumer. a thousand witnesses. how about a thousand tho one nay pelosi. but nowy this committee is filled with stooges for nancy pelosi. no questions forornanc her if they knew there might be violence. she knew .id so why did she do what she did what she did? because she called on stormth troopers a month before or two months before. here's another piece of information that this committee has that they haven't tha repord
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. how do i i i know? because i've passed catal your same guess he said in november right after the election, donald trump authorized the transition to the biden camp administration from the trump administration and the department of justice and cashpd was in charge of debriefing scores and scores of biden people who they assumed would come in . now ifme you're plotting an insurrection with the proud boys and the oath keepers, you not only do not offer twenty thousand armed military to protect the capital , you also do not participate in a transition period and ordered the department per d defense to worken with the biden people. they have no evidence for any of this committee to come up with nothing despite the fact it's allac one way and i want to encourage networks all over the country who i'm sure will listen to me fire your legal analyst, fire them. there's too many former federal
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prosecutors. this isn't about a federal prosecution. these legal guys , they keep coming on . they know nothing about the constitution, a president, a candidate has the right to lobby and lobby the state legislature if he or she believes that they like there should be for them it's a political process protected by the constitution. a they have a right to litigate. r they haveig a rightht ask al go. they were right a to make allegations. they haven't called a single democrat official before this committee t who violated article two of a the federal constitution and changed the election laws because of hundreds have a lawsuit brought by the democrat party before the election. we t can't even put aside ballot boxes and all the rest. they changedey the laws. now you know the supreme court under william rehnquist put anhe end to that with the florida supreme court. but under roberts they didn't
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stop the pennsylvania supreme court. prem criminalizeo the political process. meanwhile, we have attacked us attorney in washington. what are you going to do? a y take my iphone next mr.. graves. go after eastman, go after? anotherr guy. you haveyo attorney client privilege. t the information therehere., this committee has violated due process. this committee is withholding h, evidence. this committee is withholding exculpatory witnessesis. u you have h a u.s. attorney who't violating attorney client privilegein confidentiality and then you have a u.s. attorney who what we're talking about oh , i want to read you something before i go here is saw wisenheimer whatever his name is quoted by the new york times peter baker did trump commit a crime? this is the smoking gun i testimony today, says saulfo wisenheimer former deputy to ken starr. there isn't any question. this establishes a prima facie case foror criminal culpabilityu
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on seditious conspiracy charges . this guy, a schmuck, doesn'tck establish any culpability for anything that two secret service agents in the car said. the testimony of your client, gabe watson. what i've done that's enoughea prima facie case is over . great one . mark levin, always love having you . don't forget you can watch r mak right here on the fox newsry channel every sunday night, 8:00 p.m. eastern set your dvr coming up, is there a foodoo shortage comingd to this country soon? a number of disasters and food plants and what farmers areai dealing with is raising alarm all over the country. we have a full report next . were you diagnosed with ovarian cancer or mesothelioma after regular use of johnson and johnson baby powder or shower to shower before nine one five nine ? you may be entitled to compensation. johnson johnson failed to warn
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tonight over a number o of fires have food processing plants all around the countryry and it is impacting all types of food making facilities. here's footage from a fire at the frozen pizza plant in wisconsin p earlier this monh . look at your screen. our team is now found at least i 30 incidents reported in the past year and an halff and now as far as we can tell, almost all of these fires have been they sayee accidental farmoc animals. livestock have also been dying at alarminglyave high rates. there's a historic droughtn in the western half of the country and the price of fertilizer and seed for farmers is soaring over 100 percent over the past year. he so n is all of this going to add up to the next big shortage food in america now roman bamako's investigated this very issue for the epic times. he joins us now alongor t with former assistant secretary of the treasury monica crowley. fthank rome and we'll start
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with you when you find it soundsit suspicious of me, they are they all that suspicious in your mind? sounds like a lot of a lot of fires that a lot of plants 100% in fact about three weeks ago there was a very large fire in howard lake, minnesota. it was a large poultry plant that supplied three million eggs per day sup to the localll supermarkets there. so that really piquedha my interest because by that point i was about the twentyt fire of the year. so we here at the other times we split up intoe two researchin teams with one team looking at the publicly available information on a case by case o basis for each of these fires and the other team actually picking up the phone and calling each plant to see what was up. and fortunately at the veryha least what wet found was that it does seem like each individual case had a different reason t and ammonia leak there. a propane tankhehe explosion, a faulty wiring there. so it does not seem like there's an overarching malevolent plan going intoth effect because i thought maybe it was a foreign actor likeou russiaike , china. some people were even suggesting the fbi could be the casehe, but at least we did not
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find any evidence of that . however, what appears to be happening, here , at least in my opinion because i'm looking between the linesss and what's happening is that aih lot of these food processing plants in order to deal with the economic situation, they're running out essentially one hundred or one hundred 10% because inflation so rampant upu and down the supply chain that you have fertilizer for 100%. two hundred percent even the aluminum cans that let's say you put super vegetables, that's up sixty four percent to manufacture and that's shrinking their profit margins . and soso a lot a of these food processing plants, they're just running at full capacity. let meeacit get then i don't knw what the future holds so they don't want monicaa, let me get your take only because we're short on time in the segment. what is your take on all of this ? seems awfully suspicious to me. it does. f i mean, the frequency and intensity of these eventsch does look like t it. it's too much to be pure coincidence now. maybe it is, but even if it's not you even if there's nothing nefarious here , sean, it does look likedo we're entering into
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a perfect storm of sorts with inflationon and diesel prices and so on impacting food. the united states has always been the land of a plenty and nc we're facing scarcity whereverin we look. soes there are shortages already parents cannot get baby formula, for example. e and now people are warning of food shortages. and it's not just here in the united states. this is happening across the west. onceow, in ade every while president biden sort of blurts out what he's been privately briefed on and he has said repeatedly warned us aboutw food shortages. soarbout it could in fact be coming. and i would just say history is replete of communist regimes r actually creatingep manmade famine foror mass starvation and death. i'm not saying we're r headingen there. i'm just saying that ought to r down this road beforeoa these farmers call my radio show putting the fear of god into me becaused they can't afford to do what they usually do. i thank you both for
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the time we have left this evening. as always, thank you for being with us. ithhthank you for making the shw possible for news any time . fox hannity outcome, please set your dvr so you never miss an episode of hannity and in the meantime let not your heart be troubled. laura ingrahamhe and the ingrahm angle are next . have a great night. i'm laura ingram ingram girl from new york city. tonight bad actors, shiny objects. >> that's the focus of tonight's angle. >> i think of many favorite tweets of the day this is really my favorite tweet of the day. it has to be from scott adams of dilbert fame. so far trump's second term has been a huge success. he has several major scotus victories, looks better than ever compared to biden and the january 6 theater just went full justice. you can't win h
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