tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News June 29, 2022 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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we now control our home with a house and you know it's better than all these things by themselves, all these thingso together from the most trusted name avp what's the numberth name avp what's the numberth one retinol brand spiderman's neutrogena repairs the look of fine print in one report so you can me goodbe bye. >> welcome tucker carlson. tonight we areke here at the presidential palace in brazil, brazil, a city famous to architecture majors the world over a completely planned city built in the latey 1950s as a new federal zone in this sprawling country, brazil. we're here because this isec the home of the president. terrible we just had breakfast with him, set down the facenda interview
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with him that went on for more than an hour. we'll have more on that in a moment. we're goingnd to w speak to hisn ,butt we're here in brazil broadcasting all week for a reason. heth if you're worried about the future of the united statesa ,this is a goodce place to come. to get a glimpse of it ork what it might look like depending on what choices we make, brazil, united states have much more in commonve m thc we realize. both are huge countries, but actually the larger than the continental united states countries with deep natural resources , diverse physicalro environment, diverse population and a very dividediv political climate. on one sideidal you have p a nationalist party that's currently in power. now these controls the executive in brazil. on the other side you haveav in effect a globale, party andto the tone of the politics here is bitter and the stakes are very high. people go to prison in brazil routinely when they loseti elections. to ahe reason we're here is take look specifically at what china is doing in brazil
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all through latin americath and the caribbean and of course all c through africa. china has effectively become the dominant colonial power taking over countries mostly through economic deals, trade deals to the presence of chinese companies and then exporting those countries for their natural resources and effectively controlling their political systems. brazil is the last primaryca country of anyn size in latin i america, but it's alson the last country resisting china's colonial efforts and we thought that would be worth watching considering what's happening in our country and our relationship with china. where's by the administration all of this ? well, the administration has in fact done nothing to talk to brazil from china'sra colonial interests and in fact ,they've done a lot to help china by weakening the relationship between the u.s. and brazil and by weakening america.
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our position in the world,hi they've done this quite aggressively. you've watchedagve your living t energy prices which are the key to any economymy have skyrocketed. that's happened on purpose. this administration has donepe that both with the sanction regimes against russia and its emphasis on quote green energy as a result of those two factors, you're seeing the biggest rising gas pricesis in american history and at the same time you'reat seeing a move to green energy forms that we buy from china solar panels, wind farms, the components for those come from china. sose effectively you're seeing a transfer of our energy grid from american control to chinese control. this is an attackis on the mosti basic institutions in american life. this is handingng sovereigntyan over to our main global rival. o it's bad for america. in fact, it's the worstng possible thing for f america. so in aso functioning democratic system, this would be a problem for the peoplerm
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trying to doin it. you can't undermine the country you lead and expect to continue to lead it in a democracy and the administration knowswss this and that's one of the reasons that the signature tactic the biden administration this is our topic tonight has been decriminalizedpic in amerin politics. why have a political debate when you can justi arrest have h who disagree with you and that has happened far below the media radar since the day joe biden was elected. and tonight to show it, we want to go through a litany, a list of americans who have been arrested, detained by federal o law enforcement on the orders of the biden administration not because they committed recognizabletr crimes but becauc they disagreed with the political aims of the biden administrationaueyh. bo now again, you'reut not reading about this in the new york times because the rest of the media are pretending that it's not happeningha and instead are focused on the january six committee which has takenen in fact a lead role in this effort rounding upt enemies of the state.he the entire process is a farceou
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that was proved yesterday. ifeari you watch the hearingste yesterday, you know how absurd it isd. democrats with the help of adam kinzinger and liz cheney called up a starr witness who testified she heard someone else sayse that donald trump attacked a secret service agent a and tried to carjack a the presidential limousine. >> think about that . p the united statesre tried tote seize control ofs the presidential limousine that he t wasn't driving. sense. it didn't make any sense. and thenth at the time the secrt service agents who were on the scene denied the story to nbc news and other news outlets. nobody cared. they weren't even pretending that it was true . the initial story was the point . the shock value was the point, not the factual basis of it. that's passes for rigorous investigation in congress at the moment. >> but no media outlet is going to revisit their decision to turn over their airwaves to the january 6th committee even after yesterday's debacle. it is in fact a show trial. it is absurd by definition and its absurdity is the point, the absurdity of it, the hollowness of it sends
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the message we run the justice system now you are powerless. t and thatha is the same message the bush administration has sent to america for the last t year and a half with the help of merrick garlandhe, the most political attorney general in history. here's a list of the things they've done because no one else has assembled it. here we go .. january twenty seven twenty twenty one days after joe biden's inauguration2021, m the justice department arrests a man called douglas mackeyan known online as ricky. it but you heard very little about this . why? because douglas mackey had extremist political views. but underis the american system, it doesn't matter if you have unattractive or unpopular views . >> your views are protected by the first amendment. he was arrested for what ? crean a crime? no, formeme creating internet ms that made fun of hillary clinton. but according to the justice department, those means, quote, deprived individuals of their constitutional right to vote . so he went to jailto then on february 3rd of the same year, 2020 one , the fbi raids the homes of russell taylor andh
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alan hostetler. what did they doat wrong? well,, they organized a lawful political rally on january 6th.o they even had a permit forn h the rally. taylor also committed the grave offense of being seenal with roger stone in the days before january 6th. that's now a crimeh, to not in a free country but in ours. then in april twenty eight twenty twenty one , the feds seized the cell phones and computers belonging to the president's former lawyer the rudy giuliani that didn't used to be allowed. you can't seize the records of someone's attorney. those are confidential t lawyeri client communications. now at the timeon wee are told that rudy giuliani had done something illegal in ukraine. the walls were closingga in . >>an he was never charged with anything like that because it was all fake. bu >>t but they got his privileged communications anyway. then on june twenty fourth 2020 one , the feds raided the home of the giuliani associate called george dixon. the fbi never explained g purpon of that raid, but dixon was working on a documentary about joe biden. ou and their business dealings in ukraine and that's
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no longer allowedngs direct ats on the free press not covered by the media. es and then because this list does go on on januaryen nineteen twenty twenty one , a journalist at infowars called owned shroyer was arresteder and charged. why? well, according to the federal complaint, sware toldol the crod on january six quote today we marched to the capitol because on this historic january six twenty twenty one we have to let our congressmanua and women know and we have too let mike pence know that they stole the election and quote now you may not agree with that or maybe you do. it doesn't matter that'ste protectedrsp speech under our constitution. but under joe biden, it's a crime. and then a november six twenty twenty one the fbi raided the homes of several more journalists who worked for project veritas, including the organization's'sd founderfo james o'keefe.un what did they do wrong? o drug trafficking. human trafficking? no . an they reported on a diary written by joe biden's daughter ashley. and in that diary, biden's daughter writes reveals to the rest of us that joe biden s showered with her in a way
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that she described w s inappropriate and that she blames for makinghe her compulsive in later life for having access to that information. the fbi raided project veritas i'm sorry, what is this regarding the platform of not>> oh , i am so sorry, mothe. under the trump's a fascist. remember that did trump's doj raid the homes of a lot of journalists who embarrassed his children? remember no, you don't remember that because it didn't happen. but joe biden's justice has done that and k then they kept going later that same month, the november 15th of last year, the justicece department arrested one of the most prominent critics that would be formerar trump advisor steve bannon. noww what is steve bannon do wrong? did he commit a crime
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on january six ? no,n' he didn't and no one clais otherwise. and instead and his crime wasim that he didn't bend the knee for the january 6th committee. he had his executive privilege ,according to nancy pelosi. that means stevete bannon belons in jail. do you think people who refuse to comply with congressional subpoenas should be prosecuted by the justice department and at the end ofth the daye goo jail? yes, you do. i do. i do. well, first of all, this youn' know, people say, well, this hasn't happened. we haven't had an insurrection incited by the presidentin of the united states and one ofie his toadiess having knowledge of advance knowledge of that happening. so in fact, it's important for a number of reasons f. it's important for us to findbo the truth about what happenedutt on january six and the assault on our constitution, our congress and our capital assaults on the constitution. >> okay,on so no. in other words, we don't arrest people for ignoring
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congressional subpoenas, particularly when they cite . anutive privilegere it's a principle that has a long history in american history. we've never done that . but we can do it now because it was quote an insurrection insurrection that wasn't armed, wasn't planned. it t didn't actually incorrect anything, but it wasll an insurrection. now you're beginning to see why it's been so important fromni the very first day for the media to describe what happened on january h six not as a riot but as anio insurrection because of its insurrectiont. a they can violate your civil rights and they have and they continue to a day after steve bannon's arrest, this would be november 16th, 20 21. the fbi raided the home of sean a bishop. that's the former campaign manager for congresswoman lauren boehlert of colorado. accordingn to bishop, here's h what happened. quote, while homeschooling my youngest childrent: ", the fi decided it was necessary to bust open my front door with a d battering ram and put meha in handcuffs so they trample through my home terrifyingnd my family. my daughter was pulled aroundau by the hoodie, by her hoodie,gh
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by one of the agents. now why wouldn't you do this tof the former chief of a staff of a sitting member of congress? well, the fbi gave no reason.iss they took cell phone and they left, never charged with the crime. that samet day you didn't read this in the new york times either. the feds hit the home offe mese county republican clark peters. what was the justification for that raid or break into a lotse of houses all of a sudden trump voters? whyn? well, in this case, doj saidet peters raised doubts about the legitimacy of the last election that's not allowed anymore can question the outcome. they didn't restor these to our house apart. peter called the raid evidence of quote a level of weaponization the justice department we haven't seen since the mccarthy era. but of course even during mccarthye no one did that . in may she came on fox denver to explain what exactly happened to her . my attorneys whenth they read the indictment the other day, they i mean,e harvey steinberg and i've got the best attorneys and theyai
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just laughed. they said, ared, you kidding? this is this is a political maneuver to shine the light on me, to keep me from running against and defeating denigrates. oh , so in the name of punishing people for complaining aboutut the last election, they're subverting su taking currently place. and last night the woman t you just saw, tina peters, lost her bid for secretary of state, which of course was the whole point of targeting her appears would not be theot last opponent of the bush administration running for office to be targeted by thefi justice department on june 3rd. peter navarroju, who was a trade aide to donald trump , wason arrested at washington national airport and put in leg irons l and put in jail. eg why? well, days d earlier he sued the january 6th committee. he claimed executive privilegee is communications with the president. again, this is standardpr a decadesdiit old standard. and rather than go to court january six committee simply
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had himja arrested at the airpot and sent to jail in ion's. everyone went on this should explain what happened to him. that partisan witchis hunt kangaroo committee which is unduly authorized and not properly konstantin and has no subpoena power. they have only one mission to, concoct a fake hoax around january six based on criminal charges against trump to prevent him from runningrg for reelection and taking back the white house in twenty twenty five january. >> that's alls this is about. so a decade ago the obama administration was caughten sending automatic weapons to mexican drug cartels and congress wanted to knowea more about this eric holder than the attorney general had a key role in this operation fast and furious. you may remember it.ri soth they subpoenaed him and he ignored the subpoena and the media applauded. he was taking a noble position.t but when steve bannon or peter navarro tried to dona
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something like that , they wente to jaily when we had this exact same thing happen in public. ten years ago, a federal judge ruled that holder's privilege claim was not j legitimate and e was still nevereg arrested. but the rules have changed. why is that ? no one in corporate media ever ask that question. instead, they celebrated a 70 yearldos arrest old man in an airport. it made their day. >> he was indicted and whente you're indicted, you're arrested. peter navarro was so far out of bounds. it's so indefensible. this prosecution is really about punishing navarro based on his blatant disrespect for the congressional subpoena. >> his blatant disrespect., by the way, there's no t constitutional requirement to have respectns for anybody in te u.s. government. in fact, in a free country i, ou you're encouraged to disagree. >> you are a citizen.. you have c that inherent right. >> but no more the media think
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you should be sent to jail if you show disrespect. and so of coursesr, with no meds to push back against unconstitutional overreach, the justice kept going.une 9th f then on june 9th t of this , drew, the fbi arrested a republican candidate for governor of michigan. in fact, the candidate he c show was in the lead. his namehe is ryan kelly . he came on our show to explainpp what happened next . >> there was no crime committed, tucker . no, never entered the capitol building exercising my first amendment. those of us that have questions about the twenty twenty election20 t result, they want to intimidate us and they want to threaten us not just me, my family, but my supporters as well. all of us that love america. i think a lot of americans see a right through this, tucker . they understand what the democratsmeh tnd are uo and it's not a big deal to them. they want to know what the whato the government is going to do to actually do the things that are affecting their day too day life to bring solutions to our state and to our country. noticing a pattern here , speak
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up against joe biden, dare to organize other people to speak up against joe biden, dare to ru for office against joe biden and you raisen, your chances a of the fbi showir up at your house exponentially.y it took months. for us to recognize a pattern. in fact, itto took coming to t brazil with this kind of behavior is common to realize that's exactly what's happening in our country tly. and as if you needed more evidence, these raids continue on june 22nd of this month, the feds cornered former trump attorney john eastman a in a parking lot and seized his phone. they didn't even provide a warrant before they did that . >> watch the terms ofik the warrant. i'd likee to see what type of you know what i would like tohe see the warrant. i'd like to see the warrant before you take my property. so seriously, i want you to see that they took my propertyi for
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providing me with the warrant. soar i'd like to read the warra> . >> put your hands up. no warrant for you . what that man do wrong we still don't know. but again, if you need more evidence that this is a pattern that nobody t is doing anything to stop, in fact,ep some republicans in washington are abetting itub and encouragig it. >> there's this a day after that was shot june twenty third last week the fbi searched a home of former trump doj official jeff clark. again, there's no om suggestionmi he committed any crime of anything anything wrong. what he did was say thingshi that joe biden and joe biden's justice departmentan didn't lik. sof he was hauled out of his home in his pajamas for maximum public humiliation. one pointilia twelve agents in o fairfax county police officersnt went into my house, searched it forr three and a half hours. they even brought along something. tucker , i've never seen i h bed
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or heard of a electronic sniffing dog and they took allle of the electronics fromct my house. ou and you know, i don't blame the agents. i thinkblge what you're talking about in terms of weaponization is really about ter who's pointt the agents and telling them what to do. we're living in an era that i don't recognize and increasingly, tucker , i don't recognize the country anymore with these kinds of stasi like things s happening. s >> i don't blame the agency says he's a he's a bigger man than we are because we do blame agents where the agents who will resign their jobs before fetisovov in theuc destruction of the u.s. constitution, we should see them. any of them. is anyone else noticing this ? no. and no one's saying a and because no one is abuses or power escalates. the show has just learnedoj that as of this week the dogs's counterterrorism division is prosecuting a lawyer involved in a dispute over election
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integrity counterterrorism aimed at people. who ask questions about the last election results. by the way, if r r that doesn'ts peak your interest about what exactly must have happened in the last election, nothingng . well, why are they so angry every election of your lifetime has been contested. every single l one there's not n election or republican wins in which democrats don't say yes. the voting machines win were r rigged. no one knowsws a thing, but suddenly that's a crime. >> and in this case the lawyer is not attacked. the state capital of arizona writers just did that after roe v. wade was overturned. not a single one was arrested. he didn't burn down a church outside the white house, the name of george floyd instead. like everyor personge we just mentioned, his crime was making joe biden mad . according to our justice department, he's not a domestic terroristti. me someone needson to stop this before it gets even crazierets again. >> this view is informed by the fact we're now outside of the country in a
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political environment that resembles ours i p in so my ways except there's less free speech there is more police involvement in politics. w brazil is what america will be very soon if we don't slowwn this down. we're here at the presidential palace h because we told you a minute ago we just sat downth with the president of brazil, president bush, full scenario ahead of an election here that will have an effect on the entire hemisphere, very much including the united statese hnclu. >> here's part of i our conversation. the parallels between politicsbe in brazil and politics in the united statess are striking to an american. you are opposed by aayo coalitin of billionaires, college professors and cnn. >> tell us what the opposition wants. what will brazil look likeet ift your opponent wins? pr >>et i mean, i myself with myt election itself was almost a miracle. i had nothing going for me. i was just an isolated memberbe of congress. me
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i was known as a lower segment of the national congress in brazil. i connected my campaign anchored only with a biblical passage from oit eight thirty tu shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. the media never gave me any visibility or space much tovi the contrary, they attacked me all the time throughout the campaign t. ifif the left wing does come back to power in my view they'll never leave powerowe and this country will follow the same path as venezuela, argentina, chile, colombia, brazil will become one more wagan on that train. the losers will beti the brazilian population and also the left wing itself. on the left wing voters will losel as a result. all of south america will be colored red . you understand me and in my view the united states will become virtually an isolated country in the worldld amazing interview. t and guess what ?uc this will shock bulstrode bears no resemblance whatsoever tose the descriptions of bosna. n you have read in the new york times completely different person seen before. let's say the whole thing tomorrow night, 8:00 p.m. foxle
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newsig. so for a long time civilians in brazil effectively are not allowed to have what happens when they something the population will crime went up s significantly. the current president'sly executive action has made it easier for law abiding brazilians to have guns. and guess what happened? oh , crime went down significantly. homicides dropped 20%. i'm not happy we'll get into it. weo come back from brasilia. it's interesting america we don't like we'll be going against the we like to make our own oil industrial foundation as we did in towards genius.
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then when he took officeen w heo years later, bosna did something that in the united states he would have been criticized very strongly for on cnn. he loosened brazil's gun restrictions. he made itt easier for people to keep firearms in their own homes so what happens if people go crazy, more measured and you know, the country became a lot safer under bill clinton. un his gun policy homicide rates in brazil have dropped by thirty four percent. last year, brazil's murder ratee fell to its lowest level in fourteen years. it was in our lives here in brasilia. in fact, he is a member of congress received more votesn than any member in the brazilian congress. he's also the sonhe s of the president, one of his closest advisors. i shouls us now a. thanks so muchd for coming on . i should say you're you're quite an outspoken person here in brazil and quite a famous person for our american viewers. >> don't tellken p the effect of the gun policy. yeah, the gun policy here president he didn't change the law, but he changes the regulation.
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what made the access easier and cheaper for the brazilians to buy a gun in brazil? so what happened is is not only that we reduce the number of crimes. it was the biggest drop ever in the history of brazil in murders rates since 1980 when we started to have this misery. so brazil is safer, thanks god because of this policy. and if you look here in the neighborhood in venezuela, for example, is forbidding tola the trades to sell and buy guns since 2013 and caracas became the capital that is the most the number one in the world. and to talkrld about the murder soap this is much better shape nowadays. so you see this in countryr: after country, the left comes to power. d they disarm the law abiding criminals get to keepte their guns. the murder rate goes up. is goes u that whatp, the left s in store for venezuela if >> yesin? yes, sure. yes,.al especially in brazil this new this very strong gun control law that we have and i usually say that is not that gun control is a gun restriction.
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it's stop in 2003ttarted. and since then they promised tot us that the number of the crimes would reduce but in fact is year after year we had a new record of the number of murders sold for the first time like in decades that we are looking again year after year. the murders coming down is now since 2000 nineteen when bozena took office and he starts g his new policy about about the guns. if your administration loses this next election, do you believe the new administration will ban civilian gun ownership? sure. civilian yes, there is no doubt about that . because former president the former president lula, he's talking about that openly that he will take back again all of the guns that gereb also not like during the 30% administration was sold. soni he will do that amazingg aligned with china, adopted domestic policies. we've seen this we've seen this before and waterbus aren't thinking so much.
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ninety dollars off. we have extremely low quality some once they're gone are gone so order now is. welcome to fox news live. i'm ashley strohmeyer in new york. r&d superstar r. kelly sentenced to 30 years in prison in a sex trafficking case. he was found guilty last year of using his stardom to subject young fans to systemic sexual abuse. the honorable brian jackson will be sworn in as a supreme court justice thursday at noon. she's making history as the first black woman on the high court. jackson is replacing justice stephen breyer who is retiring and the us will buy another one hundred and five million doses of pfizer's covid-19 vaccine in anticipation of a fall booster campaign. the three point two billion deal comes as federal scientists work to update vaccines to offer better protection from the rapidly evolving virus. i'm ashley strohmeyer to back to tucker carlson tonight for all of
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your headlines, log on to fox news .com. >> welcome back from brazil. before we left our beloved country to which we will return, we presided over an epic face off on finalwi exam. unfortunately never broadcast it because of breaking news. but we're bringing it tooki you nowng by popular demand. >> here it is time now fordi the addition of final exam this evening, an animal edition taking a break fromin people for a moment. final exam is the game where you get to test the media to see people who are bringing you the news have beenri paying attention n to the news.t they're great people, though. this week dana perino, who isim legitimatelyat a person for the nation as far as we know,pl she's of course the co-anchor of america's newsroom, co-host of the five and back once more is fox across america, host jimmy fallon. some say he suffered an unfair was the last time wewe broughtd him back to try again and to test his acuity.
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i just i love this matchup because you've got white house against white castle. great. t i wore f a jacket just for the occasion because i was not going to be out jacketed. yeah,, she tried to get into i my head, tucker yeah. nshe's already in mind, but i'm not going to guess as to who's going to win. i'll write the rules because the international community is a rules based order here they are hands on buzzers . uz i ask the questions first person to buzz in gets to u answer. you have to wait until you finish asking the question . if you don't, you lose. every correct answer ison worth a point. to get it wrong, you lose a point. best offpo five wins all questih this evening are multiple choice. are you ready? let's get themoi right. question one a bloodhound was the unexpected winner of c this year's westminster kennel club dog show. he was firstlu agreed to win the event. one hundred and forty five year history. what was this bloodhounds name? was it a walter, b sherlock or c c trumpet,? sam jimmy .
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i'm on this .>> it was c trumpet talker. come on , help us . i would o have guessed sherlock because bloodhound but we'll we'll find out he did by watching my one more thing tonight . stop. i did watching your show nervous this guy giving it. r >> let's see if you're right to the tape so that the one hundred and forty six annual westminster kennel club dog show the bestw in show winner is the bloodhound. trump is the best in show beautiful. you did in fact watch dana show the watching his show. so it looks like your speed was the key to that one. was okay, question to the next video is legitimately unbelievable. it shows an australian man t fae to face with an angry crocodile. the clock lunges at him but the man is able to fend offl this animal off this enormous reptile with a weapon. was the weapon a , an umbrella b, a frying pan or c, a fire
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extinguisher? okay, you know dana perino, it>> was the frying can be a dude with a frying pan. are you sure australian dude walking around with a flying out? but one more thing on the bio.." oh , all right. the five is the answer this way> ratings are okay to the tape right here . i'm trying oh okay. i get him to allow him do it. i did not we didn't say that i that give me a little known fact about this is that he abo t back upstairs to the bed and breakfast and he made the breakfast in the panast . the yelp reviews areev phenomenal. incredible. rethe panel can do anything. i would never would have thought about this , tucker ,n because once on the subway i rappelled to muggersri by offering tickets to the view and they ran away so i wouldn't know when frying pan but fine, try that . e
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it works every time . good. pretty good. all right. question three . q soue villagers in cambodia juste call what is believed to be the biggest freshwater fish ever brought to hand . the fish weighs six hundred and sixty six pounds. this is almost a trick question. i know the answer. what kind of fishhwh is it? is a sturgeon. is it be a catfish? is it sea? a stingray? dana stingray. tucker: how see how interesting that you guess stingrayed because it's always a catfish. is dana right? it a stingray at the world's largest recorded freshwater fish has been caught in the mekong river in cambodia. scientists say the giant stingray was captured last night. measures on a limb a little bit i think on the raft and then yeah, apparently, tucker , dana borrowed dana borrowed that denim jacket from jack hanna.
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no one told my breath becausews anyone who follows canadian village fishing knows it's always the catfish. but in this case you always want to be theays well-bred pern in the right. i don't really follow canadian village fishing. i know the village i people but i can't. you got a little different. all right. >> tthis is a question forg our judges are telling us is a two point question and concerns guidance from the centers for disease control. there has been guid a salmonella outbreak. so the cdc is weighing and we're going to have ten toou do maybe the cdc is now commanding to refrain from kissing and snuggling with which kind of animal is it a chicken? is it b wraps? is it c snake? jimmy i was jimmy . i go see snakes for the twoy points here . that would be my no w more snuggling with snakes is jimmy correct? roll the tape please. you guys hear about this a a salmonella outbreak. the cdc has instructed people no kiss or snuggle there chick.
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well, hi. right. you're chicken .al i'm not sure why this is well, you know, you always see those people like boardwalk's who let you hold their snake. yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah.i that's why i did not see chicken coming. i suspect foul play. good night everybody. sorry, i suspect that your life in new york may be distorting'r your perception but i need to travel more before will grow up in wyoming. erception come on tucker. most of the most senior that national travel i've done is epcot.av i need to get a i think that qualifies actually that that i've been all right. final question.s this isa a multiple choicell as well. it concerns c a man in michigan now this man was chased by policefo for speeding and turns out he's an exotic animal in the passenger seat with him. now he's pleading with thehe police to give this animalma back . he calls the animal karen and he says we're quoting she is literally like my child. ld
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what kind of animal is this ? michigan man's child? k karen is carrying an alligator . is, karen b, a possum or c,r a potbelly pig? jimmy it has to be belly pig. you don't have an alligator. karen i don't see i kind of do maybe. i don't know. but you're you're saying pork pig. that seems like the conventional answer. that seems like a wise choice s,. let's see if you're correct. the man iss arrested after a high speed chase with his pets alligator gummow. he is pleading toal get gator back to oakland county. man allegedly led police on a chase earlier this month here and riding shotgun with sheriff's deputies trying to pull him over for speeding. that isin the well, our job is just telling mete the totals are dana to jimmy negative two. oh , come on conclusively answer the question whether the lastkeke game was stolen frg
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him. if you're a bad person,oo you're a good person. i mean, for joining us . you're a great person and you're the winner of our coveted creepy lawyer mug which is going to be fedexed to you immediately. >> i know what i had t for the last time . i want to h have the mug with your face on it. it's's in the guest room and sot i'm going to come in this last weekend and they said, what ish, that ? and i said, i oh , i want listea ,i'm looking atyi your house, dana.. they weren't impressedsounds l.f and for the record, i'm glad i lost. . i was told if i beat dana, i was never working on thisis channel again. no, it's totallyr w true . that was and then when i seey it, it says you talk to them. so i thank you both. my wife and i. that's it for final exams this evening to you next time you can beat the news experts at the news alligator not wild. he gave luang yoshiki is
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a matter of life or death for a child. i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas and i'm here with my wonderful wife of almost 50 years, janet and our puppies over the years we've learned to make a marriage work and love, respect and most importantly a good night's sleep. let's head real difficult getting asleep and staying asleep until he started taking relaxium sleep for years now we both fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and wake up refreshed every morning. it's made life a whole lot better. and since relaxium sleeps formulators so safe and effective, there's no issue how often we take it clinically proven.
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three one. that's pr two, two, three . one , two, three one. >> the first thing tyrants do is disarm their own populationhs whom they don't trust or care for so they can have total control. so it'so it not not surprising that justin trudeau in canada has done that . he's banned firearmsrtme. a why is this happening and why
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is no one saying anything? well, for new episodes, carlson said. we spoke to canadian hockey legend theo fleury about justin trudeau and he explained just how bad it is right now c in canada. >> tellan us about justice, though. ? s is justin trudeau he is the worst of the worst that canada has to offer. he has no substance.o he has no soul. a he doesn't care about humanity. he only cares about himself in power. and it's very disappointing because he's writing on a famous name for our viewers who aren't aware of his dad was prime minister f and i don't believe he's running the country. i believe that there's a certain entity that haver infiltrated our country and have taken over . i believe he's being blackmailed by these and can i ask you to sit there and i want to play a clip from him that suggests maybe the identity of one of thesety entities o is number five . and here's justin trudeau explaining that he admires
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the quote dictatorship in communist china, the level c of admiration i actually have for china because their basic dictatorship is allowing themm to actually turn our economy around on a dime. you don't often hear peoplen politicians admit in public that they admire, quote, the dictatorship china. ch he just said that .ai yeah.. and that's and that's been the merit of the whole entire the whole entire way and actions speak louder than words, tucker . right. and whatou tha we're seeing nows that clip is now being played out in canada. he wants to be a dictator. he wantshe to full control of on everything we do. right. but you know, from a psychological perspective, if you dig into justin trudeau's history, he's very traumatizedum human being that has done b absolutely zero work on himself
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. huh?h? what is he traumatized? well, look at look at his life as a child. he hung around with communists his whole entire childhood. right. c so, you know, in a field of of psychology, we know thatth there's a reason forer badr, behavior and that behavior ist a learned behavior from childhood. so about all a this stuff as a child.ll and so as he's coming up, you know, as an k adult and then now you know, he's in a position of power, that's what happened. you can watch whole episode on tucker carlson today, 7:00 a.m. tomorrow morning on fox nation. by the way, it's still flurry's birthday to day t canar. >> good man. happy birthday. well, from brazil next planned
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that's it for us tonight. we are back from brazil tomorrow with our entire interview with the president of this country. terrible sonali been a greatl. part of the day with himaz here in the capital . amazing conversation, really telling, of course, to be back tomorrow night, 8:00 p.m. so that's the sworn enemy of lies and possibly smugness and groupthink have the best night. the ones t who love you know, that . welcome to "hannity". tonight we start with a foxox news alert. we have a lot of new news for o you tonight. now on this programam we have long detailed, hyper partisan illegitimate nature of this sham january six committee now on ongoing in the dc seweret and swamp. butast over the past 48 hours, this charade hast been exposed for all to see. now after yesterday's franklyon ludicrous testimony, no one in their right mind should take this committee seriously. it has been apparent from days one this committee always c
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