tv Hannity FOX News July 1, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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what a truly decent man. what would you expect from hollywood? we were so pleased by it.r that's it for us today. we hope you enjoyed our special interviews you just saw and many more like them available right now on fox nation. an a >> you can get an account forre free over at tucker carlson .com and of course,, we'll be back every night 8:00 p.m. so that is the sworn enemy of line composts smugnessro and groupthink. >> have a great night with the ones you love. hello, everyone. and welcome to this special edition of "hannity". happy fourth of july weekend. dititiit's an honor to be here with you. i'm tammy bruce and tonight for sean and we begin with the conflict in ukraine. the biden administrationn is nos using the war as a scapegoat for all of our economic problems here at home while also pumping money into the region as americans struggle with record high gas prices and spiking inflation, th the president is generously sending our tax dollars abroade
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to ukraine, including a fresh new infusion of eight hundred i and twenty million dollars just this week, bringing the totalof commitment. are you guys ready toe fifty four billion dollarsyo, which is about a third ofis ukraine's entire gdp. but according to one biden adviser, we all must sacrifice so that the liberal world order is upheld. >> watch this .e the military analyst, the director of nationalal intelligence, they say that this could be a long war measured s in years. and ian think everybody understands why this is happening. but is it sustainable? what do you say to those families who say, listen, we can'tto afford to pay forla eighty five a gallon for months, if not years? s this is just not sustainable. for which heard from the president today was a clear articulation of the stakes. >> this is about the future of the liberal world order and we . >> so just how long will you be expected to suffer
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in silence for the liberal world order? well, according to joe biden, >> watch this . and how long fair to expect american drivers a premium because of this war. the second part of the question was will you bring down the price will bring down prices up. they could go as high as two hundred dollars a barrel. some analysts think how long is it fair toon expect american drivers and drivers around the world to pay that premium for this war as it takes? russia cannot, in fact defeatt ukraine and move beyond ukraine. >> extraordinary fore the record, gas pricess and inflation were spiking long before vladimir putin invaded ukraine and there was no mystery as to why i joe biden shut down the keystone xl pipeline. joe biden restricted american oil and gas production. joe biden obstructed fracking. s joe biden ended exploration
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tonight with gas prices already at record highs. joe biden is blocking pr new offshore drilling in the atlantic ocean and the pacificng ocean. why would the president limit drilling at a time likeul this ? sadly, we won't soon get anse answer to that question because joe is headed for another longr weekend off away from the whitef house. here now with reaction is the author of the upcoming book come on , mafox news contributor joe concha, along with former massachusetts senator scott brown and fox and friends weekend co-host rachel campos duffy. scott, let racac me start with u because when i hear abouten the importance of keeping gasau and oil high because we're fighting putin through ukraine ,isn't it true that as long as the oil prices are high, putin is getting even more money and this is funding his adventurism that the way tow stop him would be in fact, to bring oil prices down, not to keep them high?
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well, we know when oil is below 50 , 40 dollars a barrel and even lesser that russia is hurting. yes, you're absolutely right. but you know,w, this liberaly new world order, another clueless biden representativee, newsflash, the world is not all liberal. there are certain parts of the world that are. but in the united states ofrl we needd to focus on our needs and other people's needs right now. we're paying now a little less because. independence day weekend so, you know,nd doing the manipulation. but i just paid five fifteen last week, came back a dollar seventy two when i got g back from being the ambassador no secret here the president biden said that he was going to end fossil fuels in america. well,. i guess that's okay. he's doing a good job, but i guess he doesn't really care about the other parts of the world because he's going to venezuela, obviously dealing with iran, dealing with the saudis, making their oil industries a booming industryg
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so he's creating jobs everywhere else but here . yeah. 38%very approval rating rating. 85% of the people say we'rego going in the wrong direction and he's got toer get his act together. this administration is is doomed and it's not doing anything right. >> yeah. doomingg all the rest of us with it and showed the title ofrf your book is perfect because it really should be our explanation. it's like, come on , man, you saw his performance there embarrassing at nato , noting, you know, the nature of as long as this takes making a fool of himself but also harming our national security. >> in the meantime, what's your take on what biden is up to at this point? ubesides that ? ,everything went great, right? scott, of that stuff before, about 85% of voters don't like the direction of the country. e i'd love to do some keg stands over the weekend with those 15%r who thinks things are goingecop in the right direction. who are these people? but seriously, you see now the press is turning on mr. biden. i keep reading. you know, that should have
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happened the minute he actually tried to sell the country on this notiono that if t you spend trillions upon trillions of additional dollars on top of the trillionsli weth already have, you floode the system. somehow he makes this argument will lower inflation and the deficit.ation and brian deese, who somehow is a chief economic adviser toso the president of the united states, he said the clipartrt ot loud, right. that this is all intentional, the attempted transitioning of this economy and energy policy to the new liberal world order.r it sounds like something, you know, , star wars senate. i guess that's the plan. fortunately here we have elections in this country and come november, as many democratic strategiststs will tell you , voters are overwhelmingly going to reject this liberal worldl orderer and restore order to aor the political universe. so wedeo have that going for us, which is well, we certainly hope so because the system seems to be effectively fine with what's goingo on . rachel , this is what i get concerned about is thatth there are people running. the administration is clearly not joe biden and they think all of this is fine. they keep putting him in front
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. they keep arranging, you know, whether it's like this kind ofss a press conference where he refused to really takee many questions at all. so there's people within the established that are moving this along is that's something we need to be concerned abouthad post november and the midterms . course, there's three years left of this administration. so, yeah, we can put the brakes on it in the midterm.. butmi believe me, there is a lot more damage that can be done. i do like that this guy slipped up and told the truth because remember, can't be we were called conspiracy theories. there is when we talked about, you know, the liberal world order or we said the great reset. we know it's true now they are totally willing to impoverish us . just because they have you know, an o obsession with environmentalism and they want to transition us to fossil fuels out of fossil fuels and into, you know, energies that will make us more dependent on china. yes, that's part of it. but it is bigger. it is a great reset.
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they are trying to give us what klaus schwab wants at davos with the world economic forum, which is a chinese system, a social credit model, a chinese type of capitalism where the top has capitalism and wealthy elites,s, the state and the rest of us live under b socialism. this is a big, bigea deal . but we're starting to see the curtain opened up and we're starting to see behind and we know what's going on . got doesn't it matter as a result who gets electedas a in november? the statement, the volume of the statementthe that is made in the midterm electionsrm is that in your time in washington and as an ambassador, have you found that that's the thingnd that makes a difference when it comes to what politicians are willing to do, like maybe finally listen to the american people? >> yeah, listen, it's going to be a very serious warning shot, especially leading intoin the presidency. >> everyone's saying there's going to be this huge red wave. well, that's true .e if we don't screw it up like we
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tend to do and not unite behind the candidate who may not be your candidate, but it's a republican who may be , according to ronald reagan, you're 60 , 70 , 80% friend, not your 100% friend. or 100% enemy , as he would say. but listen, you find justd getting back to something you said earlier about the press, you know, listen, my wifebout wif is a former jout and you know, i have a lot ofec respect for the press, but you've got to do your job according to bill belichick. just do your job. hold quotin accountable between the cue cards and theabeen the usheringle in and out and th amazing handling of the president. it is embarrassinge . da it's dangerous. it'sr affecting our national security and it has got to stop. but when we look at the farm team behind it, we're going to go to harris pelosi. >> no, we have some very serious issues and we needit somebody strong toh deal withot them and we're not. love joe . and this is your bailiwick in a sense of the media isn't can have biden having a list of people that he goes to. doesn't that tell us that the media is colluding
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effectively with the biden administration in making sure they know a certain someone is picked on and chosen forin s question? that it's either going to be easy or there's not going to be a hard follow up or that person can be trusted? isn't that part of the problem here with the especially with the white house press corps? >> they complain about access,es but my goodness, s.haven't they been facilitating this debacle? >> yeah, it's funny whenye you mention accessah, tammy, that the guy who was president before joe biden was probably the most accessible president that we've ever had. right. he took more questionshe than probably his three predecessors combined. sometimes sometimeses presses conference is going on for two and a half hours. and yetfo the pressss complained he was trying to destroy the free press. what we're seeing now at this president from day one has. had that list and then is smart enough to share oh , by the way ,they gave me c a list of reporters that i have to call on again saying the quiet parts
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out loud. n but it's not just joe biden and scott touched on it justs a second ago as far as the farm team try to get a try getting this weekendit without it being canceled or greatly postponed or costingu a fortune because we have a transportation secretary and people put a judge who's supposed to be maybe the plan bh who has no business being in this position is transportation secretary who doesn't have a clue how to fix the problem despite. the past experience as the mayor of a small town in indiana, tammy know. yeah, that that's that's the whole team in general. not it's not just biden. it'sbide all the adults that are supposed to be back in the room and it's amateur hour. and let me tell two people that represent the democrat party , the democrat base pre really are kyrsten k sinema and joe manchin . so this is that is the answer for them. but my goodness, the conditionhe they're in now is quite a disaster. joe , rachel , scott, thank you so much f for joining me tonight . now, the fourth of july is just three days away, but according to a brand new fox news poll, pride in america is now plummeting under joe biden. ?
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>> gee, i wonder why just 39% of voters are proud of the country, including just 46% of democrats. joiningir us now with reaction is the first green beret to be elected to congress representative michael waltz. michael , thank you sotati. muce you know, people can look at l a poll like that and and think w like that . we don't like the country. it's not that we because wery love the country. we don't like what's happeningow to it and how we're being represented is that your take on this? >> yeah, tammy, i think that's part of it. more fundamental here because ifif you look at the polling data, you see a steady decline over the last decade plus. and i point to our educationd system and covid exposed to it the garbage that's being taught in our schools. great point. and we have things being taught in our schools. this is a fundamentally bad country that at its core it is misogynous, it's racist, it's colonialist.
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it wasn't founded to establish individual freedom for we the people away from monarchies and emperors that it actually was established to protect slavery. when that's being taught in our schools. and then on top of that , you have things evenn in likess math class which we discovered in florida, word problems in math class that talk about counting the numbers of oppressors and oppressed. >> and now in our nd military, they're sending you know, they're saying on the one hand you need to a be willing to go die for our constitution and our flag. but d it is fundamentally and id core badam and flawed. i think we take all of that together. and when you talk about a military you, as this presidei has and the secretary of defense says, let'sec over run with white supremacy, it doesn't surprise me. you're saying this kind of decline in in pride in ourid institutions and pride in our flag. >> yeah. and you know, i think that there is a combination of things going on . i think it's that that's an excellent point.
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that we have young people especially being indoctrinatedhe with loathing the country and they don't know because history is not taught anymore. right. that much more background. buth i do think that we know that a good majority of americans know that what you describednow is a result of policy. it's this is not this is not a a natural organic thing that'sin going on that this is a group of people running the countrye that have done this to is thereo on this fourth off july. >> you know, there's evenha this sense that the fourth of july might become a partisan holiday. e >> do you envision that happening? i pray not. and i'm going to do everything i cann to fight and remind people that this flag or that it stands for individual liberty, the right to assemble the rightig of free speech,, the right to criticize your owni government and that there are literally more people out rightr nowe, more military members out right now willing to die for
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that flag than the entire canadian and australian armies combined. butntir tammy, you know who does appreciate this country and it's literally dying to get here. those are immigrants like the afghans that were so desperate to come to this great nation they were willing to cling to the side of a jet or the people dying coming across our southern border. but to your point, it's all self-inflicted wounds. ou and if you look at where we were the month before the pandemic hit, m with record unemployment across every sector, black, white and brown women and men with a roaring economy, with justice reform, tax reform, middle east peace, if you look at where we werehe under the previous administration and people lookedrati the results in their lives, they were pretty far sighted. >> and now they look everyday problems and they're only compounded. and i mean, this isis it.em and we have to remember, i think that the the debacle off afghanistan a is what kind of
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shook the nation to its core really. and when we understood that this something very wrong seeing that kindan of failure moveng through every single other issuele that we face in this country, that was not an accident. as that was a not a bug. to expect. congressman. great job. thank you so much. i appreciate it. have a very good independence weekend. now let's turn to the u.s. t supreme court where a series of important rulings have democrats very upsetet. >>as let's just say joe biden ws at a loss for words. watch this discriminators. >> yes, sir. c i know this . thanks to you . i open it up. oh , i know you're all busy as i am. thank remaking the time. but does it need not tell any
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of you where a really an important area here and we have to act and politicians debating the most personal decisions, not only women, but we'll find it very expensive, expand on this decision. >> men as well. >> yeah, i'm not totally sure what biden is trying to say, but his fellow democrats in the media mob have been hysterical all week long. >> watch this . the court is utterly fraudulent and the only thing that can explain their decisions is whati is right wing republican . > the one thing that has been destabilizing is the outrageous behavior of the supreme court of the united states and overruling not only roe v. wade bute essentially challenging the right to privacy. >> neverng in thehe history of women's rights in america have we seen such a reversal in an' developed country. it just hasn't happened. and thee rest of the world is watching this very, very closely. this court has lost legitimacy
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. they have burned whatever legitimacy they may still have had after their gun decision, after their union decision. they just tooknion the last of t and set a torch to it with the roe versus wade opinion. >> oh , dear . so much for respecting america's. instituti joining us now is the authoron the price of principlepr. integrity is worth the consequences. harvard law professoraw alan dershowitz, along with fox news legal analyst greg jarret . greg, letet m me start with you here . when when we hear about, you know, my background is with women's rights and even abortionacic rights for a periof time , the fact that the supreme court effectively returned democracy to the american people soy that they could vote on these things, removing it outvo of that category of a of a court of lawyers making decisions about these things. how is it that they're arguing that this is a strike against
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democracy when the court wasns was pretty much removing it t from their jurisdiction to the jurisdictionhe of the voters themselves whose supreme court represents the sanity and common sense world order, if you will. and you know, joe biden, whenever he weighs in on the constitution, the supreme court or the rule of law, he mangles the subject matter, which only underscores that this is a guy who got g kicked out of law school. i mean, the sum totalen what biden knows about the law could be written on a yellow post-it. >>am and i'm talking about the little one . you know, his latest thingbo is let's federalize abortion rights. that's a fool's are and for two reasons from a legal standpoint. remember what the supreme court said . they said we are returning the decisionon making to the states. >> so if congress were trying to codify it, it would immediately be met with a lawsuit to strike it down, usurping the power of the states. but from a practical
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standpoint, joe biden wants to create this chronic state of whiplash every time a new party takes over congress and the white house, they would reverse the previous decision on abortion. ab this persistent ping pong effect. p look,er abortion is important. n it shouldn't be treated like a rubber band expanded and contracted. yeah. you know, thank you , greg. and professor dershowitz, d regardless of what we think of the decision, the fact that the president, the united states on foreign soil is complainingde about the supreme court, do you find that troubling? and i find the whole attack on the supreme court's integrityin and the supreme court's justification to be very troubling. you know, i've been studyingyi the constitution, the supreme court now for 60 years. hr i'veou seen it go through cycle. the pendulum swings wildly. i remember in the birch society had signs up impeach earl warrenen, impeach bill douglas
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when the right wasas. very upset at the left wing of the supreme court. now the left is concerned aboutut the right swing of the supreme court. we have to respect r the institution. we have to remember that these justices stand for the rule of law. >> we may criticize particular decisions. that's fine. but when my former colleague liz warren, who i sat next to for years and taught the same section of trashes the supreme court as an institution that's going to do tremendous damage to this country and it's goingee to come b back to hurt her and her liberals because today the attack comes from the leftme tomorrow it might come from the right. we those of us who love the rule of law, a rule that wet celebrate on july 4th have to stand by our institutions as institutions. yes,ti criticize a particular decision, try to do better next time. yes. think about whether you can do legislation c but don't trash the court as an institution. don't do it.
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my former colleague laurenceth tribe now says packed the court left the democrats here for then the republicans will or soonourt a supreme court will st in yankee stadium with thirty thousand justices deciding each case. actually , no. nine isne the right number. let's keep the supreme court a as it is and don't tinker with justice. isn't the answer to have i don't know who why the left suddenly wanted theseed unelected lawyers to be making all ofec our decisions. a that isn't the answer tons have congress be involved, to have the statehouses be involved. isn't this the normal i order? it's almost as though they're they're making a reversal out of this effort to protect politicians from having to make decisionsg on these issues. and what's the point of yesterday's supreme courton decision on the epa? em >>e the supreme court was sayinn essentially read the darn law. >> i mean, nowhere in the clean air act section 111 does
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give the epa this unbridled power to remake an entire industry with punitive, draconian measurespuni against l fired plants and natural gas plants. dyou know, the supreme courtou is saying resequenced you shouldn't read the statutory law, don't read thingsns into them, but limit yourself to what the law says and that they're not going to do. they're not going toto makeat legislation. and that's the job of a public relations weinermanan zachariewi liberal democrat. i want ton see us win more andn say i want tos. see you lose in the state legislatures and i like obama, but i have to go . thank you , gentlemen. i appreciate it. democrat all right. all right. coming up, biden's water crisis is about to get much worse.t texas attorney general campathto explain what's the open bordersl left is calling forin even less border security. we'll bring you the latest as tom homan and andy fix react
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bye now before biden. borderoi crisis is going from bd to worse tonight as drug cartels, human smugglers and human traffickers continue ue the porous southern border for their own gain at the expense of american sovereignty and at the expense of the lives of migrants. this week, four men werea charged in a human smuggling operation that left over 5050 migrants dead in a tractor trailer in southwest san antonio. a sickening discovery that puts into perspectiveen the disasteri that is the biden border policy. now, meanwhile, yesterdayiden the supreme court ruled five to four in favor of biden, allowing the administration to end the highly successful trump era remain mexico policy. that prompted texas attorney general ken paxton to respond.
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i am disappointed in the supreme court allowing biden to dissolve the remaining mexico program. eone of our last and best protections against the democrats border crisis. ns thank you , sir. i have to say, might not like this , but this is the supreme court can be right technically that a new administratort can reverse what another administration did and that they're notothe making a decisin based on the importance of of the impact. but isn'tt it wit true that with biden there things that have at least kept his administration from being a completedm disaster have been the trump plans and policies and regulations that they continue to reversens tey? i mean, this is going to be a disaster not only for the country now, but i think even more so for the democrats. >> yeah, you couldn't be more right. i mean, it's remained a mixture of the god. and by the way, part of it
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would remain is that this quarter because there are w actually two different memory issues. so we're not done yet. but good, ifmoset it stays in pe the way it is , it's going toti be devastating to states, can be devastating to the country. it's going to hurt the bush administration reputation because effectively with the supreme court has given the biden administrationio and s a loophole to basically have no immigration policies, open borders, the cartels h have evec incentive now to keep bringing more and more people so in other words, obviously this is the supreme court mentioned diploma's. with mexicy that can only be done by thee executive branch. r that really remindsem us that the states are limitedta to some degree when it comes too what we can do to keep d individual out when it comes to the security of our country. cobeing overwhelmed. another issue that we don't have the facility to handle, you know, vetting these people when it comes toes health issues or anything else..
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i mean, they're supposed to be the covid genius's. and yet this border beyond covid, there's zeca, there's tuberculosis, there's the unknown that viruses are coming over . what while fighting this , t what are the options that you have? what can you tell us ? we've got to continue to fightht in court. we still have immigration lawsuits. we sav still have this one goin. we've got to do what we can at the state level. but as you mentioned, some of these cases like us , the arizona i mean, we can't step in and stop the feds fromin can violating federal law from not following federal law. i don't thinkg those cases are right. and i think we going have toon continue to challenge them and hope that we can get some of these overturned because otherwise we're supposedly have to sit c on the border and watch crime occur once the cartels workri cr basically in conjunction with border patrol to get as many people here illegally as possible . and the o consequences of that are not just devastating to border states where all becoming worse. >> well, and also and thank you so much for joining me
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tonight . it's it'ss the immigrants themselves that aretoit sufferig because of this chaos. those plus 50 individuals who died in the back of that trailer that's on joe biden. ra and frankly, everyone who votedo for him and everyone who continues to defend this catastrophe, itinue is the immigrants that are suffering first. ing thing to to thank you for being there, sir, and for the words you continue to do and biden supporterre failures are now so undeniableni that in fact, evenab his fellow democrats are being forced to face that reality. for example, texas congressman henry cuellar told fox news digital this week, quote, there are some people that believee in open borders. i do noti believe in openrd borders. there are some people that believeve getting rid of the border patrol, getting rid of ice. >> i don't believe that in what was an apparent reference, by the way, to far left progressives like congresswoman akca cortez, who endorsed our opponent in a failed bidid o unseat the democrat in last
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month's primary because she is so powerful. >> but remember, p this is a border crisis caused by the policies of joe biden bringing back catch and release, releasing illegal immigrants into the interior of the country and refusing to reinstitute the trump policies c that gave us the most secure border in modern american history. thank god, as a pandemic wasmi emerging on to us and we didn't even know here for reaction, former acting ice director tom i hohmann, along with arizona congressman andy biggs. gentlemen, i think you've justnv heard my conversation with ken paxton, tom home and i'll startr i mean, this is when we look atg what's going on at the border. all the democrats talk about, you know, this is compassionate, letting themsi in . itit is their lives that are being destroyed throughouthent this entire process. and now from from the trekra on human trafficking, sex trafficking and now massive deathff. this is what biden's policies have delivered not only to
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us but to the migrants themselves. >>s. we're absolutely looking at aoc's probably the least smart congresswoman congressperson in history, congress, which every time she talks about immigration,ks she's wrong. but the by the biden policies, they keep going out of town , that trump policies are inhumane. that down. more migrants have died in the first are joe biden. atat any time in my 30 year career, seven now and fifty three to that and two more today down the rio grande valley, more migrants have died. over one hundred thousand americans have died. drugs have come across t that border. dea says 95% in fact, not comes across southwest border because the border patrol's overstretched 70% of them off i the mine. fentanyl is coming across the border. joe biden has made the cartels richer than they've ever been. people are dying because his policies are not humane. and i a had this . people want to come in him and i work with president trump very closely. whenely. you have illegal immigration down eighty three to 90%, when you have illegal 8 immigration t
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a 40 year low, how many women are being? en how many children are dying? how weny measure how many u.s. citizens are drug overdoses. >> his policies save lives well represented. and that's what we're getting back to here. you seeee what's goinge on , the nature of the soul crushing horror that these people are put through as we see in every democrat city and clearly now here also at the border, has been key t when it comeshe to what the democrats have done as this is an unforced error, u reversing everything president trump did, whichch saved lives across the board? >> well, they've been obsessed with unpacking what president did and president trump's policies were so successful. and so that'st what you get democrats right now we're w saying, hey, wait a second, i'm going to be heldou accountable for joe biden's badt policies and i don't want to be held accountable. and so i would urge those people like representative clairei just come to the floor
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of the house. i actually haveil a bill that would keep emp in place from any mexican place. chip royce got one that would be title forty two . we're trying to take it out of the speaker's drawer o. she's got it hidden there. if he would come over with four or five , six other democrats.'t great point. don't like these policies. we could actually revert back to the policies that we're working. so well under donald trump . >> that's so don't just talk the talk. square. yeah, i mean, because there>> te things it seems like there's nothing they can do, but in fact it is a pretty close split. a you can just bring a few peoplef over who care if they really care about the lives ofts migrants. shouldn't they do exactlyul what you suggested? that is exactly what needs to happen here . gentlemen, thank you very much. for being here with me tonight . >> appreciate it. now straight ahead, the left covid t lunacy continues, butes senator marsha blackburn is pushing back . she joinsck next to outline her latest legislation protecting unvaccinatedd national guard members. stay right there.
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that's eight hundred boys zero nine three three one five andst think i took the lives ofil six million. and thousands of jewish survivors are still sufferingrt in california. thank god all the people y m workbenches worth comfort. you comfort my people when i come here and i sit with really i realize what she needs right now over thereow with me on the bay, which is impossible. this now is how god's children are living. use this time to send a survival food to be forgotten to the international fellowship of christians and urgentlyy need your gift ofne. twenty five dollars now to help
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provide one vital food boxam with all the essentials for their diet for one month. no vitamins and no and so my legs from very oh oh oh . make sure we bring them and bringing a little bit of food become part of food become part of a fellowship wide reaching out to bless these precious people of god . justy. twenty five dollars. you could not supply the essential foodsup desperatey need for one month. that's less than a dollar a day . your support will provide them with a box overflowing with nourishing food and the knowledge that faithful christiansof around the world care about them. care about them. god tellsd us to care to feed the hungry and i pray holocaust survivors will , given
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the basic needs that they so desperately pray for it to survive. >> when you can watch the news business news headlines on sirius xm anytime, anywhere . fox news on digital fm, sirius xm america. he's listening today. >> president biden announced he's awarding the presidential medal of freedom, our nation's highest honor, a civilian honorn toor the new york city nurse who was the first person in the nation to receive the covid-19 vaccine back in december. vaccinated and twicece boosted tiny tyrant dr. tony fauci is revealing a so-called covid rebound, saying he was infectedv and then recovered but thener tested positive again and is apparently feeling worse than ever. and now that the shot has been approved for kids ages zero to five , even they aren't immunere from the left pressure tactics to get the jab nm t, take a loot
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you this too. but today, getting your covid vaccine. elmomo did have a little bit about oh , boy. and while the supreme court c back in january blocked biden's vaccine mandate for private employers, there's still a mandate in place for federal employees, including for the militaryryinor and the natil guard. spokesman tells us that guard troops who have not gotten the shot yet face not gotten shot yet face penalties, including separation. so while the fate of those troops hangs in the balance, republicans in congress are moving to protect them. thank goodness the leader of that effort is tennessee republican senator marsha blackburn, who joins me right now. well, thank goodness for you ony so many d different fronts. s. americans, perhaps we feel that we're moving on with our lives. we've got. some lifting of
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certain mandates like nrsc mandates, et cetera. and yet there's this hanging o on and it it's time , senator , when the world is effectively kind off slouching into war . we are now still looking at a separating or punishing some of our troopssh or not getting the vaccine. >> what were your legislation do to to stopcc that , tammy? >> my legislation wouldio prohibitn any taxpayer fundsan from being used toy enforce this mandate. this mandate is about joe biden trying to take control over your lives. he wants a forever pandemic and it is absurd that he would fire 40000 members offio the national guard. >> and thank goodnessk our governor in tennessee, governor lee, has granted the exemption for religious and medical reasons to 800 ofrs our members of the guard that have been affected by thoseti exemptions. but they have to wait h
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on the national guard bureau to make their decision. and of course, they here's the deal. the guard bureau of the department of defense videoe game, they got a choice in front of them., od,they can fulfill their missi, which is to protectct and defend . they can choose freedom or they can go totally rogue like they have been doing. d they have spent five million, eight hundred and eighty nine thousand military man o hours on initiatives like climate diversity, equity inclusion, this work agenda so they can stand for freedom and fulfill their mission or they can do. >> joe biden is getting you know, this is shocking because we're now dealing with a crisis ofin legitimacy of are looking funny att institutions as they remain under attack, that they don't seem to be doing their job. we see the military, as you've noted,d, go okay.
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and then we've got w the attitudes that the chaose that has been brought to c our country. we have these this new poll of. american not being proud of the country anymore and we're sending more troops to europe. we're dealing with ukraine, etce cetera. north korea is not settled down. china is you sed looking to eat us for lunch. and you know, it's hard enough to get people to join our volunteer military, but to cut tens of thousands of those who've chosen to serveds almost seems like a deliberate effort to undermine. t >>oo am i going too far with that ? no, you are not going too far for that . and i had a tendency and asked me about v this very thing the other day when i was in one of our counties and they said , you know, if i didn't know better, i would think that this is intentional. >>ld t when you look at the borr policy, when you look at now that is ravaging families and takinghaus
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precious young lives in our country, when you look at how it appears that joe biden is doing his best to win t the next war , you look at afghanistan and you look at w ukraine, you look at what we're facing with the chineset communist party . you look at what he has done to the u.s. energy sector. when you have our g7 partners,en when you have our nato allies asking us to help them with the energy and he wants to go meet with the saudis and not meetoi with the us oil company. remarkable. >> and he could find a solution to this . it is it is remarkable even as they say, even a broken clock is right twicegh a day. so you have to really work hard to not be right at any point. >> thank you so much for joining me today. i appreciate it. thank you forda your work. co comingmi up, is a possible food shortage on the way signs indicate it may be coming. our ownn sara carter joins
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with a full report when we return. inflation is the worst in 40 years. american families are struggling to make. but instead of controlling costs, congress is pushing anti-immigration legislation that will destroy american jobs ,weaken our national security and empower china and our sense ,84% of americans say this is the wrong agenda at the wrong time . tell congress to focus on getting inflation under control. tell them to stop undercutting america's tech innovators. when you're the leader. that's the restoration. how do you make like it never even happened? mean whatever comes your way
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11:51 pm or call 1-800- for feeding info. welcome back to the special edition of "hannity". now, amid biden's surgingd- inflation, news reports indicate that this year's fourth of july cookouts could cost nearly 20% more than last year. and it's a nationwide food shortage looming. some say it's inevitable. ke our own sara carter spoke with the national black farmers association presidentnt john bod jr. here's what he had to say. >> h the american farmer, you you're suffering right now under the current economy. can you talk a little bit about that or. yes, i can. you know, inflation right now has really hurt myself and other farmers around ou talked about enoughgh from
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the high cost of diesel fuel, the high cost of fertilizer, and that just trickles down to the consumer, right? yes.>> this isn't just i mean, it's a farmer. it's the consumer, the american people. it's goingng>> to pay the pricer what's going on right now being ignored and his farm crisis because this is a crisis so that the three things that thell american farmer can still do better than anybody in the world is produce corn, wheat c and soybeans. and whenor you don't supportas them, you're taking away the base and the freedom to farm that's at risk. who's not supporting them? well, right now is the biden administration. a moment to speak to president biden directly,en what would you want to say towh him? >> i would say you've got you've got toou take care of the american farm in this country. tathat's rural america. you can't turn your back on rural america. survive, take care of the american farm. you see this stuff that we're
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sitting ter this is called land. land knows no land, knows no party . land produces food. and when you take awaye that ability for the american farmeraw to produce food, it's it's about as low as you can go ,not take care of the american farm. and this countryri will take cae of itself. >> yeah. sara carter, great stuff there.e she joins us now with her reaction. sara , excellent conversation. and it brings up a reminder to us that, of course, those are anonymous heroes. normally normally we just do d not say these farmers doingk. their work and yet now they're at the core.e. they see what's going on at. >> tell us a bit more about what you saw whenre you were? on the ground there. >> you know, i felt veryt fortunate, tammy, that i got to spend time on john's farm and he really went into detail. he showed all of his crops. famy he talked to me about the fact that his family had been farming for four generations in that area. fof virginia.
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i mean, this has been handed down from his grandfather to his father to him and his great grandfather. and he made a very good point. you know, this isn't just about what he'sce paying a price for high fuel prices as well as fertilizer prices. especially with russia, the invasion of ukrained and that horrific war and the fact that we aren't getting the supplies that we need from either country. i mean, n if you think about it, 29% of all wheat supplied in the world comesom from bothai russia and ukraine. and he's talkingne about paying more attention to the american farmer. stop selling the land a. that's some of what we didn't get to show here . stop selling offff our land to foreign entities, to foreignnd governments that are not friendly fen to the united stat. you know, and the failure of the biden administration f to actually meet with him, you know, he actually had an opportunity to meet with president biden prior to e the election and he was promised a that he would have a one on one with president
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biden and with his staff and heo has still not been able to do that . and i can definitely attest that the farmers are frustrated, they're angry and it's going too trickle downe to the american people at ahe the grocery store. no doubt we're seeingce it right now. >> yeah, and this is , i thinkha what people have to realize. we kind of lose it a little bit is that, you know, there's the, the farmers who are right there at the core of things. this is really families doing this . and i think your being able to bring him to us and have that conversation is really important for the just for the perspective about who is being ignored by the biden administration in the midst of everything that's going on . right. well, thank you , sarah . great job there.n now more of this special edition of "hannity" right after 20% on fox friends cuba.
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of course and thank you forea joining us . so rememberr, you can catch meny on get tammy bruce now tn available on fox nation. you can als also read my columnt amoc about us and join me at tammy brusstar local.coms and have a fabulous fourth of h july weekend, the greatest country on earth. thank you , everyone, and i'll see you next time .. thank you to all and we will see you next time. ♪ i wrote to brian kilmeade info laura ingraham and this is a special edition of friday edition of the ingraham angle. >> let'ssp get started. you know,,"t our institutions is faltering across the board. think about it according to the morning consult tracker trust in congress is at 33%. that's down 10% from just a year ago. the supreme court was at 46%, d down from 61% a year ago. the news media i'm kind of in it is at 38%
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