tv Fox News Live FOX News July 2, 2022 9:00am-11:00am PDT
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without the support that i received from paralyzed veterans of america. our veterans fought for us. let's fight for them. call or donate online at today. our veterans need you. mounting crisis for the biden administration as the supreme court issues several major decisions including a ruling that allows biden to end the trump era remain the mexico policy at the southern border. some warmth will only make the situation worse. welcome to fox news live, i am anita global. happy fourth of us live in wash.
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>> president biden said this week issues like abortion should get an exception when it comes to the senate filibuster, without it, 60 votes would but not be needed to pass legislation but the president conceded right now democrats don't have the support to do that. this is discussed yesterday with governors from nine democratic state now to offer safe haven for abortion. >> we work closely to protect women's rights, after this project reversal of roe v. wade, the terrible extreme position in my view of ending lives in the health and safety of millions of women. i share the public outrage in the court committed to moving america backwards. anita: the biden and administration on recent decisions, among them the ministrations green energy goal.
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this week removing soul revelatory discretion from the epa. the president's focus remain on the supreme court even when asked about inflation and gas prices while speaking in madrid thursday. resentment republicans see as inappropriate. >> one thing that has been destabilized is the outrageous behavior of the supreme court in the united states, overruling not only roe v. wade but essentially challenging the right to privacy. >> while on foreign soil in the supreme court of united states to undermine it and the legitimize it is unpatriotic. i've never seen anything like it. anita: republicans fear we will not see anything like this on the southern border that will follow the biden administration's wind this week the supreme court ruled the president can and the trump era remain in mexico policy. griff: those numbers are surging, i saw it this past week, alexandria hoff live in washington, thanks.
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anita: we will hear more on that later. in the meantime for more on this, we are joined by a republican congress and in oh, and member of the house energy and house energy committee, mark wayne, congress and, good afternoon, thank you for joining us today. congratulations on your recent primary victory. i read your closest calendar 26 points on tuesday, i'm sure that was a bit of a celebration for you, now a runoff but speaking of celebration, americans are just getting ready this weekend to celebrate the fourth of july but are they celebrating or drowning in debt next how much everything is costing this year is really shocking, inflation is at a three year high. let's look at some numbers, the backyard barbecue, look at this. a bag of chips, almost $5. potato salad, ice cream, chocolate chip cookies, strawberries, lemonade, all of the ingredients you need for a
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great backyard barbecue, not even talking about these here, we haven't even thrown meat into the mix. according to morgan stan lee, recession hitting the u.s. economy double to over 50%. june 21, an interesting tweet, let's bring it up. you tweeted biden and secretary yellen are destroying the dollar as they inflate their way out of years of terrible policy and savings and retirement remain destroyed, it is no joke what's happening to people, what could the president do right now to make it better for people on the fourth of july? >> as we celebrate america, because of the fourth of july is about, the greatest country in america and when we do this, oklahoma, the average is a little over $40000 a year and with biden inflation, it costing each person 5200 for each
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household, additional $5200 a year right now. just to deal with biden's inflation. when we talk about what we can do, the backbone of every economy is energy, hands down, you cannot reduce a product or deliver a product without energy so high energy costs will directly affect the cost of the good which is inflation. how about we bring back trump era policy? bring back energy independent and saudi arabia and opec cartel to increase output, why don't they allow us to go back? how about we increase the flow of the pipeline, we need product through the refinery, how about we approve permits to drill again? how about we quit putting pressure on the financial sectors and tell individuals they can't write loans for fossil fuels anymore? outright attack fossil fuel as a
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reflection of inflation and these are all biden's policies. he says can't do anything about it but he could just like he did january 20 was sworn into office, he could reverse the same policies and put them back in place. anita: all right. your from energy producing states, you know about that. i want to turn your attention for a moment to the supreme court's decision, some of them that came out this week, two in particular, one deals with energy, the ruling that deals with the environmental protection agency, this was considered a blow to the biden administration. the ruling says the epa, environmental protection agency did not pass a sweeping regulation that could overhaul entire industries without rational approval. the case at hand was that regulating carbon emissions, the president says this is a step backwards in terms of protecting the environment. what do you say?
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>> i think it's going straight to the chevron deference when the chevron to the epa ask questions, who had final say? congress or the epa? with the court is saying is no, epa cannot be used as a political pawn, remember, a lawsuit started under the the obama administration when they were basically trying to force industries to comply. what the court now has world is no epa can't do this, they can't change history of themselves, they can't allow the president, the president can't take winners and losers and put it back in the hands of congress where it belongs and we just got to take a moment and think, thank president trump for his take on the supreme court because what we are seeing right now is timer time after time, they are getting it right putting the power back in the hands of the american people meaning putting a balance of power back in
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place. washington d.c. has been concentrate power in making more decisions for basis bureaucrats in washington d.c. and i love to see the court getting it right. to go and say stream policies coming out of the court, that is so irresponsible and reckless because he's not getting his way, he's a kid, i'm a father of six kids and one of my kids throwing a temper tantrum which doesn't happen in my house. anita: of course not, no way. let me ask you about another ruling. [laughter] this when dealing with the border considered a win for the biden administration. it has to do with the high court ruling that the president could and remain in mexico policy, of course migrants wait in mexico while their asylum claims are being settled, democrats say it's going to be more humane for migrants. republicans say it's only going to make things, crisis at the border worse by putting even more strain on border patrol agents, what are your thoughts
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on that? >> i said on the committee on intelligence and we deal with national security all the time. in fact, we got a trip planned to go back to the border pretty quick and this isn't just an immigration issue, it's become a national security issue. we've apprehended over 50 individuals on the terrorist watch list because a trump policy in place, by us allowing to hold people traveling by themselves and do a background check on them and send them back. in doing so literally over team terrorists have been caught. this is a national security issue in the trump policy, i get where the court ruled where they are at but they didn't say the biden administration couldn't put it back in place. they get the same breathing, president trump gets briefed at a higher level than i get briefed at, he knows what's happening and the issues going on at the southern border and it's reckless for him to do this. it is absolutely reckless and
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it's funny because that population isn't even supporting us anymore. you see what's happening in texas in the recent congressional action down there, you see the hispanic population come back, they know it's flawless. we want to be a nation that has laws in place to protect and make families feel safe. with this policy, it makes all americans more unsafe. anita: we are watching the border closely on a daily basis. it seems to be tragedies they are having on a weekly basis. mark twain, thank you for your time and happy fourth of july weekend's. >> thank you. always good to celebrate americans. anita: sure is, thank you so much. griff: great interview. pain at the pump continues americans on a visit fourth of july travel weekend as gas prices remain high. live from l.a., increasing
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prices by 3 cents a gallon. >> thanks for that gas tax, people feeling about this gas station for 6.59, you get the sense people are ready to take the road trip, you want to make it to the barbecue to see different, they do not want to miss the fun. this year for the fourth of july falling on monday setting up the three day weekend, aaa predicts nearly 48 million people will travel at least 50 miles or more from home with vast majority, 42 million driving to the holiday estimation and that's a new record. part of the reason? see what's happening at the airport. it's chaos with delays and cancellations. travel experts say for many americans making even a long haul road trip a hassle. >> they are dealing with shortages, residual from the pandemic era so that could play
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into people's decision-making whether to choose to fly or drive to their destination. i think a lot of people are taking that into consideration and probably evaluating four hour drive easier to take than possibly cancel or delay in waiting hours at the airport. >> just in time for the road trips, half a dozen states raise their gas taxes including here in california by 3 cents bringing the average cost here to $6.27 a gallon, the national average is 4.82. if you are among those hitting the road, police across the country will conduct sobriety checkpoints. basically, leave early between noon and 9:00 p.m. is the worst time to travel. for heading back, leave monday while people are still celebrating the holiday, you can expect less congestion safer roads.
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those in your aaa probe tips if you are among the tens of millions of americans driving this holiday weekend. griff: claudia, live in los angeles with the sign of gas prices over her left shoulder, a surprising 6.59. thank you very much. for perspective, from the other side is a congressional, we are joined by democrat, spent in pennsylvania, hausa preparation committee, that and cochair of the democratic policy communication, congressman, thank you for taking time. fourth of july weekend, as you may have heard from our reporter, claudia in los angeles, gas prices are hi, i want to bring your attention eight minutes ago, president biden tweeted about this sort of a similar message when he sent a message to companies running gas stations, setting prices at the pump is simple, it's a time of
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peril, bring down the price charging at the pump to reflect the cost you're paying for the product and do it now. it's not a new message but are americans buying that? >> well, to you and anita, happy independence day weekend. i agree, i listen to mark wayne's interview, it is a good interview. i came into congress with markwayne and i want to congratulate him on a fine primary in oklahoma but one thing we agree on is america is the greatest country on the planet. let's keep it that way. griff: >> people are suffering right now in the prices in pennsylvania aren't quite as hot in california, we are about 4.81, 4.84, something like that but to high. there's no question people are hurting. it's driving inflation. inflation right now is running about 8.6% but the energy
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inflation is driving the whole inflation train, energy inflation running about 32%. there's no question there's a lot of factors driving it, coming out of the pandemic, having the ukraine war all of that but one of the things is the oil and gas companies are taking advantage and i was proud to vote in favor of a bill that gives the trade commission authority to go in and investigate whether there is profiteering and gouging. people are living paycheck to paycheck right now and now is not the time the way that's been going on. griff: we heard from these ceos who say they are at max capacity for production to the rate these companies, it doesn't seem to be either productive or a path that will lead to these crisis down.
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>> i don't mean to attack or be rate oil companies. they are charging too much. it is economic, you charge the people what the market will bear. they are doing that and they don't have to. the first quarter of this year, the top four oil companies made $27 billion in record profits. they don't have to charge that much. when you see the price of oil the barrel taper off, the price of the pump go up and up, you know they are gouging, profiteering and we have to cut down on that. the same thing with shipping, we saw 80 container ships los angeles harbor. containers are charging like five and six times the going rate right before the pandemic
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so people are taking advantage, we have to cut down on it. griff: clearly this inflation, the administration initially said was transitory, here to stay, 1.4% and now over 8%. we heard from the white house economic advisor brian talking about americans feeling the pain at the pump and other inflation woes, here is how he answered the question about it an interview. listen. >> what you say to the families who say so, we can't afford to pay 4.85 a gallon for month, if not years, it's just not the same. >> what you heard from the president today was a clear articulation of the stakes, it's about the future of liberal world order and we have to stand firm. >> liberal world order. i think it concerns a lot of people when they hear that. >> i don't know what that is. i know what i'm dealing with here at home, we have shell gas
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in northeastern pennsylvania and a lot of it. i am supporting the construction of a plant that will turn that into regular car gas. they've perfected that technique and we've got a billion-dollar plant being built in northeastern pennsylvania that will make that conversion. what it means is lots of jobs and cheaper gas, that's what we have to do. griff: congressman matt cartwright, thank you for joining us, a pleasure to have you on. thank you. anita. hold on, apologies. just got back from several days at the southern border, a record number of migrants have been crossing into the u.s. reaching deaths, 53 lost inside a sweltering truck monday. my exclusive interview with texas governor greg abbott next. ♪♪
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♪ ♪ how's he still playin'? aspercreme arthritis. full prescription-strength. reduces inflammation. don't touch my piano. kick pain in the aspercreme. kentucky police arrested a suspect for reportedly shooting and killing three cops and wounding five more while trying to serve a warrant. a 49-year-old pleaded not guilty to several counts of murder. charles watson live with the
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latest on this. charles, this was thursday night. >> yes, thursday night. certainly a tragic event, the suspect in the case, lance, now charged with multiple counts of murder and assault. a service animal following a deadly shootout with police in allen, kentucky. the sheriff said the officers who initially responded to these had no chance as they approached the home to serve the wants, authorities almost immediately began firing a rifle from multiple positions is at his home, killing three officers a police dog and wounding multiple responding officers. at least one civilian and hours long shootout. >> i received a call for a cisco shots fired. they responded out here for the situation. >> hundreds of shots fired and authorities surrendered, allegedly leaving behind carnage. twenty-two kentucky state police, among the deceased, captain frazier who commanded
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the president's police department special project, officer and canine drago. nationally certified and protection, tracking and apprehension as well as franklin county deputy william friday kentucky governor andy called the officers deaths tragic news. he went on to say in a tweet, he and first lady are praying for the families of those lost. those injured and the entire community, the heroes sacrifice everything to protect their people. in the last hour or so we've heard from the city of preston, they are releasing the body of the officer. they plan on getting a procession for the fallen officer. anita: such a sad story. charles watson, thank you so much, charles. the holiday weekend off to a
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rocky start at america's airports friday, no surprise there with over 600 delays, 7600 delayed flights and close to 600 canceled outright. we'll go live to one of the agents busiest airports this weekend coming up next. ♪♪ try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. when pain says, “it's time to go home” “i say, “not yet”. ♪ ♪ aleve. who do you take it for?
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travel numbers could reach three pandemic levels is billions take to the road and skype but many are questioning if airlines can handle the mob line for travelers with delays and cancellations already straining americans and airports across the nation. alexis mcadams is live from laguardia in new york with the latest. >> we are going to walk you closer, you can see what people are dealing with at the airport. some of the lines slowing throughout the afternoon at the
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check in. a lot of people in line with their luggage aren't just checking in right now, they came hours ago, got delayed and then canceled. trying to figure out when they can get out new york into the destination and all the people are not surprised, it doesn't mean they are happy about it. this is the video we've been talking about throughout the weekend, people have been stuck in waiting in long lines east coast, july 4 holiday weekend starting out with hundreds of flight delays. 500 u.s. flights canceled and 5000 delayed reporting to flight aware. this afternoon, newark ready and jfk have the most delays and cancellations in the country. >> i did get an e-mail about 30 minutes after the cancellation and it has me going new york to boston, arrived in boston at midnight and sleep around in boston until 8:00 a.m. to get to new orleans tomorrow 5:00 a.m.
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so a full 24 hours, i should have been leaving here. >> yesterday two and a half million travels nation wide pass through airport security, the first time since before the pandemic the tsa had those large numbers. airlines struggled to keep up. they try to persuade people to travel after the holiday, delta offered to change. delta pilot chose this time to hit the picket line across the country. they are fed up after they've had record amount of overtime and another live look at laporta airport the american terminal we can tell you some rain is expected today so you will see the lines coming to the airports across the country and one of the things, if you are going to be delayed, not have your by the on time, there will be a delay with whether.
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all of the flights are full. griff: you mentioned delta, i read where delta offered $10000 to get onto a flight yesterday, i can tell you it would break records taking them up on that offer. alexis mcadams -- live in laguardia with the travel delays, thank you. ♪♪ you are looking live now at images from the southern border, i over the rio grande river in eagle pass the seven days i was there, more than 11000 encounters with migrants. today, there have been upwards of 1700. it comes as they are trying to struggle with the record numbers crossing. this is greg abbott reacting to the supreme court giving the green light to enter the trump era remain in mexico policy.
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abbott writing, the supreme court decision holding dhs termination of the remain in mexico policy will only embolden the biden administration's open border policies. we were able to speak with the governor down along the river bank here is the interview. >> let's talk about how bad the situation is right now in your state. >> literally it's never been worse. the numbers are higher than they have ever been, problems and challenges on the other side of the border but we are not seeing the president touched a finger to do anything about it the president has abandoned many of the states, the border states of the united states. >> we saw the tragedy this week in san antonio, what's your reaction when you first learned about that? what needs to be done now? >> first, there can't be
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anything but shock when you hear something like that. it is a horrific tragedy. it also is a byproduct biden's border policy. when you don't have a president enforcing the immigration laws, it attracts the cartel and smugglers to do what they did that led to this disaster and that's why we call for the president to step up and do your job and secure the border and enforce immigration laws. >> you are taking additional steps you will take, texas will take to prevent tragedies like the one we saw. >> to explain the context, one reason is there was insufficient border patrol, this vehicle where they have passed away was not expected so texas is doing is deploying additional public safety officers to check these
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commercial vehicles to do our part to prevent tragedies like what happened. >> you talk about republicans, how important you think this is as we head into the midterms? >> it is a game changer, one of the things that led to the victory for florida's, not too far from where we are now. this territory on the border was dominated by democrat and now we have the first mexican born hispanic woman elected as a republican to the united states congress in the rio grande valley and it shows the paramount importance of border security issues that she campaigned on. >> and of course a border community but voters well north of the border in northeast states and beyond, should they care? >> they do care and one reason, first of all, they don't like seeing their border overrun, the lawlessness but also, many of these people coming across the border are flowing into their states.
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on top of that, perhaps worse, fentanyl is making it this way to their states also. communities in northern u.s. and eastern and western u.s. are infiltrated with this deadly fentanyl. the border crisis having an effect on every state in the united states. >> do you think with the way the numbers have been surging, i remember just last year we would have a group of 100 border patrols, a large group. since i've been here five days, we've had three or 400 every single day. can we sustain this? >> with the an adequate personnel provided on the federal side, it will be more difficult but that's why i was here today, to announce more strategies of what texas is doing about playing down and building more barriers and adding more troops and personnel to the reasons you see high influx of people coming across the border. texas has people to help solve
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the problem where's the united states does not. >> as we sit here along the banks of the rio grande, cartel are watching. is this crisis and minimum wage, is this something we've never seen? >> they make money off everybody coming across the border and people who lose their lives in that truck. one of our goals is to use strategies for the cartel to lose money in texas. >> governor, finally, this is a open ended question but how does this and? >> it ends with the federal government doing its job, probably and with a new president. it could and far quicker than that because republicans, in just a few months, they can begin the hearings that may lead to holding the biden administration accountable for their lawlessness on the united states border. >> thank you for your time. griff: thanks to the governor for that time.
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speaking of alexandria ocasio-cortez alejandro mayorkas, they are covering monday, exactly how many migrants are dying with this crisis going on? i discovered cbp does not publicly report official numbers to our sources, we learned there have been 518 migrants killed this fiscal year since october not including the 53 in the truck, if you add that, obviously higher. there are reports last year, 566, the last administration. our friend and colleague, the anchor of "face the nation" has an exclusive interview tomorrow, i hope she will ask him why dhs
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refuses to report official migrant death numbers because we know the numbers of illegal crossings are going up but they should give more information on migrant deaths data as well. anita: great reporting on getting the numbers and so sad the numbers are surely to rise throughout the summer and the rest of the year. i noted from your interview with the governor, this has never been worse. this is the worst you seen the situation and like we know what the numbers sadly, they are going to go up. great report there and we will hear more on this later in the show. griff: thank you. anita: moving along, we were talking about americans dealing with travel woes and headaches, we want to talk more about that right now, travel experts and founder of travel polls, mark murphy joins us now with some tips. we got great advice for folks.
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welcome to the program, great to see you. it is good to be here. such a tough time for travelers and we are just starting off the travel season, flight delays, gas prices skyhigh, let's look at the numbers on screen so we can take a look. the national average, 4.82, that is the national average. if you live on the west coast, you're paying a lot more than that. we had claudia showing numbers, almost $7 in los angeles. also, let's look at the number of light delays and cancellations. look at this, total u.s. delays, 7000 u.s. cancellations, 586 in one day. what do you make of this? which is worse? is it better to drive or fly? what is the lesser of two evils here? >> the odds, he will have 20 to 30% chance on average of being
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delayed or canceled. it's mostly delays as you can see in the numbers, if it's under six or eight hours and travel time and you could drive, i encourage you to drive. what's happening with the airline industry, they've cut and consolidated and reached staffing shortages so they are able to maintain high ticket prices so despite the rise in gas prices, is still more cost-effective of driving if under eight hours especially if you are going to a special event, or a wedding. anita: that's good advice, you're saying it's a little better to drive. it's interesting because i'm someone who flies a lot coast to coast, east coast to west coast and back, i've never seen the amount of delays or cancellations, most of my flights are delayed and sometimes even canceled. like you said, staffing issues, is there any light at the end of the tunnel? what tips do you have you have
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an app you want to recommend? >> the number one tip, got to get there early the other thing you look at, like tsa app, if you go to the airport, there are wars at the security line, people have lines going out the door. people miss flights because of that. my app will let you know the estimated wait time at the security checkpoints. look at the airline kat, the airline you are traveling and look at your flight taking off, your inbound light is coming from because of your flight is delayed, guaranteed you will have delays. a lot of times inbound flights are not coming in on time and they are still saying my flight is on time and it makes no sense because based on the arrival time, you won't be able to make the flight. those are two things you can use, if you hit the road, i love the waze app, invented in
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israel. it tells you where speed traps are and if you see a speed trap, you get to see that so i like that. especially traffic, if you get rerouted, you can save time because a lot of times you don't know that for miles ahead and if you get stopped. even if you know where you are going, always use the driver mapping out. anita: all good advice. two apps to use and if you head to the airport, have a plan b because you just don't know if you're flight will be delayed or canceled. thank you so much for the tips happy fourth of july weekend. >> you as well. anita: thanks. griff: anita, celebrating 246 years since our declaration of independence july 4 weekend. we will go live to boston harbor and major celebrations for america's birthday.
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today we are celebrating america's independence as we head to one of the nations largest fourth of july festivals, the boston harbor best. fox nation host, abby hornacek in the middle of celebration, what are you seeing and what are you eating? >> everything. i see a lot of patriotism and pride for this country. a lot of people are talking about this fast. i have the opportunity to talk about a well-known chef here about how to make the perfect new england chowder. >> what makes chowder, chowder? >> and what's in here? >> my secret ingredient -- >> carrots? >> carrots are sweet and add a
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little sweetness to the dish. you make the chowder and add onions, celery and potato's. you make a roux and talk and add your cream and clams and cooking for a few minutes and your buddy and good to go. >> cheers to you. this is awesome. isn't that what they say? [laughter] you can tell by the way my voice cracks i was so excited to learn they were carried and that was a special ingredient. i'm going later today so i will have to get back to you with who the winner is. griff: i think maybe the secret ingredient is the chef has that sick boston accent. abby hornacek, great stuff there. we look forward to seeing what you think is best. thank you very much.
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you can celebrate america with us here at the fox news channel all weekend long, abby will be live from the boston harbor fest through the weekend and tomorrow night 10:00 p.m., join pete and will came for a special independence day celebration at west point for an epic fireworks show, line up. monday night 8:00 p.m., fox news presents and independence day special with joey jones, kayleigh mcenany and carley. we got you covered all weekend long. anita. anita: good stuff. humans are the only ones gathering in the water, america's most popular beach destinations this weekend. next, we will tell you who else is gathering there. stay put. .♪♪
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♪ ♪ how's he still playin'? aspercreme arthritis. full prescription-strength. reduces inflammation. don't touch my piano. kick pain in the aspercreme. welcome back. experts warning beachgoers in cape cod to watch out for migration of great white sharks. joining us live from cape cod, massachusetts, fox whether nick -- nicole valdes, what are you seeing? >> definitely not the beach picture-perfect weather with got going on here unfortunately today but there are thousands of people here for the big holiday weekend.
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if you know cape cod, is home to the oldest celebrations, parades, fireworks but you know if you want to head to the water, you will definitely hear about sharks this time of year because they get to the northeast area because of the former water we see in the summer, experts are to detect great whites especially off the coast right about now and they are known to hunt and feed on fish and seals in the shallow watters of the shore. the same is salt water, there could be a a shark because their natural habitat. florida museum natural history is only recorded six shark attacks in the state of massachusetts with 1830s, a state that leads the charge on that, no surprise florida close to 900 attacks a day but yesterday, officials in new york reported what they believe could have been shark bite, a 57-year-old man hurt off the
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beach, so that coupled with expected crowds and the holiday weekend, he will see a lot more emergency presence on beaches across the northeast. if there is a shark siding, make sure to not just get out of the water but look at your surroundings. if you see a purple flag, that could be our indication there's a presence and sharks frequent the area is up to the local officials and lifeguards to tell you the best actions, they can do anything from close to the beach, tell you to get out of the water but be aware of your surroundings and try to stay safe this fourth of july. anita: lookout for those purple flags. nicole, thank you that live report. nicole valdes reporting for us. griff: coming up in the next hour, lieutenant colonel with a new book, you don't want to miss that, stay with us. ♪♪ i'm in the metaverse, bundling my home and auto insurance. bundle home and auto and save.
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call a local agent or 1-888-allstate for a quote today. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ this summer, dinosaurs are in our world. with 30 grams of protein. pet dinosaur? i'll take care of you. ♪ ♪ [ growling ] [ screaming ] [ growling ] shh. nice and quiet. hey! look! it's your mom! hot dog? [ growling ]
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griff: americans excited to kick off fourth of july weekend are facing hundreds of flight cancellations and thousands of delays as airlines struggle to deal with the holiday crush on top of staffing shortages and bad weather. welcome to fox news live i'm griff jenkins, happy, fourth, anita. anita: happy fourth i'm anita vogle. let's start with claudia in los
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angeles with more on those sky-high gas prices and, claudia, they just keep going up. >> yeah, thanks to gas tax that went into effect yesterday. the fireworks are still few days away but travel this holiday weekend off to booming start despite inflation and despite high gas prices, 6.59 in los angeles, way over the national average of 4.82. but with the kids out of school and here we have summertime 3-day weekend as well, triple a is predicting some 48 million people will travel from home. 42 million americans choosing to drive. that's a new record but maybe no surprise given the chaos at the airports, people do not want to deal with flight delays and cancellations and travel experts say many americans feel that having their car will give them a little more control over their
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itinerary. >> they know when and where they are going to stop. it's more economy call for folks and they can decide maybe to change their plans on the last whim, so it's not really hard for them to alter the plans and make plans up to last minute whereas if you're flying, going on a cruise or train, there's a lot of other factors that may impact how you travel and and you may even lose out of some money. >> just in time for all of those road trips, half a dozen states just raised their gas taxes including california by 3 cents bringing the average cost here to 6.27 a gallon. with gas prices highest pretty much across the west which made this trip a real treat. they were lining up in compton, california local city councilman sponsored gas giveaway.
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sadly it only lasted for a few hours yesterday but this event brought a lot of relief and smiles to people who have been feeling a lot of pain at the pump lately even those who had to spend more than that initial $50 to fill up their tanks and that was probably everyone there. anita. anita: yeah, for sure, i vote for more gas patients to do that, wouldn't that be a treat. griff: thousands of fourth of july travelers are already facing challenges with cancellations and delays popping up at airports across the country. alexis mcadams is live at laguardia airport with the latest, hey, alexis. >> alex: hey, griff, you see the lines behind me, no longer surprised if flight is delayed or canceled. they are dishing out big money for these tickets and they are not even getting on the airplane.
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>> for 1:30 i'm supposed to leave and they've delayed it to 3:00 p.m. already today. so i don't know if i'm going to get out or not on time but i may be hanging out here for a while. >> you can see mind me the line continuing to grow at laguardia airport. a lot of people checking in were actually, griff, were inside at the gate, thought they were ready to leave and that did not happen. it's been going on throughout the weekend. on the east coast, july 4th weekend started with hundreds of flights delayed. as of this amp, newark and laguardia and j.f.k. have the most delays of the country. if you're flying out of laguardia or those two, you are out of luck. yesterday 5 million travelers passed through airport security. first time that tsa has seen those big numbers. the surge coming as airlines have been struggling to keep up. they try and persuade at people
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to travel any other type i specially out of peak time, delta offered to waive charge fees but other people had plans that they couldn't change. the airports are also slammed and delta pilots hit the picket line at the time. they are fed up that they've clocked in record amounts of overtime. another live look here. you can see people on the ground waiting, checking on cancellations on cell phones and trying to figure out if they have to get another uber uber prices on top of it and wait around and head back. one of the things that we are pointing out at the air lines and the people we have been talking to, just because you're delayed you can't hop on another flight. the flights are full. if there's nice happens, there's chaos for people's travel plans. griff: bring your patience, alexis mcadams in laguardia. anita: sleeping bag too. well, tropical storm warnings have been issued for parts of
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north and south carolina this morning where heavy rainfall and chances of flash flooding are expected to dampen fourth of july weekend celebrations. meteorologist adam klotz has your fox weather forecast and adam, hopefully these showers are not going to last too long. adam: well, anita, this is a storm system that if you're going to be along the coast in south carolina or north carolina, particularly outer banks, you will be dealing with this at least through sunday. already heavy showers now currently falling. maybe good news with this that it's going to stay mostly offshore. doesn't mean it'll ruin beach days but this isn't going to be piloting up around the too deep into the coastline. here is your tropical storm track here with winds getting up to 40 miles an hour. you can see by sunday morning out over outer banks in north carolina, popular destination before by sunday p.m. to monday, finally clearing off which does give you the first of july to enjoy the beaches but we still
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have the tropical storm watches and warning advisories stretching from myrtle beach all the way to north carolina. the thing you will notice with this system and this is a future track, most of the activity is right offshore. so you're going to see the heaviest rainfall, strongest winds away from coastline, out over the ocean. spots there 6, 8 inches. right along the coastline, 2 to 3 inches and widespread. probably totally an imp of precipitation. winds topping off there 20 to 3r forecast as this eventually then clears on out of the area. otherwise, things mostly looking pretty good across the country, a lot of 70's, 80's, of course, we will be watching the tropical storm, anita. anita: rain today, some parts of tomorrow hopefully clear for monday, fireworks. adam klotz in fox weather center, thanks, adam.
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griff: anita, new poll showing american pride is sadly down, significantly from 51% in june of 2017 to now just 39% with 56% saying no, they are in the proud of this country today. for more on this, we are joined by my friend u.s. marine corps retired lieutenant colonel oliver north who has an amazing book on how the country is turning away from god, colonel, happy fourth of july to you. i want to get to tragic con wentses in a moment but this poll on the fourth of july weekend, less than four and ten americans proud of this nation, how could that possibly be, sir? >> joe biden is president of the united states and the left-wing controls the congress but here is some good news. last week scotus, the supreme court of the united states saved more american lives last month than anything our government has done since ronald reagan was president. first the supreme court decided
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the second amendment actually means what our founders intended, the right to keep and bear arms doesn't stop at your front door, it shall not be infringed. it means that we the people can defend ourselves against criminals, terrorists or traders. you think about what happened up in buffalo, new york where the guy goes in and he knows there's only one person inside that building with a firearm, no firearms allowed. he's a coward, he knows well no one will be able to shoot him. that's gone thanks to the supreme court. second, the supreme court decision to allow legislators and states and jurisdictions to decide whether the sanctity of human life means anything, means about a million babies will now perhaps liver because their moms will find adoption to be a better choice than abortion. all that means the fourth of july is something to celebrate this year and monday we will celebrate the 246th anniversary
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of america's founding. by the way, an act of congress that made the difference. 1776, it's extraordinary. you and i ought to be done in island right now -- >> griff: we should, indeed, my wife and daughters and dog drove down to polly's island this morning and weren't happy to hear a tropical storm name collin is headed that way. you and i had greatest honor in my lifetime to spend time with you as camera man, producer in far away dangerous places in invasion of iraq, multiple trips over there and to see, you know, the -- the pride with which the men and women volunteer to fight for the supreme that we have that makes this country unlike any other on the planet and i've been to a lot of other countries, how important when you see a poll it really struck me and it concerned me, colonel, that we have to do a better job particularly with the younger
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people to instill that pride we should all be feeling this for. >> well, look, what we ought to be reflecting on, i honestly believe this is what happened on the fourth of july in 1776. you know, the country was at the time in an insurrection, we are having insurrections right now only now they are being caused by congress and not solved by it. back in 1776, 56 members and now 535 and that insurrection that the british were trying to put down in the 19th -- april 17th, 1775, the british troops were fighting insurrectionists in america in lexington, it took 14 months for congress to decide what to do about it. 5 guys, ben franklin, thomas jefferson and roger sherman from connecticut. that's not being ought in our schools anymore. no wonder there's no pride in america. you and i have the great blessing of keeping company with
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heros. volunteers, every single person in our armed forces today is a volunteer, there habit been anybody drafted since 1973. those are -- those are reasons we ought to be proud of what we are, where we came from and in we could restore some of the values that those founders had when they constructed that declaration of independence and 1700 and 70 some odd words. everything that we have accomplished is because of their courage, sacrifice and belief in god. it's the only seminole document of any country on the planet earth that pays homage to god almighty. think about what that means. griff: that's why i wanted to bring it up. obviously your book great new read called tragic consequences, the price america is paying for rejecting and how to reclaim our culture for christ. you see the title here, we are talking about polls, colonel, there's a gallup out here that belief in god is down
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6 percentage points from 2017 and 81% is the lowest that -- that the country has ever been since gallup started taking the poll in 1944. tell me about the book and tell me your reaction that we are at this low point in terms of belief. >> well, to a large extent, major media, entertainment industry, schools in america don't have the same fundamental belief in the power of god almighty. it's in the declaration of independence. there's no other founding document for any other nation on earth that reflects the laws of natures god. no proclamation declares all people are created people and endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights. i graduated from high school in 1961. that makes me an old man. bottom line of it, knives the
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last classroom class where we could say prayer in public schools. that's the prayer that was deemed unconstitutional. by 1973 we are creating in the supreme court of the united states in roe v. wade the rejection of the sanctity of human life. what i'm suggesting is that this nation has an extraordinary history and this book is written to kind of restore some of that historical providence, mutually but if you think about it, they close with a prayer in the declaration for the support of this declaration with the protection of divine providence we mutually pledge to each other our lives, fortunes and sacred honor. goodness gracious, isn't that what we are supposed to be doing. god bless you guys for putting this on. griff: i know why you wrote the book, it's a great read, tragic consequences, but do you have hope that we will swing back,
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that belief in god will increase, that the sort of sanctity of not just life but also the foundations the country was born out of will restore with greater faith? >> sure. you know, if you look back at this remarkable time in our history and i want to go back to that because this book is all based on the kinds of beliefs that our founders had, john adams who was the representative on the 5-man committee from massachusetts writes to his wife on his second day of july 1706, the second day of july will be the most memorable in american history. i'm out to believe that it would be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. it ought to be commemorated on day of deliverance to god almighty. celebrations with fireworks and the like. those are the kinds of things that i believe that what we have
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to stand back and look at it and say, this nation is extraordinary. there's no other place on earth. we have been blessed by god almighty. we are the only country in the world we are sending sons and daughters around the world not for gold or colonial conquest but offer hope of freedom. we need to return to that. griff: we do, indeed, tragic consequences is the book by lieutenant colonel oliver north. thank you, colonel, have a great and safe fourth of july. >> god bless you, hope to see you at polly's island. griff: thank you, anita. always good to hear from the colonel, well, our political joins us when biden's administration handling and major fallout on immigration and climate. ♪ ♪
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up to a $650 prepaid card with a qualifying bundle. griff: president biden again claiming inflation again in the u.s. is lower than the rest of the world as prices still hover at 40-year high far outpacing many other countries. alexandria hoff live in dc with the latest, hey, alex. alex: hey, griff, president biden made the statement as he was wrapping nato and g7
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meetings this week and as it stands the u.s. inflation rate is higher than the other reporting g7 member countries and among the highest in the developed world. when asked about inflation and record gas prices, though, the president deflected to the supreme court. >> the one thing that has been destabilizing the outrageous behavior of the supreme court of the united states in overruling not only roe v. wade but essentially challenging human rights to privacy. alex: president biden held meeting with 9 democratic governor who is vow to serve as safe havens for abortions and would like to see the senate filibuster ended and also conceded that democrats don't have enough votes to do so saying that this must remain the key midterm issue. >> i predict if we don't, if we
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don't take the -- keep the senate and increase it in the house, we will be in a situation where the republicans are going to pass a nationwide prohibition consistent with what the supreme court ruled. >> so he wants to to be a midterm issue but the cost of living prices will also be on the minds of voters come november and the president said this week that americans should prepare to pay higher prices for as listening as it takes for yuck rain to defeat russia. griff: alexandria hoff live in washington, thank you. anita. -- anita: for more on this, republican party jennifer and radio talk show host and fox news contributor richard fowler, welcome to you both, thanks for coming on this holiday weekend. >> good to see you, happy fourth. >> thank you for having me. anita: good for you to be here.
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happy to have you guys. i want to talk about the supreme court rulings that have come down over the last two weeks, the biggest one, of course, overturning row versus wade and we are hearing from the president to codify it or protect it. let's hear from the president. >> i believe we have to codify roe v. wade in the law and the way to do that is to make sure that the congress votes to do that and if the filibuster gets in the way it's like voting rights, we provide an exception for this. anita: so jennifer, an exception for this, what are your thoughts on? >> i think what the president needs to focus on is the economy and the fact that no one cares about anything come the midterm elections other than the fact that it is costing them money to take their families to schools, for them to go to work or for them to do anything and it is really hurting people and this
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is not what he should be paying attention to at this point. i think that the supreme court has -- has spoken, it goes back to the states and let's work on the economy right now. anita: okay, richard, what about that, what do you think is most important, the economy, the inflation or row versus wade? >> i don't think they are mutually exclusive and they work together. they will think about depending on what they live in if i have a miscarriage, would i be able to get the help that i need and also what does price of gas look like, all the issues put together, what i see the president trying to do, look, we are doing our best to deal with inflation but inflation has a lot of inputs including war between russia and ukraine. with that being said, we are also dealing with the death of row versus wade and the result of that in the wake of that we have 50 states with 50 different policies that leave american people confused and folks with
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ivf treatment trying to think where they are going to store fertilized eggs and women with miscarriages where am i going to get healthcare and the system is trying to catch up with supreme court ruling that was made far too fast. anita: a lot of things to be sorted out for sure. the president made those remarks about changing the rules of the filibuster while overseas in madrid. he also heavily criticized the supreme court saying they had outrageous behavior that was destablizing the united states, let's hear reaction from senator mike lee on that. >> the fact that he would go on foreign soil and attack the supreme court the united states, to undermine and delegitimize it is unpatriotic. anita: is it unpatriotic to
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criticize? >> asked the question by the member of the media and he answered the question. he didn't answer the question, we would be doing a segment on why he didn't answer the game. the fact that he answered is fair game. let's be clear. it goes far beyond the supreme court. the former vice president of the united states mike pence made the statement of overturn of roe v. wade, they are pushingnationwide abortion. i'm against that and maybe women codify. anita: what do you think? >> that was ridiculous remark for him to make. there's a separation of power between the executives and the judicial and they made a decision and it is not for the president of the united states to go and trash the supreme court overseas.
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that -- it's kind of like having a family fight. that's an internal family fight and not fight for the international stage. anita: all right, thank you both so much for your thoughts. i had hoped to get to inflation but we are out of time today. we have to leave it right there so i will say happy fourth of july. >> happy fourth to you as well. anita: thank you for coming, okay, griff. griff: anita, confusion in the wake of the supreme court roe v. wade reversal playing out nationwide as protests continue across the country this week. late last night the texas supreme court blocked a lower court's order that allowed clinics in the lone star state to resume performing abortions up to six weeks into pregnancy, texas clinics have halted abortions following the supreme court's decision to return abortion rights to the states. it's not yet clear whether the clinics that had resumed seeing patients this week will now cancel appointments once again. a hearing is scheduled for later
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anita: welcome back, russian missile attacks on residential areas odesa region known as gateway in black sea leaving 21 people some of those killed were children. fox news correspondent nate foy has the latest live from lviv. nate, what can you tell us? nate: horrible situation in odesa, anita, we will get to that momentarily. first i want to start with russia defense ministry claiming successes including attacks on 5 ukrainian army posts in two regions, mykoliav and donbas but
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ukraine is claiming success of its own. take a look at new video by ukraine's armed forces. ukraine claims that this is a video of them blowing up a russian weapon's depo. this comes after a surge of russian missile strikes over the past week. one of the most deadly happened in odesa as you mentioned, anita, crews are still clearing the ruble after 21 civilians were killed at administration strike in apartment complex and this came after several other strikes targeting civilians this week including one that killed at least 20 people at a essential ukraine mall. the most intense fighting continues in the eastern donbas region as it has for months. the city of litsy is final holdout which is one of the reasons that hold out donbas. take a listen to this man's horrible experience.
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>> zelenskyy is saying his own thing and we can't understand. we haven't had our pension in 5 months now. zelenskyy isn't paying us, russia isn't paying us. these are the last potatoes we have to eat. nate: belarusian president is claiming that ukraine tried striking military objects in belarus 3 days ago but the missiles were intercepted, we can report today in lviv the mayor met with military leaders preparing for the possibility of a belarusian invasion. anita: it's sad to see how people are living there. thank you for bringing the live report from lviv, nate foy. nate: you got it. griff: anita and nate, thank you for more on russia's war on ukraine, colonel davis.
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thank you for being here. now you heard nate just reporting about this strike killing 21 in odesa, this is the black sea, mykoliav and also mariupol lost in the sea so the strategic access to black sea, how significant is what nate is talking about? >> it's very significant because whether it's here or with snake islands which have been hearing a lot about where ukraine drove some of the russians off, sounds like a success in the area but this just show it is horror of war because both sides are -- are really just laying into each other and there's casualties piling up on both sides and there's not a lot of result of this so far except that especially down in here it is blocking any kind of access in or out for ukraine. so they can't get grain out, they can't get resupplies in and russia has this choked off. griff: how big of a game-changer
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would odesa be if russians were to take that? >> it would be huge. at least ukraine owns this part over to here. they can at least get some things in and out but if they lose odesa, then it's completely shut off all of the black sea and coast. griff: i will clear that for a second and take you to donbas, now, this region very intense fighting, very key areas, what do you make of that? >> yeah, this really shows a lot of what's going on in true state of play. you hear things about people saying, hey, maybe ukraine will turn this around in august, just a month from now and go back and start rolling russia back but what you see is a complete progressive move by russia from the east to the west. so they've already taken, of course, donetsk and on the virtue to taking and they have great road network that can cut off everything from up here so
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that there's no way to get people in or out. so there's thousands of ukraines in here troops that could get cut off and they won't be available to fight anywhere else and they've already lost in dontsk here and they continue onto here, the entire northern shoulder of the donbas could fall and that can be catastrophic but for the rest of the donbas. griff: what's the time frame on that? >> they already have a majority of it, 5 or 6 kilometers of these bakhmut and there's not much left in here that can stop it i specially with russia coming up. potentially within a month, they could own all of this. griff: let's clear that for just a moment and take you for the larger man if i can now. now we can capital of ukraine, kyiv, the area that you're talking about here. we are hearing a little bit about russia running out of some of the more important missiles
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and weapons. what do you make of the perhaps struggle that russia is having? >> yeah, when you read between the lines what you see is that russia is definitely running low on all of their stocks that they had of the beginning of the war which only makes sense because they have going month after month of using all of these things so what you have seen is that russia has gone into wartime mobilization with their industry and especially with their military production facilities. so they are actually converting some of the civilian facilities into military actions as well. what that tells you, though, that they have the capacity to continue doing that. so you see already that, you know, when they took mariupol a month or month ago they completed rail lines down here and into crimea so they are actually improving on these areas. they are also going into making these much more defensible positions where they have in all the red. if ukraine ever did think about going on the offensive it's
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going to be much more difficult. griff: 15 seconds left. can ukraine getter territory and put themselves in a position? >> there's no chance. i have to be honest, there's no chance by august that they could do that. griff: thanks for coming in. anita. anita: griff wbna all-star britney trial has started in russia. the judge announced the trial will resume july 7th, russian official has denied case the politically motivating saying, quote, facts are that a famous athlete was apprehended with forbidden compounds that contained narcotic substances. russian legislation indeed have provision that is stipulate punishment for such crimes. national security adviser jake sullivan saying this to reporters aboard air force one. >> brittney griner was wrongfully detained and has the
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fullest attention of the president and every senior member of his national security and diplomatic team and we are actively working to find a resolution to this case and will continue to do so without rest until we get britney safely home. anita: okay, so that trial has started there, griff, you know, she's been in jail there detained for months now and, you know, she's facing ten years in prison if convicted and one of the things she apparently told a reporter for one of the -- i think it was the associated press or reuters, reuters, excuse me, is that one of the things she's struggling with in prison is the language barrier. apparently the prison guards don't speak english and she's having a tough time communicating. griff: that's got to be frightening and that's a great point, anita. also what must be terrifying for her is we know from the state department they tell us that in the russian court system
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acquittal is about 1%. that is perhaps part of why greiner's wife on another network was saying not enough is being done. take a little listen to what she had to say. >> this is not a situation where, you know, the rhetoric is matching the action. i do trust that the person is working on this, i do believe. but i don't think the maximum amount of effort is being done because, again, the rhetoric and the actions don't match. griff: i think it's easy, anita, for her to feel that way. who knows what that maximum effort she speaks of looks like, probably some sort of trade, some of our folks for some of their folks. anita: that's what we are hearing. we will be watching it and keeping tabs on that, thank you, griff. and just ahead, 7 top secret defense satellites get sent to space by virgin orbit, what we
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pete arredondo has faced scrutiny, the school placed arredondo on administrative leave over a week ago. this comes as no surprised because the parents in uvalde have been exacerbated over lack of answers and that boiled over in the city council this past week. the resignation doesn't come as a surprise. griff: it doesn't. he had a private meeting that was investigating this and that was not public. we don't know what he had to say. i know he avoided the media at least when he left that. that was back june 21st or so, but what's interesting as you point out there that he's still on administrative leave as
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police chief. he hasn't fully resigned from that. it's clear to understand in his resignation note he says that he believes this is what's best for uvalde and the pressure from the public, but he yet has not resigned from that police chief position which is for perhaps the more likely place that you would see him step down from because the decision-making on that job is what caused the fire storm for him. we will see where it goes, anita. anita: more to come for sure. griff: launching satellites into space on boeing 747 in company's first night flight and conducting experiments and space communication and the mission dubbed straight up after paula abdul topping chart song which virgin records released in her debut studio album forever girl. how about that? anita: i remember that one.
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anita: operation first response is bringing america together by providing much-needed assistance to the nation's service members, first responders, veterans and their caregivers. here to tell us more about this wonderful organization is peggy barker, the operation -- the operation first response founder and president. peggy, good to have you on the program today. happy fourth of july weekend. >> same to you and thank you so much for having us. this is a wonderful opportunity for us. anita: an honor to have you with us. tell us about first operation first response. you've been going since 2004, i believe, you started it after your son joined the army. tell us a little bit about the program. >> well, i think like many organizations after 911 rose from the ashes the american people that were going to stand together and show our strength and through that our children
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joined the military and so i think that was a really thing thingfor a lot of us. if you go in for an x-ray and the technician says to you, take a deep breath hold it, hold it, i felt like i held it for nine years. my way to get through that was to start operation first response. i had met john lewis' mother, mother support group and we became good friends and sean was injured in 2004 and i went to walter reed to meet up with his mom and they changed my life forever and the day i realized what i could do to support what our children were doing and i called them children but i know
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they are men and women and great warriors but to mom they are children. by going to walter reed i realized there were families in need and things were happening to those at the bedside of their loved ones. financial needs that were happening and we came together and throughout that time i watched what -- one of the most amazing things to me was a vietnam veteran after the way they had been treated when they came back from the war were the first ones on the scene when our young men and women came back from the conflicts. that was a beautiful thing to see and i met wonderful people like-minded people that just our main purpose is not about us, it's about them and making sure that we meet their needs. so we ran through a journey that
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is really what it is today 18 years later and it's become a journey, when they were first injured and we followed them through their days at walter reed and as they went back to the communities and started facing challenges with the va system, we began realizing that there was even more need and as time has traveled, we've watched some things get better but we have also seen where the suicide rates have increased and to me if we lose one when they get home, that's just too many. anita: i couldn't agree with you more. we are going to get cut off. you do follow the people that you help all the way through. this is you can look them up at the website. peggy barker, thank you so much. that's all for this hour. fox news live continues with alicia. time for ache and burn!
10:57 am
over-the-counter eye drops typically work by lubricating your eyes and may provide temporary relief. those'll probably pass by me. xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. xiidra? no! it can provide lasting relief. xiidra is approved to treat the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. don't use if you're allergic to xiidra. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. got any room in your eye? ask your doctor if a 90-day prescription is right for you. and pay as little as $0. i prefer you didn't! xiidra. not today, dry eye.
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11:00 am
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