tv The Big Saturday Show FOX News July 2, 2022 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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allysia acuna pleasure meeting with you. >> great to see you, rich. that doesn't for us, will be back noon eastern tomorrow. ♪♪ >> big saturday show is next. ♪♪ >> hello, everyone. i am anita vogel along with carley heard. welcome to the big saturday show. >> remember when president biden 16 savings this year has nothing to brag about. >> a lot of americans are staying close to home fourth of july, skyhigh gas prices but the white house, one of biden's
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advisors said -- >> i can't wait to hear that. >> the second amendment and supreme court. states are trying to take your rights away already. >> first, flying this july 4 weekend? is proving to be a big holiday headache. thousands of flight cancellations and delays are ruining plans across the country. the latest, 2000031509 and that was just today. cancellations, 2881. 7100 flights into and out of and across the u.s. were delayed and another 500 plus canceled yesterday. one airline is handing out major paydays to anyone willing to get off their flight. delta offered ten grand to get off of flight from michigan to
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minnesota. i have to tell you, normally i fly american airlines that i have switched to delta because they offer me $10000, i will do that. >> i agree but we've got to get more facts. the big problem is why are there so many cancellations? what bothers me, the biden administration would stop the vaccine mandates, let people quit or lost their jobs so they created this problem. they don't talk about this but the vaccine mandate that forced a lot of people in the airline industry's to lose their jobs. anita: i fly back and forth across the country quite a bit, i've never experienced so many flight delays, cancellations. it's like nine out of every ten flights have problems and generally it is that they can't get enough crews together. charlie, why is that?
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is what leo saying correct, covid-19 wreak havoc with all this? >> that is a big part of it and having political opinions is fun and games until it comes down to running them massive transportation system and when government bureaucrats monkey with thought, you wind up with big problems and people do feel it. as coming up here to new york from southern virginia and the idea of spending the night at laguardia airport, no way. i drove my truck from my home to d.c. and got the train and took the train because i figured if the train -- i could get a bus or rent a car. >> gas prices are so low right now -- >> you know things are really bad when people would rather drive at $6 a gallon of gas -- >> excuse me -- >> than take the chance on an airplane. >> poop pete buttigieg husband the hot seat here, he sat down
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with lester holt from nbc, let's hear what he had to say. >> the july 4 holiday, a recipe for disaster given the issues with the system right now. >> they are going to be challenges but we are watching closely and talking to the airlines every day about their responsibly to make sure they can accommodate any issues any curveballs might throw up them, a lot of people including the are expecting to get to loved ones over the holiday weekend and we need a system that's resilient enough to get them there plus good customer service when it does come up. >> good customer service. today pete buttigieg tweeted this, he said airlines have compensation for some trouble issues and you can often negotiate between you and the airline but you are entitled, a requirement we will continue with. you are shaking your head. >> what makes me angry is the of administration is putting this
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on the airline, airlines have an industry that's a problem? absolutely, they need to offer better customer service absolutely but government created this problem not only with the vaccine mandate, around the holiday time, the pilots went showing up protesting the vaccine, they told us because of whether there was no whether to be seen in a lot of these places and not only did you have the vaccine mandate we'll talk about but also government incentivized laziness, these people chose not to come to work because of the vaccine mandate didn't care but they were enjoying unemployment and the stimulus checks so they are not used to staying home eating bonbons and they didn't want to go back. >> pete buttigieg, he's absentee, he took two months off and he talks a lot, it's nothing. he says absolutely nothing. i don't know what came out of his mouth other than he sounded good to himself. >> at least one of the ceos of the major airlines is speaking
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out. would you have a statement saying if you encounter delays and cancellations recently, i apologize, establishing delta airlines and industry leader and reliability, the majority of our flights continue to operate on time, this level of disruption and uncertainty is unacceptable, it sure is. i think people are pulling their hair out. >> anytime for the federal government about customs services, it probably means you got a problem with customer service but also the government not going to solve your service, just go to the post office and you will see what customer service is like. >> but what about the offer of $10000? should i take that? >> sure, cash only. [laughter] >> the thing is, what pete buttigieg was saying, maybe they will give you more, see what you
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can order for. some people are happy with refunds and some are missing milestones with their friends and families so a cash refund of $10000, you can't get loans back, people are missing graduations and weddings, funerals, it comes at a higher cost than $10000 or flight reddit or free drink on southwest, sorry, not going to cut it. >> people are looking around wondering who to blame, i think they are wondering gas prices, airlines, what is it but the bigger question is, when does it end? >> the biden administration has doubled down on this ridiculous refusal to open up more gas because people were not taking planes for the gas pump. people are now punished. [inaudible]
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>> if you don't, the bottom line is, it's like mayor pete, the best mayors are mayors take care of the people and a truism in politics, always a top and the white house. if you have a problem like this is not taking care of the problem, you're going to pay a price and it doesn't matter how much of it is your fault and i blame 90% of it on the biden administration, it doesn't matter. voters are only going to blame one set of people, the people in charge. >> do you think so go? people getting their flights canceled and delayed, the one who voted democrat what you think they see this didn't happen of the trump of administration or do you think they are placing the blame on airlines? a lot of people looking at delta
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and southwest and think this is their problem, i'm still going to vote democratic? >> how do people know to blame the administration? >> the reason i think they will pay a price is this is not a separate issue, it's all entwined with gas prices and when all of it is entwined, that's why we talk about these. >> the poll numbers, a great number of democrats with this administration and that's why you hear rumors and stalks behind so biden administration is attacking the biden administration he's had no one within his own party, perfect example. >> when you start going into holiday plans and airlines and gas prices, people get upset and look around and look at, whom i pointing fingers at? moving on, last year president biden bragged about the whopping
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welcome back to the big saturday show. remember last year when the biden white house bragged about lowering the cost for the of july cookout by 16 cents? this year the president doesn't even have sense to brag about because the average cost of a barbecue is just under $70, up $10 from the past couple of years. america paying 17% more independence day celebrations than they did in 2021, all of this because of inflation. californians are about to get free money to ease the pain. inflation checks up to $1050 a family sent out later in the fall. as we know, something is actually free. i want to get to california, we
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have to start with the fourth of july barbecue. 36% last year, last year hot dogs were cheaper, we don't know what was in there but ground beef is up 36%, businesses are trying to transition is off fossil fuel, are they trying to get into the possible burgers now? is that what they're trying to train us to have? >> because of what they do, methane. and for all the people who don't tie air travel problems to the administration, things like inflation to the current administration but it's crazy and talk about the white house by boasting about this last year, is sets themselves up, you can't blame reddit for one year and no credit for next year when it goes to hell in handbasket which they're going to try to do now and they should be embarrassed.
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>> is this putin problem, too? that he make hot dogs more expensive? that's his excuse for everything, putin's height price hike, other going to be able to pass it or is biden going to go on vacation and not address it? >> everything is putin's fault, right? i think this is interesting about california handing out rebate and this is part of a 17 billion-dollar bailout package, middle release package. and you know, there isn't much of a middle class left so it's always nice if you are a struggling family, 300 to $1000, that's meaningful but how about the lasting by the governor there? >> let's talk about something you and i know well living in california, the gas tax, we are going to send inflation relief checks and rebate by the
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government which will make inflation worse, but now we got another, 3 cents more, gas tax and now they are raising it but don't worry, they will send you a check in the mouth. >> the worst governor, we have the highest gas tax in the country, 54 cents. three additional since it went up. this rebate check, that's our money. tax state in the country and what he's doing is doubling down, playing the biden card not giving relief to millions of people who depend on getting the work, it's hard to get work in california without a car. people make decisions and everything else has skyrocketed, gas prices, we have the highest prices in the country and no relief. it's only designed a couple of weeks before his election. >> it's always the relief before the fall but living and l.a.,
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what they tell you in california is if you don't like gas prices, there's public transit. you and i, we know what it looks like, it looks like a homeless fiesta. it's dangerous, loveless, it's disgusting, talk about worry about covid. >> you summarized it, it's dangerous. it's dangerous to live in california, gavin newsom ignores crime, public transportation, you've got the homeless, an attack on law enforcement and note enforcement of any crime because of district attorney george gas code who should be recalled. it's totally horrible. >> people are not giving up california for public transit. it's so sad what people have to pay for gas, a gallon of gas in california but not giving up their cars. >> i want to ask you, not just a california problem, we saw largely this disaster inflation created by the students checks
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when out, incentivized laziness taught people how to depend on the government must california is setting the scene for more of that. we want more government dependence instead of making it affordable, we just keep handing out checks. it sounds like a socialism starter pack to me. >> it's not bad in the federal government, that is problem to inflation but as you pointed out, this is people's money, how about just stop taxing? that would be a great first step. >> whether the federal or state of, these people want to get the cut in the way they do is charge you taxes give you your money back after they take their cut. >> i think one of the points, the middle class party, they don't do anymore, they represent the elite and gavin newsom and nancy pelosi are not suffering like middle-class americans
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throughout the country. there's a disconnect, the democrat priority is to please the elite, ignore the american people. >> and everybody feels when they get their little check and hard-working once you mentioned, california for the very rich and very poor, middle class are heading to florida just vote correctly, please vote correctly as a tennessean, that's all i ask. still ahead of the big saturday show, after the supreme court delivered a win for the second amendment, more people are trying to buy guns, imagine that but the liberals are still going to try to infringe on your rights. more next. ♪♪
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welcome back to the big saturday show. many states figure out gun laws out of the supreme court delivered a with the second amendment, americans are buying millions of more guns than before biden became president. so far this year there has been nearly 15 million background checks across the country. meanwhile some state of working hard trying to infringe on your rights to carry like new york were governor signed a new law requiring gun fires provide social media handles to check their character and conduct. in california the state announced this week personal information of every person to apply for concealed carry permit, 2011 was leaked. thank you, california. do you trust the government to rummage through your social media profile to determine whether you are stable enough to have a gun?
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>> they wouldn't even want to look through my profile, they see fox news. character reference in all that, if you even look like you might have voted public at one time or if you ever even like donald trump slightly, you are not suitable have a concealed carry permit to carry handguns and defend yourself but this notion of what happened in new york, supreme court luckily started them, beyond saying i want to protect myself and my family, i have concerns for my safety, there was none of, he basically had to provide evidence the you are not danger. that's what the second moment is not about. these liberals, what this is and we talked about at the rate, it's democrats attempt to say we tried to do something, it's going to be throat out but it will play well with some democrats. >> i'd like to make a comment, everyone right now to be clear,
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second amendment rights, the government cannot take that away. second amendment is not the stepchild for the moment. we go out and protest, they don't care about protesting our first amendment, these rights are fundamental and with the democratic streets are trying to do is impede upon that. all the laws will be challenging court and mapped out because clarence thomas ruling is effective immediately and all state courts have to comply. state law servient to federal law, the ruling paid by the supreme court effects everyone. >> it is amazing the idea like the irs about trying to audit people based on where they spent money, they earn money, this is -- is not even a fig leaf of
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contribution, social media profiles, you want to see what their policies are or what they believe or their opinions so if they are not even pretending there's anything. >> the government to judge anybody's character, why not a judgment of character on this at penetration as a whole? i'd like to vote in that poll on social media or anyone else but who are they to tell you? >> your constitutional right, nothing to do with that. i'll piggyback on that, it's for the democrats to say did something. >> all of these laws, new york and california talking about this before the break, you going to ask me if i thought the loss would pass. they will pass, one 100% because states like california and new york have super majority of democrats in the state and legislature no matter what, it says they want to pass it in governor's will sign it and if
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someone will challenge it, they will. >> it will go to the supreme court and yet again, i'm sorry, it wasn't very complicated, you're not allowed to do this and it will be repealed again. >> just like people are rushing to buy guns from a liberal states across the country are rushing to enact the laws that have different stimulation and california is a bill pending, you have to be 21, disclose prior arrests schools, concerts, bars, that will pass. >> as if we needed more evidence, this is what the california attorney general said about the leak of personal information, authorized release personal information is unacceptable and falls short of my expectations for this department, i immediately launched an investigation, california department of justice will take measures were necessary, what is wrong with
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your state? >> everything is wrong with california and that guy is disingenuous, it's a pr statement and the leak was done to embarrass people, that's all it was done for the state has no credibility. >> if anybody needs more evidence for why they don't trust the government to take care of them, this is it. [laughter] >> your addresses, information. >> the gun infringements of california. >> i think it was intentional. next on the big saturday show, the white house says the quiet parts out loud, skyhigh gas prices. ♪♪
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♪♪ welcome back to the big saturday show with charlie, anita, tommi and leo, we are all excited. july 4, were not thrilled about the skyrocketing prices of gas. polls show 60% of people will stay home were nearby and about half carpooling to save money on gas. what is the biden administration doing bring relief at the pump? absolutely nothing. one of joe biden's top advisers, sanka) out of moment. >> what you say to the families who say we can't afford to pay 4.85 a gallon for months if not years, is just not debatable. >> what you heard from the president today was clear from the states, it's about the future of the liberal world order and we have to stand firm.
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at the same time, but i say to the families is it administration is going to do everything in its power bring the prices down. >> charlie, will you tell fox viewers liberal world order. >> this is right after, utopia democrats have been promising for decades and it's here. the thing that i think is missed opportunity, the idea of getting electric vehicles, there's a lot of optimistic fun stuff but getting the american people into submission is not the way you do that in a free country. we do the right thing, winston churchill said america does the right thing after every conceivable option and that's true but you don't get us someplace i beating the living daylights after us. >> what charlie says, we are
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celebrating our birthday and the liberal world order, they are saying we know it's better for you, we are going to kill you and your going to take it. >> kind of like disciplining your kids but americans are taking it. >> until november. >> yeah so another exchange that got less attention, biden was asked he was overseas by new york times reporter, how long are americans going to put up with these high gas prices to pay the premiums? biden said as long as it takes and americans are putting up with it. we see americans protest about so many things, social justice, george floyd, abortion, you name it. i think, where are the protests about gas prices and inflation? >> there's so many people from the midwest, the heart and hand those people suffering the most, people who drive to work, there have public transit, they have
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to have trackers, machinery for the renters, those of the people who take the streets, those of the people who work hard and are being beaten to a pulp by the it administration, they are not going to go on the streets with their green hair unshaved arms and protest joe biden. they don't have the luxury to do that, they got to work so we can eat and it's costing us more and they are not seeing the price increases in their pockets but then you have liberal elitist and lecture everybody how they can just take a bus. do you know how many buses we have two and fro? >> let me follow-up the issue of what's happening to the protest groups, there was tweet by a group that's apparently going to deflate, big news, striking for the first time in new york city, this arm, the first of many we
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have. you can go join us. let me answer this, it seems to me the democrats look the other way when it comes to crime to get their agenda across, they allow people to commit crimes to promote what they are trying to which is get out of your car, your suv and go all out, what you say? >> summer of 2020 shows people if you believe you have the moral high ground, you can do whatever you want and the democrats are going to cheer for you and might even set up a campaign to break you out of jail. >> can i make a public service announcement to anybody slashing tires on suvs and pickup trucks new york city in been here and unshaved place or whatever? don't go anywhere other than new
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york city because people to regular america, rural america and slashed tires, it's not going to end well for you, it's going to be a very big problem for you so keep your protest in new york city. >> this administration, this department of justice looked the other way, criminal activity and when i say criminal activity, supreme court justices are looking the other way when it comes to suv slashing their cars, it seems they basically encourage it by doing nothing when it comes to prosecution. >> next, celebrating independence day at the headquarters in boston. it's this july 4. ♪♪
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web browser, one click data clearing and more stop companies like google from watching you, by downloading the app today. duckduckgo: privacy, simplified. welcome back to the big saturday show and happy fourth of july weekend. what does it means to be a proud american? for some it means loving your country are showing patriotism whenever possible. the city of boston, a celebration and abby hornacek is live at the this. looking festive out there. >> it has been amazing. true american fashion, it's been four days and is the largest fourth of july festival in the country. i asked people, are you proud to be american? one woman even got emotional,
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how much she loves it here. people are talking about charter this, i learned about it while i was here and somehow they let me go so i went to eight different tents and tried the chowder ultimately picked a winner. >> take a look at that you guys are in a good line. oh yes, so good. can i take this with me? and going to come around all day. >> okay. >> we didn't know this at the time but this morning we talked to chef kelly, executive chef, the waiter and i asked how you make the perfect clam chowder and he revealed his secret ingredient, i was sworn to secrecy so i can't tell you so i guess you will have to come to
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boston to try it. >> there he is. [laughter] >> we would all love to try it. thank you so much, a great report. i especially loved seeing that report in light of a new fox pool, i don't know if you saw the poll, let's bring up the numbers. it asks people about in proud of the country and look at the numbers. so sad, 39% said yes. i don't care whether you are a certain party and the other party is in power, that shouldn't prohibit you from being proud of the country. what are we to make of this pool? charlie. >> i think obviously lower than we as american see the number but we've been through a rough and tumble couple of years, i think there's no way but i do think safeguards are in place,
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we remain in the greatest country on earth. we are all here not because we look alike or are part of shared dna or some same ethnic group, we are here because we believe in the larger idea that our rights come from god and respect one another's opinions and right to express them anyway they want as long as it doesn't infringe upon other people so because of that, i have this eternal optimism about our country and as those numbers are right now, i'm sure we are going in the right direction and will get back up there. >> there's still plenty of people who are proud of their country and we went out with michael and this is what we heard. >> i am proud to be american and proud to be an american because there's nowhere else in the world like us. >> we are given opportunity people in other countries are
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it's a luxury to live here. >> a place where we can live freely matter color, race, who we are married to, we can live free and raise a family. >> where else would we want to be? freedoms will share and can have and probably one of the greatest in the world. >> great comments there and one person said it's a luxury to live here. certainly as. everybody knows you're conservative but if there's a democrat in the white house, does it prohibit you from saying your part of the country? >> i still love my country today as i did under donald trump and whoever is in the white house i will love my country. one of the great things about this country as we have the power to change situations, we got midterms coming up in elections in 2024, love your country and fight for your country and believe in the exceptionalism of this country,
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we love our country loudly and proudly, declare that we have the ability to change it. we have the duty to change it if we are unhappy because it reminds everybody there's nowhere else to flee to, we don't flee elsewhere, let's keep it that way and fight for america and love our country in the process. >> the country is not perfect, we've done plenty of bad things in the past and always try to do better but that doesn't mean you should be proud of the country because we haven't done everything perfectly in our past. >> you are right. the whole purpose of the civil rights and equality in this country, this reflects the best of this country, what makes the country so great is opportunity for people to move up and i think is a segment of this country the last 18 months trying to tell us how bad we are. what charlie said is true,
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notwithstanding criticism in this country but being a nation law and having the declaration of independence that is why people flock to this country and what makes me proud to be in this country because of opportunity, reflection of his panel in the individuals around the country, america is the greatest country. >> very eloquent comments by everyone. >> founding documents, they don't call us the perfect country, they seek to make us a perfect union and we are forever a work in progress. look at the numbers of. >> we can't erase the past, we can only learn from it. fox news is celebrating july 4 this year tomorrow night 10:00 p.m. eastern. pete hegseth, rachel and will came for all the patriotic and there and fireworks. monday 8:00 p.m. eastern, harley, lawrence jones, kayleigh mcenany and joey jones will
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welcome back to "the big saturday show". it is time now for the big saturday flops. our picks for the biggest fails of the week. at the nato summit in madrid this week there's an interesting item on the restaurant menu, a russian salad. apparently somebody did not get the memo. but apparently it was a hot commodity there. it sold out. because it was heavy on the carbs the story said.
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if you are going to a russian salad for your carbs you are not eating properly. >> what is a russian salad? i'm so glad you asked that i wrote it down. hold on a second period it is the launch of peas, potatoes, carrots and mayo. >> is not a salad at all. that does sound like a security threat to me. another guy any ukrainian flag added tomato dumplings to and called it a ukrainian solid. all is wellin the world. leo what is your flock? >> california cannot get their act together. as a crime rate of searching california the west hollywood city council have voted to defend the police department. crime has gone up 130% in west hollywood. give me some logic. why defend the policeman crime is surging? please help. >> california that's the answer
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to everything why? because of california. >> is not crazy it is a logic. one question i would have is there a by saying you're defending the police are going to reduce crime who is the experts giving them some advice? >> not a very smart one. let me send over to my partner tommy you take it. >> is another good during an concert and alighted billy joe armstrong he is pronouncing his u.s. citizenship of the supreme court decision to overturn roe v wade. let's listen. [inaudible] i am announcing my citizenship. [cheering] [inaudible] it is a miserable. [inaudible] >> a couple of things here. there's so many celebrities that threaten to move during the 2016 election. they are still here why are they here? and green day simas for their album american idiots.
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now he's just plain idiot. no american, remove the american just played idiot. i wonder if you actually do it? i seem to the people profess to hate this country the most benefit the most from it. maybe it now is your time. >> the biggest flop of the week goes to sesame street as a beloved elmo character gets his covid 19 shot in a psa thing is just a little pension shares his experience in a video. [inaudible] >> you were superduper today giving your covid vaccine elmo. >> if alec a little pinch but that was okay. >> of why this comes the wake of colored vaccinations been authorized for kids under the age of five for the ad was produced in part by the cdc. the goal i guess is for kids to see it and talk to the parent about wanting a shot because elmo got one. my thought is let cartoons be cartoons, right guys?
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>> absolute words the data where's the research. rand paul the great job of taking dr. fauci to the woodshed on this one. in his rolling and rolling for that does it for us will see you back here tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. eastern for the big sunday show. christina coleman is in for john on the fox report right now. >> thousands of flight delays and cancellations as a july 4 holiday we can kicks off her thanks joining us tonight. i am christina coleman filling in for jon scott from new york and this is your fox report. >> travelers are frustrated at airports nationwide this week in his airline struggle to maintain their schedules to staffing shortages and other issues. meantime millions of americans are hitting the roads as high prices at the pump are putting the strain on their wallets. today's national average for gas
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