tv Hannity FOX News July 8, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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about ite line that's for us tonight. >> sorry, biden joked our friend j jarocin for sean tonight. have the best night with the ones you love.te w i'll see you monday. at. welcome everyone to this special edition of "hannity". i'm right here i show tonight.em top democrats and their friendsc in the liberal media all butid begging president biden to do something, anything on a variety of key issues in response today, the white house signed a rather useless executive order on abortion rights that does little to nothingab, just another political stunt from a white
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house that is trulyen incompete. in every way. what else would you expect fromo a president who struggles with basic task s like, you know, walking and talking even with the assistance of a teleprompter? >> watch this. itit is noteworthy that the percentage of women who registered to vote and cast a ballot is consistently higher than the percentage of the menge who do so end of quote, repeated line women are notar without electoral and or political or maybe precisely not and or political power. >> it's really a ron burgundy moment. >> i don't think you're actually supposed to be speaking for clues out loud, joe , believe it or l not, it went downhill from there on out. >> take a look. that hasas changed if all thats changed is this court and theas fastest way tote restore roe . ten years old and she was
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forced to have to travel out of the state to indiana to seek tol terminate the presidency and maybe save her life when tensif of millions of women vote this year, they won't be alone. millions and millions of men will be taking up the fight alongside them to restore the right to choose. consider the challenge accepted court right nowou in all 50 states, the district of columbia, it's actually terminate a pregnancyre to terminate a although think about it, it's not a bad idea. >> joining us with more onec biden is executive orderta on abortion, utah senator mike lee. senator , thanks for being with us .t seve i've read it several times.ra the executivel time action signd by the president. >> it strikes me as a surer trade that does almost nothing meaningful. >> now i may be wrong. what's your take? >> i think that's a fair assessment of it.
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and look how powerful he bottled the delivery, which he clearly did. the message was no less clear .l the message was he will stop at nothing to appease the far left base of his party.ose who those who are intent on making sure that the most defenseless and bolder members of our society, unborn babies can have their lives snuffed outut live up to the moment of birth. blem a it's a real problem. and yeah, you're right, the executive does very little in and of itself. but kind of strange that thisad is now the leader of the free world is devoting his time to making sure that the far leftpr pro-abortion base gets itsop way with him. one of the things that jumped out at me as i watched the president's dobs decision is not driven by the constitution. my lord, nearly all two hundred and thirteen pages of that
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decision and of the other opinions, where wereth devoted o the constitution, weren't they ? >> yeah, t look, the whole thing was and i'd encourage all ofav your viewerse who have not yetni read justice alito's masterful opinion to do so. they will be left with the unmistakable conviction that there is nothing int the constitution that separatese and makes it somehow a decision that can be made only by justices and judges. this is something that is reserved to the peoplee because it's not taken off the table by the constitution. r >> the other thing he said is he's waiting for congress to act to pass legislation too codify abortion rights. >> wouldn't that be contrary to the majority opinion in dobbs which said we are returning the decision making to the states where it belongs,
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not the federal government? >> yes, it would be contrary too the dobbs decision. it would also be contrary to common sense, but justmp as important as anything else. it would be contrary to the will of the united states senate. look, president biden within the united states senate still doesn't even have a majority, a simple majority to passit abortion legislation that he wants to enact. so he doesn't have the votes to do that. and so he's just swatting back at the supreme court pretending that that wasn't about the constitutioninbo, whih it plainly was. >> and senator, let's say hypertherm agrees that there are enough votes in congress, both houses of congress, to pass an abortion rights legislation would simply be erased when inevitably the pendulum swings and control goes back to republicans as well as the presidency would create chronic whiplash, sortng of ping pong back and forth,
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wouldn't it? stand >> so frompo a practical standpoint, it reallyin doesn'tn work. it's it's more destructive than >> no,uctive. no, that's exactly right. t and this is one of the many reasons why i think they're just playing too their base hee . so a little bit like some of their other efforts. the efforts they want to nuke the filibuster to make it easier tousto p pass legislatiot a for example, to expandhe the supreme or to pack the supreme court. as i explained inre my book, saving nine , if they did that ,too, would create a whiplash effect, would prove toas be a short term victory for the liberals because the next time republicans had control ofw both houses of congress and the white house, they would undo. but as i explained in sitting nine , it would also havect devastating effects long term for the independence of the federal judiciary and with it the constitution of>> the united states.lee >> all great right, t senator m, great to see you as always. >> thankss for joining us . here now with more , the authort
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of the new book out next week, my american life, colorado congresswoman lauren beaugard. congresswoman, great to see you. thanks for being here.aking a lo i was takingok a a look at a new national poll, 72% of americanss oppose abortion after 50 after 15 weeks, including 60% of democrats. so it doesn't this show that most americans are not aligned with the liberal position of, you know, abortion at all times ,greg? that's exactly right. the majority of people do not want full term abortions and a just take in everything. so far , they want to blame the supreme court decision on conservatives, on republicans. but this is absolutelypu their fault. they have pushed abortion down. everyone's throat and they have taken it way too far , even wanting post term abortions e here in the united states.
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this is something that needs too . back to the states and i g think the supreme court did a great job on that decision. but everything that they ared doing is so radical and driving people to the republican party saying we are tired of p paying the price for bad policy. we want a safe country. weav don't want to scream our abortions from the streets. soeets. they are no longer the y of safe, legal and rare. en but's greg biden's press conference today really was all bark and no bite, end quote. repeat the line. biden's press conference today was all bark, no bitell. i do like his forgettin flip to terminate the presidency rather than a pregnancy. but seriously, he announced noou new legislation, no groundbreaking executive n orders. he just stood there and poorly read a teleprompter while secretary basara tried his best not to laugh at this so-called commander in chief.. and here's the deal. the supreme court ruled n
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abortion is not nor was not ever a constitutional right. it's up to the states and the people to decide what protections to give the prebornk leftists who now make up the squad want abortion any time anywhere, including babiesn. who are already born. i but that's not going to happen. >> the other aspect oft it today is i was watching he was engaging in fear tactics, scare tactics, saying no other enumerated rights, same sex a marriage and contraception are now at risk. >> no., if you read the alitoni opinion and i doubton you'll read it if he read it, he didn't comprehend it, which is not a surprise. >> alito specifically said these other rights are not at risk. they are different rights that they find their protections elsewhere in the constitution. so this was just, you know,
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blatant fear mongering, wasn't it? >> absolutely. >> i would say the only right that is under threat by the biden regime is our seconds amendment rights with his executive orders and his rhetoric on stripping h lawhe abiding citizens away from being able to have the right tor protect themselveshe t and especially protect themselves against a tyrannical government ernm. but look like biden has he saidh that he doesn't think conservatives have a clue about the power of the american woman and he's right wing mama bearsam are powerful and that's exactly why democrats will lose in november. moms across america are tired of being called domestic terrorists for caring about their children's education, tired of being called a bigot for wanting the border closed, tired of being called sexist san for saying dragg shows are inappropriate for children. so women across america will be showing up this november to ensure joe biden isn't just a sleeping duck but a lame duck. >> yeah,uc well, stumbling,
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fumbling and mumbling through a teleprompter speech really does call into question not only his mental acuity but his competency. >>compet we'll leave that for a time. congressman woman bobert, thank you so much forbewi being witht us tonight. in the wake ofin the u.s. supree court decision on abortion,is justice brett kavanaughio continuesn to be stalkedy and harassed by derangedde far left agitators. keep in mind, just a few weeks ago, a lunatic traveled all the way from california toal kavanagh's, a neighborhood inor maryland with plans to assassinate him on wednesday's supreme court justice was forced to flee w from a restaurant through a rear door after a mob of liberals showed up to interrupt his meal. but according to the white house press secretary karine jean-pierre, this is what democracy looks like, peopledoeful protest
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should be allowed to be to be able to do that in a restaurant if it's outside of a restaurant, if it's peaceful for sure. really peaceful protest where we were.e your question to me with intimidation is become violent offenders do not agree with an opinion that they signed on to had no right toav privacy is wht you're saying, peter . this is this is people hav the right to this is what a democracy is . people have the right to be .pe of course, people haveha a right to privacy, but people also have a right to be able to protest peacefully, peacefully. it's the intimidation and the violence that we condemn. well, the restaurant where cavitat was dining hadak a slightly different take on this. morton's steakhouse condemned the angry mob calling unruly, selfish and devoid of decency. joining us now with reaction, the price of principle, why integrity is worth the consequences. harvard law professor
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alan dershowitz, along with fox news legal fox news contributor charlie hurt, professor on the left today, they were absolutely cackling at cabinet, being forced to flee r a restaurant. their ragees, their glee was palpable. >> that's pretty stunning. sincivility.eminded abou and i'm reminded oft how you were treated at one point in time when you dared to defendd donald trump during the second impeachment. i'm still treated that way t on martha's vineyard. people threatened to walk out of events or were dinners ifve invited, even though it was years ago, by the way, just as capital was treatedte was absolute, absolutely disgraceful. whether or not there is a right to protest, remember thatot protest can be restricted by time, manner and location and it might be constitutional
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to pass a statute sayingta that protest interfere with people's basic rights like the right togh eat of justices might be unconstitutional. >> but look, i'm i oppose the reversal of roe versus wade . i think, by the way, what congresswoman bobert said, calling people on my side of the issue the quote, squad and saying that we are preparedr for babiesed already born to be killed is even more disgraceful. moand anything that happened to to the justice, i would justks want to condemn those remarks in the strongest terms. i support a woman's right to choose, but i do not support anybody protesting justice cavnar eating a meal and peace, being at home in his house or not being having a fear, an assassin walking on on his lawn. americans have the right to protest, but they shouldld protest in the right place, the right man.
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>>ma you can protest in front of the supreme court but leavey a poor guy and his family alone have a decent whether you agree with them or disagree with them, that's the american wayay you know, one activist groupt is now paying two hundred dollars for any information about the location of a justice. i mean, this is this. is not just incivility. it's inn decency,n isn't. yeah, no, it really is . and in addition to being absolutely appalling and i would say and in some cases downright illegal when you listen to the white house defend this kind of behavior and then get into some weird, sophomoric, idiotic distinctioni between whether he's dining inside or outside orni whatever, i don't think she even knew what she was talking about. >> but. all of that is , you know, kind of gives you some sense of why these protesters feel so emboldened
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to carry on like this. this. but there's a whole nother l thing in addition to the legal aspect of all ofegof us and the intentions of having sortof of vigorous debate here on cable television that should be that can be monitored outside of people's homes or in restaurants or in private places. it's the fact that you have so many people whose entire lives are consumed by politics and anybody who wants to go into a restaurant to heckle a justice with whom o they disagree or anybody who cheers other losers going into a restaurantt to hecklen' somebody, a justice that they don't agree with. et there's a real problem. people need to get a life. they need to find something.pols the purpose of our politics is not to sit f and fight and argue. it's the purpose of our politics. is so that we don't have to dole this sort of stuff. we can settle our issues inac politics and then practice
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our lives and go about our livesou. and i'm p afraid there's so mann people that are so caught up ind the frenzy of politics that they don't know where to draw the line. , i want to get your reaction to the failure on the part of the attorney general, merrick garland, to take action when after the leak of the draft decision, all of the protesters were allowed to shout and scream obscenities outside the house and demanding that they change their view. >> that's a violation of federal criminal law, not to mention obstruction of an ongoing federal judicial proceeding f. >> are you disappointed that merrick garland did absolutely nothing to enforcece the law? >> look,k, i was a supporter of merrick garland. his appointment, the supremehi court. i think he's a terrific person. i think he was a great judge. i thinkho he should do more to protect justices.
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i think he should do more toto protect the process. look,th look i i agree with peoe who devote their lives to trying to undoec the decisions f the supreme court. ve strongly about to choose just as they feel very strongly about the right of a fetus not to be aborted. >> vigorous debate is fine, but trying to intimidate >> the leak was clearly a violation of practice, tradition and ethics. and i dodi think the fbi and the justice department have jurisdiction to look into thatn. . and of course, the marshals office of the supreme court,, the power to have investigate, will never get to the bottom of this. en >> the justice department should be putting some of its top people on this issue who are technical expertsts who can get into phone records, who can see if there's probable cause, who can get to the law clerks. we havee t to know who sprung lr
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because it violatesit the integrity of the supreme court. and again, this comes from a person who supports a woman's right to have abortion not at the end of pregnancy, but is the beginningin of pregnancyd and i don't support the decision the supreme court, but i support decency, legality and fairness. >> all right. professor alan dershowitz, charlie, good to see you both. haveve a great weekend. thanks for being here. coming up next, breaking news in the elon musk twitter saga. carol markowitz and tedth budd join us . plus, the biden economy is gone from badad to worse. r rick perry reacts when we come figuring were you diagnosed with ovarian cancer or mesothelioma as your regular use of johnson and johnson baby powder or shower to shower for one day like nine , you may be entitled to compensation. johnson johnson failed to warn
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tonight out of silicon valley where elon musk is telling twitter he is terminating the forty four billion acquisition deal , citing alleged material breaches. the purchase agreement in an sec filing, musk's attorney said he wanted out of the deal because, quote, twitter is in material breach of multiple provisionsti of that agreement and appears to have made false and misleading representations upon which musk relied whn he entered into the merger agreement. well, in responsegr, twitter's board chairman brett taylor said the company will pursue legal action. >> what a surprise and that the twitter board is committed to closing their transaction in terms agreedgr upon with mr. musk. here now for reaction, congressman in north carolina, senate candidate ted. but along with "new york post" columnist carol markowitz. >> good to see markowiz horseman since you have
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both, congressman, since you have the mba, let me start with you. the only people who are happy tonight are the lawyers as weye speak. >> they're there. they're buying porsches because they know this litigation is going to finance their lavish lifestyle for yearss to come. >> but doesn't it all come down to fraud where they're intentional misrepresentatio and false statements that lead to a materiall breach of the contract? >> what say you, greg? this is a forty four billion dollar deal with a billion breakup fee if there's not material reason. but elon musk thinks that theref is he's finding out that twitter, no surprise to us thats are conservatives is just not being transparent about their business practices. this is one of the reasons that i'm running for u.s. senate.he it's one of the reasons that we have to hold big tech accountable. it's one of the reasons we have to take a good look at
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a section two thirty or the communications decency act of section two third.ev and i've got a plan for this is something i've been working on for yearse . >> i'd like to do with that in the u.s. senate and the plans up on ted budokan. te >> yeah, i mean, listen, i totally agree with you. giving liability protectionpo is insane. maybe itin made i sense at one point in time, a couple off decades to go at the outset of the internet. >> but carol, let me go to you on this. you know, i liken it to buyingt a cari. bu if the seller knows it's a lemon with a history of problems but claims it's a wonderful car and never had an issue and the buyer is beingb deferreduy on it here. and anybody who has ever used twitter or pays attention to it knows that five percent fake accounts and spam and bots is ludicrous. boit's way more than that.nk >> what are you way more ? twite
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yeah, absolutely. i'm an avid twitter user. there's noo doubt about that. that number is far higher. you know, a few months ago, b some leftist activists tried toy buy a pillow company to compete with mypillow, the conservative pillow company, and it failed. y their whole thing fell apart. and you know, a lot of people on twitter had to laugh at them. i think the idea of elon musksk buying twitter is not at all m like that. this is aanno man who knows what he's doing. this is not like he had a shot in the dark, decided to buy c some random companyom and didn't think it throughgh at all. so i think the fact thatg he's pulling back from his deal right now says k that heg knows something that can, you know, potentiallyi lead to maye negotiating a better price or somethingg like that, that maybe he'll still buy the app. i wouldn't be surprised ifse tht does happen. and if it doesn't, i wouldn't be surprised if elon is next to get band, you know, hot gulag summer for conservative. you know, i checked the stockce price is hovering ofs around thirty six . the the offer wasasth four
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fifty four a share. >> so what do you think congressman bud. i mean i think carol's on tos something here. s this is a ploy to lower the purchase price. >> look, i think he's finding real problems in there about the business practices of twitter. they're not being transparent with him. they're obviously not beingioush transparent with their users or with conservatives. i mean, greg, how is it that the ayatollah of iran can be on there but they've banneddthn the former president when eventh their oversight board of twitter said that the former president shouldn't be permanently banned? i mean, back you mentioned the early startly of the internt back when we were getting thoset cd-roms. if we can if we're old enough to remember in the mail hoping that we would sign up for aol online. well, we did. and by golly, you know, section two thirty was good in nineteen eighty six . but they these big techor platformsms had their cake and eat it too. that's very unfortunate that they got the benefitsth of a platform but decided to act as publisher and start censoring things when we were
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hoping for more free speech. elon musk what wants. he wants more free speech for americans and for the world, which is better for democracy for the republic. and he wants more transparencywi from the leaders attt twitter and he's not getting carol. >> g they're going to be popping the champagne corks over a twitterepa tonight. they can now resume their unfettered censorship right? yeah yeah, absolutely. you know, therey was some covertly taken videos out by project veritas recently where we sawid that twitterop employees were very openly calling themselves communiststh, saying, yeah, it's a very o organization. so i i imagine that there are a lot of employees who areha happy about this. v i can't imagine that, youer kno, shareholders are very happy about this. this seems like a disaster forot most people who own twitter stock. so it remains to be seeno who wins the end of this.un i don't my money's still on ellen, noty necessarily that he's to buy it, but then he comes out on top here.
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>> yeah, well, i can tell you the tesla investors were not happy about his devotingin religious attention to twitter. we'll see how this thing washes out. congressman, you're running foro the senate. good luck to you, carol. great toreat t see you as alway thank you. now more warning signs formy the biden economy. tonight is a new poll finds that inflation still ranks at the top of americans minds as the cost biden agenda costing voters more everywhere tom the gas pump the grocery aisle. >> but despite 40 year high inflation, record gas prices, the president is convinced the economy is headed in the right direction. >> really? watch. now, look,wa i know times are tough. prices are too high. families are facing the cost of living crunch. but today's economic news confirmst the fact that my economic plan is moving thish country in a better direction. in a better direction, really. and while energy costs continue
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to surge here at home, joe biden is comparable in us energy security by appeasing adversaries abroad because we're continuing to learn more tonight about the biden administration actually shipping oililmo from our us reserves to a hunter. bidens linked gas giant, prompting increased scrutiny and demands for transparency from republicans on capitol hill. joining us for reaction, former energy secretarynr and texasec governor rick perry. secretary, great torey see you as always. you know, joe biden hasmi the reverse midas touchnu. uc you know, ifhe he touches gold, it turns to stone, you know, his profligate spending, his war on energy drove up prices of everything at the gas pumps, at the grocery stores. will only grow worse, will it not? unless he reverses course
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and he ain't going to reverse course. so it's only going to get more dire for americans. it's it's frankly, very disheartening to watch anho individual who is supposed to be trying to make america a better place to live, that he has such disregard for the average citizen out there.he you know,re it's probably beenhe decades since he pulled into a gas station and bought a gallon gasoline. he doesn't understand what t the average citizen is going through. the cost ofhr groceriesie go in the grocery store trying to decide whether to fill the car up c halfway up and try to buy some groceries. all of those things are going on with the american citizen today. y. get up and read what's o on the teleprompter or attempt to read what's on the telepromptern and do whatever his staff says. but the fact is the american
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people know that it's hisis policies. it's what he said during the campaign that he hated the fossil fuel industryue is going to do everything he could to stop it and he's doingp that. and the cost to the american people this fallacy that the left is put its arms around and i guess will go completely off the cliff, that fossilil fuels f are bad. that's got to be stopped. the american people a have to stand back and say, you know att, fossil fuels are the core of our ability to create wealth in this country for us to have a flourishing economy and as to the world to enjoy that at some point in time in the future, the net zero by 2050, people like john kerry et al, they are saying to the restt of the world, the citizens of the world who don't have accesso to power and electricity today,g we don't care about you. >> sorry, you're going to die. >> i want to have a black hearted peoplee.
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that is i have to ask you about the the president made a big deal that he was goingea to tap the strategic petroleum reserve to help outse americans to lower gas prices. instead, we nowow find out he ws secretly diverting millions of barrels d loyal to the communise chinese and in particular a company that reportedly his own son , hunter biden, invested. >> i mean, if that doesn't strike you as corruption and wrongdoing, i don't know what. >> what do you think, greg? tapping the strategic petroleum reserve is there for a natural disaster or a national defense issue? it's not there to play economics with. and the idea that you can it's not that much i mean, we're a talking a relatively small amount in the grand scheme ofin
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things from the standpoint of refining what he shouldd be doing is sending the message to the country, to the oil and gas industryy. listen, we're not going to overregulate you. we're not going to overtax you. send a the message to the refining industry that we're going to do what we can to be able to use american energy. if you care aboutif you've got to . american senator kerry, thank you so much. coming up straight ahead, despite being cleared of all wrongdoing, the fake migrant whipping incident, biden's cvp still wants to punishve the border agents involved. ken paxton joinsd us to explaine and sheriff carter react. stay withac us .
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