tv Fox News Live FOX News July 9, 2022 9:00am-11:00am PDT
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>> japan in mourning for its longest serving modern leader, for shinzo abe, assassinated during a campaign speech. his body back in the city of tokyo as more information comes out about his killer and police failures in security protection. i'm griff jenkins, hello, molly. molly: i'm molly line. hello, griff. he was out campaigning for a
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politician up ahead of reelection this monday. now the nation will be holding his funeral. president biden paid a visit to the japanese embassy yesterday saying he was stunned, outraged and saddened by the former prime minister's killing. and he had this to say about the assassination on japan's security. >> we're going to learn more about, as time goes on, about motive, about the whole japanese, prime minister is a stable ally and we, do not believe it's likely to have -- i don't know yet -- likely to have any profound destabilizing impact on japanese security or japanese solidarity. >> when we look at this, japan one of our key allies, particularly in this region and
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particularly militarily with all that goes on with chinese efforts to expand. and a lot to talk about on a global scale. >> absolutely, and i think that hearing the outpouring from so many world leaders about the legacy of abe, japan's youngest prime minister when he took over and the longest serving when he was done nine years later and i was reading some of the essays in the new york times, particularly one this morning, talking about sort of his legacy, saying that it was his initial inaugural sort of speech when he said he wanted to build a japan that could withstand the raging waves for the next 50 to 100 years. and i think really, you're seeing in the outpouring of so many world leaders that abe did, indeed, accomplish that goal. molly. molly: yeah, absolutely, a remarkable leader, had a relatively frosty relationship with the chinese leaders, but still chinese leader xi jinping
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expressing condolences despite that. and many outpours across israel and europe as well. he wasn't prime minister right at this moment, he was such an incredible force and incredible politician on a global scale and of course, there in japan as well. griff: and positioning japan to be with its neighbors. and we have former secretary of state, former cia director, mike pompeo. mr. secretary, thank you for taking time. i want to get to your thoughts on abe. >> well, griff, thanks for having me on today. the world's going to miss someone who thought about the world in a very realistic way. and he didn't pretend it's as he wished it were. he was prepared to convince the japanese people to build out relationships with the united states and i first met him back
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in 2015, so goodness, 17 years ago when i was a member of congress and he spoke to a joint session of congress, not something that many leaders get to do, but it was a possibility and he became the prime minister again because he understood what they needed to do. they had historically had been a nation that hadn't armed itself. he knew the chinese communist party was a way for the region. and from a geopolitical strategist standpoint, the world will miss prime minister abe. griff: you met him on many occasions. was there a moment that stands out? >> you know, we worked very closely as we were preparing for our summits with chairman kim in north korea. when he was-- when chairman kim would launch missiles, he was with us. when korea had the path forward, he was strong.
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he and i would joke about japanese beef and kansas beef, i'm from kansas, and whose was better. and he was serious about the things, the most reliable diplomatic partner and he never shied away, anything he promised to do he delivered each and every time. to say that about a world leader in a big a nation as important as japan is quite something. griff: you raise an interesting point, mr. secretary, abe was respected in every right of competing not just with every asian allies as you mentioned there, but also with european or american allies, but yet, with the japanese's interest, first and foremost. >> always. and our expectation that every leader would put every country and citizens first, he certainly did that for his people and his first effort was to try and deliver good economic outcomes, after 15, 20
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years of outcome. and his second one as to get the prosperity alongside security and he worked so closely for so many years to do that. the good news, he was also a great leader and built up inside of his political party in japan, i think a next generation of great leaders there as well. so i'm confident that the relationship between the united states and japan, our economic interest, their economic interest, their security interest and theirs will be well-served in the future as well. we will miss him, but his legacy will live on. griff: what was your reaction, japan has been noted many times, as very, very few gun-related deaths and there will be a deep dive into the security procedures behind this, but what was your reaction when you saw what had happened? >> my heart was broken. i hadn't seen prime minister abe for a number of months and
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hoping to see him in the not too distant future. he was a friend to myself and my wife. and to see him assassinated reminds us we have to do the things that we do when we're here and protect our civil leaders, whether they're supreme justices in the united states or else wise is a paramount duty. and before i run out of time, the president's upcoming trip to saudi arabia and your thoughts on that and perhaps your hopes what might be the takeaway. >> i'm glad he's going, griff. i wish he'd done the right thing at home and wished he'd gone to midland, texas, to the bakken shale, on wish him to allow that, the first trip a that think president should take when you think about american energy security. i'm glad he's going and i think
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he'll have a good covers, it's a security partner important not only for us, but for the europeans and asians as well and hope he'll get good outcome and a good relationship and build on what we did with the abraham accords in the middle east ahead. griff: critics of president biden say he's going with an open hand on bended knee to try and help with the gas prices. is that how you view it? and can that help? >> yeah, there's no doubt he's put america and europe in a very difficult place. the europeans did it to themselves, and we warned them. we told them if you depend on russian energy and close your nuclear power plants and go all greta thunderberg on it with the people, this is where you place yourself. i hope president biden can get pa us back to american energy dominance the way we had in four years. griff: in the last second we
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have, i have to ask you, former president trump hinting again, perhaps at closer announcing a 2024 run and in all of those wire copy reports, hopefuls like mike pompeo, included. any more thought as to whether you will declare for president in 2024? >> griff, we'll all sort this out come the end of the year and beginning of the next. in the meantime we'll crush it in november. have a good election with the american people, majority of americans understand the core value of our nation will have a wonderful outcome in november and sworn in in january and then look to 24, griff. griff: does that mean at the midterms, we could look at a definitive decision by mike pompeo. >> there will come a day and after the midterms, no doubt about that. griff: former secretary of state mike pompeo sharing his thoughts on prime minister shinzo abe. >> thank you for having me on today. griff: and tomorrow, mike
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emanuel anchors fox news sunday, and an interview with transportation secretary pete buttigieg, as well as john barrasso and senate majority whip and democrat from illinois, dick durbin. check your listings for time and channel and on media buzz, howie kurtz will have the look at the shooting in highland park, illinois and elon musk terminating his deal to take over twitter. that's tomorrow, stay tuned. molly: president biden crediting his economic policies for the positive jobs report released yesterday, but 11 million jobs remain unfailed nationwide and inflation is still soaring. i think joining us now from just outside of the white house with the latest on all of this, chad. >> molly, good noon to you. the federal reserve is looking at a three quarters of a point interest rate and it could be a point after that. the republicans are hitting gas
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prices hard. >> this upcoming election is going to be inflation, inflation, inflation, groceries, gas, no matter what joe biden wants to say about that, the american people see through the blame game. they blame him, rightly so. >> even though the administration wanted a strong jobs report, this may be a little too strong. it's nearly a foregone conclusion that the economy may slow for two consecutive quarters, that indicates a recession. but job growth remains torrid. the unemployment figure remains at 3.6% for four straight months. >> when i look at this report, i look at some of the positives here that private sector employment is back to pre-pandemic level. we're seeing manufacturing back to pre-pandemic level. we saw a good growth in child care workers this months, first time in quite some time. warehousing, we've seen some growth. >> workers are demanding higher wages, that could fuel price hikes for consumers, also the president signed an executive order yesterday to calm his
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base over the recent abortion ruling. democrats want abortion to compete with the economy in the midterms this fall. how narrow and small-minded do the left have to be to think that abortion is the only issue that women care in the country. we don't supposedly care about gas prices or groceries or indoctrination of our kids? crazy, i think it's a losing issue for the left. >> midterm elections are base elections, democrats want to get women to the polls and women are protesting at the white house right now. there he's going to be a sit-in outside of the white house gates shortly here, they want the wlous white house on the abortion issue, molly. >> and things are going to get more and more feisty as we inch towards november. thank you very much. >> molly and chad, thank you. next we'll take you to one of the busiest spots along the rio grande where i have personally witnessed hundreds, if not
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thousands of migrants crossing into our country. we're looking live at eagle pass. we'll take you there next. ♪♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. wow! it's been 38 years since we were here. back then we could barely afford a hostel. i'm glad we invested for the long term with vanguard. and now, we're back here again... no jobs, no kids, just us. and our advisor is preparing us for what lies ahead. only at vanguard, you're more than just an investor
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border patrol found no evidence that horse patrol agents whipped migrants in the september 2021 incidents that captured the media's attention. and bill melugin covered this from eagle pass, texas to clarify this. >> molly, this started almost 10 months ago, when the white house, media, politicians accused the horseback agents of whipping haitian migrants and cpp finding yesterday after an exhaustive investigation found no evidence whatsoever that any of these migrants were whipped. they're going to discipline four of the horseback agents for administrative violations, specifically working in an unsafe manner in unprofessional conduct. they're accusing one of the agents of using derogatory
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language and maneuver his horse near a child in a dangerous manner and other agents of using quote, the threat of force to try and drive migrants back into the rio grande. and those agents have been issued for potential discipline and multiple federal sources, that includes unpaid suspensions of up to 14 days. but keep in mind, president biden himself falsely accused the agents of, quote, strapping migrants and back then, he promised these people will pay, there will be consequences, and the president's allegations ended up being completely false, and the president of the border patrol union says he needs to apologize. >> this president refuses to take any responsibility for anything that he does, including false statements that ruin agents' careers. >> in the meantime, migrants continue spilling across the border here in texas in record numbers, and take a look at this, late in the afternoon
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yesterday in eagle pass, part of a group of about 300 migrants who crossed illegally in sweltering summer temperatures and about 108 degrees by the time we shot this out here. and in this spot we've seen massive groups over and over and over in the last couple of days, a group of 540 the other day and a group of 200 and then last night, a group of 300. we saw more video we shot from the ground and these were predominantly cubans and venezuelans. and some of them we saw fall down, many of them asking us for water. many of us asking for is the border patrol and immigration. agents are overwhelmed and understaffed at this time here in the del rio sector which continues to get inundated with these numbers, day in and day out. and governor abbott of texas announced an executive order. and he'll have them personally
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apprehend migrants and return them to the border by bringing them to u.s. ports of entry and what happens after they're dropped off there remains to be seen. will there be coordination? we'll find out. texas governor greg abbott taking more steps to try to secure the border from texas's perspective. back to you. >> such incredible challenges, bill, thank you. and thank you, also you're reporting on the heat and how that's impacted all of this and appreciate how you're stopping out there for us. bill melugin, thank you, we appreciate it. >> for more on this, we're joined by the texas department of public safety in the region. lieutenant olivares. it's hot, but it's not slowing the numbers. first, i know you're not border patrol, but this horse patrol unit, which was found to have not whipped or harmed the migrants, are still going to be punished and that, from the
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sources i talked to, is not sitting well and may hurt morale. what's your reaction to this latest development? >> right, so it is going to hurt morale, griff, it's already hurting morale because border patrol is not getting the support they need from the federal government to do their job and this right here, what took place last year with the alled alleged whipping incident, we know that that's not the case yet the federal government was quick to pass judgment on these agents who were out there risking their lives and doing their job, following the rule of law, but yet the federal government does not want to follow the rule of law and allow these over the border. and you had them under the bridge. the agents are falsely accused and as they mentioned it, they deserve an apology from the federal government. all it does is continue to demoralize the agents when they're out there doing their
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job. and we're out there in the rio grande valley working with them and you've been here numerous time and you've seen this here. and the agents deserve the support and leadership from the federal government to continue doing their jobs. just falsely accused and they deserve, they deserve an apology from the federal government and leadership as well. griff: lt, the state of texas not sitting by idly in addressing this unprecedented crisis. governor abbott, as bill mentioned at the end of his report, you'll now take migrants back to ports of entry, as i understand it. explain what this is and what it means. >> well, griff, this is just another, you know, example of the state of texas and governor greg abbott taking unprecedented action to help secure the border. we have taken on the border to secure the border because the federal government fails to do so and another executive order that the governor initiated is now to actually we're going to
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bus them to the ports of entry, the nearest ports of entry and release them to u.s. border patrol. unfortunately, we don't have the organizational authority to enforce immigration law and deport the immigrants back and of course if we did, we could make a signature impact if we were able to do so. again, every challenge and everything the governor has been able to do from the start of operation lonestar, initiatives expanding this, he has been challenged by the federal government. and the government is doing, it's intentional act. they do not wish to help the border patrol agents and the mitigation and mass flow that we've seen, and to take on the responsibility, they challenge us. they challenge us every single time we try to do something. another example of leadership, this is an example of taking necessary steps from governor abbott to actually crack down on this mass flow of migration to help the u.s. border patrol
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and focus on the criminal elements coming across the border as well. just taking the necessary steps and finding different ways to expand border operations and address any potential threats that we see along the border. griff: and nothing really shows just how bad it is, but for the numbers, and the images, we can show you in the last 24 hours, fox news has exclusively learned that where you are in the rio grande valley sector there have been 1,017 apprehensions in del rio in the sector where bill is 1,874 and both of those over 300,000, and del rio, upward of 115% and general olivares, you and i have spent time together. we keep coming up with one question, how doeses this end? how does it get back under control? >> well, you know, griff, it's
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going to rely on the federal government to do its job and follow the rule of law and secure the border. unfortunately, they don't wish to do that and we never know. the question to ask why they allow this, and the numbers not onlies mass migration, the gotaways and why we'll see the record numbers, but not only that, the record numbers of americans are dying every single day because of the fentanyl poisoning and nothing is being addressed. it's fallen on states like texas and arizona to secure the border to protect their fellow-- our fellow texans and everyone in the country and everything coming through the border in state of texas and arizona and we're the front lines and we have to do what we can to stop what we can.
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griff: and hots off to you, not only border patrol, but dps over 369 million lethal doses of fentanyl to include also a lot of other drugs. lieutenant chris olivares, thank you very much for what you do, try to stay cool and keep up the good work, sir. >> appreciate it, griff, thank you. griff: molly. molly: as the highland park, july 4th shooting, receives substance media attention, ongoing violence in places like chicago falls into the shadows. today our hearts go out to fox news analyst caldwell who is mourning the loss of his younger brother who was shot and killed in chicago last month. the funeral today. >> today is a grieving process that starts. the grieving process has started and my baby brother christian didn't deserve this, not at all. there's countless victims in chicago who also don't deserve
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this, who we don't even know their names. >> we're thinking of gianno and his family today, an unbearable loss and it's a loss that so many families in chicago and some of the other big cities have suffered such an influx of violence in recent years and chicago hit particularly hard and so many other families suffering as well. we have a guest coming up, and i assume we'll speak with tj grooms on the south side of chicago, advocating for better measures there in chicago that could ultimately lead to more peace and less loss for so many of these families, griff. griff: and our heart going out to gichlt gianno caldwell and his family and an important story he's bringing to fox and it's my hope that every other media outlet will give it as much attention as we do because of the importance of the violence in the city of chicago
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and of course, tj grooms, the pastor on the south side will be able to elaborate more on it, but it's one of those crises in america that is really living in the shadows and needs to have a much brighter light put on it. molly: yeah, absolutely. and particularly after a violent holiday weekend. independence day weekend saw a significant violence in chicago, other big cities like new york as well. coming up, elon musk wanting out of his deal to buy twitter, claiming the social media giant has misrepresented its business and refused to tell him how many of twitter's accounts are fake. those details also coming up. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. men, you need to get off the couch and get with the program. boost® high protein also has key nutrients
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the supreme court decision was released. the group will march to the white house and hold a sit-in there. now back to the crime crisis, affecting our major cities like chicago. tj grooms is a pastor from the south side of chicago advocating for justice in his violence-ridden neighborhood. tj, we appreciate it. we know you have the opportunity and the challenge in your line of work to meet with a lot of people that have been affected by gun violence and today we're thinking of our own fox news channel colleague gianno caldwell, mourning his little brother, but even in his grief he's calling for justice, calling for change. he says, even the liberals are seeing the soft on crime
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policies are endangering the lives of their family and friends. law and order must be the central point for justice. what are your thoughts in regards to the prosecution of criminals in your city. >> first of all, i want to thank you for having me on on send my thoughts and prayers out for gianno and his family and truly sorry and praying for him and his family. a couple of things, number one, this country was built off of the idea of self-reliance and self-governance and i've come to the realization that because of that, the politicians really aren't even-- it's not even the problem. i think it's our dependence on them. so we've got to figure out how can change happen despite a government that does not want to put its attention and focus where we are. that's going to happen in two areas, i'm in total agreement as relates to proper law
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enforcement. my ride up and down michigan avenue, up and down, downtown economy where the rich stores and the fancy stores are, and there are police cars that are pretty much blocking and guarding every single block, all of the merchandise in the stores that are -- that are in that area and it's so sad because when i'm on my side of town, those same type of vehicles, those same police officers are not posted up in the hot spots of our area, what is shows is that people are more concerned about merchandise than they are concerned about the lives of people. and so, law enforcement and proper police protection is a must, and also, economic vitality. i mean, we have a lot of people that do not have the economic means to be able to have a life style worth living and so they resort to other actions to try to make up that gap. molly: one of the other things we've been watching across the country. recent mass shooting, including the horrific attack on parade goers in highland park, not so
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far from you. this has been covered extensetively and should be continued to be covered. but the media outside of fox news has done considerable coverage on it. >> yes, it does. molly: doesn't dig in as much. are you frustrated with that? >> yes, i'm frustrated and i continue to be frustrated. you would think that people would want to go and give attention to the areas where it's happening commonly so it does not happen as common and i think that does not diminish, it does not take away from what happened in highland. they deserve all of our thoughts and prayers and concerns and all of our attention, i'm just asking that the same level of attention, if not greater attention because the needs are greater, happens on the south side of chicago where i reside. molly: you know, nationwide, more than 10,000 people have been killed in gun violence so far this year, more than 20,000 injured. over july 4th weekend in
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chicago, 68 shot and eight people killed. and how do you stir politicians to action? >> i think it goes back to what i've said. we shouldn't have to beg for action. so since we're begging for action, we have to take action i don't know ourselves and require people from all over the nation and all over the country that calls themselves americans to be able to say, you know what i want to invest my time, my treasure, my expertise into chicago and to chicago's south side because i'm an american, too. it's going to cause us not just to look at statistics and what has happened and sit back and say, oh, that's sad, but we're going to have to mobilize and if the politicians and if the government don't want to do it then we as a people have to do it and we have to invest in communities and projects that have their boots on the ground. molly: i'm a believer of the people. tj grooms, thank you very much for joining us and sharing your insights on what is a very
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challenging and ongoing situation there in the city of chicago. we appreciate it. >> and thoughts out once again to gianno and our thoughts and we're praying for you. molly: elon musk wants out of his 44 billion dollar deal with twitter, claiming the social media giant has breached their agreement. details next. sorry i'm late! dude, dude, dude... oh boy. your cousin.from boston. [whiff] [water splashes] is it on the green? [goose squawks] i was just looking for my ball. 19th hole, sam adams summer ale. [goose squawks] (here you go.) (cheers guys!) ♪ ♪ aleve x.ere you go.) its revolutionary rollerball design delivers fast, powerful, long-lasting pain relief. aleve it, and see what's possible. the eat fresh® refresh just won't stop! now, subway® is refreshing their catering with easy-order platters
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you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit >> >> elon rusk now moving to terminate his bid to buy twitter claiming the tech giant is in multiple violations of the agreement. >> the tech giant says he wants to back out of the $44 billion deal to back out to buy the giant. >> and to figure out how many spam and fake accounts are on
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twitter. twitter says it's 5% of the users and musk believers it's 20%. and his attorney says he needs accurate information for business planning and citing frustrations with clarity how many fake accounts on twitter. twitter has failed to provide this information and sometimes twitter ignored mr. musk's requests and sometimes rejected them for reasons appeared to be unjustified and sometimes claiming to comply and giving unusable information. >> i believe right now, it's more than a one in three chance that he looks to fight twitter in court. if twit ser a stand alone company that's a sub-$30 stock. it's a game of high stakes poker between musk and the twitter board. twitter's market value has taken a hit, shares peaked in late april after the board
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accepted the offer valid at 39 billion dollars. as of the close, market was $28 billion more than a 11 billion loss and after musk's big announcement yesterday, shares for twitter fell about 5% to $36.81, that's well below the $54.20 per share that musk offered to pay for the company. now, twitter could push musk to pay the $is billion breakup fee for the conditions to end the deal, but the board's chairman is not getting up, that they're going to enforce this merger agreement and confident they will prevail, this could end up being a very long legal battle, griff. griff: talking about a lot of money there. christina coleman live for us in l.a. thank you. molly. molly: so much money. for more insight on emon elon musk backing out of the deal,
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the president and ceo the job creator, and we appreciate you being with us on a saturday afternoon. starting, of course with elon musk. >> thank you, molly. molly: and he says he's going to terminate the deal and the board saying you're not going to fly away. and that the board intends to close this, the price and terms agreed upon and promising legal action to enforce the merger agreement. what do you think happens next? >> yeah, well, it's interesting. right now, you know, there are a lot of progressive far-lefters that are probably high-fiving themselves and pretty excited the fact that the deal may not go through. and i know conservatives also, i think, are a little bit disappointed because i think they finally thought that maybe with the acquisition and takeover of twitter by elon musk that the transparency that really has lacked that social media giant that that finally would be fixed. remember, that's one. primary reasons he started looking at twitter to really kind of correct something which
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was a far-left bias and was really just squashing the voices of conservatives. in fact, molly, job creators network ourselves, we actually got our account suspended for several weeks because we are a small business organization representing all small businesses in this country and we happened to have said something that was truth about the biden administration and inflation, and so, again, i think this is a -- it's a moment where we'll see where it goes, but i think both sides right now have their feelings some are up and some are down. molly: yeah, i was just going to say, really, the question at the heart of this, what does it mean for twitter users, for the people on this platform. musk uber rich, eccentric i think fair to say, he's fought in court and won in the past. there are plenty of people on twitter and in essence, we're experiencing this with a lot of people. >> yeah, absolutely, molly. and i think what we're seeing
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we're seeing a free market at its best here. you know, the numbers just came out, of course, we saw how the shares have dropped, even beyond where they were on thursday, another 5% on friday. and this is basically the market saying, said that they were looking for that kind of transparency and balance with twitter, and the value was going to be there with what elon musk was planning to do, which is provide the balance and now it's going to revert back where it was. and you see how the value has dropped. so, that's probably one of the reasons, too, molly, that we started an initiative called the border initiative to get corporations like twitter to stop getting their noses into politics and do what it's meant to be doing and frankly looking at shareholder value as the primary goal. >> it's been a saga. i want to look at the broader picture. the infelicien, a 40-year high, democrats, the white house and they're pointing to positive numbers, jobs numbers 372,000
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jobs in june above expectations and gas prices going back down a little in the next couple of days, should the democrats be excited? they're pointing to these as points of light. >> yeah, they shouldn't at all, molly, and honestly, and frankly, i'm a little tired of listening to the biden administration lying to the american public and trying to pass off historic failures to historic gains. >> and we got to 374 and may and april were restated. the job gains were good, but we're still not the at pre-pandemic level, 300,000 jobs shy of that. really when he talks about the historic job growths, it's back filling jobs that existed pre-pandemic in which the government forced a shutdown of businesses across the country. and so, but they really failed to mention and continue to fail to mention the 8.6%, they try to blame it on putin, tried to
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blame it on the meat packers, blame it on the big bad gas station owners. the reality is that we're an in a position, the horrible decisions from day one, in terms of putting our domestic energy production plans on pause and frankly, taking us back to the point where we're now going to saudi arabia, had a the in hand, looking for oil. molly: yeah, you've touched on a lot of the issues that voters are going to be looking at closer and closer to november. we appreciate it. thank you for weighing in on the issues. >> molly, british prime minister boris johnson looking at mounting scandals. more on that.
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>> welcome back, after three tumultuous years in office, british prime minister boris johnson who look britain out of the european union leaves the office. to discuss his legacy and what his resignation means for u.s.-u.k. relations, and thank you for being here. >> my pleasure. griff: my question to you, quickly, what comes next? >> that's a great question, and we're going to see within the
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conservative party and a new prime minister coming into place actually by october. and boris johnson to step down by the beginning of october so it will be a new era of british leadership and we're going to have a very tight content i think within the conservative party over the course of the next few weeks, we'll say. griff: now, you know, boris johnson became quite famous for really upsetting and angering liberals and those on the left. perhaps largely because of brexit itself. so, my question to you is, really, what is the future of brexit and does boris johnson hang around and keep irritating, if you will, the left and liberals? >> well, boris johnson was a man who delivered brexit. we wouldn't have brexit without boris johnson, it's absolutely vital who takes over from boris
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johnson is a brexiteer. brexit represents british, and that it's fully protected because it's the socialists threatening to retake power in the next general election. many of those socialists would like to reverse brexit so there's a real danger, i think, to the future much brexit if we have a far left wing government that comes in so the conservatives have to fight to defend brexit and we have to ensure, of course, that britain continues to lead on the world stage, and britain is a far more powerful and effective force on the world stage in the brexit era, and the next prime minister has to make advancing brexit the top priority. griff: and lastly, does boris johnson, remain politically active? does he maintain, if you will, the same sort of political capital that margaret thatcher did after she left office? >> i think that boris johnson
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will remain as a force in british politics and he has been one of the biggest figures in u.k. politics over the course of the last decade or so, so i expect he'll remain in the big picture. but the future belongs to whoever takes over as the british prime minister. there are strong candidates such as the foreign secretary, also, and i hope that whoever comes in as prime minister will assure that the u.s.-u.k. relationship is strongly advanced, but he or she must stand up to joe biden. griff: indeed. and we shall be watching. nile gardinor. thank you for coming in. >> thank you. griff: and how the biden administration is handling crises from the border to america's crime surge coming up next. all night ♪ ♪ and party every day. ♪ ♪ i want to rock and roll all night ♪
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>> hi, mollie, well, that's a pivotal issue in the midterm elections and democrats are trying to rev up their base. i don't think the court for that matter republicans that pushed extreme agenda have a clue about the power of american women but they're about to find out in my view. it's my open, strong belief that women will, in fact, turn out in record number to reclaim the rights that have been taken from the court. >> most democrats oppose ruling and hope it will help them politically in november. democrats warning voters that the gop may go too far if they seize control congress in the fall. >> this is really about a movement to support life not just in the womb and beyond and i'm excited to be part of
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pro-life caucus chair and i'm excited for what's to come in the months and years legislatively to make that a reality. chad: democrats know the gop is hammering them on the economy, so they hope to pivot to abortion. the administration says a steady job's report is good news. >> we are not denying that we have work to do on inflation. clearly in the united states and the globe, but, you know, when i look at this report, i look at some of the positives here that the sector is back to pre-pandemic level. we are seeing manufacturing back to pre-pandemic level. we saw growth in child care first time. >> the unemployment rate clocked at 3.6% and that's why the fed plans to hike interest rates once again, mollie. mollie: some of the biggest issues we are watching ahead of those midterms, chad, thank you
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so much. griff. griff: for more on this let's bring our panel, joe manchin communications director and llc partner and gop strategist and vice president of american affairs at american conservation coalition. gentlemen, thank you for being here. i think we were hearing in the back of chad pirgrims's report the women's march today obviously two weeks after the overturning of roe v. wade. the president announcing executive order but it really doesn't do much because he doesn't have an awful lot yet. here we go. now we are looking live. you can see a wet day here at the white house but the women's march turning out. a very strong crowd voicing a lot of passionate views and we saw similar scene outside of the supreme court in the wake of the roe division. i wanted to start with you, president biden turning to women
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voters to rally around this issue, will it be enough? >> i think it will be and i hope it is and i hope it's not just women voters and men voters that get out there and say what the supreme court did, took away rights from women that they deserve. they took away healthcare rights for women that needed. it's not just a woman's issue, everybody should be upset and outrageous that a 10-year-old raped in ohio can't get an abortion and has to carry the child or go across state lines with parents. that should outrage everybody and i'm glad the president is out there fighting because that's what voters want to see. they want to see him taking as much action as he can, do as much as he possibly can to show he's fighting for us and we will reward him with our vote. >> this is executive order kind of puts him in the tough position. on the one hand progressives will say he didn't go far enough and conservatives are going the say that he went too far. i do think that it is interesting that he said that this is extremist supreme court
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that has overstepped and told voters to go out and vote, implying that this actually is the responsibility of congress to legislate on. so we will certainly see whether this mobilize the voters that the democrats need this fall but i'm skeptical this is the divisive issue. griff: to that point, jonathan, ahead of your economy, it's the economy stupid when he talked about to grab the american voters by their pockets books and their hearts and minds will follow. will this roe v. wade abortion issue outweigh politically say inflation or other issues? november? >> i don't know whether it'll be outweigh it but it'll be a deciding factor and i do think that the president knows that he needs to address all of these problems and he is, he's taking them head on and it's one of the reasons that democrats voted for him and a lot of voted for him. they know he has the experience
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to tackle multiple tasks at time. that's why he has cabinet secretaries out there every day making sure we do everything to lower prices and congress as well. bills in congress right now to lower prices all around from baby formula, for gas, they are doing that because come november, voters will vote with pocketbooks. griff: cole, your response to that. this abortion issue which clearly galvanize some support particularly among women voters that are democrats but is it going to overshadow or even compete with the financial woes of americans? >> right, i mean, abortion is certainly a high divisive issue and mobilize voters this fall but not a single american that's not being affected by the fact that median rent price in the united states is $2,000. the shock that people are experiencing when they are going to the grocery stores not just women voters, not just men voters, it's everybody, everybody is feeling that and
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task forces are nice, announcements are nice but the fact is prices are still very high and americans can't afford the everyday goods that they need. griff: let me turn to the issue that i cover a lot which is the border, was there last week, bill melugin doing great job, we are getting overrun on the southern border and at this point it's not debatable that the change in policies has led to precipitous increase never before seen. is the border issue going to play a part in your, jonathan, in the midterms. >> no, i don't think the border issue plays that much of a role for voters in arizona. you will see mark kelly addressing it but we need to as a country decide this is not something that can be solved with 14th century solution with building a wall. this needs comprehensive immigration reform. they tried to do it in congress many times. chris coons is still part of that effort to get that done and we need to do that so we can
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actually solve this once and for all. building a wall, sounds great, nice tweet but when there are tunnels underground, a wall doesn't really help. like we need to address this in the way that it is 2022 problem not like an 1822 problem is the wall. that's an easy soundbite and i think republicans and democrats need to get together, get in the room and get a real solution so we don't have to do this the year and year after. >> where is kamala? the president appointed a border tsar. it seems like it's very low on the priority list for the president. it's our border for christ sake. i think it's not inspiring a lot of confidence and this is a high activation issue for many republican voters and it's hard to keep track of all the different consecutive crises
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going on right now and this is something that the republican voters are thinking about this fall. griff: i can't bring joe manchin guy and not address what role progressive democrats would fate they are facing in the midterms because obviously you saw the squad, aoc, prominently featured really getting quite influential stake in the administration in the past 17 months it appears, are the democrat voters going the lean towards more a joe manchin, more centrist democrat? >> yeah, they do every election cycle. we had an election -- we had a democratic primary in 2020 the person that won was the most moderate person, it was joe biden. progressives, the squad, bernie's group, they don't win in places democrats need to win to be in the majority. it's real easy to win 15,000 votes in queens and off year primary. that doesn't mean you're representing the voice of the
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democratic party. i think democrats need to look more lick eric adams, joe manchin and joe biden and follow their policies, that's how you get to the majority. i'm sure my twitter is going to blow up. thanks for that. griff: absolutely explode. thank you for being here as well. we will continue to track this less than four months on midterms, get ready, election season is on its way. mollie. >> former prime minister shinzo abe assassinated during campaign speech. his body back in the capital city of tokyo as more information is coming about killer and misreview failures in security protection. joining us now on all of this cia chief, don hoffman, i just want to get your thoughts about this happening, what we neglect about the killer and what we are
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beginning about the security failure there on the ground. >> it's so rare in japan for gun violence to occur. it's a country of 125 million people, i think they had 10 shootings last year. most of those by organized crime and so this one comes as a gate greatsurprise and it looks likes guy that was arrested on the scene and the police have gone to his home and found homemade firearms that he had apparently put together himself was acting as a lone wolf and was critical of -- of shinzo abe's policy. there hasn't been details about motive. we are standing by for more updates on that. mollie: the early hours yet. abe was critical of the chinese communist government but had warm relationships with u.s.
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leaders, democratic, republican, israel, taiwan, he was no longer the prime minister but actively, what is the impact of the the assassination? >> he was a towering figure in politics over the past two decades, global statesman who did have an extraordinary relationship with the united states. he addressed the u.s. congress back in 2015 and called the u.s. japan relationship alliance of hope and was forceful on china as you correctly know. called out the biden administration to abandon policy of strategic ambiguity and make it clear that we and allies will come to taiwan's defense. that's part of legacy, his brother, younger brother, he's the minister of defense in japan right now and i would expect his brother and his party, the ldp to carry shinzo abe's extraordinary legacy.
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mollie: is it concern or should there be that this disturbing assassination could signal the beginning of sort of a new more dangerous era in japan or for democracies? >> well, i think we have to wait and see what the forensics look like this on this assassination. we have seen these across the globe including in israel, for example, years ago and obviously in our own country. and i think before we make any sorts of those definitive conclusions we just need to get more facts and also we need to hear from japanese security about exactly what went wrong here. if he was making a political speech and the security should have been greater and it tragically was not, but now is the time to mourn shinzo abe and recognize his extraordinary career which was so tragically cut short. mollie: you hit a lot of key
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points here. japan does have some of the world's strictest gun laws, gun violence in general is extremely rare and they are not happening in 80 years, not since world war ii era. the last time an american president was shot in 1981, president reagan thankfully survived. but does assassination and in this case the weapon appears to be home made raise concerns about copycats and inspire orations for these types of attacks to happen. are other world leaders at risk in the weeks following? >> i think it's always a significant concern and it's awfully hard to even fathom all of the threats that are out there. you have terrorists that are out there trying to launch attacks against our senior government officials. and -- and potentially state actors as well. we recall years ago when the
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iranians tried to kill the saudi ambassadors here in washington, d.c. here of all things. when you're dealing with protective detail for a senior official, it's really important to be right 100% of the time and when you're not, you run into situations like this tragically. it's often an intelligence challenge because you're out there trying to collect information on the threats, way out left of boom before that attack happens so that you can preempt it before any harm is caused and that is the great challenge for our intelligence and for our law enforcement. mollie: thank you very much, dan hoffman, we appreciate your insight as japan is agreeing the loss of shinzo abe. we appreciate it. thanks, dan. griff. griff: thank you. moving now to ukraine where boris johnson designation was met with disappointment with some ukrainian towns even proposing to name streets after him. lucas tomlinson has details live
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from lviv, hey, lucas. lucas: hey, griff, boris johnson is one of the most hawkish nato leaders. he wants to kick out russia out of all ukraine, that includes crimea and donbas and eastern ukraine. he wants to go back to pre2014 borders, not february 23rd borders on the 'of the invasion. boris' actions going well beyond statements anything that you heard from the white house. after resigning boris johnson called ukrainian counterpart and thanks zelenskyy for friendship and calling him hero and said, quote, everybody loves you. now exactly 3 months ago today on april 9th, boris johnson became the first western leader to visit the capital but many other countries in europe haven't done is mass the billions in weaponry boris johnson has sent here in
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indonesia, secretary tony blinken ignored counterpart and many western allies followed suit, protest over russia's war on ukraine. now secretary blinken is demanding ukrainian grain and demanding ports be released. >> again and again we heard calls from across the world represented in that room for russia to open the black sea, free ukrainian grain shipments. there was a strong consensus and russia was left isolated as it has been left many times since the world began. lucas: now, no sign the united states will send warship to escort ships and get the grain out to sea. yesterday the u.s. government announcing plans to send $400 million in weapons, more rocket systems which will bring the total up to 12. many experts including michael
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vicars, president obama's pentagon, famous from charlie wilson's war, afghanistan in the 80's, he said you will need 60 to 100 system guided rockets, griff. griff: that's a lot of systems. mollie. mollie: america's biggest teachers union wants to change mother to birthing pregnant. i will talk to one mom fighting back on that next. ♪ ♪ ♪
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tiffany justice. thank you so much for joining us, tiffany, we appreciate it. i want to start by getting your thoughts on this potential but yet to happen change in language. >> i think it's wonderful that the 3 million members or 6,000 delegates of the national education association which i really think should be renamed the national extremist association show that they are not ready to get rid of the terms mother and father from schools either. i think this is just one more sign really teachers unions, the k12 cartel in america as i refer to them now don't represent teachers across america and certainly don't represent teachers and children. mollie: well, i want to get their statement out and this is in part, nea, commit today democratic processes and open debate, values are fundamental not just division as union but functioning as multiracial democracy. so they make the argument here that essentially this is part of an -- it's a discussion, they are talking about this.
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what do you think about the amount of effort, the time put into this potential idea? >> i think that they are talking about this and what american parents would like them to be talking about is literacy. we have a literacy crisis in the country with four graders in america. we are losing teachers every day. mollie: this is an absolutely massive union so in theory and in practice may have a significant impact on what's going on with children in classrooms all across america. but this language didn't -- it didn't happen, they didn't do it. do you think that they received a pushback on this and you mentioned that participation they should be focusing on other things. do you think this was halted
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based on pushback? >> yes, absolutely. normal american people don't say chest feeding person or birthing person. we say mom and dad. show that is the union are out of teach. hopefully they get the message. we would like them to get back to teaching and learning. they talk about foreign policy, guns, abortion, climate changed but not teaching and learning at the representative assembly. again, it's very important for american parents to understand, you have 6,000 delegates from the national education association meeting to have these discussions, does that filter back into the classroom and i think american parents are concerned that it will. mollie: they have gatherings, what do you think american parents all across the country can do when they are aware of the types of discussions going on, what can you do to influence an organization that is this big? >> i think parents can build relationships with teachers and we are about building
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relationships, the board members, teachers, i think it's important that we partner with children's school. what we are not doing at women's liberty is coparent can the government. they have an undo influence, they kept schools closed, they put out for vote forcing masking for all children in america, again, teachers unions, get back to teaching kids and focusing on reading and let the rest of americans worry about raising our children, thank you. mollie: you know, you bring me back to this place where over the course of last year particularly during the pandemic, parents have risen up and pushed back against either the union or school boards in their communities about everything from masking to stay at home learning from home, when to reopen schools, so as we are heading into an election year, here we are, the midterms just a few months away, do you think we are going to be hearing a lot from parents that are talking about what they want to see happen with education as we are
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trying to still recover from the losses during the pandemic? >> absolutely. parents are awake, moms and dads are the true political party in america and we are joyfully advocating so the current and future generations of the country will be able to reach their fullest potential. 2022 is the year of the parents and the union better watch out because there are parents and community members running for school boards all across america and we are reclaiming public education in america. mollie: you have a lot of energy tiffany justice, i appreciate it. griff. griff: well, mollie, a 17-year-old long island life guard now recovering after a shark bite as tours flock to the teaches for another summer weekend. lauren green in new york with the latest, hey, lauren. lauren: hey, griff, it's a perfect summer weekend to head to long island beaches but warnings of shark wills prevent many people from dipping their
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feet in the atlantic seasonal warm waters. the latest shark attack of 17-year-old life guard during training exercise, 150 yards of shores, bitten around ankles the teen required 5 stitches but otherwise will be fine. the authorities closed the beach as a precaution, 3 sharks attacks since the beginning of july. the other further east at smith point beach and the third unconfirmed at jones beach. long island officials warn while shack attacks are rare the predators can and do swim in shallow water. >> the sharks come to water up to your waist. you're above your waist, but i want to stress it's very safe, it happens. you have to be careful. lauren: shark bitings have increased as the waters warm. 40 shark attacks this year
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including six that are fatal, attacks on new york beaches are limited, they still make swimmers increasingly cautious. >> i'm afraid of the sharks. everybody is in the water is it's like crazy that there's a shark in there, that's insane. >> i was excited to go into the water and i was a little bit bummed when i heard there were sharks in the water but it's okay. we are having a good time. we are just kind of dipping our toes in. lauren: beaches have reopened but those with the shark sitings will flag red flag warnings of dangerous activity. griff: lauren green live for us in new york, thank you very much. mollie, red flags are flying but that doesn't mean as you heard from that gentleman in lauren's story, you should go in the water. i know as a surfer, i try and get along with our fellow sharks and try not to -- to put myself at risk although i did surf in
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some bait fish yesterday full well knowing that's not the right place to be surfing because it's their backyard and most of the time mistaken us for food. mollie: have you ever had a shark interaction? griff: i have. i've definitely seen sharks and i probably didn't get out as quickly as i should have for hopes of getting one more wave and worrying about it. that's not what you should do. you should do the opposite, however, you have had an interaction that i'm quite jealous of. you went along when they tagged them, explain. mollie: yeah, off of cape cod, i had a chance to go with him many years, brilliant shark scientist, he's like the guy to go to if you want the learn about sharks. he goes out in the ship in cape cod and tags the shark and that's part of researching. it's incredible to sea. they are beast, absolutely incredibly huge, you know, predatory, amazing and beautiful too but also very dangerous and
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they are trying to study them and find a way to make sure beach goers aren't hurt and aware that they are in waters of cape cod and they have been spotted this summer as they generally are with some videos coming out all over of them chomping on local seals. incredible experience. i stay safely in the boat not like you well out of the water i will tell you that. griff: sharks are our friends, just be safe if you're going out to the beach this weekend or all summer and avoid bait fish, that's where they tend to like to feed. meanwhile fighting to be not forgotten, we will talk to the brother of paul detained by russia since 2018, the family hearing from president biden yesterday. we will tell you more coming up next. ♪ ♪ ♪
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bringing americans retained in russia home yesterday in a call with paul whelan's sister elizabeth. paul has been retained in russia since 2018 and joining us paul's brother, david whelan, thank you for taking time on saturday afternoon. i want to ask you, were you able to speak with your sister, what did the president say, what can you tell us? >> not much. i had spoken to my sister and it was a brief call and mostly reassuring words and we appreciate that. i think after 3 and a half years you start to wonder whether they'll ever be any progress, whether people are working on paul's case and the call obviously menu get the call from the president it's a huge honor and it was very reassuring for our family. griff: indeed and certainly any time that you get a call from the president it helps you to perhaps be reassured that they
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are working on it. fair criticism, are you concerned that the brittney griner case is getting more attention than your brother's? >> no, i think what we are seeing with brittney griner's case and positive for paul. brittney griner is a celebrity and celebrity brought attention to her case and her supporters have been willing to talk about paul's case as well. so the notoriety on ms. griner's arrest has meant that people are aware it's not just brittney griner's and people knew that trevor reed but it's been a huge help for paul's case. griff: it's insightful. tell us if you will, just back up a little bit, where does paul's case stand now, now obviously convicted on the
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charges of espionage more than two years ago. where does it stand? >> it's a waiting game and it has been a waiting game since june 2020 when he was sentenced to 16 years in prison for san e. the trial was a joke and sentence a sham and he's in middle of russia serving it for 16 years. so we are waiting and have been waiting and will wait for the u.s. government to decide what concessions it can make both in ms. griner's's and paul's, it'sp to the u.s. government is something that they can concede and make pitch to the russians and see if the russians will bite, so we will continue to wait to see if that happens. griff: when you say the u.s. government, most importantly the state department, are they giving you new information and giving insight where things
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stand with regard to that? >> if only it were that easy. it's not just the state department, it's the department of justice. if mrs. a prisoner exchange involve and other agencies, it's a complicated process and so each of the families, over 50 americans wrongfully detained around the world. each of our families are trying to figure out which agencies need to work together to work to that particular concession to let our loved one to be let out. in general, it's tote by understandable. we don't get detail on what the agency is discussing as far as what a solution can be because that's complicated and also it should be kept confidential even from the families. so that can be frustrating and particularly if we are hoping to hear that this progress or we've been waiting for a while without information, that can be frustrating indeed. griff: ultimate we know the goal here to get your brother home
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safe and is there a next step that you want to see happen rather quickly. >> there isn't. the goal for today, for tomorrow, for the day after that is to get paul home to our parents. they are in their 80's. they'll be turning 85 and 83 this year and frankly they are at the end of their life. a 16-year-old means that they won't be able to see their son again. each day, tomorrow would be great. we would like to have paul home so that he can be with our parents and spend final years with their son and we will continue to hope that it doesn't takes 6 years to do that. griff: indeed, david whelan, thank you for taking time. we certainly want to stay on top of this story. thanks to your family for david's service, a marine there in front of the statute, keep us posted, paul, we are thinking about you and your family.
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>> i will, thanks, griff. molly. molly: after being accused of whipping migrants last year the month's long customs and border patrol investigation has found no evidence proving the accusations against the horse principal agents. bill melugin in eagle pass with this. bill. bill: hey, molly, that's right, it's been nearly 10 months now since president biden got up in front of the cameras and falsely accused these agents of whipping haitian migrants strapping them as he said back then and he promised these people will pay, there will be consequences. well, cbp finally announced yesterday their lengthy investigation found no evidence whatsoever that any haitian migrants were whipped or struck by these horseback agents, however, they did announce they will discipline four of those horseback agents for alleged administrative violations in
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particular they're accusing them of working in an unsafe manner and unprofessional conduct specifically they say one agent was using derogatory language and maneuvered his horse in an unsafe manner near a child. they say several other agents were using the threat of force with their horses to try to turn migrants back into the rio grande. i'm told by multiple federal service that is the notices of discipline have gone out and that these agents are potentially facing up to 14 days of unpaid suspension. now the president of the border patrol union says, president biden has to apologize to these agents for falsie smearing them with accusations of whipping. take a listen. >> the president of the united states said that these individuals would pay and the moment he said that, those investigators had no choice but to find some sort of fault whether it's criminal or administrative and in this case administrative charge and they had to find fault. they had no choice at that point. >> in the meantime the situation here at the border hasn't
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changed back since the incident first started. take a look at the video we shot here in eagle pass late yesterday afternoon, 108 degrees temperature and still part of a group of 300 who crossed illegally, predominantly cubans and venezuelans. this exact spot has had massive groups the last two days. we had a group of 540 on wednesday and another group of 200 and this group of 300 yesterday. take a look at more video we shot on the ground of this group. a lot of these folks were really struggling in the heat. we saw some of them falling to the ground and desperate for water and a lot of them coming up to us where is border patrol, where is immigration as border agents are overwhelmed right now and can't be everywhere at once at massive numbers continue spilling across the border day in and day out. greg abbott is authorizing texas dps and soldiers to apprehend but also drop them off at ports of entry on the u.s. side and
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texas dps just tweeted photo short time ago the first instance of that happening apparently has taken place showing texas law enforcement dropping migrants off at the port of entry right here in eagle pass, texas. we will send it back to you. mollie: enormous amount of pressuren in our law enforcement officers out there. bell melugin, thank you. griff: why the company is fighting to keep the world's largest richest man of backing out of a deal. we will have more on that after the break. ♪ ♪ ♪ enter powered by protein challenge for a chance to win big. ♪♪ ♪ i want to rock and roll all night ♪ ♪ and party every day. ♪ ♪ i want to rock and roll all night ♪ applebee's late night. because half off is just more fun.
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they said musk needed accurate information on how many fake or spam accounts on twitter to engage in transition planning for the business and sec filing friday they said, quote, twitter has failed or refuse today provide this information. sometimes twitter ignored mr. musk's request and rejected him for reasons unjustified and sometimes claim to comply while giving mr. musk incomplete or unusable information. >> the reality is twitter sells views and if those views to advertisers are not real people, then they have been defrauded and so those -- the potential for those claims exist. christina: and take a look at the these numbers, twitter's market value has taken a big hit. shares peaked in late april after the board accepted musk's offer the company valued at more than $39 billion but since all the drama over this deal as of friday's close twitter's market
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value was 28 billion. that's more than 11 billion-dollar loss. twitter could push musk to pay the 1 billion-dollar break-up fee associated with ending the deal but it looks like they are ready for a legal fight. bret taylor chair of board, the twitter board is committed to closing the transaction on the price and terms agreed upon with mr. musk and plans to pursue legal action to enforce the merger agreement. we are confident we will prevail. so this could end up being a very lengthy legal battle, molly. molly: potentially expensive as well. griff: johnny depp's ex is fighting for a retrial after losing high-profile defamation case in virginia. we have more next. ♪ ♪
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every search you make, every click you take, every move you make, every step you take, i'll be watching you. the internet doesn't have to be duckduckgo is a free all in one privacy app with a built in search engine, web browser, one click data clearing and more stop companies like google from watching you, by downloading the app today. duckduckgo: privacy, simplified. demanding retrial alleging wrong juror was seated in the trial. charles watson live with latest, hey, charles. charles: amber heard's legal team filing documents in virginia court on friday arguing that juror number 15 was not the person that was actually called
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for jury duty, her team stated that her team could not have properly served on this trial and the reasoning for those claims is that the jury panel included a 77-year-old individual with a birthday in 1945, however, they say a 52-year-old individual who lived at the same address as the 77-year-old was the person who actually showed up and ultimately served on the jury and because of this mistake that they're alleged, heard's lawyers are saying her due process therefore was compromised and under these circumstances a mistrial should be declared and a new trial ordered. the jurisdiction the motion was filed in, fairfax, virginia does have safeguards in place to avoid something like this happening. 7 juror number, zip code, the whole nine and now there are questions whether the safeguards were used or worked this time around to correctly verify the juror's identity.
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the new filing comes after a week of heard asked the judge to throw out a more than 10 million-dollar verdict award -- award today her ex actor johnny depp in a public defamation trial, jury found defamed and missed out on work opportunities following post-ed in which heard alleged she was a victim of domestic abuse. griff, legal experts say this is not a clear-cut argument at all for her. they say she must first prove that this juror was not on this jury as a mistake and that they somehow could not be -- >> griff: we shall see. charles watson, that's all for us this hour. fox news live with eric and arthel.
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eric: finds a border patrol agents did not whip haitian migrants with the rains. the bite administration nevertheless will discipline four of those agents anyway. this is according to a release yesterday for the horse about mounted agents yet use quote unnecessary force a demonstration with those migrants when this happened in texas last year. you know, this caused a firestorm of allegation they're using that rains to whip those migrants were the agents now may be suspended as a migrants
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