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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 12, 2022 3:00am-6:00am PDT

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democratic policies and they are not going to accept it. >> todd: let the people of georgia decide who they want as their governor don't let hollywood dictate it to it you. thank you for being on. >> thank you. >> carley: thank you so much for joining us. thank you for joining us as well 4:00 to 6:00 a.m. every morning. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ >> democrats are turning on president biden in a big way as progressives unite behind this message don't run, joe. >> joe biden and kamala harris are completely damaged goods. there is a storm coming. >> i don't want a problem. >> will new details in the case of bodega worker who fatally stabbed a worker. he wanted to avoid conflict. >> he was going to beat this guy to death. jose alba had the right to defend himself. >> president biden leaving for the middle east tonight for his first visit to israel and saudi arabia. >> what does the administration
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feel is possible about increasing welfare. >> ultimately that will be up to the opec countries to determine. >> he could actually do something about it but is he playing to the left. >> jill biden spoke at latin exinclusion event. >> the diversity of this community that is unique as the breakfast tacos here in san antonio. ed. >> national hispanic journalist association released this statement: we are not tacos, do not reduce us to stereotypes. ♪ celebrate and live my life saying ao ♪ let's go ♪ we going to rock this club ♪ we going to go all night. >> ainsley: that's storm surge bay, wisconsin. isn't it gorgeous the water? the sun coming up. >> steve: the water tower in the background. >> brian: we have a lot of sunrises on this show. >> ainsley: did you say we have the best sunrises.
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>> brian: sunrise and water except minnesota. >> steve: sky cams we could do sundowns. since we are starting the day hey the sun is coming up. >> ainsley: you could come in each night and do that and watch the sun setting. >> steve: if were to do on the other sight of the globe which is where the president is heading later today he is going to go out to joint base andrews later tonight. >> ainsley: is peter traveling with him. >> steve: peter traveled to saudi arabia and israel last night. i think he is still in the air. joe is going to be in the air tonight. he is going to go to a place where he is actually, according to the polls, more popular. is he more popular in israel than he is in the united states of america according to this "new york times" poll. >> brian: not more popular than donald trump what was he 71. >> brian: 71 and biden 60%. >> ainsley: over in israel. here it's a lot different. >> brian: the president has a big meeting with the mexican
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leader. the mexican leader blew us off at the california. yeah. i'm not going to go. okay, really? that's interesting. why don't you just come to the white house next week and he does. how about this in the message today could be really important. start enforcing your southern border because we have chaos and drugs rifling through our border. do you think he will deliver that message? >> ainsley: might be one of the reasons why the approval rating is so low. some reasons. economy, inflation, gas prices are through the roof. he is clearly not closing our border even though they do say it is closed. approval rating is 33%. what's interesting is the "new york times" is writing articles now where they don't even want him to run. they are saying that most democrats in these polls in 2024 do not want him to be the nominee. when you have lost the "new york times" and you have lost your party, you're in big trouble. >> steve: sure, take a look at the polls according to the times and cinema college 64% of democrats primary voters pretty much two thirds of the country
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in that demographic, wanted somebody different. what's the most important reason you would prefer somebody other than joe biden? well, a third say it's his age. a third say it's terrible job he is doing. about the dozen percent prefer somebody new. 10% say he is not progressive enough. and 4% say his ability to win. when you look at the poll as well and this tells a lot why people feel that way. 77% of the respondents said the country is moving in the wrong direction. 13% say it's moving in the right direction. we want to know those people's names because we can't understand that also in the upper 70s they say the economy and inflation and cost of living are very important to their home. >> ainsley: how about under 30. 30 and you under 94% of them and these are democrats said they do not want joe biden to run again. they want another candidate.
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>> steve: somebody young. >> brian: couple things going on there. number one, a lot of democrats are upset he is not left enough. that he didn't pass build back better. think about that what a disaster it would have been for this country. that he has not gone green quick enough. he has not embraced clean technology quick enough. not embraced the left quick enough. he hasn't done something to codify roe v. wade when everybody knows he can't do any of those things so they weren't going to be pleased with him anyway. among the groups that want him out this ruth's action group which is really a bernie sanders group. we have an email about 1.2 million current supporters they are going to start not only do they not want him out, they are looking to make sure and run against him to get somebody else in. which this could explain. so you know every time they say internal polls showed something different or more severe, that's why you see pritzker seeing the things he is saying. that's why gavin newsom doing the things he is doing.
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that's why you see pete buttigieg address some will interracial group over the weekend. i think everyone knows that joe's toast. >> ainsley: they are all trying to get. in maybe they are all thinking about running. this bernie sanders pro-group they released this press release saying they are going to the day after midterms on november 9th. they're going to release this campaign and it's called #don't run joe. they want you to sign up for this. released a press release joe biden is neither bold nor inspiring his prospects for winning re-election appear to be bleak. they have say this would be a tragic mistake. >> steve: a new hashtag you see at the end of this tweet roots action tweets out email list 1.2 million current supporters in the united states. boy we are committed to nationwide organning to if prevent joe from being the nationwide campaign.
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don't run joe. first time announced such plan. it's interesting. yesterday the "new york times" runs this poll that says don't run joe. the day before the "new york times" runs the story that essentially said white house staffers think he is too old he shufers around because they are afraid is he going to trip over wire. they hold his -- their breath when he speaks because they know he is going to make a gaffe of some sort. but when you think about the "new york times" also validated the hunter biden laptop, "the washington post" validated the laptop. >> brian: no follow-up. >> steve: two biggest newspapers in the united states are trying to squeeze him out. kayleigh mcenany was on with kellyanne conway was on withsea. they are doing it because the current president and vice president are damaged goods. >> it's not just today's poll or last week's poll or next month's poll they know that both joe
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biden and clarifies are completely danged goods. democrats are looking past both of them. already looking at 2024. this guy has been here for a year and a half. sean, just a couple months ago we were told he is fdr. he has got the energy look at him go in miss ray bands and mental aquite. now they are done with him. i think they know he lied about talking to his son about china. they know that he lied about family members making money because they were connected to him and him taking government planes over abroad and doing that. so they know there is a storm coming. >> steve: storm coming. >> ainsley: america does realize now the hunter biden story. there is something there. where is all this money? we are trying to follow the money trail too much in the weeds for the average american person. >> steve: so complicated. >> ainsley: average american person goes to fill up their gas tank and how expensive it is more than double when trump was in office. trying to pay electric bill and
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it's expensive. trying to get back to life getting out of covid. people are wondering what to do. people are in a place where they are frustrated and upset and they know they don't have as much money as they used. to say that's the big issue the economy and inflation. >> brian: idiocy of the shutdown. mandates and berating of the american people when it came to the vaccine also see what's happening with schools going to bat for transgender sports. the girl in your house and woman in your house can no longer compete against other women or else you are intolerant. >> ainsley: feminine products going in the boy's bathroom. what's happening to the supreme court justices can't go out to eat with their friends and family. >> brian: they don't care about that. the thing is, too, i don't think the hunter biden story is that complicated. he is if naked with hookers and he is in deals. doing deals in his dad's name
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caught on voice mail with china china and america supply chain has everything to do with things that you order that come three weeks late. there is a chance of it getting complicated but i don't see it yet. >> steve: there are just some layers. >> brian: what the "new york times" and "the washington post" is doing is exposing it but they are not following it they are not pursuing it. ing. >> steve: touch the story for a sitting democratic president. obviously they want him out there. was good news for joe biden in this poll though. looking at 2024. joe biden still would beat donald trump 44 to 41%. and while 64% of democrat voters want a different candidate, 92% of democrats said they would still vote for joe if donald trump won. >> ainsley: elon musk was saying that he wants ron desantis to run and he knows he would be able to beat joe biden. a teacher, 38 years old.
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preschool teacher in north michigan. i'm just going to come out and stay i want younger blood. i'm tired of all the old people running our country i don't want someone knocking on death's door. >> brian: james clyburn, mitch mcconnell and nancy pelosi closer to 80 than 70. >> steve: elon musk was talking about age. 6/11 in new york city still ahead on this telecast on this tuesday. a group of bodega owners in new york city are going to meet with mid-atlantic's district attorney today after a clerk is charged with murder for defending himself. what they are demanding from city leadership coming up. >> ainsley: plus invalid and wrongful. twitter's latest response to elon musk as he backs out of $44 billion takeover. ♪ on a perfect day ♪ nothing's standing in my way ♪ on this perfect day ♪ nothing can go wrong ♪ it's a perfect
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it was time for a nunormal with nucala. day
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♪ be. >> ainsley: new york city bodega worker jose alba charged with a case of murder in a case of self-defense showing the injuries he sustained when he as was attacked. >> brian: attacker's girlfriend accused of injuring him walks free despite stabbing him. >> steve: wait until you hear why. todd piro joins us with the latest details. >> todd: outraged bodega workers outraged being charged with second degree. they're demanding that charges being dropped. they are showing the incident behind the counter. this is actually video showing the aftermath of all of that the ex-con who did this has a
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lengthy history of violence. d.a. bragg now scheduled to meet with the bodega owner's group later today. spokes marn for that group pleading with the d.a. to put himself in al alba's shoes. >> alvin braggs seems to be a reasonable person as far as the conversation we have had with him -- that i have had with him. he needs to understand that when he has done is a terrible mistake and we're hoping that he is going to come to his senses. >> alba stabbed austin simon after his girlfriend tried to buy a $3 bag of chips for his dollar when the benefit card was declined. stormed into the store. al with a tried to diffuse before simon began hitting him. that's what alba grabbed a knife stabbing austin whose girlfriend had a knife allegedly slashing alba. this photo from daily appears to show alba's injuries. alba now asking simon's family for forgiveness saying he too has lost a son.
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quote. i don't want to do this i'm also sad. i know what the pain is. i ask that they please forgive me. please source telling the "new york post" that d.a. bragg feels the attacker's girlfriend was simply defending simon and that girlfriend will not be charged at all. >> ainsley: he was defending himself. >> steve: todd, there is new video it seems like new video every day on this. new video that shows that the 61-year-old bodega guy he was actually stabbed first. so he would have every right to self-defense and yet the girlfriend of the guy who he ultimately killed with the knife she stabbed him three times but she is not being charged even though she is the one who went to get the guy to go beat up the bodega guy. >> yeah, again. this is all part of the invert the system of justice we have in new york right now. and to your point, steve. the self-defense, i think, attaches in multiple ways, whether it's the girlfriend stabbing alba or alba just being
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attacked without a knife but attacked nonetheless by simon. i think both ways self-defense attaches here. i don't see any way d.a. bragg can keep this but, you know, weird things are happening in the city and it's sad. >> brian: if he wants to keep his job, he has quote to keep sobering up. sees what's happening in los angeles and san francisco. sees the outrage in new york city and crime is up 35% across the city. >> ainsley: but this clerk didn't ask for the man to come around and threaten him. he even said i don't want a problem, step back. he didn't ask for that guy to come into his space. he felt like he had to protect himself. this is just -- i don't understand why -- >> todd: ainsley to that point that's why second degree murder that charge is ridiculous. in order to meet the elements of second degree murder you have to have a level of intonight kill or deprave indifference for human life. did that look like alba had depraved indifference for human life? no. he is trying to save his own life from a guy attacking him.
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>> brian: now he is afraid to go outside because he thinks his life is going to be threatened. he is treated his own wounds. >> ainsley: what does the attorney general want us to do not defend ourselves sit there and a let someone attack us. the district attorney not a.g. >> todd: ainsley, we have seen this is not just d.a. bragg. we have seen leftist prosecutors across the country whether mark mccloskey case in st. louis or it will kyle rittenhouse. >> cut budget by a billion dollars you have to defend yourself. >> steve: one more question since you are wearing your lawyer hat today. she, the girlfriend, even though she stabbed mr. alba first, and now the d.a., according to the "new york post," says that they are not going to prosecute her because she was defending her boyfriend, okay. so, she actually lied to the
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cops a couple of times and said she never stabbed him. why don't they charge her with lying to the cops. >> todd: if they are not going after her for stabbing somebody diviewnk they are going after her for lying this d.a. is not going after her no matter what she does. i don't find this she was acting self-defense. she was two on one situation. we know sports. there is one on one and that person jumps in, that person gets a penalty, this is real life that person should get a penalty and that person should have charges attached to them. we know it's not going to happen because this is alvin bragg's new york city. >> steve: her boyfriend is dead because she went to get limb to go beat up the bodega guy. >> ainsley: right. his stab wounds, jose alba went to riker's his one stab wound was infected because i guess they didn't treat it properly there. and now he is on an anti biotic and he says he is okay.
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>> brian: i thought riker's would have better healthcare. bactine and a band-aid? they have 1950 bodega robberies this year triple why it was last year. i have no idea why people are targeting those shops. >> steve: because nobody is prosecuting it. todd, thank you very much. >> brian: go over to carley. you have the other news. >> president biden will meet with mexico's president today crisis at the southern border rages on. new reports show that border agents apprehended nearly 26,000 migrants at five texas sectors in just under a week. fox news also witnessing one of the first instances of dps with busing migrants back to the border. it's the state's latest attempt to stem the surge in illegal immigration. listen to this, a convict out on parole caught on video appearing to rob a store in broad daylight while wearing angst kel monitor. according to police the man was on parole for another robbery. authorities say he entered the store with a gun drawn before
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jumping over the counter and taking about $500 from the register. they say he was later picked up by police with the cash and the handgun seen in that video. twitter says elon musk's effort to abandon his purchase of the social media giant is invalid and wrong. musk arguing the company breached obligations by not proving certain data about bot accounts and by several h.r. moves that he deemed not in the course of normal business. twitter is expected to file a formal complaint against musk later this week. check this out. this is really cool. nasa unveiling the first full color photo of space ever taken and you are looking at it right now. president biden revealing the image taken by the james web space telescope showing the farrest distance ever seen by humanity. promising more images one so precise you are going to see whether or not planets are habitable. how about that, guys?
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>> brian: can you see, carley if there is any life there? take one more look? >> carley: picture we just saw? i see stars. >> steve: nobody can hear you screaming. it was the first color photo. haven't we seen photos of space in color before? >> ainsley: i don't think so. the president unveiled it. taken by the james web telescope. i believe what the james web telescope tells me. i stand by james webb. >> brian: take that hubble. >> ainsley: how pretty is that? >> >> brian: more pictures next hour. president biden heads to the middle east tonight going to meet with saudi leaders amid gas prices. we have a live report overseas. and stuart varney will break down what we can expect with his white soled shoes. ♪ because i'm happy ♪ clap along ♪ if you know that happiness
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>> brian: so glad you're up. president biden also up today and he set to leave for controversial trip to the middle east tonight. he plans on meeting with the saudi crowned prince eventually who he once called a pariah: biden will visit israel for a tour of defense systems. total remade middle east from the last time he was there in 2016. trey yingst knows all about that
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he joins us from jerusalem. what's the president walking into. >> president biden boards a flight to israel. when he walks in tomorrow he will be greeted by the president. despite political turmoil in the country. variety of strategic interests. biden will be shown in a way of missile defense systems built by israel that shoot down rockets places like lebanon and gaza. no major rockets expected on the israel palestine done flicketd though biden will meet with mahmoud abbas on friday before heading to saudi arabia. the visit comes amid a growing regional threat from iran and stabilizing the energy market. the israelis made clear they are updating plan does strike iranian facilities as public increasing uranium enrichment. ongoing threat with iran another conflict is creating new problems that will be addressed during the biden visit. reports over the weekend indicate russia will likely halt all gas supplies to europe amid
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the ongoing war in ukraine. with the rising global fuel prices biden's visit to saudi arabia will be a chance to address the kingdom's oil exports. jake sullivan addressed saudi exports yesterday during a white house press briefing. >> ultimately that will be up to the opec countries to determine. and so, i don't have anything to say from this podium right now because the discussions are best, you know, confined behind closed doors. but we do believe there is a capacity for further steps that could be taken. >> while in saudi arabia, biden will meet with crowned prince mohammed bin is a man, man he called pariah during his campaign for president. brian? >> brian: thank you so much. let's bring in stuart varney from varney and company. what's at stake for the president. diplomatically and israel but when he gets to saudi arabia and meets with mbs? >> just take for an aside for a second. during a trip to europe last week french president macron
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addressed joe biden. he was on a hot mic he didn't know that he was saying to our president look you are not going to get much more oil out of the sawedies they don't have much to spare. they are almost at capacity already. he was right. joe biden is going to the mideast this evening and is he going to ask for more oil from the saudis. he is not likely to get it because they don't have much to spare. and if he did get more oil out of the saudis, they have got to have that approved biopeck plus. opec plus includes russia. do you think they are going to increase production? when they would all get less revenue? good morning the president is going to get much oil out of this trip. he will get a great deal of embarrassment because he is begging the saudis for it. >> brian: he remade middle east because of donald trump and jared kushner no longer look at the palestinian situation as number one thing. he recognize israel. four or five arab states recognize israel. they have trade with israel. saudi arabia is on deck to do just that. so that is gone.
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and he does not even acknowledge the abraham accords. having said that won't the president overseas get a question about the reuters report that says her strategic oil reserves are going in some portion to the chinese? >> he should get that question. because reuters reports that 1 million barrels of oil from our strategic reserve was sold to a chinese oil company in which hunter biden is an investor. now, that's a connection which stands out a mile and has to be questioned at this point. hunter has to come into these discussions. on the other hand, i agree with you that if the president can organize saudi arabia, israel, the united states, the gulf states, in a new unified approach to the iranians i would call that a diplomatic success. >> brian: that would be a diplomatic switch. the president got into office and said i want to redo that 2015 dole. that ununified for lack of a better term the abraham accords.
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i can't count on america now because our number one enemy is they put outstretched hand. to say i wonder if the president just admit i made a mistake about that. i see the balance has changed in the middle east. >> do you think he's going to turn around and say i made a mistake? remember next month is the one year anniversary of the debacle in afghanistan. we're still living with that. we are still living with the idea that america is not a reliable ally. and that's what joe biden takes into that meeting in the mideast. we are not a reliable ally. >> brian: true. we also were not there with saudi arabia with all their problems. we took this houthi rebels off the terror watch list. supported by iran. as they lobbed rockets into civilian areas in saudi arabia. of course the saudis are going to be ticked off. >> it goes all the way back to biden's first day in office when he shut down america's energy independence. that was mistake number one and everything cascades from there on out. >> brian: a lot of people say to
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me i feel so sad at noon when stuart varney gets off the air and i said wait, american built, another show to watch stuart varney on tonight at 8:00. don't be so sad, america. because you have a chance to see stuart varney not only from 9:00 to noon but tonight at 8:00. >> that was one of the best off the cuff promo. >> brian: you can't teach that. >> stuart: it wasn't scripted. >> brian: not much is scripted except for what makes sense. what's tonight's feature. >> miami beach turning a swamp into a winter play ground and the alaska pipeline. >> brian: still ahead on this show this will be scripted getting school teacher president randi weingarten slammed after claiming schools too politicized. do you think so? congressman ralph norman on that irony still ahead. ♪ pump it up ♪ ♪
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ralph norm. ralph, good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. >> steve: sounds like she has a stunning lack of self awareness. 90% of the teachers don't like how political things have gotten. the union is making it political. >> not only making it political but the nea that's backed this. it's the biden administration has been a part of it with the funding. it would be laughable if it wasn't so serious. and, you know, nine out of 10 teachers saying it's too political. define what political is. that defines the biden administration and what they are trying to push and the dollars are following it. and so it's ridiculous. it's a tweet. you know, i guess what they will try to do is rein her in so that all she does is praise what this administration is doing. but it's ridiculous. >> steve: sure. when you think about it, congressman, because it was the unions, you know, and she was the leader of aft that kept the schools closed.
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that pushed for and defended crt. and influenced the cdc when it came to guidance to reopening the schools. they said everybody has got to be vaccinated. they need new heating and air conditioning and ventilation. a lot of plexiglass. and we are not going back until we get all that stuff. so she was holding america's school kids hostage. >> not only holding them hostage. she was going against the facts. despite what is out she said, the only facts he had were political facts. all the other experts that is gradually leaking out now is showing that school children are least vulnerable. it's elderly that had pre-existing conditions. so she was part of the shutdown, which is such a disadvantage to our children. and we have a long-term consequence for this. because it wasn't right then. it's not right now. >> steve: congressman, as you know, about $15 million worth of the covid money in the american rescue plan went to funds that in the schools, went toe anti-racism, anti-activism
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programs for kids. and i know you would like an audit because trillions were spent and billions are hard to track down where they went. >> well, you know, steve, the covid package supposedly, 1.9 trillion. 2700 page document. nobody had time to treated. now, when the fax council out about where that money went. and a lot of it the 15 million that you are talking about were through the libraries and museums. and through the e.p.a. as well. but they had programs that like the museums in new york who had -- who erected statues with the based on getting $50,000. a lot of these programs had nothing to do with covid that had to be a top down audit and consequences for where the money went. you can't drop money from a helicopter as they did and try to back it up as being reasonable. it had nothing to do with covid.
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>> steve: the imls put out a statement on the american rescue plan money used to fox these awards enabled museums and libraries to remain strong and relevant community institutions responding to the issues facing their communities resulting from the pandemic. so, congressman, you never let a crisis go to waste. >> exactly. unbelievable that they are doing it. >> steve: all right. ralph norman, republican from south carolina, sir, thank you very much for joining us live today. >> my pleasure. >> steve: 17 minutes before the top of the hour. carley joins us now with news from japan. >> that's right, steve. the people of japan paying their final respects to former prime minister shinzo abe today. crowds packing the sidewalks as the hearse caring the body of the nation's longest serving prime minister departed a tokyo temple earlier today. meanwhile the investigation into abe's suspected assassin is focusing on his mother's church. the suspect allegedly healed grudge against the church, which
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he believed angel promoted and . the coffee chain saying it is permanently shuttering 16 cafes after workers are drug use bias members of the public and other crime concerns. starbucks is giving managers leeway to close rest rooms, limit seating or even reduce operations. they will also be providing baristas with guidance on active shooter scenarios in conflict deescalation. can you believe it? a fox weather wildfire alert. crews working urgently to contain the washburn fire currently burning in yosemite national park as it works closer to a grove of sequoia trees. the fire has consumed 3.5 square miles as firefighters work to protect the ancient trees from the blaze. as of yesterday it was 25% contained. currently over 500 firefighters
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assigned to this blaze. those are your headlines, steve. over to you. >> steve: some of those trees are 1,000 years old. check in with janice dean. janet out in the yosemite area i see behind you it's hot out there. they could use cool weather, no winds and some rain. >> janice: devastating area not only for that area but the west record breaking wildfires that are ongoing and we haven't gotten a lot of moisture into this region. it's been hot and dry as you mentioned. there is some of the temperatures. 60 in fargo. 67 in kansas city. a little bit cooler for parts of the northern plains, we have a front push across the northeast over the next 12 to 24 hours. that's going to bring some rough weather. take a look at it gulf of mexico watching an area of low pressure there that could develop over the next couple of days. well into that tropical season. it's been fairly quiet. northeast storms tonight as this front pushes through. we could see some large hail, damaging winds, even isolated
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tornadoes for some of these areas. so know where you are going to get those watches and warnings affecting millions of people as that front eventually moves offshore into wednesday morning. so there is your severe storm threat and, again, affecting anywhere from, you know, maine down towards the mid tennessee river valley. so that's going to be a big deal and then we are watching this area of low pressure, steve, in the gulf of mexico that could develop at any rate it's going to bring heavy rainfall to portions of the gulf along the states of texas, louisiana, mississippi, alabama, and florida. we will keep you up to date. over to you. >> steve: it's that time of the year. j psd, thank you very much. still ahead on this tuesday, a georgia county's sheriff's office is nearly five dozen officers short. forcing some employees to work 80 hours a week. the sheriff joins us next to break down the terrifying impact this shortage could have on public safety. plus, joe biden says hispanics are like breakfast tacos during a speech? how the latino community is
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responding straight ahead on "fox & friends." ♪ before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn... claire could only imagine enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit (man) [whispering] what's going on? (burke) it's a farmers policy perk. get farmers and you could save matching your job description. money by doing nothing. just be claim-free on your home insurance for three years.
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are can car it is amazon prime day the retail giant mega sale event where can you find all of your online favorites for some of the lowest prices of the year of course. get ready to shop until you drop with major deals on pretty much everything you need even groceries and speaking of groceries amazon is launching smart cart to whole foods now you can skip the line with the smart cart that keeps track of your groceries and lets you pay online. inflation is hitting everything except for costco hot dogs. the company's ceo giving a one word answer when asked if he would ever make people pay more for signature sausage. of. >> is there any inflationary environment where you would raise that price? >> no. >> love that answer. some of costco's food court staples are seeing a price hike chicken bake will run you 3.99 up from 2. # 9. 20-ounce soda 69 cents increase of 10 cents. hot dogs remain the same.
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ainsley, over to you. >> ainsley: they are so good. i try to avoid them but they are so good. >> carley: they really are. >> ainsley: thank you so much, carley. nationwide staffing shortages are impacting everyone including law enforcement. the douglas county sheriff's office is 59 deputies short, making it harder to respond to all the calls down there and forcing some deputies to work nearly 80 hours a week. joining us now from the department is sheriff tim and lieutenant colonel who is the sheriff's nephew. good morning, gentlemen. >> good morning. >> ainsley: sheriff, i will start with you, why are you seeing so many officers leaving. >> pandemic has great deal to do with it. and of course the other part is money. looking for better pay. >> have you noticed that some of your officers say it's not worth it because they are not getting the support that they need and i'm sure you are giving them the support but from some of our
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local leaders or our national leaders that say they want to strip your pay. they want to strip your budget. >> if the majority of my guys, it's 386 officers, not officers, 386 employees all tolled. >> ainsley: yes, sir. >> most of them are loyal. they know life going to come we don't know when that's going to come. they work did diligent as hard as they can week by week by week but i took a little slack off of them. i took the command staff and put them out there on the street. give these guys a break. every month. some do nights. some do days. but loyalty is what is holding mine together right now. >> ainsley: yes, sir. lieutenant colonel, how about you? how many hours are you working
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extra per week and are you getting burned out? >> i'm actually not working a whole great deal of hours. overtime because i'm on the command staff and in my position i'm not allowed to get overtime. people at our frontline workers doing a great deal of overtime trying to make ends meet, trying to be at all places at one time. trying to make the county safe. >> ainsley: that's so nice of them to work that extra time. i'm sure they love it when they get their paycheck. i mean, i'm sure they are exhausted and need to hire more people. sheriff, when people come in to apply for these jobs, are you hiring them immediately? what's the process? >> yes, ma'am. not exactly immediately but we had a two-day job fair here this past weekend. and we gathered 77 out of that two days and you know, we got some taking polygraphs. some in different stages of the
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process now. we don't know how many of them are actually going to make it to the finish line. but it's -- we have a total of 77 out of that job fair. >> ainsley: 77 that you hired? >> we didn't hire yet but we are in the process. if they make it. >> ainsley: yes, sir. >> some may not pass a polygraph. >> ainsley: lieutenant colonel. >> agility test. some may not be able to pass that test. >> have to pass a physical agility test and have to be able to qualify with a side arm. there is a number of things that they have to do before they actually get hired and go through psych eval and pass a medical evaluation. >> ainsley: i hope a majority pass so they can help you protect your community. lieutenant colonel what is the community saying? are they worried about this problem? >> in some cases. we don't hear a whole bunch of backlash about this really because we're doing the best that we can and we are doing far
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beyond what we can. we are doing more with less these days and it's just -- the community has been great -- been supporting us a lot. but hopefully like the sheriff was saying that we can get some of these people to take the stress off of these frontline workers been really giving their all so that we can have a safer community. >> ainsley: sheriff, what can we do to help? because i know a lot of your officers are burned out and working extra hours. what can we do? >> well, kind of the same thing the community has done. the community has really stepped up for us because we was already a community oriented sheriff's office. we get out there among our people and play ball with them and shake hands and find out exactly what's going on with them. so we are in great contact with them and they talk to us and they don't have anything to hide for us. >> ainsley: we are up against a hard break. thank you for your service. it followed me everywhere. so i consolidated it into a low-rate personal loan from sofi.
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community that is as unique as the breakfast tacos here in san antonio. >> national hispanic journalist association released this statement we are not tacos. >> teacher's union leader randy wine gatten facing mockery after complaining about a negative survey that says classrooms have become too political. >> it would be laughable if it weren't so serious. ♪ ♪ somebody ♪ you know that i need somebody ♪ >> steve: you are looking, folks are starting to go to work it is 6:01 out in dallas, texas. it is 81 degrees. going for a daytime high of 105. >> ainsley: whoa. sally, wear a tank top, wear a bathing suit. >> steve: my daughter sally, she and her husband bought a house and live now in dallas. dad, they start so early working. they are building a new house next door i said it's because
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they are trying to get in before it becomes 105. >> ainsley: take a very long lunch break. >> steve: exactly and knock off early but they be getting started before it gets too hot. welcome to hour two of "fox & friends" for a tuesday. >> brian: and if you are supposed to build a house today, wake up, you are late. all right? so get your hammer and everything else and go. meanwhile, two minutes after the hour. president biden will meet with the mexican president today as the crisis at the southern border rages on. >> steve: the talks come as a new report from breitbart shows that border agents arrested nearly 26,000 migrants at five texas sectors in just under a week. that is a lot. >> ainsley: mark meredith joins us live with the latest. good morning. >> good morning to you guys. second time that the president has visited the white house since president biden took office. no shortage of topics supposed to discuss whether it be the economy, immigration.
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both parties address what's happening with the migrant crisis. the latest government data shows a huge uptick in the number of migrant encounters. look at may, 239,000 people ebb countered in that month alone. those numbers up sharpfully from may of 2020 as well as may 2021 then videos like these showing how many migrants are able to evade law enforcement. sources telling fox this video from del rio, texas, shows a human smuggling operation well underway. you can see the people running out of the vehicle right there. we are also hearing from texas ranchers who say they witnessed scenes like these on a daily basis. >> they ought to come down here and fear for their lives. i mean, and they are not staying here. i mean, they are coming through my ranch because they are headed somewhere else. they are not staying in kenny county. but the border is not closed. they are pouring across every day. and they are destroying our property. >> on monday, our cameras captured these images showing texas national guard members and
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public safety officials busing illegal immigrants back to the border. texas' governor says he had no choice but to use state resources to do this because he blames the biden administration for not acting faster. the vice president recently told cbs that she feels the governor is more interested in flame throwing than solutions. the vice president is going to be hosting mexico's president for breakfast at her residents about two hours from now. steve, ainsley and brian? >> brian: up to the president to give him lunch. mark, quick question, they get to the border. they are dropped off. the ranger unit drops them off. you can't bring them over the border. are they just going to turn around and come back? >> well, that's going to be one of the big question. but the state has said that they feel like they have to do at least something to help the communities. you heard from that rancher right there who says she really does need help. the texas' governor says this is only a step it try to help relieve some of the problems happening throughout the state. the governor is putting the blame right back on the administration and, of course, they are pushing right back. >> brian: just come right back
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across. >> steve: stand at the bridge and you know you are not going to come this way. mark, when our president sits down with the president of mexico, the part that won't be said in public will be okay. we'll take the people, joe biden will say. we just don't want the drugs, right? >> obviously the issue of drugs is going to be a top of mind. we have been talking about the fentanyl crisis that's been happening all over the country but of course a lot of illegal drugs pouring over the border that has been major concern. we are going to see both the president of mexico as well as president biden on camera but just briefly cameras will be allowed in for what is known as a spray, a quick few minutes hear both leaders talking but not expecting them to take formal questions on a news conference today. this is going to be one of those meetings likely going to wait for major action to come in the weeks and months ahead. >> brian: thanks, mark, appreciate it keep in mind, too. you know what their agenda is? their agenda is let's talk about a pathway to citizenship. is that nuts? you should say there is no way we are talking about a pathway to citizenship. first thing you have got to do
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is enforce your southern border. and if you don't do that then we are going to give -- put those tariffs on that president trump warned you about. and you are going to go back to doing what you were doing. we know you can control your southern border if you choose. >> steve: some of the other stuff, apparently the united states is going to complain to the mexican president about the lack of support with the united states whether it comes to ukraine, you know, and the sanctions against russia and our president is going to say, you know, we really could use some hip. but then when you look at this stuff right here, with all of these -- all the human smuggling, essentially, here's the thing. foreevery smuggler there is also a lot of drugs. in mexico, they use hugs not bullets policy. mexico will not prosecute or convict criminals and drug cartel leaders given human rights concerns. and so, you know, last week we saw mexico had that guy began dick display of fentanyl bust in
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mexico makes it look like mexico is doing something. at the same time they can seize the fentanyl. unless they prosecute the drug traffickers they are just going to go back and could it again tomorrow. >> ainsley: speaking of south texas that area down there and san antonio, texas, our first lady jill biden was there speaking to the latin x inclusion group and talked about how unique and compared them to breakfast tacos which was insulting comment to. the hispanics who live in that area. >> raúl helped build this organization with the understanding that the diversity of this community as distinct of the bronx. beautiful as the blossoms of miami. and as unique as the breakfast tacos here in san antonio. is your strength. >> brian: right. fantastic. so that there is a speech writer now looking for work today at
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the white house. kinkos getting -- got the resume updated. >> ainsley: someone wrote that she didn't know how to pronounce bodega. >> brian: so much at stake not necessarily with that speech but they are bleeding hispanic support. joe biden in particular, more than any other democrat, for some reason the hispanics are not buying what he is selling. the first lady was supposed to be the savior play an important role i would say she hurt the brand. >> steve: q poll talk about joe biden's ratings with hispanics. last year he was at 55% approval with hispanics. and the latest q. poll shows he is half that number, actually less than half that number he is at 26%. just the fact that dr. biden made those two mistakes mispronouncing bodega and then talking about breakfast tacos. there are a lot of people who are, you know, they are upset about it.
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the newest member of congress, congresswoman mayra flores tweeted this out about the first lady. they just don't get it latinos aren't buying their liberal pandering. we care about the rising cost of food, housing, gas, issues that impact americans every day. no matter how loud they yell their made up words, it won't change the reality of their failed policies. >> ainsley: good for her. we all have cultural differences. we all, you know, have different foods that we like depending on where we grew up or who our parents are but we are all measures. these are the things that we care about. we care about the rising prices and we care about inflation and our economy and our schools and our kids. and she is representing the latino community. she won the special election in highly hispanic district. and she won the votes. as a republican she was born in mexico. she moved to san antonio or in that area when she, i believe was 6 years old. now she is a congresswoman. the first mexican born congresswoman ever in america.
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>> brian: so the negative reviews kept flooding. in i will give you some of them. shear a tweet from congressman jimenez. he says the first lady thinks hispanics are as unique as breakfast tacos. maybe that's true of latin x people. but for real hispanics that's actually kind of insulting. do you think so? >> ainsley: national association of hispanic journalists writes: using breakfast tacos who try to demonstrate the uniqueness of latinos in san antonio, diversity of latinos in the reasonable. we are not tacos. >> brian: that's probably a t-shirt in the making. we are not tacos. we are not tacos, first lady. >> steve: there you go. i think she would like a do-over on that whole trip but then again joe biden yesterday when he was having his address on the south lawn he referred to the florida parkland shooting happening in 1918. it happened in 2018. so do-over on both those.
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>> brian: at least on that line it didn't say in that prompter repeat the line breakfast tacos, breakfast tacos. >> ainsley: one day know how to pronounce bodegas. >> brian: not following the shooting in new york? >> steve: she would be if she is watching us. good morning, first lady. it's bodega. all right. meanwhile that is one of the things you learn in school. the head of the second largest teacher's union the american federation of teachers randy wingarden, we have heard her name so many times in the last couple of years. particularly during covid. because she helped keep the schools closed and defended crt and we know that they have -- the unions, have influenced the cdc guidelines and guidance regarding kids in school. and so there was a stunning lack of self-awareness when yesterday out of nowhere this very political person decided to tweet about politics.
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>> ainsley: she tweets this out. nearly nine out of 10 respondents say schools have become too politicized. following a year of political attacks on teachers waged by politicians, stoking culture wars and banning books for political gain. she is saying that schools are becoming too political now. >> brian: that's all she is. uses her political power to try to get people in office and tries to get things approved. especially keeping schools closed. getting zillions of dollars and then deciding still remain closed. >> here is congressman ralph norm he joined us to talk about the irony. >> it would be laughable if it wasn't so serious. feline out of 10 teachers saying it's too political. define what political is. that defines the biden administration and what they are trying to push and the dollars are following it she was going against the facts. despite what fauci said, i mean, the only facts he had were political facts. all the other experts that is gradually leaking out now is showing that school children are
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least vulnerable. it's the elderly that had pre-existing conditions. so she was part of the shutdown which is such a disadvantage to our children. and we will have a long-term consequence for this because it wasn't right then. it's not right now. >> steve: he is right about that. as recently as the month of may. she was continuing to ask for more covid money despite reports that part of the money was used to push crt. and for her to talk about things being so political. 99% of campaign donations by the american federation of teachers, 99% go to democrats. so how political is it? and she is talking about 90% of the teachers say it's too political. but 99% of political donations go to democrats. i do see a connection there. >> ainsley: some of the comments online were interesting. let me read you a few of them. i took pictures of them. it says aft spends millions in recycled tax dollars to fund campaigns every election according to open secrets 99.99%
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of that money goes to democrats now schools are too politicized. another one says randi weingarten and aft fought to keep schools closed teaching crt and influence guidelines at biden's cdc. if she wants to know why think schools are politicized look in a mirror. released a press release there is a 34% increase in job dissatisfaction among teachers over the last year and pointed out that 90% of teachers say that schools are too political. so now she is realizing what the teachers are saying. and she is saying oh my gosh the schools are too political. they are too political because of many of the policies that these unions are pushing and forcing down our kids' throats. >> brian: they don't think students first, teachers first. that's the wrong approach. >> steve: why so many parents and we saw it last year in the commonwealth of virginia they are interested in what the schools are teaching. they are getting involved. the teacher's union preferred ited when teachers had the purview of the kids all of themselves.
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didn't have to worry about pesky parents. >> many of the teachers are dissatisfied because they are being told to teacher something they don't agree with you about they don't want to speak out because they are scared that they will lose their jobs and they need their paycheck. >> brian: meanwhile 15 minutes after the hour. carley shimkus is not scared to lose her paycheck but she has agreed to do the news anyway. >> i have. and we have some news out of texas. governor greg abbott along other g.o.p. leaders are calling on law enforcement to release he footage inside robb elementary school from the day of the mass shooting. american statesman who viewed the 77 minute video shae saying it mostly shows law enforcement gathering in the school halls trying to determine a plan to stop the shooter who ended up killing 21 people including 19 children. despite claims that the footage would eventually be released. it still remains under wraps. the "new york times" releasing a new poll revealing most democrats do not want biden to run again in 2024. the "times" saying, quote: 6 #% of democratic voters say they would prefer a new
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standard-bearer in the 2024 presidential campaign. voters nationwide have sorrowed on his leadership. giving him a meager 33% job approval. a pro-bernie sanders progressive group called root action has launched a website don't run, joe. declaring that quote president biden has neither been bold nor inspiring. the group saying they are launching their campaign immediately after the midterms. there is a company called beat the rich and they they are encouraging customers to take a bite of jeff bezos. billionaires with gobble gates and bite bezos. >> rich guy. got bill gates. you got mark zuckerberg, jeff bezos, elon musk, let's good morning baby. >> meanwhile the artist making popsicles like faces of the billionaires and he is also facing some online backlash.
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many on social media calling him out over their inflated prices selling the preponderance for 10 bucks apiece. i think it's funny that he clearly has an issue with capitalism. making money from capitalism. >> steve: they can charge 10 bucks because each one is a work of art. >> carley: kind of a strange business. >> brian: we used to have big on super moms. kim alexis and carol alt. used to know the supermodels now know billionaires. >> steve: there are a million supermodels now. everybody in the modeling business. >> brian: becomes super. >> steve: billionaire bunch is tougher to crack. >> ainsley: they have changed. we would watch about all the pageants and watch the super models. >> brian: should set up a criteria to decide what's super. >> ainsley: there is a man. superman. >> brian: that's true, work our ways backwards. steve: thank you very much. ind.
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>> ainsley: new video at the new york city bodega calling for the city to adopt self-defense laws like florida. former florida attorney general pam bondi telling us why new york needs to stand its ground.
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pappa. >> what's wrong with you? >> why are you -- >> well, now a new york city bodega group is calling for a stand your ground law in the wake of the attack like they kind of got down in florida. former florida attorney general palm bandy joins us now. pam, good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. >> steve: you know, the video shows that this bodega worker was attacked first. and he did everything he could to diffuse the situation then the guy started dragging him out and the bodega's worker family says he thought he was about to be killed. so he grabbed a knife over by the candies and stabbed the guy. it looks like an open and shut case of self-defense, doesn't it? >> it does, steve. florida, of course beings we have stand your ground even higher standard to protect law-abiding citizens in their homes wherever they are that they don't have to retreat. but here, he doesn't even need that extra protection.
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this gentleman was working in his store, doing nothing wrong. he is 61 years old. and these people came in and they robbed him and if he had not fought back, steve, we would be sitting here today talking about another murder in new york city by a bad guy running in, killing a worker in a store. and this is outrageous. he should have never been charged and especially, steve, even if that d.a. is looking see going there is no surveillance video. why in the world would they put half a million dollars bond initially on this lawn family man. >> steve: a judge did knock it down to where he is now out. >> yeah. >> steve: in. so video, pam, i don't know if you have got a monitor there. you can see that austin simon is the aggressor here.
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his girlfriend actually stabbed the bodega worker three times and she initially had lied to the cops and said i didn't touch him. i didn't do anything now. we see that she actually stabbed him a couple of times. she stabbed him first and now the d.a. hey in new york city says we are not going to charge her because she was defending her boyfriend the adepress sore who she had gone to get to beat up the guy who ran the grocery store. >> well, that's not the law. the d.a. is not following the law. i prosecuted for a very long time and, when you are a prosecutor, your job is to seek justice. this isn't justice for anyone. especially all the store clerks out there who now are going to be scared to defend themselves. probably scared to come to work this man was a law-abiding citizens, had he not defended himself, his family would be at his funeral this week. that's what would be happening. >> steve: right. >> so it's a tragedy. and hopefully this d.a. will
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follow the law. hopefully the mayor will get involved and say you need to drop this. you need to follow the law. because this is not justice under our constitution. this man is a victim and they have now charged him. but, you know, you can tell what a good man he is, steve. he has already came out and said i am so sorry. i didn't want to hurt anyone. >> steve: right. well, the mayor here has said, you know, he is has kind of sided with the man the bodega worker but he did not want to get involved in the politics of calling out the d.a. but, you got to wonder, and i know florida is a lot different than new york. you have got to wonder how many people sitting in new york think that the bodega worker should be charged like this? >> i can't imagine any human being in this country would. and, you know, this isn't to the mayor. this isn't about politics. this is about right and wrong. >> steve: oh, it's about politics. >> 61-year-old man protecting his store and his own life. he didn't put himself in that
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situation. he was working. and a criminal came in and we would have been sitting here under a very different situation had he not defended himself. >> steve: a think a lot of us would have done exactly the same thing. >> everyone would have. >> steve: thank you for joining us today from florida. let's see with new york winds up with a stand your ground law. don't hold your breath. meanwhile straight ahead on this tuesday, fentanyl pouring across our borders. you know that the latest drug bus where cpd seized more than 50,000 deadly doses. that is straight ahead. ♪
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♪ >> carley: we are back with your headlines, starting with this troubling story. a pair of brothers, just 10 and 14 years old have turned themselves in to philadelphia police following the brutal beating death of a 73-year-old man. this shocking footage shows a smiling group of attackers chasing the man before hitting him several times with traffic cones. although the two boys have turned themselves in. police have yet to formerly file charges against them at this time. 10 years old. johnny depp is rejecting ex-wife amber heard's motion to toss a defamation trial verdict requiring her to fork over
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$8 million. lawyers for the pirates of the caribbean star slamming the attempt writing, quote, ms. heard does not because it she cannot make any proffer as to why she cannot have discovered the new facts until now. herd's legal team crying foul over what they're calling a juror discrepancy. they claimed one juror filed misleading paperwork depp's team claims this was ironed out ahead of the trial. pennsylvania governor tom wolf legislation would have prohibited transgender women from participating in women's sports. the governor slamming the fairness in women's sports act saying, quote: i have been chris call clear during my time in office that hate has no place in pennsylvania especially discrimination against already marginalized youth. supporters of the bill say it ensures level playing field for biological females while opponents say it unfairly targets transgender athletes. watch this. onlookers capturing this video
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lounge chairs at resort pool in las vegas. the phenomenon is a small tornado that occurs on clear days. the videos show patrons fleeing the falling debris. some were treated at the scene after being hit. no serious injuries were reported. what a scene. over to you, brian. >> brian: i have never seen anything like that. thanks so much. appreciate it carley. now this. it isn't just migrants coming across the border but deadly drugs as well. cpd reporting in no gal less, arizona, two major fentanyl busts over 40,000 pills found stuffed inside a vehicle's battery. another 10,000 packed into a woman's body shaping garment. joining us now to discuss former d.e.a. agent, special agent he is derek -- does this surprise you. two ways in which they come over? >> absolutely not, brian. this demonstrates the hard work of cpd, the dea, homeland security investigations and their commitment to keeping america safe. last year alone in arizona, the
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d.e.a. working with their counterpart seized 12 million of these fake pills coming in from mexican labs. you have to realize that the mexican cartels are very sophisticated. they will do anything they can to get their product in america. but, unfortunately right now, brian, they are taking total advantage of the wide open border. our border patrol is saturated with migrant processing. they are not able to do the border security that they have been doing over the years. so the mexican cartels, it's a multi billion dollars enterprise. they are going to take advantage of weaknesses and vulnerabilities, unfortunately that's what's going on. they are smuggling experts, brian. they have been doing this for years. tractor trailers, railcars, sophisticated compartments, tractor trailers coming in with cucumbers and watermelons and everything else. they know what they're doing. they are trying to make billions of dollars and they have been
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able to do that for years. >> brian: we had 7745 pounds so far this year captured that's fentanyl. synthetic opioids like fentanyl in 2021, 71,238 deaths in 2020. 57,000. so the pace is picking up because the border is wide open. what's especially insidious about this is now they are starting to put some dye in there to make some of these pills look more attractive like candy to kids. what's the danger there? >> well, it is deadly, that's the danger. but, the cartels are using a very creative, deceptive marketing campaign to go after our kids. and this isn't admission new testament when the chinese criminals started importing, you know, exporting, you know, synthetic drugs, k 2 and spice, synthetic cannabinoids and using packaging like labeling scooby
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snacks. king kong, green giant because they know it's attractive to the kids. so the coloring is something that they are hoping is going to attract the kids. they are putting fentanyl in pills that are marketed as adderall. look at the ohio state students that died recently. they thought they were taking adderall during final weeks and they both died. two of them. two young girls. premed students. brian, it's just devious. it's all about making money. they are going to do. look at north carolina. just recently. they announced like five overdoses and allegedly there was a lollipop laced with fentanyl. this craziness is happening all over america. we haven't confirmed that there was fentanyl in that lollipop but that's the press reporting. that's the cartels, masters at deceptive marketing and going after our kids. enemy of the children. >> brian: sounds like rhetoric or something wrote, it's true. not like the daying doing coke
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they think it's illegal people think i will study some more let me grab some adderall i have no idea where it came from. the chinese make it, they give it to the cartels, cartels know how to get it here. the goal is to kill as many people as possible. don't let it be your family. that's wider rec maltz is here this morning. thank you so much. >> thank you, brian. >> brian: we will put a spotlight on that every single day. >> mean while, coming up on this show the justice department taking a swing at the pga tour for its behavior towards the liv golf series. will cain is in the t box the implications of this investigation. plus, learn how to walk the line like johnny cash. the only son of johnny and june carter cash shares the story of faith that guided his father's iconic career sing us out, johnny. ♪ i keep my eyes wide open all the time ♪ i keep the emerge tremfyant®.
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ains 80s high profile fight dividing professional golf now catching the eye of professional investigators. the doj probing the pga tour over potential antitrust violations in its battle against the saudi back liv golf league "fox & friends weekend" co-host will cain joins us now. good morning to you, will. >> good morning, ainsley. >> ainsley: good morning to you. so basically pga all these golfs were not allowed to denied request to play in the liv golf tournament. pga players who decided to play were suspended from the pga and a lot of the golfers are saying we want to be able to have access to play in some of these tournaments. do they have a case here? >> right, it's the question of whether or not these pga golfers and by extension the liv tour have antitrust case, monopoly case against the pga. i think the answer most likely, ainsley is yes. >> they are not direct edge
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employees. the pga saying you may not be an employee but if you are contracted with us you cannot work with anybody else. i know they have this nominal rule they will give you three passes a year and won't give you any passes to a tournament that conflicts with the pga event or takes place within north america. the truth is they are not going to give those passes away to the liv tour because they see it as a direct threat to their existence. and they are engaging now in these practice that say if you go somewhere else you are never going to play golf here. my suspicion is, just on the merits that liv and the golfers have a case. that the pga tour is acting with anticompetitive practices. >> ainsley: isn't the pga going to have to give a little? these golfers stand to make $25 million if they win a liv tournament that's big money that's generational wealth. all the good players are going to go play with liv.
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they don't care about being a are the path the pga. >> right. i don't know. they have already began to give a little, ainsley the pga has under some of their purses here is the teal the pga director said this if this is a war of dollars the pga will tour. the liv tour is owned, backed by the saudi arabiaen kingdom and you cannot keep up with the petro dollars of saudi arabia. he said we will lose in a war of money. and you can see this by the way playing its way across the sports world, playing out. in the world of sock other, for example, teams like paris saint germane in the french league or manchester city which i'm a fan of in the premier league are backed by rich oil countries. and they can purchase more players, pay more than other teams and they, by extension, win more. you simply can't keep up if you have to keep a fair balance sheet. now, that being said, that doesn't excuse you from american monopoly practices. so i don't know what the pga can do. maybe they answer your question
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of give a little and figure out some way to coexist and that would mean letting players play on both circuits. >> ainsley: that's right. what do you make about the timing of this? this is all happening doj investigation. and our president is going over to saudi arabia today. >> okay. so i just laid out to you, i think there is actually merit to the idea that the pga is acting anticompetitively. by the way, not just them. it is so fascinating that all of these brands and sponsors and everybody is distancing themselves from these golfers. you have master card and all these big banks because if they don't do business across the world and they definitely don't do business in china or saudi arabia. it's fascinating how everybody is so pure all of a sudden. i think that highlights this really isn't about morality or competition or rather it is simply about competition. it's about protecting their investment. that being said. the facts that i think it has merit doesn't set aside the fact that joe biden is headed to saudi arabia as we speak. that timing or he is headed there very soon.
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that timing is certainly curious that joe biden is going to meet with the saudi government and all of a sudden the doj is launching an investigation into one of their competitors, the pga tour. now, forgive me, despite the merits, if i have seen enough hunter biden, enough china, enough ukraine to think i'm not sure this investigation is all about the purity of the merits. >> ainsley: very curious. will cain, thank you so much. >> thank you, ainsley. >> ainsley: you are welcome. check in with senior meteorologist janice dean for fox weather forecast. hey, j.d. >> janice: hi, good morning. we are watching because we could see severe storms today maybe this evening into the overnight. so there are your temperatures right now. you know, not too bad. 72 for,new york. 73 in philadelphia. and then we will start to see these storms start to fire up later this afternoon with the daytime heating and even into the overnight. know where you are going to get your watches and warnings. fox download your app. and you will get those watches and warnings.
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there is the severe threat from the ohio valley up towards new england. that's going to be ongoing this afternoon and this evening. then we have this area of low pressure along the gulf. that's going to bring the potential for showers, thunderstorms, and even some flooding. even though if it doesn't develop it could get a name over the next couple of days despite that heavy rainfall will be the legacy of this. some areas could get 2 to 4, even 6 inches of rainfall. we will watch that the other big story is the heat. we are into the summertime heat but oppressive heat for parts of texas through the southwest. so just take all the precautions, check on the elderly, your kids, bring your pets inside. ainsley, over to you. >> ainsley: thanks, janice. coming up, he is known as the man in black. the journey of faith that led singer johnny cash to country music stardom. it is all told in a new book by the only son of johnny and june carter cash so don't go anywhere. ♪ why does my appearance always have a somber tone ♪ well, there's a reason for the things that i have owned ♪ i wear the black for the poor
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i d d so my y quesonons eouout hicacase.y y son, cacalledhehe bars s fi i d d soit was the best call eouout hii could've made. call the barnes firm and find out what your case all could be worth.uld've made. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪
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and find out what your case all when a truck hit my car,ade. ♪the insurance companyed, wasn't fair. eight million ♪ i didid't t kn whahatmy c caswa, so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to k how much their accident case is worth.h barnes. t ouour juryry aorneneys hehelpou ♪ >> ainsley: well, throughout his remarkable life, country music legend johnny cash remained a seeker of truth and faith.
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♪ i keep a close watch on be this heart of mine ♪ i keep my eyes open all the time ♪ i keep the instance out ♪ because you're mine ♪ i walk the line ♪ >> brian: in his brand new book, i should say in the new book walking the line, 90 devotions of truth and hope based on the faith of johnny cash. the only son of johnny cash and june carter cash bring readers into the faith that guided their iconic father's life. >> steve: john carter cash joins us now. john, good morning to you. >> ainsley: good morning. >> good morning, how are you guys? nice to talk to you. >> steve: it's great to have you. so the new book is called walking the line. i understand your dad said you know, how you live from day-to-day in light of the truth is up to you. that's what walking the line is. right? >> yeah. exactly. well, my father always said you can choose one kay or the other every day. and that he chose faith. and i'm glad he that he did.
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he had a life full of ups and downs and struggles. he was not perfect. he would wear that as a play card and he wasn't afraid to say that he had fallen short. a lot of people can connect with my father on different levels. that's what this is about. he was supportive in his christian faith to friends all around the world. all different walks of life. this is every man's book. and, you know, it's his words, actually and a lot of quotes in here that nobody has ever heard before. >> ainsley: john, i remember as a child my parents packed all the kids in the car and we went counsel to stadium in south carolina and we listened to billy graham speak in the stadium and your dad was actually on stage and talked about his testimony. how does he become a christian? >> so, i think i was there, actually that day. >> ainsley: we were there together. >> yeah. yeah. definitely so. you know, my dad's faith as a christian was something that he displayed with love and his relationship with billy graham for one thing was one of brotherhood and kinship. you know, there was no great mystery there.
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there was a friendship there. and you know, that faith that he had touched so many people, of course, in so many ways because my father was willing to stand up and say i have fallen. i have been broken. i have made mistakes but i choose love and i choose unity together and we are one people. >> brian: so here is an excerpt from the good. johnny cash left a powerful legacy because he used his platform to shine a light in injustice and hypocrisy. he spoke unpopular truths on those who had no voice. he sang for the misfits and forgotten in our culture. unapologetic about his relationship with god and reliance on god's leading. so, quick question. you say that we have not seen these quotes before. are these things that he has written or that you have heard? >> >> my father had autobiography came out in the 1990s called cash. and during the creation of that autobiography he walked with a fellow who was a co-writer sort of. they set and did a lot of
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interviews. so these were all recorded. and there is some quotes there from dad within the book. i mean, there are quotes in the book that people have seen before. there is a lot of things from those interviews in specific and then from all around the hills industry of my father's life. and, you know, dad reached tout people. and that's what this is about. it is as if these words live on in many different ways but my father is a very simple man. it was about love. it was about unity. it was about forgiveness. and he was very forgiving and one thing to remember nowadays i think in overstimulation of mass communication is let's forgive. let's be together. >> steve: right. your dad was actually on "fox & friends" back in the day before he passed in 2003. and we all knew him as johnny cash the man in black. what was he like to be a dad? i know he was gone 300 nights a year out with the schedule and tour dates and stuff like that. but was he like to be a dad? >> you know, i toured a lot with
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my parents actually when i was very young. we went from city to city together. we were a working musical family. i mean, i saw my father on stage. i saw him being looked up to and whatnot. but, my father in many ways never grew too big for his own britches as my mother would say. he never got any higher than his upbringing. and he carried that with him and he was kind and gentle. if he was more stuffed up and haughty and ego tis particular call i think it would have made it harder he was real. >> steve: john carter cash we thank you very much. the new book is called "walking the line" on store shelves july 19th and available for preorder now. >> ainsley: thank you so much, john. great talking to you. still ahead no go for joe. the new poll showing -- between the high interest, the fees... i felt trapped. debt, debt, debt.
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breakfast tacos in san antonio. >> the national hispanic journal association will say that we are not tacos! >> president biden leaving for the middle east tonight. the first visit to israel and saudi arabia. >> the administration talk about weapons. >> i don't think the president will get much oil but a great deal of embarrassment. ♪ ♪ >> steve: , brian, that there is your water, you know what to do. gradually get dressed. by the way, this is the reply. >> ainsley: i don't know who this person is. i know the band, but whoever sings this to me, sailing is so fun. right? who doesn't love being in one of
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those? >> brian: if you have a good voice. >> ainsley: may be good music, a little glass of wine. >> steve: listen, one of the best reality shows right now is all about sailing. >> ainsley: you love that show. once you start a little bit, i have to stick around to see what happened to the entree. >> ainsley: they had it on last night and i flipped through the channels, and i thought of you and it was mediterranean. and i was like the mediterranean sea, i love that area. i started watching -- i can't watch this. >> steve: it's going to be a new season here they have people from australia. >> ainsley: why do you love? >> brian: i love louisville. >> steve: just a picture -- very similar. come and sail away with us for another hour of "fox & friends" of "fox & friends." >> brian: by the way, if you are joe biden right now. >> ainsley: you are in trouble.
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>> brian: he's leaving. >> steve: stinks of eddie's leaving town. >> ainsley: we are talking about polls from the democrats. >> steve: we are talking about polls from "the new york times." they want so bad donald trump to beat donald trump a few years ago and he did. now look at that according to the new poll by "new york times" sunnybrook college, 64% of democrat voters were parent carries one a different candidate. you know what can i think ultimately in the beginning during the primaries when bernie sanders was way ahead and the party older said, "we can ever win, he isn't socialist." next thing they are pushing joe biden and joe biden said he would do one thing but he did do one thing he beat donald trump. what he sold america's much different than the life we are leaving today. that is why you look at is fuel policies and you look at the claimant policies, there is a lot of stuff going on. a lot of people just don't care about because prices are through the roof.
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>> ainsley: you want to know one of the reasons why they don't want biden to be the nominee. 33% say age, third say age, third job performance, 12% said they want someone new. 10% say he's not a progressive, really? could have fooled me if you look at his policies. 4% said not confident he can win. >> brian: that is the whole thing too, for republicans, nonpolitical people to say, he's doing a bad job and that's ways leaving. keep in mind he's doing a bad job because build back better is not jam down our throat and the court does not act to end the filibuster is not gone. some of the things that the republicans didn't happen, that is why they hate him so much it seems maybe not personally but professionally. 26% more nominated, 64% want to see a different person. yesterday's poll keep in mind for those that think this is ageism, 60% of those 65 and up also think he is too old to. >> ainsley: 94% of those 30
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and below one another candidate. >> brian: believe me if the guy that gets hot again bernie sanders, they will drag him out and do it because... speed to he's not young either and they are all saying it is because he's too old and they ae worried bernie sanders -- they want youngblood to. >> brian: he's got no energy. >> ainsley: there is a teacher in north michigan nicole and said she will come out and say it i want younger blood because i'm tired of the old people running our country. i don't want someone knocking out the door. >> steve: what would 24 look like? we have heard joe biden and kamala harris say if he rents i will be is running mate but the big question f. it is looking more and more like a lot of establishment democrats who do not want him to go forward because the policies are backfiring on the country. you know, but then again we looked at 2024 and apparently "the new york times" paired donald trump up with joe biden
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and still be donald trump 44%. to be when i saw something different last week. >> steve: i'm talking about -- beats donald trump by a margin of error. but 92% of democrats said they would still vote for joe if donald trump were the nominee. donald trump is still a motivating factor for the democrats. they would vote against trump if he was the guy. >> ainsley: elon musk was saying about age, he would love to see ron desantis run. >> steve: a lot of people would. >> ainsley: didn't trump say elon musk said the first republican ever voted for was my real floras donald trump said that's not true?
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>> brian: what do you believe but remember we real floras donald trump said told you about bernie sanders that's not true? who got behind joe biden and they liked each other personally but evidently joe biden was nice when no one else was because bernie sanders was in the senate and how this routes action socialist group put together this list. not only will they not support them but take action against them. with an email list of 1.2 million tweeted out current supporters. we are committed to nationwide organizing to prevent joe biden from being 2024 open house go and a large national organization has announced plans. donald trump according to the poll last week they were looking at, a higher approval ratings and joe biden. and that was surprising to a lot of people because nonstop drumbeat of what's going to be happening today the january 6 committee. but keep in mind, too, for those people out there to think to themselves what a breath of relief democrats think joe biden is bad up you are the only
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reason is because he's not left enough. the next one will be just as socialist, just green oriented unless they nominate joe manchin and he will never get the nomination under the democratic party. >> steve: joe biden is to left when it comes to the green agenda. that is why they can say, "we've got over a million leases for oil." >> brian: democrats don't want a drill. they want a green agenda. and joe can't deliver it but he wants to. >> steve: but you are saying people want him to be more liberal. a lot of people don't -- listen, i don't think that's accurate. you want democrats to be more moderate? >> brian: why is joe manchin not the nominee? >> steve: i think the big part is more moderate. there are people right and left of the democratic party. >> brian: name a moderate. >> ainsley: the old
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moderate, -- >> brian: he's the oldest democrats we know. >> steve: but for the most part with the exception of the super progressive, we want gas prices to come down. in the way to do that is to produce more stuff in the united states. count on that account, that is why joe biden is beholden to his super green liberal left. and that, unfortunately, is why his disapproval rating is through the roof. >> brian: if dick durbin, senator warner, senator manchin, if they want to gas prices to go down, they would sit there with mitch mcconnell and more moderate democrats like mitt romney and say, hey, we need to drill more. we need to cut back on environmental restrictions. we need to go back to natural gas. we can even use ukraine as an excuse. but not one democrat not named joe manchin has come out and say, i know had to get the gas prices down. we have to drill. we hey, joe biden, you go with
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wind executives instead of oil and gas executives. you are bad for the party. but instead he gets praised with the wind executives. they change their mind or don't have the guts to stand up. dick durbin over the weekend was interviewed, not a word about it. >> ainsley: i think if you had a democratic candidate that said, "look, we are going to start using american oil, we will start drilling more while mass-producing electric vehicles and put the plugs in everywhere, then maybe -- you don't think so? >> steve: getting the plugs everywhere as a big problem. >> ainsley: a huge issue the gas prices for every american. they have to fix the problem. >> brian: be realistic how you can fix it right now. have a great agenda but have it on a 10-year scale or something. >> ainsley: we all want the environment to be healthy. so, now let's turn to the story, the bodega worker in new york. >> steve: that's right. the post yesterday that
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new york city bodega worker jose alba, 61 years old charged with second-degree murder in the case of apparent self-defense. he is now speaking out and sharing that he was also injured when he was attacked. >> ainsley: the attacker's girlfriend is accused of entering jose alba but not facing any charges in the -- >> brian: bodega worker's railing around him charged with second-degree murder charge was self-defense. demanding all charges be dropped immediately. take a look. video of the incident showing alba attacked behind the counter with an ex-con with a lengthy history of violence. just look at that. d.a. alvin bragg to meet with the bodega group today and pleading with the d.a. to put himself in alba's shoes. >> alvin bragg seems to be a reasonable person as far as the conversation we have had with him, that i've had with him. he needs to understand that what
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he has done is a terrible mistake. and we are hoping he is going to come to his senses. >> brian: alba and austin simon and his girlfriend trying to move by a $3 bag of chips. he stormed into the store, alba tried to defuse the situation but alba grabbed a knife stabbing austin. alba asking for forgiveness saying he, too has lost a son. i didn't want to do this, but i'm also set up your data with the pain is. i ask that the please forgive me. a police source telling the new york source that d.a. bragg said the attacker's girlfriend was defending him and will not be charged at all. back to you. >> steve: will she be charged with lying to the police? >> brian: like i said earlier for not being charged with stabbing someone come i dealt they will be charged with lying to the police. it seems like they want to let
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this young lady walk no matter what. >> ainsley: rikers island but he's on antibiotics now and he's fine. >> brian: thank you. >> good morning to you. >> i got some news to get to, president biden will host the mexico's president today is the migrant crisis continues at the border. new video del rio, texas, shows dozens of migrants gathering and stop by the police. an apparent human smuggling operation and fox news witnessing one of the first incidents of busting migrants back to the border. it's the state's attempt to stamp the sturgeon illegal immigration. in culver city, california, caught on video appearing to rob a store in broad daylight. get this, wearing an ankle monitor. according to the police the man was on parole for another robbery. authorities say he entered the store with a gun drawn before jumping over the counter and taking about $500 from the
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register. they say he was later picked up by the police with the cash and the handgun seen in the video. the police and the city say they have seen a 90% increase in crime over the past two years. asset unveiling the first photo taken by the james telescope last night. president biden of revealing the image with the farthest distance ever seen by humanity. when nasa administrator promising more images, including some that are so precise that you will see whether or not planets are habitable. and today, we remember our late colleague tony snow who died from colon cancer on this day in 2008. tony was the first host of fox news sunday anchoring the show from 1986-2003. he served at the white house press secretary for president george w. bush who later called him "a devoted public service and a man of character." he was 53 years old. last fall fox news paid tribute
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to the late anchor unveiling the tony snow radio studio in our d.c. bureau. he was a legend. guys come over to you. >> brian: he was great and launched fox news radio right after that too, guys. >> ainsley: we were all they were together and he was 53 years old. >> brian: this guy did not have an enemy in the world. he was the nicest guy you'll ever meet. >> steve: his producer in the beginning was griff jenkins. >> ainsley: that is right. >> steve: god rest his soul. a quarter after the top of the hour. >> ainsley: chaos in china, the police roughing up protesters only trying to do my cast for their own money. frozen bank accounts on the next guest the marxist revolution and warning on the evil communism and the growing threat right here at home. >> brian: it seems like so much fun there. plus the stores raise prices and one raising money for our bureaus. a current surprise coming up straight ahead. >> ainsley: store stood a
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she joins us, good morning, great to see you again. >> good morning, thank you. >> ainsley: you're welcome. thanks for coming in. this is their money and their bank accounts frozen since april. they need money to survive and put it in the bank and can't get it. what is your reaction to this? many are being beaten because of this. >> yes, yes, okay, first of all, it is obviously the story tells us that china's financial -- is an financial crisis, but this is not just about bank wrong story. -- bank rob story. since the people that could not get their money out of the bank, this is very difficult for americans to imagine that you could put your hard-earned money in the bank and later told, "sorry, your life savings just vanished." the government refused to step in. i want to use this horrific incident to remind americans
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that china is not a normal country. it is a communist country through and through. ever since its founding in 1949. communists do not respect private property. they do not respect human rights and human life. these people are not fighting for political rights. they were merely fighting for the right to their own money! and later become a petition met with such overwhelming force. and you can see the people are handicapped, older, children come even pregnant women in. >> ainsley: but it's unbelievable. >> and also... speed to go ahead. >> i want to talk about the covid passport ever since the pandemic, implemented, the covid passport and everyone has to have the app on their phone. if your code is read, that means
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you are covid positive, and you cannot leave your home. ever since april, many people who went to the bank and demanded the withdrawal of their money from their accounts and the code turns to read. and so this is horrible that the chinese government weaponize the covid -- >> ainsley: even if they didn't have covid, they are trying to get their money? >> yes, yes. weaponize and american should pay attention. also, i want to say that this large protest was only made possible when people could communicate and mobilize a line. and they did not use the chinese facebook. because every activity was on
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strict surveillance by the government. they possibly got around the chinese firewall and used alternative social media, such as instagram. and we see the chinese government will have stricter crackdown alternative social media. and so, here is an example that we can see. when the big tech and the government work together to control information, people lose freedom. and americans should take notes. >> ainsley: you are right. you're absolutely right. america needs to pay attention. thank you so much for coming on. >> thank you. >> ainsley: you are welcome straight ahead president biden to lead with saudi leaders as we face the high gas prices.
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♪ ♪ >> steve: president biden to leave her controversial trip to the middle east or consequential i should say. he plans to meet with the saudi prince who he used to call pariah and there were many violation but the president will visit israel for a tour of different systems and stop and to the palestinian areas. trey yingst joins us live from jerusalem, hey, trey. >> hey, he will board a flight to israel when he arrives tomorrow and he will be greeted by prime minister. despite the political turmoil in this country, the jewish state is expected to focus the visit on variety of strategic interest. biden will show an array of missile defense to shoot down places like gaza. no major announcements on the palestinian conflict though biden will meet with palestinian president on friday before heading to saudi arabia.
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the visit comes amidst a regional threat from iran a major questions about stabilizing the global energy market. the clear and recent weeks to strike iranian facilities as the iranian republic with uranium enrichment towards a nuclear bomb. the ongoing threat with a bomb another conflict reading problems that will be addressed during the biden visit. reports over the weekend indicate russia will likely hold all gas supply to europe amidst the ongoing where with ukraine. biden visit to saudi arabia will address the kingdom's oil exports. national security advisor jake sullivan addressed oil output during a white house briefing. >> ultimately, that will be up to the countries to determine and so come i don't have anything to say from this podium right now because the discussions are best compliant behind closed doors. but we do believe there is a capacity for further steps that could be taken. >> while in saudi arabia, biden
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will meet with crown prince, a man he called a pariah during his campaign for president, brian. >> brian: all right, thank you so much trey yingst and mike braun, senator, as for the president's trip, the president doesn't seem to acknowledge it but will he try to blow that up like everything else donald trump had? >> you know, i hope not because that was a real achievement by the trump administration that was starting to get the whole middle east to tilt in our favor. when you look at what we are doing now, groveling over there, asking them to increase their supply. and by the way, those places are producing full tail because of the high price. i mean, it just doesn't make sense. it frustrated me because including the business of the federal government, you have to be smart enough and the sharp run even if it is counter to
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long-term goals. we should have never shot herself in the foot by eliminating our energy and go over and bag folks like saudi arabia. >> brian: ride to come if we continue to have a peace deal with iran and they ever say yes to a deal that will evaporate anyway, that would alienate everyone he is visiting from israel to saudi arabia. he had a perfect counterweight but he wants to be friends with them. >> well, i think when you say things like pariah and when you create the context that would make it difficult when you need someone, you have to be careful but that too. so come of course, he's trying to ease up on iran peer of the trump administration had that cold right. you can't trust people like them. now, it's caught us in a bind in it will be interesting to see how he navigates through it. >> brian: absolutely and he wants iran's oil back on the market to bring that price down
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like israel a government we don't recognize. on a domestic note, remember the american rescue plans that the president bragged about and he took a bow for it last week? getting more details, get this 33, they put all types of money into this equitable schooling, $33 saved spaces for students. $43,400 for museum tours with antiracism lens. $50,000 for equity and diversion mic diversity conclusion prek-12 students. did you know all this stuff was in there? >> when we tried to look at those kinds of bills that are generally dropped in your lap may be a day or two to look at kammerer office dug into it and found a lot of it. interesting that much of it is coming to the surface. brian, there is so much money sloshing around in that $2 trillion bill. only 10% of it went to covid. we will see more and more of this over time. it is part of the inflation bomb
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and now we see how it's blowing up around the country with stuff like this. it is no good. we have asked them to tell us what is left unspent? what do you have rat holdaway? we will see it little by little because we know if they did it all at once it would shock everyone big time and they will not pull it off. we will watch and sadly there will be more of it. >> brian: right, working with joe manchin to do another reconciliation only build back better. keep your eye on that and hold onto your wallet. meanwhile, this is the response box digital to the story, said this these were to support the vital -- museums recognized tribes and nonprofit serving organization serving native hawaii and, hawaii and provided to the community. aunt remain strong and relevant communities responding to the challenging issues of the pandemic. yes and times of strife, let's
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make sure museums can change their tours around. absolute emergency. senator, thank you so much for joining us. hopefully build back better will not be coming across her desk. >> let's hope it doesn't it doesn't. >> brian: go get them, senator. straight ahead, trouble for starbucks, the company to close more than a dozen stores and what is the latest twitter debate? whether or not the holocaust had white privilege? vivek ramaswamy response to that outrageous tweaked next. tweet next. on your time. schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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♪ ♪ >> steve: some twitter users are now debating whether or not holocaust victims and frank had white privilege. and the tweets claim and "could hide behind whiteness" and be famous for a diary that she
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didn't write. big tech took no action when it became a turning topic. the founder of the upcoming book "nation of victims." vivek ramaswamy. what do you make up what is going on? it sounds like somebody was trying to cancel ann frank for white privilege in the year 2022? speak with the last time i checked there is no privilege a teenage girl being hunted down and murdered for her religion. but the essence of what is going on is deeper than that. i think the fact that this hunt for someone else's privilege is really a hunt for your own excuse. aunt steve come i will tell you of victimhood has become such a powerful and valuable currency in the united states that the dirty secret is that before's actual victim story threatens the people who tend to follow in just a small lit's footstep wita made up story. it is a controversial topic but worth saying out loud, there are
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two inconvenient minority one is being jewish and the other asian. it is not a coincidence among the highest achieving demographic groups. that is not privilege. that is the product of hard work, strong family foundation, a concept that people of every race would do well to learn and be lifted up by them including the universal story of anne frank herself who offered an inspiring story to teach people the hardship is not the same as victimhood here this really got under my skin. >> steve: it is a head-scratcher how this started. the original tweet apparently has been deleted, but nonetheless, still one of the top trending topics on twitter on saturday was anne frank. they were talking about something they didn't understand how it started. it sounds like a lot of people didn't really understand her story. >> a lot of people don't understand her story, which is actually something to inspire people of every race whether or not they are jewish. this is a story of a girl in one
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of the most difficult situations in the greatest despairing circumstances who still found hope and meaning in her life as a young teenage girl. that was published for people long after her death to read even though her story ended tragically. that should be a universal message that lifts everyone up there that is why we read in high school and i think more people should read it instead of criticizing some made-up narrative of her privilege. >> steve: sure. we did reach out to twitter for comment and we have not heard. speaking of twitter commit was a day ago elon must announce to you know what i'm pulling a plug on my deal. there is a billion-dollar poison pill for him to walk away and he will wind up in court. but ultimately, he wanted the numbers to prove how many fake accounts there were. and if twitter is going to hold him into court, they would try to prove their case, they would have to rebuild the numbers that he was trying to get along. >> yeah, look, the way this dispute ends anyone's guess. this is unprecedented case
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taking a merger to court. as the court going to order specific performance and make them follow through the acquisition? at this scale it would be unprecedented. elon musk whether or not he follows through with this deal, lays the president for others to say exercising your power as a shareholder and has an owner ofs including public companies can be in underappreciated way to drive positive cultural change that both make the company more valuable and restore our culture of free speech and open debate. whether or not elon follows through, i can tell you, i'm part of the movement myself and i think there will be other people that step up as shareholders to drive that change peer that will be a part of the legacy of the story regardless of whether this deals completed. >> steve: with let's see what happens, thank you for joining us today. 7 minutes until the top of the hour and carley joins us with the local barista. >> that's right starbucks closing a dozen stores with
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safety concerns. it is shedding 16 cafes in five cities after report of workers with drug use by members of the public and other complaints about crime. starbucks is also giving managers leeway with restrooms, limited seating or reduced operations. they will also be providing baristas on active shooting scenarios and conflict de-escalation. peloton. reducing its exercise bikes and treadmills as part of an attempt to reduce cost. that home exercise brand will no longer use production facilities it acquired just three years ago. instead, it is moving manufacturing to company in taiwan. the ceo will cut nearly 3,000 employees in february of this year. since the start of 2022, peloton stock price is down 75%. manhattan makes a stunning return for the second annual appearance in the big apple. these breathtaking photos
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capturing one of the best sunsets the city has to offer making appearances that last only a few days in may and july. there are several advantage points where this phenomenon can be seen. but some of the most popular are on 34th street or 42nd street. just hits that skyline just right. >> steve: that's right. you can stand on the east side and looked through the canyon of skyscrapers to the west side and setting a new jersey. >> where your sunglasses. >> steve: indeed. thank you very much, carley. it is a quarter for the top of the hour and j.d. has air travel steps to start our fox weather forecast. >> unfortunately, not great. if you take a look at some of the statistics, we have over 8,000 in the air and over 600 delays and 167 cancellations peer of the worst cancellation new work, new jersey, chicago, dallas and the worst delays loss
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and new york. it is quite trying. let's look at the thunderstorms happening across the country. the development of mexico, the plan states, ohio valley to the northeast. we are watching a potential for severe storms today for the northeast from maine all the way to the southern appellation and these will bring potential for hail damaging winds and isolated tornadoes later this afternoon. we are getting into the rush hour so be aware of that. those watches and warnings in the morning and low pressure to linger across the adult coast. it could develop into something tropical but regardless, it will be heavy rainfall in this region for the next several days. the forecast across the south, hot, humid, dangerous. we have a heat advisory for a lot of these folks and it looks like dallas, texas, you will remain above 100 degrees for the next week. steve, air conditioning is your friend come over to you. >> steve: okay. it feels like the middle
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of july, thanks j.d. all right coming up or get raising prices. this grocery store chain has raising money for military families. the surprise in store's to help patriots in need. but first, let's check in with bill hemmer for a preview what happens on the channel in 13 minutes. >> good morning, looking forward to seeing that, thank you. how do they rate the best candidates and where is donald trump on that list? big trip overseas starts later today. what will the u.s. and joe biden get from it? but before that happens, the mexican president is at the white house. when they think change the border? good question. and deeper into space than ever before, we will talk to an astronaut who has been there. come join dana and me in 12 minutes. see you there at the top of.. te hour. some like a little comfort, to balance out the risk. others want immediate gratification...
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♪ ♪ >> brian: at their stores are raising prices but raising money for american heroes and for the fifth year in a row parent company and their customers are supporting a nonprofit providing thousands of scholarships, as you know to spouses and children of fallen or disabled military members. >> ainsley: the founder dan, gives foundation
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president raymond ray joins us now, good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> ainsley: dan mino they have been raising money year after year but how is this helping the kids that you sent to college? >> ainsley, there is a half percent of this country that woke up this morning and that scripture john oak 15: 13 know better to lay down your life or a friend. and giving patriots an opportunity to say thank you. it is the most patriotic first in america hands down and $5.5 million donated this year. there will be a surprise check coming. it is great americans saying thank you to the military and the sacrifices they have made. over 3 million dependents have had someone killed or disabled in iraq and afghanistan. 9 out of 10 with the federal education system and southeast brochures and customer step in
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and say, hey, we will take care of these families. >> brian: why did this, why folds of honor? >> you know, on behalf of southeastern grocers and 424 stores and 38,000 associates, we are so proud to partner with lieutenant colonel dan rooney and folds of honor in support of the military families. really, communities are at the center of what we do and folds of honor is giving back and paying it forward by helping families pay their way through college. >> brian: $0.91 of every dollar goes to the families, which brings us to the price. what exactly have you raised for folds of honor? >> so, the way it works is that through the six week program, customers have the opportunity to round up the grocery bill to the nearest dollar or give a
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donation over the six week program. and so, i am so proud to announce that we were able to raise $1.3 million. >> ainsley: that's awesome. >> brian: are you kidding? >> $1.25 million. >> look at this, that's fantastic. so, danna, the big cardboard check at his location. what are you going to be able to do with all of that money? >> you know, steve, we will send 9,000 families to school this august. that is about $45 million in life-changing education out the door. we are also proud, too, 41% of participants are minorities. we struggle to find the path of unity and equality in america, there is no greater bridge than education. we are blessed to have southeastern grocers and all of the co behind this. we are changing lives together
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and taking care of our military. i don't call it rounding up to the next dollar but rounding up for freedom. we are so blessed to pay it forward on behalf of all of the customers that donated and all of the associates at southeastern grocers. >> ainsley: how does it feel good to work for a company that wants to get back and making a huge difference in the lives of these kids? you remember when you applied to college and you wanted to go to your school of choice but it was too expensive. we have all been there. you are giving these children an opportunity and an education. thank you so much, how do you feel question work >> you know, we are so thankful for the generosity of our customers and associates who gave spirit southeastern grocers is so proud to stand shoulder to shoulder wn rooney and folds of honor in support of military families. >> brian: absolutely. lieutenant dan, thank you very much for joining us from the tulsa area and raymond rhee, thank you very much. it is a win-win for the folks at
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winn dixie. >> ainsley: that was the grocery store in my neighborhood growing up. >> steve: if you would like to contribute as well, dan is always looking to help more people. go to folds of thank you very much. >> ainsley: thanks, guys. >> god bless. >> brian: more "fox & friends" and just a moment. ♪ ♪ ld only imagine enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn?
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a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. and don't take it if you are on dialysis. take aim at chronic kidney disease by talking to your doctor and asking about farxiga. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. ♪far-xi-ga♪ ♪♪ subway's drafting 12 new subs for the all-new subway series menu the new monster has juicy steak and crispy bacon. but what about the new boss? it looks so good it makes me hangry! settle down there, big guy the new subway series. what's your pick?
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>> look at that. the camera guy. >> camera from south mountain. >> we'll be there for the super bowl, isn't it there this year? >> go to las vegas. fox to fox has back-to-back super bowls. enough football talk. >> have a nice day. see you tomorrow. >> bill: thanks, good morning. 9:00 in new york. could it be one an done? if democrats have their way there will be no biden 2024 and the white house looks the other way. tuesday, i'm bill hemmer, hello to you at home. >> dana: i'm dana perino. this is "america's newsroom." i would look away, too, if i was in the white house. they are talking about it and why you see so much chatter. not just republicans expressing frustration with president biden. majority of democrats want someone else to run in 2024 according to a "new


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