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tv   The Five  FOX News  July 12, 2022 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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sometimes in this ruckus day and age, politicians screaming at each other, tax cuts, no tax cuts, spending, stop the spending, we step back and look at the heavens and realize that we are about a small fragment of that universe. something to behold, something to make us think. here is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> hello, everyone, i am dana perino, along with jesse watered and greg gutfeld, this is 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." the white house already reeling from a long list of problems now has a new little headache to deal with, first lady jill biden causing some controversy for not apologizing to hispanic voters. >> this organization with the
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understanding that the diversity of this community as distinct and as beautiful as the blossoms of miami and as unique as the breakfast tacos here in san antonio is your strength. >> dana: historic lee hispanic journalists not happy saying it encourages the first lady and her communications team to better understand the complexitf our people and communities. we are not tacos. jill biden's press secretary issuing an apology. the first lady apologizes at her words displayed anything but pure admiration and love for the latino community, but the first lady finding sympathy from some in the media. >> the first thing as they are probably huddling today, you know jill biden and that's not who she is. >> we all, i don't know if we
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all have stepped in it. i know i have stepped in it. so dr. jill, just we get it, we understand what you're trying to do, and just try not to do it again. >> i want to give her points for showing up. because for four years we had an administration where nobody showed up. >> dana: all right, all right, all right. i think that part of this thing, greg, when you want to extend grace then karma, you should be giving that to other people as well. and conservatives, we read everything that they are going to say or tweet or speeches they are going to give because they know that the chances of them being canceled are about 110%. even if they don't mean it, even if it was just a misstatement or even if it's a clumsy attempt at a joke. >> greg: part of me says turnabout is fair play, but the big thing is playing to diversity is embarrassing no
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matter who does it. and it's worse when you have to apologize afterwards, trump did not apologize over the taco salad as funny as that was, but i think that the issue is that it is terrible to compare people to food or even mexican food especially dr. jill biden, she has a medical degree and has status and prestige, i mean, she has the whole enchilada. and you look at her and is still quite attractive. i bet in her day she was one hot tamale. like her husband who is falling apart like a burrito you eat while driving. >> dana: that is difficult to do. >> greg: i guess what i'm saying is she should not apologize, she did not do anything wrong, whenever somebody says something out of their best intentions, just leave them alone, but i do get and understand the desire to do it. but the media loves this stuff, because if you don't pander you are a bigot, and if you do, you are a benign patronizing bigot.
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>> dana: the interesting thing was that it did not just come from the right, it's unusual to go after a first lady unless you are melania trump, but the national association of historic hispanic journalists are the ones who took offense. like the calls coming from outside on the left. >> jesse: somebody who is agile and walking the fine lines of ethnic sensitivity is, i think it is okay what she said, it's just a matter of how she said it. you don't go to a columbus day event and say, you know, you guys are like a bunch of meatballs. you know. you can say that you like italian food, right? that is a difference, but as a white irish catholic female from the east coast she could've gone out and said my ancestors made a lot of contributions to this great country, but food was not one of them. and then you say in your case, you guys made so many contributions especially on the culinary department, as a matter of fact our household, my
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children like taco tuesdays better than thanksgiving and then you say, and i explained that the pilgrims did not eat tacos. probably alive, but it does not matter. but the problem is political correctness has made it impossible for whites to pander to ethnic groups, because you look ridiculous when they do it, because they are like i'm the good white, i'm the democrat white. i like your music, i like your food. what do you want to do them ocarina? let's wear tribal robes and i will kneel with you and i keep hot sauce in my first. you have to be kidding me with that, so then the black hispanics are like will be scorning white people shut up and just tell me how they are going to reduce gas prices. so this could not come at a worst time for joe biden as he is losing hispanic votes and has the ashley diary, hunter's laptop, jill, we did not need this right now? who is writing your speech? jesse watters? so it's clumsy when she does it
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because it is blatantly pandering, the trump taco thing was cool because it was transactional. he is like they love me i got them the money for the hbcs, the evangelicals, i put the judges in there and we say merry christmas again, the jews, i moved to the to jerusalem. you give me this i will do that. but when she says that it is cringe. >> dana: i think on this point, the president's approval with hispanics according to "the new york times" poll is 30% approve, 53% disapprove and not because of a line about tacos, it is about the policies, energy policies, gas prices, inflation. education, et cetera. >> judge jeanine: back to the answer that i think you are asking is that this is minuscule in the scheme of things. the reason that he is at a loss with democrats and i would call last week the 26% or the week before approval rating of
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hispanics was because he is not in favor of protecting the border. he is not in favor of protecting the safety and security of the american people as it relates to crime. he is not fighting for gas prices. all of the things that hispanics are no different than the rest of us, they are people. they want to make sure they have money in the bank or money at least to pay their bills and they want food for their kids and they want their kids to be bathed. but this pandering, some of it is bigoted. and i'm not going to criticize her, i don't think she matters in the scheme of things. she really doesn't. and i think it's outrageous that every time melania trump tries to show up or anything during the trump years, they destroyed her before she even showed up and then they say, oh, she never showed up. she tried a million times, no one's before they made fun of our first five languages. >> judge jeanine: yeah, and that she was illiterate or something. my point is that you can't assume that you have any
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particular group and you can pander to them and you can't say, you know, if you are not black if you don't vote for joe biden. let it all go, we are all americans, just let it go. joe biden had that, it years ago don't remember something about -- i think it was the indians, i mean stop it, we are all americans. >> dana: as jesse pointed out, okay, that's just joe, but if it was somebody else it would be something worse. i want to play this sound bite for harold, this is about the fact that you have seen in the last 35 days or so joe biden and the administration being attacked by other democrats, so here it is on that. >> a pretty rotten spring of luck, but the problem with the young people is especially accused and you are right to signal it. in the election joe biden's strongest cohort was a 23-year-old, the youngest voters at 60%, just thought at 25. that is in part some of the
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other leaders of his party are undermining him with younger voters. they are attacking him instead of attacking republicans. it is an enormous problem. >> dana: that was a long way of saying that it's a problem that democrats are attacking biden. >> harold: everybody gets them around the table. >> greg: what is under the hat? >> harold: first of all, i agree with everything that has been said about jill biden. i think politics is payback on top of payback, and when it gets smaller and smaller and smaller in the infractions are inoffensive, even less relevant or immaterial, we can't help ourselves. it's funny coming or opening. he is -- he is right. the democrats who are criticizing biden, biden is being criticized for pursuing their way of politics. i'm sorry, the progressives, the progressives are saying he is
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not progressive enough. if i am joe biden i kind of like wary us, because of the progressives are attacking you and the republicans are attacking you, that means you are probably where the majority of the country is, which are those that think we should have the right to choose 16 out of 20 weeks. those that think we might have a crime commission or really goes after d.a.'s that are not doing their jobs, police chiefs that are not doing their job. a real focus on inflation, meaning we get back to energy and do the things that we should be given the certainty to have. this is a moment for joe biden to break out and if i was the white house i would encourage him to do the things that we talked about in this set and yesterday. don't look at this moment as a moment of weakness, view it as a moment of strength. to the country is waiting for him to break out and be the president permit disposition standpoint that we thought we were electing two years ago. >> dana: we should stay tuned, and we shall. up next, kamala harris rolling out the red carpet for mexico's president, but is the white house doing anything to
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♪ ♪ >> greg: border sheriff kamala harris rolling out the red carpet to honor mexico's president at the white house today and has been in charge for the border for over a year, but does not have much to show for it.
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things are breaking records every month and fentanyl finding its way to american streets. despite all of her many failures, mexico's president gave some big praise. [speaking non-english language] >> so i congratulate the american people. >> greg: that is comedy. arresting nearly 2600 migrants in the lone star state. including 10,000 in just one town. kamala harris says greg abbott should be taking it as seriously as she is. >> i would suggest that so-called leaders focus on solutions instead of a tax if they really are concerned about the problem. and that's where i think everyone should be focused. if they are actually concerned about solutions instead of flame
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throwing. >> greg: he would make sense if she actually had a solution to give, but she hasn't, harold. it seems like all she will do is serve breakfast tacos. >> harold: i think we would all have some agreement. the atf, the dea should be the lead down there on that border. we have said it, the judge and i've talked about it in the past that we need more judges down there and there needs to be more clarity around our process. the threshold to be able to get in the country should be clearly defined and i think that it should be raised. so the people are not waiting months if not years to have a hearing to be heard whether or not they should be able to come to the country. i applaud the vice president in this regard, the conditions of why so many people are, and i know that we can debate the politics and say that joe biden has asked people to come and then we need to be more like president trump was as it
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related to the border, but there's no doubt that conditions in these countries economic conditions and weather conditions are causing people to want a better life. i salute people that want to come and make a better life for their families, but you can't come illegally. you can't come with drugs and the biggest concern that i have about the border is the security issue for potential terrorists and even more important, the drugs that are coming across the border. and china as a big part of that as well. >> greg: yes, china. what do you think? >> jesse: have so many things to say. it >> greg: is writing away. >> harold: do you agree? >> dana: yes, and so much agreement, i think that the timing is very interesting, you can imagine one taco gate erupted that the white house staff goes oh, god, check the menu. are we serving tacos tomorrow? if so, throw them out. and for the first time you're talking about immigration on a major topic of the day even short for the network news and kamala harris has been doing
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pretty good, because she is not the one under the microscope being ridiculed today, that honor has gone to the first lady. i was pretty surprised at karine jean-pierre, the press secretary said that what governor abbott is trying to do is getting dangerously close to stepping on her toes. but that would imply that you're moving your feet at all, not true, and it is -- they should be your toes coming should be doing something and if you are not doing it, someone else showed. on the drug thing i saw in "the new york post" a young woman -- i don't know what the denomination was, saw money on the street, picked it up and went to the hospital, why? because it had been laced with fennel, so she's not doing drugs, she is up money. >> jesse: i thought she threw her back out, swear to god. i thought that was the headline. >> greg: do you think she just picked up the dollar? come on.
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i do not read the story either, so i can say that. as an ignorant person, i can say just about anything i want. what is the first name? cringe. i just came up with that. it does kind of bugged me to hear them kind of like going after abbott who has a solution, just following the law and arresting people and they are saying that's not a solution and is creating chaos. >> judge jeanine: saying as karine jean-pierre, she is saying that it is creating chaos and confusion at the border and it's as if the border is not already a mess. i want talk about that now, here's what i want to talk about. the fact that the mexican president has been quoted as saying he is not going to prosecute the criminals and drug cartel given the human rights consideration he believes, folks, that these dirtbag drug dealers deserve hugs, not bullets. not that i am promoting bullets, but i think that at some point
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today have to be stopped. but that is neither here nor there, listen, they just picked up 75, 100 pounds of at one traffic stop and both of the individuals who were arrested and ended up being released on the street. now, do you think that they are going to come back to their court date? i guarantee you they will not. i will bet my house on that. and then we have mexican drug cartel busting with $1.2 million of crystal. they were freed based off of bail. so what we have here is a president who is signaling that the border is open, they are signaling to the mexican president who would blame all kinds of complements to kamala harris and has to be out of his mind. what has the woman done other than the word salad? you look for it every week. but what has he done? the mexican president is engaging in allowing all of these people to come into the
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united states, fentanyl, human trafficking, drug trafficking, and is just turning america into a cartel network. and the president is signaling that it is okay. because i have never heard the president talk about fentanyl at the border, have you? have you heard him talk about fentanyl at the border? i have not, they have seized and securing everyone in the united states just from touching it, so there is a stronghold in the country? >> greg: we have not heard a peep from them about the border patrol agents in terms of apologizing as she can hear them to slave owners. >> jesse: they have not been asked by the media about that, that's how you get away with not saying anything, does the president of mexico not speak english? because we have had previous mexican leaders that have come to the country and of spoken english and in front our president or vice president.
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because they did fox interviews and was very combative. muy bien that's all i know. and biblioteca. you can't have record profits and using them as a launching pad and snubbed the summit in los angeles and joe biden is out there sitting next to the president of mexico like a head tech president and saying this is a partnership, but the whole hemisphere has challenges, he never mentions cartels or border patrol, never mention china. he has to do more than he is doing right now. if you have a motto and you are a president of mexico, hugs not bullets. you are owned by the cartel. even soros is like it's a little soft. imagine if they got fox news
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down there they would have a field day. we will probably be dead after the show. but come on. i am not expecting joe biden to do anything. right now the president on the united states when it comes to the border is greg abbott. i'm just going to call him president abbott, you should've come to austin, not washington, because that's where the real action is. >> greg: all right. i took spanish, but in my spanish class to barry bonds used to cheat off of me. sophomore year, he used to kick my chair so he could look at my spanish tests. that was you, barry. you are watching. >> dana: i bet he is. >> judge jeanine: why would someone kick the chair? >> greg: so i would move my paper. it's been on so you had the agreement ahead of time? >> greg: it was an agreement that the baseball player would not beat me up. >> harold: next and liberal
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city. >> greg: liberal city is getting worse with schoolkids walking through an open air, that is next. >> tech: when you have auto glass damage, trust safelite. in one easy appointment... ♪ pop rock music ♪ >> tech: ...we can replace your windshield and recalibrate your advanced safety system. >> dad: looks great. thanks. >> tech: stay safe with safelite. schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ hi! need new glasses? get 50% off a complete pair at visionworks! how can you see me squinting? i can't! i'm just telling everyone! hey! for a limited time, get 50% off for back to school. visionworks. see the differenc.
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♪ ♪ >> harold: big cities struggling to deal with lawlessness out of san francisco showing children forced to navigate their way through homeless people doing drugs after getting off the school bus. in los angeles olympic medalist kim glass almost blinded and left with multiple facial fractures after she was hit with a metal pipe by a homeless person. >> before i knew it a big metal
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pipe hit me right here, here. it happened so fast. he clearly swung it from the street, so he was not even close to me at all. and took me down, and now there's a lot of mentally ill people on the streets right now, should not have to be fearful when we walk, but you do. just be safe. >> harold: the stories are disturbing, not just in los angeles and san francisco, but telling the story over the last few days in television, what are your thoughts about this? >> dana: i am devastated for her and i am thankful that she was willing to -- she is a beautiful woman who is going to say here is what happened to me. and she is despondent over it in terms of what is happening in our city. so because of the stories, they are so many of them, yeah, a lot of people are feeling this way i think. and what i thought was just incredible is that video of the
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san francisco kids having to walk through the drug den looks like a movie set. playing that on a loop over and over. and where's gavin newsom? >> judge jeanine: absolutely. >> dana: when this is happening under his nose, that's your hometown. he wants to run against -- okay. >> greg: telling people to leave florida to come to california. >> dana: and i admire the people that are putting up the videos, making it more real and more likely, hopefully that we will learn about it. >> harold: greg, you talked a lot about -- >> greg: yes, we all do. >> harold: you talk a lot of times. but listen, you talk a lot about the need for mental institutions and health institutions, arresting these people who are committing these types of crimes, they need to be in a mental institution nor fake j.lo
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are just some hybrid? how should we think about it? >> greg: honestly they need to be compelled to be institutionalized. and we have advocated that with responsibility. we somehow believe that it's someone's right to be a harm to others in a harm to themselves. we did not used to think that way, that changed in the 60s and incidents with what happened to the athletes they would captivate change society. you think about the burning gets moment and the utah tourist that was killed in new york. but i think that the media decides that unless you contain the violence for trump supporter's it's really not that exciting to them and this stuff is just, oh, that's just another thing. it will go away. we need to touch on, i don't know if you guys did it yesterday with the children, but the real ugliness is against women. if you think about it, it's like, where the feminists? you know, your gender is getting
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its kicked on the streets in sports and in dictionaries, so what are you doing? nothing. >> harold: your honor? >> judge jeanine: i think the saddest part of the story as the kids that have to see that. they have to witness and see people shooting up, buying drugs, may be dead on the street in san francisco when dana has are absolutely right, this guy wants to run for president when he has a city that is a mess like that and california, this kim glass, she is gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous. what we are experiencing now is just a basic takedown of america where a law and order does not matter anymore. and what they want to do in san francisco as they now want to have community people and not police respond to low-level calls regarding emergency calls with the homeless. can you imagine? going and getting hit with that metal pipe and then shooting up with who has dirty needles in
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the community worker to go in that is not a cop? we are just asking for it to get worse. and it's just horrible. and by the way, right now i just want to say one more thing, now that alan greg is talking about letting the bodega or owner with the dismissed charges, i don't know what is taking him so long? both guys are making decisions, but they have made a decision that he's not going to charge the woman who started the whole thing who was furious, who went home and got her boyfriend, and the owner of the bodega was rude to her and three times that's an assault in the second degree in new york and they are not going to charge him. i mean, there is violent crime going on and people are just accepting it. >> greg: she is a widow now. >> judge jeanine: i don't think they were married. >> harold: i will come to jesse where they talk about how they are renaming schools.
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>> dana: $500,000 and basically destroyed a mural of george washington. like maybe buy some books or fix your circulation. >> harold: or get the homeless off the streets. >> jesse: i'm sorry, you can never listen to what a liberal says. they say that they care, they say that today are going to give you free college, they are going to give you your kid free day care, they are going to give you free health care. their entire governing philosophy as we are going to help people and provide a safety net. do they ever help a homeless person? they don't even talk about them. they let them fester and decay in filth and drug addiction and die in the streets. and they say that they care about kids and they have kids marching over zombies to school. they say that they care about women, where they get slammed in the face with a pipe, they don't talk about that. they say they care about the environment.
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you know how many liberals i know that don't buy carbon cloth sets, or tesla's coming to see them live in manhattan, just throw it right there. they don't care about the environment. watch what they do. >> greg: there are some amazing generalities in there. >> harold: a warning of a covid comeback as a a new strain spreads. ♪ ♪ ♪ so i climbed into the cab, and then i settled down inside ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere, man ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere, man ♪ ♪ of travel i've had my share, man ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere ♪ ♪♪
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♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: at the never-ending covid crisis for the biden administration as millions of americans resume their normal lives, the white house has reportedly set to once again extend the covid public health emergency. it comes as a new dominant
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omicron strain dries up cases. but critics wonder if an extension is needed at all, and dr. fauci is back and telling americans the pandemic isn't over. >> everybody wants to put this pandemic behind us and feel and hope that it does not exist. it does. and we are not talking about mandating anything, but recommending people when they are in an indoor congregate settings to wear a mask. those are simple doable things. >> judge jeanine: all right, greg, indoor congregate settings to wear a mask, those are simple things. we are not demanding it, but i remember it all started with was in it 15 days? >> greg: if you follow the science, the advice is always going to change, so you have to give them a little bit of leeway, but at this point they have no way to tell the difference between a real serious or minor threat meaning
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that this could go on forever. so it's up to the american public to say, sorry, dude, you are a hack, we have had enough. we should only be paying attention to the hospitalizations in the death rates. do not get bogged down in the case count based on tests, because the more that everybody is testing, the more you will find cases, that is true with everything, so you find more positive cases. if you start seeing a higher hospitalization then of course, look at it. but right now you can do this forever it would never stop. spin on the health of human services secretary says that he expects this new variant, i mean, he expects it is going to come in fall or winter, isn't that around -- >> dana: it is interesting they are trying that, they said a few months ago they are only going to count hospitalizations and deaths, but now all of a sudden we are back to counting cases and people making decisions like maybe wearing
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masks again, basically unfortunately they render the word emergency truly useful list. they now talking about a public health emergency for abortion assets which does not make any sense. this is a different take that the white house could have done with all of this. this is great, there's a new variant, it strong, but guess what, we have so many people vaccinated and people act on the thing that our hospitals are not going up, so just be smart and vigilant, but let's cut ourselves some slack and pat ourselves on the back. and then he could say, but they don't do that, they would rather have the emergency. >> judge jeanine: you know, the biden administration promise they were going to shut down the virus? >> harold: i think they did and they would argue this is their effort to do this, but i am like everybody, i am fully vaccinated, double boosted, i had covid, my family, my kids are too young, they have had two
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shots, and i think that the reason i did not get really sick when i had it was because it did not progress to me because i have taken the steps. i hope that more and more people who are not fully vaccinated are boosted will use this as an opportunity to do that. the very first time i came on the show was april of last year and jesse made the point that hey, i am fully vaccinated. i think you are fully vaccinated at that time coming you said i ought to be able to behave in a way that i don't have to wear the mask and do all the things and i still subscribe to that. i do think that there is some ambiguity and uncertainty around that and i applaud them for at least letting us know this and i'm hopeful that the hospitalizations and deaths do not go back up. spin on the fact that california has now talking about indoor masking, isn't this just another thing that is going to divide the country again? >> jesse: it is and it will hurt governor newsom out in california which i don't mind, it's called covid-19 omicron sub
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variant to va five, judge. do you know what that means? it means horrible branding. you can't take the weakest strain of omicron make it a sub variant and then add two letters, a decimal point and a letter to it and people are not going to take that seriously. we have left this restaurant, we are done with this thing. >> judge jeanine: coming up, we are celebrating 11 years of "the five" and 11 years of the sexiest man on cable news greg gutfeld. ♪ ♪
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subway's drafting 12 new subs, for the all-new subway series menu. let's hear about this #7 pick, from a former #7 pick. juicy rotisserie-style chicken. you should've been #1. this isn't about the sandwich, is it chuck? it's not. the new subway series. what's your pick? >> tech: when you have auto glass damage, trust safelite. the new subway series. this dad and daughter were driving when they got a crack in their windshield. [smash] >> dad: it's okay. pull over. >> tech: he wouldn't take his car just anywhere... ♪ pop rock music ♪ >> tech: he brought it to safelite. we replaced the windshield and recalibrated their car's advanced safety system, so features like automatic emergency braking will work properly. >> tech: alright, all finished. >> dad: wow, that's great. thanks. >> tech: stay safe with safelite. schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: celebrating 11 years of "the five" again, because someone was not here yesterday and he is mad he was left out, so we are doing it even bigger and better for greg. greg, we have props for you. and cake. >> judge jeanine: not more cake, oh, my god.
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>> greg: wow, what is that? those are amazing. >> jesse: can we put this up so everybody can see? look at that cake right there! before you know, he slices them upcoming a slice these up, i have never before? i have to do a show in 10 minutes. this is how you celebrate. >> judge jeanine: i have eaten so much on the show. what did you say? >> jesse: nothing. it would not be the same without the man, the myth, the unicorn loving ledge and we all is greg gutfeld. humble beginnings as those shows coffee boy and fitness trainer, total dominance as the king of late-night slaying all the liberal late-night competition. are you getting enough attention now? >> greg: yes.
2:51 pm
>> dana: and the balloons. >> jesse: you can't inhale them. >> greg: it's amazing. >> harold: do we have any more footage of the people who set all of the nice things yesterday? >> judge jeanine: was there any footage of people who said nice things? >> greg: this is for me, i get to say something. we should think all the fans. the show is amazing. every year it just keeps getting better and better and better. larger and larger and it's amazing, people that hate our side of politics still love the show. because we are real people and we talk about real stuff and we act like real people. >> dana: we are really funny. >> judge jeanine: and you are funny. >> jesse: are you finished, you unicorn lover? >> dana: animals are great. >> jesse: we have some more in store. did you find something?
2:52 pm
>> greg: ♪♪ i'm greg gutfeld ♪♪ >> judge jeanine: it's 5:00 in new york city in that hand is greg. >> greg: can we contemplate him like we would a painting by vermeer. it's like i have a medical disorder. this book is doing great, by the way. purchase my book. it's the monologues. i have one for everyone of you. and i forgot to sign them. i've been carrying the show forever. jesse and i are no longer friends. we are no longer friends, and it's not even a human being. the thing is they wanted to do an early morning shoot, i'm not getting up for anything. there is only one person. >> judge jeanine: carol. >> greg: at least i know that some people don't watch me. speaking of progress, i passed my drivers test. because i am alone in the studio, he needed somebody to keep me company. and who better than my little friend i love you, america.
2:53 pm
"one more thing" is up next. ♪♪ animals are great ♪♪ i just wanted to have a kids program like you, jesse. >> judge jeanine: we see it now. >> greg: and you see it. >> jesse: did you just burp? >> greg: ♪♪ i've got to pee ♪ ♪ i've got to pee ♪♪ >> jesse: you are on error. >> greg: i did not know that i was on error. i say it all the time and i was like, i did not even know. i was sitting there and i turned off the thing and that remote thing and i was not paying any attention. >> jesse: should i throw this cake at greg gutfeld's face.
2:54 pm
>> greg: my god. >> jesse: i am happy that you are happy and we are happy for you. >> judge jeanine: every day i learn something from you, greg, about the trolls on the internet. [laughter] >> jesse: in that case we do have to ago. "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ s. (sighs) here, i'll take that. ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein, one gram of sugar. enter powered by protein challenge for a chance to win big. ♪♪
2:55 pm
♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. [power-drill noises] alright, limu, give me a socket wrench, pliers, and a phone open to they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need... and you could even save $652 when you switch. ok, i need a crowbar. and a blowtorch. [teddy bear squeaks] [doug sighs] limu, call a mechanic. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ . .
2:56 pm
2:57 pm
2:58 pm
♪ >> dana: time now for one more thing, jesse? >> jesse: bear news brought to you by me with a french accent. soccer skills out in salt lake tahoe, california. look at this bear. not only does he play soccer. he can just climb a tree right after him. we call him david.
2:59 pm
i'm not going to read that joke. that is really bad. >> judge jeanine: can i read it. >> jesse: david bercam? we're better than that. we have videos of toddlers attacking police officers. what that means for our culture. >> greg: stop hogging. >> jesse: you just had a whole segment. >> dana: season finale of everything will be okay podcast posted today. it is with peter, my husband. and a special surprise guest of my sister angie. it's super funny, i think it's funny. and inciteful. insightful. >> greg: i have jamie lithgow, kat timpf. tonight at 11:00 p.m. >> harold: james webb telescope. images of planets. launched christmas of 2021. kids better understand.
3:00 pm
>> jesse: not impressed. >> judge jeanine: this look lucky little guy. a heart-warming story about christie gardner army vet and dog lucky. she has two prosthetic legs. unusual leg defect. it's a beautiful book and you will love it she sent me peppermint patties. >> greg: your teeth are blue. [laughter] >> dana: that's it for us. "special report" is up next. hey, bill. >> bill: tell her there is always dental floss. >> judge jeanine: dental floss doesn't work. >> bill: you got you covered. happy birthday to the "the five," guys. good evening from new york. i'm bill hemmer in for bret baier. live from headquarters in manhattan. and breaking tonight, the house select committee investigating the capitol riot holds another public hearing. today's testimony featuring a former spokesman for an alleged


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