tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News July 12, 2022 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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decline of votes from hispanics. that's right, i was going to say he was going to blame putin but now it is dr. jill's fault he has lost the hispanic vote. i am hungry. i think i'm going to taco bell tonight. that is all for tonight. tucker is up next. and always remember, i am watters, and this is my world. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." imagine you went to school with sandy cortez. a lot of people did. imagine it is 2011 and you are both at boston university, the not quite prestigious but highly expensive school. you know who sandy cortez is because two days a week at 12:20 you see her in lassi of gender and sexuality class. she is always in the front row snapping her gum. been like clockwork, she never misses your theory seminar,
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which means every thursday at 3:30 p.m. because of there's one thing about theory scholars, they are early risers. sandy talks a lot in both classes, jumps in the conversation when she feels he has something important to say which is frequently. she is hardly a genius but she is highly self-assured. she's got strong opinions about racism and cosmetics. she seems to spend a lot of time updating her facebook page. the main things you remember about sandy cortez. fast forward ten years. suddenly, sandy cortez is a world famous figure. somehow. she is calling herself alexandria ocasio-cortez. some kind of female -- westchester county's first socialist revolutionary, still yammering on about racism and eye shadow, her obsession, and she is still frantically updating her social media pages. some things have not changed. but other things have changed. one night, you are watching tv and you see sandy cortez talking authoritatively about america's energy grid.
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like she knows a lot about it. and that stops you in your tracks. wait a second. the energy grid? that is an adult thing, right? that is not queer theory, that is real and a very complicated piece of infrastructure. even a lot of engineers don't understand how the energy grid works. how could sandy cortez possibly know anything about that? she can't drive a standard transmission. she can program a coffee maker. she doesn't even make her own bed in the morning. the energy grid? please. it seems preposterous. so you grab a beer and settle in to watch her talk about it. and your jaw hangs open as you do. here is what you see. >> we know that there is no such thing as chief energy. because the price of cheap energy has always been our lives. the trampling of indigenous rights is a cause of climate change. the trampling of racial justice is a cause of climate change. we are like, the world is going
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to end in 12 years if we don't address climate change, and your biggest issue is -- your biggest issue is how are we going to pay for it? and, like, this is our world war ii. the fossil fuel industry and the future of humanity are fundamentally incompatible. they just are. i mean, that is not a political opinion. that is a science. we continue to burn fossil fuels, our planet will become inhabitable. >> tucker: [laughs] really? energy. how is energy generated, do you know? what is a walk to? what is amperage? speaks slowly, we've got time. she doesn't. the fossil feel industry in the future of humanity are fundamentally incompatible, they just are. if that's not a political opinion, that's the science. of course it is. that the science. whatever i say it's the science, there is no debate here, obey! [laughter] but that is not how democracy
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works. thank god. you actually have to convince people. so she tried, she introduced the green new deal three years ago. it didn't go far. in fact, it went nowhere. in fact, virtually nobody in congress supported it. in fact, when it came time for a vote on the green new deal, even her cosponsor, the other guy who wrote it, the super woke senator from massachusetts, voted present, not in favor. now why is that? why did nobody actually supported? well, because if you think how flatulence is even in the top 200 top issues for most americans, you are sandy cortez. go back to queer theory class. get rid of fossil fuels? yeah, what then? well, starvation, poverty, societal collapse. voters, it turns out, are not into any of those things. and so nothing that resembles the green new deal is going to pass the united states congress in our lifetimes provided this remains an actual democracy, just as they provided the public has anything to say about how they are governed.
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that is a nonstarter here. it is never going to happen by democratic means. but that doesn't mean it can't happen. doesn't mean that ideologues can't impose the green new deal on weaker countries that are too poor to refuse it. over the past several years, that is exactly what they have done. so the green new deal is actually taken effect around the world. so we don't have to guess about what would happen if it took effect here. we can know. that's science. let's start with. ghana is a pretty little country, peaceful place, actually, on the west coast of africa. three years ago, ghana was in great shape and had the fastest growing economy in the world. so much energy or the last decade it was exporting it to its neighbors. in west africa. those energy exports from ghana peaked in 2014. why that you're? because the next year the world bank published this headline on its website. "world bank approves largest ever guarantees for ghana's energy transformation."
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oh! when they promise to transform your energy, slow down. but ghana did not slow down. they just kept going. the world bank promised to provide, and reporting, "technical resistance for energy sector reforms in the drafting of a new renewable energy law." they entered the paris climate agreement. how virtuous. what happened next? this is the part you do not read that much about. last year donna experienced a complete shutdown of its power supply, no more electro city. [laughs] no emissions because we have no electricity. and blackouts have continued since then. just yesterday, a news source in ghana reported that "residents and parts of the ashanti region who have been hit with power cuts are without power, as well." as it turns out, you need electricity to provide water. also to grow food. now this is not a small thing. the ashanti region has millions of people living in it. there living in the stone age now. and it is not just the energy
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grid now compromised in ghana. international observers say the country is now facing severe food shortages and hunger, starvation within a matter of months. why is that? is a fertile country, hardworking people. now they are running out of fertilizer. why? well, because for years, sandy cortez is friends in the ngo community wished ghana towards a more expensive, more organic fertilizer and the government of ghana because it is not a rich government caved. last year according to gato's new service, ghana's agricultural minister "urged tof climate change." what happened then? the good people of ghana, while they feel good about their fight against climate change, are not starving. in june, last month, police in ghana used teargas in the capital. in sri lanka, world economic
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forum published -- urging ghana to translation ever farmed?no. but he felt strongly that sri lanka should try a new kind of farming and sold it to sri lankans as a pathway to prosperity. in 2015 the world economic forum omission article on its website entitled and we are quoting, "this is how we will make sri lanka ranch by 2025." you can search for that article but it is gone now along with the government of sri lanka. they had an actual insurrection, not january 6th, not a guy in horns and a bearskin running around on mushrooms making weird noises, no, an actual insurrection where they come to your house and swim in your swimming pool, root for through your sock drawer and make you leave. that is what they did in sri lanka. the turning point in 2010 to one when the president of sri lanka acting on advice from the world economic forum found the
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partition of chemical fertilizers. the problem was virtually every farm in sri lanka used those fertilizers to produce food which in turns of people need every day in order to survive. as a result of that move, food prices and sri lanka nearly doubled. aliens more sri lankans now live in poverty, which is not a joke, and because the economy has collapsed. sri lankans are waiting days for gasoline. watch. >> 36-year-old driver has spent two nights at this gas station in central colombo. it has been an endless week to refuel his three wheeler. patrol pumps are all but dry across the city. >> [speaking non-english language] >> interpreter: at every petrol station we go through, they tell us they have run out f gas. with no fuel, he has been out of work. he is home to his family, where the situation is equally dire. there has been a crippling shortage of cooking gas across
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the island nation. been cooking on a kerosene stove for the last three months. >> interpreter: i only have is one bottle of kerosene left. it will finish after i heat the soup tonight. >> tucker: what's so interesting is millions of people are now really suffering. the government just fell. in sri lanka. now, no one is sri lanka is white, they are what our democratic party would call people of color, and yet the american intellectuals who pushed that disaster in sri lanka, who are responsible for the suffering there, have escaped all culpability. no one is saying a word about it. meanwhile, a cop in minneapolis was rough with a convicted felon two years ago and we have to stop everything and sent him to prison for life. it is not just happening by the way in the third world. is happening in bridge countries. the netherlands, second biggest food exporter in the world.
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may have to do with western guilt, same thing leaders interlock i tried to do, ordered farmers to cut virtually all of their nitrogen oxide emissions to "save the environment." doing that would shut most farms in the netherlands and destroy the country's food supply. once again, that led to riots. so everything that has happened in sri lanka, ghana, the netherlands, is happening at the behest not simply of ideologues, but if some of the largest financial institutions in the world. they want more of this. despite ghana has achieved a perfect environmental impact score of 97.7. sri lanka has a score of 98.1. the netherlands 98.7. the poorer you get, the more human suffering there is, the higher your esg score, and that is important because companies will not invest unless you have a high esg score. interesting.
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so these countries have no choice. that is why south africa for example worked so hard to get an esg score than now totals 91. that effort began in 2015 when south africa switched to renewables. how does that work? like everything is south africa, no one in america really wants to know. it is their favorite country, it's a huge success, what is life like in south africa for pl colors? [laughs] stop! well, the guardian of all places to put up a time and we are quoting solar biomass and wind energy systems are popping up all over the country and clean energy into the electrical grid. the grid has been falling apart since 1994 but no problem, the green energy geniuses are going to save south africa. how did that work? well, seven years later "the washington post" reported that south africa regularly experiences "rolling blackouts that last eight hours or more, crippling economic activity and disrupting life in this nation of 60 million people," that is true, ask anyone who lives there, it is falling apart, doesn't work. also true in france. france is committed to renewable
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energy. how is that working? well, france has an esg environmental score of 92.6. why? ten years ago france pledged to derive a quarter of its energy from renewables. in 2018 these policies led to riots. remember the so-called yellow jackets? people didn't like it. if you cared about democracy would listen to them but no one in charge actually does so they don't, things have gotten worse since then. this past june the heads of three french energy companies called on the public to "immediately reduce consumption of fuel, oil, electricity, and gas amid shortages and soarg prices." oh, stop civilization. it doesn't work. that same month of france's president publicly begged joe biden to start producing more oil because the saudis cannot make enough to supply europe. watch.
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>> tucker: some only the europeans have been dumb enough to embrace this. unlike ghana, they can afford not to but they are in any way out of some weird sense of collective guilt. it's what's happening throughout europe. in the u.k., esg score 92.7, national infrastructure commission has won as many as 6 million households could face power cuts this summer. some with the first world? no, it doesn't come up with that in england now. when germany, esg score 98.2, the government's rationing hot water due to an ongoing gas crisis. officials in hamburg, germany's second largest city, just warned quote warm water can only be made available at certain times of the day in an emergency. just a few years ago germany's government laughed at warnings from donald trump this would happen. it on video. "they are so stupid, you've no idea, and green energy is the future!"
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[laughter] every place it has been tried has gone apart, every single one with no exceptions. albania, kenya, argentina, peru, ecuador, panama, libya, and so on. but it is not just a problem there. it is becoming a problem here. the united states come out esg score on environmental issues currently stands at 58. joe biden buys into every stupid trend, wants to change that. it is important to get our esg score up because we want to be like ghana. at the very moment biden ascending our strategic petroleum reserve, which we own, he doesn't, to his sons business partners in china, vowing to in fossil fuels and boost our esg score. watch. >> would there be any place or fossil fuels, including: fracking, in the biden administration? >> no, we would make sure it is eliminated and no more subsidies or either one of those. no more subsidies for the fossil fuel industry, no more drilling on federal lands, no more drilling, including offshore. no ability for the oil industry
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to continue to drill, period. >> i want you to look in my eyes. i guarantee you. i guarantee you. we are going to end fossil fuel, and i am not going to cooperate with them, okay? >> tucker: so let's just be really clear. fossil fuels aren't just not bad, fossil fuels aren't just a net good. fossil fuels are the only thing that stands between the united states becoming ghana. fossil fuels are the only thing that make the united states a rich country and not a poor country. we have the largest recoverable oil reserves in the world. if we can't tap those, we will be ghana, we will be poor. but joe biden doesn't care. and so he is clamping down on our ability to extract them. and like the leaders of every other country, driven into the ground by green energy schemes, brought up by like sandy cortez, he is taking no response
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billeted. >> we need more refinery capacity. this idea they don't have oil to bring up is simply not true. republicans talk about biden shut down oil fields. wrong. 9,000 of them, okay? we ought to be able to work something out whereby they are able to increase refining capacity and still not give up on transitioning to renewable energy. >> tucker: the problem is he doesn't know anything about refining or extracting or how the grid works, or anything -- about anything because he has never had a real job, he has worked for the federal government since he was in his 20s. none of these people have any experience doing anything. again, most of them can drive a manual transmission. so to get a lecture on the power grid or energy from people who have no idea what it is is a bit much, and the topic is too important to continue to listen to their nonsense as we become
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poorer. and by the way, as just beneath the surface, exacerbated by the property. as gdp drops, societal tension rises. it is dangerous. back off. and it is accelerating. in the past year the united states has expense blackouts and some of our biggest states. why? because they are relying more and more on renewables, places like california and even texas. just yesterday in order to avoid a blackout, the largest grid operator in a state of texas begged residents to turn up their thermostats, no more ac for you, and asked them not to use major appliances, in texas, which has the largest oil and gas reserves in the continental united states. what are they doing in texas? but across the country it is true. orlando, florida, recently experimented with a fertilizer band to curb pollution. vision paper calling for companies to agree -- go the principal factor preventing a clean energy transition. in other words, it is too cheap.
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it works too well. gas needs to be higher so you won't be able to use it, so you'll have to. if they are saying this as we are watching countries around the world, could be more detailed, you see the point, are collapsing and entering into a state of revolution because these morons tampered with their energy grid, but they don't care. they are going to continue doing it unless someone stops them, until the exact same thing happens here. that's true. marc morano knows it is true come he is of the author of "the great reset: global elites and the permanent lockdown." you have written a lot about this, but now watching the public enter the homes of the people who run sri lanka and swim in their pools, you would think the world economic forum and biden would say wait a second, we don't want revolution, we have to pull back, but they are not learning anything. why? >> they are not learning anything because this is such a deep set ideology. if you go back, about 2007, the
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u.n. came out with a report, agricultural report warning that farmland was creating more dangerous heat trapping gases than the entire transportation sector. they have had a war on agriculture for decades, and their goal is to literally get us to eat insects and bees lab grown fake meats, and one of the way they are achieving that is by collapsing -- because of the net zero goal, they are going to start shutting down. these are family-run generational forms. they are going to be replaced. either they are going to be used for some other purpose or replaced with equity asset, people like bill gates or even china buying up this land and they will play the game of the net zero emissions. that is what is happening around the world. i call it the defund the police moment, where unless than two years, defund the police, people could see the results and
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collapse of cities and crime. we had joe biden saying it is time to fund the police less than two years after the movement began. kamala harris applause, nancy pelosi applause. i think great energy and this whole war on agriculture is now the voters cannot support this anymore, we are seeing what is happening in sri lanka and have another netherlands, protests, other countries growing, canada following the same line with fertilizer. this is a war against modern civilization. make no mistake about it, tucker. >> tucker: and it is a war against people. life expectancy will drop to the floor if we tamper with fossil fuels. they are our greatest blessing. if i started lecturing anybody on heart surgery, you don't know anything about it, never performed heart surgery, how do we allow people like cortez and biden, who do not know what a carburetor is, to lecture us about something as complex as energy policy? like this is insane. >> well, it is because people like the world economic forum,
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this is their stated goal. john kerry can go to the ceos of major corporations and get them to sign a climate pledge, which then commits them to all of these green goals. so this is all happening behind the scenes, that is why they love places like topol's, no lobbying rules, corporations can meet with politicians behind the scenes and this is what they do, it is about how they can make money. they believe that us, the unwashed masses, and left to our own devices, will create inequity, racism, environmental destruction, climate crisis, they literally want to regulate not just our farming but every aspect of our lives and that is really what the world economic forum and the united nations is after here, is controlling humans. >> tucker: they are playing with fire. and they will get actual revolutions if they mess with energy. that is true. marc morano, i appreciate you coming on. >> thank you, tucker. >> tucker: of sandy can be an expert on energy rate know my grade, then joe biden can be a doctor, dr. jill, the problem is like sandy cortez, goes outside and talks in public.
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>> tucker: so hunter biden's text messages and emails and videos are all out there on the internet. that is a major invasion of privacy, we will concede that, how would you like your text messages out in public? on the other hand, on balance we are glad to see them because we are learning a lot about the biden family's business and relations with china. they are extensive. we are also learning what the biden family is like an boy, are they repulsive. and learned among other things but hunter biden things of his family matriarch, that would of course be america's doctor, dr. jill. the sun is reporting that one text message, hunter biden described his stepmother, first lady of the united states, as we are quoting now, a vindictive moron. he also calls her the bad word which you can use on tv but it is a bad one, but when you can use even at home. he used that word. but what about vindictive moron? is that true? we did a little research and it turns out yet, it is true, she is a vindictive moron. we know she has a moron because we read her doctoral thesis and that proves among other things
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that she cannot do simple math. if you do not believe that, we are quoting, three quarters of the class will be caucasian, one quarter of the class will be african american, latino, remaining seats students of asian descent or nonresident aliens. how many percentage points is that? later on in the thesis -- a doctoral thesis, that's why she's dr. jill -- she missed calc and its private and public sector school enrollment by more than 200 percentage points. you might be tempted to dismiss all of that. may be she wrote her thesis on the subway, no one at the university of delaware would correct it and of course they didn't. that would explain hundreds of typos in her thesis! you don't need to believe her thesis to know dr. jill is in fact in the words of hunter biden himself, her son, a moron, because we have videos of her speaking. here was dr. jill yesterday at something called the latinx inclusion luncheon in san antonio, texas. >> helps give organizations with the understanding that the
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diversity of this community, as distinct as the bodegas of the bronx, as miami, as unique as the breakfast tacos here in san antonio. [applause] is your strength. >> tucker: yes, i'm not patronizing you, latinx people, what you are all taco's, just all tacos, that is with the first lady said. the national association of journalists which presumably supports the biden administration decided they had to explain some things very slowly to dr. jill among others, they said this, "using breakfast tacos to try and demonstrate the uniqueness of latinos demonstrates a lack of cultural knowledge. we are not tacos!" [laughs] "we are not tacos." okay. joe biden realized maybe we shouldn't call them tacos, so ht put out a statement doing more damage control, "the first lady apologizes that her words
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conveyed anything but pure admiration and love for the latino community." wait a second, jill biden, dr. jill, the latino community, what happened to the latinx community? the whole point of the luncheon, they are latinx, d gender your language, latinos! the triggers for a long time connecting with the latinx community has strained -- go here was jill biden speaking to workers in california. this is one of the greatest moments ever caught on camera so pause, turn the volume up on your site, and enjoy. >> anything is possible. so say it with me. [speaking spanish] >> tucker: [laughs] [speaking spanish] or something. cesar chavez used to say. couldn't speak spanish, either.
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don't you worry. so dr. jill is a moron, hunter biden was absolutely right, but is she vindictive, too? that is the outstanding question. hunter called her a vindictive moron. moron, yes, vindictive is out. a few days ago joe biden wrote on twitter that women "have the right to make our own decisions about our bodies," with abortion. reading that, retired army spokesman, "glad to see you finally know what he woman is." guess what happened to him? he got suspended! now he is being investigated by the u.s. army which has no problem with china but are very concerned someone might criticize dr. jill. so hunter biden was right and we are going to say it out loud: hunter biden was right about dr. jill. vindictive moron. so, a black rifle was founded nt simply to make the best coffee in the country which it probably does but do we are quoting serve coffee and culture to people who love america.
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it's dinner time with family and your heart is filled with bliss. but as you eat the roasted goose, your little sport incists. hey dad, did you know america is racist? your shocked with grief when suddenly george washington bursts through. he snatched the screen and changed the thing to an app called prageru. there's content for your child's mind to fight the leftist lies. and if you give your child a chance to watch and grow. they might burst forth like washington, a true american hero. make a tax-deductible donation at
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>> tucker: so a few years back starbucks pledged to hire 10,000 refugees from all over the world. in response to that of a middle little-known company called black rifle coffee vowed to hire 10,000 veterans. men behind that decision is evan hafer, former green beret who founded black rifle coffee and the ceo. heard about it, did not know what to think of him at all so we spent a day with him, ate with him, shot with him, that interviewed him for "tucker carlson today." we were definitely impressed. here is evan hafer explaining how and why he started his company. ♪ ♪ >> i started roasting coffee to
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take with me, i was in iraq, which is a relatively small city in northern iraq. and i was spending -- i spent about a year and a half up there going back and forth. my problem was, i have this problem which was i could not get fresh coffee, and what i wanted was to figure out how i could get fresh coffee. i did a little bit of research and i guess my economics at the time, if i buy a 1 pound roaster i can go home and start roasting coffee to take back with me to wherever i was going. i go home and i buy this roaster and start roasting coffee 1 pound at a time throughout that year, 30-40 pounds and i would take it back out to iraq with me, one bag of gear, one full of coffee.
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>> did anyone call you names for doing that? >> it is super eccentric. most of which i can't repeat. there was a constant amount of ribbing until they drank the coffee and then it was like, where is evan going because i want to go on there. because i know he is going to have great coffee. then you would have guys that were deploying specifically to different cities knowing -- i know evan is going to be there, i know he's going to have great coffee. >> tucker: if you run a coffee company you should be completely obsessed with coffee, and he is. great coffee, great guy. the whole interview "tucker carlson today" tomorrow 7:00 a.m. on fox news. in march of last year joe biden order all 600 federal agencies to expense it citizen opportunities to register information about participating in the electoral process peer agencies had 200 days to file their plans and they have done . the biden administration is
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keeping those plans secret and has refused questions on the topic. and why is that? no good reason. mollie hemingway almost alone has been looking into this, she is the editor in chief of ""the federalist" was put the author of "rigged." she joins us tonight. molly, you wrote a great piece and i hope our audience will read, but summarize for us if you would what this is about, what's going on. >> just as you said, president biden issuing a federal order telling agencies to submit plans of how they can engage in a federal takeover of elections. you might remember when democrats took control of the senate and white house, they had their signature legislation was a federal takeover of election administration. they failed to do that. disappears to be something of a backup plan where they can get involved in all sort of election related activities using bureaucracy and there are so many problems with this. first and foremost is unconstitutional. the constitution is very clear, it is given to state
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legislatures to handle election administration in their state. it is also really unethical. you noted that people are desperately trying to find out exactly what these plans are and they are not being given details, but details are starting to come out and it appears that that point where government benefits meet with the people, they are taking advantage of that opportunity, whether it is a homeless shelter, whether it is food distribution programs or health programs, as a way to do this federal overtaking of election administration. and it also is a recipe for chaos and confusion. you know, they have different laws, and the idea that federal bureaucrats who don't even necessarily do a great job with what they're supposed to be doing could manage all of those intricacies is delusional, and it is just a very disruptive thing to our system at a time when the entire country needs to have confidence and belief that the elections are secure. >> tucker: yeah. they screamed racism, white people screamed about racism until they were allowed to control our elections, and
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republicans caved. same story every time. i appreciate your covering this almost alone. >> i do want to say quickly, there are people working very hard to get this information. they have filed lawsuits, freedom of information act, center for enduring america has put in lawsuits, hopefully something will happen. >> tucker: got to hope so. it is important. mollie hemingway of "the federalist," thanks a lot. new video shows exactly what law enforcement in uvalde, texas, was doing as a gunman murdered children in nearby classroom. we almost don't want to show this to you because it is so awful, but you should know, so we will. next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> tucker: so leaders of both parties have been talking about the mass shooting at robb elementary school in uvalde since it happened two months ago, and they are using that tragedy as a pretext to take your guns away, as a law-abiding person, but they have ignored what happened in uvalde at the school. they have especially ignored the failure of police on the scene to prevent the shooting. outside the school come officers prevented parents from saving their own children. this went on for roughly an
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hour. now we know what the police were doing inside the school. that video for us tonight from trace gallagher. >> the entire video was 77 minutes, obtained by ktvu and the austin american statesman who caught it to 4 minutes and removed some sound, but the context remains very much the same. meaning for more than an hour, heavily armed police officers stood in a school hallway during an active shooting and did nothing. here is the timeline. 11:33:00 a.m. the gunman enters the school so i propped open door and starts shooting into rooms 111 at 112. 2 minutes later, police entered through the same propped open door. when the gunman open fired, they retreat to where the other officers are positioned. watch. [gunshots] and by now, there are 19 officers on campus. now at the same time, a girl calls 911 and whispers that she
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is in room 112. over the next 20 minutes, she calls back for a couple more telling dispatchers that multiple children are dead, some are alive, and that she desperately needs help. she got nothing. at 12:15, s.w.a.t. team members arrive on campus but still do not enter the classroom. 47 minutes after the shooting began, an officer walks over, get hand sanitizer, and goes back to his waiting position. it took one hour, 17 minutes before border patrol agents finally bridged at the, entered the class, and killed the gunman. tucker? >> tucker: just an awful story. trace gallagher, thank you so much. using hand sanitizer. we have defended the police and will continue to defend the police, they are essential and most are good people but you cannot lie about what actually happened as a pretext to take guns away from law-abiding americans in the middle of a gun crime epidemic. roe v. wade overturned by the supreme court, you've heard a
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lot about ectopic pregnancies. that is when a fertilized egg implants outside the uterus and that could be a huge emergency, life-threatening emergency. democrats are not pretending that women with ectopic pregnancies are no longer able to receive medical care. sandy cortez of westchester is one of those. she mocked brett kavanaugh and his family for being harassed at dinner because brett kavanaugh somehow implies children come on like her, does not care about ectopic pregnancies. "poor guy come he left before his souffle because he decided half the country should risk death if they haven't ectopic pregnancy." first of all, she is encouraging violence, as she has done before which is unacceptable, particularly for an elected official, period. for another, it is a lie. no state considers ectopic pregnancy to be abortion and no stairwell. politicians lying about this, can you imagine, and why did the biden administration speaking of lying just repeat a story about a 10-year-old child who got pregnant and got an abortion or was not allowed to get an
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abortion when it turns out that story was not true. by the way, when a 10-year-old gets pregnant, the first question is not how do we get rid of the kid, the first question is where is the rapist? allison is a pro-life advocate who has watched all of this happened and she joins us tonight. thanks so much for coming on. the first question is ectopic pregnancy, which is a tragedy and a legitimately scary thing and not that uncommon. democrats are saying these are somehow treatment for this medical emergency is illegal in places because of roe v. wade falling, is that true? >> no, listen, there are so many lies floating on the internet right now and it is so sad to see our world leaders, our national leaders like joe biden himself, kamala harris and others, repeat the lie that i believe they know is a blatant lie. there is no pro-lifer, no pro-life legislation that seeks to limit women's ability to treat and ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage, you know that, and you know that if anyone did try
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and limit a woman's access to that care, we the pro-life movement would be the first to speak out against it. there is a big difference, legally and medically, in between ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, and abortion. no woman, tucker, chooses an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage, we are here to defend children, talking about an abortion which is a choice to intentionally destroy an innocent human life. >> tucker: that's exactly right, you do wish people would push back harder and if they can't have an honest conversation about it, then maybe they don't have pure motives, i guess i would conclude. i appreciate your clarity on that. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> tucker: so we are learning a ton from the massive data drop from hunter biden's electronic devices, including the fact that joe biden's family refers to him by a nickname. don't quite know what to say about it, but we have some idea why they call him this. we will tell you what they call him and why next.
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it's dinner time with family and your heart is filled with bliss. but as you eat the roasted goose, your little sport incists. hey dad, did you know america is racist? your shocked with grief when suddenly george washington bursts through. he snatched the screen and changed the thing to an app called prageru. there's content for your child's mind to fight the leftist lies. and if you give your child a chance to watch and grow. they might burst forth like washington, a true american hero. make a tax-deductible donation at
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>> a lot of people online our wondering why according to hunter biden's electronic devices they refer to him as peter we have no idea that we saw these pictures, but they show joe biden kissing his own granddaughter on the lips multiple times in february of 2020 he was speaking at a campaign event in iowa and his doctor told him not to kiss him grade he said his granddaughter is different. can keep my not only loves her gram pops, they always like him and that's a great thing. >> so it's totally normal periods there is the reason the fbi want went. >> their answer on their daughters diary. we will let you continue to guess. before we go, said sad news the democratic party that working
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queen looks like she was banned from tik tok earlier today. the chinese are interfering in the my craddick parties interna affairs where they don't like her during that. we'll see exactly what happened. 8:00 p.m. the meantime,. >> how do you pick up from that. get them not sure where to star spread. >> shake it, baby. >> sean: tonight where tracking several belting storie including down in the washington , dc swamp and sewer where the senator had this exchange with the far left berkeley professor. don't you wish you could send your kids to a school like this about what the definition of a woman is. here is a small sample. >> you your view is the core is what? >> i want to recognize the
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