tv Hannity FOX News July 12, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
from tik tok earlier today. the chinese are interfering in the my craddick parties interna affairs where they don't like her during that. we'll see exactly what happened. 8:00 p.m. the meantime,. >> how do you pick up from that. get them not sure where to star spread. >> shake it, baby. >> sean: tonight where tracking several belting storie including down in the washington , dc swamp and sewer where the senator had this exchange with the far left berkeley professor. don't you wish you could send your kids to a school like this about what the definition of a woman is. here is a small sample. >> you your view is the core is what? >> i want to recognize the line
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of questioning is trans phobic and it opens up trans people to violence. >> wait until you hear what the have to say about men giving birth to children. i will show you the full remark ahead. first tonight, we begin with th bizarre baffling and bewilderin blunders welcome that they are running the family of joe biden because first lady jill biden i under fire after comparing spinnaker negative tacos. while yesterday speaking in san antonio. >> rural health built this organization with the understanding that the differen diversity of this community as distinct as the as beautiful as the blossoms of miami, and as unique as the breakfast tacos here in san antonio.
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>> those remarks prompted massive backlash from latinos from all across the country including from the national association of hispanic journalists where they said in statement, we are not tacos in the criticism was about the first lady's office was forced to shell out an apology with on staffer tweeting quote the firs lady apologizes that her conveyed words that she conveye anything, but pure admiration and love for the latino community, but that has done very little to quell the controversy because even the ladies on that hard-hitting new show the view couldn't help, bu finally admit that she messed u in a pretty major way. >> you think somebody might hav read this speech before hand an said maybe you don't want to sa it like this. that this is, i won't even say what it is because we all step and from time to time. >> when speaking to hispanics
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about not knowing who the president is. take a look. >> folks, you don't have to stand every time you hear that. it took me a long wow. >> a lot of americans are askin the same question, where is the strong president? joe's presidency collapsing. his party doesn't want him to run, and you'd think it may be good time to joke. listen to this biden word salad when asked about 2024. >> what is your message to democrats they don't want you t run again? get they want me to run. read the polls. read the polls. the poll showed 90 to percent o
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democrats want me to run for it gave the biden presidency is feeling so fast that the media mob is being forced to reckon with the reality that they helped create look at this new opinion piece from the new york times entitled joe biden is too old to be president again new york magazine taking things eve a step further pondering how biden could be pushed aside eve if he tries to run for reelection in 2024. the article bluntly asked the question are democrats stuck with biden harris 24 anyway? strange to say, but they might be said the biden white house i getting so desperate, so delusional that feeling press secretary is now resorting to kind of like circle back with the general psaki playbook. here at the ark falsely claimin the approval rating is a whopping 90 to percent, which i a complete lie. over two thirds don't want him to run. in some cases, higher.
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>> what was the president's response for a new poll showing 64 percent of democrats say the would prefer a different candidate in 2024. >> i would say from that very same pole, their work 90 to percent of democrats who suppor this president as well. not to get into politics from here or get into any political analysis, this is not something there's going to be many polls, they're going to go up and they're going to go down, this is not the thing we are solely focused on. again as the new york times found, the approval among his own party has now crashed to 70 percent even his radical far left base becoming more and mor dissatisfied with the disarray coming out of the white house. that comes as biden will come a he's departing for saudi arabia. he will test the reign of the crown prince that he said murdered journalists and that
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nation that he called a pariah nation during the campaign, so now all of a sudden we need a good relationship with the pariah nation? with the murdering crown prince? joe, you don't have to beg texas , oklahoma, north dakota for more oil coming have to beg the pariah's audis and the crow prince murderer to to produce more oil because you won't reduce it domestically? tomorrow we get the consumer price index inflation data expected to be another 40 year plus high record as americans are all suffering under the cos of the biden climate agenda. you know, geraldo, you have really worked hard. you have tried to thread the needle to defend joe biden. tell me where he is successful. what do you look at as a success ? ticket let me say one of the
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reasons we are friends, you and i is that you have never confus me with a taco. i felt bad that jill biden. democrats our fight frightened, frustrated, angry, bitter. they don't understand why joe biden is doing so poorly they blame it on his age and he is more frail than he has been, bu i also think that when you shak it all down and despite the alarming stories and the fact that so many democrats are turning on biden including the new york times and new york magazine the liberal establishment it seems to me, i think in a head-to-head between biden and trump, i think the democrats would say anybody, bu trump and we will take biden if
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we have to carry him in on a stretcher. i don't know why they have unforced errors though. i don't know why they can't see more competent, the price of oi is going down finally, inflatio didn't go skyrocketing beyond the 8.5 that it was. i don't think they understand really that they are in charge and they can make it work. and rally around their guy rather than looking at them in seizing their every just as if they were republicans. >> sean: the thing is, joe biden is implementing everythin his party wants him to implement , so it's sort of like firing the coach because you can't fire the whole team. i don't see that he's deviated at all on any major issue from
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the aoc squad agenda. at think he's doing everything they want. is the agenda that's failing, yet they're blaming him and wan to get rid of him. because he's embarrassing them on a daily basis? >> precisely. now suddenly joe biden is too old to be president when 18 months ago when he was running for president it was perfectly fine. it's almost an excuse that well if not for his age, maybe thing will be going better. no, it's always been about the policies and the prospective, and the things they want to implement like saying if we spend trillions more dollars on top of the trillions we've spent , that will lower inflation in the deficit. it's an argument this administration makes which is absolute nonsense. joe biden having these numbers is one of the least surprising things we've seen in modern politics. he is profoundly below average
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in terms of a student in zero b the way was a serial plagiarist all the way back to law school and going through to the first time he ran for president, he tells tall tale after tall tale as if he is brian williams meet a politics, he feels upward through the senates and all the way to the presidency and now he's pulling lower easily than any first-term president from truman to trump, and when two thirds of your own party is begging you not to seek a secon act, that shows who he had no basis base and the first place. when you break down the numbers by age, 94 percent of voters under 30 do not want to see him run for reelection just like in sports, one would think that team with a horrible losing record would start firing people , make some changes, but we still see the chief of staff we still see the director of homeland security and we see
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with the border has become. the same energy secretary which i don't understand what qualification she had in the first place for that job so if this president was truly in charge, at least one or two of those folks would be getting their performance right in thes he's not in charge at all. ticket let me go back to the ne york times this is not the firs piece they've done on his age and how he really should not be the candidate in 2024. he often shuffles when he walks prompting concern he's going to trip on a wire. 's speeches are flat in listless . he stumbles so often staffers are holding his breath to make sure he can make it through the gap without to the end without gaffe rate he makes huge policy change announcements instantly walked by the u.s. or the white house. now and if triton it invades toward taiwan or saying vladimi putin cannot remain in power an will use whatever methods they use has trouble with so many names, he appears momentarily
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confused. he makes one mistake after another, but doesn't it negate, we have known that since the beginning. we chronicled that, as a matter fact you've been somewhat critical at times about me saying that he is old, decrepit weak, frail, and a cognitive mess and now everybody saying it . can ke$ha get a pulitzer prize for being first. >> the only thing good about getting old as it is better tha the alternative. i see things for my birthday, i said this i'm not the person i was, it's inevitable the aging process. >> sean: in fairness to you you had a severe injury. there is a bit of a difference. >> sure. and he is eight months older than i am.
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but let's talk about staff. and you talk about joe was talking about ron thain. there is no way that democrats can win without the hispanic vote, hispanics are the largest minority group in this country. what jill biden was attempting to do was to say that hispanics are within themselves a diverse group, puerto ricans of the northeast, the cubans of florida , the tex-mex from texas although i do california. our differences. my dad used to say [speaking spanish] the only real difference betwee us is the color of our beings. for latinos, we have the sensibilities and family values and that religious institutions. >> sean: eu are the same guy
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you were 50 years ago when you started in this business. you are as sharp as you have ever been, he is not. >> people age at different levels. >> i think when you look at 2024 , the democrats are between a rock and a very bad place. kamala harris is not a good alternative. gavin newsom, let me do to america what i did the california. ernie sanders, sure, let's have democratic socialist president who is potentially in his 90s and the oval office the other names hilarious. elizabeth warren, is the that doctor hunt. >> we will see very shortly.
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thank you both. now, as democrats continue to make one mistake after another ahead of the midterm elections, it is time for republicans now to focus on their agenda all across the country put their promises in writing, signed a contract with you the american people and move forward on the america first, make america great again agenda and they nee to do it the second they get into office. that would include launching ke investigations into biden's border failures. the biden family foreign dealings in syndicate, the chaotic withdraw from afghanistan, abandoning americans 332 days ago. very few people are keeping notes, we are of the targeting appearance challenging far left school boards, the one cited january 6 committee that did nothing looking into the riots
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of 2020, take a look at your screen. tonight we can exclusively report house republicans are no targeting even more key congressional districts across the country there are 74 specific targeted districts to be exact including many currently held by incumbent democrats. usually when things are this ba for the party and the power in whitehouse, it doesn't well go well for their midterms usually by now democrats start to peel away from the white house and distance themselves from the white house, we've seen a littl bit of it, but not a lot of it. >> if you watch the president, is he traveling to district. they're tops and it didn't senate candidate wouldn't be seen with them. a lot of them are running campaigns saying they are standing up to the biden administration and what they've done to our gas prices, our inflation.
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all of america is wondering if they can even afford a taco, al the ingredients are up. not only do they have the language wrong, but the policie wrong for that election just a couple of weeks ago in florida, you have to look into this. this is a seat at biden one by 13 and obama won by 22. it is 84 percent hispanic district, the second most hispanic district in the entire nation. what this means is there management is so bad at any tim any democrat sitting in the sea that biden one by 15 points or less can be competitive as long as the country joins with us i take the housetop compared you were right, we are coming up with it. it will make america energy independent, lower the price of gasoline, we will have
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appearance bill of rights a you can have a say in your kids education. we will stop the movement of fentanyl the number one killer of i don't know if you saw that story up a young woman who picked up a dollar bill sitting on the floor of mcdonald's and fell down because fentanyl was on that dollar bill. this is how deadly it is commit we are going to hold this administration accountable. we have put out more than 500 from documents to letters to make sure they secure and preserve it because we are not going to wait in this process. we are trying to get the answer now. if they do not comply with us now when we are in the majority we will hand them a subpoena to make sure we get the documents. >> isn't already looking on looking into merit garland?
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what's the agenda? get the agenda we will go through is a commitment to america. we will wait out the rule of holding accountability. this is where we put our letter out to the attorney general. why did he go after these parents that we're going to the school board meetings. why did they have a letter that came before. think about the border as well. and may we cut 15 people on the terrorist watch list. since pelosi has been speaker, they have not held one hearing on the origins of covid grade not one. who is going to hold china accountable it was supposed to be in the strategic petroleum reserve to protect us when we needed it. this is the item that will not only hold them accountable but
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will bring jobs back to america. >> sean: we'll become back senator josh harley, had a tens exchange with the berkeley bloo professor on the hill today ove the definition of what a woman is and whether or not men can deliver babies. that actually happen. we will show you the highlights straight ahead.
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♪ >> sean: today during the hearing, senator josh harley engaged in a tent back and fort with the berkeley law professor over her commentary over whethe or not men can get pregnant. who would've thought it. take a look. >> you said several times used phrase i want to make sure i understand you mean by it, you referred to people with a capacity for pregnancy. with that be women?
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>> many women, since women have the capacity for women, many since women do not have to ther are also non- binary people tha are capable of pregnancy. >> so this isn't really a women rights issue pair of. >> we can recognize those this impacts women about recognizing it affects other groups. >> so you're view is that the core of this right then is abou what? to get i want to recognize that your line of questioning is three and phobic and it opens u trans people to violence by not recognizing them. >> you're saying i'm asking whether women are the folks tha are going to have pregnancies? to get i want to note one out o five transgender persons has attempted suicide. >> because of my line of questioning? we can talk about it? get bit because night denying that trans people exist and pretending that they don't exis
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for it. >> i'm denying that trans peopl exist? >> are you? do you believe that men can get pregnant? to get now, i don't think that men can get pregnant. >> is this how you run your classroom, our students allowed to question your? or are they opening up people t violence pair. >> we have a good classroom, yo might learn a lot for it. >> i learned a lot from this exchange. it's been extraordinary. >> here is the senator with reaction to that fiery exchange. i guess you are trans phobic an according to this professor opening people up to violence b not recognizing them at no time during the exchange did icu not acknowledge that there are people that are transgender. >> you know, here in the modern democrat party today, it is tha you have to say that men can ge pregnant and if you don't say it , then you are a bigot and you
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are responsible for violence. that is the party line let's no forget to invited this witness. you didn't see a single democra disagree with that, they're all over social media applauding he saying that's exactly right, it's not exactly right, it's exactly crazy which is why voters are running screaming away from the democratic party. this is craziness. they are so out of touch with america, you can't even make this stuff up. >> offering you a test, do you believe that men can get pregnant and your answer was no i don't think men can get pregnant, that led her to state that means that you deny the existence of trans people. okay, so if she saying that someone was biologically born a woman in is now considering themselves and man, you acknowledge that some people do that and some people go through whatever surgery they have.
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that will be capable as a biological man of varying a child. is that not the fact? >> i think it is a fact, sean, for today's democrats, and democrat leaders, it is not onl not a in fact, it is religious to them that they affirmed that men can get pregnant, and if yo don't say had to, then you are responsible for violence. by the way, these are the same people, the same democrat leaders that want to force youn women to compete against biological men and girls sports now we know why, for all the parents out there like why in the world to all these democrat want to eliminate girl sports, now you know why. they don't believe there is any such thing is a woman, not really. we all have to accept it, or else we are bigoted and violent.
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that is, we have to teach first graders, second graders, third graders about gender identity. i don't think that's particularly age-appropriate, and the idea that you can be born biologically man and then identify as a woman and be transgender, and compete in female sports, has caitlin dehner has said on this i don't care what your testosterone levels now, what were they when they hit puberty that was the time when that would matter the most. take it that's exactly right. i just don't think you're going to find many parents in this country and i say this as a parent of three little kids i don't know many parents that will say i want my young girl, want her to have to play agains biological males, i want them t be in her locker room i want them to be in her safe space, i thought the left was all about
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safe spaces, but not for young women. it's a crazy addend that nobody supports this agenda, 2 percent of the population may be? to hear democrat say this stuff and insist that we all affirm it , it's not just that it's their opinion, but to insist that we have to agree that wome should play men's sports, we should have to agree that men can get pregnant or else we are predators, that is just insane. take it now you're getting into an important part of this. either you agree with everythin the professor is saying, or you are trans phobic or two, you ar putting lives at risk, that would cause threats to their lives, or three, that would cause them to have a risk of suicide. that is patently unfair if you're asking an honest questio about how do you define a man, how do you define a woman in is it your contention that
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biologically born men can have children. if you don't get the right answer you get labeled trans phobic. you have that literally etched into your four head. >> and what they use that as an excuse for, the left that is is to censor speech. you can see that is where this witness was going today. all my goodness, your questions can lead to violence, therefore you shouldn't be asking them. that was the import of what she said to me. we see the left saying that everywhere. if you question biological men and women sports, you're a bigo and you need to be shut down. this is the left tactic, you agree with them or they will shut you down and since your speech until you you have no rights. voters our saying it's crazy. >> instead of indoctrinating kids, a captive audience in a classroom, why don't we let these other creatures that are called parents, moms and dads,
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why don't they instill the values and the kids and then we focus on something we forgot about a long time ago even though we spend more per capita on kids for education than any other country in the industrialized world with the worst results. why don't we let the parents instill the values or if serum parents are uncomfortable about these topics, they can opt in afterschool programs offer parents a curriculum, and if they want to buy into it they can buy into it all they want, but don't take away the educational opportunities and the time that needs to be focused on the main subjects. that's a fair compromise, no? >> i said that sounds pretty good. what the concept to teach kids and knowledge they can use. this democrat witnessed today she is a professor at berkeley, so they are paying 60 or $70,00
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a year to be taught this craziness. >> you pay a lot and you get polity education everywhere. thank you for being with us. enhanced radical district attorney may be forced to back down. we have an exclusive interview you don't want to miss ahead as we continue. [acoustic soul music throughout] [acoustic soul music throughout] [acoustic soul music throughout] [acoustic soul music throughout]
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back against crime. apparently they will get charge with murder, at least that's what happened to this bodega worker josé alba today a group representing the industry met with the dea to advocate for alba and hopefully get those charges dropped. that group is a united dope bodegas of america their spokesperson joined drains me now. i feel office awful for mister aldo, he's behind the counter a then this guy they got out of jail comes around the counter. we have video of his girlfriend with a knife in his hand. he's a guy same please, i don't want any problems here. what options did he have? i don't see any other option bu to defend himself? >> you hit the nail on the head. that is what everybody is seeing . i believe that's what da bragg
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says himself. them in this trying to defend himself in safe his own life an use whatever tools he had available to push the assailant away. he didn't try to murder this guy . he's a hard-working man. he was afraid. he was afraid he was going to lose his life and he defended himself and that's what everyon should do. they should stand their ground and defend themselves from thes criminals that are out there looking to kill people and take people's livelihoods away. >> sean: tell us what happen when you met with the da today. >> we went with a list of questions, the first thing we asked would he consider droppin the charges against josé alva, and he says we are investigatin ant as soon as we finish investigating i will make a determination. i said are you saying there's a possibility you will drop the charges he said yes, there is a possibility. >> what other option is there?
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what other option did this worker have in those circumstances when somebody comes behind the counter, pushe you to the ground, getting in your grill, threatening your life, what other option existed for him? >> there was one other option, lose your life, get killed. that's the only option he had. he fought and he defended himself. what we are seeing as the same thing da bragg is seeing as wel so he's going to have to make a determination soon. we believe ultimately he will drop the charges, this city is really in bad shape. bill de blasio left us in shambles and these new elected officials that have taken over need to really buckle their bel and understand we need to protect victims and we need to get rid of the criminals and we need to give the city an opportunity to be what it was
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during giuliani and bloomberg. we have the best 20 years in ou life in my lifetime here in new york city. we can't go back we ask the da for the opportunity. >> sean: they've already gone back. fernando, keep us in the loop and give us updates we are hoping the da and fact comes to the obvious conclusion was this is self-defense. there is never been a more clear-cut case the video shows that. thank you for being with us. amid nationwide crime serve urging, biden's justice department is clearly focused o donald trump and january 6. what about the 574 riots and th summer of 2020 that injured thousands of cops killed dozens of americans, billions in property damage, all those charges, those were mostly dropped, what about the protesters who recently and pretty openly have been threatening sitting supreme
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court justices, any accountability for that, any prosecution for them? the attorney general garland doesn't get his act together soon he could be facing an impeachment probe when republicans take over the house congressman jim jordan is the ranking member of the house judiciary committee and could oversee those proceedings. he joins us right now. i condemn january 6, you condem january 6 i also condemned the riots and the summer of 2020, most of the prosecution they ar ended, they never happen. we have videotaped evidence. and now we have in violation of the intimidation and harassment regularly of supreme court justices. where is merit garland? >> we know they have weapon eye against the opposition. senator holly put this out. parents treated as domestic
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terrorists, we've had over a dozen fbi agents come to us as whistleblowers to tell us about the problems in the department of justice, but now it's reache a new level. we now have the department of justice supporting the effort b the left to intimidate the united states supreme court. i think this is real important. we have the key agency in the executive branch a part of an effort to intimidate is separat and equal parts of the government by them feeling to enforce the statute you just referenced. that is frightening, but that i the situation and that comes after we had an assassination attempt on one of the associate justices of our highest court. for them not to press charges against the people who were actively trying to intimidate the court while a decision was pending before that court which is what that statute is about, that is scary and it's why we are so concerned. >> the law is clear, you can't
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intimidate or harass at the residence or at the courts, any judge or any jurists or anyone involved in the judicial proces 18 u.s. code 1507. you're not allowed to do it. for example, it's illegal to enter the country without prope authorization, yet biden is aiding and abetting in lawbreaking. where is merit garland, all he cares about is january 6, is that it? >> it seems that way. the legislative branch, nancy pelosi waited for weeks to pass legislation to give protection to supreme court justices famil after the assassination threats she waited several days. so this as part of the effort b the left to intimidate the courts. the chairman of the committee has introduced legislation to
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pack the courts, we know what they did to judge kavanaugh whe his nomination was put up and have the confirmation process s this is all part of that effort and that is the most frightenin thing. >> sean: under this politicized department of justice we don't have equal justice under the law. we don't have people applicatio of our laws because if we did wait also be going after all th people that rioted in the summe of 2020, if we did we be going after those people intimidating razzing supreme court justices, wouldn't we? >> it's all part of the double standard bc so much. i think it's rooted in the disdain they have for working people across the heartland of our country. they think they are so much better than all those folks. all the folks i get the privilege of representing. it's wrong and that's why the american people are going to make a big change and the midterm election. >> this election is the tipping point for the country. when we come back with appears
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>> lebron james speaking out about brittney griner the wnba star who's been held in russia prison or month while joe biden tries to figure out how to get her home. take a look. >> brittney griner is in russia. she's been there for 110 days. how can she feel like america has her back? i'd be feeling like do i even want to go back to america? >> why don't you take on joe biden, what is he done for
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brittney griner, a fellow american stuck in a russian prison facing ten more years behind bars for a minor offense and he's making joe has making few phone calls and written a few letters spread here with reaction to all of this pam, i will start with you. i look at this and i say okay, fellow american doesn't belong ten years in a russian prison over minor incident. i don't see joe biden lifting a finger. why would you why would she wan to come back to joe biden's america might be more fair comments. kick it that is what's wrong with all these woke athletes like lebron james you are out there grandstanding. and they don't know what's goin on. i guarantee you they are making it more difficult to get her ou of that country.
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he should have said look what trump did he send him over ther and days later he was out. he didn't even like president trump, but what it was for donald trump was the america first. get americans outbred get americans owned. his administration got over 50 americans out of 22 countries. 22 countries. yemen, iran, so many countries in this world that he helped save american lives. that's what lebron james should be saying. >> now you have to look at the country we because we have soft on russia policies, the approva of the north stream stream to pipeline, leo, oh, ukraine can' have fighter jets in their battle against russian invasion which i thought was a little insane. that's not fighting to win a wa on china, where standard sendin strategic reserves to china whe we don't have enough oil in thi
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country? it seems to me that all of thes soft on russia and china policies have to be reading som weight on the fact that the biden family is compromised by these countries. >> compromise, conflict of interest. i saw you're entire show today. we have a failed presidency and what is amazing to me is le bron james who has made a billion dollars in this country in which he is recommending britney turned her back on, wha is the problem, name the reason why britney isn't back? it's joe biden. lebron james, esquibel skills don't translate into diplomatic skills. spell out what he wants biden t do, if he thinks he is so influential, do something himself. use throwing america under the bus notwithstanding the fact that this country made him a billionaire. >> how about we get half the
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cost for lebron james, i will go with him together, we will talk to putin and see if we can get this fellow american home. why don't we do that? >> sounds great, but don't thro america under the bus. >> that's a good point, i think biden should be thrown under th bus for being so weak. >> that's right, let's get this american home. with the comments that lebron has made, the u.s. were probabl going to have to trade a major terrorist to get her home, so l ebron james isn't making anything easier for anyone, remember what president did whe he took the hostages and americans, when he killed americans, our country hunted them down and killed him. i think it would be great if yo helped get britney home. >> joe biden, wake up, do something instead of kissing th leap of the crown prince.
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♪ >> sean: that it's all the time we have left this evening very thank you for being with us , set your dvr so you never miss an episode of hannity, don't forget, in the meantime let not your heart be troubled. "the ingraham angle" is up next. last night you did an opening monologue i think was perhaps one of the best you've ever done . i left it. >> laura: , thank you. it was about the attack on christianity. >> very well done. >> laura: that means a lot coming from you. we will try to pick it up. you have brought up some disturbing stories tonight and we will try to pick it up where you left off. i'm laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. stolen futures is the focus of tonight's angle. the evidence is mounting and th facts are just too devastating to ignore. tonigh
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