tv Hannity FOX News July 14, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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night from des moines, iowa. >> show. there's a sworn enemy of lying ,pomposity, smugness and groupthink have the best evening with the ones you love, but don't'ts go anywhere. sean h hannity takes over right now. all right, tucker. have a great speech tomorrow in iowa. and thank you. welcome to "hannity". d dtonight, warning signs for the biden economy. they are flashing brighter thans ever. let's pause for a second. all of this is going to affectyo you, u,your families, your loves ones, your friends, your neighbors, , it's that bad. sadly, we are on the verge of not just the recession, not just the downturn, but a full fledged economic meltdown. all of it caused by thef policies of joe biden and theci new green deal climate cult agenda. socialist democrats, we'll get to break it down and you and your family need to acto accordingly to protect yourselves. biden is failing so much so fast, is so weak, so frail, so decrepit, major democrats, they appear closer than ever now to jumping ship to screen
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biden earlier today in israel as tucker just showed you, literally appearing to not even know where to sitow down. wheree do they sit down? whatat do i do? let me say hello. let me shake the hand of the ere hello. er it's not the first time we see this once again appearing totally disoriented, you know. thank goodness as the israeli prime minister was over with them helping them dazed and confused. now these latest struggles comei as biden's agenda is imploding here at home. because yes, it was yet another day with another bad, horrificao batch of bad economic news by an economy. thisis is on top of yesterday's you for biden, this was his forty one plus year record high inflation h, nine point.1 one percent. today we learn thatt wholesale inflation, which is the measure of inflation before it gets toin you att the retail level,su consumers is surging evenme
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more , a whopping eleven point three percent. that is nearly the higheststthnu number ever.mb yett another painful reminder f the failures of this far left, disastrous, destructive biden economy. frankly, there are signs of even more pain inn the days, months ahead and frankly, years ahead. so let's makeet this perfectly clear so you and your families understand now pretty much everything you're buying is costing you a fortunene more because of the reckless radical policies that joe biden, the climate alarm cult indoctrinated, brainwashed into clinging to like manna from heaven. remember, inflation was one point four percent, to be precise, when donald trumpmpt lefthe the white house, joe bidn lied back in december. he said, sai oh, inflation is oy transitory. it's only temporary. i think the worst is past w. ak look f at these. look at the graphs. they speak for themselves. put together by the "new york post". look at this.ut and it lays j out just how major and massive biden's inflation failure is really are.
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now c you go to the grocery stoe that's costing you more . you go to pump up your car with gas that's costingru more than double what yoump were paying under trump. you want to take your family out to dinner. good luck. that's costing you more . you want to buy a new car that's going to cost you a fortune more probably above msra because they don'ttroba. the parts available want to uset car that's up dramatically. ho? want to renovate your house that's costing you more . but when the housing market crashes and it will crash, youle might be able to finally find that contractor you've been waiting for if you want to buy a house. yeah, interest rates are way up. >> it's going to cost you perhaps thousands more every month and you have interest rates spiking. the fed is now moving closer to a historic one hundred basis point increase later this month on top of the point seventy five basis point m increase we had last month. we haven't seen this since jimmy carter. but according to biden, the democrats were all supposed to juste up, go along
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with their anti energy green new deal economy killing agenda as the hard working men and women in this countrye and their families suffer more and more and more . we're all supposed to believe a their endless lies and we're supposed to pretend that this was allat t caused by putin in the pandemic. the pandemic was happeningngpr under president weha didn't have these problems. we'reve paying we've got cheap oil because it was domestic oil. we were energy independent and a net exporter of energy. joe gave all of that up. so joe blames big oil or blames rich people now blames this week. the republicans blames donald trump, blames fox news . listen to one white house so-called economic adviser led witwith next experience comy stumble after actually being asked a tough question, believe it or not, by fake news cnn take a look at the rate of inflation in the u.s. is higher than it is in canada. >> france, italy, japan, india, >>xico, china, why? well, here's a couple of
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things. i mean, first off, let's be clear. the bulk of the increase in prices last month were due to energy and food and most of that was indeed due to energy. and soso this is really the result of, you know,at the united states and countries everywhere coming out of pande historic pandemics where we've seen these ongoing challengeses with supply chains, this fragile supply chains that e businesses created around the world that have madeat it difficult to get products to thises in the time of recovery from a pandemic. you add on top of that this unprovoked war that putin has been waging in ukraine and thatn is why we've seen p prices rise. she's right about the energyg part, except she's not tellingyo you the main part. the main partt. being, of cours, that joe biden well, he eliminated energy independence. somehowhi henk thinks it's bettr to import oil from countries that hatee us like russia, iran ,saudi arabia, opec,ab iavenezuela, now many in the mob and the media, they're you know, they're still inow a never
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ending fight with truthan and reality, still on a never ending crusade to defend biden at all costs. listen to the ladies at that hard hitting abc news show the view, letting us know that nothing joe can do. yes, there is drill and frack. >> but take a look at inflation rates just hit a a forty yearm high b and there are calls comig from both sides of the aisle and the media for the biden administration to figure out ways to fix it. so here's my question. whatyo do you want him to do tht he's not doing? i mean, i don't i don't know. you d know, this i don't knowol very manyks folks who could juggle this manys in the air at the same time, especially notot this guyot probably doesn't kno. today's thursday. how about this whopper? he returned to the economicne and energy policies of donald trump, donaldrg trump achieved energy independence for the first time in seventy five years. irstwe were a net exporter ofen energy and his clinging to
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new climate alarmists religious cult ism caused us all now to pay double what we were paying . everything that's w delivered to every story you go to cost more because diesel costs more . joe biden artificially reduced the world's supply of energyjo r supply and demand. criss-cross that dictatesss the dictates the price. and guess what? demand remained constant. the price wentt. dramaticallyti higher. joe biden repeatedly attackingy the oil and gas industry. they want the leasesy back . they want to finisht the keystone xl pipeline. they want exploration in anwr, all of which joe is prohibitingh joe roll back american energy independence and we're all paying the price. ae so that's what he could doameric if d joe biden you know, she said during the campaign he would fossil fuels. look me in the eye and trust me, i'll eliminate it. of it.t ridid it's joe biden that i signeded into law the so-called covid relief bill that was not actually for covid perhaps the most reckless, irresponsible piece ofss legislation in modern
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us history. fired up an already overheated economy. does the administrationco have l understanding of inflation at all whatsoever? we learned yesterday from steve moore they have next to zero experiencepe in the business sector and beyond all the bidene liesct, the misdirections and blame and all the b.s., blam the signs of an economic disaster are staring all ofstin us right in the face inflation . forty one year high energy prices record highs. and just this week, the imf cut their twenty twenty two growth forecast and warned that avoiding a recession will be, quote, increasingly challenging, meaning not going to happen. that soft landing they talk about, that's not going toha happen either. now add to that the cooler consumer spending, weak bank earnings, slumping stocks rate hike fearsto you have a brutal biden economic cocktail and it's only just begun. where do you see what happens? new home construction is going
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to stop. sale of existing homes will stop. home valuestop. will plummet. nobody's going to want to sell their of their home with a three percent, 30 year mortgage and move to another home. w and guess what? that's's the impact the economyr wait for the housing market crash that's going to follow all of this.ho the man in the white house clearly is not up for the job. we should really have an honesti conversation if he's not up for a job, we really need to consider the twenty fifth amendment. piers morganheh is right. and just in case you weren'ted quite convinced, let's remind you once again the political coverage. some some women's groups no. >> so finally, even the new york times recognizes, wow,
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sean hannity has been right the whole time. we weree waywe ahead of the cure we were telling you during the campaign. let me get a little aheadt of the curve again. that man is not mentally fit to be president and the people around him covering all of thish up, they are the worst type of enablers because they're putting the country at greater risk even the world at a greater risk. here with reaction, author of here's the deal, kellyanne conway, number one new york times best seller and fox news contributor joe concha. kellyanne, look, i pointed it i out during the campaign. i got criticized. i don't think there's anybody that has any ounce of intellectual honesty can argue t with the fact that he's just not up forus the job. it's that simple. will democrats take the bold step and tell them that while they fear that then the next person in line foror the job isn't for the job either?
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hersh name's kamala harris and she doesn't do much better at the talking thing. i >> let me vote on that. i agree she's not up for the job either. strongly so she's not. and so there is that fear, k by the way, youno know, sean, joe is so fascinating, isn't it, that when the democrats nowf are coming out of the woodworkas and saying somehow a guyn' who wasn't too oldmo 18 months ago is too old now and infirm, they they stopped short ofp saying get rid of him now. justst don't run again in 2020 four because they don't say let's just call it a step in there. she neither like him, she also does not inspire confidence or demonstrate competence. , look, t this is binary under donald trump, record low poverty under joe biden record low approval ratings under donald trump we had the highest unemployment in 50 years under joe biden highest inflation in 40 years. why is this important? well, it's important because those weren't just about those individual personalities or even presidents. it was about policies and i
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think we're all being seduced into talking too much aboutut joe biden as fun as it is , i think we shouldsh be talking about the democratsat on the difference between 15 seats for the republicans this fall and 50 in the house could be the ability to make all of the democrats not just joe biden, 098, all these terrible policies you have these moderate democratsts, alissa's thought came from michigan today pretending thatbo she wasut she was worried aboutt inflation. she was warning the biden whitew house. in oh, no.ds what can we do? it reminds me of the democratic moderates who were upset after the 2010 electionre saying dider you ever again out of those three words defund the police? i almost lost my seat. a now,re the thing about inflatio, these are democratic policy problems, not justt fighting problems. i want them all gone. you know, i look at this joe concha and now we're seeing ndthe media two and a half yearo later acknowledge the obvious that we had thosewlou two points about this one . any democrat that might replace
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biden is probably going toto adopt the same policies and similarly be beholden to the climate alarmiststs t. hope that is the democratic socialist party. so things won't change in that respect. but what about the people? i mean, to be honest, they all know how bad is condition is and it's probably worse than we even can see. o youth know, do we not get to the point where it's borderliney elder abuse with this guy, forcing him out there and stumbling, stammering, you know, tripping and falling and the wind blew him over at some point. does anybody care about him enough to say, joe , i think it's time you need to hand the reins off to kamala or somebody else? >> one would hope so, sean. but but i think when we focus on age, the premise seems tohe be that, well, when joe biden had his fastball, he had the proper instincts and had the proper perspective and policies to moveth the country forward. and you ask robert gates, for example, who was hisnd defense secretary under obama, biden
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and said and this is what gates said in his book in 2014 that he was wrong about everyec foreign policy decision throughout his 50 year career, whether it be in the senate or as vice president. remember, this is thehe guy s who told barack obama he shouldo not go into pakistan and getla osama bin laden. thisde is a guy who voted againt the first gulf war that even al gore had had supported at that point. so his instincts on foreign policy have beennhave horrible. and then when his instinct nowow least the instincts of his handlers is let's spend trillions more so we could lower inflation, youou that's nt the way it but then to the age thing, i mean, when he gets f up in front of the press on ange international stage and again, does a that whole they gave me a list of reporters to call on thing. he's done this multiple times as president. it's several flavors of stupidpi and it's like the porch lightig is on and no one's home. you wouldht think someone saneul and sober in the white housel would pull him aside and say, please stop sharing that b information because it may look
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like you're avoiding hard questions and calling on thosesk only those are the cotton candy variety. barack obama to win reelection . yeah, i know. and obama, he won reelection,wo but not because his policies and performance, you know, we're all that great. right. but because e he could put together a good speech and give coherent answers. unlike hiswe former vice president is now doing as president. but one more point. that's exactly right. you connect every democrat that is running in the congress, in the senate for a seat or running for reelection to joe biden on inflation, on education, on gasti pricesha and on crime. and ift you do that and you focus on those four issues like a laser, i don't see how too many of them will go becauseit democrats don't have a bumper sticker and they know it's sean, . quick exit question and prediction from both of youu . >> kellyanne, will joe bidenis finish his first termh? yes, he's not going to finish his sentences, but he will finish his first term too
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funny and not laugh. joe concha, it's like trying tos take the keys from f your grandfather is 84 and shouldn't be driving anymore. he's not letting go of thosese l keys. . joe biden is not letting go of his presidency, father or mother either. >> i take the keys and i'd find a way and i i'd hire a driver, get him a uber account, whatever i needed to do. kellyanne conway, thank you, joe . thank you. t thankha you.e bid i appreciate it. now, while biden suffersfers more blunders abroad, ask yourself why is biden so hostile to america? in oil and gas and domestic production? why has he beenct so soft on american adversaries like china? because he's given themnd strategic petroleum reserves and he's given a pipeline to vladimir putin. now, whyir do we need to ask ths question? is the biden family compromised in places where hunter and hisas associates made millions and millions dollars likeus
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china, ukraine, russiasi and others? we have missed a zero d experience doing business all across the globe despite no qualifications being a cracky, w having a proclivity for women. let's say the night. and he and joe, guess what joe biden said over and over again, i never talk to one hundred one time about my business dealing well, there is pictured gas, what with kazakhstan oligarchs who got money from them. and here he and joe pictured with mexican business partners who are excoriatedrs after hean gave them all the access in the world and wasn't making money from them. and joe and hunter were also pictured together. oh, those are executives from verismo. and according to hunter's former business partner, tony bob linskey, joe waser very weln aware of what hunter was up to . but yet joique continued to lie and continues to claim he never talked to hunter about any of these farm business dealings. >> you may recall vice president, how many times have you ever spoken your son about
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his overseas and feeling? i've never spokenli my i have never discussed with my son or my brother or anyone else inny ththe company or businessan experience. and what i will dodl is the same thing we did in our administration and that's through all between personal and private and our government stands by your statement that you did not discuss anyst ofer your son's overseas business rather than by that statementse now, in recent weeks, aol, a whole other trove of videos revealing yet another troublingn chapter in the life of hunter biden. look at your screen bi. this video obtained by thene sun showing hunter filming himself indhunt something called a float while apparently doing drugs. that's not all. more video reported by the daily mail showing hunter also on a train with alleged apparently transporting him across state lines with some of the payments reportedly comingt
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just hours after dad wired him the money. but hunterhe didn't stop there yet another video showing hunter appearing toth way an illicit substance looks like crack cocaine. according to reports, while he was with an alleged w. now, why is all of this so important and why is it so timportant to highlight this behavior? ask yourself, why would rich foreign businessmen want to do business with a guy that had no experience at all whatsoever? that was a crack addict?oc whyia would foreign businessmen want to be associatedh with someone who had these severe drug problems, personal ersoproblems, chaotic life and , no experience, no qualifications whatsoever? is there any other reason otherh than his last name was biden? imagine if his last name was trump. any other reason that his dad was the vice president? the answer's obvious. also remember when joe biden was in the senate, he was one of the biggest crusaders
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for harsh punishments. guessarsh what? the crack cocaine users, joe , does that apply to hunter? here's a quick trip down memorye lane. if you have a piece of crack. okay, no bigger than thisat quarter that i i'm holding in my hand. one quarter of one dollar. we passed the law to the leadership of senator thurmond and myself and othersor, a law that says t you're caught with that you go to jail for five years, you get no probation, youth get nothing other thaner five years in judge doesn't have a choice almost looks like hunter hads what would be twenty five years worth of stuff to w go to jail. and here's where it gets even more interesting. remember last year we learneded that hunter purchased a gun from a licensed firearm dealer back in 2018, wrote on his forty four seventy three form no, he was not a user of any
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illegal substances. looks like hunter lied and that's illegal. it's also a felony. add to that the incident where haley biden reportedly found hunter's gun in his truck a removed it tossed upon a gross grocery store just a stone'sth throw away frome a high school, forcing the secret service to inintervene again based on the facts, as we know, that also appears to be illegal. does joe have anything to say about any of this when he talks about gun control? what about the media mob? whyhe are they ignoring this? imagine if it was someone else besides havingg the last name biden. wouldn't there be severe consequences? what joe know, when did he know it with reaction? fox news contributor charlieie hurt, republican congressman jim jordan. jim jordan, if i did it,t, where would i be now? you'd be in big trouble, son . and here's the key takeaway main line. it's worse than we thought wewe knew about the millions he k fro the wife of the mayor of moscow. we knew about the man heio got from the ukrainian oligarchs. we knew about the millions hen
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got from the company with ties to the chinese communist t party . we knew about the laptop. we knew it was real two years ago. but now we know that there are a hundred and fifty suspiciousun activity reports that the united states treasury has and joe biden treasuryy department will not share those with congress, which, has been the tradition throughout frankly, they will not d doo tht . what are those what are those suspicious activity reports? they're bankingngicio transactis that raise concerns. the person that he's having to o deal with or the amount of money or the number of transactions take. a hundred and fifty of them has been reported by the press. so that's what we want to see. and ranking member comber on the oversight committee has asked to see that information and then are too busy, likely charlie hurt. let's see, pouring over my tax returns and auditing me yetd again and i pay my taxes. >>ax oh, yeah, without a doubt. you know, all of these investigations we've seen out of the house so far have been p
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entirely politically motivated, which is whichol is on two leves is terrible. one is that it's a it's a terrible waste of time, but it also undermines the very important work that theseit committees should be doing and which i think jim jordan will be doing. come d know by this time next year, which is to investigate real real crimes going on within this administration. normally when you get a trove o of this disgusting stuff out of the country by your laptop, your concern is about like blackmail targets and things a likeny this. but this is so much farther beyond any of that. we there are more smoking guns in this thing than than i would think that anybody would evenn have time to h investigate. but if you just look at the bigg biden hasre where himself compromised and his father compromised ukraine, china and mexico, and then you look around at the world stage at all of the hot spots under the bush administration where the bush administration has
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given away american interests. it's in ukraine, mexico and china. do you think it's juste? a coincidence? i don't answer that questionn. jim jordan, the nord streamin pipeline waiver canceling eer,the keystone pipeline, strategic oil reserves going toi china when the price ofs a gallon of gas h has never been higher. we've got about thirty five seconds. yeah, no, i don't know if there's a direct link or not, but this is why we have to investigate it. but what frosts me the most is we knew this two t years ago and the mainstream press said we're goingss to hide this stor. they followed the template, they followed the template createolempl t a live big presss the big tech amplifies the like say, well, we tryryen to telll the truth. they call us names and try to cancel it. that's what happened two years ago. we may not have been in this situation. if the truth came out, then t cr merrickla garland director . ray, where are you guys anyway? thank you c both. b we come back to the white housef refusing to say if biden will address the murder of journalistst jamaal khashoggi
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during his trip todi saudi arab as he's up to a crown princee that he called a murderer. is he going to address human rights violations, how they treat women,, ? i doubt we'll explain coming up. why hide your skin if you pexton has your moderate to severe eczema or a topicti dermatitis under control? dermatitis under control? i might not be my hitting eczema where it counts to picks. it helps you from? keeping youd one step ahead of my skin, not one step ahead of my skin, not me. and that means long lasting and that means long lasting fast disability for adults. you can show more skin with less hide and me serious allergic reactions can occur. allergic reactions can occur. they canvi be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening problems such as pain' or vision changes including or vision changes including blurred vision and pains or a parasitic
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during the twenty twenty campaign to make the country a quoteig, pariah nation. and here's your chance, joe . arence, you going to follow thrh or is this just another one of those endless broken promises to show? hiss widow broke her silence in an emotional interview with oury very own, bill hemmer earlier today. >> take a look. ifif you could be there, what would you tell nbc? >> i would tell him you i will tell him you would be great if he knows the truth about him and anyone involved in his crime, they will regret now instead of committing to discussing the murder with the saudi crown prince, joe had rithis to >> i will bring up i you bring up rights. i always bring up human rights. butos my position on khashoggi has been so clear . . if anyoneif doesn't understand n saudi arabia or anywhere else and they haven't been around . r a whilelese so joe , you got to hold him
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accountable for the murder show here, not there to beg for oil or not. what about their treatment of and ? so what about their treatment of women? t some people are putre to death punished in a number of gruesome ways pun, some cases jt for being . and what about their oppressive laws t against women weren't evn allowed to drive until twenty , eighteen orve taking their own passport until 2019. and it's's not just saudi arabis biden is doing business with . w he's doubling down on this idiocy of reviving the iranianra nuclearni deal .ns iran's the world number one state sponsor of terror. they boast of similar oppressive laws against women, gay people including the death penalty. if you're , ask yourself where are all the radical humanht rights activists, all the woke kepeople in america that arew democrats? how come they're not upset that joe is doing business with these countries? it wasas reaction. ve human rights attorney, executive director of the lawfare project gold state
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and fox news contributor tammy bruce. tammy, in a way, i guess, you know, i'm the one standing up for human rights. h i always have. i would want nothing to do with any of theseh countries.. i don't want their money. i don't want their oil. i don't they're hostile regimes that have atrocious human rights records. they do. and you laid it out perfectly. many have noted that athe the changes, the small changesn when it comes to women's rights in the kingdom were really made for a pr effect, that itdi is still very difficult in the kingdom in saudi arabia, the homosexuality is dictated by the criminal code, which is dictated by sharia lawde, and recent executions of homosexuals as well. i mean, it is horrendous and it's a protected environment and that they want to show something outside to o foreign countries. well, itep is still repressive and horribly so internally. but this is more of a story with what you outlined
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regarding joe biden with biden. everything is transactional. i believe that he meant that about ketanji. but now look at l what he's willing to do in order tome keep america weakri. he is willing to go to a place that is known toe be a horrific abuser of human rights because his priority is to keep his ownn country as weak as possible. athat speaks to the nature of joe biden in a way that i think should shock the conscience of everyone watchingg this program no matter who you are. we believe in human rights because we're america, we'reta not perfect. but when we talk about it, whenk we w learn about what we care about, it's because we mean it with joe bidenme and the democrats and perhaps the establishment in general. if this is transactional, he now wants something from saudi arabia, venezuelaud, even russi, china, because it suits his purpose of keeping america in trouble. and thatroub is where we're at
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right now. a horrible place and he's now going to stand to this horrible dynamic in saudi d arabia because it suits him, brooke. >> we're all the woke this in this country. we'rewh all the liberal activists, human rights ibibactivists, in this country because their silence is deafening and is only doing it to appease the climate alarmists religious cult that believes it's okay c to import oil but not produce it domestically. you know, you're absolutely right. we are faced now with the situation where the president of the united states has to embarrass himself because of his own policies. he had to do a 180 degree turn where he used to be calling saudi arabia a pariah state, saying, quote, they have to pay the price for being bad and now he's going over there begging for oil because it is his
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administration that refuses to make america energy independent. and it's this dual anerg face tw face, hypocritical nature o-diplomacy that really, yous know, pervades what's happening thein the middle east. on the one hand , you have our ally, israel. he's over there signing jerusalem declarations declaring that we're going to do everything we can to prevent iran from having a nuclear weapon and then at the same time turning around, pushing for the iran deal , reinstatingr two hundred millionei dollars worth of funding for the palestinian authority and for hamas, a terror group g in gazaaz allowing the pay for program to continue where american taxpayer dollars are going to pay terrorists who murder often americans as well who are in israel. so the hypocrisy is why we are losing face on a dailyly basis k the middle east. and i i think it's really important too add one thing. a
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there is such an outrage over what happened joe biden it'ser absolutely terrible. but where is the outrageri when american citizens are killed by palestinian terrorists and the biden administration does absolutelyy nothing continues to allow american taxpayer dollars to fund this terror administration. thank you>>. s timing as always. thank you for that. why is the left continue toin encourage incivility against our own supreme court justices? when you have the courage to stand up and condemn these threats, waiting to see what happens when senator elizabeth warren was asked about it. that tape is not. hi, i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas, and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis currently affecting nearly every american. sleep deprivation. and that's why you need to know about relaxium sleep. you see getting a good night's sleep helps support a healthy
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immune system, helps maintain healthy blood pressure, healthy cardiovascular system. thankfully, relaxium sleeps formula is clinically proven to help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and wake up feeling refreshed. relaxium relaxium formula was developed by renowned neurologist and sleep expert dr. eric ciliberti ital regulate your natural sleep cycle, relax your body and calm the mind for better. sleep through the whole night. call today and get your very own risk free bottle of relaxium sleep relaxium sleep doesn't have any harmful chemicals like many prescription sleeping pills with relaxium sleep you can expect to start sleeping better. the very first night. the very first night after being a relaxium customer for at least three years now because i'm getting a better night's sleep, it's making everything else about my life more enjoyable when i take relaxium sleep sleep better than i have in years, i wake up feeling alert like i'm having the best night. if you're like i was and you've
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with senator elizabeth warren to ask if she would condemn to a far left group putting outut bounties on the heads of sitting supreme court justices. take a look at elizabeth warren's response or lack of an activist groupeo is offering to pay people if they send in the locations of ns ojustices. do you think that this has gone too far at this point? t?hello. oh, waiting for the answer with the answer. in fact, we did check and we couldn't find a single democrate that condemned these threats. meanwhile, biden's own transportation secretary mayor pete told fox news earlier this week justices they should actually expect these protests i to happen. sock it looks like we're back to the summer of twenty , twenty when the left either refused to acknowledge the five hundred seventy four violent riots or they lied and said they were mostlyd th peaceful or openly encourage them and help bail out the rioters like kamala harris. where is liz cheney and her friends on the january
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six committee? they're going to condemn this threat against an importanter branch of our government. are they going tonm investtar gg i'm about to investigate those riots to hear what reactionho host ofw the larry elder show for the epic times, larry elder ,fox news legal analyst greggh jarrett. all right, both of yout, lawyeri greg, w i'll start with you. it's 18 us 15 07. it is against the law to harassi ,intimidate not only judges but jurists and court officers the language and it speaks specifically to people'ss residences and their place of work. fthe law is very clear . no ambiguity, no, it's clear merrick garland would not enforce the law. >> when you abandon the rule of law, you invite tyranny of putting a bounty on the whereabouts of supreme court justicess for the purpose of harassment, intimidation and vile threats. i mean, that's truly, despicable. sean and elizabeth warren has
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been leadingngad the charge for many unhinged tirades againstnn the justices, ginning up anger and hatred within incendiaryor words. no rational person in high office, us senator, for god's b sakes, would be acutely awaree that words matter, especially t after the attempted assassinhe f justice cavenagh. but whirring continues to jack up the animus in so doing as she and others are actually imperiling the safety of those justices. she is so quickes. to accuse others like donald trump of incitement while she's guiltyy of it herself and her refusal today to answer a legitimate question to condemn the bounties and instead take refuge in a vehicle shows she's nothing but a coward. >> you know, larry, i would wonever we've both been doing shows for decades. the ideaec ofad sending activiss to people's homes is so,
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reckless and irresponsible because you don't know what ppeople are capable of doing and you might have a crowd of mostly peaceful peoplef , but then you might have a few bad apples in that crowd too. i in good conscience couldn't do it, but every democrat seems to be okay with this. even the bounty part. he yeah, h it wasn't a trick question. all she had to do was say i condemn and she couldn't bring herself to do that. understand there wasunde n a nel that showed a majority of democrats want the supreme court packedrt so they can start getting the decisions that they want or they want the judges todg be wait for it democratically elected, never mind the constitution.. they now hate the supreme court almost as much as they hate donald trump. and remember the chair of the january 6th insurrection committee, bennien thompson, referred to clarence thomasnc as an uncle tom and people like elizabeth warren did not say a word. chuck schumer stands outsidesu the supreme court and threatens kavanaugh and threatens of
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course, it's not a word is saidl . maxine waters tells people to surround members of donaldhe trump's cabinet and let them know they're not wanted anywhere anymore. re yand as you pointed out, joh, we've had four months of mostlye peaceful protest ints the streets. over two dozen people murderednj ,two thousand cops injured, two billion dollars in damages and they didn't say a word.'s that's how this party rolls. so what warren's supposed toud say now all of a sudden you're supposed to express outrage after being silent over outrage, after outrage after outrage. these people want to stay in power. whatever it takes, it doesn't matter. thought. f harrylo reid goes on the floor t the senate during the 2012 race when it appeared that maybe, just maybe mitt romney might beatgh barack obama and liend knowingly lies and says mitt romney has not paid taxes in 10 years. years later, he admitted that he lied. when he was asked about it, he said, well, they didn't win, did they ? whatever it takes, the ends justify the means.
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sad state of affairs. something happens. they'll have blood on their hands. and you know what? we already dodged one assassination plot. so you would think they'd be less reckless, more responsible. but, you know, i guess i ask too much. all right, larry, thank you.ou great..e thank you. when we come back , we won't believe what radical soft on crime the l.a. d.a. george gascon did this time, even as crime is surging in hisi city. nd we'll check in with lawrence jones. and also to point out taurel straight talk to to you and spread. it's time to start using funny name maximum strength on e-mail and so powerful to us and prevent fungal infection. plus, it has aloe and tea tree oil to restore skin health. say goodbye to toe fungus with fungi. why are so many people turning to superbeets crystal? because it would crystals give you the energy and blood pressure support you want from real being without the beefcakes supervene and i
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is already so high in l.a. that starbucks is now closing several stores there and 7-eleven locations in the area were recentlyy forcedau to closese because of security concerns after a string of fatal robberies. but sadly, the crime wave that is now happening in city after city, you know, has gotten so w out of hand . well, in atlanta, it's so bad that the neighborhood in atlanta known as buckhead, they want to secede and form a t their own cityhe. by the way, i broadcast thereme for years. i don't blame them anyway. our friend lj lawrence jones will have a full report on it withis weekend on his show, lawrence jones across country. . and that's saturday night at 10:00 p.m. he joins me along with leo 2.0. terrell leo, you're in lose angeles. first, let's go toin gasko. so here are the people that are victims of crime. they're not going toreg be notified when they're up for parole so they can sneak themot out the door and not g get the heat for it.. >> exactly. and let me go right now, gasconr facing a recall petition.
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we'reti waiting for the result. but this doubled down. not only has he disbanded this unit preventing parents from pabeing are victims are being notified. he does not allow lawyers toto attend from his office. this guy has allowed the criminal to be in charge of the county. he's not a prosecutor shocks. p he's a defense attorney. and with all the crime that has gone on in this city, the starbucks closing t ththe 7-eleven, 7-eleven never closed, but there was a threat of shooting. this is a terrorized cityed and county because we c have george soros progressive vate, you know, fromm 90 to 96 lj,, i know you weren'ti born yet, but i lived for years to i your point and i figures right>> now anyway, i was broadcasting in buckhead s, a local radio station there and great city and it's not the same and never has been the same for a long time. i i don't blame them from leaving atlanta because they're not getting the protection
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they want, needti and deserve. yeah, i mean, this was the breaking point, john . as you know, we've beene covering this for a while. you know, a lot of the liberals and when you listenlist to the media, they say the reason why we're seeing the surge in crime is because the pandemic is simply not true. of course, it's added tot' the problems, but we covered it for four years straight when . was your correspondent liberal cities in crisis. and the number one issue that we're facing, these communities was the crime. and many people m t said, oh, is just going to be the major cities. we warned people that if you don't get a hand , a hand i on it, that was going to spread to the suburbs. so you're seeing it everywhere. and these p people are hopeless. they're begging their city leaders to do something about it. when you look at even los of gascon is a former police chiefr . thispr is a guy that has never prosecuted the case and his life. but again, on a lot of these people are bought and paid forar by george soros. they are married to their ideology. don't matter the the amount of
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people that they hurt. this is goingth tois hurt more victims. people won't come forward. it's already hard to get people to come forward to begin with .t but the moment you startks releasing these folks and allowing them a to not do no even notify their victims, we're going to have huge problems on our hands. so youands see this demographic shift. we've talked a lot about it, abl leo. we have more minorities moving away from the democratic party towards the republican party. this issue of law and order and safety and security, the issue of choice in schoolsns . if republicans make that i promise, i believe that there a will be a new american majoritye and that the republican partyfe will be the party of safety,ty security and the party of the working men, women of this country. they can do all of that. is an opportunity for them to fix the problems democrats th. ignored >> you're absolutely right that last night the working class, middleor america i want to be very clear . the democrats have becomee the partyy of the elite. dl
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they have abandoned the middle class and what they have doney, which is very embarrassing. all of these you mentioned school choice, safe streets. they assume that minorities don't want that. tiesthey want that like every american, regardless of color. but the democrats are locked up into a progressive agenda to destroy the values of america, civil life, libertyiz and freedd and that's what they have to say. >> they have abandoned those ideas. they sounded great aas. but go ahead.y very easy for the republican party to win f. they got to talk about wealthut over poverty. you know,w, i'm travel around to these diners and i'm going to my local barber shop. so i'm withal the barber shop is the diner. the was talking about a how bad america is and blaming joe biden for this phrase of america right in the middle minds of america.ri you know, the democrats haveav a problem. all the republicans got to do is focus on the right message. be watchingg to your show sunday night at0: 10:00. don't miss it right here. saturday00 mis night on fox. sean hannity after the break.
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12:00 am
christmas screaming at fox nation for we go .ne earlier today we learned thatd former president donald trump's ex-wife ivana passed away ated the age of 73 .wa she wasy an amazing race. three amazing kids, obviously dongjun eric and ivanka. our thoughts and prayers go out to her. a her family, her friends, her children and of course, the kids. that's all the time we have w left this evening. let not your heart trouble or is here. i'm ready and raring. to go ,o. hanadi. i'm glad you said those words. di shebl was an incredible person, a lovely person. really, really smartrt and verys funny at times. i had a chance to meet her and our condolences go to the children and yeah, you know, they they all say she's tough as nails, but she had a hard life background and lived an incredible life. and as you know by your roots, you'll know them and the kids were phenomenal. >> and i had the chance to meet her momom as well as the kidsel grand grandmother
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