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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  July 16, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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evening. as always, thank you for being with us. thank you for making this show possible. please set your dvr so you an episode of hannity news any time fox news .com hannity .com. in the meantime, this friday night, let not your heart be troubled. laura ingraham the angle is next. have a great. i'm sean duffy and for laura ingraham this is aam special edition of the income anglein. all right. first, this is bohannon's america people are gettingoe poorer and growing more desperate by the day. this one headline fromamerro the associated press sums ity. all up. longg i lines are back at us fod banks as inflation hits high and it gets worsehi. louisiana food bank ceo warns that right now there's enough food. but that might not be the case in the future. citing high fuel costs, making
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it more expensive to collect and distribute the food americansh who need help right now are in a perilous position making ends meet.os i'm not making i'm putting my savings. om i get paid tomorrow and already my whole paycheck is spoken for and it's the first time in my life i've had to apply for food stamps because i don't know how we're going to continue eating groceries for gas. so eat or buy gas. that's why goes out and it shouldn't be like that. >> america. no, it shouldn't. but this is biden's america. this is the united states of s america, for god's sake. we can't deal with that. >> yes. nott now. at the time biden made those comments, we were all about a year into the pandemic. so many people who are out of work, businesses have closed. and yes, there were long lines at food banks, but it was getting better. the unemployment rate was slowly going down. going the economy was rebounding. presidentno trump handed biden a country that was getting back on its feet.
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but it all changed. and this desperation felt on the part of many americansut came back , all due to the policies that the bush administration has put intong place. so knowing that americans are truly in troubles, how is the white house and its allies responding to all this? we've got a long way to go because of inflation, because of i call it the putin tax increase. the republicans do nothing to obstruct our efforts to lower your gas taxes and springs fromc higher costs, higher costs, springform shorter supply. f shorter supply is there because of covid preventing certain products from coming into our country. >> it is because in large part right now, because b of this energy crisis, so is because a potent covid the supply chaini i'm having trouble keeping track. these excuses keep piling up, but the solutions are never anywhere to be found. perhaps the most heroic effort we've seen has of late came
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from congresswoman veronica escobarr, who was discussingg biden's balancing act of and gasan oil exploration in the u.s. with begging a murderous dictator for some of his oil. >> the president is juggling some historic challenges right now. he inherited a country and that was grappling with covid. we now are seeing global inflation. a decade ago we should have acted far more quickly toit transition away from fossil fuels because we haven't madeus that transition. we're reliant w on gas. no one should envy the position that president biden is in right now. >> joining me now is tennessee senator marsha blackburn. >> marsha, good to see you. i've got to tell you what, so at listening to congresswoman escritoire explanation of why we're feeling this paines right now is that we didn't actually transition to green energy early as opposed
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to we're not drilling more in america, producing more american energy. >> what say you? i sayy that now they're trying to make it the people's fault because we didn't fall in line with that green new deal and thatat socialist agenda and do this a decades ago. and if s we had, then we wouldnt be having this problem now. it is just amazing to me they cannot ever say that joe biden said he was going to end the oil and gas industrye and on day one he set about taking the steps to make that promise come true with the keystone, with taking anbar off offline, with your offshore drilling being ended, stopping fracking, the list goes on and on , he said. forty to regulations since he took office that are directed directly at making it more difficult for the oil and gas industry to d drill, to
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explore, to produce, to refine. here in the united states. >> use. he did run on that right. he indicated, listen, i'm going to attack american oil and gas and energy. but he did gas say that some pee might give him kudos for sticking to his promise. but you and i both served in the house together. i mean, at one point whens your policies don't help people but actually hurt people are h kicking more people into poverty, you would thinkhi a leader would pivot and go. you know what? n no, no, this actually isn't working. i want to make sure my people are okay. they can afford they can put gas in their car to go to work. so they can make a living foro their family. that is right. and i've r been in five tennesse counties todayness. t and sean, it is amazing. every one of them are worried about their county budgets. they hope that the budget hole to the end of the year, one of the counties was telling me about how , you know, the price of energy and inflation affects everything. all these county budgets,
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they needed some eight inch pipe for a water line. been paying four dollars a foot for that pipe. you know what it is right now? fourteen dollars and fifty cents a foot. so all of these products that come from derivatives of oil and gas, you're s seeing the price hikes there to inflate at nine point one percent. your groceries goingin through the roof, your price at the pump through the roof. people just cannot afford this. and , you know, watchhe on the food shortages, the fear this is causing with people the way verint fea dissipating d shortages because in rural americaes they know that the farmers are not plantinger as much this year to go into that supply chain for our food that you're going to see on the shelves next year. and the reason they're not planning the cost of fertilizer ,the cost of diesel, they cannot afford to get the crop in the ground, whichey
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is all going to c drive up the cost of food. this is a vicious cycle, senator . i know you see itic first hand n tennessee. i see it c firsthand in wisconsin. and you know what? we're grateful to have people like you fighting for some commonsense policies in the senate. soor thank you for joining me tonight to it. >> i always appreciateom your comments and goodme. >> good to be with you. all right. all right. we we now know how bad things this country. it's obvious. but just how bad is it going for biden? it seems almost weekly at this point that we're seeingde a headlinen. saying biden's approval hits a new low point of his presidency. this guy go all at the polling outfit? five thirty eight . sum it up. biden is dancing with a bleak bit of history. his approval rating. 39% is now the worst of any elected president at this point in his presidency since the end of world war two the in other words, biden is arguably in worse shape than any other electedd president heading intop his first midterm elections, including his four most recent
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predecessors who , like biden, ik anoperating in increasingly polarized political climate for real clear politics , they have an even bleaker outlook. >> biden's average job approval rating is thirty eight point four percent, with a spread of negative seventeen point o seven percent. >> wow.fe 1joining us now is tom bevan, president of real clear politics and joe concha, fox news contributor and media columnist at the hill. he's also the author of the book come on , man. great title, joe . all right, tom . let's talk about these numbers. 39% we've ever seen numbers this low. progression that can go even lower than 35% or is this kind ofs rock bottom joe biden no matter how bad it's going to get ? he can stick at thirty nine . i think he's pretty near his floor just because the only thing holding him up right now is support among democrats. i mean, he's way underwater among young voters, for instance, hispanic voters, independent voters. i mean you go across the board
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,the only two groups that he has majority support among right now are po self-identified democrats and african-american voters. that's it. so i suspect he's pretty near his floor and really the bad news for for biden and for the democrats is when you look at his job approval on the economy, which is the number one issue by far in thisn election, it's even lower. it's at 35% in our average. sot he's getting very low marksb across the board fromoa t the public on the numberhe, an t issue that is on the minds of voters heading intohahe the election. >> and so, you know, i spent a lot of time in politics as a congressman for almost 10 years and politicians care aboutar their egos. they care about their legacy. right.he and toir think that joe biden hs poll numbers this low and not going to a pivot and do things differently to help the american people. i don't know about you, but this doesn't make any sense to me. i think when you get to a certain age, sean, you're stubborn in your ways and joe biden simply isn't going to do that pivot, that famous pivot
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that bill clinton did after ninety ninety four. he lost fifty four seats in the house and he t actually saia ,allve right, you know what? i got to work with newt gingrich, the new house speaker, and actually pass this thing called a balanced budget amendment. i know it's a foreign concept now ge, but they did they pass welfare reform and bill clinton won going away in 1996 againstns bob dolet . look, just ask the last firstst term democratic president jimmy carter what skyrocketing inflation does to a presidency. it's borders it. and when anyone ask the president, president sean, well, what should we do to lower inflation? he says the answer is for the government to spendndli trillions more in order to lower inflation. it's like greatly increasing i one's calorie intake in ann effort to lose lots of weight. i tried this on vacations at the jersey shore recently, double cheeseburgers, tuna tacos, copious amounts of milwaukee's best. trust me, it doesn't and history showsto that the lat two democratic presidents who struggled l the first term lost fifty four and sixty three seats in the house respectively.
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and they were polling higher than biden. sean, what do you think this is going to look like in november considering where things are in this country? t tright now?ar it'se a red tsunami that's coming, no question. so when i do that at the beach, eat those burgers and that i assume i start to get like a second 30% and my kids point that out. i know what you're saying. but tom's right. the texan is is still ongoing. "the washington post" reporting today that kamala's longest servinggre is leaving next monta and that's not all politicosex reporting and her director ofpe speech writing is leaving after just four months. tom ,ecus political calls this a continuing, you know, staff makeover. but this isn't a makeover, is it? >> what is it? well, it's it's and biden lost, his longtime aide, kate biddington. she's leaving as we've seen a lot of turnover in this white house and i think that's on connel. >> harris aside.e i think it's because is veryff difficult to work for. i mean, that's that's i think w well known. well, established. and she doesn't treat her
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people well. and i think that's why a lot of them are leaving. i think it's also a product of the fact that this administration is struggling. i mean, biden should actually be firing more people who should probably be shaking up people acrossirle the board n his administration in an effort to get some some new energy to, some new ideas and make some sort of pivot because the course that they're on is leading to disaster. everybody knows, including all the democratsl in these swing districts that are running for reelection there. they are nervous, and scared to death because the administration keeps trying to reassure tti them inflation's peaked. now it's going to be on its way down. gas prices are waysheir down. y they don't believe him. and i don't't thinkdo the amerin public are going to believe that either. tknow staffers love >> they want to be by the most powerful member possible. you're in a poll position when you're with the president or the vice president and that they're leaving these positions of power. that i just underscores how bad it i is . i want your take on this. give me some projection in your crystal ball. how many house seats areub republicans, republicans going
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to pick up this this november? wouldill republicans win the senate based on these ultra low numbers of joe biden? if barack obama lost 63 seats in 2010 and he was pollingt higher than joe biden, then i have to believe it's around about that number n right? at least 50 or 60 as far as the senate, that's more of a tossup right now, right. because but in the end, though, i think when inflation overwhelms everything and gas prices overwhelm everything and crime, by the way,ve g is ag issue as well. and we seee a a border that's anything but secure education going sideways and all thishi tumult abroad. if you're a republican senate candidate, just point out those things and make a referendum a on the current president. i don't seeee how they lose the senate there either. if those senate democrats or republicans excuse me, stick tom that message and make it a choice between what we haved now and what things could be . >> sean, paul . >> so i don't i don't support
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joe biden. i don't support these policies.t vote for me. it's pretty easy and they're probably when you're right. >> tom and joe , thanks for joining me. appreciate it. thanks to say thank you to. >>at all right. the great political realignment is real and it's happeningal as we speak. but when the media is forced to talk about it, they aren't quite sure how to frame it. that's why you see headlines like this quote, gop sees a chance to steal hispanic voters from democrats, end quote. unsurprisingly, that tweet angered a lot of people. and coming on the heels of joe biden's breakfast taco remarkiden, voters are frankly k of the pandering from democrats and the media alike. according to the hill, hispanic democrats in congress outnumber hispanic republicans four to one . but right now we're seeing a new generation of republican candidates all across the country cros. the national republican congressional committee says it has recruited a total of one hundred and two hispanic candidates this cycle. >> two of them are here with me tonight. joining me now is virginia congressional candidateth
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joseph and texas congressional candidate cassie garcia. ladies, thanks. joining me. yes, i want to go to you first. so is this alignment real, which i think it is . and if hispanics are moving from democrat to republican , why it absolutely is real. look, this past november, we proudly delivered 54% of the hispanic vote to the governor. this del is a movement and thers nothing the liberal democrat party can do to stophing thishi movement. while progressive activists were pushing to cuts a police budgets across the nation. guess who has felt the skyrocketing crimes in our community? communities of color. cowe felt the impacts of it. we see the failed leadership coming from the democrat party and we've had enough. we are rising to the occasion and we're going to send a loud, resounding message this november that the democrats party is not entitled to our vote, that they don't represent our values and that itnd is time now to restore our blessed republic.
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cathy, i have a podcast with my wife. it's called on the kitchen table on our 12 little latinas, latinos at home. the comment by joe in the taco comment was incredibly offensive. we talk about on our podcast on the kitchen table. but do yousi have tove talk abot tacos and hispanics when you can't talk about abortion, inflation, faith? you can't inf talk about school choice. you can't talk about the issues that really matter to the community. so you talk to tacos. >> is that the deal? you know, sean, thank you for having on tonight. you know, democrats want to control how we speak. we don't talk about>>o pronouns like all americans. we're worried about rising food prices and crime in our communities. s ofemocrats are so out touch they think hispanics vote for them. if they talk to us about tacos and promote open borderspr. but those are not the values of south texas. we believe in american dream. god , strong borders b and opportunities for families. i'm proudrtun of my heritage, my family and the people in our community came to thisto great t country to work hard, np to be dependent on the government. so every dayen i meete people
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who tell me they voted for democrats for decades, but that is no longer abdullah's democratic party. it's become too radical, elitistit and out of touch of our values. and to the point i want to talk about this a little bit later tonight. but the attack on the catholic church, on all churches, people of faith is very real and democrats don't seem to give any pushback, any condemned nation. and speaking broadly, the hispanic community is a community of faith. does that come into play?co yabsley as well as to why democrats are losingmo the hispanic vote ? >> and absolutely, ed, becausebs we're seeing a double standard . i know that kathy mida has also felt the impact of a bias that we received not just frome the media but from a democrat party that claims to support women and minorities. but the moment thatit they realizeie that you'r a conservative woman, they no longer want to support you. and soatt we received pushback like never before. they're calling up fake latinas . but listen, we're going to block out the noise because we
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know what the task ahead means. and it means that we're going to win. we're going to take back the house. in look, we continue to champion life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness while radical democrats are more interested in forcing our sons to be daughters and daughters, to be sons. we are focused on the issues and we're going too send a message this november thates our vote is going to have tooi be earnedng. rned. if you're talking too kevin mccarthy, if you're talking to the republican advice youwhat give them if they want to win latinos win the hispanic, what do they have to do? so talking to working leadership out there, t supporting our right races heree in south and south texas with mida, with mike lindell cruz and 15 my race and yes, we vega over in virginia, you know, the biden policies are hurting the families of southri texas right now. the biden border crisis. we talksi about baby formula shortages and the energy crisis in our district and we are going to see a red wave come this november. the democrat party has left the hispanic community and so
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we're going to see, more hispanics, more democrat hispanicss vote republican. come this november, we are m going to seeee a red tsunami tae over like never before. and we are going to makee history and we're going to flip three seats in the rio grande valley and virginia and you, vega is also going to win as well. and so we are going to make history. we believe in the american dream. ladies are going to do it. i live with a latino. l don't mess with latinos because you will get the fire and brimstone coming. you good luck in your races and thanks for joining me tonight. i appreciate. >> thank you. we're just getting started. thank you. yes. >> yes, you are.ou all miyet another bombshell from the january 6th committee and their media accomplices fizzle out and you bet it did. matt whitaker is here to expose all that's coming up next. >> if something happened to you ,what would happen to them? their home, their education, their future? you need life insurance
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it looks like the january 6th committee and their media pals got another bombshell detail about the secret service wrong. you might remember how the media reacted to this claim a couple of weeks ago. >> the president reached out towards the front of his vehicle to grab at the steering wheel. mr. angle grabs his arm, said, sir, you need to take your hand off the steering wheel.
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we're going back to the west wing. we're not going to the capitol. >> mr. thompson used his free hand to lunge towards bobby angle within hours, the secret service was pushing back . all the players who were there deny what she said and they all wanted to testify. we have yet to hear from them and i guess i have to wonder why and check these headlines from yesterday. quote, secret service deleted january six text messages after oversight officials requested them and quote, now those headlines make it seem like it was done maliciously, which was obviously their intent. but if you read , you'll see that the dhs inspector general's report that it was done as part of a device we placed in a program which according to the secret service, was a preplanned three month system wide migration and then 12 paragraphs in that cnn article, you get this bit of information, quote, the letter does not say whether the dhs watchdog believes these text
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messages were erased intentionally or for nefarious reasons. unquote. all right. seems like the less shocking explanation by the right one . joining me now is matt whitaker, former acting u.s. attorney general. good to see you, matt . i want to read from the secret service statement. they said we notified dhs officials of the inspector general of the loss of certain phone data, but confirmed to the oig that none tax it was seeking had been lost in the migration met. it seems like the effort here is completely not the truth, but completely just there to smear the agency. right. and this committee is not happy with the response from the secret service about cassidy hutchinson's testimony . remember, they pushed back saying that, you know, we or there are people willing to go on the record to dispute her allegations and obviously they're not happy about that. so now they are going to war against the secret service in trying to embarrass them.
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i mean, these all these stories, to your point, sean, were worded to make it sound very nefarious that somehow that these were intentionally deleted, that these were intentionally kept away from congress and that's not what happened. >> and so it's just it's so insincere how the media is covering this. but again, they are just the mouthpieces to amplify the committee's message. >> you know, it goes to the point where nancy pelosi put on only members of congress that she approved. she didn't allow republicans kevin mccarthy to put his members on the committee. you get a skewed committee that will put out press releases like this that mislead the public. that would never happen if jim jordan was on the committee. and i think this is a case in point of why you want a bipartisan representation on these panels. yeah, there's no doubt that this is not a fair and balanced committee. they are not seeking the truth. there is no cross-examination
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of witnesses. there is no none of the typical ways of questioning where both sides can get their important facts that better than can be considered. this is a show trial that is only intention is to disparage what used to be just the trump administration. but now they're disparaging to law enforcement as well. you know, i think you bring up a really important point. i was a prosecutor as well in wisconsin for almost 10 years and we have trials in courtrooms where both sides can present their evidence. there's rules that apply to the evidence that comes in and juries make decisions we don't have show trials to your point in congress where you only have one side presenting evidence and excluding the other side, you don't convict people in the court of public opinion. you do that in courts right? yes, sean. and i know like you, i would watch some of these hearings and just find myself objecting to hearsay most of the day
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because there was so many times where especially their star witnesses would say, oh, i heard so-and-so or i overheard or or this person told me that this other person said none of that would ever be admissible. those people would have to testify for themselves and , you know, and be in their own voice. but instead, this is being told through essentially almost an interpretive kabuki theater and it's a show trial and no one should take this seriously because they have stripped away all of the american traditions of getting to the truth that protect our our justice system. but this congress plays by different rules, as you, i'm sure, experience when you were in it. >> now you know what? we want the truth. we want all of it to come out the good, the bad, the ugly. but you do that with both sides participating. hopefully kevin mccarthy, if is the next speaker, will actually facilitate that. so we get all the evidence from january 6th. listen, matter. i appreciate you joining me and give me your insight.
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>> thank you. right. good to see you. all right. >> now let's turn to something that actually deserves committees and hearings. the ongoing attacks on catholic churches and pregnancy centers across the country rocks, graffiti, red paint, even molotov cocktails. but where's biden in all of this? he's our country's second catholic president. instead of addressing each of these attacks, he's fist pumping with the guy who ordered the murder of a washington post columnist, jamaal khashoggi. and then there's elizabeth warren who said this about crisis pregnancy centers in massachusetts right now. >> those crisis pregnancy centers that are there to help people who are looking for pregnancy termination help outnumber true abortion clinics by three to one . we need to shut them down here in massachusetts and we need to shut them down all around the country. you should not be able to
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torture a private person like this. >> straight up here, stupid and evil is that comment. all right. joining me now is andrea passione bear, director of the strategy for the institute of human ecology at the catholic university of america. good to see you, andrea . okay, you wrote a brand new piece on fox today where you question what would happen if these were mosques being attacked. explain. well, it's very important that we understand that at the core of this is a threat to religious freedom in america and we all know after the terrible terrorist attacks of 9/11, there was a surge of anti arab-american hate and the federal government put together task force worked with the arab-american community to make sure that their places of worship were safe. that same kind of coming together, working with community religious leaders, especially from the top of our federal government, should be the
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response to this spate of horrible vandalism against catholic churches. and as you mentioned, pro-life pregnancy centers. you know, the pro-life pregnancy centers i think truly matter because what they're giving moms who who want some help to get diapers, they get baby clothes, they get strollers. they're there to help women who want to make the make the choice of life in here you have elizabeth warren pushing back , which in essence says i'm not about i'm actually an advocate for abortion. let's say you you know what's really terrible after those horrible statements by a government official two days later, there were two pregnancy centers in senator warren's home state that were vandalized. political officials need be careful with their words. there are a lot of people that are unhinged in the pro-abortion movement and are very vulnerable. pregnant women are being served by places that a company them that give them that kind of loving care and they are now targets. the women are targets themselves and the staff
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and volunteers as well. >> you know, it's outrageous and what where is the doj? the doj should be investigating these crimes against against churches, pro-life pregnancy centers. it's outrageous that they're absolutely sitting on the sidelines going after parents who go protest at a school board meeting, crt. andrea , thanks for your great work. we appreciate it. and thanks for joining me. thanks so much for having me on . >> yeah, if biden's visit to the middle east creates its own desert storm and democrats are ready to throw their elder leaders out of the party, raymond arroyo has all the details in front of follies and he even has a special guest star that's coming up next. >> the white house is aware that a tidal wave is about to hit. where's hunter? he's under federal investigation. suspect money laundering, illegal foreign lobbying.
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the story is not over yet. now jackson is back with a hit series who is otherwise taking heat of the scandal. they were just having with filming and to increase corruption was completely ignored it because they want joe biden what the president secrets surrounding hushabye. you can deny something for a very long time. eventually the truth can't seem to keep the people at hunter by flight hunters role as mr. which is the one who tried to save, who enabled and profited from them by was at least having some knowledge of concealing. it's not clear who is hunter by part to streaming now only on fox station. why are so many people turning to superbeets? crystal? because superbeets crystal give you the energy and blood pressure support you want from real without the the beefcakes superbeets and i swear by it,
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the awesome, the smart, the raim royo. all right, i'll get into over something, but okay, not much. not much. maybe a little bit. all right. right. w i went to the west bank and saudi arabia today and it didn't go so well g, sean. at times biden was so unintelligible. i wasn't sure if he was speaking in the middle east or in middle earth and all this translation might have made t more sense than the united states has suffered a lossrae as well, including the killing of cherine abu akwe and his terrible head hair excuse me, a terrible headache and sort had a terrible headache six years ago and i did a very
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stupid thing when i came to office. i reserve the policy. i reverse the policies ofic my predecessor to respond to the pandemic, including donating more thananes one million doses covid-19 to o the west bank and gaza. >> i'm sure the palestinians are overjoyed, john , to learn that he sent over a millionia dosesns covered up to their people just what they needed. the good news is the president has committed one hundred million dollars tohn six palestinian hospitals. let's hope they have memorythe care, l units and had acid reflx clinic that looks a little rothbaum it does. i wonder if jill biden, the easter bunny, didn't tell joseph covid was over. >> well, i think the easter bunny got lost along the way as well. so what are you going to do? but i will have. all right. people that worked for him foras 30 years, they claim there's been no change in joe biden.
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>> what are they saying? all they do, they have tvs. >> we don't they don't think we have youtube. i know exactly. but right. performance is like this on the world stage. ah, why democrats are looking for someone they're a little bit younger to leave their party. yeah, we just saw that, "new york times" poll. 94% of democrats under the age of thirty when a candidate other than biden to run in 2020 four. so sean if your joy read and you want to discuss the discontent with a nearly 80 year old president running, who would you invite on and eighty one year old retired democrat senator barbara boxer? >> it doesn't matter how old you are, you could be dangerous at 80 and you can be dangerous at 40 . itoe has nothing to do with age. we could all be they could all be in their 30s or their 40s. they still couldn't do it., and i think i think the panelists we have on here is so right. it's about the issue. >> she couldn't remember the name of her co panelist while making the argument that
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it doesn't matter. >> they're all dangerous. sean? well, when i look at that point, i go, you know what? i actually agree with her because i look at and see what mid thirties and bernie sanders eighty . they're both really dangerous. it's not their age. >> they're ideas that are killing america well. and more than the issues, it's really about how thatal individual ages and the truth is joe biden is a far more rapidly than other men his age ,even ronald reagan in the past and donald trump and donald trump for sure. all right, rea, tell us about the democratat senate candidate, john fetterman, celebrity trial of the opponent, dr. oz. yeah, fetterman had a stroke a few weeks back . he's notot been on the campaign trail, so he's turning to camiel for help. now, that's that service where you paid celebrities to send anniversary or birthday greetings to friends. so fetterman paid snooki of jersey shore to drag dr. oz for having lived in new jersey. >> hey, mama, this cost snooki
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and i'm from jersey shore. i heard that you moved from new jersey to pennsylvania to look for a new job. don't worry, because you'll be back home in jersey soon. this is only temporary. so good luck. you got this and jersey loves youov. >> i'm not sure snooki was probably not in on the joke, nor do i think she was. but she was recording since the fetterman campaign posted that on social media. but you know, people pay for these celebrity cameo endorsements all the time. >> sean and judge jeanine pirro and raymond arroyo is my favorite part of friday follies and all of primetime. >> that was raymond a-rod. i knew i should have paid full s price for the judge today inho t tampa. next timehe, judge. by thehe way, it's been reported that settlements campaign paid a grand total of three hundred and ninety bucks for that cameo
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. that's embarrassing. and you know, dr. oz actually went to school at the university of pennsylvania, had two children iny pennsylvania and he's registered to vote there.he >>ap so it's a low, cheap blow o matter what a hold on , raymond. raymond, i did reality tv back in the day. i'm getting paid to do political ads. i'm getting paid almost four hundred bucks. i'm missing out. here you are. i'm i'm going to tap into your cameo and you can help endorse me next time. >> we'll do it next hour. next week. i got duchesne. that's totally wrong. raymond, raymond, great to see you. have a good week. >> friday follies. you too. all right. the dremel rescue of five kids stuck in a burning home caught on tape and a hero who saved them is here exclusively with us. >> that'ses coming next.p >> i'm a retired member of the military with important information for you. if you're a veteran or have family members and others who are stationed, lived or worked at marine corps base
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camp is one in north carolina between august 1953 and december 1987 and have been diagnosed with cancer or another serious illness, including kidney cancer, multiple myeloma or various leukemias. you may have a claim for significant compensation from the united states government. scientific and medical evidence indicate that if you lived or worked on these bases between august 1953, and december 1987, you may have had contact with toxicant chemnitz in the base's drinking water. the marine corps first discovered these toxic contaminants which were generated by treatment plants on base in 1980. two we fought to protect our country. now is the time for you to fight for your rights and get the compensation you deserve for your ailments. as a result of toxic water at camp lejeune, call for a free review now. hi, i'm christina. you may know me from weaponizes. listen, i've designed hundreds of new faces and i've seen it
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feeding america's dog. tonight, we'll finish the week off with an incredible story of out of indiana. a twenty five year old man is now being hailed as a hero after rushing into a burningbu house to save by five people, including children such as jeff . paul is in our west coast newsroom with allpe the detailst jeff, what do you have? yeah, shot the hero, as you mentioned in the situation, was
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driving home from work just after midnight in lafayette, indiana. erwhen he noticed flames coming from the house. the so the man, nick bostik,ra slammed on his brakes, pullednd into the driveway and ran to the back of the house. he was yelling for anyone inside. now, initially, bostick helped four people getting them to safety. but then he was told a child was still missing. so bostick ran back into the house, this time by even more intense flames and smoke. somehow he managed to find the last child inside held on to a tight, then jumped out of a window from the second story. what happened next? and police showed upd was captured on an officer's body camera with just with ingh the house. >> now, incredibly, all five family members were not hurt thanks to bostik selfless
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actions. bostik arm was cut pretty bad from breaking the window. that second story to help the little girl escape. but listen to him as officers are trying to tend to his a injuries, his focus clearly was not on himself. >> the baby was a baby. yes, all he cared about was making sure that last child hehi rescued was okay. bostik spent some time in the hospital for severe smoke inhalation but was later released. local police there in indiana say bostik actions clearly saved all those lives. sean, thank you. and that hero you just heard about, nick bostic joins me exclusively right now. nick, great to see you. so as i understand the story, you come to the house, right? it's on fire. you don't know if people are inside or outside. you run in and you find out that what the family was sleeping when this fire was burning. >> yeah, i'm assuming
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the family was asleep. it took a few moments before people came flying out of the top stairs doorr. but yeah, i went in intohe the back door, was hollering if anybody was in there and i made it like three steps up the staircase and then outpoured for the the the older the for the children. other in the six year old, you know. so i turned around in front ofar them and let them out the back door and i asked him who else was left in there, if anybody, and they said that the two year old orer now the six year old ws in there. so i went back in there and accounted for him. yeah. tell me about that because this is when the smoke is all over inside the house. the flames are starting to shoot up. >> tell me about going back in for the six year old. it was dark. it was dark. it was real silent. it was like a silent killer for
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sure. i'd call it when i went back inside and upstairs and got looking upstairs, u started to go tops the stairs, go back down, look at the firsts floor. when i got there, the smoke wasn already filled up halfway up the staircase and it was just like light smokele, medium smokm heavy smoke. >> it was likeok real heavy, lie real heavy. i madede my way down there and e heard the infant or the six. year old. i heard her crying and as you probably heard it, i doubled over my shirt and i went down there with my eyes closed and my hand reached out and i use my ears, guide me to hearo her voice. h and i picked her up and i ran to the stairs. well, i ran to the back door, but i couldn't find it.ik i felte like i was getting more lost the further i'd go try and find it, it should have just been straight from a straight shot to the staircase when you went in from the back door. butt it didn't it wasn't likeom that for some reason. i guess that night, you know, so i went back upstairs where
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i seen like and i tripped at the last staircase and fell back up, made it to the window and that bedroom of the side of the house. i went to rippin blinds off the street, got caught around kilani leg or ankle and i just off all of what i was doing and make sure that was completely unwrapped from around her. otherwise i was going to put my choices in saving her life and my hers in jeopardy, you know. >> so i got to go in about fifteen, fifteen seconds. tell me about5el whatl injuriesm you have? i got a real deep laceration on my forearm blisters, numerous amount of blisters. i'm recovering great though. no broken bones. i'm ready to go and ready, but i got i got to run. thank you for your bravery. >> masculinity. we'll be right back . hey, gloria, did you know if we purchased arcand annual passes?
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we get free admission to the world's largest gospel music festival. 40 days of free concerts. yes, sunter pat cipollone. well, fantastic. >> i'm a retired member of the military with important information for you. if you're a veteran or have family members and others who are stationed, lived or worked at marine corps base camp lejeune in north carolina between august 1953 and december. nineteen eighty seven and have been diagnosed with cancer or another serious illness, including kidney cancer, multiple myeloma or various leukemias. you may have a claim for significant compensation from the united states government. scientific and medical evidence indicate that if you lived or worked on these bases between august 1953 and december 1980, seven , you may have had contact with toxic contaminants in the base's drinking water. the marine corps first discovered these toxic contaminants which were generated by treatment plants on base in 1982.
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we fought to protect our country. now is the time for you to fight for your rights and get the compensation you deserve for your ailments as a result of toxic water at camp lejeune, call for a free case, review our . >> hi, i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis currently affecting nearly every american's sleep deprivation. and that's why you need to know about relaxium sleep. you see, getting a good night's sleep helps support a healthy immune system, helps maintain a healthy blood pressure, healthy cardiovascular system. thankfully, relaxium sleeps formula is clinically proven to help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and wake up feeling refreshed. relaxium relaxium formula was developed by renowned neurologist and sleep expert dr eric ciliberti. it'll regulate your natural sleep cycle, relax your body and calm the mind for better sleep. through the whole night. call today and get your very own risk free bottle of
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that's it for us tonight. i am sean duffy and for laura ingraham. make sure you check out my podcast i have with my wife rachel . it's called from the kitchen table and we put out twoth episodes per week. now this week'sng episode is taco's and quito's. rachel and i discussed jill biden's dummkopf at a latin x conference and elon musk tweeting, encouraging people to have more babies. we have nine . all right. thanks for watching, greg gutfeld . takes it from here. this is a fox news alert. i'm ashleigh strohmeyer live in new york . president biden is getting ready to meet with the leaders of iraq, egypt and the united arab emirates over the next hour. the one on one chats will take place on the sidelines of the gulf cooperation council summit in jeddah, saudi arabia. likely on the agenda as i ran security and the economic initiatives with the us . so what does president biden hope to accomplish during these one on one meetings? we're going to turn it over to white house correspondent peter doocy, who is traveling wi


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