tv Cavuto Live FOX News July 16, 2022 7:00am-9:00am PDT
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markedded on our calendars. will: that's right. we have some corn fritters on set. let's give a shout-out to rick reichmuth -- [laughter] rick: and we've got from iters. kayleigh: here's to corn fritters. pete: thanks for joining us. kayleigh: thank you, guys. pete: hope you have a great saturday, everybody. ♪ ♪ neil: fox on top of the sheikh hitting the fan. i had to practice that a number of times. president biden heading home from saudi arabia, leaving moments ago from a controversy trip that, of course, included that infamous fist bump with the audi crown prince that was seen around the -- saudi crown prince that was seen around the world. welcome, everybody. happy weekend, neil cavuto, and we've got a very jam-packed who hours. we always say that.
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in this case, it is quite jam packed. we're covering what's gown on in saudi arabia, all of that and vladimir putin going to that neck of woods, iran next week. let's talk about what happened this week with the president's trip, wrapped up now in the royal kingdom. peter doocy in jeddah, saudi arabia, with more. peter. >> reporter: neil, the president is aboard air force one. we expect him to take off for joint base andrews in maryland any minute. he came to the middle east looking for gulf leaders to boost oil production capacity because he thinks that might help lower gas prices back at home. but he just got some bad news from the saki crown prince -- saudi crown prince who basically said they can't really increase their oil production capacity much more. finish -- >> translator: the kingdom will play its role in this era to increase the level of maximum sustainable production capacity to more than 13 million barrels. beyond that, the will
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not have any -- kingdom will not have any further production capacity. >> reporter: and they're talking about getting the 13 million barrels production capacity, but they're already at 12 million barrels, so going that high, not very much more. and president biden was told-going to be the case by the french president, hama krone, two weeks ago. he may have been hoping for a different answer and suggested last night that he had been given a different answer by mbs. >> we had a good discussion on insuring global energy security and add adequate oil supplies to support global economic growth. that will bin shortly. and i'm doing -- begin shortly. i'm doing all i can to increase the supply for the united states of america, which i expect to happen. the saudis share that urgency based on our discussions today, i expect we'll see further steps in the coming weeks. >> reporter: president biden laughed off concerns about the video of them fist bumping, mbs
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and the rest to have saudi leaders he called pariahs when he was a candidate. he says least got -- he's got bigger problems like other superpowers looking for influence in the middle east. >> we will not walk away. we will not -- [inaudible] by china, russia or iran -- [inaudible] american leadership. >> reporter: we know president says that he came here, some private agreements with the saudi leaders about green initiatives in the future, but it's unclear what exactly he got out of this trip to saudi arabia in terms of things that are going to help americans back at home if the saudis are are now saying they can't really increase their production capacity. but we know we did get that picture of him fist bumping, so
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that'll give people something to talk about. neil: that's why would. the sakis are -- that's wild. saudis are saying this is the most we can, and the president had no idea that was coming because, presumably, this is he was waiting for some sort of move on production, that's got to be a real embarrassment. >> reporter: well, that remains to be seen. but in terms of him not knowing that it's coming, that really shouldn't have been case because it has only been about two weeks since emmanuel macron said i've already talked to the saudis, i've already talked to the uae, and they're basically tapped out. we did see though president biden invited the uae president, who he sat down privately with today, for a meeting in washington. whether or not that makes the uae more likely to figure out how to increase their production capacity remains to be seen. but president biden says within the next couple weeks gas prices are going to go home. he knows that high gas prices -- he thinks they're causing all
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this inflation that we with keep talking about. the number one domestic issue. so if you want to fix inflation, you've got to fix gas prices. but in terms of doing that on this trip, it's just, it's unclear how. neil: yeah. peter, just endure this stupid question. just yesterday president seemed to telegraph that the saudis were about to do something. so, obviously, maybe he did that on his own, maybe he had it on good authority aha they would and, lo and behold, just as he's leaving their -- they make this announcement. and a number of oil watchers have said, you know, saudis might be running at close to what they call full capacity. anyway, there's very little they can do, if you want to give them the benefit of the doubt. but clearly, he himself must have been caught off guard. >> reporter: and that's entirely possible. mbs says one thing privately, he says another thing on microphone
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today. but reason that this president said that he came to the middle east was because he wants to obeysically make friends with leaders -- to basically make friends with leaders in the middle east who are being approached by china, russia, have similar concerns about iran getting a nuclear weapon. he wanted the focus to be on all of that, and it's not, neil. neil: ono, it is not. -- no, it is not. peter doocy, traveling with the president in saudi arabia. he might have just come back empty handed. backdrop is inflation that is out of control in this country, but here is what's weird about what's going on. i want you to take a look, sort of a double jeopardy for the u.s. economy, if you will, because we have prices running out of control, retail inflation running at the highest in 40 years. wholesale inflation, which is the stop before it gets to us, running the highest in 40 years. so you would think that the consumer would be with slowed down. now take a look at, this is are retail sales for the exact same
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month those figures were printed, and they're running up at about a 1% clip in this very, very same week that amazon's two-day prime day sale saw overall figures surge to more than 8%. we're seeing anecdotally too with back to school shopping -- i can't believe they're talking back to school shopping, but they are -- and they expect sales there to rise 8-10%. so there's a disconnect between higher prices that you would think would sort of kill off the shopper, and yet indications that, well, there's a lot of strength and energy still left in that shopper. here all this time i thought it was my wife single-handedly trying to keep the economy afloat. apparently, that's not the case. kenny polcari joins us now, also jonas max ferris taking a look at all of this from the longer term, and daniellety mar teen kno booth -- danielle dimartino
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booth, former dallas fed adviser. maybe it isn't such a great anomaly, but it is a reminder that the consumer is still very, very strong, still very intent on spending. not probably liking spending a lot more for stuff, but still spending. so what do you make of that, daniel? >> neil, if you -- danielle? neil, if you adjust for inflation which we haven't had to do for 40 years or so, if you look at the actual level of retail sales, we're actually at a six month low. and i think that that is a critical element that's missing from people's equation. that's the math that they're not doing. a poll came out just a few days ago that showed nearly two-thirds of americans are cutting back on what they spent in addition to that, the banks are have just come out with earnings and told you that credit card spending's been kind of wild. and we've seen households pare down their cushion, their rainy day fund, their savings. the spending's being done, neil, but it's not necessarily being
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done because people are making more money or because they feel more confident in the economic outlook. a new harvard poll actually came out that shows 71% of americans are not happy with where this economy is headed, and it is due to inflation. so there's a lot of cross-currents, but i would pay attention to how spending is getting done. if you're putting it on plastic, that's not necessarily the best way to grow this economy. neil: we went out to talk to average folks how they feel about this, and there's a great pivot going on, jonas, you follow this quite closely. the big issue isn't so much whether consumers stop spending, but where they pivot on their spending. i'm getting the sense that there's a lot of pivoting going on. just listen to this. >> just going up and up and up. >> i'm not driving nearly as much as usual. >> it's very hard for the
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average american to make ends meet. >> [inaudible] 20 cents. >> i think it's definitely getting worse. neil: so, or jonas, they seem to be signaling particularly gas prices which did stabilize over the last month, we'll see how long that lasts, that that they've got to prepare. how do you expect they do? >> interestingly, this high inflation reflects a little that the consumer switches from one thing to another when the price of one thing goes up, and, if anything, it's slightly understated if you don't change your behavior. the consumer hasn't really broken yet. i will say they're mad because they're spending more money and getting less stuff, basically. so it's not like this is, oh, wow, consumer's spending up. that's great if the price level hasn't gone up 9 whatever percent. and even the oil, of %. 6%. the consumer hasn't broken yet, and one of the reasons is it's getting kind of baked in the cake, this inflation. the stock market's down about
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20%, the bond market's down 10-20%, and yet inflation's up 10. that's a big gap. why savesome you should just buy more sufficient because your investments are going -- stuff because your investments are going down. that's the kind of '70s thing we've got to stay out of. there's no point many savings because that's a negative e returning asset, and that is why it is on the edge of going dangerous and, hopefully, it is going to come down soon before it just becomes consumer expectation that prices go up all the time. neil: kenny, it's interesting because the final day of trading on though it was a down week, the dow was up over 600 points based largely on the stronger than expected retail sales in the face of h higher prices. i think they were assuming this is a sign we could avoid a version. do you agree with that -- a recession? >> no, i don't agree at all. i think we're much closer than what anyone wants to admit.
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i think yesterday's rally was a little bit of a relief. they punished stocks, they've been punishing stocks, they certainly punished them at the start of the week. the whole conversation about a 100 basis point increase coming at the end of july and potentially 75 points coming in september, i think, is giving or gave people at least a sense of, okay, maybe the fed is really going to get serious about, maybe heir going to to shock the system a little bit. and, in fact, that would be seen as a positive after we got beaten up so much. i still hi this was a bear market rally, i think there's more turbulence ahead. i think people are spending now because they just assume it's going to be higher two months from now. there are people christmas shopping because they're afraid, a, they're not going to get the stuff they want and, b, it's going to be more expensive by the time october, november comes around, so people are christmas shopping in july because they're worried about what the future's going to bring. neil: danielle, the fact that
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the saudis aren't going to push much more oil, that could complicate things, don't you think? >> it certainly can. in fact, it was interesting, all over my twitter feed people kept saying he's in saudi arabia, he needs to be in houston. we need to be increasing refining capacity in the united states. we can pull this stuff out of the ground if we incentivize american energy companies to produce and provide for us. but the president actually is not where he should be, he should with in -- be in this country getting the oil out of the ground. it's just a disaster. as you spoke to everybody on the street, everybody i talk to whether they know what i do for a living or not is, like, i cannot handle this inflation. we've got to get this under control, neil, and we need to do it at home. neil: all right, i'm going to see you all next hour. the president leaving saudi arabia, as i said, but if you think about it, meeting in saudi arabia, having a powwow with the
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leaders in israel and a one-on-one at white house with the president of mexico, in all of those countries inflation is a lot lower hand ours. why is that -- than ours. why is thatsome we often hear from the white house that it's a lot worse in other places. the reality is, it's not. ♪ ♪ (vo) get verizon business unlimited from the network businesses rely on. like manny. event planning with our best plan ever. (manny) yeah, that's what i do. (vo) with 5g ultra wideband in many more cities, you get up to 10 times the speed at no extra cost. get verizon business unlimited from the network businesses rely on. ♪ it wasn't me by shaggy ♪ you're never responsible for unauthorized purchases on your discover card. ♪ (queen - we will rock you) ♪
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neil: all right, it's the inflation, and that's what it's all about here and all over world. but the president has been saying for quite some time, accurately to reflect that it's a global problem, says we're doing better than the rest of the globe. that depends where you're looking. for example, the three leaders with whom he's been meeting of late, and it started with the mexican president in the oval office last week and then in israel, then in saudi arabia
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can, their inflation rate is much lower than ours. in the case of saudi arabia, about a quarter of what ours is. we could go on and show other examples of g7 countries and, indeed, if you go to brazil, argentina, a whole lot worse. but the bottom line is in most nations it's a whole lot better. what's going on here? it's going to be a big, big subject in the midterm elections. jessica -- francesca chambers joins us. good to see you again. that is top of mind for most americans in all these surveys. not surprising. >> and when you look at the u.s. inflation rate, gas prices are a large burden. the white house has said that the elevated inflation that you're seeing is out of date because if it's year-over-year, and that doesn't reflect all the incoming data. but when you look at gas prices, neil, they are going down, but they still remain significantly elevated where they were even
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over a year ago. neil: you know what's interesting too, and i talked to jared bernstein week, economic adviser to the president, and they said that is not appreciate here, those gas prices that have been rising over the last 29 days, and that trend will be better reflected many future data. but i'm reminded that the core rate which factors out food and energy, that was sill up almost 6%, that, too, a near 40-year high. crickets in response. what do you think? >> well, and they are dropping, to your point, 45 cents essentially in the last month, but again, you have to look over at what most americans are feeling, and that is that year-over-year the dollar and roughly 40 cents that they have risen. so that's one factor but, or you know, as you were talking about the white house and their response to inflation whenned asked about, karine jean jean-pierre, the white house press secretary, would not say to reporters yesterday that this is what they expect to be the
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peak, wouldn't make any predictions about what americans could expect at this point. they're leaving that to the experts. but it is significant that the white house is not in a position at this point to say that this has peaked, where they expect it to be and whether or not americans should do anything in response to this. neil: now, there is, obviously, internal troubles for the president within the party, you know, 6 out of 10 democratic voters aren't too keen on having him suit up again for another pour-year term. things change, i get that -- four-year term. nothing he seems to throw at this seems to be working, and the things he wants to throw at this like more spending, even democrats aren't keen on spending. >> well, neil, the democrats i'm talking to want to wait and see what happens in the midterm elections as it comes to president biden in 2024, that he still has time to shift the direction of some of the things within their, within the agenda. and as you correctly noted here, you have some democrats --
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referring to joe manchin -- who are very concerned about inflation, and he does not want to spend more on some of the things the president wants to while on the other end of the party you have progressives or who are pushing the president to do more on those exact same things. so he's caught in the middle right now between the two ends of his party in terms of how he responds to some of these inflation issues. neil: francesca, thank you very much. good seeing you on a saturday, and thank you for joining us. francesca chambers if of the "usa today," white house correspondent. the border's a big issue too for the president, doesn't like to talk about it that much. but it is interesting, the number of folks who have been visiting border of late, including the north dakota senator, and i thought, north dakota? that's not on the border, so why is he going there? because it's a big issue for him too. stay with us. and a fresh batch of wireframes.
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neil: what's impact in terms of crime? what's the impact in terms of human trafficking? what's the impact in terms of drugs? as senator ernst said, it is a challenge -- these drugs are a challenge for every state. neil: all right, now, that was senator john hoeven of beautiful state of north dakota, and you're probably thinking to yours, well, he -- to yourself, well, he comes from a state that's no nowhere near the border, so why would he be worried? like many others of states far from texas, it's the same issue, the it's the safety issue, it's the truck issue, it's the out of control potential crime issue. senator hoeven nice enough to join us today. senator, very good to see you with. people probably ask you that all the time. you're from north dakota, love the state, but it's nowhere near
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texas, so what are you doing here? what do you say? >> neil, good to be with you. that's actually the third time i've been down to the texas border in the last little over a year. i've also been on the other side of the border in mexico, i've been in central and south america as well trying to secure the border. border security is national security. you just reviewed why it's so important for every state whether it's the drugs -- you saw there was a record fentanyl bust, a million pills that came in across the mexican border just recently here. you've got human trafficking. i don't know if you -- we were out there til 1:00 at night just day before yesterday. people coming across, human trafficking. and it's not just, you know, the kids, women that are coming across being human trafficked. in many cases the people coming from south america, central america if or or other places,
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there's now people coming from more than 150 different countries, they don't have money to pay these cartels and the coyotes to come. so when they get here, they're, in essence, indentured servants. for the men that may be crime, pushing drugs. obviously, for the women, you know, you can understand what they go lu. so this is a huge problem, and it needs to be changed. neil: i just wonder if any progress was made when the president before he left for israel and saudi arabia met with the mexican president, obrador. there was a great expectation for that as you know, senator, because own a rah door had sort of thumbed his nose at a -- by not appearing to that summit of the americas in california hosted by the president. but it appears that, you know, nothing is being done on this front. if anything, obrador sort of sinked the president saying -- zinged the president saying he's getting tired of americans coming to mexico for the cheaper gas. what did you make of that? >> i think you're right.
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he even kind of rubbed it in when he talked about oil prices being cheaper in mexico, and i know there's been a lot of discussion on that. and the problem with energy prices and inflation is the biden administration's policy. it's not about going to saudi arabia and asking for more oil, it's about his policy here in this country. but, yes, you're right, really nothing got done there in terms of border security with obrador. but look, the biden administration has the ability to secure that border. we appropriated and authorized funding for a border wall which they quit building, so it just sits there even though they have the money and authorization to do it, and they won't implement the policies -- neil: and it's -- [inaudible] as you're speaking, you know, senator, guys, if we could go full on what we're seeing happening in eagle pass right now, this is the latest batch of migrants apprehended at the border. some just surrender themselves, others are caught, but a good many are not. this can happen by the hundreds
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per day even in the heat and despite the heat. so it's accelerating. but this is a routine event, not president an uncommon event, not something special or unique, and it happens all the time. senator, as you have noted in the past, there aren't enough people on our side to deal with it. >> well, look, there were 239,000 illegal encounters just in the last month, 239,000. so that's a record. there's been 1.5 million encounters with people crossing illegally so far this year. what's that number going to be for the whole year? probably more than 2 million. so it's a problem that's getting worse because the biden administration is not enforcing the policies that will stop it so our customs and border protection people, our border patrol people, texas law enforcement, national guard, everybody's down there, but they can't, you know, they can't get the job done because they're not allowed to do their job. and that's why we were down there, seven senators, calling attention to the policies that
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are calling -- causing the problem. neil: yeah. and now the fact that a we have to, you know, deal with them, go ahead and adjudicate this on our side of the border rather than the mexican side of the border, bigger crowds, more migrants, more problems, right? >> absolutely. and you mentioned earlier it's the drugs, it's the human trafficking, but it's the crime in our cities. and that's exacerbated, you know, by these sack chew ware cities and by the defunding the will police and all these things mean that americans aren't safe in their communities. so these policies have to be changed. this is something that affects everybody across this great country, not just the border states. neil: yeah. and they've come as far as they can come to pound that point. senator, thank you very much. senator john hoeven. looking at that again, folks, you would think it's unusual, and it does warrant a fox alert to show what's going on here, but the fact of the matter is this is routine.
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we just thought we'd hoe you what the others routinely do not cover. it's not a republican or democratic issue, red or blue issue, it's a big issue, and that's something you can't ignore. in the meantime, you can't ignore higher gas prices. it's one thing to try to avoid that, but what if you can't find a gas station regardless to go ahead and fill up? why a lot of people are fed up in california, after this. ♪ mission control, we are go for launch. ♪ um, she's eating the rocket. ♪ lunchables! built to be eaten. ♪
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neil: all right, well, forget about not being able to afford gas, in california pretty soon it might be tougher to just find gas. kelly o'grady on what's going on there. kelly. >> reporter: good to see you, neil. this is all about the green push in california. a number of cities in the state have banned new gas stations, and now los angeles is looking to do the same thing as well. and the idea is that if you can't build new stations, then existing ones start the shut down, that's going to nudge drivers towards or electric vehicles. this was -- is this a big deal in los angeles? probably not. however, some analysts say it could become economically crippling to certain groups. new affordable housing communities are being built, and
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the fear is the population that can't afford an electric car will have to go searching for gas, burning more fossil fuel in the process, by the way, simply to get to work. and critics argue the policy is anti-consumer. >> when you have these bans, you take away control from the customers, and you're giving it to somebody who has an advocacy position that may or may not fit with the community, but they're sure going to pretend they do. >> reporter: this is part of a larger push to get with rid of toes fossil fuels. above fewsome wants to -- governor newsom wants to stop drilling by 2045. critics argue these bans don't reduce demand. just take jobs from the communities that rely on the industry. industry leaders arguing oil should be -- should not be imported from saudi arabia, russia or the rain forest in ecuador, and all exports are exempt not only if our environmental laws, but also our labor laws. and folks in the industry tell
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me they're supportive of the green push, just that the change needs to be more back inial. these bans don't really incentivize drivers to change their habits. back to you. neil: that is wild. so putting a limit on gas stations so that you can veer into something else. better have maybe another type of vehicle, bike or just walk because your choices will be slim. scott shellady, we call him the cow guy, does this for a living, follows it very, very closely, hence the brilliant and beautiful outfit. [laughter] scott, great seeing you, my friend. man, oh, man, it's one thing to say we don't really favor fossil fuels, i get it, whatever your point of view. not a good time to have that view with the way energy's going, but now to prevent the building of gas stations. timing seems off. >> well, and what also seems awkward is that they're mandating a rule about stopping building gas stations. i would have thought that would have been a free market thing. if we need one, we build one.
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if we don't, we don't. why do we have to stay away from it? if we need a gas station on the corner, they were be able to build it. the free market should make that decision. neil: the free market is doing something else, you're the commodities guy -- also stocks guy, but with you follow this closely. gas prices for the month or so have dropped a lot. oil is under $100. i think oil, and you can correct me, scott, is kind of back to the level it was before russia invaded ukraine. obviously, everything went out of control from that, so it's no longer about oil and gas, it's spread to everything. what do you make of that? is it a sign that things are slowing down, demand is slowing down, or we shouldn't get spoiled? >> well, the energy prices spiked because they were worried about inflation and we were just coming out of the pandemic, but now that the fed's talking about raising interest rates into the teeth of an oncoming recession,
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by the way, that's got everybody worried about a big slowdown in the economy. so all of these things have traded lower before the war started. wheat is lower than it was before when the war started, so a lot of things they're worried 100% about an economic slowdown which i think is already happening right now anyway. neil: all right. there's all sorts of things to look at a recession, the quarter we just completed was, indeed,. >> contracting, that would be your technical definition. where are you on this and how bad it gets? >> i think it's going to be, i think we're going to be in a recession for a lot longer than we think because i think a lot of these prices, neil, are not going to come back down. people don't realize we can have zero inflation, but we can still be paying $5 a gallon for gas. if we have everything that stays the same between now and next year at this time, we're going to have zero inflation but $5 a gallon gas. neil: to that point though, scott, i'm sorry to jump on you,
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but the saudis, who they were hoping would with open up the spigot a little bit more, i think, you know, ain't happening. bad timing for them because the president of the united states had hoped that they would make an announcement they were going to produce a lot more, especially if they're not. leaving the politics aside, i'm just wondering what that means then. if people --we're factoring in more oil on the market and now there doesn't look like there's going to be much more on market, that seems to be higher prices coming. >> right. what we call in the business, we'd be building a base underneath that price level, right? for two reasons are. number one, the war in ukraine, when that ends, it's going to probably most likely end with a border change. it's not going to go back to the way things were. if there's a border change, neil, that means putin has taken over some of ukraine, and that means that he will be the victor. and our administration's going to not be able to take the sanctions off of reward him for
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his bad behavior. so all those things are going to stay there, i think, until he dies or is out of office, number one. and number two, we're going to have a base built this in underneath that price until we start doing more here again. neil: you know, do you think this is a '700s thing? i remember the '70s. i remember the leisure suit thing. but i also remember long gas lines and the odd-even days to fill up your tank. i don't see it that a bad yet. there's a lot more job growth here going on. it might slow, but there was none of that as a back drop, so i don't see things as bad as then. do you? >> no, i don't. i'm not calling for a steep recession, but i think we're in a are recession. i think it's going to be shallow, but because of those inflationary prices, they're not to going to come down like everybody thinks. i think we're going to be in a shallow recession for longer than folks think with higher prices because we're not going to get out in front of this inflation issue. the small business
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administration just guessed -- not the maul business, there was of a small business poll that asked multiple businesses when they think recession -- what they think the inflation if rate's going to be next year, they think it's going to be between 6.5-7%, that's still way too high. neil: that's very high. just in case you have a leisure suit version of that very, very smart looking jacket. >> i might. i just might. [laughter] neil: there you go. you look great, as always. scott shellady, very brilliant read of the futures markets, the whole kibosh. another brilliant guy, world's richest guy, sometimes a bit ornery, elon musk weighing in not on twitter and that little drama, but on presidents and when they get to be too old. he essentially thinks there should be age limits for these guys because he's pointing out we elect old guys. after this. ♪ ♪
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neil: donald, you know, trump, 74, 75, you know? if president biden is going to be 80 year with. elon musking is suggesting there should be an age limit on the presidency. do you think there should be? >> well, i tell ya -- [laughter] i've seen a lot of people, if we're thinking of henry kissinger versus elon musk, henry must be about 100 -- neil: 99 years young. 99 years young. >> you can't, you can't put -- i know 80-year-old people that are smarter than 30-year-old with people -- [laughter] neil: it shouldn't make, in other words, you don't think you should make age an issue. >> no, i do not.
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neil: all right. that is coming from the 90-year-old former senator al ann simpson, awarded america's highest honor this past week, medal of freedom by president biden, but elon musk sill insists on it, that sometimes you get to an age where you shouldn't be president of the united states. lee carter with us now, pollster extraordinary their. there is this focus on age again, lee. will it become an issue? >> well, i think there is an appetite for some new blood and for different, something different. i think we're seeing americans have an all-time low in their trust in government, in institutions, and so i think people want to see something new. but 58% of americans do think there should be age limits of elected office. in canada, to be senator you have to be -- there's an age limit of 75. so it's not totally unreasonable. but if you're thinking about joe bide,, about -- joe biden, about who who-thirds of americans decide -- two-thirds would like
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minute else to run, but most are saying it's about his lack of leadership. it's not so much about age, i think it's the individual you're looking at, but age is playing into it. people are not just worried about his mental acuity as much as somebody who's going to the to bring fresh ideas and you solutions because the democrats have let people down for a long time now. neil: you go back in history, the transition from dwight eisenhower to jfk who was young enough to be eisenhower's son. and then even bill clinton with that election win over george bush sr., again, a younger guy taking over for an older guy, it doesn't always work that way. ronald reagan bested jimmy carter who was much younger, and americans did so overwhelmingly. you're right, i guess it depends on the tide and the moment. what triggers a moment where people say, i want to go younger? >> well, i think it's going to be the candidate that comes
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forward. we're going to have to look at the midterms to see who's coming forward with fresh ideas. i think people are tired of hearing the same old-same old -- neil: but you can get fresh ideas out of an older person, i don't want older people to thind member concern. [laughter] but that message matters too, right? >> the message absolutely matters. i think right now when you look at, you know, in some poll 10% of americans are optimistic about the future of our country, two-thirds of americans are saying the last few months they feel less optimistic about their future and their children's future, what people are looking for right now is someone that's going to give them hope there's a different way of governing this country. that we can go back of being proud of our country, go back to hope and optimism, that there's a way to come together. everybody's exhausted by what we've been through, by the acquisition, by all of the things -- division. we've been through covid, we're
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going into a recession, prices are out of control, and what we're seeing politicians do is just fight with each other. we're not seeing solutions, we're not seeing fresh ideas, so it's more than just age. it's about fresh ideas and a new way of doing things. neil: get off my lawn, lee! [laughter] all right. lee carter. we'll are have a lot more after this. in my ozempic® tri-zone, i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. announcer: ozempic® provides powerful a1c reduction. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. and you may lose weight. adults lost up to 14 pounds. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had
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when you need help it's great to be in sync with customer service. a team of reps who can anticipate the next step genesys technology is changing the way customer service teams anticipate what customers need. because happy customers are music to our ears. genesys, we're behind every customer smile. neil: all right, by now you know the name george gascon, the l. a. county district attorney. they're already trying to get the votes together to recall him, but this mayor in california is not waiting. the a mayor of whittier, california, has got other plans. mayor, very good to have you. given what's been going on, what
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are you to doing? >> well, we're trying to kind of take it under control ourselves. we have the opportunity to perhaps do our own prosecution here in the city of whittier, so we're looking at doing that right now because we're just not happy with the fact that we've got over 700 misdemeanor violations that have not been prosecuted by our district attorney. so it's a very, very -- neil: misdemeanor prosecutions, just to be clear, would have to go to him to decide. you're saying take those at least away if his jurisdiction so you can settle the matter in your town, right? >> so that's, neil, that's one of the questions, because that's what we thought. it could very well be that if we do those misdemeanors, he might not do any misdemeanor prosecution, and we have over 1,000 misdemeanors per year -- neil: wow. >> so it's kind of up in the air, we're not quite sure. neil: you might want to be careful what you wish for.
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>> absolutely. especially when the recall is on ballot this november potentially. neil: how is aha going there? i know it's a separate issue. i know that his side has started saying we want to look into these people who signed on to this petition. do you know how that's going? >> yes. it's in the verification, signature verification process right now. apparently, the county rebel star -- registrar looked at a sample, and that sample was high but not high enough to just go and put it on the ballot without complete verification. so he's given himself, the county has, until august 17th to check every of the 715,000 signatures that have been done relative to this ballot initiative. neil: so you need at least 500,000? is that -- what's the rule? >> it's about, we need about 566, 567,000 actual signatures, and then once that's done, then
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it bose on the invest ballot -- november ballot. neil: all right. so your hope is they don't find any more than 140,000 or so that aren't allowed, right many. >> well, if it turns out that we get the right amount, and i think we will, then we're going to see it on the ballot in november. our major concern here is our number one responsibility is public safety to our residents. and when you are in a situation where on the quality of life misdemeanors you pick and choose what you're going to prosecute, then what that does, it allows -- it's just lawlessness. and so that's what's happening. i have statistics, i've got one person i talk to in the police department who's been arrested over, what, 13 times and prosecuted only of times. i've got somebody else who was arrested 7 times for narcotics, drug paraphernalia.
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so it's very, very frustrating for us and for police officers. neil: all right. we'll keep track of this, mayor. thank you for taking the time. pretty bold guy trying to do that on your sewn. -- own. see how it goes. in the meantime, the president now leaving the middle east and guess who's coming in? after this. you're an owner. that means that your priorities are ours too. our interactive tools and advice can help you build a future for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership. (vo) introducing welcome unlimited from verizon. at our best price ever. just $30 per line.the ones you love. ... (vo) just $30 dollars a line. only from verizon. [sfx: ding] [message] hey babe, meet us at the bottom of the trail. oh, man.
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matching your job description. visit >> all right. we will think about it, mr. president. that seems to be the message from saudi arabia and more particularly from opec and opec plus countries. the plus countries are those that weren't original members of opec ancillary players, far from ancillary, they produce a lot of oil, russia is among them. there's a limit to the amount they can raise production, the latest out of the foreign minister of saudi arabia saying we'll assess the market and do
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what is necessary. to me, that sounds like my dad used to say, we'll see. that's a great we'll see out of saudi arabia. jacqui heinrich right now in jetta, saudi arabia on that. >> all right. hey, neil. good afternoon to you. yeah, you're right, it does sound like we'll see and that's not really what the president wanted to return home, but he is wheels up for the u.s., concluding his first trip to the middle east as president. not returning with anything super significant, commitments to drill for oil. the saudis understand the need to bring more oil to market especially with the russia's war in ukraine. but the crowned prince seemed to lower expectations. >> the role in this era, announced to increase the level of maximum sustainable production capacity to more than 13 million barrels, beyond that the kingdom will not have
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any further production capacity. >> right now, saudi arabia produces about 10.2 million barrels of oil a day, meaning the gain there is pretty minimal. the u.s. produces more than that right now. the saudis are somewhat retorting after biden held an impromptu press conference where he said he did bring up jamal khashoggi's murder and the prince's denials. the crown prince brought up the killing of a palestinian-american journalist during a clash, she died during a clash with israeli troops and palestinian gunman. and the person told, saudi official told the times, rather, that the crowned prince said to biden, what are you doing to assure justice for her death and fox news separately interviewed the saudi foreign minister to pushed back on all of this blame that's directed toward the crowned prince for khashoggi's death.
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listen to what he said. >> does anybody think george bush ordered the torture of prisoners at belgrade? of course not. what did the u.s. do, it investigated and punished those who were responsible and it put in place procedures to ensure that it doesn't happen again. jacqui: so the president has received plenty of criticism for this trip, but insisted that he did not compromise his principles in promoting u.s. interests, especially as pertains to bring the iran threat back into focus and the work today that was done to basically create conversations and relationships and pledges to counter that in the future that he's on his way back to the u.s. right now and of course, we will be watching and hearing the criticism from the first significant trip as president to the middle east. a lot of news there, neil. neil: indeed. jacqui, safe trip back home.
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jacqui heinrich in jeddah, saudi arabia. and our fox news contributor, we're lucky to have him join us. general, the developments you're hearing out of jacqui, the reluctance of opec and opec plus countries, to do what the president was apparently hoping they would, increase production. it was a giant "we'll see", as i said. that's got to sting a little bit. what do you make of this? >> well,s you said, quoting your father there, that's kind of the international diplomatic language du jour most the time. neil, the upside of it is, it's not know, it's we'll see because in these things, i think that everybody understands that they have something to leverage. they have something that somebody wants and they're going to try to see how much they can get for it. neil: general, i do wonder, as the president is leaving the middle east. as you know, next week vladimir putin is coming to the middle east, specifically iran, and
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iran has provided military drones to the russians for use presumably in ukraine. china is kind of working with the both of them. this has an uncomfortable feeling to it. >> yeah, neil. uncomfortable, but really, unfortunately, familiar. energy is probably the most sought after commodity in the world, just because it drives global economies and everything associated with that, power, standard of living, and it's been something people have fought over forever. i mean, in world war ii, you know, hitler made a big push to get oil fields, so we shouldn't be totally surprised by that and putin, though he won't admit it, understands in a macro sense, he is a declining power and he's only got a couple of things that he can leverage sort of globally. and one is his military, though
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not good, it does have nuclear capabilities and it was larger, although much larger before ukraine and he does have access to a lot of energy. so we should not be surprised to see putin relying on his two major, almost remaining levers of power and that's his military and his energy. >> you know, it is odd though, to your point, general, that iran is providing weaponry to him, that's a separate story. i'm wondering, you mentioned the china thing as wellment apparently, we have another battleship cruising along the south china sea, agitating the chinese with their waters and you know the back story on that and i'm wondering what do you make of the tensions about, you know, who can fly and float where? >> well, you know, the u.s. has been pretty consistent on this for decades and that is that we abide by international laws pertaining to the sea, air, and land and that we are a
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protector, our freedom of navigation, not only for the u.s., but really, for the rest of the world, that there aren't really many, as we call deep blue navies like the united states navy, so, this is just part of the u.s. strategy, which is key to the u.s. and our allies is to maintain freedom of passage and freedom of navigation throughout all of the international water ways, and it's very critical that that maintains itself. >> there's been a great deal from the president and the kowtowing to the saudis and repulsed by the khashoggi killing and did not strongly deal with that and some said don't go to saudi arabia. in the past we talked to josef stalin, you know, to try to end world war ii and set up parameters after the war. do you think that this became such a thorny issue, whatever
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horror it meant to the khashoggi family, don't get me wrong, that it distracted from the bigger picture? >> well, look, i don't really get involved in domestic politics, i'm sure the white house weighed the pluses and minuses, but back to your a larger point, an access to energy, and not just now with the higher gas prices and all that that. these are eternal issues of economies, looking at the greater scheme of things rather than the emotional, political issue at the movement. neil: put much more diplomatically than i did. general, have a safe weekend. >> have a great weekend. neil: general david perkins. we're back to the border and what's going on. and sometimes we show you video, been there, done that, seen that. and it's happening again, a large surge overnight that have
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to be processed by u.s. authorities, trying to get across the border, that's not surprising. the numbers are rising, that's not surprising. help that could be on the way, that is not happening. ["only wanna be with you" by hootie & the blowfish] discover is accepted at 99% of places in the u.s. ["only wanna be with you" by hootie & the blowfish] we got the house! discover is accepted at 99% of places in the u.s. you did! pods handles the driving. pack at your pace. store your things until you're ready. then we deliver to your new home - across town or across the country. pods, your personal moving and storage team. finding the perfect project manager isn't easy. but, at upwork, we found him. he's in adelaide between his daily lunch delivery and an 8:15 call with san francisco. and you can find him, and millions of other talented pros, right now on
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>> all right, temperatures might be rocketing, but that doesn't mean the surge at the border is stopping. and seeing it for himself, he joins us out of eagle pass, texas. matt, what's going on now? >> okay. >> can you hear us, matt? it's neil. >> yes, hi, neil. neil: how are things looking there? >> we just saw a large group of about a couple hundred migrants, you'll see the video. neil: all right. we are on and ready. matt, it's neil again, you're on live and handling yourself
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well, probably not clear. >> sorry. neil: no, no, please, we see the large crowds again and we're wondering what the heck, tell us what's going on. >> we're standing right in front of the rio grande river at the u.s. southern border here and upon arrival this morning, we saw hundreds of migrants cross the river into the united states. men, women, and children, young mothers, carrying toddlers and babies, crossing the river here into the u.s. and we also saw border patrol agents asking the migrants for plastic bags, so that they can place their belongings in those bags and then be processed and u.s. custom and border patrol has released its southern border numbers from the month of june. there were 207,000, down slightly from 239,000 in may, but that brings this year's total to 1,746,000 migrant encounters so far at the fiscal year, eclipsing record total
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1,734,000, and there are still three months left in the fiscal year of 2022. so, we're set to substantially beat last year's record and in june, border patrol arrested six people on the fbi's terror watch list and brings this year's total to 56, which is more than the previous five years combined. also, this week, seven republican senators came down here to the u.s. border to tour the situation. oklahoma republican senator james lankford says that border patrol is acting like hotel check-in staff not law enforcement and asking for the biden administration to come down to the border and see what's actually happening. also in the month of june, last month, 15,700 unaccompanied children were encountered here at the border and total of 105,000 migrants were removed. 92,000 of them, neil, under title 42. so we're here for moments this morning and we saw very large group of migrants crossing. we anticipate, obviously, perhaps to see more later today
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and throughout the weekend, neil. neil: all right, matt. thank you very much. very good, my friend. we want to go 200 miles away from where matt is, not west or east, how about north, way, way north like up in the sky 200 miles where we'll find the international space station, you're looking at it live, linking up with another supply delivery curty of the falcon x that lifted off from florida yesterday. another one is going up tonight providing supplies to the astronauts, we're told, on board, fruits and veggies, cheeses and a host of other things, consumeables, such as coffee and tea. i'm told gum, but the gum thing kind of surprised me you want to risk gum in space? i don't know what effect it has in a weightless environment, but we'll see. we're thereafter this. ♪♪
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>> contact and capture. >> all right, you're watching live here, this is the docking up of, you know, the dragon x, spacex capsule that lifted off yesterday, docking up with the international space station right now. this signal has been going in and out here, but just delivering supplies to the international space station. another dragon x, another spacex vehicle, remember, this is elon musk's company is going to be launching tomorrow. it's a busy slate of launches, certainly. and private enterprise here that's sort of kind of ruled the rules from the days of
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nasa-only. but it's an effort in space and the greatest example of this is the webb telescope now poised a million miles beyond the earth that's taking these incredible pictures of the universe. images coming to us from better than three billion years ago. jim bridenstine join us, acorn company advisor, good to see you again. thank you for coming in. >> always, neil, great to be with you. neil: tell us about the international space station. tell us how it's going, i always forgot it's up there and you have to reply it and back and forth they go. how do they determine what to send up there? i know basic staples run out like they would at home so you request more milk and cheese and eggs. but astronauts can make personal requests, right? >> that's right, you've got to divide it into two categories, there are things you need to maintain and operate the international space station,
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which we have now had astronauts in space for 22 consecutive years, but is amazing in itself. the question is, why do we want to maintain the space station. the answer is we're only now beginning to understand the value of microgravity. how we compound pharmaceuticals and create advanced materials. neil, let's think about this for a second. there's going to come a day, in fact, happening right now where we can take your skin cells, your all the stem cells and we can use those to create tissue that perfectly matches neil cavuto. i know that's scary for the audience out there. [laughter] >> we can create tissue so if you have heart tissue that needs to be regenerated or vascular tissue in some capacity or even nerves, we can do that. now, eventually, we're going to get to the point where we can
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use your own skin cells or adult stem cells to create not just tissue, but entire organs, transformational. even right now on the space station, we're proving we can use advanced materials so that we can create materials so then, one or two atoms thick, so thin we can create an artificial retina for an artificial eyeball so people who have macular degeneration don't have to go blind. this is scaping the surface. this is why it's exciting about low earth orbit and human space flight in low earth orbit and a lot of attention to tourism, i think that's awesome, but recognize there's an industrialization process that's beginning as we learn more and more about the value of microgravity. neil: all right. let me switch to-- i was going to ask you what the astronauts would ask for, i would ask for napoleons or
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cannoli. and let's go beyond me, maybe on earth itself, the images out of the webb telescope from billions of light years away. these are stunning, it really is a game changer, isn't it? >> exactly. so, think of holding a grain of sand at arm's length and then focusing a telescope on an area of space the size of that grain of sand at arm's length and dwelling there for a period of hours or days and then seeing what the images come back and yes, you're right. what we're seeing are images from 13 billion light years away. think about how fast light travels in one second. now think about how far it travels in one second. now think ow far it travels in a minute. how far does light travel in a year and now we're thinking about, we're seeing images from 13.2 billion light years away. that is-- it's astonishing and in this
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little image the size of a grain of sand held at arm's length in this image, we see thousands and thousands of not stars, but entire galaxies with 100 to four billion stars, a tiny speck in space. there's hundreds of billions of galaxies and each has hundreds of billions of stars and each stars has dozens if not more planets orbiting the stars. neil, we're only right now beginning to see and understand this creation that is -- that we get to live in. it is astonishing and in my view, it test phis to the majesty of the almighty. neil: i remember the days when you were nasa administrator. your passion was obvious and remains such. if you're trying to do an impression of carl sagen, i'm sorry, it just didn't work. always good having you, jim. very good seeing you. >> another day and i would not
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ever try to take on that man (laughter) >> great job, thank you for your service, jim bridenstine on that and the hookup looks to be about complete right now between the dragon x spacex capsule, delivering the goodies to the astronauts. another launch tomorrow. meanwhile, back on earth, i mean terra firma earth, talking about looking up, you don't need to look to space for everything you buy. it's out of control. so much so joe manchin saying so much of the spending, it's out of control aftercle. this. ♪♪
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"peace of mind." such a big, beautiful idea. and for us at this means - free cancellation on most bookings. it's a bit functional. but we'll gladly be functional. so you can be free. booking.yeah dad, when is the future? um, oh wow. um, the future is, uh, what's ahead of us. i don't get it. yeah. maybe this will help. so now we're in the present.
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>> inflation is absolutely killing many, many people. they can't buy gasoline, they have a hard time buying groceries. everything they buy and consume for their daily lives is a hardship to them and can't we wait to make sure that we do nothing to add to that? >> all right, i think that's joe manchin's way of calling an audible on the president's for more spending and that has a lot of democrats upset, including spending. and alexandria hoff. >> hi, neil, yeah. the white house says that president biden will not be negotiating at least in public with senator joe manchin on an
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issue like climate action for the white house maintains that the president will get there somehow. democrats have been working on a scaled, scaled back build back better plan of what was originally sought, but it does include climate initiatives and tax increases and here is the president on that. >> i am not going away. i'm going to use every power that i have as president to continue to fulfill my pledge toward dealing with global warming. >> president biden is respond to go the fact that senator joe manchin is once again slamming the breaks on build back better and he will not support any tax increases needed to fund the climate programs until july's inflation numbers are known. here he is. >> it takes the taxes to pay for the investment in the clean technology that i'm in favor of, but i'm not going to do something and overreach that causes more problems. >> all of those things that are causing inflation, the very inflation that mr. manchin says
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he's so concerned about, well, the climate crisis has everything to do with exacerbating that. >> we can hear that that democrats are not happy during that friday interview, senator manchin says he won't be beholden to timelines or parties in seeking what he feels is best for the american people and that's earned republican praise. >> this package would have done everything to push it over. thankfully, joe manchin has been sober enough within the democratic party to step back and say this would be suicidal. >> what senator manchin says, would be a measure aimed to lower prescription drug costs for seniors, neil. neil: thank you for that, and alexandra obviously at the white house there. and i did raise issues earlier this week with inflation and the kibosh on more spending. the top economic advisor, let's say he's not changed his mind, take a look. >> we really need congress to
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work with us. the kinds of bugetary pressures that households face in the core, prescription drugs, utility bills, health insurance premiums, vehicles, by the way, where congress could act tomorrow on the chips bill. something that the senate supported in a bipartisan manner a while ago, they agree on the importance of microprocess production. neil: are you saying more spending is the answer? >> i'm saying more investment is the answer, production-- >> investment is spending. and the spending efforts have not helped this, it's worsened it, right? >> you raise an important distinction and i appreciate your doing so because there's a big difference between sending checks to households, whether they're the emergency checks from the rescue plan or whether they're unemployment checks, which you don't need as much of when you have 3.6% unemployment, and investing in chip production, investing in
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child and elder care, investing in our nation's infrastructure. neil: all right. well, leaving aside we don't have the money to invest, the other issue is that all of this investing or whatever you want to call it leads us down the bath. we've got kenny, and jonas max ferris and what do you think. >> and joe manchin has done more to flight inflation than paul voelker, i think. >> and the less deficit spending that's going to happen, the better for inflation at this point, and manchin's veto power is probably going to keep the deficit under a trillion dollars this year, which is a good thing. now, getting to the specifics, anytime the government is spending money now, if it puts more money in someone's pocket it's inflationary because we already have a demand and a supply. i know only the health care part of this is left, but go you're going to extend the
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extra obamacare subsidies and even do the drug plan which everyone wants to do, that's going to make drugs less costly to seniors, or anybody, you're going to expand that, that's putting more money in their pocket to buy other stuff. this is why when they sent checks to eller did -- elderly people, that's inflationary. the latest component is medical costs. that's not where the problem is right now, it's what people are buying with money from somewhere else. and at any point in the inflation curve. neil: and i use that reagan line, we're from the government, we're here to help and i don't disparage everyone in government, but rarely does it help the situation with inflation. so, it's really up to the federal reserve and you guys have been rightly critical of their timing and how they're doing, but, kenny, then what? >> well, listen, the thanks to
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joe manchin putting the brakes on this whole thing. i think the rest of the party is completely tone deaf. from the reserve side, they can't control the supply issue, they can only destroy demand to bring demand down and supply and demand will come into balance. it's going to take a while. we way over extended, went on way too long stimulating, holding rates to zero, we did it for 13 years, it didn't just happen during covid. it started in '09 in the middle of the crisis. if you think about it, they've had interest rates at zero and stimulating for 13 years. if anyone thinks we'll get out of this in two or three months, they're sadly mistaken. rethink that. we're 9.1% and in my mind i think we're already over 10, 11% in inflation if you kind of look at everything else around you and this is is perfect example. once you took off food and energy, it's higher than last month and everything else is increasing in value or increasing in cost and senior and people are making decisions
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on their cutting stuff out that they need to buy stuff that they really need. neil: that's a good point. you know, danielle, also, it doesn't exactly make you feel good to know that, you know, the administration really is grasping at straws here. i can understand that desperation, but so is the federal reserve. larry summers critical of even what the federal reserve is doing now. he, of course, the former treasury-secretary under bill clinton and critical that this was a transitory usual and the forecast that the fed has and administration indicating that things are getting better on the energy front and inflation front in a short time and the federal reserve forecasting things will get back in order early next year. he says it's ridiculous, it's not happening. what do you think? >> i'm going to have to agree. the fact is, what the fed stimulated in large part, and i'm not talking about the food
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prices or invasion in ukraine or energy prices, what the fed encouraged and that was the biggest speculative bubble in u.s. residential real estate in housing that we've ever seen. that particular element. when you think of apartment lease, it's 12 months, 18 months, and these prices are going to persist for a long time and we'll see if jay powell has the ability to channel his inner paul volcker and win down this path despite the fact that we're in recession. that's exactly what paul volker did to get it under control. neil: he went a little far. he was the fed chairman appointed by jamie carter and through the reagan years. but you know, jonas, he would raise rates for full percentage point at a time and some thought that the federal reserve was poised. >> the odds of that have
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declined recently. i think it's needed, but it's not going to happen. unfortunately, when the white house doesn't do anything, then it makes the fed have to do more so we will ultimately get to a higher short-term interest rate than we would if there was money pulled out by the white house. some of the things that they want to do they could accomplish in a disinflationary way. the european country has gas taxes indexed to inflation, we don't do that. biden can do something like that, pull the money out of the consumers' pocket and gas prices might go up, but other prices might go down, it's not a populous move and you won't get reelected like that. and kicking the can, and it's through history, not just blaming biden for that, and that could prop the housing bubble and the stock market further. you don't want to go a very high rate if you can balance the cost with the white house policies which they don't want to do that. . neil: no, they don't. kudos to you, to a man and
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woman, when some them said it was transitory, and e-mails that you were debby downers on the economy. and thank you all, have a great weekend. in the meantime, the heat continues, not talking the political heat. you're seeing it, somewhat of it in the united states, but particularly in spain, it's the record heat levels they've not seen in a generation. how long it lasts is anyone's guess. in spain, for example, we've seen three days 40 degrees celsius, if i'm right a little north of 100 fahrenheit. not only in spain and united kingdom, but spain and portugal and got up to as much as 115 fahrenheit comparable degrees. right now, it's prompting extreme heat warnings throughout europe and a national emergency in the united kingdom and right now, they're just saying, stay home. but you know, in a lot of the countries as american tourists find, they don't have air
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conditioning and don't think they need it. americans are just joining them over there, you need it. a little more after this. (vo) get business internet from verizon, the network businesses rely on. ditch cable and switch to verizon business internet, with fast, reliable solutions, nationwide. find the perfect solution for your business. from the network businesses rely on. better luck next time. but i haven't even thrown yet. you threw good money away when you bought those glasses. next time, go to america's best - where two pairs and a free exam start at just $79.95. can't beat that. can't beat this, either. book an exam today at
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fortune here in the usa. and now it's been a hard week for the richest man, not talking about the money on paper or battle, with twitter going to court over him wanting to junk the deal. and he had a government calling him nasty words and desperate. and i can't repeat on tv. susan lee is here. susan. >> you don't call me nasty names so i look you. and i've stuck to people with knowledge and seen the fpsing forms in the elon musk and twitter deal. this is going according to play and the price has changed don't want to pay 54.20 with the selloff. but team musk wants to buy twitter. they see it as a tier one and news platform of choice in the digital future. you've talked about some of the bots and the spam accounts and
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a $8 billion revenue each year. if you attach elon musk's name to twitter they think it could easily increase from there, with this influential man from south africa as you mentioned. you saw team musk wanting a protracted legal court case and so they're looking for a trial to start maybe in mid february and twitter wants to start in mid september. the deal expired on october 24th. however, you have musk's legal team saying in any litigation, that deadline, obviously extends and by the way, they still have the valid debt financing valid until april of next year, but he still wants the property, believe it or not. a lot of people say that he might get it at a cheaper price, but it's going to be a long, ugly legal battle, neil. >> you know what's interesting on the part of twitter, susan. the way they're zeroing in on musk's behavior, the hoop emoji
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and how much is coming into play. >> it makes you wonder why he wants the property if he's willing to trash and some would say also destroy the brand value in twitter. so, you know, a lot of people are telling me right now that he still wants the property, he he's still looking to expand it beyond what it is right now. obviously, the bot and the spam issues are the sticking points and i saw the legal filing by his team was a great outline on his thinking in the timeline. in april, you have to remember that twitter said that we overstated the number of accounts, the monthly daily active users for three years and by the way, that delaware court actually was one that decided that twitter should be paying damages because of overstating the number of accounts and in may when he asked for more specific details and how exactly twitter count those spam bots, i think he came up with something or ar
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caic and something that he's been doing, and he's done enough for donald trump to bash him and he has bashed donald trump and seems to be bashing joe biden because he made an issue of the age thing we shouldn't have old guys running for president or being president. obviously, older guys come back at him and say who are you to talk. but what's going on with that? i mean, he obviously curries no favor with donald trump or joe biden. he has mentioned, you know, ron desantis, but do we know where his political preferences are? >> yeah, remember in 2020 his preferred choice for president was andrew yang, someone that knows technology and a third period of time. for him, he's voted for democrat his entire adult life here in america and now he's willing to go on the republican
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side because he feels that this biden white house has really ignored and some would say largely insulted the largest electric car seller in the world, and referring to union shops like ford and general motors instead. neil: he's an eclectic character, no denying his brilliance and his savvy. >> no denying. neil: thank you. and no denying that with you. nice to see you on a saturday no less, young lady. what would you give up with all of these higher prices and we're pivoting as we go to the grocery store. i put it at prime rib. a lot of people put their sights on things they really, really value, like chocolate. ["only wanna be with you" by hootie & the blowfish] discover is accepted at 99% of places in the u.s. ["only wanna be with you" by hootie & the blowfish]
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>> all right, charlie. we've got the milk. we've got the eggs. we've got the steak, and we've got the chicken. we've got enough left for my chocolate chip cookies, for your favorite dog treats. sorry, charlie. . neil: that's where he drew the line. you know, our writer has had a lot of time on his hands. anyway, when it comes to chocolate, it's one of the things that they will not give up. the chocolate prices have been soaring depending where you go, doubled over the last year. that doesn't mean that people are giving it up. they're finding greater solutions to get it, maybe have it in smaller samples and i don't know if that's the case, but this illustrate it quite clearly because a lot of some of the biggest providers of it, you know, you've heard of
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string-flation. and some are loyal. and mike gunzleman, and lydia. is chocolate among the things-- i shouldn't get so personal, but i'll get personal, one of the things you would give up? >> you're not asking the right person. i'm almost nine months pregnant, there's not much that can stand between me and a bar of chocolate. i'll basically pay anything to have chocolate, but ordinarily can i give up chocolate? yeah, i think if it's too expensive and probably reaching that point. chocolate ordinarily, not pregnant lydia, i could give up. cheese, i would pay anything for, don't touch the cheese. and chocolate, i can understand why the sales have pulled back now. neil: gunz, you're the type of guy who if poor lydia is nine
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months pregnant and going up the aisle, you would dash in front of her to take the last bar. how do you feel about this? . i mean, to be fair, i have given up certain things in the last couple of months because they're more expensive, but it's not really-- >> like what, what have you given up? >> i've cut back on streaming services. i got so frustrating how expensive that was and unfortunately, i'm not eating out as much, i'm not ordering delivery or restaurants as much because of the surcharges and how expense self-things are. three things, neil. the three things that mike gunzleman won't give up. baking, all about baking, applewood, crispy. neil: good choice. >> cinnamon honey bacon. and the second one, taco bell. neil, i order taco bell multiple times a week and i could get a quesadilla and taco for $5 and third one to my heart is beer. all right, i'm already spending
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$9 for a coors light bottle here in new york city anyway and clearly shows that, you know, i don't think i'm the only one when it comes to alcohol, people are willing to spend there. that's to my heart. neil: and bee mentioned beer, that could explain, you said the three b items, and you said taco bell. >> the bell, the bell. neil: why should i be a stick letter. and a lot of people in all seriousness, things they don't give up, and i think there's a level they find ways around this, but you know, you're hearing from all the major chocolate providers and even those at restaurants and the chocolate desserts with the pie and the cake is a little thinner than it used to be. this goes on much longer, people are going to get nasty. >> yeah, i think so, too. you know, just being at a grocery store earlier this week talking to folks that were grocery shopping how much their grocery bill is. i start today say the consumer
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price index shows grocery prices are up. neil: i could see you doing that. [laughter] >> there's gunz in front of you stealing chocolate, who is is this? >> and they're laughing at me because they're saying we don't need you to tell us this, we know it. yeah, i definitely think there's a lot of frustration and frankly they're seeing they've cut back what they can. they're making their meals at home. they're already buying in bulk what they can. there's not much more that they can do, so there's definitely frustration. when i first saw the reports about the chocolate prices, my initial thought was actually, maybe consumers deserve a little credit. maybe it's that they're trying to be more healthy in this post pandemic world. neil: no. >> no way. >> i really thought that, gunz, real fast, are you trying to be more healthy? >> absolutely not. me eating vegetables and salads, that's not happening. you know? bacon all day.
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neil: all right. you guys are poor representation of how society is going to go. [laughter] >> please stay healthy and well, lydia, good luck to you and gunz, i don't know what to make of it you. >> we neither. neil: i want to close with the images from the iss, the space station. this is earth world, the calamities going on and looking down at this and saying what's the big deal about chocolate, right? and an 8:15 call with san francisco. and you can find him, and millions of other talented pros, right now on this isn't just freight. talented pros, right now these aren't just shipments. they're promises. promises of all shapes and sizes. each, with a time and a place they've been promised to be. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you.
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